Transitioning towards zero emission buses - thoughts insights and challenges - A perspective from around Australia and New Zealand

Page created by Ruby Rivera
Transitioning towards zero emission buses - thoughts insights and challenges - A perspective from around Australia and New Zealand
Transitioning towards zero emission buses –
thoughts insights and challenges
A perspective from around Australia and New Zealand

Mark Rowland – Transport & Highways Advisory leader
Transitioning towards zero emission buses - thoughts insights and challenges - A perspective from around Australia and New Zealand
Arup in Australasia
© Arup
Transitioning towards zero emission buses - thoughts insights and challenges - A perspective from around Australia and New Zealand
Transitioning towards zero emission buses - thoughts insights and challenges - A perspective from around Australia and New Zealand
Transitioning towards zero emission buses - thoughts insights and challenges - A perspective from around Australia and New Zealand
Bus patronage in Melbourne….






                                      2009 2010 2011 2012 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

                                         753     755     691      738     679

                                      2009 2010 2011 2012 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

                                         681     682     757      758     699
Transitioning towards zero emission buses - thoughts insights and challenges - A perspective from around Australia and New Zealand
17%              elec t r ic b use s
                 g lo b ally in 2 0 2 0
                                                                               Eu r o p e
                                                                               el e c t r i c b u s es g r o w i n g e x p o n en t i al l y
                                                                               as o l d er f le et s a r e r et i r e d

                                                                               3000                                                            <   100          Morning
                                                                               b a t t er y                                       H2           h y d r o g en
                                                                                                                                                                Afte r ch a rg i n g o ve rn i g h t
                                                                               el e c t r i c b u s e s                                        p o w er e d
                                                                                                                                                                b e g i n s a m s h i ft w i th
                                                                               i n o p er at i o n                                             b u s es
                                               99 %           o f al l
                                                              b at t er y                                                                                       370kw/h
                                                              e le c t r i c                                                                                    a n d d ri ve s 1 7 5 km d u ri n g
                                                              b u s es a r e                                                                                    th e fi rs t s h i ft
                                                              in China
                                                                                 70+ years
                                                                                  elec t r ic ally p o w ered                                                   A ft ernoon
                                                                                  b u s e s h a v e o p e r a t ed
                                                                                                                                                                Arri ve s b a ck a t
                                                                                  in Welling t o n                                                              l u n ch ti m e w i th
AUSTRAL IA                                                                                                                                                      45% battery
                                                                                                                                                                a n d ch a rg e s fo r 6 0 m i n s
                             b uses o p er at ing i n                                                                      B y 2025
100,473                      p u b l i c a n d p r i v a t e s ec t o r s
                                                                                      Ta r g e t e d
                                                                                      g o als                             A u c k l an d                        E vening
                                                                                                                          Tr an s p o r t
                                                                                                                          t o p ro c ure                        Sta rts p m s h i ft a n d d ri ve s
                                                                                                                          only ZEBs
                                                                                                                                                                a n d a rri ve s b a ck a t d e p o t
                                                                                        By 2023                            B y 2040                             w i th 3 5 % b a tte ry l i fe

80 %   o f t h e m ar e d i e s el b u s e s
                                                                                       100 +                              100 %
                                                                                       e l e c t r ic b u s e s           e le c t r i c
                                                                                       i n We l li n g t o n              b u s es flee t
                            an n u al av er ag e f u e l
6700 litres                 u s a g e f o r d i es el b u s
                                                                                       an d N e w
                                                                                       Zealan d
                                                                                                                          f o r A u c k la n d
                                                                                                                          Tr an s p o r t
Transitioning towards zero emission buses - thoughts insights and challenges - A perspective from around Australia and New Zealand
•   NSW goal 8,000 buses by 2030, 50 new electric buses in 2021.
•   ACT ban on diesel bus purchases, and 90 new electric buses
•   Qld all buses purchased by 2030 will be zero emissions. Several
    trials announced for 2021.
•   SA has promised the transition of its entire public transport fleet
•   Vic has committed $20 million for a three-year trial of electric buses.

New Zealand
•   Wellington 108 by early 2023, (22% of its total fleet). Bids from any
    bus companies running diesel vehicles won’t be considered after
•   Auckland Transport 50 buses in operation, no new diesel bus will be
    purchased from 2025, with goal to make the entire fleet zero
    emissions by 2030.
Transitioning towards zero emission buses - thoughts insights and challenges - A perspective from around Australia and New Zealand
Key talking points

   Outcomes and Opportunities

   Policy and Planning

   Transition and Technology

   Ownership and Operations

   Nation Building Exercise?

   Systems thinking approach
Transitioning towards zero emission buses - thoughts insights and challenges - A perspective from around Australia and New Zealand
Outcomes and
Climate Change and Emissions
Cleaner Air
Energy Resilience and Security
Next Generation Jobs
A new product/service offering
Social licence to operate
Maintenance and operations
Re-imaging our roads and streets
Transitioning towards zero emission buses - thoughts insights and challenges - A perspective from around Australia and New Zealand
Policy and

                                                      Coordination and certainty
                               Return of


Remaining agile         Accounting for                 Growing our champions
                        time horizons
Transition and
Buses are the easy bit…
Charging options
Trials to Transition
and Operations
Fleet as a Service?
Maintain a competitive market
Driving vehicle affordability   AIRCRAFT LEASING
O U TS I D E   Aust ra lian            Affo rd abilit y                                   A i r q u al i t y       Loca l                  L an d u s e
S YS TE M      bus d esign             o f ZE B                                           a n d s t an d a r d s   g o ve r n m e n t      planning
               st andard s             p art s                                            mo nit or ing

                                                                                                                   D em an d o n
                                                      C o m p l ex i t y                                           energ y gr id
                                                      o f o w n er s h i p
                                                      st ruct u res
IN S ID E      Opp o rt un it y f or
S YS TE M      l o c a l m an u f ac t u r i n g                                                                   D ep o t
                                                                                                                   r eq u i r e m en t s
                                                                                          O P ER ATI O N A L
                                                      C ap ac i t y o f                   R EA D I N ES S
                                                      o p er a t o r s t o t r i a l      OF ZEB S
                                                                                                                   C o m f o r t an d
                                                                                                                   q u al i t y o f ZE B
               C o o r d i n at e d                   Tr an s p o r t A u t h o r i t y                            b u s s er v i c e
               s t r at e g y f o r ZEB s             ZEB A g e n d a

                                                                                                                   Publi c
               L es s o n s l ea r n e d              S ec o n d h an d                                            p e r c ep t i o n
               f rom o t her                          m ar k et f o r d i e s e l                                  o f ZEB s
               jurisd ic t ions                       a n d ZEB s
Pathways to transition
•   Make clear long-term commitment(s) to ZEBs, and set
    in motion short term actions

•   Think through regulatory frameworks for technical and
    safety standards

•   Realise the benefits of coordination and cohesion
    across all stakeholders and jurisdictions

•   Better educate stakeholders about the benefits and
    transition towards ZEBs

•   Reduce uncertainty around technology, financing,
    infrastructure and operations
Mark Rowland
Transport & Highways Advisory Leader (Australia)

Sky Park, One Melbourne Quarter
699 Collins Street, Docklands VIC 3008
d: +61 9663 1546 m: +61 40 1798 435

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