Under fire Bills banning or restricting drag performances are getting a lot of attention in Texas and around the country. It's all part of the ...

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Under fire Bills banning or restricting drag performances are getting a lot of attention in Texas and around the country. It's all part of the ...
under fire
     Bills banning or restricting
     drag performances are
     getting a lot of attention
     in Texas and around the
     country. It’s all part of the
     right’s war on LGBTQ people

     By David Taffet, page 10
Under fire Bills banning or restricting drag performances are getting a lot of attention in Texas and around the country. It's all part of the ...
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Under fire Bills banning or restricting drag performances are getting a lot of attention in Texas and around the country. It's all part of the ...
1825 Market Center Blvd., Suite 240, Dallas TX 75207 | 214-754-8710 | dallasvoice.com
                                          March 10, 2023 | Volume 39 | Issue 44
                                        PUBLISHER Leo Cusimano, leo@dallasvoice.com

                            MANAGING EDITOR               Tammye Nash, nash@dallasvoice.com
                         SENIOR STAFF WRITER              David Taffet, taffet@dallasvoice.com
                                STAFF WRITER              Rich Lopez, rich@dallasvoice.com
                               PROOF READER               Philip Burton
                              CONTRIBUTORS                Chris Azzopardi, Sean Baugh, Gary Bellomy, Jenny Block, Joey Casiano,
                                                          Jesus Chairez, Lawrence Ferber, Januari Fox, Hardy Haberman,
                                                          Scott Huffman, Lisa Keen, Mark Lowry, Jonathon McCellan, Cassie Nova,
                                                          Dr. Josh, Josh Robbins, Gilberto Rodriguez, James Russell, Howard Lewis
                                                          Russell, Terri Schlichenmeyer, Leslie McMurray, Gregg Shapiro, Casey Williams

                 ADVERTISING DIRECTOR Chad Mantooth, mantooth@dallasvoice.com
          CONTENT MARKETING SPECIALIST Mathew Dominguez, mathew@dallasvoice.com
              NATIONAL REPRESENTATIVE National Advertising Representative
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                                         DVtv Hosts Regina Lyn, Larry The Fairy, Corry Williams

                       CIRCULATION DIRECTOR Linda Depriter, distribution@dallasvoice.com

                                         FOUNDERS Robert Moore | Don Ritz
  ON THE COVER: Cassie Nova, photo by David Taffet

                  Associated Press - Associate Member
                    Certified LGBT Business Enterprise

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                                                                                                                                                03.10.23   █   dallasvoice   3
Under fire Bills banning or restricting drag performances are getting a lot of attention in Texas and around the country. It's all part of the ...
Bites from our blog
                                       FE WE N
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                                  Serving the LGBT
                                Community since 2011!
                                                            Smashing High Prices!                                                                                                                  Carolyn Miles, far left, in 1995 in
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                                 Call Today for your                                                                                                                                               as Cowgirls Oasis) and Miles in
                                     FREE                   The Largest Selection of Cabinets, Doors,                                                                                              2022 in front her former bar’s
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    4245 N. Central Expy.                                   5832 E. Belknap • Haltom City • 871-831-3600   Fort Worth’s YesterQueer                                             faced in gay male establishments in earlier
    Suite 450, Dallas, TX                                           www.builderssurplustexas.com                                                                                decades.”
                                                                                                           hosting Gay History Happy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              —Tammye Nash
                                                                                                           Hour with Carolyn Miles
                                                                                                               In celebration of Women’s History Month,
                                                                                                           YesterQueer: The Fort Worth Gay History Proj-                        House Speaker Dade Phelan
                                                                                                           ect continues its series of Gay History Happy
                                                                                                           Hours with this month’s topic, “Where the Girls                      lays out his priorities
                                                                                                           Were: What Happened to All of Our Lesbian                               Outlawing drag queens and causing trans
                                                                                                           Bars?” The event will feature guest speaker                          kids to commit suicide are not among the priori-
                                                                                                           Carolyn Miles, former owner of Cowgirls Oasis,                       ties of House Speaker Dade Phelan. Instead, he
                                                                                                           and takes place next Wednesday, March 15, at                         would like to improve school safety, better sup-
                                                                                                           7 p.m. at Liberty Lounge, 515 S. Jennings Ave.                       port Texas teachers and provide a cost-of-living
                                                                                                           at Pennsylvania Avenue.                                              adjustment for retired educators in the state.
                                                                                                               In 1995, Miles, a retired American Airlines                         He chose six bills he would like to see
                                                                                                           employee, wanted to open a bar geared                                passed during the current session, each written
                                                                                                           toward gay professional women. But when                              by Republicans. They’re common sense pieces
                                                                                                           neighborhood opposition arose, protests put                          of legislation that will benefit everyone in Texas,
                                                                                                           the bar’s liquor license in jeopardy, which lead                     are affordable and don’t erode anyone’s rights.
                                                                                                           to a months-long legal battle. Miles will be on                                                            —David Taffet
                                                                                                           hand to discuss her trials and tribulations, from
                                                                                                           dealing with neighborhood busybodies to local                        Billy Porter Dallas concert is
                                                                                                           and even statewide officials.
                                                                                                               According to the Lesbian Bar Project — a                         May 10
                                                                                                           national campaign created by Erica Rose and                             Grammy Award-, Emmy Award- and Tony
                                                                                                           Elina Street to “celebrate, support and preserve                     Award-winning actor/singer/composer/director/
                                                                                                           the remaining lesbian bars in the U.S.” — there                      author/playwright Billy Porter announced his
                                                                                                           were roughly 200 lesbian bars in the country in                      25-city Black Mona Lisa Tour Volume One,
                                                                                                           the 1980s. Today, there are fewer than 30.                           which kicks off April 29 at the Paramount The-
                                                                                                               In Tarrant County, there were more than 30                       atre in Seattle and comes to Dallas’ Winspear
                                                                                                           lesbian bars over the years . But today there                        Opera House on May 10.
                                                                                                           are none.                                                               Tickets go on sale to the general public Fri-
                                                                                                               Todd Camp said the March YesterQueer                             day, March 10, at 10 a.m. But AT&T Performing
                                                                                                           gathering will “explore many of the early night-                     Arts Center’s Center Circle members at the
                                                                                                           spots for women in Tarrant County — places                           $250 silver level and above can purchase their
                                                                                                           like D.J.’s Bar & Restaurant, the Split Image,                       tickets early. If you are already a Center Circle
                                                                                                           Partners, Tequila Sunrise, the Powder Puff and                       member, call 214-978-2888 for info on pre-sale
                                                                                                           the Purple Lady — while not shying away from                         tickets.
                                                                                                           the segregation and discrimination women                                                               — Tammye Nash

                                                                                                               Adoptable / SCARLETT
                                                                                                                                                                                May. She’s done well in her journey since and is currently in foster
                                                                                                                                                                                care so an appointment is necessary to meet her.

                                                                                                                                                                                Adult dogs and cats are normally a $75 adoption fee from the SPCA
                                                                                                                                                                                of Texas. Puppies and kittens under the age of six months are $150.
                                                                                                                                                                                Adoption fees vary for small mammals, equestrian and livestock.
                                                                                                                                                                                Fee includes spay/neuter surgery, age-appropriate vaccinations,
                                                                                                                                                                                a heartworm test for dogs six months and older and a FIV/FeLV
                                                                                                                                                                                test for cats four months and older, initial flea/tick preventative
                                                                                                                                                                                and heartworm preventative, a microchip, 30 days of PetHealth
                                                                                                                                                                                Insurance provided by PetHealth, a free 14-day wellness exam
                                                                                                                                                                                with VCA Animal Hospitals, a rabies tag and a free leash. The Jan-
                                                                                                           Meet Scarlett, a dainty but energetic little lady available for      Rees Jones Animal Care Center is open to the public seven days a
                                                                                                           adoption from the SPCA of Texas. Scarlett is a Labrador retriever    week, noon-6 p.m. Appointments are required for foster animals
                                                                                                           mix approaching her 11th birthday who can still scamper around.      and animal housed in the Russell E. Dealey Animal Rescue Center.
                                                                                                           As an older dog, she is available for adoption with a medical        Please browse available animals at SPCA.org/FindAPet and visit
                                                                                                           consideration to address some age-related issues. Scarlett came to   SPCA.org/DogAdopt to inquire about a dog or SPCA.org/CatAdopt
                                                                                                           the SPCA of Texas from a hoarding seizure in Hunt County back in     to inquire about a cat.

4     dallasvoice.com       █     03.03.23
Under fire Bills banning or restricting drag performances are getting a lot of attention in Texas and around the country. It's all part of the ...
03.03.23   █   dallasvoice   5
Under fire Bills banning or restricting drag performances are getting a lot of attention in Texas and around the country. It's all part of the ...
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Under fire Bills banning or restricting drag performances are getting a lot of attention in Texas and around the country. It's all part of the ...

Weaponizing sex
Right-wing politicians are using                                            are meant      voyeuristic thrill.                          want to limit drag performances to
our communities to rile up their                                            only     to       Boom!                                     age-restricted venues. These bills are
voters. We have to fight back                                               strike fear       Tennessee just passed a bill banning      being introduced because the idea of
                                                                            into    the    gender-affirming health care to trans        drag being seen by children strikes fear

         here is currently a “War on                                        hearts         youth. For the trans kids this means         into the hearts of the right-wing base.
         Drag” going on here in Texas                                       of    trans    they will no longer have access to hor-      Drag queens, they insist, are somehow
         and in Florida, as well as in Ten-                                 people         mone treatments and puberty blockers         “grooming” children to become trans-
nessee where the governor just signed                                       and, more      — treatments that make some young            gender or gay.
anti-drag legislation into law and in                                                      trans people’s lives more bearable. This        Of course, these same people de-
Kentucky where a state Senate commit-                                                      ban assuages the fear of those ignorant      monizing drag and drag queens dress
tee approved a similar bill. Such legis-                                                   to the reality of trans-affirming care who   their daughters up in blatantly sexu-
lation is on the table in at least 36 other                                                have been given only images of radical       alized outfits and makeup and parade
states too.                                                                                surgical procedures. But for trans youth     them about in child “beauty pageants”
   The good news in all this is that most                                                  it means struggling through the confu-       on a regular basis. Talk about “groom-
of these bills will die before becoming                                                    sion of puberty with no help at all.         ing!”
law. The bad news is that some, like the      importantly, into the hearts of the right-      Boom!                                        Boom!
one in Tennessee, will not.                   wing voters who immediately envision            Several states are trying to — or al-        The hand grenades of weaponized
   But why the sudden panic among             shady characters posing as someone           ready have — classified drag shows as        sex will continue to explode, terrifying
conservative lawmakers about trans-           of the opposite                                                     “sexually-orient-     potential voters and making LGBTQ
gender folk and drag queens? I suspect        sex for some                                                              ed entertain-   people’s lives into a minefield. Legisla-
it is driven by the fact that transgender     kind    of                                                                   ment.”       tors need to realize what kind of collat-
youth have become the latest bogeymen                                                                                          They     eral damage they are doing with their
conservatives are using to frighten their                                                                                               depraved attacks. They must learn —
base and garner votes and campaign                                                                                                      from the mouths of their constituents
funds. It certainly isn’t because of any                                                                                                — about the consequences of their acts.
real concern for the safety of trans-                                                                                                   That means YOU need to contact your
gender youth and their families. The                                                                                                     representatives and tell them you don’t
damaging side effect is the fear these                                                                                                     appreciate their cheap theatrics at our
proposed laws put into the hearts of                                                                                                        community’s expense.
LGBTQ citizens who are rightfully                                                                                                               Take the unique opportunity to
upset by the prospect of draconian                                                                                                           do just that on March 20 as Equality
laws that will affect their lives.                                                                                                           Texas, the Transgender Education
   This is just the latest battle in                                                                                                         Network of Texas, Texas Freedom
the right wing’s ongoing efforts to                                                                                                          Network, ACLU of Texas, Lamb-
weaponize sex. Their disregard for                                                                                                           da Legal and the Human Rights
the lives and well-being of sexual                                                                                                           Campaign host the 2023 All in for
minorities will someday be looked                                                                                                            Equality Advocacy Day at the Texas
upon with the same abhorrence as                                                                                                             Capitol.
the use of rape as a weapon during                                                                                                              Get more information about the
war. Proposing anti-trans and an-                                                                                                            advocacy day at Secure.EveryAc-
ti-LGBTQ bills in our state legisla-                                                                                                         tion.com/_ihQkvsUCEy2uQdI-
tures is intended to have a similar                                                                                                         MOn4Dw2, and start making your
effect. They are emotional hand gre-                                                                                                       plans to attend now. The voices at-
nades that not only inflame their base                                                                                                   tacking the transgender community
but do real damage to LGBTQ citizens.                                                                                                   and the drag community are loud. We
   Need an example? Laws forcing                                                                                                        have to make our voices louder.          █

transgender individuals to use public                                                                                                      Hardy Haberman is a longtime local
restrooms that conform to their assigned                                                                                                LGBT activist and board chair for the Wood-
sex at birth are unenforceable without                                                                                                  hull Freedom Alliance. His blog is at Dun-
some kind of gender policing. They                                                                                                      geonDiary.blogspot.com

                                                                                                                                                     03.03.23   █   dallasvoice   7
Under fire Bills banning or restricting drag performances are getting a lot of attention in Texas and around the country. It's all part of the ...
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Under fire Bills banning or restricting drag performances are getting a lot of attention in Texas and around the country. It's all part of the ...
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Under fire Bills banning or restricting drag performances are getting a lot of attention in Texas and around the country. It's all part of the ...
Legislating hate

 Texas lawmakers have found 93
 ways to discriminate against the
 LGBTQ community, with trans
 folks and the drag community
 the main targets

 DAVID TAFFET | Senior Staff Writer

                      he score in the 2023
                      Texas      Legislature                                                                                                Texas state Rep. Bryan Slaton
                      so far is 104 “good”
                      bills to 93 “bad” bills
                                                                                                                                             Get married, stay married, be
                      according to Equali-                                                                                                   fruitful and multiply
                                                                                                                                                We wanted to give a special shout out
                      ty Texas. Good bills
                                                                                                                                             to HB 2889, introduced by Rep. Bryan
                      are those that protect                                                                                                 Slayton, a Republican and a former pastor
                      the rights of LGBTQ                                                                                                    from Mineola, a wide spot in the road
 Texans, and bad bills are those that take                                                                                                   on Highway 69, just north of Tyler and
 away those rights.                                                                                                                          Interstate 20.
                                                                                                                                                Now, this isn’t his Texit bill, the seditious
    One new category of “bad” bills that
                                                                                                                                             proposal that would have Texas leave the
 has begun to pass in state legislatures                                                                                                     U.S. And it’s not his bill to ban minors from
 around the country (See story Page 11)                                                                                                      attending drag performances.
 and has been introduced in Austin in-                                                                                                          This is the one to give homestead ex-
                                              Jenna Skyy, left, and Cassie Nova pose with Drag Queen Story Hour fan Grayson                  emptions to couples with children.
 volves drag performances.
                                                                                                                                                But he isn’t proposing exemptions for
    Senate Bill 1601, introduced by state tention is House Bill 1266, filed by state — and performing drag in front of chil-
                                                                                                                                             just any couple. Only straight couples.
 Sen. Bryan Hughes who represents Ty- Rep. Nate Schatzline — not because it dren. Of course, a photo from Lee’s year-                        With both partners in their first marriage.
 ler and Longview, revokes state funding does anything different than SB 476 or book promptly showed up with Lee do-                         Who had their children while married to
 to any municipal library that hosts an two other identical House bills, but be- ing drag for a school performance.                          each other (that’s biological children or
 all-ages drag story time, like the one in cause soon after he filed the bill, a video            The governor issued a statement that       adopted because there’s apparently some-
                                                                                                                                             thing evil about adopting a child before
 which Cassie Nova and Jenna Skyy read surfaced showing Schatzline in drag.                     said drag shows can’t be conflated with
                                                                                                                                             you marry).
 to a packed crowd of all ages that was           Schatzline, a freshman lawmaker who “lighthearted school traditions.” Be-                     The size of the straight-never-divorced
 organized by the Grauwyler Branch of represents a large swath of Fort Worth, cause drag shows are serious affairs?                          family determines the size of the tax break.
 the Dallas Public Library but hosted in admits the video is of him. But, he says,                And wait a minute: Drag shows are          A family with four children would get 40
 the Grauwyler Recreation Center.              it was part of a school theater project and a tradition at the school he attended in          percent off their taxes. A family with 10
                                                                                                                                             children would get 100 percent tax relief.
    SB 476 defines any business that hosts was just a joke so it doesn’t count. But Tennessee?
                                                                                                                                                No provisions are made for straight
 performers exhibiting a gender identity his bill doesn’t distinguish between the-                The law Lee signed makes his light-        families with 20 or 30 children.
 different from that assigned at birth — ater performances, a drag show like the hearted performance on school property                         There is also no mention of how those
 including makeup or clothing — as a ones held at the Winspear Opera House illegal.                                                          families would be penalized if any of the
 sexually oriented business. That chang- during the pandemic, a weekly show at                    Schatzline has also authored an an-        children turn out to be transgender, gay or
 es the distance the business is required The Rose Room or performances that are ti-transgender bill and has signed on as
                                                                                                                                                In introducing his bill, Slayton said,
 to be from a school. It also requires sepa- “just a joke.”                                     a co-author to two others.                   “Get married, stay married, be fruitful and
 rate and more expensive licensing.               So Broadway Dallas and Bass Hall                In HB 1532, which he authored him-         multiply.”
    Laws controlling “sexually-oriented better think twice before bringing in the self, life-saving care for transgender                        But 10 kids? I’m not telling LGBTQ
 businesses” are meant to regulate sexu- new hit musical Some Like It Hot if this youth would be classified as child abuse.                  parents anything they didn’t know, but just
                                                                                                                                             one or two can be a handful.
 al activity. Drag shows — the target of bill passes. And the Tony-winning mu- Physicians would be prohibited from of-
                                                                                                                                                Slayton said he introduced the bill to
 SB 476 — are not sexual activity. Police sical La Cage Aux Folles would be illegal fering life-saving, best-practice care to                address the state’s falling birth rate.
 are on higher alert when complaints are to perform in Texas. So would modern trans youth, and insurance companies                              Texas’ falling birth rate doesn’t seem to
 filed against sexually oriented business- interpretations of the classic Cabaret.              would be banned from covering such           be a problem with the millions of people
 es. There haven’t been complaints about          And so would Schatzline’s own per- treatment. Doctors who provide such                     who have migrated here in the last few
                                                                                                                                             years. Oh, wait. Too many of those people
 businesses that host drag shows — other formance that was “just a joke.”                       care would lose their medical licenses.
                                                                                                                                             are liberals from California.
 than from people who don’t go to bars            In Tennessee, Gov. Bill Lee has signed          Schatzline signed on as a co-author           Now maybe that’s the real danger he’s
 and have never been to a drag show.           into law a bill that outlaws drag shows of HB 23 that expands the anti-trans-                 addressing.
    The bill that has gotten the most at- on public property — such as in schools                                                                                             — David Taffet
                                                                                                                            HATE, Page 18

10   dallasvoice.com      █   03.03.23
Kentucky Senate committee advances anti-drag bill
Opponents chant ‘shame’                      viewed by children.                                                                            restrictions on where drag shows could
                                                “This bill is not anti-LGBTQ,” said                                                         occur. Despite the changes, opponents
after vote on proposal to
                                             Republican Sen. Lindsey Tichenor, the                                                          continued to raise constitutional ques-
limit drag shows                             bill’s lead sponsor. “This bill is pro-chil-                                                   tions about the measure.
                                             dren. For some reason, people want this                                                           “Our concern remains that this will
BRUCE SCHREINER | Associated Press           type of content in front of children. And                                                      include some censorship from the gov-
                                             I would dare ask, why? Why do we need                                                          ernment that is not in compliance with
                  RANKFORT, Ky. — Re-        to sexualize our children?”                                                                    our First Amendment-protected rights,”
                  publican    lawmakers         Violations of the bill would be punish-                                                     said Kate Miller with the American Civil
                  on Thursday, March 2,      able as misdemeanors for the first two                                                         Liberties Union of Kentucky.
                  advanced a bill aimed      offenses but would rise to a felony for                                                           The proposal — Senate Bill 115 — re-
                  at putting limits on       subsequent offenses. Businesses hosting                                                        mains discriminatory despite the revi-
                  drag shows in Ken-         such performances could have their al-                                                         sions, said Bob Heleringer, who rep-
                  tucky, sparking chants     cohol and business licenses suspended                                                          resented the Fairness Campaign, an
                  of “shame” from oppo-      or revoked.                                                                                    LGBTQ advocacy organization.
nents who decried the measure as dis-           Across the country, conservative activ-                                                        “And an ounce of discrimination is
criminatory and said it would stifle First   ists and politicians complain that drag        Kentucky state Sen. Lindsey Tichenor            the same as an ocean of discrimination,”
Amendment rights.                            shows are contributing to the “sexual-         North Dakota, Montana and Oklahoma,             said Heleringer, a Republican and a for-
  “This bill not only compromises or         ization” or “grooming” of children. The        are considering similar bans.                   mer Kentucky lawmaker.
asks me to explain my humanity, but it       Tennessee Legislature recently became             After a lengthy discussion that at              The legislation takes aim at drag
also brings into question my livelihood,”    the first in the country to pass a bill ban-   times turned emotional, the Kentucky            shows by referring to adult performanc-
drag performer Poly Tics told a GOP-led      ning public drag performances by clas-         Senate committee sent the measure to            es as a “sexually explicit performance”
Kentucky Senate committee, which vot-        sifying them as adult cabaret, among           the full Senate. If it passes there, it would   that includes a performance involving
ed to advance the measure a few min-         topless dancers, go-go dancers, exotic         still need House approval. Republicans          male or female impersonators.
utes later.                                  dancers and strippers. Tennessee’s Re-         have supermajorities in both chambers.             David Walls, executive director of The
  The measure would prohibit drag            publican Gov. Bill Lee signed the bill            The committee voted to scale back            Family Foundation, praised the bill as
shows on public property or in places        into law on March 2.                           the bill from its original version, which       a “straightforward, common sense and
where the adult performances could be           Several other states, including Idaho,      would have imposed stricter location                                  KENTUCKY, Page 19

‘It literally makes no sense’
Drag is art, not grooming,                                                                  goes into effect July 1.                           “Drag is not a threat to anyone. It
experts say                                                                                    Across the country, conservative activ-      makes no sense to be criminalizing or
                                                                                            ists and politicians complain that drag         vilifying drag in 2023,” said Lawrence
KIMBERLEE KRUESI and JEFF MCMILLAN                                                          contributes to the “sexualization” or           La Fountain-Stokes, a professor of cul-
Associated Press                                                                            “grooming” of children. Several states          ture and gender studies at the Universi-
                                                                                            are considering restrictions, but none          ty of Michigan and author of Translocas:
                         ASHVILLE,                                                          has acted as fast as Tennessee. The ef-         The Politics of Puerto Rican Drag and Trans
                         Tenn. — “If I                                                      forts seek to extinguish popular “ drag         Performance.
                         hadn’t been a                                                      story hours “ at which queens read                 “It is a space where people ex-
                         girl, I’d have                                                     to kids. Organizers of LGBTQ Pride              plore their identities,” said La Foun-
                         been a drag                                                        events say they put a chill on their pa-        tain-Stokes, who has done drag himself.
                         queen.”                                                            rades. And advocates note that the bills,       “But it is also a place where people sim-
                           Dolly Par-                                                       pushed largely by Republicans, burden           ply make a living. Drag is a job. Drag is a
                         ton has uttered                                                    businesses in an un-Republican fashion.         legitimate artistic expression that brings
those words famously and often. But if                                                         The protestations have arisen fairly         people together, that entertains, that al-
she really were a drag queen, one of Ten-                                                   suddenly around a form of entertain-            lows certain individuals to explore who
nessee’s most famous daughters would                                                        ment that has long had a place on the           they are and allows all of us to have a
likely be out of a job under legislation                                                    mainstream American stage.                      very nice time.
signed into law by Republican Gov. Bill                                                        Milton Berle, “Mr. Television” himself,         “So it makes literally no sense for leg-
Lee on March 2. Lee signed off on the                                                       was appearing in drag on the public air-        islators, for people in government, to try
legislation without issuing a statement Dolly Partom (Photo by By Curtis Hilbun, My         waves as early as the 1950s on Texaco Star      to ban drag.”
or having a public ceremony. The bill News Desk)                                            Theater.
                                                                                                                                                                        SENSE, Page 19

                                                                                                                                                       03.03.23   █   dallasvoice   11
Everyone hates Ted Cruz … but can anyone beat him?

If Allred runs for Cruz’s seat,
                                                                                                              constituency is about      seat, that opens the District 32 seat that
will Julie Johnson run for                                                                                    three times larger than    he’s held since 2019.
Allred’s seat?                                                                                                a Texas congressional         Last week, the Dallas Morning News
                                                                                                              district. So more people   speculated that state Rep. Julie Johnson,
DAVID TAFFET | Senior Staff Writer                                                                            have voted for Turner      one of the eight openly LGBTQ mem-
taffet@dallasvoice.com                                                                                        than for Allred.           bers of the Texas House, is considering
                                                                                                                On the other hand, in    a run. Johnson’s office wouldn’t con-
                  ormer Sen. Al Franken                                                                       Texas history no mayor     firm or deny that the state lawmaker is
                  once said, “I like Ted                                                                      of a Texas city has ever   thinking about running for Congress,
                  Cruz more than most                                                                         gone on to become Tex-     but others are talking about her as a
                  of my other colleagues                                                                      as governor or a U.S.      well-qualified candidate.
                  like Ted Cruz. And I                                                                        senator.                      Johnson, whose district includes Cop-
                  hate Ted Cruz.”                                                                               And as mayor, Turn-      pell and Addison and covers parts of Ir-
                     Democrats around                                                                         er was unable to get       ving, Farmer’s Branch and Carrollton, is
                  the country have long                                                                       HERO — the Houston         a founding member of the Texas House
held a special hatred for Cruz, and Re-                                                                       Equal Rights Ordi-         LGBT Caucus. She’s also one of the Tex-
publicans don’t like him much more                                                                            nance — reinstated. So     as Democratic Party’s fundraising pow-
than Democrats. And yet, Cruz keeps on                                                                        Houston remains the        erhouses.
winning elections. Not only has he been                                                                       only large city without       Noble said that if Allred does decide
elected to two terms as U.S. senator, but                                                                     a    nondiscrimination     to challenge Cruz, and if Johnson con-
he beat Trump in the 2016 Texas presi-                                                                        law. Turner was a state    siders making a bid for Congress, John-
dential primary.                                                                                              representative prior to    son has many connections throughout
   But polling shows he’s vulnerable, at                                                                      becoming mayor, and        the state and in D.C. in addition to her
least in part because people don’t like                                                                       Equality Texas gave        fundraising skills.
him personally, so Democrats are gear-                                                                        Turner an A+ rating           “She’s an effective legislator for her
ing up for a tough battle to defeat him in                                                                    when he was in the         constituents,” Noble said. “And she’s a
his 2024 bid to be re-elected to the U.S.                                                                     House, placing him in      great team player. She supports candi-
Senate.                                                                                                       the top 10 of Texas law-   dates up and down the ballot.”
   Among those Democrats considering         Sen. Ted Cruz, above; Congressman
a run against Cruz is U.S. Rep. Colin        Colin Allred, right, and
Allred, who represents a district that in-   state Rep. Julie Johnson, far right.
cludes parts of Oak Lawn and most of
northern Dallas County.                      the money to mount a statewide cam-
   Allred was initially elected in 2018 to   paign to attract voters in areas of the
a district that had been represented by      state where he’s not as well known.
Republican Pete Sessions. Sessions was          Dallas County Democratic Party Chair
first elected to Congress in 1996 and,       Kristy Noble said there have been “rum-
with redistricting, was elected to the       blings of different folks” considering a
32nd District in 2002. After Allred de-      run from around the state, as well. She
feated Sessions in 2018, Sessions moved      said Allred would make a good candi-
to Waco where he was returned to Con-        date because he has shown he can work
gress to represent a safely Republican       across the aisle. She called him “a rising
district.                                    star in Democratic party.”
   So Allred, in just a few short years in      An important part of the state where         makers in 2015.                                Noble said if Allred’s seat does come
office, has the experience of taking down    Allred would have to widen his popu-               Julian Castro, former secretary of       open, she expects a competitive race on
an established and entrenched politician.    larity is Houston, and that city may have       HUD, is also sending up trial balloons      both sides to fill it.
   Allred, an ally in Congress for the       its own local contender: Houston Mayor          about a U.S. Senate run.                       One likely — and well-qualified —
LGBTQ community, is popular in his           Sylvester Turner is term-limited out of            Before serving in the Obama adminis-     candidate is Rep. Victoria Neave Crea-
district and around North Texas. He se-      the mayor’s office at the end of this year.     tration, Castro was elected mayor of San    do. In the same Dallas Morning News
cured funding for a VA hospital in Gar-      Houston mayors may run for up to three          Antonio for two terms.                      article, Neave, whose legislative district
land. He’s been prominent in the fight       two-year terms in office, and Turner is            Whoever runs, Noble said, “We want       also falls into Allred’s congressional
to lower prescription drug costs and         finishing his sixth year in office this year.   strong Democrats running against Ted        district, said she was happy where she
worked on a paid family leave bill.             Turner will leave office as a popu-          Cruz.”                                      is and not interested in a congressional
   The question is whether he can raise      lar mayor of the state’s largest city. His         If Allred does run for the U.S. Senate   race. 				                              █

12   dallasvoice.com     █   03.03.23
Meow Woof

The DJs of Thunderpuss
continue their reunion headlining

RICH LOPEZ | Staff writer

            n its usual fashion, BearDance
            will host a marquee DJ for its
            annual dance event. But this
            year, organizers proved to
            have impeccable timing. Rid-
            ing high off their reunion as
            Thunderpuss, Barry Harris
            and Chris Cox have been tak-
ing their beats to the people with live
performances. Since getting back to-
gether for its Whitney Houston project,
Thunderpuss will now give the bears
something to purr about right here in the
Dallas Gayborhood.
   BearDance: Angels and Demons goes
down March 17 at Station 4 during Texas
Bear Round-up.
   Thunderpuss’ resurgence wasn’t ex-
pected to be what it is today, according
to Cox. Basically, they were looking at
a one-and-done type of situation. But
when word got out the DJs were reunit-        BearDance 2022 (Photo by Chad Mantooth)
ing, things went a different way.
   “This wasn’t really in the plan,” Cox         “Hosh Gurelli, who was formerly of       created “Don’t Cry for Me,” a whole          of sounds, so I don’t think Thunderpuss
said by phone. “We were just gonna do         Arista records and worked with us on        new track by Whitney Houston.                is all that different this time around in
the one record. But when the cat was out      ‘It’s Not Right, But It’s Okay,’ reached       Cox described the experience as com-      2023.”
of the bag, people started inviting us to     out to us last fall 2022 and coordinated    ing full circle.                                The two DJs are not strangers to queer
play. We hadn’t planned for a whole se-       it with Pat Houston and Clive Davis and        “It is just that. Most of my career       clubs because of their dance catalog.
ries of things to happen.”                    Sony Music,” Harris said. “It was his       comes from that one Whitney record, so       Dance divas and club mixes are pret-
   Harris and Cox first teamed up in the      idea to reunite Whitney and Thunder-        I do owe my career to her,” he said.         ty much what keep those dance floors
late ’90s, remixing and producing many        puss. He reached out to both of us and         Since the movie came out in December      going. That legacy is hardly lost on the
of the top pop divas’ hits for the dance-     asked if we’d consider doing a Thunder-     along with the song and soundtrack, it       artists.
floors. Gay clubs couldn’t resist their hot   puss mix again together.”                   has been a whirlwind for the producing/         “You don’t realize it while you’re
mixes for Christina, Madonna and Brit-           Houston’s songs were used to help the    remixing team. Harris described how he       working on things. You just go with the
ney. Their signature remix turned out         story’s narrative along, but the filmmak-   sees the differences between then and        flow and the times,” Harris said. “I am
to be Whitney’s “It’s Not Right, But It’s     ers did want to add something fresh if      now — not just for Thunderpuss but for       forever proud of the work that we did
OK” that she would use in performanc-         possible.                                   music in general.                            and the awesome chemistry and work
es.                                              “When they started this movie, they         “The times and the musical influences     groove we were both running with at the
   Their catalog and work kept going un-      were trying to include anything that        are completely different,” he said. “The     time. Exciting times indeed.”
til they disbanded in 2003.                   hadn’t been released,” Cox said. “We        first time around in the [aughts], there        Cox added that he loves the idea of
   When the biopic I Wanna Dance with         heard about this performance in 1994        were still record stores, and the New        the bear community coming together
Somebody came out last year, it made          she gave at an AIDS benefit concert, and    York club scene was thriving. The digital    this way to dance the night away to all
sense Harris and Cox would come to-           it was just an amazing performance at       age, the internet, streaming, social media   of Thunderpuss’ music (and then some).
gether for one more Whitney tune. The         her peak.”                                  in general has changed everything since         “I see the same with Deadheads or
bigwigs thought so, too, and put things          Using today’s technology, they ex-       then.                                        ravers — when you find that tribe, you
in motion.                                    tracted the vocals, and Harris and Cox         “But Thunderpuss often had a variety      want that feeling to keep going,” he said.

14   dallasvoice.com        █   03.03.23
Barry Harris                                     Chris Cox

 The lineup
    BearDance: Angels and Demons will be headlined by DJs Barry Harris and Chris Cox, also
 known collectively as Thunderpuss. The two will reign over the main dance floor at Station 4,
 but the March 17 event has a lot more going on, too.
    Drag Race queen Gottmik will headline the Rose Room. Superfans can purchase Premier
 Access to the show that will offer premium reserved seating and a meet-and-greet with her.
 However, Premier Access will be done in a silent auction format where the top bidders will win
 the seats and fastpasses. Bidding starts at $100.
    While Thunderpuss headlines BearDance, two other DJs will be dropping beats left and
 right. The night will also include sets by Thee Filth and Dr. Beard.
    In BearDance tradition, its Opposites Attract mixer will kick off at 8 p.m. This mix-and-min-   “I know I like the feeling I get when I’m       BearDance is open to the public with pro-
 gle event is for all the bears and for all those who love them. SalemMoon will host the event.     around my people, so I can see it here        ceeds benefiting area LGBTQ nonprofits.
    For more information, visit BearDance.org.                                                      with the bears for BearDance.”          █     Tickets are available at BearDance.org.

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                                                                                                                                                              03.03.23      █    dallasvoice          15
HATE, From Page 10
gender sports ban to the collegiate level         Healthcare-related bills mostly aim        veston County. To make sure we’d be         They don’t allow LGBTQ people with
and bans trans youth from participating         at preventing parents, doctors and in-       getting the finest chaplains, they’d be     sincerely held religious beliefs to refuse
in any sports in addition to the current        surance companies from providing care        exempt from any state certification, be-    to serve straight people.
competition ban.                                recommended by every national medi-          cause, you know, religion.                    Finally there is a category of bills that
   He also signed on to HB 1350 that            cal and psychological association. One          Then there are the “don’t say gay”       would preempt local ordinances. While
punishes district attorneys who refuse          Senate resolution would censure those        bills: Some would outlaw classroom dis-     Dallas, Austin and San Antonio have
to prosecute parents of trans youth. That       organizations for recommending med-          cussion of sexual orientation or gender     non-discrimination ordinances, and
bill refers to an illegal directive issued by   ically necessary care.                       identity. Others would outlaw extracur-     Dallas even has that non-discrimination
Gov. Greg Abbott that defines best-prac-          One bill would require a psychologi-       ricular activities such as gay-straight     written into its city charter, seven bills
tice care of trans youth as child abuse.        cal exam before any youth could receive      alliances. School personnel would be al-    have been filed to preempt those local
Child abuse is defined in the code that         any form of gender-affirming care. Most      lowed to opt out of any diversity train-    laws.
regulates the Texas Department of Fam-          parents already take or have taken their     ing that included sexual orientation or       The more bills that are filed, the less
ily and Protective Services, not by exec-       trans kids for counseling anyway.            gender identity if other bills pass.        chance many will be heard. A committee
utive orders.                                     Education bills add barriers to stu-          Identity document bills would make       only holds a hearing on a fraction of the
   The attorneys referred to in the bill        dents seeking mental health support          it more difficult or impossible to update   bills assigned to it. Then the bill has to
include Dallas District Attorney John           from school staff. These bills affect far    ID documents.                               be voted out of committee to make it to
Creuzot whose office has indicated it           more students than just LGBTQ youth.            Prosecutorial discretion bills would     the House or Senate floor for a vote. If a
would not prosecute parents of trans              Other education bills ban surveys          limit the authority of district attorneys   measure passes in one chamber, it then
youth seeking medical care for their            and studies related to the LGBTQ youth       to choose when and whom to prose-           has to go through the process and get
children. That medical care for minors          population. Violations would result in       cute. These bills are aimed at lawsuits     passed in the other chamber.
includes counseling and, at a certain age,      state jail time. School staff, however,      filed against parents of trans youth, not     If the measure is then amended during
hormone blockers but doesn’t include            would be required to out LGBTQ youth         someone like the Collin County district     the approval process in the second cham-
surgery.                                        to family.                                   attorney who has refused for more than      ber, it goes back to the original chamber
                                                  One bill would replace school coun-        eight years to bring indicted Attorney      to get the amendments approved.
                                                                                                                                           But chances are at least one of these
Categories of bad                               selors with religious chaplains. That’s      General Ken Paxton to trial.
                                                a violation of the U.S. Constitution but        Religious refusal bills allow people     heinous bills will pass so legislators can
  Equality Texas divides the “bad” bills        perfectly reasonable to the bill’s author,   with “sincerely held religious beliefs”     boast to their constituents that they did
into seven categories.                          state Sen. Mayes Middleton of Gal-           to discriminate against LGBTQ people.       something to control the gays.           █

18   dallasvoice.com     █    03.03.23
          KENTUCKY, From Page 11                         SENSE, From Page 11
necessary” effort to protect children.             Drag does not typically involve nu-
   “Let’s state the obvious: Sexually ex-       dity or stripping, which are more com-
plicit adult performances should not take       mon in the separate art of burlesque. Ex-
place on public property and should not         plicitly sexual and profane language is
be anywhere near children, and SB115            common in drag performances, but such
would help protect our children from            content is avoided when children are
these performances,” Walls said.                the target audience. At shows meant for
   Drag performer Poly Tics later told          adults, venues or performers generally
lawmakers the bill was an attack on her         warn beforehand about age-inappropri-
livelihood: “As a drag performer who            ate content.
depends on drag shows ... for income,              The word “drag” does not appear in
this bill not only tells me that I am not       the Tennessee bill. Instead, it changes
really a human worthy of rights, but I’m        the definition of adult cabaret in Tennes-
also not worthy to work, and I’m not            see’s law to mean “adult-oriented per-
deserving of an ability to make money,”         formances that are harmful to minors.”
she said.                                       It also says “male or female imperson-
   A few minutes later, the committee’s         ators” now fall under adult cabaret
Republican members advanced the bill.           among topless dancers, go-go dancers,
After the vote, the bill’s opponents start-     exotic dancers and strippers.
ed chanting “shame.” The chanting con-             The bill then bans adult cabaret from
tinued as the committee chairman called         public property or anywhere minors
up another bill to be considered. The           might be present. It threatens perform-
opponents eventually left the committee         ers with a misdemeanor charge, or a fel-
room. 				                                      ony if it’s a repeat offense.                 OPEN: Tues-Sun 3pm-2am
                                                                                              DAILY HAPPY HOUR: 3pm-8pm               Come celebrate
   Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All        The bill has raised concerns that it                                                 St Pattys
                                                                                              BUFFET DRAG BRUNCH: Sat & Sun @ 12 noon
rights reserved. This material may not be       could be used to target transgender peo-
                                                                                              For more info: enjoytheviewdallas.com
                                                                                                                                         with us!
published, broadcast, rewritten or redistrib-   ple, but sponsors say that is not the in-
uted without permission.                        tent.				                               █    525 SOUTH RIVERFRONT • DALLAS, TEXAS • 972-373-4011

                                                                                                                                03.03.23   █   dallasvoice   19
20   dallasvoice.com   █   03.03.23
PLAN YOUR WEEK - The Gay Agenda... Our LGBTQ community calendar!

                                                                                                          n March 14: LGBT Chamber of Commerce                 n March 17: St. Patrick’s Day
                                                                                                          Business Connections Lunch Tarrant County from
                                                                                                          11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. at Main Street Cafe inside the     n March 18: Back to the ’80s Gaybingo
                                                                                                          Radisson Hotel Fort Worth North Fossil Creek,        Gaybingo at 6 p.m. Play for a chance to win cash
                                                                                                          2540 Meacham Blvd., Fort Worth. Attendees pay        and prizes. Station 4, 3911 Cedar Springs Road.
                                                                                                          for their own lunch.                                 Tickets at myresourcecenter.org/gaybingo.

                                                                                                          n March 15: Pride Happy Hour                         n March 18: Beards, Bears & Brews
                                                                                                          LGBTQ Chamber hosts Pride Happy Hour where           Dot’s Hop House and Cocktail Courtyard, 2645
                                                                                                          LGBTQ and ally professionals network to grow their   Commerce St., hosts Beards, Bears & Brews, from
                                                                                                          businesses at 5:30 p.m. at Aloft Dallas Downtown,    1-5 p.m. See the Facebook event page for details.
                                                                                                          1033 Young St. Free to registered members and
                                                                                                          their guests. At the door $10 Chamber members,       n March 18: Love Equality
                                                                                                          $20 non-members. Lisa.howe@lgbtchamber.com.          In the 88th Legislature, anti-LBTQ hate is a priority
                                                                                                                                                               among some extremist politicians. Love Equality
                                                                                                          n March 15-April 2:                                  2023 supports Equality Texas from 8-11 p.m. at
                                                                                                          ‘Moulin Rouge! The Musical’                          Crozier Hall, 2218 Bryan St., Suite 105. $100.
   Winter is over, and the bears are coming out of hibernation. Texas Bear Round-Up                       Broadway Dallas presents this musical based          EqualityTexas.org.
   starts Thursday, March 16, with events planned throughout the weekend — including                      on the Baz Luhrmann, Oscar-winning film that
   BearDance’s “Angels & Demons” dance Saturday at S4. The Hyatt Regency down-                            keeps all the style and glamour with an updated      n March 22: Same-sex spouse grief group
   town is once again the host hotel for TBRU. Visit TBRU.org for a complete schedule of                  soundtrack of hits at the Music Hall at Fair Park.   Grief support group for people who have lost a
   events and other information.                                                                          BroadwayDallas.org.                                  same-sex spouse or partner meets in person on
                                                                                                                                                               the fourth Wednesday of the month from 6:30-
                                                                                                          n March 16: Shots with Queens                        8 p.m. at a restaurant or coffee shop. For this
n Red for community events                           Grapevine. Email info@UpRightTheatre.org             The Shot Cellar, 931 Foch St. in Fort Worth, hosts   month’s location, contact Richard DeKnock at
n Blue for arts and entertainment                    for information.                                     the Shots with Queens drag show, hosted by           tastefullyrichard@gmail.com.
n Purple for sports                                                                                       BeyondShade Starr, from 10:30 p.m.-1 a.m.
n Green for nightlife                                n March 11: NOH8                                     No cover charge; 21 and up only.                     n March 24-April 1: Cosi fan Tutte
n Orange for civic events and holidays               Add your face to the fight for equality. Adam                                                             The Dallas Opera presents the Mozart comedy on
                                                     Bouska returns to Dallas for a photo shoot from      n March 16: Log Cabin Dallas                         March 24, 26 and 29 and April 1 at the Winspear
n Every Wednesday: THRIVE                            2-4 p.m. at the W Dallas – Victory Hotel,            Log Cabin Republicans meets with happy hour at       Opera House, 2403 Flora St. DallasOpera.org.
Resource Center’s THRIVE Wednesday Support           2440 Victory Park Lane. $40 single. $24 per person   6 p.m. and a presentation at 7 p.m. at Mattito’s,
Group for LGBTQ adults 50 and older meets from       couple or group. NOH8Campaign.com.                   3102 Oak Lawn Ave.                                                    Have an event coming up?
11 a.m.-12:15 p.m. at Resource Center Community                                                                                                                                  Email your information to
Center, 5750 Cedar Springs Road and is led by        n Through March 12: ‘To Die:Go In Leaves’            n March 16-19: TBRU 27: Deadly                                           Managing Editor Tammye
interns from the SMU counseling program.             Cara Mia Theatre devised this production inspired    Sins                                                                      Nash at nash@dallasvoice.
For more information on the support group            by Frida Kahlo’s paintings and biography.            Dallas Bears presents TBRU 27: Deadly                                       com or Senior Staff Writer
and how to join, please send an email to             Get tickets for the English or Spanish versions      Sins. Texas Bear Round Up returns to                                        David Taffet at taffet@
THRIVE@myresourcecenter.org.                         at CaraMiaTheatre.org.                               the Hyatt Regency.                                                          dallasvoice.com by
                                                                                                          TBRU.org.                                                                   Monday at 5 p.m. for that
                                                     n Through March 12: ‘Silver Foxes’
MARCH                                                Uptown Players presents a premiere by Golden         n March 17:
                                                                                                                                                                                       week’s issue.
                                                                                                                                                                                           Look for extended
n March 10-19: ‘Evita’                               Girls writers James Berg and Stan Zimmerman          BearDance — Angels & Demons                                                 listings online at
North Texas Performing Arts in Plano opens this      about three older queer men who save their           BearDance presents Angels & Demons                                          DallasVoice.com
Andrew Lloyd Webber classic based on the true        best friend from his facility. Presented on the      at S4, 3911 Cedar Springs Road, from 8
story of Eva Peron and her rise to adjacent power.   Theatre Three stage. UptownPlayers.org.              p.m.-4 a.m. Features headlining DJ duo
Just don't cry for her. NTPA is located in the                                                            Thunderpuss (Chris Cox and Barry Harris).                                    Former Houston Mayor
Shops at Willow Bend. NTPA.org.                      n March 12:                                          Tickets are $35 in advance and $45 at the                                    Annise Parker is one of
                                                     New Texas Symphony Orchestra                         door, available online at EventBrite.com,                                    many celebrities who have
n March 10: ‘Drag Race’ viewing party                Denise Lee performs songs from Broadway              at the Hyatt Regency (host hotel for                                         been photographed for
Macarena and Pinche host a weekly viewing party      and Hollywood with the New Texas Symphony            TBRU) and at the door.                                                       Adam Bouska’s NOH8
for season 15 of RuPaul’s Drag Race each Friday      Orchestra at 3 p.m. at Moody Performance Hall,                                                                                    campaign. Bouska returns
from 7-9 p.m. at The Round-Up Saloon,                2520 Flora St. Free.                                                                                                              to Dallas for a new shoot
3912 Cedar Springs Road. Visit the Facebook                                                                                                                                            Saturday, March 11.
event page for details.                              n Through March 12: ‘Beautiful’
                                                     The Carole King musical at Casa Mañana,
n March 10-19:                                       3101 W. Lancaster Ave., Fort Worth.
‘Rodgers + Hammerstein’s Cinderella’                 CasaManana.org.
Upright Theatre Company presents the Broadway
version of Rodgers + Hammerstein’s Cinderella
at 7:30 p.m. at Palace Theatre, 300 S. Main St. in

                                                                                                                                                                              03.10.23     █   dallasvoice        21
Cassie Nova

                                                                                                                                            his drag name, and he has to go by that
                                                                                                                                            name only and forever.
                                                                                                                                              He will forever be a Nova but only if
                                                                                                                                            he does drag under the name I choose.
                                                                                                                                              Oooh, he got so excited! He said, “Yes
                                                                                                                                            Mommy! Name me!”
                                                                                                                                              I told him that his name was going to
                                                                                                                                            be — wait for it — Lady Diarrhea Eggfart
                                                                                                                                              He immediately blocked me without
                                                                                                                                            a response. I should have gotten screen-
                                                                                                                                            shots when I had the chance.
                                                                                                                                              Who knows, maybe Lady Diarrhea
                                                                                                                                            Eggfart Nova will show up at a show
                                                                                                                                            near you soon. I hope she’s pretty.
                                                                                                                                              Remember to always love more, bitch
                                                                                                                                            less and be fabulous! XOXO, Cassie

                                                                                                                                             word search solution

Tennessee, Texas
                                              make a joke for the parents that I know           He said he wanted to start doing drag,
and the anti-drag haters                      the kids won’t get, but that is part of be-    and he INSISTED that I be his drag moth-
                                              ing a great entertainer, toot-toot.            er. He wanted me to make him some
   Hey y’all. I woke up today feeling            I have loved doing the drag queen sto-      pads, let him borrow an outfit and wig
pissed off. Seeing all of this anti-drag/     ry time, but it comes with a lot of awful-     and, of course, he wanted me to do his
trans bullshit coming out of Tennessee        ness. My picture has been put on right         makeup. He kept saying that we were so
and Arkansas has put me in an awful           wing websites where they called me a           much alike and that we were going to be
state of mind. How are we, as a country,      pedophile. They have posted my real            best friends.
taking so many steps backwards? I just        name and where I live. It’s scary.                It was giving me Single White Female
don’t get it.                                    I posted a photo on Facebook of me          vibes.
   Actually, I do get it: They — and when     wearing a big, curly orange wig that I felt       First of all, if you know me at all, you
I say they, I mean the Republicunts — are     I looked like Pennywise, and I captioned       know that none of that is happening. The
creating fake problems for the world to       it, “Might lure some kids into the sewer       quickest way to ensure that we will not
focus on instead of real issues that mat-     later LOL.” They literally put that pic on     be besties is to tell me we will be besties.
ter, like gun control.                        the front page of their newsletter with        I am all about encouraging up-and-com-          this week’s solution
   There really is a simple solution to       the headline, “This drag queen wants to        ing drag queens, and I will give advice
drag queens performing in front of kids:      lure your kids into a sewer!”                  all day long. But if you think I am going
If you don’t want your kids to see, hear         I made the mistake of reading the com-      to do everything for you — well, you
or think of a drag queen reading a story      ments. I couldn’t sleep for a week.            must not know ’bout me.
or performing for your kid, don’t take           My heart truly breaks for every trans          Then he tells me that I should help
’em to events where that is happening.        person and drag performer in Tennessee         him with his drag career because I don’t
Simple as that.                               right now. I want them all to know that        want to make him into an enemy. I was
   I have done a bunch of drag queen sto-     we stand with them, and we feel their          like, “Was that a threat?” He apologized
ry times, and I can tell you that we put a    pain. Unfortunately, this is Texas; I’m        and told me that he just wants me to be
lot of work into what we wear, what we        sure it is just a matter of time before they   his drag mother so bad that he would do
say and how we act. I know the audience       come for us, too. Well, my wig is my hel-      anything I asked of him — punctuated
I am catering to. If you see me in a night    met, and my pads are my armor. Bring           with a devil emoji.
club, performing for adults, you will get     it bitch!                                         It kept getting weirder and weirder.
an adult themed show. My humor can be            Since I am feeling a little bitchy, I       Mind you, there are no pics of him at all
raunchy and rude. I take no prisoners.        thought I would tell you about some-           on his profile, and the profile was very
Hell, I offend myself sometimes.              thing that happened a few weeks ago. I         new.
   But, if I am performing anywhere fam-      was contacted by a queen on Facebook              So, I am thinking that someone is fuck-      █     browse                    █      submit
ily-friendly, then I change everything. I     by a profile with very limited informa-        ing with me, so I decide to fuck back. I
put myself into fairy princess mode and       tion — new with no pics and a name like        tell him that I will absolutely be his drag     For a more complete Community   To submit an item for inclusion in
                                                                                                                                                    Calendar online, visit    the Community Calendar, visit
cater to that audience. I will occasionally   “Joe Smith.”                                   mother on one condition: I get to choose              Tinyurl.com/dvevents.          Tinyurl.com/dvevents.

22   dallasvoice.com    █   03.10.23
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