News The Eight O'Clock - Christ Church Kenilworth

Page created by Jacob Vasquez
News The Eight O'Clock - Christ Church Kenilworth
The Eight O’Clock

                                                  August 2021    All Services, Christ Church, Kenilworth 021-797-6332

                                                           children lived under the rules of the homes they lived
                                                           in. Susanna was mortified that her children began to
                                            Himalayan      use improper speech and play more than study.
                                                           Under no circumstances were the children permitted
                                               Blue        to have any lessons until they had reached their fifth
                                              Poppy        year, but the day after their fifth birthday their formal
                                                           education began. They attended classes for six hours
                                                           and on the very first day they were supposed to learn
                                                           the whole of the alphabet. All her children except two
                                                           managed this feat, and these seemed to Susanna to
                 Susanna Wesley                            be very backward. The children got a good education,
                                                           daughters included. They all learnt Latin and Greek
Susanna Wesley was the 25th of 25 children. Her            and were well tutored in the classical studies that were
father, Dr Samuel Annesley, was a Dissenter from           traditional in England at that time.
the established church in England. At the age of 12,
                                                           During a time when her husband was in London,
Susanna stopped attending her father's church and
                                                           defending a friend against charges of heresy, he had
joined the Church of England. She (19) and Samuel
                                                           appointed a locum to bring the message. The man’s
Wesley (26) were married on 11 November 1688.
                                                           sermons revolved solely around repaying debts. The
Susanna and Samuel Wesley had 19 children—nine
                                                           lack of diverse spiritual teaching caused Susanna to
died as infants. Four of those who died were twins. A
                                                           assemble her children Sunday afternoon for family
maid accidentally smothered one child. At her death,
                                                           services. They would sing a psalm and then Susanna
only eight children were still alive.
                                                           would read a sermon from either her husband's or
Susanna experienced many hardships throughout her
                                                           father's sermon file followed by another psalm. The
life. Her husband left her and the children for over a
                                                           local people began to ask if they could attend. At one
year because of a minor dispute.
                                                           point there were over 200 people who would attend
To her absent husband, Susanna Wesley wrote:
                                                           Susanna’s Sunday afternoon service while the Sunday
‘I am a woman, but I am also the mistress of a large
                                                           morning service dwindled to nearly nothing.
family. And though the superior charge of the souls
                                                           Susanna practised daily devotions throughout her life,
contained in it lies upon you, yet in your long absence
                                                           and in her reply to her son Charles's letter, she
I cannot but look upon every soul you leave under my
                                                           addressed her experience of the depravity of her
charge as a talent committed to me under a trust.
                                                           human nature, and the grace of God. The letter also
I am not a man nor a minister, yet as a mother and a
                                                           shows that she was fully awakened to the spiritual
mistress I felt I ought to do more than I had yet done.
                                                           enjoyments for many years, with which her sons were
I resolved to begin with my own children; in which I
                                                           only recently made acquainted.
observe the following method: I take such a proportion
of time as I can spare every night to discourse with       Her husband Samuel spent his whole life and all of the
each child apart. On Monday I talk with Molly, on          family’s finances on his exegetical work of the Book of
Tuesday with Hetty, Wednesday with Nancy, Thursday         Job. However, his work was not remembered and had
with Jacky, Friday with Patty, Saturday with Charles.’     little impact on his family other than as a hardship. In
Samuel Wesley spent time in jail twice due to his poor     contrast Susanna wrote several pieces that would be
financial abilities, and the lack of money was a           fundamental in the education of their children. In
continual struggle for Susanna. Their house was            addition to letters, Susanna Wesley wrote meditations
burned down twice; during one of the fires, her son,       and scriptural commentaries for her own use. She
John, nearly died and had to be rescued from the           wrote extended commentaries on the Apostles Creed,
second storey window. She was the primary source of        the Lord's Prayer, the Ten Commandments. Alas
her children's education.                                  many of these were lost in the rectory fire, but many
                                                           survive. The most accessible means to her writings is
After the second fire, Susanna was forced to place her
                                                           Charles Wallace's excellent and important Susanna
children into different homes for nearly two years while
                                                           Wesley, The Complete Writings. -
the rectory was rebuilt. During this time, the Wesley
                                                                                                      [Extract, Wiki[edia]
August 2021 Eight O’Clock News
News The Eight O'Clock - Christ Church Kenilworth

                 Goode News
   After the Goode family left St. Luke’s
   and Cape Town, they settled in British
   Columbia, Canada. Colin worked in an
   Anglican church in the beautiful Fraser

                                                 Valley.      Sadly, Colin died in February of 2016. He is missed
                                                 Although     by his family, friends, and the artists of Lopez Island.
                                                 their time   Colin was well-loved, had friends of all ages, and was
                                                 in British   even known to sometimes appear as an actor in plays
                                                 Columbia     with the high school students of the community. He is
                                                 wasn’t       remembered for his deep faith and his ability to pastor
                                                 long, they   others at church and also in his gallery (often while
                                                 all          painting), for encouraging many people to pursue
   established lifelong friendships and a love of the         their creative gifts, and for his gentle listening ear and
   natural beauty of the region. Following that, the          wise counsel. Moira continues to live on Lopez Island
   family moved to the United States where Colin              and be an important part of her community.
   worked at churches in Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania),           Hilary and Karl live in Bellingham, Washington, just
   Little Rock (Arkansas), and New York City. In New          south of the Canada/US border (a short drive from
   York, Colin and Moira made their mark on All               friends in Canada). Bellingham is close enough to
   Angels’ Church in Manhattan and the diverse                Lopez Island for Moira to be able to see Hilary and
   congregation of people from many walks of life,            Karl regularly. Janet and her husband, Dustin are
   including lots of artists, writers, actors, and            both lawyers. They live in Memphis, Tennessee and
   musicians. They also hosted guests almost every            have two children—Carolyn (age 11) and Colin (age
   week of the year, including many friends from              9). We love spending time together as a family as
   South Africa.                                              often as we can on Lopez Island, Bellingham, or
   After returning to Canada where Colin worked in a          Memphis. Moira travels several times a year to dote
   church in Vancouver, Moira and Colin moved back            on her grandchildren in person.
   to the United States. Colin’s last church assignment       We all send our warmest greetings to our friends at
   was as the part-time vicar of Grace Church, Lopez          Christ Church and the rest of St John’s Parish and
   Island in the San Juan islands. Lopez Island is a          hope to make a visit to Cape Town once travel is
   bucolic island off the coast of Washington State,          again possible!
   USA. Colin was able to spend a lot more time                                                - Moira Goode and family
   painting (and had
   beautiful surroundings to
   inspire him) and fulfill his
   lifelong dream of opening
   an art gallery and studio.
   For ten years, Colin
   painted and taught
   classes. He discovered
   icons and taught popular
   weeklong intensive
   (silent!) workshops in
   writing (painting) icons.
   Colin and Moira together
   ran the Colin Goode
   Gallery & Studio and
   made a significant
   contribution to the life of
   the community.
August 2021 Eight O’Clock News
News The Eight O'Clock - Christ Church Kenilworth
We hear, God hears                          my title: We hear, God hears.                       3
                                                             Here is an example. Some many years ago now
As some of you may know, an unexpected fall ten              and at the beginning of a perfect day, I remember
months ago resulted in the fracture of the only part of      watching the waves from the beach at Kleinemonde
my femur that hadn’t been broken in a car accident           in the Eastern Cape.
over 20 years ago. Sometimes it felt to me, that every       I was ruminating on a verse from Psalm 103:
waking moment of these months has been taken up                    He satisfies your being with good things.
with putting muscle and sinew into learning to walk          For the rest of that day, I played with the words,
again!                                                       changing the pronoun ‘your’ to ‘my’, to ‘her’ to ‘his’
About a month ago, I was challenged by a verse in the        and to ‘ours’. By the end of the day, the verse was
first chapter of Paul’s letter to the Colossians. In The     mine to treasure as a prayer, most especially for the
Message translation it read something like this: ‘do not     people I loved. So began a journey where over the
let the lines of purpose in your lives get slack’…           weeks and now years, I have a verse from most
I figured it was time to ‘tighten’ up the shape of my        every psalm in my head, and as a part of that
days. I do love to write, and I do love to pray; and was     treasury.
delighted when Ev took up my offer to write a monthly        I guess the practical tip for this entry is two fold: we
column about my experience of praying Scripture, for         need to play with the words, changing the pronouns
the news. ‘It needs to be practical’, she said…              to fix the verse in our heads; and secondly we don’t
Some of you reading this, will also remember how             need to stress about the number of the verse. It’s
excited we were at the launch of the 24/7 prayer             enough to know that Ps 103 has to do with God
initiative (as things happened, just months before the       satisfying our being with good things.
onslaught of COVID constraints ); THIS week, in the                                                 - Jessica McCarter
aftermath of our country reaching its boiling point of
poverty, unemployment and inequality, AND with so
much thanks to Guy and MJ for spearheading the                                      Prayer
consequent urgent need to pray, the 24/7 prayer
initiative has been resurrected and many of the prayer      'Prayer is indeed the way to make contact with
slots on the timetable have been filled.                    God, but it is not an attempt to change God's
But to get back to the column for this newsletter…          mind about us or about events. It is primarily
I have never made a secret of the fact that Eugene
Peterson’s writings have been seminal in my Christian       about changing our mind so that things like
experience. One of his most helpful books is called:        infinity, mystery and forgiveness can resound
Answering God; and in which he describes how we can         within us.'                      - Richard Rohr
use scripture, and the Psalms in particular, to hear
God, to answer God, and for God to hear us—hence
                                                                         If a Tiny Virus
                                 HAPPY SPECIAL                                Can do
                                   AUGUST                              This much damage—
                                                                         Imagine what a
                              Jerry Van Niekerk 26th                   Mustard Seed of Faith
                                Lionel Harker 26th
                             Roeland Middelkoop 27th
                                                                            Can do...
                          Psalm 103
           Praise the LORD, O my soul.
 With all that is within me, praise his holy name.
           Praise the LORD, O my soul.
          Do not forget all his kind deeds.
     He is the one who forgives all your sins,
            who heals all your diseases,
         who delivers your life from the Pit
who crowns you with his loyal love and compassion,
     who satisfies your life with good things,
      so your youth is renewed like an eagle’s
                                      New English Version

August 2021 Eight O’Clock News
News The Eight O'Clock - Christ Church Kenilworth
       Lucy & Kevin’s
Lucy Sturrock and Kevin Ford
exchanged vows on our patio
(during a brief break in
relentless rain!) on 3 July, with
Duncan McLea officiating. We
had had a few roller coaster
weeks with Covid numbers
rising and uncertainty about
whether the wedding would go
ahead, how many people could
attend church, if we could
dance at the reception etc—
so although the announcement
of Level 4 lockdown meant
cancelling plans, at least we
had clarity. The mother of a
friend of Kevin’s swooped into
our house on Friday and
decorated our patio so that it
had a chapel-like feel. Tessa
Ferrandi made a beautiful
bridal bouquet. Lucy Linley
(after whom Lucy is named)
provided lots of emotional support in the week leading
up to Saturday, and amazing food on the day. Friends
donated bottles of champagne. Lucy’s cousin Claire
did her hair and helped her to finally decide (20
minutes before the ceremony!) that she would actually
wear her wedding dress! Duncan led a beautiful and
moving ceremony, with just Paul and I, Kevin’s dad
and stepmom, cousin Claire, and aunty Hazel (Large)
present. Kevin’s Mom was sadly unable to get here
because of Gauteng lockdown, but shared in
procedures by doing the Scripture reading on zoom.
Laura Richter helped us to organise zooming, and
many friends and family from SA, Germany, Norway,

                                                         Opposite: Lucy, Paul and Colleen at
                                                         Lucy’s Kitchen Tea.
                                                         PTO: 1) Lucy and Lucy Linley (after
                                                         whom she was named
                                                         2) Lucy and bridesmaids at Groot
August 2021 Eight O’Clock News
News The Eight O'Clock - Christ Church Kenilworth
London and Zambia
were able to witness
the event. Afterwards,
a few more family
members joined us at
home for champagne
and carrot cake and
impromptu speeches
(socially distanced
over our back
garden!); and then we
went for a muddy walk
at Groote Constantia
where more family
and friends met us. It
was an extraordinarily
joyful occasion in the midst of all the muddle and         Lucy and has
disruption of Covid. Special thanks to all in our          walked a long
community who helped make it happen, and                   journey with us as
especially to Duncan, who had dedicated and baptised       a family.
                                                              - Colleen Sturrock

              On Whose Side is God?
Whose side is God on in all this looting and social
unrest in KwaZulu Natal? There is a popular theology       of Zacchaeus, a tax collector for Rome. When the
and preaching in the church that says that God is on       oppressed saw this they grew angry and muttered
the side of the poor. Therefore, in the face of many       against Jesus. Jesus turned the crowd’s focus from
poor (but not exclusively poor) looters, the church        Zacchaeus onto himself and took the derision meant
does not come out strongly to condemn what is going        for another upon himself.
on. Instead, our response is somewhat philosophical        God in Christ became for us the suffering servant
in nature. We need to address the systemic injustices      foretold in Isaiah 53: ‘He was despised and rejected
in our society. We should dismantle an economic            by people, a man of sorrows, acquainted with grief.
system that results in gross inequities. We call out all   Like one from whom people hide their faces, He
privilege, especially white privilege. We reflect on       was despised, and we esteemed Him not. Surely,
doing ‘theology from below’.                               He took on our infirmities and carried our sorrows;
Meanwhile Rome burns (or in this instance eThekwini)       yet we considered Him stricken by God, struck
and Nero plays the fiddle in a quartet with our            down and afflicted. But He was pierced for our
government leaders. South African citizens of every        transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities;
colour (and religion) have organised into militias to      the punishment that brought us peace was upon
partner with SAPS (often at the invitation of the SAPS,    Him, and by His stripes we are healed.’
who are hopelessly stretched). These community             Jesus was crushed for our iniquities, whoever we
leaders (of every colour) are saying there is an           are. His actions have and will bring true peace. We
organised element (whether criminal or political is not    are called as a church to reach out to and defend the
known) at play in this destruction, masked by ordinary     oppressed, the marginalized, the outcasts and the
looters and manifest in the torching of commercial         vulnerable in our society. Yet we are also called to
properties.                                                keep gracious company with those with privilege and
Yet in all this God incarnate in Christ demonstrates       wealth and extend a radical hospitality through our
whose side God is on. Jesus saw the marginalized           actions that deflects the crowd’s anger rather than
and poor. He spoke and ministered to them. He              stoke it. For rich and poor alike, Christ has no
reached out to touch the untouchables. He affirmed         hands, no feet, no eyes but ours. As St Teresa of
women in a male dominated society. He ate with             Avila said: ‘Christ has no body now but yours. No
sinners and other outcasts, so much so that he was         hands, no feet on earth but yours. Yours are the
accused of being a glutton and a drunkard himself. Yet     eyes through which he looks with compassion on
he also kept company with Pharisees privileged in          this world. Yours are the feet with which he walks to
their education and status, befriending many, and          do good. Yours are the hands through which he
even having some as his followers. Jesus blessed his       blesses all the world. Yours are the hands, yours are
oppressors, singling out and affirming the faith of a      the feet, yours are the eyes, you are his body. Christ
Roman centurion. He extended radical hospitality to        has no body now on earth but yours.’
the wealthy and those complicit with the system of         Turns out that God is on God’s side, and this is
oppression when he invited himself over to the home        made plain in Jesus. Are we?
                                                                                                   Peter Houston
August 2021 Eight O’Clock News
News The Eight O'Clock - Christ Church Kenilworth
               Tin Mugs                                                           finding Kristy; my own little
                                                                                  African; helping put warm food
Bud Higgins has been part of our                                                  into empty little tummies.;
church for a number of years.                                                     assisting in providing basic
She is quietly but powerfully behind                                              comforts, and rebuilding lives
an NPO called Tinmugs in Overcome                                                 after shacks were razed in
on the Cape Flats where she is                                                    frequent townships fires;
demonstrating the love and                                                        distributing clothing, funding for
compassion of Jesus to little lives in                                            education, school uniforms and
this corner of our city.                                                          stationery.
Bud has an Australian accent and                                                  ‘I was working in the township
arrived in Cape Town as a young                                                   when Kristy’s parents asked me
bride in 1969.                                                                    if I would be prepared to take
‘My two sons, Shane and Callan were                                               eight year old Kristy, who was
born in Cape Town in the 70s. During                                              always sick. They had two
the sad years of apartheid I took my                                              other children and were finding
boys to educate them in Australia. As                                                        life difficult.
a chef I settled on Queensland’s north                                                       ‘I decided to help their
coast where I opened a wedding and                                                           situation, firstly by
functions catering business.                                                                 relocating the family
‘Sadly, after my elder son, Shane, lost                                                      to a safer place in
his life in a helicopter crash in rural                                                      Retreat where I could
Australia I sold my business to my                                                           at least allow Kristy to
staff and eleven years ago returned to Cape Town                                             visit them. I knew this
to dwell beneath the mountain under which my                                                 beautiful child was
beautiful ‘lost’ boy, a pilot, had been born.                                                not safe in the
I found a lovely apartment in the shadow of the                                              township. I became
                                                                                             her legal guardian
                                                                                             and enrolled her into
                                                                                             Wynberg Girls Junior
                                                                                             Kristy has had the
                                                                                             benefit of two families
                                                                                             and has loved her
                                                                                             Australian holidays.
                                                                                             My heartache has
                                                                                             been when one of my
                                                             needy little ones, a three year old, was raped by
                                                             her grandfather. I will never get over that !
                                                             The most challenging aspect of Covid has been
                                                             that due to my age I must stay away and keep
                                                             safe. Not only the kids but the parents all believe
                                                             they have the right to kiss and hug me! Covid does
                                                             not come into the equation!
                                                             ‘Claude, a Rwandan refugee, who ‘adopted’ me as
                                                             his mother, has worked with Tinmugs for ten
                                                         years. He also will not allow me to go to the township
mountain. I’d always admired the beautiful CCK
                                                         while Covid is with us. He does it all.
church and decided it was where I wanted to
                                                         ‘Funding—every couple of years my Australian friends
                                                         have held fundraisers for us. Kristy insisted she write
‘I had no clue what I was going to do until I attended
                                                         and give her first public speech when she was only
a fund raiser at which commentator Solly Philander
                                                         nine—I am told there was not a dry Ozzie eye in the
appealed for volunteers to help feed 2000 kids at
                                                         auditorium! That night we raised $10,000. Through
Blikkiesdorp on Christmas day. Having only catered
                                                         my friends in Australia we have 35 children with
for weddings serving upmarket food, nothing
                                                         sponsors. These sponsors donate money for school
prepared me for standing on the back of a truck
                                                         fees, uniforms, home clothing and a contribution
stirring giant pots with paddles! As is the story of
                                                         towards groceries.
Africa—when the crowd of 2000 swelled to 3000 it
                                                         ‘Please pray for the safety of our Tinmugs kids; the
was on our heads to do a ‘loaves and fishes’ with
                                                         crime upon our children is terrifying.
the stew’! That day I realized I had found my calling
                                                         ‘Thank you to all who generously responded to our
and Tinmugs Africa Trust was born.
                                                         recent request for warm children’s clothing for
‘My greatest joy in my work with Tinmugs has been
                                                         Tinmugs. If you’d like to know more about Tinmugs,
August 2021 Eight O’Clock News                           contact me at’
News The Eight O'Clock - Christ Church Kenilworth

                       Signing Off                                Vegas, the Amalifi Coast and Liguria to mention a
                                                                  few. That was when I was inspired by those places
In March 2003, I wrote my first Editorial for the Eight O’        and linked them to my thoughts of God. One of my
Clock News entitled ‘Forty Days and Forty Nights’. It             favourites is what I wrote as I looked out at the Grand
was about Lent. I ended it by saying what I would                 Canyon: ‘one feels a comfortable stillness as one
sacrifice for Lent: “TIME, time that I usually spend on           gazes out on its vastness, its immense folds and
other things… I will devote it to seeking more of God’.           chasms, dazzling erosional forms and amazing
I’m still trying!                                                 textures and colours. It seems alive. As I stood there
Looking back in my file of contributions to the News,             a thought came to mind—the dimensions and
forty days became 17 years and the articles are like a            extravagance of God’s love for me are even more
bunch of snapshots of my life. I think of the time that I         vast than this! I recalled the passage in Ephesians
was in Las Vegas and saw Cher, live at Caesar’s                   3:18 (The Message) – And I ask Him that with both
Palace. She entered the auditorium from the back,                 feet planted firmly in love you’ll be able to take in with
strutting down the aisle all body- sculptured feathers            all Christians the extravagant dimensions of God’s
singing, “If I could Turn Back Time’. Like Cher, I can’t          love. Reach out and experience the breadth! Test its
but much of what I’ve written for the News reminds me             length! Plumb its depths! Rise to its heights! Live full
of amazing good times, heartaches too and My Lord                 lives, full in the fullness of God’.
being ever present through them all.                              It’s time now for me to close this chapter and sign off
At work in our quarterly business reviews, we are                 from the News. I’m not sure what is next for me;
encouraged ‘not to report the news but to make the                maybe it’s that sacrificing of TIME again to seek more
news’. I think that the 8 O’Clock News has done both.             of Him. My Editorial in September 2019 was entitled,
We’ve looked back at the past, reported on the present            ‘Be Expectant’ and that I will be. Sue Monk Kidd
and hoped for the future.                                         wrote in ‘God’s Joyful Surprise: Finding Yourself
Ev, the principal Editor terrified me at first but after I left   Loved’, “How do I accomplish this matter of gathering
all the layout to her (she was much better at this),              life together in God? We must begin primarily by
things worked well and I was able to just be creative.            refocusing our attention keeping our minds and hearts
(Kind and gracious of you, Ev). Most times I’d have a             directed towards God. The essence of the centred life
theme in my head for weeks and then when the time                 is attention to God in all we think, say and do. It is the
was right, got it into copy and sent it to the ever patient       growing realization of His presence in our most down-
Ev with minutes to spare. Recently, the corporate life            to-earth living’. I’ll keep on trying.
has not been conducive to my musings; one could say                                                            - Cheryl Anderson
leaving me somewhat ‘not amused’. The time will come                            It is difficult to thank Cheryl sufficiently for all
again when I can live in the preferred hemisphere of                                   the help, encouragement and friendship
my brain. I think that it’s called retirement!                                  during these years and for the editorials and
The back issues also contain photos of many of our                                         articles she has contributed—I know
dearly departed congregants, some of whom I had the                                   that many people were also encouraged
pleasure of interviewing and they will remain forever in                                    by her writing. I’m sure we will hear
my heart.                                                                                           more from her in the future…
These past two years of lockdown and the online                                             May Papa give you a double portion
                                                                                     of His blessing on your journey with Him.
publication of so many things, will never take away the
memories of many of you saying how much you loved
to get home after church to a cup of tea and the latest
hardcopy of the News. Other services have been
known to abscond with copies.
You came with me to New York, Hong Kong, Las

                   When I am alone,
              God is my comforter.
              When I am nothing,
              God is my everything.
            When I am sad and lonely,
            God is my song and my joy.
           When I am weak and helpless,
               God is my strength.
                                                                                                  Gang Violence
August 2021 Eight O’Clock News
                                                                                                   Must Stop
News The Eight O'Clock - Christ Church Kenilworth
                                                               The 595 people displaced
                        Jim se Bos & Children’s Library         by the fire have had to make
                                                                other arrangements for
                                                                accommodation because the
                                                                City has not provided
                                                                building materials because
                                                                the budget for that
                                                                (nationally) has been
                                                                slashed—and Jim se Bos is
                                                                on private land and so
                                                                receives very low priority.
                                                                The City has not yet
                                                                reconnected electricity and
                                                                the Children's Library is once
                                                                again without power. They
                                                                are used to working under
                                                                such circumstances—but
                                                                please pray for that as well.
                                                                Because more than 500
                                                                people were affected, the
                                                                Respond Coalition—a
                                                               Christian cross-
                                                               denominational disaster relief
                                                               organisation set up by The
                                                               Warehouse—put out a
                                                               national appeal for aid, and
                                                               one of the consequences was
                                                               the arrival in Jim se Bos of a
                                                               huge lorry loaded with bags
                                                               of maize meal from KwaZulu-
                                                               Natal—with implementation
                                                               by an expert distribution
                                                               team. David Lesey and I met
                                                               with the organiser of the
                                                               Respond Coalition last week
                                                               and we are taking steps
                                                               towards CCK joining it. I will
                                                               keep you informed in this
                                                               regard—membership will
                                                               enable us to play a useful role
                                                               in well-coordinated responses
                                                               to such events.
                                                                                - Gerry Adlard

                                      Seung Young & Joy Jung

August 2021 Eight O’Clock News
News The Eight O'Clock - Christ Church Kenilworth
      Prayers: 8.30 Service: 11 July
  Our loving heavenly Father
  We are all followers of Jesus Christ, your
  Son who reigns with you, and affirm that
  we are not divided into camps, each
  bearing different banners and with
  competing loyalties. We are yours!
  If we have been a bit slack recently,
  arriving late or attending irregularly, or
  forgetting that we are each an integral part
  of your body here on earth - and of Christ
  Church especially - we pray that you would
  renew us by your Holy Spirit as we bind
  ourselves back together in love, and
  participate wholeheartedly in establishing
  and furthering your Kingdom here in
  Cape Town and beyond.
  Glorify yourself in our midst, we pray - not
  for our own benefit, but so that children,
  women and men, in all neighbourhoods,
  from the poorest and most populous to
  the richest and most isolated, may be
  drawn to you. Through your love, spread
  abroad through us.
  We pray for all those whom you have
  called to lead us - Guy and MJ Axelson,
  our pastorate, church wardens, staff
  members, group leaders - and all those in
                                                         they would repent, be delivered of what has
  leadership in our parish of St John's. That they
                                                         corrupted them, and be renewed, restored and
  may be one as you, Father, Son and Holy Spirit
                                                         transformed into what you designed them to be.
  are one. With no divisions. With not even a fault
                                                         We pray for victory over disease on this planet - over
                                                         the chronic neglect that is destroying the natural
  We pray for those in authority over us in this land,
                                                         environment; for victory over the viruses, parasites,
  and over all people in Africa - for good, wise
                                                         bacteria and infections that destroy our bodies;
  government, for the rule of law under your
                                                         victory over toxic relationships and atmospheres
  oversight, for justice and mercy, for respect of all
                                                         in families and neighbourhoods which rob us of
  peoples. We pray that you would cauterize our
                                                         our peace.
  country - stop us bleeding - so that we stop losing
                                                         We lay our sick and suffering friends before you
  and wasting lives, livelihoods, human potential,
                                                         now, Father, and plead that you restore them,
  money and other resources from right under our
                                                         encourage and revive them and make them whole.
  noses. On our watch. We pray that you would
                                                         For our grieving friends we pray for your tangible
  instill in each of us a sense of social, civic and
                                                         presence and comfort. For our anxious friends we
  spiritual responsibility as your agents on the
                                                         pray for the ability to see you as far greater than
                                                         their problems, and that they would permit you to
  We pray for those in prison, whatever their status
                                                         relieve them of their burdens.
  in our society, for although we might put them out
                                                         Remind us of any whom we have yet to forgive - we
  of our sight and mind, they stay very much on
                                                         forgive them now, and set ourselves free to walk
  your heart. We pray for their liberation from
                                                         lightly in your grace.
  whatever evil power has enslaved them, and that
                                                         In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour.
                                                                                                   - Gerry Adlard
August 2021 Eight O’Clock News
News The Eight O'Clock - Christ Church Kenilworth

                                 Women in the Life of the Church
                                                            them, into counselling, lecturing, doctoral studies,
 An idle conversation, in which I could recall the          church support and ‘secular’ jobs while being ‘worker
 names of seven women from Christ Church who had
                                                            priests’. In fact only one is a conventional priest in
 sought ordination as ministers or deacons, led to this
                                                            charge of a church (lucky congregation!).
 article for Women's Month. Research increased the
                                                            It is sad to read of the struggles some have had
 number to nine, all of whom I had known in my 48
                                                            because of gender issues but good to read of how
 years at Christ Church. So Ev and I sent each one a
                                                            these struggles were overcome and of the strengths
 short questionnaire and requested them to tell us
                                                            that these trials have given.
 about themselves and their calling. Which they
                                                            To all nine women we as a church say thank you,
 cheerfully did.
                                                            well done and God bless your present calling.
 As I read their replies I was struck by the variety of
                                                            (Are there any women or men amongst us who
 ways in which they were called, from an audible voice
                                                            are feeling God nudging them towards ordination?
 to a slowly growing conviction encouraged by others.
                                                            Please explore this calling.)
 It is interesting to see where ordination has taken
                                                                                                      - Peter Broster

                                                            When studying these Scriptures note:
              Women in the Church                           Who was it for?
As this is Women's Month I thought it appropriate to        The passages referenced above were written to a
write about the role of women in the church system.         society in which women were denied education. Men
I first became aware of tensions about the role of          were given a religious education and schooled in
women when George, a dear member of my House                debate, women were not. Married women would have
Church and sincere Christian, used to get up and            to ask their husbands about matters of religion and
walk out as Clare Nye, a lay minister, stepped into         inevitably be subject to their opinions. The Christian
the pulpit to preach. He believed that women should         Church was unique in integrating worship for men and
not preach in church or teach men. He would have            women, and with so much new being heard and talked
based his beliefs on four passages in the New               about, it is likely that women had to restrain their
Testament. Read them for yourself!:                         enquiries until a later opportunity arose at home.
                                                            Specifically at this time a heresy called Gnosticism was
* 1 Timothy 2:11-12: Do not permit a woman to teach
                                                            pervasive. It claimed amongst other things that Gnostic
or to have authority over a man...                          women were given spiritual knowledge denied to men
* 1 Corinthians 14:33b-36b: Women should be silent
                                                            which would have been disruptive if announced in
in churches, they are not permitted to speak...             church. Despite this there were Lydia, Priscilla,
* 1 Corinthians 11:3: The head of the woman is the
                                                            Phoebe, Martha, various Marys and other women who
man...                                                      followed, supported and sometimes debated with
* Ephesians 5:22-24: Wives be subject to your
                                                            The trend in Scripture
Scripture passages                                          The many references to women in leadership positions
Now I am not a theologian, nor am I a gender activist,      in the New and Old Testament set themselves against
but I would like to share some ideas about these            these few teachings of Paul's even if we ignore the
Scriptures. I am indebted for guidance by the               context.
remarkable Charlotte Brown and the example of the
nine Christ Church women who have been ordained             The English text
for the service of God.                                     1 Timothy 2:12 uses two words translated authority
                                                            and silent. Authentein (authority) has been found in
There are a few questions we should ask when                other literature to mean ‘to begin something, to
studying the Scriptures;                                    dominate, to usurp power or claim ownership’. Not
* Who was the original text written for and what were       desirable qualities in men or women, and applied
the conditions prevailing at that time?                     particularly to the women of Ephesus (where Timothy
* Does the chosen passage fit in with the rest of the       lived) who were influenced by Gnosticism and pagan
teachings of the bible?                                     fertility cults. Hesychia (silent) can be translated as
* Does modern understanding of the original Greek           inner quietness or tranquility, not bad qualities for
cause us to question the English translation?               anyone to practise. When we quote texts we should
* Is it possible that instructions are no longer relevant   make sure we know what we are quoting!
to our modern society and that the Holy Spirit has
allowed something new to happen? What instructions          Something new?
are eternal and what of passing importance?                 1 Corinthians 11 includes an instuction to women to
                                                            have their heads covered in church and 1 Timothy 2:9
                                                            tells them not to braid their hair or wear expensive
August 2021 Eight O’Clock News                              jewelry or clothes to church. Perhaps you can agree
That the principles still apply but the practice has             the general teaching of the Scriptures and Jesus'
changed. As has the attitude to woman preachers.                 treatment of women?
A quote from 100 Years of God's Grace, pg 96,                    There are churches in Cape Town who do not allow
sometime between 1975 and 1982: ‘Anne Rivers-                    women to lead or preach and in case we think we
Moore joined the pastoral staff, and this raised                 Anglicans are OK, the Diocese of Sydney would
the issue of whether women should be allowed to                  agree with them.
preach at Christ Church. The Pastorate (all male)                The ministers I have known from David Prior to Guy (
considered the matter for some months before                     I assume) have always encouraged women to follow
agreement that this all-male domain should be                    their leadership calling. We should all give them our
open to women’.                                                  backing!
What do you think?                                                                                          - Peter Broster
Reading the above, do you feel that Paul's                           —With much gratitude to Peter who had the vision and
                                                                     did most of the work. [What’s your next vision, Peter?]
instructions are of eternal importance and fit in with

           Rene August                                                                  valued, and that means we have to
                                                                                        be creative and learn how to work
 I am working at The Warehouse                                                          strategically and this serves us in
 Trust and serve at St John’s Church,
                                                                                        our ministry.
 Wynberg. I love the flexibility of not
                                                                                        Encouragement to women at CCK?
 being in one congregation, but I
                                                                                        Make sure you want to serve God,
 appreciated having a faith
                                                                                        and all God’s children, not just the
 community in one congregation.
                                                                                        children you like or agree with. God
 I preach in other churches as part
                                                                                        is our creator and can create love,
 of my job, and have spent a fair
                                                                                        compassion, wisdom, leadership,
 amount of time travelling, so I get
                                                                                        courage, even obedience, in us. If
 to worship at St Johns for about half
                                                                                        you are wondering about it, test it,
 the year.
                                                                                        and test it outside of yourself. God
 God's call towards ordination?                                                         has all you need.
 I was four years old and had a dream
 that I was preaching in church. My                                                     Don’t think of what you can’t do.
 great-grandmother wrote the dream                                                      Think of all God CAN do—and
 down and shared it with my mother.                                                     be available to be amazed.
 I had the same dream when I was 16
 years old, and my mother was able to share it with me.
 I ran away from this calling for a long time and when I                           Charlotte Brown
 was 40, I was finally ordained.                                 I am a permanent deacon at Christ Church Kenilworth
 Difficulties in the way?                                        [still!]. At CCK we thankfully don’t believe that only the
 I don’t know how much time you have, but I would say            clergy can read the Gospel or give the Dismissal, so I am
 that it’s not a past reality, it is an ever-present struggle.   not automatically expected to do these things. I think some
 Men just get away with so much more and they see things         deacons would be appalled that I wasn’t expected to, but
 from a patriarchal view, that is also the dominant view, so     I really appreciate the fact that all people are involved in
 when you see something from a view that is not dominant,        most aspects of the service. Its healthier spiritually I think.
 it is easy to be accused of being a feminist—or as I was        What I do is pastoral care mostly. I meet with Ali (Bourne)
 told, just two months ago, by a senior, well respected          and Belinda (Henwood) weekly and the rest of the team
 clergyman in the Parish… ‘You seem to be pushing a              monthly. I also run the Quiet Service with Lynn Pedersen
 feminist agenda.’ My response was simply to say that the        and Katy Roberts twice a month. I have helped Keenan
 Oxford dictionary defines a feminist agenda as ‘the belief      with Holy Communion on a Sunday Evening and hope to
 and aim that women should have the same rights and              again. I preach when asked. I have also taken weddings
 opportunities as men; the struggle to achieve this aim.’        [with a marriage officer present] and funerals.
 How is it that children of God, clergy in St John’s Parish      I think many of you know this, but let me bore those of
 DON’T support a feminist agenda?! I can carry on, but it        you who don’t..
 will keep us here all day.                                      I studied to be a social worker but after my degree and
 Strengths as a woman in your ministry?                          before the professional training part, I travelled overseas.
 Women see things in the bible, that men can’t, because          I was brought up in the UK and I was bizarrely determined
 their privilege and power blinds them to it.                    to get to Africa. I spent six months in Kenya with an NGO.
 Women have experienced so much opposition, we have to           I returned to London intending to start the Social Work
 overcome so much more, in order to be recognised or             qualification, but, whilst sitting in church one Sunday,
                                                                 I heard an audible voice say to me ‘get ordained’.
August 2021 Eight O’Clock News
                                                                                                         family life. Plus,
                                                                                                         I saw myself as
                                                                                                         a social worker
                                                                                                         with a dog
                                                                                                         collar on—I
                                                                                                         wanted to do
                                                                                                         the pastoral
                                                                                                         care work not
                                                                                                         the Sunday
                                                                                                         work. So,
                                                                                                         although during
                                                                                                         my selection
                                                                                                         procedure I
                                                                                                         was told they
                                                                                                         would be
                                                                                                         me for the
                                                                I told them that that was not my call.
  I turned around to see what unhinged person was talking
                                                                Bishop Christopher Gregoroski had told me he wanted to
 to me so loudly during the sermon, but I was in an English
                                                                reinstate the permanent diaconate, and I knew it had my
 Anglican Church—so there was no one sitting anywhere
                                                                name all over it.
 remotely near me. I was very confused but knew it was
                                                                As a result I didn’t run up against those who object to
 God. So I said to God—‘You have to be kidding... I am NOT
                                                                women being priests.
 becoming part of that male run, systemically patriarchal
                                                                But very sadly, many others did.
 institution that helped colonise the world. I’m going to be
 a cool social worker, read the Guardian and hang out in        I don’t know if women bring strengths by dint of their
 the pub’. Furthermore, I told God ‘if you’re serious you       gender. My father is one of the gentlest, most intuitive
 have to lead me by the nose’.                                  people I know—characteristics that might be thought of
 The next week I did what I rarely did, I went back to the      as feminine. I witnessed that in his ministry.
 same church. I was, you see, a vicar’s daughter in             I suppose what women do bring though is an
 recovery, and was determined not to get involved in            understanding of not always being in power. Women
 another church community for a long time [I’d rung bells,      know what it is like to be referred to as ‘he’ and
 made the palm crosses, helped run the fetes, made tea for      ‘mankind’ as if our gender can be represented by the
 the PCC, sung in many choirs, even wound the church            male. And we know what it is like to be second on the
 clock—and I’d had enough] so I rarely darkened the same        medical aid and have to use our husband’s name as if it’s
 church door twice in a row in case anyone thought to           ours. More importantly, we know what it’s like to be told
 invite me to tea. But here I was in the same church and        we ought not preach or lead in services.
 guess what—an ordained woman was preaching. A young,           As a result I think we have a taste of being the underdog
 cool, fun woman. And she talked about social justice and       [I won’t use the female term there] and I think we can
 how to respond to poverty.                                     and should use that to identify with those who are
 ‘Ok God—very funny—you now have my attention’                  always the underdogs due to their race, poverty, lack of
 I told her at the door that I needed to talk to her and duly   education, or their sexuality—whatever has left them
 did so. Sadly she was in the process of leaving the church     truly under-privileged.
 because it was so difficult then for an ordained woman in      I’m not saying men can’t bring that—many do. But I think
 the church. But despite that, I embarked on the process.       it is something that by virtue of being women, even as
 I’ll spare you the rest of the details.                        white women, we should be able to employ easily.
 By the time I came to ordination many of the battles had       Encouragement to women at CCK? Yes—do it! Talk
 been won. Women could be priested and the men who              widely to lots of men and women in the church. Get to
 objected tended not to say so too loudly.                      know what you are up against if you’re looking at the
 I think what was in my favour was that I didn’t want to be     priesthood. Be prepared for it.
 priest. I knew how hard my father had worked and how           There are many ways to serve in church, especially a
 many anti-social hours he put in. Graeme and I had met by      church like CCK that doesn’t reserve all the good roles
 now and I knew if we wanted kids, I needed to have more        for the dog collars. However, if God has put a call on
 flexibility. As a deacon no Bishop can send you off to run a   you to ordination you’d better follow it. The process
 church on your own as you can’t consecrate. It means you       will not be easy—but that is true regardless of gender—
 have to be part of a team and that’s more workable with        but with good support from your parish and family,
                                                                it’s worth it.
August 2021 Eight O’Clock News
          Sharon Davis.                                                               online via zoom meetings.
                                                                                      My ordination process has indeed
 In 2018, I was Priest in Charge at                                                   been a long journey, one that was
 St Barnabas Church. My PhD                                                           shared alongside my mentors from
 proposal had been accepted but                                                       Christ Church Kenilworth, St John’s
 I discovered I had a serious time                                                    Parish and the Table Bay Diocese.
 constraint as my supervisor                                                          Listening to other people’s stories,
 Professor Johan Cilliers, was                                                        experiences and wisdom has been a
 retiring at the end of 2020. After                                                   valuable lesson for me and one that
 seeing the Bishop, he suggested I                                                    has formed and shaped my ministry.
 resign and complete my studies                                                       I have learnt that every aspect of
 and thereafter, I could become a                                                     my life informs and shapes who I
 full-time priest. As we all know,                                                    am, and when I have been are
 things changed beyond our                                                            open to using these aspects as gifts,
 understanding and beyond our                                                         I have been able to discover that
 imagination with a global                                                            these are rich forms of blessings to
 pandemic. I was able to complete                                                     others and myself. My age, gender,
 my doctorate and graduate.                                                           ethnicity and education are some of
 Since lockdown I discovered the                              these aspects which enable me to minister through
 opportunity to meet needs in a more creative and             challenging times.
 flexible manner. I began to ’meet’ with people online via    I have personally gained value in walking alongside many
 zoom meetings offering ‘Spiritual Dialogue’, a form of       faithful and committed members of Christ Church
 pastoral care, counselling and spiritual guidance. It has    Kenilworth. Their guidance has been a rich and diverse
 been an incredible experience despite the many               blessing, that has always encouraged me to discern the
 challenges during Covid-19 pandemic. I have also             incredible invitation of God, to live and work alongside
 started to work alongside a colleague, developing an         him through participation. A valuable question for me,
 organisational change management programme and we            over the years has thus been, ‘Where is God calling me to
 have completed our first pilot project, once again,          participate with him, today?’

                                                                                 With the support of the then Dean of
           Beverley Haddad                                                       the Cathedral, Colin Jones, and
 During the early 1980s, as a young                                              Archbishop Desmond Tutu, my
 woman in my early twenties, I felt called                                       vocation to the priesthood was
 to fulltime ministry and spent five years                                       affirmed towards the end of 1991
 as a Staff Worker with the Student                                              prior to the synod motion that
 Christian Association. It was during this                                       eventually agreed to ordination of
 time that I joined Christ Church and was                                        women in 1992. I went for training to
 supported pastorally and financially in a                                       St Paul’s College at the beginning of
 number of ways by St John’s Parish. My                                          1992 in faith that the church of God
 journey towards ordination began as my                                          would do the right thing. Members of
 time with SCA was nearing its end and I                                         Christ Church were an important
 struggled to understand the next step in                                        support structure during these days
 my vocation. There were a number of my                                          and in particular Denise Wood, who
 male colleagues who were also nearing                                           played a significant role in my life at
 the end of their term of office and were                                        this time through her unwavering
 so sure that the next step was ordination.                                      commitment, support and
 It was then that I fully realised that this option was not  encouragement.    I was  finally ordained deacon in March
 open to me as a woman.                                      1993 and priest in December 1993, the third woman in
 So when the motion supporting women’s ordination at the the Diocese of Cape Town to be priested after Margaret
 Provincial Synod of 1988 was lost by a narrow margin, I had Vertue and Wilma Jakobsen.
 no hesitation in joining a small group of other women       My journey in ministry has taken many twists and turns
 championing the cause of women’s ordination to the          over the past 30 years. After a two year period at St
 priesthood. We targeted the next Provincial Synod of 1992 Clare of Assisi, Blue Downs (a small congregation that I
 and mounted a number of campaigns in the intervening        helped establish) I moved to Pietermaritzburg. This move
 years including placard protests outside St George’s        took me into academia and I finally graduated with a PhD
 Cathedral during all male ordination services. What heady in Theology in 2000. During these doctoral studies, I was
 days they were!!                                            the assistant priest at a Zulu-speaking congregation
                                                             outside Pietermaritzburg. These four years profoundly
August 2021 Eight O’Clock News
   shaped my doctoral work, my ongoing ministry, and me         respond to these attitudes by becoming non-confrontative
   personally. I continued as a lecturer in the postgraduate    for the sake of their ministry. It has been easier for me not
   programme in Theology and Development at the                 to adopt this more submissive behaviour towards these
   University of KwaZulu-Natal, eventually taking over the      male clergy as I have not been in the full-time employ of
   leadership until my retirement. Throughout these             the church. But often I have longed for women clergy to
   years, I saw my role in theological education as key to      find greater support from one another as we did in those
   equipping church leadership to be theologically astute,      early days of lobbying for change.
   contextually relevant, and inclusive of all people of God.   There can be no doubt that the Anglican Church has been
   I continued to minister in parishes around                   enriched by the ministry of women priests over the past
   Pietermaritzburg in a self-supporting capacity.              thirty years, and the church of God has truly represented
   Being a woman in the priesthood was a challenge in           our diversity and gifts. Young girls can now imagine
   the early days of my ordination. The first parish that I     answering God’s call into the priesthood. But the
   ministered to in the Diocese of Natal had members            challenge remains! We need young women to offer
   who refused to take communion from me. Some of               themselves to the priesthood not just to carry out
   the music group held this conviction and would not play      ministry, but to demonstrate an alternate form of
   at the service if I was celebrating the Eucharist. As the    ministry. We need women priests who embrace language,
   years passed, these strongly held views dissipated but       liturgy, and action that offers the fullness of God, both
   the challenge of patriarchy remains. So I witness young      male and female. We need women priests who
   women being ordained to the priesthood, but then it          demonstrate leadership that is inclusive of all. We need
   taking much longer for them to become rectors of             women priests who recognise the need for the patriarchal
   parishes than their male counterparts. Some male             structures of the church to change and who stand by those
   clergy continue to be dismissive of women in the             convictions. Only then we can truly become all that God
   priesthood and often show discriminatory attitudes and       intended us to be.
   actions. All too often, I have seen women priests

            Wilma Jakobsen                                                                    study and discussion and
                                                                                              workshops for young adults.
   I was ordained a deacon in 1988, at                                                        We moved our VYLTP
   the point that women priests were                                                          programme online this year,
   not allowed in the Anglican Church in                                                      and I am part of the
   Southern Africa. I was ordained a                                                          leadership team. I am part of
   priest in 1992, after the Provincial                                                       the preaching/celebrating
   Synod in August 1992, passed a                                                             eucharist roster at the weekly
   resolution allowing the ordination of                                                      Volmoed eucharist, and part
   women priests. I served in various                                                         of the leadership team at
   parishes and chaplaincies for fifteen                                                      Volmoed. I also ended up
   years in the now three dioceses of                                                         fundraising for Volmoed so
   Cape Town, False Bay and Saldanha                                                          that staff would not be laid
   Bay, followed by seventeen years in                                                        off. There is much potential,
   California, USA, in the dioceses of                                                        I am hopeful and excited
   Los Angeles and El Camino Real.                                                            about future possibilities.
   I retired from parish ministry and                                                         God's call towards
   returned to South Africa in 2020, to                                                       ordination?
   become the coordinator of the                                                              That’a s long story!
   Volmoed Youth Leadership Training                                                          I definitely did not grow up
   Program (VYLTP), and chaplain at the                                                       with a call to ordination! I
   beautiful Volmoed retreat centre in                                                        had a strong call to ministry
   Hermanus. It is an ecumenical                                                              with university students that
   ministry, so a big adjustment to no longer being in          started back in 1981, the year after I finished at UCT,
   Anglican parish ministry. I arrived not long before the      when I spent a year as an intern with the Student
   Covid-19 lockdown so nothing was as it might have            Christian Association (SCA) in PMB, KZN. I began teaching
   been, and the transition has been protracted and is still    at Pinelands High School, and by the second year, knew
   ongoing. It is exciting, challenging, unpredictable,         that it was a stepping stone towards ministry, and that I
   surprising, and full of grace.                               needed to go and study theology and get equipped. Christ
   Despite Covid-19 realities I have been able to lead a        Church and friends from Christ Church were instrumental
   couple of quiet days and retreats, weekly Taizé prayers      in making that happen through prayer and financial
   during Lent, also three Taizé style days of prayer, bible    support, for which I am deeply grateful. The late James
                                                                Thomas was especially amazing in making some important
August 2021 Eight O’Clock News
  steps happen—I am so grateful for him.                         ending love.
   I ended up at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena,        As the first woman ordained in the then diocese of Cape
  California, USA, despite not having much finances. I did       Town, the only one for two and a half years when
  get full financial aid that I would later discover was a       Margaret Vertue was ordained, one carried the flag for
  mistake on the part of an admissions staff member!             women’s ordination in a way that meant if one made a
  Along with a series of mini and major miracles, the Holy       mistake, it was seen by some because I was a woman,
  Spirit was clearly at work!                                    rather than because I was new and still learning. There
  At seminary, I joined All Saints Episcopal Church down         was constantly much inner work and prayer needed to
  the road, where there were two women priests on the            retain my sense of God’s calling and my confidence in
  staff—I had never met a woman priest before. It was an         Christ, my trust in God. At the same time South Africa
  inspiring church that integrated faith and justice/            was in the last brutal years of apartheid, and I lived in
  peacemaking in a way I had not previously experienced.         Mitchells Plain and was part of the faith based activist
  Their ministry, along with the many women ordinands            community. Life was a roller coaster, including
  at the seminary from different denominations, inspired         discussions about the struggle for gender equality in
  me. Through a combination of prayer, spiritual                 the church or whether we could work for women’s
  direction, silent retreat, the inspiration of other women      ordination alongside the struggle to end apartheid, or
  priests, encouragement from many, and the support of           whether it had to wait. Spiritual direction was a crucial
  Archbishop Desmond Tutu, the Holy Spirit was                   support in those days, along with regularly meeting with
  wonderfully at work and over the three years there my          a psychotherapist to have a regular place of support to
  vocation became dauntingly clear to me. God was                talk through all the constant challenges.
  calling me to be a priest in South Africa even though          All these years later, the church was and still is male in
  such a thing was not allowed. I did sometimes think            its leadership, embedded in patriarchal cultures and
  that I was crazy!                                              systems, and it is not easy to be a woman in ministry.
  However during this time, the Anglican church back in          We only have one woman bishop, since the other died
  South Africa, decided in 1985 to ordain women as               of Covid-19, and recent elections and appointments by
  deacons, but not as women priests, and then in 1986            the Synod of Bishop have been men. There are too few
  Bishop Desmond Tutu was elected Archbishop. The                women in leadership positions. The church has
  story is long, but I was in South Africa for a visit and met   particular ways of operating that do not necessarily
  him soon after his consecration, and through his               work well for women, or sometimes women are
  support, I was helped to discern and discover my               expected to move into the system and be like the men
  vocation to priesthood. After graduating with an M.Div,        in ministry, rather than being able to be authentically
  I returned to SA and studied at St Paul’s in                   themselves as women priests with their own style as a
  Grahamstown, and was ordained as deacon in 1988 and            priest and in other ministries. When strong women
  began to serve in Westridge, Mitchells Plain.                  priests challenge the system or the way things are done,
  Difficulties as a woman?                                       it is not an easy experience.
  Well yes! It was not possible in the church canons, and        Strengths as a woman in your ministry?
  there was a huge process of debate, discussion,                Hmmm not so easy to distinguish strengths I bring to
  dialogue, in the Anglican Church in Southern Africa,           ministry because of my gender vs my gifts as a person….
  over a period of many years. I was a deacon for almost         Is it possible to separate these? But here’s a go at it.
  four and a half years, while the men ordained as               I bring a passion for gender equality and gender justice
  deacons, were ordained priests a few months later. As          because of my experience as a woman in leadership in
  a deacon one cannot celebrate the eucharist, so my             Christian organisations long before I got into the
  ministry was truncated, and I was told by a bishop that        ordination journey. I see things from a woman’s
  ‘I was not useful to the church and difficult to place in a    perspective, I am able to empathise with others in their
  parish’. As a deacon waiting to be priest, along with          struggles, I am not afraid to show my emotions nor
  other women deacons waiting to be priest, our                  afraid of the emotions expressed by others. I can
  vocations, we ourselves, were the subject of the               understand the struggles of women in a different way
  discussions and debates, and that was a difficult              to a male priest, I approach ministry from a woman’s
  experience. Especially when the discussions turned ugly        perspective. I find it easy to multitask and be flexible,
  or were demeaning of women. Many people in the                 creative. I am not interested in hierarchy but in
  churches were unsure of whether it was ok to be a              facilitating and empowering others in their faith in
  woman priest or not. Long discussions of what titles to        Christ, in their ministry and putting that into action in
  use for us. That’s another topic but it is for me simply       transformative ways in their lives, in their churches and
  annoying that these discussions still continue today.          communities, and in society.
  Language matters, and expansive, inclusive language for        A word of encouragement to other women at CCK?
  God and for people is crucial if the church is actually        Yes for sure. Just open your heart to God, to the
  going to change and be a more open, welcoming,                 possibility that God is calling you to ordained ministry,
  expansive place that lives out God’s infinite, never           and ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide all the way.
August 2021 Eight O’Clock News
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