Brief Resolved Unexplained Events (Formerly Apparent Life-Threatening Events) and Evaluation of Lower-Risk Infants - American Academy of ...

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Brief Resolved Unexplained Events (Formerly Apparent Life-Threatening Events) and Evaluation of Lower-Risk Infants - American Academy of ...
CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE                    Guidance for the Clinician in Rendering Pediatric Care

                           Brief Resolved Unexplained
                           Events (Formerly Apparent
                           Life-Threatening Events) and
                           Evaluation of Lower-Risk Infants
                           Joel S. Tieder, MD, MPH, FAAP, Joshua L. Bonkowsky, MD, PhD, FAAP, Ruth A. Etzel, MD, PhD, FAAP, Wayne
                           H. Franklin, MD, MPH, MMM, FAAP, David A. Gremse, MD, FAAP, Bruce Herman, MD, FAAP, Eliot S. Katz,
                           MD, FAAP, Leonard R. Krilov, MD, FAAP, J. Lawrence Merritt II, MD, FAAP, Chuck Norlin, MD, FAAP, Jack
                           Percelay, MD, MPH, FAAP, Robert E. Sapién, MD, MMM, FAAP, Richard N. Shiffman, MD, MCIS, FAAP, Michael

This is the first clinical practice guideline from the American Academy of                 abstract
Pediatrics that specifically applies to patients who have experienced an
apparent life-threatening event (ALTE). This clinical practice guideline has
3 objectives. First, it recommends the replacement of the term ALTE with a
new term, brief resolved unexplained event (BRUE). Second, it provides an
approach to patient evaluation that is based on the risk that the infant will
have a repeat event or has a serious underlying disorder. Finally, it provides
management recommendations, or key action statements, for lower-risk
infants. The term BRUE is defined as an event occurring in an infant younger
                                                                                         This document is copyrighted and is property of the American
than 1 year when the observer reports a sudden, brief, and now resolved                  Academy of Pediatrics and its Board of Directors. All authors have
episode of ≥1 of the following: (1) cyanosis or pallor; (2) absent, decreased,           filed conflict of interest statements with the American Academy
                                                                                         of Pediatrics. Any conflicts have been resolved through a process
or irregular breathing; (3) marked change in tone (hyper- or hypotonia); and             approved by the Board of Directors. The American Academy of
                                                                                         Pediatrics has neither solicited nor accepted any commercial
(4) altered level of responsiveness. A BRUE is diagnosed only when there is              involvement in the development of the content of this publication.
no explanation for a qualifying event after conducting an appropriate history            The guidance in this report does not indicate an exclusive course of
and physical examination. By using this definition and framework, infants                 treatment or serve as a standard of medical care. Variations, taking
                                                                                         into account individual circumstances, may be appropriate.
younger than 1 year who present with a BRUE are categorized either as (1)
                                                                                         All clinical practice guidelines from the American Academy of
a lower-risk patient on the basis of history and physical examination for                Pediatrics automatically expire 5 years after publication unless
whom evidence-based recommendations for evaluation and management                        reaffirmed, revised, or retired at or before that time.

are offered or (2) a higher-risk patient whose history and physical                      DOI: 10.1542/peds.2016-0590
examination suggest the need for further investigation and treatment but                 PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005; Online, 1098-4275).
for whom recommendations are not offered. This clinical practice guideline               Copyright © 2016 by the American Academy of Pediatrics
is intended to foster a patient- and family-centered approach to care, reduce
unnecessary and costly medical interventions, improve patient outcomes,
support implementation, and provide direction for future research. Each key                To cite: Tieder JS, Bonkowsky JL, Etzel RA, et al. Brief
                                                                                           Resolved Unexplained Events (Formerly Apparent Life-
action statement indicates a level of evidence, the benefit-harm relationship,              Threatening Events) and Evaluation of Lower-Risk Infants.
and the strength of recommendation.                                                        Pediatrics. 2016;137(5):e20160590

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PEDIATRICS Volume 137, number 5, May 2016:e20160590                                      FROM THE AMERICAN              ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS
INTRODUCTION                                constellation of observed, subjective,           or death. Yet, the perceived
                                            and nonspecific symptoms, has raised             potential for recurring events or a
This clinical practice guideline
                                            significant challenges for clinicians            serious underlying disorder often
applies to infants younger than 1
                                            and parents in the evaluation and                provokes concern in caregivers
year and is intended for pediatric
                                            care of these infants.3 Although                 and clinicians.2,4,5 This concern can
clinicians. This guideline has
                                            a broad range of disorders can                   compel testing or admission to the
3 primary objectives. First, it
                                            present as an ALTE (eg, child abuse,             hospital for observation, which
recommends the replacement of
                                            congenital abnormalities, epilepsy,              can increase parental anxiety and
the term apparent life-threatening
                                            inborn errors of metabolism, and                 subject the patient to further risk
event (ALTE) with a new term,
                                            infections), for a majority of infants           and does not necessarily lead to a
brief resolved unexplained event
                                            who appear well after the event, the             treatable diagnosis or prevention
(BRUE). Second, it provides an
                                            risk of a serious underlying disorder            of future events. A more precise
approach to patient evaluation that
                                            or a recurrent event is extremely                definition could prevent the overuse
is based on the risk that the infant
                                            low.2                                            of medical interventions by helping
will have a recurring event or has
                                                                                             clinicians distinguish infants with
a serious underlying disorder.
                                                                                             lower risk. Finally, the use of ALTE
Third, it provides evidence-based           CHANGE IN TERMINOLOGY AND                        as a diagnosis may reinforce the
management recommendations, or              DIAGNOSIS                                        caregivers’ perceptions that the
key action statements, for lower-risk
                                            The imprecise nature of the original             event was indeed “life-threatening,”
patients whose history and physical
                                            ALTE definition is difficult to apply            even when it most often was not.
examination are normal. It does not
                                            to clinical care and research.3                  For these reasons, a replacement of
offer recommendations for higher-
                                            As a result, the clinician is often              the term ALTE with a more specific
risk patients whose history and
                                            faced with several dilemmas. First,              term could improve clinical care and
physical examination suggest the
                                            under the ALTE definition, the                   management.
need for further investigation and
                                            infant is often, but not necessarily,
treatment (because of insufficient
                                            asymptomatic on presentation.                    In this clinical practice guideline, a
evidence or the availability of
                                            The evaluation and management                    more precise definition is introduced
clinical practice guidelines specific
                                            of symptomatic infants (eg, those                for this group of clinical events: brief
to their presentation). This clinical
                                            with fever or respiratory distress)              resolved unexplained event (BRUE).
practice guideline also provides
                                            need to be distinguished from that               The term BRUE is intended to better
implementation support and suggests
                                            of asymptomatic infants. Second, the             reflect the transient nature and lack
directions for future research.
                                            reported symptoms under the ALTE                 of clear cause and removes the “life-
The term ALTE originated from a             definition, although often concerning            threatening” label. The authors of
1986 National Institutes of Health          to the caregiver, are not intrinsically          this guideline recommend that the
Consensus Conference on Infantile           life-threatening and frequently are              term ALTE no longer be used by
Apnea and was intended to replace           a benign manifestation of normal                 clinicians to describe an event or as
the term “near-miss sudden infant           infant physiology or a self-limited              a diagnosis. Rather, the term BRUE
death syndrome” (SIDS).1 An                 condition. A definition needs enough             should be used to describe events
ALTE was defined as “an episode             precision to allow the clinician to              occurring in infants younger than
that is frightening to the observer         base clinical decisions on events that           1 year of age that are characterized
and that is characterized by some           are characterized as abnormal after              by the observer as “brief” (lasting
combination of apnea (central or            conducting a thorough history and
an appropriate history and physical              TABLE 1 BRUE Definition and Factors for Inclusion and Exclusion
examination. Similarly, an event                                                      Includes                                  Excludes
characterized as choking or gagging              Brief                    Duration
hypertonia or hypotonia. Seventh,               TABLE 2 Historical Features To Be Considered in the Evaluation of a Potential BRUE
because choking and gagging usually                                                     Features To Be Considered
indicate common diagnoses such as               Considerations for possible child abuse:
GER or respiratory infection, their                Multiple or changing versions of the history/circumstances
presence suggests an event was                     History/circumstances inconsistent with child’s developmental stage
not a BRUE. Finally, the use of                    History of unexplained bruising
                                                   Incongruence between caregiver expectations and child’s developmental stage, including assigning
“altered level of responsiveness” is a
                                                       negative attributes to the child
new criterion, because it can                   History of the event
be an important component of                       General description
an episodic but serious cardiac,                   Who reported the event?
respiratory, metabolic, or neurologic              Witness of the event? Parent(s), other children, other adults? Reliability of historian(s)?
                                                   State immediately before the event
                                                       Where did it occur (home/elsewhere, room, crib/floor, etc)?
                                                       Awake or asleep?
For infants who have experienced a
                                                       Position: supine, prone, upright, sitting, moving?
BRUE, a careful history and physical                   Feeding? Anything in the mouth? Availability of item to choke on? Vomiting or spitting up?
examination are necessary to                           Objects nearby that could smother or choke?
characterize the event, assess the                 State during the event
risk of recurrence, and determine                      Choking or gagging noise?
                                                       Active/moving or quiet/flaccid?
the presence of an underlying
                                                       Conscious? Able to see you or respond to voice?
disorder (Tables 2 and 3). The                         Muscle tone increased or decreased?
recommendations provided in this                       Repetitive movements?
guideline focus on infants with a                      Appeared distressed or alarmed?
lower risk of a subsequent event or                    Breathing: yes/no, struggling to breathe?
                                                       Skin color: normal, pale, red, or blue?
serious underlying disorder (see
                                                       Bleeding from nose or mouth?
section entitled “Risk Assessment:                     Color of lips: normal, pale, or blue?
Lower- Versus Higher-Risk BRUE”).                  End of event
In the absence of identifiable risk                    Approximate duration of the event?
factors, infants are at lower risk and                 How did it stop: with no intervention, picking up, positioning, rubbing or clapping back, mouth-to-
                                                           mouth, chest compressions, etc?
laboratory studies, imaging studies,
                                                       End abruptly or gradually?
and other diagnostic procedures are                    Treatment provided by parent/caregiver (eg, glucose-containing drink or food)?
unlikely to be useful or necessary.                    911 called by caregiver?
However, if the clinical history                   State after event
or physical examination reveals                        Back to normal immediately/gradually/still not there?
                                                       Before back to normal, was quiet, dazed, fussy, irritable, crying?
abnormalities, the patient may
                                                Recent history
be at higher risk and further                      Illness in preceding day(s)?
evaluation should focus on the                         If yes, detail signs/symptoms (fussiness, decreased activity, fever, congestion, rhinorrhea, cough,
specific areas of concern. For                             vomiting, diarrhea, decreased intake, poor sleep)
example,                                           Injuries, falls, previous unexplained bruising?
                                                Past medical history
• possible child abuse may be                      Pre-/perinatal history
     considered when the event                     Gestational age
                                                   Newborn screen normal (for IEMs, congenital heart disease)?
     history is reported inconsistently
                                                   Previous episodes/BRUE?
     or is incompatible with the                   Reflux? If yes, obtain details, including management
     child’s developmental age, or                 Breathing problems? Noisy ever? Snoring?
     when, on physical examination,                Growth patterns normal?
     there is unexplained bruising                 Development normal? Assess a few major milestones across categories, any concerns about
                                                       development or behavior?
     or a torn labial or lingual
                                                   Illnesses, injuries, emergencies?
     frenulum;                                     Previous hospitalization, surgery?
                                                   Recent immunization?
• a cardiac arrhythmia may be
                                                   Use of over-the-counter medications?
     considered if there is a family            Family history
     history of sudden, unexplained                Sudden unexplained death (including unexplained car accident or drowning) in first- or second-
     death in first-degree relatives; and              degree family members before age 35, and particularly as an infant?
                                                   Apparent life-threatening event in sibling?
• infection may be considered                      Long QT syndrome?
     if there is fever or persistent               Arrhythmia?
     respiratory symptoms.

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e4                                                                                                    FROM THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS
TABLE 2 Continued                                                                                    • Prematurity: gestational age ≥32
                                         Features To Be Considered                                     weeks and postconceptional age
  Inborn error of metabolism or genetic disease?                                                       ≥45 weeks
  Developmental delay?
Environmental history
                                                                                                     • First BRUE (no previous BRUE ever
  Housing: general, water damage, or mold problems?                                                    and not occurring in clusters)
  Exposure to tobacco smoke, toxic substances, drugs?                                                • Duration of event
TABLE 3 Physical Examination Features To Be Considered in the Evaluation of a Potential BRUE         the Society of Hospital Medicine’s
Physical Examination                                                                                 ALTE Expert Panel (which included
General appearance
                                                                                                     4 members of the subcommittee).3
   Craniofacial abnormalities (mandible, maxilla, nasal)                                             The subcommittee partnered with
   Age-appropriate responsiveness to environment                                                     the Society of Hospital Medicine
Growth variables                                                                                     Expert Panel and a librarian to
   Length, weight, occipitofrontal circumference
                                                                                                     update the original systematic
Vital signs
   Temperature, pulse, respiratory rate, blood pressure, oxygen saturation                           review with articles published
Skin                                                                                                 through December 31, 2014, with
   Color, perfusion, evidence of injury (eg, bruising or erythema)                                   the use of the same methodology
Head                                                                                                 as the original systematic review.
   Shape, fontanelles, bruising or other injury
                                                                                                     PubMed, Cumulative Index to
   General, extraocular movement, pupillary response                                                 Nursing and Allied Health Literature,
   Conjunctival hemorrhage                                                                           and Cochrane Library databases
   Retinal examination, if indicated by other findings                                                were searched for studies involving
Ears                                                                                                 children younger than 24 months
   Tympanic membranes
                                                                                                     by using the stepwise approach
Nose and mouth
   Congestion/coryza                                                                                 specified in the Preferred Reporting
   Blood in nares or oropharynx                                                                      Items for Systematic Reviews and
   Evidence of trauma or obstruction                                                                 Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement.8
   Torn frenulum                                                                                     Search terms included “ALTE(s),”
                                                                                                     “apparent life threatening event(s),”
Chest                                                                                                “life threatening event(s),” “near
   Auscultation, palpation for rib tenderness, crepitus, irregularities                              miss SIDS” or “near miss sudden
Heart                                                                                                infant death syndrome,” “aborted
   Rhythm, rate, auscultation
                                                                                                     crib death” or “aborted sudden infant
   Organomegaly, masses, distention                                                                  death syndrome,” and “aborted SIDS”
   Tenderness                                                                                        or “aborted cot death” or “infant
Genitalia                                                                                            death, sudden.” The Medical Subject
   Any abnormalities                                                                                 Heading “infantile apparent life-
                                                                                                     threatening event,” introduced in
   Muscle tone, injuries, limb deformities consistent with fracture
Neurologic                                                                                           2011, was also searched but did not
   Alertness, responsiveness                                                                         identify additional articles.
   Response to sound and visual stimuli
   General tone                                                                                      In updating the systematic
   Pupillary constriction in response to light                                                       review published in 2012, pairs
   Presence of symmetrical reflexes                                                                   of 2 subcommittee members
   Symmetry of movement/tone/strength
                                                                                                     used validated methodology to
                                                                                                     independently score the newly
and experts in the fields of general                   members repeated this process                 identified abstracts from English-
pediatrics, hospital medicine,                         annually and upon publication of the          language articles (n = 120) for
emergency medicine, infectious                         guideline. All potential conflicts of         relevance to the clinical questions
diseases, child abuse, sleep medicine,                 interest are listed at the end of this        (Supplemental Fig 3).9,10 Two
pulmonary medicine, cardiology,                        document. The project was funded by           independent reviewers then critically
neurology, biochemical genetics,                       the AAP.                                      appraised the full text of the
gastroenterology, environmental                                                                      identified articles (n = 23) using
health, and quality improvement.                       The subcommittee performed                    a structured data collection form
The subcommittee also included a                       a comprehensive review of the                 based on published guidelines for
parent representative, a guideline                     literature related to ALTEs from              evaluating medical literature.11,12
methodologist/informatician, and an                    1970 through 2014. Articles                   They recorded each study’s
epidemiologist skilled in systematic                   from 1970 through 2011 were                   relevance to the clinical question,
reviews. All panel members declared                    identified and evaluated by using             research design, setting, time
potential conflicts on the basis of the                “Management of Apparent Life                  period covered, sample size, patient
AAP policy on Conflict of Interest and                 Threatening Events in Infants: A              eligibility criteria, data source,
Voluntary Disclosure. Subcommittee                     Systematic Review,” authored by               variables collected, key results, study

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e6                                                                                                        FROM THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS
Diagnosis, risk classification, and recommended management of a BRUE. *See Tables 3 and 4 for the determination of an appropriate and negative FH
and PE. **See Fig 2 for the AAP method for rating of evidence and recommendations. CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; FH, family history; PE, physical examination;
WBC, white blood cell.

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PEDIATRICS Volume 137, number 5, May 2016                                                                                                             e7
a systematic grading of the quality
                                                                                                          of evidence from the updated
                                                                                                          literature review by 2 independent
                                                                                                          reviewers and incorporation of
                                                                                                          the previous systematic review.
                                                                                                          Expert consensus was used when
                                                                                                          definitive data were not available.
                                                                                                          If committee members disagreed
                                                                                                          with the rest of the consensus, they
                                                                                                          were encouraged to voice their
                                                                                                          concern until full agreement was
                                                                                                          reached. If full agreement could not
                                                                                                          be reached, each committee member
                                                                                                          reserved the right to state concern
                                                                                                          or disagreement in the publication
                                                                                                          (which did not occur). Because the
                                                                                                          recommendations of this guideline
                                                                                                          were based on the ALTE literature,
                                                                                                          we relied on the studies and
                                                                                                          outcomes that could be attributable
                                                                                                          to the new definition of lower- or
                                                                                                          higher-risk BRUE patients.

                                                                                                          Key action statements (summarized
FIGURE 2                                                                                                  in Table 5) were generated by
AAP rating of evidence and recommendations.                                                               using BRIDGE-Wiz (Building
                                                                                                          Recommendations in a Developers
limitations, potential sources of bias,              in the updated (n = 18) and                          Guideline Editor), an interactive
and stated conclusions. If at least                  original (n = 37) systematic review                  software tool that leads guideline
1 reviewer judged an article to be                   (Supplemental Table 7).6,7,13–28                     development teams through a series
relevant on the basis of the full text,              The resulting systematic review                      of questions that are intended
subsequently at least 2 reviewers                    was used to develop the guideline                    to create clear, transparent, and
critically appraised the article and                 recommendations by following                         actionable key action statements.30
determined by consensus what                         the policy statement from the AAP                    BRIDGE-Wiz integrates the quality
evidence, if any, should be cited                    Steering Committee on Quality                        of available evidence and a benefit-
in the systematic review. Selected                   Improvement and Management,                          harm assessment into the final
articles used in the earlier review                  “Classifying Recommendations                         determination of the strength of each
were also reevaluated for their                      for Clinical Practice Guidelines.”29                 recommendation. Evidence-based
quality. The final recommendations                   Decisions and the strength of                        guideline recommendations from
were based on articles identified                    recommendations were based on                        the AAP may be graded as strong,

TABLE 4 Guideline Definitions for Key Action Statements
Statement                                                        Definition                                                 Implication
Strong recommendation                  A particular action is favored because anticipated benefits    Clinicians should follow a strong recommendation
                                          clearly exceed harms (or vice versa) and quality of           unless a clear and compelling rationale for an
                                          evidence is excellent or unobtainable.                        alternative approach is present.
Moderate recommendation                A particular action is favored because anticipated benefits    Clinicians would be prudent to follow a moderate
                                          clearly exceed harms (or vice versa) and the quality of       recommendation but should remain alert to new
                                          evidence is good but not excellent (or is unobtainable).      information and sensitive to patient preferences.
Weak recommendation (based on low-     A particular action is favored because anticipated benefits    Clinicians would be prudent follow a weak
  quality evidence)                       clearly exceed harms (or vice versa), but the quality of      recommendation but should remain alert to new
                                          evidence is weak.                                             information and very sensitive to patient preferences.
Weak recommendation (based on          Weak recommendation is provided when the aggregate            Clinicians should consider the options in their
  balance of benefits and harms)           database shows evidence of both benefit and harm that          decision-making, but patient preference may have a
                                          appear to be similar in magnitude for any available           substantial role.
                                          courses of action.

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e8                                                                                                       FROM THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS
TABLE 5 Summary of Key Action Statements for Lower-Risk BRUEs
When managing an infant aged >60 d and
1A. Clinicians Need Not Admit Infants Presenting With a Lower-Risk BRUE to the                         management of BRUEs but rather
Hospital Solely for Cardiorespiratory Monitoring (Grade B, Weak Recommendation)                        is intended to assist clinicians by
                                                                                                       providing a framework for clinical
Aggregate Evidence Quality                                      Grade B
Benefits                                Reduce unnecessary testing and caregiver/infant anxiety         decision-making.
                                       Avoid consequences of false-positive result, health care–
                                          associated infections, and other                             KEY ACTION STATEMENTS FOR LOWER-
                                          patient safety risks
                                                                                                       RISK BRUE
Risks, harm, cost                      May rarely miss a recurrent event or diagnostic opportunity
                                          for rare underlying condition
Benefit-harm assessment                 The benefits of reducing unnecessary testing, nosocomial
                                                                                                       1. Cardiopulmonary
                                          infections, and false-positive results,                      1A. Clinicians Need Not Admit
                                          as well as alleviating caregiver and infant anxiety,         Infants Presenting With a Lower-
                                          outweigh the rare missed diagnostic
                                                                                                       Risk BRUE to the Hospital Solely for
                                          opportunity for an underlying condition
Intentional vagueness                  None
                                                                                                       Cardiorespiratory Monitoring (Grade B,
Role of patient preferences            Caregiver anxiety and access to quality follow-up care may      Weak Recommendation)
                                          be important considerations in determining whether a         Infants presenting with an
                                          hospitalization for cardiovascular monitoring is indicated
Exclusions                             None
                                                                                                       ALTE often have been admitted
Strength                               Weak recommendation (because of equilibrium between             for observation and testing.
                                          benefits and harms)                                           Observational data indicate that 12%
Key references                         31, 32                                                          to 14% of infants presenting with a
                                                                                                       diagnosis of ALTE had a subsequent
                                                                                                       event or condition that required
1B. Clinicians May Briefly Monitor Infants Presenting With a Lower-Risk BRUE                            hospitalization.7,31 Thus, research
With Continuous Pulse Oximetry and Serial Observations (Grade D, Weak                                  has sought to identify risk factors
Recommendation)                                                                                        that could be used to identify infants
                                                                                                       likely to benefit from hospitalization.
Aggregate Evidence Quality                                   Grade D
                                                                                                       A long-term follow-up study in
Benefits                       Identification of hypoxemia
Risks, harm, cost             Increased costs due to monitoring over time and the use of hospital      infants hospitalized with an ALTE
                                 resources                                                             showed that no infants subsequently
                              False-positive results may lead to subsequent testing and                had SIDS but 11% were victims of
                                 hospitalization                                                       child abuse and 4.9% had adverse
                              False reassurance from negative test results
                                                                                                       neurologic outcomes (see 3.
Benefit-harm assessment        The potential benefit of detecting hypoxemia outweighs the harm of
                                 cost and false results                                                Neurology).32 The ALTE literature
Intentional vagueness         Duration of time to monitor patients with continuous pulse oximetry      supports that infants presenting with
                                 and the number and frequency of serial observations may vary          a lower-risk BRUE do not have an
Role of patient preferences   Level of caregiver concern may influence the duration of oximetry         increased rate of cardiovascular or
                                                                                                       other events during admission and
Exclusions                    None
Strength                      Weak recommendation (based on low quality of evidence)                   hospitalization may not be required,
Key references                33, 36
                                                                                                       but close follow-up is recommended.
                                                                                                       Careful outpatient follow-up is
                                                                                                       advised (repeat clinical history and
decision-making, particularly when                 All comments were reviewed by the                   physical examination within 24
recommendations are expressed                      subcommittee and incorporated into                  hours after the initial evaluation) to
as weak. Key action statements                     the final guideline when appropriate.               identify infants with ongoing medical
based on that evidence and expert                                                                      concerns that would indicate further
                                                   This guideline is intended for use
consensus are provided. A summary                                                                      evaluation and treatment.
                                                   primarily by clinicians providing
is provided in Table 5.                            care for infants who have                           Al-Kindy et al33 used documented
The practice guideline underwent                   experienced a BRUE and their                        monitoring in 54% of infants
a comprehensive review by                          families. This guideline may be of                  admitted for an ALTE (338 of 625)
stakeholders before formal                         interest to parents and payers, but                 and identified 46 of 338 (13.6%)
approval by the AAP, including AAP                 it is not intended to be used for                   with “extreme” cardiovascular events
councils, committees, and sections;                reimbursement or to determine                       (central apnea >30 seconds, oxygen
selected outside organizations;                    insurance coverage. This guideline                  saturation
of postconceptional age). However,               well documented.33,35 However, the                respiratory tract.37 Most, but not
no adverse outcomes were noted                   significance of these brief hypoxemic             all, infants with significant lower
for any of their cohort (although                events has not been established.                  respiratory tract infections will be
whether there is a protective effect                                                               symptomatic at the time of ALTE
                                                 1B. Clinicians May Briefly Monitor                 presentation. However, 2 studies
of observation alone is not known).
                                                 Infants Presenting With a Lower-Risk
Some of the infants with extreme                                                                   have documented pneumonia in
                                                 BRUE With Continuous Pulse Oximetry
events developed symptoms of                     and Serial Observations (Grade D, Weak            infants presenting with ALTE and an
upper respiratory infection 1 to 2               Recommendation)                                   otherwise noncontributory history
days after the ALTE presentation.                                                                  and physical examination.4,37 These
                                                 A normal physical examination,                    rare exceptions have generally been
The risk factors for “extreme” events
                                                 including vital signs and oximetry,               in infants younger than 2 months
were prematurity, postconceptional
                                                 is needed for a patient who has                   and would have placed them in the
age 48 weeks                                                                   Gupta38 reported that 9 of 65 patients
                                                 as a longer interval of observation.              (ages unknown) who had ALTEs had
were not documented as having                    Unfortunately, there are few data
an extreme event in this cohort. A                                                                 abnormalities on chest radiography
                                                 to suggest the optimal duration                   (not fully specified) despite no
previous longitudinal study also                 of this period, the value of repeat
identified “extreme” events that                                                                   suspected respiratory disorder
                                                 examinations, and the effect of                   on clinical history or physical
occurred with comparable frequency               false-positive evaluations on family-
in otherwise normal term infants and                                                               examination. Some of the radiographs
                                                 centered care. Several studies have               were performed up to 24 hours
that were not statistically increased            documented intermittent episodes of
in term infants with a history of                                                                  after presentation. Davies and Gupta
                                                 hypoxemia after admission for                     further reported that 33% of infants
ALTE.34                                          ALTE.7,31,33 Pulse oximetry                       with ALTEs that were ultimately
                                                 identified more infants with                      associated with a respiratory disease
Preterm infants have been shown                  concerning paroxysmal events                      had a normal initial respiratory
to have more serious events,                     than cardiorespiratory monitoring                 examination.38 Kant et al18 reported
although an ALTE does not further                alone.33 However, occasional oxygen               that 2 of 176 infants discharged
increase that risk compared with                 desaturations are commonly observed               after admission for ALTE died within
asymptomatic preterm infants                     in normal infants, especially during              2 weeks, both of pneumonia. One
without ALTE.34 Claudius and                     sleep.36 Furthermore, normative                   infant had a normal chest radiograph
Keens31 performed an observational               oximetry data are dependent on the                initially; the other, with a history
prospective study in 59 infants                  specific machine, averaging interval,             of prematurity, had a “possible”
presenting with ALTE who had been                altitude, behavioral state, and                   infiltrate. Thus, most experience
born at >30 weeks’ gestation and                 postconceptional age. Similarly, there            has shown that a chest radiograph
had no significant medical illness.              may be considerable variability in the            in otherwise well-appearing infants
They evaluated factors in the clinical           vital signs and the clinical appearance           rarely alters clinical management.7
history and physical examination                 of an infant. Pending further research            Careful follow-up within 24 hours
that, according to the authors, would            into this important issue, clinicians             is important in infants with a
warrant hospital admission on the                may choose to monitor and provide                 nonfocal clinical history and physical
basis of adverse outcomes (including             serial examinations of infants in the             examination to identify those
recurrent cardiorespiratory events,              lower-risk group for a brief period               who will ultimately have a lower
infection, child abuse, or any life-             of time, ranging from 1 to 4 hours, to            respiratory tract infection diagnosed.
threatening condition). Among these              establish that the vital signs, physical
otherwise well infants, those with               examination, and symptomatology                   1D. Clinicians Should Not Obtain
multiple ALTEs or age
1C. Clinicians Should Not Obtain Chest Radiograph in Infants Presenting With a                     are predictive of ensuing events over
Lower-Risk BRUE (Grade B, Moderate Recommendation)                                                 the next several months.40 However,
                                                                                                   without a control population, the
Aggregate Evidence Quality                                   Grade B
Benefits                          Reduce costs, unnecessary testing, radiation exposure, and        clinical significance of these events
                                   caregiver/infant anxiety                                        is uncertain, because respiratory
                                 Avoid consequences of false-positive results                      pauses are frequently observed in
Risks, harm, cost                May rarely miss diagnostic opportunity for early lower            otherwise normal infants.35 Similarly,
                                   respiratory tract or cardiac disease
Benefit-harm assessment           The benefits of reducing unnecessary testing, radiation
                                                                                                   Kahn and Blum41 reported that 10
                                   exposure, and false-positive results, as well as alleviating    of 71 infants with a clinical history
                                   caregiver and infant anxiety, outweigh the rare missed          of “benign” ALTEs had an abnormal
                                   diagnostic opportunity for lower respiratory tract or cardiac   polysomnograph, including periodic
                                   disease                                                         breathing (7 of 10) or obstructive
Intentional vagueness            None
                                                                                                   apnea (4 of 100), but specific data
Role of patient preferences      Caregiver may express concern regarding a longstanding
                                                                                                   were not presented. These events
                                   breathing pattern in his/her infant or a recent change in
                                   breathing that might influence the decision to obtain chest      were not found in a control group
                                   radiography                                                     of 181 infants. The severity of the
Exclusions                       None                                                              periodic breathing (frequency
Strength                         Moderate recommendation                                           of arousals and extent of oxygen
Key references                   4, 37                                                             desaturation) could not be evaluated
                                                                                                   from these data. Daniëls et al42
                                                                                                   performed polysomnography in
1D. Clinicians Should Not Obtain Measurement of Venous or Arterial Blood Gases in                  422 infants with ALTEs and
Infants Presenting With a Lower-Risk BRUE (Grade B, Moderate Recommendation)                       identified 11 infants with significant
                                                                                                   bradycardia, OSA, and/or oxygen
Aggregate Evidence Quality                                   Grade B
Benefits                       Reduce costs, unnecessary testing, pain, risk of thrombosis, and
                                                                                                   desaturation. Home monitoring
                                caregiver/infant anxiety                                           revealed episodes of bradycardia
                              Avoid consequences of false-positive results                         (20 seconds                   for OSA should be guided by an
end-tidal carbon dioxide, chest/               or brief episodes of bradycardia that               assessment of risk on the basis of a

                               Downloaded from by guest on January 24, 2020
e12                                                                                                FROM THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS
1E. Clinicians Should Not Obtain an Overnight Polysomnograph in Infants Presenting                      1F. Clinicians May Obtain a 12-Lead
With a Lower-Risk BRUE (Grade B, Moderate Recommendation)                                               Electrocardiogram for Infants
                                                                                                        Presenting With Lower-Risk BRUE
Aggregate Evidence Quality                                       Grade B                                (Grade C, Weak Recommendation)
Benefits                          Reduce costs, unnecessary testing, and caregiver/infant anxiety
                                 Avoid consequences of false-positive results                           ALTE studies have examined
Risks, harm, cost                May miss rare instances of hypoxemia, hypercapnia, and/or              screening electrocardiograms
                                    bradycardia that would be detected by polysomnography
                                                                                                        (ECGs). A study by Brand et al4 found
Benefit-harm assessment           The benefits of reducing unnecessary testing and false-positive
                                    results, as well as alleviating caregiver and infant anxiety,       no positive findings on 24 ECGs
                                    outweigh the rare missed diagnostic opportunity for hypoxemia,      performed on 72 patients (33%)
                                    hypercapnia, and/or bradycardia                                     without a contributory history or
Intentional vagueness            None                                                                   physical examination. Hoki et al16
Role of patient preferences      Caregivers may report concern regarding some aspects of
                                                                                                        reported a 4% incidence of cardiac
                                    their infant’s sleep pattern that may influence the decision to
                                    perform polysomnography                                             disease found in 485 ALTE patients;
Exclusions                       None                                                                   ECGs were performed in 208 of 480
Strength                         Moderate recommendation                                                patients (43%) with 3 of 5 abnormal
Key reference                    39                                                                     heart rhythms identified by the
                                                                                                        ECG and the remaining 2 showing
                                                                                                        structural heart disease. Both studies
1F. Clinicians May Obtain a 12-Lead Electrocardiogram for Infants Presenting With                       had low positive-predictive values
Lower-Risk BRUE (Grade C, Weak Recommendation)                                                          of ECGs (0% and 1%, respectively).
Aggregate Evidence Quality                                    Grade C                                   Hoki et al had a negative predictive
Benefits                       May identify BRUE patients with channelopathies (long QT syndrome,        value of 100% (96%–100%), and
                                 short QT syndrome, and Brugada syndrome), ventricular pre-             given the low prevalence of disease,
                                 excitation (Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome), cardiomyopathy, or        there is little need for further testing
                                 other heart disease
Risks, harm, cost             False-positive results may lead to further workup, expert consultation,   in patients with a negative ECG.
                                 anxiety, and cost
                              False reassurance from negative results                                   Some cardiac conditions that
                              Cost and availability of electrocardiography testing and interpretation
                                                                                                        may present as a BRUE include
                                                                                                        channelopathies (long QT syndrome,
Benefit-harm assessment        The benefit of identifying patients at risk of sudden cardiac death
                                outweighs the risk of cost and false results                            short QT syndrome, Brugada
Intentional vagueness         None                                                                      syndrome, and catecholaminergic
Role of patient preferences   Caregiver may decide not to have testing performed                        polymorphic ventricular
Exclusions                    None                                                                      tachycardia), ventricular pre-
Strength                      Weak recommendation (because of equilibrium between benefits and           excitation (Wolff-Parkinson-White
                                 harms)                                                                 syndrome), and cardiomyopathy/
Key references                4, 16                                                                     myocarditis (hypertrophic
                                                                                                        cardiomyopathy, dilated
                                                                                                        cardiomyopathy). Resting ECGs are
comprehensive clinical history and                 may be asymptomatic and have                         ineffective in identifying patients
physical examination.50 Symptoms of                a normal physical examination.54                     with catecholaminergic polymorphic
OSA, which may be subtle or absent                 However, some studies have                           ventricular tachycardia. Family
in infants, include snoring, noisy                 reported a high incidence of snoring                 history is important in identifying
respirations, labored breathing,                   in infants with (26%–44%) and                        individuals with channelopathies.
mouth breathing, and profuse                       without (22%–26%) OSA, making
sweating.51 Occasionally, infants                  the distinction difficult.55 Additional              Severe potential outcomes of any of
with OSA will present with failure                 risk factors for infant OSA include                  these conditions, if left undiagnosed
to thrive, witnessed apnea, and/                   prematurity, maternal smoking,                       or untreated, include sudden death
or developmental delay.52 Snoring                  bronchopulmonary dysplasia,                          or neurologic injury.59 However,
may be absent in younger infants                   obesity, and specific medical                        many patients do not ever experience
with OSA, including those with                     conditions including laryngomalacia,                 symptoms in their lifetime and
micrognathia. In addition, snoring in              craniofacial abnormalities,                          adverse outcomes are uncommon.
otherwise normal infants is present                neuromuscular weakness, Down                         A genetic autopsy study in infants
at least 2 days per week in 11.8%                  syndrome, achondroplasia, Chiari                     who died of SIDS in Norway showed
and at least 3 days per week in 5.3%               malformations, and Prader-Willi                      an association between 9.5% and
of infants.53 Some infants with OSA                syndrome.34,56–58                                    13.0% of infants with abnormal

                                    Downloaded from by guest on January 24, 2020
PEDIATRICS Volume 137, number 5, May 2016                                                                                                     e13
1G. Clinicians Should Not Obtain an Echocardiogram in Infants Presenting With                          32 echocardiograms in 243 ALTE
Lower-Risk BRUE (Grade C, Moderate Recommendation)                                                     patients and found only 1 abnormal
                                                                                                       echocardiogram, which was
Aggregate Evidence Quality                                     Grade C
Benefits                       Reduce costs, unnecessary testing, caregiver/infant anxiety, and         suspected because of an abnormal
                                 sedation risk                                                         history and physical examination
                              Avoid consequences of false-positive results                             (double aortic arch).
Risks, harm, cost             May miss rare diagnosis of cardiac disease
Benefit-harm assessment        The benefits of reducing unnecessary testing and sedation risk, as        1H. Clinicians Should Not Initiate Home
                                 well as alleviating caregiver and infant anxiety, outweigh the rare   Cardiorespiratory Monitoring in Infants
                                 missed diagnostic opportunity for cardiac causes
                                                                                                       Presenting With a Lower-Risk BRUE
Intentional vagueness         Abnormal cardiac physical examination reflects the clinical judgment
                                 of the clinician
                                                                                                       (Grade B, Moderate Recommendation)
Role of patient preferences   Some caregivers may prefer to have echocardiography performed            The use of ambulatory
Exclusions                    Patients with an abnormal cardiac physical examination
                                                                                                       cardiorespiratory monitors in infants
Strength                      Moderate recommendation
Key references                4, 16                                                                    presenting with ALTEs has been
                                                                                                       proposed as a modality to identify
                                                                                                       subsequent events, reduce the risk
1H. Clinicians Should Not Initiate Home Cardiorespiratory Monitoring in Infants                        of SIDS, and alert caregivers of the
Presenting With a Lower-Risk BRUE (Grade B, Moderate Recommendation)                                   need for intervention. Monitors
Aggregate Evidence Quality                                  Grade B                                    can identify respiratory pauses
Benefits                         Reduce costs, unnecessary testing, and caregiver/infant anxiety        and bradycardia in many infants
                                Avoid consequences of false-positive results                           presenting with ALTE; however,
Risks, harm, cost               May rarely miss an infant with recurrent central apnea or cardiac      these events are also occasionally
                                  arrhythmias                                                          observed in otherwise normal
Benefit-harm assessment          The benefits of reducing unnecessary testing and false-positive
                                                                                                       infants.34,40 In addition, infant
                                  results, as well as alleviating caregiver and infant anxiety,
                                  outweigh the rare missed diagnostic opportunity for recurrent        monitors are prone to artifact and
                                  apnea or cardiac arrhythmias                                         have not been shown to improve
Intentional vagueness           None                                                                   outcomes or prevent SIDS or improve
Role of patient preferences     Caregivers will frequently request monitoring be instituted after an   neurodevelopmental outcomes.63
                                  ALTE in their infant; a careful explanation of the limitations and   Indeed, caregiver anxiety may be
                                  disadvantages of this technology should be given
                                                                                                       exacerbated with the use of infant
Exclusions                      None
                                                                                                       monitors and potential false alarms.
Strength                        Moderate recommendation
                                                                                                       The overwhelming majority of
Key reference                   34
                                                                                                       monitor-identified alarms, including
                                                                                                       many with reported clinical
or novel gene findings at the long                 myocarditis could rarely present                    symptomatology, do not reveal
QT loci.60 A syncopal episode,                     as a lower-risk BRUE and can be                     abnormalities on cardiorespiratory
which could present as a BRUE, is                  identified with echocardiography.                   recordings.64–66 Finally, there are
strongly associated with subsequent                The cost of an echocardiogram is high               several studies showing a lack of
sudden cardiac arrest in patients                  and accompanied by sedation risks.                  correlation between ALTEs and
with long QT syndrome.61 The                                                                           SIDS.24,32
incidence and risk in those with                   In a study in ALTE patients,
other channelopathies have not been                Hoki et al16 did not recommend                      Kahn and Blum41 monitored 50
adequately studied. The incidence                  echocardiography as an initial                      infants considered at “high risk” of
of sudden cardiac arrest in patients               cardiac test unless there are                       SIDS and reported that 80% had
with ventricular pre-excitation                    findings on examination or from                     alarms at home. All infants with
(Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome)                   an echocardiogram consistent                        alarms had at least 1 episode of
is 3% to 4% over the lifetime of the               with heart disease. The majority of                 parental intervention motivated by
individual.62                                      abnormal echocardiogram findings                    the alarms, although the authors
                                                   in their study were not perceived                   acknowledged that some cases of
1G. Clinicians Should Not Obtain an                to be life-threatening or related                   parental intervention may have been
Echocardiogram in Infants Presenting               to a cause for the ALTE (eg, septal                 attributable to parental anxiety.
With Lower-Risk BRUE (Grade C,                     defects or mild valve abnormalities),               Nevertheless, the stimulated infants
Moderate Recommendation)                           and they would have been detected                   did not die of SIDS or require
Cardiomyopathy (hypertrophic                       on echocardiogram or physical                       rehospitalization and therefore
and dilated cardiomyopathy) and                    examination. Brand et al4 reported                  it was concluded that monitoring

                                  Downloaded from by guest on January 24, 2020
e14                                                                                                   FROM THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS
resulted in successful resuscitation,            2A. Clinicians Need Not Obtain Neuroimaging (Computed Tomography, MRI, or
but this was not firmly established.             Ultrasonography) To Detect Child Abuse in Infants Presenting With a Lower-Risk
Côté et al40 reported “significant               BRUE (Grade C, Weak Recommendation)
events” involving central apnea                  Aggregate Evidence Quality                                           Grade C
and bradycardia with long-term                   Benefits                                   Decrease cost
monitoring. However, these events                                                          Avoid sedation, radiation exposure, consequences of false-
were later shown to be frequently                                                             positive results
present in otherwise well infants.34             Risks, harm, cost                         May miss cases of child abuse and potential subsequent
There are insufficient data to                   Benefit-harm assessment                    The benefits of reducing unnecessary testing, sedation,
support the use of commercial                                                                 radiation exposure, and false-positive results, as well
infant monitoring devices marketed                                                            as alleviating caregiver and infant anxiety, outweigh the
directly to parents for the purposes                                                          rare missed diagnostic opportunity for child abuse
of SIDS prevention.63 These monitors             Intentional vagueness                     None
                                                 Role of patient preferences               Caregiver concerns may lead to requests for CNS imaging
may be prone to false alarms,                    Exclusions                                None
produce anxiety, and disrupt sleep.              Strength                                  Weak recommendation (based on low quality of evidence)
Furthermore, these machines are                  Key references                            3, 67
frequently used without a medical
support system and in the absence of             2B. Clinicians Should Obtain an Assessment of Social Risk Factors To Detect
specific training to respond to alarms.          Child Abuse in Infants Presenting With a Lower-Risk BRUE (Grade C, Moderate
Although it is beyond the scope
of this clinical practice guideline,             Aggregate Evidence Quality                                         Grade C
future research may show that home               Benefits                              Identification of child abuse
monitoring (cardiorespiratory and/
                                                                                      May benefit the safety of other children in the home
or oximetry) is appropriate for some
                                                                                      May identify other social risk factors and needs and help
infants with higher-risk BRUE.
                                                                                        connect caregivers with appropriate resources (eg,
                                                                                        financial distress)
2. Child Abuse                                   Risks, harm, cost                    Resource intensive and not always available, particularly for
2A. Clinicians Need Not Obtain                                                          smaller centers
Neuroimaging (Computed Tomography,                                                    Some social workers may have inadequate experience in child
MRI, or Ultrasonography) To Detect                                                      abuse assessment
Child Abuse in Infants Presenting With                                                May decrease caregiver’s trust in the medical team
a Lower-Risk BRUE (Grade C, Weak
                                                 Benefit-harm assessment               The benefits of identifying child abuse and identifying and
                                                                                        addressing social needs outweigh the cost of attempting to
                                                                                        locate the appropriate resources or decreasing the trust in
2B. Clinicians Should Obtain an
                                                                                        the medical team
Assessment of Social Risk Factors To
Detect Child Abuse in Infants Presenting         Intentional vagueness                None
With a Lower-Risk BRUE (Grade C,                 Role of patient preferences          Caregivers may perceive social services involvement as
Moderate Recommendation)                                                                unnecessary and intrusive

Child abuse is a common and serious              Exclusions                           None
cause of an ALTE. Previous research              Strength                             Moderate recommendation
has suggested that this occurs in                Key reference                        68
up to 10% of ALTE cohorts.3,67
Abusive head trauma is the most                  BRUE. Four studies reported a low                    to screen for abusive head trauma
common form of child maltreatment                incidence (0.54%–2.5%) of abusive                    is extremely low and has associated
associated with an ALTE. Other forms             head trauma in infants presenting to                 risks of sedation and radiation
of child abuse that can present as an            the emergency department with an                     exposure.32,70
ALTE, but would not be identified                ALTE.22,37,67,69 If only those patients
by radiologic evaluations, include               meeting lower-risk BRUE criteria                     Unfortunately, the subtle
caregiver-fabricated illness (formally           were included, the incidence of                      presentation of child abuse may lead
known as Münchausen by proxy),                   abusive head trauma would have                       to a delayed diagnosis of abuse and
smothering, and poisoning.                       been
conditions.67,71 Significant concerning      A social and environmental                       for the development of epilepsy and
features for child abuse (especially         assessment should evaluate the                   other neurologic disorders, and the
abusive head trauma) can include             risk of intentional poisoning,                   sensitivity and positive-predictive
a developmentally inconsistent or            unintentional poisoning, and                     value of abnormal CNS imaging for
discrepant history provided by the           environmental exposure (eg, home                 subsequent development of epilepsy
caregiver(s), a previous ALTE, a             environment), because these can                  was 6.7% (95% confidence interval
recent emergency service telephone           be associated with the symptoms                  [CI]: 0.2%–32%) and 25% (95% CI:
call, vomiting, irritability, or bleeding    of ALTEs in infants.75–78 In 1 study,            0.6%–81%), respectively.
from the nose or mouth.67,71                 8.4% of children presenting to the               The available evidence suggests
Clinicians and medical team members          emergency department after an                    minimal utility of CNS imaging to
(eg, nurses and social workers)              ALTE were found to have a clinically             evaluate for neurologic disorders,
should obtain an assessment of               significant, positive comprehensive              including epilepsy, in lower-risk
social risk factors in infants with a        toxicology screen.76 Ethanol or other            patients. This situation is particularly
BRUE, including negative attributions        drugs have also been associated with             true for pediatric epilepsy, in which
to and unrealistic expectations of           ALTEs.79 Pulmonary hemorrhage                    even if a patient is determined
the child, mental health problems,           can be caused by environmental                   ultimately to have seizures/epilepsy,
domestic violence/intimate partner           exposure to moldy, water-damaged                 there is no evidence of benefit from
violence, social service involvement,        homes; it would usually present with             starting therapy after the first seizure
law enforcement involvement, and             hemoptysis and thus probably would               compared with starting therapy
substance abuse.68 In addition,              not qualify as a BRUE.80                         after a second seizure in terms of
clinicians and medical team members                                                           achieving seizure remission.81–83
can help families identify and use           3. Neurology                                     However, our recommendations
resources that may expand and                3A. Clinicians Should Not Obtain                 for BRUEs are not based on any
strengthen their network of social           Neuroimaging (Computed Tomography,               prospective studies and only on a
support.                                     MRI, or Ultrasonography) To Detect               single retrospective study. Future
                                             Neurologic Disorders in Infants                  work should track both short- and
In previously described ALTE cohorts,        Presenting With a Lower-Risk BRUE                long-term neurologic outcomes when
abnormal physical findings were              (Grade C, Moderate Recommendation)               considering this issue.
associated with an increased risk of
abusive head trauma. These findings          Epilepsy or an abnormality of brain              3B. Clinicians Should Not Obtain an
include bruising, subconjunctival            structure can present as a lower-                EEG To Detect Neurologic Disorders
hemorrhage, bleeding from the nose           risk BRUE. CNS imaging is 1 method               in Infants Presenting With a Lower-
or mouth, and a history of rapid head        for evaluating whether underlying                Risk BRUE (Grade C, Moderate
enlargement or head circumference            abnormalities of brain development               Recommendation)
>95th percentile.67,70–74 It is              or structure might have led to                   Epilepsy may first present as a lower-
important to perform a careful               the BRUE. The long-term risk of a                risk BRUE. The long-term risk of
physical examination to identify             diagnosis of neurologic disorders                epilepsy ranges from 3% to 11% in
subtle findings of child abuse,              ranges from 3% to 11% in historical              historical cohorts of ALTE patients.2,32
including a large or full/bulging            cohorts of ALTE patients.2,32 One                EEG is part of the typical evaluation
anterior fontanel, scalp bruising or         retrospective study in 243 ALTE                  for diagnosis of seizure disorders.
bogginess, oropharynx or frenula             patients reported that CNS imaging               However, the utility of obtaining an
damage, or skin findings such as             contributed to a neurologic diagnosis            EEG routinely was found to be low
bruising or petechiae, especially on         in 3% to 7% of patients.4 However,               in 1 study.32 In a cohort of 471 ALTE
the trunk, face, or ears. A normal           the study population included                    patients followed both acutely and
physical examination does not rule           all ALTEs, including those with a                long-term for the development of
out the possibility of abusive head          significant past medical history, non–           epilepsy, the sensitivity and positive-
trauma. Although beyond the scope            well-appearing infants, and those                predictive value of an abnormal
of this guideline, it is important for       with tests ordered as part of the                EEG for subsequent development
the clinician to note that according         emergency department evaluation.                 of epilepsy was 15% (95% CI:
to the available evidence, brain             In a large study of ALTE patients,               2%–45%) and 33% (95% CI:
neuroimaging is probably indicated           the utility of CNS imaging studies               4.3%–48%), respectively. In contrast,
in patients who qualify as higher-risk       in potentially classifiable lower-               another retrospective study in 243
because of concerns about abuse              risk BRUE patients was found to be               ALTE patients reported that EEG
resulting from abnormal history or           low.32 The cohort of 471 patients was            contributed to a neurologic diagnosis
physical findings.67                         followed both acutely and long-term              in 6% of patients.4 This study

                               Downloaded from by guest on January 24, 2020
e16                                                                                                FROM THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS
3A. Clinicians Should Not Obtain Neuroimaging (Computed Tomography, MRI, or                            3C. Clinicians Should Not Prescribe
Ultrasonography) To Detect Neurologic Disorders in Infants Presenting With a                           Antiepileptic Medications for Potential
Lower-Risk BRUE (Grade C, Moderate Recommendation)                                                     Neurologic Disorders in Infants
                                                                                                       Presenting With a Lower-Risk BRUE
Aggregate Evidence Quality                                        Grade C                              (Grade C, Moderate Recommendation)
Benefits                               Reduce unnecessary testing, radiation exposure, sedation,
                                         caregiver/infant anxiety, and costs                           Once epilepsy is diagnosed,
                                      Avoid consequences of false-positive results                     treatment can consist of therapy
Risks, harm, cost                     May rarely miss diagnostic opportunity for CNS causes of         with an antiepileptic medication.
                                      May miss unexpected cases of abusive head trauma
                                                                                                       In a cohort of 471 ALTE patients
Benefit-harm assessment                The benefits of reducing unnecessary testing, radiation           followed both acutely and long-
                                         exposure, sedation, and false-positive results, as well as    term for the development of
                                         alleviating caregiver and infant anxiety, outweigh the rare   epilepsy, most patients who
                                         missed diagnostic opportunity for CNS cause
                                                                                                       developed epilepsy had a second
Intentional vagueness                 None
Role of patient preferences           Caregivers may seek reassurance from neuroimaging and            event within 1 month of their
                                         may not understand the risks from radiation and sedation      initial presentation.32,87 Even if a
Exclusions                            None                                                             patient is determined ultimately to
Strength                              Moderate recommendation                                          have seizures/epilepsy, there is no
Key references                        2, 32, 81
                                                                                                       evidence of benefit from starting
                                                                                                       therapy after the first seizure
3B. Clinicians Should Not Obtain an EEG To Detect Neurologic Disorders in Infants                      compared with starting therapy
Presenting With a Lower-Risk BRUE (Grade C, Moderate Recommendation)                                   after a second seizure in terms of
                                                                                                       achieving seizure remission.81–83,85
Aggregate Evidence Quality                                        Grade C
Benefits                             Reduce unnecessary testing, sedation, caregiver/infant anxiety,
                                                                                                       Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy
                                       and costs                                                       (SUDEP) has a frequency close to 1
                                    Avoid consequences of false-positive or nonspecific results         in 1000 patient-years, but the risks
Risks, harm, cost                   Could miss early diagnosis of seizure disorder                     of SUDEP are distinct from ALTEs/
Benefit-harm assessment              The benefits of reducing unnecessary testing, sedation, and         BRUEs and include adolescent age
                                       false-positive results, as well as alleviating caregiver
                                       and infant anxiety, outweigh the rare missed diagnostic
                                                                                                       and presence of epilepsy for more
                                       opportunity for epilepsy                                        than 5 years. These data do not
Intentional vagueness               None                                                               support prescribing an antiepileptic
Role of patient preferences         Caregivers may seek reassurance from an EEG, but they may          medicine for a first-time possible
                                       not appreciate study limitations and the potential of false-    seizure because of a concern for
                                       positive results
Exclusions                          None
                                                                                                       SUDEP. Thus, the evidence available
Strength                            Moderate recommendation                                            for ALTEs suggests lack of benefit for
Key references                      32, 84, 85                                                         starting an antiepileptic medication
                                                                                                       for a lower-risk BRUE. However, our
                                                                                                       recommendations for BRUEs are
population differed significantly from            no utility for routine EEG to evaluate
                                                                                                       based on no prospective studies and
that of Bonkowsky et al32 in that                 for epilepsy in a lower-risk BRUE.
                                                                                                       on only a single retrospective study.
all ALTE patients with a significant              However, our recommendations for
                                                                                                       Future work should track both
past medical history and non–well-                BRUEs are based on no prospective
                                                                                                       short- and long-term epilepsy when
appearing infants were included in                studies and on only a single
                                                                                                       considering this issue.
the analysis and that tests ordered               retrospective study. Future work
in the emergency department                       should track both short- and long-                   4. Infectious Diseases
evaluation were also included in the              term epilepsy when considering this
measure of EEG yield.                             issue.                                               4A. Clinicians Should Not Obtain a
                                                                                                       White Blood Cell Count, Blood Culture,
A diagnosis of seizure is difficult to            Finally, even if a patient is                        or Cerebrospinal Fluid Analysis or
make from presenting symptoms                     determined ultimately to have                        Culture To Detect an Occult Bacterial
of an ALTE.30 Although EEG is                     seizures/epilepsy, the importance of                 Infection in Infants Presenting With
recommended by the American                       an EEG for a first-time ALTE is low,                 a Lower-Risk BRUE (Grade B, Strong
Academy of Neurology after a first-               because there is little evidence that
time nonfebrile seizure, the yield and            shows a benefit from starting therapy                Some studies reported that ALTEs
sensitivity of an EEG after a first-time          after the first seizure compared with                are the presenting complaint of
ALTE in a lower-risk child are low.86             after a second seizure in terms of                   an invasive infection, including
Thus, the evidence available suggests             achieving seizure remission.81–83,85                 bacteremia and/or meningitis

                                    Downloaded from by guest on January 24, 2020
PEDIATRICS Volume 137, number 5, May 2016                                                                                                   e17
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