Undergraduate Prospectus 2020/2021 - QA Higher Education

Page created by Sean Norman
Undergraduate Prospectus 2020/2021 - QA Higher Education
Undergraduate Prospectus
Undergraduate Prospectus 2020/2021 - QA Higher Education
University of Roehampton

                                                                         Welcome to Roehampton
                                                                         Welcome                   4
                                                                         Why Roehampton?           6
                                                                         Our campus                8   Departments and courses
                                                                         Campus map               12   Business                  36
                                                                                                       Dance                     44
                                                                         The experience                Drama, Theatre            48
                                                                         International students   14   and Performance
                                                                         Supporting you           16   Education                 52
                                                                         London’s campus          18   English and               58
                                                                         university                    Creative Writing
                                                                         Living costs             20   Humanities                62
                                                                         Free London              22   Life Sciences             70
                                                                         Sport at Roehampton      24   Media, Culture            78
                                                                         Accommodation            26   and Language
                                                                         Your Students’ Union     28   Psychology                86
                                                                         Journey to Roehampton    30   Social Sciences           92
                                                                                                       Extended Degrees          98

                              Open Days
                                                                                                       Further information
                              Saturday 6 July 2019
                                                                                                       How to apply              100
                              Saturday 12 October 2019
                                                                                                       Fees and funding          101
                              Saturday 16 November 2019
                                                                                                       Visiting us               102
                              To find out more information about our
                              Open Days and to book your place, visit:                                 Getting here              103
                              roehampton.ac.uk/open-days/                                              Combined honours          104
                              undergraduate-open-days                                                  Entry requirements        106
                                                                                                       Parents and guardians     107
                                                                                                       Course index              108
                                                                                                       Contact us                110

Image credit: Hufton + Crow                                                                                                                                  5
Undergraduate Prospectus 2020/2021 - QA Higher Education
roehampton.ac.uk                                                                                                 University of Roehampton

                   I’m very proud to be the
                   Chancellor at Roehampton.
                   It’s the ideal university:
                   friendly, modern, high-
                   achieving, and forward

                   I give master classes in children’s literature
                   and attend official occasions, but I also
                   like to stroll round the beautiful campus
                   and chat to the students. They all seem          Roehampton is a very special university.
                   so happy here, and make friends quickly.         We have a proud history stretching back
                                                                    over 175 years and are the only campus
                   The quality and range of our courses are
                                                                    based collegiate university in London.
                   well known, and there’s a serious work ethic
                                                                    Our four Colleges provide a strong sense
                   amongst our students, but they certainly
                                                                    of community, and our size means you
                   know how to have fun too. There are
                                                                    will get to know those that teach you and
                   many clubs, sporting activities and dances,
                                                                    those you study with.
                   culminating in our incredible Summer Ball.
                   Our magnificent state-of-the-art library         At Roehampton we pride ourselves on
                   is a great place to hang out, as is the cool     helping all students, regardless of their
                   Hive Café run by the Students’ Union.            background, to develop the skills they
                                                                    need for a successful graduate career
                   Roehampton prides itself on welcoming
                                                                    and fulfilling life.
                   students from all over the world. Whether
                   you’re the life and soul of the party or shy     The student experience is at the heart of
                   and studious, you will feel at home here.        everything we do. We work in partnership
                                                                    with students to make sure that every
                                                                    moment at Roehampton matters.
                   Professor Dame Jacqueline Wilson
                                                                    We believe that a university education
                                                                    is not just about getting a great degree,
                                                                    but also broadening your experiences,
                                                                    preparing yourself for the world of work,
                                                                    and making lifelong friendships.
                                                                    A Roehampton degree is designed
                                                                    to ensure that you graduate with the
                                                                    qualities you need to succeed: confidence,
                                                                    adaptability and the capacity to work with
                                                                    people from all walks of life.
                                                                    We hope to see you at Roehampton soon.

                                                                    Jean-Noël Ezingeard

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Undergraduate Prospectus 2020/2021 - QA Higher Education
roehampton.ac.uk                                                                                                        University of Roehampton

                                                                                                                        Discover your
                   Roehampton is your home in London.                                                                   Roehampton provides
                   Studying with us will give you the best                                                              you with a wide range of

                                                                                                                        extracurricular activities
                   of both worlds: the community feel of                                                                that will help you develop
                   a traditional university campus, with                                                                your skills, stay active and
                                                                                                                        grow in confidence.
                   the culture and nightlife of one of the
                   greatest cities in the world.

                                                                                                                        Offering everything from
                   World-class research                             Supportive campus                                   football to yoga, and a
                                                                    community                                           newly refurbished gym,
                   We develop ideas that help us to
                                                                                                                        you will have endless
                   understand our world, from discovering           Throughout your studies, you will have              opportunities to get or
                   new animal species to uncovering evidence        a tutor who will give you personal study            stay active.
                   about human history. With international          advice. We also have a wide range of
                   reach, our research informs policy, enriches     support services for you to use, including
                   culture and improves people’s lives.             financial guidance and health and wellbeing
                   We are ranked the most research-intensive        support. When you join Roehampton, you
                   modern university in the UK*. This means         will also join one of our four Colleges, with all
                   when you join us, you will be taught by          the support and social life that they provide.
                   leading experts right from your first year
                   of study.
                                                                    roehampton.ac.uk/student-support                    Language

                   roehampton.ac.uk/research                                                                            You can choose from
                                                                                                                        over 10 languages to learn
                   * The Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2014                                                       through our Languages
                                                                                                                        for All programme, with
                                                                                                                        options available for
                                                                                                                        different levels of ability.

                   Career-focused degrees                           A world of opportunity
                   You will have exclusive access to our            Roehampton is partnered with some of the
                   online careers portal, which includes skills     world’s most highly renowned universities.          Make change
                   builder courses, a jobs database, a CV           You can gain international experience by
                   writing tool and free careers assessments.       working or studying abroad as part of your          Our Student Partnership
                   Our thriving mentoring scheme enables            course. You could study in Australia or the         scheme gives you the
                   you to receive professional career advice        USA for a semester, study in Spain during           chance to influence all
                   from Roehampton alumni to build your             the summer break or undertake a work                levels of decision-making
                   network, while our dedicated Careers             placement in China.                                 across campus.
                   Team provide face-to-face guidance
                   and run a comprehensive calendar of              roehampton.ac.uk/roehamptonabroad
                   workshops and events.


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Undergraduate Prospectus 2020/2021 - QA Higher Education
roehampton.ac.uk                                                                                                                                                                            University of Roehampton

                                                                            Our campus provides a                          Digby Stuart College                             Froebel College
                                                                            close-knit community feel
                                                                            for our students                               College history and ethos                        College history and ethos
                                                                                                                           Digby Stuart College owes its existence          Froebel College is one of the oldest higher

                                                                            As a student at Roehampton, you                to the Society of the Sacred Heart, an order     education establishments in the UK, having
                                                                            will belong to one of our four Colleges.       of French Sisters who came to England in         been founded in 1892. The College takes
                                                                            Your College will become your local            1842. The rich history of the Society in the     its name from Friedrich Froebel, a German
                                                                            community. Each College has a thriving         education of women, and the dedication           educational pioneer, who encouraged
                                                                            social scene and its own sports teams;         to issues of social justice and equality, now    the use of play as an important part of
                                                                            they help create a healthy sense of            provides Digby College with a common             a child’s development.
                                                                            competition and College pride.                 concern for fostering a kind and loving
                                                                            If you choose to live on campus you will       community, where we welcome all students.
                                                                                                                                                                            Froebel today
                                                                            automatically become a student of the
                                                                            College in which your accommodation                                                             The focus on education continues to this
                                                                                                                           Digby Stuart today
                                                                            is based. If you don’t live on campus, you                                                      day, with the School of Education being
                                                                            will be allocated to the College associated    Digby is the largest of the four Colleges at     a major part of the College and a leading
                                                                            with your subject.                             Roehampton, and home to four academic            centre for Initial Teacher Education.
                                                                                                                           departments: English and Creative Writing,       The internationally renowned Department
                                                                                                                           Social Sciences, Humanities, and Drama,          of Dance is also resident at Froebel College,
                                                                            Facilities                                     Theatre and Performance. Digby strives           with its superb facilities and modern
                                                                            Our library houses 1,200 study spaces          to give everyone a sense of belonging, in        dance studios. Froebel is also home to
                                                                            and hundreds of thousands of books and         a community that cares about individuals.        the Roehampton Students’ Union, the
                                                                            research materials across nearly 8,000                                                          Union Bar and the Gym.
                                                                                                                           There is a regular programme of social
                                                 With a history dating      metres of shelving and five floors. We have
                                                                            a range of bars, social spaces and catering
                                                                                                                           activities and events to appeal to all tastes,   Froebel has an extensive calendar of
                                                                                                                           such as the annual lecture and a summer          social events including a formal Freshers’
                                                 back over 175 years,       outlets to suit all tastes. Our venues host    strawberry tea. The chaplaincy base, which       Welcome Dinner, the College Winter Dinner,
                                                                            events including club nights, live music
                                                 our four Colleges create   and weekly markets. There are plenty of
                                                                                                                           organises a lunch every Tuesday, is also
                                                                                                                           located at Digby.
                                                                                                                                                                            a summer celebration and many other
                                                                                                                                                                            smaller on-campus or off-campus events
                                                 a beautiful 54-acre        opportunities for you to stay active through
                                                                                                                           The elected student leaders are an
                                                                                                                                                                            organised by our student leaders.
                                                                            our on-campus gym and sports courts.
                                                 parkland campus, with                                                     important voice in how business is               roehampton.ac.uk/colleges/
                                                                                                                           conducted at the College and help them
                                                 classic listed buildings                                                   to be responsive and relevant.

                                                 alongside modern,                                                         roehampton.ac.uk/colleges/digby-
                                                 cutting-edge facilities.                                                  stuart-college

10                 Image credit: Hufton + Crow                                                                                                                                                                         11
Undergraduate Prospectus 2020/2021 - QA Higher Education
roehampton.ac.uk                                                                                                                             University of Roehampton

Whitelands College                               Southlands College

College history and ethos                        College history and ethos                     hub for student-led events. Southlands
                                                                                               offers a number of leadership development
Whitelands is the oldest of the four Colleges,   Southlands was founded in 1872 to train
                                                                                               opportunities, including roles on the
founded in 1841 by the Church of England,        women to teach in Methodist schools
                                                                                               College Officer Committee and with
and was the first institution in England to      in some of the poorest parts of Britain.
                                                                                               the Southlands Venture: a volunteering
provide higher education for women.              The College today builds on its history
                                                                                               programme which funds student-led
                                                 by encouraging young people to develop
                                                                                               projects in the local community. Their
                                                 strong values and to grow as future leaders
Whitelands today                                                                               mascot is the Shark and the College sports
                                                 for their communities.
                                                                                               teams – the ‘Sharks’ and the ‘Sharkettes’ –
The common room at Whitelands, also
                                                                                               are a credit to our community, succeeding
known as The Sett (the College mascot
                                                 Southlands today                              in sport and also running fundraising and
is a badger) is located on the first floor of
                                                                                               campaigning efforts.
Parkstead House. With its glorious views,        Life at Southlands is busy and diverse.
daytime café facilities and evening bar, it is   There is an exciting annual calendar          Whether you join by living at Southlands
an ideal setting for socialising at any time     of events, including termly dinners,          or as a non-resident student of the
of the day, and is the venue for a range of      a fireworks party, music gala dinner,         departments – the Business School and
parties and other leisure activities.            Southlands Shindig (our summer fête)          Media, Culture and Language – we very
                                                 and College boat party. The large social      much look forward to welcoming you here.
The College has an exciting calendar of
                                                 space is a café during the day and each
events throughout the year. In addition to                                                     roehampton.ac.uk/colleges/
                                                 evening transforms into a cinema and
our traditional May Day celebration (running
since 1881), we host formal dinners each
term, a Christmas fair, carol service and
dinner, and Science Week, together with
many other smaller social events organised
by our student leaders. All are open to
resident and non-resident students,
and to staff.
Whitelands is home to two academic
departments – Psychology and
Life Sciences – and the Ministerial
Theology programme.


You can find out more about being part of
a collegiate university here:


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Undergraduate Prospectus 2020/2021 - QA Higher Education
roehampton.ac.uk                                                                                                                                                                  University of Roehampton

Campus map
                                                                                                                                                                            Map Key
        Main Campus
       For a more detailed campus                                                                                                                                            Buildings
       map, please visit our website                                                                                                         14
                                                                                                                                                                  21    1    The Students’ Union
                                                                                                                                6                                       2    Michaelis Building
                                                                                                                       7                                     10
                                                                                                                                                                        3    Grove House
                                                                                                                                                                        4    Howard Building
                                                                                                                                                                        5    Hirst Building
                                                                                                                                                                        6    Our new Library
                                                                                                                                                                        7    Duchesne Building
                                                                                                                                                                        8    Jubilee Building
                                                                                                                                         9                              9    Elm Grove

                                                                          2                                                                                             10   Queen’s Building
                                                                                                                                                                        11   Harvey Building
                                                                                                                                                                        12   Lulham Building
                                                                                                                                                                        13   Parkstead House


                                                                                                                                                       Barnes station
                                                                                                                                                                             Cafés / Food / Drink
                                                                                                                                                       bus route        14   Café and
                                                                 15                            17                                                      (5 mins)              Southlands Diner
                                                                                                                                                                        15   Starbucks / The Union
                                                                                                                           20                                           16   Digby Diner

                                                                                                                                    26                                  17   The Hive Café
                                                                                                                                                                        18   Whitelands Canteen
                                                                                                                                                                        19   The Sett
     Whitelands College                                                                                           25

                                                                                                                                                                             Worship Spaces

                                                       19                                                                                                               20   Digby Chapel
                                       13        18                                                                                                                     21   Southlands Muslim
                                                                                                                                                                             Prayer Room
                                                                                                                                                                        22   Southlands Chapel
                                                                                                                                                                        23   Whitelands Chapel
                                                                                                                                                                        24   Whitelands Muslim
                                                                                                                                                                             Prayer Room

                                                                                                                                                                             Bus Stops
                                                                              College                                                                                   25   For Barnes station
                                                                                                                                                                        26   For Whitelands College

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Undergraduate Prospectus 2020/2021 - QA Higher Education
roehampton.ac.uk                                                                                                                                     University of Roehampton

                                                                                     Study abroad for international students         International Foundation Programme
                                                                                     During your degree at Roehampton, you           If you don’t meet the entry requirements
                                                                                     could be studying in Australia or the USA for   to your chosen undergraduate degree
                                                                                     a semester, doing a work placement in China     because English is not your first language,
                                                                                     or studying in Spain during the summer          or because your home country qualification
                                                  nationalities                      break. Travel, explore and study alongside      isn’t recognised for direct entry, the
                                                  represented                        students from Roehampton’s worldwide            International Foundation Programme is
                                                  on campus                          partner institutions, whilst increasing your    specifically designed to build your English
                                                                                     employability. Studying abroad enhances         language, academic study skills and subject
We are very proud of our                                                             your CV and gives you that much-needed          knowledge to the level required to progress
diverse and multicultural                                                            edge when applying for jobs.                    on to an undergraduate degree. There are
                                                                                                                                     two different pathways available for you
student body, and this is                                                                                                            to choose between:
embodied in the various                                                              If English is not your first language:
                                                                                                                                     – The business pathway if you are
culture-based clubs and                                                              International students who don’t speak
                                                                                                                                        looking to progress on to a business-
                                                                                     English as their native language are
societies at our Students’                        of students are                                                                       related undergraduate degree
                                                                                     offered free English language support
Union.                                            overseas students                  during their studies.                           – The generic pathway leading to
                                                                                                                                        undergraduate degrees in non-
                                                                                                                                        business subjects
Our students enjoy living and learning on a                                          Pre-sessional English language courses
beautiful green campus whilst making the                                                                                             Following successful completion of your
                                                                                     These courses are ideal for students who
most of all the leisure, cultural, sporting and                                                                                      programme, you will progress on to the
                                                                                     are offered a place on an undergraduate
networking opportunities London offers.                                                                                              degree you applied for.
                                                                                     course, but still need to meet academic
Roehampton offers guaranteed university
                                                                                     English requirements. You will improve your
accommodation to international students
                                                  students per class                 academic English so you can cope better         Questions?
who apply by the deadline.
                                                                                     with university study, develop your study
                                                  in our pre-sessional                                                               If you have any questions about studying
Support for international students at                                                skills and learn what is expected of you as
Roehampton starts before you even get
                                                  language course                    a student in the UK higher education system.
                                                                                                                                     with us, please get in touch with our
                                                                                                                                     International team.
to campus, with our pre-arrival activities,
                                                                                     – 24 hours of tuition per week from highly-
dedicated contact support, airport                                                                                                   You can phone us or drop us an email at:
                                                                                        qualified lecturers in English
pick up service and welcome and
orientation programme.                                                               – A ll books and materials provided for        +44 208 392 3192
                                                                                        your classes                                 international@roehampton.ac.uk
Our International Office staff make
regular visits overseas to meet prospective                                          – Trips to famous London attractions to help
students and offer advice on courses and                                                you get to know the city and spend some
the application process. We are always                                                  fun time together as a group
happy to meet and counsel students                academic
thinking about studying at Roehampton.            departments                        roehampton.ac.uk/international/english-
To find out where we are visiting, head to:                                          language-courses


                                                  museums and
                                                  galleries in London
                                                  Study London Official University
                                                  Guide 2018

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Undergraduate Prospectus 2020/2021 - QA Higher Education
roehampton.ac.uk                                                                                                                                                          University of Roehampton

you                                                      Learning support

                                                         Disability and dyslexia services
                                                         If you have a disability, a long-term
                                                                                                         Career support

                                                                                                         Preparing you for your career
                                                                                                         Here are some of the ways we help you to
                                                                                                                                                         On-site services

                                                                                                                                                         Our multi-faith chaplaincy celebrates the
                                                         medical condition or a specific learning        build essential skills and work experience      diversity of Roehampton by serving the
                                                         difference such as dyslexia, dyspraxia          for a successful future career:                 religious and spiritual needs of all. Each
                                                         or ADHD, we offer specialist services                                                           Chaplaincy Centre has a cosy lounge area,
                                                                                                         – A ll our courses are designed to build key
                                                         if you ever need extra help. You can                                                            where you can relax, meet up with friends
                                                                                                            graduate attributes such as leadership,
                                                         discuss your needs confidentially with                                                          and enjoy chaplaincy hospitality with a
                                                                                                            team work, negotiation, planning and
                                                         our team, to explore the support you                                                            Fairtrade tea or coffee. We also organise
                                                                                                            problem-solving. Many courses offer work
                                                         may need during your studies. We also                                                           social events, including lunches and
                                                                                                            placements and links with employers
                                                         offer regular appointments and drop-in                                                          film nights.
                                                         sessions weekly.                                – The Hub – a fantastic space at the centre
                                                                                                            of campus with information about careers,
                                                                                                                                                         Medical centre
                                                                                                            volunteering, study abroad, placements
                                                         English language support
                                                                                                            and opportunities to meet employers          We have our own on-campus medical
                                                         As an international student, you might want                                                     centre, offering doctor and nurse-led
                   We are here to help at every stage    help to improve your English while you study.
                                                                                                         – Our award winning online careers
                                                                                                                                                         services, throughout term time.
                                                                                                            resource UR CareerLink, is exclusively
                   of your journey, so nothing can       We can help you build your skills through
                                                                                                            for Roehampton students and graduates.
                                                         activities such as writing assignments
                   get in the way of your success.       and giving presentations, skills that will
                                                                                                            It has CV builders, hundreds of jobs
                                                                                                            and much more
                                                                                                                                                         Student Wellbeing Officers

                   We offer a range of support,          be useful even after graduation. Please see
                                                         the International students section on pages     – A dedicated team to support and guide
                                                                                                                                                         The Wellbeing Service is able to support
                                                                                                                                                         you during your studies. The Student
                   from academic learning support        14–15 for more information.                        you, including Careers Advisers and a        Wellbeing Officers can help with anything
                                                                                                            Placements and Internships Team              from dealing with personal issues to
                   through to services such as                                                                                                           managing finances. There is also a
                                                         The Academic Achievement team                   – A year-round calendar of careers fairs
                   student counselling and an on-                                                           and workshops which bring in top guest
                                                                                                                                                         Counselling Team to help you address
                                                         Our team of Academic Achievement                                                                personal or emotional difficulties. The
                   site medical centre. All of our       Advisers and Librarians can help you
                                                                                                            speakers from different industries who
                                                                                                                                                         Mental Health Advisers can support those
                                                                                                            will share their knowledge and experience
                   support services can be accessed      get the best out of your studies. We have
                                                                                                            with you
                                                                                                                                                         with mental health conditions or those
                                                         a wide range of online resources covering                                                       with concerns about their mental health.
                   via our campus information            just about everything you need to know          – Access to hundreds of professional
                   centre. If you need support while     about academic and library skills including:       mentors (mostly Roehampton
                                                                                                            graduates) who can help and advise
                   you’re with us, rest assured you’ll   – Essay, dissertation and report writing
                                                                                                            you through our online mentoring scheme
                   find plenty on offer.                 – Time management
                                                                                                         — S pend a semester overseas with our
                                                         – Critical thinking                               Study Abroad option; choose from
                                                                                                            Spain, Belgium, Australia, the USA and
                                                                                                                                                         Financial support
                                                         – Literature searching
                                                                                                            more. You can also learn a language via
                                                         – Research skills                                  our Languages for All programme. Both        We offer a range of financial support,
                                                                                                            make you more attractive to employers        including generous scholarships, a
                                                         – Referencing
                                                                                                                                                         Student Hardship Fund for those in financial
                                                                                                         — S tand out from the crowd by taking
                                                         – SPSS, statistics and data management                                                         difficulty, access to undergraduate and
                                                                                                            our online Chancellor’s Careers Award,
                                                                                                                                                         postgraduate student loans and personal
                                                         You can access all these whenever you              a development programme which you
                                                                                                                                                         advice on budgeting.
                                                         need them, anytime, anywhere.                      can take at any time during your studies
                                                         We also run drop-ins, pop-up skills
                                                         sessions, essay clinics, practical
                                                         workshops and other events throughout
                                                         the year, based in the University’s library.

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Undergraduate Prospectus 2020/2021 - QA Higher Education
roehampton.ac.uk                                                                                                                                                                                                                         University of Roehampton

London’s campus                                                                                                                                                             All students can access

                                                                                                                                                                            the British Library’s
                                                                                                                                                      King’s Cross          150 million items
                                                                                                                                                      St Pancras            for research.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Olympic Park
                                                                                    Children’s Literature
                                                                                    character Paddington                                 British
                                                                                    Bear is named after this                             Library
                                                                                    famous London station.

                                                                                                                                                                     St Paul’s
                                                                                                                                          Covent                     Cathedral
                                                                                                            Paddington                    Garden

                                                                                                                                                                                         Tower of
                                                                                Westfield                                                                                                London
                   Kew Gardens is London’s                                      Centre                                                                                                                                                                   City
                   largest UNESCO World                                                                                                                  Tate Modern                                                                                    Airport
                   Heritage site, offering                                                                                                                                        The Shard
                   unique landscapes,                                                                                               Houses of                                                                                       The O2
                                                                                                                                    Parliament       Waterloo
                   vistas and iconic                                            Hammersmith                    Harrods                                               Elephant
                                                                                                                                                                                      London Bridge
                   architecture.                                                                     Natural                                                         and Castle

                                                                                                                                                     Imperial War
                                                                          London                                         Clapham            Houses of Parliament –
                                                                          Wetland                                        Junction           Our academic research
                                                                          Centre                                                            contributes to government
                                                                 Barnes                                                                     policy and decision
                                               National                                                                                     making.


                                         Richmond Park
                                                                  University of

                                                                                                                                                       Roehampton to Central London
                                                          London Wetland Centre                Wimbledon
                                                          – The Wildfowl and
                                                                                                                                                                         3 minutes                    6 minutes              9 minutes
                                                          Wetlands Trust is one
                                                          of the world’s leading                        Wimbledon

                                                          science and conservation
                                                          institutions in its field.                                                                    Barnes                            Putney                  Clapham                    Waterloo

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Living                                                                                                                           Rent                                       Social life

costs                                                                                                                            Rent ranges from approximately
                                                                                                                                 £112 – £177.80 per week on campus.
                                                                                                                                                                            The University of Roehampton is
                                                                                                                                                                            conveniently located near to lots
                                                                                                                                                                            of shops, bars and entertainment.
                                                                                                                                 For more information, visit:
                                                                                                                                                                            We also have many free social
                                                                                                                                 roehampton.ac.uk/accommodation/            spaces and activities on campus.

                   Aside from your course                                          To find out more about the costs of living
                   fees, there are additional                                      in London for students, visit:
                   costs you should take                                           studylondon.ac.uk
                   into consideration when
                   budgeting for university.                                       For advice around saving money, including
                                                                                   some great top tips, visit:
                   This is a rough guide.
                                                                                                                                 Books and equipment                        Play membership

                                                                                   For the most up to date information on
                                                                                   university costs, please check our website:
                                                                                                                                 It varies from department to department–   This membership provides a variety of
                                                                                                                                 on average students spend £20 per          social and recreational sessions and is
                                                                                                                                 month on books*, but using library         a great platform to make new friends.
                                                                                                                                 services can considerably reduce costs.

                   On-campus costs
                   Coffee at The Hive                                   £1.80
                   Piece of cake at The Hive                            £2.50
                   Pint of beer                                         £2.60                                                    Gym
                   Vodka lemonade                                       £2.60
                   Pub grub meal                                        £5.50
                   The above costs are a rough indication only and are
                   accurate at the time of printing. Individual costs will vary.

                   Travel costs                                                                                                  Our campus gym membership is £145
                                                                                                                                 per year or £99 if you sign up during
                   This will vary depending on how often
                                                                                                                                 Freshers’ Week.
                   you travel, and which modes of transport
                   you take. The Hopper fare in London allows
                   you to make unlimited bus or tram journeys
                   in one hour, for £1.50 using pay as you go.
                   As a student you can also choose to save
                   30% on travel cards and bus & tram passes
                   with an 18+ Student Oyster photocard.

22                                                                                                                               *Student Money Survey 2018                                                           23
University of Roehampton

London                            Studying at Roehampton
                                  permits you to choose when
                                  you want to dip in and out
                                                                                 Window shopping
                                                                                 Especially wonderful in the winter: wrap
                                                                                 up warm and head to Roehampton, where
                                  of the hustle and bustle of                    you can get a 430 bus straight to Harrods.
                                  the city. On the days where                    Look at the enchanting window displays
                                                                                 outside, before escaping the cold to look
                                  relaxing on campus isn’t                       at all the luxurious goods they have to
                                  for you, the list below can                    offer. If you’ve been there, done that, you
                                  give you a few ideas of how                    can jump on a 72 from outside campus
                                                                                 to Westfields, the largest shopping centre
                                  you can experience London                      in Europe.
                                                                                 Free audience tickets
                                  Sunset at Richmond Hill                        Don’t be stuck inside watching television,
                                                                                 instead, why not be in the audience of your
                                  Jump on a 493 bus outside campus
         There are many free      straight to Richmond, or take a stroll there
                                                                                 favourite TV shows? For free tickets, visit:
                                  through Richmond Park. You can spend
         events to attend         the day walking along the Thames, maybe

         throughout the year      stopping along the way at the Hollyhock
                                  Fairtrade café, before arriving at Richmond    Museums
         in London. To name       Hill. You will be rewarded with the most
                                                                                 There are lots of free museums and
         a few, there is Winter   mesmerising view of London.
                                                                                 art galleries throughout London but you
         Wonderland, Chinese                                                     only need one bus (the 430 from outside
                                  Vauxhall City Farm                             Whitelands College), to take you straight
         New Year parade, the     Alpaca your bags and jump on a train to
                                                                                 to three of London’s best museums; the
         Boat Race, Pride,        Vauxhall City Farm (just 5 stops away).
                                                                                 Natural History Museum, the Science
                                                                                 Museum and the V&A Museum. Explore
         Notting Hill Carnival,   With no entrance fee, you can walk around
                                  and introduce yourself to the animals,
                                                                                 stories of historic and scientific discovery,
                                                                                 or feast your eyes on the world’s largest
         The Lord Mayor’s show,   including Bert and Ernie the donkeys,
                                                                                 museum of decorative arts and design,
                                  Ethan the tortoise and of course, Tom
         Lumiere London and       and Jerry the alpacas. If you don’t fancy
                                                                                 all for the price of a bus fare.

         Summer by the River!     a train journey but need animal company,
                                  make friends with Putney and Barnes            Volunteer
                                  the campus bunnies, or the lovely
                                                                                 The vast variety of volunteering
                                  Growhampton chickens.
                                                                                 opportunities available in London mean
                                                                                 you could be handing out medals at
                                                                                 marathons one week and taking on the
                                                                                 role of sous chef the next. Visit:


                                                                                 or speak to the RSU to find out more
                                                                                 about volunteering opportunities.

24                                                                                                                                    25
roehampton.ac.uk                                                                                                University of Roehampton

Sport at
                                               40 clubs and activities to join                  Space to run
                                               Many of our sports clubs compete in the          Our green campuses offer an ideal way to
                                               British University and Colleges Sports           get fit in nature and our close proximity to
                   Sport and Active            (BUCS) leagues including football, tennis,       Richmond Park offers further opportunities
                   Communities                 squash, rugby and hockey. We also                to be active.
                                               provide a wide range of social and
                                               semi-competitive sport, offering
                                               beginners’ courses, intra-mural events
                                               and coaching courses.                            Varsity is an annual sporting event where
                                                                                                the University of Roehampton goes head
                                                                                                to head against Bucks New University.
                   Sport                       The recently refurbished gym, fully stocked
                                                                                                Free yoga
                   Roehampton                  with the latest equipment, could give you
                                               a great opportunity for some high quality        Throughout the year we offer free yoga
                   Competitive team            down time between your studies. The              classes open to all students, regardless of
                   and individual sport        newly expanded gym space includes a              ability or experience. Taught by experienced
                   opportunities for           studio devoted to the Les Mills virtual class    and accredited teachers, the classes
                   students. This includes     programme, offering classes on dance             explore different yoga styles. Mats and
                   two membership offers       fitness to functional, strength, cardio and      blocks are provided.
                   for our students, Olympic   HIIT workouts.
                   and Commonwealth.
                                               Fantastic facilities
                                                                                                For the truly elite athletes studying at
                                               Our facilities include a sports hall, a studio   Roehampton, we offer a range of bursaries
                                               and outdoor multi-use courts. Our sports         and scholarships.
                                               clubs and teams also have access to a
                                               number of high quality sports venues
                                                                                                Career ready
                   Play                        in the local area including the National
                   Roehampton                  Tennis Centre and Rosslyn Park RFC.              We really value the impact sport can
                                                                                                have on personal development and so we
                   Social, recreational and                                                     provide a range of training opportunities for
                                               Crystal Palace FC
                   fun sport and physical                                                       students, such as coaching qualifications,
                   activities for students,    We have partnerships with a number of            vocational training, volunteering and
                   some activities for staff   leading sports organisations, including          leadership courses.
                   & the local community.      Crystal Palace FC and the Lawn Tennis
                                               Association. Crystal Palace FC offers a          roehampton.ac.uk/student-life/
                                               range of work experience opportunities,          sport-roehampton
                                               collaboration with Crystal Palace staff in
                                               careers-related events, and extensive links
                                               between Crystal Palace Ladies FC and
                                               the University of Roehampton Women’s
                   Gym                         Football programme.
                   The on-campus gym
                   and additional wellbeing
                   services provided by
                   Nuffield Health for our
                   students and staff.

26                                                                                                                                        27

                          We understand that concentrating on your         On-campus cost
                          studies will be your main priority, which is
                                                                           The cost of rooms varies, depending on
                          why we take care of everything:
                                                                           the type of accommodation you choose.
                          – A ll utility bills are included in the cost   For first year undergraduates, this ranges
                                                                           from £112 –­­£177.80 a week.
                          – We include contents insurance to give
                             you peace of mind
                                                                           Living off-campus
                          – Friendly Flat Reps and College staff are
                             on hand to help you                           Living in or near Roehampton, you can
                                                                           benefit from all that London has to offer,
                                                                           while avoiding the high costs of living in
                          Helping you make an informed choice
                                                                           the centre of the city. There is a wide variety
                          At our Open Days held throughout the year,       of accommodation suitable for students
                          you can visit our campus accommodation.          available to rent close to the University.
                          You can also see pictures and 360 degree
                                                                           If you choose to live away from the
                          tours on our accommodation pages online.
                                                                           University, our Off-Campus Support Officer
                          When you’re planning your future                 can help you find accommodation with
                          education, you don’t want any worries to         other students in a similar situation.
                          get in the way. That’s why we offer you an
                                                                           Even if you are living off campus, or choose
                          accommodation guarantee. This means,
                                                                           to live at home, you will still feel part of the
                          if you make Roehampton your firm choice
                                                                           Roehampton community. There are lots of
                          on your UCAS form, satisfy the eligibility
                                                                           activities and societies you can get involved
                          criteria and meet the deadline †, we promise
                                                                           with when you are on campus.
                          you’ll have on-campus accommodation.
                                                                           Cost correct as of October 2018. For the
                          Accommodation applications typically open
                                                                           latest costs, please visit our website.
                          in the February before you arrive for your
                          first year, and you can apply once you have      roehampton.ac.uk/accommodation
                          firmly accepted an offer of a place from us.
                          Please see our website for details.

                          Types of accommodation
                          We offer a wide range of accommodation
                          on-campus. Every room is a single furnished
                          bedroom with internet access, and fees
                          include utility bills and contents insurance.
                          Rooms are either en suite, semi en suite
                          (with a private shower) or standard where
“Living in or near        you share bathroom facilities with other
                          students. All rooms have a wash basin.
Roehampton, you can
benefit from all that
London has to offer,
while avoiding the high
costs of living in the
centre of the city.”

                                                                           † For full terms and conditions please see roehampton.
28                                                                            ac.uk/accommodation/accommodation-guarantee
University of Roehampton

Your Students’                                                                                 Events

Union                                                                                          We provide over 200 events every year for you to get
                                                                                               involved in. There are:

     When you come to the University of Roehampton,
                                                                                               Club Nights                   Theatre Tuesdays
     you’ll automatically become a member of
     Roehampton Students’ Union (RSU), one of the best                                         Weekly club nights on and     Do you love West End
                                                                                               off campus, such as the       shows and musicals? Then
     and most active students’ unions in the country.                                          infamous Bop, Grand and       our Theatre Tuesdays are
     Our aims are to provide you with opportunities to                                         Fez – where you can dress     just for you! It’s a great
                                                                                               up on themed nights, make     way to see amazing shows
     make the most of your time at Roehampton, to offer                                        the most of cheap nights      for much lower prices.
     a range of help, advice, support, events, activities                                      out and let your hair down.

     and entertainment, and to ensure you have an
     unforgettable experience at university.

     55+ Societies                                Hive Café                                    De-stress Events              Summer Ball
     There are over 55 societies you can be       Our award-winning Hive café in the centre
     part of in the RSU – ranging from the        of Digby Square is part of the Growhampton   We offer a number of          Make sure you don’t miss
     Dance Society to the Hogwarts Society        sustainability project. Constructed and      events that will help you     our finale to the year – the
     to sports teams and more.                    furnished from recycled and upcycled         during the tougher times      RSU Summer Ball, where
                                                  materials, it serves food and drink from     of university. From pop-up    recent acts have included
                                                  local, ethical sources, and food grown       spas or giving you access     Tinie Tempah, Wiley,
     Growhampton                                                                               to a puppy room, there’s      Katy B, The Wombats,
                                                  on campus by our students.
     This is our sustainability and food                                                       loads to help you unwind.     Example, Rizzle Kicks
                                                  You can find out more information on                                       and Professor Green.
     project, which ensures Roehampton is
                                                  our website:
     an edible campus. Why not help look after
     the campus chickens? Or contribute in        roehamptonstudent.com
     preparing for market day? Maybe you’d like
     to learn how to cook in new and exciting
     ways? Or, simply, why not buy a coffee
     from the Hive Café whilst browsing the
     Thrift shop?                                                                              Formal Dinners
                                                                                               We offer a number of
                                                                                               chances to get dressed up
     You can also choose to volunteer through                                                  throughout the year with
     our 70+ volunteering opportunities or                                                     formal dinners including
     get involved in Raising and Giving (RAG),                                                 our very own RSU Awards.
     which has raised over £10,000 for local
     and national charities.

30                                                                                                                                                     31
roehampton.ac.uk                                                                               University of Roehampton

                   Key steps in your application process

Journey to
                   1                                         2
                             Research universities                Come to an Open Day
                             and courses


                   3                                         4
                             Select University of                 Receive your offer
                             Roehampton as one of                 from University of
                             your choices and submit              Roehampton
                             your UCAS application

                   5                                         6
                             Attend an Offer                      Accept your offer
                             Holder Day

                   7                                         8
                             Apply for                            Celebrate your
                             accommodation                        exam results

                   9                                         10
                             Receive confirmation                     Attend Freshers’
                             of accommodation                         Week

32                                                                                                                 33

     Subject to validation/undergoing periodic review
     Please note that some degrees are undergoing a course
     review/validation, which is put in place regularly to
     ensure that the syllabus continues to reflect the latest
     developments in the field. The balance of the modules
     may change slightly, but you will still receive a thorough
     grounding across the subject, providing you with a solid
     base for a successful career. Please visit our website for
     the most up to date information.

34                                                                33
Courses                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               University of Roehampton

          COURSE                                         UCAS   TARIFF   COURSE                                       UCAS    TARIFF   COURSE                                       UCAS    TARIFF       COURSE                                        UCAS    TARIFF
          		                                             CODE   POINTS   		                                           CODE    POINTS   		                                           CODE    POINTS       		                                            CODE    POINTS

          Business                                                       EXTENDED DEGREES
                                                                         BA Early Childhood Studies                    X110      64
                                                                                                                                       EXTENDED DEGREES
                                                                                                                                       BA Classical Civilisation                    V902          64
                                                                                                                                                                                                             COMBINED HONOURS
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Film                                      P391         112
                                                                         BA Education Studies                         X301       64    BA History                                   V101          64         Journalism                               PP3M          112
          BSc Accounting                                 9A33     120    BA Education and Early Childhood Studies     XX13       64    BA Philosophy                                V502          64         Photography                              PW36          112
          BSc Business Management                        N190 96-112     BA Sports Coaching                           C601       64    BA Philosophy, Religion and Ethics           V510          64     BA Photography                               W640         112
          BSc Business Management and Economics          L100     112                                                                  BA Religion, Theology and Culture            V601          64
                                                                                                                                                                                                             COMBINED HONOURS
          BSc Business Management and                    N191     112                                                                                                                                        Film                                     WP63          112
                                                                         English and                                                                                                                         Media, Culture and Identity              PW36          112
          BSc Business Management and Finance            N192     112
                                                                         Creative Writing                                              Life Sciences
          BSc Business Management and Marketing          N193     112                                                                                                                                    EXTENDED DEGREES
                                                                                                                                                                                                         BA Digital Media                             W212           64
          BSc Human Resource Management                  N600     112
                                                                                                                                       BSc Anthropology (single honours)            L600        112      BA English Language and Linguistics           Q301          64
          BSc International Business                     N120     112    BA Creative Writing                          W801      112
                                                                                                                                       BSc Biological Sciences (single honours)     C120        112      BA Film                                       P303          64
          BSc Marketing Communications                   N500     112        COMBINED HONOURS
                                                                             Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies   WW84      112        INTEGRATED MASTERS                                            BA Journalism                                 P501          64

          EXTENDED DEGREES                                                   English Literature                       WQ83      112        Biological science                       CC99        144      BA Media, Culture and Identity                P390          64
          BSc Business Management                        N121      64        Film                                     PW38      112    BSc Biomedical Science                       B940        120      BA Photography                               W641           64
          BSc Business Management and Economics          NL12      64        Journalism                               PW58      112    BSc Nutrition and Health                     B400        112
          BSc Business Management and Entrepreneurship   NN13      64                                                                  BSc Sociology and Social Anthropology        LCH9        112
                                                                         BA English Literature                        Q300      112
          BSc Business Management and Marketing          N501      64                                                                  BSc Sport and Exercise Sciences              C602        112
                                                                             COMBINED HONOURS
          BSc Human Resource Management                  N173      64
                                                                             Creative Writing                         WQ83      112    BSc Sport Psychology                         C813        112
          BSc International Business                     N122      64
                                                                                                                                       BSc Zoology                                  C300   See website   BSc Psychology                               C800    See website

                                                                         EXTENDED DEGREES
                                                                                                                                           INTEGRATED MASTERS                                                COMBINED HONOURS
                                                                         BA English Literature                        Q302       64
                                                                                                                                           Zoology                                  CC33        144          Criminology                              MC98    See website

                                                                                                                                                                                                         BSc Psychology and Counselling               C845         120
                                                                                                                                       EXTENDED DEGREES

          BA Dance                                       W500     120    Humanities                                                    BSc Biological Sciences
                                                                                                                                       BSc Nutrition and Health
                                                                                                                                                                                                         BA Therapeutic Psychology (single honours)   3G90         112

          BFA Dance                                      W501     120                                                                                                                                    EXTENDED DEGREES
                                                                                                                                       BSc Sport and Exercise Sciences              C600          64     BSc Psychology                                C801          64
                                                                         BA Classical Civilisation                    V901      112
                                                                                                                                       BSc Zoology                                  C301          64

          Drama, Theatre
                                                                             COMBINED HONOURS

                                                                                                                                                                                                         Social Sciences
                                                                             History                                  QV81      112

          and Performance                                                    Philosophy
                                                                             Religion, Theology and Culture
                                                                                                                                       Media, Culture
          BA Drama, Theatre and                          W440     112
                                                                         BA History                                   V100      112    and Language                                                      BSc Criminology                              M900         112
          Performance Studies                                                COMBINED HONOURS                                                                                                                COMBINED HONOURS
                                                                             Classical Civilisation                   QV81      112    BA Digital Media                             DM17        112          Psychology                               MC98    See website
              COMBINED HONOURS
                                                                             Philosophy                               VV15      112    BA English Language and Linguistics          Q340        112          Sociology                                ML93          112
              Creative Writing                           WW84     112
                                                                             Religion, Theology and Culture           VV16      112                                                                      LLB Law                                      M100    See website
              Film                                       PWH4     112                                                                      COMBINED HONOURS
                                                                         FdA Ministerial Theology                     V610      N/A        Journalism                               PQ5J         112     LLB Law and Criminology                      ML61    See website
          BA Theatre Practices and Production            W400      96
                                                                         Graduate Diploma Ministerial Theology        V611      N/A    BA Film                                      W600        112      BSc Sociology                                L300         112
                                                                         BA Philosophy                                V500      112        COMBINED HONOURS                                                  COMBINED HONOURS

          Education                                                          COMBINED HONOURS
                                                                             Classical Civilisation                   QV85      112
                                                                                                                                           Creative Writing
                                                                                                                                           Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Criminology                              ML93          112

                                                                             History                                  VV15      112        Media, Culture and Identity              P391         112     EXTENDED DEGREES
          BA Early Childhood Studies                     X310     112        Religion, Theology and Culture           VV56      112                                                                      BSc Criminology                               L311          64
                                                                                                                                           Photography                              WP63         112
              COMBINED HONOURS
                                                                                                                                                                                                         LLB (Hons) Law                               M101           64
                                                                         BA Philosophy, Religion and Ethics           V501      112    BA Journalism                                P500        112
              Education Studies                          X347     112                                                                                                                                    LLB (Hons) Law and Criminology               ML33           64
                                                                         BA Religion, Theology and Culture            V600      112        COMBINED HONOURS                                              BSc Criminology and Sociology                 LL11          64
          BA Education Studies                           X300     112                                                                      Creative Writing                         PW58         112
                                                                             COMBINED HONOURS                                                                                                            BSc Sociology                                 L101          64
              COMBINED HONOURS                                               Classical Civilisation                   QV86      112        English Language and Linguistics         PQ5J         112
              Early Childhood Studies                    X347     112        History                                  VV16      112        Media, Culture and Identity              PP3M         112
          BA Primary Education (QTS)                                         Philosophy                               VV56      112    BA Languages and Global                      R917        112
              Foundation and Key Stage 1                 4D22     112    BA Ancient History                           V110      112    Communications
              Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2                4N56     112                                                                  BA Media, Culture and Identity               PL33         96
          BA Sport Coaching                              C610      96
          FdSc Sports Coaching Practice                  XC16      56

34                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          35
     Roehampton Business School develops
     business ready graduates, equipped to
     thrive in a complex and dynamic business
     environment. You will gain the knowledge
     and insight needed to make informed
     decisions and communicate them
     effectively. You will become a business
     professional who is willing to take
     responsibility and act responsibly.

                            At the heart of our business ready approach sits integrated
                            coaching, an optional one year business placement, the
                            opportunity to study abroad and a range of extracurricular
                            activities, including the student-led Business Society and
                            career-focussed events.
                            All of our courses are accredited by either the Chartered
                            Institute of Marketing (CIM), Chartered Institute of
                            Management Accounting (CIMA), Chartered Institute
                            of Personnel & Development (CIPD) or Chartered
                            Management Institute (CMI), while our BSc Accounting
                            course offers maximum accreditation from the
                            Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA).


36                                                                                        37
Business                                                                                                                                                                                                                 University of Roehampton

BSc Accounting                                                   BSc Business Management                                       BSc Business Management                                   BSc Business Management
UCAS code         Tariff points    Duration                      UCAS code       Tariff points    Duration
                                                                                                                               and Economics                                             and Entrepreneurship
9A33              120              3 years                       N190            96-112           3 years

Study abroad      Course combinations                            Study abroad    Course combinations                           UCAS code         Tariff points   Duration                UCAS code       Tariff points   Duration
No                N/A                                            Yes             N/A                                           L100              112             3 years                 N191            112             3 years

Specific subject requirements      Extended Degree               Specific subject requirements    Extended Degree              Study abroad      Course combinations                     Study abroad    Course combinations
GCSE Maths at grade 4/C or above   No                            N/A		                            Yes                          Yes               N/A                                     Yes             N/A

                                                                                                                               Specific subject requirements     Extended Degree         Specific subject requirements   Extended Degree
Our Accounting BSc provides a strong                             If you are considering a career in business                   N/A                               Yes                     N/A		                           Yes

preparation for a rewarding career in accounting.                management, this BSc is an excellent place
                                                                                                                               In readiness for your future career, this course          Gain the skills needed to plan, set up and
                                                                 to start. You’ll graduate ‘business ready’, as
You will learn to identify and solve complex                                                                                   will help you acquire key attributes employers            run your own business on our Business
                                                                 a confident, independent thinker with the skills
accounting problems, and apply the skills and                                                                                  value, such as commercial acumen, self-                   Management and Entrepreneurship BSc.
                                                                 to adapt rapidly to change.
techniques you acquire to a range of business                                                                                  reflection and emotional intelligence, alongside          You’ll graduate with a detailed knowledge
scenarios. We will support you to develop the                    BSc Business Management will give you                         skills in research, analysis, numeracy and                of business, management and the nature
self confidence and resilience to be able to                     an insight into the core areas of corporate                   project management.                                       of entrepreneurship.
professionally challenge the status quo and                      life, including managing people, operations,
                                                                                                                               You will explore key theories and concepts in             Gain in-depth knowledge of organisations
effectively present realistic alternatives.                      logistics, marketing, finance, and the role of
                                                                                                                               economics and their application in international          and their environments, while learning to
                                                                 ethical management.
Our accounting degree is strongly focused on                                                                                   business, and gain a solid understanding of               manage innovation and developing your
developing you as a ‘business ready’ graduate.                   You will explore how businesses can operate                   areas such as managing people, banking                    own entrepreneurial skills.
You’ll become highly employable and graduate                     effectively in a multicultural environment,                   and finance, marketing and business ethics.               Exploring key concepts such as managing
in a strong position to secure accounting jobs                   while learning to identify and solve business                 Additionally, as a business student you will have         people, operations, logistics, marketing and
in a wide range of sectors.                                      problems, and communicate your ideas                          access to exclusive Chartered Management                  finance, you will also learn about corporate
                                                                 with impact.                                                  Institute networking events and lectures that             strategy, business ethics and how small
  Why Roehampton?                                                                                                              will help you graduate in a strong position.              businesses and start-ups need to operate
  Accredited by the Association of Chartered Certified             Why Roehampton?                                                                                                       in a competitive business environment.
  Accountants (ACCA), giving you the maximum nine                  Apply contemporary research to the latest business            Why Roehampton?
  exemptions from ACCA professional exams.                         issues, such as the growth in digital communications          Cover all the core aspects of economics, to get an        Why Roehampton?
  Also accredited by the Chartered Institute of                    and the dynamic nature of the business environment.           excellent foundation for working in business and
  Management Accountants (CIMA).                                                                                                 management in the public or private sector.               Explore approaches to creativity, innovation and
                                                                   As a graduate, you’ll be eligible for the Chartered
                                                                                                                                                                                           entrepreneurial thinking that will help you understand
  Put your knowledge of accounting to the test by                  Management Institute (CMI) Level 5 Diploma in                 As a graduate, you’ll be eligible for the Chartered       what’s involved in setting up and running your
  applying for a one-year, paid work placement after               Management & Leadership.                                      Management Institute (CMI) Level 5 Diploma in             own business.
  year two.                                                        Put your knowledge of business to the test by                 Management and Leadership.
                                                                                                                                                                                           Graduate ‘business ready’, with the ability to think
                                                                   applying for a one-year, paid work placement after            Put your knowledge of business and economics to the       critically, act responsibly and adapt to volatile,
                                                                   year two.                                                     test by applying for a one-year, paid work placement
Example modules                                                                                                                                                                            ambiguous and complex situations.
                                                                                                                                 after year two.
Business Data Analysis                                                                                                                                                                     Put your knowledge of business to the test by applying
                                                                 Example modules                                                                                                           for a one-year, paid work placement after year two.
Law of Business Enterprises
                                                                 Principles of Marketing                                       Example modules
Corporate Finance
                                                                 Project Management                                            Business Data Analysis                                    Example modules
Accounting for Decision Making
                                                                 Entrepreneurship Development                                  International Economics                                   Project Management
Career opportunities                                             Cross-Cultural Management                                     Labour Economics                                          Entrepreneurial Opportunity
You will be set up to move into management or financial                                                                        Economics of Money, Banking and Finance                   Managing Innovation
accounting jobs in the corporate, public or voluntary sectors.   Career opportunities
You can follow pathways into accountancy via the main                                                                          Career opportunities                                      Entrepreneurship Development
                                                                 The skills and knowledge you gain from this degree will
professional bodies in the UK, and bypass foundation level       put you in a strong position for pursuing jobs in business,   The skills you will learn from this degree will put you   Career opportunities
examinations needed for qualifying as an accountant.             including accounting and finance, international business,     in a strong position for pursuing jobs in the UK’s most
                                                                 retail, marketing and human resources.                        important sectors and occupations, including financial    You will be in a strong position to start your own business.
                                                                                                                               services, management consultancy, risk analysis and       You could also work in business development or a graduate
                                                                                                                               economic think tanks.                                     traineeship, or in any sector that seeks dynamic, creative
                                                                                                                                                                                         individuals with proven business knowledge.

38                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  39
Business                                                                                                                                                                                                                   University of Roehampton

BSc Business Management                                    BSc Business Management                                            BSc Human Resource                                          BSc International Business
and Finance                                                and Marketing                                                      Management                                                  UCAS code        Tariff points    Duration
                                                                                                                                                                                          N120             112              3 years
UCAS code       Tariff points   Duration                   UCAS code        Tariff points     Duration                        UCAS code       Tariff points    Duration                   Study abroad     Course combinations
N192            112             3 years                    N193             112               3 years                         N600            112              3 years                    Yes              N/A
Study abroad    Course combinations                        Study abroad     Course combinations                               Study abroad    Course combinations                         Specific subject requirements     Extended Degree
Yes             N/A                                        Yes              N/A                                               No              N/A                                         N/A		                             Yes
Specific subject requirements   Extended Degree            Specific subject requirements      Extended Degree                 Specific subject requirements    Extended Degree
N/A		                           No                         N/A		                              Yes                             N/A		                            Yes                        Our International Business BSc will provide
                                                                                                                                                                                          you with the skills and experience to work
Looking to build a rewarding career in the                 Our business and marketing degree prepares                         Our Human Resource Management (HRM)
                                                                                                                                                                                          in an international business. You will focus
financial and business sector but don’t want               you to work in the rapidly evolving, and hugely                    degree course will give you an excellent basis
                                                                                                                                                                                          on the ways businesses operate differently
to embark on a full accounting and finance                 diverse, world of marketing. You will acquire                      for a career in HR in a range of organisations.
                                                                                                                                                                                          in home and overseas markets and you will
degree? Our BSc Business Management and                    an understanding of consumer behaviour,                            As a human resources specialist, you will learn
                                                                                                                                                                                          also develop an understanding of areas such
Finance is the ideal choice.                               and develop expertise in digital marketing and                     how businesses can get the most out of their
                                                                                                                                                                                          as managing people, operations, logistics,
                                                           services marketing – two key growth areas in                       employees, and develop the skills for successful
You’ll develop the key competencies required                                                                                                                                              marketing and finance.
                                                           a modern, knowledge-based economy.                                 people management.
of financial managers, and become equipped
                                                                                                                                                                                          Our academics have extensive experience of
to work in a wide range of private, public and             Alongside specialist marketing knowledge, you                      You will learn about key concepts such as
                                                                                                                                                                                          organisations and will support you to connect
third-sector organisations, ready to adapt rapidly         will build understanding of managing people,                       managing people, operations, marketing and
                                                                                                                                                                                          your learning to the realities of business and
to change. You’ll become an independent                    operations, logistics and finance. In readiness                    finance; and learn what businesses need to do
                                                                                                                                                                                          management. In year two, you will spend a
thinker, with the ability to analyse financial             for your future career, you will develop a range                   to operate effectively and ethically in a culturally
                                                                                                                                                                                          semester studying abroad, to develop your cross-
markets and predict financial performance.                 of skills employers value, such as the ability                     diverse environment. You will finish the course
                                                                                                                                                                                          cultural skills, confidence and connections, and
You’ll explore corporate strategy in depth, and            to identify and solve business problems.                           with the knowledge to solve business problems
                                                                                                                                                                                          return home more globally minded.
develop a deeper understanding of how financial                                                                               ethically and an ongoing passion for personal
institutions and monetary systems operate.                   Why Roehampton?                                                  and professional development.
                                                                                                                                                                                            Why Roehampton?
                                                             Explore the latest marketing developments, such as
  Why Roehampton?                                            the growth in digital marketing and the dynamic nature             Why Roehampton?                                             Spend a semester studying abroad developing
                                                             of customer behaviour.                                                                                                         your cross-cultural skills and confidence to operate
  Learn about emerging markets and advanced                                                                                     Develop your experience in managing real-life issues        internationally.
  economies, and use financial instruments to analyse        The Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) has                     in the workplace by completing a work placement or
  global markets.                                            approved this degree, so graduates will qualify for the            applied consultancy project in year two.                    Acquire a strong understanding of business
                                                             maximum exemptions for the CIM Level 6 Diploma.                                                                                management and develop your ability to work
  Apply contemporary research to explore the latest                                                                             As a graduate, you’ll be eligible for Associate             internationally in marketing, finance or human
  issues in management and finance.                          Apply to go on a one-year, paid work placement as                  Membership of the Chartered Institute of Personnel          resource management.
                                                             part of your degree.                                               and Development (CIPD).
  Put your knowledge of management and finance                                                                                                                                              Put your knowledge of business to the test by applying
  to the test by applying for our one-year paid work                                                                            Apply contemporary research to the latest HR issues,        for a one-year, paid work placement after year two.
  placement after year two.                                Example modules                                                      such as talent management and embracing diversity.

                                                           Principles of Marketing and Communications in a                                                                                Example modules
Example modules                                            Digital World                                                      Example modules
                                                                                                                                                                                          Business Organisations in a Global Economy
Finance and Accounting for Managers                        Project Management                                                 Business Ethics and Responsible Management
                                                                                                                                                                                          Global and International Business Strategy
Business Finance                                           Digital Marketing                                                  Managing People and Careers
                                                                                                                                                                                          International Business and Emerging Markets
Project Management                                         Global Marketing                                                   Resourcing and Talent Planning
                                                                                                                                                                                          Business Ethics and Responsible Management
Economics of Money, Banking and Finance                                                                                       Employment Law
                                                           Career opportunities                                                                                                           Global Marketing
Career opportunities                                       You will be equipped to work in a wide range of marketing          Career opportunities
                                                           roles, either in an agency or the marketing functions of an                                                                    Career opportunities
You will be equipped to work in corporate finance,                                                                            This course will prepare you for working in a variety of
                                                           organisation. You will have the skills to work as an advertising                                                               You’ll leave well equipped to work in a diverse range of
banking, insurance and business consultancy, as well as                                                                       HR roles, such as a recruitment and selection specialist,
                                                           executive, marketing manager or communications manager                                                                         careers, including international trade and banking, operations
specialist and generalist management roles. You could                                                                         employee relations or personnel manager, training and
                                                           or in another marketing-related role.                                                                                          management, market research, international sales or
also progress to further study with us on our MSc Global                                                                      development adviser, diversity and equal opportunity
Financial Management.                                                                                                         adviser or performance management specialist.               marketing, and other roles within international companies.

40                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   41
University of Roehampton

                                                             BSc Marketing

Anna Krettman    “We were continuously challenged           UCAS code        Tariff points    Duration
                                                             N500             112              3 years

                   to think outside our comfort zone         Study abroad     Course combinations
                                                             Yes              N/A
                   and analyse problems before               Specific subject requirements     Extended Degree

Buying Manager     tackling them. I constantly deal          N/A		                             No

at Lidl UK         with unforeseen issues at work            Our Marketing Communications BSc will
                   and rather than shying away, I            teach you how to use marketing to respond
                                                             to the needs of the digital economy and the
                   embrace the challenge. I am now           constantly changing expectations of social
                   a buying manager at Lidl UK.              media-savvy consumers. You’ll gain knowledge
                   I have won The Grocer Top New             of methods of marketing communication used
                   Talent award and was also named           by organisations to achieve their business
                                                             goals. Covering the fundamentals of branding,
                   in their Top 10 most influential          you’ll also learn about B2B vs B2C marketing
                   people in alcohol 2018.”                  communications strategies, ethical issues in
                                                             global marketing, and the evolving nature of
                 BSc International Business Graduate, 2013   digital marketing.
                                                             Over the course of your degree, you will develop
                                                             the skills needed to run your own marketing
                                                             communication campaigns, create unique brand
                                                             identities and foster competitive advantage.

                                                               Why Roehampton?
                                                               Learn to develop integrated marketing strategies and
                                                               how to use promotional tools and tactics.
                                                               Gain relevant exemptions from the Chartered Institute
                                                               of Marketing (CIM).
                                                               Build valuable connections in the industry, through our
                                                               one-year, paid work placement.

                                                             Example modules
                                                             Principles of Marketing
                                                             Project Management
                                                             Digital Marketing
                                                             Sales, Advertising and PR

                                                             Career opportunities
                                                             You will be well equipped to work in a specialist marketing
                                                             role, either in a communications agency or an in-house
                                                             marketing department. You could also progress to further
                                                             study with us on our MSc Global Marketing.

42                                                                                                                                             43
     Join our world-class dance department
     and study with an international team
     of leading practitioners, choreographers
     and academics. At Roehampton we pride
     ourselves on our outstanding undergraduate
     degrees, each with an exciting curriculum
     that reveals the potential of Dance in the
     21st century. Our students are encouraged
     to extend their thinking, their creativity
     and their performance skills.

                            As one of the largest dance departments worldwide, we
                            offer a huge breadth of expertise and cover a rich variety
                            of technical and performance styles, approaches to
                            choreography and dance analysis, as well as high levels
                            of individual student support. Our courses integrate dance
                            practice with theory to develop critical, experimental and
                            well-rounded practitioners and researchers.
                            Our supportive environment will enhance your knowledge,
                            creativity and skills, providing you with valuable
                            experiences to launch your career. You will benefit from
                            daily technique classes to live accompaniment, our
                            study overseas scheme, collaborations with renowned
                            professionals at the cutting edge of their fields, vibrant
                            seminars, and performance opportunities in our
                            student-led company.


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