Spring 2018 - Frostburg State University

Page created by Erica Schneider
Spring 2018 - Frostburg State University

      Spring 2018
Spring 2018 - Frostburg State University
#Sustain 2018 Contributors
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Rosemary Wehberg is a senior at Frost-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Joel Russ is currently a senior at Frost-                                               burg State University who is majoring
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             burg State University with plans to                                                     in Communication Studies with a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             pursue a career in Sports Information &                                                 minor in Public Relations. She’s origi-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Media Relations with his degree in Mass                                                 nally from Salisbury, MD but decided
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Communications & Journalism. He’s                                                       to leave home to attend college in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             from Laurel, MD and I’m a graduate of                                                   mountains.
                                         Andrew Beachy is a senior at Frostburg                                                                                                                                              Eleanor Roosevelt High School where I
                                                                                                                              JJ Jones is a senior majoring in Mass Com-                                                                                                                                               Her favorite place in the world is the
                                         State University. He majors in Philoso-
                                                                                                                              munication here at Frostburg State Univer-                                                     ran track and played football. I work in                                                beach and would spend all her days
                                         phy and minors in Journalism. Before
                                         transferring to FSU, he attended Garrett                                             sity. He loves photography, drawing, playing                                                   the University Sports Information Office                                                there. Some of her hobbies include
                                         College in neighboring Garrett County,                                               basketball and meeting new people. You                                                         and I’m currently the public relations                                                  yoga, traveling, and being in the ocean.
                                         where he earned an Associate’s Degree in                                             may have seen him around campus with a                                                         chair for Active Minds, an organization                                                 After graduating this May, she plans
                                         Liberal Arts. He looks forward to grad-                                              camera or on the televisions in CCIT. One                                                      promoting mentel health awareness and                                                   to move back to Ocean City for the
                                         uating after Fall 2018. In his spare time                                            day he’s going to make it to the big time so                                                   Relationship Goals, a organization pro-                                                 summer and start looking for a career
                                         Andrew enjoys hiking around the tristate                                                                                                                                            moting healthy relationships.                                                           in journalism or public relations.
                                                                                                                              watch out world!
                                         area, reading, and cooking.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         William Stewart (Tre) is bold, funny,
Victoria Costa (Torie) is currently a                                           Mykel Hutton is a Frostburg senior and                                                       Latisha Lewis, a fourth year student                                                        outgoing, and carefree. He is a junior
Junior working to attain her Bachelor’s in                                      Psychology major, and is ready to grad-                                                      at FSU, majors in English. She also
English with a concentration in profes-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Mass Communication Major, minoring
                                                                                uate at the end of this semester. She likes                                                  pursues two minors, one in Journalism                                                       in Journalism. He was born and raised
sional writing and a minor in journalism.
                                                                                to play video games most of the time and                                                     and the other in Public Relations. Lewis                                                    in St. Mary’s County, Maryland. He
She is a News, Entertainment, and Sports
writer for The Bottom Line, the inde-                                           read. She never gets enough sleep.                                                           has interned with the news and media                                                        holds the position of being second to the
pendent student-led news organization                                              She enjoys the friends that she has, in-                                                  department here at FSU, where she wrote                                                     youngest of seven children. In 2015 he
at FSU. In her free time, she manages                                           cluding Herbie, the class mascot this year                                                   press releases and completed other tasks.                                                   graduated from Great Mills High School,
thedrunkpen.com, a site containing her                                          since there weren’t a lot of people in the                                                   In addition to the Sustainability Maga-                                                     home of the Hornets. #WeAreGreatMills
original poetry. During the summer, she                                         class. She has fun hanging out with him                                                      zine, she was on the staff of FSU’s literary                                                #HornetStrong. He hopes to graduate
fosters puppies for non-profit animal                                           and her other friends; they watch a lot of                                                   magazine Bittersweet for two years.
rescue groups in Howard County, MD.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         from Frostburg State University in the
                                                                                anime, play games, and go out to eat.                                                           Lewis is also a senior writer on the staff                                               Spring of 2019. Sometimes he gets a
Torie also enjoys traveling as she has
                                                                                                                                                                             of the school’s newspaper The Bottom                                                        little afraid to take chances, but always
been to Austria, Liechtenstein, Germany,
Portugal, Switzerland, Trinidad & Tobago,                                                                                                                                    Line. She writes articles on campus events                                                  remembers this quote:
and the United Kingdom (U.K.).                                                                                                                                               and editorials on world events. After                                                       “Don’t worry about failures, worry about
                                                                                                                                                                             college, she wants to pursue a career in                                                    the chances you miss when you don’t
                                                                                                                                                                             public relations and put her writing skills                                                 even try.” -Jack Canfield
                                                                                                                                                                             to work!

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Spring 2018 - Frostburg State University
Table of
                          Contents                                                                                                                             THE                    END
                           Mission Statement
                           #Sustain is a student-run magazine, advised by Dr. Jill Anne Morris,
                           dedicated to educating the student body on affairs concerning sustainbility.
                           In this issue the staff writers cover everything from ocean pollution to local businesses
                           to relationships and health.
                           #Sustain is funded by the Frostburg State Sustainability Fee.
                           Photography and Graphics: Shutterstock, Jill Morris, Torie Costa, Rosemary
                           Editing: Jill Morris, Andrew Beachy, Torie Costa, Mykel Hutton, Latisha Lewis, JJ
                           Jones, Joel Russ, William Stewart, Rosemary Wehberg
                           Special thanks for additional layout help: Andrew Beachy

                                                                                                                                         by Latisha Lewis
 The End of Oil,                                                      The Shift Story,
 Latisha Lewis.............................................4          Andrew Beachy.........................................15            One of the biggest challenges society      like the Chevrolet Volt and the Nissan          the increasing amount of natural disas-
                                                                                                                                       faces today is reforming our energy sys-      Leaf are eco-friendly but are seen less         ters. Advocates like the Environmental
 Sustaining Oceans,                                                   Sustaining your Identity,                                        tem and moving away from our reliance         on the road because they cost more than         Protection Agency fear that the scientific
 Rosemary Wehberg...................................5                 Mykel Hutton............................................17       on fossil fuels. The U.S. gets its oil from   many gasoline-powered cars. Other forms         progress that was made towards under-
                                                                                                                                       Nigeria, Canada, Mexico, the Persian          of alternate energy, like solar power (en-      standing this issue is being thrown away.
 Climate Change,                                                                                                                       Gulf, and Venezuela. It is also the second    ergy converted from the sun), hydrogen
 Latisha Lewis.............................................7                                                                           largest emitter of greenhouse gases in        energy, and wind energy have been hotly           Politicians benefit from allowing big oil
                                                                      Rosemary Wehberg..................................19
                                                                                                                                       the world. If the need for foreign oil is     debated about whether they can meet             companies the autonomy to import oil.
                                                                                                                                       minimized, the U.S. could supply its own      our energy demands better than fossil           We will never preserve oil and simultane-
 Sustaining your Gym Routine,                                         Sustaining Late at Lane,
                                                                                                                                       oil and wouldn’t need to rely on other        fuels, especially since they are not as cost    ously fix the environment with a corrupt
 Torie Costa................................................8         JJ Jones....................................................20
                                                                                                                                       countries. This would eventually make the     effective. On the other hand, oil is popular    system in place. As climate change experts
                                                                                                                                       country more independent and capable of       because it is so abundant and generates         have been telling us for years, fossil fuels
 Sustaining Healthy Relationships,                                    How to Sleep,                                                    sustaining energy from its own oil sourc-     billions of dollars in government revenue.      will not last forever. Could you imagine
 William Stewart.........................................9            Mykel Hutton............................................21       es. That puts money in the bank for our                                                       having to sustain one tank of gas for
                                                                                                                                       federal government, but it doesn’t prevent       Charles Lane, an editorialist for The        the rest of your existence? As scary as it
 Sustainable Media,                                                   Sustaining a Winning Culture,                                    the destruction being done to our planet.     Washington Post, explains how big oil           sounds, this could all soon be a reality if
 JJ Jones....................................................11       Joel Russ..................................................23                                                  companies that profit off politicians’ sup-     we continue to use oil at this rate.
                                                                                                                                         Advanced and powerful countries like        port are gaining notoriety with Trump’s
 Sustaining a Healthy Relationship with the                           Adopt, Don’t Shop,                                               the United States are capable of making       administration. Barack Obama was op-
 Roommates, Joel Russ..............................12                 Torie Costa................................................25    environmentally efficient changes happen.     posed to oil drilling because of its negative
                                                                                                                                       One way many people are deciding to take      effect on the environment. Research has
 Clean Energy Controversy,                                                                                                             progressive steps in the right direction is   indicated that the oil boom is linked to
 Andrew Beachy.........................................14                                                                              by purchasing electric cars. Electric cars    climate change, and is responsible for

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Spring 2018 - Frostburg State University
  Oceans                                                                               by Rosemary Wehberg                                                                                                                                                                                Mr. Trashwheel

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Ocean Pollution
Have you taken a trip to one of your favorite
beaches, hoping to experience a fun, relaxing day
next to the clear ocean and sand, just to realize
that your favorite beach and ocean is filled with
trash and completely polluted? Yes, many of                                                                                                                                                                                                      choose from. You can check out this organi-
us have had that unsettling moment of disap-                                                                                                                                                                                                     zation’s Instragram account (4ocean) if you’re
pointment, where one of your favorite places                                                                                                                                                                                                     interested in having a bracelet of your own and
has changed and became less than it used to be.                                                                                                                                                                                                  supporting their efforts.
Ocean pollution is a huge impediment—not only
to happy vacationers but also to the environment.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Last but not least, how can you get involved in
The pollution on beaches directly affects marine
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 preserving our oceans? Helping this matter isn’t
and wildlife near the beach. Think about it like
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 as complicated as you may think. Simply reducing
this: the beach is the home for millions of species
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 your plastic consumption is the most beneficial
of life. Would you want a stranger to come in your
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 way to help. By using glassware products, you can
home and leave trash everywhere? If not, then you
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 help cut the production and use of plastic, which
shouldn’t want it in the ocean either.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 will cut the amount of waste that may end up in
                                                                                                                                                                                                The Sunset off Waikiki Beach                     our oceans. Bringing your own reusable contain-
   Ocean conservation is the preservation and                                                                                                                                                                                                    ers to the grocery store or gas station for soda or
protection of the ecosystems in the oceans and                                                                                                                                                                                                   coffee is another awesome way to actively help
                                                         some sort of news media linked to their    nearly impossible to clean up. Once            issues for any huge event or production              Maryland is effectively trying to make
seas. This effort is essential to human existence,                                                                                                                                                                                               this cause. Buying and using recycled bags to put
                                                         phone and can see the recurring videos     this process occurs, it is very difficult to   located in the area, like the Olympics,              a difference. “Mr. Trash Wheel” is an
because the ocean provides food to eat, water to                                                                                                                                                                                                 your groceries in is also one of the number one
                                                         and articles about animals dying due to    reverse. Animals like dolphins, whales,        which were held in Rio de Janeiro in                 innovative machine that harnesses
drink, and air to breathe. Without a functioning                                                                                                                                                                                                 ways to prevent plastic waste in the oceans.
                                                         ocean pollution. For example, there are    jellyfish and many more are directly           2016. Even the Inner Harbor in Balti-                the power of sunlight and river flow
ocean ecosystem, life will ultimately cease to exist.
                                                         videos of massive whales washing up        affected by ocean pollution.                   more, Maryland suffers from high-pol-                to turn the machine and collect the
Human-caused damage to waters is one of the
                                                         on shore because of the harmful living                                                    luted waters. The Harbor is not tech-                debris flowing down the Jones Falls         The Ocean Wise organization states that
worst issues the world is faced with in today’s soci-
                                                         conditions they are forced into. For          Unfortunately, the most popular             nically a traditional beach with sand                River. The river currents and solar      choosing one piece of plastic to cut out your
ety. Pollution and oil spills are just two of the most
                                                         another example, according to NBC          beaches in the world are some of the           and lifeguards, but the Inner Harbor is              panels provide enough power to turn      lifestyle is a great place to start. A shower pouf
common obstructions towards clean and healthy
                                                         News, in February 2017, 30 plastic bags    most polluted beaches. The beaches             connected to one of the biggest beaches              the wheel. The trash is collected and    is a perfect example. Instead of using a plastic
oceans. If society continues to ignore these major
                                                         were found in a beached whale’s stom-      in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil are one of           on the Eastern Shore: Ocean City,                    deposited into a dumpster barge.         shower pouf, a person can switch to a reusable
problems, it will ultimately create a huge gap in
                                                         ach in Norway. Sadly, one of the most      the worst examples to highlight. Sao           Maryland. One of the Inner Harbor’s                                                           bamboo scrub or a loofah to exfoliate instead
our environment. Oceans unify all life and our
                                                         common forms of ocean pollution is         Conrado is one of the most beloved             biggest struggles is keeping the harbor                 4Ocean Bracelets is also a popular    of a plastic one. Another great way of reducing
world, which is why this matter is a huge problem.
                                                         plastic bags. According to Fauna &         beaches in Brazil, but it’s one of the         clean. This is most likely because it’s in           effort to preserve our oceans. This is   plastic waste is simply cleaning plastic up if you
There are many efforts today underway to restore
                                                         Flora International Wildlife Conserva-     most polluted. The Guardian reported           the heart of a major populated city.                 an organization where every bracelet     see it. Obviously, a person isn’t going to spend all
our oceans to their natural healthy state. What
                                                         tion, an estimated eight million tons of   that two years ago the beach was so                                                                 purchased funds the removal of one       their time picking up other people’s trash, yet, if
are some ways someone can get involved without
                                                         plastic reaches our oceans every year.     polluted that it was ruled out for a pro          There are currently many orga-                    pound of trash from the ocean. So far,   everyone picked up some of the bigger items of
breaking their bank?
                                                         An estimated 500 marine species are        surfing competition. The sewage from           nizations making an effort to clean                  this organization has removed over       trash encountered when they are out, it could add
                                                         affected by plastic pollution. The major   the slums flowed directly into the wa-         our oceans. The Inner Harbor was                     367,000 pounds of waste from our         up and make a significant difference.
   Firstly, the effects towards marine life due to       issue arising from plastic pollution is    ter, and it created a smelly fountain of       mentioned as being one body of water                 oceans. Not only are these bracelets
polluted oceans need to be addressed. Marine life        the process of plastic breaking down       untreated waste and a huge brown stain         that has high levels of pollution. While             purchased for a great cause, they
experiences the worst effects due to ocean pollu-        into tiny micro-plastics, making it        in the water. Ocean pollution causes           this is still a pressing issue, Baltimore,           have so many different styles you can
tion. This occurs because of the waste infecting
their habitats. Everyone reading this article has
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Spring 2018 - Frostburg State University
Sustaining Your Gym Routine
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                by Torie Costa

                                                                                                                                                 Every year when New Year’s rolls around, you make yet another list of resolutions, stick to
                                                                                                                                              them for two weeks max, and then—nothing. One of your resolutions probably involved get-
                                                                                                                                              ting fit and going to the gym. You bought a gym membership, pinned workouts on Pinterest,
                                                                                                                                              and developed a routine of some sort. But then what? Life gets hectic, then you lose motiva-
                                                                                                                                              tion, and yet again you are falling short of your goals.  

                                                                                                                                                Perhaps working out is too daunting for you, or maybe you aren’t seeing the results you
                                                                                                                                              want. Whatever the reason may be, here are some tips inspired by VeryWellFit for develop-
                                                                                                                                              ing and maintaining a gym routine:

                                                                                                                                                                 1.           Schedule exercise times: As college students, “free time” is a
                                                                                                                                                                              rather foreign concept. Have a break between classes? Swing by
                                                                                                                                                                              the gym!

                                                                                                                                                                      •         Keep a calendar of your workouts.  
                                                                                                                                                                      •         If you can’t find free time during your day, break up your
                                                                                                       by Latisha Lewis                                                         workout into 10 or 15 minute segments, otherwise known as
                                                                                                                                                                                “split workouts.”  
                                                                                                4 Scary Facts About
   Would you want the government to             and it will take a lot of time and money for                                                                          •         Plan your workouts ahead of time so you aren’t tempted to
regulate your cellphone use because it          politicians to work towards reforming it.                                                                                       skip them.  
effects global warming and climate change?
                                                                                                   Climate Change

Cellphones are said to be one of the many          Even though some locals may be skepti-                                                                        2.           Start slow:  Ease yourself into a workout routine.  
                                                                                                             (According to Msnbc.com)
things that add to the world’s worsen-          cal towards climate change in the region,
ing climate change. However, cellphone          most students are not. A senior who has                                                                          3.           Start with small goals: It’s easier to exercise when your immedi-
regulation is just one potential solution on    attended FSU for all four of her academic                                                                                     ate goals are small, yet attainable.  
the horizon. The government does not have       years, Katelyn Massey, explains her take on
to regulate technology usage if citizens        climate change:                                   More than 1 million species are
actually strive to work towards helping the                                                       in danger of extinction (this will                             4. Make exercising fun: Don’t forget to mix it up.  Watch exercise
environment.                                                                                      affect the ecosystem).                                            videos, follow fitness blogs, and download fitness apps.  Create a fun

                                                  “I don’t understand how people could                                                                              playlist to listen to when working out. Try new exercises and alter-
                                                reject what is happening with the world                                                                             nate your routine every week to keep it fresh and interesting.  
   Lately, climate change has been signifi-     and what is clearly happening in the re-
cantly discussed at Frostburg State Uni-        gion,” she said. Massey believes Frostburg
versity (FSU). Although emails and panel                                                          Almost 100% of California is 		                                 5. Group fitness: Attend classes if you enjoy social exercise. There is
                                                weather is too unstable to not be affected
discussions were held at FSU regarding the                                                        suffering from drought.                                             something for everyone, and most gym memberships include
                                                by climate change. “Let’s just look at the
topic over the years, not everyone in the                                                                                                                             fitness classes.  
                                                weather around the country; why are we

region, city, or even here at FSU believes in   having 70-degree weather in the winter?”
climate change.                                 added Massey. She hopes change is made                                                                            6. Find some gym buddies:   
                                                to resolve the issue before it is too late.
   Many people can point fingers and say                                                          Excessive heat caused thousands                                         •     Go to the gym with a friend! Motivate each other and perform
the students are one factor when it comes          Jameela Rogers, a freshman at FSU, is          of premature deaths from 1979-                                                 partner exercises.  
to the attitudes about climate change in        ambivalent about labeling the area’s unsta-       2003.

Western Maryland. However, the perma-           ble weather as climate change. “I haven’t                                                                         7. Stop worrying about results, especially immediate results:
nent residents of the city and region also      been here for a full year, and I don’t think
affect how climate changed is discussed         I know enough about the region’s weather                                                                                  • Rome wasn’t built overnight, so don’t expect your dream body to
and handled as well. Various political views    patterns to say it is due to climate change,”
                                                                                                  In about 20 years, the Artic                                               be built overnight either.  
often persuade how people perceive climate      she explained. However, Rogers was not
change.                                                                                           Region will have its first ice-free
                                                denying the presence of climate change,
                                                                                                  summer.                                                         8. Increase your motivation:
                                                she just does not want to speak unknow-
   According to the New York Times, the         ingly on the topic.
residents of Allegany County, Maryland                                                                                                                                        • Learn how others stay motivated by watching online videos, moti-
voted predominately Republican in the                                                                                                                                            vational speeches, following fitness bloggers, etc.
                                                   Regardless of the regional attitudes
last presidential election, and there is a      towards climate change, FSU has made
known correlation between Republicans           strides towards sustainability. Second-                                                                               9. Figure out which exercises work for you:  
and climate change denial. The New York         Nature.org talks about the two awards
Times also mentioned that less than a third     the University received for making these                                                                                  • Everyone is different. Just because you see a fitness model run 10
of Republicans accepted climate change’s        environmental changes. FSU currently                                                                                         miles on the treadmill does not mean it will provide the same
existence.                                      works towards helping the environment.                                                                                       outcome for you.
                                                For instance, there are various resources
   Donald Trump’s administration is full of     for recycling. Recycling bins can be found                                                                                • Find something that you feel comfortable with and are capable
people who deny the existence of climate        in the FSU’s Gira Center, library and other                                                                                  of doing.
change. If our current administration           various locations. Recycling waste reduc-
denies climate change, they will not have to    es the need to create new material which
                                                                                                                                                                      10.         Take rest days:  
dedicate time to reform it. Unfortunately,      reduces harmful greenhouse emissions.
climate change is a significant problem
                                                                                                                                                                              • Your body needs time to recover, especially if you’re sore.  

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Spring 2018 - Frostburg State University
Sustaining                                                                        about the things they are saying. This
                                                                                             means that some of the things coming
                                                                                             out of their mouth may be disrespectful.
                                                                                                Being honest with your significant
                                                                                                                                            they can to make their partner happy.
                                                                                                                                            They are respectful, honest, a good com-
                                                                                                                                            municator, and they trust their partner.
                                                                                                                                            That individual does everything to build
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Listen to
                                                                                             other can help maintain a healthy              a healthy relationship, but their partner
                                                                                             relationship as well. A relationship that
                                                                                             is fueled by secrets and lies is a relation-
                                                                                                                                            does not trust them for personal reasons.
                                                                                                                                            That person’s partner will constantly
                                                                                                                                                                                                  not just to
                                                        by William Stewart                   ship that is destined for failure. Honesty
                                                                                             goes hand-in-hand with respect. To be
                                                                                                                                            blame them for things that they have not
                                                                                                                                            done, question their actions, and does                  reply.
                                                                                             dishonest with your significant other          not want their significant other to go or

                                                                                             means that you are disrespecting them.         do anything without them. This is done          delity and physical abuse are the only two
                                                                                             Honesty is also connected to having good       by someone who, due to problems in a            red flags of a relationship. Those are two
                                                                                             communication. If the things that you          past relationship, may have trust issues.       of the major red flags, but they are not
                                                                                             are communicating with your partner are        An individual who is overbearing and            the only flags. Verbal abuse, emotional
                                                                                             not true, you are eliminating the purpose      controlling may also do something               abuse, lack of effort, and lack of attention
                                                                                             of the communication. Neither partner          like this.                                      are all red flags in a relationship. In a re-
   Sustaining a healthy relationship is        clear understanding. The next step is to      should make the other feel as though              Last but not least, someone who is           lationship, no one wants to feel as though
something that is hard for a lot of peo-       give a response if needed. Sometimes a        they cannot be honest with them about          unsure of how a relationship is supposed        all his or her energy is drained from
ple to do. When the topic of a healthy
relationship is brought up, some people
confuse it with the thought of a “perfect
                                               response is unnecessary and you should
                                               just acknowledge that you understand
                                               where your partner is coming from.
                                                                                             anything. In some relationships, individ-
                                                                                             uals make their partner feel as though
                                                                                                                                            to work, and is not ready for one, may do
                                                                                                                                            something such as not trusting a partner
                                                                                                                                                                                            trying to make it work. If you ever get to
                                                                                                                                                                                            that point of feeling drained, then maybe
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Can we talk?
                                                                                             they cannot be honest with them. Some          who is trustworthy. The constant feeling        it is time to let the relationship go. Avoid
relationship.” I say, “perfect relationship”   Both parties in a relationship should feel    individuals are not honest because they        of not being trusted by your significant        doing all the work in a relationship,              In 2018, before building a relationship,
in scare quotes because there is no such       comfortable speaking with their part-                                                        other can make you no longer want to                                                            the millennials go through what is called the
                                                                                                                                                                                            but—also—avoid not doing any work in
thing as a perfect relationship. No matter
how hard one tries to find or create a per-
                                               ner, and expressing how they feel about
                                               certain situations. There are times when        Be honest with                               be in a relationship. Both partners in
                                                                                                                                            a relationship should practice trusting
                                                                                                                                                                                            a relationship at all.
                                                                                                                                                                                               Having a relationship means splitting
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            “talking” stage. No one can explain who exact-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ly came up with this phase, but most millen-
fect relationship, they will not succeed.      your partner may not be as expressive as                                                     one another. Trust is something that is                                                         nials believe in going through it. Before going
No one in this world is perfect; therefore,
a perfect relationship cannot exist. A
                                               you are. As their partner, you should help
                                               them feel comfortable enough to open
                                                                                                each other.                                 built over time; it takes time to fully trust
                                                                                                                                            someone. Being patient with one another,
                                                                                                                                                                                            the work 50/50. Make sure that you and
                                                                                                                                                                                            your partner are meeting each other
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            through a talking stage, you must know what
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            it is. What exactly does it mean to go through
                                                                                                                                                                                            halfway. If you notice that your partner        this stage?
relationship may seem to be perfect when       up. Ask questions to guide the conver-                                                       and practicing honesty is the best way
                                                                                             are afraid of the outcome. One cannot                                                          is not putting in any effort, address the
it first begins, but as time goes on, feel-    sation like “What’s wrong” or “Is there                                                      to build trust. Some people may have
                                                                                             simply force their significant other to be                                                     issue with your partner. Sometimes your            Putting it into basic terms, the talking stage
ings and actions begin to change. Both         something I can do to help?” Asking                                                          trust issues due to previous experienc-
                                                                                             comfortable with the truth. All one can                                                        partner may change and put in more              is when two people are still getting to know
partners must work separately to keep          simple questions can help your partner                                                       es but there is no easy fix to that issue.
                                                                                             do is be honest, and prepare for what                                                          effort. Sometimes your partner may not          one another without being labeled boyfriend/
their relationship together.                   better communicate with you. Good                                                            There is no easy strategy to build trust
                                                                                             may come next. I am a firm believer                                                            change, and that means that it is time to       girlfriend. Want to know the ridiculous part
   Sustaining a healthy relationship           communication allows both parties to                                                         in a relationship. Both partners must try                                                       about it? It already existed, it’s a little some-
                                                                                             in “What’s done in the dark, comes to                                                          let go of the relationship.
begins with good communication. The            determine what direction their relation-                                                     their best at being honest, communicat-                                                         thing called “getting to know each other.” To-
phrase “communication is key” may              ship is headed.                               the light,” meaning no matter how hard
                                                                                                                                            ing, and being respectful. Never giving                                                         day’s youth are just putting a different name on
seem cliché, but it is something to live by.      Respecting your partner is another         someone may try to hide a secret, it will
                                                                                                                                            your partner a reason to question your                                                          it, complicating it, and confusing everyone. To
In a relationship, both parties should be      key to sustaining a healthy relationship.     come out eventually.                                                                                                                           those people who would start a story saying,
                                                                                               Trust plays a big factor in a relation-      motives or movement during the rela-
willing to listen to their partner. Active     Parties must be willing to respect their                                                     tionship will help build the trust.                                                             “Back in my day,” it would be called dating.
listening, which means listening to un-        partner’s character and feelings. Bound-      ship. If there is no trust, there is no
                                                                                             relationship. Often in a relationship an          Sometimes a relationship with cer-
derstand and not to reply, is something        aries should be established and respected                                                                                                                                                      Over the past couple of years, the stage of
                                                                                             individual may question their partner’s        tain people may just not work out. The
that any individual entering a relation-       by both parties before, during, and after                                                                                                                                                    getting to know someone has been terrorized
                                                                                             every move. They may feel as though            parties may be better off as friends, or                                                        by social influence. Some people let social me-
ship should practice. When your partner        the relationship. If either partner should                                                   they may be better leaving each other
                                                                                             their partner is up to something that will                                                                                                     dia dictate what happens between them and
is voicing their opinions or feelings,         disrespect those boundaries, they are                                                        alone. Forcing a relationship to work will
                                                                                             bring the relationship to an end. What                                                                                                         the person that they are getting to know.
listen and respond to them. Let them get       disrespecting their significant other.                                                       only make it worse. Both partners should
out all their thoughts, then repeat what          Respecting your partner means              that person does not understand is that
                                                                                             refusing to trust your partner can also        realize that at some point it might not                                                           Many people use the talking stage as a mask
they say to make sure that you have a          listening to them and avoiding actions                                                       work and agree on what the next step will                                                       to have meaningless sexual relations. This can
                                               that may cause them harm (mentally,           cause the relationship to end. Being in a
                                                                                             relationship with someone who does not         be. Parting ways and maintaining a good                                                         cause feelings to be misconstrued, and often

        Trust is                               physically, etc.). Poor communication in
                                               a relationship can cause a lack of respect.   trust you may make you become very
                                                                                             restless. You will get tired of answering
                                                                                                                                            friendship may be the healthiest thing for
                                                                                                                                            the couple.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            results in someone getting hurt. One person in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            the “situationship” may feel as though the two
                                               Every couple argues to some extent.                                                             People sometimes ignore red flags in                                                         are building a connection, and may be on their
      something                                Some arguments may be small and some
                                               may be big. In an argument, things can
                                                                                             questions and feeling as though you must
                                                                                             give an explanation for your actions.          a relationship, because they want to do
                                                                                                                                            everything possible to make the relation-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            way to forming a relationship. On the opposite
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            end, the other person may be merely looking
                                                                                             There have been cases in which one per-
      that is built                            get heated and people may not think
                                                                                             son in a relationship is doing everything      ship work. Often people think that infi-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            for a friend with benefits.

       over time.                                                     9                                                                                                                                            10
Spring 2018 - Frostburg State University
Sustainable Media                                                                                                              SUSTAINING A HEALTHY
by JJ Jones

  E   very day we reap the benefits
                                          month. It’s even more ex-
                                          pensive if you have multiple

                                                                                                                               WITH THE ROOMMATES
of mobile technology as we use our        TVs and want premium
phones to FaceTime, go on social me-      channels. Fortunately,
dia, and stream videos. Streaming is      you can get all of the same
a popular way that people watch live      content at a much cheaper
or prerecorded broadcasts. Many           price. Amazon Prime is
businesses such as Amazon Prime,          $12.99 per month, Netflix is
Hulu, and Netflix are adapting to cul-    $11 per month, and a Hulu
tural trends to establish themselves
as sustainable media outlets.
                                          account is as low as $8 per
                                          month. Either way, access-
                                                                                                                                by Joel Russ
                                                                                                                                A question often asked to me is: “Do you get along with your              This could be as simple as considering how the other person may
                                          ing movies and TV shows
                                                                                                                                roommates?” Usually the answer is ,“Yes, I do.” However, that             feel about certain things such as personal space, and how doing
   Even if you haven’t decided to com-    over the internet is only a
pletely cut the cord yet, one thing is    fraction of what you would                                                            doesn’t mean that it’s always been easy or always smooth sailing.         certain things may affect them. For example, if you need a pen
for certain: the state of traditional     pay for cable.                                                                        Maintaining a healthy relationship naturally requires a lot of            and your roommate has one sitting on their desk, however they
TV has shifted more towards a new                                                                                               effort. People have issues with their roommates for a variety of          are not in—instead of taking the pen thinking they won’t miss it,
viewing experience. In 1997, Netflix        How do you know which                                                               reasons. One reason could be with a roommate entering another’s           you could be considerate and contact your roommate to let them
entered the market and changed            streaming service is the                                                              personal space. Another roommate could fail to help with getting          know. Small things like this could easily develop trust between
the way we watch everything. While        right one for you?                                                                    things done, whether it be bills, getting groceries, or toiletries for    you and your roommate, which could help build a healthy rela-
it was originally a DVD delivery                                                                                                the house and such. Another thing that might happen is a general          tionship. Another thing that can be done is just simple commu-
service, Netflix is now primarily a                                                                                                                                                                       nication with your roommate. A simple “good morning” or “hey
                                            Well, who’s to say you                                                              lack of respect for the other person. The common factor in all
streaming service that allows cus-
                                          can’t have all three? The                                                             issues is a lack of consideration for the roommate. If you have a         what’s up?” can go a long way. It makes your roommate feel like
tomers to watch a wide variety of
award-winning TV shows, movies,
                                          Amazon Fire Stick only costs $40           shortly after they air on network tele-    roommate, then all you need to do is have a fair amount of con-           they can talk to you and makes them feel more at home. It also
                                          and can access over 15,000 apps and        vision. Hulu also has a live service       sideration and communication with him or her.                             eliminates any discomfort that you may be feeling between
documentaries, and more on thou-
                                          games, including Netflix, Amazon           for about $40 a month that is avail-                                                                                 each other.
sands of internet-connected devices.
                                          Prime, Hulu, HBO Now, ESPN GO              able in some areas (including Frost-
Over the years, Netflix has become a
                                          and YouTube. You will still have to        burg and Cumberland). This service
household name and as of April 2018
                                          pay for the individual services,           can easily completely replace cable.
it has over 125 million subscribers
worldwide. In general, streaming
services have substantially increased                                                  Undoubtedly, the future of digital
their audience, causing many TV             A survey taken by Rotten Toma-
                                          toes revealed that 14 out of the 35
                                                                                     media is here and I wouldn’t count
                                                                                     on the wave dying down anytime
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Here are a few pointers gathered
viewers to replace cable with them.
Some of the factors driving that          best shows to watch in 2017 were           soon. It’s no surprise that the reve-                                                                                               from asking around the Frost-
                                          either Netflix, Hulu or Amazon
migration include cheaper costs,
                                          Prime originals. One way that the big
                                                                                     nue for subscription-based services
                                                                                     in the US, according to Statista, is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         burg State University campus on
less commercials and the ability for
consumers to watch content on their       competitors in the streaming indus-        expected to grow from $14 billion to                                                                                                sustaining a healthy relationship
                                          try are sustaining their business is       $18.65 billion by 2022. The future of
own schedule.
                                          by producing original content. If          digital media is here and it provides
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         with one’s roommates.
                                          you haven’t noticed by now, some of        access to a wide variety of content for
  Let’s face it: video on demand is
                                          TV’s best new series have premiered        a fraction of the cost of traditional                                                                                               •      Constant communication.
so popular because it allows people
                                          without airing on broadcast cable.         cable.
to watch their favorite TV shows,                                                                                                                                                                                        •      Consistent understanding.
                                          House of Cards, Narcos, Stranger Things,
sports, and movies whenever they
                                          Dare Devil and Luke Cage are Netflix
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         •      Keep shared spaces clean.
choose. Nowadays, you can watch the
                                          original series with unparalleled                                                                                                                                              •      Respect each other’s living habits.
same TV show or movie from multi-                                                                                                                                                                                        •      Spend time together.
                                          ratings. Orange is the New Black, now
ple platforms via a laptop, computer,                                                                                                                                                                                    •      Keep a respectful noise level at
                                          in its fourth season, had over 23 mil-
tablet, or smartphone. With this lux-
                                          lion viewers during the first month!                                                                                                                                                  night.
ury, I know it’s tempting to skip class
                                          This stellar lineup is paying off, and
in order to finish the rest of that new
                                          Netflix plans to capitalize off of this
series of Gotham. You could watch on
                                          success by continuing to invest mon-
Thursdays at 8 pm when it airs on
                                          ey into its owned originals. Hulu and
Fox, but it’s 2018. Who wants to deal
                                          Amazon Prime aren’t as prominent
with the hassle of waiting or paying
                                          as Netflix when it comes to original
for cable?
                                          shows, but both still have a loyal user
                                          base because of their content and
  A basic TV and internet bundle          the features they offer. Both Ama-
deal will cost you at least $60 a         zon and Hulu offer television shows

                                                                 11                                                                                                                                  12
Spring 2018 - Frostburg State University
Clean Energy
by Andrew Beachy                                Controversy
  Massive structures taller than    ect, sits on Backbone Mountain           One of the largest complaints
a football field is long are tow-   near the county seat of Oakland.      against the turbines is their en-
ering over the landscape of         The project hosts twenty-eight        vironmental impact—birds and
Western Maryland. 415 foot tall     415 foot tall wind turbines. An-      bats often fall victim to the tur-
wind turbines dot the hills and     other wind farm, the Fourmile         bines’ blades. In particular, the
mountains in neighboring Gar-       Wind Energy Project, houses           turbines are criticized for further
rett County, harvesting wind        16 turbines west of Frostburg in      endangering the population of
energy around the clock. The        neighboring Allegany County.          the Indiana Bat, a species of bat
county’s altitude and mountain-                                           listed as endangered by the U.S.
ous terrain make it the perfect       Wind power has been and con-        Fish and Wildlife Service. Exelon
spot in Maryland to harvest re-     tinues to be a controversial top-     has remained in close contact
newable wind energy.                ic in Western Maryland. While         with the Service in order to min-
                                    many welcome the switch to sus-       imize the environmental impact
  In the face of changing cli-      tainable energy, others are skepti-   of its turbines, though the com-
mate, many communities are          cal of the wind turbines. Home-       pany and its turbines continue to
looking to decrease their depen-    owners near the wind farms have       receive criticism.
dence upon fossil fuels in favor    complained that the turbines are
of seeking more renewable en-       simply too loud. However, the           Exelon’s two wind farms in
ergy sources. In Garrett County,    company that owns the farms,          Garrett County are capable of
many look to wind power as a        Exelon, has shown that the noise      supplying electricity to nearly
possible source of energy. How-     generated by the turbines falls       50,000 homes in Maryland and
ever, not everyone in the county    within regulated sound limits.        neighboring states Virginia and
likes the idea of wind power.       Other residents complain that         Delaware. Although the wind
                                    the turbines are eyesores across      farms represent a step towards
  The county is host to multiple    the once-scenic landscape.            a future of sustainable energy,
wind farms. The first to be com-                                          they remain a polarizing element
pleted, the Criterion Wind Proj-                                          within Garrett County.

                          “          Wind power has been and
                                    continues to be a controversial

                                    topic in Western Maryland.

Spring 2018 - Frostburg State University
“                                                                                  ”
  [Editor’s note: Shortly after this article was       to change the way Frostburg thinks about                Clay wanted to create a different culinary
originally written, Shift suddenly and unex-
pectedly closed its doors to the public. This
                                                       food. Clay, a Baltimore native, was very un-
                                                       familiar with the landscape when she first
                                                                                                             experience, one that Frostburg hadn’t seen
                                                                                                             yet. Clay’s husband helped her to find the                                Knowing where your products
                                                                                                                                                                                     come from is so important to us.
article has been edited slightly to reflect that       moved to Frostburg. At first, she didn’t think        inspiration she was looking for—Jason was
change.]                                               about opening a restaurant—she just wanted            a vegetarian, though he found it hard to find
                                                       to connect with the community and see what            a restaurant in town with a wide variety of
   Pots clatter, pans bang, and wonderful
                                                       they wanted.                                          vegetarian choices.                               outreach was important. “We’re a public service,”                   people of the city of Frostburg,” Clay said.
smells waft through the air. Is it fresh bread
you smell? Maybe a delicious stew? You’ve                 As Clay put it, “It took me a really long time        Clay saw what the community had need-          as Clay said. Clay placed a high value on interact-                 By responding to the needs of the commu-
just walked into one of Frostburg’s newer              and I went through a lot of different jobs. It        ed—a wider variety of restaurant options for      ing with her customers. “We remember what you                       nity, Shift continued to offer products that
restaurants—Shift, located at the corner of            took me a long time to figure out what the            any variety of diets, be it vegetarian, vegan,    like, what you don’t like. We remember who you                      the community wanted. “That’s how we’ve
Broadway and Ormand. The dining room                   community needed and wanted. How could                or gluten-free. She saw an opportunity within     are. We encourage you to keep coming in and trying                  had success. We’ve engaged our community.
may have been small, but it feels like home            I give it to them? What were my skills?” She          the growing farm-to-table movement, which         new things.”                                                        We’ve been proactive. We try to give them
and is abuzz with lively conversation. Across          eventually opened a bar in Frostburg, but             represents a commitment to serve customers                                                                            what they want,” Clay said.
                                                                                                                                                                  Positive relationships throughout the commu-
the dining room you could see right into the           didn’t find it fulfilling. “At the end of the day,    food which has been locally grown and har-        nity depend upon transparency. As she put it, “You                     Clay hoped to promote a message of envi-
kitchen—if you watched closely enough, you             I didn’t feel like I was making the impact I          vested. Overall, Clay’s restaurant mission fo-    can see conversations between the employees, you                    ronmental sustainability though their farm-
could see your meal being made. You might              wanted. I didn’t feel like I was building rela-       cused on sustainability—promoting a sustain-      can see the camaraderie, and you can see how it                     to-table model. Buying from local sources
have even seen owner and manager Jes Clay              tionships,” she said.                                 able community, a sustainable local economy,      all works.”                                                         eliminated the pollution created by transport-
dashing though the dining room. Sometimes                                                                    and a sustainable environment. As she put it,                                                                         ing products hundreds of miles. Buying lo-
                                                         Clay eventually found her niche with cook-                                                               Clay’s commitment to serving the community
she would take orders, sometimes she would                                                                   “I wanted a breath of fresh air.”                                                                                     cally also allowed Clay to know exactly what
                                                       ing. “Cooking in front of people made me feel                                                           meant that she had to create a space where the com-
cook. And sometimes she would do her favor-                                                                                                                                                                                        was in her products. As she put it, “Knowing
                                                       connected to them,” she said. “When I got to             For Clay, promoting a sustainable commu-       munity would feel welcome. “When people come in to
ite thing of all—socialize with new and regular                                                                                                                                                                                    where your products come from is so import-
                                                       see them enjoy it, I became excited about it. I       nity environment formed the core of the Shift     Shift, they leave everything at the door. When I look
customers alike.                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ant to us.” To avoid needing to buy produce
                                                       said to myself, ‘this is what Frostburg needs.’       philosophy. Because she ran a business that       out into the dining room, I can see people engaging.
  Jes and her husband Jason opened the                 But what kind of a restaurant does it need?”          relies largely upon customers from the local                                                                          from large retailers, Clay tailored the seasonal
                                                                                                                                                               They’re talking to each other,” she said. “Even the
restaurant over three years ago with a dream           She started brainstorming.                            community, Clay believed that community                                                                               menu to match up with produce she could get
                                                                                                                                                               single diners—they’re comfortable. They’re reading a

  The Shift Story
                                                                                                                                                               book. They’re enjoying their meal.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Clay worked in various ways to minimize
                                                                                                                                                                  Aside from promoting positive interpersonal re-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   the restaurant’s environmental impact. The
                                                                                                                                                               lationships in the community, Clay also sought to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   dining room never used paper napkins, pre-
                                                                                                                                                               bring sustainability to the local economy. For a farm-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ferring to use cloth napkins instead. The
                                                                                                                                                               to-table restaurant, this means committing to buying
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   bathrooms offered washable hand towels
                                                                                                                                                               and selling local products. Clay said, “I wanted to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   alongside paper towels. Food waste was near-
                                                                                                                                                               hone in on working with local farmers, showcasing

 Changing the way we think about fresh food                                                                                                                    their products, cultivating relationships, and grow-
                                                                                                                                                               ing.” Sustaining the local economy can be rewarding,
                                                                                                                                                               too. “Handing money over to the farmers is really
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ly nonexistent—food scraps were sent back to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   the farms to be composted or used as animal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   feed. Even the take-out containers were made
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   of recycled materials and could be composted.
                                                                                                                                                               satisfying,” she said.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Shift’s farm-to-table model sidestepped the
                                                                                                            by Andrew Beachy                                      Farmers and members of farming co-ops could be
                                                                                                                                                               seen dropping off their goods throughout the week
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   wastefulness and negative environmental im-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   pact of factory farming. Clay sourced Shift’s
                                                                                                                                                               at Shift. However, it wasn’t unusual to see Clay out
Photos in this article by Joe “Mustache Man” Hoffman                                                                                                                                                                               products from a number of local farms, in-
                                                                                                                                                               and about picking up the shipments herself. Accord-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   cluding Savage Mountain Farm in Meyersdale,
                                                                                                                                                               ing to her, it was a great opportunity to interact with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Leaning Pine Farm in Mount Savage, Back-
                                                                                                                                                               the people who played a key role in providing for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   bone Farms in Oakland, and Firefly Farms in
                                                                                                                                                               her customers.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Accident. Clay has these and many more local
                                                                                                                                                                  Keeping money within the community is import-                    farmers to thank for providing fresh seasonal
                                                                                                                                                               ant for Clay. Engaging with local consumers supports                produce, meats, and cheeses.
                                                                                                                                                               local farmers and local businesses. “We’re support-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Shift stood as a monument of environmen-
                                                                                                                                                               ing local people—our employees, our farmers, the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   tal sustainability in Frostburg. Its transparent
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   business model served to tie the community
                                                                                                                                                              Now that the restaurant is closed, many people are left
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   together over a common passion—good food.
                                                                                                                                                              wondering what happened. Clay’s dedicated customers ar-
                                                                                                                                                              en’t sure what the future of Shift is, or if it even has a fu-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   The farm-to-table model benefitted local
                                                                                                                                                              ture. As Clay put it, “Shift was so much more than just              farms and businesses alike. By avoiding the
                                                                                                                                                              a restaurant; it was a lifestyle, a home, and a family”.             big food retailers like Sysco or Reinhart, Shift
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   kept money circulating within the local com-
                                                                                                                                                              Clay is acutely aware that Frostburg can be an exhausting place      munity. In turn, the restaurant and its staff
                                                                                                                                                              to run a small business. Regarding Shift closing, she said, “I       were able to serve up the freshest food possi-
                                                                                                                                                              held on to hope, my fans, my employees and everything else           ble. Shift’s commitment to environmental sus-
                                                                                                                                                              that I could, but it was game over. I had no more resources. No      tainability kept its ecological footprint small,
                                                                                                                                                              one on the outside can ever understand the delicate nuances that     which benefitted the community as a whole.
                                                                                                                                                              go into owning and operating a restaurant. It takes everything
                                                                                                                                                              you have, physically, financially, emotionally ... and it always        As a business, Shift survived as long as it
                                                                                                                                                              needs more, more, more. That is why the restaurant business          did thanks to its dedicated community and
                                                                                                                                                              is the absolute hardest business and the failure rate is so high”.   following. Being a voice of progress within the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   community is very important to Clay. Above
                                                                                                                                                              Frostburg has seen many new businesses open and close over           all, Clay remains indebted to her restaurant’s
                                                                                                                                                              the past few years. Does Frostburg have a problem sustaining         loyal following. As she put it, “we wanted to
                                                                                                                                                              small businesses? Clay thinks that her business closing, as well     get to know our people. That’s how we created
                                                                                                                                                              as many others, is symptomatic of a larger issue in the area.        a movement.”
                                                                                                                                                              “While economic growth is penetrating all over Allegany Coun-
                                                                                                                                                              ty, its new residential status has actually declined. The housing
                                                                                                                                                              market is just really slim pickings, no new jobs have been cre-
                                                                                                                                                              ated, and we just aren’t recruiting young folks to stay here. It
                                                                                                                                                              is all cyclical and right now the cycle is off balance. It is hard
                                                                           15                                                                                                                                                                          16
                                                                                                                                                              to stay in business when you have no business coming through
                                                                                                                                                              your door,” she said.
Spring 2018 - Frostburg State University
Sustaining Your Identity
    by        Mykel Hutton
   Moving to a new place begins an import-           Reach Out
ant chapter in a person’s life. Being older and
adjusting to a new area can be a little bit more
                                                        There are several clubs and activities that you
difficult than what you experienced if you
                                                     can join as well as sororities and fraternities.
moved homes as a child—though children go
                                                     Frostburg also hosts social events that are often
through this too. You find yourself surrounded
                                                     free and easily accessible including a monthly
by people you don’t know and you aren’t sure
                                                     Late at Lane event. It offers events and prizes
how much of yourself that you can be. You lose
                                                     while you socialize with fellow students. If you
yourself. It is an odd feeling and no matter how
                                                     aren’t sure that’s what you want to do, you can
confident or expressive you are as a person, it
                                                     always look to work somewhere on campus,
is something that may happen. This isn’t saying
                                                     join one of the many clubs, or even open up
that every time you travel somewhere new, you
                                                     to classmates or your roommates. You need to
are going to lose whoever you were before you
                                                     do something to make sure you are reaching
got there, but it is saying that being in this new
                                                     out to the right people and keeping in touch
spot, being without the familiarity that you are
                                                     with them.
used to, and maybe even the friends you grew
up with, can make you can feel alone. This is
okay. While it can be stressful and scary, you       Try Not to Take on Too Much
will be able to get through this.
                                                        As a freshman, you might want to do ev-
  Here is a list of six things that will hopefully   erything you can and as much of it as possible
help you through this time in your life:             (concerning classes especially). Just because
                                                     you know that you have to take all the classes,
                                                     do not take on a workload so heavy that you
Understanding your self                              may burn out or isolate yourself more. Do not
esteem                                               take on more than you are prepared to han-
                                                     dle. This also includes making plans with new
   Self-esteem is composed of two essential          friends. It is fine if you all want to do is hang out
things: how you see yourself and how others          a lot, no one will discourage that; however, do
see you. Your self-esteem could have been low        not take so much time out that you cannot find
or high before you moved and it might change         a balance between them and your schoolwork.
once you get to the new place. This is only be-
cause there is a change of scenery; feeling out of
place in a new area may drastically change how
                                                     Call Home
you view yourself and how you assume others
view you. Try to do a few things to make your-          If you are feeling particularly homesick, call
self feel better, things that you yourself enjoy     home, call old friends, keep in contact via social
and that will make you feel a little more com-       media or any way that you can. Do not just cut
fortable, even if it does not lead immediately to    ties because you are away. You may feel loads
making friends.                                      better calling home than just constantly miss-
                                                     ing the life you used to have.

Being Comfortable with New
                                                     Recognize When Your Social
                                                     Problem Is A Bigger Problem
   Conforming to what you see around you is
kind of important, but you have to do it in a way       If you feel that you are having extreme trou-
that makes you comfortable as well. You may          ble fitting in or if you feel like you are honest-
feel alone, but that doesn’t mean you should go      ly not going to make it through the semester
out of your way in order to fit in. You don’t have   because you feel so alone, please seek help at
to compromise your comfort in order to ensure        the professional level. Do not suffer alone. If
that you have friends. If your new friends end       you are uncomfortable going to a counselor on
up doing things that you don’t agree with, it is     campus, then please speak with someone that
ok to tell them that you won’t be participating      you trust about this whether that is another stu-
and you could even consider getting a differ-        dent, a teacher, a friend, or your parents back
ent set of friends. If you try to fit in too much,   home. You must recognize when your inability
you may lose yourself more than when you felt        to socialize might be affecting you mentally.
alone. Try to find friends that do things that you
enjoy or that you know won’t force you to do
something that you are uncomfortable with.
                                                                                17                           18
Sustaining Your Mental Clarity
                                           by Rosemary Wehberg

   Aromatherapy is a great method to balance your mental clarity in
a healthy and natural way. Aromatherapy is commonly referred to
as “Essential Oil Therapy.” According to the Modern Essential Usage
Guide, essential oils are the volatile liquids that are distilled from
plants, including their respective parts such as seeds, bark, leaves,
stems, roots, flowers, and fruits. The use of essential oils has numer-
ous health benefits. One can diffuse, consume, or mix essential oils to
receive some of their amazing wonders. Many essential oils stem from
the natural oils that are found in plants, which is why the uses seem
endless. While some people prefer to mix the oils with water and dif-
fuse them into the air, others like to directly consume the oils mixed
with water. However, some of the oils may have a bit of a potent taste,
so you should proceed with caution.

   Some of the most popular essential oils are lavender, lemon, or-
ange, deep blue, and more. These oils tend to be the most popular due
to their multi-use functions and the delightful aroma they provide.
With a little research, you can become a master at mixing oils. There
are many natural remedies and blends you can make to enhance your
overall well-being. Here are a couple of ways to enjoy aromatherapy:

   • Sandalwood and Frankincense: Enhances focus and meditation,
recommended to diffuse in the air during yoga practice.

   • Lavender: A natural relaxer, it is recommended for use if you
having trouble sleeping. Many people place a drop or two of lavender
essential oil on their pillows at night to calm their body and mind.

  • Fractionated Coconut Oil: A natural moisturizer beneficial for
your skin when mixed with warm bath water or directly applied to
your skin. Recommended for use if you have dry, sensitive skin.

  • Grapefruit, lemon, and citrus: Natural “up-lifters.” These are all
                                                                                       LATE AT LANE
                                                                                        by JJ Jones
three great oils to diffuse in the air when you’re in a down mood.                      What makes Frostburg State University so distinct? Some might say          dances. They stopped playing a lot of the urban music I was used to and
These oils promote a refreshing, comfortable atmosphere.                            it is the scenic landscape or the strange weather patterns. Although FSU       began playing more techno-rave like music. Things have never been the
                                                                            					   catches a lot of flak for its location and unpredictable winters, there are    same since my freshman year.” Cooper is not oblivious to the change in
  • Lemon Essential Oil: A natural cleanser. Known to be an                         many things that make this school great. Several traditions have been          student turnout over the years.
outstanding cleaner for kitchen and bathroom appliances and even                    sustained over the years providing students with an opportunity to enjoy

removes some of the toughest stains.                                                themselves and get involved on campus.                                            He admits one of the biggest challenges is “trying to take safety pre-
                                                                                                                                                                   cautions and still have students want to show up. In the past, we’ve had to
   It’s clear that the uses and options for essential oils are endless.                Late at Lane, originally named “Paws after Dark,” was founded in 2011       deal with people getting sick and students showing up too rowdy. Some
The more familiar you are with oils, the more creative you can get                  by the Director of Student Life, Robert Cooper. On one Saturday of each        of these incidents were a reoccurring issue, which made the University
with your blends based on your unique preferences. Doterra is one                   month, students gather in the Lane Center to enjoy free entertainment,         become more proactive to reduce risks.” Unlike before, more security be-
of the best quality brands of essential oils to use because there are no            food, and prize giveaways. From 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. there are games,             came involved during check-in and stricter rules were implemented in the
extra chemicals added to their oils. Aromatherapy is one of the most                creation stations, and music, all within a festive environment. “When we       dress code. “In doing so, we saw our numbers dip a little bit but I believe
natural forms of therapy and is a much healthier, safer alternative to              first started Late at Lane, we only used the top of the Lane Center, but       they’ve crept back up this year.”
other ways that students destress like alcohol. It’s definitely something           now we use the whole building,” Cooper says.
to check out and look more into if you’re interested!                                                                                                                 As he remains optimistic about the future, Cooper hopes to reel in
                                                                                       Student turnout tends to fluctuate up and down depending on what’s          more students by bringing back some of the old elements of Late at Lane
                                                                                    scheduled for the night. Mayiah Rose, a senior here at FSU, says that her      like the dance component from 12 pm-2 am and the animal exhibit. He
                                                                                    last memorable Late was back in 2014. Back then, she says, “It was lit.        also is expanding on the nightclub concept by booking new forms of
                                                                                    It was fun. It was fellowship. People could go out and have fun without        entertainment like special guests from MTV’s Wild n’ Out and music
                                                                                    worrying about getting in trouble with the police,” she says. “I stopped       sensation Jesse McCartney. The efforts that Coop and his team are putting
                                                                                    going because I felt like it wasn’t targeting all the students attending the   into renovating Late at Lane are sure to make it a long-lasting tradition on
                                                                            19                                                                                     20
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