The Smythesdale Walking Group celebrates its 10th Anniversary 25,000 Kilometres and 200 pairs of walking shoes later!
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See Term 1 Course Guide Inside The Smythesdale Walking Group celebrates its 10th Anniversary 25,000 Kilometres and 200 pairs of walking shoes later! It was 2009 when Clare Beachem, the then Health and Wellbeing officer at the Smythesdale Business, Health & Community Centre put forward a proposal to start a walking group for residents. The proposal quickly became a reality and before long, each Thursday became ‘walk day.’ Starting and finishing at ‘The Well,’ about eight different five to seven kilometre routes were discovered in and around the Smythesdale area. These were on sealed and dirt roads, bush tracks and rail trails. Some were given quirky names such as the ‘doctors hill,’ the ‘tip trip,’ the ‘kangaroo loop’ or the ‘barking dogs track.’ It was a great opportunity for people to get together, enjoy the wonderful outdoors and to socialise afterwards at ‘The Well’ for a ‘cuppa.’ Soon, the program saw anywhere between ten to twenty keen and eager walkers joining. Over the years, the group saw many come and go, but numbers remained about the same. Other activities were introduced and among these were the monthly Trailblazer walks. This was another initiative of Clare’s and brought together other communities across the Golden Plains Shire to showcase their own walking trails. Conducted on the first Thursday of every month, these walks attracted up to thirty walkers, who enjoyed forays into the Enfield State Forest along the Rainbow Trails, also walks along the Barwon River in Geelong as well as walking trails in Teesdale, Dereel, Rokewood, Lethbridge, Scarsdale, the Yarrowee River and Wendouree Lake trails in Ballarat and even around Creswick to name but a few of the excursions undertaken. Story continues pages 3 and 4 Haddon Community Learning Centre’s quarterly FREE community newspaper
Woady Yaloak HERALD ~ Your Local Connection Term 1, 2020 Smythesdale Walking Group (continued from page 1) At left and below left: members of the Smythesdale Walking Group through the years. The Woady Herald would sincerely like to thank Denny van Maanenberg, the Walks Co-Ordinator of the Smythesdale Walking Group for the photos and article. Inspirational Quote: Walking gets the feet moving, the blood moving, the mind moving. And movement is life. ~Terri Guillemets Learn Karate at the Haddon Shinkyokushin Damashii Dojo 50 Haddon School Road, Haddon Vic 3351 Instructors – Shihan Peter Volke, 7th Dan & Sensei Dorothy Volke, 4th Dan Come and learn a Martial Art and improve your Health & Fitness without travelling to the city. Junior Class Times – Saturday 9.45 – 10.30am & Wednesday 5.30—6.15pm Senior Class Times – Monday 6.00 – 7.30pm & Wednesday 6.30—8.00pm Phone Peter: 0419 312 411 OR 5342 4716 All Ages Welcome – First Lesson Free Page 2
Woady Yaloak HERALD ~ Your Local Connection Term 1, 2020 Photo: Moonies Dam. Smythesdale Walking Group (continued from 2) It’s not surprising then, that this very active group has fostered life- long friendships. They all agree that walking is a great way to enjoy Every six months or so, walkers enjoyed a BBQ or luncheon at local nature while reaping some fantastic health benefits in the process. venues with the Christmas breakup walks a favourite for everyone. Walking is a great cardio workout, helps improve blood sugar levels The Kris Kringle occasions masterminded by Karyn Kelly had every- as well as blood pressure. It decreases the risk of heart disease, one in stitches. Added to these social aspects, many walkers fol- anxiety and stress levels. Walkers generally look better, feel better lowed up their Thursday walk with a visit to the Haddon Community and function better. Walking on a regular basis, promotes weight Learning Centre for the monthly “Chat & Chew” events. Held on the loss, the body core is stronger, and balance is improved. third Thursday of the month, a two-course meal of delicious whole- So, it’s ten years since the group stepped out on those first walks some food was on the table for only $10 per head. around Smythesdale and as a result, have posted some admirable Over the years, the group saw the Golden Plains Shire walk co- statistics. The Smythesdale Walking Group has walked approximately ordinaters come and go and it’s important to acknowledge the won- 25,000 kilometres in total and that’s nearly twice around Australia! derful work they did in assisting the Smythesdale Walking Group. They’ve also worn out some 200 pairs of walking shoes over that Clare left to explore opportunities in Darwin, Jacinta Walsh headed same period. off to work with the City of Greater Geelong Council, Belinda Green It’s also important to recognise individual achievements as well. As a was always ready to offer a friendly smile and of course Rebecca walker reaches his/her 200th walk, he/she is rewarded with a prestig- Hickey, Kim Boyd & Justine Weston have always been ready to assist ious golden cap award to mark the occasion. The 200th walk wherever they could. equates to a 1,000-kilometre effort. Many of the original members For the group’s regular walkers, it has been a wonderful 10 years. of the group have now exceeded more than 300 walks and are still On some occasions guest speakers have entertained everyone with going strong! For many, the Smythesdale Walking Group is more talks from chiropractors, to Beppie – a courageous lady who decided than just a walking group. It allows friendships to form; it creates to celebrate her 70th birthday by walking the Camino de Santiago, social bonds and shares both sad and good times. Its members are known in English as the Way of St James. This is a 700-kilometre mutually supportive. The Smythesdale Walking Group welcomes pilgrimage between France and Spain, and not only did she do it on everyone. Not everyone wants to walk 5 – 7 kms, so some walk at her own, a few years later she went back and did it again! Other their own pace in their own time and then meet back at ‘The Well’ celebrities have included Ballarat’s own Jared Tallent OAM, a four- for a cuppa. Everyone is welcome. Everyone of all fitness levels and time Olympic medalist, three-time World Championship medalist of all ages. The group walks every Thursday at 10.00 am from ‘The who holds the current Olympic record in the 50 km walk. Jared and Well,’ and group members are only too happy to have a chat. So, his wife Claire Tallent – who is also an Olympian, and has represent- congratulations Smythesdale Walking Group on reaching your 10th ed Australia at the Olympic Games, World Championships in Athlet- Garry Mann birthday and here’s to the next 10 years. They’re always open to new ics and medalled at the 2010 Delhi Commonwealth Games. Both walkers – so put on your walking shoes & come join them. You’ll be Jared and Claire joined the group on one of their walks and after- glad you did! wards gave an address on their achievements. Very inspiring! Article and photos by Denny van Maanenberg Page 3
Woady Yaloak HERALD ~ Your Local Connection Term 1, 2020 Pinarc Kids Programs School Holiday Program: We provide recreational and social activities for children and teen- Local Parent/Carer Groups agers during the school holidays. These include a mixture or centre NEW! Wednesday Walks based and community-based activities including swimming, cooking In response to the fabulous and motivating Healthy Mothers, and day trips. For information, contact Bree Pellow 53291309 or Healthy Families workshop last month, we are starting a walk- ing group for carers of children with disabilities. All parents of children (including adult children) with disabilities are wel- Youth Group: come (you do not have to be using any other Pinarc ser- Youth Group runs on Saturdays throughout the year. We currently vices). Let’s support each other to be more active. Bring a have groups that meet weekly, fortnightly, or monthly from 10:30am friend if that will help get you be even more motivated. Meet – 3:30pm. Activities include a mix of centre based and community- at the front of Pipers by the Lake at 9.20am Wednesdays based programs. Some activities will involve a small cost. Custom- 4th, 11th and 18th December. If there is a good response ers are supported by staff based on NDIS ratios. For more infor- or enough requests, we could look at running them at other mation, contact Neil Bowman 5329 1338 or times too. The important thing is to make a start. Dress for the weather. After School Activities Ballarat NDIS Parent Coffee Catch-ups Open to all parents of children 0 – 12 years who have NDIS Monday After School Program 3pm – 5pm plans. Pick up from school at 3pm ($2 transport cost per week will be in- A chance to meet others navigating the NDIS world and to get voiced to families). information about local events and services. Days and times Activities based at Pennyweight site (222 Otway St Sth) and various will vary to accommodate the needs for families only available local venues. Activity plan to be sent to families prior to Term 3 on certain days. For information, Rebecca Paton, on 53291361 beginning with a focus on being active. or at Participant pick up from Pennyweight site at 5pm. Next Coffee Catch up is Thursday 19th November 10.30am at The Robin Hood Hotel. This one is specifically for par- Wednesday & Friday After School Program –3pm – 6pm ents of infants and preschool children with additional Pick up from school at 3pm ($2 transport cost per week will be in- needs. voiced to families)Activities based at Pennyweight site (222 Otway St Sth) and various local venues. Activity plan to be sent to families Ararat and District Carers Group (for people who care for a young prior to Term 3 beginning. Activity costs will be included in this person with additional needs) meets monthly for lunch at vari- plan. Activities may include craft, cooking, swimming, ten pin bowl- ous local venues. Next meeting is Christmas lunch 11.30am ing, mini golf. Tuesday 10th December at the Blue Duck Hotel. There is a Participant pick up from Pennyweight site at 6pm. cost involved. Contact Toni Hobson 0419 387 440 for more Contact: contact Beth Taylor 5329 1343 or information or to RSVP. Camps Ballarat Autism Parent Connection group meets at the Robin Weekend based recreational/social activities at various locations. Hood Hotel on the third Monday of the month, 10am – 12pm, Contact Bree Pellow on 53291309 or for a social coffee, morning tea and information sharing. Other news for families Next meeting is a Monday 16th December. Bacchus Marsh Disability Parent Connection group meet one Local Events and Activities Monday each month, 10.30am - 12.30pm at the Darley Neigh- Wellways end of year celebration BBQ bourhood House in Bacchus Marsh, 33 Jonathan Drive, Dar- Friday 27 December. ley. Next meeting is Monday 9th December. Transport provided from the Wellways office to the venue if re- quired. Ballarat Down Syndrome Parent Connection group meet regu- Where: Eureka Centre Ballarat102 Stawell St South larly for support, discussion, information. Christmas Family When: Friday 27 December, 11.30am – 1.30pm. Picnic BBQ at Kirks Reservoir Park from midday on 8th Decem- Cost: FREE (carers welcome). ber 2019. All food, water, soft drink and juice will be provided. RSVP: Contact Patrick at Wellways on (03) 4333 0251 or email BYO chair or picnic rug. This is a relaxed day for all family members, young or old so look forward to sharing our last get Please advise whether you need transport and if you have any die- together for 2019 on the run up to Christmas. Please RSVP to tary requirements. Wendy email: for catering pur- The Lab - Ballarat poses. The Lab is a growing network of technology clubs for 10 to 16 year- old young people diagnosed with High Functioning Autism who SCODA - (Supporting Carers of Disabled Adults), is a Ballarat-based enjoy working with computers. The Lab offers mentoring by tech- group who meet for lunch first Monday of each month. nology professionals in areas such as programming, 3D, digital de- Would you like to start a new group? Our parent support sign and gaming. A new Lab is set to commence in Ballarat at the coordinator can help. Please contact Rebecca Paton, on Ballarat Tech School. Sessions will be offered on Thursday after- 53291361 or at noons from 4.30 – 6.30pm. Visit: to learn more or to register. Page 4
Woady Yaloak HERALD ~ Your Local Connection Term 1, 2020 AAA Sports PROGRAM SCHEDULE FOR 2020 How We Can Support Drought Affected Country MASTER BLASTERS CRICKET – Pathway Program Australia Friday 7th Feb – Fri 27th March Mt. Clear Cricket Oval – Olympic Ave, Mt. Clear Australians are being urged to support farmers and communities AFL AUSKICK – Introductory Program struggling with drought and ‘buy from the bush’ this Christmas. Sunday 26th April – Sunday 14th June Ballarat Grammar, Forest st, Wendouree Often, as an individual, it is hard to know how to help farmers and MINI ROO’S SOCCER – Introductory Program the many regional Australians coping with one of the worst droughts Sunday 26th July- Sunday 13th September Ballarat Grammar, Forest st, Wendouree in living memory. 6 A SIDE AFL FOOTBALL – Pathway Program A new movement sweeping the internet is providing generous Aus- Friday 24th July – Friday 11th September sies a way to give and do their Christmas shopping at the same time! Mt Clear Football Oval, Olympic Ave, Mt clear JUNIOR BLASTERS – Introductory Program Over the past fortnight, social media pages including ‘Go Country Sunday 18th October – Sunday 6th December For Christmas’ and #BuyFromTheBush have launched. Ballarat Grammar, Forest st, Wendouree. #BuyFromTheBush was created with the intention to ‘spread the New Ballarat Physical Disability Social Group word about beautiful boutiques and wares from small bush commu- nities’. This is a group for people who have physical disability to meet up, get to know each other and have some fun. To Join visit https:// The Instagram page features accessories, art and other products from small rural communities and has grown rapidly as more Aus- Group/ or contact Tess at tralians look to support local businesses. Events in Melbourne Having just reached over 50k followers, #BuyFromTheBush has National Gallery of Victoria relaxed sessions. helped boost small rural businesses who are currently suffering from Relaxed sessions are an opportunity for visitors with autism, sensory a decrease in business as the effects of the drought takes its toll on sensitivities or disability to have a quieter Gallery experience, with consumers. fewer people and reduced noise. All ages welcome. Next session 8.30am – 10am Sunday 8th Dec. For more information ‘Go Country for Christmas’ was launched by the NSW Government visit: last week with Liberal Senator for NSW, Hollie Hughes, calling for Australians to ‘think outside the box’ when buying Christmas pre- basquiat/ sents. Resources for families of children with disabilities “The internet allows us to purchase our presents from anywhere!” Ms Carers Victoria Young Carers Support (can include sib- Hughes said. lings) “We don’t need to buy from the usual suspects, just go to gocoun- Scholarships and peer support available. and get the same thing you had in mind but buy it from a small regional business. “These businesses mainly exist because of the agriculture around Melbourne Airport Hidden Disability Program them and when drought is devastating the land, we need to think Melbourne airport has recently implemented the Hidden Dis- laterally about other ways to support rural and regional economies ability Program for it’s International Terminal to assist you on and this is a very effective way to do that.” your journey through our International Airport. This program supports travellers requiring special assistance as they travel The countdown to Christmas is officially on! If you’re starting to plan through our airport. gifts for your friends, families and loved ones this year, make sure to check out ‘Go Country for Christmas’ and #BuyFromTheBush. information/Hidden-Disability-Program?viewmode=0 Article with links available at buyfromthebush-help-drought-affected-communities/ AAA Sport Ballarat School Holiday Program Week 1 Week 2 Tues 7th Jan 10am-11am AFL Tues 21st Jan 10am-11am AFL Weds 8th Jan 10am-11am Cricket Weds 22nd Jan 10am-11am Cricket Thurs 9th Jan 10am-11am Soccer Thurs 23rd Jan 10am-11am Soccer Registration Necessary for all or any sessions. Contact Kellie on 0416 504314 or email Cost: $10 per session (paid on arrival) Page 5
Woady Yaloak HERALD ~ Your Local Connection Term 1, 2020 Kerbside Recycling to Resume in Golden Plains Northern Arts Project Kerbside recycling will resume in Golden Plains Shire from Monday The Northern Arts Project was developed to deliver an art project 16 December, after Council and three other neighbouring G21 re- in the north of Golden Plains Shire that highlights what is gion councils signed a new contract with Cleanaway yesterday. important that young people value in the Golden Plains area. The target area is Haddon and surrounds. Following the collapse of SKM Recycling earlier this year, Council has been working with City of Greater Geelong, Borough of Golden Plains Shire Youth workers are working in partnership with Queenscliffe, and Surf Coast Shire to get kerbside recycling back on a local artist (Dan O’Donnell) to host a series of art workshops in track. November and December. Over the course of three weeks a series Cleanaway will take over the processing of the region’s kerbside of three workshops have been happening that have engaged collected recyclable materials – including paper, glass, metals and young people to develop and design ideas to be included in a wall plastics. While glass can remain in your recycling bin, there are a few mural that will be installed at the Haddon Community Learning minor changes to what can and can’t go in your yellow bin. Centre. The artwork will be painted on a sheet of external cladding WHAT’S IN: cement sheet and installed on a retaining wall near the entrance to the community centre. This community project has been a long Empty clean rigid plastic bottles and containers labelled 1,2, 3, term goal of the community centre and will be seen as a first step 4 and 5, lids separately in beautifying the outside area and promoting pride within the Clean paper and cardboard local community. Clean steel food cans, aluminium cans and foil These art sessions have been approximately one hour and have Clean glass bottles and food and sauce jars with their lids been under the guidance of the artist. The theme chosen for the placed in the recycling bin separately. artwork is to reflect the Haddon and surrounding area through WHAT’S OUT: images and representation of what the area means to them. This Bagged material in any type of plastic bag has included images of an animals, groups, activities and places. The art work is hoped to be mounted before the Christmas break, Coated cardboard cartons that are used to package milk, juice and various other liquids with a morning tea or similar with the students to thank / present the art works. Soft plastic packaging such plastic bags, bread and frozen food bags Here are some sneak pics of the work in progress. Polystyrene packaging Plastic toys Metal pots and pans Clothing and footwear Council is calling on residents to do their best to put the right thing in their yellow lid bin, to avoid contaminated recycling going to landfill. Golden Plains Shire has a high contamination rate of recycling bins and it’s very important that all residents are putting only the correct recyclable items in the yellow lid bins. Council and ultimately rate- payers will face increased costs from Cleanaway for contamination from materials that should not be in the recycling bin. To stop recy- cling heading back to landfill in the future, Council needs the help of everyone to only put the correct recyclables in yellow lid bins. Additionally, the new contract includes discounts for councils with low contamination rates, so it’s in all our interests to make sure only recyclable material ends up in your recycling bin. Some extra tips to make sure recyclable items get another life: If you’re not sure if a plastic can be recycled, give it a squeeze! If it goes back to its original shape, it’s a rigid plastic and is safe to put in your recycling bin. Food containers need a quick rinse. Make sure to keep your recycling loose and not in plastic bags For more information about the changes to kerbside recycling in Golden Plains Shire, City of Greater Geelong, Borough of Queenscliffe and Surf Coast Shire, check out is external). Page 6
Woady Yaloak HERALD ~ Your Local Connection Term 1, 2020 The Grandson A short Story by Jeanine The anticipation builds as the day draws nearer. Another trip to Mel- bourne to pick up the Grandson for his monthly visit. I get home from work on the Friday of his arrival and relish the peace and quiet because I know it’s soon going to be shattered for two whole days. When the car pulls up and I go out to greet him, the little dog’s ex- citement gets the better of her and she runs amok barking and whimpering, anxious for “H” to get out of the car so she can say hel- lo too. By the time we’ve unloaded the car of his paraphernalia of school bag, books, games, etc the dog has calmed down. The hubbub settles down enough to eat tea and catch up with what’s been going on with him at school since his last visit. We bring his toy boxes out into the lounge room for him to play with or if the night is still light and clear, he goes outside to play until his bed time. When he’s read his book and is tucked up in bed, we breathe a sigh of relief even though it’s only been 3 hours since he arrived because we know that the next day is going to be full on. Around 6 o’clock the next morning we’re woken by a little body jumping up on our bed trying to get to the dog who has taken refuge between hubby and myself. Her little tail wags furiously as he tries to get to her and she tries equally hard to avoid him by jumping all over us. We groan at the early hour but drag ourselves out of bed. We turn the telly on and get “H” a drink of milk to keep him happy until he’s ready for breakfast. He is his Poppy’s shadow and where ever Poppy is “H” is not too far behind. He is always asking Poppy to play with him on the trampo- line or for Poppy to join in the games “H” makes up in his mind. If Poppy is busy or occupied with something else, he quite happily plays games by himself. We smile to ourselves as we watch him jump & kick and wave his “Light Sabre” around; narrating scenes in his head from his favourite movies. His little imagination has no boundaries or his energy no limit. His favourite game on the trampoline with Poppy is for Poppy to be laying down on the mat lobbing tennis balls at “H” then for “H” to piff them back. The little dog, not to be left out, runs around madly under the trampoline barking and yipping, wanting to get the tennis balls. Between the dog barking and “H” squealing with laughter there is no chance of a quiet, peaceful afternoon and I can’t help smiling as I listening to the delighted sounds. Sometimes if the weather isn’t good enough to be outside, he will happily sit playing his Nintendo. Or he will sit at his table with his pencils and book and write stories and illustrate the characters in the story. Other times we will take him to a play facility so he can let off a bit of steam and use up some of his boundless energy. By Sunday, he has run out of things to do and starts to get restless waiting for mum or dad to pick him up to take him back home. When they arrive, it is a flurry of activity again as he collects his school bag and all his other items. After impatiently bidding us goodbye he jumps in the car and we wave our final goodbyes as they drive up the driveway. We head back inside to the peace and quiet and, more often than not, fall asleep from exhaustion in front of the tele. We are happy to see him go but at the same time look forward to the next visit from the Grandson. Inspirational Quote: Grandfathers do have a special place in the lives of their children's children. They can delight and play with them and even indulge them in ways that they did not indulge their own children. Grandfather knows that after the fun and games are over with his adorable grandchildren he can return to the quiet of his own home and peacefully reflect on this phenomenon of fatherhood. Alvin F. Poussaint Page 7
Woady Yaloak HERALD ~ Your Local Connection Term 1, 2020 45 Brooke Street SMYTHESDALE Phone: 5318 5750 24 Hours 7 days a week For all your animal health requirements BIG or small Hours: Monday to Friday 8.00am – 6.00pm Saturday 9.00am – 12pm Email: Facebook: Smythesdale Animal Hospital Page 8
Woady Yaloak HERALD ~ Your Local Connection Term 1, 2020 New National Services for Carers: I would like to introduce you to the Carer Gateway Counselling Service. The service is a new, free phone counselling service for Carers, operating nationally from July 1, 2019 and proudly man- aged by CatholicCare. The only criteria to be eligible for the service are as follows: The person is in a caring role. This could be caring and/or provid- ing support for a person with a disability, mental health issue, substance misuse issue, dementia or caring for somebody who is frail and/or aged The Carer must be over 18-years of age The Carer must be unpaid, i.e., they are not employed by an agency as a care giver. There are no restrictions for those on carer payments We encourage all carers to give us a call, no matter what their circumstances, so they can be assessed for eligibility and/or re- ferred onto other services as appropriate. The Counselling Service is open from 8am to 6pm weekdays and Carers can call the service on 1800 422 737 and select option 1 to self-refer. Check for more information for Carers from the Carer Gateway website – Many Carers are already participating in the site and gaining support by sharing their experiences. The Woady Herald is a FREE publication for the more than 1,200 people who live in the Woady Yaloak District. ADVERTISE & SUPPORT US - CONTACT THE HERALD ON 5342 7050 OR VIA EMAIL - Page 9
Woady Yaloak HERALD ~ Your Local Connection Term 1, 2020 Lions Club of Haddon and District On the 10th November the Haddon and District Lions Club held their Annual White Ele- phant sale, o as we prefer to call it - our Pre Loved Goods Sale. Approximately seventy regis- tered bidders competed for the goods offered and the spirited bidding returned to the Lions Club the grand total of just over $40,000. The Lions Club is deeply indebted to the members of the public from the Ballarat and surrounding districts who have donated the articles that they have no further use for. This is our major fundraiser for the year and proceeds from and other efforts allow Lions to support the various charities and disasters that happen from time to time. For enquiries about joining the Haddon Lions Club please call John on 4310 2139. And don’t forget to support your local Lions Club by pur- chasing a Christmas cake available for small $13.00 and large $17.00. Available at local stores and Haddon Community Learning Centre. Page 10
Summer Course Guide 2020 Photo: Hunter Letcher Jay’ne - Fisken Road - Rebirth after fires, 2019 Haddon Community Learning Centre
How to enrol Winner of Grampians Learn Local Legend Award We take enrolments Tuesday to Friday between 10 am and 4.30 pm. Please note that your booking is not secured until full pay- ment is made or a suitable payment arrangement is made with the Centre Manager. Payment for all classes due at least one week prior to commencement. Welcome to Our Term 1, 2020 Course Guide HOW TO ENROL As 2019 draws quickly to an end and as I write this note, Christmas In person at the Haddon Community Learning Centre office 396 is only a week away! The year has quickly come and gone. And it is Sago Hill Road, Haddon. a little difficult to contemplate that Term 1 will soon be upon us in By telephone on 5342 7050 a matter of weeks. By email: So what do we have on offer for the New Year? Well we have quite CONDITIONS OF ENROLMENT a number of new happenings planned for 2020, so we hope you will come and join us at some stage during the next twelve months Fees become due at the time of booking. Places will not be held unless fees are paid or a deposit received and payment plan for one of the many interesting and varied courses, workshops and arranged. Payments due at least one week prior to course com- activities we have in store. And always, if you have any requests just mencement. contact the centre. We are always on the lookout for ‘suitabley Refunds cannot be given once a class has commenced or at qualified tutors’ or potential instructors with any special skills who least 5 business days’ notice is provided as we are committed to would like to conduct workshops or classes, so get in contact with pay course costs. Refunds will be given if the class is cancelled for any reason. us for a chat. Prospective students should be aware that some courses/ We have some lovely new art classes on offer such as the activities may not proceed if there are insufficient numbers to Introduction to Mosaics (how gorgeous is that table in the photo cover operational costs. Concession rates apply where indicated and only on presenta- from Shellabelle?), and another using ‘alcohol inks’ with Ros - this tion of a current concession card. is are a fascinating medium and you can make such beautiful Notification will be given only when classes are cancelled or pieces. Both of these workshops are suitable for total beginners. rescheduled. Please assume that the course will proceed unless And we have a great new exercise program with the lovely Alana as otherwise notified. If you are concerned or have any queries, please contact the House. your guide and mentor. These weekly sessions will run all year long, designed especially for seniors 65 and over . So come met Alana Please talk to us about fees and payments if they cause any and have a chat if you are unsure. We want this to be not only a problems. We are committed to equitable access for all way to keep active, but also a fun and sociable session every week and may be able to assist. you. for you. So please, if you are eligible reserve your spot now! People of all abilities are welcome at all suitable Yoga will return on Monday afternoons, fortnightly at present, with programs. The Northern Community and Haddon Glenys, and as usual two sessions on Wednesdays with Alana, one Learning Centre is fully accessible. HCLC respects your right to information privacy and any in the mornings and again in the evenings. information we collect and hold is kept in And we have some exciting new courses including “Natural accordance with information privacy laws. Environmental Studies, “ that will enable you to get outside and explore and learn about your local habitat and how to help The Haddon Community Learning Centre aims to preserve it. And another two fabulous new ones with an provide a range of educational, social and “Introduction to Kitchen and Patisserie Skills” and “Your Creative recreational activities to suit a range of tastes and interests. Self Works” that will run over several weeks . Do not miss these While all effort is made to proceed with advertised activities it is not always possible if enrolments do not generate the funds fabulous opportunities to learn how to make truly gourmet treats, required to cover the costs of tutors and room hire. or try your hand at many different art and craft projects and maybe Please note that business and corporate rates may differ make one of these skills your new hobby or even your career! from the prices included in this program. Please check with the Manager for these rates. Remember too, our most popular barista skills courses are back We can tailor a course to your business needs and again, along with other staples such as ‘Food Safety’ and ‘First Aid’ we are always happy to discuss this with you. if you require these certificates. And if sewing is your interest, then enrol in our Friday morning The Haddon Community Learning Centre classes, or join the quilting girls on Monday nights. acknowledges the ongoing funding and support In signing off, I would like to wish everyone a lovely, safe Christmas made available by State Government of and New Year break. Please take care and we look forward to Victoria (Adult & Community Further Education (ACFE), the Department of Health & seeing all our regulars and meeting newcomers in the New Year. Human Services, DEECD, & the Department of Planning & Community Development). Cheers, Joan, Manager
Exploring Computers *FLEXI LEARN ESSENTIAL COMPUTERS LEVEL 1 This course is designed to provide flexibility with learning options for you. It can be done fully in class, partly, or all online in your own home when you want. Topics can include computer essentials, cloud applications such as "Dropbox," Google Drive, Microsoft programs, and/or photo editing programs; useful for personal, business, marketing and social media platforms such as Facebook. This course allows flexibility to give time to cover topics where you may need extra help with, or that you specifically want to cover, so give us a call to discuss! DAY: This in class course will be available on Mondays and Tuesday afternoons. You will be supported by an understanding and patient tutor. Other days/times may be available - please check. DATES: Starting Monday February 10 (7 sessions) *DO YOU NEED HELP WITH A PARTICULAR COMPUTER ISSUE TIMES: 1 pm ~ (Tuesdays 2 ~ 4 pm—10 sessions). OR TOPIC, BUT DON’T HAVE TIME FOR A FULL COURSE? FEES: $115.00 ($55.00 + $60.00 Amenities & resources Fee) $90.00 concession fee) for eligible concession funded We offer tailored computer training on a casual basis. Come for students. $5.00 member discount. one or two sessions or however many you need. We can offer help with individual Microsoft Office programs—from simple functions such as setting up a Word template to sorting data and creating graphs in Excel, editing, inserting and formatting *FLEXI LEARN ESSENTIAL COMPUTERS LEVEL 2 photos, research via the internet, and getting the most out of your email—you tell us what you need and we will work out a plan to This course follows on from our Level 1 computer class, or is help. suitable for the much more advanced learner You will gain more confidence and knowledge in becoming competent with the more DAYS: Wednesday to Friday advanced features of MS Office applications that may include email. DATE: Starting February 26th TIME: Any time during opening hours -11am to 4 pm Alternatively, in using online free applications such as “Google FEES: $28.00 per one-hour session. drive,” Google Docs or touch typing, etc. *WEBSITES FOR SMALL BUSINESS DAY: Mondays and Tuesday afternoons. Other days/times may be available - please check. DATES: Starting Monday February 10 (7 sessions) This course is an introduction to TIMES: 1 pm ~ (Tuesdays 2 ~ 4 pm—10 sessions). understanding web site design and FEES: $115.00 ($55.00 + $60.00 Amenities & resources Fee) marketing online. It explores options for $90.00 concession fee) for eligible concession funded creating a web site using free web site students building platforms to promote a small business and to interact with potential clients and/or customers Learn how to get started on website creation platform Word Press to build an online presence. You’ll create a site and your first posts. Prerequisite: Basic computer skills and must have an email address. (If you need assistance with that then give us a call). DATES: February 18 or 20 DAY: Tuesday or Thursday - evenings Or Thursday day time - 6 sessions TIME: 6 - (evenings) 1pm - 3.30pm (afternoon) FEES: $110 if eligible for ACFE subsidy $170 if not eligible FEES & CHARGES Adult Education classes that are subsidized by Adult Community & Further Education are marked with the *. We are required to charge a student contribution consistent with Ministerial directions on Fees & Charges. Other fees are to assist us to pay for tutors, amenities and all other costs involved in running courses. For further information please speak to the Manager.
Free Seniors Programs VIDEO CHAT FOR SENIORS DON’T BE AFRAID TO GIVE IT A GO! Connecting With Others Interested in learning more about to make free video calls and to connect with your family and friends? Do you know about or how to use FaceTime or Snapchat? This workshop will help you learn about some of the ways you can stay in touch. While these appli- COMPUTING SUPPORT FOR 50 & OVER SENIORS cations cannot take the place of in-person interaction, video We'll help you get signed up to the Be Connected website, and of- calling can supplement your social interactions when visits with fer in-person support for your queries relating to the internet and family and friends are not possible, or if they are too infrequent. technology. So are you interested in gaining new skills and experiences to Video calling can allow you to stay connected with your loved ones enrich your life? The ‘Be Connected’ program is a FREE Australian and share important events such as birthdays, holidays, or family Federal government initiative that is designed to help people 50 gatherings. It provides a more visual experience that is not availa- and over to achieve this through being able to comfortably go ble through traditional phone conversations-- for example, you online. It doesn’t matter if you’ve never touched a mouse, keyboard or tablet before, let us help you be able to do so safely: can experience the joy of watching grandchildren open gifts, You can ask for assistance for your technology issues. Some of the showing off their artwork, even when they are many miles away. Or topics covered include: they help you to update friends on local events, or to catch up with Learn the basics and realise the full potential of going online someone after time apart. Talk more often with family and friends who live far away Learn how to shop safely and securely on line, DAY: Wednesday Find old friends or make new ones who share your interests DATE: March 18th and hobbies TIMES: 1-2.30 pm Learn to use Skype. COST: FREE Explore YouTube, your favourite music, films and T.V. Keep up to date with what’s happening in around you NOW YOU HAVE AN IPAD WHAT NOW? Set up a myGov account so you can access Medicare, the IPADS/TABLETS FOR BEGINNERS Australian Tax Office, Centrelink and more. (An advanced class is available on request if sufficient student Call us to book your 2 FREE sessions to get started now. numbers) If you have struggled with computers, why not try a tablet as they DAY: Wednesdays/Fridays are much easier to use? Try before you buy with one of ours, or DATE: Available from week beginning February learn how to use your own tablet. The course will provide you with 11 till end of March basic and beyond everyday skills to get the most out of your TIMES: 11.00 am -12 noon or 2.00 - 3.00 pm device. COST: FREE DAY: Thursdays (check as other dates & times may also be available) - or get a group together! DIGITAL HEALTH WORKSHOP DATES: Starting February 20 (6 sessions) Open to all ages TIMES: 1 pm ~ 3.30 pm. FEES: $80 for eligible concession students. If you have The internet is a great place to gain information for your health an Android tablet give us a call as if we have sufficient students a and wellbeing. But how do you know where to find trustworthy, special Android tablet class can be arranged. reliable information? Join us for FREE sessions to learn about and explore websites and applications you can use to help you with your health and well-being information. Call us to book your FREE session now. DAY: Thursdays DATE: March 5th or March 12th TIMES: 11.00 -12 noon or 2.00 - 3.00 pm COST: FREE Feedback from students to previous sessions: “Learnt a lot more about what you need to be careful of when checking health sites. Opened my eyes up.” “Very informative and I feel confident in being able to access the websites and knowing how to use them.” “Very helpful. There were websites I didn’t even know about and what were secure websites.” “I found that the information I received today was excellent. I learned many new ways to access my health info.” “Since learning about the reliable health websites, I have gone to these directly when I have a health related query, rather than ‘doctor Google’. “
Special Interest *”YOUR CREATIVE SELF "WORKS" A chance to try a lot of art and crafts! Training Courses A special ‘come try 'arts and crafts course that will allow you to gain practical skills in various art and craft workshops. You will produce a variety of different items and learn various techniques including, eco printing, drawing, acrylic pouring, textiles, digital technology printing, screen-printing, even a cooking session (learning to cook for yourself on a budget) and floristry. You will be taught by qualified and practicing local teachers/artists in this exciting opportunity! This course will run approx. forty hours over two terms. DAY: Mondays/Wednesdays - days may vary/ other options may be on Saturdays/Sundays DATE: April 1st - first date TIME: 10am - 1 pm - times will vary for other sessions FEES: $300.00 - plus some materials cost. * This course is strictly limited to 8 funded learners so call us now. INTRODUCTION TO FLUID ART - SCHOOL HOLIDAYS Learn to make a beautiful abstract painting. In this workshop, you will learn the step-by-step techniques to the art of acrylic pouring *INTRODUCTION TO KITCHEN AND PATISSERIE SKILLS fundamentals. It is painting without a brush! You will discover the essential tools and supplies you will need, an explanation of what This is a pre accredited certificate course especially designed to they do, and why you need them. assist you to gain confidence and skills if you are looking to gain work in the industry or more study in this area. You will gain practi- Bring your apron and wear your old clothes because you will be cal baking skills by completing various patisserie and baking tasks doing hands on work. including yeast making (various breads), various pastries, and cakes Workshop includes: Preparing canvas, mixing paints, use of and gateaux with some cake decorating and piping skills You will additives, titling canvas, paint layering. All materials provided by gain an understanding of the importance of the presentation and the tutor serving of items made in a commercial operation/kitchen. You can also obtain an entry level food safety certificate if needed DATE: April 1st or 6th DAYS: Wednesday or Monday DAYS: Monday and Wednesday- check for other dates TIMES: 10 - 1pm DATE: April 6th (and 8th -TBC) plus 1 x 3 hour extra COST: $56.00 - GST inclusive session to be organised after Easter TIME: 9.30 am - 4 pm FEES: $250.00 for eligible students ($330.00) full fee) This course will be held in a commercial kitchen /cooking school in Ballarat with qualified teacher. Please book early to avoid disap- pointment as it is presently limited to 10 funded students places. *BARISTA SKILLS - ONE DAY COURSE This is one of most popular courses and we have a wonderful, experienced trainer to help guide you. You will learn a basic understanding of what is required to be a good barista. You will have practical hands on experience where you will be able to identify OHS issues, hygiene practices, know how to work in a safe manner, identify and use a range of barista equipment and tools and know how to make several types of coffee. DAY: Wednesday DATES: March 25th TIME: 10 am - 2.30 pm FEES: $70.00 (BYO lunch) Places strictly limited to 10 funded places so book early.
Create a business framework Develop strategies to fast track success Build a one-page business plan Access tools, templates support & resources DATE: Wednesday 29 April TIME: 10.30am-12.30pm COST: $20.00 SESSION THREE ~ MARKETING YOUR BUSINESS: HOW TO GET IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME Whether you are an established business or just starting out, this workshop is an essential part of your business tool kit and crucial to SPECIAL 4 WORKSHOPS PACKAGE your success. Take your business from an idea, through the planning stage, to Learn to: marketing and promotion including all you need to know about the Set marketing goals that work online environment. Conveniently broken up into four workshops of 2-3 hours each they Choose the right activities for your business will be held once a month to provide you the time between Use market research & maximise customer service sessions to work on what you have learnt and your business Make the most of marketing processes & systems strategy. Develop an effective marketing action plan With a total cost of $90 you can purchase the package offer to receive a 33% discount and pay only $60 for the lot! Attract & keep customers coming back Get your business noticed To register contact: Maximise social media or the centre on 5342 7050. SESSION ONE ~ STARTING YOUR BUSINESS: HOW TO TURN DATE: Thursday 28 May AN IDEA INTO A BUSINESS TIME: 10.30am-12.30pm COST: $20.00 If you have a great business idea or are already in the early stages of starting a business, this workshop will ensure you have all the SESSION FOUR ~ TAKE YOUR BUSINESS ONLINE: WHAT YOU basics covered from the word go. NEED TO KNOW Learn to: Whether starting up or already in business, half-way online or Test your idea, product or service, struggling to keep up, this workshop will help you make the right Assess your business readiness & next steps to fill gaps choices to get the most out of future digital opportunities. Analyse your market Learn to: Decide what business structure is right for you Operate in the digital landscape Understand & manage your business risks & opportunities Choose the right technology for your business Prepare a business plan Decide on a website & why you need one Register & set up your business Get more from email Access ongoing advice & support to help your business grow Make the most of social media Receive free mentoring with an experienced business mentor Manage risk, privacy & cybersecurity Build you own action plan DATE: Thursday 26 March Access tools, templates, support & resources TIME: 9.30am-1pm COST: $30.00 DATE: Wednesday 24 June TIME: 10.30am-12.30pm SESSION TWO ~ BUSINESS PLANNING ESSENTIALS: COST: $20.00 HOW TO BUILD A ROADMAP TO SUCCESS Put your business on the path to long-term success. This workshop will take you, step by step, through the vital process of building a business plan to drive your business forward. Learn to: Discover & explore new opportunities Identify key risks & limits to growth Solve problems using a range of tools & processes Think ahead & size up future directions
*Hospitality Training @ Haddon *CAFÉ SKILLS* KICK START YOUR HOSPITALITY CAREER Learn from a professional and gain first-hand experience. Get ahead of the pack for those employment opportunities with expertise in: Barista Skills Customer Service Menu Design and Presentation Food Safety - Introduction and city council certificate (Optional: You can sit for a nationally accredited Certificate if you prefer - this will cost an extra $165 to include the cost of a work- place assessment and assessor in our community kitchen) and more! Training: 1 day a week on Wednesdays Time: 10 - 2.30 pm - approx. Dates: Wednesday March 25th (Duration: 4 WEEKS) Cost: Barista training only $70. Full $200.00 (concession $150.00). Haddon Community Learning Centre, 396 Sago Hill Rd., Haddon Phone ~ 5342 7050
Accredited Certificate Short Courses PROVIDE FIRST AID (1 DAY) - HLTAID003 PROVIDE FIRST AID This course complies with workplace health and safety regulations. Formerly First Aid Workplace Level 2, and includes CPR training. First aid is the initial care of a sick or injured person. First aid train- ing can save lives in the critical time before emergency services or medical help arrives. The aims of First Aid Training are to: Pre- serve life Protect the unconscious person Prevent further injury Promote recovery On enrolment a workbook will be given for the FOOD SAFETY LEVEL 1 - IN CLASS - FREE ‘Theory Component’- it must be completed beforehand and AGE LIMIT - 25 YEARS brought on the day. On the day you will learn and complete practi- DAY: Thursday cal testing and you will also be assessed on the information you DATE: April 2 completed from the workbook. PLEASE NOTE: * No Workbook - No TIME: 9.30 - 3.30 pm - light lunch included Participation* All students need to be physically able to perform FEES: Free - limited number places available $130.00 full fee ‘two minutes of uninterrupted’ CPR to achieve the CPR &/or first To register, contact Golden Plains Shire Youth Development at aid competency or visit First Aid Certificates remain current for 3 years s, however you goldenplainsyoungpeople are required to undertake CPR annually to ensure currency. This special is being funded by the Golden Plains Youth program. DAY: TBC - check FB or call us for latest dates NATIONALLY ACCREDITED FOOD SAFETY DATE: TBC STUDY ONLINE - START ANY TIME TIME: First Aid 9 am—5 pm CPR only 9 am—12 noon We provide several nationally accredited food safety courses in FEES: $140.00 (TBC) association with a registered training organisation. Please note we need a minimum of 8 people for this class to be Hospitality & Retail: for Cafes, Restaurants, Schools, conducted. Take-aways, etc. Food Safety Level 1 – SITXFSA001 CPR COURSE ONLY Food Safety Level 2 – SITXFSA002 HLTAID001 Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Learn how to Food Safety Supervisor Combined – SITXFSA001 & SITXFSA002 perform CPR - includes the use of an automated external defibrilla- tor. CPR certificates are current for 12 months and must be updated Community & Health Services for Aged Care, Childcare, Hospitals annually. etc. DAY: TBC - check FB or call us for latest dates Food Safety Level 1 - HLTFSE001 DATE: TBC Food Safety Level 2 - HLTFSE007 and HLTFSE005 TIME: CPR only 9 am—12 noon FEES: $75.00 Food Safety Supervisor (all 3 units) HLTFSE001, HLTFSE007 HLTFSE005 Food Safety Training now has two components: a series of questions to assess the student’s knowledge and a assessed workplace practical skills assignment. You can do your certificate online and start any time and also have the convenience of finishing it in your own time. If you don’t have access to a computer, you can complete this part of the course in the Centre’s computer lab. The workplace assignment is completed on the job, in a real or simulated workplace environment, and observed by a suitably qualified 3rd party observer. Simply come into the centre and fill in the enrolment form and pay the fee. We will then email you a link to commence the course online. The cost will depend on the level of certificate and whether you need to use the Centre's kitchen as a simulated workplace with an assessor. Level 1 is $95.00 Call us for more details. NB: ALL ACCREDITED COURSES REQUIRE A USI NUMBER. WE CAN ASSIST YOU WITH THAT IF YOU REQUIRE.
Special Interest INTRODUCTION TO PERMACULTURE/HORTICULTURE We are taking expressions of interest for another of these courses later in the year. If you are your interested then please call the centre and put your name on our list. Permaculture is a practical design concept that enables people to establish productive environments which provide food, energy, shelter, material and non-material needs, as well as the social and economic infrastructure that supports them. Our introduction courses teach the basic principles to help you to learn how you can incorporate Permaculture design at home, regardless of whether you live on block or a bigger property. LITERACY AND NUMERACY ASSITANCE INTRODUCTION TO NATURAL ENVIRONMENTAL Do you need help with your reading, writing or basic mathematic STUDIES LEVEL 1 skills? Then come have a private chat with us. We can help with session to build your literacy and numeracy skills. This help is This course will include practical and theory based activities. You particularly suitable for those who have always struggled or experi- will become familiar with a broad variety of topics covered includ- ence interrupted schooling/education and who now wish to make a ing an overview of nature, plant ecology, birds, insects, animals, change to improve their skills to assist in gaining confidence that fungus, soil and geology. You will develop essential knowledge, can help with further employment and study opportunities. understanding and appreciation of our natural environment in a great learning experience but also in enjoyable sessions that will get Come and have a chat to our friendly staff to see how we can help. you outside and into our wonderful habitat Some of the topics include: Call 5342 7050 to make an appointment and let us help you. Music Biosecurity in relation to weeds, pests, OHS, and field hygiene Plants - orchids, grasses, shrubby, annual wildflowers and what they support, what else they do - protect soil, provide habitat - UKULELE FOR BEGINNERS identify and classify. Weeds. How to record nature and the importance It’s fun, portable, cheap, and very musical! Let Bill show you how Interactions between plants and animals and their environment easy it is. You don’t have to have any musical skills. You will learn the basic techniques to get you quickly playing the ukulele: Better understanding of ‘back yard’ habitat fingering chords, simple strumming patterns and some nifty tricks Understand field assessments & recording of data entries to make you sound like an expert musician. Traditional as well as online, keeping permanent records online contemporary tunes will be used to explore these techniques. Value of volunteering to learn more DATE: March 16th Career opportunities in the field DAYS: Mondays (other times may be available) TIMES: 4 - 5pm You will be on location in Scarsdale. COST: $90.00 - GST inclusive (6 lessons) DAY: Tuesdays (11 sessions) You will need to bring your own instrument - if you don’t have DATE: 25th February one and want to learn, just give us a call as we may be able to TIMES: 9.30 am ~ 11.30 pm organise one or two. Maximum of 10 students. FEES $85.00 - for eligible ACFE funded students TUTOR: Bill Elder
Let’s Create Arts & Crafts INTRODUCTION TO ALCOHOL INK ART (Rosslyn Bosnar) Alcohol inks are fast-drying, highly pigmented, alcohol- based inks that are great to use on any hard, non-porous surface including glass, metal, plastic, ceramic, stone, leather and polymer clay. Once the ink is applied, the alcohol evaporates, leav- ing the dye behind. Once alcohol ink dries, it can be re-wet with rubbing alcohol (91% Isopropyl Alcohol), allowing for unique and versatile effects that cannot be achieved with water-based products like acrylic paint. Alcohol ink is waterproof, adding to its durable properties. Materials will cost $30.00 paid directly to the tutor on the day. This will include a glass Vase, yupo paper, tiles, paint. Students will usu- ally finish 2 tiles, 1 glass vase and a number of yupo paper samples. INTRODUCTION TO MOSAICS WORKSHOP DATE: March 1st Join delightful and talented tutor Shellabelle O’Connor in this two DAYS: Sunday week hands on introductory workshop learning how to make your TIMES: 1- 5 pm COST: $80.00 (plus $30.00 materials cost - GST inclusive own artistic mosaic serving tray. All materials and use of tools will be provided by the tutor so IN THE FLOW FLUID PAINTING BASIC 6 WEEK COURSE you only have to rock up and enjoy yourself! with Shellabelle Oconnor Photo above an example of the beautiful mosaic work done by Try the one day introduction class this term and then join Shellabelle. Shellabelle for this comprehensive course in Term 2. ( NB you don’t have to have any previous experience). Dates TBC. DATE: March 14 and 21st (2 sessions) TERM 2 - expressions of interest taken now for this 6 week DAYS: Saturdays course that will teach you a wonderfully free way of painting with- TIMES: 1 - 3 pm COST: $90.00 - GST inclusive out a brush! The course covers skills for: Mixing with paints and additives Canvas Preparing and tilting MOSAIC BASICS 6 WEEK COURSE Colour paint layering Cell making and various affects In this follow up the introduction workshop this will be a six week A new technique demonstrated each week more comprehensive course you will learn how to make: All materials are supplied. No painting experience required. Three creative mosaics Prepare surfaces Cut tiles Design layout Adhere tiles Mix grout Grout tiles Most materials and use of tools provided (3 pieces included). DATE: May 2 to June 6th (6 sessions) DAYS: Saturdays TIMES: 1 - 3 pm COST: $205.00 - GST inclusive Mosaics - A ‘mosaic’ is a piece of art ,or image made from the as- sembling of small pieces of colored glass, stone, or other materials. It is often used in decorative art, or as interior decoration. Most mosaics are made of small, flat, roughly square, pieces of stone or glass of different colors, known as tesserae (singular tessera). Some, especially floor mosaics, are made of small rounded pieces of stone and called pebble mosaics. Mosaics have a long history, starting in Mesopotamia in the 3rd millennium BC ~ (Wikipedia) Alcohol ink art pieces by Rosslyn Bosnar
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