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         CAMPEÓN DE LA COPA ORO 2019
2                                                                                                                         18 DE JULIO - 24 DE JULIO | 2019
           In loving memory of
           Mr. José G. Esparza
                                                            APRENDE MÁS.
                                                            HAZ MÁS.
                                                            COMPARTE MÁS.

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 QUE ONDA MAGAZINE Prides itself in keep-
 ing a high standard and devotingly opposes

                                                        TEXAS GOV                                                                                                                  2
     any type of misleading advertising.

              CLOSE EDITION
                Friday 5:00pm                           HARRIS COUNTY ATTORNEY                                                                                                     4
              OFFICE HOURS
              9:00 am - 6:00pm                          INMIGRACION Y POLITICA                                                                                                     6
              Monday - Friday
                                                        DEPORTES                                                                                                                   8
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Una Publicación Semanal Derechos Reservados
                Copyright 2007                          MOTIVACION                                                                                                                 14
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                                                        LINCOLN AVIATOR 2020                                                                                                       18
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18 DE JULIO - 24 DE JULIO | 2019                                                                                                            3
                                                                             •   55 Texas Rangers                    gency Service Go-Kits
                                                                             •   30 SRT Operators                •   ATV/Polaris    Ranger       and
                                                                             •   20 SWAT Operators                   Trailer
                                                                             •   4 Armored High Water Per-       •   11 Trauma Bags with Assort-
                                                                                 sonnel Carriers                     ed Medical Gear
                                                                             •   2 Zodiac Boats
                                                                                                                 Texas Military Department
                                                                             •   Safe Boat                       Resources
                                                                             •   2 Communication Teams           • Rotary Wing MRP
TEXAS DEPLOYS RESOURCES TO                                                   •   4 Command Trailers              •   2 Ground Transportation Pla-
LOUISIANA TO ASSIST WITH                                                     •   Initial Reentry Assessment          toons
DISASTER RESPONSE                                                                team                            •   Food Unit Leader Support

       overnor Greg Abbott today       ernor Greg Abbott. “Texas is con-     •   4 Portable Satellite Packages       Team
       offered assistance to Loui-     tinuing to monitor this storm and                                         •   Intake/Vetters Support Team
                                                                             •   6 Field Support Trailers
       siana in response to Tropi-     I have placed assets and teams
                                                                             •   Inflatable Trailer              •   Military Desk Support Team
cal Storm Barry, which is expect-      on standby to respond to any se-
ed to make landfall on the Gulf        vere weather that may impact our      •   3 Commercial Generators         •   Multiple Personnel
Coast of Louisiana.                    state. I am proud of the way our
                                                                             •   Portable Radio Cache
                                       first responders are stepping up                                          Texas Parks and Wildlife Re-
        The state of Texas will be     to assist in these crucial response   •   2 Cradle Points with Multiple   sources
deploying Texas Task Force 1’s         efforts, and I ask all Texans to          Cell Carriers                   • 3 Saw Squads
Type III Urban Search and Res-         keep those in the storm’s path in     •   AT&T Deployable Cell Site       •   3 Planning Modules
cue (USAR) team with additional        their thoughts and prayers.”
                                                                             •   13 Shallow Water Boats          •   26 Game Wardens
water rescue assets to assist in re-
sponse efforts and do all we can to           The following resources        •   9 Rescue Swimmers               •   8 Airboats
prevent any loss of life. Addition-    remain on standby in Texas to         •   State Coordinator               •   Fuel Trailer
ally, the State Operations Center      respond to any severe weather
remains at its elevated level III      event the state may face:             •   7 District Coordinators         •   4 SAR Boat Teams
(increased readiness) activation                                             •   Critical Information Special-   •   Helicopter
and all state resources remain         Department of Public Safety               ist
in place ready to respond to any       Resources                             •   10 Recovery/Mitigation Coor-
severe weather that may occur                                                                                    Texas Task Force 1 Resources
                                       • 2 Helicopters with Hoist Ca-            dinators
in Texas as a result of Tropical                                                                                 • SAR Overhead Team
Storm Barry or any other event.                                              •   7 Emergency Tracking Net-       •   4 SWR Boat Squads
                                       •   3 High Altitude Aircraft              works
                                                                                                                 •   10 Helicopter SAT Techni-
       “Texans remember how            •   Aircraft Refueling Trailer        •   8 Disaster District Commit-         cians
the state of Louisiana came to         •   553 Troopers with Equipped            tees
our aid during Hurricane Harvey                                                                                  •   Type 3 USAR Team
                                           Vehicles                          •   2 Mobile Satellite Radios
and now we are in turn lending                                                                                   •   10 SAT Division Supervisors
                                       •   53 Trucks/SUVs                    •   Drone
our support as Louisianans face
Tropical Storm Barry,” said Gov-       •   5 ATV-type Vehicles               •   7 Radio Amateur Civil Emer-
4                                                                                                   18 DE JULIO - 24 DE JULIO | 2019
                                      County Attorney Ryan. “This is
                                      a very important first step for
                                      the County in bringing this kind         STAGE LIGHTING FIXTURES AND CABLE
                                      of litigation against a facility
                                      impacting the community.”
                                                                           EQUIPMENT PURCHASE AND DELIVERY (PHASE II)
                                             Litigation in federal court    Houston First Corporation requests proposals from experienced,
                                       against a company for its en-        theatrical lighting equipment companies to provide and deliver
                                       vironmental impact on a com-                       the stage lighting fixtures and cable.
                                       munity will be a first in Harris
                                       County. According to Rock Ow-                                   Please visit
                                       ens, the Managing Attorney for        
                                       the Environmental Group in the                             for complete details.
                                       County Attorney’s Office, the
                                       lawsuit will be filed in federal
HARRIS                               court where the judge has greater

COUNTY                               authority to order remedies that
                                     will prevent future releases.
                                             The case is the result of
                                     years of environmental regulation
AUTHORITY                            violations on the part of Valero –

                                     most notably, the benzene emis-
                                     sions after Hurricane Harvey in
VALERO IN                            2017 that affected the Manches-
                                     ter community. Manchester is a
FEDERAL                              mostly Hispanic neighborhood
COURT                                next to the refinery in southeast

      ounty Attorney Vince Ryan
                                            During Hurricane Harvey,
      will file a federal lawsuit
                                     the Valero refinery released toxic
      against Valero Energy al-
                                     emissions including close to 1,900
leging years of violating environ-
                                     pounds of benzene, a volatile com-
mental regulations have damaged
                                     ponent of crude oil known to cause
the local community. The Harris
County Commissioners Court au-
thorized filing the lawsuit during
                                             Action against Valero
the court session on June 24.
                                     comes on the heels of lawsuits
                                     filed by the Harris County Attor-
       “We appreciate the sup-
                                     ney against Exxon, KMCO and
port of the Commissioners Court
                                     Intercontinental Terminals Co.,
as we explore innovative ways to
                                     in the wake of recent environmen-
address the environmental dis-
                                     tal disasters.
regard of these large companies
and protect our community,” said

                                                                                    OFFICE ASSISTANT - ENTRY LEVEL
                                                                                      ACTION LIMO - HOUSTON, TX
                                                                           This position will require general office help, great phone etiquette, and internet
                                                                           savvy; with the ability to communicate professionally with customers and staff.

                                                                           Customer Service Includes:
                                                                           • Answering multi-phone line system.
                                                                           • Taking customer reservations, providing quotes and confirmations by phone
                                                                               and email.a
                                                                           • Credit card processing and providing clients with receipts and invoices.
                                                                               Assist with accounting and filing
                                                                           • Microsoft Office
                                                                           • Social media updates
                                                                           • Weekends availability
                                                                           • Reliable and with good references, EOE

                                                                                               Job Types: Full-time, Part-time
                                                                                                Salary: $8.00 to $12.00 /hour
                                                                                                       For more info
                                                                                         | 281-932-9942
18 DE JULIO - 24 DE JULIO | 2019                                                                                   5


      a jefa de la Patrulla Fron-      tas publicaciones en el grupo eran
      teriza de Estados Unidos,        “completamente inapropiadas y
      Carla Provost, perteneció        contrarias al honor y la integri-
a un grupo privado en Facebook         dad” de los agentes de la agencia
en el que supuestamente hic-           federal y que los empleados que
ieron bromas racistas sobre inmi-
grantes y burlas de tono sexual
                                       hubieran violado sus “normas de
                                       conducta” sería “responsable” de
                                                                             ¿BUSCAS AHORRAR DINERO EN

                                                                             AVISOS LEGALES?
sobre congresistas hispanas, rev-      lo sucedido.
eló este viernes el sitio web The
Intercept.                                    No obstante, la presidenta
                                       del Comité de Seguridad Nacional
       El reporte asegura que          de la Cámara de Representantes
Provost era parte del grupo priva-
do y que tres meses después de su
                                       Bennie Thompson exigió una in-
                                       vestigación específica para saber     Publique sus avisos legales
nombramiento en agosto de 2018         si Provost y el secretario interino

                                                                             POR MENOS
puso un comentario en la página,       del Departamento de Seguridad
aunque el portal no revela si la       Interna, Kevin McAleenan, con-
máxima autoridad era un miem-          ocían y habían hablado sobre es-
bro activo cuando se destapó el        tos comentarios, reportó The In-
escándalo el pasado 1 de julio.        tercept.

       El portal de investiga-                 En su investigación, el si-               Llámenos
ciones ProPublica, que sacó a          tio también identificó a figuras
la luz la existencia del polémico      prominentes del Sindicato de la
                                                                               antes de llamar al otro periódico.
grupo, subrayó desde el primer         Patrulla Fronteriza, entidad que           Que Onda Magazine
reporte que miembros activos del       también rechazó el contenido de
CBP y altos mandos del mismo           los mensajes el mismo día que es-
pertenecían al grupo.                  talló el escándalo.

       Entre los intercambios de              “El publicar material que
mensajes destaca uno en el que         sea inadecuado e inaceptable hace       ÁREAS DE CIRCULACIÓN:
los miembros se refirieron en tono     un gran daño a la reputación de la
de burla a la muerte de un emi-        Patrulla Fronteriza”, advirtió en-
grante de 16 años que falleció en      tonces el comunicado del sindica-
mayo pasado cuando estaba bajo         to.
la custodia de las autoridades
federales en Weslaco, Texas.                  El Departamento de Segu-
                                       ridad Interna (DHS) y la oficina
                                                                               Brazoria               Harris
      Entre los textos había uno       del Inspector General del DHS
que decía: “If he dies, he dies” (si
se muere, se muere).
                                       prosiguen con sus investigaciones
                                       sobre las publicaciones en el gru-
                                                                              Chambers               Liberty
                                       po sin que se conozcan todavía los
        Otro de los mensajes
alienta a lanzar a las
                                       resultados de las pesquisas.           Fort Bend          Montgomery
congresistas Alexan-
dria Ocasio-Cortez y
Verónica Escobar co-
                                                                              Galveston               Waller
mida mexicana en unos
textos que contienen
además groserías y pa-
labras ofensivas, como                                                                   Contacto:
imágenes de carácter
sexual.                                                                          Gabriel Esparza
       Tras las revela-
ciones Provost dijo en
un comunicado que es-
6                                                                                                  18 DE JULIO - 24 DE JULIO | 2019
                                        COLE RACKS                                                                 DYNAMO
                                        UP 11                                                                      PREPARE FOR
                                        STRIKEOUTS                                                                 TWO-GAME
                                        VS. HAPLESS                                                                EASTERN
                                        HALOS                                                                      CONFERENCE
                                        the game. His fastball was effec-                                          ROAD TRIP

G                                                                             A
                                        tive as always, but his changeup
       errit Cole was tasked with       -- which he threw 11 times, tying            fter dropping a 3-1 home      ronto as important ones for the
       playing stopper for the As-      a season high set in his previous            match against Supporters      team and is prepared for what
       tros on Wednesday night          start -- also proved to be key for           Shield leaders Los Angeles    will amount to two tough match-
at Angel Stadium, and Houston’s         him.                                  FC this past Friday, the Hous-       ups. “We have two huge tests this
offense provided him with ample                                               ton Dynamo are set for a week        week, so we have to be ready and
backing to accomplish that.                    Cole had his work cut out      of travel against Eastern Con-       mentally prepared for a battle,”
                                        for him against an Angels lineup      ference opposition, both of whom     he said.
       Staked to an 11-run lead,        that strikes out as infrequently      have recent successes within the
the right-hander gave the Astros        as any in baseball, but the Major     league and are actively seeking to          Darwin Cerén has noticed
some much-needed length by fir-         League strikeout leader rose to       expand their trophy cases.           the team’s fluctuating perfor-
ing seven innings of one-run ball       the occasion, becoming the first to                                        mances between halves through-
and striking out 11 in an 11-2 win.     record 10 strikeouts against them            First, the team will trav-    out the season and proposed some
It was Cole’s 11th double-digit         this year. He did it by inducing 24   el to Georgia on Wednesday for a     changes that could positively shift
strikeout game of the season, the       swings and misses -- also an MLB      midweek matchup when they take       the team’s momentum.
most of any MLB pitcher.                season high against the Angels.”      on defending MLS Cup champi-
                                                                              ons Atlanta United FC at Mer-                “We play well in the first
        A run-down rotation forced             After jumping out to a         cedes-Benz Stadium at 6:00 pm        half, we play bad in the second
the Astros to use openers for the       three-run lead in the first, the      CT. The road trip continues when     half, and vice versa. We play a
first two games of the series, and      Astros never looked back, tacking     the team travels north of the bor-   bad first half and a very good sec-
the bullpen ended up handling           on additional runs in the second      der to Toronto to face off against   ond half, so I think mentally we
eight of those 16 innings. It was       and third before capping the bar-     the 2017 MLS Cup champions in        have to change something, be-
up to Cole to give his team’s be-       rage with a five-run fifth. George    Toronto FC this Saturday at 6:30     cause it’s not possible to play that
leaguered relief corps a reprieve.      Springer homered and drove in         pm CT from BMO Field.                way,” Cerén said of the team’s
                                        three, Michael Brantley hit his                                            performances thus far. “Maybe,
        Though Cole allowed eight       100th career home run and Jake                While the team has strug-    we have to bring more energy to
baserunners on seven hits and           Marisnick went 3-for-4.               gled for results on the road this    the team, because it’s not possible
one walk, he was able to limit the                                            season, standing at 1-7-0 before     to play two different halves.”
damage, with the only run coming               For Cole, Wednesday was        the road trip, which serves as the
on a fifth-inning Dustin Garneau        a blueprint for how he’d like to      halfway mark for the club’s road             Despite a short turn-
solo shot. Cole finished off his per-   see the Astros approach games for     schedule, head coach Wilmer          around from last week’s disap-
formance by striking out the final      the remainder of the season.          Cabrera has planned for a strong     pointment, Cabrera is confident
five batters he faced, hitting 99.4     		                                    defensive and attack-minded          in his team’s chances as they take
mph on his 109th and last pitch of      Source:                strategy to break the team out of    to the road.
                                                                              its road struggles.
                                                                                                                           “Now, we have two games
                                                                                      A.J. DeLaGarza, a mem-       against two tough teams. We have
                                                                              ber of the Dynamo since 2017, has    to be in that team mentality, and
                                                                              seen the team’s road struggles as    I believe in these guys that they
                                                                              part of a larger mental block.       have those big plays.”

                                                                                    DeLaGarza      sees   the      Source:
                                                                              matches against Atlanta and To-
18 DE JULIO - 24 DE JULIO | 2019                                                                                                           7
                             ROCKETS REVEAL
                             THREE NEW                                                                             TEXANS NEWS
                             UNIFORMS FOR                                                                        brought to you by

                             2019-20 NBA

                                      the uniforms of today. Some of the
                                      most notable differences are the

                                      original U-shaped neckline and
      he Rockets revealed three
      new uniforms for the 2019-
                                      the lack of a team logo on the belt   DEANDRE HOPKINS IS 1 OF 4
                                                                            PLAYERS WITH 99 RATING IN
      20 NBA season.

        The red "Icon" and white
                                             A fourth new jersey, the
                                      "City" jersey will be revealed in
                                                                            MADDEN 20
"Association" jerseys showcase        November. It will move away                   ithout a single dropped      number of categories, also scored
significant changes including a       from the Chinese jerseys the                  catch last season, DeAn-     a 99 in: Awareness, Catch Rating,
new "Rockets" font, modernized        Rockets have used in past years               dre Hopkins arguably         Spectacular Catch Rating, Catch
side panels, and the inclusion of     and evoke Houston's history and       has the best hands in the NFL.       in Traffic Rating and Release Rat-
black as a core color. The new        present. While no details can be      Now, he is also one of the best in   ing.
custom font moves away from the       revealed until November, it will      a popular video game too.
past gothic typeface for a clearer    certainly be "out of this world."                                                 Hopkins, coming off his
and more streamlined look. The                                                      Madden fans will soon        second consecutive First-Team
side panels evoke a rocket launch             The Rockets will, however,    get to experience the impeccable     All-Pro campaign, scored 11
with propulsion trails at the bot-    continue to celebrate their rela-     catchability of the All-Pro wide-    touchdowns and set career highs
tom of the shorts. The inclusion of   tionship with their Chinese fans.     out, who earned a maximum over-      in receptions (115) and receiving
black as a core color is partially    As a tribute to the massive pop-      all rating of 99 in the newly-un-    yards (1,572) in 2018. He joins
a result of the popularity of the     ularity of the club in China, the     veiled Madden NFL 20.                J.J. Watt as the only two Texans
fan-favorite black "Statement"        Rockets will debut an alternate                                            to be included in the highly-cov-
jersey the Rockets debuted during     court for home games played over             Hopkins is just one of four   eted 99 Club. Watt was rated 99
the 2016-17 season. That uniform      Lunar New Year.                       NFL players to earn a 99 OVR,        in four editions of Madden (2014-
will continue to be used in the up-                                         joining Aaron Donald, Bobby          17).
coming season, in addition to the            Last week, the Rockets re-     Wagner and Khalil Mack, and is
three new kits and a fourth which     vealed a new secondary or "glob-      the only offensive player in Mad-           Madden NFL 20 will be re-
has yet to be revealed.               al" logo, for international usage.    den NFL 20. Hopkins, rated in a      leased worldwide on August 2.
                                      However, the Rockets "R" will re-
        Another new addition          main the primary logo and contin-
to the Rockets' uniform lineup        ue to be the most prevalent. The
is bound to become a fan favor-       new logo takes use of the new font
ite this season as well. The new      and places it in a more dimen-
"ketchup and mustard" colored         sionally balanced setting. The
"Classic" jersey celebrates 25 sea-   logo features "Houston Rockets"
sons since the Rockets went back-     wrapping around a “basketball
to-back after winning the 1994-95     globe” and matches the desire of
NBA Championship. The colors          the franchise to be champions of
and design of the uniform are the     the basketball world.
same as that historic season, but
the jersey and shorts will be made            The three new jerseys that
with current performance ma-          were released tonight are on sale
terial. The uniform will be worn      for pre-orders now at
only for the upcoming season and
showcases a contrast in style with
8                                                                                                  18 DE JULIO - 24 DE JULIO | 2019
                                                                              ¡EL NUEVO VIDEOCLIP DE BECKY
                                                                              G "DOLLAR" CON MYKE TOWERS
                                                                              YA ESTA DISPONIBLE!
                                                                                     a joven superestrella global   rasar este verano fue producida
GRUPOCON MÁS #1S EN EL                                                               Becky G acaba de estrenar
                                                                                     el nuevo videoclip de su más
                                                                                                                    por Hear This Music (Luian y
                                                                                                                    Mambo Kingz) y Hydro.
LISTADO LATIN AIRPLAY                                                         reciente sencillo "DOLLAR" jun-

       l dúo más icónico de la músi-   aclamados artistas que han co-         to al rapero y compositor urbano
                                                                              Myke Towers. Para ver el video                "'DOLLAR' esta destinada
       ca latina, Wisin y Yandel,      sechado innumerables éxitos en
                                                                              visite:   a convertirse en un éxito clásico.
       es #1 en la radio de Estados    sus carreras como solistas, sin
                                                                              Dollar/youtube y para escuchar        Me encantó unirme a esta canción
Unidos y Puerto Rico con "Aullan-      embargo, en su faceta como dúo
                                                                              y/o descargar la canción visite:      con una de las artista femeninas
do", su colaboración con Romeo         dentro de la música latina Wisin y
                                                                              más grandes a nivel global. Cuan-
Santos, según el listado de Bill-      Yandel han disfrutado de incom-
                                                                                                                    do los productores, Luian and
board Latin Airplay, marcando          parable éxito, convirtiéndose en
                                                                                                                    Mambo Kingz, me contactaron
su decimotercer #1 en el listado y     dos de los artistas urbanos lati-
                                                                                     "Esta canción envía un         y escuché la música, inmediata-
estableciendo un nuevo récord . . .    nos con mayores ventas en todo el
                                                                              mensaje por cada promesa vacía        mente supe que quería trabajar
Wisin y Yandel son el dúo o grupo      mundo, gracias a su música y sus
                                                                              que hemos recibido. Trabajar con      en ella con Becky que es una ver-
con el mayor número de canciones       conciertos.
                                                                              todos los involucrados en 'DOL-       dadera profesional en todos los
#1 en la radio de Estados Unidos
                                                                              LAR' y su video ha sido espectacu-    aspectos. Esta es mi primera co-
y Puerto Rico.
                                               Durante su carrera de más      lar y Myke ha sido un colaborador     laboración 'crossover' y quien me-
                                       de 15 años como dúo, Wisin y Yan-      perfecto. Tiene la mejor energía,     jor que con Becky para hacerla",
       "Aullando" es de la autoría     del han recibido numerosas cer-        escribe increíble y su debut como     expresó Myke Towers.
de Wisin, Yandel, Romeo Santos,        tificaciones Multi-Platino en los      actor en el video fue épico. Estoy
Descemer Bueno, Chris Jeday,           Estados Unidos y Latinoamérica         muy feliz de trabajar con él en
                                                                              esta canción que significa para              El joven fenómeno de la
Gaby Music y Ender Thomas y            y docenas de prestigiosos premi-
                                                                              mí mucho más de lo que la gente       música urbana, el rapero y com-
fue producida por Wisin, Yandel,       os incluyendo un Grammy y dos
                                                                              puede imaginar ", expresó Becky       positor Myke Towers se ha gana-
Chris Jeday y Gaby Music.              Latin Grammys; así como doce
                                                                              G.                                    do un lugar de respeto y recono-
                                       sencillos #1 en el listado Billboard
                                                                                                                    cimiento en uno de los mercados
                                       Latin Airplay. En sus giras, Wisin
       "Aullando" se desprende                                                                                      más competitivos de la música.
                                       y Yandel han demostrado ser una
de la producción discográfica mas                                                    El video de "DOLLAR" fue       El puertorriqueño ha colabora-
                                       fuerza implacable, convirtiéndose
anticipada de Wisin y Yandel Los                                              dirigido por Eif Rivera (Cardi B,     do recientemente con algunos de
                                       en los únicos artistas en el género
Campeones del Pueblo / The Big                                                JLo, DJ Khaled, entre otros) qui-     los nombres más importantes del
                                       de Música Urbana Latina en lle-
Leagues. Su video ya tiene 290                                                en dirigió el video de Becky G de     género, como Bad Bunny, Farru-
                                       nar tanto el Staples Center como
million visualizaciones. Para ver-                                            "Green Light Go". La pegajosa         ko, Piso 21, Sech y Arcángel.
                                       el Madison Square Garden en los
lo visite:     Estados Unidos. Las presenta-          canción urbana que promete ar-
landoV                                 ciones de Wisin y Yandel son más
                                       que emocionantes. El dúo viaja con
                                       su banda de 10 músicos, 8 bailar-
       El dúo acaba de terminar
                                       ines, y un innovador espectáculo
la etapa estadounidense de su
                                       visual; pero las verdaderas estrel-
Como Antes Tour, que ha estado
                                       las son indudablemente Wisin y
llenando conciertos a capacidad
                                       Yandel y su concepto único dentro
en Puerto Rico, América Latina y
                                       de la música urbana latina, una
los Estados Unidos.
                                       fusión de géneros y estilos presen-
                                       tado con una fuerza y pasión que
Acerca de Wisin y Yandel               nadie dentro de su género musical
                                       puede igualar.
         Yandel y Wisin son dos
18 DE JULIO - 24 DE JULIO | 2019                                                                                 9

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10                                                                                                  18 DE JULIO - 24 DE JULIO | 2019


       a selección de fútbol de Méx-   oría para los visitantes, fue todo
       ico se coronó al ganarle 1-0    lo contrario.
       a Estados Unidos este do-
mingo por la noche como campeón                Y es que los aztecas comen-
de la Copa Oro 2019 en un partido      zaron con muchas dudas ante
muy intenso, parejo y del que sacó     un equipo estadounidense que
la diferencia en su mejor momen-       aceptó un rol que casi nunca suele
to, gracias a un gran gol de Jona-     aceptar: el de protagonista. En el
than Dos Santos.                       inicio, el conjunto de las barras y
                                       las estrellas presionó a los mexi-    to con un cambio táctico vital de     Jiménez, que aguantó el esférico
        El menor de los hermanos       canos y los hizo sufrir.              Martino: Rodolfo Pizarro, el mejor    y se lo dio al mediocampista del
Dos Santos emuló a Giovani, que                                              este domingo entre los mexicanos,     Galaxy angelino, que entró de ar-
en 2011, en la última final que               A los 10 minutos de juego,     pasó del sector izquierdo al dere-    remetida al área. Jonathan, con el
el "Tri" disputó ante los Estados      Christian Pulisic y Jozy Altidore     cho en tres cuartos de cancha.        balón encima, definió con la parte
Unidos, había marcado un gol           ya habían hecho temblar la por-                                             interna de su pie zurdo y mandó
para el 4-2 final de los aztecas.      tería de Guillermo Ochoa, uno de             Ahí, el mediocampista del      al ángulo un tiro que nadie podía
                                       los puntos más altos del "Tri" en     Monterrey volvió a provocar un        detener.
       El tanto de Jonathan, en        el torneo, pero ambos fallaron:       caos en la defensa estadounidense.
el minuto 73, fue la culminación       el primero se perdió un mano a        Sin embargo, la anotación mexi-               "No sé qué decir, estoy feliz
de los mejores minutos mexicanos       mano y el segundo mandó su tiro       cana no llegaba. Raúl Jiménez, el     por aportar mi granito de arena,
en todo el torneo: si la selección     desviado.                             goleador azteca, brilló por su aus-   siempre llega el momento y hoy
dirigida por el argentino Gerardo                                            encia en el duelo más importante,     me llegó a mí, ahora toca disfru-
"Tata" Martino había ido de más               Los aztecas respondieron,      a pesar de la asistencia para Dos     tar la victoria", expresó el menor
a menos en el campeonato, el par-      aunque con menos peligro. Sin         Santos.                               de los Dos Santos tras el duelo.
tido jugado en el Soldier Field de     embargo, el primer tiempo cul-
Chicago, con más de asis-       minó con empate a cero. México               Pero Pizarro encontró el              Con la ventaja, México
tentes y una abrumadora may-           supo sufrir y salió al complemen-     hueco que necesitaba en el minuto     sufrió poco, pero tuvo que echar
                                                                             73, cuando filtró una pelota para     mano de nuevo de Ochoa, que
18 DE JULIO - 24 DE JULIO | 2019                                                                                                            11
estuvo inmaculado en su propia
área, al defender un doble tiro
sobre el final, primero tras un re-
mate de Michael Bradley y luego
de Gyasi Zardes.

        Los estadounidenses se
lamentaron aquella falla en el
inicio del segundo tiempo que
Andrés Guardado, capitán tricol-
or, sacó con la cabeza en la línea
de su propio arco tras un remate
de Jordan Morris que después
Weston McKennie no pudo con-
cluir. A partir de entonces, tras
la jugada más peligrosa en todo el
encuentro, México se hizo fuerte
y no dejó que su rival volviera a
superarlo en el juego.

        "(El título) fue por lo que
venimos, no servía de nada si no
lo llevábamos a casa, es un esce-
nario inolvidable, es el clásico de   Fútbol), contando la Copa entre      ahora, además de arrebatarle el        Newell's Old Boys pudo festejar
la zona, estoy muy contento, muy      selecciones de la zona que se jugó   título a un equipo que lo defendía,    apenas unos meses después de
satisfecho", expresó Guardado.        desde 1963 hasta 1989, la cual el    ya que la edición de 2017 fue ga-      asumir el mando en la escuadra
"Seguiremos trabajando con hu-        "Tri" conquistó en tres oprotuni-    nada por sus vecinos del norte.        mexicana.
mildad y trataremos de demostrar      dades. Su última victoria hasta
que somos un equipo importante",      ahora era la de 2015 ante Jamai-             Para el argentino Martino              Las barras y las estrellas
completó el jugador del Betis.        ca.                                  fue su primer título a nivel de se-    se llevaron un trofeo de conso-
                                                                           lecciones. Después de los tres tra-    lación: la revelación del torneo,
       Con el título, México                  Además, los aztecas se       gos amargos que significaron las       para los organizadores, fue Pulis-
sumó su octava Copa Oro y su          separaron de Estados Unidos en       finales de Copa América que per-       ic, que mostró su liderazgo en un
undécimo título en la Concacaf        duelos directos en finales de este   dió en 2011 (con Paraguay), y las      equipo que busca renovarse tras
(Confederación de Norteaméri-         tipo, con una ventaja 5-1 en seis    de 2015 y 2016 (ambas con Argen-       quedar eliminado del Mundial de
ca, Centroamérica y el Caribe de      finales jugadas entre ellos hasta    tina), el nacido en el club rosarino   Rusia 2018.
12   18 DE JULIO - 24 DE JULIO | 2019
18 DE JULIO - 24 DE JULIO | 2019                                                                 13


     he American Public Trans-         because of the dedication exhibit-
     portation          Association    ed by employees throughout this
     (APTA) has awarded the            organization and the commitment
Metropolitan Transit Authority of      of the METRO Board. Safety is a
Harris County (METRO) with its         core value for us.”
highest honor for rail safety excel-

lence. METRO has been named                    APTA chose METRO for
the winner of APTA’s 2019 Rail         its successful partnership with
Safety Gold Award for transit          the city of Houston's traffic timing
agencies with more than 20 mil-        group to develop and implement
lion passenger trips annually.         a traffic and rail signaling project
                                       called SmartSync, which:
        Each year, the organiza-
tion recognizes bus transporta-        •   Decreased crashes in Houston's
tion and paratransit systems that          Central Business District by 35
have implemented projects or ini-          percent,
tiatives that achieved document-
ed success in addressing specific      •   Allowed the transit authority to
safety program areas.                      run the same six-minute service
                                           using one fewer train, translat-
       "We are truly honored               ing into an annual operating
to be the 2019 recipient of this           cost savings of $250,000, and
national award,” said METRO
President & CEO Tom Lambert.           •   Reduced wait times for all road
“Our successes are the result of
teamwork. They're only possible
                                           users resulting in smoother traf-
                                           fic and pedestrian flow.            TICKETS ON SALE NOW!

                                                                                     OCT 19
14                                                                                               18 DE JULIO - 24 DE JULIO | 2019

DISTANCIA      apaga y el sentimiento amoroso

       espués que me gradué            se diluye.
       de escuela superior, mi
       noviecito se marchó a es-
tudiar a otra ciudad. Yo tenía fe             Comunicación       diaria:
en mi noviazgo, pero todo el mun-      Separa un momento todos
do me recordaba el refrán: "amor       los días para dedicar toda tu
de lejos, felices los cuatro". Lam-    atención a una llamada telefóni-
                                                                           pareja que has añorado su pres-             No asumas que la distan-
entablemente, tenían razón, la         ca con tu pareja. Este ritual se
                                                                           encia, como una postal, una flor o   cia propiciará infidelidad, cuan-
relación no sobrevivió.                convierte en parte de la vida de
                                                                           un peluche.                          do hay una atracción y conexión
        ¿Puede el amor florecer de                                                                              verdadera, ¡todo es posible! La
lejos? Es difícil pero no imposible.                                                                            distancia también trae aspectos
Para que un vínculo amoroso so-                                                   ¿Quién se muda?: Tarde        positivos, se añora con mayor in-
                                              Ponle pimienta: Las
breviva la distancia tiene que tra-                                        o temprano llegará el momento        tensidad al ser querido y los en-
                                       necesidades afectivas y sexuales
tarse de una separación temporal,                                          de decidir quién se va a mudar.      cuentros son más ardientes. Como
                                       insatisfechas hacen más vulner-
donde eventualmente habrá una                                              Cuando se toma esta decisión         dice esta frase: “La ausencia dis-
                                       able a una persona al engaño.
fecha para una reunión perma-                                              tiene que haber un compromiso        minuye las pequeñas pasiones y
                                       Por eso, usa tu imaginación, el
nente. En caso que encuentres el                                           formal, ya que uno de los dos ten-   aumenta las grandes, lo mismo
                                       teléfono y la tecnología como
amor en otro código de área, aquí                                          drá que renunciar a su empleo y      que el viento apaga las velas y
                                       instrumentos para propiciar in-
te doy varias orejitas para que tu                                         lugar de residencia.                 aviva las llamas".
                                       timidad en la lejanía.
relación a lo lejos no se enfríe:

                                               Bombos y platillos: Haz     María Marín motivadora internacional.
       Contacto físico: Es esen-       que cada reunión sea especial
cial verse a menudo. Súbete a          ya sea con una cena romántica,      Visita el canal de Youtube:“El Empujoncito de Maria Marin”
un avión, carro, tren o ¡bicicleta!    asistir a un partido de su equipo
                                                                           Siguela en Facebook mariamarin
Evita que pase más de un mes sin       favorito o un concierto. En cada
compartir. Si pasa mucho tiempo        encuentro tráele un pequeño
                                                                           Twitter @maria_marin
entre los encuentros, la pasión se     detalle que demuestre a tu          IG mariamarinmotivation
18 DE JULIO - 24 DE JULIO | 2019   15
16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  18 DE JULIO - 24 DE JULIO | 2019

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18 DE JULIO - 24 DE JULIO | 2019                                                                                                              17

                                       up fast.

                                       Think About It
                                               Sucre makes the perfect
MONTEVIDEO,                            stop between South American ad-
URUGUAY                                ventures, so take advantage of the
                                       laid-back atmosphere to do some

        ruguay’s small but mighty      quality contemplation. A key spot
        capital is coastal cool, a     for this is the Cementerio Gener-
        blend of glamor and bus-       al, where rows of stacked graves
tling metropolis. Just a short fer-    are marked with a message:
ry ride from Buenos Aires, this        "Hodie Mihi Cras Tibi: Today Me,
city is more than a day-trip desti-    Tomorrow You." Beautiful and se-
nation. Vibrant and relaxed, with      rene, this area may not be a typ-
a growing number of chic corners,      ical tourist point but it’s worth a
Montevideo is for the true discov-     visit. If you’d rather stick to the
erers.                                 beaten path, hike up to La Reco-
                                       leta, a cobblestoned plaza over-
WHEN TO GO                             looking the city. Grab a bite at
                                                                             tion of Uruguayan artwork. For        Aires steals the spotlight for its
                                       the restaurant and watch the sun
                                                                             performing arts, check out what’s     culinary scene, but Montevideo is
September - November                   go down over the orange-roofed
                                                                             playing at Teatro Solís, which fea-   quickly catching up with chic new
         Perched on the water,         buildings.
                                                                             tures performances from the Na-       spots settling in next to tradition-
Montevideo can get very warm in
                                                                             tional Philharmonic Orchestra. If     al favorites. Check out the city’s
the summer and very cold in the        Rambling Away
                                                                             you can’t get tickets, the building   food markets, hip takes on an old
winter. Traveling in the South                 If you want to feel like a
                                                                             is still worth visiting.              concept, including Mercado Fer-
American spring is the perfect         local, head to La Rambla at sun-
                                                                                                                   rando and Mercado del Puerto,
way to enjoy all the city has to       set. This waterside boardwalk
                                                                             A Lovely Jaunt                        which serve up everything from
offer, from lazy afternoons on the     fills up with all ages enjoying the
                                                                                     Uruguay is a treasure         Italian pasta to traditional asado.
beach to breezy evening strolls.       ocean breeze. Follow the path to
                                                                             trove of discoveries, and thanks      If you want to go the classic route,
                                       one of the city’s charming coast-
                                                                             to its small size, most of its oth-   start your day sipping mate while
DISCOVERIES                            al neighborhoods, like Pocitos or
                                                                             er hotspots are easily accessible     eating street cakes and end it
                                       Punta Carretas. In the afternoon,
                                                                             from the capital. Head down the       with the fare at La Pulperia, a top
MVD                                    post up at Carrasco Beach or Pla-
                                                                             coast to glitzy Punta del Este for    parrillada. Montevideo also has
        Start your exploration of      ya Verde for a little sunbathing.
                                                                             sun-drenched beaches and ele-         a bustling craft brew scene, with
Uruguay in the heart of the Ci-        If you want a little more green-
                                                                             gant resorts where all of South       places like Montevideo Beer Com-
udad Vieja (old city) — Plaza In-      ery, make your way to El Prado,
                                                                             America comes to play. Or, if his-    pany and Carrasco Beer House
dependencia. This square touches       a neighborhood home to a 24-acre
                                                                             toric discovery is more your thing,   offering fun options to taste local
many of the city’s most famous         botanical garden that features
                                                                             head to Colonia del Sacramento,       brews.
buildings, like Palacio Salvo and      shady trees, rosebuds and a Japa-
                                                                             a picturesque UNESCO site with
the Teatro Solís, and is a great       nese garden.
                                                                             colorful buildings and cobblestone    STAY HERE
starting point for discovering both
                                                                             streets. Or drive into the country
the city’s historic streets and mod-   Artfully Done
                                                                             to sample some of Uruguay’s bur-      Another Night
ern downtown. Stroll the pedes-                Montevideo’s     museum
                                                                             geoning wine scene at a spot like     Spend the weekend in one of the
trian street Sarandi and explore       scene is as unique as the city.
                                                                             Bodega Bouza.                         city’s charming historic hotels,
the old city walls, stopping at lo-    Start with Espacio de Arte Con-
                                                                                                                   like Alma Historica or Casa Ro-
cal markets and trinket shops set      temporáneo, a modern museum
                                                                                                                   berto Montevideo. Go for luxury
in ornate buildings. End the day       set in a former prison that hosts
at Baar Fun Fun, a popular spot        plenty of fun community events
                                                                             WHAT TO EAT                           at Hotel Dazzler, or embrace the
                                                                                                                   boutique life at Cala di Volpe,
to catch a tango show. But, plan       not to be missed. Also worth a vis-
                                                                             A Rising Star                         both set in the swanky, seaside
ahead, as the tables tend to book      it is Museo Nacional de Artes Vi-
                                                                                   Across the water, Buenos        Punta Carretas neighborhood.
                                       suales, home to the largest collec-
18                                                                    18 DE JULIO - 24 DE JULIO | 2019

                                            Born from the boundless
                                          allure of flight, the Lincoln
                                          Aviator uses intentional
                                          horizontal lines and a slop-
                                          ing roof for a streamlined
                                          feel, creating a sense of
                                          power and motion. The Lin-
                                          coln signature grille draws

         AVIATOR                          the eye to the front of the
                                          vehicle while the wrap-
           2020                           around windshield appear-
                                          ance completes the overall
LINCOLN                                   aviation-inspired theme.
        The road ahead isn’t the     POWERTRAIN
only place that needs your atten-    OPTIONS
tion. The available Lincoln Co-Pi-
lot360™ Plus package bundles a
number of driver-assist technolo-             The Lincoln Aviator of-
gies, including Evasive Steering     fers exciting powertrain options
Assist, Reverse Brake Assist, Ac-    that combine power and poise for
tive Park Assist Plus and Adap-      a smooth and thrilling journey.
tive Cruise Control with Traffic     The standard Twin-Turbocharged
Jam Assist. Traffic Jam Assist       3.0L V6 engine sets the pace for
combines Stop-and-Go, Lane Cen-      all Aviator models by generating
tering and newly developed Speed     400 horsepower and 415 lb.-ft. of
Sign Recognition to help you keep    torque.* The Aviator Grand Tour-
your journey as seamless as possi-   ing** utilizes a battery-powered
ble.*                                electric motor and pairs it with
                                     the standard Twin-Turbocharged
                                     engine to produce more than 450
SETTING DESIGN PHILOSO-              horsepower and more than 600
PHY INTO MOTION                      lb.-ft. of torque.*
18 DE JULIO - 24 DE JULIO | 2019                                                                                                          19


      he Texas Oil & Gas Associ-
      ation (TXOGA) is pleased to            The TXOGA Health Plan
      announce an exciting new        is available to eligible member
benefit for its membership – the      companies with 2 to 50 total em-
TXOGA Health Plan. Through            ployees, that are headquartered
an agreement with Blue Cross          in the State of Texas, and that
Blue Shield of Texas (BCBSTX),        are aligned to the oil and gas
this new health insurance option      industry. The plan makes avail-
available to TXOGA members            able options for small businesses
will make it easier for small busi-   and their employees so they can
nesses with 2 to 50 employees to      choose the right health care plan,
provide affordable group health       priced within their budget, with
coverage to employees. This new       the physicians and health care
plan is in addition to the out-       providers they trust. Benefits
standing benefits offered to mem-     include, but are not limited to,
ber companies through TXOGA’s         competitive medical, dental and
existing workers’ compensation        vision coverage, and the advan-
product offered through Texas         tage of an employee benefits ad-
Mutual.                               ministration portal, known as SI-
                                      MON®, a platform that delivers a
        “The Texas oil and natu-      seamless experience for employ-
ral gas industry is responsible for   ers and brokers to more easily
funding our roads, building our       maintain membership and billing
schools and supporting our first      for their group from one online
responders, and is widely credit-     portal – anywhere and anytime.
ed with the current stability and
health of the Texas economy,”                For a quote to be a part
said TXOGA President Todd Sta-        of the TXOGA Health Plan or for
ples. “Ensuring the wellbeing and     more about the TXOGA work-
safety of employees is of utmost      er’s compensation safety group,
importance to our member com-         contact your current insurance
panies and is a vital component to    agent. For more information on
keeping the industry and Texas        the TXOGA Health Plan, visit

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                                                                           Houston hall: (713) 659-5152
20   18 DE JULIO - 24 DE JULIO | 2019
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