Saint Paul Parish The Catholic Community of Princeton

Saint Paul Parish The Catholic Community of Princeton
Saint Paul Parish
                             The Catholic Community of Princeton
                                                                                    When we think of the word
                                                                                     Beatitude we think of today s
                                                                                    discourse from Luke s Gospel, or
                                                                                    the more familiar one from
                                                                                    Matthew (which begins Blessed
                                                                                    are the poor in spirit . . . ).
                                                                                    Actually, beatitudes occur
                                                                                    throughout the prophets and
                                                                                    Gospels. Today in Jeremiah
                                                                                    (with an echo in the psalm) we
                                                                                    hear, Blessed is the one who
                                                                                    trusts in the Lord (Jeremiah
                                                                                    17:7). Following his resurrection
                                                                                    in John s Gospel, Christ
                                                                                    proclaims, Blessed are those
                                                                                    who have not seen and have
                                                                                    believed (John 20:29). The
                                                                                    evangelists placed these sayings
                                                                                    throughout the Gospels as short
                                                                                    reminders about the
                                                                                    characteristics that one will find
                                                                                    in a follower of Christ,
                                                                                    characteristics that will help
                                                                                    spread the Good News in this
                                                                                    life and lead to eternal blessings
                                                                                    in the next. In Latin, the saints
                                                                                    are called the Beati, the
                                                                                     Blessed, for they are the ones
                                                                                    who lived the blessed life as
                                                                                    described by Jesus throughout
                                                                                    the Gospels. How blest are we,
                                                                                    when we also strive to make our
                                                                                    own days a living beatitude!
                                                                                    Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.

                                                                                               INSIDE THIS WEEK
                                                                                    Announcements ........................ 2
                                                                                    Confirmation One8/Chosen.. 8
                                                                                    Faith Formation ........................ 8
                                                                                    Mass Intentions ......................... 7
                                                                                    Parish School ............................. 9
                                                                                    Parish Staff/Ministries............... 4
                                                                                    Pastoral Hispana ..................... 12
                                                                                    Sacrament Life ........................... 3
                                                                                    Student Ministry ...................... 10
                                                                                    This Week .................................. 3
                                                                                    Worship Aid .............................. 6
                                                                                    Young Adults ........................... 10

           Parish Center                        Parish Office Hours                 Saint Paul School
         216 Nassau Street            Monday to Friday: 9:00 am to 4:30 pm          218 Nassau Street
   Princeton, New Jersey 08542        closed for lunch 12:00 pm to 12:45 pm    Princeton, New Jersey 08542
     Telephone: (609) 924-1743            Saturday: 9:00 am to 12:00 pm         Telephone: (609) 921-7587
        Fax: (609) 924-7510                                                        Fax: (609) 921-0264                   Parish House                       214 Nassau Street    
                                          Princeton, New Jersey 08542
Saint Paul Parish The Catholic Community of Princeton
                                              A Message from Msgr. Joe
                C                             Today we will hear Luke’s account of the Bea tudes. Luke’s version is
       Rev. Msgr. Joseph N. Rosie             more challenging than Ma hew’s, the one we usually hear. You see,
                 Pastor                       Luke’s “blesseds” are immediately followed by complementary           “woes” that are, well, not at all complimentary. The first half of this
             (609) 524-0505
                                              pair is always wonderful; the second half is worrisome. Many mes it
            Rev. Carlo Calisin                is obvious why God curses someone or something: the fig tree will not
             Parochial Vicar                  bear fruit and the wicked lead others astray. But why curse those who          trust in other people, those who have plenty, or those who laugh? It is
             (609) 924-1743
                                              important to see the context. In Jeremiah, God is not cursing a
            Rev. Miguel Valle                 husband who trusts in his spouse or a child who trusts in her parent. Those who are cursed
             Parochial Vicar                  are those who turn away from the Lord and put their trust in fallible creatures. Jesus no ces            that some have more than enough while others suffer from want. Some turn a blind eye to
             (609) 524-0516
                                              others’ misery. These people will have difficult futures. The Bea tudes as Luke presents
                 Deacons                      them invites us to see a larger reality than merely the existence of the here and now. He
           Mr. Frank Crivello                 invites to an eternal kingdom not made by humans hands but in God’s truth. In the social          context that is part of Luke’s gospel, the follower of Jesus is called to bring the values of that
             (609) 216-7576                   kingdom to the world today. It is not all about what I can gather here and now, that will fade
            Mr. Jim Knipper                   away. Jesus turns the world upside down. Those enjoying riches, happiness, and fame will           have their success crumble if they overlook those less fortunate. And those suffering from
             (609) 216-7582                                                                                                 (Continued on page 7)

Parish Announcements
                                               Wednesday morning or Thursday evening.           8:00‐10:00 pm with dinner from 7:00‐8:00
        Parish Office Holiday
                                               This winter the group will continue with         pm. Please bring a dessert or snack to share.
   The Parish and School offices will be
                                               “The Bible TimeLine: The Story of Salvation,”    Admission, skate rental (or you bring your
    closed on Monday, February 18 in           studying this story as ...                       own), dinner and drinks are FREE! RSVP by
      observance of President’s Day                                                             February 28th to Donna Murray at
                                               Eucharistic Adoration
                                                           Adoration is each Friday    or (908) 391‐
Women’s Prayer Group Gathering                                                                  8396. Family members are welcome. If you
The Women’s Prayer Group will meet on                      following the 8:15am until
                                                           5:00pm in the church chapel.         don’t ice skate, we will be playing board
Tuesday, February 19th at 10:30 am in the                                                       games too, so bring your favorite board
Spiritual Center Lounge. All women are                     Monthly 24 Hour Extended
                                                           Adoration on the first Thursday      game to the rink!
welcome. Please contact Eileen Trombe a
at with any ques ons.                     into first Friday from 9:00 am to    22nd Annual Men’s Conference
                                               8:00 am in the Parish Center, Mercy Chapel.      Join other Catholic men from across the
Lectio Divina:                                 Please consider spending some time before        Diocese of Trenton on Saturday, February
Praying with Scripture
                                               the Eucharistic presence of the Lord by          23, at Saint Mary, Mother of God Parish in
              Lec o Divina is the prac ce of signing up for a period of time. The sign‐up
                                                                                                Middletown, NJ. The theme of this year’s
              praying with scripture; it
                                               sheets are located in the vestibule. The         conference is “Rebuild my Church.” The day
              combines reading the text in its
                                               church is open daily until 9:00 pm for private   runs from 8:00 am‐3:00 pm and will feature
              context, listening to phrases
                                               prayer.                                          Holy Mass celebrated by Bishop David
              that speak out to us,
                                               Centering Prayer Group                           O’Connell, as well as aspiring talks by Cur s
medita ng on the text, and engaging with
                                               The Centering Prayer group will meet             Mar n, Kevin Reilly and Max Ford. There will
God in prayer over it. Through the richness
                                               Saturday at 9:30 am in the Mercy Chapel.         also be music, Catholic vendors and the
of God’s Word, we are calmed, refreshed,
                                               Centering prayer is a method of praying          opportunity to fellowship with other men
and strengthened. Join us for an hour of
                                                                                                who are looking to grow in their walk with
praying with scripture every Tuesday, 7:30 – contempla vely opening us to in macy in
                                               our rela onship with God. For more               Jesus and dynamically live out their Catholic
8:30 p.m. in the Conference Room in the
                                               information, please contact Teresa Ko‐Davis      Faith. A youth breakout session will also be
Parish Center. No prior prac ce or
                                                                                                offered for young men from 8th grade to
prepara on necessary. We usually read over at or call 908‐907‐7129.
                                                                                                college age. Cost is $25/person ($30 at the
the first reading and Gospel of the following Altar Server Ice Skating Party /
                                                                                                door); $10 for students. Breakfast and lunch
Sunday. For more info, email Claire at:        Board Game Night                                 will be provided. For more informa on or to                                        Our Parish Altar Servers are          register go to:
Bible Study                                               invited to an Ice Ska ng Party on
The winter session is under way and will run              Saturday , March 2nd at Mercer
through April 10th. Groups meet on either                 Count Park. There will be open
                                                                                                                           (Continued on page 11)
                                                          ska ng from 5:00‐7:00 pm and
                                                                   Page 2
Saint Paul Parish The Catholic Community of Princeton
O       P          M                                                                          W
We, the Catholic Community of Saint Paul in Princeton,                                        S                    L
honor our tradition of welcoming God’s
sons and daughters from different cultures and backgrounds to hear                            Eucharist
and live the Good News of Our Lord Jesus Christ.                                               Saturday Evening Mass:
Baptized and formed into the People of God, we continue                                          5:30 pm
                                                                                               Sunday Masses:
to grow in the Apostolic Tradition of Worship, Word and Service.
                                                                                                 7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 am, 5:00 pm
Worship through our participation in the Eucharist and celebration of sacraments;
                                                                                                 and 7:00 pm (Spanish)
Word, in our commitment to Catholic identity through Scripture and catechesis; and
                                                                                               Weekday Masses:
Service, as disciples who share God’s love with all by working together
                                                                                                 6:45 and 8:15 am Monday to Friday
for peace and justice to advance the coming of the Kingdom of God.
                                                                                                 12:10 pm Wednesday and Friday
                                                                                                 8:15 am Saturday
This Week at St. Paul                                      (continued on page 11)              Holydays and Holidays as announced
Sunday, February 17                                                                           Reconciliation
9:45‐11:15 am      Child Care / Nursery Ministry                Preschool                      Saturday 4:00 pm and by appointment
10:00‐11:00 am     Children’s Liturgy of the Word               Auditorium A
1:00 pm            Bap sm                                       Church                        Recitation of the Rosary
1:00‐4:00 pm       SPAC Basketball Prac ce                      Gym
                                                                                               Monday-Saturday following the 8:15
5:00‐6:45 pm       Hispanic Eucharis c Ministers’ Mee ng        Rooms 1 & 2
6:30 pm            Holy Rosary (Spanish)                        Church                        Eucharistic Adoration
8:00‐9:00 pm       Hispanic Children Lectors’ Rehearsal         Church                         Weekly Adoration on Fridays from 9:00
Monday, February 18                                                                            am to 5:00 pm in the church chapel
                                                                                               Monthly 24 Hour Extended Adoration on
Tuesday, February 19                                                                           the first Thursday into first Friday from
10:30 am‐12:00 pm Women’s Prayer Group Gathering                Lounge 1                       9:00 am to 8:00 am in the Parish Center,
4:30‐5:45 pm        Parish Religious Educa on Program           School                         Mercy Chapel
6:00‐9:00 pm        SPAC Basketball Prac ce                     Gym
7:00‐9:00 pm        Young Adult Ministry                        St. Timothy Room              Novena in honor of Our Lady of the
7:00‐9:00 pm        Girl Scout Awards Commi ee                  Lounge 1
                                                                                              Miraculous Medal
                                                                                               Saturday Morning following 8:15 Mass
7:00‐10:00 pm       Hispanic Choir 2 Rehearsal                  Music Ministry Office
7:30‐8:30 pm        Lec o Divina                                Conference Room               Baptism
7:30‐9:00 pm        SPS School Board                            Mother McAuley Room            First, Third and Fourth Sundays of the
Wednesday, February 20                                                                         month at 1:00 pm; Second Sunday of the
10:00‐11:30 am      Bible Study                                 Rooms 1 & 2                    month in Spanish at 1:00 pm
2:30‐4:30 pm        SPS Godspell Jr. Musical Rehearsal          Gym                            Baptism Preparation: Second Saturday
5:00‐6:00 pm        Spiritual Direc on                          Lounge 1                       of the month at 9:00 am in St. Timothy
6:00‐9:00 pm        SPAC Basketball Prac ce                     Gym                            Room, Parish Center; Spanish language
7:00‐9:00 pm        Hispanic Children’s Choir Rehearsal         Music Ministry Office            preparation on the first Saturday of the
7:00‐9:30 pm        Hispanic RCIA Mee ng                        Rooms 1 & 2                    month at 7:00 pm. Pre-registration for
Thursday, February 21
                                                                                               Baptism and Instructional Session is
9:30 am‐12:00pm Spiritual Direc on                              Lounge 1
                                                                                               necessary. Please contact the Parish
                                                                                               Office for more information.
2:30‐4:30 pm        SPS Godspell Jr. Musical Rehearsal          Gym
4:30‐5:30 pm        SPS Junior Girl Scout Badge Mee ng          Rooms 1 & 2                   Marriage:
6:00‐9:00 pm        SPAC Basketball Prac ce                     Gym                            Ideally, couples planning to marry at St.
6:30‐7:30 pm        Hand Bell Choir Rehearsal                   Choir Lo                       Paul should contact the Parish Office one
7:00‐9:30 pm        Adult Faith Enrichment Series               Auditorium A, B & C            year in advance so that they may
7:30‐9:00 pm        Bible Study                                 Rooms 1 & 2                    complete the necessary marriage
7:30‐9:15 pm        Adult Choir Rehearsal                       Choir Lo                       preparation process. Please set date with
8:00‐10:00 pm       Lec o Divina (Spanish)                      Conference Room                Church before making other plans.
Friday, February                                                                               Please contact the Parish Office.
9:00 am‐5:00 pm     Eucharis c Adora on                         Church Chapel                 Anointing of the Sick/Communion to
2:30‐5:00 pm        SPS Middle School Lecture on Math &Music    St. Timothy Room              the Homebound:
4:30 pm             Wedding                                     Church                          Please notify the Parish Office when
6:00‐9:00 pm        One8                                        Auditorium, School & Church     serious illness occurs or when the sick,
Saturday, February 23                                                                           aged, or incapacitated are confined to
8:00 am‐4:30 pm     SPAC Basketball Prac ce                     Gym                             home for an extended period.
9:00 am‐12:00 pm Brother Mickey McGrath Presenta on             Auditorium A, B & C             Arrangements can be made to bring
9:15 am‐2:15 pm     GLS                                         School                          communion to those unable to attend
9:30‐11:30 am       Centering Prayer Gathering                  Mercy Chapel                    Mass. Please contact the Parish Office.
                                                                    Page 3
Saint Paul Parish The Catholic Community of Princeton
Parish Staff, Ministries and Organizations
Altar & Rosary Society                          School. For informa on contact Kelly          their fraternal society in serving our parish,
The ladies of our Altar & Rosary commit to      Messick at           and community while growing in faith. They
praying the Rosary to Our Lady for our          Christian Initiation for Adults RCIA do many different things in support of family
parish community and inten ons. They            Are you interested in learning more about     life, so there is something for everyone. For
gather monthly for prayer and mee ng and        the Catholic faith and how to become a        more informa on contact Joe Bendas at 609
assist in the care and cleaning of our parish   member of our community? Do you need to ‐439‐2708 or
church. For more informa on contact             complete your Sacraments of Ini a on?         The Light Ministry
Marianne Tamasi 609‐921‐7485.                   Then RCIA is a process for you. Contact       The Light Ministry offers help to anyone
Bereavement Ministry                            Deacon Frank 516‐316‐2500.                    whose life, family or friends have been
The Bereavement Ministry seeks to assist        Food for the Hungry                           affected by alcoholism, drug abuse and
families at the me of the passing of a loved    When you are shopping, please remember        other addic ons. We are available to listen,
one with the details of planning a funeral      those less fortunate. One can or box of food confiden ally, in a nonjudgmental way, to
liturgy. In addi on this ministry organizes     will make a difference (no glass containers    provide a safe support network and to offer
support groups twice a year for anyone          please). Items can be le in the containers at referrals to assistance groups and agencies.
grieving the loss of a loved one. For more      the Church entrances weekly. Some items       Our goals will be accomplished by sharing
informa on contact Tony Montrone at 609‐        needed include: Boxed cereals, canned or      our experience, strength and hope with each
924‐1743.                                       dried soups, coffee, tea, canned meat and      other. To reach the Light Ministry, please
Child Care/Nursery Ministry                     fish, canned vegetables, salt, macaroni and    call 609.216.7621.
During the 10:00 am Sunday Morning Mass         cheese dinners, cake mixes, flour, household Ministry to the Sick/Homebound:
child care is provided by professionally        and paper products, canned fruits, spaghe   Please no fy the Parish Office when serious
trained staff for children six months of age     and pasta, sugar and rice.                  illness occurs or when the sick, aged, or
to four years old. The nursery is located in    Knights of Columbus                         incapacitated are confined to home so that
the pre‐school classroom in the St Paul         The Knights welcome men ages 18+ to join    arrangements can be made to bring

Stewardship: We Serve, We Give
Liturgical Ministers
              Altar Servers                Lectors             Extraordinary Ministers
Sat, Feb. 16 Ma hew Caccavale      Stephanie Zepka    Linda Brennan, Lee Brennan,
  5:30 pm John Caccavale           Suzanne Eberhard   Jo Ann Corbe , Jose Lozano,
             Joshua Ko‐Davis                          Anthony Montrone, Lisa Montrone
Sun, Feb. 17                     Linda Dowling        Suzy DiMeglio, Anthony DiMeglio,         St. Paul Parish is proud to promote
  7:00 am                        Sue McMahon          Mary Meyer, Steve Mundie,                enhanced stewardship through electronic
                                                      Bhagyam Reddy                            funds transfer. Electronic Funds Transfer
  8:30 am Ciara Loughran         Karen Dellefave      Patricia Giallella, Richard Graham,      enables you to have your Sunday Offering
           Lexie Loughran        Colleen Richardson   Gretchen Mangone, Judy O'Brien,          automatically debited from your checking
           Aidan Loughran                             Emily Templeton, Mary Beth Wells         account or credit card. You choose how
  10:00 am Gabriel Deo Ramos     Vanita Neelakanta    Jennifer Brooks Abbo , Julie Chiang,     much to give and how often to give and
           Rafael Benedict Ramos Molly Hart           Andrew Griffin, Jane Kupin,
                                                                                               what method of payment is to be used. We
           Ainsley Weed                               Robert Piccione, Thomas Svoboda
                                                                                               have partnered with Parish Giving to offer
  11:30 am Dominic Madigan       Charles Balestri     Evelyn Behling, Jeff Broderick,
                                                                                               this program to all our parishioners. It is
           Andrew Madigan        Catherine Vanderpool Ron Forrest, Claire Gmachl,
                                                                                               simply and secure. Parish Giving is PCI
           Joseph Madigan                             John Italia, Ryan Killeen
  5:00 pm Claire King            Philip Passanante    Darren Alizio, Pa y Alizio,
                                                                                               compliant and uses the strongest SSL
           Jacqueline King       Loydes Vazquez       Alexis Geddis, Kaitlin Knauss,           encryption technology available. For more
           Caroline McGraw                            Luke Okupski, Kate Skrebutenas           information or to enroll please contact Mary
Altar Rosary Society Volunteers                                                                Beth Wells in the parish office or visit our
                                                                                               parish website.
                    February 18‐23: Caroline DiDonato & Marianne Tamasi
                                                                                               Special Collection Next Weekend:
Weekly Offering: Thank you for your generous support!                                          Diocesan Assessment
                                     February 9‐10, 2019                                       This collection helps to finance our parish’s
               Weekly                                    Year to Date 17‐18 Year to Date       assessment fund which our parish pays to
Budget                     $ 23,530 Budget               $   776,490 $         784,410         the Diocese of Trenton for operations
Identifiable Gifts (361) $ 14,251 Envelopes/Loose $          538,905 $         566,097         (ministries and diocese offices) insurances
Loose                      $ 3,197 Online                $   182,864 $         151,105         and employee benefits. The amount of this
Online Giving              $ 8.549 Actual                $   721,769 $         717,202         assessment is based on a parish’s revenue
Total                      $ 25,997                          93%            91.4%              and number of employees. Thank you for
                                                                                               your support!
                                                                   Page 4
Saint Paul Parish The Catholic Community of Princeton
communion to those unable to a end Mass. confiden al one‐on‐one se ng and may
(609) 924‐1743.                                include some form of prayer experience to
                                               increase awareness of the movement of the
Parish Library
                                               Spirit in the directee’s life. If you are                     P          S
       Open Sundays, 9:30 to 11:30 am
Our parish library is here for everyone with interested in more informa on, please                            Monica Heucke
                                               contact Jennifer Hinton at 609‐558‐0985                   Administrative Assistant
over 2,000 books to enjoy on Catholicism,
Spirituality, Morality, History, Scripture and (cell) or or Teresa                          (609) 924-1743
more. We have books for all ages to start      Knipper at 609‐558‐0582 (cell) or
your children now learning about their faith. Teresa is                         Christina Crespo
                                               available for appointments during the day.         Administrative Assistant Communication
The Library is located downstairs in the
Spiritual Center.                                St. Vincent DePaul Society
                                                                                                              (609) 924-1743
                                                 The Society of St. Vincent de Paul offers
Rides to Mass                                                                                                 Nancy Jackson
                                                 tangible assistance to those in need on a
The communal celebra on of Sunday Mass                                                               Administrative Assistant Finance
                                                 person‐to‐person basis. Aid may include:
is a joy and a blessing for all of us. But there
                                                 interven on, consulta on, or direct dollar                   Ernie Andreoli
are fellow parishioners who do not drive,                                                              Director of Music Ministries
                                                 and in‐kind service. No work of charity is
and therefore cannot join in. Please think                                                
                                                 foreign to the Society. To quote our patron,
about assis ng them. Volunteer to drive a                                                                     (609) 524-0507
                                                 St. Vincent de Paul: “Charity is infinitely
fellow parishioner once a month to
                                                 inven ve.” If you want to recommend                           Lee Brennan
the Sunday Mass of your choice. For more                                                                    Business Manager
                                                 someone for an assistance evalua on, or
informa on contact Cathy at                                                                  
                                                 you are interested in learning about SVDP,                                                                                (609) 524-0502
                                                 please contact the SVDP Help Line at
Spiritual Direction                              (609/924‐1743 ext. 250 English or ext. 251                   Mynor Arriola
        Tending the sacred rela onship           Spanish) or email us at                                    Facilities Manager
Spiritual direc on is an on‐going rela onship Dona ons         
between a “directee” (person seeking) and a can be made at any of the “Offering” boxes                    (609) 924-1743 ext. 136
“director” (qualified person giving guidance) located throughout the church.                                 Mary Beth Wells
wherein a sacred space is created for the
                                                 Sunday 10:00 am Mass Live Online                           Parish Accountant
explora on and deepening of the spiritual                                                   
                                                 Our parish is now streaming our Sunday
life. Through conversa on and reflec on,                                                                      (609) 524-0503
                                                 10:00 am Mass, live, on our parish website
the directee becomes more a uned to
God's presence and can respond more fully
                                                 (, for those                 P          T
                                                 who are home bound and unable to a end            William Ryan         Diane Hoehn
to the Divine as it is revealed in all areas of
                                                 Sunday Mass. Simply click on the
life. Direc on typically takes place in a
                                                 Streamspot media player to start streaming.

P           M                 D
A           R        S                         K            C          Rides to Mass
 Marianne Tamasi                  921-7485      Joe Bendas                    439-2708           Cathy Vanderpool
B     S                                        L       D                                        
 Chuck Balestri           Claire Gmachl            S        N       M
 Jennifer Lee    L           E             M                       Barbara Conforti              688-6880
B              M                                Claire Gmachl            S          D
 Tony Montrone                    924-1743     N P                 W                             Jennifer Hinton               558-0985
           Donna Murray                  921-8546           Teresa Knipper                558-0582
C      C     /N         M                      P       L                                        S .P      A         C           (SPAC)
 Kelly Messick          Marianne Marron               924-1743           Christopher Cano
E      C         F         S       G           P        S      M                               
Shyamoli Plassmann                              Marianne Sagarese             448-3836          S .V             P     S
                P -C                                              Frank Riley                   924-1743
F         C                                     Fred and Shelby Tewell        532-4147          U
 Frank Ragany, Facilitator        924-1743     P          C                                                                    924-1743
H                                               Patrick Brown, Facilitator    924-1743          V             M
 Jackie Wadsworth                 921-6937     PTA                                               Mary Ann
C           M                                   Elizabeth Thielmann          V       F
Mary Beth Wells                   524-0503     R         L                                       John McGuire
J     P     II S      G                          Nate Eberle                  849-8583         
 Dr. Marzenna James                                                                                                            524-0509
                                                                   Page 5
Saint Paul Parish The Catholic Community of Princeton
Worship Aid
G                                                                                  down from heaven, and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the
                          Christ Be Our Light                            #428      Virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake he was crucified
G                                                                                  under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, and rose
    Priest: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and                again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He
            the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all.                      ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the
    People: And with your spirit.                                                  Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the
G                                                                                  dead and his kingdom will have no end. I believe in the Holy
                                                                                   Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father
                                                                                   and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and
                                                                                   glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. I believe in one,
                                                                                   holy, catholic and apostolic Church. I confess one baptism for the
                                                                                   forgiveness of sins and I look forward to the resurrection of the
                                                                                   dead and the life of the world to come. Amen.
                                                                                 P               S

                                                                                 L                  E
                                                                                     May the Lord accept the sacrifice at your hands for the praise
                                                                                     and glory of his name, for our good and the good of all his holy
                                                                                        Priest: The Lord be with you.
                                                                                        People: And with your spirit.
                                                                                        Priest: Lift up your hearts.
                                                                                        People: We lift them up to the Lord.
                                                                                        Priest: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
                                                                                        People: It is right and just.
                                                                                       Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts. Heaven and earth are full of
                                                                                       your glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he who comes in
                                                                                       the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.
L                 W                                                                  M          A
    F    R                                                     J        17:5‐8
                  Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord.
    R             P                                                         1

                                                                                     C       R
    S         R                                 IC                 15:12,16‐20    Priest: Deliver us...our Savior, Jesus Christ.
                 If Christ has not been raised, your faith is vain.               People: For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours
 G                                                              L   6:17,20‐26             now and for ever.
             Blessed are you who are poor. Woe to yo who are rich.                Priest: The peace of the Lord be with you always.
                                                                                  People: And with your spirit.
                                                                                 Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy
                                                                                 on us. Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, have
      Deacon: The Lord be with you.
                                                                                 mercy on us. Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world,
     People:        And with your spirit.
                                                                                 grant us peace.
     Deacon: A reading from the Holy Gospel according to … .
                                                                                  Priest: Behold the Lamb of God...the supper of the Lamb.
     People:        Glory to you, O Lord.
                                                                                  People: Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under
P                 F
                                                                                           my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be
  I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and
  earth, of all things visible and invisible. I believe in one Lord Jesus
                                                                               C           S
  Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before
                                                                                                      Blest Are They                     #431
  all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God,
                                                                               S       S
  begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; through him
                                                                                               Love Divine, Al Loves Excelling            #475
  all things were made. For us men and for our salvation he came
                                                                             Page 6
Saint Paul Parish The Catholic Community of Princeton
We Pray for One Another                                                   (continue on page 11)

Mass Intentions
Sunday, February 17                                                           Thursday, February 21
  7:00 AM Frances & Teresa Mangone & Family (Tony & Carmela                           Saint Peter Damian, Bishop and Doctor of the Church
              Mangone)                                                          6:45 AM John Gorman (Edwina Keaney)
  8:30 AM Bruce O'Neill (Gleeson Family)                                        8:15 AM Carmen Arlo a (Kassel Family)
 10:00 AM Angelo Ferrara (Mary & Paul Gerard)                                 Friday, February 22
 11:30 AM Mario Maro o (Joao Costa Jr)                                                         The Chair of Saint Peter the Apostle
  5:00 PM Sebas ano & Ermelinda Carnevale (Antonie a Sferra)                    6:45 AM Joseph Millelli (Carole Moore)
  7:00 PM See Spanish Sec on                                                    8:15 AM Adeline Ramirez (Kassel Family)
Monday, February 18                                                                       Thomas A. Butcavage (Mark & Nancy Jackson & Family)
  6:45 AM Jeff Jones (Ma & Renee Kassel)                                        12:10 PM Anna R. Apgar (Thomas Fasanella)
           Mar n Paczynska (Hanna Paczynska)                                              Inten ons of Christopher Morski to St. Jude (Famulare
  8:15 AM Anthony D. Nini III (Hillsdon Family)                                               Family)
           Katherine M. McCarthy (Linda & Joe Luther)                         Saturday, February 23
Tuesday, February 19                                                                            Saint Polycarp, Bishop and Martyr
  6:45 AM Eda Whitehill (Jane and Claire)                                       8:15 AM Levia Mar ne (Patricia & Victor Giallella)
           Joe Pallipaden (Mathew Family)                                                 Francesca Porcaro (Mimi & Vito Porcaro)
  8:15 AM Guido & Maria Carnevale (Hillsdon Family)                             5:30 PM John Spallin (Jason Flynn)
           Ma hew Graichen (Ron & Linda DeCicco)                              Sunday, February 24
Wednesday, February 20                                                          7:00 AM Alberina Procaccini (Michael & Gemma DeSan s &
  6:45 AM John F. Petrone Jr. (Walter & Mary Bliss)                                           Family)
  8:15 AM Enrico & Lucia Ruberto & Henry Tamasi (Angelina De                    8:30 AM Deacon Francis & Anna Marano (John & EmmaLee Italia)
              Vincenzi)                                                        10:00 AM Angelo Ferrara (Elaine & Larry Kramli)
 12:10 PM Luznith Valle (Lee & Linda Brennan)                                  11:30 AM Sister Jane Higgins (Lucy Ta oli)
           Mary Dritschel (Janet & John Italia)                                 5:00 PM Eleanor T. Oakley (Legal Center for Defense of Life)
Our Deceased Sisters and Brothers                                               Peter York, USA; Capt. Peter Dixon, USMC; CDR Michael Pe ola,
 John Hartmann, Evan Mark, Dr. Mar n Thomas Zanna                               USN Reserve; Michael Caponi, Airman 1st Class; , Lt. Col. Sco G.
Our Sisters and Brothers Suffering Illness                                      Williams, MD; Lt. Col. Robert J. Halle , USMC; Major Richard D.
 Daniel Roach, Augusto Villaruz, Van Nam Nguyen, Han Eng, Agnes                 Halle , USMC; SPC Kevin Cunningham; Lt. Cmdr. Markus Franz,
 Smith, Anthony D. Baldino, Christopher Browne, Christopher &                   USN; PFC Kevin Morgan, USMC; Lt. Richard Maia co, USN; SFC
 Stephanie Tama, , Barbara Vahlsing, John Lamb, Sister Angela                   Larry Smith; Patrick David; Cpl Trey Rasmussen, USMC; AFC Asa
 Houston, Josephine Venta, Silvia Masala, Thomas Raybuck, Bruce                 Rodriguez, USAF; Gilberto del Rio, USN; 1st Lt. Thomas Patrick
 Stout, Albert Poole, James Kwok, Paula Tompkins, Patricia Marie                Gallagher Jr., USMC; Capt. Kelli E. Gallagher, USMC; OC Shamil
 Campbell, Hannah Paczynska, Jonathon Chads, Barbara Litt, Rose                 Rodriguez; SPS Stephen Stahl; OC Kevin Jones, USN; Army Sgt.
 Bohnhorst, Arthur Mattei, Cecilia Calisin, Christopher Morski,                 Joseph Jackson; Lt. Stephan K. Murphy, USA; Antoine Gordon; 2nd
 Laurie Pettola, Consiglia Mundie, Shre Roy                                     Lieut. Timothy M. Maciag, USAF; Cpl. Kevin D. Quinn, USMC; LCpl
                                                                                Robert J. Quinn, USMC; David Eduardo Calves, USMC 2nd Lt.; LTJG
Our Newly Baptized Sisters and Brothers                                         Michael L. Allis, USN; Brian Gutro, USA; LCpl Lauren Hughes,
 Emery James Davison, Calvin Gregory Prey                                       USMC; ENS Bryce Anthony Mayor, USN; SSG Joseph V.
Our Sisters and Brothers Preparing for Marriage                                 Andreacchio, USA.; Lt. Julia Harwood, USCG; Cmdr. Tom
 Logan Raftery and Megan Scott (III); Nico Sferra and Dana Scott (I)            Clementson, USN; 1st Lt. Ryan Perez, USA
Our Parishioners Serving in the Military                                      Flower Memorial
 Kevin Smith, Chief USN; Maj. Ma hew Collier, USMC; LTC.S.F.                   In memory of Joe Pallipaden as requested by the Mathew Family.
 Michael Stefanchik IV, U.S. Army; Capt. David M. York, USMC; Lt.

Msgr. Joe                  (continued from page 2)
hunger, poverty, and derision will be                To use Paul’s words, we are called not for
rewarded in the end. This is the paradoxical         this life only, but for eternal life with God. In
nature of the kingdom of God. A er all, this         the end, this week invites us to ponder how
is the kingdom that Saint Paul refers to in          can I change the way I live my life in
the second reading, the kingdom to which             accordance with the Bea tudes? What can I
Jesus ascended in the greatest reversal of           do to receive the blessings of God and to
all: by dying as a criminal on the cross, he         help others receive those blessings as well?
was raised to eternal glory. Jeremiah, Paul,         God Bless, have a good week and enjoy your
and Jesus all call us to transform our lives.        holiday weekend.
We can do this by changing our perspec ve.

                                                                          Page 7
Saint Paul Parish The Catholic Community of Princeton
Faith Formation
                                               A Message from John Michael McGuire
           Mr. John McGuire                    “Cursed is the one who trusts in human beings, who seeks his strength
     Director of Religious Education           in flesh, whose heart turns away from the LORD.” Jeremiah 17:5. Some
           jmcguire@stpaulsof                  scripture verses can stand as the opportunity for reflec on. This verse
                                               from today’s first reading offers us an opportunity to consider human
             (609) 524-0509
          Mrs. Kaitlyn Mayer                   Mankind, ever since the Tower of Babel has taken great pride in our
        Confirmation Coordinator               ability to solve problems and face insurmountable challenges. We consistently cure diseases,
                                               take on amazing architectural projects, and have even been to space mul ple mes. In these
             (609) 524-0511
                                               great triumphs we can be fooled into thinking that we accomplish them on our own. As our
          Mrs. Maureen Sano                    first reading points out, this pride is fruitless.
        Administrative Assistant               Every human good is mankind’s par cipa on in God’s crea on. We are made in his image
                                               and likeness, meaning that we are both spiritual and ra onal. When we put all of our hope
                                               in human beings, we exalt the crea on while ignoring the creator. In other words it’s like
   Oficina de Catecismo en Español             pu ng an imperfect piece of work on a pedestal while ignoring its ar st’s skill.
         Ms. María Sara Cortes                 This week, let’s pray for the perspec ve to appreciate what God has created, and to put our
   Hispanic Religious Ed., Coordinator
                                               hope in Him. In this way we will find our comfort in the Lord.
         609-924-1743 ext. 153                 God Bless and have a great week!

Adult Volunteers Needed                         parish website or by calling our emergency        Sunday Mass. Music sounds and sights will
The Office of Religious Educa on is looking       closing number at 609‐216‐7605. Please do         be welcoming to those with challenges. We
for adult volunteers for Summer Academy,        not call the parish office. Tuesday classes         gather as a community to celebrate
Sunday Morning PREP (8:40‐9:45 am), and         will be cancelled if St. Paul School is closed.   Successes, Uniqueness, and Challenges of all
Tuesday Evening 4:30‐5:45 pm to assist with                                                       God’s Children.
this year’s program, and for the 2019‐2020      Children’s Liturgy of the Word
                                                                                                  Sign up for News Alerts
Religious Educa on year. Poten al                               Children’s Liturgy of the
                                                                                                  The Religious Educa on Program
volunteers should contact John McGuire in                       Word is a special
                                                                                                  communicates with families through news
the Religious Educa on Office at                                  opportunity for children at
                                                                                                  alerts on our parish website. We encourage so that we                      10:00 am Mass to share the
                                                                                                  all families to register for news alerts so that
can begin the applica on process, and           Word of God in an age appropriate
                                                                                                  these announcements will be sent directly to
schedule training sessions. All of our          reflec on. Children from 4 years old up to
                                                                                                  your email address. To register for Religious
programs rely on the generosity and service     second grade will be invited to come
                                                                                                  Educa on News Alerts, follow the
of our parish volunteers. Please prayerfully    forward a er the Collect to receive a
                                                                                                  Instruc ons below: 1. Go to the parish
consider how you can help to form the           blessing and process to the Spiritual Center
                                                                                                  website:; 2.
children of our parish!                         where they will celebrate a Liturgy of the
                                                                                                  Click faith forma on on menu bar; 3. On the
Inclement Weather Procedures                    Word accessible to children. They will return
                                                                                                  drop down click Faith Educa on/Forma on;
Closing informa on may be found on the          at the Prepara on of the Gi s. Adult
                                                                                                  4. Click Parish Religious Educa on Program
                                                                       volunteers are always
                                                                                                  2018‐2019 in the menu to the le ; 5. Under
               Family Life at Family Catechesis                        welcome. If you can
                                                                                                  “Announcements” click the yellow/orange
    Families who par cipate in Family Home Study and Summer            help, please email
                                                                                                  bell symbol. You will be redirected to Site
  Academy please mark your calendar. On Sunday, March 3rd we           Claire at
                                                                                                  Login; 6. Click create a new account. Fill‐in
  will gather for 11:30 am Mass, then gather at St. Paul School to
                                                                                                  the requested informa on; 7. Click
    review the Family Life Program. This session will be slightly      Sense Sensitive            “Religious Educa on” (You may also check
   extended to 2:30 pm. Please plan accordingly. Diocesan policy       Mass                       any other news alerts you would like to
    requires that all families par cipa ng in Religious Educa on       Our Parish welcomes        receive such as One8, First Reconcilia on/
     programs must complete this program. If you will not be in        families with special      First Eucharist, etc.); 8. Click “Update
   a endance, an Opt‐Out form will be required. If you have any        needs to a end our         Se ngs”. If you have any ques ons, please
    ques ons please contact           weekly 5:00 pm             contact the Religious Educa on Office.

                One8                            Any Given Sunday: The goal of this session is     session provides a theological founda on for
                Next Session:                   to help the candidates grow in their              the Sacrament of the Eucharist and
                February                        understanding of the Mass as the source           challenges candidates to accept it as the
                Friday, February 22, 2019,      and summit of our faith. This session is          Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus
                5:00‐9:00 pm. This session      designed to help candidates reevaluate their      Christ. Grace Perfected: The goal of this
                includes dinner for             current a tude toward the Mass and gain a         session is to help candidates understand the
                candidates.                     deeper apprecia on for it. Addi onally, this                                 (Continued on page 9)
                                                                    Page 8
Saint Paul Parish The Catholic Community of Princeton
Sacrament of Confirma on as the perfec on the Holy Spirit. This session will challenge explain the effects of the Sacrament of
of the grace they received at Bap sm and as some of the misconcep ons candidates may Confirma on.
a true gi that invites them to live a life in have about being confirmed and it will
                  Chosen:                       ini a ve to help high school students            Kait (kmayer@stpaulsof
                  Confirmation for              prepare to receive Confirma on. By using as soon as possible to ensure
                  High School Students          the “Chosen” program, high school students       your student is on track to receive
                  Are you a high school         will have the opportunity to form                Confirma on in the spring of 2019.
                  student (or the parent of a   rela onships with a small group of their         Chosen Schedule
                  high school student) who      peers while growing in faith and forma on        Chosen meets at 6:00 pm in the St. Tim
“missed” receiving the Sacrament of             as they journey toward Confirma on.               Room on the following Mondays:
Confirma on in 8th grade? Well you’re in         Parents of eligible students should email Kait   February 25, March 25 and May 6.
luck! This year, we’re kicking off a new         for more informa on. Please reach out to

Our Parish School
                     A Message from Mrs. Kim Clauss
                                                                                                                A National Blue Ribbon
                     I hope that you enjoyed the snow day as much as the kids did!                               School of Excellence
                     The Shamrock Gala/Auc on Commi ee is gearing up for a wonderful                            visit us:
                     event. The Shambake was a huge success. Thanks to all who                                 www.
                     par cipated. Tickets for the Shamrock Gala must be purchased by
                     Tuesday, February 19. Tickets may be purchased on line at:                             Mrs. Kim O. Clauss
                     h ps://                                                             Principal
 The Shamrock Auc on Sign Up Genius link is below. There are s ll many items that need to      
be donated. Thank you for your generosity and I'm looking forward to the big event.                        609) 921-7587 ext. 101
h ps://‐31st.                                                      Mrs. Shannon Rooney
Unfortunately, the Open School Board/PTA mee ng had to be cancelled due to the                                 Vice Principal
inclement weather. The new date is Tuesday, February 26th at 6:30 P.M. in the Spiritual        
Center. Babysi ng will be available, please email Mrs. Rooney.                                             609) 921-7587 ext. 142
Looking Ahead:                                 impar al analysis. Applica ons will be                       Mrs. Michele Cano
Monday, Feb. 18: President’s Day; No           reviewed for considera on by the Diocese                 Admission and Advancement
   School                                      and the St. Paul Parish Tui on Assistance        
Wednesday, Feb. 20: Godspell Jr. Musical       commi ee. All families seeking assistance                  (609) 921-7587 ext. 149
   Rehearsal; Notre Dame “I Can Day”; Grade must complete the annual applica on. The                       Mrs. Karen DelleFave
   1 Field Trip                                applica on is on the school website under                  Administrative Assistant
Thursday, Feb. 21: Godspell Jr. Musical        Prospec ve Families/Tui on Assistance.         
   Rehearsal                                   Please let us know should you need any                     (609) 921-7587 ext. 100
Friday, Feb. 22: Prof. Naiman Presenta on      support in comple ng the forms or have                       Mrs. Laura Sarubbi
   to Middle School on Music & Math; One8 addi onal ques ons. The deadline for                           School Board Chairperson
   Confirma on Session                          applying is February 22, 2019.                  
Saturday, Feb. 23: Mother/Son Ou ng
                                               Calling all SPS Alumni                                   Mrs. Elizabeth Thielmann
Applications for 2019-2020 School It’s me to turn yourself in!                                                 PTA President
Year Now Open                                  If you have not been receiving our alumni
Applica ons are now being accepted for the mailings, please email Michele Cano at                Box Tops for Education
2019‐2020 school year. Visit our website at with your current             There is a collection box for Box Tops for and click on the          contact informa on. We would love to              Education in the Church vestibule. St. Paul
“Apply to SPS” bu on to begin the process. reconnect with you and let you know of                School earns 10 cents for each Box Top
St. Paul Parishioners are given priority       events and happenings at your Alma Mater!         collected. Thank you.
enrollment and discounted tui on rates.
                                               McCaffrey’s Receipt Collection                    Save the date: School Board/PTA
Please contact Michele Cano at
                                                    EARN $$$$ FOR SPS BY SHOPPING AT             Meeting with ques ons or
                                                       MCCAFFREY SUPERMARKETS!                   The open School Board/PTA originally
for more informa on.
                                               Please drop off your McCaffrey receipts in        scheduled for Tuesday, February 12 has
Tuition Assistance 2018-2019                   the drop box located in the Church                been rescheduled to Tuesday, February 26
Tui on assistance is available to families     vestibule. St. Paul School receives 1% rebate     at 6:30 pm. Baby‐sitting will be provided.
a ending St. Paul School through the           on most items purchased. McCaffrey                This is an opportunity to meet those who
Diocese of Trenton Tui on Assistance           receipts are valid for up to six months from      serve on these boards and their immediate
Program. Tui on assistance is based on         date of purchase. Thank you for your              goals for our school.
financial need. In order to ensure a fair and support!
                                                                   Page 9
Saint Paul Parish The Catholic Community of Princeton
Student Ministry                                Get on our email list: Email Kait;         Follow us: @spstudmin

                                                Adult                      worship at monthly Youth Masses ‐ and there’s no obliga on to
                      Mrs. Kaitlyn Mayer        Involvement                a end every Youth Mass. Mass Dates for 2019: 2/24, 3/31, 4/28,
                      Director of Student       Student Ministry is        6/2. Choir Info: The choir consists of teens in grades 8‐12. There’s a
                        Ministries and          currently recrui ng        4:00 pm prac ce that happens before the Mass at 5:00 pm. That’s
                         Confirmation           adults to help serve       right ‐ this is only once a month and there are no extra prac ces.
                         Coordinator            the teens of our           TMM fits in nicely with your busy life. If you’re interested in the
                       (609) 524-0511                                      TMM choir, please contact Carole Moore: cmoore@music
                                                parish in the 2018‐
                                                2019 year. High   Accompanist Info: This year, we’re looking to expand                                        TMM to include a wider variety of accompanists. If you’re in high
                                                School Ministry
serves teens in grades 9‐12 and meets (most o en) on Sunday                school and play an instrument, consider joining us! Music will be
evenings following the 5:00 pm Mass. Middle School Ministry serves         sent out ahead of me and we’ll rehearse together to ensure we
teens in grades 6‐8 and meets every other Thursday evening at 6:00         have a great sound. Please contact Kait Mayer for more details.
pm. If you’d love to get involved in serving one or both of theseGame Nights
ministries, please contact Kait ( for
                                                                 2/24@ 6:00 pm (following 5:00 pm Mass) in the St. Tim Room. All
more details.                                                    students involved in any of our Student Ministry programs (grades 6
Teen Music Ministry                                              ‐12) are invited to our game nights! A er the 5:00 pm Mass on the
Our St. Paul Parish Teen Music Ministry is welcoming new members weeks that Teen Music Ministry leads us in worship, we’ll all get
for the 2018‐2019 year. During the academic year, TMM leads      together for an epic night of games and fun. Future dates: 3/31,
                                                                 4/28, 6/2
                              Hero/ine Series                               school students! This series will serve as gateway to faith of middle
                              Bi monthly on Thursdays at 6:00 pm            school teens. We’ll spend some time looking at the Fruits of the
                              in the St. Timothy Room. From the             Holy Spirit through the eyes of our favorite super heroes. All
                              earliest days of human culture,               students in grades 6‐8 are welcome to join us on this adventure!
                              superheroes have inspired us to               can inspire us to live faith filled lives.
                              look deeper and raise questions               2/28 Spider‐Man: Tonight, we'll use the comic book superhero
                              about how we live. Every generation           Spider‐Man to learn more about joy and faithfulness, two fruits of
had its heroes and heroines—including this generation of middle             the Holy Spirit.
                               Dead Series                                 3/3 Sever (Purgatory) Tonight, we’ll work together to recognize the
                               Sundays @ 6:00 pm (following 5:00           need for purifica on before entering heaven and we’ll cover the
                               pm Mass) in the St. Tim Room.               prac ces of penance, almsgiving, and indulgences as part of that
                               This semester, we’re exploring the          process.
                               Church’s teachings on life a er
                                                                           Winter Schedule
                               death. We’ll focus on the hope we
                                                                           Please note, there will be no HSM on the following Sundays in 2019:
                               have in the victory Jesus Christ win
                                                                           2/17 for Presidents’ Day; 4/14 for Palm Sunday; 4/21 For Easter
for us through His Death and Resurrec on. We’ll tackle difficult
                                                                           Sunday; 5/12 for Mother’s Day; 5/19 for New Jersey Catholic Youth
topics, such as death and judgement, and address common fears
                                                                           Rally; 5/26 for Memorial Day; 6/16 for Father’s Day
associated with both.

Princeton Area Young Adults (late teens 18‐19, 20’s & 30’s)
                         General Information :                              dates: Mar 5
                         Like us on
                                                                            Theology on Tap
                         Get on our email list!
                                                                            Feb 26 @ 7:00pm at Triumph Brewery. This
                         Email: Kait
                                                                            month, we're back at the Brewery! Join us this
                                                                            month for a night food (and drink!), friends, and
                             Forming Intentional Disciples                  fun! Mark your calendar now and bring some
                             [Book Series]                                  friends ‐ the more the merrier! We hope for this
                             Feb 19 @ 7:00pm in the St. Tim Room.           to be an opportunity to reach out to young adults in our area who
How can we transmit a living, personal Catholic faith to future             aren't involved or are maybe less involved in Church life.
genera ons? By coming to know Jesus Christ, and following him as
                                                                            Pivotal Players [Series]
his disciples. These are mes of immense challenge and immense
                                                                            Bishop Robert Barron's Catholicism series took people around the
opportunity for the Catholic Church. If the Church is to reverse
                                                                            world and deep into the Catholic Faith. The series aired on PBS and
these trends, the evangelizers must first be evangelized. This work
                                                                            has been seen by millions. But there is s ll more of the story to tell.
of discipleship lies at the heart of Forming Inten onal Disciples, a
                                                                            Bishop Barron is on a new journey to unlock the truth behind the
book designed to help Catholics transform parish life from within.
                                                                            Catholic Church's most influen al people. CATHOLICISM: The Pivotal
Join us for a fall series reading through Sherry Weddell’s work and
talking about it’s prac cal applica ons in our everyday lives. Future                                                         (Continued on page 11)

                                                                      Page 10
Princeton Area Young Adults                                                           (continued from page 10)
Players is a mul ‐part film series that illumines a handful of saints,          pain ng is not a saint but serves as the privileged representa ve of
ar sts, mys cs, and scholars who not only shaped the life of the               the crea ve poten al engendered by the Catholic Faith. The Church
Church but changed the course of civiliza on. All young adults are             professes that beauty is a route of access to God, and through
invited to join us for a night of viewing and discussion. Snacks and           humanity’s crea ve ar stry we glimpse the power and glory of the
drinks provided!                                                               Lord.
Mar 12 Michelangelo (The Ar st) The master of sculpture and

Parish Announcements                                                 (continued from page 2)
Spiritual Prayer Practices for Lent                This Week at St. Paul (continued from pg. 3)
An Adult Faith Enrichment Session to               Saturday, February 23
Prepare for Lent at The Church of Saint Ann,       12:15pm            Quinceañera Blessing                          Church
Lawrenceville, NJ Wednesday, February 27           4:00 pm            Confession                                    Church
at 1:00 pm. Repeated on Thursday, February         6:00‐6:30 pm       Girl Scout Cookie Sale                        Parish Lawn
28 at 7:00 pm. How do you prepare for              6:00‐7:30 pm       SPS Mother/Son Pizza & Ou ng                  Cafeteria
Lent? How have you prepared in the past?           6:30‐9:30 pm       Hispanic Parents Faith Forma on               Auditorium / Rooms 1 & 2
What are your ideas about what should              Sunday, February 24
happen during Lent? While Lent provides us         8:30 am‐1:00 pm Girl Scout Cookie Sale                           Parish Lawn
with a rich me for personal spiritual              8:40‐9:45 am       Parish Religious Educa on Program             School
renewal and growth, many people find                9:45‐11:15 am      Child Care/Nursery Ministry                   Preschool
themselves already in the season without           10:00‐11:00 am     Children’s Liturgy of the Word                Auditorium A
any prepara on, or focus, and then move on         10:00‐11:30 am     RCIA                                          St. Timothy Room
with business as usual. Lent is meant to           1:00 pm            Bap sm                                        Church
give us so much more. Join us for a one‐hour       1:00‐4:00 pm       SPAC Basketball Prac ce                       Gym
                                                   4:00‐5:00 pm       Teen Music Ministry Rehearsal                 Music Ministry Office
adult enrichment session as we explore
                                                   5:15‐6:45 pm       Hispanic Religious Educa on Program           School
some Spiritual Prayer Prac ces to help us
                                                   6:00‐8:00 pm       High School Ministry                          St. Timothy Room
prepare for Lent, live it with greater desire
                                                   6:30pm             Holy Rosary (Spanish)                         Church
and focus, and enhance our Chris an                8:00‐10:00 pm      Hispanic Young Adult Mee ng                   Auditorium A
journey of faith. All are welcome! For more
informa on, contact Gary Maccaroni at 609‐         concerns, please email addic on_recovery         NY) or Graymoor Ecumenical & Interreligious
882‐6491, ext. 116 or at                                                       Ins tute Track (Manha an and Rome). Open                         Franciscan for the Summer                        to: Men, single, Catholic, 19‐30, who have
Hope, Healing, Recovery Service                    is an 8‐week summer immersion (June 14‐          completed at least two years of college. are
The Addic on Ministry at St. Gregory the           August 11, 2019) to explore ministry and         filled. Contact: Paul Krenzelok at
Great in Hamilton Square, NJ invites you to        religious life with the Franciscan Friars of the orpkrenzelok@atonemen or (845)

join them in this journey of hope and              Atonement. Two
Recovery on Wednesday, February 27 at                tracks: St. Christopher                 e are a welcoming parish. Whatever your present
7:00 pm. Our hope and purpose s to                   Inn Track (Garrison,                   status in the Catholic Church, whatever your current
provided the                  Do You Still Have Dry Blessed                                 family or marital situation, whatever your past or
support for those                      Palm Branches?                           present religious affiliation, whatever your personal history, age,
who want to find                If you s ll have last year’s dried out,          background, race or color, sexual orientation, whatever your self‐
recovery so they           blessed Palm Branches, please bring them             esteem, you are invited, welcomed, accepted, loved and respected
may enter into a life       with you as you come to Mass, and drop              by St. Paul Parish, the Catholic Community of Princeton.
they have almost            them off in the basket in the ves bule of
lost. Fellowship will     the church ... we will use them in the Ashes
follow the service in        for Ash Wednesday. Please bring them
the Gathering Space.                before February 18, 2019.
Any ques ons or
                    Assistive Listening System
   St. Paul Parish has install a personal assis ve listening system in
 our church building. If you are having difficulty hearing please ask
   one of the ushers, priests or deacons for a personal receiver so
 that you may hear directly the sound amplified through our public
 address system. Through the use of an earpiece or if you have a (T
  ‐Switch) on your hearing aid, sound will be received through this
  body pack. You are asked to return your personal sound receiver
             to the usher, priest or deacon following mass.
                                                                        Page 11
Pastoral Hispana
           Padre Miguel Valle                   Mensaje del Padre Miguel Valle             VI DOMINGO ORDINARIO. Lucas 6: 17, 20:26
        (609) 924-1743 ext. 119                 El evangelio proclama elocuentemente el conflicto entre los valores de
               Horas de Oficiando               Jesús y los del mundo. Para el mundo es malo ser pobre, tener hambre,
             Atención: 9:am a 4pm.              llorar y ser odiado; por otra parte, es Bueno ser rico, tenerlo todo, reír y
       Domingos: con cita previamente           ser apreciado. El Cris ano sabe muy bien que la riqueza, tanto como la
                    establecida                 pobreza, pueden tener ventajas y desventajas, como lo dice la sabiduría
               Sra. Nidia Beltran               popular “La pobreza es escalera del cielo para buenos y para malos, del
                     Asistente                  infierno”. La riqueza es vecina a la soberbia. La sabiduría evangélica se encuentra más entre
                        los pobres que entre los ricos, especialmente entre los que la biblia llama “pobres del
                 (609) 475-2216                 Señor”. Los que se sienten necesitados de salvación, los que no ponen su esperanza en el
             Servicios de Secretaria            mundo. Jesús invita a sus discípulos a ser los pobres del señor, a no confiar en las riquezas y
        Domingos, 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm            los valores del mundo; por eso deben estar siempre dispuestos a deshacerse de ellas,
            Lunes, 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm            sacrificándolas por el bien de la familia; el Cris ano ene que aprender a dar, compar r,
              en la Oficina Hispana             prestar y ser generoso, sin esperar reciprocidad. El pobre de algún modo es rico cuando en
        Dias en semana: con cita previa.        medio de su pobreza material descubre que Dios le ama y le está llamando a su Reino; es
rico porque mira mas allá y al mas allá, sabiendo que todo le va a venir del Padre que le ama. San Lucas ene amenazas para los que
con an en sí mismos y en sus cosas, cerrándose a los demás, porque enen y tendrán una suerte terrible. Todo rico es invitado a
Liturgia de La Palabra                            conver rse en “pobre de espíritu”, en una persona que sabe desprenderse de lo que ene
        Primera Lectura: Jeremías 17:5‐8          cuando ve a su prójimo padeciendo necesidad. Hay algunos ricos que prometen dar parte
Así dice Yahveh: Maldito sea aquel que a en de sus bienes a los necesitados cuando se mueran; con eso creen que hacen bien y viven
   hombre, y hace de la carne su apoyo, y de tranquilos engañándose a sí mismos, porque si los pobres se enteraran de esa clase de
         Yahveh se aparta en su corazón.          promesa, comenzarían a rezar para que esos ricos se murieran cuanto antes para que les
                                                  llegara su ayuda. Hay que ayudar a los pobres mientras se vive; los pobres rezaran para que
       Salmo Responsorial: Salmo 1:1‐4, 6
                                                  Dios les siga bendiciendo a sus bienhechores y les dé una vida larga.
  ¡Dichoso el hombre que no sigue el consejo
de los impíos, ni en la senda de los pecadores
                                                                                                  Sábados de 4:00 pm y los domingos a las
 se de ene, ni en el banco de los burlones se Intenciones
                                                   Por la Pascua  Eterna  de:                     6:30 pm.
sienta, más se complace en la ley de Yahveh,
            su ley susurra día y noche!             Esperanza  Cruz  Perez, Guadalupe   Sanchez,  Bautismos:
                                                              Gabriel Catalino Aparicio           Son los segundos domingos de cada mes a la
   Segunda Lectura: I Corin os 15:12, 16‐20        En Acción de Gracia por el cumpleaños de: 1:00 pm. mientras que la preparación
      Ahora bien, si se predica que Cristo ha                        Abel Onofre                  Bau smal son los primeros sábados de cada
    resucitado de entre los muertos ¿cómo
                                                                                                  mes a las 7:00 pm. en la An gua oficina
 andan diciendo algunos entre vosotros que Hora Santa & Confesiones:
                                                   Son todos los segundos y cuartos MARTES        hispana con la señora Nidia Beltrán
      no hay resurrección de los muertos?
                                                   de cada mes a las 7:00 pm en el templo         609.475.2216.
           Evangelio: Lucas 6:17, 20‐26            parroquial, y las confesiones son todos los
    Bajando con ellos se detuvo en un paraje
 llano; había una gran mul tud de discípulos Liturgia Ministerial:
  suyos y gran muchedumbre del pueblo, de               Altar Servers             Lectors      Extraordinary Ministers         Colectores
     toda Judea, de Jerusalén y de la región         Fernando Salmoran         Damian Lopez        Manuel Alberto          Ambrosio Solares
costera de Tiro y Sidón, Y él, alzando los ojos       Roselyn Figueroa*       Carolina Barrera     Miriam Estrada            Antonia Munoz
hacia sus discípulos, decía: «Bienaventurados          Sanjana Jethani                               Rosa Herrera            Madahi Lopez
   los pobres, porque vuestro es el Reino de                                                          Eva Alberto             Jesus Cortes
                        Dios.                                                                        Teresa Silva

G           A         A                                               espiritual en el horario indicado Todos los viernes de 8:00 pm a
  Reuniones solo los cuartos domingo del mes de 8:00 pm a             10:00 pm en el centro Espiritual sección “B” Acompáñanos a
  10:00 pm en el Centro Espiritual. Acompáñanos a orar con las        rezar el Santo Rosario y déjate llevar a Jesús de la mano de
  Sagrada Escrituras.                                                 María. Para más Información: Nidia 609.475.2216 o Agapita
G           O         C               M                               Quevedo: 609.213.7463
  Lunes de 8:00 pm a 10:00 pm en el centro espiritual de la         E G         L        D
  Iglesia. Recuerde que la renovación carismática no es un            se reúne todos los jueves de 8:00 pm a 10:00 pm en el Centro
  movimiento más, es la iglesia en movimiento. Te invitamos!          Espiritual. Acompáñanos a orar con las Sagradas Escrituras.
G       M                                                           Y        M     (M      J        ): Segundos Domingos de mes 7:00
  María es la intercesora por excelencia de nosotros los cristianos   pm a 8:00 pm. Reuniones: Segundos domingos de mes de 8:00
  ante el Padre, Dios. María es la fiel discípula de Jesús. Nuestro   pm a 10:00 pm sótano de la iglesia. Preparación Litúrgica: los
  lema seria: "a Jesús por María". Ven y disfruta de este refresco    primeros domingos de cada mes 8:00 pm in Iglesia.
                                                                   Page 12
Matrimonios:                                   Nuestra Misión Parroquial
el proceso matrimonial es de por lo menos      Nosotros, la comunidad Católica de San Pablo, en Princeton, honramos
un año y aquellas parejas interesadas deben    nuestra tradición de ofrecer la bienvenida a todos los fieles, hijos e hijas de
contactar al sacerdote con meses anteriores    Dios de diferentes culturas y orígenes para que conozcan y vivan el Evangelio
de la fecha de la celebración. Interesados     de nuestro Señor Jesucristo. Bautizados y formados en Dios como su pueblo,
favor contactar al Ministro Hispano al         seguimos creciendo en la Tradición Apostólica de Celebración Litúrgica,
609.924.1743 x 19 o escribiendo un sencillo    Sagrada Escritura y Servicio. Celebración Litúrgica, a través de nuestra
                                               participación en la Eucaristía y la celebración de los sacramentos; Sagrada Escritura, para
correo electrónico al Padre Miguel Valle al    promover y apoyar nuestra identidad católica a través de la palabra sagrada y la catequesis;                            y en Servicio, como discípulos que comparten el amor de Dios con todos y colaboran para
Knights of Columbus:                           crear un mundo donde existe paz y justicia en anticipación a la venida del Reino de Dios.
Es una asociación católica al servicio de la   quebrantos de salud y que pertenecen a     recién nacidos. Los segundos domingos de
tradición, de la familia y de la Iglesia                                                  cada mes es la oportunidad para la
                                               nuestra parroquia. Interesados en que se les
apoyando el crecimiento de valores                                                        bendición de las quinceañeras mientras que
                                               visite, favor llamar a las señora Rosa Herrera
humanos y cris anos. Solo se admiten           al 609‐505‐2323.                           los terceros domingos son las bendiciones
hombres mayores de 18ños. Interesados                                                     para los matrimonios que quieran darle
                                             San Vicente de Paul:
favor comunicarse con el Padre Miguel al                                                  gracias a Dios por la alegría de su amor. Mas
                                             Es una organización católica de servicios
609.924.1743 x 146                                                                        información con la Sra. Nidia Beltran al 609‐
                                             católicos que puede proveer ropa, ayuda
FORMED.ORG:                                  con la renta y cubrir otras necesidades como 475‐216.
Es un instrumento online para fortalecer     alimento y algunas medicinas para las        Niños de la Liturgia
nuestra fe católica. En esta página          familias realmente necesitadas y que estén Es un momento espiritual muy bello y de
encontraras todos los recursos necesarios    registradas en nuestra parroquia. Lisbeth    profundización en la palabra de Dios dentro
para la catequesis, espiritualidad familiar, Arrue es la persona encargada de este        del contexto litúrgico dominical. Los niños
evangelización y vida sacramental. Solo      ministerio social en nuestra comunidad, los bajan al sótano de la iglesia los primeros y
regístrate.                                  primeros Viernes de cada mes de 4:30 – 6:00 segundos domingos de cada mes de 7:00 pm
Ministerio de las personas                   pm o el primer domingo de cada mes de        a 7:15 pm.
enfermas:                                    5:30 – 6:45 pm en la oficina del Padre        Ayuda con Documentación:
Son algunos ministros de Eucaris a que han Miguel. La ayuda debe solicitarse con          Si alguien necesita ayuda de traducción con
querido comprometerse a llevar esperanza y an cipación llamando al Padre Miguel al 609 algún documento oficiales por favor
la comunión a las personas que sufren        924 1743 ext. 146                            contactar a Victoria Pena, trabajadora social,
                                                                     Bendiciones de       a su correo electrónico
                                                                     Niños:      o dejar la información
                                                                     Los primeros         per nente en la oficina con el Padre Miguel.
                                                                     domingos han sido    Igualmente el Sr. Joel Mar nez esta
                                                                     elegidos para la     dispuesto en colaborar dentro de esta área,
                                                                     presentación o       su correo electrónico es
                                                                     bendición de niños   22joelmar

                                                                                       Catecismo en Español
                                                                        Las Clases:
                                                                        Las clases son todos los
                                                                        domingos en la escuela
                                                                        de San Pablo de 5:15 pm‐
                                                                        6:45 pm. Inmediatamente Sra. Sara Cortés
                                                                        los niños caminan al           Coordinadora
                                                                        templo junto con sus
                                                                        catequistas para asistir a
                                                                        la santa misa.        
                                                                        Fechas importantes:                 609-924-1743 ext. 153
                                                                        Febrero 23: Taller para                Horas de Oficiando
                                                                        todos los padres en el                  Lunes y Martes:
                                                                        sótano de la iglesia de      9:00 am-2:00 pm y 7:00 pm a 10:00 pm
                                                                        6:15‐9:45 pm                           Viernes y Sábados:
                                                                        Catequistas                            9:00 am-12:00 pm
                                                                        Voluntarios: siempre bienvenidos!
                                                                        Si usted tiene la inquietud de querer servir y no sabe cómo hacerlo
                                                                        contáctese con Sara Cortes o Padre Miguel.
                                                                  Page 13
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