Revised December 2015 - Schedule your test online:

Page created by Nicole James
Revised December 2015 - Schedule your test online:
December 2015

    Schedule your test online:
                Department of Justice
                Motor Vehicle Division
                Driver License Bureau
                302 North Roberts
                PO Box 201430
                Helena, MT 59620-1430

                (406) 444-3933
Revised December 2015 - Schedule your test online:
It is illegal to operate a motor scooter, motorcycle or any other motor-driven cycle on         The road test is an important part of the examination because it gives you the
  a public street or highway in Montana unless you have a motorcycle endorsement on               opportunity to demonstrate your ability to drive safely. You must provide a
  a valid driver license.                                                                         properly-registered motorcycle to be used in the test. Make certain you are
                                                                                                  familiar with it.
  In order to obtain a motorcycle endorsement, you must:
       Be at least 16 years of age or 15 years of age and have passed a driver’s                  Your motorcycle must have at least 1 headlamp (but not more than two) that
       education course approved by the Montana Department of Justice and
       the Superintendent of Public Instruction (online courses are not approved)                 illuminates at least 500 feet, which must be illuminated at all times.

       Have in possession a valid Montana driver license or obtain one                            The taillight and reflector must be visible for at least 500 feet.

       Successfully complete the motorcycle written and road tests                                The stoplight must be visible for 100 feet in normal sunlight.

       Pay the required additional fee of $0.50 cents per year                                    The rearview mirror must be located so that you have a clear view of the road
  After successfully passing the written test, you will be issued a motorcycle learner            for at least 200 feet to the rear.
  license. This allows you to operate any motor-driven cycle while under the immediate
  supervision of a responsible licensed driver who has a valid license for motor-driven           Your cycle must be equipped with at least one brake that can be operated by
  cycles. It is valid for one year from the date you pass the knowledge test. If the permit       foot or hand.
  expires before you pass the road test, you will forfeit the fee. To get a new permit you
  will have to repay the fee and pass the full examination.                                       If your cycle is equipped with directional signals, they must be operable.

  The driver examination consists of five parts:                                                  Your bike must have a muffler. There should be no modifi cations to the muff-
                                                                                                  ler that would increase the sound of your cycle. If you intend to ride in a
  1.   Driving record review                                                                      national park, you must have a spark arrestor on your muffler.
  2.   Physical aptitude review                                                               In addition to the required equipment listed above, the cycle should be
                                                                                              equipped with:
  3.   Vision test                                                                                 Footrests or pegs for passengers

  4.   Written test                                                                               A horn audible for at least 200 feet
  5.   Road test
                                                                                                  A license plate light

  The written test consists of questions specifically geared toward motorcycle drivers.
  The material necessary to pass the motorcycle test is covered in this supplement to         Safety Awareness
  the regular Driver License Manual. The questions on the motorcycle test are similar to
  those outlined throughout this supplement.                                                  Montana state law, with respect to Montana Code Annotated
                                                                                              61-8-346, requires that all non-emergency vehicles, in the presence of an
  It should be noted that the motorcycle test is difficult. It has been designed to be
                                                                                              emergency vehicle making use of audio and visual signals, yield the right-of-
  comprehensive, and thus difficult, because the number of motorcycle-related accidents
                                                                                              way and shall immediately drive to a position parallel and as close as possible
  is increasing, and most of these accidents involve new and
                                                                                              to the right-hand edge or curb of the road.
  inexperienced cyclists. Further, in most cases, the person who is injured or killed -
  regardless of fault - is the cyclist. Therefore, in order to contribute to safe             On highways with a posted speed limit of 50 MPH or more, vehicles in a lane
  motorcycle driving, the examination is designed to increase your knowledge of               directly next to a stationary emergency or police vehicle displaying emergency
  particular motorcycle-driving situations you will encounter.                                signals must slow down to a speed of at least 20 miles below the posted
                                                                                              speed limit. When possible, vehicles should switch to a lane farther away from
                                                                                              the lane that the stationary vehicle is in.

Montana Motorcycle Supplement Revised 12/15
   2                                                               PREFACE                    CONTENTS                                                                                                             3

     Welcome to the Sixteenth Edition of          This latest edition has undergone         THE RIDER AND                                                     BEING IN SHAPE TO RIDE
  the MSF Motorcycle Operator Manual           significant improvements, and contains        THE MOTORCYCLE ...........................4                         Why This Information Is
  (MOM). Operating a motorcycle safely         new, more in-depth information,                                                                                   Important .......................................42
  in traffic requires special skills and        designed to:                                 PREPARING TO RIDE                                                   Alcohol and Other Drugs in
  knowledge. The Motorcycle Safety              t (VJEFSJEFSTJOQSFQBSJOHUPSJEF         Wear the Right Gear ............................5                    Motorcycle Operation ....................42
  Foundation (MSF) has made this manual            safely
  available to help novice motorcyclists                                                      Know Your Motorcycle ........................7                    Alcohol in the Body ............................42
  reduce their risk of having a crash. The      t %FWFMPQFGGFDUJWFTUSFFUTUSBUFHJFT        Know Your Responsibilities ...............10                      Alcohol and the Law ..........................44
  manual conveys essential safe riding          t (JWFSJEFSTNPSFDPNQSFIFOTJWF                                                                              Minimize the Risks .............................44
  information and has been designed                understanding of safe group riding       RIDE WITHIN YOUR ABILITIES
                                                                                                                                                                Step in to Protect Friends ..................45
  for use in licensing programs. While             practices                                  Basic Vehicle Control ..........................11
  designed for the novice, all motorcyclists                                                                                                                    Fatigue ................................................45
                                                t %FTDSJCFJOEFUBJMCFTUQSBDUJDFTGPS     Keeping Your Distance .......................15
  can benefit from the information this
                                                   carrying passengers and cargo              SEE .......................................................20   EARNING YOUR LICENSE ..............46
  manual contains.
                                                  In promoting improved licensing             Intersections .......................................21
     The original Motorcycle Operator                                                                                                                         THREE-WHEEL SUPPLEMENT
                                               programs, the MSF works closely with
  Manual was developed by the National                                                        Increasing Conspicuity .......................24
                                               state licensing agencies. The Foundation                                                                         Supplementary Information
  Public Services Research Institute (NPSRI)                                                  Crash Avoidance .................................27
                                               has helped more than half the states                                                                               for Three-Wheel Motorcycles.........48
  under contract to the National Highway
                                               in the nation adopt the Motorcycle             Handling Dangerous Surfaces ...........30                         Know Your Vehicle ..............................48
  Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
                                               Operator Manual for use in their               Mechanical Problems .........................33
  and within the terms of a cooperative                                                                                                                         Basic Vehicle Control ...........................50
                                               licensing systems.
  agreement between NHTSA and the                                                             Animals ...............................................34         Carrying Passengers and Cargo..........53
  MSF. The manual and related tests               Improved licensing, along with high
                                                                                              Flying Objects .....................................35
  were used in a multi-year study of           quality motorcycle rider education and
                                                                                              Getting Off the Road .........................35
                                                                                                                                                              HAND SIGNALS.......................... 55
  improved motorcycle operator licensing       increased public awareness, has the
  procedures, conducted by the California      potential to reduce crashes. Staff at the      Carrying Passengers                                             T-CLOCS PRE-RIDE CHECKLIST ....57
  Department of Motor Vehicles under           Foundation are available to assist state,        and Cargo .......................................35
  contract to NHTSA.                           private and governmental agencies in           Group Riding .......................................38
                                               efforts to improve motorcycle safety.
     The purpose of this manual is to
  educate riders and to help them avoid
  crashes while safely operating either
  a standard two-wheel motorcycle or a                                                                     To assist you in becoming a safe and responsible rider, take a
  three-wheel motorcycle.                        Tim Buche
                                                 President,                                                Montana Motorcycle Rider Safety Course.
                                                 Motorcycle Safety Foundation
                                                                                                           Successful completion of the MT Motorcycle Basic Rider
                                                                                                           Course earns you a skills test waiver from the Motor
                                                                                                           Vehicle Division, provided the motorcycle endorsement on
                                                                                                           your driver license is obtained within one year of course

                                                                                                           Check it out and increase your skills and safety!
                                                                                                  or 1-800-922-2453

                                      2 Jenner, Suite 150
                                   Irvine, CA 92618-3806

Montana Motorcycle Supplement Revised 12/15
4        THE RIDER AND THE MOTORCYCLE                                                     PREPARING TO RIDE                                                                5

     Motorcycling is a
  unique experience.
                                                   RIDING ENVIRONMENT                            What you do before you start a trip goes a long way toward determining
                                                                                              whether or not you’ll get where you want to go safely. Before taking off on any
  Compared to a car,
                                                                                              trip, a safe rider makes a point to:
  you don’t sit in a
  motorcycle, you                                                                               1.      Wear the right gear.
  become part of it.                                                                            2.      Become familiar with the motorcycle.
  Not as a passive
                                                                                                3.      Check the motorcycle equipment.
  driver, but as an
  active rider arcing                                                                           4.      Be a responsible rider.
  into a string of
  smooth corners,                                                                           WEAR THE RIGHT GEAR                              a helmet kept a rider from spotting
  playing along with                                                                                                                         danger.
                                                                                                When you ride, your gear is “right”
  the rhythm of the                                                                                                                        t.PTUDSBTIFTIBQQFO on short
                                                                                            if it protects you. In any crash, you have
  road; shifting,                                                                                                                            trips (less than five miles long), just
                                                                                            a far better chance of avoiding serious
  accelerating,                                                                                                                              a few minutes after starting out.
                                                                                            injury if you wear:
  and braking                                                                                                                              t.PTUSJEFST are riding slower than
  with precision.                                                                             t"%05DPNQMJBOUIFMNFU                     30 mph when a crash occurs. At
  Whether you                                                                                 t'BDFPSFZFQSPUFDUJPO                      these speeds, helmets can cut both
  ride to and from                                                                                                                           the number and the severity of head
  work or prefer                               and supports the concept that, as the                                                         injuries by half.
  the camaraderie of a group ride on the       Motorcycle Safety Foundation says,           Helmet Use                                      No matter what the speed, helmeted
  weekend, motorcycling engages all your       “Safe riding is as much a skill of the                                                    riders are three times more likely to
                                                                                               Crashes can occur — particularly
  senses and creates an invigorating sense     eyes and mind as it is of the hands and                                                   survive head injuries than those not
                                                                                            among untrained, beginning riders.
  of freedom.                                  feet.”                                                                                    wearing helmets at the time of the
                                                                                            And one out of every five motorcycle
     Along with that freedom comes                Successfully piloting a motorcycle is a   crashes results in head or neck injuries.    crash. The single most important thing
  responsibility. All states require           much more involved task than driving a       Head injuries are just as severe as neck     you can do to improve your chances of
  some form of license endorsement             car. Motorcycling requires a fine sense       injuries — and far more common. Crash        surviving a crash is to wear a securely-
  demonstrating you possess a minimum          of balance and a heightened sense of         analyses show that head and neck             fastened, quality helmet.
  level of skill and knowledge. This           awareness and position amidst other          injuries account for a majority of serious
  booklet and other motorcycle
                                                                                                                                         Helmet Selection
                                               roadway users. A motorcycle responds         and fatal injuries to motorcyclists.
  publications can help prepare you to         more quickly to rider inputs than a car,     Research also shows that, with few             There are two primary types of
  be successful. You might also consider       but is also more sensitive to outside        exceptions, head and neck injuries are       helmets, providing two different levels
  taking a formal hands-on training            forces, like irregular road surfaces or      reduced by properly wearing a quality        of coverage: three-quarter and full face.
  course, even if your state doesn’t require   crosswinds. A motorcycle is also less        helmet.                                        Whichever style you choose, you can
  that you complete one. You’ll learn how      visible than a car due to its narrower                                                    get the most protection by making sure
                                                                                               Some riders don’t wear helmets
  to improve your riding skills and mental     profile, and offers far less protection by                                                 that the helmet:
                                                                                            because they think helmets will limit
  strategies, so you can be a safer, more      exposing its rider to other traffic and       their view to the sides. Others wear           t*TEFTJHOFEUPNFFU64
  alert rider.                                 the elements. All these risks can be         helmets only on long trips or when               Department of Transportation
    The diagram above illustrates the          managed through study, training, and         riding at high speeds. But, here are             (DOT) and state standards. Helmets
  complex environment that awaits you,         practice.                                    some facts to consider:                          with a label from the Snell Memorial
                                                                                                                                             Foundation also give you an
                                                                                              t"%05DPNQMJBOUIFMNFU lets                  assurance of quality.
                                                                                                you see as far to the sides as
                                                                                                necessary. A study of more than            t'JUTTOVHMZ all the way around.
                                                                                                900 motorcycle crashes, where              t)BTOPPCWJPVTEFGFDUTsuch as
                                                                                                40% of the riders wore helmets,              cracks, loose padding or frayed
                                                                                                did not find even one case in which           straps.
Montana Motorcycle Supplement Revised 12/15
6                                        PREPARING TO RIDE                                                                                                                      7

     Whatever helmet you
                                                                                               t(MPWFT allow a better grip and help     KNOW YOUR
  decide on, keep it securely                                                                    protect your hands in a crash. Your
  fastened on your head                                                                          gloves should be made of leather or
  when you ride. Otherwise,                                                                      similar durable material.                 There are plenty of things on the
  if you are involved in a                                                                                                               highway that can cause you trouble.
  crash, it’s likely to fly off                                                                                                           Your motorcycle should not be one
                                                                                                 noise while allowing you to hear
  your head before it gets a                                                                                                             of them. To make sure that your
                                                                                                 important sounds such as car horns
  chance to protect you.                                                                                                                 motorcycle won’t let you down:
                                                                                                 or sirens. Long term exposure to
  Eye and Face                                                                                   engine and wind noise can cause           t4UBSU with the right motorcycle
                                                                                                 permanent hearing damage even               for you.
                                                                                                 if you wear a full face helmet.           t Read the owner’s manual.
     A plastic shatter-resistant                                                                 Whether you choose disposable
  faceshield can help protect                                                                    foam plugs or reusable custom             t#FGBNJMJBS with the motorcycle
  your whole face in a                                                                           molded devices, be sure you adhere          controls.
  crash. It also protects you                 Clothing                                           to state laws regarding hearing           t$IFDL the motorcycle before
  from wind, dust, dirt, rain, insects and                                                       protection.                                 every ride.
  pebbles thrown up from cars ahead.             The right clothing protects you in
  These problems are distracting and          a collision. It also provides comfort,            In cold or wet weather, your clothes       t,FFQ it in safe riding condition
  can be painful. If you have to deal         as well as protection from heat, cold,         should keep you warm and dry, as                between rides.
  with them, you can’t devote your full       debris and hot and moving parts of the         well as protect you from injury. You
                                                                                                                                           t"WPJE add-ons and modifications
  attention to the road.                      motorcycle. It can also make you more          cannot control a motorcycle well if
                                                                                                                                             that make your motorcycle harder
                                              visible to others.                             you are numb. Riding for long periods
     (PHHMFTQSPUFDUZPVSFZFT UIPVHI                                                                                                      to handle.
                                                                                             in cold weather can cause severe chill
  they won’t protect the rest of your face      t+acket and pants should cover
                                                                                             and fatigue. A winter jacket should         The Right Motorcycle For You
  like a faceshield does. A windshield            arms and legs completely. They
                                                                                             resist wind and fit snugly at the neck,
  is not a substitute for a faceshield or         should fit snugly enough to keep                                                           First, make sure your motorcycle is
  goggles. Most windshields will not              from flapping in the wind, yet                                                          right for you. It should “fit” you. Your
                                                                                             designed for motorcycle riding resist
  protect your eyes from the wind. Neither        loosely enough to move freely.                                                         feet should reach the ground while
                                                                                             tearing apart or ballooning up at high
  XJMMFZFHMBTTFTPSTVOHMBTTFT(MBTTFT         Leather offers the most protection.                                                    you are seated on the motorcycle, and
  won’t keep your eyes from watering,             Sturdy synthetic material provides                                                     the controls should be easy to operate.
  and they might blow off when you turn           a lot of protection as well. Wear                                                      Smaller motorcycles are usually easier
  your head while riding.                         a jacket even in warm weather to                                                       for beginners to operate.
                                                  prevent dehydration. Many are               CLOTHING
    To be effective, eye or faceshield                                                                                                    At a minimum, your street-legal
                                                  designed to protect without getting
  protection must:                                                                                                                       motorcycle should have:
                                                  you overheated, even on summer
    t#FGSFF of scratches.                       days. Some riders choose jackets                                                         t)FBEMJHIU UBJMMJHIUBOE
                                                  and pants with rigid “body armor”                                                          brakelight.
    t#FSFTJTUBOU to penetration.
                                                  inserts in critical areas for additional
    t(JWFBDMFBSWJFX to either side.           protection.                                                                              TEST YOURSELF                             1
    t'BTUFOTFDVSFMZ so it does not                                                                                                       A plastic shatter-resistant face
                                                t#PPUTPSTIPFT should be high
      blow off.                                                                                                                            shield:
                                                  and sturdy enough to cover your
    t1FSNJUBJS to pass through, to              ankles and give them support. Soles                                                      A. Is not necessary if you have a
      reduce fogging.                                                                                                                         windshield.
                                                  should be made of hard, durable,
                                                                                                                                           B. Only protects your eyes.
    t1FSNJUFOPVHISPPN for                      slip-resistant material. Keep heels
      eyeglasses or sunglasses, if needed.        short so they do not catch on rough                                                      C. Helps protect your whole face.
                                                  surfaces. Tuck in laces so they won’t                                                    D. Does not protect your face as well
   Tinted eye protection should not be                                                                                                        as goggles.
  worn when little light is available.            catch on your motorcycle.                                                                                              Answer - page 47

Montana Motorcycle Supplement Revised 12/15
8                                      PREPARING TO RIDE                                                                                                                   9

    t'SPOUBOESFBSCSBLFT                   involve riders with less than five months     t,OPXUIFDPOUSPMT Work the               t5SZUIFGSPOUBOESFBSCSBLFMFWFST
                                               of experience on their motorcycle.             throttle, clutch, brakes, and shifter a      one at a time. Make sure each feels
                                                                                              few times before you start riding.           firm and holds the motorcycle when
    t)PSO                                    Get Familiar with the                                                                       fully applied.
                                                                                            t3JEFWFSZDBVUJPVTMZ and be aware
                                               Motorcycle Controls                            of surroundings. Accelerate gently,       C — Controls
                                                  Make sure you are completely familiar       take turns more slowly and leave          t.BLFTVSFUIFDMVUDIBOEUISPUUMF
  Borrowing and Lending                        with the motorcycle before you take            extra room for stopping.                     operate smoothly. The throttle
     Borrowers and lenders of motorcycles,     it out on the street. Be sure to review                                                     should snap back to fully closed
  beware. Crashes are fairly common            the owner’s manual. This is particularly   Check Your Motorcycle
                                                                                                                                           when released. The clutch should
  among beginning riders — especially          important if you are riding a borrowed        A motorcycle needs more frequent              feel tight and should operate
  in the first months of riding. Riding         motorcycle.                                attention than a car. A minor technical          smoothly.
  an unfamiliar motorcycle adds to the          If you are going to use an unfamiliar     failure on a car is seldom more than an
  problem. If you borrow a motorcycle,                                                                                                  t5SZUIFIPSO.BLFTVSFJUXPSLT
                                               motorcycle:                                inconvenience for the driver. The same
  get familiar with it in a controlled area.                                              failure on a motorcycle may result in a       t$MFBOBOEBEKVTUZPVSNJSSPST
  And if you lend your motorcycle to             t Make all the checks you would on       crash or having to leave your motorcycle         before starting. It’s difficult to ride
  friends, make sure they are licensed and         your own motorcycle.                   parked on the side of the road. If               with one hand while you try to
  know how to ride before allowing them          t'JOEPVUXIFSFFWFSZUIJOHJT           anything’s wrong with your motorcycle,           adjust a mirror. Adjust each mirror
  out into traffic.                                 particularly the turn signals, horn,   you’ll want to find out about it before           so you can see the lane behind and
                                                   headlight switch, fuel-supply valve    you get in traffic.                               as much as possible of the lane next
    No matter how experienced you
                                                   and engine cut-off switch. Find and                                                     to you. When properly adjusted, a
  may be, ride extra carefully on any                                                        The primary source of information
                                                   operate these items without having                                                      mirror may show the edge of your
  motorcycle that’s new or unfamiliar                                                     about how a motorcycle should be
                                                   to look for them.                                                                       arm or shoulder – but it’s the road
  to you. More than half of all crashes                                                   inspected and maintained is its owner’s          behind you and to the side that are
                                                                                          manual. Be sure to absorb all of its             most important.
                                                                                          important information. A motorcycle will
                                                MOTORCYCLE CONTROLS                       continue to ride like new if it is properly   L — Lights and Electrics
                                                                                          maintained and routine inspections            t$IFDLCPUIIFBEMJHIUBOEUBJMMJHIU
                                                                                          become part of its maintenance cycle.            Test your switch to make sure both
                                                                                              A pre-ride inspection only takes             high and low beams work.
                                                                                          a few minutes and should be done              t5VSOPOCPUISJHIUBOEMFGUIBOE
                                                                                          before every ride to prevent problems.           turn signals. Make sure all lights are
                                                                                          It’s quick and easy to check the critical        working properly.
                                                                                          components and should be as routine           t5SZCPUICSBLFTBOENBLFTVSFFBDI
                                                                                          and automatic as checking the weather            one turns on the brake light.
                                                                                          forecast before heading out for the day.
                                                                                          A convenient reminder developed by            O — Oil and Other Fluids
                                                                                          MSF is T-CLOCSSM. There is a T-CLOCS          t$IFDLFOHJOFPJMBOEUSBOTNJTTJPO
                                                                                          “tear-out” sheet at the back of this             fluid levels.
                                                                                          manual for you to keep with you when
                                                                                          you ride. A T-CLOCS inspection should
                                                                                                                                           coolant level weekly.
                                                                                          be conducted before every ride, and
                                                                                          includes checks of:                           t#FTVSFZPVSGVFMWBMWFJTPQFO
                                                                                                                                           before starting out. With the fuel
                                                                                            T — Tires and Wheels
                                                                                                                                           valve closed, your motorcycle may
                                                                                           t$IFDLUJSFJOnBUJPOQSFTTVSF                start with only the fuel that is still in
                                                                                              treadwear and general condition of           the lines, but will stall once the lines
                                                                                              sidewalls and tread surface.                 are empty.

Montana Motorcycle Supplement Revised 12/15
10                                        PREPARING TO RIDE                                        RIDE WITHIN YOUR ABILITIES                                                    11
    t-PPLVOEFSOFBUIUIFNPUPSDZDMFGPS        responsibility to look before pulling out.
       signs of an oil or fuel leak.              Both of you are at fault. Someone else                 This manual cannot teach you how to control direction, speed or balance.
                                                  might be the first to start the chain of              That’s something you can learn only through practice, preferably in a formal
    C — Chassis                                                                                        course of instruction like an MSF RiderCourse. But control begins with knowing
                                                  events leading to a crash, but it doesn’t
    t$IFDLUIFGSPOUTVTQFOTJPO&OTVSF        leave any of us free of responsibility.              your abilities and riding within them, along with knowing and obeying the rules
       there is no binding. The rear shocks                                                            of the road.
       and springs should move smoothly.            As a rider you can’t be sure that other

                                                  operators will see you or yield the right           BASIC VEHICLE CONTROL                         throttle. Also, adjust the handlebars
                                                  of way. To lessen your chances of a                                                               so your hands are even with or
       according to the manufacturer’s            crash occurring:                                    Body Position                                 below your elbows. This permits
       specifications and that the sprockets
                                                    t#FWJTJCMF — wear proper clothing,               To control a motorcycle well:                you to use the proper muscles for
       are not worn or damaged.
                                                      use your headlight, ride in the best                                                          precision steering.
    S — Stands                                                                                         t1PTUVSF — Position yourself
                                                      lane position to see and be seen.                  comfortably so you are able to           t,OFFT — Keep your knees against
    t&OTVSFUIFTJEFTUBOEPQFSBUFT                                                                                                              the gas tank to help you keep your
                                                    t$PNNVOJDBUFZPVSJOUFOUJPOT —                      operate all the controls and can use
       smoothly and that the spring holds                                                                                                           balance as the motorcycle turns.
                                                      use the proper signals, brake light                your arms to steer the motorcycle,
       it tightly in the up position. If
                                                      and lane position.                                 rather than to hold yourself up.         t'FFU — Keep your feet firmly on the
       equipped, the center stand should
                                                                                                         This helps you bond with your              footrests to maintain balance. Don’t
       also be held firmly against the frame         t.BJOUBJOBOBEFRVBUFTQBDF
                                                                                                         motorcycle and allows you to react         drag your feet. If your foot catches
       whenever the motorcycle is moving.             cushion — when following, being
                                                                                                         quickly to hazards.                        on something, you could be injured
                                                      followed, lane sharing, passing and
    Additionally, regular maintenance                                                                                                               and it could affect your control of
                                                      being passed.                                    t4FBU — Sit far enough forward so
  such as tune-ups and oil changes are as                                                                                                           the motorcycle. Keep your feet near
                                                                                                         that arms are slightly bent when
  important for a motorcycle as routine             t4FBSDIZPVSQBUI of travel 12                                                                 the controls so you can get to them
                                                                                                         you hold the handgrips. Bending
  checkups by your doctor are for you.                seconds ahead.                                                                                fast if needed. Also, don’t let your
                                                                                                         your arms permits you to press on
  Wear and tear is normal with use;                 t*EFOUJGZBOETFQBSBUF hazards.                                                                toes point downward — they may
                                                                                                         the handlebars without having to
  routine maintenance will help prevent                                                                                                             get caught between the road and
                                                    t#FQSFQBSFEUPBDU — remain alert                  stretch.
  costly breakdowns. The schedule for                                                                                                               the footrests.
  regular upkeep for motorcycle parts                 and know how to carry out proper                 t)BOET — Hold the handgrips
  and controls is contained in your                   crash-avoidance skills.                            firmly to keep your grip over rough     Shifting Gears
  motorcycle’s owner’s manual.                       Blame doesn’t matter when someone                   surfaces. Start with your right           There is more to shifting gears than
                                                  is injured in a crash. The ability to ride             wrist flat. This will help you keep     simply getting the motorcycle to pick
  KNOW YOUR                                       aware, make critical decisions and carry               from accidentally using too much       up speed smoothly. Learning to use the
  RESPONSIBILITIES                                them out separates responsible riders                                                         gears when downshifting, turning or
    “Accident” implies an unforeseen              from the rest. Remember, it is up to you                                                      starting on hills is equally important for
                                                                                                       HOLDING HANDGRIPS
  event that occurs without fault or              to keep from being the cause of, or an                                                        safe motorcycle operation.
  negligence. In traffic, that is not the          unprepared participant in, any crash.
                                                                                                                                                   The gearshift lever is located in front
  case. In fact, most people involved in a                                                                                                      of the left footrest and is operated by
  crash can claim some responsibility for                                                                                                       the left foot. To shift “up” to a higher
                                                    TEST YOURSELF                             2
  what takes place.                                                                                                                             gear, position your foot under the
                                                    More than half of all crashes:                                                              shift lever and lift. To downshift, press
     Consider a situation where someone
  decides to drive through an intersection          A. Occur at speeds greater than                                                             the shift lever down. The shift lever
                                                       35mph.                                                                                   changes one gear each time it is lifted
  on a yellow light turning red. Your
                                                    B. Happen at night.                                                                         or pressed down. Whenever the lever
  light turns green. You pull into the
  intersection without checking for                 C. Are caused by worn tires.                                                                is released, spring loading returns it to
  possible traffic. That is all it takes for the     D. Involve riders who have less than                                                        center, where the mechanism resets
                                                       five months of experience on their                                                        for the next shift up or down. A typical
  two of you to crash. It was the driver’s             motorcycles.
  responsibility to stop, and it was your                                          Answer - page 47                                             gear pattern is 1-N-2-3-4-5. The N is

Montana Motorcycle Supplement Revised 12/15
12                  RIDE WITHIN YOUR ABILITIES                                                                                                                              13

  for neutral, which is selected by either     enough before downshifting safely.            slow or stop. The front brake is more             To stop as quickly and as safely as
  a “half lift” from 1st gear or a “half          8IFOEPXOTIJGUJOH VTFBTUFQ           powerful and can provide at least 70%          possible in a curve, and depending on
  press” from 2nd gear. Most motorcycles       process: 1) Roll off the throttle as you      of your total stopping power. The front        road and traffic conditions, try to get the
  have five gears, but some have four or        squeeze the clutch lever, 2) press the        brake is safe to use if you use it properly.   motorcycle as perpendicular to the road
  six gears.                                   shift lever down firmly, 3) ease out the          Maximum straight-line braking is
                                                                                                                                            as possible, then brake. If conditions do
                                               clutch lever as you roll on the throttle.                                                    not allow, brake smoothly and gradually,
                                                                                             accomplished by fully applying both
    SHIFTING GEARS                             Once the shift is completed, release                                                         but do not apply as much braking force
                                                                                             front and rear brakes without locking
                                               the shift lever to permit it to reset for                                                    as you would if the motorcycle were
                                                                                             either wheel.
                                               the next shift. Rolling on the throttle                                                      straight up. As you slow, you can reduce
                                                                                               To do this:                                  your lean angle, and as more traction
                                               slightly while smoothly easing out the
                                               clutch can help the engine come up              t4RVFF[FUIFGSPOUCSBLF                   becomes available for braking, you can
                                               to speed more quickly and make the                smoothly, firmly and with                   more firmly apply the brakes, so that
                                                                                                 progressively more force. Do not           by the time the motorcycle is stopped,
                                               downshift smoother. Shifting to a lower
                                                                                                 grab the brake lever or use abrupt         the motorcycle is straight up, and the
                                               gear causes an effect similar to using            pressure.
                                               the brakes. This is known as engine                                                          handlebars are squared.
                                               braking. To use engine braking, shift           t"TUIFNPUPSDZDMFTXFJHIU
                                                                                                                                            Linked and Integrated
                                               down one gear at a time and ease out              transfers forward, more traction
                                                                                                 becomes available at the front             Braking Systems
                                               the clutch through the friction zone
                                               between each downshift. Keep the                  wheel, so the front brake can be              Some motorcycles have linked braking
    As your motorcycle increases               clutch in the friction zone until the             applied harder after braking begins.       which connects the front and rear
  speed, you will need to shift up to a        engine speed stabilizes. Then ease out          t,FFQZPVSLOFFTBHBJOTUUIF               brakes on the motorcycle and applies
  higher gear. Shift up well before the        the lever fully until ready for the next          tank and your eyes up, looking             braking pressure to both brakes when
  engine RPM reaches its maximum               downshift. Usually you shift gears one at         well ahead. This helps you stop the        either the front lever or rear pedal is
  recommended speed. As a general rule,        a time, but it is possible to shift through       motorcycle in a straight line.             applied. An integrated braking system
  shift up soon enough to avoid over-          more than one gear while the clutch is                                                       is a variation of the linked system in
                                               squeezed.                                       t"QQMZMJHIUUPMJHIUFSQSFTTVSF           which partial front braking is applied
  revving the engine, but not so soon to
                                                                                                 to the rear brake pedal to prevent a       whenever the rear brake is activated.
  cause the engine to lug.                       Remain in first gear while you are               rear wheel skid. As weight transfers       Consult your owner’s manual for a
     8IFOVQTIJGUJOH VTFBTUFQ            stopped so that you can move out                  forward less traction is available         detailed explanation on the operation
  process: 1) Roll off the throttle as you     quickly if you need to.                           at the rear. Use less rear brake           and effective use of these systems.
  squeeze the clutch lever, 2) lift the           Work toward a smooth, even clutch              pressure.
  shift lever firmly as far as it will go, 3)   release, especially when downshifting. It                                                    Anti-Lock Braking Systems
                                                                                                Using both brakes for even “normal”
  smoothly ease out the clutch and adjust      is best to change gears before entering                                                      (ABS)
                                                                                             stops will permit you to develop the
  the throttle. Once the shift is completed,   a turn. However, sometimes shifting           proper habit or skill of using both brakes        ABS is designed to prevent wheel
  release the shift lever to permit it to      while in the turn is necessary. If so,        properly in an emergency. Squeeze the          lock-up and avoid skids when stopping
  reset for the next shift.                    remember to do so smoothly. A sudden          front brake and press down on the rear.        in straight-line, panic situations. ABS
     You should shift down through the         change in power to the rear wheel can         (SBCCJOHBUUIFGSPOUCSBLFPSKBNNJOH        operates when maximum pressure on
  gears with the clutch as you slow or         cause a skid.                                 down on the rear can cause the brakes          both the front and rear brake controls
  stop, and can also shift down when you                                                     to lock, resulting in control problems.        is applied. If electronic sensors detect
  need more power to accelerate.               Braking
                                                                                                                                            the possibility of a wheel lock, brake
                                                  Improper braking technique remains         Braking in a Corner                            hydraulic pressure, is released then
     Make certain you are riding slowly
  enough when you shift into a lower           a significant contributing factor in many         Any time a motorcycle is leaned over,       reapplied to maintain maximum braking
  gear. If not, the motorcycle will lurch,     motorcycle crashes. Your motorcycle           the amount of traction available for           effectiveness.
  and the rear wheel may skid. When            has two brake controls: one for the           braking is reduced. The greater the lean
                                               front wheel and one for the rear wheel.                                                        The system is capable of releasing and
  riding downhill or shifting into first gear                                                 angle, the more the possibility of the
                                               Always use both brakes every time you                                                        reapplying pressure more than 15 times
  you may need to use the brakes to slow                                                     tires losing traction.
                                                                                                                                            per second.

Montana Motorcycle Supplement Revised 12/15
14                 RIDE WITHIN YOUR ABILITIES                                                                                                                              15

  Turning                                           In normal turns, the rider and the         KEEPING YOUR DISTANCE                        t "WPJEXJOECMBTUGSPNPUIFS
                                                  motorcycle should lean together at the                                                       vehicles.
    Approach turns and curves with                                                                The best protection you can have is
                                                  same angle.                                                                               t 1SPWJEFBOFTDBQFSPVUF
  caution. Riders often try to take curves                                                     distance — a “cushion of space” —
  or turns too fast. When they can’t hold                                                      separating yourself from other vehicles
                                                                NORMAL TURNS                                                                t 4FUVQGPSUVSOT
  the turn, they end up crossing into                                                          on the roadway. This will provide you
                                                                                               with a clear view of emerging traffic           Many motorcyclists consider the left
  another lane of traffic or going off the
                                                                                               situations, so that if someone else         third of the lane – the left tire track of
  road. Or, they overreact and brake too                                                                                                   automobiles – to be their default lane
                                                                                               makes a mistake, you will have:
  hard, causing a skid and loss of control.                                                                                                position. You should then consider
                                                                                                t.PSFUJNFUPSFTQPOE                    varying your lane position as conditions
    Use four steps for better control:
                                                                                                t.PSFTQBDFUPNBOFVWFS JODMVEJOH       warrant, keeping mind that no portion
    t4-08— Reduce speed before the                                                              an escape route if necessary.            of the lane need be avoided —
      turn by closing the throttle and, if                                                                                                 including the center.
      necessary, applying both brakes.                                                         Lane Positions                                 You should position yourself in the
    t-00, — Look through the turn                                                                Successful motorcyclists know that       portion of the lane where you are most
      to where you want to go. Turn                                                            they are safer when clearly seen. In        likely to be seen and you can maintain
      just your head, not your shoulders,                                                      some ways the size of the motorcycle        a space cushion around you. Change
      and keep your eyes level with the                                                        can work to your advantage. Each traffic     position as traffic situations change.
                                                                                               lane gives a motorcycle three paths of      Ride in path 2 or 3 if vehicles and other
                                                                                               travel, as indicated in the illustration.   potential problems are on your left
    t13&44— To turn, the motorcycle                                                            Your lane position should help you:       only. Remain in path 1 or 2 if hazards
      must lean. To lean the motor-                                                                                                        are on your right only. If vehicles are
      cycle, press on the handgrip in                In slow, tight turns, counterbalance by    t *ODSFBTFZPVSBCJMJUZUPTFFBOECF    being operated on both sides of you,
      the direction of the turn. Press left       leaning the motorcycle only and keeping          seen.                                   the center of the lane, path 2, is usually
                                                  your body straight.                                                                      your best option.
      handgrip — lean left — go left.                                                           t "WPJEPUIFSTCMJOETQPUT
      Press right handgrip — lean right —                                                                                                     Remember, the center third of the
                                                                                                t "WPJETVSGBDFIB[BSET                  lane is the place where debris and oil
      go right. The higher the speed in a           SLOW, TIGHT TURNS
      turn, the greater the lean angle.                                                         t 1SPUFDUZPVSMBOFGSPNPUIFSESJWFST   drippings from cars collect and where
                                                                                                                                           hazards such as manhole covers are
    t ROLL — Roll on the throttle to                                                            t $PNNVOJDBUFZPVSJOUFOUJPOT            located. Unless the road is wet, the
      maintain or slightly increase speed.
      This helps stabilize the motorcycle.
                                                                                                                                                        LANE POSITIONS

    TEST YOURSELF                          3
       When riding, you should:
      A. Turn your head and shoulders
         to look through turns.
      B. Keep your arms straight.
      C. Keep your knees away from
         the gas tank.
      D. Turn just your head and eyes
         to look where you are going.
                               Answer - page 47

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16                  RIDE WITHIN YOUR ABILITIES                                                                                                                             17

                                                                                                When behind a car, ride where the            Passing
    FOLLOWING                                                                                driver can see you in the rearview mirror.
                                                                                             Riding in the center portion of the lane          1. Ride in the left portion of the
                                                                                             should put your image in the middle of               lane at a safe following distance
                                                                                             the rearview mirror — where a driver is              to increase your line of sight and
                                                                                             most likely to see you.                              make you more visible. Signal
                                                                                                                                                  and check for oncoming traffic.
                                                                                                Riding at the far side of a lane may              Use your mirrors and turn your
                                                                                             permit a driver to see you in a sideview             head to look for traffic behind.
                                                                                             mirror. But remember that most drivers
                                                                                             don’t look at their sideview mirrors              8IFOTBGF move into the left
                                                                                             nearly as often as they check the                     lane and accelerate. Select a lane
                                                                                             rearview mirror. If the traffic situation              position that doesn’t crowd the
                                                                                             allows, the center portion of the lane is             car and provides space to avoid
                                                                                             usually the best place for you to be seen             hazards in your lane.
                                                                                             by the drivers ahead and to prevent lane          3. Ride through the blind spot as
                                                                                             sharing by others.                                   quickly as possible.
                                                                                             Being Followed                                    4JHOBMBHBJO and complete
                                                                                                                                                   mirror and headchecks before
                                                                                                Speeding up to lose someone following              returning to your original lane
                                                                                             too closely only ends up with someone                 and then cancel the signal.
                                                                                             tailgating you at a higher speed.
                                                                                                                                               3FNFNCFS QBTTFTNVTUCF
                                                                                                 A better way to handle tailgaters           completed within posted speed
  average center strip permits adequate             count off the seconds: “one-             is to get them in front of you. When            MJNJUT BOEPOMZXIFSFQFSNJUUFE
  traction to ride on safely. You can               thousand-one, one-thousand-two.”         someone is following too closely,               Know your signs and road markings!
  operate to the left or right of the grease                                                 change lanes and let them pass. If you
                                                  t*GZPVSFBDIUIFNBSLFS before           can’t do this, slow down and open up
  strip and still be within the center third        you reach “two,” you are following
  of the traffic lane. Avoid riding on big                                                    extra space ahead of you to allow room
                                                    too closely.                             for both you and the tailgater to stop.
  buildups of oil and grease usually found                                                                                                    PASSING
  at busy intersections or tollbooths.             A two-second following distance           This will also encourage them to pass.
                                                leaves a minimum amount of space to          If they don’t pass, you will have given
    Experienced riders rely on their own        stop or swerve if the driver ahead stops     yourself and the tailgater more time and
  best judgment and instincts. One              suddenly. It also permits a better view of   space to react in case an emergency
  absolute, however, is to avoid riding in      potholes and other hazards in the road.      does develop ahead.
  another vehicle’s blind spot.
                                                   A larger cushion of space is needed       Passing and Being Passed
  Following Another Vehicle                     if your motorcycle will take longer
                                                than normal to stop. If the pavement           Passing and being passed by another
    “Following too closely” is a factor in                                                   vehicle is not much different than with a
  crashes involving motorcyclists. In traffic,   is slippery, if you cannot see through
                                                the vehicle ahead, or if traffic is heavy     car. However, visibility is more critical. Be
  motorcycles need as much distance                                                          sure other drivers see you, and that you
  to stop as cars. Normally, a minimum          and someone may squeeze in front of
                                                you, open up a three-second or more          see potential hazards.
  of two seconds distance should be
  maintained behind the vehicle ahead.          following distance.

    To gauge your following distance:              Keep well behind the vehicle ahead
                                                even when you are stopped. This will
    t1JDLPVUBNBSLFS such as a               make it easier to get out of the way
      pavement marking or lamppost, on          if someone bears down on you from
      or near the road ahead.                   behind. It will also give you a cushion of
    t8IFOUIFSFBSCVNQFS of the               space if the vehicle ahead starts to back
      vehicle ahead passes the marker,          up for some reason.

Montana Motorcycle Supplement Revised 12/15
18                 RIDE WITHIN YOUR ABILITIES                                                                                                                              19

  Being Passed                                    Do not move into the portion of the           Merging Cars                                Cars Alongside
                                               lane farthest from the passing vehicle. It
     When you are being passed from            might invite the other driver to cut back           Drivers on an entrance ramp may             Do not ride next to cars or trucks in
  behind, stay in the center portion of                                                         OPUTFFZPVPOUIFIJHIXBZ(JWFUIFN      other lanes if you do not have to. You
                                               into your lane too early.
  your lane. Riding close to the passing                                                        plenty of room. Change to another lane      might be in the blind spot of a car in the
  vehicle could put you in a hazardous         Lane Sharing                                     if one is open. If there is no room for a   next lane, which could switch into your
                                                 Cars and motorcycles need a full lane          lane change, adjust speed to open up        lane without warning. Cars in the next
    Avoid being hit by:                        to operate safely. Lane sharing is usually       space for the merging driver.               lane also block your escape if you come
    t5IFPUIFSWFIJDMF— A slight             prohibited.                                                                                  upon danger in your own lane. Speed
      mistake by you or the passing driver                                                                                                  up or drop back to find a place clear of
      could cause a sideswipe.                   Riding between rows of stopped or                                                          traffic on both sides.
                                               moving cars in the same lane can leave
    t&YUFOEFENJSSPST— Some drivers          you vulnerable to the unexpected. A
      forget that their mirrors hang out       hand could come out of a window;                   MERGING                                     BLIND SPOTS
      farther than their fenders.
                                               a door could open; a car could turn
    t0CKFDUTUISPXOGSPNXJOEPXT             suddenly. Discourage lane sharing by
      — Even if the driver knows you’re        others. Keep a center-portion position
      there, a passenger may not see you       whenever drivers might be tempted
      and might toss something on you or
                                               to squeeze by you. Drivers are most
      the road ahead of you.
                                               tempted to do this:
      vehicles — They can affect your            t*OIFBWZ bumper-to-bumper
      control. You have more room for              traffic.
      error if you are in the middle portion     t8IFOUIFZ want to pass you.
      when hit by this blast than if you
                                                 t8IFOZPV are preparing to turn at
      are on either side of the lane.
                                                   an intersection.
                                                 t8IFOZPV are moving into an exit
    BEING PASSED                                   lane or leaving a highway.

                                                 TEST YOURSELF                          4
                                                 Usually, a good way to handle
                                                 tailgaters is to:
                                                 A. Change lanes and let them pass.
                                                 B. Use your horn and make
                                                    obscene gestures.
                                                 C. Speed up to put distance
                                                    between you and the tailgater.
                                                 D. Ignore them.
                                                                             Answer - page 47

Montana Motorcycle Supplement Revised 12/15
20                  RIDE WITHIN YOUR ABILITIES                                                                                                                            21

  SEE                                                                                      tHazardous road conditions that               Apply the old adage “one step at a
                                 RIDER RADAR                                                 require you to be alert, especially in    time” to handle two or more hazards.
     (PPE FYQFSJFODFE                                                                      areas with limited visibility. Visually   Adjust speed to permit two hazards
  riders are always aware of                                                                 “busy” surroundings could hide you        to separate. Then deal with them one
  what is going on around                                                                    and your motorcycle from others.          at a time as single hazards. Decision-
  them. They reduce their
                                                                                                                                       making becomes more complex with
  risk by using MSF’s three-                                                              Evaluate                                     three or more hazards. Evaluate the
  step SEESM strategy:                                                                      Evaluate means to think about how          consequences of each and give equal
    t4earch                                                                              hazards can interact to create risks for     distance to the hazards.
    t&valuate                                                                            you. Anticipate potential problems and
                                                                                                                                          In potential high-risk areas, such as
                                                                                          have a plan to reduce risks, particularly
    t&xecute                                                                                                                          intersections, shopping areas and school
                                                                                          when faced with:
                                                                                                                                       and construction zones, cover the clutch
     SEE will help you                                                                      t3PBEBOETVSGBDFDIBSBDUFSJTUJDT         and both brakes to reduce the time you
  assess what is going on                                                                     such as potholes, guardrails,            need to react.
  in traffic so you can plan                                                                   bridges, telephone poles and trees
  and implement the safest                                                                    that won’t move into your path, but      INTERSECTIONS
  course of action as traffic                                                                  may influence your riding strategy.          The greatest potential for conflict
  situations change. Let’s
                                                                                            t5SBGmDDPOUSPMEFWJDFTincluding         between you and other traffic is at
  look at each of these
                                                                                              traffic signals, warning signs, and       intersections. An intersection can be
                                                                                              pavement markings, which will            in the middle of an urban area or at
  Search                                                                                      require you to carefully evaluate        a driveway on a residential street —
                                                                                              circumstances ahead.                     anywhere traffic may cross your path of
     How assertively you
                                                                                                                                       travel. Over one-half of motorcycle/car
  search, and how much                                                                      t7FIJDMFTBOEPUIFSUSBGmD that           crashes are caused by drivers entering a
  time and space you have,                                                                    may move into your path and              rider’s right-of-way. Cars that turn left in
  can eliminate or minimize                                                                   increase the likelihood of a crash.      front of you, including cars turning left
  risk. As you search, focus                                                                  Think about your time and space
                                              considered enough time and space to                                                      from the lane on your right, and cars on
  on finding potential escape routes,                                                          requirements in order to maintain a
                                              swerve and/or brake for fixed hazards or                                                  side streets that pull into your lane, are
  especially in or around intersections,                                                      margin of safety, and give yourself
                                              for someone or something entering your                                                   the biggest dangers. Your use of SEE
  shopping areas and school and                                                               time to react if an emergency arises.
                                              path of travel.                                                                          at intersections is critical.
  construction zones.
                                                 Finally, experienced riders search for   &YFDVUF
     One way to search is to use your
                                              hazards that are further out, looking          Finally, &YFDVUF your decision. To
  “RiderRadar” to aggressively scan the
                                              ahead to an area it would take about        create more space and minimize harm            TEST YOURSELF                           5
  environment ahead of you, to the sides,
                                              12 seconds to reach. This provides          from any hazard:
  and behind you to avoid potential                                                                                                      To reduce your reaction time, you
                                              time to prepare for a situation before it
  hazards even before they arise. There                                                     t$PNNVOJDBUF your presence with             should:
                                              becomes immediate.
  are three “lead times” experienced                                                          lights and/or horn.                        A. Ride slower than the speed
  riders consider. First, be alert and scan     Using the SEE strategy will help you to                                                     limit.
  for hazards that are about 2 seconds        Search for a variety of factors such as:      t"EKVTUZPVSTQFFE by accelerating,
  ahead of you, or within your following                                                      stopping or slowing.                       B. Cover the clutch and the brakes.
                                               tOncoming traffic that may turn left
  distance. Scanning your 4-second               in front of you.                           t"EKVTUZPVSQPTJUJPO and/or                C. Shift into neutral when slowing.
  immediate path can allow you time for                                                       direction by swerving, changing
                                               tTraffic coming from the left and                                                         D. Pull in the clutch when turning.
  a quick response if something should                                                        lanes, or moving to another position
  go wrong. Anything that is within 4            from the right.                              within your lane.                                                       Answer - page 47

  seconds of your path is considered           tTraffic approaching from behind.
  immediate because 4 seconds is

Montana Motorcycle Supplement Revised 12/15
22                  RIDE WITHIN YOUR ABILITIES                                                                                                                23

                                                                                                  the intersection, move away from the
    LARGE INTERSECTIONS                                                                           vehicle. Do not change speed or position        BLIND INTERSECTIONS
                                                                                                  radically, as drivers might think you
                                                                                                  are preparing to turn. Be prepared to
                                                                                                  brake hard and hold your position if an
                                                                                                  oncoming vehicle turns in front of you,
                                                                                                  especially if there is other traffic around
                                                                                                  you. This strategy should also be used
                                                                                                  whenever a vehicle in the oncoming
                                                                                                  lane of traffic is signaling for a left turn,
                                                                                                  whether at an intersection or not.
                                                                                                  Blind Intersections
                                                                                                     If you approach a blind intersection,
                                                                                                  move to the portion of the lane that will
                                                                                                  bring you into another driver’s field of
                                                                                                  vision at the earliest possible moment.
                                                                                                  In this picture, the rider has moved to
                                                                                                  the left portion of the lane — away
                                                                                                  from the parked car — so the driver on         STOP SIGNS
                                                                                                  the cross street can see him as soon as
                                                                                                    Remember, the key is to see as much
     There are no guarantees that                  Increase your chances of being
                                                                                                  as possible and remain visible to others
  others see you. Never count on “eye           seen at intersections. Ride with your
                                                                                                  while protecting your space.
  contact” as a sign that a driver will         headlight on and in a lane position that
  yield. Too often, a driver looks right at a   provides the best view of oncoming                   If you have a stop sign or stop line,
  motorcyclist and still fails to “see” him     traffic. Provide a space cushion around            stop there first. Then edge forward
  or her. The only eyes that you can count      the motorcycle that permits you to                and stop again, just short of where the
  on are your own. If a car can enter your      take evasive action. When approaching             cross-traffic lane meets your lane. From
  QBUI BTTVNFUIBUJUXJMM(PPESJEFST       an intersection where a vehicle driver            that position, lean your body forward
  are always “looking for trouble” — not        is preparing to cross your path, slow             and look around buildings, parked cars
  to get into it, but to stay out of it.        down and select a lane position to                or bushes to see if anything is coming.                PARKED CARS
                                                increase your visibility to that driver.          Just make sure your front wheel stays
                                                Cover the clutch lever and both brakes            out of the cross lane of travel while
           SMALL INTERSECTION                   to reduce reaction time. As you enter             you’re looking.
                                                                                                  Passing Parked Cars
                                                  TEST YOURSELF                            6         When passing parked cars, stay
                                                  Making eye contact with other                   toward the left of your lane. You
                                                  drivers:                                        can avoid problems caused by doors
                                                  A. Is a good sign they see you.                 opening, drivers getting out of cars
                                                  B. Is not worth the effort it takes.            or people stepping from between
                                                  C. Doesn’t mean that the driver will            cars. If oncoming traffic is present, it
                                                     yield.                                       is usually best to remain in the center-
                                                  % (VBSBOUFFTUIBUUIFPUIFSESJWFSXJMM      lane position to maximize your space
                                                      yield to you.            Answer - page 47   cushion.

Montana Motorcycle Supplement Revised 12/15
24                  RIDE WITHIN YOUR ABILITIES                                                                                                                          25

     A bigger problem can occur if the                                                                                                  Once you turn, make sure your signal is
  driver pulls away from the curb without                 PARKING AT CURBS                                          SIGNALING           off or a driver may pull directly into your
  checking for traffic behind. Even if he                                                                                                path, thinking you plan to turn again.
  does look, he may fail to see you.                                                                                                    Use your signals at every turn so drivers
                                                                                                                                        can react accordingly. Don’t make them
     In either event, the driver might cut
                                                                                                                                        guess what you intend to do.
  into your path. Slow down or change
  lanes to make room for someone                                                                                                        Brake Light
  cutting in.
                                                                                                                                            Your motorcycle’s brake light is usually
     Cars making a sudden U-turn are                                                                                                    not as noticeable as the brake lights on
  the most dangerous. They may cut                                                                                                      a car — particularly when your taillight
  you off entirely, blocking the whole                                                                                                  is on. (It goes on with the headlight.)
  roadway and leaving you with no                                                                                                       If the situation will permit, help others
  place to go. Since you can’t tell what a                                                                                              notice you by flashing your brake light
  driver will do, slow down and get the                                                                                                 before you slow down. It is especially
  driver’s attention. Sound your horn and                                                                                               important to flash your brake light
                                                However, you can do many things to
  continue with caution.                                                                                                                before:
                                              make it easier for others to recognize
  Parking at the Roadside                     you and your motorcycle.                     have the headlights on when running).          t:PVTMPXNPSFRVJDLMZ than
                                                                                           Studies show that, during the day, a             others might expect (turning off a
     If parking in a parallel parking space   Clothing                                     motorcycle with its light on is twice as         high-speed highway).
  next to a curb, position the motorcycle                                                  likely to be noticed. Use low beam at
                                                Most crashes occur in broad daylight.
  at an angle with the rear wheel to the                                                   night and in fog.                              t:PVTMPXXIFSF others may not
                                              Wear bright-colored clothing to increase
  curb. (Note: Some cities have ordinances                                                                                                  expect it (in the middle of a block or
                                              your chances of being seen. Remember,
  that require motorcycles to park parallel
                                              your body is half of the visible surface
                                                                                           Signals                                          at an alley).
  to the curb.)                                                                              The signals on a motorcycle are similar       If you are being followed closely, it’s
                                              area of the rider/motorcycle unit.
  Increasing Conspicuity                                                                   to those on a car. They tell others what     a good idea to flash your brake light
                                                 Bright orange, red, yellow or green
                                                                                           you plan to do.                              before you slow. The tailgater may be
    In crashes with motorcyclists, drivers    jackets/vests are your best bets for being
                                                                                               However, due to a rider’s added          watching you and not see something
  often say that they never saw the           seen. Your helmet can do more than
                                                                                           vulnerability, signals are even more         ahead that will make you slow down.
  motorcycle. From ahead or behind, a         protect you in a crash. Brightly colored
                                                                                           important. Use them anytime you plan         This will hopefully discourage them from
  motorcycle’s outline is much smaller        helmets can also help others see you.
                                                                                           to change lanes or turn. Use them even       tailgating and warn them of hazards
  than a car’s. Also, it’s hard to see           Any bright color is better than drab                                                   ahead they may not see.
  something you are not looking for,                                                       when you think no one else is around.
                                              or dark colors. Reflective, bright-colored
  and most drivers are not looking for                                                     It’s the car you don’t see that’s going to   Using Your Mirrors
                                              clothing (helmet and jacket/vest) is best.
  motorcycles. More likely, they are                                                       give you the most trouble. Your signal
                                                 Reflective material on a vest and on       lights also make you easier to spot.            While it’s most important to keep
  looking through the skinny, two-
                                              the sides of the helmet will help drivers    That’s why it’s a good idea to use your      track of what’s happening ahead, you
  wheeled silhouette in search of cars that
                                              coming from the side to spot you.            turn signals even when what you plan         can’t afford to ignore situations behind.
  may pose a problem to them.
                                              Reflective material can also be a big         to do is obvious.                            Traffic conditions change quickly.
    Even if a driver does see you coming,     help for drivers coming toward you or                                                     Knowing what’s going on behind is
  you aren’t necessarily safe. Smaller                                                       When you enter a freeway, drivers          essential for you to make a safe decision
                                              from behind.
  vehicles appear farther away and                                                         approaching from behind are more likely      about how to handle trouble ahead.
  seem to be traveling slower than they       Headlight                                    to see your signal blinking and make
                                                                                           room for you.                                   Frequent mirror checks should be part
  actually are. It is common for drivers         The best way to help others see your                                                   of your normal searching routine. Make
  to pull out in front of motorcyclists,      motorcycle is to keep the headlight on          Turning your signal light on before       a special point of using your mirrors:
  thinking they have plenty of time. Too      — at all times (new motorcycles sold         each turn reduces confusion and
  often, they are wrong.                                                                   frustration for the traffic around you.         t8IFOZPVBSFTUPQQFE at an
                                              in the USA since 1978 automatically
                                                                                                                                            intersection. Watch cars coming up
Montana Motorcycle Supplement Revised 12/15
26                     RIDE WITHIN YOUR ABILITIES                                                                                                                              27

      from behind. If the drivers aren’t
                                                      USING MIRRORS
                                                                                                   Keep in mind that a motorcycle’s horn        CRASH AVOIDANCE
      paying attention, they could be on                                                        isn’t as loud as a car’s — therefore, use it,
      top of you before they see you.                                                           but don’t rely on it. Other strategies, like       No matter how careful you are, there
                                                                                                having time and space to maneuver, may          will be times when you find yourself in a
    t#FGPSFZPVDIBOHFMBOFT Make                                                                                                             tight spot. Your chances of getting out
      sure no one is about to pass you.                                                         be appropriate along with the horn.
                                                                                                                                                safely depend on your ability to react
    t#FGPSFZPVTMPXEPXOThe driver                                                          Riding at Night                                 quickly and properly. Often, a crash
      behind may not expect you to slow,                                                          At night it is harder for you to see          occurs because a rider is not prepared or
      or may be unsure about where you                                                          and be seen. Picking your headlight             skilled in crash-avoidance maneuvers.
      will slow. For example, you signal a                                                      or taillight out of the car lights around          Know when and how to stop or
      turn and the driver thinks you plan                                                       you is not easy for other drivers. To           swerve, two skills critical in avoiding
      to turn at a distant intersection,                                                        compensate, you should:                         a crash. It is not always desirable or
      rather than at a nearer driveway.                                                                                                         possible to stop quickly to avoid an
                                                                                                  t3FEVDF:PVS4QFFE— Ride even
     Most motorcycles have rounded                                                                  slower than you would during the            obstacle. Riders must also be able to
  (convex) mirrors. These provide a                                                                 day — particularly on roads you             swerve around an obstacle. Deter-
  wider view of the road behind than                                                                don’t know well. This will increase         mining which skill is necessary for the
  do flat mirrors. They also make cars                                                               your chances of avoiding a hazard.          situation is important as well.
  seem farther away than they really are.                                                         t*ODSFBTF%JTUBODF — Distances                  Studies show that most crash-
  If you are not used to convex mirrors,                                                            are harder to judge at night than           involved riders:
  get familiar with them. (While you                                                                during the day. Your eyes rely upon
                                                                                                    shadows and light contrasts to                t6OEFSCSBLF the front tire and
  are stopped, pick out a parked car in               Frequent head checks should be
                                                                                                    determine how far away an object                overbrake the rear.
  your mirror. Form a mental image of               your normal scanning routine, also.
  how far away it is. Then, turn around             Only by knowing what is happening               is and how fast it is coming. These           t%JEOPU separate braking from
                                                                                                    contrasts are missing or distorted              swerving or did not choose
  and look at it to see how close you               all around you are you fully prepared
                                                                                                    under artificial lights at night.                swerving when it was appropriate.
  came.) Practice with your mirrors until           to deal with it.                                Open up a three-second following
  you become a good judge of distance.                                                              distance or more. And allow more              The following information offers
  Even then, allow extra distance before
                                                    Horn                                                                                        some good advice.
                                                                                                    distance to pass and be passed.
  you change lanes.                                   Be ready to use your horn to get
                                                    someone’s attention quickly.
                                                                                                  t6TFUIF$BS"IFBE— The                     Quick Stops
  Head Checks                                                                                       headlights of the car ahead can give
                                                       It is a good idea to give a quick beep       you a better view of the road than              To stop quickly, apply both brakes
    Checking your mirrors is not enough.            before passing anyone that may move             even your high beam can. Taillights         at the same time. Don’t be shy about
  Motorcycles have “blind spots” like cars.         into your lane.                                 bouncing up and down can alert              using the front brake, but don’t “grab”
  Before you change lanes, turn your head,                                                          you to bumps or rough pavement.             it, either. Squeeze the brake lever
  and look to the side for other vehicles.            Here are some situations:                                                                 firmly and progressively. If the front
                                                      t"ESJWFS in the lane next to you            light you can. Use your high beam           wheel locks, release the front brake
     On a road with several lanes, check
                                                        is driving too closely to the vehicle       whenever you are not following              immediately then reapply it firmly. At
  the far lane and the one next to you. A
                                                        ahead and may want to pass.                 or meeting a car. Be visible: Wear          the same time, press down on the
  driver in the distant lane may head for
                                                                                                    reflective materials when riding at          rear brake. If you accidentally lock the
  the same space you plan to take.                    t"QBSLFEDBS has someone in the             night.                                      rear brake on a good traction surface,
                                                        driver’s seat.
    TEST YOURSELF                           7                                                     t#F'MFYJCMF"CPVU-BOF1PTJUJPO           you can keep it locked until you have
                                                      t4PNFPOFJTJOUIFTUSFFU riding a           Change to whatever portion of the           completely stopped; but, even with a
    Reflective clothing should:
                                                        bicycle or walking.                         lane is best able to help you see, be       locked rear wheel, you can control the
    A. Be worn at night.                                                                            seen and keep an adequate space             motorcycle on a straightaway if it is
                                                      In an emergency, sound your horn              cushion.
    B. Be worn during the day.                                                                                                                  upright and going in a straight line.
                                                    loud and long. Be ready to stop or
    C. Not be worn.
                                                    swerve away from the danger.
    D. Be worn day and night
                                 Answer - page 47

Montana Motorcycle Supplement Revised 12/15
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