Start of an Intense Electoral and Legislative Year

Page created by Dolores Greene
Start of an Intense Electoral and Legislative Year
                                                                              NO 1
                                                                              JAN 5, 2023
                                                                              ISSN 2224-5707
                                                                              Price: 1.00 USD / 1.20 CAN

   Start of an Intense Electoral and
            Legislative Year

                                                                                                     P. 3

     Cuba                  Culture               Economy                    Sports

  ALBA-TCP:             Fiart returned                                 Argentina, Messi and
Finding Solutions      with resilient and                             Yulimar Headed Prensa
                                              Projections for 2023      Latina Sports Poll
 for the Peoples        sustainable art

                P. 8                   P. 9                   P. 13                                P. 15
Start of an Intense Electoral and Legislative Year
2                           TOURISM

                Towards tourism recovery                                                                                              with 359, 034 vacation travelers from January to October
                                                                                                                                      In any case, experts and the Cuban Tourism Ministry
               By FranciscoMENÉNDEZ                               itself an inflow of foreign currency from that sector of            (Mintur) expect that 2023 to be a better year, and to
                                                                  1.672 million dollars.                                              allow for a gradual, but a more accelerated recovery of
                                                                  Tourism generates the second largest share of the gross             this sector, that is why investments on hotels are being
HAVANA.- The optimism of Cuban authorities on the                 domestic product (PIB) and the second largest source of             maintained.
recovery of the travel industry to the island is potential        foreign currency in Cuba, after the export of professional          The country has more than 80,000 rooms in some 300
and it expects better results in 2023 with the ongoing            services, mainly in the health sector.                              hotel facilities nationwide, mostly four and five-star,
efforts.                                                          Specialized sources stated that Italian tourists are                and is making efforts to reinforce that plant in Havana,
This criteria was reiterated at the Government’s main             among those who resumed their vacation trips to the                 the main arrival point for foreign vacationers.
conclaves, such is the recent case of the National                Caribbean nation from January to October 2022, and
Assembly of People´s Power (Parliament) which                     although they still do not occupy a prominent position
examined at the end of 2022 the most relevant aspects             in the list of recovery, they do maintain a gradual ascent.
in terms of society and economy.                                  Official statistics corroborated that travelers are already
Despite the fact that the figures initially raised as a           returning to the Caribbean country from Canada,
possibility (2.5 million foreign visitors) were not reached,      the United States, Spain, Germany, Russia, the United
the sector´s directors expect to receive 3.5 million              Kingdom, France, Italy and Mexico.
tourists in 2023, one million more than those planned in          The oficial figures published also mention Cubans
2022, although far from that of 2019, which reached four          living abroad, surpassed by Canada and followed by the
million before the Covid-19 pandemic.                             United States.
Cuba expected to receive 2,5 million foreign visitors             The report underlined that the result of the first 10
last year, but this forecast was reduced to 1,7 million, a        months of 2022 represents 580 percent more than in the
reduction of almost a third.                                      same period of 2021.
In addition to the increase of travelers in 2023,                 Experts consider that the Italian issuing market
announced by Cuban Tourism Minister Juan Carlos                   contributed with 177, 652 tourists to Cuba in 2018,
García in November at the tourism fair in London, in the          although the figure fell by 133, 217 in 2019. Canada, as            Tourism generates the second largest share of the PIB and the second
United Kingdom, the 2023 Economic Plan contemplates               usual, keeps leading the issuing market to the island               largest source of foreign currency in Cuba. PHOTO: Prensa Latina.

 Muthu Hotels Increases Presence in Jardines del Rey                                                                                                   reviews of its clients, the different virtual
                                                                                                                                                       platforms, he added.
                                                                                                                                                       The hotel’s original architecture, its
      By NeisaMESA DEL TORO                      The facility, which is part of the                   new administration, they hope to increase        colonial motivations, cobbled stone
                                                 Cubanacán group, is the first four-star              the arrival of tourists, as Muthu Hotels         streets and small squares that resemble
                                                 hotel managed by this Indian company in              has a solid market and has connections           the neoclassical style that characterized
CIEGO DE AVILA.- The MGM Muthu Hotels            Cuba, in a destination that stands out for           with renowned tour operators and travel          the time of the colony in Cuba, turn
chain increased its presence in the Jardines     its natural and cultural values, in addition         agencies worldwide.                              the facility into the most famous hotel
del Rey tourist destination after assuming       to the hospitality of its people and its             In the course of this year’s high tourist        in this tourist region, located in the
the management of the Colonial Cayo              safety.                                              season, the number of foreign visitors has       northern keys of the Ciego de Ávila
Coco hotel, in the northern coast of this        Director of the Colonial Cayo Coco Hotel,            increased as a result of the promotional         province.
central Cuban province.                          Rodolfo Martínez, stated that with the               activity in the social media and the positive    Opened on November 12, 1993,
                                                                                                                                                       by historical leader of the Cuban
                                                                                                                                                       Revolution Fidel Castro, the facility has
                                                                                                                                                       458 rooms in 23 room modules and is
                                                                                                                                                       on the first line of beach, surrounded
                                                                                                                                                       by natural lakes.
                                                                                                                                                       The Indian company also manages other
                                                                                                                                                       three hotels in Jardines del Rey: Grand
                                                                                                                                                       Muthu Cayo Guillermo, Grand Muthu
                                                                                                                                                       Imperial and Grand Muthu Rainbow – the
                                                                                                                                                       latter, the first hotel in Cuba addressed to
                                                                                                                                                       the LGBTI segment, with a quality service
                                                                                                                                                       and high standard.
                                                                                                                                                       The headquarters of this hotel chain, which
                                                                                                                                                       was founded about 10 years ago, is located
                                                                                                                                                       in Portugal. The company manages 54
                                                                                                                                                       hotels worldwide in countries such as
                                                                                                                                                       France, England, Spain and Scotland, in
                                                                                                                                                       destinations such as Algarve, Malaga,
Colonial Cayo Coco is the first four-star hotel managed by this Indian company in Cuba. PHOTO: ACN.                                                    Almeria and Tenerife, among others.

                                                                                                                           .                                 .                 .
                                                                                                             SOCIETY HEALTH & SCIENCE POLITICS CULTURE
                                                                                                               ENTERTAINMENT PHOTO FEATURE ECONOMY
                                                                                                                         SPORTS AND MORE          .
  President: Luis Enrique González                                Translation: Yanely Interián                                        Publisher: Agencia Informativa Latinoamericana
  Editorial Vice President: Lianet Arias                          Graphic Designers: Fernando Fernández Tito                          Prensa Latina, S.A.
  Editorial Director: Ariel Barredo Coya                          Chief Graphic Editor: Francisco González                            Calle E, esq. 19 No. 454, Vedado, La Habana-4, Cuba
  Art Direction: Anathais Rodríguez                               Assistant Staff: Yaimara Portuondo                                  Telephone: (53)7838-3496 / 7832-3578
  Chief Editor: Ilsa Rodríguez Santana                            Advertising: René García                                            Fax: (53)7833-3068 E-mail:
  English Editor: Isabel García                                   Circulation: Commercial Department
                                                                  Printing: Prensa Latina
Start of an Intense Electoral and Legislative Year
CUBA                                3

                   Start of an Intense                                                                       Cuban Communist
                        Electoral and                                                                       Party’s Vanguard Role
                     Legislative Year                                                                              By ErnestoVERA                     of the U.S. blockade and the unprecedented
                                                                                                                                                      increase of international prices as some of
                                                                                                                                                      its causes.
                                                                                                       HAVANA.- President and First Secretary         On top of that, we have to mention the
                                                                                                       of the Cuban Communist Party (PCC)             mistakes made in the implementation
                                                                                                       Miguel Díaz-Canel urged to improve the         of measures addressed at fostering the
                                                                                                       work of the political organization through     economy, he added.
                                                                                                       the proper implementation of actions           In relation to those sectors that have an
                                                                                                       directed to the country’s socio-economic       impact on foreign currency generation,
                                                                                                       development.                                   Gil commented that the export of goods
                                                                                                       At the closing of the V PCC Plenary            shows a recovery in the case of nickel, cigars,
                                                                                                       Session, last December, the President          rum, honey and sea products; however, the
                                                                                                       highlighted the importance of the work         tourism sector foresees 1.7 million visitors
                                                                                                       mass organizations and other associations      – about 800,000 less than planned – while
                                                                                                       of civil society have conducted as part of     national production in general shows a
                                                                                                       the battle against the U.S. economic war       slow recovery.
                                                                                                       and the brutal psychological campaign          On this scenario, the Cuban President urged
                                                                                                       promoted from that country to overthrow        to strengthen the PCC domestic control on
                                                                                                       the Cuban revolutionary process.               the socio-economic plans and processes,
                                                                                                       The Cuban leader stressed the role the PCC     without diminishing the responsibility of
                                                                                                       has to play, as the vanguard of society, in    the bodies of the People’s Power and the
                                                                                                       the battle against the economic and social     General Finance Office of the Republic,
                                                                                                       problems.                                      among other institutions and bodies.
                                                                                                       He recalled that Cuba has also withstood       He pointed out that the Cuban people
                                                                                                       “nature’s powerful impact and those caused     understand and face the adversary's
Programs aimed at facing economic difficulties will continue to be boosted. PHOTO: ACN.
                                                                                                       by our mistakes, but without kneeling nor      attack, but "that resistance may falter
                                                                                                       giving up hope of prosperity.”                 and creativity suffers when the people
            By EverMELLADO                         Parliament, he called for creative and              Díaz-Canel affirmed that the work of the       collide with bureaucracy, idleness,
                                                   innovative work to promote the actions              PCC, the consecration of its members and       corruption of certain intermediate
                                                   implemented for national progress                   the heroic character of the Cuban people       layers that fish in the troubled river of
HAVANA.- Cuba will start 2023 preparing            In this sense, the Economy Plan for 2023,           have allowed facing complex situations         difficulties by putting obstacles where
for elections scheduled for March 26, when         approved on the occasion of the meeting,            such as those linked to the pandemic of        solutions are going".
deputies to the Parliament will be elected         defines the objectives to attain an effective       COVID-19, in addition to large-magnitude       The President reiterated that the current
and whose members will then elect the              and rapid progress in that direction.               accidents.                                     situation is complex and difficult and the
President of the Republic.                         At that meeting, held at the Havana’s               During the two-day session, the                adversary takes advantage of it to meet
The electoral cycle started last November 27       Conference Center, Díaz-Canel stressed              participants analyzed topics related to the    its purpose; thus, he urged to be united,
with municipal elections and will conclude         the importance of attaining a gradual but           control of inflation, electricity generation   determined and creative to face difficulties.
with the election of the Head of State in the      sustained increase of foreign incomes, to           and the importance of increasing the offer     The main leader of the PCC also urged
second semester of 2023.                           help solve the current macro-economic               of basic products, among others.               its members to make a more efficient
While this happens, programs aimed at              unbalance, which is seen in inflation,              At the meeting, the Minister of Economics      work through self-control and popular
facing economic difficulties – some of             shortage of supplies, among other aspects           and Planning Alejandro Gil informed that       empowerment by different channels
them linked to food sovereignty, stability         that have an impact on the population’s             the growth levels foreseen for 2022 were       which, he affirmed, does not diminish the
of the national electro-energy system and          quality of life.                                    not met, and referred to the strengthening     organization’s vanguard nature.
COVID-19 control – will continue to be             In that sense, he encouraged to work,
boosted.                                           innovate, strengthen circular economy and
The island will also conduct a comprehensive       attain the development of the socialist state
legislative schedule that complements the          company, so that this meets its role.
Constitution approved in 2019 and will take        The President also stated that attention to
place amidst the strengthening of the U.S.         vulnerable people and communities and
blockade, the world economic crisis and the        boost socio-economic development from
consequences of the pandemic.                      the municipal level, making a better use of
Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel recently         the potentials each territory of the country
affirmed that the nature of the U.S. policy        has, are included among the priorities for
towards Cuba indicates that Washington’s           2023.
siege can go on for years, thus the need           Those aspects characterized the debates
of uniting forces to solve problems, face          of the 10th ordinary session of the IX ANPP
limitations, channel development and               Legislature, held from December 12 to 14,
denounce such policy in every space.               2022, when four legislations were approved
When giving an account of his                      and several ministries gave an account of
administration at the National Assembly of         their work.
the People's Power (ANPP, Parliament), on          The legislations mentioned before include
December 14, the Head of State urged to            the following: Law of the General Finance
eliminate bureaucracy, remove obstacles            Office of the Republic; Attorney General’s
and overcome self-satisfaction, in order to        Office Law; Law of Expropriation on account
make rapid and sustained progress in the           of Public Utility or Social Interest, and Law for
                                                                                                       President highlighted the importance of the work conducted as part of the battle against
consolidation of Socialism in Cuba.                Cattle Raising Promotion and Development,
                                                                                                       the U.S. economic war. PHOTO: Estudios Revolución.
During the tenth ordinary session of               in addition to the State Budget Law for 2023.
Start of an Intense Electoral and Legislative Year
4                          CUBA-U.S.A

                                   A New U.S.-Cuba Thaw?
           By DeisyFRANCIS                     at the executive mansion, but according to       immigrant visas will be processed at the          When giving an account of his
                                               experts The Havana Reporter interviewed,         U.S. embassy in Havana.                           administration at the Cuban Parliament,
                                               it was clear that after he came to power, on     In 2022, the United States first met              Díaz-Canel acknowledged that “modest
HAVANA.- Recent visits to Cuba of U.S.         January 2021, that “urgency” disappeared         its commitment of granting 20,000                 steps directed to channel bilateral
Congressional       Representatives     and    under the excuse that “Cuba is not a             immigrant visas, as foreseen in the 1994          cooperation to meet migratory agreements
agricultural business executives, in           priority.”                                       agreements.                                       and those of other areas of priority among
addition to the resumption of migratory        In fact, the continuity of Trump’s coercive      On December 10th, Cuban President                 both countries” were taken, but “the main
talks, are some of the events that quietly     measures had a greater negative effect in        Miguel Díaz-Canel welcomed a delegation           and ultimate feature of the bilateral link is
moved the stagnant bilateral relationship      a context aggravated by the pandemic of          of congresspersons headed by Democrat             still the economic blockade.”
in 2022.                                       COVID-19.                                        Representative James McGovern, and in             In the first 14 months of the Biden
A new thaw? That is the question experts       However, on April 2022, authorities from         November, another group of U.S. legislators       administration, the blockade caused
and mass media ask when referring to this      both countries resumed migratory talks           was welcomed at the headquarters of the           damages for over 6.3 billion dollars, and
topic, in a year in which slight signs were    in Washington, and then in Havana, in            National Assembly, where food production          from August 2021 to February 2022, the
shown in that direction, after the backward    November.                                        was the key topic of the discussions.             cost amounted to 3.8 billion dollars.
step taken during the Donald Trump’s four-     On May 16, the Biden government
year administration (2017-2021).               announced a group of provisions in areas
The     Republican      was      responsible   such as migration, travels and exchanges,
for reversing the steps taken by his           financing to the private sector and
predecessor, Democrat Barack Obama             remittances, although the extreme-
(2009-2017), who, in the last years of his     pressure policy is still in effect: Cuba is in
term in office, changed the policy towards     Washington’s unilateral list of countries
Cuba, which was then characterized by          that sponsor terrorism.
the carrot and not the stick.                  In addition, travel limitations continue,
Trump, however, applied an extreme-            as well as the application of Title III of
pressure policy whose main sign was the        the Helms-Burton Act, in addition to
strengthening of the blockade, through         trade prohibition, restricted entities,
243 additional measures. On top of that,       prohibited lodging, limited dialogue and
during his last days in the White House,       financial persecution.
he decided to include Cuba in the list of      However, the announcement of the
countries that foster terrorism.               resumption of the family reunification
                                                                                                 Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel welcomed a delegation of congresspersons headed by
That is a policy his successor, Democrat       program was favorably received, as well
                                                                                                 Democrat Representative James McGovern. PHOTO: Estudios Revolución.
Joe Biden, promised to revert at his arrival   as the fact that, as of January 4, 2023, all

 Love for the Flag
                                                               of relations that allow families in both countries to meet.        renew their condemnation of the blockade and fight
                                                               One of the largest solidarity demonstrations conducted             for presenting on the U.S. media the truth about
                                                               in the U.S. in 2022 was the one held on October 29 in              the Cuban people and government, which is often
                                                               New York, prior to the vote of a resolution on the need            silenced.
                 By IvetteFERNÁNDEZ                            to put an end to Washington’s unilateral siege at the UN           The People’s Forum was able to give visibility to calls
                                                               General Assembly.                                                  in favor of the island at a press release published on
                                                               The activity was included among the over 30 actions                the Sunday edition of The New York Times, in which it
HAVANA.- The battle against the economic, commercial           designed to demand the government of President                     demanded the U.S. government to “act right now to help
and financial blockade imposed by the United States on         Joe Biden to change the policy toward Cuba, and was                the Caribbean people,” after the pass of Hurricane Ian.
Cuba for over six decades adds unconditional friends year      conducted by a coalition composed of over 100 friendly             For its part, Codepink recently presented at the
after year, even at the very heart of the U.S.                 associations under the motto “UN Vote 4 Cuba.”                     Department of State a request signed by over 10,000
A sign of that are the constant solidarity demonstrations      Associations such as Black Alliance for Peace, Party               people and about one hundred associations that
conducted all over the U.S. and materialized in the form       for Socialism and Liberation, Democratic Socialists                demanded the elimination of Cuba from the list of
of donations, caravans in favor of the normalization of        of America and Nemo (NoEmbargoCuba) frequently                     countries that sponsor terrorism.
relations between both nations and formal requests to
federal entities to eliminate that cruel, punitive policy.
The assistance gathered by Cubans living abroad and
sent to the island by groups such as the Bridges of Love
Movement, to mention one, benefitted pediatric hospitals
in 2022, which received supplies for liver transplants and
Other associations, such as Codepink and The People’s
Forum, accompanied Cuba through summons to send
material aid after disasters such as the explosion at the
Saratoga Hotel, in Havana (May) and the fire at the oil
supertanker base, in Matanzas (August), in addition to
the devastating Hurricane Ian caused in the Pinar del Río
province in September.
However, the main contribution these associations make
is their constant demand in favor of the lifting of the U.S.
blockade and the elimination of Cuba from the list of
countries that sponsor terrorism.
The holding of caravans and demonstrations in Miami
and other U.S. cities, on the last Sunday of every month,
                                                                The assistance gathered by Cubans living abroad was sent to the island by groups such as the
has become a tradition. Such actions urge to end the cruel
                                                                Bridges of Love Movement. PHOTO: José Tito Meriño.
stance against the island and demand the normalization
Start of an Intense Electoral and Legislative Year
HEALTH & SCIENCE                                          5

Health Sector’s
Challenges in 2023
             By LourdesPÉREZ                        as part of the project aimed at improving
                                                    pharmaceutical services nationwide, and
                                                    thus close medications’ cycle.
HAVANA.- The Cuban health sector will face          If this experience is positive, all pharmaceutical
several challenges in 2023, after more than         companies in the country will be gradually
two years using the financing available to          attached to that entrepreneurial group.
purchase diagnostic kits and other supplies         The Minister stressed that in spite of efforts,
needed to fight COVID-19.                           “the scenario will continue to be complex
Guaranteeing the logistics the national health      and it would not be responsible to make
system needs; opening hospital services             a commitment in relation to figures nor to
that are in great but accumulated demand;           say that we will not have difficulties.”
updating medical technologies; eliminating          The program’s priority is still guaranteeing
breach in the availability of supplies, as far      “the availability of medications, medical
as possible, and attaining stability in the         technologies and pharmaceutical services
production and import of medications, are           that guarantee the functioning of the Health
included among those challenges.                    System, as well as the strengthening of the
As Health Minister, José Ángel Portal, said at      Natural and Traditional Medicine Program,”
the Parliament, last December, 53 percent of        he said.
the financial resources given to the sector
in recent years were dedicated to the fight                      HOSPITAL SERVICES
against the pandemic, in detriment of the           Even though in 2022 efforts were directed
rest of the services.                               in endorsing the opening of services in
He added that by the end of December 5,             high demand and accumulated for over
there was a shortage of 219 medications in          two years, increasing specialized practices,
the country and 197 had a coverage of less          attending patients waiting for surgeries and
than 30 days – 73 of them are imported and          giving priority to the mother-child program’s
146 are nationally produced.                        logistics, are included among the challenges
Subjective difficulties also determine the          for the present cycle.
current reality this sector faces, such as the      On top of this, the country faces limitations
wrong use of medications due to inadequate          in basic disposable material items and there
and indulgent prescription; organizational          are critical resources – such as catheters,
and control-related problems; criminal              transfusion equipment, hip prosthesis
activity, and pharmaceutical staff’s insufficient   and collectors, among others – the health
In this context, Portal announced that in 2023,
                                                    authorities closely follow.
                                                    Portal stated that we also have difficulties
                                                                                                         Cuban biotechnology is health for all
a new work model will be implemented in the         with the technology; for this reason,
pharmacy and optician shops’ network in the         equipment’s technical availability coefficient                 By CiraRODRIGUEZ                      some in the initial phase, others in the
Cuban capital, on an experimental basis.            meet 91 percent at present and solutions are                                                         intermediate phase and in the final
Havana’s Pharmacy Company will be attached          found to get spare parts for imagery, cancer                                                         stages of clinical trials, some unique in
to the BioCubaFarma Entrepreneurial Group           treatment and endoscopy equipment.                   HAVANA.- More than three decades ago,           the world, and designed for conditions
                                                                                                         Cuba began a path that led it to become a       that still have no solution.
                                                                                                         world power in biotechnology, recognized        Among them, he mentioned NeuralCIM
                                                                                                         for its innovative products with high           (NeuroEpo), for the treatment of
                                                                                                         quality standards and social benefits for       Alzheimer's, which is also being evaluated
                                                                                                         thousands of people.                            in dementia, Parkinson's, ataxia, and
                                                                                                         This has been possible due to the               stroke. It is a medicine whose results
                                                                                                         strategy of having highly qualified             are encouraging, now in phase IV of
                                                                                                         professionals in the so-called closed cycle     studies and with which work is being
                                                                                                         (research + development + production +          done to produce it on a large scale, meet
                                                                                                         commercialization). This strategy measures      national demand and export. Added to
                                                                                                         the effect of the results, how many diseases    this is Heberprot-P, a leading product
                                                                                                         are avoided, how many people are saved,         with several years in the market for
                                                                                                         what vaccinations are achieved and what         diabetic foot ulcers, currently undergoing
                                                                                                         protocol is established to control pests and    reformulation as an innovative controlled
                                                                                                         diseases or to improve crop yields.             release system based on nanotechnology,
                                                                                                         On this basis, the Cuban pharmaceutical         with the possibility of achieving healing of
                                                                                                         and biotechnology sectors are moving            injuries in less time.
                                                                                                         in    2023       towards      strengthening     Within the projects, Martínez commented
                                                                                                         this practice, which is key in a very           on vaccines against cancer, since in Cuba
                                                                                                         competitive industry and in which               this disease is the second cause of death.
                                                                                                         the projection is the development of            It has an anti-angiogenic action, with
                                                                                                         innovative and unique drugs. In recent          encouraging results and could reach
                                                                                                         statements to The Havana Reporter,              registration in 2023. This product has
                                                                                                         the president of the Biopharmaceutical          been tested in solid tumors and various
                                                                                                         and       Biotechnological         Industries   types of cancer. In terms of investment,
Minister José Ángel Portal informed that by the end of December 5, there was a shortage of 219           Business Group, Biocubafarma, Eduardo           the Biotechnological Industrial Complex of
medications in the country. PHOTO: ACN.                                                                  Martínez presented this year's projects,        Mariel stands out.
Start of an Intense Electoral and Legislative Year
6                          CULTURE

 Filmmakers Appreciate the Havana Film Festival
                    By MarioMUÑOZ                                                                                                      Because of the validity of the texts, based on a true
                                                                                                                                       story, the film also received the Best Script Award,
                                                                                                                                       which went to the hands of Mariano Llinás and
HAVANA.- The 43rd edition of the International Festival                                                                                Santiago Mitre – the latter, winner of the Signis Award
of New Latin American Cinema concluded with an                                                                                         for its accurate approximation to the past from a deep
invitation to the next meeting in 2023 and thanks to                                                                                   approach.
Cuba from all filmmakers participating in the event,                                                                                   With the invitation of enjoying the “cinema in style”
who agreed on its importance for world cinema.                                                                                         – the Festival’s slogan – Havana welcomed, from
At the closing ceremony, on December 11th, Kiro                                                                                        December 1st to 11th, over 100 titles in competition,
Russo – director of the multiple prizewinning film                                                                                     in addition to a varied proposal of presentations and
El gran movimiento (Bolivia) – highlighted the                                                                                         collateral activities.
importance of the event to portray history, reality and                                                                                According to the organizing committee, the jury
the conflicts Latin American nations face, in addition                                                                                 received over 2,000 films from all Latin American
to the possibility creators from the region have to meet                                                                               countries, specially Argentina, Mexico and Brazil,
together.                                                                                                                              which were also selected for the Latin America in
One of the most moving moments of Havana’s largest                                                                                     Perspective exhibition and the Special Presentation
film festival was the granting of the Honorary Coral                                                                                   section.
Award to Cuban singer and songwriter Silvio Rodríguez,                                                                                 The program included a theoretical event that paid
who said he received the award on behalf of his late              Kiro Russo, director of the multiple prizewinning film El gran       tribute to Cuban filmmaker Nicolás Guillén Landrián
fellow members of the Grupo de Experimentación                    movimiento. PHOTO: Miguel Guzmán                                     through the screening of a documentary on his imprint,
Sonora del ICAIC (Cuban Film Institute), including                                                                                     by Ernesto Daranas and the analysis of the audiovisual
Pablo Milanés, Sergio Vitier, Noel Nicola, Emiliano              The film received the Special Jury Prize at the Venice                Inside Downtown (2001), which Landrián personally
Salvador and Eduardo Ramos, among others.                        Orizzonti section and has been included in the official               made in the United States.
Bolivian, Argentinean and Brazilian films stood out in           selection of several of the world’s most important                    The Festival’s collateral agenda included the screening
the festival and showed their consolidation in Latin             film festivals, such as the San Sebastian and New York                of Restored Classics, International Contemporary
America’s seventh art after their huge box-office hit in         festivals.                                                            Panorama; the exhibition of 30 posters by artists from
several categories in competition. Russo was the main            The film Argentina, 1985, by Santiago Mitre, was also one             11 countries, and editorial launches by the Cuban Film
winner of the event, as his production won the Best              of the main winners of this event. The film, which tells              Institute.
Film, Best Direction, Sound and Edition categories.              the story of the trials conducted as a result of the civic-           Founded on December 3, 1979 by Cuban filmmaker
El gran movimiento was premièred at the Venice                   military dictatorship (1976-1983), won the Best Male                  Alfredo Guevara, the Festival’s main distinction is the
International Film Festival, on September 6th, 2021 and this     Actor Coral Award – for the role Ricardo Darín played as              Grand Coral Award, which symbolized the Caribbean’s
year, it started to be exhibited in the distribution circuits.   lawyer Julio Strassera – and the Artistic Direction Award.            coral reefs.

Marcel Dousse’s A través de la ventana                                                               are aimed at seeing a better world, Dousse
                                                                                                     carries his camera during his journeys and
                                                                                                                                                     interested in photographing the reality of
                                                                                                                                                     the different ethnic groups.
                                                                                                     has turned this art into a shelter, while       Influenced somehow by his Lausanne fellow
         By ClaudiaHERNÁNDEZ                    which the inhabitants fill in with graffiti,         being a mean to access and understand           countrymen, renowned photographer
                                                advertisements and posters, said the                 complex realities.                              Luc Chessex – who settled in Cuba from
                                                organizers of the exhibit.                           The variety of colors and shapes present in     1961 to 1974 and was his longtime
HAVANA.- The photographic exhibition            Described as a permanent life traveler, a            the architectonic elements characterizes        mentor – Dousse’s black and white works
A través de la ventana (Through the             philanthropist whose dreams and work                 the work of this Swiss artist, who is           recall that renewed way of conceiving
window), on display in the Cuban capital,                                                                                                            urban documental photography, where
characterizes the creative universe of                                                                                                               immediate response to explore the
famous Swiss artist Marcel Dousse, whose                                                                                                             environment is essentially the result of a
visual discourse focuses on social dynamics                                                                                                          keen eye.
in other parts of the world.                                                                                                                         Dousse previously exhibited in Cuba
The series, exhibited in Havana for the                                                                                                              a work inspired by new scenarios and
first time, is a photographic test that                                                                                                              entitled El otro lado de la vuelta (The
gathers small fragments of cities the artist                                                                                                         other side of the turn), at Fototeca de
photographed while touring the world.                                                                                                                Cuba.
Going from street creativity to landscapes                                                                                                           The present work, curated by List Gallery’s
created in popular neighborhoods as                                                                                                                  specialists Lisandra Aguilar and Lisset
a result of the passing of time, the             Going from street creativity to landscapes created in popular neighborhoods, the artist considers   Alonso, is on display at the Havana Level
artist considers the city a huge gallery         the city a huge gallery. PHOTO: Prensa Latina.                                                      gallery.
Start of an Intense Electoral and Legislative Year
SPOTLIGHT                                            7

El Salvador:
about the
War against
SAN SALVADOR..- The war the
                                                         By LuisBEATÓN

                                             members, their influence is still present in
government of President Nayib Bukele         several U.S. states.
launched in 2022 against gangs, triggers     According to studies revealed by the           Studies revealed estimate that the gangs’ annual profits amounted to over 740 million dollars. PHOTO: Internet.
strong disagreement due to the diversity     La Opinión newspaper, Salvadoran
of topics that have an impact on the         immigrants who ran away from the war
president’s plan to clear the nation’s       created the gangs in Los Angeles, but when
streets of homicides and violence.           the deportation policy started, thousands
At least 87 Salvadorans lost their lives     of Salvadorans were sent back and both
last March due to actions attributed to      gangs settled in El Salvador and Honduras.
those groups, whom the State describes       Like a cancer, they spread through
as terrorists because of the actions they    the region, particularly through El
conduct against the rest of the society.     Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala
As a result, the fight against gangs         triangle, controlling neighborhoods,
(Salvatrucha M-13, 18 sureños and 18         municipalities,        departments      and
revolucionarios) became an official policy   penetrating spheres of power, some
aimed at creating an atmosphere of safety    experts say.
that allows making progress in the tourist   Studies      revealed      by    Salvadoran
development plans and guaranteeing           authorities and news media estimate
the safety of the population, a hostage of   that the gangs’ annual profits amounted
those groups’ violence.                      to over 740 million dollars, which were
Measures taken in that direction             obtained through extortion, murders,
include the implementation of the            drug trafficking and other illicit acts
State of Exception endorsed by the           that had the Bukele government on the
Legislative Power at the request of the      rack and forced him to take actions to
government, which suspended free             stop the scourge of armed violence and
association and demonstration and the        homicides.
right to defense, while allowing tapping     In spite of criticisms, the majority of
telecommunications and correspondence        the Salvadorans currently approve
and extending administrative detention       the measures the government has
for 15 days “to give prosecutors time to     implemented to fight those gangs and
investigate.”                                recover the streets for society, according
By the end of 2022, the Legislative          to Gallup surveys.
Assembly (Parliament) extended the           According to a new evaluation on the
regime of exception for the eighth           number of gang members, the present
occasion, which no doubt was used to         figure does not stand at 76,000, as
face gang members and allowed the            Salvadoran Vice-President Félix Ulloa told
government to make progress in the           The Havana Reporter in an exclusive
results of a policy that few considered      interview, in which he affirmed that the
successful, due to gangs’ power.             State of Exception would be in place until
Those groups did not emerge in this          the last terrorist is behind bars.
country; they were the result of the         The new figure – 118,000 terrorists, as
extradition of thousands of immigrants       governmental authorities call them – will
from the U.S. territory. MS-13 and Barrio    necessarily extend the State of Exception
18 were born in the United States in the     and all the deployment of technology
second half of the 20th century, and         and logistics the government has used to
in spite of the expulsion of many gang       fight them.
Start of an Intense Electoral and Legislative Year
8                              CUBA
                                     ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT

 ALBA-TCP: Finding                                                                                                                          The Summit concluded with a 22-point political declaration
                                                                                                                                            that ratified the bloc’s progressive stance on strategic
                                                                                                                                            topics about the world’s political context.

Solutions for the Peoples
                                                                                                                                            In that sense, endorsement of the governments of Bolivia,
                                                                                                                                            Nicaragua, Venezuela and Cuba was ratified in the light
                                                                                                                                            of the attempts to subvert the domestic order; in favor of
                                                                                                                                            the Caribbean nations’ right to receive a special and fair
                                                                                                                                            treatment in international relations and in condemnation
                                                                                                                                            of the ‘lawfare’ acts in Argentina and Peru.
                    By JoséFERNÁNDEZ                                of energy, transportation and logistics, agriculture and                Once again, the ALBA-TCP members condemned the
                                                                    biotechnology, which would allow complementing and                      U.S. blockade on Cuba, demanded the fulfillment of the
                                                                    strengthening unity.                                                    agreements reached at the Climate Change Summit
HAVANA.- Eighteen years after its foundation, the                   Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro categorically said                  (COP27) and praised the progress made in the peace talks
Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America-Peoples’         that ALBA must show in practice, as Latin America and                   in Colombia and between the government of Nicolás
Trade Treaty (ALBA-TCP) faces the challenge of proposing            the Caribbean’s political, cultural, social and economic                Maduro and the Venezuelan opposition.
practical ways to replicate its political success in the            vanguard group, that it is superior to any other mechanism              At this XXII Summit, Félix Plasencia was elected as new
economic field.                                                     people have knowledge of and that it can find solutions to              executive secretary of the Alliance, while Bolivian diplomat
Founded on December 14, 2004 by leaders Fidel Castro                peoples’ real problems.                                                 Sacha Llorenti was acknowledged for the role he played.
and Hugo Chávez, the regional integration mechanism
was raised from a structure that praised each member’s
potential to meet the needs of its people.
As a result, social programs that benefited millions of
people were created, such as the Milagro (Miracle), Barrio
Adentro and Manuela Espejo missions, in addition to
projects such as the ALBA Bank, the ALBA Games and a
network of cultural institutions that gave priority to the
protection of the peoples’ heritage.
In the light of natural disasters, or more recently, during
the pandemic of COVID-19, humanitarian corridors were
activated for the transfer of health professionals, medical
supplies and medications, while a few countries in the
world stockpiled vaccines or imposed embargos to divert
flights carrying masks and equipment.
The XXII ALBA-TCP Summit, held in Havana on December
14, highlighted those achievements, while vehemently
stating the need to repeat those successes in the
economic field through the promotion of a fair trade that
replaces the market’s logic with solidarity and sustainable
Several Heads of State and delegations from the 11
                                                                     The XXII ALBA-TCP highlighted the need to repeat its successes in the economic field. PHOTO: Estudios Revolución
member countries referred to potentials in the fields

  President Díaz-Canel’s Visits Strengthen Ties with the Caribbean
             By MandyFERNÁNDEZ                       Summit, on occasion of the 50th anniversary        The President’s visit to the Caribbean                resources formation, medical assistance
                                                     of diplomatic relations between Havana             region concluded in Grenada, where                    and the use of biopharmaceutical
                                                     and several countries of the region.               he had discussions with Grenadian                     products.
HAVANA.- Cuban President Miguel Díaz-                                                                   Prime Minister Dickon Mitchell.                       Other topics included boosting three
Canel’s official talks with authorities of                       TOP-LEVEL TALKS                        In statements to The Havana Reporter,                 joint collaboration projects in the area of
Barbados, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines           In Saint Vincent and the Grenadines,               both leaders stated that cooperation in the           mitigation of climate change effects and
and Grenada strengthen relations with the            the first stop of the Cuban President              fields of agriculture, health, infrastructure,        reduction of disaster risks.
Caribbean region.                                    tour led to talks with Governor-General            education, environment and climate                    In his speech at the Summit, Díaz-Canel
Díaz-Canel’s official visits, which started          Susan Dougan and Prime Minister Ralph              change will increase.                                 highlighted that the meeting went
on December 3, 2022, included his                    Gonsalves; he was also welcomed at the                                                                   beyond formal relations and proved the
participation to the VIII CARICOM-Cuba               national Parliament.                                        A UNITED CARIBBEAN                           strong brotherhood links.
                                                     In all meetings, the President ratified            Díaz-Canel      headed       the     Cuban            Condemnation of the blockade the United
                                                     Cuba’s will to strengthen solidarity and           delegation to the VIII CARICOM-Cuba                   States has imposed on Cuba; support to
                                                     cooperation with that insular state, with          Summit, which celebrated the 50th                     small insular states’ fair claim to receive
                                                     which historical bonds are shared, in              anniversary of the start of diplomatic                a just and preferential treatment, and
                                                     addition to future challenges.                     relations between Havana and four                     defense of the region as a peace zone,
                                                     The head of the Cuban State was also               nations of the region, which then put                 were included in the final declaration of
                                                     welcomed by Barbados Prime Minister                an end to the United States’ attempt to               the top-level meeting.
                                                     Mia Amor Mottley and President Sandra              isolate the Cuban Revolution from the                 CARICOM is composed of Antigua &
                                                     Mason, to whom he reaffirmed the will to           world.                                                Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize,
                                                     continue strengthening political dialogue          CARICOM, created in 1973, held its first              Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica,
                                                     and cooperation.                                   summit in Cuba in 2002, on occasion of the            Montserrat, Saint Lucia, Saint Christopher
                                                     As part of the official talks, a memorandum        celebration of the 30 years of diplomatic             & Nevis, Saint Vincent & the Grenadines,
                                                     of understanding was signed between                ties between Havana and those Caribbean               Surinam and Trinidad & Tobago.
                                                     a Barbados exporting company and                   nations.                                              At present, 1,698 collaborators of the
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines was the             the     Cuban       Biotechnological     and       At the recent summit, held in Barbados,               Cuban Public Health sector provide their
first stop of the Cuban President. PHOTO: Estudios   Pharmaceutical Industries Entrepreneurial          agreements were reached in relation to                services in 13 CARICOM member nations
Revolución                                           Group (BioCubaFarma).                              cooperation in the fields of health, human            and a non-independent territory.
Start of an Intense Electoral and Legislative Year
                                                                                                                                                        CULTURE                                  9

Fiart returned with resilient and sustainable art
                   By LizBOBADILLA

HAVANA.- The Fiart 2022 International Crafts and Gifts
Fair returned to Cuba's cultural agenda after two years
of pandemic and for 10 days displayed a wide catalog of
textile, utilities, and decorative items, which endorsed the
value of recycling as a key piece for contemporary creation.
From December 10 to 20, the Cuban Fund for Cultural
Assets (FCBC) once again created this project, which
for more than two decades has positioned itself as an
exhibition and trade platform at the Pabexpo venue and
the Cultural Linea station, in Havana.
The motto Art, Utility and Craft became the guiding thread
of the event's agenda, which in its 24th year adopted
the festive character of the month of December and the
arrival of the 64th anniversary of the Revolution, to offer
not only artisan products, but also utilities, entertainment,
decorative and gifts.
Likewise, the event was dedicated to recycling in the
different craft expressions and to Italian culture, which
"has historically had an important presence in Cuban
society," said Arturo Valdés, director of the FCBC, while
highlighting the presence of proposals from Colombia,
Costa Rica, Ecuador, Spain, India, Mexico, Panama, Russia,       For more than two decades Fiart has positioned itself as an exhibition and trade platform. PHOTO: José Tito Meriño
Peru and the Caribbean island, in nearly 300 stands.
The meeting calendar included fashion catwalks where            the presence of recycling as a practice for years in the                  (Chuchi), the Fresco project, among others, explained
designers presented their original and innovative               productive dynamics of creators, as an aesthetic choice                   Sánchez.
collections in a peculiar fusion of tradition and modernity,    and alternative to the lack of raw materials.                             “Our fashion catwalks this year intend to go back to the
while the meeting served as an opportunity to reflect on          "Our artists carry out a continuous recycling exercise                  origin, we have a lot of quality in the exhibitions and they are
the role of culture in social, economic and environmental       in favor of their creation, all productions they regularly                not going to do fantasy parades but they are going to show
transformation, through the presentation of local and           present are the result of recovery acts", stated Sánchez, as              clothes that Cubans can wear in everyday life” she pointed
foreign artists.                                                he explained that "in the current atypical circumstances                  out. Sánchez said that the initiative is consistent with the
To fulfill this purpose of exchanging knowledge, an             they turned this option into a necessary practice ”. In                   intentions of the fair's organizing institution to become
academic program was developed, which under the title           order to promote the most outstanding initiatives and                     "an aesthetic compass for the country", with innovative
Culture, creativity and innovation, agents for sustainable      items in the catalogue, the fair included in its agenda a                 garments appropriate to the island's climate conditions.
development, allowed for a dialogue around recycling            varied cultural program, in which expositions, auctions,                  Another of the novelties of the event was the articulation
and the intention to standardize -somehow- the best             exhibitions, business rounds, concerts, among other                       of a complete sample of Telarte, an initiative of the FCBC,
experiences as a sign of resilience.                            artistic, commercial and educational actions stood out.                   which "a few years ago had stopped making pieces and
According to the deputy director of the FCBC, Marta             The meeting was a showcase for the pieces made by                         designs were recovered" adding the inauguration of the
Ivis Sánchez, the choice of this theme is consistent with       prominent creators such as Ángel Ferrer, Jesús Frías                      Market Place electronic commerce platform.

          Complex realities at
         photography exhibition
                       By THREDITORIAL STAFF

HAVANA.- The Atlas exhibition,          piece between the artist and
by Cuba´s photographer Alfredo          dancers from the Mal Paso group.
Sarabia, deals with problems that       Alfredo Sarabia (Havana,1986),
are currently occurring in the          is a renowned photographer
world such as conflicts, migrations     graduated from the University of
and economic crisis, which cause        Fine Arts, in 2012, and the Atlas
a degree of strangulation on            exhibition will be open to the
humanity.                               public throughout January at the
The     exhibition´s     organizers     Servando Cabrera Gallery, located
stated that many of the ups and         at the city´s central zone of Vedado.
downs of contemporary times             The artist usually orders the speech
also have an impact on the              by dual associations and, precisely
Cuban island and; consequently,         by the strength of this principle, his
on the personal experience and          photographs are never manipulated.
subjectivity of Sarabia, who            Experts state that in the semantic
captures reality and human              shot the piece questions fields of
spirituality with his lens.             different nature; that is of historic,
The exhibition was inaugurated          religious, philosophic, political or
last December with a performance        ethical character.
Start of an Intense Electoral and Legislative Year
10                             CUBA

        Internet Governance:                                                                            Prometheus Statue in Havana
           Paving the Way                                                                                                Text and Photo by BenjamínMICERINOS

                                                                                                       HAVANA.- Equestrian statues are a passion many people have and that passion is also
                                                                                                       seen in the Cuban capital, where there statues that are even unknown to people, such
                                                                                                       as the one called The torchbearers.
                                                                                                       Located on the corner of the Ayesterán and 20 de Mayo streets, in a Havana park, the
                                                                                                       aforementioned statue is one of the most peculiar.
                                                                                                       This sculpture grouping, made by U.S. artist Anna Vaughn Hyatt Huntington (1876-
                                                                                                       1973), portrays the myth of Prometheus, who one day went to Mount Olympus to
                                                                                                       steal the fire Zeus had taken away from men.
                                                                                                       Prometheus was persecuted, not without giving it first to a younger and stronger
                                                                                                       man, according to the work in question.
                                                                                                       The artistic grouping, a tribute to the preservation of culture, represents the moment
                                                                                                       in which a young man mounted on a horse stops walking to pick up the torch of
                                                                                                       civilization from an exhausted athlete.
                                                                                                       One of the monument’s features lies on its technical quality, which surprises viewers
                                                                                                       for the anatomy of humans and the very horse.
                                                                                                       Faces show a level of detail in their gestures, verging upon the literal meaning of
                                                                                                       feelings such as agony, in the case of the dying man and hope, in the case of the
                                                                                                       Anna Vaughn Hyatt’s original monument, made in aluminum and also known as El
                                                                                                       relevo (The relay), is located in the Ramón and Cajal Square, in the Madrid University
                                                                                                       City, in front of the Faculty of Medicine of the Universidad Complutense.
                                                                                                       The bronze replica erected in Havana, which is over three meters high and weighs
                                                                                                       1,500 kilograms, approximately, was donated to the Cuban people in 1956 by Archer
                                                                                                       Milton Huntington, Anna’s husband.
Internet governance is related to the population’s digital literacy, the flow of information and the
                                                                                                       Other bronze replicas are erected at the University of Valence, Spain and other two
technological sovereignty Cuba Foster.
                                                                                                       university centers in the United States.
                                                                                                       Anna’s artistic legacy reached Cuba not only through The torchbearers, as in 1958,
        By Joel MichelVARONA                       governance among the population, even               her husband also donated a replica of the statue Diana of the Chase, which portrays
                                                   though this is a highly important topic.            the moment in which Diana is about to shoot an arrow. This piece is erected at the
                                                                                                       gardens of the Cuban Women Federation’s headquarters, in Havana.
HAVANA.- Internet governance is a priority         DIGITAL ISSUES AND TECHNOLOGICAL                    However, what sealed this artist’s imprint in the history of Cuba was the fact that at
topic in Cuba in its intention of fostering                         SOVEREIGNTY                        the age of 82, she made the famous statue of José Martí that is erected at the New
a sustainable human development,                   There are technical issues on Internet              York Central Park since 1965, whose replica is located in Havana since 2017, at the 13
building inclusive knowledge societies and         governance that are even related to                 de Marzo park.
improving the free flow of information and         domain name assignment, web hosting
ideas.                                             and the sovereignty of the software we
The term, unknown to some, includes                use in the country; for that reason, there
principles,      norms,     rules,   decision-     are different organizations involved in this
making processes and activities that,              topic, the expert commented.
implemented and applied by governments             It is a common topic for many institutions,
in coordination with the private sector,           which is not often dealt with in Cuba, although
civil society and the technical community,         it should be, as it is part of the information
define the evolution and use of the network        process the island conducts, Batista said.
of networks.                                       It has a lot to do with Internet governance,
Havana’s Computer Palace recently hosted           because it is closely related to the
the II Internet Governance Forum, a three-         population’s digital literacy, the flow
day meeting sponsored by the Computer              of information and the technological
Specialist Union and the Cuban Association         sovereignty Cuba fosters.
of the United Nations.                             An example of this are the antiviruses,
Some of the topics under discussion                software and operating systems that are
included strategies for Internet use               nationally produced, he stressed.
development in Cuba for the benefit of the         The Industrial Computer Sciences,
population, in addition to the promotion of        Communications and Electronics Company
such tool’s responsible use.                       is responsible for the technological field,
The meeting of experts of different sectors        while the University of Computer Sciences
was aimed at boosting local development            (UCI) is responsible for software; that’s the
and promoting innovation, with the                 reason why Cuban phones have a national
incorporation of the communities.                  operating system called Nova.
Participants made emphasis on the creation         Many Internet governance topics were new
of contents that favor citizens’ wellbeing         to us and some are not even within our
and the spread of the Cuban reality, in            reach, because domain name assignment
addition to fostering respect among people         is a U.S. asset, except the .cu, he mentioned.
in relation to the use of such tool.               There is a lot to do in this field; we lack
In statements to The Havana Reporter,              knowledge and taking into account the
Cuban International Journalism Institute           spread of Internet in Cuba, the population
professor Sabdier Batista explained that           should know more about this topic, Batista          This sculpture grouping, made by U.S. artist Anna Vaughn Hyatt Huntington (1876-1973),
there is still lack of knowledge on Internet       added.                                              portrays the myth of Prometheus.

Guamá’s Natural Charm
         By RobertoCAMPOS                    A crocodile farm, a motorboat journey,
                                             cabins on pontoons, wooden paths to
                                             allow access through swampy areas and
HAVANA.- Located in an isolated and          the abovementioned sculptures, give this
former poor region of Cuba, the Guamá        site a perfect touch.
recreational complex is an emblematic        Boca de Guamá is the name of the jetty
tourist center located in Zapata Swamp, in   in which visitors and guests get on a boat
Matanzas province.                           for a trip through the canals and lake that
The complex’s most interesting sites         take them to the Taíno Village. Restaurant
include the Taíno Village, a place that      services are also offered there.
recreates the settlement of the indigenous   One of the sites visitors prefer, though, is
population that lived in Cuba when the       the crocodile farm, a well-preserved and
Spanish arrived in the island and that is    developing area.
composed of 26 sculptures made by artist     When tourists get to this place, they are
Rita Longa (1912-2000), who portrayed        able to enjoy three phases: the first, to
the indigenous hunting, fishing and doing    see and interact with small animals and
other activities.                            learn about different species; the second,
Created more than 50 years ago following     a social-historical learning about the
an idea of leader of the Cuban Revolution    charcoal workers who lived in the area, and
Fidel Castro (1926-2016) and heroine         the third, a trip to the area where crocodiles
Celia Sánchez (1920-1980), the complex’s     are kept.
curious feature is that visitors can only    Some of the species visitors can see there
access the complex’s lodging (46 cabins)     include the Cuban Rombifer, endemic
through a canal, as the said cabins are      in the swamp, in addition to animals of
located on pontoons.                         different ages, from newborns to 40-year-
Local guides have the responsibility of      old species.
checking everyday access to those places     The complex is undergoing a comprehensive
that, according to experts, are located      investment and renovation process that
in the Caribbean’s largest wetland area:     includes its bridges, cabins, containment
Zapata Swamp.                                walls, paths and other facilities.

                                                                                              PHOTOS: Tito Meriño and ACN
12                            LATIN AMERICA

      Ecuador-USA: Cooperation or Submission
           By AdrianaVALDÉS                       except Cuba, on which the U.S. legislative            environment, safety, cybersecurity, justice,     and political maneuvering, “but it is
                                                  body does have provisions to codify                   the police and human rights.                     unacceptable that an ambassador interferes
                                                  the blockade and prevent the country’s                However, the Ecuadoran legislators’              in Ecuador’s internal affairs.”
QUITO.- The recently approved Strategic           development.                                          opinion does not count, because it is a          I have been the victim of corruption and
Partnership Act with Ecuador in the U.S.          On June 16, 2022, the Ecuadoran National              unilateral law adopted by the U.S. Congress,     political maneuvering on the part of the
Congress causes divided opinions in the           Assembly rejected what was then a bill                Meriguet stressed.                               Ecuadoran justice, but even so, I will not accept
South American country, and although              approved by the House Foreign Affairs                 Another element that drew attention              that the representative of a foreign country
for the government it is an opportunity           Committee on the initiative of Senators               was the reaction of the Executive to U.S.        tells us what to do, said the former President.
to expand cooperation, for others it is           Bob Menendez, Jim Risch and Marco Rubio.              ambassador Michael Fitzpatrick’s recent          In recent months, relations between Quito
submission and interference.                      At that time, assembly member Ricardo                 statement, who publicly criticized the           and Washington strengthened; a sign of that
Ecuadoran Foreign Affairs Minister Juan           Ulcuango affirmed that, in spite of the               Andean nation’s judicial system.                 are the constant visits to this capital of senior
Carlos Holguín welcomed the said provision        intention of strengthening bilateral                  Former Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa         White House officials, including Christopher
which, in his opinion, will strengthen            relations, it was an interference act in              admitted in Twitter that the country's justice   J. Dodd, Joe Biden’s special adviser for the
bilateral relations and is a sign of confidence   fields such as trade, investment, customs,            is controled by drug traffickers, corruption     Americas, who was welcomed by president
in his country.                                                                                                                                          Lasso.
However, to former Ecuadoran Deputy                                                                                                                      Secretary of the U.S. National Security
Foreign Affairs Minister, Fernando Yépez, it                                                                                                             Department Alejandro Mayorkas previously
is a shameful and servile submission on the                                                                                                              had talks to the head of the Ecuadoran Executive
part of the Guillermo Lasso government to                                                                                                                and senior members of his cabinet to deal with
Washington’s unlimited interests and visions.                                                                                                            topics such as security, amidst the upsurge in
Diplomat and political analyst Juan Meriguet,                                                                                                            violence in the South American nation.
who shared the abovementioned opinion,                                                                                                                   In the last two months, other officials also
told The Havana Reporter that such an                                                                                                                    visited Quito, including U.S. Senators; head
“ignominious and neocolonial” Act does not                                                                                                               of the U.S. Southern Command, Gen Laura
include the opinion of the Ecuadoran people,                                                                                                             Richardson, and Under Secretary of State for
as it is not an agreement between both nations.                                                                                                          Political Affairs, Victoria Nuland.
Meriguet added that its approval is                                                                                                                      According to analysts, Ecuador is today
                                                  Christopher J. Dodd, Joe Biden’s special adviser for the Americas,
significant, because the United States does                                                                                                              a key enclave for the U.S. government,
                                                  was welcomed by president Lasso. PHOTO: Internet
not have a similar act with other nations –                                                                                                              considering the region’s political changes.
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