The Temple Times Rabbi Sidlofsky's Reflections

Page created by Timothy Bush
The Temple Times Rabbi Sidlofsky's Reflections
of Stony Brook, New York

                 Vol. 1, Issue 1 A Feb. 2022

                          The Temple Times
                                         Rabbi Sidlofsky’s Reflections
                                          Social Action Committee and Par-       A Our beautiful Rabbi Adam Fisher
                                          ent’s Association (with haman-         library is fully open and is visited
                                          taschen, of course!), after a very     regularly by our students, with the
                                          successful Chanukkah program and       guidance of Carole-Ann Gordon, who
Though we are not celebrating any         assembly.                              also leads a monthly adult book club
annual Jewish holidays in February,       A Our services now have the option     in the library. Congregants can visit
we are, as always, observing              of both in person attendance           the library 30 minutes before each
Groundhog Day in this country,            (with plenty of room for all who       Shabbat service.
as well as in Canada. If like me,         want to come), as well as live         A And we are currently exploring a
you are fans of the movie of              stream viewing. Special occasions      return to in-person congregational
this name starring Bill Murray,           such as our recent Board Instal-       Purim celebrations and a Passover
you may have felt that these past         lation have been made even             seder.
two years have, in some ways, been        more meaningful by taking place
like reliving the same day over and       in our sanctuary.                      The past two years has taught us
over again. It has been challeng-         A B’nai Mitzvah are held once again    that community is more than a
ing to be limited in what we can          in the sanctuary for all who choose,   building. But it has also reminded
do, and to have to take many extra        while holding a Zoom ceremony is       us of the value we place on being
precautions in our daily lives. Most      still an option. We just held a 2023   together with those we care about.
difficult was not being able to gather    B’nai Mitzvah orientation meeting      At Temple Isaiah, we are an extend-
as a community.                           and will soon be assigning dates for   ed family and therefore enjoy each
                                          2024 B’nai Mitzvah.                    other’s company and mutual sup-
I am pleased to say that at Temple                                               port. I hope you will continue to look
                                          A I also look forward to our 6:00
Isaiah, we are now able to have                                                  for ways to connect with us and let
                                          family services, the first Shabbat
many options for being together, in                                              us know what you’d like to see and
                                          evening of each month.
a safe, responsible way. While we                                                experience. And I look forward to
                                          A We have had both indoor and
have continued having many of-                                                   being together in person on a more
                                          outdoor special Shabbat day pro-
ferings over the past two years, we                                              regular basis in the near future. We
                                          grams, including a wonderful
are looking to expand our activities                                             will continue to follow safety proto-
                                          walking tour of historic Setauket,
again and also to do so in person:                                               cols, but will also explore ways to
                                          followed by a picnic lunch; and
                                          an equally enjoyable round robin       gather and connect to one another.
A Our school has been holding in
                                          exploration of the Temple’s history    We are very much open for business!
person classes since September
and has had a great year so far,          and facility.                          L’shalom,
with much more to come. We will           A We are currently gearing up
be planning fun Purim activities,         for the expansion of our Adult Ed.     Rabbi Paul Sidlofsky
in conjunction with our wonderful         program.
The Temple Times Rabbi Sidlofsky's Reflections
Temple Isaiah Upcoming Events

                              Prayer, Study              and      Community
Temple Isaiah is pleased to offer the following events. Please watch for details and invitation links:

A Friday, Feb 4th at 6:00 pm — Shabat Family Service

A Saturday, Feb 5th at 9:30 am — Torah study with Rabbi Sidlofsky [Also Feb. 12th, 19th and 26th]

A Sunday, Feb 6th at 10:30 am — Tanakh Study with Rabbi Karol [Also Feb. 13th]

A Wednesday, Feb 9th at 7:00 pm — Community Building Committee meeting

A Sunday, Feb 13th at 11:00 am — Sisterhood Schmooze

A Tuesday, Feb 15th at 7:30 pm — Religious School Committee meeting

A Sunday, Feb 20th at 1:00 pm — Yad Vashem Webinar presented by Men of Reform Judaism

A Monday, Feb 21st at 7:30 pm — Ritual Committee meeting

A Wednesday, Feb 23rd at 7:00 pm — Adult Ed with Rabbi Fisher

A Monday, Feb 28th at 1:00 pm — Book Club Discussion

A Monday, Feb 28th at 7:00 pm — Fiddler’s Journey to the Big Screen – Port Jeff. Documentary Series

A Monday, Feb 28th at 7:30 pm — Board of Trustees meeting

                                        ADULT EDUCATION
Key Stories In Genesis
A Wed., Feb. 23rd: Creation Story A Wed., March 2nd: Noah and the Flood
A Thurs., March 10th: The Call of Abraham A Wed., March 16th: Hagar-Ishmael and Abraham-Isaac
A Zoom numbers: ID-9607105984 PW 618650
Enjoy this four-part series with Rabbi Emeritus Adam Fisher. The sessions will take place via Zoom on
Thursday evenings from 7:00 – 8:30 pm. The course will not focus on the literal text or on the historical-scientific
understanding, but the goal will be to see what the contemporary meaning of those stories might be. As such,
discussion will be encouraged. Each participant should have a Bible. Rabbi Fisher prefers the Plaut edition used
at services, but any edition is fine.

                       @TempleIsaiahSB        Member Union for Reform Judaism           facebook
The Temple Times Rabbi Sidlofsky's Reflections
A Message From Our President

                         Howard Kanowitz
Each of us has reasons for joining      Before becoming president, many        I think it’s safe to say that if you do
a temple. I joined Temple Isaiah        of you knew me because for many        know me, you know that I am dili-
in 1996 because it was important        years I was a busy general contrac-    gent and seek perfection in whatever
to me that my children, Jessie          tor, and I worked both inside and      I do. Having said that, I also try my
and Max, receive a Jewish edu-          outside your homes. It is now my       best to please others. For the next
cation. Back in 2003 Jessie             pleasure to use my skills in helping   two years I will work hard on behalf
became a Bat Mitzvah with Rabbi         to assess and make recommenda-         of our Temple. If we work together
Fisher, and in 2006 Max became a        tions for the upkeep of our build-     we will achieve many goals that will
Bar Mitzvah with Rabbi Karol. The       ing. (Actually, I’m pretty hands on    make us all feel proud and happy! I
years have gone by quickly, and         in that department!) In some cases     look forward to getting to know each
now I have been given the pre-          I got to know you through my mom,      and every one of you. In the mean
cious gift of two grandchildren,        Betty Kanowitz, of blessed memory,     time, please feel free to contact me
3-year-old Henry and Sadie, who         because she was the quintessential     at or call or
just turned one. I was a younger dad    Hadassah volunteer. In more recent     text me at (631) 804-3200.
back when I joined Temple Isaiah,       times I joined the Shir Joy musi-
and now all these years later, I am a   cians and played the the violin at
grandpa who has become President        Shabbat services. I look forward       Howie Kanowitz
of our beautiful Temple! How did        to the continuation of these joyful
that happen?                            services in our sanctuary!

                    Postings            from the        Parents ’ Association
The Parents’ Association is excited     forms, and Temple members can          fun family friendly activities in the
to run our Passover Fundraiser again    order through the online system.       near future!
this year. Students will have the       Items can be shipped directly to you
opportunity to sell Kosher for Pass-    or to the Temple for pick up. We are   Ellen Covino
over treats and other items using       also planning Mashloach Manot for
both online accounts and paper order    Purim. Keep your eye out for other

                        @TempleIsaiahSB       Member Union for Reform Judaism           facebook
The Temple Times Rabbi Sidlofsky's Reflections
Sustaining Members & Friends
              of Temple Isaiah 2022

Please help us to maintain Temple      encouragement when you need             Isaiah? If you are able to make a
Isaiah as a house of worship, a        it. It is only with your financial      contribution as a Sustaining Mem-
house of learning, and a house of      support that Temple Isaiah will         ber, you will be providing revenue
assembly by becoming a Sustain-        be able to continue to provide          for regular as well as unforeseen
ing Member in 2022.                    education, worship services, and        expenses, and you will be helping
                                       compassionate support for people        us plan for future generations.
It is here where you celebrate life-
                                       who are experiencing loss, crisis, or
cycle events, and it is here where                                             Please join our growing list of
                                       illness. Won’t you please perform
you will find consolation and                                                  Sustaining Members!
                                       the mitzvah of tzedakah at Temple

     Jamie & Dr. Hilton Adler                     Rose French                           Barbara Meyer
        Ms. Judith Albano                     Suzanne Gabrielsen                    Donna & Lloyd Newman
         Mrs. Claire Baer                    Anita & Stewart Gaffan                   Sarah & Ethan Pew
      Paula & Steve Bennett                Suzan & Alfred Goldhaber                  Myra & Alan Rosofsky
      Morisa & Gene Coman                       Carole-An Gordon                       Iris & David Schiff
     Eileen & Joseph Donnelly                Barbara & Gary Kamen                 Margaret & Jay Schoenfeld
        Mrs. Doris Dvorken                       Howie Kanowitz                          Phyllis Sterne
      Mrs. Pamela Feldman                    Donna & Stephen Karol                 Diane & Steve Weitzman
      Eileen & Adam Fisher                    Bonnie & Steve Katz
      Essie & Mark Freilach                   Honey & Arnold Katz

                     @TempleIsaiahSB         Member Union for Reform Judaism             facebook

Temple Isaiah Committees & Clubs

                                   Social Action Committee
It is always the right time to do a      beautiful toys that were donated        During the time of revelry and fun
good deed!                               to the Lend A Hand organization,        our congregation remembers the
          Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.    so they could be given to children      lives of those who need our help.
                                         in time for Hanukkah and Christ-        This will be yet another time to “do
It was especially important to per-
                                         mas. In January many winter coats       a good deed!”
form mitzvot during the pandemic!
                                         were collected and brought to the
Although we could not gather,                                                    We welcome your ideas for actions
                                         JCC in Commack for distribution to
Temple Isaiah congregants made                                                   as well as advocacy. Please call or
                                         families in need.
their way to Temple and dropped                                                  send an e-mail: irisschiff18@gmail.
off many bags of food that were          Purim is now right around the corner,   com (631) 928-0971
donated to the Harry Chapin Long         (March 16-17th) and the holiday is
                                                                                 Iris Schiff, chairperson
Island Cares Organization in time for    always celebrated with the mitzvot of
                                                                                 Social Action Committee
Thanksgiving. The following month        giving misloach manot and matanot
our members purchased a number of        la-evyonim.

                Community Building Committee (Membership)
Community Building Committee,            orientation, engagement/integration     room for you to pull up a chair and
previously known as Membership,          and retention of members. We will       join us at the Community Building
enthusiastically met for the first       also be pursuing various publicity      table! Looking to hear from you at
time in January. We are eagerly          venues to get the word out to the
working on programs and events           community about our Temple’s pro-
that will address: recruitment,          grams and events. There is always       Carole-Ann Gordon

                    Getting Together                    with the          Book Group
Our Book Group happily continues         of Steve Ross’s memoir From Broken      Want to read ahead for March? The
to meet in our Library with all CDC      Glass.                                  selection is The Vixen by Francine
precautions in place, including fresh                                            Prose.
                                         We invite you to join us and extend
air intake. Please come join us on
                                         a warm welcome to our newest mem-       Interested? Contact Carole-Ann at
Monday, February 28th at 1:00 pm
                                         ber, Terri Cohen.             
to partake in a facilitated discussion

                        @TempleIsaiahSB        Member Union for Reform Judaism           facebook

Temple Isaiah Committees & Clubs

                                          Caring Committee
It was then that I carried you…         phone calls and mailed cards, and        is email us at ticaringcommittee@
                                        can also provide referrals to outside, call Sue Rosenzweig at
                                        resources when they’re needed.           516-429-0620, or call the temple
                                                                                 office at 631-751-8518. Our com-
                                        We can only do this work if we hear
                                                                                 mittee will always work to respect
                                        from the congregation. If you have
                                                                                 your privacy.
                                        good news to share (a birth, wed-
                                                                                 If you would like to volunteer, please
                                        ding, etc.), please let us know. If
                                                                                 reach out to us through any of the
                                        you or a family member are facing
                                                                                 ways mentioned above. We’d love to
                                        a serious illness or challenge, or you
                                                                                 have you join us!
TI’s Caring Committee is now up and     have experienced the loss of a loved
running! Our mission is to help you     one, please tell us. If you are feel-    Lastly, our thanks to congregant
celebrate your simchas and provide      ing isolated and would just like an      Essie Freilach for painting our beau-
support during difficult life events.   occasional phone call, we’ll be there    tiful, hopeful sunflower logo! Be
We can connect with you through         if you reach out. All you need to do     well!

                               Schmoozing              with      Sisterhood
Dear All,                               A L’Dor V’Dor Baking                     A Sisterhood Shabbat
                                        Come Bake Challah with Us! Thurs-        Sisterhood Shabbat will be held in
We hope you are all warm and
                                        day March 24th we will be hosting        May. Date TBD, Stay tuned.
healthy during these complicated
                                        a Zoom virtual challah bake at 7pm.
times. We are encouraged to see                                                  A Dinner and Celebration
                                        Learn how to prepare and braid a
the omicron covid spike steadily                                                 Our end of year dinner and book
                                        mouthwatering home-made challah
decreasing in our area and look for-                                             celebration will be in June. Date
                                        just in time for Shabbat. Ingredient
ward to getting together in person                                               TBD. All are welcome. We can’t wait
                                        list, recipe and preparation details
this coming spring at some point.                                                to see you!
                                        will be posted online.
We will be having a Virtual Sister-                                              With Very Best Wishes,
hood Schmooze on Sunday, Febru-
                                        A Macaroon Mania!
                                                                                 Paula Bennett
                                        Learn how to prepare home-made
ary 13th at 11am on Zoom to recon-                                     
                                        Macaroons on Sunday, April 10th
nect and share our news. We will                                                 and Eileen Donnelly
                                        on Zoom at 4pm. Make these easy to
also be choosing a book for our end                                              ebdonnel@optonline
                                        prepare cookies watch them miracu-
of year dinner and book celebration.                                             TI Sisterhood Co-Presidents
                                        lously disappear.

                         @TempleIsaiahSB       Member Union for Reform Judaism            facebook
Rabbi—Paul Sidlofsky                                      Brotherhood President—Jason Kitt
      Student Cantor Intern––Kalix Jacobson                     Parents' Association Chair—Ellen Covino
      Temple President—Howard Kanowitz                          Rabbi Emeritus—Stephen A. Karol
      Administrator—Penny Gentile                               Rabbi Emeritus—Adam D. Fisher
      Sisterhood Co-Presidents—Paula Bennett                    Cantor Emeritus—Michael F. Trachtenberg
      & Eileen Donnelly

           Beautification Fund                                               Sunshine Funds
 This fund exists to generate finances needed                     It’s always the "right time" to make a contribu-
 to renovate and beautify our synagogue.                          tion to your Temple, whether in honor of a living
                                                                  person or recent event, or in memory of some-
 Our wall sculpture provides the opportunity to
                                                                  one special. Your donation can be added to your
 commemorate your support for Temple Isaiah.
                                                                  monthly invoice for easy book-keeping.
 Plaques of different sizes are available in the
 following categories:                                            Minimum contribution is $10
                                                                  Prayer Book:                                     $45
 Contributor............... $250 per year for 3 years             Chumash:                                         $60
 Sponsor.................... $500 per year for 3 years            Tree of Life Leaf:                              $118
 Patron.................... $1000 per year for 3 years            Pew Plaque:                                     $250
 Benefactor.............. $2500 per year for 3 years              Memorial Board Plaque:                          $360

 To make a contribution, or if you have any questions,            Please call the office for more information regarding the
 please call the office at 751-8518.                              above contributions.

   Temple Isaiah              A    1404 Stony Brook Road, Stony Brook, N.Y. 11790
(631) 751- 8518               A A
                                       Newsletter Designed & Edited by Gary Kamen
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