Your Brighton & Hove Wellbeing Service

Page created by Jill Cobb
Your Brighton & Hove Wellbeing Service
Your Brighton & Hove Wellbeing Service

We all go through low points at times in our lives and it is not unusual
to experience symptoms such as stress, anxiety or depression.

Brighton & Hove Wellbeing Service aims to provide neutral and
effective support to people with emotional or psychological difficulties.

We work closely with your GP practice, voluntary organisations and
hospital-based services to make sure you receive the right care, from
the right person at the right time.
Your Brighton & Hove Wellbeing Service
What does Brighton & Hove Wellbeing Service do?                                                                    Where is Brighton & Hove
                                                                                                                   Wellbeing Service?
                                          issues and accessing vocational                                          The service runs in a number of
  If you are feeling down                 learning.                                                                locations across Brighton and Hove
  about issues such as finances,                                                                                   and is mainly hosted in GP practices
                                        „„Primary Care Mental Health
  relationships, employment or                                                                                     for your convenience. We also
                                          Practitioners help you regain
  any other concerns that may                                                                                      have some appointments at NHS
                                          control of your thoughts and
  be causing you to experience                                                                                     premises, and other community
                                          feelings and facilitate access to
  low moods and are affecting                                                                                      venues across the city. Contact us
                                          other local services.
  your ability to stay on top of                                                                                   today to find a location near you.
                                        „„Talking Therapists help you
  things, we can help you.                                                                                         You will be able to choose the time
                                          work out how to deal with
                                                                                                                   and place of any appointments you
                                          negative thoughts and feelings
                                                                               How do I access Brighton &          have in the service.
Brighton and Hove Wellbeing               and make positive changes
                                          through therapy and counselling
                                                                               Hove Wellbeing Service?
Service is staffed by a team of
qualified mental health specialists       sessions.                            „„Your GP will be able to get
and support workers who are                                                      advice from the team about the
trained to provide you with the care    Brighton & Hove Wellbeing Service        care and support you need.
and support you need. The team          ensures that the people who use the
                                                                               „„You and your GP can decide
includes:                               service feel valued and respected.                                           If you need the information
                                                                                 what type of support best suits
                                        We provide opportunities for
„„Psychological Wellbeing                                                        your needs.                         in this leaflet in another
                                        everyone regardless of age, gender,
   Practitioners use a range of                                                „„You can contact the service         language or format e.g. Easy
                                        gender identity, sexual orientation,
   techniques to help you tailor a                                               directly if you would like to       to Read, large print, Braille
                                        religion or belief, ethnicity or
   suitable self-help plan which they                                            discuss the care and support        or audio tape, please call us
   can support you through.                                                      services available.                 on 0300 002 0060 or email
„„Community Support Workers
   provide help with employment                                                                            
Your Brighton & Hove Wellbeing Service
Practical details and frequently asked questions                               understanding of your needs so we         details with you when we book
                                                                               can ensure you are directed to the        your appointment and in your
                                                                               right member of the team.                 appointment letter.
                                        „„You will be able to book an
                                                                               If you are offered a face to face
                                          appointment with a member                                                      What if I can’t make my
                                                                               appointment with a Primary Care
                                          of the team. This may be a                                                     appointment?
                                                                               Mental Health Practitioner or a
                                          telephone appointment or a face
                                                                               Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner      We know you value your
                                          to face discussion.
                                                                               this will take place in a GP surgery.     appointment as much as we do,
                                        „„If we are unable to speak with       Appointments with therapists and          as it is part of helping you make
                                          you directly, we will write to you   counsellors will take place at a          the most of the support you
                                          with a suggested appointment         range of NHS facilities within the        receive. There are times when you
                                          date. You are welcome to call us     city. Appointments and workshops          may feel unable to commit to an
                                          back to change this appointment      will also take place in other             appointment. If so we ask that you
                                          if it is not convenient.             community premises. You will be           let us know as soon as possible so
                                                                               able to choose the time and place         that we can provide a new date and
                                        How soon will I be offered an          that is most convenient for you.          time that is more convenient to you.
Do I need to be registered with
a Brighton & Hove GP in order to                                               If you have mobility difficulties or do   By letting us know in good time we
access the service?                     We will aim to offer you your first    not have a telephone, please inform       can offer any free appointment to
                                        appointment with a member of           your GP who can note this on your         others who are waiting to see or
Yes, the service is available to
                                        the team within four weeks of your     referral. We can then arrange a           speak to a member of the team.
people registered with a local GP
                                        referral. Some appointments may be     suitable alternative.
                                        available much sooner than this.
                                                                               How long will the appointment
How will I be contacted?                                                                                                   Please tell your GP if English
                                        Where will the appointment             last?
„„If you and your GP decide to          take place?                                                                        is not your first language and
                                                                               Your first appointment will often           if you require an interpreter
   make a referral to the service, we
                                        Sometimes a first appointment will     be a minimum of 30 minutes long.
   will contact you within 5 working                                                                                       to be present at your
                                        be conducted on the telephone.         However, we will confirm these
   days from the date of referral.                                                                                         appointment.
                                        This helps us to get an initial
Your Brighton & Hove Wellbeing Service
Brighton & Hove Wellbeing Service is provided by a                            Advice and other services
partnership of:

Brighton and Hove Integrated          Sussex Partnership NHS                  PALS                                   Mind Services
Care Service (BICS) and local GP      Foundation Trust
                                                                              Patient Advice and Liaison (PALS) is   For a full list of services, please visit
                                      Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation       a free service provided by the NHS.
BICS and the local GP Practices in    Trust provides specialist mental        The team can provide information
the city are working in partnership   health, substance misuse and            about local healthcare and will work
to deliver this service. The local    learning disability services across     with you to solve any problems you
practices are St Peters Medical       Sussex.                                 are having accessing or using health   Phone
Centre, Park Crescent Surgery,                                                services.                              01273 66 69 50
Goodwood Court, Stanford Medical                                                                                     Post
Practice, Albion Street Surgery and   Turning Point                                                                  Mind in Brighton and Hove, 51 New
Preston Park Surgery.                                                                                                England St, Brighton BN1 4GQ
                                      Turning Point is a leading health and   Phone                       social care organisation, providing     01273 716588                           Mental Health Helpline
                                      services for people with complex
Mind Services                                                                 If the office is not open a            The Sussex Mental Healthline
                                      needs, including those affected by
                                                                              confidential message can be left on    is a telephone service providing
Mind in Brighton and Hove exists to   drug and alcohol misuse, mental
                                                                              the answer phone.                      support and information to anyone
empower and support people with       health problems and those with a
experience of mental distress. Mind   learning disability.                    Post                                   experiencing mental health problems
assists people in making choices                 PALS, Sussex Partnership NHS           including stress, anxiety and depression.
about the services they use and the                                           Foundation Trust, Aldrington           It is available Monday to Friday
treatments they receive through                                               House, 35 New Church Road, Hove,       5.00pm - 9.00am, and 24 hours at
advice and information services,                                              Brighton, BN3 4AF                      weekends and bank holidays.
advocacy, service user involvement
and training activities.                                                                                             Telephone
                                                                                                                     0300 5000 101
If you are experiencing emotional or psychological difficulties you can:
„„ contact your GP to discuss whether Brighton and Hove Wellbeing
   Service can provide any advice, support or care you need
„„ contact us directly to discuss the service we could offer you

0300 002 0060
Line open: Monday to Friday 8.00 am to 6.00 pm (local rates apply)
All communication will be treated in the strictest confidence.
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