Travel Plan Return to Play - 2020 (Spring to Fall) COVID-19 Response - Virginia ...

Page created by Linda Gibbs
Travel Plan Return to Play - 2020 (Spring to Fall) COVID-19 Response - Virginia ...
Travel Plan
Return to Play – 2020 (Spring to Fall)
COVID-19 Response

Travel Plan Return to Play - 2020 (Spring to Fall) COVID-19 Response - Virginia ...
Travel Plan

  1) Current Status – What we are doing?

  2) Return to play plan (Spring/Summer 2020)

  3) Financial Policies

  4) Travel 2020-2021 – 3 Scenario Approach

  5) Travel Selection Process (2020-21)

  6) Travel Timeline (2020-21)

Travel Plan Return to Play - 2020 (Spring to Fall) COVID-19 Response - Virginia ...
Current Status
What we are doing?
  The VSA Travel Program is committed to the club mission to provide a professional platform which creates
  opportunities for all our players to succeed in life on and off the field. While respecting Federal, state and local
  guidelines on social distancing and public gatherings, we are currently serving this mission by offering the following
  in our Virtual Learning Center:

                          Technical & Tactical Training

                            Physical & Life skills Training

                          Social & Community Engagement

  We recognize that the Virtual Learning Center is not the same as field play and games. However, our travel directors
  and coaches are working with their teams and providing virtual programming that delivers significant value and
  impact to our players.

Travel Plan Return to Play - 2020 (Spring to Fall) COVID-19 Response - Virginia ...
Technical / Tactical Training
What we are doing!
 •   Techne Futbol App – All players provided with club wide
     technical training app
 •   Skill Challenges – weekly skills social media challenges
 •   Online Training – Livestreamed training sessions
 •   Team Sessions – Many coaches are using online timeslots to
     train teams

 Weekly team assignments have been used to develop the players
 ability to read the game

 •   Individual Match Analysis –Players Focus and record analysis
     on individual performances
 •   Team Match Analysis – Players Focus and record analysis team
 •   Team Meetings and Club Meetings to discuss process

Travel Plan Return to Play - 2020 (Spring to Fall) COVID-19 Response - Virginia ...
Physical / Life skills Training
What we are doing!
 •  Weekly Fitness Challenge
 •  Family Fitness Night
 •  Online resources
    VDA Fitness Program

 Life skills
 • Full 6 week cycle of online sessions
 • 2x sessions per week (25-30 minutes per session)
 • Assignments to develop self reflection and motivation
 • Topics such as growth mindset, Personal Development Plan, self
    reflection, nutrition, fitness and many more

Travel Plan Return to Play - 2020 (Spring to Fall) COVID-19 Response - Virginia ...
Social / Community Engagement
What we are doing!
 Social Engagement
 •   Team Meetings
 •   Club Classroom sessions
 •   Weekly Challenges & Competitions
 •   Techne Futbol Leaderboard
 •   Team Activities
 •   Weekly Director Updates

 Community Engagement
 • Family Quiz Night
 • Family Fitness Night
 • Live online Technical Training
 • Video Director Updates

Travel Plan Return to Play - 2020 (Spring to Fall) COVID-19 Response - Virginia ...
Return to Play Plan
Spring Season - 4 week Plan

  The current statewide stay-at-home order is effective until June 10, 2020. While the possibility exists to
  resume on-field programming on or about June 15, we are preparing for a phased approach when and if
  restrictions are lifted.

  Each player will be provided the following at no additional cost to families with the goal of making up for
  the time lost on the field:

  • 2x Team Camps (dates will be determined once restrictions are lifted)
  • 4x Free Play evenings
  • 2x Inhouse or Local scrimmages (dates will be determined once restrictions are lifted)

  Specific dates and details will be provided as we are given more information from health professionals
  and the state of Virginia.

  More information will be released during the week of May 11.

Travel Plan Return to Play - 2020 (Spring to Fall) COVID-19 Response - Virginia ...
Financial Policies
 The goal of VSA during this time is to continue to serve our members today and in the future. As a non-profit
 youth sports club, there are many fixed costs and expenses from the onset of the state-wide restrictions that we
 are unable to recover. These expenses include cancelled tournaments and events, county and facility fees,
 governing body fees and other operating costs that the club incurs whether we are playing or not. Moreover,
 we are committed to retaining our coaches during this time, as they play a valuable role on providing structure
 and much needed engagement with our players.

 For these reasons, VSA's financial policies will remain in place, as our Club’s leadership continues to evaluate
 options and deliver as much programming as possible using virtual means. While we will not be offering refunds,
 we will implement a club credit protocol that will apply part of the Spring season travel fees to the Fall
 2020/Spring 2021 Travel Season.

 We understand this is a difficult time for our families, and we have taken an active role in providing value and
 structure for our travel players during this unprecedented time in our nation. By keeping our current financial
 policy in place, we are able to plan and adapt to multiple scenarios that protect the long term future of the club
 and allow us to move forward in the best interest of our community.

Travel Plan Return to Play - 2020 (Spring to Fall) COVID-19 Response - Virginia ...
Travel 2020-2021
3 Scenario Approach                                                                                                                Scenario A
The uncertainty surrounding COVID-19 guidelines has taken us into uncharted territory with travel tryouts
and team selection processes. To be proactive and provide transparency, we are prepared for three possible
scenarios for Travel players for the 2020-21 season.
                                                                                                                    Scenario B                        Scenario C
In each scenario below: based on a credit from spring travel player fees, returning players will receive a credit
that covers their initial player commitment deposit except for a $50 administrative fee. Monthly fees will be
based on the level of activity in each corresponding scenario. The administration fee will cover fixed player
registration fees for club, county, and youth leagues.

Scenario A: Scenario A assumes we return to play as a regular fall season schedule in August. Regular
monthly payments will be applied, with the first payment due August 1. This assumes players have resumed
competitive games and at least a 2x/week on-the-field training schedule.

Scenario B: Scenario B assumes there is a phased social distancing component that allows on-the-field group
training opportunities (where number of players is managed) and small-sided games. This scenario includes
the Virtual Learning Center and interactive online programming. In Scenario B, monthly fees will be adjusted
to 50%-75% of full amount until normal play and programming resumes.

Scenario C: Scenario C assumes that current or similar stay-at-home orders and strict social distancing are
still in place, prohibiting players to resume on-the-field play. This scenario includes our Virtual Learning
Center, online classroom sessions and other virtual programming. In Scenario C, monthly fees will be adjusted                    Credit from Spring
to 25%-50% of full amount until normal play and programming resumes.                                                             Season applied to

Travel Plan Return to Play - 2020 (Spring to Fall) COVID-19 Response - Virginia ...
Travel Selection 2020-2021
Planning and Process
 The number one priority at VSA is, as always, to put our players first. In this ever-changing landscape, we are further committed to
 providing all players a safe place to play for the Fall/Spring 2020-2021 season. With that in mind, VSA will be offering a renewal
 commitment to all existing players.

 The next priority is to place players on teams that will provide them with the best competitive and challenging environment to develop
 their soccer abilities and achieve long-term success. Internally, VSA conducts Individual Development Plans, Age Group Depth Charts,
 and coach input on player progression on a regular basis. These ongoing evaluations allow us to move forward with player placement
 without the normal tryout process.

 To promote stability for players and teams long-term, we plan to create less disruption to teams in the short-term and are projecting
 less movement between teams compared to previous years. If there are changes between teams within an age group, Coaches and
 Directors will communicate directly with that player and parent.

 In the Fall and/or when we are back on the field, team selections will be re-evaluated. As always, VSA is committed to individual
 development and providing all of our players with opportunities to show progress through training and games.

 For players not currently playing with VSA, we have developed a player interest form to allow our Directors and Coaches to monitor
 areas where we are able to add to rosters. Additionally, open tryouts will be scheduled when possible.

 More information will be released during the week of May 11.

Travel Timeline 2020-21
Planning and Process

                Coaching Slate Released –April 28th

                    Club Development Plan and Programming Released – May 4

                     Age Group Brochures Released – May 8th

                    Virtual Town Hall Meetings – May 11th / May 12th

                Player Selection Process Period – May 13 – June 1

                  More information will be released during the week of May 11.

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