Brian Nelson Ford changes the way people think about money. His passion for the subject of personal finance is contagious!

Page created by Maurice Valdez
Brian Nelson Ford changes the way people think about money. His passion for the subject of personal finance is contagious!
Brian Nelson Ford changes the way
                                  people think about money.
                                 His passion for the subject of
                                personal finance is contagious!

    “The 8 Pillars of Financial Greatness hits the nail
  on the head. Brian Nelson Ford breaks the trend and
   delivers an educational, enjoyable, and refreshing
 read for anyone who wants to get serious about money.”

                          Fights over money are
                          the number one cause of
                          divorce. Personal financial
                          issues are the number
                          one cause of workplace
                          stress. Brian’s message
                          counteracts these trends,
                          helping to save marriages
                          and drastically improve
                          company cultures and

                          Brian Nelson Ford created
                          8 Pillars with the goal of
                          rejuvenating the country’s
                          financial health—
                          one person at a time.

“True Financial Greatness is more than outward prosperity and
has less to do with dollar signs than it does with how money
affects your life and your relationships.”
                         —Brian Nelson Ford, 8 Pillars Founder

Contact us today about having
Brian provide a Presentation

“Brian Nelson Ford is our kind of entrepreneur. He’s developed a self-funded, debt-free literacy business
that is a no-strings-attached operation. His sole purpose is education, education, education.” —BusinessQ
Brian Nelson Ford changes the way people think about money. His passion for the subject of personal finance is contagious!

 Brian Nelson Ford
 Founder and President of 8 Pillars

 Brian Nelson Ford is the Founder and President of 8 Pillars Financial Education Company. His goal is to
 rejuvenate the country’s financial health one person at a time.

 Brian is an accomplished and well-respected author. In addition to The 8 Pillars of Financial Greatness, he
 has authored an award-winning children’s book titled Marshmallows and Bikes – Teaching Children (and
 Adults) Personal Finance.

 The New York Times had this to say: “The 8 Pillars of Financial Greatness hits the nail on the head. Brian
 Nelson Ford breaks the trend and delivers and educational, enjoyable, and refreshing read for anyone
                           who wants to get serious about money.”

                                  Brian received Bachelors Degrees in Business Management as well
                                   as Marriage, Family & Human Development from Brigham Young
                                   University. Further, he received a Masters Degree in Personal Finance
                                  from the College for Financial Planning.

                                  Brian’s experience as a financial expert combined with his background in
                                           business and education uniquely qualify him to impact people’s
                                              lives for good. For these reasons, Utah Valley Magazine has
                                               listed him on their Fabulous 50 list – recognizing some of
                                                the most accomplished individuals in Utah. In addition,
                                                 Business Q Magazine has recently named Brian as one of
                                                  the top 10 entrepreneurs in Utah!

                                                    Brian Nelson Ford
                                                    Founder and President
                                                    8 Pillars FInancial Education Company

                                                  “ Financial Greatness comes down to taking care
                                                  of what you can control. Of all the challenges
                                                 you face in life, money issues should be among
                                                the easiest to handle. Why? Because money is
                                              an object; money is subject to our management.
                                            Ultimately, you have the real power over your financial
                                         future because financial challenges are manageable. “
                                                                                       Brian Nelson Ford
Brian Nelson Ford changes the way people think about money. His passion for the subject of personal finance is contagious!
MPLE CLIENT LI                   Sample Client List

       Brian has delivered seminars, education
       programs, and keynote ADDRESSES TO...
                      1-800 CONTACTS                                Nu Skin International
              Mountain America Credit Union                                  MGIS
                           Xango                                            Vivint
                      Pinnacle Security                                    Lehi City
                         Media One                                         AmBank
                      Funding Universe                                   Headwaters
                   Direct Assistance Corp                  Utah Valley Home Builders Association
                   Utah Valley University                            Corporate Alliance
          Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints                       Caselle
                 Provo Postal Credit Union                     Woodbury School of Business
          Mountainland Applied Technology College             Salt Lake Chamber of Commerce
                        CoreCentive                                       Stampede
                    Valley Mental Health                        Workers Compensation Fund

       In the words of those that have heard Brian speak,
       you can count on a presenter that is...
                   “Professional”                             “Entertaining”

                                     “Action-oriented”                                         “Real”
           “Intelligent”                                “Passionate”
                                         “Dynamic”                           “Effective”

“Brian was fantastic! Our employees not only had a great time but came away with solid, down-to-earth
financial principles that they could immediately apply. The event was truly a benefit to Funding Universe,
as an organization, as well as to our employees. Brian went out of his way to give me (as the owner of the
organization) credit for providing this exciting new employee benefit. Because of Brian, I can confidently
say that Funding Universe is a better place to work and our employees have the right tools to help them
manage their money with confidence. I would have no reservation recommending Brian to any executive
that is looking to improve his or her employee productivity and loyalty.”
                                                                    Brock J Blake, CEO of Funding Universe
Brian Nelson Ford changes the way people think about money. His passion for the subject of personal finance is contagious!
Topics & result                Topics & ResULTS

    Some of Brian’s more popular speeches include:
          •   Overview of The 8 Pillars of Financial Greatness
          •   How to design, implement and measure a workplace financial education program
          •   Teaching children about money before it’s too late
          •   Avoiding common mistakes with money

    Brian can tailor his presentations to suit your
    requirements for time and content
          Brian offers workshop formats for hands-on learning, seminars, webinars and keynote addresses.
          He is an expert on the subject of personal finance and is comfortable teaching any topic regarding
          money (retirement, insurance, getting organized, estate planning, home ownerships, common
          mistakes, credit, investing, debt and much more).

          “Some of the things I value most are family, health, spirituality, deep happiness,
          security, safety, freedom and balance. Notice that I list neither money nor financial
          status among my values. I value money as far as it can serve what really matters in my
          life and empower the people and causes that I value. “
                                                                                       BRIAN Nelson Ford

  SATISFACTION SCORES                                             BEHAVIOR CHANGES
   How satisfied are you with the                              After just FIVE WEEKS, the average
  presentation? (1=worst, 10=best)                             participant...

  Would you like to see Brian again
                                                               • Saves $500 more

                                                               • Knows their net worth

                                                               • Understands their credit score
  teaching other financial topics?

 YES 99%
                                                               • Lives within their means

                                                               • Pays off $600 of debt

                           Anonymous Survey Results, over 20,000 participants
Brian Nelson Ford changes the way people think about money. His passion for the subject of personal finance is contagious!

  “Entertaining, informative, funny, relative.    “I love that it was high energy. Brian made
  Made me rethink the direction I am taking       a difficult topic understandable..”
  in my life.”                                                                 Jeffrey Furlong
                             Lori Mendenhall                                            Vivint
                                                  “Concise; Useful; Enjoyable. Wish I had
  “After the training took place, we              seen this 40 years ago.”
  provided an anonymous feedback survey.                                            Reid Hilton
  The response from our employees was                                               Media One
  phenomenal. . . In short, 8 Pillars delivered
  exactly what was promised; high-quality,        “As a newlywed, I can use the principles I
  real-world, no-strings-attached financial       learned today to shape our marriage and
  education in a fun and engaging format at       future.”
  an affordable price.”
                                                                                  Steve Hansen
                                  Brenn Bybee                                   1-800 CONTACTS
                                     Lehi City
                                                  “Great initiative by the company! What a
  “Breaks    down      complex    goals   into    fantastic way to show you care about me
  achievable steps.”                              the employee.”
                                 Brian Walker                                  Carlos Martinez
                                       Nu Skin                                          Xango

  “The real life application of The 8 Pillars     “Fantastic! I need this now more than ever
  is what makes your program so valuable.         - I make enough but spend too much. You
  As you said, most of us have heard this         can tell Brian really cares about what he’s
  stuff before. Your program focuses on the       talking about. I will recommend this class
  behavioral aspect of the knowledge.”            to my friends.”
                                    Elisa Sines                                  Jake Isenhour
                              1-800 CONTACTS                                 Pinnacle Security

                 “Simple, dramatic and motivating.
                   Exactly what the world needs.”
                                                        Vicky Torres, Mountain America Credit Union
Brian Nelson Ford changes the way people think about money. His passion for the subject of personal finance is contagious!

  The 8 Pillars of Financial Greatness
                                    The 8 Pillars of Financial Greatness provides a unique
                                    combination of money psychology, motivation, and real-world
                                    financial education. The book will help individuals and families
                                    put their financial lives in harmony with their deepest values.

                                    Specifically, The 8 Pillars will teach
                                    you how to:
                                    •   Establish a Financial Confidence Account
                                    •   Organize and automate your financial life
                                    •   Break free of debt and build your credit score
                                    •   Create a proper insurance and estate plan
                                    •   Implement the four steps of investing
                                    •   Make your home central to your money matters
                                    •   Maximize your lifetime earning potential
                                    •   Get perspective by giving to others

  WORKBOOK: The 8 Pillars of Financial Greatness
                                    Would you rather spend less time reading and more time
                                    just getting your financial life in order? If this describes you,
                                    our 3-Ring Workbook may be what you are looking for. The
                                    Workbook is comprised of 28 worksheets/exercises and was
                                    created to bridge the gap between financial mediocrity and
                                    Financial Greatness.

                                    The Workbook is very carefully designed to help you succeed
                                    financially, following a simple yet productive pattern with each
                                    of the 28 exercises:

                                    •   A short explanation of a financial principle
                                    •   An example of the principle along with helpful websites
                                    •   A worksheet/exercise to help you implement the principle

  “Smart, readable, and profound—The 8 Pillars of Financial Greatness should be required
  reading for everyone old enough to have a job.”
                           James W. Zeberlein, Jr. CFP®, MBA, NAPFA Registered Financial Advisor
Brian Nelson Ford changes the way people think about money. His passion for the subject of personal finance is contagious!

        AUDIOBOOK: THE 8 Pillars of financial greatness
                                              “Ford successfully endeavors to build a bedrock of
                                              principles for sound financial planning...his eight pillars
                                              are equally sensible and approachable.”
                                                                                          Kirkus Discoveries

        Financial Wisdom—Timeless As Nature
                                              If you enjoy stunning landscape photography and inspirational
                                              quotes, you will love Financial Wisdom. This masterpiece is a
                                              high quality, full color, hardback coffee table book.

                                              Brian says, “I wanted to create a book that captures two of my
                                              greatest passions – financial education and the beauties of
                                              nature. First, the quotations need to be timeless and inspiring.
                                              Second, the photographs must be stunning. With my passion
                                              for finance and the wonderful photography of Kevin Winzeler,
                                              we have achieved these goals and the result is Financial Wisdom.”

        Marshmallows and Bikes
        Teaching Children (and Adults) Personal Finance
               This children’s book is a wonderful, fun story of two children
               learning the basics of personal finance through an entertaining
               sequence of events. With captivating pictures and artwork,
               Marshmallows and Bikes will help children:

               •   Understand the importance of delayed gratification
               •   Develop a greater desire to work
               •   Enhance their ability to make sound financial decisions
               •   Acquire a deeper sense of gratitude
               •   Cultivate the habit of saving

 “Because of the book Marshmallows and Bikes, my children now understand that they cannot have
 everything they want right now. They are more willing to work and save. It gave us an avenue to talk about
 personal finance as a family even with our older children. Thank you for such a special book!”
                                                                                                    - Mother of four
Brian Nelson Ford changes the way people think about money. His passion for the subject of personal finance is contagious!
IN THE PR ESS                      In the Press


                                                       COMPANY 8 Pillars, Financial Education,

                                                                                                                                                  BRIAN NELSON FORD
                                                                                                                                                                      Founder and President of 8 Pillars
 These Must-Meet Men And Women

 Have Us On The Edge Of Our Seats

     These entrepreneurs are more than cool.
 They’re the best and the brightest. The hip
 and the happenin’. The bold and the brave.
     And they’re 10 local “idea nerds” you need
                                                                                                              with   BRIAN
 to add to your must-meet list.                                    What is “cool” to you?                               The riskiest thing you’ve ever
     Oh, and we mean “nerd” in the coolest                         Seeing a business bring out the                      done in business?
 possible way.                                                     best in people. When a business                      Building a company from the
                                                                   runs right, it spurs creativity, focus               ground up with no outside capital.
    Brian Nelson Ford is our kind of entrepreneur.                 and work ethic to new heights.                       I put hundreds of thousands of dol-
 He’s developed a self-funded, debt-free                                                                                lars of my own money and several
 literacy business that is a no-strings-attached op-              The most rewarding moment                             years of my life into taking 8 Pillars
                                                                  of your professional life?                            from a dream to a reality, all with a
 eration. His sole purpose is education, education,               Holding the first published copy of                   wife and children depending on me.
 education. And did we mention he’s an award-                     my 300-page book, “The 8 Pillars of
                                                                  Financial Greatness.” That moment
 winning author? He’s written a book for adults                   represented great things to come
                                                                                                                        Why are you an entrepreneur?
                                                                                                                        I believe in myself and my vision for
 (“The 8 Pillars of Financial Greatness”) and for                 for my family, for the people who                     the future. I know I have something
 kids (“Marshmallows AND Bikes — Teaching                         worked in my company and for the                      truly valuable to offer people.
                                                                  individuals who would read my
 Children (and Adults) Personal Finance”).                        book. It felt wonderful to know I
                                                                  stood 100 percent behind the words
                                                                  I had written and published.
                                                                                                                                           Business Quarterly                           25
Brian Nelson Ford changes the way people think about money. His passion for the subject of personal finance is contagious!
    In The Press
Brian Nelson Ford changes the way people think about money. His passion for the subject of personal finance is contagious!
Testi moni a ls
TESTI MONI A LS                                      Testimonials






                       •      On	
                       •      When	




Testi moni a ls
Testi moni a ls
Testi moni a ls        Testimonials

   At Lehi City, we were concerned that our employees' work performance was suffering
   because of personal financial challenges. Because of this, we decided to proactively
   provide financial education/training to our employees and spouses. Our biggest challenge
   was to find high quality education without a sales pitch for an insurancelinvestment
   product or a company that did not want to impress their brand on our employees such as a
   bank or credit union. We were looking for straight-forward financial education without
   the usual strings attached.

   During this time, we came in contact with Brian Nelson Ford and his Financial Education
   Company 8 Pillars, LLC (    we were impressed with the
   down-to-earth nature of his content. As we met with Brian, his passion and commitment
   to financial education became apparent. It was refreshing to find a company that
   specializes in education and nothing more.

   After researching Brian's financial materials, speaking ability, background, and
   education; we decided to partner with 8 Pillars and have Brian speak to our employees
   and their spouses. As administrators, we wondered how our employees would respond to
   the education. After the training took place, we provided an anonymous feedback survey.
   The response from our employees was phenomenal. Brian scored high marks across the
   board and we received nothing but glowing comments about his speaking ability,
   financial content, and effectiveness. In fact, I personally spoke with several employees
   trying to elicit some constructive criticism or a negative comment but all of our
   employees had nothing but wonderful things to say in conversation and in the anonymous

   In short, Brian delivered exactly what was promised; high-quality, real-world, no-strings-
   attached financial education in a fun and engaging format at an affordable price. Further,
   Brian was a true professional to work with-his follow up and attention to detail was a
   breath of fresh air. It is for these reasons that I personally recommend Brian to any
   company or organization that is looking to improve their culture through financially
   educated employees.


   Lehi City
   Management Analyst
   768-7100 ext. 2258

                       153 North 100 East • P.O. Box 255 • Lehi, Utah 84043
                       801-768-7100 • Fax 801-768-7101 •
CON TAC T US                CONTACT US

        To book Brian for a speaking
      engagement, please contact us for
        current rates and availability.

  phone 801.492.7556

   Your audience will come away feeling empowered
   to take control of their money because they will be
   motivated by their deepest values:

                                                         Contact us Today!
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