St. William Parish's 100th Anniversary -

Page created by Charles Gallagher
St. William Parish's 100th Anniversary -
Please join us in celebrating

St. William Parish’s 100th Anniversary
                                ‘Grateful and Blessed’

                                OPENING MASS
                            January 20, 2019—11:30am
                           Celebrant: Bishop Nelson Perez
             Concelebrated by past and present priests from St. William Parish

 November 14-17, 2018 & January 14-16, 2019 Parish Family Photo Sessions
      Each participating family will receive a free anniversary book and family picture

          May 5, 2019—Celebrate the first 50 years (1920—1970)
       November 17, 2019—Celebrate the next 50 years (1970—2020)

                            June 2, 2019—Parish Picnic

    October 6, 2019—Gala Dinner-Dance for all Alumni and Parishioners

                              CENTENNIAL MASS
                            January 19, 2020—11:30am
                        Celebrant: Archbishop Charles Chaput

         Renew your faith, enjoy many blessings, and cherish the memories
                   of our anniversary as a parish community.
The Church of Saint William
                           6200 Rising Sun Avenue - Philadelphia, PA 19111
                                (Tel.) 215-745-1389 (Fax) 215-745-8432         @stwilliamphila    stwilliamphila
                  Rectory Office Hours: 8:45 AM to 11:45 AM and 12:30 PM to 3:30 PM
                  Convent Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Tel.) 215-745-3513
                   Parochial Religious Education Program (PREP) (Tel.) 267-831-8046

PARISH STAFF                                                                        Upcoming Events
Rev. Alfonso J. Concha (Fr. Al), Pastor
Rev. Msgr. James E. Mortimer, Pastor Emeritus                     October
Rev. Tariq Isaac, Parochial Vicar                                 20-21 Sign up for your photo session after Masses
Rev. Augusto Concha (Fr. Gus) Retired, Resident                   21    Mission Sunday
Rev. Eugene Almonor, O.M.I.
Deacon William Moser                                              21    Collection of food for St. Helena’s Cupboard
Deacon Felipe Cruz                                                21    Sunday Concert Series at 2:00pm (lower church)
Deacon Angel Alicea, Retired
                                                                  1      All Saints Day (holy day of obligation)
Sr. Rose Patrice, Superior & Hispanic Ministry
Sr. Bernadette Taraschi, Dir. Religious Education PREP            14-17 Lifetouch Photo Sessions in Church
                                                                        (schedule your appointment TODAY)
BAPTISM (Lower Church)
Spanish: 3rd Sunday of the month at 1:00PM                                    St. William Concert Series
English: 2nd or 4th Sunday of the month at 1:00PM                        Season Opener—Sunday, October 21
Pre-Baptismal Instructions:                                                   2:00pm—lower church
Spanish: 2nd Wednesday 7:00PM Rectory basement
English: 1st Sunday at 1:00PM (Church)                                       Philadelphia Flute Quartet
For information or scheduling a Baptism, please email Deacon                    Everyone is invited for an
Bill Moser (English) or Sister Rose (Spanish) at the following:             afternoon of musical enjoyment.                                             Bring your friends and family.                                                  Light refreshments to follow.
                                                                            Free-will offering graciously accepted.
CONFIRMATION                                                                   Like and follow us on Facebook:
Bishops are Ordinary ministers of Confirmation. On special oc-   
casions priests can do the same.

Saturday:                4:00—4:45PM                              St. Helena’s Cupboard
Eve of Holy Days:        4:00—4:45PM                              Next weekend (Oct. 20-21) is our monthly col-
Eve of First Fridays:    After 12:00 Noon Mass only               lection of non-perishable food for St. Helena’s
For personal request, contact the Rectory.                        Cupboard. Thank you for supporting this min-
                                                                  istry and bringing items. May God bless you
                                                                  for thinking of others.
Weddings are scheduled on Saturdays at 11:00AM, 1:00PM, or
3:00PM in the Upper Church; 2:00PM in the Lower Church.
Couples intending marriage must contact our parish priest at
least six months prior to the intended date of marriage.                           MASS SCHEDULE
To reserve a wedding please contact :                                                            Sunday
For required marriage preparation contact the rectory or                         Vigil 5:00pm (Saturday)                                             7:30am, 9:00am 12pm (UC), 8pm (UC)
For wedding music contact Ken Houser, Music Director at                          10:30AM - Spanish                                                      4:00PM - Pakistani
                                                                                  5:30PM - Haitian
Sacrament of healing and God’s blessings for those who are                        Monday through Friday
sick or in serious condition. Parishioners in serious illness,                    6:30AM and 12:00 Noon
please contact our parish priests. Anyone unable to attend
Mass due to illness may call the Rectory to make arrangements                             Saturday
to receive Communion in their home.                                                        8:00AM
CENTENNIAL             Have you received a phone               Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
                      call from St. William Church?
O                                                                               October 14, 2018
N   100
E 1920 - 2020
                            Sign up TODAY for your
                          individual or family picture!
                             Check our Parish website
                                                             FOCUS: God offers us the perspective of eternity.
                                                             In a secular world, so many people today have a
R                         Click on Centennial Photobook      limited perspective, valuing and pursuing what they
                                                             see before their eyes and what benefits them in this
Please schedule your photo appointment for one of the        current life. God calls us, as followers of Jesus, to take
dates below. We will also be at the Masses next week-        the longer view—to pursue eternal values, trusting that
end (October 20-21) for you to schedule your photo ses-      God will also give us what we need here and now.
sion. During that time, the online scheduling will be
closed, but will reopen on Monday, October 22.               LITURGY OF THE WORD: In the Book of Wis-
PHOTO SESSIONS:                                              dom, Solomon sees beyond the beauties and attrac-
November 14 & 15 (2:00-9:00pm) Upper Church                  tions of this world and chooses the eternal values of
November 16 (2:00-8:00pm) Upper Church
November 17 (10:00am—5:00pm) Lower Church
                                                             wisdom and prudence. In the second reading, we
                                                             learn of the keen edge of the word of God. In the
You will receive a FREE 8x10 portrait NOW, along with
a commemorative book (available January 2020).               Gospel, a rich young man is hampered by his wealth
                                                             from responding to the call to follow Jesus.
We invite and encourage all parishioners both present
and past to come together. Let’s celebrate our faith
and traditions.                                              REFLECTION: If the man did give up his riches,
                                                             what visible assurance would he have that he had
                                                             God’s approval and the gift of life? He would have to
Holy Hours of Reparation—Oct. 14 (5:30-6:30pm)
All Catholics are invited to attend a monthly holy hour of
                                                             keep trusting and following Christ. "All he would
prayer before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament to ask for      have" would be Jesus to assure him of God’s favor?
His mercy upon His church, for our own sins and those of
our bishops and priests.                                     So we ask ourselves:
Location: Cathedral Basilica of SS Peter & Paul, Phila.
                                                             ♦ Is Jesus enough for us?
                                                             ♦ What signs do we look for, what do we need to
                                                                assure us of God’s love?
              Prayer to St. Michael
              St. Michael the Archangel,
                   defend us in battle,                                               God bless our newly baptized
        be our protection against the wickedness                                         Sarahi Martinez Cruz
                 and snares of the devil.                                                   Julia Verrecchio
                                                                                        Skylnn Loretta Pescatore
        May God rebuke him we humbly pray;
                                                                                              Mason Cruz
      and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host,
       by the power of God, cast into hell Satan
                                                             Baptismal Certificates
                  and all the evil spirits                   If your child has recently been baptized and you would
              who prowl about the world                      like a Baptismal Certificate, please contact the rectory at
                seeking the ruin of souls.                   215-745-1389. We are happy to prepare one for you.
                                                             Pro Life Forum
                                                             DATE/TIME: Wednesday, October 17 (7:00—8:30pm)
                                                             PLACE:         Holy Martyrs Parish Hall
              SUNDAY COLLECTIONS                                            120 Allison Rd., Oreland, PA
         Sunday, Sept. 30          $7,934                    All are invited to hear Adam Dickerson (Canon Lawyer),
         E-Giving                  $500                      Dr. Monique Ruberu (Obstetrician & Gynecologist), and
                                                             Peter Bernetsky (Development Coord. Legacy of Life
         Sunday, Oct. 7            $7,630                    Foundation).
         E-Giving                  $115
         2nd Collection Hurricane Florence: $1,208           Next Sunday is Mission Sunday
         Block Collection        $1,785                      The second collection next Sunday will be taken up for
   Thank you for your continued support of the Parish        the Missions around the world. Thank you for being as
       and all the special collections.    Fr. Al            generous as possible.
Masses for the week of October 14, 2018                     Mass Book for 2019
                                                            The Mass Book for 2019 is now OPEN for anyone who
Sunday, October 14
                                                            would like to schedule an announced Mass for a loved
5:00 pm (Vigil) Francico Savier
                                                            one (living or deceased). Please contact the rectory dur-
7:30 am         For the Sick & Dying
                                                            ing normal business hours by stopping in or calling 215-
9:00 am         Lydia Rodriguez
                                                            745-1389. A donation of $10 per Mass is appreciated.
10:30 am        Paul Taraschi
12:00 pm        Dec’d members Bland family
8:00 pm         William McGinley, Jr.
                                                            Saint William Senior NEWS
                                                            Senior Citizen meetings are held every 2nd and 4th
Monday, October 15                                          Wednesday at 12 Noon at Wesley, (7040 Oxford Ave-
6:30 am       Charles D. Dick                               nue). New members are always welcome. The next
12:00 pm      Thank You St. Therese                         meeting is this Wednesday, October 24th.
                                                            UPCOMING TRIP:
Tuesday, October 16                                         December 31—New Year’s Eve Day at Doolings, Spring
6:30 am       Special Intention                             Lake, N.J. Cocktail hour, lunch, comedian/band. $99
12:00 pm      Marie & Thomas Magras
                                                            Visitation Nuns
Wednesday, October 17                                       All are cordially invited to the Visitation Nuns at 5820 City
6:30 am      Anthony J. Brady                               Avenue (btwn 59th St & Cardinal Ave) to celebrate the
12:00 pm     Toan Doan (living)                             Feast of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque on Tues., Oct. 16 at
                                                            7:30pm Mass. St. Margaret Mary Alacoque of the Monas-
Thursday, October 18                                        tery of Paray-le-Monial, France received the Great Reve-
6:30 am        Dep Doan (living)                            lations of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Visitation Nuns
12:00 pm       Helen Seum (6th anniversary)                 throughout the world honor her in a special manner.

Friday, October 19                                          Volunteer Opportunities at St. William
6:30 am         Special Intention                           ♦   Usher Ministry is an important part of our parish life
12:00 pm        Richard Santelia                                and we are looking for a few good men and women to
                                                                aid in various light duties during Mass. Training will
Saturday, October 20                                            be provided. Please see Ed Emery or Joe Doroba for
8:00 am        Vera Dobson                                      more info or call the rectory at 215-745-1389.
5:00 pm        Renate G. Koreck                             ♦   Lectors—we are looking for new lectors for Sunday
                                                                at the 7:30am Mass and weekday Masses. Please
Please keep the sick of our parish in your prayers.             contact the rectory at 215-745-1389 if interested in
                                                                joining this ministry.
Loretta LaBarge               Livia Ginobile
Bob Edmonds                   Peter Feledick
Carmella and John Dick        James Trainor                                      Around Town
Patrice Juliani               Olivia Lutz
Diana Lucas                   Baby River Fisher Ritter                          St. Cecilia’s Got Talent
Eric Grey                                                    Saturday, Oct. 20 at 7pm– St. Cecilia Auditorium (525 Rhawn St)
                                                                  Tickets available for $10—call Mary at 215-287-2792
Please pray for the souls of the faithful                                Outside food and beverages permitted
departed, especially those in our parish.                   Featuring professionals and amateurs—You won’t want to miss it!
Marie Wells
John J. Dick                                                           Jeanes Hospital Blood Drive—October 26
                                                             Appts. 9am—2pm at Physicians Office Bldg., 7600 Central Ave.
                                                             Register at 215-728-2131 or (Jeanes Hospital)
Bereavement Support Group
Lambie Funeral Home is offering Support Group meetings             Fall Rummage Sale at Presentation BVM Church
the first Wednesday of the month from October through                   Oct. 19 (10am-6pm); Oct. 20 (10am-1pm)
June (7-8:30pm). Location is Rhawn St. & Rowland Ave.                       100 Old Soldiers Rd., Cheltenham
The next session will be November 7 and the topic is
‘Help for the Holidays.’ The Facilitator is Deborah                          Roman Catholic High School
Gawthrop, a Grief Management Specialist. For info call                     Open House—Oct. 14 (11am-2pm)
215-624-8190. All are welcome.                                               Scholarship/Entrance Tests—
                                                                      Oct. 27 (9am); Nov. 17 (9am); Dec. 8 (11am)
Exposition of Sacred Relics                                 Register 215-627-1270 x146 or x159
On Thursday, Nov. 1—Holy Day of Obligation and Feast
of All Saints, over 100 relics of the Lord and the Saints                  Nazareth Academy High School
will be displayed at Holy Martyrs Catholic Church, 120          Oct. 19—Scavenger Hunt for 7th & 8th gr. girls (7:00pm)
Allison Rd., Oreland, PA. Masses at 8:30am & 6:00pm.            Oct. 27—Entrance/Scholarship Exam (7:45am-12:00pm)
For more info visit                   Register:
Estamos festejando los 100 años de nuestra
                                                                                               ¿Quieres participar en el
                                    Parroquia Saint William.                                Evento Cultural de los primeros
                     Domingo, 20 de enero, 2019, celebraremos con una                          50 años de la parroquia?
                     Misa a las 11:30 am. Después de la Misa, habrá una                        Llamar: S. Rose 215-313-7753
 1920—2020              convivencia en el Hall. Todos están invitados.

CONFESIONES: Todos los Domingo: 10:00 - 10:20AM.                                   OCTUBRE 14,2018
                                                                             DOMINGO 28, TIEMPO ORDINARIO
BAUTISMO: Coordina con Diácono Felipe o Hna. Rosa
   2° Miércoles del mes a las 7:00 PM: Charla                               "VENDE LO QUE TIENES, DA EL DINERO A
                                                                                 LOS POBRES...Y SÍGUEME "!
   3° Domingo del mes a la 1:00 PM:     Bautismo
    Certificado de Bautismo: Llamar la Rectoría 215-745-1389        Jesús va de camino hacia Jerusalén. Jesús sigue evangelizando e
Visitas y Comunión a los ENFERMOS y ANCIANOS:                       instruyendo a sus discípulos. Se acerca un joven que cumplía
   Consulta con Padre Al. Asistente: Ida Jiménez                    los mandamientos. Quiere seguir a Jesús y heredar la vida eter-
                                                                    na. Jesús le dice: "vende lo que tienes, da el dinero a los pobres,
CÍRCULO de ORACIÓN:                                                 y ven y sígueme". Jesús le invita a abrir el corazón, vaciarse de
  Los viernes a las 7:00 PM en el sótano de la Rectoría             sí mismo, y tener disponibilidad y apertura para servir a sus
                                                                    hermanos. Vino seguro pero ahora se va inseguro. Vivo conten-
ROSARIO: Están invitados a rezar el Rosario cada domingo            to, ahora se va triste. Pensó que cumplió todo pero ahora le
   a las 10:00, antes de la Misa.                                   falta mucho. Los discípulos no contaban con la ayuda de lo alto
                                                                    como sucede también con nosotros. Pero Jesús nos regala su
                                                                    gracia que siempre debemos pedirle, nos asiste con su miseri-
                      Discípulos Misioneros:                        cordia y no deja de ayudarnos. Y así, podemos seguir a Jesús y
                                                                    cumplir con sus exigencias. Quien se desprende de todo, com-
                     Testigos del Amor de Dios                      prueba sorprendentemente, que nada le falta. Decía Santa Tere-
                                                                    sa: "quien a Dios tiene, nada le falta. Solo Dios basta "!
                    TALLER de Formación:
                         sábado, 20 de octubre
                    9:00 AM — 12:30 PM : salón                                            SACRAMENTOS para ADULTOS
                       St. William
                                                                                         Charlas: los domingos a las 9:00am
      Lectores de la Palabra .. Ministros de la Eucaristía
          Servidores: Circulo de Oración … Coros
       Servidores de la Hospitalidad … Youth Group
      Monaguillos ...Orantes del Rosario                                                   Celebremos la santidad del
             Miembros nuevos                                                                  Mons. Oscar Romero,
        Lectio Divina … Misioneros
  Comité Hispano … Ministro de la Caridad                                                  Mártir y Santo de El Salvador
        Padres de Familia de PREP                                                            Canonización en Roma:
    Hermandad del Señor de los Milagros                                                       14 de octubre del 2018
             Miembros nuevos
                                                                                       Oh! Dios Padre Misericordioso,
 TE INVITAMOS a participar en este taller y en                                 que por mediación de Jesucristo
           la vida parroquial                                           y la intercesión de la Virgen María, Reina de
                                                                      Paz; y la acción del Espíritu Santo, concediste al
                                                                       San Óscar Romero la gracia de ser un Pastor
    CONSULTAS sobre la INMIGRACIÓN:                                           ejemplar al servicio de la Iglesia;
                                                                         y en ella preferencialmente a los pobres y
   HIAS                                                                                los necesitados.
   2100 Arch St. 3rd floor   215-832-0900                                  Haz, Señor, que yo sepa también vivir
                                                                         conforme al Evangelio de tu Hijo y dígnate
   Servicios Sociales Católicos:                                      glorificar a tu San Óscar Romero y concédeme,
   222 N. 17th St. 215-854-7019                                         por su Intercesión, el favor que te pido…….
   Welcome Center                                                                          Así sea.
   215-634-1696                                                        Padre Nuestro … Dios te Salve … Gloria...

                    Servicios Sociales Católicos está buscando “Foster Care Families” para un Nuevo programa de
                       servicio a los niños no acompañados que han cruzado nuestras fronteras.
                    Información sobre posiciones de trabajo o para obtener certificación para cuidar niños:
                       Robert Montoro: 267-331-2443

#002005: St. William Church
         6200 Rising Sun Avenue
         Philadelphia, Pa. 19111


Judi Schein

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October 14, 2018

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