The Story of Christmas - The Magazine of the Missionary Society of St. Columban

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The Story of Christmas - The Magazine of the Missionary Society of St. Columban
The Magazine of the Missionary Society of St. Columban   December 2021

                     The Story
                   of Christmas
The Story of Christmas - The Magazine of the Missionary Society of St. Columban
                                                                 Volume 105 - Number 8 - December 2021
        o n t e n t s                                             Columban
Issue Theme – The Story of Christmas

                                                                     Published By The Columban Fathers
                                                            Columban Mission (Issn 0095-4438) is
                                                            published eight times a year. A minimum donation
                                                            of $15 a year is required to receive a subscription.
                                                            Send address and other contact information changes
                                                            by calling our toll-free number, by sending the
                                                            information to our mailing address or by emailing
                                                            us at MISSIONOFFICE@COLUMBAN.ORG.
                                                            Mailing Address:
                                                            Missionary Society of St. Columban
                                                            1902 N. Calhoun St.
                                                            St. Columbans, NE 68056-2000
                                                            Toll-Free Phone: 877/299-1920
                                                            Website: WWW.COLUMBAN.ORG
                                                            Copyright © 2021, The Columban Fathers (Legal Title)
The World that God               12 The Challenge of   16
So Loves                            Gift Giving                            REV. JOHN BURGER, SSC
4     Cheap Christmas                                                            KATE KENNY
      Behind the Glitter                                                  KKENNY@COLUMBAN.ORG

6 	A Long Wait                                                       EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS
                                                                          MARCI ANDERSON
      Reflections on a COVID Christmas                                MANDERSON@COLUMBAN.ORG
8 	Love Bears All Things                                                      RENEA STEELE
      Trusting in the Lord                                               RSTEELE@COLUMBAN.ORG
                                                                           DYANNE WENDLING
10 	Merry Christmas from Preda                                         DWENDLING@COLUMBAN.ORG
      An Update from 2020
                                                                        GRAPHIC DESIGNER
14 	A Conversion Story                                                     KRISTIN ASHLEY
      A New Family                                                       EDITORIAL BOARD
                                                                               DAN EMINGER
15 	A Christmas Visit                                                           KATE KENNY
      Good Work Done                                                             ERNIE MAY
                                                                          REV. JOHN BURGER, SSC
18 Christmas Greetings                                                          JEFF NORTON
      Pakistan 2020                                                           SCOTT WRIGHT

20 	Posada
      Listen and Feel                                             The Missionary Society of St. Columban was
                                                              founded in 1918 to proclaim and witness to the
22 Christmas Away from Home                                   Good News of Jesus Christ.
      In This Time of Pandemic                                    The Society seeks to establish the Catholic
                                                              Church where the Gospel has not been preached,
Departments                                                   help local churches evangelize their laity,
                                                              promote dialogue with other faiths, and foster
3 	In So Many Words                                           among all baptized people an awareness of their
                                                              missionary responsibility.
23 	From the Director
The Story of Christmas - The Magazine of the Missionary Society of St. Columban
By Fr. Trevor Trotter

Christmas Lights
     like Christmas lights. In many suburbs of Australia there are marvelous displays of Christmas lights. In the northern
     hemisphere I enjoyed the lights with the snow and the cold. They bring a wonderful feel to the whole season. Jesus said,
     “I am the light of the world.” Is this our experience? When we see all the confusion and darkness of our world, do we
think of Jesus as being the light? What could He mean?
    There is the darkness of ignorance, of oppression by others and depression suffered by many. There are many people who
have no hope and ask whether they should keep going on with life. Many also suffer with the tedium of the regular routines
of life. What does it mean to say that Jesus is the light of the world, when we think about the many dark things of life?
    One thought that comes to me is that light helps us to see what is already there. With the coming of Jesus, we can see
what is already there. Jesus came to tell us and show us what is true about God. The story of Jesus casts light on the truth of
God’s wonderful love for each and every one of us.
    The early followers of Jesus came to see the truth that God is intertwined with the whole universe. God’s ongoing creating
of us, of the trees, the animals, the earth and everything we can think of, is an amazing truth that is wonderful for us to take
in. The message of Jesus brings light to a solely scientific understanding of the world. Christ is the light that helps us to see that
God’s love embraces and sustains the whole of creation. To ponder this truth helps us to know more deeply the power of love.
    Jesus is the light, but he also spoke of the
Holy Spirit. The Spirit has been at work since the
very beginning of time. The Spirit hovers over
the chaos of our world and brings forth form and
                                                           T    he story of Jesus casts light on the truth of God’s
beauty, but would we have come to know this if               wonderful love for each and every one of us.
Jesus had not been the one to reveal the truth of
God and the universe? If Jesus had not been the light, we would be much poorer.
    We Christians belong to a strong and vibrant tradition. We heard the story of Jesus from family, from teachers and
preachers. We read books and discussed our questions among ourselves. Jesus is the light of our world. Jesus is the light of
each of our worlds. We do not understand everything that is happening to us, but we now trust that Jesus will support us and
lead us even though parts of our world are still unknown to us.
    This is the missionary impulse. We want others to see what we see. Like our Columban friends and supporters, we
missionaries have also seen that Christ is the light that overcomes the darkness. As we celebrate and remember that baby in
Bethlehem, the light of the world, we remember all those who are still searching for the light wherever they may be. Let us
pray for them. Let us continue our missionary effort. In this way we continue the work of God the Father who sent his only
Son, the light of the world.

Columban Fr. Trevor Trotter lives and works in Australia.

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The Story of Christmas - The Magazine of the Missionary Society of St. Columban
Cheap Christmas
                                             Behind the Glitter
                                                     By Fr. Jim Mulroney

    “Ask about the labor, not the             But while “Christmas comes but       of all those that bear the Made in
label,” Australian troubadour, Dermot     once a year” may sum up the festive      China label. However, while the
Dorgan, says in his award-winning         season in most parts of the world, the   elves laboring in Santa’s North Pole
song on responsible consumerism.          village of Yiwu in China has made it     workshop may be a happy lot, for the
    The same question can also well       an all year-’round affair.               hapless laborers in China’s Christmas
apply to the tinsel and flashing lights       Sixty percent of all the world’s     village, it is quite a different story.
we buy to put on Christmas trees, or      Christmas decorations are made in            Photographs show Chinese
the Santa costume that the jolly bearer   what has been dubbed the Chinese         migrant workers sweating it out in
of gifts dons while doing his rounds.     Christmas Village, as are 90 percent     harsh conditions producing cheap

4      December 2021                                                                                   WWW.COLUMBAN.ORG
The Story of Christmas - The Magazine of the Missionary Society of St. Columban
decorations for a festival that they                                                         In his message for the World Day of
know nothing about.                                                                      Peace 2015, Pope Francis talks about
    Two of the busiest months of the                                                     the responsibility of consumers in the
year are April and September. In April,                                                  market.
representatives of foreign importers                                                         In Australia, restaurants, shopping
flock to Yiwu to inspect the latest                                                      malls, churches and even our homes
offerings at a giant wholesale industrial                                                are littered with cheap and junky
estate—measuring almost one mile in                                                      tinsel, shiny balls and glittering lights,
area—and make their orders.                                                              most of which have a short life span
    Then September is the deadline for                                                   before finding a permanent home in
exports to leave the village and head                                                    the rubbish bin.
for the shipping ports of Shanghai,                                                          With China being such a big
Hong Kong, and Xiamen.                                                                   supplier, it is a fair bet that most of our
    Business heats up again in October                                                   Christmas decorations come from the
as the domestic orders begin to come                                                     village of Yiwu, where they are made
in, stretching the peak season right           “Every person ought to have the           under sweatshop conditions. And, if
up to December 25. There is then                                                         they bear the label Made in China, it is
a bit of slack in the schedule until           awareness that purchasing is              almost a certainty.
preparations for the following year                                                          “Every person ought to have the
begin.                                         always a moral—and not simply             awareness that purchasing is always a
    One young worker told a foreign                                                      moral—and not simply an economic
                                               an economic act,” the Pope says.
reporter that he does know that                                                          act,” the Pope says.
Christmas is some kind of western                                                            Not only that, he adds that
festival and even though he does                   However, a long production line       organizations, the Church included,
not know what it is all about, he will         separates the giant wholesale estate      have the task of awakening consciences
celebrate anyway.                              from the raw material. Families labor     and promoting whatever steps are
    The reporter says, “At first glance,       at home designing and producing           necessary for combating and uprooting
the Chinese Christmas Village                  items big and small for little profit,    the culture of enslavement.
seems to be a place full of Christmas          while others spend long days in often         The next time you are after a bit of
celebration; but in fact, it is a place that   makeshift factories churning out          cheap, junky tinsel or a few lights to
only regards Christmas as a business to        Santas, lights, cards and even mangers.   brighten up your life, it may well be
celebrate.”                                        The reporter notes, “In Yiwu,         worth at least asking about the labor
    She adds that the people do not            faith lags far behind the speed of        and, even if you cannot find the label,
really care what Christmas means.              the market; a godly holiday has           at least question yourself as to why they
“They just know that Christmas will            suddenly turned into a money-making       are so cheap! It can be part of making
bring them financial profit and thus it        opportunity. Unfortunately, this          Christmas holy. CM
is about an industry, the production           mood is not confined to the small
of related products and earning                commercial street in Yiwu; it has         Columban Fr. Jim Mulroney resides in
commercial profit.”                            flooded the entire society.”              Essendon, Australia.

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The Story of Christmas - The Magazine of the Missionary Society of St. Columban
ones with very limited support due

    A Long Wait                                                                       to restrictions. Likewise, wedding
                                                                                      celebrations have had their numbers
                                                                                      limited, and many have had to be
                                                                                      cancelled or postponed.
                                                                                          So how can we remain hopeful?
                                                                                      How can we get into the festive spirit of
                                                                                      Christmas amid this gloomy backdrop?
                                                                                      As Advent approaches I think of Mary,
                                                                                      a young woman carrying a baby, yet
                                                                                      having to confront many challenges
                                  Reflections on a                                    at that time. Heavily pregnant she
                                  COVID Christmas                                     fled to Egypt in order to find safety
                                                                                      from Herod’s hands. She experienced
                                  By Nathalie Marytsch                                rejection and uncertainty. In a way, her
                                                                                      experience reminds us of the struggles

              e are about to enter the                                                the world is facing today. We are sailing
              Advent season. This is a      This time of Advent is an invitation      through uncharted waters, we are going
              unique time of waiting, a                                               through days filled with anxieties and
                                            to wait in hope for the birth of Jesus
time of preparation, much as it would                                                 being socially distanced from our loved
have been for Mary carrying a baby          Christ, when we hold on tighter to        ones. Days in which we no longer have
in her womb. This is a beautiful and                                                  full control of our lives.
                                            God’s promise of journeying with
joyful season, not only for Christians                                                    This time of Advent is an invitation
around the world who await the birth        humankind always.                         to wait in hope for the birth of Jesus
of Jesus, but also for many others, for                                               Christ, when we hold on tighter to
whom this is a special time for family      months Masses were not allowed to         God’s promise of journeying with
reunions and festive celebrations.          be celebrated with congregations. The     humankind always. The same promise
Colorful lights, ornately decorated         virus has thrown a spanner into our       that the young woman from Nazareth
trees and carols help create a festive      daily routines!                           kept in her heart when she faced
atmosphere. Yet, this year Advent and           In the United Kingdom,                troubling times. Life may be different
Christmas will be somehow different.        the economy has shrunk, and               from the normal we knew before, but
    Since early 2020, the whole world       unemployment has hit record highs.        is yet, a life full of hope that we are yet
has been affected, in one way or            Concerns about domestic violence          to discover. CM
another, by a global pandemic. We           and mental health issues are frequently
have become accustomed to signs and         raised by experts. Families have          Columban lay missionary Nathalie Marytsch
posters in church buildings, mobile         endured the pain of burying loved         lives and works in Britain.
billboards and government briefings
telling us to keep a social distance,
not to mix with other households, to
wear face coverings, etc. We have seen
arrows painted on the floor showing
people which direction to follow in
order to prevent close contact with
others, and thereby to stop the spread
of the virus. Sometimes, even when
you are out and about walking, you
can see people stepping off the curb
when they see a stranger approaching
in the ”wrong” direction. Education
and employment have suffered huge
disruptions. Churches also had to
close their doors and for several

6      December 2021                                                                                       WWW.COLUMBAN.ORG
The Story of Christmas - The Magazine of the Missionary Society of St. Columban
Stations of the Resurrection

                     Station 1                             Station 2                              Station 3                        Station 4
            Jesus Rises from the Dead                The Disciples Discover            The Risen Lord Appears to Mary      The Risen Lord Appears on
                                                       the Empty Tomb                  Magdalen, Apostle to the Apostles     the Road to Emmaus

                      Station 5                             Station 6                              Station 7                        Station 8
           The Risen Lord is Recognized           The Risen Lord Appears to the         The Risen Lord Breathes Peace      The Risen Lord Strengthens
            in the Breaking of the Bread            Community of Disciples              and Gives the Power to Forgive        the Faith of Thomas

                     Station 9                             Station 10                             Station 11                      Station 12
           The Risen Lord Eats with the         The Risen Lord Forgives Peter and          The Risen Lord Sends the         The Risen Lord Ascends
         Disciples on the Shore of Tiberias      Entrusts Him to Feed His Sheep            Disciples into the World              into Heaven

                                                           Station 13                            Station 14
                                               Mary and the Disciples Keep Vigil in         The Risen Lord Sends
                                              the Upper Room for the Spirit’s Advent           the Holy Spirit

A heartfelt apology to our faithful benefactors…
    While we do our best to avoid mistakes in all of our print materials, occasionally one gets past us. Clearly, our failing to correctly label
many of the Stations of the Resurrection in our 2022 Columban Mission Calendar was just such an error. And one that should have been
caught by both us and our proofreader(s). It is actually reassuring that many benefactors took the time to let us know about our mistake!
    I sincerely apologize for any distress this has caused, as we would never want any such error to distract from our intended purpose –
sharing the glorious events in the life of Jesus through these Stations. To help clear up any confusion, pictures of the individual Stations and
their respective captions are shown on this page.
    Thank you very much – for sharing your proofreading skills, your gentle honesty and for your boundless generosity. Be assured of our
constant prayers for you and yours now and throughout 2022.
    The revised, corrected calendar can be viewed at, and a new calendar may be ordered by emailing us at mission@ or calling us at 877.299.1920.
    									Gratefully yours in Christ,

    									Fr. John Burger, Director, U.S. Region
The Story of Christmas - The Magazine of the Missionary Society of St. Columban
Love Bears All Things
Trusting in the Lord
By Mavic Mercene

Editor’s Note: The following article was           But the magic of Christmas lives       the market at all, will my feet endure
written prior to Christmas 2020.               on. Celebrations, while simple, will       the walk? If I have food delivered, will
                                               continue. I feel that despite what has     my budget suffice, because apart from

          s I write this, it is the Feast of   been, we still have so much to thank       the delivery fee, the food itself is more
          the Immaculate Conception.           God for. This most wonderful and           expensive.
          A few days from now would            meaningful time of the year will be            As the weeks passed, many intense
already be Christmas day. This is the          celebrated with my whole family            emotions like loneliness and anxiety
most holy and meaningful occasion              together in spirit.                        which were a bit paralyzing, emerged
of the year when families gather and               Early this year we were astounded      and overwhelmed me. As I dealt with
celebrate together.                            by the coronavirus pandemic.               my own anxiety, I also worried for my
    This year will be my first Christmas       Then quarantine ensued. Suddenly,          adult twin boys’ mental health. I tried
outside my native Baguio in the                everything came to a standstill.           to engage them in conversation and
Philippines. Those Christmases in              Ordinary things like securing food         household chores, but it was difficult
Baguio were always happy and special           became a mental exercise. Should I go      to know what was going on in their
because I was with my family. Then                                                        minds. I thought it would help to be
there is the bonus and excitement of           I feel that despite what has been,         more creative with the food I serve
having other relatives, friends and                                                       them. This way they have something
classmates with whom I would reunite,          we still have so much to thank             to wake up and get up to. And so I did
reconnect and celebrate kinship                God for. This most wonderful               just that. From YouTube, I learned to
and friendship, spend time with                                                           cook the food my husband used to
my daughter and listen to her many             and meaningful time of the year            indulge them with and which they
dreams and aspirations, or simply              will be celebrated with my whole           enjoy and added few more from my
find peace and solace in my mother’s                                                      favorite food vlogger (video blogger)
garden. This year will be different.           family together in spirit.                 recipes.
    Christmas 2020 will be different                                                          In addition, I agonized over my
simply because our family will not be          out to get our food in the market or       mother’s high blood pressure attacks
together physically. My twin boys and I        should I have it delivered? If I go to     and her heart palpitating at a faster
will be in Quezon City, my husband in          the market, what is the best time to       rate, both of which were getting more
Mindoro and my daughter in Baguio              go? Is my regular 6:00 am market time      frequent. I would video call her until
City. I am happy with the advantages           when most people are still getting out     she was better because I know that she
of social media which will allow us to         of bed still safe, or should I go midday   only needed someone to talk to, to
FaceTime with them but it is always            when people are trying to avoid the        listen how her day went or simply hear
better to be with them.                        heat from the midday sun? If I go to       her woes and small triumphs. I am glad

8       December 2021                                                                                         WWW.COLUMBAN.ORG
The Story of Christmas - The Magazine of the Missionary Society of St. Columban
that my daughter has always been vocal     dining table, and I used the coffee table   tight as if it was the end of the world.
about her feelings and opinions that I     beside my sofa bed. I assigned separate     My sons embraced me back. I was
knew she was okay. While it is difficult   toothpaste, bath soap, and dining           happy but was shocked at what I did.
to get hold of my husband for regular      utensils for each.                          All the restrictions we set ourselves
call or FaceTime due to the poor signal       At first, I found all these              are now down the drain with just one
where he is, I always trust that he is     accomodations cumbersome, but               embrace.
also coping well, being alone on the       these are necessary. As the weeks               During these times when I felt
farm and with our family’s physical        and months followed, I found the            so low and a little depressed, I was
separation. In our 23 years of marriage,   physical distance from my twin boys         grateful to my Columban lay mission
I have seen his resilience when faced      agonizing. Likewise, I found myself         family for allowing me my own space
with any challenge. We may be              very lonely and a little desperate and      of quiet when I was in the Columban
separated physically but our lives are     asking the universe when can I see my       lay mission house, for listening to me
but one. 1 Corinthians 13:7 says “Love     husband and daughter again, and hug         without judgment when I was ready to
bears all things, believes all things,     my twin boys again. For three days in       share, and they made me feel they were
hopes all things, endures all things.”                                                 there for me. With them, I did not feel
    In July, I reported back to the        We may be separated physically              alone.
office on a rather regular basis and                                                       The pandemic is not yet over,
was scheduled to go to the Bureau of       but our lives are but one. 1                the road to COVID-19 freedom is
Immigration on July 21. At home, we        Corinthians 13:7 says “Love                 long, and they end is not yet in sight.
had to rethink our way of interacting                                                  However, I continue to have a heart
with each other especially since cases     bears all things, believes all              and spirit of gratitude even for what
were rising by the thousands each          things, hopes all things, endures           2020 has been, to seek refuge and
day. Normally, we would use only the                                                   strength in HIM for 2021. I remain
air conditioning in one room to save       all things.”                                to trust the Lord’s love for us, the
on electricity. This time we decided                                                   love that assures us of his mantle of
that the boys will use one bedroom         September, my tears fell uncontrollably     protection, the love that promises us of
each, and I chose to set up camp in        at missing my family. It was a painfully    His gentle calm and peace when we are
the living room where there was a          sad time. Thankfully, on these days my      overwhelmed with worries. I trust that
sofa bed. We observed strict physical      twin boys regularly checked on me           the Lord’s love will see us through this
distance from each other. We agreed        when I was at home.                         ordeal. CM
that I will use the common bathroom,           On the first week of October, I
and they will use the bathroom in the      just could not restrain myself any          Columban lay missionary Mavic Mercene
air conditioned room. They ate at the      longer, and I embraced my sons so           lives and works in the Philippines.

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The Story of Christmas - The Magazine of the Missionary Society of St. Columban
Merry Christmas from Preda
An Update from 2020
By Fr. Shay Cullen

           e are sharing with you         three years old. They were welcomed,       emerge from their fear and trauma,
           some of the highlights         given affirmation, support and all their   feeling free and begin to smile for the
           of the work of Preda           personal needs as soon as they arrived.    first time in years.
Foundation and wish you all a blessed     This year, several were reintegrated
Christmas.                                into their families.                       Many Convictions
                                                                                     Legal action by the healing and
Many Children Saved                       Healing and Empowerment                    empowered children in Preda homes
As many as 100 children have been         Grace, 13 years old, was raped by her      has been very successful in 2020
saved and recovered at the five           biological father. Her mother held her     despite the lockdown and closure
Preda homes for abused children in        down while she was raped, a horrific       of the courts for several months.
2020, a happy record of healing and       heinous crime. She was threatened          In 2020 the children, assisted by
empowerment. One of the important         to stay silent, but she bravely told her   Preda, succeeded in winning sixteen
highlights during 2020 is that all the    sister who told a neighbor. It got to      convictions against their rapists and
children and the staff have thankfully    the police, and she was rescued and        traffickers. In one major case, a young
remained free of Covid-19. The            referred to the Preda home. She is now     trafficker and pimp that sold two
protective measures implemented           safe and has begun to heal and recover     young girls to a foreign pedophile
and strictly maintained has made this     from the trauma she experienced.           received two life sentences. In 2019,
possible. During the last year, we were   With the other children, Grace joined      the children won 20 convictions,
able to receive in our homes 41 girls,    many activities and volunteered to         and most of the convicted received
rescued and saved from sex abusers,       take Emotional Release Therapy. In the     life sentences so they will not be able
human traffickers and from sex slavery.   padded therapy room, she cried and         to rape any more children. There
At present, there are 43 children in      shouted out her pain and anger at her      are many more cases filed by Preda
the homes for girls. The youngest is      abusive parents. The children slowly       children pending to be resolved by
                                                                                     the prosecutors and others are stuck
                                                                                     in the court judicial system waiting
                                                                                     for a court hearing, some since 2014.
                                                                                     For the first time in our history, the
                                                                                     children participated in court hearings
                                                                                     online, a more child-friendly way than
                                                                                     appearing in the court room with the
                                                                                     abuser present.

                                                                                     Saving Boys from Sub-human Jails
                                                                                     The Preda Foundation has two homes
                                                                                     for male children in conflict with
                                                                                     the law (CICL), one in Zambales
                                                                                     and one in Cebu. We rescue the boys
                                                                                     from filthy, abusive and subhuman
                                                                                     government detention centers and jails.
                                                                                     They are frequently subjected to abuse
                                                                                     and even torture by older inmates and
                                                                                     abusive guards. In 2020, Preda rescued
                                                                                     more than 30 boys and brought them
                                                                                     to start a new life in the Preda home

10      December 2021                                                                                    WWW.COLUMBAN.ORG
for boys in conflict with the law in               The learning center is an excellent    Preda Accreditation
Zambales. In Cebu, we rescued fifteen         boarding and day school exclusively        The Preda Foundation is a DSWD-
boys, and they are recovering in the          for indigenous children run by the         licensed and accredited social welfare
Preda New Dawn Home in Liloan.                Franciscan Sisters that gives them a       and development agency, founded
                                              peaceful environment to learn together     in 1974. It is accredited by local
Commission on Human Rights                    without the discrimination, bullying,      government and it has now reached
In Preda, the children, some as young as      racist remarks, teasing and exclusion      the highest status and standard of
10 years old, told their stories of torture   that some lowland children inflict on      excellence. It has been accredited in
and abuse in government detention             the indigenous children.                   2020 by the Philippine Council for
jails. Preda reported it to the Philippine                                               NGO Certification (PCNC) and as
Commission on Human Rights and                Buying Mangos and Sharing Food             a result it has been certified by the
with help from international supporters,      Preda has worked with 361 Aeta             Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) as a
the Philippine CHR was encouraged to          subsistence farmers in Zambales            “Donee Institution” since November
open an investigation. The investigators      and provided them with relief food         2020. Philippine donors are exempted
confirmed and verified the torture, and       packages consisting of ten kilos of        from paying the 30 percent donor’s tax.
they are taking measures to monitor and       rice and mixed groceries four times in     All donations will go to the children,
prevent more such torture.                    2020. in 2020. Also, similar food relief   none to administration.
     Preda contributed to the drafting        packages were distributed to 320 poor
of a new anti-trafficking ordinance           families and snacks, candies and toys      New Partnership with UN Agencies
in Olongapo City and conducted                for their children in Olongapo City        The United Nations Anti-trafficking and
the first rescue of eighteen trafficked       area three times in 2020.                  Anti-slavery agencies have recognized
women, among them four minors, at                 Preda bought at higher fair-trade      Preda as a high standard organization for
a beach resort in Barangay Barretto.          prices the internationally organic-        helping trafficked, enslaved and abused
The minors were referred to the Preda         certified Pico 21 tons and Indian          children and has granted partial funding
home for healing.                             mangos 35.50 tons from the 77 Aeta         for 2020 and 2021.
                                              families out of ten communities that
Preventing Changes in Law                     have mango crops this year. Preda          Awards
In 2020, Preda Foundation continued           Fairtrade shared out bonus payments        In November 2020, Preda marked
and increased its lobbying with other         of $2,767 U.S. to the Aeta families.       the anniversary of the awarding of the
NGOs to stop the changing of the              The mangos are made into organically-      prestigious International Martin Buber
child protection law to reduce the age        certified mango puree.                     Plaque Prize for defending children’s
of criminal liability to twelve years old                                                rights. In January 2021 Preda marked its
and succeeded to maintain it at fifteen       Mango Sapling Distribution                 fourth nomination for the Nobel Peace
years of age. Then, we campaigned             Also, with the help of the Columban        Prize. Preda was nominated by the
during the pandemic for the release of        Fathers and Merry Year Foundation          German Human Rights Commissioner
children from detention centers, and          in South Korea, we provided the            Dr. Barbel Koefler. It was endorsed
as many as 350 children were released         Aeta with 2,000 mango saplings. The        by several members of the German
by the authorities to their parents.          Aeta families planted them over the        Parliament. That makes seventeen
Some children were rescued by Preda           mountains of Zambales to help them         international awards for defending
social workers. However, many more            reforest and strengthen their claim        human rights. Despite the spread of the
minors with pending cases remain in           to their ancestral lands and prevent       Covid-19, lockdowns and economic
jails.                                        mining companies and grabbers              downturn the work of the Foundation
                                              stealing their lands. In Mindanao,         has succeeded and will continue in the
Helping Indigenous Children                   Preda bought 659 tons of fair trade        years ahead with your support and help.
In December 2020, the Preda                   mangos from the members of our                 It is with gratitude that we thank
Foundation turned over six laptops            small farmers fair trade association.      you for your support and wish you a
and installed a full CCTV system in           The mangos are all for export as           Merry Christmas. CM
the St. Francis Learning Center in            dried mangos and conventional
Subic town for the use of indigenous          purees to World Shops in Germany           Columban Fr. Shay Cullen lives and works in
Aeta children of Zambales.                    and the UK.                                the Philippines.

WWW.COLUMBAN.ORG                                                                                          December 2021          11
The World that God So Loves
Celebrating with Christmas Cards
By Fr. Vincent Busch

          he Subanens are an                 while living in a stable. My job was to     enhance the nation’s progress and
          indigenous people whose            create card-sized drawings of Mary and      development turned out to be hostile
          ancestral habitat is the           Joseph doing those activities.              to the common good. These policies
highlands of Western Mindanao                    This first drawing is an example of     allowed extractive industries to make
in the Philippines. Guided by the            what the cards look like before and         quick profits at the long-term cost of
Columban Sisters who had been                after they are hand-colored and inlaid      polluting and degrading the nation’s
living and working with the Subanens         with colored paper. In this card Mary       seas, rivers, forests, air and farmland.
since 1983 I began working with the          holds Jesus securely in a Subanen-style         For example, from 1950 to 1990
Subanens in the year 2000. I came to         sling while Joseph repairs the manger.      logging companies deforested huge
see how their traditional way of life        Subanens constantly have to repair          areas of the Subanens’ homeland.
helped keep their habitat healthy, and,      their tools, belongings and homes, so it    These companies made huge
how, in turn, their habitat provided         was natural that we would have Joseph       profits which allowed their owners,
their daily food. I also came to see         using his carpenter skills to repair the    shareholders, and a few workers to
how the beauty of their habitat              manger.                                     acquire the food that they prayerfully
evoked in them an awareness of the               Instead of a stable I drew Mary and     asked God to give them but in the
spiritual dimension in the natural           Joseph within an image of our planet        process they caused permanent damage
world, and I came to appreciate              – the temporary shelter of all God’s        to the food-producing forest and soil
how they communicated with that              creatures. Above Mary and Joseph I          of the Subanens.
dimension through music, ritual, and         drew the mountainous homeland of                The damage went beyond the
dance.                                       the Subanens whose climate, forest,         Subanens’ homeland. Without
    The Subanen way of life had a long       rivers, and soil provide them with a safe   forest cover monsoon rains quickly
crafting tradition. They developed, for      and bountiful habitat. The Subanen          became torrents of muddy water that
example, clever ways to shape rattan,        people know that just as Joseph made        cascaded down the mountains clogging
bamboo, grasses, and palm leaves into        the manger a safe place for Jesus they      irrigation systems and smothering
baskets, tools, furniture, mats, hats,       need to make their habitat a safe and       coastal reefs and fisheries. In the
musical instruments and even the walls       healthy place or their children.            aftermath of this deforestation many
and roofs of their homes. Attracted              This next card shows Joseph             Subanens left their homeland to seek
by their crafting tradition I worked         giving Mary some food. Subanens             work in cities and towns as servants
with Subanens to form a project called       make nutritious soups using leaves,         and menial laborers. In our small way
Subanen Crafts. Each year, as part           vegetables and root crops from their        the Subanen crafters are working with
of that project, we create Christmas         small garden plots. To cook these           programs of the Columban Sisters
cards whose images celebrate ordinary,       ingredients they need water and             that are restoring their God-given
thoughtful ways that Joseph and Mary         firewood which are readily available if     habitat so that its ecosystems might
cared for each other. In this article I’ll   their forest and its streams are healthy.   continually provide a better life for all
share stories about how their cards              This card calls to mind the words in    into the future.
celebrate Christmas, their habitat,          the Lord’s Prayer, “Give us this day our        The next card shows a thoughtful
and the ordinary but profound acts of        daily bread.” The words in that prayer      shepherd bringing some kindling
caring people.                               and in that phrase that make it a prayer    wood to Mary and Joseph as fuel for
    The process we used to design our        for the common good are “Us” and            their warming fire. This image has a
cards began with listing ordinary,           “Our.” How limited that prayer would        meaningful background story. I once
thoughtful ways that the Subanen             sound if it said, “Give me my daily         saw a Subanen man carrying a huge
people cared for each other. From            bread.”                                     bundle of kindling wood down a steep
that list we then selected activities that       In the Philippines economic             mountain trail. I learned later that this
Joseph and Mary might possibly do            policies that many thought would            man regularly hiked 10 kilometers,

12      December 2021                                                                                        WWW.COLUMBAN.ORG
or about 7 miles, to the town so he        love to include all creation: “Go into    to myself, “What if Mary saved that
could sell his burden for a few coins –    all the world and preach the gospel       handful of straw she was placing
enough to buy a few handfuls of rice       to the whole creation.” (Mark 16: 15)     in the manger and somehow it was
for his family. The Subanens belong        In our cards the globe represents the     passed down to this day as relic of the
to families who supported each other       whole of creation that God so loves.      place where Jesus was born?” Such
through such ordinary but profound             In this last card we show Joseph      a relic would be venerated in all our
acts of love. This card honors one such    pouring water into a basin while Mary     churches. No doubt, when Mary
act and, in doing so, helps us see the     puts fresh straw in the manger. For       and Joseph fled Bethlehem to escape
deep love that the Christ child will       the Subanens, fetching water often        Herod’s soldiers the straw remained
experience with his parents.               involves a steep downhill hike to a       as animal feed and, once eaten, would
     In this next card we show Joseph      forest-fed stream. The Subanens can       be recycled as dung to fertilize the
sweeping the stable while of Mary          easily imagine Joseph needing to go       soil, and there it would become, yet
spreads a blanket over the manger.         some distance to get the water he is      again, a nurturing resting place – this
It looks like Joseph has stopped his       pouring.                                  time as fertile soil for plants and
sweeping to look at Mary and Jesus. I          As deserts spread throughout          trees. In the vastness of the universe
can imagine him experiencing the bond      our over-heated planet thousands of       the Earth is but a tiny, fragile “stable”
parents have with their children. Mary     people, mostly women, have to walk        for all God’s creatures. God so loved
and Joseph will deeply feel the joys and   ever greater distances to get water for   the world that He sent His Son to be
sufferings of Jesus throughout their       their families. Jesus praises those who   born in that stable. In a wee corner of
lives.                                     give drink to the thirsty (Matthew 25:    that stable I have come to know many
    The Bible points to this parent-       37-40) so it makes sense that he would    Subanens who are nurturing their life-
child bond as an example of God’s          praise people who, through their work     giving habitat. Their Christmas cards
enduring love for His people: “Can a       and their way of life, enhance the        celebrate the ordinary yet profound
woman forget the baby at her breast        ecosystems that provide that water.       ways that they care for each other and
and have no compassion on the child            As Joseph pours water he              for the world that God so loves. CM
of her womb? Though she may forget         watches as Mary prepares a safe and
I will not forget you.” (Isaiah 49:15)     comfortable resting place for Jesus.      Columban Fr. Vincent Busch lives and works
Jesus expands the embrace of God’s         While I was drawing Mary I thought        in the Philippines.

    1. Initial drawing prior to adding           1. Joseph repairs the manger               2. Joseph gives food to Mary
              color and shapes

    3. Shepherd arrives with kindling             4. Joseph cleans the stable                5. Joseph pours the water

WWW.COLUMBAN.ORG                                                                                      December 2021         13
A Conversion Story
A New Family
By Fr. Patrick Colgan

          til Kumar Singh (aka Bobby)
          is an Indo-Fijian carpenter
          who lives beside a Fijian
village called Natunuku, in the parish
of Christ the King, Ba. He was a
Hindu and married an Indian woman,
a relationship which produced one
son but broke up after a couple of
years. He then married an ethnic Fijian
woman from Natunuku, who is the
sister of our parish catechist there, Mr.
Savenaca Nakuturi. They also broke
up, after the sad death of their child. In   Bernard, Fr. Pat and Bobby
this sadness, it was the support of the
Fijian Catholic community and their
persistent invitations to Bobby to come
to church and their social gatherings,
which kept him sane and kindled an
interest in him to consider leaving the
religion of his parents and become a
Christian. For fifteen years, he came
to church, barely understanding the
words of the liturgy spoken in standard
Fijian. He speaks Hindi and the Ba
dialect of Fijian. He also does not read
or write well so couldn’t follow the
texts easily. But he hung in and on my
arrival in the parish in June 2020, and
noticing the unusual sight of an Indo
Fijian attending our village liturgies,
I invited him to consider joining the        The church before the baptism
RCIA program to be baptized. He
accepted and with the help of an Indo        It was never a burden, in fact I looked   in-law) and Master have taught me
Fijian school teacher, Mr. Bernard           forward to every class.”                  everything. As long as I live, I will
Saverio, we were able to teach Bobby             The village catechist, his brother-   follow this Church. This is my family
the basics of the faith. What he might       in-law said: “After Bobby’s divorce       now.”
not know through book learning, he           with my sister, he was very lonely.           Atil Singh Kumar (aka Bobby)
more than makes up for by faith and          We kept inviting him home and to          was baptised, confirmed and received
enthusiasm for his new family and            church. We are close. He was coming       into full communion of the Catholic
church.                                      to Mass for fifteen years, but only in    Church on the Feast of the Holy
    This is what Bernard said of             the last year, got really enthusiastic    Family, December 27, 2020, by
their classes together: “This was an         about it.”                                Columban Fr. Patrick Colgan. CM
enlightening experience. I have never            The final word goes to Bobby
met such a candidate before. He was so       himself: “I am so happy today. This has   Colubman Fr. Patrick Colgan lives and works
eager and made my teaching enjoyable.        been a blessing. My tavale (brother-      in Fiji.

14      December 2021                                                                                       WWW.COLUMBAN.ORG
A Christmas Visit
                                                Good Work Done
                                                        Fr. Patrick Colgan

           n December 19, 2020, 29          that batter this part of the island.      and Hindi, and his nightly ritual
           years and three days after       They also spotted the grave of Sr.        of kava drinking accompanied by a
           his burial in Lautoka, Fiji, a   Loyola Grehan and cleaned it too.         fixed succession of tobacco products
small group went from Ba parish to          A chance for further work came the        – Benson and Hedges, sukhi (local
investigate the condition of Fr. Keelan’s   following Wednesday when Paul and         tobacco wrapped in newspaper), pipe
grave, and pay him a Christmas visit.       the parish priest of Ba, Columban Fr.     and finally one Cuban cigar per night.
The group was Columban Fr. Teakare          Patrick Colgan, went with oil based       And of course, his noisy motorbike!
Betero, assistant parish priest, along      white gloss and brushes. The sunny        In contast, Sr. Loyola was born
with Paul Qalo and his son Isaac.           but cool conditions were perfect.         on December 27, 1918, in Drummore
Armed with knives normally used             We met prisoner officers supervising      West, Co Sligo, a month after the end
for cutting the sugar cane for which        more grave digging and one of them,       of World War One. From 1947 to
Fiji is famous, as well as a kerosene       a Catholic, proudly remarked that he      1962 she taught in New Zealand and
powered brush cutter, they located          too would sometimes visit the graves      Australia. In 1962 she came to Fiji
the grave with the help of the prisons      of the Irish missionaries buried there.   and taught at Loreto High School and
department (who normally dig our            Fr. Keelan was born in Dublin in 1935     then at Saint John’s College, Levuka.
graves here in Fiji) and set to cutting     and died of a sudden heart attack         It is remembered that she taught with
adjacent grass and washing it.              while working the parish of Lautoka in    passion and an expectation of only the
    Paul, who remembered his father-        1991. He was a Clongowes Wood and         best from her students, both in the
in-law, would often reminisce about         Boston College graduate, and taught       classroom and out of it. She died at the
the late night, motorbike-chugging          at the Columban school of Xavier          age of 100 on July 31, 2019. May they
visits of Fr. Keelan, was determined        College for 20 years. He was famous       both rest in peace. CM
to return and paint the grave, to           for his encyclopedic knowledge of
protect it further from the extreme         English literature, his fluency in many   Columban Fr. Patrick Colgan lives and works
heat and frequent monsoon rains             languages including Spanish, Fijian       in Fiji.

WWW.COLUMBAN.ORG                                                                                       December 2021          15
The Challenge of
Gift Giving
Undreamed of Fruit
By Fr. Jim Mulroney

       ing-pong played an instrumental           In any other circumstance,
       part in thawing the freeze            Zhuang’s gesture would have passed
       between the People’s Republic         unnoticed by the world. It was a brave
of China and the United States of            act of giving, but much of its power lay
America in the 1970s. While far              in the graciousness and joy with which
from being the cause, as friction with       Cowan received and cherished the gift.
Russia was already pivoting Beijing              While naturally there is a lot more
towards Washington, a simple gesture         to this story, it was the sort of meeting
of welcome from Zhuang Zedong,               an English monk of some 800 years

                                                Gifts play an important part
a member of the Chinese Table
Tennis Team at the Nagoya World

                                                in our society and Christmas
Championships, towards a stranded

                                                is our biggest season of
American rival proved an important
catalyst to the thaw.

                                                gift-giving. Some gifts are
    Zhuang overcame a lifetime of anti-

                                                cherished and a source of
American education to give a small gift
to Glenn Cowan, who was hitching

                                                great joy; others put aside
a ride on the Chinese team bus after

                                                with little care or even passed
missing his own. The gift of a cheap
screen painting of a mountain scene in

                                                onto others.
his home country may have been small,
but it was the best Zhuang could find
in his bag.
    The then-chairman of the Chinese
Communist Party, Mao Zedong,
later described Zhuang as having             ago described as a combination of           expected. The simple remembrance
good hands for table tennis, before          belief in the other, harmony in the         may be appreciated, but equally
enthusiastically adding, and a good          soul, deep respect and a hefty dose of      regarded with scorn. Ignoring the
head for international relations! While      goodwill, which, he noted, can bear         occasion can also be a source of hurt.
a furthering of international relations      undreamed of fruit.                         It’s a sort of Catch 22.
was the furthest thing from Zhuang’s             Gifts play an important part in              There are many dimensions to gift
mind at the time, he has gone down           our society and Christmas is our            giving, and Advent is a good time to
in history as a significant player in        biggest season of gift-giving. Some         think about them. Our purchases have
instigating what today is referred to as     gifts are cherished and a source of         an economic impact, so we can think
Ping-Pong Diplomacy.                         great joy; others put aside with            about where we source them. We can
    And it all began with two agonizing      little care or even passed onto others.     choose to support big, conglomerate
decisions. Firstly, welcoming a stranger     Perhaps it is true it is the thought that   companies or small business
from China’s number one enemy, and           counts, but the single, well-considered     enterprises. And, most importantly,
secondly, giving the lone American           thought can be worth a thousand cast        we can ask about the condition of the
some memento of their meeting. Both          in haste.                                   labor that went into the manufacture,
ran against the grain of his entire life’s       There are occasions that society        rather than the glamor attached to the
education.                                   mores dictate giving. Little is             maker’s label.

16      December 2021                                                                                       WWW.COLUMBAN.ORG
There are some things we can            Chinese table tennis player, but perhaps         During Advent, we are preparing
make ourselves, which can touch             a gift given to someone or some              our souls to welcome the Christ-Child.
the recipient deeply. Others can            enterprise we have been conditioned to       We are on the receiving end of this
relate to an important occasion             believe is our enemy can do wonders to       gift and that is a challenge. It is a gift
in a relationship. We can give an           our ability to receive with a graciousness   designed for us by God and preparing
experience, a tour of an historic site or   that is truly life-giving.                   what we give to others well can help us

                                               During Advent, we are
place of importance to the recipient.                                                    prepare to receive this most precious of
    Thought and preparation put into                                                     all gifts—the supreme love of God.

                                               preparing our souls to welcome
the choice of a gift can add to the                                                          Given with love and received with

                                               the Christ-Child. We are on
enjoyment of the giving, as well as the                                                  joy, it can truly be a combination of
joy of receiving. It does not have to                                                    belief in the other, harmony in the

                                               the receiving end of this gift
be designer label, but if designed for                                                   soul, deep respect and a hefty dose of

                                               and that is a challenge.
the person on the receiving end it can                                                   goodwill, which can bear undreamed
be a great boost to the relationship                                                     of fruit. CM
between us.
    Not all of our gifts can be as                                                       Columban Fr. Jim Mulroney resides in
earthshaking as the one from the                                                         Essendon, Australia.

WWW.COLUMBAN.ORG                                                                                          December 2021         17
Christmas Greetings
Pakistan 2020
By Fr. Liam O’Callaghan

          hristmas greetings to you,      ended but the arrival of vaccines offer      well as an economic relief package
          and I hope this finds you and   hope to a struggling world, though we        from the government. As lockdown
          your loved ones well and in     are still going to have to be very careful   was lifted, numbers did not grow as
good health. It is hard to believe that   for a while yet.                             much as was feared and people became
another year is almost over. I would          In Pakistan, the first two cases were    complacent about wearing face masks,
like to share with you some of this       confirmed on February 26 in Karachi          etc. If it spread like in other countries,
year’s happenings for me.                 and quickly spread to all provinces;         the consequences could have been
    2020 has been turned upside down      on April 1, the country was put on a         disastrous, how it did not—different
by the Covid-19 pandemic, which           nation-wide lockdown and extended            strain of virus? immunity?—can
has caused such devastation, death        twice until May 9. The lockdown              only be guessed at. On November 26,
and suffering. With further spikes        caused much suffering especially             the government announced “smart”
of infections and new variants of the     to daily wage earners, who became            lockdowns and closed all educational
virus emerging, especially in Britain     unemployed overnight, and many               institutions until January 11, as cases
and elsewhere, resulting in fresh         Christians fell into this category with      began to rise. The official figures for
lock-downs in many countries, 2021        various church groups and NGOs               Pakistan [for year end 2020] were
is going to begin very much as 2020       helping out with food rations, as            469,482 infections and 9,816 deaths
                                                                                       though the actual figure is likely to be
                                                                                       much higher.
                                                                                           Once the lockdown started, so
                                                                                       much of what is considered normal
                                                                                       was put on hold with schools,
                                                                                       churches and normal activities closed
                                                                                       or postponed for later. The means
                                                                                       of communication were now Zoom
                                                                                       calls, and it helped the Columban
                                                                                       group here stay in touch. A number of
                                                                                       meetings were held this way as we are
                                                                                       scattered in four different cities around
                                                                                       Sindh province. We are nine in total
                                                                                       in Pakistan– two lay missionaries and
                                                                                       seven ordained – from four different
                                                                                       countries, namely, New Zealand, Fiji,
                                                                                       Philippines and Ireland. Our priority
                                                                                       areas of work are tribal ministry, justice
                                                                                       and peace, ecological work and inter-
                                                                                       faith relations.
                                                                                           I am based in an apartment in a
                                                                                       Muslim community in Hyderabad
                                                                                       city, population 1.73 million, the
                                                                                       second biggest city in Sindh province
                                                                                       after Karachi. I am working full-time
                                                                                       in Justice, Peace and Integrity of
                                                                                       Creation ( JPIC) and Interreligious
                                                                                       dialogue (IRD) issues in the diocese

18      December 2021                                                                                      WWW.COLUMBAN.ORG
discrimination, and persecution,
                                                                                    with authorities often failing to
                                                                                    provide adequate protection or hold
                                                                                    perpetrators accountable. Pakistani
                                                                                    law enforcement agencies
                                                                                    were responsible for human rights
                                                                                    violations, including detention without
                                                                                    charge and extrajudicial killings.
                                                                                        There continues to be a high level
                                                                                    of fear among religious minorities and
                                                                                    the continued abuse of the so-called
                                                                                    blasphemy laws leads to much of this
                                                                                    fear. The Pakistani government did
                                                                                    not amend or repeal blasphemy law
                                                                                    provisions that provide a pretext for
                                                                                    violence against religious minorities,
                                                                                    as well as arbitrary arrests and
                                                                                    prosecution. Hundreds have been
of Hyderabad with Columban co-            the Imran Khan regime. They held          arrested over blasphemy allegations,
worker, Danish Yakoob. Pakistan is the    big gatherings in a number of cities in   most of them members of religious
fifth most vulnerable country in the      recent weeks and plan a “long march”      minorities. The death penalty is
world to climate change for the 20-       to Islamabad in January. The political    mandatory for blasphemy, and about
year period from 1999-2018 according      climate of great uncertainty is sure to   forty people remain on death row.
to Germanwatch Climate Risk Index         continue in the New Year.                     Over five million primary school-
2020, which has led directly to 10,000        Economically, the country is          age children are out of school, most of
deaths through extreme weather events     struggling very badly with a high level   them girls, for reasons including lack of
in that period. Our environmental         of indebtedness. According to the         schools in their areas, child marriage,
project this year had to be cancelled;    IMF, Government debt rose to 76.7%        and gender discrimination. School
and with their agreement, the unspent     of GDP, Pakistan already owes the         closures because of the lockdown and
funding was diverted to our Covid-19      IMF $5.8 billion from past bailouts,      many people’s limited access to on-
response efforts.                         and has only once completed its past      line facilities means that this school
    Politically, Pakistan is struggling   programs. Due largely to the Covid-19     year will be severely affected for many
once again. In July 2018, the general     pandemic, economic growth is              children and may have to be repeated.
election took place which brought         expected to slow to -1.5% in 2020 and     Pakistan still has a lot to do according
former cricket World cup winning          pick up to 2% in 2021. A weaker rupee     to the report to create a fairer society,
captain, Imran Khan, and his PTI          resulted in an inflation rate of 6.7%     and there is not a lot to indicate it will
party to power. However, he failed        in 2019, and it is expected to peak       happen any time soon.
to get an overall majority and had        at 11.1% in 2020 (according to the            I wish you all the blessings you and
to enter into a fragile coalition.        World Economic Outlook, IMF).             your loved ones need at this time and
However, as the government continues          The Human Rights Watch 2020           that the celebration of the birth of
to struggle, there have been three        report makes for sobering reading,        Emmanuel, God-with-us, will assure us
cabinet reshuffles, two of them in 2020   Although Prime Minister Imran             all that God is with us in the ups and
(April and December). The Covid-19        Khan pledged to make social justice       downs of daily life. I especially pray
pandemic is having a severe effect on     a priority after taking office in July    that the newborn prince of peace be
the political situation in 2020 as the    2018, his administration has increased    a source of good news, love and peace
government struggles to cope with         restrictions on media, the political      for you this Christmas and throughout
the on-going crisis. In September, a      opposition, and nongovernmental           the New Year. CM
coalition of eleven opposition parties,   organizations (NGOs). Women,
the Pakistan Democratic Movement,         religious minorities, and transgender     Columban Fr. Liam O’Callaghan lives and
was formed with the aim of replacing      people continued to face violence,        works in Pakistan.

WWW.COLUMBAN.ORG                                                                                     December 2021            19
Listen and Feel
By Sainiana Tamatawale

           ine days before Christmas,
           the Christian community
           where I live takes part in what
they call the “Posada.” It’s an annual
tradition of faith practice among the
Mexican people here, remembering
the time when Joseph and Mary went
looking for an inn where she could give
birth to Jesus Christ.
    During those nine days I usually
participated with our parishioners
for the Posada in the Corpus Christi
parish, in Rancho Anapra, Juarez,
Mexico. I was really touched by the
words of the song sung during the
ceremony. We travel to one house
each night over nine nights. At each
house, one group was outside holding
the “Peregrino” which is the statue of
Mary on the donkey with St. Joseph.
The group inside responded to their
request singing a song, and the pair are
recognized and allowed to enter.             My journey with the people is joyful         wants to dwell. I asked myself then,
    When the people sang: “Mi esposa         and life giving. I feel the peace to be      how often do I open my heart to listen
es Maria, es la Reina del cielo y Madre      able to look beyond my little faith.         and feel Jesus’ presence in me, in the
va a ser del Divino Verbo” (“My Wife is          In silence I prayed that in our          innermost depth of my being?
Maria, she is the Queen of Heaven and        journey of faith together, we will open                                       CM

Mother of the Divine Word”) I was            our hearts to allow Jesus to lead our        After several years working in Mexico,
                                                                                          Columban lay missionary Sainaina
really touched, that these were the words    lives always. I believe that it is when we   Tamatawale recently accepted an
that St. Joseph spoke while searching        really feel the inner peace within us,       appointment to the Columban Lay Mission
for a place where Jesus would be born. I     then we will be able to share the peace      leadership team in Hong Kong.
learned to see and honor St. Joseph for      of the Lord Jesus to one another. This
being the guardian of the Word.              beautiful faith tradition of the Posada
    On the eighth day of the Posada,         has become for me, a way of entrusting               The Meaning of Posada
the people asked me to hold the              to the Holy Family the protection              Posada is a Spanish word meaning
peregrine statue and lead the group          of all the people and their beloved            lodging, or accommodations,
to knock at the door. I saw the              families, especially the migrants              which in this case refers to the inn
crowd following me. I looked at the          who are fleeing from their countries           from the Nativity story. It uses
peregrine statue I was holding, and          be-cause of violence, war, injustice,          the plural form as the celebration
I was reminded that this is the way I        discrimination, and poverty. It is the         lasts for a nine-day interval (called
am invited to journey with the people        reality we live in today.                      the novena) during the Christmas
here in Rancho Anapra, to be open, to            In reflecting on this symbolic faith       season, which represents the nine-
be part of their family and to journey       journey with the Mexican people, I             month pregnancy of Mary, the
with them, placing the holy family as        came to a deeper awareness that within         mother of Christ Jesus.
the center of our lives and our families.    me is a space where the Lord Jesus

20     December 2021                                                                                          WWW.COLUMBAN.ORG
   1% of Your Estate Continues the Mission Work
         One who is gracious to a poor man lends to the LORD, and
            He will repay him for his good deed. Proverbs 19:17
Good intentions are important, especially when it comes to giving. And a planned gift—a gift you
designate to start after your lifetime—can have long-term impact. By designating just 1% of your
estate as a gift to the Columban Fathers, you insure that the work you have supported during
your lifetime will continue.

Columban lay missionary Noh Hyein, better known as Anna (pronounced En-na), a teacher by
profession, lives and works in the Philippines. After getting to know the women in her parish,
and realizing how desperately poor they were, Anna, with the help of Columban benefactors,
launched a candle making livelihood project called “Light the Life.” The women make candles
and earn income for their families. The program also helps in the holistic development of the
women, making them value their own self-worth. The women in the program make candles that
light the homes of others, but they are lighting their own paths as well.

Contact us to learn about the many different ways you can give to the Missionary Society of
St. Columban.

                 Missionary Society of St. Columban
                 1902 N. Calhoun                          toll-free: 877/299-1920
                 St. Columbans, NE 68056-2000   
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