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                         MARCH 2018, PAGES 64, `90        VOL. 6, ISSUE. 3

                                     MIRRORING THE SPIRIT OF

                                     STATES PLAN AHEAD TO BRING SURGE IN NUMBERS
Eastern Bhutan awaits you!
Eastern Bhutan is one of the least explored regions of the kingdom and offers one of most authentic experiences for
adventure-oriented tourists. The entire region is awash in unspoiled natural beauty, towering cliffs and pristine forests.

Opportunity now available for visiting eastern Bhutan without having to pay SDF (Sustainable Development Fee)

How to get there?                                                   Highlights of the East

Traveling to Eastern Bhutan is easy with domestic                   •   Birdwatching in Yongkola
flights and helicopter services. One can also travel via            •   Gomphu Kora Tshechu
land.                                                               •   Aja Nye Trek
                                                                    •   Cultural trip to Omba Ney
Where to stay?                                                      •   Rafting in Drangmechu
You can camp out beneath an ocean of stars or                       •   Textile Tour in Lhuntse
experience the unbridled warmth and hospitality                     •   Tallest Guru statue in Takila
of the locals in a village home stay or stay in tourist             •   Authentic Village Homestay
standard hotels.

Contact our local Tour operators to book your tour at:

       Tourism Council of Bhutan | Tel: +975 2 323251/ 52 | Fax: +975 2 323695 | | | | |

ITB BERLIN: A dias to showcase the ‘Real India’

Soaring high with new features,       in the tourism industry. In          There is something about
India’s leading state tourism         another exclusive section,           Gujarat that attracts people in
boards have unique offerings in       TravelScapes spoke to Damcho         large numbers. Peeping through
platter for the global tourism        Rinzin, Head, Tourism Council        the state, we bring you the best
map during the world’s biggest        of Bhutan where he talks about       of Gujarat. We are also featuring
travel show, ITB Berlin. To match     how Bhutan has managed to pin        Maharashtra which is India’s
the global needs, TravelScapes,       itself on the global map as a pure   colourful canvas with many of it’s
through its special section           sustainable country.                 iconic attractions. Highlighting
throws light on a plethora of         As the world is thriving over        the least known places, we have
experiences that the culturally       tourism, right from backpackers      brought the whole of the state
and geographically varied Indian      and trekkers to solo travellers      lively on papers.
states have in store. On the                                                                                                                                  Varun Malhotra
                                      and those travelling in big          This issue brings news and
                                                                                                                                                              Publisher & CEO
similar note, the FTA growth rate     groups, it looks like everyone is    reports about trade, hospitality,
may see-saw in recent times but       packing their bags to go around      aviation and the latest in tourism
foreign tourist inflows in India is   the world. Considering this, we      worldwide.
predicted to grow at speedy pace.     have brought a severe issue to       We value your feedback and
In the interview section, we          the limelight- overtourism, which    suggestions so please do write us
roped in Sunil Kumar, President,      is also among one of the major       on
Travel Agents Association of          topics to be discussed during
India (TAAI), who discloses the       ITB Berlin. Finding ways to avoid
                                                                           Happy reading
important details of the 64th         throngs of tourists, we spoke to
TAAI Convention and how the           major industry leaders on how
association has set a benchmark       the issue can be dealt with.

PUBLISHER & CEO Varun Malhotra                     ACCOUNTS Chandan Kumar Jha, Swati Jauhari
DIRECTOR Pranav Khullar
                                                                           ADMIN HEAD R Prem Lata
                                                                           EXECUTIVE-CIRCULATION Hari Puri, Sameer Singh

ASST. EDITOR Sayanti Halder                                                Editorial & Marketing Office: Versatile Media: 207, Satya Mansion, Commercial Complex, Ranjeet
                                                                           Nagar, New Delhi-110008
SENIOR REPORTER Ankita Jain                                                Contact: 011 - 45530380/83 •
                                                                           All information in TravelScapes is derived from sources we consider reliable. It is passed on to our
BUSINESS HEAD - MICE Seema Joshi                                           readers without any responsibility on our part. Opinions/views expressed by third parties in abstract or
                                                                           interviews are not necessarily shared by us. Material appearing in the magazine cannot be reproduced
                                                                           in whole or in part(s) without prior permission. The publisher reserves the right to refuse, withdraw or
SR. MARKETING MANAGER Nidhi Hinduja                                        otherwise deal with all advertisements without explanation. All advertisements must comply with the
CONSULTANT Anindya Malhotra, Jitin Mann                                    Indian Advertisement Code. The publisher will not be liable for any loss caused by any delay in publica-
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                                                                           Owned and published by: Varun Malhotra, Editor & Publisher, EB-63, Maya Enclave, Hari Nagar,
ART DIRECTOR Rakesh Kumar                                                  New Delhi - 110064 and printed on his behalf at Royal Press, B-82, Okhla Industrial Area Phase-I, New
                                                                           Delhi - 110020
CONTENT                MARCH 2018                       VOL. 6, ISSUE. 3


                    MIRRORING THE SPIRIT OF                                                                            At the threshold of the globally renowned ITB

                                                                                                                       Berlin 2018, TravelScapes brings together
                                                                                                                       some of the leading state tourism boards on
                                                                                                                       one platform, highlighting the latest offerings
                                                                                                                       that these culturally and geographically diverse
                                                                                                                       states have to offer

20 ‘Our Focus On Tourism Must Multiply’
In conversation with Sunil Kumar, President, TAAI, we
get an insight into the upcoming 64th Convention and
Exhibition of TAAI in Srinagar

HOTEL FEATURE                                                                                                                                                WHAT’S TRENDING
26 Bold, Sensuous And Sophisticated                        SPECIAL FOCUS OUTBOUND                                                                            44 Rebelling against tourist invasion
Huvafen Fushi Is A Dreamscape Captivating The
                                                           42 TravelBullz to supplement its                                                                  INDUSTRY OUTLINES SUGGESTIONS TO
Maldivian Charm
                                                           customer service in 2018                                                                          REGULATE OVERTOURISM
                                                           K. D. Singh, Founder & President, TravelBullz shares                                              We collated the suggestions from the industry stal-
IN CONVERSATION                                            how the company is growing leaps and bounds by                                                    warts on how we can collectively create ‘better places
                                                           prioritising people and digitalising                                                              to live’ and ‘good places to visit’
28 Exploring Bhutan
What is that one thing that pops when someone talks
about Bhutan? Well, it is solely the infectious smile          REGULAR UPDATES
that the country brings upon visit
                                                              18..................................................................................................................................................................................... Trade
36 India’s Mounting Position In The                           38............................................................................................................................................................................Outbound
Global Mice Map                                               54................................................................................................................................................................................Aviation
The recent FICCI-MRSS White Paper suggests a five-            58....................................................................................................................................................................... Photo Story
point-agenda to boost inbound MICE tourism in India           62...................................................................................................................................................................... On the Move

4           MARCH 2018
UPDATE                   MoT                                                                                                                    TravelScapes

ITDC posts INR 18.30 cr profit
in Q3 2017
I ndia Tourism Development Corporation
  (ITDC) ltd, the public sector undertaking
under the aegis of Ministry of Tourism,
                                                 Corporation (ITDC) also hosted Vigilance
                                                 Study Circle (VSC) NCR meet at Hotel The
                                                 Ashok, New Delhi to discuss various vigilance
posted a noteworthy performance in the           related issues. It also participated in ‘Paryatan
third quarter of the current financial year      Parv’ announced by Ministry of Tourism.
2017-18. The total turnover in third quarter        Ashok Institute of Hospitality and Tourism
ending December 2017 stood at INR 108.01         Management (AIH&TM), the Human
cr and the company registered Profit Before      Resource Development division under India
Tax (PBT) at INR 18.30 cr as compared to         Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC),
INR 13.14 cr in the corresponding quarter last   got certified with ISO 9001:2015 certification
year i.e. 2016-17, an increase of 39.27 per      for imparting quality education in hospitality
                                                                                                       K. J. Alphons
cent as compared to the last financial year.     and tourism management. Ashok International
   These details were announced in the           Trade Division (AITD) has steadily cruised
Board of Directors’ meeting of the company       into seaports across the country setting up
on February 13, 2018 at the Group’s flagship     duty-free outlets in Mumbai, New Mangalore,         Tourism contribution in
hotel, The Ashok, New Delhi. Marking glorious    Chennai, Goa, Paradeep, Kolkata, Haldia,
51 years of ITDC, the Corporation celebrated     Vishakapatnam, Cochin, Kakinada Tuticorin           employment hits 12.36 per cent
magnificently with multiple offers at the        and Krishnapatnam ports.
flagship property, The Ashok.
   Looking back, ITDC had organised a
roundtable with state tourism officials to
                                                    ATT, A travel solutions unit of ITDC tied
                                                 up with the “Controller General of Defense
                                                 Accounts (CGDA)” to provide e-ticketing
                                                                                                     A      s per the estimates of second Tourism Satellite Account
                                                                                                            of India (TSA) – 2009-10, the contribution of tourism
                                                                                                     in Employment of the country during 2010-11, 2011-12 and
boost tourism. India Tourism Development         solutions.                                          2012-13 was 10.78 per cent , 11.49 per cent and 12.36 per cent
                                                                                                     , respectively. K. J. Alphons, Minister of State for Tourism (I/C),
                                                                                                     Government of India informed Rajya Sabha.
                                                                                                        Based on the information available with RBI, the estimated share
                                                                                                     of tourism in generating foreign exchange in the country during
                                                                                                     2014, 2015 and 2016 is 3.56 per cent, 4.13 per cent and 4.51 per
                                                                                                     cent, respectively.
                                                                                                        Government of India has taken various steps to boost tourism
                                                                                                     in the country, which inter-alia include the following- launched
                                                                                                     Hunar Se Rozgar Tak programme to train youth who are minimum
                                                                                                     8th pass and in the age group of 18 to 28 years. The programme is
                                                                                                     intended to meet the skilled manpower requirement of the sector,
                                                                                                     as also to reach out the poor in the society to give them employable
                                                                                                     skills. E- Visa facility was extended to citizens of 163 countries.

MoT records 8.4 per cent growth                                                                      UP’s new tourism policy targets
                                                                                                     INR 5,000 cr investment
in FTAs in January 2018
M      inistry of Tourism (MoT), Government
       of India recorded 10.66 lakh Foreign
                                                 per cent ), Afghanistan (1.86 per cent ) and
                                                 Nepal (1.59 per cent ).
                                                                                                     U     ttar Pradesh (UP) government has set an ambitious target
                                                                                                           of generating five lakh jobs every year, attracting INR 5,000
                                                                                                     crore investment and increasing the foreign tourist arrival of 10
Tourist Arrivals (FTAs) in January 2018 as          The percentage share of FTAs in India            per cent in state’s new tourism policy which was unveiled recently.
compared to 9.83 lakh FTAs in January 2017       during January 2018 among the top 15 ports             The key aspect of ensuring safety of women tourists, in a state
and 8.45 lakh in January 2016. The growth        was highest at Delhi Airport (28.03 per             where law and order is a major issue, also finds a prominent
rate in FTAs in January 2018 over January        cent) followed by Mumbai Airport (17.47 per         mention in the policy, which was released by Rita Bahuguna Joshi,
2017 was 8.4 per cent , compared to 16.4 per     cent), Haridaspur Land Check Post (7.63 per         Minister of Tourism, Government of Uttar Pradesh.
cent in January 2017 over January 2016.          cent), Chennai Airport (7.17 per cent), Goa            Another highlight of the policy is the plan of setting up 50
   The percentage share of FTAs in India         (6.19 per cent), Bengaluru Airport (5.16 per        heritage hotels in the state. “The policy will be applicable for
during January 2018 among the top                cent), Kolkata Airport (4.81 per cent), Cochin      five years and has set a target of increasing the domestic tourist
15 source countries was highest from             Airport (3.77 per cent), Ahmadabad Airport          arrivals and foreign tourist arrivals by 15 per cent and 10 per cent
Bangladesh (16.36 per cent) followed by USA      (3.01 per cent ), Hyderabad Airport (2.56           respectively. The sector will generate five lakh direct or indirect
(14.10 per cent), UK (10.81 per cent ), Canada   per cent ), Gede Rail Land Check Post (1.82         jobs and attract an investment of INR 5,000 cr per year,” Joshi
(4.63 per cent ), Russian Federation (4.49       per cent ), Trivandrum Airport (1.56 per            said. The new policy targets attracting one lakh additional tourists
per cent ), Australia (3.60 per cent ), France   cent ), Tiruchirapalli Airport (1.25 per cent ),    to national parks and wildlife sanctuaries in the state and also
(2.76 per cent ), Germany (2.64 per cent ),      Ghojadanga Land Check Post (1.11 per cent ),        to convert ten heritage building to heritage hotels per year. “The
Malaysia (2.63 per cent ), Sri Lanka (2.59       Amritsar Airport (1.01 per cent).                   focus will be on promotion of eco-tourism. Efforts will be made to
per cent ), China (2.27 per cent ), Japan           In January 2018, a total of 2.40 lakh            explore local entrepreneurship avenues through execution of fairs
(2.08 per cent ), Republic of Korea (1.93        foreign tourists arrived on e-Tourist Visa.         and festivals,” Bahuguna said.

6           MARCH 2018
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ITB SPECIAL                                                                             TravelScapes


India tourism has recently witnessed a visible gush in the flow of foreign tourists into India
and earnings therefrom. On that note, at the threshold of the globally renowned ITB Berlin
2018, TravelScapes brings together some of the leading state tourism boards on one platform,
highlighting the latest offerings that these culturally and geographically diverse states have to offer

By Gagneet Kaur & Sayanti Halder

8    MARCH 2018
TravelScapes                                                                                                      ITB SPECIAL

                                     P. Bala Kiran

               Serene beaches, tranquil stretches of emerald backwaters, exotic wildlife, lush hill
               stations are just a few of the wonders that await you once you cross over the long
               intertwining lanes of Kerala. As the tourism sector in the state marches forward with
               immense growth potential, P. Bala Kiran, IAS, Director, Department of Tourism,
               Government of Kerala informs about the three-month long international campaign and
               the other initiatives in the pipeline

                       lessed with a unique set of geographical features and silvery stretches of water, Kerala has made it one of the most
                       sought-after tourist destinations in Asia. Kerala Tourism has always sought new and innovative marketing avenues to
                       build the state as the top tourism brand and an ideal destination to visit for all kinds of travellers.
                  “Owing to the immense tourism potential of Kerala to attract adventure enthusiasts, Kerala Tourism has been actively
               promoting adventure tourism across the state. The aim is to re-brand the state as the ‘Land of Adventure’ in order to entice
               international travellers to the state. In this segment, the latest development is ‘Adventure Rock Hill’ at the Jatayu Earth Centre,
               which is now operational for the public in groups. Located at Chadayamangalam in Kollam district of Kerala, there are few more
               ventures pending to make the Nature Park fully operational. Currently, Adventure Rock Hill is open for a group of 10-100 people.
               The attractive tour package for visiting the centre includes 15 challenging adventure activities. From adventure enthusiasts to
               families, young generation of travellers to couples, this tourist spot caters to a wide audience,” informs Kiran.
                  Kerala Tourism is also working towards promoting cruise tourism in the state. The tourism board has envisaged a ‘River Cruise
               Tourism’ project on the model of the Nile Cruise, developing the 450km inland waterways from Hozdurg to Kovalam. Plans are
               afoot to develop ‘Malanadu cruise’ and premium and non-premium boats. “With an objective to promote tourism in Malabar
               region through INR 325 crore project, Kannur will be the nerve centre of the new Malabar circuit, which will be linked through
               ‘Malanadu cruise’,” highlights Kiran.
                  While the Kerala Tourism Department had received an overwhelming response to the Phase I campaign, at international trade
               fairs and B2B meets, it is now all set for a three-month-long international campaign in its bid to lure more foreign tourists to the
               state. “The Tourism Department has listed out as many as 12 trade fairs and 24 roadshows under this triumphant promotional
               campaign for the FY 2017-18 with an enhanced budget allocation of INR 11.5 crore. In order to reach out to the domestic market, a
               string of partnership meets is being organised in key potential markets in the first quarter of 2018. Through this, we aim to scale up
               the trade and tourism business of the state, while establishing new trade connections in the high-potential markets,” shares Kiran.
                  He further shares that Kerala Tourism has been working with various agencies and District Tourism Promotion Councils
               (DTPCs) in order to execute the development plans across the state. “The northern region of Kerala, which includes Vaikom,
               Kozhikode, Wayanad, Malabar and Kasaragod, has immense untapped tourism potential. We have added destinations like Bekal,
               Kannur, Kozhikode and Malappuram to the promotion and marketing campaigns for the ongoing year. Kerala Tourism has been
               constantly working towards positioning the state as one of the most sought-after destinations across the globe,” concludes Kiran.

                                                                                                 MARCH 2018         9
ITB SPECIAL                                                                                                                                 TravelScapes

                           Himanshu Shukla                                                                     C. Arvind

  ANDHRA PRADESH                                                                       DELHI
 SURFACING WATER SPORTS                                                                A RENDEZVOUS WITH THE
 ACTIVITIES                                                                            MOVIE BUFFS
  A heady cocktail of history, pilgrimage, beaches                                     While Old Delhi is a labyrinth of cryptic narrow
  and mountains in one single state, Andhra Pradesh                                    lanes and imposing mosques, the regal city of New
  (AP) provides an enticing blend of tradition and                                     Delhi is composed of tree-lined avenues, picturesque
  modernity that would bowl its travellers over in the                                 locations and historical monuments that make for a
  land of fresh tourism. Himanshu Shukla, Director,                                    remarkable backdrop for movie shootings. C. Arvind,
  Department of Tourism-Govt. of Andhra Pradesh                                        General Manager, Delhi Tourism & Transportation
  shares his insights of transforming AP into a never-                                 Development Corporation Ltd. (DTTDC) throws a
  seen-before mode                                                                     light on the promotional agendas for 2018

  T                                                                                    A
                                            sports experiences, tourist can visit                                               (DTTDC) also has many locations
           o attract more tourists and                                                         lmost all of us are confused
                                            R K Beach, Thotlakonda Beach,                                                       that offer a complete experience to
           promote renewed tourism          Rushikonda Beach, Bheemili to relish               to pick one out of best places   the foreign tourist. The Garden of
           in the state, the Andhra         the roaring sound of the sea in the                to visit in Delhi, as this       Five Senses and Guru Tegh Bahadur
  Pradesh Tourism Authority has             state.In recent times, Visakhapatnam       vibrant city is known for providing      Memorial are each unique to their
  started taking multiple initiatives       set a whole new threshold of               tourist’s exactly what they are          own and offer a one of a kind
  to reach the top of the preferred         attraction with the launch of TU 142       looking for. “As the capital city of     experience. Our three Dilli Haats are
  tourist destinations of India by          Aircraft Museum.Other attractions of       the country, Delhi has a lot to offer    always hosting cultural events and
  2022. To begin with, AP Tourism           Vizag are its heritage Buddhist sites      to the international tourists. From      have become a hub of crafts, cuisine
                                            namely Bojjannakonda, Bavikonda,                                                    and culture for the visitors,” he
  plans to introduce water sports                                                      three UNESCO World Heritage
                                            Thotlakonda, which we would want to                                                 highlights.
  activities such as hovercraft, scuba                                                 Monuments to historic sites that
                                            showcase on the international forum.                                                   Today, Delhi has not just emerged
  diving and cruise ship offerings in       With the new offerings, we aim to          define this city’s rich culture, there   as a tourist-friendly destination
  the beaches of Visakhapatnam.             increase the length of stay of tourists    are several options that find their      but is over-shadowing those which
  Currently, in terms of domestic           that can be done by developing             way into a traveller’s itinerary. Red    are probably considered as one of
  tourism, Andhra Pradesh ranks             favourable infrastructure and              Fort, Humayun’s Tomb, Qutab              the best places for film shooting.
  third in the country after Tamil          making their stay more enjoyable,”         Minar, Jama Masjid, Lotus Temple         “Delhi has already emerged as
  Nadu and Uttar Pradesh.                   informs Shukla. Another attraction of      among others has always been the         Bollywood’s favorite film shooing
      “Visakhapatnam popularly known        Visakhapatnam, which travellers can        tourist’s favorite that deciding on      destination with major films being
  as Vizag, has a magical charm flanked     visit for an unconventional tour, is the   one is just not enough,” Arvind starts   shot in the city. Several steps are
  by the enchanting Eastern Ghats on        small village of Lambasingi, located                                                being taken to introduce a smooth
                                                                                       off on a positive note.
  one side and Bay of Bengal on the         in the Chintapalli Mandal and often                                                 system for granting permission
                                            referred as the ‘Kashmir of Andhra            “Delhi Tourism & Transportation       to the film producers, to provide
  other. A fabulous place surrounded                                                   Development Corporation Ltd.
                                            Pradesh’.                                                                           them consolidated information
  with beaches, hills, valleys and parks,
                                               Andhra Pradesh Tourism                                                           on the guidelines issued by
  one can treasure every moment
                                            Authority has been aggressively                                                     various departments of Delhi and
  spent in Visakhapatnam as the city        initiating several innovative methods                                               Government Ministries and to
  is that captivating. For more water       to promote tourism in the state for                                                 make film shooting a hassle-free
                                            2018. “We have planned for mega                                                     experience,” Arvind accentuates.
                                            events and festivals across the state,                                                 Apart from this, social media
                                            covering traditional and heritage                                                   engagement is also one of the
                                            legacy to preserve and provide                                                      promotional agendas for DTTDC
                                            livelihood to craftsman through                                                     and continues to be the medium
                                            showcasing the culture, art & crafts                                                of highlighting city’s unique and
                                            of AP at national and international                                                 authentic offerings. For instance, the
                                            fairs and exhibitions. Through this,                                                Garden Tourism Festival recently held
                                            we aim to provide more attractive                                                   in the capital was actively promoted
                                            amenities to our tourists visiting                                                  through social media channels and
                                            Andhra Pradesh,” Shukla highlights.                                                 received an overwhelming response.

10           MARCH 2018
         MoT                                                                                                                                TravelScapes

                         Ashutosh Rathod                                                                  Poonam Chand

  MAHARASHTRA                                                                         UTTARAKHAND
 SEEKS TO EASE                                                                        TAPS ‘RURAL TOURISM’ TO
 FOREIGNERS’ STAY                                                                     ATTRACT FOREIGNERS
  Home to pristine ghats and magnificent                                              From snow-clad mountains, verdant valleys, over
  monuments, Maharashtra allows its travellers to                                     pouring rivers to thriving lakes, the versatile state of
  look forward to some breathtaking architectural and                                 Uttarakhand is a special addition to India’s natural
  scenic marvels. With a plethora of tourism offerings,                               exquisiteness. Endorsing the state’s uniqueness
  Ashutosh Rathod, Joint Managing Director,                                           for the travellers, Poonam Chand, Joint Director,
  Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation                                         Uttarakhand Tourism Development Board (UTDC)
  (MTDC) promises easier communication for their                                      gives an insight into fresh product offerings
  FIT segment of tourists

                                                                                               o pull in more foreign          of India to promote heritage tourism

         o cope up with                     recently associated with Nashik                    travellers besides the          and develop the heritage properties
         communication challenges of        Valley Wine Cluster and aims to                    domestic market, UTDC           of Uttarakhand. Moreover, together
         the visiting foreign tourists in   promote both wine and agro tourism        plans to promote rural tourism in        with the Ministry of Tourism and
  the state, MTDC plans to conduct          to its domestic and foreign tourists.     the state. “We have been getting a       Association of Domestic Tour
  a tour-guide training program             Through this initiative, tourists may     good number of footfalls but FIT is
                                                                                                                               Operators of India (ADTOI), we
  for 2018 and 2019 in Mumbai,              witness the farm-to-glass process of      still less. Since the inception of our
                                                                                                                               have signed a MoU to develop the
  Aurangabad, Nagpur, Sindhudurg,           wine making.                              new state, we have received over
  Pune, Nasik, Amravati, Solapur and           “Heritage tourism is also gaining a    26 million of Indian tourists and        Gangotri region and Gomukh trail.
  Kolhapur. “We propose to get on           lot of importance in the state. MTDC      around one lakh of foreigners. To        The first heritage property that we
  board more than 900 guides for            will soon prepare a QR code for all       tap the international market, we are     have taken, to begin with, would be
  the tourist at various destinations       heritage structures in south Mumbai       creating more experiential offerings     Gartangli. The George Everest Estate
  across the state and generate             that will deliver detailed information    in Uttarakhand. With cuisine and         in Mussoorie and Raj Rajeshwari
  employment opportunities. MTDC            and images on the phone. The              handicraft, we want to promote           Temple in Pauri Garhwal district
  has recently conducted guide              visitors will now get an opportunity      rural tourism, in a big way, along       are also in the pipeline for further
  training programme successfully in        to use their smartphone’s camera          with our homestays in 2018. We are       infrastructural development.” She
  Mumbai in association with Indian         to get appropriate information            aggressively promoting this aspect
  Institute of Tourism and Travel           of the heritage building in town.                                                  further adds, “Connectivity due
                                                                                      of new tourism, diverting tourists       to bad roads and drastic weather
  Management (IITTM) Gwalior                Considering the historic significance
                                                                                      from the saturated and popular
  and generated 60 quality guides           of the forts, the state government                                                 conditions remain major challenges
                                                                                      places in the state. Also, we would
  available for tourists visiting to        has taken special measures to                                                      in attracting more travellers to
                                                                                      be organising the International Yoga
  Mumbai city,” informs Rathod.             maintain the reputation of these                                                   Uttarakhand. Under the UDAAN
                                                                                      Fest in Rishikesh, which is a major
     Aiming to promote new avenues          monuments by renovating them. A                                                    scheme, many airports have been
                                                                                      attraction for foreign travellers,”
  of tourism in 2018, MTDC plans            tourist guidance centre will also be                                               established and we are hopeful that
  to endorse a ‘360 degree tourism’         set up and history of the forts will be   informs Chand.
                                                                                         Speaking about UTDC’s projects in     we would have more connectivity
  experience for its visitors by eyeing     translated and communicated to the
  for cruise, mine and wellness             foreign tourists in their languages,”     the pipeline, Chand shares, “We have     that will change the total scenario of
  tourism. Additionally, MTDC has           Rathod shares.                            signed a MoU with the Government         inbound tourism in the state.”

12            MARCH 2018
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         MoT                                                                                                                              TravelScapes

                            Yuvraj Padole                                                            Thiru V. Palanikumar

  MADHYA PRADESH                                                                    TAMIL NADU
 WHERE TOURISM GETS WILDER                                                          PLANS FOR NEW CIRCUITS
  Centrally located, Madhya Pradesh has proved                                      Rolling mountains, azure seas, sandy beaches, swaying
  to be the ‘heart of India’ with its various tourism                               fields, high cascading waterfalls, architectural marvels,
  offerings to its travellers. With a diverse platter of                            there is, in fact, nothing that Tamil Nadu lacks. Thiru
  products, Yuvraj Padole, Deputy Director (Events                                  V. Palanikumar, I.A.S, Commissioner of Tourism and
  & Marketing), Madhya Pradesh Tourism Board                                        Chairman & Managing Director, TTDC seems equally
  seems confident about state’s positioning for the                                 confident about the fact that the state has something
  international platform                                                            for everyone

  W                                                                                 W
               itnessing an increasing      With the famed Jal Mahotsav,                       e all know how refined         states with the most tourist arrivals,
               influx to the state,      Satpura cycle safaris and heritage                    and beautiful the              consecutively for three years. To
               each year, Madhya         walks in Khajuraho last year, MP                      southern part of our           absorb the excess traffic, the Tourism
  Pradesh (MP) aims to enhance its       Tourism plans to increasingly              country is. And if there had to be        Department is actively involved
  strength of both adventure and         promote varied experiences, with           one state that would describe the         in marketing promotions and has
  wildlife tourism, which has always     time, to engage a huge number of           grandeur of South India, it surely        already made a blueprint for the
  attracted a good number of both        travellers visiting or even crossing       has to be Tamil Nadu. Giving a
                                                                                                                              initiatives planned for 2018.
  foreign and domestic arrivals.         Madhya Pradesh. “Domestic                  glimpse into the major attractions
                                                                                                                                 “The marketing and promotional
  “For ITB Berlin 2018, we aim to        being our major market, we are             in the state, Palanikumar shares,
  endorse our adventure tourism                                                     “Tamil Nadu has all segments of           agenda of Tamil Nadu Tourism
                                         participating in more global                                                         is participating in domestic and
  in Madhya Pradesh and attract          exhibitions and fairs, such as ITB,        tourism attractions. The Tourism
  more of the family and adventure                                                  Department actively promotes              international travel marts and
                                         WTM, AIME Australia and more,
  travellers’ market from all corners                                               the segments such as heritage             encouraging tourism stakeholders to
                                         to encourage added footfalls of
  of the world. Also, with developed                                                tourism, eco-tourism, adventure           participate in the Tamil Nadu pavilion
                                         FITs in MP. For 2018, another aim
  infrastructure and sufficient                                                     tourism, cultural tourism and             which will boost the tourist footfall.
                                         is to create product awareness
  facilities, we aim to promote                                                     more in an impressive manner to           Tamil Nadu Tourism is also planning
                                         and knowledge to the travel trade
  Kuno-Palpur for wildlife tourism                                                  attract the tourists of all categories,   to introduce new tourism circuits and
  as well as adventure tourism in        platform. We are training the travel       especially, the foreign tourists.
                                         agents at different levels and cities in                                             operate new tour packages covering
  2018. Moreover, we have recently                                                  Tamil Nadu has five UNESCO                the tourism wealth of Tamil Nadu.
  established the Sailani Island         association with the Thomas Cook           World Heritage monuments such
                                         Learning Center and are also eyeing                                                  Another reason for which the state is
  Resort located in the backwaters                                                  as Mamallapuram, Brihadeeswara
                                         to connect with more suppliers                                                       famous among tourists is due to its
  of Omkareshwar dam for the up-                                                    Temple, Brihadeeswara Temple,
                                         through destination exhibitions for                                                  active presence on the social media
  market tourists with a vast range                                                 Airavateswara Temple and Nilgiri
  of water sports activities on the      promotional schemes, this year and         Mountain Railway.”                        platforms like Facebook, Twitter,
  Narmada. Observing a promising         beyond. With a prominent presence             The state already has tourism          Youtube and Instagram. We have
  growth each year, in 2018, we          in the digital platform, we are            friendly policies with a focus on the     incorporated these channels in Tamil
  expect around 15 to 20 percent         aggressively using the social media        development of high-priority tourism      Nadu Tourism website to share
  increase from last year’s incoming     to reach out to more people,” Padole       infrastructure and that is the reason     current information and events to the
  arrivals,” informs Padole.             shares.                                    why Tamil Nadu has topped the list of     public,” concludes Palanikumar.

14           MARCH 2018
         MoT                                                                                                                             TravelScapes

                     Shivdular Singh Dhillon                                                         Pawan Kumar Jain

  PUNJAB                                                                           RAJASTHAN
  TO HOLD ON TO ITS ROOTS                                                          PLANS TO STAY AWAKE AFTER
  The colourful turbans jostling with beautiful                                    SUNSET
  phulkaris, the beats of lively songs, the rarely visited                         From the captivating history to the vast local cuisine,
  historical towns show that Punjab is deep rooted                                 Rajasthan delivers almost everything travellers and
  in tradition and rich history. Making sure the true                              shopaholics may seek. With gradual introduction
  essence of Punjab is imbibed in tourists’ hearts,                                of new places and attractions, Pawan Kumar Jain,
  Shivdular Singh Dhillon, Special Secretary-cum-                                  Joint Director, Department of Tourism- Government
  Director- Tourism, Govt. of Punjab shares that the                               of Rajasthan provides a new reason of revisiting the
  recent initiatives majorly aim at attracting visitors                            ‘Land of Maharajas’
  to experience the real Punjab

                                                                                           arnering its frequently             According to Jain, Rajasthan has

         here is no denying the fact      a 7-D experience and a Light &                   growing arrivals of both         been amongst the top five preferred
         that the amazing beauty          Sound show is already developed                  domestic and foreign             Indian destinations for both domestic
         along with golden yellow         and running. In times to come, this      tourists, Rajasthan Tourism is           and international market. Increase
  fields offering a magnificent           fort is going to come up as a major      urging more visitors to head to the      in the number of direct interstate
  picturesque view has always drawn       tourist attraction, in itself.”          ‘Pink City’ of Jaipur to witness its     and intercontinental air connectivity
  several people to Punjab. Having           Speaking further on the key focus     latest ‘night tourism’. “We have         would be an added advantage for
  won the best state performance          areas, Dhillon enlightens, “We have      recently launched the night tourism
  award, based on statistical                                                                                               Rajasthan along with developed rail
                                          added farm tourism as an attraction      in certain monuments of Jaipur
  data compiled by the Indian             and are hopeful for its developments                                              connectivity. “Annually, Rajasthan
                                                                                   including the Amer Fort and Albert
  Government, Punjab under the            in 2018. A special focus is being                                                 receives a total of roughly 3.5 crore
                                                                                   Hall Museum. Further in Jaipur, we
  supreme patronage of its state          made to target the NRIs of the                                                    tourists out of which around only
  tourism board is forging ahead                                                   have opened the Johari and Tripolia
                                          Punjabi community. Especially, the                                                15 lakhs are foreigners. Our main
  confidently as the latest initiatives                                            Bazar including an interactive
                                          second and third generation of NRIs,                                              priority market remains the domestic
  are like jewels in a crown for the                                               elephant village, accessible till late
                                          having roots in Punjab, are being                                                 segment however, with a growth rate
  state.                                                                           night. We have also launched a
                                          sought to be attracted to visiting
     Quite positive about the state’s                                              three-day Palace On Wheels heritage      of around 17 per cent in FTA segment
                                          their roots for an authentic Punjabi
  growth in the forthcoming years,                                                 tour in order to attract more foreign    last year, we hope to achieve more
                                          experience. In 2017, we had a daily
  Dhillon shares, “Punjab has a rich                                               as well as Indian travellers. Almost     foreign footfalls and continue to
                                          footfall of over one lakh people
  heritage and magnificent culture. We                                             in all parts of Rajasthan, we try and    maintain bigger number of arrivals
                                          visiting the Golden Temple and
  have various historical conservation
                                          simultaneously populating other          regularly organise private events and    in 2018,” he adds and says that
  projects and heritage monuments
                                          spots too. For 2018, we expect an        festivals to sustain our increasing      Germany is an important market for
  that are under way. The famous
                                          overall increase to 4.5 crores.”         number of influx and reputation,”        Rajasthan Tourism due to which they
  Gobindgarh Fort of Maharaja Ranjit
                                             The state tourism board’s key         says Jain.
  Singh at Amritsar has been thrown                                                                                         are hopeful about ITB Berlin 2018.
                                          focus for this month is Patiala
  open to the public with a 3-D show,
                                          heritage fest which is back after a
                                          decade-long hiatus. The week-long
                                          event is said to be inaugurated by
                                          the Punjab Chief Minister Capt.
                                          Amarinder Singh at Quila Mubarak
                                          on February 21. The main aim is
                                          to raise funds for the restoration of
                                          Quila Mubarak and make Patiala
                                          prominently visible on the country’s
                                          tourist map. The festival will feature
                                          everything from dance forms, the
                                          vibrant crafts mela to classical music
                                          and performances by qawwals.

16         MARCH 2018
UPDATE                  TRADE                                                                                                                   TravelScapes

                                                   A drive to the past through the
                                                   Nijhawan Group enters into a joint venture with Ram Lal Anand
                                                   College, University of Delhi and launches a “Certificate Course in
                                                   Heritage and Tourism Management”
                                                   By Ankita Jain

                                                   W      here everything is changing in the tune with
                                                          tourism, Nijhawan Group takes a step ahead
                                                   and enters into a Joint Venture with Ram Lal Anand
                                                   College, University of Delhi. This collaboration has
 VFS Global opens                                  launched a new certificate course in Heritage and

 Cyprus Visa Application                           Tourism Management with an aim to promote the
                                                   conservation and management of the invaluable
 Centre in Goa                                     heritage of India.

                                                                                                                   Ankush Nijhawan
      esidents of Goa planning a visit
      to Cyprus can now apply for their
 visas at the new VFS Global Cyprus                                                                             Delhi University. It has been framed in the spirit of
 Visa Application Centre in the city of                                                                         Government of India’s emphasis on skilling the youth
 Panjim. The centre brings Cyprus visa                                                                          for better employability. Signing MoU with Nijhawan
 services closer to home, eliminating the                                                                       Group of Companies is in sync with present Prime
 need for applicants from Goa to travel                                                                         Minister’s insistence on Public-Private Partnership in
 to a neighbouring state to submit their                                                                        the process of skilling our youth.”
 applications.                                                                                                     Bubbling with ideas, Ankush Nijhawan, Managing
    The centre in Goa was inaugurated by                                                                        Director, Nijhawan Group elaborated, “This certificate
                                                                                        Dr. Rakesh Gupta
 His Excellency Demetrios A. Theophylactou,                                                                     course will bring key industry partners together to
 High Commissioner of Cyprus to India, in a                                                                     promote tourism as a rewarding and exciting career
 ceremony held on February 16, 2018.                   Mapping the heritage studies, the certificate course     opportunity and encourage more youngsters to explore
    His Excellency said, “It is a pleasure to      is a unique programme, founded on two key pillars:           the options and career paths in travel and tourism
 inaugurate the Cyprus Visa Application            heritage studies and tourism management approach.            sector. It’s a long-term vision wherein we will convert
 Centre in Goa, operated by VFS Global.            It emphasises on a collaborative learning model where        this Certificate course into Diploma Course to further
 This is one out of 16 VFS Global centres          students, faculty and professionals from travel trade        encourage more and more youth to embrace a career
 serving Cyprus in India, and the 15th Centre      industry, become key contributors in creating knowledge,     in this sector.”
 that is being formally inaugurated. The           innovatively managing heritage and participate in               The Certificate Course in Heritage and Tourism
 opening also signifies a steady increase          rethinking public discourse and policy around it.            Management is a new six months certificate
 in visa related queries. Consequently, this           Dr. Rakesh Kumar Gupta, Principal, Ram Lal               programme, the first of its kind in the University of
 centre would further expand and enhance           Anand College commented, “It is first of its kind in         Delhi.
 visa services and promote people-to-people
 contacts, thus contributing to our bilateral
 relations. Goa, like Cyprus, is a major tourist
 destination; therefore, the centre fulfills a
 vital service with respect to the provision       TCEB Business Forum to strengthen
                                                   exhibition ties with India
 of information and guidelines to applicants
 who intend on visiting Cyprus, not only
 for tourism but also for business or study
 purposes. The centre would work in close
 cooperation with the Consular Section of
 the High Commission to achieve the goal of
                                                   T    he Thailand Convention & Exhibition Bureau
                                                        (TCEB) is taking its Exhibiz in Market campaign
                                                   on the road in India, showcasing its global significance
                                                                                                                audit, paid greatest interest to the Food & Agriculture
                                                                                                                sector (37.97 per cent ), Automotive (25.26 per cent )
                                                                                                                and Health & Wellness (12.40 per cent ). The top Thai
 timely and efficient issuance of visas.”          in New Delhi. The bureau staged its business                 exhibitions for the Indian market, in terms of attendance,
    Vinay Malhotra, Chief Operating                forum in New Delhi in an effort to boost Thailand’s          are currently VIV Asia, PackPrint International and Wire
 Officer – Middle East and South Asia, VFS         international trade with one of the world’s fastest          & Tube Southeast Asia, which account for more than 40
 Global said, “VFS Global has served the           growing economies. According to Thailand’s Ministry          per cent of India’s total visitors.
 Government of Cyprus in India since 2015,         of Commerce, two-way trade between Thailand and                 “International exhibition professionals looking to
 and the expansion of our services on their        India totalled USD 7.72 billion in 2016, with about          expand their business opportunity in Thailand will find
 behalf to 16 cities in India is a testament of    5.15 billion in Thai exports to India and 2.57 billion in    the support of TCEB – a bureau specifically dedicated
 their faith in our ability to offer applicants    Indian exports to Thailand.                                  to growing their business – fundamentally helpful
 best in class visa services. We are pleased to       TCEB plans to boost business through its campaign         in helping them to achieve their goals. We expect to
 be bringing this expertise to the residents       Exhibiz in Market, an initiative specifically dedicated to   welcome an increasing number of Indian participants
 of Goa, and offering the applicants here,         increasing exhibition space at international exhibitions     to Thai trade shows by 10 per cent from 2017, and
 a smooth and seamless visa application            in Thailand.                                                 to draw the interest of business parties based here
 experience.”                                         Visitors from India accounted for 7.8 per cent of         in Thailand” said Kanokporn Damrongkul, Director,
                                                   total overseas visitors who according to a recent TCEB       TCEB’s Exhibition Department.

18            MARCH 2018
TravelScapes                                                                                                                          TRADE      UPDATE

Visit Finland re-enters the India market
Having witnessed a robust growth of 42 per cent in tourist arrivals and overnights from the Indian
market in 2017, Visit Finland has reinstated their focus in India through the appointment of Sara
Sodhi Juneja to head Visit Finland activities in India based in New Delhi

C    ommenting on this appointment,
     Dr. Jukka Holappa, Trade
Commissioner for Business Finland
                                                                                                                               months. This time is called “kaamos”.
                                                                                                                               During kaamos it is not completely
                                                                                                                               dark, however the bright snow, the
India, shares that, “Sara brings                                                                                               moon and the stars, create magical
wealth of her hospitality and tourism                                                                                          surroundings to view Northern Lights.
experience to this important strategic                                                                                            Juneja further elaborated, “My role
role and we are delighted to welcome                                                                                           will focus on developing our strategy
her to head Visit Finland in India.                                                                                            devised for the Indian market and
India has become one of the fastest                                                                                            strengthening relationships with the
growing outbound tourism industries                                                                                            travel trade to increase visitation and
given its favorable economic                                                                                                   length of stay by Indians in Finland.
conditions and further growth is            Sara Sodhi Juneja                       Dr. Jukka Holappa                          In parallel, we will also work in close
expected as a total of 32.3 million                                                                                            collaboration with the Indian media as
outbound trips are forecasted in          a lifetime experiences and wonders        and experiences and the tourism board      communication is an integral part of
2020. Aligning with the growing           such as Aurora Borealis, Midnight Sun,    will focus on promoting Finland as a       our strategy. The key focus for 2018 is
potential of India market and our         Finnish Saunas, Untouched Nature, Ski     year round destination for Indians.        to encourage the Indian travel trade to
global expansion strategy, Visit          resorts and the official hometown of      Finland is a land of stark contrasts;      increase their knowledge of Finland and
Finland has decided to foray again        Santa Claus.” Finland was also recently   in the summer months, the sun does         for the same we will organise roadshows
into the India market”.                   chosen by Indian celebrity couple         not set at all in the northernmost         and FAM Trips throughout the year to
   Juneja shares, “I am delighted to be   Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli as         parts of the country – hence Finland’s     give the Indian travel trade and media a
onboard Visit Finland and am looking      their honeymoon destination. This         nickname “The Land of the Midnight         first-hand experience of the destination
forward to establishing Finland in        clearly highlights the evolving Indian    Sun”. In the winter, the opposite          and its unique once in a life time must
India. The destination offers once in     mind set to discover new destinations     happens: the sun disappears for            do experiences.”

PATA seeks adventure in a new                                                                                                Global Tourism
era in Al Ain, UAE                                                                                                           Council to host its
                                                                                                                             maiden convention
T    he PATA Adventure Travel and Responsible Tourism
     Conference and Mart 2018 began on February 21,
2018 in Al Ain, United Arab Emirates (UAE) with 180
                                                                                                                             in Cairo
delegates from 33 countries in attendance for the three-
day niche event.
   The event, which was organised by the Pacific
                                                                                                                             G    lobal Tourism Council (GTC)
                                                                                                                                  announced its maiden convention
                                                                                                                             at Cairo, Egypt at Hotel Hilton Ramses
Asia Travel Association (PATA) and hosted by the                                                                             from April 29 to May 2, 2018 with
Department of Culture and Tourism, Abu Dhabi,                                                                                “Innovate & Invest” as its theme. The
brought together international experts at the forefront                                                                      theme of convention has been chosen to
of the adventure travel industry from both the                                                                               deliberate on new challenges in tourism
private and public sectors to discuss the issues and                                                                         industry, Investment sector and film
opportunities in travel and tourism.                                                                                         archives (Bollywood).
   PATA CEO Dr. Mario Hardy said, “The event                                                                                    Iqbal Mulla, Chief Council, GTC said,
aims to be a catalyst for generating new ideas and                                                                           “With new challenges emerging every
improving collaboration between public and private                                                                           day in our industry we need to innovate
sector organisations. PATA is honoured to work                                                                               and create new ideas and opportunities.
with the Department of Culture and Tourism of Abu                                                                            One needs to undertake new challenges,
Dhabi in organising this event, which highlights their                                                                       tap untouched areas, and bring newer
commitment to the responsible and sustainable               topics that covered ‘2018 Adventure Travel Trends –              elements to the existing arena to
development of the travel and tourism industry.”            looking ahead to 2021’, ‘Partnerships for a New Era’,            attract the ever growing market of new
   On Thursday, February 22, delegates heard from a         ‘New Operators for a New Era’, ‘The Middle Eastern               generation travellers for greater returns.
diverse line-up of international speakers at the one-       Adventure Traveller’, ‘Micro Moments: The secret to              We need to invest in Digital marketing
day conference under the theme ‘Adventure in a New          always winning in an era of Facebook and Instagram’,             to reach out and connect better with our
Era’. The 15 pioneers, thought leaders and change-          ‘Stimulating Innovation in a New Era’, ‘LocalHood: The           customers which largely comprises of
drivers who are shaping the emerging landscape of the       end of tourism’, and ‘OverTourism: Loving Destinations           young, upbeat tech friendly travellers.”
adventure travel industry, examined various conference      to Death’.
SPOTLIGHT                                                                                                                                          TravelScapes

As the upcoming 64th Convention and Exhibition of
Travel Agents Association of India (TAAI) happening
in Srinagar ignites new hopes and promises to bring
positive outcomes, Sunil Kumar, President, TAAI seems
confident that the convention will act as a boon for the
tourism sector in Srinagar
                                                                                                         Sunil Kumar
By Gagneet Kaur

Year-on-year, TAAI Conventions have set a                                                                           2016 Convention was a huge success
benchmark in the Tourism industry. How do                                                                           witnessing a good number of footfalls. What
you think that this year’s Convention will be                                                                       are your expectations this year?
different from the previous conventions?                                                                            As mentioned earlier, this is a convention at a
The TAAI Convention at Srinagar is a different                                                                      venue where our focus is on greater visibility for the
convention from the past large conventions TAAI is                                                                  destination and encouraging our stakeholders to
known for, due to the smaller size we anticipate. We                                                                connect more aggressively on tourism. Surely and
have chosen Srinagar on the invitation of the Ministry                                                              undoubtedly, this will be a huge success.
of Tourism, J&K, who have a great belief that TAAI
Convention at Srinagar will be a positive happening for                                                             Any message you would like to convey to the
their tourism initiatives. Over 30 years ago, the TAAI                                                              industry or anything important you would like
Convention at Srinagar saw the emergence of SKICC,                                                                  to highlight?
Srinagar’s International Convention Centre.               response to our registrations announcement has            Travel and Tourism as an industry is the aptest and
The 2018 Convention at Srinagar will focus on            been extremely positive. We are of the firm opinion       illustrious connect between the vast landscape - India
 tourism, which is the strength of TAAI and its           that the efforts of the tourism ministry in putting       and the Travel & Tourism industry. People, places,
 membership. We have a large membership of TAAI           up a great show will get a huge visibility across the     cultures, choices, history, diversity, cuisines, nature,
 who are actively involved in tourism – domestic,         country that will boost tourism to J&K. Historically,     seasons and more have bountifully blessed India to be
 inbound and outbound and we would like to use this       wherever there is a TAAI Convention, there has            the most outstanding tourism location in the world.
 opportunity to reflect our active connection with        been a huge growth of tourism and we believe this         When one takes a deeper look at most of the countries,
 tourism.                                                 will repeat in case of J&K.                               there’s a few that belong to the category; class and
                                                                                                                    choice that India offers. The passion to drive travel
What are your views on J&K as a tourism                   Kindly share the concept behind the theme of              and tourism as an industry must get deeply driven
destination and its untapped potential?                   the convention.                                           in our national leadership. Their actions; aggressive
J&K has an immense potential. The valley is truly         The theme for the convention is Incredible Tourism        approaches and newer reforms can powerfully impact
astounding. Nature has gifted this valley, state          with action points as “Integration - Inspiration -        the stakeholders and all the people involved. Our focus
attractions, that are absolutely fabulous and very        Innovation” asking stakeholders to integrate their        on tourism must multiply. Our approaches must be
rare. The people in the valley are very kind and          approaches in order to respond to the demanding           a rare model to reflect our capabilities. Our upgrades
ready to extend hospitality to guests. Though, the        markets; consider tourism as an important activity        must be affordable. Our potential can get rewarded,
infrastructure in J&K has not grown much over the         every stakeholder must be passionate about and be         if we as industry stakeholders can experience a shift
years. The air connectivity from Delhi is fantastic and   ready to innovate and upgrade their capabilities in       in favour of the industry in India. It will surpass the
the flights are well occupied. We believe this can be     order to successfully encounter the complexity of the     usual numbers we always keep talking about, beyond
an excellent gateway for tourists looking forward to      fast-changing marketplace and its demands.                comprehension. We need to overcome inhibitions
spending time on tourism.                                    We are also working on pre and post tours for nights   and go beyond limitations. What we need is an eagle’s
                                                          at Gulmarg and Pahalgam. We also are offered a free       vision. It surely must start from the top and turn
To what extent, do you think this convention              night stay at the Deluxe Houseboats of Srinagar to        into an unstoppable velocity. As TAAI, we are ready
will boost tourism/ local footfalls to J&K?               spend the night of March 26 or 30, for those delegates    to lead and support. It is tourism that can integrate
We are confident that this Convention will attract        who are staying at their hotels. We are keen that they    the country, the industry, the associations and most
many delegates who have not visited Srinagar              experience the unique hospitality that the houseboats     importantly the people towards a paradigm beating all
yet or have visited a long time ago. The initial          boast of.                                                 tunneled visions because the best, is yet to be.

20             MARCH 2018
Terms and Condition Apply | Rate are subject to change without prior notice
            Package is subject to availability | The rates are nett and non comissionable | Contact us for customised packages
UPDATE                    HOSPITALITY                                                                                                                    TravelScapes

Lords Hotels & Resorts signs up
a new property In Jamnagar
L    ords Hotels & Resorts is now also the
     biggest chain of hotels in the mid-
market segment in the state of Gujarat. The
chain has recently added a new property in
Jamnagar, Gujarat making it its 15th hotel
property in the state and overall, its 28th. To
be launched under the ‘Eco Inn’ branding,
the property is expected to commence
operations in the fourth quarter of this year.
                                                                                                        Banyan Tree Bangkok
Lords Eco Inn – Jamnagar will have 65 keys
with modern amenities and full-services at          hospitality brand today,” says P R Bansal,          launches Saffron Sky Garden
friendly prices as is the hotels chain’s forte in
offering ‘true value’. The property will offer
guests an elegant banquet hall attached to
                                                    Chairman and Managing Director, Lords
                                                    Hotels & Resorts.
                                                        “Our presence dots the western coast
                                                                                                        B   anyan Tree Bangkok is proud to announce the opening of
                                                                                                            Bangkok’s newest outdoor garden lounge: Saffron Sky Garden.
                                                                                                        Located on the hotel’s 52nd floor, Saffron Sky Garden provides
sprawling green lawns and will also have its        of Gujarat roughly at intervals of 130 km of        stunning panoramic views of Bangkok within a tranquil, leafy setting.
trademark multicuisine restaurant – Blue            each other. Lords Eco Inn – Jamnagar will be           Saffron Sky Garden’s plentiful green ambiance offers a one-of-
Coriander.                                          our seventh property in the region and with         a-kind experience in central Bangkok. While basking in sky-high
   Lords Eco Inn – Jamnagar is a partnership        it, we will have created a complete beach           serenity, patrons can enjoy an expansive selection of craft beers,
venture with entrepreneurs Sunil Lodaya and         circuit in Gujarat. All properties in the circuit   cocktails, spirits and locally-infused beverages accompanied by
   Kuldeep Sinh, “We are pleased to officially      cater to a mix of business, leisure, pilgrimage     modern Thai street food creations from the award-winning kitchens
announce the sign-up of Lords Eco Inn –             and adventure tourism and Lords Hotels &            of Saffron.
Jamnagar and congratulate our partners              Resorts enjoys a lion’s share in the region.           This blooming-paradise-in-the-sky is designed for relaxation and
for their new venture with us. From our             Once launched, we are expecting Lords Eco           the dress code is accordingly casual. The venue is open 7 days per
first hotel Lords Plaza in Surat back in            Inn – Jamnagar to capture a significant part        week from 17:00 until 01:00. Dinner is served between 18:00 and
the year 2007 to the latest, Lords Hotels           of business tourists visiting the city,” adds       22:30 from a specially-created menu designed by internationally-
& Resorts has created a niche for itself in         Rishi Puri, Vice President, Lords Hotels &          acclaimed Banyan Tree chef Renu Homsombat.
the region and is Gujarat’s ‘numero uno’            Resorts.                                               This intimate venue is ideal for after-work drinks as well as special
                                                                                                        occasions and private parties.

Dusit Intl showcases impressive
portfolio at the India Roadshow                                                                         Nilamani Hotels Bali appoints
                                                                                                        Sunrise Representations as its
D     usit International, one of Thailand’s
      foremost hotel and property
development companies, recently organised
                                                    compared to 2016 and they expect to achieve
                                                    even more in 2018.
                                                       With outbound travel in India increasing
                                                                                                        rep. office in India
the India Roadshow 2018 as part of its newly
acquired focus on India as a source market
for its hotels and resorts.
                                                    by about 25 per cent a year and expected
                                                    to reach 50 million travellers by 2020,
                                                    this offers huge potential for hospitality
                                                                                                                                            S    unrise Representations, a
                                                                                                                                                 sales and marketing company
                                                                                                                                            for International hotels and
   Designed to present Dusit’s ever-growing         companies such as Dusit International, which                                            destinations, has been appointed
global portfolio of distinctive properties          is well positioned to capitalise on this growth.                                        as the official representative for
to the Indian travel trade fraternity, the          Dusit International is represented in India by                                          Nilamani hotels in India. The
roadshow featured one-day workshops held            its Global Sales Office in Mumbai headed by                                             appointment supports Nilamani
in both Mumbai and Bangalore. B2B sessions          Keshwar Bhagat, Director of Sales.                                                      hotels’ strategy to harness the
were held in the morning, while sessions for                                                                                                potential of the Indian outbound
wedding planners were held in the afternoon.                                                                                                market.
   On both occasions, Dusit executives                                                                                                         Nilamani Hotels comprises one
presented the company’s award-winning                                                                   Nisha Shrivastava                   five-star property and two four-
properties in Thailand, Maldives and                                                                                                        star properties situated in the
Dubai, as well as key openings in 2018                                                                  legendary and mysterious island of Bali. The hotel chain strength lies
across Bahrain, Bhutan, China, Philippines,                                                             in continuous commitment in creating happy guests and delivering
Singapore and Vietnam. They also revealed                                                               them remarkably uncommon experiences,” said Nisha Shrivastava,
how they are exploring options to open                                                                  Director Sunrise Representations. “We would be engaging with travel
Dusit-branded properties, under hotel                                                                   trade on a regular basis and also be engaging with MICE agents
management or franchise models, in India                                                                and wedding planners as The Sakala Resort Bali and The Tanjung
within the next three to five years.                                                                    Benoa Beach Resort Bali offers meetings and events area. Sunrise
   Historically, Dusit Hotels & Resorts in                                                              Representation’s highly experienced team is all set to enter the
Thailand have proved a popular choice for                                                               market and tap the target segments that each of the hotels caters to
Indian Weddings. Last year they recorded                                                                leading to increase in market share of Nilamani Hotels,” she added.
21 per cent more business in this segment

22               MARCH 2018
You can also read