THANK YOU SURREY - Support Local Businesses - P3 - P3 - Surrey's City-Building Organization - Join as a Member Today

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THANK YOU SURREY - Support Local Businesses - P3 - P3 - Surrey's City-Building Organization - Join as a Member Today
SPRING ISSUE 2021                                                                          SURREY BUSINESS NEWS   Page 1

                                        Surrey’s City-Building Organization – Join as a Member Today


THANK YOU SURREY - Support Local Businesses


                    Surrey Board of Trade is on the unceded territory of the Coast Salish Peoples
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Page 2 SURREY BUSINESS NEWS                                                                                                              SPRING ISSUE 2021


                                 WHY JOIN THE SURREY BOARD OF TRADE?

                                                  BUSINESS CONNECTIONS

                                   POLICY                                                    SAVINGS

                              LEARNING                                                             DEVELOPMENT
                                            Credibility                        Visibility

                                INTERNATIONAL                                               MARKETING
                                 TRADE CENTRE                 COMMUNITY

 101-14439 104 Avenue
 Surrey, BC, V3R 1M1
                                                 INCLUSIVE | INNOVATIVE | INDEPENDENT
 Office 604.581.7130                                                                                                     
 Toll Free 1.866.848.7130

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                                                                                            FOR NEW MEMBERS!

                                                                                                   $100 VALUE*

                                                                                              *Restrictions apply. 1 year only.
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SPRING ISSUE 2021                                                                                                                                                            SURREY BUSINESS NEWS                             Page 3

         SURREY NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                            Keeping it Simple®

                                                    The pandemic has affected us all. We                                                                SPEND TIME FOCUSED
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Doug Tennant’s Final Board Chair Report
                                work creating an environment       educational endeavour was         SBOT has been involved with       position gave me to meet                        She is a true leader who
                                conducive to the success of        an Indigenous Knowledge           some contentious issues.          our members and learn the                       has done much to build
                                business and the community         and Economic Partnerships         We have not always seen           different stories of their                      Surrey’s reputation at home
                                in Surrey. I’m proud of the fact   workshop, addressing a need       eye-to-eye with political         businesses and what brought                     and abroad. Her leadership
                                that the board has become          we have seen in ourselves to      leadership at different levels    them to Surrey. I grew up                       during the pandemic has been
                                more familiar with policy          be educated about diversity       of government. And this is not    in Vancouver, and I have to                     exemplary as she has gone to
                                governance and the leadership      and board composition, as         a bad thing. Boards of trade      say that I much prefer the                      bat for Surrey businesses in a
                                roles that board members           well as helping us learn          were formed 500 years ago to      freshness of the business                       multitude of ways. I’d also like
                                play as directors. Clearly         about opportunities for our       advocate for the interests of     community in Surrey—much                        to thank Greg Thomas, who
                                defining who our “owners” are      business members. CEO Anita       the business committee, and       more prepared to try new                        will be leaving the Board this
        Doug Tennant
                                (our business members) and         Huberman has also been fully      it is expected that there will    things and be innovative, from                  year, for his strong leadership
This will be my last report     devising ways to consult with      engaged in adopting the policy    be tension created by such        what I have seen!                               as Chair and Past Chair of the
as Chair of the Surrey Board    them, has helped the board         governance paradigm, and I        advocacy. The positions taken                                                     board. He will certainly be
of Trade (SBOT). I’ve been      understand the future needs        commend her for completing        by the SBOT have always           I’m looking forward to seeing                   missed. Finally, best wishes to
in this role for two years      of the business community in       the first reporting cycle for     been through the lens of what     many of you again in person,                    Baljit Dhaliwal, as Chair, and
(although the last year has     Surrey. Another area where         her executive limitations         is in the best interest of our    once the pandemic lifts.                        Rory Morgan, as Vice-Chair,
felt at times like ten years,   we have done good work             (addressing risk mitigation for   business members and this                                                         next year. I know that SBOT
at other times like a few       in the past few years has          the organization) and SBOT’s      has been supported by the         I am very grateful to have                      Board is in good hands with
weeks) and am grateful for      been in seeking educational        ends (what the organization       board on numerous occasions       worked closely with Anita                       their leadership.
having the opportunity for      opportunities that inform the      exists to achieve).               during my tenure.                 during these past two years
a leadership role with an       decisions that we have made                                          I have very much appreciated      (and during the rest of my
organization doing great        as a board. Our most recent        During my time as Chair, the      the opportunity that my           time as a board member).

                                                                   ‘SAY YES TO VACCINATION’ Campaign
                                                                   Launched by Surrey Board of Trade
                                                                   While the choice to get vaccinated is         a variety of vaccination 101 information,          companies of all sizes with a single focal
                                                                   ultimately up to individuals, the ‘SAY        vaccine distribution, business tips and            point for the information they need to
                                                                   YES TO VACCINATION’ Campaign is               how to talk to employees.”                         know as employers and the resources
                                                                   an encouragement campaign to equip                                                               they can use to reassure and encourage
                                                                   businesses to play their part to get Surrey   As employers and providers of goods                their employees to get vaccinated.
                                                                   and surrounding communities to herd           and services to the general public,
                                                                   immunity.                                     businesses have a critical role to play in
                                                                                                                 getting Canadians vaccinated, which will
                                                                   “The focus is to encourage Surrey             ultimately create the conditions for the
                                                                   residents and workers to get vaccinated       relaxation of public health restrictions
                                                                   as it is the only solution to open all        currently in place.
                                                                   business and have the events that
                                                                   enhance the livability of Surrey,” said       Given the overwhelming volume of
                                                                   Anita Huberman, CEO, Surrey Board of          information available on vaccines, this
                                                                   Trade. “The Surrey Board of Trade’s Rapid     campaign and the Rapid Response
                                                                   Response Pandemic Business Centre has         Pandemic Business Centre provides
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Page 4 SURREY BUSINESS NEWS                                                                                                                                                                   SPRING ISSUE 2021

Surrey RCMP Report to the Community                                                                                            New Surrey Police Service
                                        report contains information on our
                                        calls for service, crime statistics,
                                                                                   Police Service continues to move
                                                                                   forward. The transition of police
                                                                                                                               Badge Unveiled
                                        supports for youth and vulnerable          services is a complex process, but
                                        citizens, and the work of our              my team is committed to working
                                        specialized teams in addressing            collaboratively with the Surrey
                                        gang violence, drug trafficking, road      Police Service to ensure that public
                                        safety and other local priorities.         safety is not compromised at any
                                                                                   point in the process. Chief Lipinski
                                        The work and accomplishments               and I have a strong relationship
                                        detailed in this report are thanks         that will ensure, as stated, that
                                        to our great team of police officers,      the safety of our police officers
                                        support staff and volunteers.              and that of the community is
                                        Despite a pandemic, we improved            the primary consideration when
  Assistant Commissioner                our response time, worked with             moving forward.
       Brian Edwards                    the community to reduce both
                                        violent and property crime, and            May 1, 2021 marked the 70th                                                              Semiahmoo First Nation artist Leslie
Surrey RCMP Officer in Charge                                                                                                   Chief Constable Norm Lipinski
                                        continued to advance innovative            anniversary of the Surrey RCMP. I                                                        Wells is at the top of the shield,
                                                                                                                                   Surrey Police Service
In early April, the Surrey RCMP         strategies to provide an efficient         would like to take this opportunity                                                      acknowledging the First Peoples who
released its 2020 Report to the         and responsive police service.             to thank Surrey residents and the                                                        first inhabited this land. Surrey is
                                                                                                                               On May 4th, the Surrey Police Service
Community. I encourage all Surrey                                                  business community for being our                                                         situated on the traditional ancestral
                                                                                                                               unveiled its new badge, vision and
business owners and residents           As we progress through 2021,               partners in public safety since                                                          and unceded territories of the Katzie,
                                                                                                                               values, all reflective of how the
to view this report, which is           the City of Surrey’s transition            1951. It is truly an honour to serve                                                     Kwantlen and Semiahmoo First
                                                                                                                               Service envisions its community safety
available at          from the RCMP to the Surrey                this community.                                                                          Nations.
                                                                                                                               partnership with Surrey citizens.
                                                                                                                                                                            “We are grateful to First Nations
                                                                                                                               Flanked by the words honour, integrity
                                                                   Business Scams                                              and respect, the shield within the
                                                                                                                               badge has three key visual elements:
                                                                                                                                                                            communities and Mr. Wells for the
                                                                                                                                                                            honour of allowing us to use his art
                                                                   “The Surrey Board of Trade reminds businesses,                                                           as part of our badge,” says Chief
                                                                                                                               The Coast Salish eye, a fess (check)
                                                                   organizations, and residents to focus on fraud                                                           Constable Norm Lipinski. “We value
                                                                                                                               pattern, and six stars—one for each
                                                                   prevention,” said Anita Huberman, CEO, Surrey               of Surrey’s town centres (Cloverdale,        its significant meaning and we do not
                                                                   Board of Trade. “Especially during the pandemic             Guildford, Fleetwood, Newton, South          take lightly the responsibility we have
                                                                   with an increase in online transactions we must             Surrey, and Whalley/City Centre).            to all people.”
                                                                   be vigilant in preventing cybercrime.”
                                                                                                                               The Coast Salish eye, designed by
                                                                   The Surrey Board of Trade continues to
                                                                   advocate for cybercrime prevention action by
                                                                   asking the Federal Government to:
                                                                                                                               Help Keep Kids Out of Gang Life
                                                                   1. Increase integration amongst governments                 The City of Surrey’s Community               and address risk factors, tips and
                                                                   and policing agencies on cybercrime to                      Safety section launched a new                tools to start early conversations
                                                                   effectively punish cyber criminals                          website dedicated to helping parents,        with children and youth, and links
                                                                                                                               caregivers and other trusted adults          to free prevention, intervention and
                                                                   2. Promote digital literacy by establishing                 build protective factors among Surrey        enforcement programs available to
                                                                   best practices for cyber resilience, including              children and youth to reduce their           Surrey residents. Development of the
                                                                   education on more sophisticated and                         susceptibility for gang involvement.         website was informed by more than
                                                                   specialized crime                                                                                        100 Surrey youth aged 14 to 19 who,
                                                                                                                               Called Empower Surrey, the website           through focus groups, surveys and
                                                                   3. Invest additional financial and skilled human            aims to enhance the impact of the            online meetings held during the fall of
                                                                   resources to the national cyber-security centre             Surrey Anti-Gang Family Empowerment          2020, provided feedback and insights
                                                                   set up by government, industry and policing                 (SAFE) Program and is available              into the challenges they face at school,
                                                                   agencies to help investigate and warn the                   in over 80 languages. It features            home and in the community.
                                                                   public about new and emerging cyber-threats.                information on Surrey’s unique     
                                                                                  gang landscape, how to identify

Combatting the Overdose Crisis
The Province is moving forward with       “COVID-19 is not the only pandemic           short supply. Decriminalization and         aspect included in decriminalization       1. Decriminalize and regulate all non-
vital measures to combat stigma and       that is impacting our healthcare             regulation of non-medical drugs can         and regulation. Rehabilitation coupled     medical drugs;
turn the tide on the overdose crisis.     system,” claimed Anita Huberman,             alleviate these pressures and more.         with work placement programs will
                                          CEO of the Surrey Board of Trade.            By decriminalizing and regulating the       increase our labour supply, reduce the     2. Create rehabilitation programs by
To address stigma, BC will officially     “The addiction crisis and war on             illicit drug supply, overdoses can be       toll on our healthcare system in the       working with relevant not-for-profit
request a federal exemption from          drugs has led to incredibly negative         managed.                                    long run, and lead to fewer deaths.”       organizations to build their capacity;
Health Canada to decriminalize            implications for our workforce, our                                                                                                 and,
personal possession of drugs in the       economy, and our society.”                   “By ensuring that possession of non-        The Surrey Board of Trade asks that
province, removing the shame that                                                      medical drugs and being under the           the Federal Government work with           3. Work with businesses to create
often prevents people from reaching       The criminal justice system is               influence does not result in criminal       Provincial and Territorial Governments     work-placement programs for those
out for life-saving help.                 overburdened. Our healthcare system          charges, our workforce is not reduced.      to:                                        that have completed rehabilitation
                                          is at capacity. Our labour force is in       But there must be a rehabilitation                                                     programs by subsidizing a portion of
                                                                                                                                                                              the wages.
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SPRING ISSUE 2021                                                                                                                                                              SURREY BUSINESS NEWS            Page 5

Relevant Timelines for a Builders Lien
What is a builders lien? Am I eligible to file a lien?
                                                                                                            Time Limits: British Columbia Builders Liens
If you are involved in construction as an owner, builder, contractor, supplier,
                                                                                                                                              A builders lien is filed by those who provided work or materials
subcontractor or worker, then you should be aware of what the British                                       Why?
                                                                                                                                              in a construction project and seek to recover money owed.
Columbia Builders Lien Act (BLA) could mean for you. The BLA provides rights
to parties in a construction project in scenarios where monies are due and                                  Steps for filing a Builders Lien
                                                                                                                                              If a Certificate of Completion         If a Certificate
                                                                                                                                              (Certificate) was issued               wasn’t issued
Filing a builders lien registers your legal interest against a property for work
                                                                                                                                              The trigger date depends on            Other factors such as
done or materials supplied. A lien indicates to others that you have a financial                                                              whether a Certificate was signed       completion, abandonment
interest in that property.                                                                                  Filed no later than 45 days       and issued.                            or termination of the head
                                                                                                            after the “trigger” date.         Generally, the deadline to file a      contract or the improvement
Before filing a lien, consider whether you fall into one of the classes of lien                                                               lien is 45 days after the project is   will determine the trigger
                                                                                                                                              substantially completed.               date.
claimants, which include1:
                                                                                                            Steps for filing the Lien Claim
    Contractors              Those engaged by an owner to perform or provide work or supply material
                                                                                                            Timing                            Notice to Commence and Action (Notice)
                             Those engaged by a contractor or another subcontractor to perform or provide   Within one (1) year of filing
    Subcontractors           work, or supply material                                                       a builders lien, a civil action
                                                                                                                                              An owner of a project or property may file a Notice, which
                                                                                                                                              replaces the one (1) year deadline and requires a civil action and
                                                                                                            must be commenced and             filing of a CPL within 21 days of receiving the Notice.
                             Individuals engaged by an owner, contractor, or subcontractor
    Workers                  for wages in any kind of work
                                                                                                            a certificate of pending
                                                                                                                                              Failure to commence a legal action and file a CPL within the one
                                                                                                            litigation (CPL) must be filed
                                                                                                            against the property.             (1) year results in the lien expiring.

     Contact us to ensure your lien is properly filed and registered.                                                                         If the parties involved cannot reach a resolution, a court will
                                                                                                                                              decide whether the lien is valid. If the lien is found valid and the
                                                                                                            If the lien lawsuit reaches a
                                                                                                                                              property owner fails to pay the claimed amount, the court may
                                                                                                            court hearing.
                                                                                                                                              order the sale of the property and order the sale proceeds be
                                                                                                                                              directed to pay the lien.
1    Builders Lien Act, S.B.C. 1997, c. 45, s. 1.

                                Gagandeep Khosa
                                                                                                                                                                      For more information
                                                                                                                                                                      +1 604 631 3131
                                +1 604 631 4799

                                                                                                                                             Scan QR to join the

                                                                                                                                              Surrey Board of
                                                                                                                                                                      Trade’s Mobile Club
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Page 6 SURREY BUSINESS NEWS                                                                                                                                                       SPRING ISSUE 2021

Surrey Board of Trade Launched Indigenous Knowledge Learning Series
Indigenous knowledge and economic                 constitutional narratives. This provides           Module 1 – The Uncomfortable Truth –               on each of the First Nations in the Lower
partnerships are a priority for all businesses    both opportunities and risks for businesses.       Colonization in Canada                             Mainland.
as we all continue on the path towards            Implementation requires an action plan. First,
reconciliation and the implementation of the      we must understand the history of Indigenous       This introductory session included:                Module 3 – How to Build Sustainable
United Nations Declaration on the Rights of       Peoples in Canada, and the contemporary            • terminology and definitions;                     Business Relationships with Indigenous
Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP).                      landscape of Indigenous Relations. Only            • the history of Indigenous-Crown Relations;       Peoples and the Tools and Action Items
                                                  then will there be true reconciliation and         • the Indian Act, 1876;                            that You Need
“The Surrey Board of Trade was a leader again     understanding as we partner on projects on         • overview of membership, land and
in launching a Surrey Business Leadership         Indigenous territories and respectfully receive      governance; and                                  The final session covered such items as
Learning Series last month that helped to         consent from those communities. Second, we         • the history and legacy of residential schools.   “best practices” in community engagement,
ensure we understood the history, what            must continuously evaluate our relationship                                                           business development, protocols (including for
UNDRIP really means, and how to build             and understand, adjusting our approach             Module 2 – Reconciliation and Building a           Indigenous employees, contractors, businesses
sustainable business relationships with           through cyclical learning.                         New Future and Relationships – the Truth           and entrepreneurs) and meeting Corporate
Indigenous Peoples,” said Anita Huberman,                                                            and Reconciliation Commission and the              Social Responsibility requirements. Participants
CEO, Surrey Board of Trade.                       The Surrey Board of Trade contracted the           United Nations Declaration on the Rights           also received Action Plans and Tools to
                                                  team of Lyle Viereck Consulting Services Inc.,     of Indigenous Peoples                              help them in these and other activities with
In Canada, implementation of UNDRIP is            SB Communications & Public Affairs Ltd. and        This module covered the Truth and                  Indigenous Peoples.
an opportunity to explore and reconceive          C. Marshal and Associates to offer the (free)      Reconciliation Commission’s Call to Action,
the relationship between international law,       Digital Surrey Business Leadership Learning        the UNDRIP, and why both are important to          Another series will be held at a later date.
Indigenous Peoples’ own laws and Canada’s         Series:                                            businesses. It also included the background

Gender Gap Challenges                                                                                Women and Economic Growth
                                                                                                     Here are five things that the Federal              3) Remove tax barriers for childcare.
                                                                                                     Government can do to support women’s
                                                                                                     economic growth:                                   4) Provide enhanced opportunities for women-
                                                                                                                                                        owned businesses to meaningfully access
                                                                                                     1) Ensure schools and daycares remain open         public procurement contracts.
                                                                                                     through subsequent waves across the country.
                                                                                                     There needs to be an increased focus on rapid      5) Support job pivots for women.
                                                                                                     testing and turnaround times, alongside other      Training, upskilling, reskilling and job
                                                                                                     technological supports including robust tracing.   transitions will be important through the
                                                                                                                                                        coming months and into recovery.
                                                                                                     2) Establish an inclusive task force to focus
                                                                                                     on childcare capacity and support through the
Another generation of women will have to          gap has increased by a generation from 99.5
                                                                                                     ongoing crisis.                                    CWA_Recommendations_2021.pdf
wait for gender parity, according to the World    years to 135.6 years.
Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report
2021. As the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
continues to be felt, closing the global gender   report-2021

New Accessibility Legislation                                                                                                          Anti-Racism Reminder
                                                                   New accessibility legislation     Quick Facts:                      A new anti-racism information     aim to inspire people to reflect
                                                                   will help people with             • BC is the largest province      campaign is shining a light       on racism that happens in
                                                                   disabilities and their support    (by population) in Canada that    on racism, while encouraging      everyday situations and speak
                                                                   networks. If passed, the          has not passed comprehensive      British Columbians to             out if they see discrimination.
                                                                   Accessible British Columbia       accessibility legislation.        examine their own personal
                                                                   Act will allow government                                           biases and take a stand 
                                                                   to establish accessibility        • In 2017, there were an          against discrimination. The
                                                                   standards aimed at identifying,   estimated 926,100 British         campaign, which features
                                                                   removing and preventing           Columbians (over 20% of the       nine illustrations by BIPOC
                                                                   barriers to accessibility and     population) who reported          (Black, Indigenous and
                                                                   inclusion. Standards will be      having a disability.              people of colour) artists
                                                                   developed in a range of areas                                       based in British Columbia,
                                                                   such as employment, the           • People with disabilities        will support the Province’s
                                                                   delivery of services and the      are twice as likely to live in    long-term commitment to
                                                                   built environment.                poverty.                          tackling racism by encouraging
                                                                                                               more open discussion about
                                                                                                                                       discrimination. This series of
                                                                                                                                       anti-racism reminders also
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SPRING ISSUE 2021                                                                                                                                                SURREY BUSINESS NEWS          Page 7

                                                                 WHAT ARE INCOTERMS®?                                                DELIVERABLES
                                                                 The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Incoterms® rules        All participants receive the official ICC eBook for use before and
                                                                 are used in contracts to clearly communicate the obligations,       during the course and are subsequently provided with a link to
                                                                 costs, and risks associated with the transportation and delivery    an online exam that, once passed will provide a Certificate of
                                                                 of goods, providing clarity for sellers & buyers and helping        Completion.
                                                                 facilitate trade.
                                                                 COURSE DETAILS                                                      The course fee is $475 CDN for SBOT members ($495 CDN for
                                                                 The course is delivered virtually in 3 two-hour sessions with the   non-members).
The Surrey International Trade Centre announces a new,           next course scheduled for Monday, May 31st, Wednesday, June
comprehensive, instructor-led Incoterms® course, delivered       2nd and Friday, June 4th, 2021 from 8:30 AM to 10:30 AM PST on      REGISTRATION
virtually by Exportspark, a Surrey Board of Trade partner, and   each day.                                                           Contact
by FITT and the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in partnership
with EDC and the Canadian Trade Commissioner Service.

UNITED KINGDOM                                                                                     IRELAND
Surrey Board of Trade            • Advanced education            Some Solutions:                   The Surrey International          of which are Canadian    
supports enhanced                systems                         • To enhance a Team Canada        Trade Centre recently focused     companies with Irish               countries/ireland
Canada-United Kingdom            • Natural resources             approach with volunteers          on trade and workforce            operations.
trade agreements. We are         • Increasing the number of      from diverse business             opportunities with Ireland.       • Emma Doherty, Partner
apprehensive of the accension    twinned cities agreements,      organizations and                 The following speakers and        in Matheson’s International
of the United Kingdom to         and enhancing these             communities                       partners joined us:               Business Group. Emma has
the Comprehensive and            relationships                   • Invest in production            • The Hon. Bruce Ralston,         advised on some of the largest
Progressive Agreement for                                        facilities in the United          BC Minister of Energy, Mines      establishment and expansion
Trans-Pacific Partnership        Potential sectors to be         Kingdom                           and Petroleum Resources           projects in Ireland.
(CPTPP) as it may negatively     identified and developed:       • Identify sectors where          • Consul General Frank            • Chargé d’Affaires,
impact our ability to trade      • Investment in local           Canada is competitive and         Flood who served as Ireland’s     Suzanne Drisdelle, a senior
with the United Kingdom, and     production in the UK            start to compete in the           Ambassador to Estonia, before     Canadian diplomat and Trade
other CPTPP members.             • Technology transfer           region                            taking up his position in         Commissioner with Global
                                 using research capacity in                                        Vancouver.                        Affairs Canada. She has
Canadian potential:              collaboration with                                                • Kate Hickey, Executive          extensive experience within
• Advanced research              educational institutions                                          Director of the Ireland Canada    Global Affairs Canada in
in various sectors               • Potential for other sectors                                     Business Association. The         trade promotion, trade policy,
(pharmaceuticals, electrical     such as electrical machinery,                                     ICBA is the representative        innovation scale-up support,
machinery, aircrafts and         equipment, pharmaceuticals,                                       voice of over 100 companies       ministerial communications,
spacecrafts, etc.)               aircraft, spacecraft, organic                                     doing business between            and overseas Mission
                                 chemicals                                                         Ireland and Canada, 70            management and operations.

USA                                                                                                INDIA
                                                                 about just flipping a switch. A   Canada India Network Society      can integrated thinking
                                                                 structured plan is needed in      continues their partnership       lower the burden of chronic
                                                                 partnership with the private      and leadership event from         disease. Speakers include
                                                                 sector.”                          June 18-21, 2021. Efforts will    some of Canada and India’s
                                                                                                   support trade and economic        most forward-thinking health
                                                                 Canada must assess its            development between               care professionals and yoga
                                                                 relationship with their           Canada and India. Their           experts.
                                                                 southern neighbours. Canada       work has led to innovative
                                                                 needs to understand where         programs and network    
                                                                 its priorities lie, and how       opportunities in health
                                                                 impactful US policy will be to    that support educational,
The Federal and Provincial       and Territories, needs to
                                                                 Canada’s interests.               economic, cultural and
Governments must create          create a Canada-US Relations
                                                                                                   social links between Canada
a Canada-US Relations            Committee to implement an
                                                                     and India. Join engaging
Committee to protect BC and      economic recovery plan that
                                                                                                   conversations, panels, and
Canadian interests from plans    recognizes the integration of
                                                                                                   experiential practice. The
made by the United States.       the North American economy,”
                                                                                                   focus is on integrated thinking
                                 said Anita Huberman, CEO,
                                                                                                   to integrated medicine in the
“The Federal Government, in      Surrey Board of Trade.
                                                                                                   context of post-COVID-19
coordination with Provinces      “Opening the border is not
                                                                                                   and a healthy society: How
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Page 8 SURREY BUSINESS NEWS                                                                                                                                                         SPRING ISSUE 2021

Clearing the Air on Subsidies
                                                                             There is a constant refrain of groups      oil and natural gas revenues – an          the country. We need to think about
                                                                             calling on government to stop              average over $1.3 billion of direct        ways to attract more investment, not
                                                                             subsidizing “big oil.” These claims        resource revenues every year.              drive it away.
                                                                             often misrepresent fair and legitimate     The upstream natural gas and
                                                                             tax treatments, source unrelated           oil industry is the largest private        Jack Middleton is an Advisor for
                                                                             information, and mislabel things           investor in British Columbia; in 2021      Citizen Engagement and Outreach in
                                                                             as subsidies to help inflate their         its forecasted to invest $3.9 billion      BC with CAPP.
                                                                             numbers.                                   in the province, up from $3.0 billion
                                                                                                                        last year. Oil and gas invests more
                                                                             Most importantly, Canadians aren’t         in BC annually than mining, forestry,
                                                                             losing money on the resource sector.       agriculture, and fisheries combined.
                                                                             Every barrel of oil and every molecule     This is much-needed investment
                                                                             of natural gas produced supports vital     growth that will help put people
                                                                             jobs in the province and generates         back to work, generate government
                                                                             desperately needed revenues for            revenues, and help the economy
                                                                             governments at every level.                recover from the devastating impacts
                                                                                                                        of the COVID-19 pandemic.
                                                                             Since 2003 when BC introduced
                                                                             the Deep Royalty Credit program,           When you see vague reports and
                                                                             the natural gas and oil industry has       claims about subsidies, dig a bit
                                                                             invested $90 billion into the province,    deeper. The oil and natural gas sector
                                                                             which has in turn generated $24            is vital to Canada’s recovery and
                                                                             billion in direct provincial government    contributes to communities across

Canadian Entrepreneurs Take                                                                        Zero Waste Focus
Environmental Challenge                                                                            The Surrey Board of Trade
                                                                                                   is a member of the Metro
                                                                                                                                       and $41 billion in additional
                                                                                                                                       revenue. This report is a first
                                                                                                                                                                          plastic items and packaging
                                                                                                                                                                          were disposed of in BC. This
                                                environmental change. It also provided a           Vancouver Zero Waste                of many steps towards waste        equates to more than 65
                                                roadmap for businesses at each stage of their      Council. This council just          prevention in Canada and           kilograms of plastic waste
                                                green transition from beginner to leader.          released the report: Waste          the transition to a circular       landfilled per person in one
                                                                                                   Prevention: The Environmental       economy.                           year.
                                                Highlights                                         and Economic Benefits for                                              • Globally, it has been
                                                • 82% of Canadian entrepreneurs are                Canada.                             Quick Facts:                       estimated more than 20
BDC launched a new study:                       currently taking concrete actions to reduce the                                        • More than 40% of plastic is      million tonnes of plastic waste
A transformation in progress: How               environmental impact of their activities.          It sets out 15 specific business    used only once.                    enter aquatic ecosystems
Canadian entrepreneurs are taking on the        • 63% of entrepreneurs having implemented          cases for preventing waste in       •In 2019, 77% of all beverage      every year.
environmental challenge.                        environmentally friendly practices act based on    six key sectors of our national     containers and 46% of all
                                                their personal convictions. More than half are     economy. Taken together, the        residential plastic packaging
Canadian entrepreneurs are highly motivated     also motivated by reducing operating costs and     ideas featured in this report       was recovered for recycling.
to reduce the environmental impact of their     close to one third by improving brand image.       represent the potential to          • Of the plastics collected
business activities, with 82% saying they       • Costs are not often passed on to consumers,      prevent 4.9 million tonnes of       by Recycle BC, 98% stay in
have taken concrete actions to protect the      with 41% of entrepreneurs saying they absorb       waste per year (including 1.1       BC – supporting the recycling
environment, according to our new study. The    the price tag of green measures, while 25%         million tonnes of plastics),        and manufacturing sector and
study was conducted last October with 1,515     take steps to educate clients.                     as well as 5 million tonnes         growing the circular economy.
Canadian business leaders and 1,014 consumers                                                      of CO2e emissions while             • It is estimated that in
to explore how companies are navigating                                             creating about 20,000 jobs          2019, over 340,000 tonnes of

Surrey Board of Trade Focuses on Blue Economy Strategies
Water is important to your home, family,        of many Canadian communities and provincial        shorelines and large-scale infrastructure),          6. Create ocean innovation accelerators.
livelihood, cultural practices, and to          territories.                                       and to connect marine ecosystem services
businesses.                                                                                        to related initiatives (e.g., Municipal Natural
                                                Some ideas for a Blue Economy                      Assets Initiative).
“The Surrey Board of Trade asks the Federal     Ecosystem:
Government to enact policies that support the                                                      4. Convene key nations interested in ocean
blue economy and create a blue investments      1. Establish a Canadian accelerator program.       restoration, ocean-based research and
working group,” said Anita Huberman, CEO,       Showcase small-scale examples of success.          development, and studying the impacts of tidal
Surrey Board of Trade.                                                                             energy generation on fish and sea life.
                                                2. Promote ocean literacy.
Canada has the longest coastline in the world                                                      5. Provide support for bi-lateral or multi-lateral
and the fourth largest ocean territory. These   3. Incorporate oceans into municipal bonds         projects and international agreements on
natural, aquatic resources are the backbone     focused on the impacts of climate change (e.g.,    preserving the ocean and important habitats.
THANK YOU SURREY - Support Local Businesses - P3 - P3 - Surrey's City-Building Organization - Join as a Member Today
SPRING ISSUE 2021                                                                                                                                                     SURREY BUSINESS NEWS          Page 9

        FINANCE & TAX
                                                                       The 2021 Federal Budget             Businesses need to reduce their
                                                                       Presentation delivered support      costs, need skilled talent to drive
                                                                       for business, housing, transit,     innovation and need to maximize
                                                                       women and youth but lacked          the potential of trade deals. The
                                                                       detail on debt reduction,           Federal Budget, the first in 2
                                                                       tax reform, pharmacare and          years, focused on:
                                                                       international strategy.             1. Economic shock
                                                                                                           2. Conquering Covid
                                                                       Before the budget was               3. Recovery of lost jobs
                                                                       presented, the Surrey Board of      4. Support for businesses
                                                                       Trade met with Deputy Prime         5. Social infrastructure
                                                                       Minister and Minister of Finance
                                                                       Chrystia Freeland to provide
                                                                       inputs into the federal budget -
                                                                       an important budget like no other
                                                                       in our lifetime.

BC                                                                                                                                                      SURREY
                                                                                          Commitment to Surrey Hospital, trade and                      In late April, an annual financial audit indicated
                                                                                          industry development, strategic investment fund               that the City of Surrey maintained its strong
                                                                                          for economic growth; no specific mention of                   financial position in 2020.
                                                                                          SkyTrain from Surrey-Langley or comprehensive
                                                                                          BC tax reform.                                                To ensure economic resiliency, the City of Surrey
                                                                                                                                                        implemented the Surrey Economic Action and
                                                                                          The Surrey Board of Trade was pleased to hear                 Recovery Plan last May. It was indicated that
                                                                                          that there are financial commitments in the                   the City of Surrey balanced the books without
                                                                                          service plan for trade and industry development,              incurring additional debt.
                                                                                          small business and economic development, and
                                                                                          the strategic investment fund called InBC. As                 The City recorded $1.46 billion in building permit
                                                                                          Surrey will be the largest city in BC by 2030,                value, surpassing the 10-year average.
                                                                                          capitalizing on economic development initiatives
                                                                                          and industry growth is essential – and that
                                                                                          includes leveraging the opportunities in the
                                                                                          Cascadia economic region.


The BC Government has released some funding        the Economic Recovery Minister’s COVID-19        2. The BC Increased Employment Incentive              Highlights of the PST rebate for capital
programs to support the business community,        Industry Engagement Council, we will continue    is a one-time refundable tax credit for               investments include:
and those businesses impacted by the recent        to instigate action through ideas and policy     employers which encouraged the creation               · Incorporated businesses can recover 100%
circuit breaker provincial health orders.          proposals to help our members and the            of new jobs for BC workers or increases in            of the PST on most machinery and equipment
                                                   community of Surrey.”                            payroll for existing low- or middle-income            purchased between September 17, 2020 and
“The Surrey Board of Trade has been at the                                                          employees in the last quarter ending December         September 30, 2021
forefront of the call to ensure that business      The announcements were:                          31, 2020.The tax credit is calculated at 15%          · PST savings on a new zero-emission vehicle
supports for those affected industries are         1. Minister Ravi Kahlon announced the new        of the amount that the employer’s eligible            can be more than $3,000
ready on day one of health and safety orders,”     Circuit Breaker Business Relief Grant            remuneration for the last quarter ending                 · Described by the definitions found
said Anita Huberman, CEO, Surrey Board of          which will provide funding to help the           December 31, 2020 exceeds the employer’s              in Schedule II to the federal Income Tax
Trade. “We are pleased that the government         restaurants, bars, breweries, wineries, gyms,    eligible remuneration for the quarter ending          Regulations, as they read on September 1,
has finally, and with streamlined efficiencies,    fitness centres and short-term accommodation     September 30, 2020.                                   2020, for capital cost allowance (CCA) classes
opened a funding portal to help affected           businesses affected by the March 30, 2021                           8, 10, 12, 16, 38, 43, 43.1, 43.2, 46, 50, 53, 54,
industries in addition to opening the PST rebate   and April 23, 2021 provincial health orders.                                                           and 55.
for capital investments for businesses to invest   The new Circuit Breaker Business Relief Grant    3. The BC PST Rebate on Select                        · PST paid on leases (both capital or operating
and recover. This is a policy win for the Surrey   will provide affected businesses up to $20,000   Machinery and Equipment is a temporary                leases) of qualifying machinery and equipment
Board of Trade.”                                   in one-time funding to help with expenses        provincial sales tax (PST) program that acts like     also qualifies
                                                   like rent, insurance, employee wages,            a refund but is separate from the existing PST        · Unincorporated entities such as sole
“However, it must be recognized that               maintenance and utilities. The grant can also    Refund process. Under this temporary program,         proprietors cannot apply but can choose to
circumstances for businesses continue to           help cover unexpected costs that resulted        corporations can apply to receive an amount           become incorporated to take advantage of the
evolve, and through our involvement on two         from the restrictions, such as the purchase of   equal to the PST they paid between September          program
significant BC Government task forces, the         perishable goods.                      17, 2020 and September 30, 2021 on qualifying
Premier’s Economic Recovery Task Force and                                                          machinery and equipment.
THANK YOU SURREY - Support Local Businesses - P3 - P3 - Surrey's City-Building Organization - Join as a Member Today
Page 10 SURREY BUSINESS NEWS                                                                                                                                                         SPRING ISSUE 2021

                                                                                                       Future of Events
                         “AT THE END OF THE DAY, IT’S
                   OUR RESPONSIBILITY
                           AS OWNERS TO MAKE SURE
                            WE LEAD THE CHARGE
                              FOR SAFETY.”

                                  JARED LEE
                                  CENTRAL KITCHEN + BAR

What I Know Now - Conversations About
Workplace Safety and Responsibility
Work can be intimidating for young workers,        open communication so your workers feel
especially if they’re new to the job or don’t      comfortable asking questions about health and
have a lot of experience in the industry. They     safety.
want to make a good first impression by
showing you and their co-workers that they         2. Know your responsibilities
know what they’re doing.                           It’s your responsibility to keep your young
                                                   workers safe at work. Know the Occupational
That’s why talking about safety with young         Health and Safety Regulation and talk to your
workers is so important.                           staff about safety in the workplace.
As an employer, you have years of safety           3. Everyone has a role to play
knowledge and experience that can be               Understand your health and safety role, and the
shared with your young workers. It is your         role of your staff and supervisors.
responsibility to make health and safety a
priority and create a space for young workers to   4. Be aware of common injuries
have conversations about safety at work.           Some injuries are more common among young
                                                   workers. You can help prevent them with
Responsibility for young worker safety starts on   proper training, supervision, and by talking to
day one. See below for tips on improving health    your young workers about safety.
and safety for your young workers.
                                                   5. Identify the hazards
What to say, what to do                            Everyone deserves a safe workplace. Part of
Here are some tips for improving the health and    the solution involves understanding the risks
safety of your young workers.                      and knowing what the hazards are so they can
                                                   be avoided.
1. Talk about safety
Young workers may not know what is and isn’t
safe on the job unless you tell them. Encourage

How Employee Health Benefits Support Mental Health | GroupHEALTH
                                                   it’s important to recognize the impact that         if the underlying mental health issue had been       Taking steps to encourage employees to get
                                                   mental health challenges can have on your           addressed.                                           active is crucial.
                                                   employees and the workplace. Your organization
                                                   incurs both tangible and intangible costs when      Your employee benefit plan can support the           Extended health benefits that cover prescription
                                                   your employee’s mental health isn’t supported.      mental health of your employees.                     drugs support employees who require
                                                                                                       An Employee and Family Assistance Plan (EFAP)        medication for their mental health by removing
                                                   Unaddressed mental health challenges can lead       is an excellent tool for supporting mental health.   the cost barrier for them. Whether helping
                                                   to an increase in the number of days absent from    Some EFAPs offer free short-term counselling,        relieve stress or treating physical conditions
                                                   work. The costs of sick pay, productivity losses,   online articles, videos, and other tools to help     causing stress, paramedical coverage, like
                                                   or payment of replacement workers can add up.       employees find resources at their convenience.       massage therapy and acupuncture, can be a
                                                                                                       EFAPs encourage employees to seek help in the        valuable way to support mental health.
                                                   When your employee health benefits do not           early stages of a problem, preventing the issue
                                                   support mental health, other plan elements          from turning into something more serious.            From extended health and dental to life and
                                                   may feel the impact. Mental health issues can                                                            critical illness coverage, GroupHEALTH has
                                                   cause physical afflictions, which may require       Through a wellness spending account, fitness         affordable benefits packages that work as hard
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant        prescription drugs or lead to disability claims.    challenges, or other activities, wellness benefits   as you do.
impact on Canadians and adapting to these          Often these costs could have been minimized         are another great way to support mental health.
changes has been challenging. As an employer,                                                                                                     
SPRING ISSUE 2021                                                                                                                                   SURREY BUSINESS NEWS           Page 11

Surrey Digital Marketing Academy Focuses About StartUp Surrey
on E-commerce, Social Media & Digital Ads Startup Surrey is an inclusive network of
                                          innovative business entrepreneurs with aligned

for Your Business                         interests and passions to foster collaboration,
                                          share inspirations and spark new ideas for
                                                                                          • To strengthen the profile for Surrey as
                                                                                          a thriving and growing entrepreneurial
                                                                                                       success.                            community. Startup Surrey is a place to go
                                                                                                                                           for support to encourage entrepreneurship,
                                                                                                                                           inspire leadership and innovation and build
                                                                                                                                           collaborative partnerships.

                                                                                                                                           • There are more than 17,000 businesses
                                                                                                                                           in Surrey. Through virtual and live events,
                                                                                                                                           networking opportunities and an extended
                                                                                                                                           support system, Startup Surrey aims to
                                                                                                                                           facilitate partnerships, events and initiatives
                                                                                                                                           that help emerging businesses and
                                                                                                                                           entrepreneurs learn best practices, develop
                                                                                                                                           skills, inspire creativity and innovation and
                                                                                                                                           grow their businesses.

                                                                                                                                           Why Partner with Startup Surrey
The Surrey Board of Trade and the award-             You will learn how to:
winning digital marketing company, Blue              • Understand digital marketing disciplines, and                                       If you are a business or organization that works
Meta, partnered to create the Surrey Digital         how to optimize your use of each one                                                  with or supports entrepreneurs, youths, startup
Marketing Academy. They have developed a             • Lead your own marketing initiative for your                                         businesses or business leaders, Startup Surrey
digital care package to provide businesses with      company                                                                               wants to partner with you!
the tools to leverage digital assets to focus on     • Launch a Shopify store
bottom line results.                                 • Start marketing on Facebook & Instagram                                             Please reach out at
                                                     • Have confidence with running your own
Entrepreneurs and their teams can build their        digital advertising
confidence in social media, e-commerce,              • Get access to tools to save time & improve
and online advertising. 15+ hours of Digital         results
Marketing training prepared by the #1 ranked
Digital Strategy agency in Vancouver.                marketing-academy

                                                     MOSAIC welcomes
                                                   3 new Board members!

                                         Wyle Baoween           Alex Cheong           Fadi Yachoua
                                         Board Member          Board Member          Board Member

                  Meet our Board and read their stories at

                                                                                                                                          the resiliency edition

           Sylvia Ceacero
           Board Member
                                  Paul Cheng
                                 Board Member
                                                       Gillian Creese
                                                       Board Member
                                                                            Meeru Dhalwala
                                                                            Board Member
                                                                                                                  NOW ACCEPTING NOMINATIONS
                                                                                                                   Business Resilience: 1-10, 11-40, 41+ Employees
                                                                                                                               Not-for-Profit Resilience
                                                                                                                              Environment and Business
                                                                                                                                  International Trade
            Christian Duff         Bark Kong            Petra Kuret            Wendy Ma                                      Business Person of the Year
             Chairperson           Treasurer           Board Member          Board Member

                                                                                                                        Deadline: September 8, 2021
           Serena Mawani       George Somerwill          Yijin Wen           Barbara West                                     PRESENTING SPONSOR
           Board Member        Vice Chairperson        Board Member            Secretary

       We value Diversity and Inclusion – and that’s why we joined Canada’s
                            50/30 Diversity Challenge!
         Join the Challenge. Learn more at
Page 12 SURREY BUSINESS NEWS                                                                                                                                        SPRING ISSUE 2021

      Surrey’s Top 25 Under 25 Winners

           The Surrey Board of Trade’s 11th Annual Surrey’s Top 25 Under 25 Awards
                                                                                             Sally      Jiao             UBC Hope                                                19
      Reception was held digitally on April 22nd and celebrated the incredible initiatives
                                                                                             Anchal     Kataria          Spread a Smile BC                                       21
      of Surrey’s youth 25 years old or younger. The winners were chosen based upon their
                                                                                             Yashmeet Kaur               Students Overcoming Opioid Use Disorder and Addiction   24
      business or community achievements, leadership ability, community involvement,
                                                                                             Tavleen    Kaur Ramgarhia   Sikh Health Foundation                                  22
      professional achievements and uniqueness of their business or community projects.
                                                                                             Tavisha    Kochhar          Tavisha’s Helping Hands                                 14
      The event was led by Master of Ceremonies Dan Burritt of CBC Vancouver.
                                                                                             Carissa    Konesky          I am Tenacious and Girl Guides of Canada                25
           The honourary Health & Safety in the Workplace Award was presented to Jerry
                                                                                             Graydon Lawson              ReduceWasteNow                                          21
      Pol for his ideas on how employers can ensure all workers, young and old, feel
                                                                                             Harpo      Mander           Brown Girl Guilt                                        24
      empowered to speak up, ask questions, raise concerns, and suggest ways to improve
                                                                                             Tilyna     Pawer            SFU-LYFE                                                22
      health and safety in the workplace. Learn more about these incredible youth and view
                                                                                             Jerry      Pol              Caliber Projects Ltd.                                   24
      the recording at
                                                                                             Gunreet Sethi               Voices for Hope Foundation                              21
                                                                                             Stuti      Sharma           The Learning Bridge                                     16
      The winners for 2021 are:                                                              Darshpreet Singh Badyal     Unitiate                                                20
      Natasha Burgert              Solar Electric Vehicle: A Sustainable Transport     19    Tajdeep Singh Sandhu        Students Overcoming Opioid Use Disorder and Addiction   19
      Adrija   Chakrabarti         Mentoring the Stars Foundation & Hearts of BC       21    Gabriel    Soares           Moment Energy & Team Phantom                            24
      Govind   Deol                Camp Next & Surrey Centre Youth Council             18    Vivian     Tan              YOUth of BC                                             17
      Karanvir Dhillon             Humanitarian Society of Vancouver                   20    Prabhvir Tiwana             KidsPlay Youth Foundation                               24
      Sukhraj  Dhunna              Leading Inspired Neighbouring Communities (LINC)    18    Vedanshi Vala               BOLT Safety Society                                     19
      Michael Hong                 Unitiate                                            22    Esther     Zhang            The Learning Bridge                                     17

                                             CO-PRESENTING SPONSORS                                                                                      SILVER SPONSOR

                                             BRONZE SPONSORS                           MEDIA SPONSORS                        HEALTH & SAFETY AWARD SPONSOR
SPRING ISSUE 2021                                                                                                    SURREY BUSINESS NEWS    Page 13

                                                      12th     Annual Event
                                  More details at
                                                                                                     On Friday, April 30th, the Surrey Board of
                                                                                                 Trade hosted the 12th Annual Surrey Women
                                                                                                        in Business Awards Digital Event. This
                                                                                                   event recognizes the hard work of Surrey’s
                                                                                                    businesswomen and their contributions to
                                                                                                                                the community.

                                                                                                   Master of Ceremonies Lynda Steele of 980
                                                                                                       CKNW led the afternoon’s program and
                                                                                                     Keynote Speaker Yaël Eisenstat captivated
                                                                                                    the audience with her journey as a woman
                                                                                                  in male dominated roles and industries. She
                                                                                                shared her advice to her younger self: to allow
                                                                                                   yourself to be vulnerable, to make it a point
                                                                                                 to reach out and ask for advice or help, to not
                 Entrepreneur Category Winner               Professional Category Winner          confuse toughness with the need to do it all
                      Sandra Christian                           Dr. Ramen Saggu                  on your own, and to find at least one female
               Creative Kids Learning Centers                 Pacific ABA Academy               mentor. “You don’t have to be one of the boys
                      Presented by BDC                 Presented by Live Well Exercise Clinic                       to lead the boys,” she said.

                                                                                                  “The Surrey Board of Trade’s Surrey Women
                                                                                                    in Business Awards is an ongoing way to
                                                                                                     celebrate the incredible women who are
                                                                                                      making Surrey such a dynamic city, and
                                                                                                     to inspire both men and women through
                                                                                                      impactful keynote speakers,” said Anita
                                                                                                      Huberman, CEO, Surrey Board of Trade.

                                                                                                                     AWARD SPONSORS

            Not-for-Profit Leader Category Winner       Corporate Leadership Category Winner
                     Devinder Chattha                            Marlyn Graziano
       Progressive Intercultural Community Services      Kwantlen Polytechnic University
       Presented by Kwantlen Polytechnic University             Presented by MNP

                                                                                                                COMMUNITY SPONSORS

                                                                                                                        MEDIA SPONSORS

              Emerging Leader Category Winner             Social Trailblazer Category Winner
                       Tara Coleman                                 Nerissa Allen
             Nana’s Kitchen and Hot Sauce Ltd.           Black Business Association of BC
                 Presented by the Fasken                Presented by the Manning Elliott LLP
Page 14 SURREY BUSINESS NEWS                                                                                                                                   SPRING ISSUE 2021

                        October 26, 1944 - January 15,
                        2021 We learned that a member           Universal Single-Payer Pharmacare Needed
                        of our Surrey Board of Trade
                        family passed away. Bill was
                        active in the business community.
                        He was a member of the Surrey
                        Chamber of Commerce, now the
                        Surrey Board of Trade, for many
                        years and its Board Chair from


                        It was very sad for Surrey when
                        we learned earlier this year that
                        community activist, founder of
                        PICS and South Asian pioneer
                        Charan Gill passed away in early
                                                                The Surrey Board of Trade was            Nearly one quarter of Canadians         provincial and federal budgets and in
                        His partnership with the Surrey         pleased to be a signatory on the         reported that they have recently        keeping with the recommendations
                        Board of Trade on many issues,          letter to Premier Horgan earlier this    decided not to fill a prescription      from the final report of the Advisory
                        projects will not be forgotten. Our     year with the other co-signatories.      or not to renew one due to cost or      Council on the Implementation of
                        sincere condolences to the Gill         Especially during the pandemic, we       taken measures to extend it because     National Pharmacare.
     CHARAN GILL        family and the PICS organization.       have seen the need for a universal       they could not afford to keep the
                                                                single-payer pharmacare program –        recommended dosage schedule.  
                                                                and the economic benefit it will bring   It is imperative that this commitment
                                                                to businesses and families.              be made through a real line item in

                     The SBOT has opened up so many
                       doors or me, both business and
                      personal, that I never would have
                           had, had I not been involved.
                      Once becoming a small business
                          owner or the irst time, I was
                            able to connect with ellow
                         members and get all my health
                          care covered at an extremely
                        great price. I would recommend
                         the SBOT no matter how big or
                                  small the networking
                               possibilities are endless!
                                                       —Steve Stew
                                                      SCS Consulting
SPRING ISSUE 2021                                                                                                                                                    SURREY BUSINESS NEWS      Page 15

         ARTS & TOURISM
Why Art & Culture Investments Matter in City-Building

                                                                                                        Canadians’ Arts Participation, Health, and Well-Being,
                                                                                                        the 53rd report in the Statistical Insights on the Arts
                                                                                                        series, probes the relationships between 15 arts, culture,
                                                                                                        and heritage activities and four aspects of health and

                                                                                                        • Overall health
                                                                                                        • Mental health
                                                                                                        • Satisfaction with life
                                                                                                        • Satisfaction with feeling part of the community (i.e.,
                                                                                                        sense of belonging)


Surrey Music City Centre Applauds BC’s Investment into Music Industry
Musicians and companies in BC’s          “Without a thriving arts and culture       Administered by Creative BC, Amplify     companies in BC.                        the careers of emerging and
music industry can apply for a new       sector, we can’t make Surrey an            BC offers four programs:                 • Music Industry Initiatives            established artists in BC, funding
grant through Amplify BC. The entire     opportunity City where young people,       • Live Music supports the                support the development of BC’s         sound recordings, music videos and
grant is worth $22.5 million.            families, seniors and our workforce        operations, development and              music industry, funding projects that   marketing initiatives.
                                         can live, learn, work and play. The        adaptation of venues, festivals and      support training, skills development,
“The music industry is vital to the      Surrey Board of Trade is pleased with      concert presenters in BC.                export activities, business   
economic wellbeing of the province       this recent announcement of three          • Music Company Development              development, research and up-and-
and Surrey,” said Anita Huberman,        years of funding from Amplify BC to        supports the operations,                 coming talent.
CEO of the Surrey Board of Trade.        support the music industry.”               development and adaption of music        • Career Development supports

Discover Surrey Reinvigorates Tourism
In 2021/2022, Discover Surrey will be              In addition, they are focusing on:
participating in 3 community and sector specific
partnerships.                                      • Unique take-out options: Let them know
                                                   about any specials and/or unique take-out
• Discover Surrey has joined the BC Bird           options (i.e. meal kits, cocktail kits, etc.) that
Trail partnership with Tourism Richmond            you are offering, or are planning to offer, and
and Tourism Delta and will be included in the      they will promote and share.
existing Richmond Delta Trail, which will be
renamed. Surrey-specific birding content will      • Patios and Outdoor Seating: Let them
be developed for the BC Bird Trail website.        know about your patios and outdoor seating                                     areas, if you have them. Are they covered?
                                                   Enclosed? Heated? Do you provide blankets?
• West Coast Food is a multi-community
initiative designed to brand the region as a       • Surrey Spice Trail: Progress on the
culinary hub.                     development of the Surrey Spice Trail
                                                   continues! With 30 (and counting) participating
• The BC Ale Trail is a sector-based program       establishments, the goal is that the Spice
featuring self-guided itineraries that highlight   Trail will put Surrey on the map as a premier
local craft brewery destinations and the           dining and culinary destination for flavourful
communities that surround them. Surrey is          multicultural dining experiences.
Page 16 SURREY BUSINESS NEWS                                                                                                                                                        SPRING ISSUE 2021

Pattullo Bridge Replacement
                                                                                                       Preliminary in-river work began in                  continues to call for a six-lane bridge on
                                                                                                       February 2021 on the new toll-free                  opening day. It’s not too late to change
                                                                                                       Pattullo Bridge replacement. The existing           the construction design.
                                                                                                       bridge will be removed after the new
                                                                                                       bridge is completed and open to traffic.  
                                                                                                       It is estimated the Pattullo Bridge
                                                                                                       replacement project will create more than
                                                                                                       7,000 direct and indirect jobs, supporting
                                                                                                       economic development within the region
                                                                                                       and beyond.

                                                                                                       Once completed, there will be a new,
                                                                                                       four-lane (expandable capacity for six-
                                                                                                       lane) bridge that is expected to improve
                                                                                                       safety and reliability for drivers, cyclists
                                                                                                       and walkers, as well as the movement
                                                                                                       of goods. The Surrey Board of Trade
                                                                         Getty Images File photo

5th Annual Surrey Road Survey                                                                          Surrey Board of Trade Cautiously
Shows Urgency for Road, Bridge,                                                                        Pleased with Transit Investment
Transit Improvements                                                                                   Announcement by Federal Government
The Surrey Board of Trade released the results      1. Widening of on-and-off ramps of bridges is      The Federal Government announced $14.9              transit enhancements to ensure long-term
of its 5th Annual Surrey Road Survey.               needed;                                            billion for public transit projects over the next   predictability for the future of the transit
                                                                                                       eight years, which includes permanent transit       network, including the potential Surrey-Langley
“We need planning and action that anticipates       2. Planning of all major infrastructure            funding of $3 billion per year for Canadian         SkyTrain extension, even beyond the pandemic.
needs and that results in infrastructure            projects must anticipate needs and result in       communities beginning in 2026-27.                   Surrey will be the largest city in BC very soon.
construction well in advance of increased           infrastructure construction well in advance of                                                         Surrey has been starved of transit investments
demand, not long after the capacity is              increased demand, not long after the capacity is   “The announcement appears to be good news           to connect our significant city-wide geography.”
exceeded,” said Anita Huberman, CEO of the          exceeded; and,                                     for transit across the country and possibly for
Surrey Board of Trade.                                                                                 Surrey,” said Anita Huberman, CEO Surrey  
                                                    3. That all levels of government must work         Board of Trade. “We have been advocating for
Patterns are beginning to emerge with four          together to develop a comprehensive transit/       increased transit investment from the Federal
years of comparable data. Surrey’s network of       transportation plan for the South Fraser region;   Government based on population growth,
over 4,500 lane kilometres of road is seeing an     one that would not be subject to political         ridership, and density as a fundamental
increasing number of commuter and commercial        interference but based on best transportation      foundation of economic growth and resiliency.”
users.                                              practice.
                                                                                                       “We call on the Federal Government to release
In conclusion, the Surrey Board of Trade’s survey                               more details as quickly as possible in order for
resulted in the following general conclusions:                                                         transit authorities to begin, plan and continue

Surrey Board of Trade Wants Support for Air Transportation Industry
The air transportation industry has been one        countries have implemented various                 2. Implement national arrival and departure         NOTE: On May 11, it was announced that the
of the hardest hit industry sectors during the      mechanisms that allow for the airline industry     testing protocols by building upon Calgary’s        Federal government has unlocked $740 million
pandemic. The impacts are evident in both           to survive and be ready for increased demands      pilot program and learning from international       in airport relief
business and leisure transportation flights.        once it is safe to travel.”                        examples;
“The air transportation industry has received       The Surrey Board of Trade recommends that the      3. Incentivize airlines to service rural and
some support that is available to all               Federal Government:                                remote communities;
businesses, however, it hasn’t received support
that takes into consideration the specific          1. Work with the air travel industry, Provinces    4. Provide substantial funds for airlines and
nature of its operations. There is a need for a     and Territories to create a consistent domestic    airports akin to the system in place in the
long-term strategy,” said Anita Huberman, CEO,      travel plan by developing criteria that signals    United States; and,
Surrey Board of Trade.                              the time for safe travel within the country,
                                                    including metrics on how many people have          5. Implement a globally consistent vaccine
“The airline industry has been devastated as        been vaccinated in regions throughout the          passport strategy.
a result of the pandemic, with uncoordinated        country;
responses and limited engagement. Other
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