Towards a digital dataset of the Antarcc geosphere - SCAR GeoMap project and progress
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Towards a digital dataset of the Antarc)c geosphere SCAR GeoMap project and progress S.C. Cox1, P. Morin2 GeoMAP 1 GNS Science, New Zealand Ac)on Group 2 PGC, University of Minnesota, USA GeoMAP
0 50 100 200 300 400 500 km HAVE Lots of old, hard-copy geological maps, developed last century, mostly represen8ng ‘deep 8me’. SCALE 1,000,000 500,000 250,000 Poor spa8al reliability.
0 50 100 200 300 400 500 Example: McGregor & Wade (1969) km Queen Maud Mountains 1:1 million Folio Series SCALE 1,000,000 500,000 250,000
0 50 100 200 300 400 500 Example: Elliot et al. (1974) km Plunket Point Reconnaissance 1:250 k Geology SCALE 1,000,000 500,000 250,000
0 50 100 200 300 400 500 Example: Elliot et al. (1974) km Plunket Point Reconnaissance 1:250 k Geology SCALE 1,000,000 500,000 250,000
WANT Spa8ally accurate, holis8c overview of deposits and landforms formed by the waxing CODE & UNIT QTms - Quaternary-Tertiary glacials and waning of Antarc8ca’s ice masses. Czv - Quat.-Miocene volcanics DJ - Jurassic Ferrar Gp & Dev.-Perm. Beacon S.grp Dataset pinpoin8ng the loca8ons of deposits Pal - Mes.-Paleozoic granitoid & metamorphics and indica8ng their mode of forma8on, age, and likely source. Dataset to provide key underpinning informa)on on the Antarc)c geosphere and its history! For constraining biological and ecological research, iden8fy geoindicators of climate change, improved understanding of 0 50 100 200 300 Antarc8ca’s climate role. km GeoMAP
Example: Simplified Tradi)onal Display GeoMAP
Example: Non-traditional display utilising GIS GeoMAP
Now Yet to Involved welcome GeoMAP Ac)on Group Integrated programme to capture exis)ng geological map data, update its spa)al reliability, improve representa)on of glacial & cover sequences, and deliver data via web-feature services. Proposed and accepted at SCAR 2014. Interna8onal representa8on solicited. First workshop to held in Goa at ISAES XII mee8ng, 12 July 2015. More people/countries welcome! GeoMAP
GeoMAP GOAL Granite Seasonal Provide a dataset aimed at cross-discipline water use, or for con)nent-wide perspec)ves, using a mixed chronostra8graphic- and ‘Unknown’ lithostra8graphic-based classifica8on. Local till Migmatite CHALLENGE Gneiss Collabora8vely build the first modern geological dataset to classify and describe Ice Antarc8ca's exposed bedrock and surficial sheet geology. till Orthogneiss Classify and describe around 72,000 dis8nct polygons that cover 51,000 km2. Basalt Luckily its
0 50 100 200 300 400 500 Philosophical Change km Conventional “bottom up” construction QMAP SVL built from 72 sheets @1:50,000 GeoMAP
Philosophy Rock “Top down” construction starting from a continent-scale, low density, attribute-poor dataset that is added to and improved CODE & UNIT through multiple iterations QTms - Quaternary-Tertiary glacials Czv - Quat.-Miocene volcanics DJ - Jurassic Ferrar Gp & Dev.-Perm. Beacon S.grp Pal - Mes.-Paleozoic granitoid & metamorphics Attributes increasingly complex geo01 dataset (Version 1 2014) 0 50 100 200 300 km based on ADD (Version 6) rck01 polygon GeoMAP
GeoMAP Process Stages 1,2 (1)Adjust rock & moraine polygons (ADD00 -> LIMA) Map of Bibliographic (2)Scan and georegister Sources maps, build source bibliography GeoMAP
GeoMAP Process Stage 3 (3) Assign each polygon with map classifica)on and source info Unit: Kb Name: Kirkpatrick Basalt Source: Capponi et al. 1997b North Victoria Land GeoMAP
GeoMAP Process Stage 4 (4)Legend Building The HARDEST PART where we need local exper8se, knowledge & help GeoMAP
GeoMAP Process Stage 5 (5)Review QTm Glacial Geology & Cover Sequences CODE & UNIT QTms - Quaternary-Tertiary glacials Czv - Quat.-Miocene volcanics Integrate remote sensing, aerial photos, detailed DJ - Jurassic Ferrar Gp & Dev.-Perm. Beacon S.grp Pal - Mes.-Paleozoic granitoid & metamorphics local studies, to improve precision of regional geology and improve depic8on of glacial sequences. Improve classifica8on of age, composi8on and source of 8lls and other 0 50 100 200 300 km surficial deposits. GeoMAP
GeoMAP Process Stage 5 By Source (5)Review Local glacier QTm Glacial Geology & EAIS Cover Sequences CODE & UNIT WAIS QTms - Quaternary-Tertiary glacials Czv - Quat.-Miocene volcanics DJ - Jurassic Ferrar Gp & Dev.-Perm. Beacon S.grp Pal - Mes.-Paleozoic granitoid & metamorphics Colluvium Local Ice Ross Lake, Scree alpine sheet Ice coastal & valley margin sheet and glacier tills tills marine tills deposits COLDER DRY-BASED GLACIERS AGE WARMER WET-BASED GLACIERS 0 50 100 200 300 km GeoMAP
GeoMAP Process Stages 6,7 (6)Assign polygons with informa)on using GeoSciML standard SVL (7) Develop unified legend and coding into seamless MBL con)nent-wide dataset, (+peer review, checking) Version 1.1 in 2019? Towards a digital representation of the Antarctic geosphere: NVL classification of exposed rock and sediment outcrops GeoMAP
GeoMAP Achievements 2014-16 DML Peninsula 1 2 East Ant 3 CTAM 4 MBL 5 SVL 6 NVL ~35% of outcrops 7 now have some form of digital representation ≥Stage 4 suitable for use at 1:250,000 scale GeoMAP
GeoMAP: Like a spa)al Wikipedia of the exposed Antarc)c geosphere Uses: interpreta8on of sub-ice geology, Seasonal source characterisa8on of 8lls, ice modelling, water explora8on for geoindicators of climate change, biological and ecological studies, ?????? (and maybe even geology!) Local till Help Us! The GeoMap team welcomes anyone interested in capturing their geological or geomorphological data, or historical data, Ice from a par8cular region. sheet till Visit the S20 posters in Ballroom 2 @ 14:00 Contact: GeoMAP
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