Routine Vitamin Supplementation to Prevent Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease

Page created by Troy Elliott
Routine Vitamin Supplementation to
Prevent Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease
Recommendations and Rationale

U.S. Preventive Services Task Force

   This statement summarizes the U.S. Preventive            Summary of
Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommendations                Recommendations
on routine vitamin supplementation to prevent                  The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force
cancer and cardiovascular disease and the                   (USPSTF) concludes that the evidence is insufficient
supporting scientific evidence. Explanations of the         to recommend for or against the use of supplements
ratings and of the strength of overall evidence are         of vitamins A, C, or E; multivitamins with folic acid;
given in Appendix A and in Appendix B,                      or antioxidant combinations for the prevention of
respectively. The complete information on which             cancer or cardiovascular disease. I recommendation.
this statement is based, including evidence tables
and references, is available in the articles,                  The USPSTF found poor evidence to determine
“Routine Vitamin Supplementation to Prevent                 whether supplementation with these vitamins reduces
Cardiovascular Disease: A Summary of the                    the risk for cardiovascular disease or cancer. The
Evidence for the U.S. Preventive Services Task              available evidence from randomized trials is either
Force,”1 “Routine Vitamin Supplementation                   inadequate or conflicting, and the influence of
to Prevent Cancer: A Summary of the Evidence                confounding variables on observed outcomes in
from Randomized Controlled Trials for the U.S.              observational studies cannot be determined. As a result,
Preventive Services Task Force,”2 and “Routine              the USPSTF could not determine the balance of
Vitamin Supplementation to Prevent Cancer:                  benefits and harms of routine use of supplements of
Update of the Evidence from Randomized                      vitamins A, C, or E; multivitamins with folic acid;
Controlled Trials, 1999–2002,”3 which can                   or antioxidant combinations for the prevention of
be obtained on the USPSTF Web site                          cancer or cardiovascular disease.
(                       The USPSTF recommends against the use
and through the National Guideline                          of beta-carotene supplements, either alone or
Clearinghouse™ (                  in combination, for the prevention of cancer
   The recommendation statement and                         or cardiovascular disease. D recommendation.
summaries of the evidence on these topics are                  The USPSTF found good evidence that beta-
also available from the AHRQ Publications                   carotene supplementation provides no benefit in the
Clearinghouse in print or through subscription              prevention of cancer or cardiovascular disease in
to the Guide to Clinical Preventive Services, Third         middle-aged and older adults. In 2 trials restricted
Edition, Periodic Updates. To order, contact the            to heavy smokers, beta-carotene supplementation
Clearinghouse at 1-800-358-9295 or e-mail                   was associated with higher incidence of lung cancer                                          and higher all-cause mortality. The USPSTF
   The USPSTF recommendations are                           concludes that beta-carotene supplements are
independent of the U.S. government. They                    unlikely to provide important benefits and might
do not represent the views of the Agency for                cause harm in some groups.
Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ),
the U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services, or the U.S. Public Health Service.                Corresponding Author: Alfred O. Berg, MD, MPH, Chair,
                                                            U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, c/o Project Director,
   This first appeared in Ann Intern Med.                   USPSTF, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 540
139:51-55.                                                  Gaither Road, Rockville, MD 20850, e-mail:

Vitamin Supplementation: USPSTF Recommendations

Clinical Considerations                                       • The USPSTF did not review evidence supporting
                                                                folic acid supplementation among pregnant
• The USPSTF did not review evidence regarding
                                                                women to reduce neural tube defects. In 1996,
  vitamin supplementation for patients with
                                                                the USPSTF recommended folic acid for all
  known or potential nutritional deficiencies,
                                                                women who are planning, or capable of,
  including pregnant and lactating women,
                                                                pregnancy (see 1996 USPSTF chapter on
  children, the elderly, and people with chronic
                                                                screening for neural tube defects).6
  illnesses. Dietary supplements may be
  appropriate for people whose diet does not                  • Clinicians and patients should discuss the
  provide the recommended dietary intake of                     possible need for vitamin supplementation
  specific vitamins. Individuals may wish to                    when taking certain medications (eg, folic acid
  consult a health care provider to discuss                     supplementation for those patients taking
  whether dietary supplements are appropriate.                  methotrexate).
• With the exception of vitamins for which there
  is compelling evidence of net harm (eg, beta-
  carotene supplementation in smokers), there is              Scientific Evidence
  little reason to discourage people from taking                 The USPSTF reviews1–3 focused on the quality
  vitamin supplements. Patients should be                     of the evidence regarding the effect of routine
  reminded that taking vitamins does not replace              supplementation with certain vitamins on the
  the need to eat a healthy diet. All patients should         primary prevention of cancer and cardiovascular
  receive information about the benefits of a diet            disease. These reviews were undertaken because of
  high in fruits and vegetables, as well as                   the growing epidemiologic evidence that dietary
  information on other foods and nutrients that               factors may play a role in the etiology of these
  should be emphasized or avoided in their diet               diseases.7–9 The reviews focused on prospective trials
  (see 2002 USPSTF evidence summary on                        of vitamin supplementation and observational
  counseling to promote a healthy diet).4                     studies of associations between the use of specific
                                                              supplements and the risk for cancer or
• Patients who choose to take vitamins should be
                                                              cardiovascular disease. The value of vitamins
  encouraged to adhere to the dosages recommended
                                                              naturally occurring in food, the use of vitamin
  in the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI) of the
                                                              supplements for the prevention of other conditions
  Institute of Medicine. Some vitamins, such as A
                                                              (eg, neural tube defects), and the use of vitamin
  and D, may be harmful in higher doses; therefore,
                                                              supplements for the secondary prevention of
  doses greatly exceeding the Recommended Dietary
                                                              complications in patients with existing disease
  Allowance (RDA) or Adequate Intake (AI) should
                                                              were outside the scope of these reviews.
  be taken with care while considering whether
  potential harms outweigh potential benefits.
  Vitamins and minerals sold in the United States             Vitamin A
  are classified as “dietary supplements,” and there
                                                                 No prospective trials have examined the effect
  is a degree of quality control over content if
                                                              of vitamin A supplements alone on the risk for
  they have a U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP) seal.5
                                                              cancer. Observational studies provide no evidence
  Nevertheless, imprecision in the content and
                                                              that such supplements prevent cancer in men. In
  concentration of ingredients could pose a
                                                              women, observational studies have reported a
  theoretical risk not reflected in clinical trials
                                                              statistically significant inverse association between
  using calibrated compounds.
                                                              use of vitamin A supplements and the risk for
• The adverse effects of beta-carotene on smokers             colon and breast cancer.10,11 Despite efforts to
  have been observed primarily in those taking                adjust for confounding variables, the observational,
  large supplemental doses. There is no evidence              non-random design of these studies makes it
  to suggest that beta-carotene is harmful to                 difficult to assess the extent to which the reduced
  smokers at levels occurring naturally in foods.             cancer risk is attributable to vitamin A or to other

Vitamin Supplementation: USPSTF Recommendations

characteristics of women who take vitamin A                     Beta-carotene
supplements.                                                       A consistent body of evidence from clinical trials
   No evidence from prospective trials is available             suggests that beta-carotene supplementation does
regarding the benefits of vitamin A alone in                    not decrease the risk for lung, prostate, colon,
preventing cardiovascular disease. One good-quality             breast, or non-melanoma skin cancer.14,21–25 Beta-
cohort study found no effect of vitamin A                       carotene supplements were associated with an
supplementation on reducing cardiovascular disease              increased risk for lung cancer among smokers,
mortality.12                                                    especially heavy smokers, in 2 RCTs.14,25 Results
                                                                from 4 RCTs demonstrate no reduced risk for
                                                                cardiovascular events or mortality after beta-carotene
Vitamin C
   No primary prevention trial of the effect of
vitamin C supplementation alone on cancer or
cardiovascular disease has been reported.                       Antioxidant Vitamin Combinations
Observational studies have generally shown no                       Studies of the effects of antioxidant vitamin
significant associations between use of vitamin C               combinations to prevent cancer have yielded mixed
supplements and the risk for cancers of the breast,             results. A recent RCT reported no significant effect
prostate, colon, or lung.12–14 The observational                of daily supplementation of a combination of
cohort studies examining the effects of vitamin C               antioxidants: vitamin E, vitamin C, and beta-
on cardiovascular disease have produced inconsistent            carotene.29 Some studies have suggested an adverse
results.12,15,16                                                effect of antioxidant combinations on cancer, but
                                                                the results may have been confounded by the
Vitamin E                                                       inclusion of beta-carotene.2 Some observational
                                                                studies of antioxidant vitamin combinations have
   Only a few trials have examined the effects of               suggested a benefit in preventing cardiovascular
vitamin E on the primary prevention of cancer or                disease13,30,31, but other studies, including well-
cardiovascular disease. A randomized controlled trial           designed RCTs, have shown no benefit.29,32,33 One
(RCT) involving Finnish male smokers found that                 secondary prevention trial showed an increase in
vitamin E supplementation was not protective                    all-cause mortality among women taking
against lung cancer but may have a beneficial
                                                                antioxidant supplements.34
impact on prostate cancer.14 Because prostate cancer
was not a primary endpoint of the trial, and the
trial suffered from other limitations, further                  Multiple Vitamin Combinations
evidence is needed to confirm this finding.                        The incremental benefit of taking supplemental
Observational studies have shown no significant                 doses of folic acid and the B vitamins has been
association between vitamin E supplement use and                examined by comparing the outcomes of
the risk for prostate, lung, or breast cancer.2 One             observational studies while controlling for the total
study suggested that vitamin E protects against                 intake of antioxidant vitamin supplements.35 In these
colon cancer, but the influence of confounding                  analyses, folic acid supplementation was associated
variables cannot be fully excluded.17 Among primary             with significantly decreased risk for colon cancer,
prevention trials, 2 good-quality14,18 and 1 fair-              but the protective effect requires confirmation in
quality trial19 found no significant benefit of vitamin         prospective trials. There is conflicting evidence
E supplementation on preventing cardiovascular                  regarding the use of multivitamins and the risk
disease.20 Only 1 of 7 trials of vitamin E                      for cardiovascular disease. Among cohort studies,
supplementation for secondary prevention                        1 good-quality study reported a significant reduction
demonstrated a significant reduction in cardiac                 in coronary events,36 2 good-quality studies reported
events.1 Some prospective cohort studies have                   no significant effect on mortality,16,37 and 1 fair-
suggested a significant benefit, but the results are            quality study reported an increase in all-cause
mixed and the influence of confounding variables                mortality in men.31 No trial has examined the effect
cannot be excluded.1                                            of either folate or multivitamins on the primary
Vitamin Supplementation: USPSTF Recommendations

prevention of cardiovascular disease, but such studies         for the benefits of such diets. Furthermore, dietary
are currently underway.                                        supplementation with folic acid, vitamin B-6
                                                               (pyridoxine), and vitamin B-12 (alone or in
Potential Harms of Vitamin                                     combination) appears to lower plasma
                                                               homocysteine levels, and higher levels of
Supplementation                                                homocysteine may be an independent risk factor
   There are several known adverse effects caused by           for cardiovascular disease.38 However, definitive
excessive doses of vitamins; for example, moderate             evidence of the role of vitamin supplementation
doses of vitamin A supplements may reduce bone                 on altering cardiovascular outcomes is lacking.
mineral density, and high doses may be hepatotoxic             The results of a secondary prevention trial will
or teratogenic. A small but significant increase in            be available within the next few years.
lung cancer mortality observed in trials of smokers
has been ascribed to beta-carotene supplementation;
adverse effects of beta-carotene supplementation on
non-smokers have not been observed in other trials.            Recommendations of Others
The adverse effects of vitamin supplementation                    The American Academy of Family Physicians
were not reported in most studies reviewed by the              states that “the decision to provide special dietary
USPSTF. More studies are needed to better                      intervention or nutrient supplementation must be
understand the harms of vitamin supplementation.               on an individual basis using the family physician’s
                                                               best judgment based on evidence of benefit as well
                                                               as lack of harmful effects. Megadoses of certain
Discussion                                                     vitamins and minerals have been proven to be
   The findings of this review must be placed in               harmful.”39 The Canadian Task Force on Preventive
context because it focused only on vitamin                     Health Care is reviewing the role of vitamin E
supplements and their role in preventing cancer                supplementation on the prevention of cardiovascular
and cardiovascular disease. The value of taking                disease and cancer.40 The American Cancer Society
vitamin supplements for other purposes, such as                recommends a well-balanced diet and does not
folic acid supplementation by women capable of                 recommend the use of vitamin and mineral
pregnancy to prevent the birth of babies with                  supplements as a preventive or therapeutic
neural tube defects, has stronger scientific support.          intervention.41 The American Heart Association
Although the health benefits of vitamin                        Dietary Guidelines Revision 2000 recommends
supplementation remain uncertain, there is more                that vitamin and mineral supplements are not a
consistent evidence that a diet high in fruit,                 substitute for a balanced and nutritious diet
vegetables, and legumes has important benefits;                designed to emphasize the intake of fruits,
other constituents besides vitamins may account                vegetables, and grains.42

Vitamin Supplementation: USPSTF Recommendations

References                                                          13. Hunter DJ, Manson JE, Colditz GA, et al. A
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1.   Morris C, Carson S. Vitamin supplementation to                     and A and the risk of breast cancer. N Engl J Med.
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     Ann Int Med. 2003;139:56–70.                                   14. The Alpha-Tocopherol B-CCPSG. The effect of
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2.   Ritenbaugh C, Streit K, Helfand M. Routine vitamin                 cancer and other cancers in male smokers. N Engl J
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Vitamin Supplementation: USPSTF Recommendations

24. Cook NR, Stampfer MJ, Ma J, et al. Beta-carotene              34. Waters DD, Alderman EL, Hsia J, et al. Effects
    supplementation for patients with low baseline levels             of hormone replacement therapy and anioxidant
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    Cancer. 1999;86:1783–1792.                                        in postmenopausal women. JAMA.
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    Risk factors for lung cancer and for intervention             35. Giovannucci E, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA, et al.
    effects in CARET, the Beta-Carotene and Retinol                   Multivitamin use, folate, and colon cancer in women
    Efficacy Trial. JNCI. 1996;88:1550–1559.                          in the Nurses’ Health Study. Ann Intern Med.
26. Greenberg ER, Baron JA, Karagas MR, et al.
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    loss: AREDS Report No. 9. Arch Ophthalmol.

Vitamin Supplementation: USPSTF Recommendations

                                                   Appendix A
                      U.S. Preventive Services Task Force – Recommendations and Ratings

The Task Force grades its recommendations according to one of 5 classifications (A, B, C, D, I)
reflecting the strength of evidence and magnitude of net benefit (benefits minus harms):
A. The USPSTF strongly recommends that clinicians routinely provide [the service] to eligible patients.
     The USPSTF found good evidence that [the service] improves important health outcomes and concludes that
     benefits substantially outweigh harms.
B. The USPSTF recommends that clinicians routinely provide [the service] to eligible patients. The USPSTF
     found at least fair evidence that [the service] improves important health outcomes and concludes that benefits
     outweigh harms.
C. The USPSTF makes no recommendation for or against routine provision of [the service]. The USPSTF
     found at least fair evidence that [the service] can improve health outcomes but concludes that the balance of
     benefits and harms is too close to justify a general recommendation.
D. The USPSTF recommends against routinely providing [the service] to asymptomatic patients. The
     USPSTF found at least fair evidence that [the service] is ineffective or that harms outweigh benefits.
I. The USPSTF concludes that the evidence is insufficient to recommend for or against routinely providing
     [the service]. Evidence that the [service] is effective is lacking, of poor quality, or conflicting and the balance
     of benefits and harms cannot be determined.
                                                    Appendix B
                         U.S. Preventive Services Task Force – Strength of Overall Evidence

The USPSTF grades the quality of the overall evidence for a service on a 3-point scale (good, fair, poor):
Good: Evidence includes consistent results from well-designed, well-conducted studies in representative
      populations that directly assess effects on health outcomes.
Fair: Evidence is sufficient to determine effects on health outcomes, but the strength of the evidence is
      limited by the number, quality, or consistency of the individual studies, generalizability to routine
      practice, or indirect nature of the evidence on health outcomes.
Poor: Evidence is insufficient to assess the effects on health outcomes because of limited number or power
      of studies, important flaws in their design or conduct, gaps in the chain of evidence, or lack of
      information on important health outcomes.

                                        Members of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force
 Alfred O. Berg, MD, MPH,               Mark S. Johnson, MD, MPH              Science Center, and Director,      Steven M. Teutsch, MD, MPH
 Chair, USPSTF (Professor and           (Chair, Department of Family          National Program Office for        (Senior Director, Outcomes
 Chair, Department of Family            Medicine, University of Medicine      Robert Wood Johnson Generalist     Research and Management, Merck
 Medicine, University of                and Dentistry of New Jersey-          Physician Faculty Scholars         & Company, Inc., West Point, PA)
 Washington, Seattle, WA)               New Jersey Medical School,            Program, San Antonio, TX)
                                        Newark, NJ)                                                              Carolyn Westhoff, MD, MSc
 Janet D. Allan, PhD, RN, CS,                                                 C. Tracy Orleans, PhD (Senior      (Professor, Department of
 Vice-chair, USPSTF (Dean,              Jonathan D. Klein, MD, MPH            Scientist and Senior Program       Obstetrics and Gynecology,
 School of Nursing, University of       (Associate Professor, Department of   Officer, The Robert Wood Johnson   Columbia University, New York,
 Maryland-Baltimore, Baltimore,         Pediatrics, University of Rochester   Foundation, Princeton, NJ)         NY)
 MD)                                    School of Medicine, Rochester, NY)
                                                                              Jeffrey F. Peipert, MD, MPH*       Steven H. Woolf, MD, MPH
 Paul Frame, MD (Tri-County              Tracy A. Lieu, MD, MPH*              (Director of Research, Women and (Professor, Department of Family
 Family Medicine, Cohocton, NY,         (Associate Professor, Department of   Infants’ Hospital, Providence, RI) Practice and Department of
 and Clinical Professor of Family       Ambulatory Care and Prevention,                                          Preventive and Community
 Medicine, University of Rochester,     Harvard Pilgrim Health Care and       Nola J. Pender, PhD, RN,*          Medicine, Virginia Commonwealth
 Rochester, NY)                         Harvard Medical School, Boston,       (Professor Emeritus, University of University, Fairfax, VA).
                                        MA)                                   Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI); Albert
 Charles J. Homer, MD, MPH*                                                   L. Siu, MD, MSPH (Professor of     *Member of the USPSTF at the
 (Executive Director, National          Cynthia D. Mulrow, MD, MSc*           Medicine, Chief of Division of     time this recommendation was
 Initiative for Children’s Healthcare   (Clinical Professor and Director,     General Internal Medicine, Mount finalized.
 Quality, Boston, MA)                   Department of Medicine,               Sinai School of Medicine, New
                                        University of Texas Health            York, NY)

                                                                                                   AHRQ Pub. No. 03–523A
                                                                            165                                June 2003
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