The Paschal Triduum St. Louis King of France Catholic Church & School - Austin, Texas - St.Louis King of France
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The Paschal Triduum St. Louis King of France Catholic Church & School Austin, Texas • • The Last Supper JUANES, JUAN DE (VICENTE JUAN MASIP) Copyright ©Museo Nacional del Prado
The Triduum is one seamless liturgy spread out over three days, culminating in the Resurrection of our Lord on the Holy Night of Easter. We celebrate his resurrection at the Easter Vigil because the scriptures tell us that early in the morning on the first day of the week Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and found it open and empty. Thus, we know that Jesus resurrected some time during the night. We begin with Maundy Thursday, also known as Holy Thursday, and the Mass of the Lord’s Sup- per. Maundy is the traditional name of this night, a derivation of the word mandatum, refering to the command of Jesus that, before we celebrate Eucharist, we must look to serve one another. This Mass re- counts Jesus’ washing of the Apostle’s feet and his Institution of the Holy Eucharist. On this night we also process with the Holy Oils, blessed this Tuesday by Bishop Vasquez, to be used throughout the year by the priests. Mass concludes with no final blessing as the liturgy continues throughout the night with the Blessed Sacrament held in vigil at the Altar of Repose. Fasting, prayer, and Solemn Veneration of the Cross mark the day of our Lord’s Passion: Good Friday. The Church is stripped of everything that offers comfort as a sign of Christ’s forsakenness offered for our sins on the cross. It is the wood of the cross that we venerate this day with either a simple touch or kiss. The Triduum continues with our leaving the church in complete silence to contemplate the profound meaning of the day. Holy Saturday has always been the most solemn night of the church’s year; a night of waiting in darkness at the tomb of Christ. We mark this vigil with readings from scripture which chronicle Salvation History. This is the night we officially welcome into the Church the Catechumens who have been in formation for a year. We do this by celebrating with them the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and Ho- ly Communion. The Lord awakens so as to reawaken and revive our East- El Señor se despierta para despertar y avivar nuestra fe er faith. We have an anchor: by his cross we have been pascual. Tenemos un ancla: en su Cruz hemos sido salva- healed and embraced so that nothing and no one can dos. Tenemos un timón: en su Cruz hemos sido rescatados. separate us from his redeeming love. In the midst of isola- Tenemos una esperanza: en su Cruz hemos sido sanados y tion when we are suffering from a lack of tenderness and abrazados para que nadie ni nada nos separe de su amor chances to meet up, and we experience the loss of so many redentor. En medio del aislamiento donde estamos su- things, let us once again listen to the proclamation that friendo la falta de los afectos y de los encuentros, experi- saves us: he is risen and is living by our side. The Lord mentando la carencia de tantas cosas, escuchemos una vez asks us from his cross to rediscover the life that awaits us, más el anuncio que nos salva: ha resucitado y vive a to look towards those who look to us, to strengthen, recog- nuestro lado. El Señor nos interpela desde su Cruz a re- nize and foster the grace that lives within us. Let us not encontrar la vida que nos espera, a mirar a aquellos que quench the wavering flame that never falters, and let us nos reclaman, a potenciar, reconocer e incentivar la gra- allow hope to be rekindled. cia que nos habita. No apaguemos la llama humeante, Pope Francis que nunca enferma, y dejemos que reavive la esperanza. Urbi et Orbi Meditation Papa Francisco March 27, 2020 Meditación de Urbi et Orbi 27 de marzo de 2020 2
Processional Introit Nos Autem Gloriari Choir sings, then all sing after Psalm verses O God, be gracious and bless us * and let your face shed its light upon us. So will your ways be known upon earth * and all nations learn your salvation. (to antiphon) Let the peoples praise you, O God, * let all the peoples praise you. Let the nations be glad and shout for joy, with uprightness you rule the peoples; * you guide the nations on earth. (to antiphon) Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, * and to the Holy Spirit As it was in the beginning, is now, * and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. (to antiphon) Penitential Rite Kyrie Eleison Roman Missal 3
Gloria in Excelsis Deo Cantus Missae Collect 4
Primera Lectura Ex 12: 1-8, 11-14 First Reading Ex 12: 1-8, 11-14 En aquellos días, el Señor les dijo a Moisés y a Aarón The LORD said to Moses and Aaron in the land of en tierra de Egipto: “Este mes será para ustedes el pri- Egypt, “This month shall stand at the head of your mero de todos los meses y el principio del año. Dí- calendar; you shall reckon it the first month of the ganle a toda la comunidad de Israel: ‘El día diez de year. Tell the whole community of Israel: On the este mes, tomará cada uno un cordero por familia, tenth of this month every one of your families must uno por casa. Si la familia es demasiado pequeña para procure for itself a lamb, one apiece for each house- comérselo, que se junte con los vecinos y elija un hold. If a family is too small for a whole lamb, it shall cordero adecuado al número de personas y a la can- join the nearest household in procuring one and tidad que cada cual pueda comer. Será un animal sin shall share in the lamb in proportion to the number defecto, macho, de un año, cordero o cabrito. Lo of persons who partake of it. The lamb must be a year guardarán hasta el día catorce del mes, cuando toda la -old male and without blemish. You may take it from comunidad de los hijos de Israel lo inmolará al at- either the sheep or the goats. You shall keep it until ardecer. Tomarán la sangre y rociarán las dos jambas the fourteenth day of this month, and then, with the y el dintel de la puerta de la casa donde vayan a com- whole assembly of Israel present, it shall be slaugh- er el cordero. Esa noche comerán la carne, asada a tered during the evening twilight. They shall take fuego; comerán panes sin levadura y hierbas amargas. some of its blood and apply it to the two doorposts Comerán así: con la cintura ceñida, las sandalias en and the lintel of every house in which they partake of los pies, un bastón en la mano y a toda prisa, porque the lamb. That same night they shall eat its roasted es la Pascua, es decir, el paso del Señor. Yo pasaré esa flesh with unleavened bread and bitter herbs. “This is noche por la tierra de Egipto y heriré a todos los pri- how you are to eat it: with your loins girt, sandals on mogénitos del país de Egipto, desde los hombres hasta your feet and your staff in hand, you shall eat like los ganados. Castigaré a todos los dioses de Egipto, yo, those who are in flight. It is the Passover of the el Señor. La sangre les servirá de señal en las casas LORD. For on this same night I will go through donde habitan ustedes. Cuando yo vea la sangre, pasa- Egypt, striking down every firstborn of the land, both ré de largo y no habrá entre ustedes plaga extermi- man and beast, and executing judgment on all the nadora, cuando hiera yo la tierra de Egipto. Ese día gods of Egypt—I, the LORD! But the blood will mark será para ustedes un memorial y lo celebrarán como the houses where you are. Seeing the blood, I will fiesta en honor del Señor. De generación en genera- pass over you; thus, when I strike the land of Egypt, ción celebrarán esta festividad, como institución per- no destructive blow will come upon you. “This day petua’ ”. shall be a memorial feast for you, which all your gen- erations shall celebrate with pilgrimage to the LORD, as a perpetual institution.” The Last Supper MAELLA, MARIANO SALVADOR Copyright ©Museo Nacional del Prado 5
Responsorial Psalm Psalm 116: 12-13, 15 and 16bc, 17-18 Cantor, then all: Second Reading 1 Corinthians 11: 23-26 Segunda Lectura 1 Corintios 11: 23-26 Brothers and sisters: I received from the Lord what I Hermanos: Yo recibí del Señor lo mismo que les he also handed on to you, that the Lord Jesus, on the trasmitido: que el Señor Jesús, la noche en que iba a night he was handed over, took bread, and, after he ser entregado, tomó pan en sus manos, y pronunci- had given thanks, broke it and said, “This is my body ando la acción de gracias, lo partió y dijo: “Esto es mi that is for you. Do this in remembrance of me.” In cuerpo, que se entrega por ustedes. Hagan esto en the same way also the cup, after supper, saying, “This memoria mía”. Lo mismo hizo con el cáliz después de cup is the new covenant in my blood. Do this, as of- cenar, diciendo: “Este cáliz es la nueva alianza que se ten as you drink it, in remembrance of me.” For as sella con mi sangre. Hagan esto en memoria mía often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you pro- siempre que beban de él”. Por eso, cada vez que claim the death of the Lord until he comes. ustedes comen de este pan y beben de este cáliz, proclaman la muerte del Señor, hasta que vuelva. Gospel Acclamation John 13: 34 Cantor, then all: Les doy un mandamiento nuevo, dice el Señor, que se amen los unos a los otros, como yo los he amado. I give you a new commandment, says the Lord: love one another as I have loved you. 6
Evangelio Juan 13: 1-15 Gospel John 13: 1-15 Antes de la fiesta de la Pascua, sabiendo Jesús que Before the feast of Passover, Jesus knew that his hour había llegado la hora de pasar de este mundo al Pa- had come to pass from this world to the Father. He dre y habiendo amado a los suyos, que estaban en el loved his own in the world and he loved them to the mundo, los amó hasta el extremo. En el transcurso end. The devil had already induced Judas, son of Si- de la cena, cuando ya el diablo había puesto en el mon the Iscariot, to hand him over. So, during sup- corazón de Judas Iscariote, hijo de Simón, la idea de per, fully aware that the Father had put everything entregarlo, Jesús, consciente de que el Padre había into his power and that he had come from God and puesto en sus manos todas las cosas y sabiendo que was returning to God, he rose from supper and took había salido de Dios y a Dios volvía, se levantó de la off his outer garments. He took a towel and tied it mesa, se quitó el manto y tomando una toalla, se la around his waist. Then he poured water into a basin ciñó; luego echó agua en una jofaina y se puso a and began to wash the disciples’ feet and dry them lavarles los pies a los discípulos y a secárselos con la with the towel around his waist. He came to Simon toalla que se había ceñido. Cuando llegó a Simón Peter, who said to him, “Master, are you going to Pedro, éste le dijo: “Señor, ¿me vas a lavar tú a mí los wash my feet?” Jesus answered and said to him, “What pies?” Jesús le replicó: “Lo que estoy haciendo tú no I am doing, you do not understand now, but you will lo entiendes ahora, pero lo comprenderás más understand later.” Peter said to him, “You will never tarde”. Pedro le dijo: “Tú no me lavarás los pies wash my feet.” Jesus answered him, “Unless I wash jamás”. Jesús le contestó: “Si no te lavo, no tendrás you, you will have no inheritance with me.” Simon parte conmigo”. Entonces le dijo Simón Pedro: “En Peter said to him, “Master, then not only my feet, but ese caso, Señor, no sólo los pies, sino también las my hands and head as well.” Jesus said to him, manos y la cabeza”. Jesús le dijo: “El que se ha ba- “Whoever has bathed has no need except to have his ñado no necesita lavarse más que los pies, porque feet washed, for he is clean all over; so you are clean, todo él está limpio. Y ustedes están limpios, aunque but not all.” For he knew who would betray him; for no todos”. Como sabía quién lo iba a entregar, por this reason, he said, “Not all of you are clean.” So eso dijo: ‘No todos están limpios’. Cuando acabó de when he had washed their feet and put his garments lavarles los pies, se puso otra vez el manto, volvió a back on and reclined at table again, he said to them, la mesa y les dijo: “¿Comprenden lo que acabo de “Do you realize what I have done for you? You call hacer con ustedes? Ustedes me llaman Maestro y me ‘teacher’ and ‘master,’ and rightly so, for indeed I Señor, y dicen bien, porque lo soy. Pues si yo, que soy am. If I, therefore, the master and teacher, have el Maestro y el Señor, les he lavado los pies, también washed your feet, you ought to wash one another’s ustedes deben lavarse los pies los unos a los otros. feet. I have given you a model to follow, so that as I Les he dado ejemplo, para que lo que yo he hecho have done for you, you should also do.” con ustedes, también ustedes lo hagan”. All sing: Homily Rev. Jesse Martinez Prayers of the Faithful 7
Rite for receiving the Holy Oils Fr. John Schiavone As each oil is presented, all sing: Motet Ubi Caritas Gregorian Chant arr. C. Dalitz Ubi caritas et amor, Deus ibi est. Where charity and love are, God is there. Congregavit nos in unum Christi amor. Christ's love has gathered us into one. Exultemus, et in ipso iucundemur. Let us rejoice and be pleased in Him. Timeamus, et amemus Deum vivum. Let us fear, and let us love the living God. Et ex corde diligamus nos sincero. And may we love each other with a sincere heart. Amen . Amen. Hymn Lord, Who At Your First Eucharist 8
Sanctus Roman Missal Memorial Acclamation Roman Missal We proclaim your death, O Lord, and profess your resurrection until you come Agnus Dei Roman Missal Communion Antiphon Hoc corpus Chant This is my body, which is given up for you; This is the cup of the new covenant in my blood, says the Lord. Each time that you partake thereof, do it in memory of me. 9
Act of Spiritual Communion Oración de la Comunión Espiritual My Dearest Jesus, I believe that You are present in the A tus pies, oh Jesús mío, me postro y te ofrezco el arrepenti- Most Holy Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I miento de mi corazón contrito que se abandona en su nada y desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot, at this en Tu santa presencia. Te adoro en el sacramento de tu moment, receive You sacramentally, come at least spirit- amor, deseo recibirte en la pobre morada que mi corazón te ually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already ofrece. En espera de la felicidad de la comunión sacramental, there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me quiero tenerte en espíritu. Ven a mí, oh Jesús mío, que yo to be separated from You. Amen vaya hacia Tí. Que tu amor pueda inflamar todo mi ser, para la vida y para la muerte. Creo en Ti, espero en Ti, Te amo. Que así sea. Communion Music Amén. El Cuerpo de Cristo Prayer after Communion 10
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Hymn Pange Lingua Gloriosi All sing: The Tantum Ergo is sung when the celebrant arrives at the Altar of Repose and incenses the Blessed Sacrament. Tantum ergo Sacramentum veneremur cernui: Genitori, Genitoque laus et jubilatio, Et antiquum documentum, novo cedat ritui: Salus, honor, virtus quoque sit et benedictio, Praestat fides supplementum sensuum defectui. Procedenti ab utroque compar sit laudatio. Amen. Motet Ave Verum Corpus William Byrd (c.1539-1623) Ave verum corpus, natum de Maria Virgine: Hail, true Body, born of the Virgin Mary, Vere passum, immolatum in cruce pro homine: who having truly suffered, Cuius latus perforatum, unda fluxit sanguine: was sacrificed on the cross for mankind, Esto nobis prægustatum in mortis examine whose pierced side flowed with water and blood; O Jesu dulcis, o Jesu pie, May it be for us a foretaste in the trial of death. O Jesu Fili Mariæ. O sweet Jesus, O holy Jesus, O Jesus, son of Mary. At the Conclusion of the Motet, the live feed will conclude. Al concluir esta pieza, se acaba la transmisión en vivo. Comen- A new feed will begin and continue until midnight. zará en seguida una nueva transmisión que seguirá hasta la The faithful are invited to continue adoration medianoche. Se les invita a los fieles a continuar su adoración before the Blessed Sacrament. ante el sagrado sacramento. 11
• • “Building the Kingdom” • 12
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