THE CHURCH OF ST. BERNARD - 51 Prospect Street, White Plains, NY 10606 March 8, 2020

                         51 Prospect Street, White Plains, NY 10606
                                       March 8, 2020

Rectory 914-949-2111                                 The Little Disciple Learning Center 914-428-4727
Rev. Robert J. Morris
Pastor                                               Jennifer Frias-Gonzalez
Director of Religious Education                      Director of The Little Disciple Learning Center
Executive Director of The Little Disciple Learning
Center                                               Saturday Mass/ Misa del Sábado
                                                     5:30 pm
Weekend Associates:
Rev. Ernie Lukaschek M.M                             Sunday Masses / Misas del Domingo
Rev. Edward Byrne                                    9:00 am
Rev. Msgr. Peter C. O’Donnell                        10:30 am
                                                     12:00 pm (Spanish / Español)
Veronica Cuahuey
Rectory Office Manager                                 Confessions:
                                                     Saturday / Sábado
Virna Verastegui                                     4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Coordinator of Religious Education
Second Sunday of Lent
Christ Jesus . . . destroyed death and brought life and
immortality to light through the gospel.
                                         — 2 Timothy 1:10b

Segundo Domingo de Cuaresma
Cristo Jesús . . . destruyó la muerte y ha hecho brillar la luz de
la vida y de la inmortalidad, por medio del Evangelio.
— 2 Timoteo 1:10b
Invest just five minutes a day, and your faith              in the gospels at age 12. Is it coincidence that he selected 12 disciples at
                   will deepen and grow - a day at a time                      the outset of his ministry? The number 12 represented inclusion and
                                                                               completeness. So, when you read a gospel account of “the Twelve,”
                    Sunday, Mar 08, 2020                                       remember that you are included in God’s story and play a role in
                    SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT                                      completing it.
                    Cherish the vision                                                TODAY'S READINGS: Jeremiah 18:18-20; Matthew 20:17-28 (232). “As
                    Dreams are fragile things. They arrive in the darkness            Jesus was going up to Jerusalem, he took the Twelve disciples
                   and are dispersed with the dawn unless we commit                   aside.”
them to memory. As Jesus is transfigured, his disciples catch a glimpse of
God's dream for us: Where Love is honored and glorified. Consider the          Thursday, Mar 12, 2020
theme of today's International Women's Day, "An equal world is an              LENTEN WEEKDAY
enabled world." That is a dream come true.                                     In spite of everything
      TODAY'S READINGS: Genesis 12:1-4a; 2 Timothy 1:8b-10; Matthew            After hiding from the Nazis in an Amsterdam attic for two years, Anne
      17:1-9 (25). “His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became        Frank’s family was discovered and sent to Bergen-Belsen concentration
      white as light.”                                                         camp where she and her sister died in 1945. Anne was just 15. Yet, the
                                                                               clear, insightful voice of a young Jewish girl has outlasted all the bombast
Monday, Mar 09, 2020                                                           of Hitler’s empire. In the film Jojo Rabbit, a mother and child see bodies
MEMORIAL OF FRANCES OF ROME, RELIGIOUS                                         hanging in the square of their village, which has been overtaken by Nazis.
How to get what you need                                                       When the little boy asks, “What did they do?” the mother replies, “They did
As the classic Rolling Stones' song goes, "You can't always get what you       what they could.” Anne Frank also did what she could by writing in her
want. But if you try sometimes you just might find you get what you need."     diary while in captivity. What can you do to stem the tide of evil and anti-
Is that ever true—especially when it comes to the way God takes care of        Semitism?
us. In the case of Frances of Rome, she wanted to be a nun, but she ended             TODAY'S READINGS: Jeremiah 17:5-10; Luke 16:19-31 (233). “If they
up married for 40 years. It wasn’t until she was widowed that she finally             will not listen to Moses and the prophets, neither will they be
was able to join an order. But in the long meantime, she is reported to               persuaded if someone should rise from the dead.”
have said, “I am ready to do what the Lord wants,” and she did, by finding
ways to serve the sick while also taking care of her family. By doing God’s    Friday, Mar 13, 2020
bidding instead of her own, she ended up with everything she needed and        LENTEN WEEKDAY; DAY OF ABSTINENCE
more. So could you.                                                            Look who is walking beside you
       TODAY'S READINGS: Deuteronomy 9:4b-10; Luke 6:36-38 (230).              The Way of the Cross reminds us that we share this walk with many others
       “Good measure, packed together, shaken down, and overflowing,           who suffer and need solace. Consider these words by Pope Francis in
       will be poured into your lap.”                                          reference to human trafficking: "Help us to share the sufferings of all
                                                                               those treated as refuse. It is all too easy to condemn people and difficult
Tuesday, Mar 10, 2020                                                          situations that offend our false sense of decency. It is less easy to accept
LENTEN WEEKDAY                                                                 our responsibilities as individuals, as governments, and as Christian
Godsent                                                                        communities.” Allow your Lenten practice to open your eyes to your
Harriet Tubman, slave-turned-abolitionist, died on this day in 1913 in a       complicity in sin and your capacity for compassion if you continue to
home she founded for the elderly poor. Nicknamed "Moses" for leading           follow the way of Jesus.
slaves to freedom via the Underground Railroad just like the Israelites               TODAY'S READINGS: Genesis 37:3-4, 12-13a, 17b-28a; Matthew
were led out of captivity, she let faith be her guide. “She talked with God,          21:33-43, 45-46 (234). “The stone that the builders rejected has
and he talked with her every day of her life,” wrote fellow abolitionist              become the cornerstone.”
William Lloyd Garrison about Tubman. “She felt no more fear of being
arrested by her former master” for she “ventured only where God sent           Saturday, Mar 14, 2020
her.” Where is God sending you? Stay true to that course.                      LENTEN WEEKDAY
      TODAY'S READINGS: Isaiah 1:10, 16-20; Matthew 23:1-12 (231). “You        No strings attached
      have but one master, the Christ.”                                        Most of us are not quite as generous as we might think we are. How often
                                                                               do you give to those who do not so much as offer a thank-you or a smile
Wednesday, Mar 11, 2020                                                        in return? If you do it once, would you do it again? Are you generous with
LENTEN WEEKDAY                                                                 neighbors or relations who consistently ignore your wishes and feelings?
Count yourself in                                                              Truth be told, most of us are good to those who are good to us. But Jesus
While numerology is largely dismissed as pseudoscience, there is no            welcomed everyone to join him at the table and freely offered them
denying that certain numbers had special significance in biblical              healing, forgiveness, even friendship—no strings attached. Jesus
literature. The number 12 figures prominently. The 12 tribes of Israel         encourages us to stretch in that direction.
descended from the 12 sons of the patriarch Jacob (later named Israel).               TODAY'S READINGS: Micah 7:14-15, 18-20; Luke 15:1-3, 11-32
New Jerusalem is imagined with 12 gates guarded by 12 angels. Jesus                   (235). “Tax collectors and sinners were all drawing near to listen to
first spoke                                                                           Jesus, but the Pharisees and scribes began to complain.”
The Archdiocese of New York                           Little Disciple Learning Center
As a result of the Corona virus the Archdiocese
of New York has recommended the following
guidelines to help prevent the spread of the
Corona virus.
-At the present time Holy Water will not be
-Mass attendees may forego any shaking hands         Registration 2020-2021
or exchange of kissing during the sign of peace.
                                                     Registration for the 2020-2021 school year at
-Wash hands often for a period of no less than       The Little Disciples Learning Center has begun.
20 seconds with soap and water or an alcohol-        We recommend that parents interested in
based cleaner.                                       registering their child for the 3 or 4-year-old
-Please use hygiene/cough etiquette                  program please stop by the Director’s office for
and hand hygiene as for any                          more information and for a tour of the facility.
respiratory infection                                Registration forms and required documents must
-If you are sick there is no obligation              be complete and submitted at the time of
to attend Sunday Mass.                               registration in order for the student to be
                                                     enrolled. For further information please contact
                                                     Jennifer Frias-Gonzalez at 914-428-4727 or by
                                                     email at
The St. Bernard’s
Creative Craft Group                                 Scholastic Book Fair
The St. Bernard’s Creative Craft Group will meet     The Little Disciple Learning Center is hosting a
on Friday, March 13th from 6:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m.       Scholastic Book Fair from March 16th, 2020 to
in the cafeteria. This group is open to all adults   March 22nd, 2020 from 8:30am to 3:00pm to
and children who enjoy being creative and            celebrate reading with your child! Reading an
making arts & crafts. Parents are needed to          average of 20 minutes per day is one of the
assist in the coordination of the group. Please      easiest ways to build your child’s vocabulary and
join us for some creative fun!                       reading skills! Kids love reading with their family
                                                     and they enjoy it even more when they choose
                                                     their own books. The Book Fair is the perfect
                                                     opportunity to celebrate reading and let kids
 Family Faith Formation                              choose books they love.

          The Season of Lent

                                                     Stations of the Cross
                                                     On Fridays during Lent, Stations of
       When:        Friday, March 20th, 2020         the Cross will be held in English at
       Where:       Gymnaisum                        7:00 pm and in Spanish at 8:00pm.
       Time:        6:30 pm - 9:00 pm
       Donations:   $5 per family

     Join us for a Family Faith Formation!
                                                     Renew + Rebuild
Our gathering will include a presentation            Total Amount Pledged: $704,753
regarding a deeper understanding of the              Total Amount in Payments: $279,179
Season of Lent and The Stations of the               We hope that all of our parishioners will make
Cross. Pizza will be served during the Family        every effort to complete their pledges so that we
Faith Formation. We ask to please register           are able to accomplish our parish project. Thank
with your child’s catechist.                         you very much.
La Arquidiócesis de Nueva York                             Centro de Aprendizaje de los
Como resultado del Coronavirus, la Arquidiócesis              Pequeños Discípulos
de Nueva York ha recomendado las siguientes
pautas para ayudar a prevenir el Coronavirus.
-En la actualidad el agua bendita no estará
-Los asistentes a la misa pueden renunciar a
estrechar la mano o intercambio de besos durante
el signo de la paz.                                    
- Lávese las manos a menudo durante un período         Registro 2020-2021
de no menos de 20 segundos con agua y jabón o          La inscripción para el año escolar 2020-2021 en
con un limpiador a base de alcohol.                    el Centro de Aprendizaje de los Pequeños
-Utilice la etiqueta de higiene / tos y la             Discípulos ha comenzado. Recomendamos que
higiene de las manos para cualquier                    los padres interesados en registrar a su hijo para
infección respiratoria                                 el programa, de 3 o 4 años, pasen por la oficina
                                                       del director para obtener más información y
-Si usted esta enfermo no es                           hacer un recorrido por las instalaciones. Los
obligación asistir a misa los domingos.                formularios de inscripción y los documentos
                                                       requeridos deben completarse y enviarse al
                                                       momento de la inscripción para que el
San Bernardo Grupo de                                  estudiante pueda matricularse. Para obtener
                                                       más información, comuníquese con Jennifer
Artesanías Creativas                                   Frías-Gonzalez al 914-428-4727 o por correo
                                                       electrónico a
El Grupo de Artesanías Creativas de San Bernardo
se reunirá el viernes 13 de marzo de 6:00 p.m. a       Feria del libro escolar
8:00 p.m. en la cafetería. Este grupo está abierto a   ¡El Centro de Aprendizaje de los Pequeños
todos los adultos y niños que disfrutan de ser         Discípulos está organizando una Feria del Libro
creativos y hacer manualidades. Se necesitan           Escolar, del 16 de marzo de 2020 al 22 de marzo
padres para ayudar en la coordinación del grupo.       de 2020 de 8:30 a.m. a 3:00 p.m., para celebrar
¡Únase a nosotros para divertirse creativamente!       la lectura con su hijo! ¡Leer por un promedio de
                                                       20 minutos cada día es una de las formas más
                                                       fáciles de desarrollar el vocabulario y las
 Formación de Fé Familiar                              habilidades de lectura de su hijo! A los niños les
                                                       encanta leer con su familia y lo disfrutan aún
                                                       más cuando eligen sus propios libros. La Feria
       El Tiempo de Cuaresma                           del Libro es la oportunidad perfecta para
                                                       celebrar la lectura y dejar que los niños elijan los
                                                       libros que aman.

                                                       Vía Crucis
                                                       Los viernes durante la Cuaresma, el Vía
                                                       Crucis se llevará a cabo en inglés a las
       Cuando:    Viernes, 20 de marzo                 7:00 pm y en español a las 8:00 pm.
       Donde:    Gimnasio
       Hora:     6:30 pm - 9:00 pm
       Donación: $5 por familia

            Acompáñenos a Nuestra
                                                       Renew + Rebuild
           Formación de Fé Familiar!                   Cantidad total prometida: $704,753
                                                       Monto total de pagos: $279,179
Nuestra presentación incluirá un profundo
entendimiento de el Tiempo de Cuaresma y El            Esperamos que todos nuestros feligreses hagan
                                                       todos los esfuerzos posibles para completar sus
Via Crusis. Se Ofrecerá pizza durante esta
                                                       promesas para que podamos llevar a cabo
actividad. Por favor, le pedimos que se                nuestros proyectos parroquiales. Muchas
registre con el/la catequista de su hijo/a.            gracias.
Mass Intentions for the Week                Last Sunday’s Collection:
                                            First Collection 3/1/20: $4,363
Saturday, March 7, 2020                     Second Collection 3/1/20: $1,326
5:30 Manuel Muñoz & Victoria Lopez
                                            Today’s Second Collection is for Catholic Relief
Sunday, March 8, 2020                       Services. Next week’s Second Collection will be for
                                            Utilities. Thank you for your generous support to our
9:00 Virginia Dominguez                     parish.
10:30 Ann Borak
                                            La Segunda Colecta de hoy será para Servicios
12:00 For the people                        Católicos de Alivio. La Segunda Colecta de la
                                            próxima semana será para las Utilidades. Gracias
Monday, March 9, 2020                       por sus generosas contribuciones a nuestra
9:00 Communion Service                      parroquia.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020
                                              A Coffee a Day for our Parish
5:30 Communion Service
                                             Through the A Coffee a Day for Our Parish
Wednesday, March 11, 2020                    campaign, we have increased our offertory by
                                             17.30%. Thank you so much to everyone who
9:00 Maria Garcia                            has contributed to this effort. If you not already
Thursday, March 12, 2020                     done so, please consider making an increased
                                             offertory commitment. Your participation will
9:00 Maria Romero Perez                      help to strengthen our parish.

Friday, March 13, 2020                        Un café al día para nuestra parroquia
9:00 Richard Grizzetti                       A través de la campaña “Un café al día para
                                             nuestra parroquia”, hemos aumentado nuestro
Saturday, March 14, 2020                     ofertorio en un 17.30%. Muchas gracias a todos
                                             los que han contribuido a este esfuerzo. Si aún
5:30 William Correa                          no lo ha hecho, considere hacer un compromiso
                                             de aumentar su ofrenda. Su participación
Sunday, March 15, 2020                       ayudará a fortalecer nuestra parroquia.
9:00 Bill Fargelli
10:30 James R. Benedict                     Reserving Announced Masses
12:00 For the people                        To request a Mass be offered for a loved one,
                                            living or deceased, please contact the Rectory
                                            914-949-2111. Mass offering is $15.

                                            Reservando Misas Anunciadas
Prayer for the Sick /                       Para solicitar una Misa para un ser querido, vivo o
                                            fallecido, por favor comuníquese con la Rectoría
Oración para los Enfermos                   al 914-949-2111. El ofrecimiento para la misa es

Please remember in your prayers those
who are ill and those who serve them. /      Hymns in Spanish / Cánticos en Español
Recemos for todas las personas de nuestra
parroquia que se encuentran enfermas.        Entrada.     #691 Le Conocéis?
                                             Ofertorio    #498 Vaso Nuevo
Thomas Barrett     Mary Barrett              Comunión     #669 Cristo Está Conmigo
William Fargelli   Jerrie Duffy               Salida       #619 No Hay Dios Tan Grande
Richard Finn       Jennie Magnotta
Larry O’Neil       Vicky Rebatta
Elie Rodriguez
For more information,
contact us:

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