The 2012 Paralympics: What Will London Bring? - Adaptive Beds Josh Basile Blue Water, White Water

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The 2012 Paralympics: What Will London Bring? - Adaptive Beds Josh Basile Blue Water, White Water
Adaptive Beds Josh Basile Blue Water, White Water

                     The 2012 Paralympics:
                     What Will London Bring?

life beyond wheels

                                   AUG 2012 $4
The 2012 Paralympics: What Will London Bring? - Adaptive Beds Josh Basile Blue Water, White Water
Sharing the                                       B Y   T I F F I N Y    C A R L S O N

SCI Connection
   t’s not often a quad is seen rolling the
   halls of the U.S. Congress — in protest
   maybe, or for a special event — but Josh
   Basile, a C4-5 quad, became a regular
on Capitol Hill this past spring when he
had the opportunity to work with one of
the biggest supporters of disability legisla-
tion in the U.S. Senate, Sen. Tom Harkin
— a Democrat from Iowa who has been a
champion of disability rights since winning
his first term in 1985.
     Basile’s journey — from breaking his
neck in 2004 after being tossed by a wave
to working alongside some of the most
powerful people in the U.S. government at
the age of 26 — was no small feat. But even
more impressive is the transformation, or
re-working, rather, of his original life plans.
     Growing up in Montgomery County,
Md., Basile had one of those idyllic child-
hoods. “My childhood was filled with sports,
girls, and a little studying in between,” he
jokes. He fell in love with tennis and went to
play for the Skidmore College tennis team, a
AAA-tier school in Saratoga Springs, N.Y.,
after graduating from high school.
     He thrived on living life to the nth de-
gree when in school. “I was very active, al-
ways on the move, didn’t like to stay still.”
After Basile’s injury while on summer vaca-
tion with family at Bethany Beach, Del., he
channeled his restlessness into his recovery
process, pursuing small accomplishments
to stay motivated.
     “From the beginning, I was absolutely
focused on getting better. I took the small-
est accomplishments and turned them into
big achievements, like getting off the ven-
tilator, saying my first word, drinking my
first soda, eating my first meal, blowing a
cotton ball an inch further through a straw
and completing 10 shoulder shrugs.” Ten
months after his injury, when he realized                       Josh Basile’s journey has so
how difficult the first few months of having                    far included launching two
                                                                websites for people with SCI
a spinal cord injury can be, Basile decided
                                                                and working on legislation
to found the Determinded2Heal Founda-                           with disability champion
tion — to help those with spinal cord inju-                     Sen. Tom Harkin (left).

                                                                AUGUST 2012            13
The 2012 Paralympics: What Will London Bring? - Adaptive Beds Josh Basile Blue Water, White Water
ries and their families understand the over-    Park, where he studied for another two and    quadriplegic in my area, Tim Strachan,
whelming world of SCI.                          a half years, graduating cum laude with a     who broke his neck on the same beach as
    Knowing his Skidmore days were be-          bachelor’s in communication and found-        I did, attended Montgomery College, then
hind him, Basile enrolled in Montgom-           ing the University of Maryland Student        College Park where he was a communica-
ery Community College near his parents’         Society for Stem Cell Research while there.   tion major, graduated from Georgetown
home six months after his injury. “I began                                                    Law, got married, and now has two little
taking a poetry course to see if I was ready,   Law School Beckons                            girls. I wanted to follow in his wheel tracks.
                                                                                              It was motivating to see someone else go
and to provide an outlet to express myself.”    A bachelor’s degree was just the beginning    down that road and come out on top. His
He discovered he was more than ready.           of Basile’s educational pursuits. Toward      actions made the path seem more realistic
Basile went on to take classes for two and      the end of his Montgomery College days,       and possible.”
a half more years at MCC, then transferred      he decided he eventually wanted to go to          And law made sense for his abilities.
to the University of Maryland, College          law school. “I was motivated by another       “I chose law because I’m limited in what I
                                                                                              can do physically, but mentally I’m stron-
                                                                                              ger than ever,” he explains. “I felt that my
                                                                                              best asset was my voice, and I decided that
                                                                                              the best way to bring my voice to the next
                                                                                              level would be through a legal education. A
                                                                                              law degree allows me to pursue many dif-
                                                                                              ferent career paths. I like the idea of having
                                                                                              options.” Basile chose to attend David A.
                                                                                              Clarke School of Law, a public interest law
                                                                                              school in Washington, D.C.
                                                                                                  Upon entering law school, Basile
                                                                                              learned quickly things were going to be
                                                                                              different. “I was surprised to find that all
                                                                                              of my previous study habits and routines
                                                                                              would not be compatible with law school.
                                                                                              Law school involves absorbing and simpli-
                                                                                              fying hundreds of pages of dense material
                                                                                              in a short period of time. I was forced to de-
                          Advertisement Removed                                               velop brand-new study habits and routines
                                                                                              in order to adapt to these new conditions
                                                                                              and survive law school. During my first
                                                                                              semester I found myself trying hundreds
                                                                                              of different techniques and study habits to
                                                                                              see which were the most effective and most
                                                                                              time efficient.”
                                                                                                  Technology has played an important
                                                                                              role in his studies. “All of my textbooks
                                                                                              are in electronic form. I have copies on
                                                                                              my iPad and on my laptop. And my iPad
                                                                                              is fastened to a goose-neck arm attached
                                                                                              to my wheelchair, with the iPad always
                                                                                              on my lap throughout the day,” he says.
                                                                                              He also uses several different apps on
                                                                                              his iPad to take notes. “I use one special
                                                                                              app that actually allows me to take notes
                                                                                              and audio record the class. When I come
                                                                                              home to revisit my notes, all I have to do
                                                                                              is click on any of the words that I jotted
                                                                                              down and it will automatically resume
                                                                                              the audio recording at the moment that I
                                                                                              wrote that specific word down.”
                                                                                                  He also uses Dragon NaturallySpeaking
                                                                                              Professional to type, as well as his favorite
                                                                                              program, Kurzweil 3000, which reads aloud
                                                                                              electronic books. “I typically have to read
The 2012 Paralympics: What Will London Bring? - Adaptive Beds Josh Basile Blue Water, White Water
around 60 pages a day per class (300 pages           system — the legislation clinic —and knew        and shut down. I was 100 feet away from
per week). Without this reading software, I          exactly what he wanted to do: work with          the HELP committee office with 10 min-
would probably fall asleep halfway through           the HELP committee, the Senate Commit-           utes remaining before the interview.”
all my reading out of pure exhaustion.”              tee on Health, Education, Labor & Pen-               He ended up calling the office assistant,
                                                     sions, chaired by Sen. Harkin.                   who put his chair in manual mode and
To the Hill                                              After receiving a reference from Profes-     pushed him to the interview. “I waited at
                                                                                                      the table thinking that this could not get
Basile knew attending a public interest law          sor Robert Burgdorf, one of the original
                                                                                                      any worse. Luckily, I nailed the interview
school in Washington, D.C., would bring              drafters of the ADA, Basile landed an in-
                                                                                                      and let the supervisors know of my wheel-
some exciting opportunities, but he had no           terview, but getting to the interview was a      chair problem. And the next thing I knew,
idea what was in store when he signed up             hilarious disaster. “As I got off the elevator   the top supervisor was wheeling me to
for two semester’s worth of mandated clin-           in the Hart Senate building, my wheelchair       my car, which was about a half-mile away
ics. Basile got his first choice in the lottery      computer control system short-circuited          through different elevators and hallways.”
                                                                                                      The supervisor’s name was Andy Imparato,
                                                                                                      the disability policy director on the HELP

                                     Experience it                                                    committee and former executive direc-
                                                                                                      tor of the American Association of People
                                                                                                      with Disabilities. “During that time, I had
                                                      TO BELIEVE IT                                   an extra 10 minutes of one-on-one time
                                                                                                      with him, which added to my interview.”
                                                                                                          Basile was awarded a legislative clerk-
                                                                                                      ship position with the HELP committee
                                                                                                      that lasted from January to April 2012. “I
                                            • QM-710: Group 3, Standard Weight Capacity               had the opportunity to interview expert
                                             • QM-715 HD: Group 3, Heavy Duty
                                                                                                      witnesses in preparation for two commit-
                                                                                                      tee hearings — ‘The Promise of Accessible
                                             • QM-720: Group 4, High Activity
                                                                                                      Technology’ and ‘The State of Olmstead
                                                                                                      Enforcement,’ as well as conduct research
                                                                                                      for hearings and legislation,” he says. “I also
                                                                                                      researched and drafted legislation expand-
                                                                       Meet Jenny:                    ing minority-owned small business oppor-
                            Advertisement Removed
                                                Television Producer &
                                                                                                      tunities for the disability community and
                                                                            Outdoor Enthusiast,
                                                                                                      attended multiple meetings with nonprofit
                                                                               Denver, CO
                                                                                                      groups, government agency officials and
                                                                                                      disability associations.”
                                                                                                          Being able to work with the HELP com-
                                                                                                      mittee exposed him to the inner workings
                                                                                                      of the government. “I’ve learned that tim-
                                                                                                      ing is everything and that compromise is
                                                                                                      necessary,” he says. “And I learned that Sen.
                                                                                                      Harkin is a great man and champion for
                                                                                                      the disability community. He tries to make
                                                                                                      sure every piece of legislation addresses or
                                                                                                      includes a disability component.”                                                                           Wearing Another Hat
       Test drive the Quickie QM-7 base today, tell us what you                                       Amidst his law school studies, Basile has
       think and we’ll send you a free t-shirt while supplies last.                                   been quietly plugging away on another
                                                                                                      project — SPINALpedia — an offshoot of
                                                                                                      the nonprofit he founded, Determined-
                                                                                                      2Heal. During the summer of 2007, a re-
                                                                                                      search associate at the National Rehabilita-
       SpiderTrac™ Suspension allows user to smoothly go over curbs.
                                                                                                      tion Hospital introduced Basile to Brittany

      BELIEVE IT!                                                                                     Martin, 26, whose father had a spinal cord
                                                                                                      injury. She was also passionate about creat-
                                                                                                      ing a support network for those with SCI.
      800.333.4000             w w w. S u n r i s e M e d i c a l . c o m                             She had been affected early on — when
                                                                                                      she was only 12 — by her dad’s injury.
The 2012 Paralympics: What Will London Bring? - Adaptive Beds Josh Basile Blue Water, White Water
“Immediately after the accident I was ter-       was made instantly. “Josh and I got along       videos are categorized by mobility level —
rified,“ she says. “My little brother died       off the bat, sharing the SCI connection in      partial to full arm control, partial to full
on the scene. When I saw my dad the first        addition to the commitment to want to           hand movement, full or partial leg move-
time the next day, I began to understand         help more people,” she says. They decided       ment, full to partial trunk control, and
what was going on, but it wasn’t until the       to create a mentoring network together          ventilator-use.
final verdict of paralysis from the doctor’s     soon after their first meeting. They uti-           Basile and Martin are taking advantage
mouth that I began to process it.”               lized Martin’s original plan — a mentoring      of the rise of video sharing and prevalence
    From the onset, Martin wanted to be          website that networked hospitals — with         of video taking (like with cell phones) and
there for her dad. “I committed myself pret-     the goal of improving the quality of life for   giving people a place to put information
ty early to the idea of helping my dad recov-    people with paralysis.                          that will be immediately relevant to oth-
er. I liked feeling a part of that and feeling       It took three different versions of their   ers. “Mentoring happens naturally, but it
like I was valuable in the wake of the whole     website and experimenting with different
                                                                                                 shouldn’t be left to chance in terms of be-
trauma. The first thing I said to him when       types of software to get to where there are
                                                                                                 ing ‘lucky enough’ to get hurt somewhere
I saw him the next day was, ‘Dad, you have       today — a finely categorized collection of
                                                                                                 near a good hospital or with a mentoring
to get better and come play with me,’ and        streaming videos. “The idea was very dy-
                                                                                                 program,” says Martin.
he cited those words many times during his       namic and constantly changing, based on
                                                                                                     For Basile, juggling school and creating
recovery as words that kept him going.”          external factors,” adds Martin. “Once we
    As their family adjusted to the injury,      heard about hospital bureaucracy, we gave       an extensive video network have certainly
Martin went on to attend Harvard to study        up the idea of networking hospitals and         been a test. “It’s been extremely tough,” he
linguistics. It was there that she received      took another avenue through videos.”            says. “I consider my schoolwork to be my
support to get her idea for a SCI mentoring          Their end product is a site that contains   three meals of the day, but SPINALpedia is
resource off the ground. “I had been work-       thousands of spinal cord injury videos by       my dessert.” From choosing a career in law
ing on the original concept of SPINALpe-         people with SCI. “YouTube is too unspe-         to creating SPINALpedia, Basile has been
dia during the spring semester of 2007 in        cific if people want to find content that’s     focused on paying it forward.
a social enterprise class,” she says, “I ended   actually useful,” says Martin. “Josh and I          “Many people who came into my life
up getting some money from Harvard that          are working to save people time, filtering      after my injury showed me what was
summer to try to develop it further.”            useful content and teaching people things       possible. Now I have an opportunity to
    When Basile met Martin, a connection         others may have taken years to learn.” The      give back.”

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                                                                                                                    AUGUST 2012         17
The 2012 Paralympics: What Will London Bring? - Adaptive Beds Josh Basile Blue Water, White Water
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