Page created by Joann Todd
campuses in New York City,
Abu Dhabi, and Shanghai
                                Considering NYU
global academic centers
in Africa, Australia, Europe,   If you have already applied for financial
North America, and South
America                         aid, then you’ll soon find out what NYU

21,000+                         may be able to offer.
undergraduate students
                                    NYU is committed to providing
areas of study                  many different ways for students to afford

3,900+                          an education. In most cases, you and
undergraduate courses
                                your family will be responsible for a

                                portion of the cost. Once you and your

                                family have navigated all the options

                                and mapped out a plan for financing your

                                education, you can confidently make

                                NYU your university.

                                    Ready to get started? Let’s go.

Learn the Basics
                                                                                                         NYU ALLOCATES
While the primary responsibility of paying for your education lies with you                              MORE THAN
and your family, NYU coordinates private as well as state and federal government                         $240 MILLION
resources to help you reach your goal of studying at NYU.
                                                                                                         ANNUALLY FOR
                                                                                                         FINANCIAL AID.
                                                                                                         FINANCIAL AID FOR
There are basically three sources of       2. Private Sources                                            THE 2013-2014
aid from which a financial aid award       Private organizations, including                              FRESHMAN CLASS
is developed.                              corporations, foundations, unions, trade
                                           associations, churches and synagogues,                        $31,273
1. Federal and State Governments           community groups, and even secondary                          average award for
                                                                                                         entering freshmen
The federal government provides            schools, offer an array of financial
funds for grants, loans, and employment    assistance to students. A free scholarship                    $25,556
opportunities for students who meet        search tool is available on NYU’s website                     average scholarship
eligibility criteria. The Federal Pell     at                                     grant/award for
Grant, Federal Supplemental                                                                              entering freshmen
Educational Opportunity Grant              3. Scholarships
(FSEOG), and Federal Work-Study            While a small number of merit-based
Program are based on demonstrated          scholarships are available, NYU is
financial need and do not need to          committed to using the vast majority of
be paid back. The Perkins Loan and         its scholarship funds to assist students
Subsidized Federal Stafford Loan           whose families are unable to pay the full
are both need-based loans, while           cost of an NYU education. Almost all
the Unsubsidized Federal Stafford          scholarships—even those where merit
Loan and PLUS Loan are not based           is considered—are based on need.
on financial need. If you reside in                   “My parents were concerned about the cost
                                                       of tuition, and so I almost didn’t apply. But
New York State, the Tuition Assistance                 I wanted to see what would happen if I was
Program (TAP) offers grants to                         accepted. With an NYU scholarship, federal
                                                       and state financial aid, and low-interest
eligible students.                                     student loans, we found a way to make it work.”
                                                       —John Chen, Class of 2015
required to log back into the FAFSA to                                Shanghai using the Gaokao exam.
                                                                                                                      update your information. The FAFSA                                        The CSS/Financial Aid PROFILE
S T AY O N TR A C K :                                                                                                 must be submitted each year to                                        application is administered by the College

Apply and Meet the Deadlines
                                                                                                                      determine and renew financial aid.                                    Board and can be submitted in the fall
                                                                                                                                                                                            as early as October 1 but not later than
                                                                                                                      CSS/Financial Aid PROFILE                                             February 15. Please be aware of the
Consideration for admission and financial aid at any university first depends                                         The CSS/Financial Aid PROFILE is                                      application deadlines, which vary based on
on filling out forms in a timely manner; meeting the application deadlines is                                         required for all new freshman students                                your admissions application type (see table
mandatory. NYU requires two financial aid forms: the CSS/Financial Aid                                                (domestic and international) applying                                 below). You must list New York University
PROFILE and, for applicants to New York City or Shanghai, the FAFSA.                                                  to the New York City, Abu Dhabi, and                                  as a recipient and include NYU’s school
                                                                                                                      Shanghai campuses. It is required every                               code number (002785) when completing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                                                                          year for all international students to renew                          your CSS/Financial Aid PROFILE for your
                                                                                                                      their financial aid. It is not required for                           information to be forwarded to NYU.
FAFSA                                             The form should be completed and sent
                                                                                                                      transfer applicants, returning domestic                                   Students with divorced, separated, or
If you are a US citizen, permanent resident,      for processing as soon as possible after
                                                                                                                      undergraduate students, students                                      unmarried parents also need to fill out the
or otherwise eligible noncitizen, you must        January 1 but no later than February 15
                                                                                                                      applying to the Paul McGhee Division                                  Noncustodial Parent PROFILE (or obtain
complete the Free Application for Federal         for freshmen or April 1 for continuing and
                                                                                                                      at the NYU School of Professional Studies,                            an NYU-approved waiver). For more
Student Aid (FAFSA) to be considered              transfer students. Students eligible to file
                                                                                                                      or Chinese nationals applying to NYU                                  information, visit
for federal financial aid. This online            the FAFSA must complete both financial aid
application, available each year after            applications (FAFSA and CSS/Financial Aid                           Keep these important NYU dates in mind.
January 1, asks for detailed information          PROFILE) by the designated NYU deadlines
                                                                                                                        Admissions                 Application                 CSS/Financial               FAFSA                      Admissions
about your family’s financial circumstances. to be considered for most scholarships.                                    Application                Deadline                    Aid PROFILE                 Deadline                   Decision
Using a formula mandated by Congress,               Please do not wait to have completed                                Type                                                   Deadline                                               Notification
the US Department of Education evaluates          your taxes to file the FAFSA. You may
your family’s financial strength and              complete the FAFSA using estimated
                                                                                                                        Early Decision I           November 1                  November 15                 February 15                December 15
estimates the amount your family can              financial information to meet the deadline.
afford to contribute annually toward              After completing your taxes you are                                   Early Decision II          January 1                   January 15                  February 15                February 15
your education expenses. The Department                                                                                 Regular Decision           January 1                   February 15                 February 15                April 1
                                                            CAUTION: Avoid sticker shock and just apply!
of Education then sends your family’s                       The only way to know for certain how much it                                                                                                                              Beginning
                                                                                                                        Spring Transfer*           November 1                  N/A                         November 15
financial information and its estimate                      will actually cost you to attend NYU is to apply                                                                                                                          mid-November
                                                            for financial aid.
of family contribution to each college you                     Since the amount you can pay toward college              Fall/Summer                April 1                     N/A                         April 1                    Throughout the
                                                            (your expected family contribution) will be about           Transfer†                                                                                                     month of May
designate to receive the information.                       the same regardless of which institution you
  When you file the FAFSA (,                   choose to attend, it is possible that with a sufficient   	All applicants except for spring transfer applicants should file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid for the academic year
                                                            amount of financial aid, it may cost you no more            in which they plan to enroll after January 1 and complete it by February 15.
please indicate that your data is to be sent to             to attend NYU than it would cost you to attend a          * Spring transfer applicants should file the FAFSA for spring entry.
                                                            college with much lower tuition costs.
New York University, code number 002785.                                                                              †
                                                                                                                        Transfer applicants to the College of Nursing have a November 1 application deadline and receive notification beginning April 15.
                                                                                                                      	Note: The Leonard N. Stern School of Business and Tisch School of the Arts only offer admission to transfer students in the fall term.
OF ATTENDING NYU                            CALCULATE YO U R O P TI O NS:

                                            Understanding the Costs
Expenses for new
undergraduates at the
New York City campus
(freshmen and transfers)                    The cost of attending NYU includes both direct education expenses and living

$46,170                                     expenses. Tuition and fees are consistent from student to student, but your total
annual tuition and mandatory                expenses will vary depending on factors such as where you live and your personal
                                            spending habits.
school-based fees, books, and               >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

$2,000                                      NYU estimates a budget for each student         Determining how much your family
personal expenses                           that includes                                can pay toward college expenses is an
(living in university housing)                                                           intricate process that involves much more
                                               n   Tuition and fees
$2,000                                         n   Room and board allowance
                                                                                         than looking at how much your parents
personal expenses                                                                        earn. There are normally four major
(living at home)                               n   Books and personal expenses
                                                                                         factors used in determining a family’s
$16,782                                     		 (standard estimate)
                                                                                         ability to pay for college tuition:
housing and food                               n   Transportation allowance
(living in university housing)                                                              n   Income

$3,198                                      Family Contribution
                                                                                            n   Assets
housing, food, and                          Financial aid supplements your family’s         n   Family size
(living at home)                            resources, but you and your family will         n   Number of children in college
                                            be expected to contribute as much as
Total Budget
                                            you can afford toward your education            Families that do not qualify for need-
$66,542                                     expenses. It’s often a substantial           based federal or state aid the first year may
living in university housing
                                            commitment of your resources, but            be eligible in future years if circumstances
$52,958                                     don’t jump to conclusions about the          change—for example, when another child
living at home
                                            amount or your ability to afford             enters college.
*For Stern School of Business students,
tuition and fees total $46,684. For Tisch
                                            NYU. Most students would not be able
School of the Arts students, tuition and
fees total $50,696.
                                            to attend college at NYU without the
                                            financial assistance they receive.
                                                                                                      All students who are offered
                                                                                                      admission to NYU are
                                                                                                      automatically considered for
                                                                                                      merit scholarships. No additional
                                                                                                      application is required.

Make a Plan                                                                                           AnBryce Scholarship
                                                                                                      The AnBryce Scholarship is
                                                                                                      awarded to academically
                                                                                                      talented freshmen who are the
Each financial aid award may be composed of three types of funding: scholarships                      first in their families to attend
                                                                                                      college. Students who receive
and grants, loans, and employment.                                                                    the award participate in
                                                                                                      educational and cultural
                                                                                                      activities as well as orientation
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                                                          and mentoring programs.

1. Scholarships and Grants                                   3. Employment                            ARCH Scholarship
                                                                                                      A select group of first-semester
   n   Funds are not repaid.                                    n   You will be eligible to work on   freshmen who are committed
                                                             		 campus if your financial aid award    to making a positive impact on
   n   Funds are typically awarded for
                                                                                                      the world will receive ARCH
		academic ability and/or financial need. 		 includes funds from the Federal                          Scholarships. Students are
                                          		 Work-Study Program; many positions                       introduced to professional life
2. Loans                                                                                              skills and future opportunities
                                          		 are available in a wide range of                         through a unique internship and
   n Funds are repaid with interest       		 departments on campus, although                          career development program.
		 over time.                                                		 they are not guaranteed.              Dean’s Scholars
   n   Government and private loans are                         n   You may also seek work off        Dean’s Scholars are select
                                                                                                      students admitted to the
		 available for qualified applicants.                       		 campus for supplemental income;       College of Arts and Science
                                                             		 although off-campus jobs are not      who have been identified for
            Federal Work-Study                                                                        outstanding academic and
            If your financial aid award includes funds       		 part of any given award, NYU’s        personal achievements.
            from the Federal Work-Study Program, you
                                                             		 Wasserman Center for Career           These students receive a
            are eligible to work on campus and earn up
                                                                                                      scholarship grant that covers
            to the amount recommended on your award          		 Development is a great resource
            letter. You are not required to meet your                                                 the full cost of their NYU tuition.
            earnings expectation through the Federal         		 for finding employment.               In addition, Dean’s Scholars
            Work-Study Program, and you may choose                                                    become members of the

            not to accept the work-study and seek                                                     college’s Presidential Honors
            employment in an on- or off-campus job           Bridging the Balance                     Scholars Program and are
            with employer-paid wages. However, it’s
                                                             Because there will likely be a balance   given top priority in the
            possible that you can find a work-study
            position related to your chosen field and earn
                                                                                                      selection of classes offered
            valuable experience along with a paycheck.
                                                             required from you and your family,       through the Freshman Honors
                                                             NYU has developed several plans to       Seminar Program.

                                                             assist families.                         (continued on the next page)
(continued)                         TuitionPay Plan                                   Fixed Payment Plan                         Private (Nonfederal) Alternative Loans
                                    Administered by Sallie Mae, this                  The NYU Fixed Payment Plan                 NYU students should apply for all
Martin Luther King, Jr.,
Scholars Program                    interest-free plan allows all or a portion        eliminates the uncertainty of future       eligible federal assistance available (by
The Martin Luther King, Jr.,        of a student’s education expenses                 increases by allowing families to          submitting the FAFSA) before
Scholars Program awards
both need-based and merit           (including tuition, fees, room, and board)        prepay up to four years of tuition,        considering a private alternative loan.
scholarships to incoming            to be paid in monthly installments. Instead       fees, room, and board at the current       Most private loans are more expensive
freshmen with outstanding
academic credentials who            of one lump-sum payment due at the                semester rates established for full-time   than federal loans; terms, conditions,
also demonstrate a commitment       beginning of each semester—August for             undergraduate students. The payment        and eligibility requirements vary, and
to the ideals of Martin Luther
                                    the fall semester and January for the spring      required is determined by the length       the borrower (and coborrower, if
King, Jr.—community
service, humanitarianism,           semester—TuitionPay enables a family              of the agreement selected (minimum         applicable) should first compare a variety
and social progress.
                                    to spread payments over the course of the         of two years/four semesters and a          of private student loans offered by
Lewis Rudin City Scholarship        academic year. By enrolling in this plan, you     maximum of four years/eight semesters      banks and other education loan providers
Rudin Scholars are outstanding      spread your fall semester tuition payment         beginning with the fall semester) and      and apply only for the alternative loan
incoming freshmen selected
from public and parochial high      over a four-month period (June through            the applicable tuition and fees for        that best suits their needs.
schools in all five boroughs        September) and your spring semester tuition       the NYU school or college you attend.           For more information on any of
of New York City. Scholars
participate in academic and         payment over another four-month period            Payment must be made in a lump sum.        these programs, visit the NYU Office of
cultural activities in New York     (November through February).                      Please note that this program is           the Bursar website at
City and study trips both in the
United States and abroad.                                                             available only to students who are not     paymentplans or call 212-998-2806.
                                    Deferred Payment Plan                             receiving any form of financial aid,
Smilow Scholarship
                                    The Deferred Payment Plan allows you to           loans, or scholarships.                               Choosing the Right Direction
The Smilow Scholarship awards
                                                                                                                                            NYU graduates enjoy some of the highest
generous financial assistance       extend tuition, room, and board payments                                                                starting salaries in the nation. For example,
to a small group of exceptionally                                                                                                           the average starting salary for NYU College
                                    over one semester. You pay 50 percent of your     Tuition Stabilization Plan
talented US students interested                                                                                                             of Nursing graduates is $76,099—over
in studying science, technology,    net balance due for the current term on the       Avoid tuition increases by joining this               $23,000 more than the national average.
engineering, and math fields                                                                                                                And the NYU Polytechnic School of
                                    payment due date and defer the remaining          prepayment plan. It guarantees your                   Engineering is No. 3 in the nation for
at NYU. Smilow Scholars
                                    50 percent until later in the semester. The       tuition rate for up to five consecutive               best 30-year return on investment,
participate in bimonthly                                                                                                                    according to PayScale’s 2013 College ROI
seminars, a career-planning         remaining 50 percent can be paid in two equal     years or until graduation, whichever                  (Return on Investment) Report.
series, and unparalleled
research opportunities.             installments: October and November for the        comes first. This plan is applicable
Participation in the program        fall semester and March and April for the         to tuition and fees for the fall and
also includes a community
service component, a weeklong       spring semester. An interest rate of 12 percent   spring semesters only and cannot be
service trip, and a semester        per year on the unpaid balance will be            used for room, board, or summer
abroad, all funded by NYU.
                                    assessed if payment is not made in full by        semester expenses.
                                    the final installment due date.

Frequently Asked Questions
What are the chances of                       Do aid packages carry forward throughout
receiving financial aid from NYU?             the entire four years of education?
Nearly half of students who apply for         If a student receives assistance as a
aid receive some form of assistance from      freshman, the family can usually expect
NYU. Financial need is determined             a renewal of aid in subsequent years as
by a number of factors; therefore, families   long as they continue to demonstrate
are encouraged to apply for financial         financial need. NYU will renew financial
aid—families are often surprised to find      aid awards (scholarship awards are typically
out that they are eligible. You won’t find    renewed at the same amount, subject to
out what kind of aid will be awarded          fund availability) if the family continues
unless you apply!                             to meet eligibility requirements and if the
                                              student meets academic progress standards,
Will applying for financial aid               maintains full-time status, and applies for
affect a student’s chance of admission?       financial aid on time each year.
For US citizens applying to the New
York City campus and for all applicants       What if the family doesn’t qualify for
to the Abu Dhabi and Shanghai campuses,       aid or needs additional assistance?
financial aid and admissions decisions        NYU has developed several payment
are made independently. For non-US            plans that help families who do not qualify
citizens applying to the New York City        for need-based aid or who require
campus, the admissions process may            additional financial assistance. Students
be need-aware.                                who experience a change in their financial
                                              circumstances should contact the NYU
                                              Office of Financial Aid.
The NYU Wasserman Center
for Career Development polled
the graduating Class of 2013
from September to December
of 2013 and discovered that

of respondents were either
employed or enrolled in a
graduate or professional
school program                  “ In my life, I’ve learned that when
                                  you do not commit, you do not risk
46 %                              and you discover you should
                                  have….The myth of the risk-free
of respondents received two
                                  life is just that: a myth.”
or more job offers
                                 —Alec Baldwin
The overall mean salary for
2013 respondents was             Actor Alec Baldwin is committed
                                 to his alma mater. He graduated
$ 53,350                         from Tisch School of the Arts
                                 in 1994 and is currently a dean’s
NYU graduates make at least      council member. In 2012 he gave
13%                              NYU a gift to endow a drama
                                 scholarship, which is awarded
more money than their
                                 annually and celebrates his
respective counterparts
                                 significant contributions to the
                                 performing arts and to Tisch
                                 School of the Arts. A portion of
                                 his gift will support the Talent
                                 Identification Process, the Tisch
                                 School’s initiative to find the
                                 most academically and artistically
                                 talented students regardless of
                                 their financial aid needs.
The best way to
find out is to apply.                       ADDITIONAL RESOURCES

                                            College Board
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                     Scholarship Database
At NYU we hope your path and ours           Here you’ll find an annually
                                            updated list of scholarships
converge—making it possible for you to      and other types of financial
                                            aid programs from more than
consider NYU as more than just your         2,300 national, state, public,
                                            and private sources totaling
                                            nearly $3 billion.
dream school.
     Whatever your family’s income,
                                            Here you’ll find access to
wherever you live, whatever your            various databases and
                                            information about financial
academic credentials, you may qualify for   aid, including calculators
                                            and general information.
some form of financial aid from NYU.


Office of Undergraduate Admissions
New York University
665 Broadway, 11th Floor
New York, NY 10012-2339

Office of Financial Aid
New York University
25 West Fourth Street, 1st Floor
New York, NY 10012-1119
                                            New York University is an affirmative
                                            action/equal opportunity institution.   C
Office of Undergraduate Admissions
665 Broadway, 11th Floor
New York, NY 10012-2339
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