TOKYO OLYMPICS - New Life, Australia'a Christian Newspaper

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TOKYO OLYMPICS - New Life, Australia'a Christian Newspaper

 Vol 84 No 3          01 Aug 2021                       Free On Request To:

The 2020 Tokyo Olympics are officially
underway following today’s Opening
Ceremony. Delayed by the onset of the
coronavirus pandemic, the Games will run
through August 8th. The Tokyo
Paralympics begin August 24th.
Athletes and fans aren’t the only ones
affected by Japan’s a�endance regula�ons. “We were planning to send tons of teams to the Olympic
Games, and we had the vision to impact a lot of people. Because of the coronavirus and the ongoing
changes with the restric�ons, we’ve had to modify those approaches.
Many groups, like ourselves, decided to pivot to a digital approach to ministry,” Joe Handley with Asian
Access says. “We have a number of people interested in Japan, simply by doing mission via digital
experiences.” Believers may have changed their methods for Olympics outreach, but their vision remains
the same. By 2024, they hope to see 10 million Chris�ans in Japan and 10,000 churches.
“For the Olympics, the vision was to reach a million people as the ini�al catalyst. If you can get a
million followers of Christ, then you have momentum that can grow exponen�ally,” Handley says. The
“10-10-10 vision” traces back to 2014 and a young Japanese leader. “He had this sense (in 2014) that,
in the next ten years, Japan would reach 10 million followers of Christ,” Handley says. “We serve a God
who loves the word ‘impossible’” It’s an audacious goal if you know anything about Japan. Learn why
here. “[Japanese are] the second largest unreached people; less than one percent of the popula�on
a�ends church.”
Handley says. “This could be the moment where things begin to shi� in Japan.” Commi�ed prayer holds
the key to change. Join the million-hour “prayer force” here. “This would take an enormous growth
ini�a�ve, but we serve a God who loves the word ‘impossible.’ We’re praying that a million hours of prayer
will be the catalyst to see a mighty move of God,” Handley says. Asian Access’s aspira�ons are part of a
broader movement sweeping Japan’s �ny church community. “With condi�ons being such, they cannot get
‘boots on the ground,’ so to speak, churches have completely changed their approaches to the Olympic
Games,” Handley says. “They pointed to the fact that real revival o�en births through prayer movements.
So, their latest vision is to mobilize a million hours of prayer during the Olympic Games. It’s an ini�a�ve that
is not just Asian Access; it’s all-encompassing of the mission and Church family in Japan.”
     Wri�en by By Katey Hearth 23 July, 2021, Header image courtesy of Dick Thomas Johnson/Wikimedia Commons.
                             Source @

                     ‘Tell the people the full message of this new life’ – Acts 5.20b
TOKYO OLYMPICS - New Life, Australia'a Christian Newspaper
                                            TELLING THE GREAT WORKS OF CHRIST IN THE WORLD TODAY
ISSUE DATE: 1 Aug 2021
FILE NO: NL 2021-08-01
ISSN: 1033-7903
                                       Helping The
Eric J. Daley (1910-1992)              Lambs Become
                                       Sheep – By
Rev Bob Thomas                         Saving Them
Tel: 0417 592 646
                                       From The
Postal Address:                        Wolves!
PO Box 457,
Mitcham VIC 3132                       For a long �me now I’ve been concerned at the inroads secularism is
                                       making into educa�on, par�cularly at the point where Chris�an
ASSOCIATE:                             students progress from secondary to ter�ary levels. Their faith, their
Douglas K McDonald                     values, their world-view, their morality is under a�ack at all points, in
Tel: 0421 397 706                      all ways and from every direc�on.
                                       I’m glad that the Australian Fellowship of Evangelical Students and
OFFICE MANAGER:                        similar groups are hard at work on university and college campuses to
Rachael Maskell                        draw students to fellowship and faith, help them to stand strong
Tel: 0415 612 646
E: of�                 against ‘all the assaults of the Evil One’, grow in the faith and live out
                                       the faith. I’m glad that Sydney Missionary and Bible College (h�ps://
WEB-SITE:                     provides their Bridge Gap Year program and that                       Capernwray Missionary Fellowship in Moss Vale NSW (h�ps://
SUBSCRIPTION:                 provides short term Bible study
Free On Request or Via Web.            courses a�rac�ve to young people transi�oning from secondary to
                                       ter�ary educa�on. No doubt other such ministries provide similar
ACCEPTANCE OF ADVERTISING              courses (Google your favourite ones to see if they do.) But I’m sure
                                       that much, much more needs to be done.
NEW LIFE RESERVES                      So it’s good to see that another college is being established in Sydney
                                       to help further fill the gap. Emmanuel College Sydney is a new
                                       Chris�an Liberal Arts College in the Reformed Protestant tradi�on. It
PUBLISHED BY:                          will focus on providing a high-quality Chris�an introduc�on to western
New Life Australia Ltd                 civilisa�on, ini�ally offering courses in Literature, History, Philosophy
ABN: 15 005 035 138                    and Historical Theology.
NOTE TO CONTRIBUTORS:                  Lessons will be held on Mondays and Tuesdays at Burwood
New Life is archived by the National   Presbyterian Church, 46-48 Belmore St, Burwood, near Burwood Train
Library of Australia.
                                       Sta�on and major bus routes. Call mob: 0434 788 087 for further
It is assumed that contributors
agree with this arrangement and so     informa�on, or go to
are willing to be published on this    Dona�ons can be made to assist in establishing the college by
                                       contac�ng the registrar for further info, see below links.
VIEWS EXPRESSED in articles                            Register @
are those of the contributor and
not necessarily those of New Life.                    - Wri�en by Snr Editor, Bob Thomas for New Life, 28 July 2021

NEW LIFE                                   01 August 2021                                          PAGE 2
TOKYO OLYMPICS - New Life, Australia'a Christian Newspaper

As all eyes turn to Tokyo for the Olympics and Paralympics,
Japanese Chris�ans are invi�ng the global Church to unite for
one million hours of prayer for the spiritual transforma�on of
their na�on. Japan1Million is an interna�onal prayer movement led by the Japan interna�onal Sports
Partnership (JiSP) and the Japan Evangelical Missionary Associa�on (JEMA) during the 30 days of the
Olympics and Paralympics. “Our sports partnership is driven by a vision to see the Church in Japan grow to 10
million people by 2024,” said JiSP director Pastor Keishi Ikeda. “Working towards that vision, we had hoped to
reach a million Japanese people during our Olympic outreach year. Covid closed those doors, but one door
remained open; the door to prayer.”
With less than 1% of its popula�on of 126 million a�ending church, the Japanese are the world’s second
largest un-reached people group. Most people in Japan have not been to church, read the Bible or know any
Chris�ans. “Commi�ed prayer is needed for a significant spiritual breakthrough in Japan. We believe Alfred
Tennyson words, ‘more things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of,’” said Pastor Keishi.
Individuals, families, Churches and organiza�ons can register on the Japan1Million website
( to record their prayer hours as well as access daily prayer updates, informa�on
about Japan and Zoom gatherings led by the JiSP and JEMA teams. In partnership with the YouVersion Bible
app, the team has also launched Pray 4 Japan, a 17-day Bible and prayer plan available globally in English and
“Imagine the impact of hundreds of thousands of Jesus followers around the world praying with one accord
for just one na�on? What would God do?” asks Nathan Snow, the chair of JEMA. “We are preparing for the
greatest movement of united prayer in reaching Japan for Christ. Will you join us?”
                          Source @ Aus Prayer Network Int, 11 July 2021, and Japan Interna�onal Sports Partnership

 Olympic Global Prayer Journey has begun!
You may be excited to watch your favorite athlete or event. It will be the first-ever of its kind: a no-spectator
event. Jesus Film Project, Athletes in Ac�on (AIA), and other ministries have banded together to provide
athlete care and ministry amid expansive COVID-19 restric�ons. Naturally, the teams have shi�ed much of
their focus to prayer. Jesus Film® and AIA have developed a 17-day Virtual Prayer Journey that will take you to
a different country throughout the world each day. Insider info, like specific prayer needs and the country’s
spiritual climate, will help you engage more deeply in prayer for the Olympics and for the gospel to spread
throughout each na�on. To join go to h�ps://athletesinac�
The vision is to see thousands of believers praying for each country of the day, li�ing up the same requests
before the throne of God. He desires that we come together in unified prayer. He knows everything, yet He
wants us to pray specifically. He chooses to respond by answering those prayers in supernatural ways.
By faith, we foresee strongholds broken, lives changed, and people set free as a result of us banding together
in one heart and mind, united in prayer. We are excited to see all that God will do!
Join us and pray for specific countries during the games in Jesus Film Project’s Olympics Prayer Journey.
                                               Wri�en by Katey Hearth for Mission Network News, 23 July, 2021
 Source @

  NEW LIFE                                 01 August 2021                                         PAGE 3
TOKYO OLYMPICS - New Life, Australia'a Christian Newspaper

Can you imagine spending your whole life pursuing a goal
only to feel let down once you finally achieve it? What would
you do? How would you handle such a disappointment? This
experience is what happened to Jason, an athlete who was
surprised when winning an Olympic medal in wrestling failed
to match his expecta�ons: “I thought becoming an Olympic
champion would be the best �me of my life,” he says, “But I
had a feeling of emp�ness a�er winning a gold medal.”
Although the Olympics mark the ul�mate achievement in the career of an athlete, the experience is
challenging in every way. There is the pressure to succeed as a life�me of training culminates in one
compe��on. There is also the reality that although many athletes compete, a rela�ve few receive medals.
And, as Jason shares, there is the unse�ling feeling of dissa�sfac�on that some athletes face at the pinnacle
of success. The bo�om line is that even at the highest level, athletes are looking for hope that goes deeper
than victory at the next compe��on. This is why Athletes in Ac�on teams will be present in Tokyo this August,
caring for athletes represen�ng their countries at the 2021 Summer Olympics. In addi�on to engaging with
Olympians, praying with them and discipling them in their faith, AIA chaplains will distribute “Struggle &
Triumph Athlete’s Bibles” in four different languages.
As athletes receive these Bibles and hear about the true hope that comes from a rela�onship with Jesus,
their lives are changed. Jason is now one of these athletes: “I didn’t realize there are greater things in life
than winning gold medals.” Jason says. “I now know there’s no other thing in life that’s more fulfilling than a
rela�onship with Jesus Christ.” It takes just $7.50 USD to put a Bible in the hands of an Olympian!
                                                               Wri�en by Ka�e Neff for Athletes In Ac�on Interna�onal,

                                    Young Footballers Receive
                                    Care During the Pandemic!
                                    It’s easy to forget that, amidst the pandemic, other crises are coming and
                                    going. Chaplain Bibe Brown shares how she was urgently needed a�er a
                                    tragic incident in an under-16 Victorian football league. It was just a�er the
                                    pandemic hit Australia when a young athlete suddenly passed away. Bibe
                                    had only just reconnected with the league to support the staff, but she was
                                    called upon for the young athletes right away.
                                  “It was really shocking for that whole community ... some of them were
                                  angry. He was an awesome team player; he always had their backs.” Bibe
                                  had the opportunity to spend �me with the young men on that team,
                                  allowing them to come to terms with their grief. She says: “They started
encouraging one another to share their feelings and process it. One person said it was like speaking to
someone in their life that they could relate to, ‘Like speaking to my big sister’.”Thank you for making sure
amazing Chaplains like Bibe are always there to invest in players and their clubs through Club-Care Cover’s
Cri�cal Incident Response.                                               - Source @ Sports Chaplaincy Australia
           See @ h�ps://

  NEW LIFE                                   01 August 2021                                              PAGE 4
TOKYO OLYMPICS - New Life, Australia'a Christian Newspaper

Thanks to the music, I became a Chris�an,
that is a MIRACLE. Before that I was making
music without knowing the reason. I was
making it simply because I felt like I had to.
But by the �me around 2001, I slowly
realized what kind of choice I had made,
and I was thinking about what I should do.
Finally, in 2001, I clearly decided that I would devote my life to this thing called “music” and “art”. I knew
there was no chance for me to be “successful” or “famous” or something like that, but even though, I
decided to dedicate all of me to “music” and “art”. That was because I believed in “truth” beyond music and
art. Just like I said, I never believed in music business, but I believed in “truth” beyond the music. That is why
I started this project called ‘Imari Tones’. The recording work called “Entering The New World”, recorded in
2001, was the record I made upon that decision. I wanted to live a New Life. I wanted to find the New Way of
Life, as a musician, as a person.
Not by money, not by success, not by fame, but something else. There must be something bigger than that.
Rockn’Roll has a meaning, or purpose bigger than those worldly success. I wanted to find a “New Value”. I
wanted to find a “New Way”. I wanted to live a “New World” governed by “New Rule”. Those things later I
would find in Jesus and New Testament. We experienced several member changes in a band but all of them
found their answer in Rockn’Roll and now they have happy families, that is a GREAT success. We can call
ourselves “the first Chris�an heavy metal from Japan”, that is an HONOR. We toured in USA 3 �mes totally
independently, making all the plans by ourselves, that is like a DREAM.
We have survived to this day and s�ll making music independently, that is a BIG success! Many people can
find us and listened to our music on internet, that is a HUGE success! So, I consider this project as very
successful. I am very happy, and I can quit any�me. But every �me I was going to quit, God showed me
another plan and told me to go further. I have no idea what the future will become. But when we have no
idea, God gives us His idea. So, I’m not worried at all. As I’m wri�ng this, I have a feeling that we can do a
bigger thing, bigger shows in a future. Yes, I have a HOPE inside me. And that is enough to live TODAY. And
let me tell you. My personal dream as a musician is to play A BIG ROCK SHOW in THE KINGDOM of GOD in
HEAVEN. It’s gonna be an AWESOME party!!
                                        Wri�en by Tak “Tone” Nakamine - Imari Tones (伊万里音色) - July 20th, 2011

       The Christian Sabbath or The Jewish Sabbath, Which Should I Follow?
                          See www.defenceo�

  NEW LIFE                                  01 August 2021                                         PAGE 5
TOKYO OLYMPICS - New Life, Australia'a Christian Newspaper

                              ‘Explore Australia - Discover Life’
                         CAPERNWRAY                               Bible School Australia

                         Winter Bible School is a great opportunity to study God’s Word and grow in
                         your personal rela�onship with the Lord in the beau�ful campus and
                         surrounds of Capernwray Bible School. It is a �me of real fellowship and
                         encouragement in your walk with Christ.
Each week is standalone covering books of the Bible or
topics such as Apologe�cs, Prayer, the Holy Spirit etc.
25 July – 03 Sept, 2021. - 6 Weeks $2565 or $460 per
Week. (*Lecturers and Subjects may change at late
no�ce.) Call for further info @ Tel: (02) 4868 1516.
Available Dates and Lecturers;
                Week 1: Al Watson – John 1-12
                Week 2: Craig Millowick – Walking in the Way of God’s Wisdom
                Week 3: Adam Ismail / Phil Giddings – Appearance of Jesus / Mark’s Gospel
                Week 4: Neil Bernard – The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit
                Week 5: Elizabeth Thomas – Encounters with Jesus
                Week 6: Katrina Goode - Romans
                Weeks 1-6: Peter Thomas – Christ in Isaiah

      Apply Online Today @

                                 Today’s Christian Music And Inspiring Talks!
                        Tel: 03 5241 6550

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NEW LIFE                               01 August 2021                                    PAGE 6
TOKYO OLYMPICS - New Life, Australia'a Christian Newspaper
Jonathan Lotz, ICU Struggle & Recovery from COVID19,
Mother Gives Praise and Thanks!
Jonathan Lotz, grandson of the late evangelist Billy Graham, was in a cri�cal condi�on ba�ling COVID-19.
Anne Graham Lotz, Billy Graham's daughter, took to social media to ask for prayer for her son. A recent update
reveals that Jonathan has now been moved out of the intensive care unit and is in rehab while ba�ling COVID-
19. His mother, Anne Graham Lotz, credits prayer for his recovery.
She says, ‘Fi�y years ago I could hold my son in my arms. Now I have placed him in the arms of Jesus,’ she
said. Mr Lotz, says he has had the privilege of sharing Jesus with hospital staff. ‘What a Saviour! God is so
good!’ he told his mother. Jonathan Lotz worked with his grandfather from 1994 through 2002. He has
con�nued to operate his own ministry, preaching the Gospel worldwide. His mother shared a poem she
learned from her mother that “seems appropriate now." It reads;
 “Trust Him when dark doubts assail thee, Trust Him when they strength is small. Trust Him when to simply
  trust Him is the hardest thing of all. Trust Him He is ever faithful. Trust Him for His will is best," she wrote.
 "Trust Him for the heart of Jesus is the only place to rest. Trust Him then through tears and sunshine, All thy
              cares upon Him cast. Till the storms of life are over and the trus�ng days are past.”
Graham Lotz thanked everyone for “carrying Jonathan on your knees!”
                       Wri�en by Jeannie Ortega Law, for the Chris�an Post, 29 July 2021, ed., By
   Read recent update here @ www.chris��les-

N e w C hur c h Mov e m e nt E x ploding with Gr owt h
- D e s pite Pa nde m ic !
‘Christ for all Na�ons’ - Church, next month will launch a local church expression of their worldwide
evangelis�c ministry. Daniel Kolenda, the lead pastor, believes this will be an opportunity to reset to a more
authen�c expression of the Church. The new effort is picking up momentum as it heads toward its official
August 15 launch date. More than 1,000 people have professed newfound faith in Christ following
outreaches in the U.S. over the last few months. Lakes, ponds, swimming pools, and hot tubs have become
bap�smal tanks. Pastor Kolenda, the successor to evangelist Reinhard Bonnke, told Chris�an Newswire that
hundreds of ministers from around the world have relocated to the greater Orlando area to be a part of the
Church. He says hundreds of families are also reloca�ng to be part of the church's "launch team". So perhaps
the rise of the ‘Christ for All Na�ons’, Church will be, as Pastor Kolenda put it, "an opportunity for a reset."
                                                                       Editor for Chris�an News Wire, 27 July 2021
                                        Further reading here @ www.chris�

Alaska Strip Club Transformed Into Bap�st Church!
Turning a show floor into a sanctuary, a private lap dance room into a youth ministry space and trading a
dancer’s pole for a pulpit are just a few of many changes that took place as a former strip club in Anchorage,
Alaska, has been converted into a Bap�st church. Once home to the heavily-frequented Fantasies on 5th strip
club, the building was bought by Linda Dunegan, the daughter of a former exo�c dancer, and was transformed
into the new home of Open Door Bap�st Church, according to The Associated Press.
The church, which opened last October, is headed by Rev. Kenny Menendez. The Open Door Bap�st Church's
mission statement is to create an environment that is “welcoming, encouraging, fervent, family-orientated,
Bible-based" and one that shares Christ.
                                                     Wri�en by Nicole Alcindor @ The Chris�an Post, 27 July 2021
Read Further @ www.chris��st-church.html

 NEW LIFE                                   01 August 2021                                         PAGE 7
TOKYO OLYMPICS - New Life, Australia'a Christian Newspaper

                                U.S. Churches Partner with
                                Outreach to Russia's 'Forgotten'
                                More than 6,000 evangelical churches are now partnering with the Slavic
                                Gospel Associa�on (SGA), helping the ministry to reach millions of
                                people. Assisted by this growing partnership, and dedicated to reach the
                                ‘forgo�en’, the mission is expanding its outreach across a na�on that spans
                                11 �me zones and almost 9,000 kilometres. Michael Johnson, SGA President,
                                told One News, ‘It's amazing how God is drawing churches from the West to
                                help fulfill the Great Commission in the Russian-speaking world’. SGA shares
                                the Gospel and cares for the physical needs of the ‘forgo�en’ orphans,
                                widows and families. Its Orphans Reborn outreach works to support
                                evangelical churches that serve more than 150 orphanages and shelters in
                                Russia and the former Soviet Union by distribu�ng food, Bible materials and
                                hope to more than 12,000 forgo�en children across two con�nents.
They also plant new churches, train pastors, run kids’ summer camps and deliver crucial aid to the needy.
The Orphan Reborn project alone serves more than 150 orphanages and shelters in Russia and the former
Soviet Union. SGA – founded by a Belarussian U.S. immigrant in 1934 – has also assisted those who have
suffered since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic by partnering with local Russian-speaking Chris�ans to
deliver free groceries and supply more than 4 million meals to desperate families.
"It's truly amazing how God has used the pandemic to open doors for the gospel in Russia and other ex-
Soviet countries, and it's a wonder how he's drawing together the hearts of Chris�ans in America and
believers in Russia – who've never met each other – to fulfill the Great Commission in the Russian-speaking
world," The ministry extends from Russia’s westernmost border in eastern Europe to its easternmost border
across from Alaska.                               Wri�en by Michael F. Haverluck for One News Now, 21 July 2021
    Source @ h�ps://�en

‘2000 Years of Chris�anity in the Arabic Middle East!’
Ancient Arab Chris�anity is considered to have largely disappeared from Saudi Arabia, though more than 1
million Chris�ans are said to live in the Middle Eastern country today. The current Chris�an communi�es in
the Gulf countries are rela�vely new; the oil industry led to the emigra�on of millions of foreign workers,
among them are many Chris�ans. …. there are believed to be some 3.5 million Chris�ans living in Persian
Gulf states. Reuters reported in 2010 that the number of Chris�ans is about 3.5 million immigrants to the
countries of the "Gulf Coopera�on Council."
It is difficult to accurately determine the demographic structure in terms of religion in the Kingdom of Saudi
Arabia. All ci�zens are Muslims by the state, but at least 1.2 million Chris�ans are believed to live in the
country. There is also an es�mate 12.6 million expatriates living in Saudi Arabia….. Conver�ng from Islam to
another religion is considered “apostasy,” a crime punishable by death if the "apostate" does not retreat.
With the excep�on of foreign Chris�an immigrants, there are no official Saudi Chris�ans. To gain Saudi
ci�zenship one must also convert to Islam. A study from 2015 es�mates that there are about 60,000 Muslims
in Saudi Arabia who have converted to Chris�anity between the years 1960 to 2015, but the study does not
specify whether all of these people are Saudi ci�zens or people from other na�onali�es.….. With the arrival
of the Saudi Crown Prince, Mohammed bin Salman, there have been some improvements and openness,
however, these improvements remain very limited...’
                      Wri�en by Rami Dabbas for Chris�an Headlines, 20 July 2021 (Sum ed., by
              Read Further @ www.chris��anity-in-saudi-arabia.html

  NEW LIFE                                01 August 2021                                         PAGE 8
TOKYO OLYMPICS - New Life, Australia'a Christian Newspaper
Religious Clergy and Assistants Millions of Children Orphaned
Granted Travel Exemp�ons...                     by COVID: Faith-Based Groups
The Australian government granted exemp�ons for            Rally!
75 foreign na�onals with cri�cal skills in religion or       “More than a million children around the world may
theology to enter the country in the first half of this      have been orphaned by COVID-19, losing one or both
year. The Department of Home Affairs confirmed it            parents to the disease or related causes. …“
issued the travel exemp�ons under the cri�cal skills
category, using the codes for minister of religion or  Members of the Faith to Ac�on Ini�a�ve, a coali�on
religious assistant.                                   of faith-based child welfare organiza�ons that
Travel exemp�ons are required for anyone who is not includes Bethany Chris�an Services, World Vision and
a ci�zen or permanent resident to enter Australia      other nonprofits and ministries, responded this week
during the COVID-19 pandemic. About 20,000 were        to the study published Tuesday (July 20) in The
issued between January and June this year overall,     Lancet, encouraging Chris�ans to mobilize to care for
mostly in the cri�cal skills category. The category of those children and support surviving family members.
exper�se in “religious or theology fields” was added
to the list of cri�cal skills in August last year.     The church is best placed to respond to the needs of
                                                       these children as it carries out the vision we see in
...Representa�ves from other Chris�an
                                                       scripture of God’s inten�on for family, and ensures
denomina�ons and other religions mostly say they
have not used the exemp�ons for visi�ng clergy and that a child never needs to be placed in an
religious assistants. …. Mr Powell said. “Things have orphanage,” Oswald said.
gone online - so no need for any conference speakers Losing a loved one and caring for orphaned children
to move from their home country.” Keysar Trad, the also puts “immense” stress on remaining parents and
chief execu�ve of the Australian Federa�on of Islamic
                                                       extended family members...’. “Yet efforts for care
Councils, said the federa�on had not sponsored any
                                                       must be focused at suppor�ng them in and through
imams from overseas in recent years.
                                                       their families to prevent unnecessary separa�on,”
“In the past, we used to take religious worker Imams Schuler said. “We encourage Chris�ans and the
who came specifically for the month of Ramadan,” Mr
                                                       Church to mobilize to keep families together in order
Trad said. “We did not sponsor them directly, they
were sponsored by other groups and we allocated        to help children thrive.” The study was published
them to some mosques. This hasn’t happened for the alongside a report by the CDC and other agencies
past two COVID years.”                                 �tled “Children: The Hidden Pandemic 2021.”
      Wri�en by Caitlin Fitzsimmons, Snr Writer for the Sun                               Wri�en Emily McFarlan Miller,
                  Herald, wri�ng for THE AGE, 25 July 2021.                     for Religion News Service, 21 July 2021.
 Further Reading @�onal/dozens-             Read Source @ h�ps://
          of-religious-clergy-and-assistants-granted-travel- faith-based-child-welfare-organiza�ons-urge-chris�ans-to-
     exemp�ons-to-enter-australia-20210724-p58ciw.html                                          support-covid-orphans/

   Elizabeth Kendal’s Book War! Destruction! Persecution! Martyrdom! Forced Displacement!
    ‘For hundreds of thousands of now destitute Christian families, this is the new reality’.
   • Yet contrary to all appearances, God is at work in the Middle East.
   • ‘Kendal’s book is a godsend to anyone who is at a loss to understand what lies behind the suffering in the Middle
     East. Drawing on authoritative voices from the region, her clear-eyed analysis untangles the conflicts with the
     heart and insight of a prophet. Jeff M. Sellers, Editor, Persecution News Service, Morning Star News.

                                 For more information go to:

  NEW LIFE                                    01 August 2021                                            PAGE 9
TOKYO OLYMPICS - New Life, Australia'a Christian Newspaper

    ‘Countering The Counter-Culture’
                                       – Jeremiah 15:16-
                               When your words came, I ate them;
                            They were my joy and my heart’s delight,
                           For I bear your Name, O Lord God Almighty.
                                        © Copyright, ‘The Holy Bible: New International Version’. (1984).
                                                         (Jeremiah 15:16). Grand Rapids, MI, Zondervan

   Poor Jeremiah found himself in a very unhappy and stressful place. This had come about only
   because he sought to remain FAITHFUL to the LORD’s calling in his DAILY WALK and WORK. The
  LORD had entrusted to him a message of u�er gloom and doom to deliver to his people, and this,
  of course, was so OFFENSIVE to them that it made him extremely unpopular and isolated. All the
   other (false) prophets specialised in ‘�ckling the people’s itching ears’ (cf 2 Timothy 4:3) with a
   message of ‘peace and prosperity’, which gave them sufficient popular credibility to encourage
 them in their error and shield them against cri�cism and opposi�on. Naturally, Jeremiah felt alone
                                            and devastated.
  There are �mes when we might experience desola�on like this. Many well-meaning Chris�ans/
   churches today are so influenced by our surrounding culture, much of which belongs to a subtle
   but deliberate an�-Chris�an agenda, that when we speak up for ‘offensive’, ‘poli�cally incorrect’
   Biblical truth – like innate binary gender, heterosexual marriage, the sanc�ty of human life in the
    womb, the centrality of the nuclear family, the uniqueness of the Lord Jesus Christ as the ONLY
  Saviour, the absolute sovereignty of the God of the Bible over EVERY ASPECT of His Crea�on, etc –
                                      we can feel a bit like Jeremiah!
   So, what was this courageous, loyal prophet’s secret for survival? It was to feed constantly on
       God’s revealed Word, knowing that this alone could comfort, encourage and sustain him
    throughout his ordeal. He was, in fact, foreshadowing the way Jesus responded to the devil’s
 similar opposi�on at the beginning of his ministry: ‘If you are the Son of God, forget the way of the
 Cross, just get involved in feeding the hungry, conduc�ng a powerful ‘signs and wonders’ ministry,
   compromising God’s revealed truth for man-made cultural wisdom, and you’ll do much be�er.’
                                          (Ma�hew 4:1-11).
  Our Saviour, who, for us, chose instead the way of the Cross, replied with: ’Man does not live on
 bread alone, but on EVERY WORD THAT COMES FROM THE MOUTH OF GOD.’ (Ma�hew 4:4). Have
  we found this fountain of hope to sustain us? Do we draw on its resources daily? By doing so we
 can take hold of the promise God gave to Jeremiah: 'I will make you a wall to this people, a for�fied
   wall of bronze; they will fight against you but will not overcome you, for I am with you to rescue
  and save you,' declares the LORD. 'I will save you from the hands of the wicked and redeem you
                           from the grasp of the cruel.' (Jeremiah 15:20,21)!
  Let us not be tricked into le�ng our culture dictate what we CAN and CAN’T say, but let us have
      the courage to be ‘salt’ and ‘light’ that influences our culture for its own ul�mate GOOD.
                                                                       - Written by Bruce Christian

NEW LIFE                               01 August 2021                                        PAGE 10

Excava�ons in Judean foothills uncover small jug
from 1,100 BCE that could be inscribed with
‘Jerubbaal’; first evidence of a name from Book of
Judges on a contemporary ar�fact. Inked 3,100
years ago during the era of the biblical judges, an
extremely rare five-le�er inscrip�on discovered in the lush Judean foothills could be a missing link in the
development of Early Alphabe�c (also known as Canaanite) wri�ng used during the 12th-10th centuries BCE.
If correct, this would be the first hard evidence of a name from the biblical stories of the judges that is on an
ar�fact contemporary to the period. The inscrip�on was published Monday as part of the second issue of the
Jerusalem Journal of Archaeology (JJAR) — a new open-access online journal — edited by Bar-Ilan Prof.
Avraham Faust, Hebrew University Prof. Yossef Garfinkel, and Hebrew University researcher Dr. Madeleine
The painted po�ery is dated by the archaeologists to 1,100 BCE, which would make it prior to the forma�on
of the biblical monarchy. The inscrip�on was wri�en in Early Alphabe�c/Canaanite script, evidence of which
has been found throughout Egypt and the Levant. First finds including paleo-Hebrew script come much later,
da�ng to the 9th century BCE. According to a cross-ins�tu�onal team of archaeologists and epigraphers, the
par�al inscrip�on, painted on three po�ery sherds from an incomplete small vessel, is most logically read as
“Jerubbaal” or “Yeruba’al,” which was the nickname of the biblical judge Gideon, son of Joash, who was
ac�ve in the northern parts of the Land of Israel during this era.
The inscrip�on joins a mere handful of others that were found in the Land of Israel from a similar �me
period. Arguably, one of the earliest was discovered in the 1970s in Izbet-Sarta, followed by several other
12th-10th century BCE inscrip�on discoveries in the past 15 years, including in Tell eṣ-Ṣafi, Khirbet Qeiyafa,
Jerusalem, Lachish. According to the archaeologists, the newly discovered inscrip�on serves as a textual
bridge for the transi�on from the Canaanite to the Israelite and Judahite cultures.
“For decades, there were prac�cally no inscrip�ons of this era and region. To the point that we were not
even sure what the alphabet looked like at that �me. There was a gap. Some even argued that the alphabet
was unknown in the region, that there were no scribes, and that the Bible must therefore have been wri�en
much later,” polymath independent epigrapher and historian Michael Langlois told The Times of Israel.
An early 12th century BCE Canaanite alphabet inscrip�on found at Lachish in 2014. (courtesy of Yossi
Garfinkel, Hebrew University) “These inscrip�ons are s�ll rare, but they are slowly filling the gap; they not
only document the evolu�on of the alphabet, they show that there was in fact con�nuity in culture, language
and tradi�ons. The implica�ons for our understanding of biblical history are vast — and exci�ng!” said
Langlois, who was not involved in this current excava�on.
                                                                        Wri�en by Amanda Borschel-Dan, 12 July 2021

  NEW LIFE                                   01 August 2021                                            PAGE 11
JOURNEYING THROUGH PROVERBS                                with                  David Cook
                                              ‘WHEN TO SAY YES & NO’
                                                     - READ PROVERBS 4
     Journey                            Proverbs 4 is divided into three sec�ons, each
                                        con�nuing the pa�ern of addressing ‘my son’
                                        (vv.1,10,20). The first sec�on (vv.1–9) stresses the

     Through                            supremacy of wisdom: she is to be embraced at all costs
                                        (v.7), and cherishing her will pay a rich dividend (vv.8,9).
                                        The appeal is made across genera�ons: the father was
                                        taught by His own father (vv.3,4), and he now passes the
     Proverbs                           exhorta�on on to the third genera�on, saying: ‘do not
                                        forget my words or turn away from them’ (v.5). These
                                        words have stood the test of �me.
                                        The second sec�on (vv.10–19) repeats the picture of the
             with                       two paths. The son is to stay on the path of wisdom (v.11)
                                        and avoid the path of the wicked (vv.14,15); the father is
                                        se�ng the son on the straight path (v.11). The lifestyle of
                                        the wicked is wholeheartedly evil; they are so addicted to
     David Cook                         doing evil that they cannot sleep without it (v.16). Their
                                        staple diet is wickedness and violence (v.17). One path is
                                        gloriously bright, and the other, ever-deepening darkness
                                        (vv.18,19). Note the commands to ‘listen’ (v.10), ‘hold on’
                                        (v.13), ‘do not set foot’ (v.14), and ‘avoid’ (v.15). The wise
                                        life means always being on the alert and making
                                        disciplined, conscious decisions to pursue wisdom.

   Reprinted from Our Daily Bread       The third sec�on (vv.20–27) encourages the young man
      Journey Through Series®           to check his spiritual health, a�tude, and behaviour. He is
     Journey Through Proverbs           to guard his heart and his whole inner life, especially his
            by David Cook               thoughts (v.23). He is to rid his mouth of perversity (v.24),
          (Copyright © 2017)            for ‘the mouth speaks what the heart is full of’ (Ma�hew
   published by Discovery House.        12:34). He is to keep his eyes focused on the straight path
 Used with permission of Discovery      (Proverbs 4:25) – the way of wisdom, the way of the Lord.
     House. All rights reserved.        This will keep his feet on firm ground and from dri�ing
  For further enquiries please visit:   into evil (vv.26,27).
                                        Proverbs 4 reminds us that being on the path of wisdom
    or email:
                                        is not a one-off choice, but a life�me of saying ‘yes’ to
                                        wisdom and ‘no’ to the way of the wicked. As Paul
                                        reminds Titus, the grace of God ‘teaches us to say “No” to
                                        ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-
    Hebrews 11:6                        controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age.’
                                        (Titus 2:12).
   Pleasing God by                      To Think Through:
                                        What are the benefits that the wise will enjoy?
     Your Faith!                        Check your own thoughts, words, and ac�ons. What do
                                        you find about your heart, mouth, eyes, and feet in the
                                        light of Proverbs 4:23–27?

NEW LIFE                          01 August 2021                                     PAGE 12

REACHING OUT FOR                                      Coming Soon!
HELP - RESOURCES!                                     Chaplaincy Australia
RhemaFM - Brave Enough
    : Free Call 1800 272 838
                                                      hope to Launch a          new 1800CHAPLAIN
Vision FM - Pray For Me                               Call Line Number as
       : 1800 772 936                                 an Australia Wide
ACCTV - Care Line
     : 1800 122 288
                                                      Caller Support Line.
                                                           - Nov 2021 Launch! -
Gilead - Bendigo Baptist                              1800CHAPLAIN will be an Australia wide service
      : 03 5441 1494                                  that will provide a safe and confiden�al forum that
                                                      takes a holis�c view of the person’s emo�ons,
Karinya Counselling - Glen Waverley                   stressors and moral dilemmas, where they need not
                                                      shy away from deeper ques�ons about their faith
      : 03 9802 2886
                                                      and sense of purpose.
MGA - Croydon Hills                                   Long before the COVID-19 spike in demand for
                                                      various Helplines, Chaplaincy Australia iden�fied the
      : 1300 385 020
                                                      escala�ng need for industry-based chaplaincy to be
                                                      available on-call and a�er hours. This has been
Wellington Care Centre - Rowville                     repeatedly relayed to the organisa�on by its na�onal
      : 03 9764 3738                                  network of chaplains and over 1000 churches. Crisis
                                                      services such as Lifeline have been fast-tracking
CROSSWAY LIFE CARE hub                                volunteers and shortening their training program
     :                   from 14 to 4 weeks.
                                                      1800CHAPLAIN can alleviate this through earlier
CCAA Search for a counsellor InterChange              interven�on, before the person experiences suicidal
      :           idea�on. All Chaplaincy Australia’s fully accredited
                                                      chaplains have achieved at least a Cer�ficate IV in
GODTV AUS - PRAYER LINE                               Chaplaincy and Pastoral Care or progressed to a
                                                      Higher Educa�on Diploma of Chaplaincy with 100
     : 1300 368 311                                   hours of a supervised placement.
City Life Church - Counselling Services               This will require major investment and collabora�on
                                                      with a number of groups working together and
                                                      considerable long term input.
Salvos - Melbourne Counselling Services               Pray for the Na�onal Director, Ralph Estherby and
                                                      his team as they prepare tech and teams.
 : 03 9653 3250
                                                            Please Consider making a contribu�on: h�ps://
Focus On The Family Aus - Relationships              �ons-2/
 :                  If you would like to support this new and impac�ng
                                                                 venture, please contact Ralph via email:
New Hope Counselling Blackburn North
: 03 98973288                                                You can also visit

 NEW LIFE                                  01 August 2021                                   PAGE 13
Understanding Their World Sharing;
Sharing Good News!
- By David Robertson
Pub by The Good Book Co., Surrey, England. Oct 2014. Dig ed. ISBN:
9781909919136 $12.99 P-b / $11.99 dig / 116 pages.

David Robertson was the minister of St Peter’s Free Church in
Dundee, Scotland, and a director of the Solas Centre for Public
Christianity. He is the author of The Dawkins Letters, and has publicly
debated Richard Dawkins and other prominent atheists throughout
the UK and Europe. David is married to Annabel and has three
children. (Centre for Cont Christianity - from Capernwray bottom)

Many Christians are fearful of engaging in conversation with
atheists—believing that they will be hostile to Christian beliefs and
conversations about the Bible. How can we share God's love with
people who don't even believe he's there?!
This short book is designed to help both Christians and whole Churches understand more about the
questions and issues that atheists of various kinds have about Christian faith, and to reach out to them
with the Good News of the Gospel.
David also has a series speaking into similar topics and another slightly differant devotional called A.S.K,
is discussed in a recent utube interview with Andy Bannister, here;

You can also read a further review here, by Andrew Larkin;

A.S.K.: Real World Questions / Real
Word Answers, (Ask Seek Knock)
 - Also by David Robertson, Pub by Christian Focus Ltd. Fearn,
Scotland, July 2019. H-b $15.99, $11.99 Dig ed. 223 pages.
'Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will �ind; knock and the
door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one
who seeks �inds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.'
(Matthew 7:7-8).
We all have questions about Jesus, the Bible, the Christian faith and our
culture today. The great news is that Jesus gives answers. These
questions were gathered from teenagers in �ifteen countries in �ive
different continents. All of them are real questions from real teenagers.
52 short chapters. Each contains a question, a Bible passage, a Bible
verse, a discussion, something to consider, recommended further
reading and a prayer. These answers may lead to more questions which
is �ine - but the main aim of this book is that you, the reader, come to see
and know better the One who is the Answer, Jesus Christ.
You can also read a further review here, by Gavin Matthews;

 NEW LIFE                                 01 August 2021                                    PAGE 14

Parents in Washington, D.C., have filed a
lawsuit against the District over a new law that
allows officials to vaccinate children in public
schools without parental consent, even if they
have a religious objec�on. The municipal
regula�on, known as the "Minor Consent to Vaccina�ons Act of 2020," was passed by the council in a vote of
10-3 in November and went into effect on March 19. It enables children ages 11 and older to consent to a
vaccine if they are deemed "capable of mee�ng the informed consent standard" and "... able to comprehend
... significant risks ordinarily inherent in the medical care."
Under the law, students can have vaccines administered to them without their parents' knowledge because
insurance providers are required to "seek reimbursement, without parental consent ..."
Insurance companies are also prohibited from sending parents an "Explana�on of Benefits" detailing the
medical service their child received. Yet children will be given access to their immuniza�on records "without
parental consent." ….“On its face, the Minor Consent Act circumvents parents’ decisions to claim a religious
exemp�on pursuant to D.C.,” the lawsuit states. Ferebee, chancellor of the DCPS, sent an email to DCPS parents
on May 14 saying it was their “responsibility” to get vaccinated if they want to see their children back in school.
“While the COVID-19 vaccine is currently not required for students to a�end school next year, we encourage
all students age 12 and older and their parents and caregivers to get vaccinated,” the email from the
chancellor read. “If you want to see students back in school, then it is our responsibility as a community for
everyone to receive the COVID-19 vaccine when it’s available to them. We are collabora�ng with local health
officials to host vaccina�on clinics at our schools,” the email con�nued. ….. “Unfortunately, we see a rising
number of individuals or families across the globe, really, who are choosing not to vaccinate their children
based on the widely disproven belief that vaccines may cause au�sm or other harmful health effects,” Cheh
said. “These an�-science beliefs not only put the unvaccinated children at risk, but have led to the spread of
diseases that have been all but eradicated in the past,” she con�nued. …..
Reports are surfacing of adverse effects to the vaccine, especially in young adults and adolescents. The
Centers for Disease Control and Preven�on is now tracking cases of heart inflamma�on associated with the
mRNA coronavirus vaccine. Dr. Robert Malone, an mRNA pioneer, has said he believes the "benefits probably
don't outweigh the risks” for younger Americans contempla�ng whether to get vaccinated. The CDC released
an update on Tuesday called “Reported Adverse Events” that lists anaphylaxis, thrombosis with
thrombocytopenia syndrome, myocardi�s and pericardi�s, and reports of death as adverse but rare side
effects of the COVID-19 vaccines, which are not FDA-approved but authorized for emergency use.
                     Wri�en by Emily Wood for The Chris�an Post. 14 July 2021 (AFP via Ge�y Images/Ina Fassbender)
                  Source @ www.chris�

  NEW LIFE                                  01 August 2021                                         PAGE 15
MATTERS FOR PRAYER                                                with ELIZABETH KENDAL

CHINA: Xuncheng                                         To give their children a Chris�an educa�on and
                                                        protect them from atheis�c, CCP indoctrina�on, Zhao

Reformed Church                                         and Li home-school their children. Like unregistered
                                                        worship, home-schooling is officially illegal in China. It

In The Fire!                                            is also illegal to teach religion to minors (defined in
                                                        Chinese law as those under the age of 18). At 7am on
                                                        17 May, some 20 police stormed Zhao's home, seized
The Chinese Commun*st Party appears to be
ramping up its persecu�on of Xuncheng Reformed          him and took him away. Despite not having a warrant,
Church, a church planted in Taiyuan (the capital of     they confiscated computer equipment and numerous
China's northern Shanxi Province), by Early Rain        books,... At around noon, when they had finished
Covenant Church, located in Chengdu (the capital of     raiding and searching the house, the police took Li to
China's southwestern Sichuan province). Long-�me        the sta�on.
friends, Xuncheng Reformed Church Pastor An Yankui      Whilst Li was released later that evening, Zhao was
and his co-worker Zhao Wikai (35), studied theology     forced to serve a 15-day administra�ve deten�on,
together in a seminary in Chengdu, founded by           ostensibly for 'prosely�sing' his own children. On 20
ERCC's Pastor Wang Yi (48).                             May, when Li, Pastor An and Zhao's lawyer, Deng
In May 2018 Wang Yi openly spearheaded Chris�an         Qinggao, tried to visit him in the Lishi Deten�on
resistance against CCP repression. On 1 September       Centre, they were denied access on the grounds that
2018 Pastor An became one of 198 pastors to sign        the case was 'classified' and involved in 'na�onal
Pastor Wang Yi's Public Joint Statement. Arrested and   security concerns'. Zhao was released 15 days later.
jailed in December 2018, Pastor Wang Yi is currently    Despite being arrested for 'prosely�sm', Zhao's
in failing health; observers fear that the CPP is       interrogators seemed mostly interested in the
engineering Wang's 'medical deteriora�on'. Like         church.
Chengdu's ERCC – and possibly due to its close          At 8am on 7 July Zhao was summoned again. China
rela�onship with ERCC, and Pastor An's signature on     Aid Associa�on reports that later in the day, despite
the Public Joint Statement – Xuncheng Reformed          not receiving a formal deten�on no�ce, the family
Church is experiencing escala�ng persecu�on. This is    heard that Chinese Communist Party officials had
what happens when you resist the CCP: you get           criminally detained Zhao on the charge of 'illegal
thrown into the fiery furnace.                          holding of materials promo�ng terrorism and
On Sunday 15 November 2020 officials raided             extremism'.
Xuncheng RC during worship. They detained Pastor        PLEASE PRAY THAT GOD WILL:
An Yankui, his wife Yao Congya and five other           • Sustain Brother Zhao Wikai along with his wife Li
members, and issued the church with a disbandment       Xin and their three young children; may the Holy
no�ce. At the police sta�on, the detained believers     Spirit fill their hearts with courage, faith and peace;
were handcuffed, forced into prison clothes and         may all those who have contact with Zhao – officials,
locked in a cell. They were eventually released at      prison guards, interrogators, fellow prisoners – be
9:30pm a�er hours of interroga�on. Pastor An and        restrained and recep�ve to the Spirit's work, aware
Yao have two children. Then, on 30 December, at         that the Lord is with him (Daniel 3);
around 10:45 pm, 'approximately three dozen             • Grace Pastor An Yankui with courage, faith, peace,
security agents' raided Pastor An Yankui's home Bible   discernment and great wisdom as he seeks to guide
study. They confiscated the church's choir robes and    Xuncheng Reformed Church through these difficult
Chris�an books and detained Pastor An and five          and challenging, faith-tes�ng �mes (Daniel 3); may
female church members, leading them away in             the believers stand firm as they con�nue 'with
handcuffs.                                              unveiled face' (2 Corinthians 3:18) to reflect the
While the women were eventually released later          image of Christ;
that evening, Pastor An was forced to serve a 15-day    • Enable them to ‘be strong in the Lord and in the
administra�ve deten�on (i.e., one in which no           strength of His might.’ (Ephesians 6:10).
charges or trial are required). He was released on 16
January. Pastor An's long-�me friend and ministry co-   • Comfort, encourage, preserve, for�fy and con�nue
worker Zhao Wikai and his wife Li Xin have three        to build His Church in China ahead of the day when
young children.                                         she will be free to impact the world in ways we can
                                                        barely imagine.

  NEW LIFE                                01 August 2021                                         PAGE 16
A police direc�ve to keep “consistent watch” on Chris�ans issued by
a police superintendent in the state of Chha�sgarh, India, demonstrates the “false narra�ves” used against
Chris�ans by radical Hindutva na�onalist groups. Dr Joshva Raja John, Associate Director of the Oxford Centre
for Religion in Public Life, argues that suspicion of believers is driven by an�-Chris�an “myths” propagated by
extremist organisa�ons such as Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) and Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP). The
direc�ve, issued by Sunil Sharma, the Superintendent of Police in Sukma district, argued that Chris�ans are
“rou�nely” trying to persuade non-Chris�ans to convert by “en�cing and offering them allurement”.
Indian Chris�ans are the vic�ms of “myths” and “false narra�ves” generated by extremist na�onalist
groups Chief among the false narra�ves perpetuated by RSS, VHP and others, are that Chris�ans – as well as
Muslims – are engaged in forced conversions of Hindus and adherents of other tradi�onal Indian religions.
These, argues Dr John, are “myths and rumours” designed to allow “complaints against Chris�ans in any
police sta�on”. Second is the false accusa�on that Chris�ans are supporters of Indian Maoists – that is,
supporters of the Communist Party of India and of Marxism-Leninism as interpreted by Mao Zedong, the
founding father of Chinese communism.
This, explains Dr John, is a result of Chris�ans providing help and educa�on to tribal communi�es and Dalits
(low-caste Indians, pejora�vely referred to as “untouchables”). Thirdly, Chris�ans are accused of undermining
Indian values by promo�ng undesirable aspects of Western culture, such as drunkenness, immodest dress
and sexual immorality. Furthermore, says Dr John, Chris�ans, along with Muslims, are accused of ea�ng beef
and therefore taking part in the slaughter of “sacred” cows. An�-conversion laws risk increasing violence and
criminalising the Gospel. The false narra�ves promoted by the RSS and VHP are given legi�macy by the
governing Bhara�ya Janata Party (BJP) of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, a party which is commi�ed to a
Hindutva na�onalist posi�on.
The BJP and other na�onalist groups, according to a Delhi-based poli�cal researcher, view evangelis�c and
missionary ac�vity as “a security threat” with the poten�al to “destabilize the na�on”. The BJP employs this
narra�ve to generate fear among the electorate and thereby gain votes.
An�-conversion laws in BJP-controlled states such as Chha�sgarh, Gujarat, U�ar Pradesh and Madhya
Pradesh result in harassment of Chris�ans by both the authori�es and by the community, and, while the BJP
reportedly has no plans to do so, in June 2021 the VHP called for the enactment of an an�-conversion law
across the whole of India.
Research indicates that the climate of hos�lity encouraged by an�-conversion laws can result in increased
an�-Chris�an violence. Increasingly these laws shi� the burden of proof from the prosecu�on to the accused,
with the result that even spurious accusa�ons are more likely to result in convic�ons. Furthermore, the
recent an�-conversion amendment in Gujarat makes it illegal to persuade somebody to convert with the
promise of “divine blessings”. If applied rigorously this may criminalise the Gospel message that repentance
and faith in Christ leads to forgiveness of sin and everlas�ng life. As such an Indian legal expert argued that “a
ban on conversion mo�vated by any sort of gain is in effect a ban on all conversion”, and that an�-conversion
laws nullify India’s cons�tu�onal commitment to freedom of religion
                                                                           26 July 2021, Barnabasfund editor
   Source @ h�ps://�sgarh-police-direc�ve-demonstrates-the-false-narra�ves-used-

  NEW LIFE                                  01 August 2021                                       PAGE 17

First Guilty Verdict
Under Hong Kong
Security Law!
A 24-year-old former restaurant waiter has become
the first person found guilty under Hong Kong's
na�onal security law enacted in June last year. The
Hong Kong High Court on Tuesday said the defendant
incited secession and terrorism.
He was accused of driving his motorcycle into a group of police during protests in Hong Kong last July.
He was carrying a flag with the slogan "Liberate Hong Kong, revolu�on of our �mes." His trial focused on
whether the slogan refers to independence from China. The court rejected a jury in favor of judges picked by
Hong Kong's Chief Execu�ve Carrie Lam. Pro-democracy ac�vists said the rejec�on undermines the
independence of the judiciary. Sentencing is set for Thursday.
                                                                       Editor @ NHK - World Japan, 1 July, 2021
                                                      Source @

Chinese Pastor Arrested for 'Advoca�ng
Terrorism' in Unprecedented Case!
                                   The leader of an unregistered church in China has been formally arrested
                                   on charges of "unlawfully possessing items that advocate terrorism or
                                   extremism." It's thought to be the first such case involving a Church leader
                                   in the country. Mr Zhao Weikai, who is a leader of Xuncheng Reformed
                                   Church in Taiyuan, in north China, received no�fica�on of his arrest on 20
                                   July, following a raid of his home in May in which local police officers
                                   confiscated computer equipment and books.
                                    Mr Zhao was then placed in deten�on. The pastor and his wife claim they
                                    have received repeated harassment by the authori�es a�er removing
                                    their children from state educa�on. According to religious freedom charity
Chris�an Solidarity Worldwide (CSW), an increasing number of Chris�ans in China are concerned about
sending their children to government run schools because they "promote atheism" and teach "that religion is
evil." CSW Advocacy officer Jane told Premier that if these charges do relate to the Weikai family's decision to
homeschool, this could set a "worrying" precedent.
"Many Chris�ans who have chosen to home school are coming under huge pressure by the authori�es for
their children to be put into government schools. Numerous schools affiliated with churches have also been
shut down," she added...."We've seen an increase in pressure on state sanc�oned registered churches by
authori�es to demonstrate their loyalty to the ruling party by singing pro-communist songs in their services,
raising the na�onal flag and some�mes removing religious symbols from their churches. "At the same �me,
we are seeing a huge pressure on the unregistered independent Churches to close down completely. The
deten�on centre where Mr Zhao is being held has turned down his lawyers' request for a mee�ng with him
on the grounds that the case involved suspicion of 'endangering na�onal security.' CSW is calling on the
Chinese government to uphold and respect the right to freedom of religion or belief and "stop the prac�ce of
using false charges to target leaders and members of religious communi�es."
                                                Wri�en by Heather Preston for Premier Chris�an News, 27 Jul 2021
         Source @ h�ps://premierchris��cle/chinese-pastor-arrested-for-advoca�ng-terrorism-in-
  NEW LIFE                                 01 August 2021                                       PAGE 18
You can also read