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RISKS                       42      Five years aer the crisis
                                    The trade credit insurance market has not
                                    fully recovered since the banking crisis, but
                                    is making strides forward

                            44      New markets, new risks
                                    As businesses venture into unknown
                                    territories, they might find trade credit
                                    insurance to be the support they need

  This report is sponsored by AIG

                                                              www.strategic-risk-global.com [ OCTOBER 2013 ] StrategicRISK   41

Five years aer the crisis
The trade credit insurance market has had to rebuild its reputation in the aermath of the
banking crisis, so credit insurers are focusing their attention on product innovation

     financial crisis, capacity has
steadily returned to the trade credit
                                             even today we’ve barely been able to
                                             get them back – they look almost lost
                                             to the industry,” says AIG head of UK
                                                                                           ‘A lot of zombie
                                                                                                                                            Unease about the creditworthiness
                                                                                                                                        in some European countries (Greece
                                                                                                                                        in particular) led to a deterioration of
insurance market and demand for              trade credit William Clark. “In 2008,         companies may be                             insurer credit limit underwriting in
these products has risen. But memo-          the major credit insurers cut cover           trading, but can never                       the eurozone markets last year,
ries of an extremely difficult market        rather arbitrarily and that really has                                                     according to a survey of Marsh’s
remain. When claims increased,               had a knock-on impact. Clients have           pay down their debts’                        trade credit insurance experts. The
some credit insurers cancelled poli-         looked at the value of credit insurance       Richard Talboys Willis                       decision by many European banks to
cies and retracted their involvement         and sought something different,                                                            stop trade financing increased the
in many segments of the market.              something more consistent.”                                                                risk of default among importers and
    The credit insurance market is               The drop in policyholders could           amount of claims during the crisis           exporters seeking trade credit cover.
different today from what it was             also be because of other factors.             years. Insurers paid out more than               “Southern Europe is still under
before the crisis. “There’s lots of          Mergers and acquisitions have shrunk          $6bn of claims worldwide. As loss            the gun as far as its prospects are
capacity and competitive pricing for         the number of insureds, while some            ratios recovered and competitive             concerned, although there does seem
risks in most sectors,” says Willis          companies may have gone out of                forces returned, the need to innovate        to be some better news coming out
Financial Solutions executive director       business. Others, feeling the pinch,          was obvious. Policyholders began to          from southern Europe in terms of
Richard Talboys. “There is caution           may have opted to take the risk on to         demand non-cancellable cover. “AIG           GDP expectations from 2014
about some sectors, however. You find         their own balance sheet.                      has long been a proponent of non-            onwards,” says Clark. “Europe is
some insurers show a lack of interest            “I suspect the reason some policy-        cancellable limits and this is now part      seemingly set for recovery, but it is
or capacity in, say, consumer electron-      holders left was because of capacity,”        and parcel of almost every trade credit      not going to be without bumps along
ics or retail or construction risks.”        says Clark. “They saw capacity being          insurance house,” says Clark.                the way and it’s going to be a long
    Premiums have recovered and are          reduced and started to question the               While the worst of the downturn is       road to get to pre-2008 levels.”
back at £334m – the same level of            premium being paid.”                          over, the European sovereign debt
GWP written by the market in 2007.               The ABI statistics reveal the distri-     crisis rumbles on and insurers have          Out of the ashes
Claims have also reduced substan-            bution of trade credit insurance, and it      seen an uptick in notifications of over-      Should the eurozone troubles esca-
tially, from nearly 22,000 at the            is clear that the biggest drop in policy-     due accounts in Europe, a potential          late, Talboys thinks credit insurers
height of the crisis to nearly 11,000 in     holders has come from SMEs (custom-           precursor to claims. “There is a con-        and policyholders will be better
2012, according to statistics from the       ers with profits of up to £3m). Those          cern, expressed more by the insurers,        prepared than they were during the
ABI. However, the total number of            with turnover of more than £100m,             that there are a lot of potential failures   financial crisis. It is clear that a differ-
policies was 10,550 in 2012, down            meanwhile, increased their share, and         out there – zombie companies that            ent credit insurance market has
from 14,086 in 2008.                         account for 42% of the market today.          may be trading profitably, but can            emerged from the downturn – one
    “As a consequence of the banking             The statistics also tell another story.   never pay down their enormous debts          that is increasingly innovative and
crisis, the credit insurance market          They show how trade credit insurance          – which are paying the price of excess       invests in getting close to the risk in
lost some 4,000 policyholders and            markets absorbed a substantial                leverage,” says Talboys.                     order to better underwrite it.

Banks drive demand
While the reasons for purchasing trade credit have          “The amount of regulatory capital banks have to              activities is finite and at a time when it is
not changed dramatically, there is a new impetus            allocate has gone up under Basel III and they are            difficult to raise additional capital.
for policyholders to take out credit insurance              now looking to minimise that credit exposure                     “Banks are looking to insurance to provide
owing to more stringent regulation of the banking           they have on their own balance sheets, so they’re            some regulatory capital benefits for them, using
sector. Under Basel III, Europe’s new regulatory            looking to insurers to partner with them for that.”          the underwriters’ financial strength to derive
framework, banks’ capital requirements have risen               While a bank may have a ceiling on how much              the amount of capital being used to support
substantially. Trade credit insurance is a form of          it can lend within a certain territory or to a               trade finance transactions,” explains Ross.
contingent capital that allows banks to grow their          specific counterparty, the purchase of trade                      “The margin is now nowhere near sufficient
asset-backed lending portfolios in this more                credit allows it to extent its credit and go                 to give the bank the return on capital under
restrictive environment.                                    beyond that cap.                                             Basel III, so they either have to push up their
   Trade finance is driving the biggest growth in                This is helpful at a time when the amount of             margin or work with insurers to help provide
demand for insurance, notes AIG’s Neil Ross.                capital a bank can use to support its lending                more efficient capital structures for the bank.”

42   StrategicRISK [ OCTOBER 2013 ] www.strategic-risk-global.com
“The view from the industry is          It’s recognising that there is a risk in   won’t over-control you by telling you     or four years than in the past 20
that the big three insurers are much        your business and covering you for         how much you can sell to which com-       years. Part of that is because there is
better prepared if a crisis recurs          catastrophe losses.”                       panies, provided you follow your own      better technology now, which gives
because they were underwriting a lot            “Some companies are conserva-          credit procedures and conduct appro-      you more capabilities to develop new
of risk pre-2008 based on fairly            tive and want first dollar cover,” he       priate due diligence.”                    products,” says Ross.
sketchy information, so they had too        adds. “They don’t mind paying more             “The more we encourage compa-
many risks on their books and, due to       for their insurance, but if they have a    nies to align their interest with the     Long road ahead
over-competitive premiums rates,            loss they want to claim. Other com-        insurer, the better responses you will    But despite bouncing back from the
not enough fat in their reserves to pay     panies understand they can sustain a       ultimately get, because the insurer       downturn, credit insurers must not rest
significant losses,” he says.                certain level of losses, but want to be    can see that everyone is driving in the   on their laurels, says Ross. “Market loss
    The biggest shift since the financial    covered for losses that would hurt         same direction,” he adds.                 ratios have been relatively stable, but
crisis has been the introduction of         their balance sheet. Post-crisis insur-        “More companies see they need         there is a lot of potential for risk volatil-
excess-of-loss products. Unlike tradi-      ers are more likely to allow you to        to start investing in their own credit    ity: conflict in the Middle East and
tional whole turnover insurance, excess-    focus on where a company perceives         management capabilities, so are           North Africa, southern European
of-loss products are non--cancellable.      risk and where a company can be            becoming more suitable for an             countries still in recession and South-
They also require insureds to take on a     hurt through financial trading risk.”       excess-of-loss product,” says AIG         East Asia slowing down,” he says.
certain level of risk, and responsibility       The shift towards excess-of-loss       Europe trade credit regional manager          “As an industry we’ve got to
for risk mitigation, before the insurance   products is affecting the market. The      Neil Ross. “It has provided a more        develop products and solutions to
will pay out. As the name implies,          big three traditional whole turnover       consistent underwriting approach          attract more companies to buy credit
excess-of-loss products are designed for    credit insurers – Euler Hermes, Atra-      throughout the economic cycle,            insurance. We have to look at new
claims above a certain expected level.      dius and Coface – have begun to offer      providing organisations with greater      ways to broaden the appeal.” SR
    “A traditional policy would be a        a mix of cancellable and non-cancel-       certainty from non-cancellable limits
whole turnover product where every          lable limits. Last year, Euler Hermes      – it doesn’t seem to be as volatile.
single customer on a debtor portfolio       launched an excess-of-loss unit.           There is a level of risk-sharing
is covered,” explains Marsh’s trade             By investing in credit manage-         between the policyholder and the
                                                                                                                                 A view from Germany,
credit practice leader in Europe the        ment, insureds can lower their             underwriter. Clients find overall it       the continental engine –
Middle East and Africa Tim Smith.           premium spend by taking some “skin         gives them greater coverage across        what’s next?
“With excess-of-loss, a company             in the game”, says Willis’s Talboys. “If   the whole portfolio, although they
agrees to lose a certain amount of          you’ve got a good industry-leading         are taking a deductible.”                 For the German credit insurance
losses through bad debts, each year.        credit management team and you’ve              Innovation is one way insurers        market, 2012 has been a mixed year,
That might just be frictional business      taken a big chunk of risk, then you        have been attracting customers back       with slim growth on the premium
losses, and a catastrophe insurer will      align your risk with an insurer that can   into the credit insurance market.         side (+2%) and an increased number
say, if that’s your normal level of         effectively sit alongside you. It will         “We’ve probably seen more             of policies. However, the loss ratio
losses we will insure you above that.       then pick up the catastrophes, but         product innovation in the past three      has doubled from 47.5% to more
                                                                                                                                 than 80%, creating a strong impact
                                                                                                                                 on the combined ratio, which moved
Sending a strong message                                                                                                         up to 98% – aer 67.3% the previous
                                                                                                                                 year. It is important to notice that the
AIG has just opened a            strong message,” says           option for sophisticated        interference from an            world’s largest trade credit market is
trade credit office in           AIG Trade Credit’s              companies.                      insurance company.”             suffering from a declining premium
Germany, where the               head in Frankfurt,                 He adds: “Executives            German companies             rate development and a number of
company already offers           Christian F Vollbehr.           who actively manage their       have not fled from trade         large domestic claims despite an
a wide range of other            “We have to educate the         trade receivables book          credit insurance as recent      overall fairly robust economy.
insurance products in            proponents of traditional       based on clear internal         statistics indicate, but            AIG head of trade credit in
the market.                      German credit insurance         procedures and with a           they are on the lookout         Germany Christian F Vollbehr says:
   “Setting up a trade           that the excess-of-loss         strong focus on the             for alternatives since the      ”Going forward, the underwriters
credit hub from scratch in       underwriting philosophy         bottom-line will                broad culling of limits         are expected to support growth and
the leading trade credit         successfully deployed           appreciate the freedom to       by the traditional              will become more flexible in terms
market in a mature               by AIG in many other            take their own credit limit     underwriters has le            of product developments and
environment sends a              countries is a viable           decision without                a bitter taste.                 services provided.”                             »

                                                                                                           www.strategic-risk-global.com [ OCTOBER 2013 ] StrategicRISK    43


     Uncertainty has boosted                                         New markets, new risks
     case for trade credit cover
     The difficult economic environment since the financial           Credit insurers could provide comfort abroad
     crisis started has touched most of the world. While there
     has been a considerable impact on developed markets,
     some developing markets are now beginning to experience
     limitations on growth. Complex patterns have begun to
     emerge, with businesses having to adapt to a different
                                                                     O     RGANISATIONS           MOVING
                                                                           into emerging markets often
                                                                     lack insight into their new customer
                                                                                                              how their customers are performing,
                                                                                                              so trading could be risky.
                                                                                                                  “People buy trade credit to cover
     post-crisis future. The massive capital flows into the BRIC      base. By partnering with credit insur-   their key and principal customers,”
     economies, for example, have become outflows as capital          ers they can get valuable support.       says Smith. “Rather than going into a
     has sought “safer” markets. Companies have sought to                The macroeconomic shift from         new market blind, they would use an
     diversify the markets they trade in, spread and manage risk     West to East is expected to shape        insurer with experience trading there
     and ensure that they have working capital to support.           trade finance and demand for credit       for support. Some companies use
           Against this backdrop and despite some difficulties       insurance over the coming years.         trade credit insurance to vet potential
     over the past few years, trade credit insurance is becoming     “With traditional markets stagnating,    new customers and establish which
     an increasingly vital tool for companies. It helps give         organisations have to extend further     ones are low risk.”
     confidence to push for growth – both in mature markets,          into new territories,” says AIG Europe       To provide this insight, credit
     with corporate failures ever present, and developing            trade credit regional manager Neil       insurers have to get closer to the risk.
     markets, where there is more uncertainty and less security.     Ross. “These are markets they don’t      With offices in emerging markets
     Insurers such as AIG want to support business growth by         know well, so they have to deal          around the world, they meet and
     providing solutions not only to help de-risk the balance        with new buyers and compete by           vet thousands of companies. This
     sheet, but also facilitate access to capital and enable         extending payment terms.”                information is analysed to sort the
     technology to enhance the monitoring and control of risk.           Sixty-three per cent of respond-     good risks from the bad.
        To fully support businesses, insurance underwriters have     ents to AIG’s International Trade            “Insurers are investing in these
     to provide consistency and ambition. Consistency comes          Survey predicted their dependency        markets and getting closer to compa-
     from products clients can have confidence in (which is why       on export would rise over the next       nies that want to be supported for
     AIG has long been an advocate of non-cancellable limits)        five years. While Europe is still the     trade credit,” says Smith. “As compa-
     and a relationship with an empowered underwriter or             UK’s main export market, it is fol-      nies become more sophisticated in
     progressive technology that binds the insured more closely      lowed by Asia, China, the Middle         emerging markets, they will need to
     with the insurer. Insurers will be increasingly challenged      East, Eurasia and North America.         purchase credit insurance.”
     by clients and brokers to provide price, risk coverage and          Dealing with new customers is            Insurers are also in a position to
     insight in an environment that will need to add value at        one of the biggest risks when trading    gain new policyholders as South-
     every step. Banks will also play a part in the evolution of     in new markets and this is where         South trade continues to grow.
     trade credit insurance, as they come to terms with Basel III    trade credit insurance comes in.         “Many of these markets haven’t had
     and their clients’ demands for investment capital. Closer       “There are areas of the world that are   trade credit insurance businesses
     partnerships between insurers, banks and clients will help.     more difficult to trade in,” says        there for very long. These markets
        If culture is about “how one feels” then ambitious clients   Marsh’s trade credit practice leader     are becoming far more significant in
     should seek ambitious insurers. Insurers should seek to         in Europe, the Middle East and           world trade terms than they were 10
     grow their portfolios – but not necessarily with the same       Africa, Tim Smith. Many countries        years ago and they will continue to
     products or markets. The Middle East, South America, Asia       do not have transparency rules that      become more so,” says AIG head of
     and Russia offer great opportunities for insurers to provide    allow exporters to access details on     UK trade credit William Clark. SR
     support by helping businesses to share best practice in
     credit management techniques. Also, there is a greater
     need for insurers to promote and innovate to increase the
     relevance of trade credit insurance to companies that have      AIG’s International Trade Survey
     either considered themselves too small for it, not been
     aware of it or have not considered it relevant.                 Overseas demand for        year have an export          of 13% since last year.
        With a constantly changing economic and corporate            UK products is driving     strategy, a significant      Firms in the higher
     environment, we can expect further evolution in the trade       export growth,             growth compared with         turnover bands are
     credit market to bring new opportunities for companies          according to the 2013      previous years.              more risk-averse than
     with a growth agenda.                                           survey results. Most       Factors holding them         smaller ones. Firms with
                                                                     firms report that their    back are a lack of           turnover of £25m use
     AIG has been underwriting trade credit and political risk       international turnover     experience, finance, or       credit insurance. Those
     insurance for over 40 years and has                             grew between 2012 and      confidence in obtaining       with turnover of
     a dedicated and experienced team                                2013, and over 50% of      finance. Forty per cent       £1m-£5m use advance
     across EMEA and globally                                        companies with a           of respondents protect       payments rather than
                                                                     turnover above £1m a       their credit risks, a fall   other risk models.

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Bringing certainty
to tomorrow

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Insurance and services provided by member companies of American International Group, Inc. Coverage may not be available in all jurisdictions and is subject
to actual policy language. For additional information, please visit our website at www.AIG.com. AIG Europe Limited is registered in England: company number
1486260. Registered address: The AIG Building, 58 Fenchurch Street, London, EC3M 4AB
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