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 Friday 31st January, 2020
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                                                                                  Since 1860
                                                                                       dismaY as parents lose right to taKe                                                     faith in the
                                                                                       children out of seX education classes                                         7             news

                                                                                       pro-life delight in usa
                                                                                         as trump addresses
                                                                                               march for life                                                                       page 16

Faiths can
build bridge
to a peaceful
future for all
Prince Charles signals                      standing between people of different
                                                                                        York Minster’s Canon Chancellor
                                                                                        Christopher Collingwood (left) and
                                                                                        Joshua Daniels (right), from York
                                            faiths, to heal divisions and to remind
his solidarity with the                     people of so much that we share in
                                                                                        University Jewish Society, help light
                                                                                        600 candles in the shape of a Star of
Holy Land during visit                      common as opposed to what divides           David in the Chapter House at York
                                            us.                                         Minster. The moving tribute was part
Nick Benson                                    “Indeed, as it says in Psalm 133 ‘be-    of commemorations to mark
The Prince of Wales has spoken about        hold, how good and pleasant it is           International Holocaust Day.
the importance of “building bridges”        when brothers dwell in unity!’.”            Photo: Danny Lawson/PA
between different religions, so that           Charles said he has long sought to
they “might learn from each other           celebrate the rich diversity of belief
and be stronger together as a result”.
   His comments came during his
first official visit to Israel and Pales-
                                            which the UK enjoys, and ensure that
                                            people of all faiths, and none, under-
                                            stand how much their place in society
                                                                                       Remembering Holocaust ‘is our duty’
tinian territories.                         is valued.                                 Pope Francis said remembering the       Remembrance Day was observed          immediate political needs. This
   Prince Charles began his historic           “Elsewhere in the world, too, I have    millions who perished in the            around the world on Monday, 27th      appeal is extremely important now,
first visit to the West Bank with a ges-    endeavoured to build bridges between       Holocaust is a call for the world       January, and had particular           for – despite the dramatic
ture of unity, walking through Beth-        different religions, so that we might      today to reflect and commit to not      significance this year as it marked   experience of the past – the world
lehem with Muslim and Christian             learn from each other and be stronger      repeating the atrocities of the past.   the 75th anniversary of the freeing   in which we live is still exposed to
leaders.                                    together as a result,” he said.              He told pilgrims in St Peter’s        of the Auschwitz-Birkenau             new threats and new
   He later addressed clerics from             “It breaks my heart, therefore, that    Square: “In the face of this            concentration camp in Poland.         manifestations of violence.”
across a range of denominations, de-        we should continue to see so much          immense tragedy, this atrocity,            The Archbishop of Westminster
scribing how he had worked to bring         suffering and division.                    indifference is inadmissible, and       Cardinal Vincent Nichols said: “We
people of different faiths together.           “No-one arriving in Bethlehem to-       remembering is a duty.”                 appeal to the modern world for
   Speaking at a reception in Bethle-       day could miss the signs of continued        “We are all called to have a          reconciliation and peace, for
hem, which celebrated the ties be-          hardship and the situation you face,       moment of prayer and reflection,        respect for each nation’s right to
tween British and Palestinian people,       and I can only join you, and all com-      each one saying in his or her own       exist and to freedom, to maintain
the prince said: “Throughout my life,       munities, in your prayers for a just       heart, ‘Never again, never again!’”     its own culture.
I have tried, in whatever very small        and lasting peace.                         the pope said.                             “We cannot allow the truth to be
way I can, to foster greater under-         Continued on page 2                          International Holocaust               ignored or manipulated for

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Faith must be
used to build
says Charles
Continued from page 1                       during the moment.
                                                                                         The Prince of Wales is shown the site
                                               “Prince Charles has always had help
                                                                                         of the manger where Christ was born
   The Prince added: “We must pursue        for people close to his heart,” Fr Luke
                                                                                         in the Church of the Nativity in
this cause with faith and determina-        told the Custody in the Holy Land            Bethlehem on the second day of his
tion, striving to heal the wounds which     website.                                     visit to Israel and the occupied
have caused such pain.                         “In the same way, coming here and         Palestinian territories.
   “It is my dearest wish that the future   interfacing with the people who live         Photo: Victoria Jones/PA Wire
will bring freedom, justice and equality    in Palestine moved him. This is why
to all Palestinians, enabling you to        many British organisations try to help    said. “Prince William was kind, simple      of the Greek royal family, to make             On the first day of his visit to Israel
thrive and to prosper.”                     the local people, without any political   and attentive to people. Exactly like       sure the colours were right.                and the Palestinian territories, Thurs-
   Charles made his speech at Casa          interest.                                 his father today. This has made an             Alice, who lived at Buckingham           day 23rd January, the prince attended
Nova, a Franciscan pilgrim house close         “Receiving his support through his     impression on me and, I have to say,        Palace in her final years, died in 1969     a reception for British Holocaust sur-
to the Church of the Nativity, where        being here in flesh and blood as well     I am very pleased.”                         when Charles was 20.                        vivors at the Israel Museum in
he spoke with Church leaders and            is, I believe, really very important,”       During his two-day visit to Israel          She was buried in St George’s Chapel     Jerusalem and gave a speech at the
health and education officials.             added Fr Luke, who sits on the gov-       and the Palestinian territories the         at Windsor Castle but it was not until      World Holocaust Forum, where he
   During his visit to the Church of        erning board of the Franciscan Cus-       Prince of Wales also paid his respects      1988 that her final wish was fulfilled      described the extermination of six
the Nativity, the prince was shown          tody of the Holy Land.                    at the tomb of his grandmother              and her body was taken to the Russian       million Jewish people during the Sec-
the site of the manger where Christ            The cleric, who is originally from     Princess Alice – famed for harbouring       Orthodox church of St Mary Magda-           ond World War as a “universal human
was born. Fr John Luke Gregory OFM          Sheffield and is vicar general of the     a Jewish family during the Second           lene where her aunt Ella was buried.        tragedy” affecting all, not just the fam-
– better known as Fr Luke, who was          Archdiocese of Rhodes in Greece, pre-     World War.                                     Charles laid flowers on the tomb in      ilies of those killed by the Nazi regime.
present during the visit, told The          viously guided Charles’ son Prince           Charles laid flowers on her final        a vault beneath the church, while              Speaking at the gathering, he told
Catholic Universe that the prince was       William around the Basilica of the        resting place at the Church of St Mary      nuns sang a prayer of repose for the        guests, who included Russian Presi-
able to “spend some tranquil moments        Holy Sepulchre, in Jerusalem. “I have     Magdalene in Jerusalem as his visit         dead. The flowers had been picked in        dent Vladimir Putin and France’s Pres-
in prayer” and was “visibly moved”          excellent memories of that day,” he       came to an end.                             the morning from the garden of the          ident Emmanuel Macron, the story

     Memo from CAFOD
                                                                                         Draped on her tomb was a Greek           British consul general in Jerusalem.        of “incomprehensible humanity” must
                                                                                      royal standard which the prince had            Princess Alice, a granddaughter of       not be forgotten.
                                                                                      made in London after the original           Queen Victoria, saved the Cohen fam-           He also warned that “hatred and
                                                                                      had become moth-eaten and tatty.            ily following her friendship with           intolerance still lurk in the human
                                                                                         He commissioned a new flag for           Haimaki Cohen, a Jew and former MP.         heart” but society must remain “res-
                                                                                      his grandmother, who was married               In September 1943, as the Nazis          olute in resisting words and acts of
     Woman of the River                                                               to Prince Andrew of Greece, after vis-      occupied Athens, Mr Cohen’s widow           violence”.
     “They are our bloodlines.                                                        iting her tomb on the Mount of Olives       Rachel and her five children were left
     They are our internal                                                            for the first time in 2016 and seeing       desperately seeking refuge and were
     organs.”                                                                         its condition.                              helped by Charles’ grandmother.             Read more about Prince Charles’
                                                                                         “He said, ‘We will do a bit better for      Her bravery was recognised by Israel     visit to Israel and Palestinian
     The rivers are a vital part of                                                   granny’,” according to a source.            which in 1993 posthumously bestowed         territories on page four, in an
     Euma and her people.                                                                Extensive research was carried out,      the title of Righteous Among the Na-        exclusive reflection by Fr John Luke
     “If the rivers die then we die                                                   including consultations with members        tions on her.                               Gregory OFM.
     with them.”
     Euma is a community leader
     and a human rights
     “But,” she says with pride, “I
                                                                                      Campaigner says public can
     am also a Guardian of the
     Atrato River.”
      The Atrato River in Colombia
                                                                                      help police beat knife menace
      runs through one of the most
      biodiverse regions in the                                                       Nick Benson                                    He told The Catholic Universe: “One      some comfort in that as stop and
      world. It is a source of life for                                               A Catholic peace campaigner has sug-        interesting idea might be to ask the        search has been such a political issue
                                                             Euma Pedroza
      many. However, as a result of                                                   gested that the police turn to the wider    wider public to become involved to          and continues to be, could the very
      illegal mining and continued conflict, the river has suffered.                  public to help assist them in knife         help stop this.                             fact of weapon concealment being
      The communities living along its banks have suffered too.                       searches amid worries that violent             “Acouple of years ago, Lewisham          attributed to stop and search be the
                                                                                      criminals are stashing weapons in           police invited members of the public        proof that it works.”
      “I work with communities trying to defend their rights.                         parks and children’s play areas.            to join them in a knife search; it turned     One hundred officers have been
      We are vulnerable in front of multinationals who are hand-in-                                                               up some weapons but more impor-             moved into teams targeting violent
                                                                                         The shock revelation comes as De-
      hand with drug traffickers. The extractivism, but also the                                                                  tantly it allowed the public to become      crime from other parts of the Met.
                                                                                      tective Chief Superintendent Lee Hill,
      conflict, is contaminating our territory!”                                                                                                                                As well as targeting areas that are
                                                                                      who leads the Metropolitan Police Vi-       engaged with the issue.
      Since 2016, more than 400 human rights defenders have been                      olent Crime Taskforce, said officers           “It’s at least some response and en-     hotspots, investigators are focusing
      killed. But Euma is fearless.                                                   find hidden weapons on a daily basis        couraging co-operation between the          on around 200 known criminals such
      “The river is marvellous. The water is fresh, crystal clear, warm               in London, typically in open spaces         police and the public,” he added.           as habitual knife carriers, prolific rob-
       and so lovely. It helps us overcome the sadness of experience.                 such as parks where they can be ac-            Mr Mizen also pointed out that           bers and serial violent offenders.
       It gives us joy.”                                                              cessed quickly. In one location, Crouch     while knives being hidden in public           Commander Jane Connors said:
       Keep that joy alive. Support Euma’s fight at                 Hill, in north London, eight knives         areas is a major concern, it also proves    “They are a range of habitual knife

           CAFOD, Romero House, 55 Westminster Bridge Rd, London SE1 7JB
                                                                                      were found hidden during three              that stop and searches are causing          carriers, prolific robbers, prolific vio-

       Tel: 020 7733 7900 • Email: • Web:
                                                                                      weapons sweeps in one week, several         criminals to be anxious over carrying       lent offenders, so it is a range of dif-
                                                                                      of which were in a playground.              weapons.                                    ferent offenders within that who we
                                                                                         Barry Mizen, of For Jimmy, suggest-         “The concealment of weapons is           believe are causing the highest harm
                                                                                      ed that the force could also consider       being driven by the success of ‘stop        and exploiting young people, driving
                                                                                      appealing to the public for assistance.     and search’,” he said. “We have to take     violence.”
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The Catholic Universe         |   Friday 31st January 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                  03
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Kobe Bryant
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          in action in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          2010 for the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          LA Lakers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          against the

leads tributes                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Celtics.


to basketball                                                                                                                                                                                                                             USA Today

legend Kobe
The Archbishop of Los Angeles has          “We are praying for the eternal repose
offered prayers and condolences to         of his soul, his daughter who also
the family of LA Lakers legend bas-        died and for the family. It must be a
ketball star Kobe Bryant, who was          very challenging time for his family.
killed in a tragic helicopter crash        So, let’s pray for him and pray for his
alongside his daughter last weekend.       family.”
   Bryant, 41, a practising Catholic          The basketball star died on Sunday,
and five-time NBA champion who             26th January after a helicopter he was
played for the LA Lakers throughout        travelling in crashed amid foggy con-
his 20-year career, is widely considered   ditions and burst into flames in the         couple’s second eldest daughter.           dark time and revealed that talking                           can’t handle, and it’s in his hands now.
to be among the greatest players in        hills above Calabasas, California.              Bryant had said that his Catholic       to a priest had been “the turning                             This is something you can’t control.
basketball history.                           Bryant’s 13-year-old daughter Gi-         faith had helped through low spots         point”.                                                       So let it go.’ And that was the turning
   The Archbishop of Los Angeles, Jose     anna also died in the crash, along           in his life, and had strengthened his         “The one thing that really helped                          point.”
H. Gomez, said he ‘was sad to hear         with six family friends and the pilot.       marriage and ties with his family.         me during that process – I’m Catholic,                           USA Today reported that the aircraft
the news’ and offered prayers for             Born in Philadelphia on 23rd August          In 2003, Bryant was accused of rap-     I grew up Catholic, my kids are                               was Bryant’s private helicopter and
Bryant and his family.                     1978, Bryant was raised a Catholic           ing a woman in a hotel room – alle-        Catholic – was talking to a priest. It                        was flying the party to the Mamba
   He added that he remembered             and as a youth lived for a while in          gations he denied, saying that they        was actually kind of funny: He looks                          Sports Academy in Thousand Oaks,
Bryant as “a very good Catholic, a         Italy. He and his wife, Vanessa, married     had consensual sex. The charges were       at me and says, ‘Did you do it?’ And I                        California, for a girls’ basketball game.
faithful Catholic” and had met the         at St Edward Catholic Church in Dana         eventually dropped but it almost end-      say, ‘Of course not.’ Then he asks, ‘Do                       Bryant was expected to coach the
basketball star on several occasions.      Point, California, in 2001, and raised       ed Bryant’s marriage.                      you have a good lawyer?’ And I’m like,                        team, while Gianna was expected to
   “I remember going to the Lakers’        their children Catholic. He is survived         In a 2015 interview with GQ maga-       ‘Uh, yeah, he’s phenomenal.’ So then                          play.
practice, and I had a good conversation    by his wife and three other daughters.       zine, Bryant said he relied on his         he just said, ‘Let it go. Move on. God’s                         Police have launched an investiga-
with him,” Archbishop Gomez said.          Gianna, also known as ‘GiGi’, was the        Catholic faith to get him through the      not going to give you anything you                            tion into the causes of the crash.

Muslim MP to run marathon                                                                                                                HOLY SPIRIT SISTERS NEED WATER
                                                                                                                                     HARVESTING SYSTEM FOR VILLAGE SCHOOL

to beat Christian persecution
                                                                                                                                    In a remote area of India,
                                                                                                                                    close to the border with
                                                                                                                                    Myanmar, the Holy Spirit
                                                                                                                                    Sisters run a village school for
                                                                                                                                    children unable to travel to
Fionn Shiner
                                                                                                                                    the parish centre, which is 33
Rehman Chishti, the MP for Gilling-                                                                                                 kilometres distance away. At
ham and Rainham, has announced                                                                                                      present the school has 220
that he will run this year’s London                                                                                                 pupils, most of whom come
Marathon for a charity which helps                                                                                                  from deprived families, living
persecuted Christians.                                                                                                              by subsistence farming and
   Mr Chishti said he was running for                                                                                               struggling to make ends
Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) be-                                                                                                 meet. The only source of water in the village is rain water and a nearby stream, as
cause of its “fantastic” work.                                                                                                      the land is not suitable for a well, or bore-hole. The Holy Cross Fathers, who are in
   The MP, who is the Prime Minister’s                                                                                              charge of the parish, have appealed to The Little Way Association for financial help
Special Envoy for Freedom of Religion                                                                                               to install a rain water harvesting system for the Sisters and their village school.
or Belief, said: “The work ACN does                                                                                                            Can you help The Little Way Association make
is fantastic and I am delighted to sup-                                                                                                      a big difference in the daily lives of the Holy Spirit
port what they do to help Christians                                                                                                                 Sisters and the children they teach?
persecuted for their faith.”                                                                                                        A source of clean water is vital for the health and well-being of any community,
   Mr Chishti, a Muslim, described                                                                                                  large or small. Can you help The Little Way Association to assist those who do
how he had liaised with the Catholic                                                                                                                        not have access to clean, safe water?
charity in defence of Christian woman                                                                                                                       We have new requests for grants to fund
Asia Bibi, who was on death row for                                                                                                                         water projects every week.
blasphemy in Pakistan.                                                                                                                                      Any donation will be sent without
   He added: “I worked closely with                                                                                                                         deduction and gratefully received.                The Little Way
ACN on the Asia Bibi case and, when          John Pontifex, Head of Press & Information, Aid to the Church in Need
the charity brought her family over          (UK) and Neville Kyrke-Smith, National Director, Aid to the Church in                                                 Crossed POs and cheques should be sent and made
to the UK in 2018, they invited me to        Need (UK), hand Rehman Chishti, a T-shirt to run the marathon in                                                      payable to: THE LITTLE WAY ASSOCIATION
meet them.”                                  Photo: WEENSON OO-PICTURE-U.NET                                                        “Jesus wills that we give
                                                                                                                                                                   Sacred Heart House, 119 Cedars Rd, Clapham Common,
   Mr Chishti resigned in November                                                                                                    alms to him as to one        London SW4 0PR (Registered Charity No. 235703)

2018 as Vice Chairman of the Con-          Chishti’s announcement, saying it was          Mr Chishti was a keynote speaker             poor and needy. He          Tel. 020 7622 0466.
servative Party and the Prime Minis-       a sign that Christian persecution is         at ACN’s #RedWednesday campaign              puts Himself as it were       I enclose £ be allocated for:-
                                                                                                                                      at our mercy; He will
ter’s Trade Envoy to Pakistan, citing      being taken more seriously.                  for religious freedom in his role as         take nothing but what         £............. CLEAN, SAFE WATER
the UK’s refusal to grant Asia Bibi          He said: “I am delighted that Mr           special envoy for religious freedom.        we give to Him from our        £............. NEEDY CHILDREN
sanctuary as one of the reasons for        Chishti will run this year’s London            Mr Chishti said ending religious          heart, and the very least      £............. MASS STIPENDS (please state no. )                      Please tick if you would
                                                                                                                                       trifle is precious in                                                                             like an acknowledgement
his resignation.                           Marathon for ACN.                            persecution “is a priority for the Prime                                   £............. LITTLE WAY ADMIN. EXPENSES
                                                                                                                                     His sight.” - St Thérèse
   Asia Bibi’s conviction has since been     “Not only is it an opportunity to          Minister.”                                                                 Name (Rev. Mr. Mrs. Miss)
overturned. She is now in Canada           raise money for our projects support-          • Details of how to sponsor Mr             You and your intentions       (Block letters please)
                                                                                                                                    are remembered in a daily      Address
with her family.                           ing persecuted Christians, but it will       Chishti will be available shortly. For          Mass offered in the
   Neville Kyrke-Smith, National Di-       also raise the profile of a vital issue in   information about Aid to the Church         Missions for all our friends
rector ACN (UK), welcomed Mr               need of much more recognition.”              in Need, visit                     and benefactors.          To donate online go to:
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                                                                                              Prince Charles with Franciscan
                                                                                              Friars from the Holy Land

       Prince says his prayers
       are for Holy Land peace
       Fr John Luke Gregory OFM, who sits on the governing board of the Franciscan
       Custody of the Holy Land, recently met the Prince of Wales during his first official
       visit to Israel and Palestinian territories. Here, in this Catholic Universe exclusive,
       Fr Luke, who is originally from Sheffield and is also vicar general of the
       Archdiocese of Rhodes in Greece, reflects on the prince’s visit.
       Before arriving in Bethlehem Prince         also knew very well. She was very in-    quest of President Mahmud Abass
       Charles spoke at the World Holo-            terested in art and knew about Fran-     was on display. His Royal Highness
       caust Forum, which was held at the          ciscan art in great depth. I was able    also met the other members of the
       World Holocaust Remembrance                 to provide her with a book we have       fraternity.
       Centre in Jerusalem.                        produced on some of our art work            After this we made our way to the
          He said, to quote: “The lessons of       we have cared for over many cen-         Chapel of St George where he at-
       the Holocaust are searingly relevant        turies. We spoke about our plans for     tended an unprecedented ecumeni-
       to this day. 75 years after the libera-     the Terra Sancta Museum. What a          cal service. This was, his official resi-
       tion of Auschwitz-Birkenau, hatred          wonderful lady she truly was, may        dence, Clarence House, tweeted, the
       and intolerance still lurk in the hu-       she rest in peace.                       ‘first time that the three Christian
       man heart, still tell new lies, adopt          The prince’s visit to Bethlehem       churches have collectively held a
       new disguises, and still seek new           was very poignant. He visited the        service to celebrate the contribution
       victims.”                                   mosque in Manger Square. I was           of Christian communities across the
          I was pleased when I read that Sky       there to meet him alongside the Ar-      Holy Land and wider Middle East’.
       quoted officials representing the           menian, Greek and Anglican Church           Finally, he gave a speech at a re-
       prince as saying he was trying to re-       representatives. It was also special     ception held in our Franciscan guest
       main ‘neutral’ in the course of his         seeing that we were altogether in the    house, the Casa Nova for pilgrims.
       trip – his first official visit to Israel   Week of Christian Unity. The             He was relaxed and so were the
       and the Palestinian territories.            Catholic scouts were out in full force   many people gathered there to meet
          I was also in Jerusalem many             with their drums and bagpipes and,       him. He spoke with as many people
       years ago when his father, Prince           despite the rain, it was a very joyful   as he could and everyone was de-
       Philip, came to visit his mother’s          atmosphere.                              lighted with the occasion.
       tomb at the Russian Orthodox                   We led him to the Basilica and           He concluded his time with us by
       Church of St Mary Magdalene on the          when we arrived at the manager in        saying: “And I can only join you, and
       Mount of Olives. And, in fact, he re-       the Basilica of the Nativity, the Cus-   all communities, in your prayers for
       ferred to his grandmother, Princess         tos led the Prince down to that very     a just and lasting peace. We must
       Alice of Greece, who was posthu-            spot where Christ was born and           pursue this cause with faith and de-
       mously honoured for protecting a            where his mother, Mary, had laid         termination, striving to heal the
       Jewish family during the Nazi occu-         him in the manager. Seeing as there      wounds which have caused such
       pation of Greece.                           were only a few of us present at that    pain.”
          The prince also met with Israeli         moment it was quiet and calm. He            He then added: “It is my dearest
       President Reuven Rivlin at the Israeli      had space and time and was able to       wish that the future will bring free-
       presidential office in Jerusalem. I         spend some tranquil moments in           dom, justice and equality to all
       can say from the several occasions I        prayer. It was obvious he was visibly    Palestinians, enabling you to thrive
       have met the president, both at his         moved.                                   and to prosper.”
       home and this year he came to visit            We then made our way to the
       us at our monastery, he is a charm-         Catholic Parish Church of the Nativ-     • Fr John Luke Gregory OFM, is a
       ing man. Sadly, shortly after his visit,    ity where the relic of the crib re-      member of Custodia Terrae
       his dear wife Nechama died, whom I          cently brought from Rome at the re-      Sanctae.
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The Catholic Universe        |   Friday 31st January 2020                                                                                                                                                    05

Bishop urges Ireland to use its vote in election
The Bishop of Kerry has urged every-      racy has served us well in the past       the national campaign and many            Ireland to have the opportunity to
one to cast his or her vote in next       decade, when you take into account        enjoy the media coverage. Most people     live a full life”.
week’s Irish General Election, while      both recovery from the collapse of        love the spectacle of the count, right       “Let us resolve to work together for
offering his best wishes to each of the   the Celtic Tiger and Britain’s decision   up to the last seat being filled. I en-   the common good of all, with a special
candidates.                               to leave the EU.                          courage every person to cast their        care for those in need,” he added.
   Ahead of the 2020 Irish General          “We have come through difficult         vote,” he said.                              Bishop Browne pointed out a num-
Election, which will be held on Sat-      times. In the Dáil and throughout the       The bishop also urged people to         ber of important challenges for voters
urday, 8th February, Bishop Ray           land the atmosphere has remained          respect the 160 representatives who       to consider, including a living wage
Browne pointed out that each candi-       quite healthy,” he said.                  will be elected to the 33rd Dail.         for all in work; the grave housing
date is doing something that is “vital      Speaking about the excitement and         “May the TDs elected serve us well      shortage and enabling all to have a
for democracy”.                           spectacle of the campaign and the         and may we in turn show them due          home; access to hospital care; the
   “Best wishes to each candidate put-    count itself, Bishop Browne urged         respect and appreciation,” he said.       needs of the farming community; and
ting their name forward to be elected     everyone to make sure they vote in          He said he hopes the election will      the urgent need to care for the envi-
to a seat in the Dáil. What each is       the election.                             provide everyone with “a renewed          ronment.                                    Photo: Valerie
doing is vital for democracy. There is      “Some people love the local cam-        sense that we are one united people       Right, The Bishop of Kerry, Ray             O’Sullivan, Irish
a need to appreciate that our democ-      paign, others are more interested in      and that we want everyone living in       Browne.                                     Bishops’ Conference.

All Ireland mourns Seamus                                                                                                                                                Bishop offers
                                                                                                                                                                         to mediate to
                                                                                                                                                                         end gang war
Mallon, ‘architect of peace’                                                                                                                                             By Sarah Mac Donald
                                                                                                                                                                         An Irish bishop has offered to mediate
                                                                                                                                                                         between feuding criminal gangs in
The head of the Catholic Church in                                                                                                                                       Drogheda in an effort to end violence
Ireland has spoken movingly of the                                                                                                                                       that has claimed three lives in six
role played by Seamus Mallon in build-                                                                                                                                   months.
ing peace in Northern Ireland, after                                                                                                                                        The intervention by the Auxiliary
the former Stormont deputy first min-                                                                                                                                    Bishop of Armagh, Michael Router,
ister died on Friday, 24th January,                                                                                                                                      follows the brutal murder of 17-year-
aged 83.                                                                                                                                                                 old Keane Mulready-Woods of Droghe-
   Colleagues of the nationalist SDLP                                                                                                                                    da in mid-January and the discovery
stalwart, including former leaders                                                                                                                                       of the teenager’s remains at two sep-
Mark Durkan and Margaret Ritchie,                                                                                                                                        arate locations in Dublin. The youth
and ex-first Ulster Unionist minister                                                                                                                                    was a junior member of one of
Lord (David) Trimble, attended the                                                                                                                                       Drogheda’s gangs. The gruesome dis-
service at St James’ Church near his                                                                                                                                     memberment of his body has shocked
home in Markethill in rural Co Ar-                                                                                                                                       the country.
magh.                                                                                                                                                                       In the wake of the teen’s killing,
   Current SDLP leader Colum East-                                                                                                                                       Bishop Router, said: “All human life is
wood and party colleagues helped                                                                                                                                         sacred, and an attack of this nature
carry his coffin into the small church                                                                                                                                   on someone who is still a child is dis-
as a local GAA club formed a guard of                                                                                                                                    gusting and beyond belief. This des-
honour at the door.                                                                                                                                                      ecration of life has diminished our
   Hundreds of mourners packed the                                                                                                                                       common humanity and our sense of
church and the adjacent church hall,                                                                                                                                     ourselves as a civilised people.”
where the service was broadcast.                                                                                                                                            “Something has to be done at this
   Northern Ireland’s current First and   The coffin of Seamus Mallon, the former deputy first minister of Northern                                                      stage to stop the violence,” Bishop
Deputy First Ministers Arlene Foster      Ireland, is carried to Saint James of Jerusalem Church in Mullaghbrack, Co                                                     Router said.
and Michelle O’Neill, Taoiseach Leo       Armagh. Inset, Seamus Mallon                Main photo: Liam McBurney/PA                                                          “Nothing is lost by talking. It was
Varadkar, Fianna Fail leader Micheal                                                                                                                                     the same in Northern Ireland; some-
Martin and Northern Ireland Secretary     Mallon was a shining example of           fishing reel, and some golf balls from                                               one had to shout halt at some stage
Julian Smith attended the service, as     someone who gives their life in a vo-     Co Donegal club Rossapenna.                                                          to stop the bombings and the shoot-
did Pat Hume, the wife of former SDLP     cation of service,” he said.                 SDLP deputy leader Nichola Mallon                                                 ings, and people had to swallow a lot
leader John.                                 “Seamus spoke with the authority       was among those who delivered read-                                                  of things in order to achieve that.”
   Former Taoisigh Bertie Ahern and       and vision that come from having          ings during the service.                                                                Drogheda is divided by the River
Enda Kenny were also present.             lived through the worst of the Troubles      Mr Mallon was a former teacher                                                    Boyne, which also demarcates the
   As Mr Mallon’s daughter, Orla,         and personally played a central role      who lived in Markethill, a largely                                                   Archdiocese of Armagh from the Dio-
watched on, the Archbishop of Ar-         in the landmark events of our peace       Protestant town, before becoming a                                                   cese of Meath. Parishes south of the
magh, Eamon Martin, hailed his con-       process.                                  politician.                                                                          river are under the care of the Bishop
tribution to the peace process.              “Seamus Mallon was unequivocally          He was deputy leader of the SDLP                                                  of Meath, Tom Deenihan. On 19th
   “Here was a loving father, husband,    anti-violence. Like (Seamus) Heaney,      from 1979 to 2001.                                                                   January, he attended a prayer service
brother and grandfather,” he said.        he saw the ongoing bloodshed of the          He was a key figure in negotiating                                                at Drogheda’s Holy Family Church,
“Here was a dedicated Catholic school     past as a waste of life and a waste of    the 1998 Good Friday Agreement and,       seminal time in the history of the is-     the dead teen’s parish. Bishop Deeni-
teacher and principal, a kindly and       spirit.                                   after his death, tributes were paid       land of Ireland,” he said.                 han was joined at the service by Mul-
attentive neighbour, a man of many           “He empathised from his heart with     from across the political divide.            Mr O’Connor hailed him as an out-       ready-Woods’ sister and brother as
talents who wasted none of them.          all those who were suffering and his         Mr Mallon implemented the new-         standing Irish parliamentary orator        the congregation lit candles and
   “Here was a wholesome human be-        consistent condemnation of violence       born political powersharing at the de-    ranking alongside the likes of Daniel      prayed for peace in their community.
ing who spent himself unselfishly for     from whatever source often left him       volved parliament at Stormont and         O’Connell and Charles Stewart Par-            Speaking after the service, Bishop
his family, his local community, his      open to insult and unfair criticism.      his former partner in government and      nell.                                      Deenihan warned that the feud “runs
country and for the common good.             “But his principles, rooted in a       ex-first minister Lord Trimble said he       “Seamus Mallon was a giant of his       the risk of degenerating into a cycle
   “Here was a peacemaker, a ‘bridge-     strong faith and in an unstinting com-    was a committed democrat who lived        time,” he said.                            of violence that will destroy everything
builder’, a leader, a statesman, and a    mitment to a culture of life, remained    up to his word.                              “That is why today, in this beautiful   in its path”.
faithful worker for the Kingdom of        steadfast in face of such opposition.”       At the close of the service, Mr Mal-   ceremony in this beautiful church, it         In mid-January, taxi driver John
God.”                                        Ahead of the funeral Mass, friends     lon’s long-time friend, Tim O’Connor,     is important that we take the oppor-       Myles was shot twice as gangland
   The archbishop said Mr Mallon had      and family members took gifts sym-        a former secretary-general to the Pres-   tunity to reflect on, and give thanks      criminals targeted his passenger, who
been determined to make a real dif-       bolising Mr Mallon’s life to the altar.   ident of Ireland, delivered a tribute.    for, the sacrifice, endurance, courage     was a member of a rival group. Bishop
ference and leave the world a better         They included the former SDLP             He described him as a “great chief-    and leadership of a man whose con-         Router said the shooting of an inno-
place than it was when he entered it.     deputy leader’s own memoir, his maid-     tain of Irish political life”.            tribution has meant a better life and      cent taxi driver has shown how ordi-
   “People sometimes speak of the         en speech in the House of Commons,           “The annals will record Seamus         future for every single one of us on       nary people can be caught up in “very
‘noble vocation of politics’ and Seamus   a photo of him with St John Paul II, a    Mallon as one of the key leaders of a     this island.”                              random” attacks.
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Alys with her
letter from
Sir David

Sir David’s
just great,
says Alys
A Catholic schoolgirl has been inspired
to be an advocate for a more sustain-
able planet after receiving an encour-
aging, unexpected letter from Sir David
   Passionate environmentalist Alys
Price-Jones, 10, admitted she was sur-
prised to receive the note of support
from the world-renowned natural his-
torian, who she considers “the greatest
living Englishman”, and vowed to
treasure the letter for the rest of her
   Alys, a pupil at Loreto Preparatory
School in Altrincham, Cheshire, sent

                                             If only unborn babies had
her project on the planet’s threatened
ecology with a letter of explanation
to Sir David Attenborough – and was
amazed to receive a handwritten reply
by return of post.

                                             the PR machine of the fox...
   Sir David wrote ‘Alys, Thank you for
letter. You are quite right to be angry
about the damage human beings are
inflicting on the Earth and I hope you
will do what you can and where you
can to help. Best Wishes, David At-
tenborough.’                                                                            struggling to eke out a living, and            Two weeks after Mr Maugham’s           Planned Parenthood, and to UK pro-
                                             CATHOLIC                                   anyone who has ever lived in the            unfortunate episode, new research         abortion networks. While his re-
   Alys, who lives in Sale, said: “I         COMMENT
couldn’t believe he could find time to                                                  country knows that the anthropo-            was published which has so far got        search doesn’t, incredibly, alter his
write to me. He’s is definitely the great-                                              morphised cuddly and benign Mr              very little traction in the media, but    opinion about the ethics of abortion
est living Englishman and someone            Caroline                                   Fox of the popular imagination, is in
                                                                                        reality a ruthless and savage killer,
                                                                                                                                    which ought to outrage us every sin-
                                                                                                                                    gle bit as the helpless fox tangled up
                                                                                                                                                                              as a valid choice, he says that the
                                                                                                                                                                              practice of not discussing foetal pain
that I and all my friends look up to
and respect. I will treasure this letter     Farrow                                     who will happily rip baby lambs out         in the wire, as this involves innocent    with pregnant women or discussing
for the rest of my life; my mum is                                                      of pregnant ewes for his sport.             baby humans. Whereas those in             the option of pain relief, ‘flirts with
going to get it framed.”                     On Boxing Day, lawyer Jolyon                  However, human beings have the           favour of abortion have always            moral recklessness’.
   Alys added: “It is up to everyone,        Maugham QC, who was regarded as            power of rational thinking and if an        sought to convince society that un-          As might be expected, all of the
young and old, to make a difference.         a hero by the Remain movement,             animal needs to be culled, there are        born babies are incapable of feeling      major UK abortion providers are
Protests are all well and good, but it       managed to throw away his popular-         plenty of ways to do it far more            pain, new scientific analysis has         frantically denying the validity of
is action we need – to reduce the use        ity with a series of ill-advised tweets.   quickly and humanely than repeated          demonstrated that babies might be         this research and claiming that
of plastic bags and bottles, use more           He had woken up early to the            blunt force trauma to the head.             able to feel pain as early as 13 weeks    nothing has changed, but it is utterly
renewable energy and reduce the              sound of his chickens making an               I was recently reflecting on what        in gestation.                             chilling when one considers that not
amount of red meat we all eat.               enormous din and suspected that            the Gospels have to say about care             Even more astonishing, the re-         only are a large number of unborn
   “I recycle now. I prefer to walk than     once again an intruder was attempt-        for the environment, thanks to the          search has not emanated from a            children having their lives unneces-
have mum and dad take me on short            ing to get at them.                        joys of the RE GCSE syllabus and            pro-life scientist, but rather a man      sarily terminated, but it is happen-
journeys and I am trying to eat more            Throwing on his wife’s kimono-          while Jesus was silent on the matter,       who supports abortion and who             ing in a way which causes them pain
plants, and we can all do the same. I        style dressing-gown, our illustrious       it’s very clear from Genesis that           wrote in the BMJ in 2006 that it was      and distress. It’s never acceptable to
am always on at my mum and dad               QC grabbed a baseball bat and              while we may have been gifted do-           sound practice to avoid talking with      take the life of another, but to know-
about this and to be fair, they are          rushed outside whereupon he found          minion over the animals, we are also        pregnant women about pain relief          ingly do so in a way which causes
taking it on board and agree with me.        a foxy predator entangled in the wire      stewards and this is not something          for the baby about to be aborted, be-     suffering is beyond callous and bor-
   “I wish there were more people like       fence. At this point he clubbed the        we should abuse. It’s perfectly possi-      cause there was no evidence that          ders on the psychopathic.
Sir David Attenborough and fewer             animal to death, after which he            ble and, indeed, advisable to cull an       these children could feel pain. There        Commenting on this story, Lord
like Donald Trump,” Alys added. “He          posted a series of tweets boasting         animal population which is getting          is sufficient evidence to suggest that    Alton noted that a Parliamentary re-
seems more concerned with politics,          about his actions.                         out of control, such as in the case of      the cortex of the brain – that’s the      view of abortion time limits is well
weaponry and getting himself re-elect-          His reputation was shredded             rabbits in Australia, who should            outer part of the brain which is          overdue, given that the last time this
ed than the future of the planet.”           within moments.                            never have been there in the first          wired up to feel pain – is fully devel-   was discussed was 12 years ago in
   Loreto Preparatory School head               It was yet another salutary lesson      place, but we don’t have to glorify in      oped by 18 weeks, and possibly even       2008, but the unpalatable fact is that
teacher Anne Roberts said: “Alys is a        about the perils of social media, as       the bloody massacre and infliction          earlier. One study demonstrates that      at least 6,000 abortions which take
very bright and compassionate girl           the response to his tweets showed          of pain on another living creature.         even patients who have a brain in-        place over the stage of 18 weeks, in-
and like all of our pupils is very con-      that public was clearly sickened by           What became known as ‘foxgate’           jury resulting in a severely damaged      cluding in some cases right up until
cerned about our planet’s.                   Maugham’s sadistic brutality and the       dominated headlines for days and            cortex, can feel pain; therefore, there   birth, are capable of causing pain to
   “Sir David must receive so many           way in which he appeared to derive         once again I was struck by how the          is no reason to assume that unborn        the baby as they die.
requests so all of us at Loreto Prepara-     great amusement from the incident.         nation seems to unite in outrage            babies cannot, especially as they re-        It’s just a shame that an unborn
tory School, pupils and teachers alike,         I hold no brief for foxes whatso-       over unnecessary suffering and cru-         spond to stimuli.                         baby doesn’t have the same cuteness
were delighted that he has recognised        ever; I know full well the devastation     elty inflicted on wildlife, yet is deter-      The author of the article, Stuart      value as a fox.
the excellence of Alys’ school project.      that they cause to the farming com-        minedly silent when it comes to the         Derbyshire, acts as a consultant to       • Caroline Farrow is a Catholic
What a wonderful man.”                       munity, many of whom are already           fate of unborn children.                    the USA’s largest abortion provider,      journalist and broadcaster
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                                           UK bribing Northern Ireland
                                           mums to have abortions
                                           Northern Ireland’s leading pro-life          for more funding for crisis pregnancy       source centres in Northern Ireland       Westminster Government, saying it
                                           group Precious Life has called for bet-      support.                                    despite these figures reaffirming that   created policies that “incentivised
                                           ter support for women in unplanned             “With Stormont back up and run-           there is a desperate need for such       women, often in the most difficult
                                           pregnancies, following the publication       ning, it is now imperative that the         funding.                                 situations, to go through with abor-
                                           of new Northern Ireland abortion sta-        Department of Health invest massive           “Surely in the year 2020, we can       tions, which many later live to regret
                                           tistics.                                     funding in crisis pregnancy resource        offer compassionate, humane and          and suffer the consequences of.
                                              The figures show a rise in the num-       centres to make sure that women are         progressive options for women as op-        “The British Government has be-

Mgr Philip to be                           bers of women from Northern Ireland
                                           travelling to Britain for abortions, up
                                                                                        given real help and all of their options.
                                                                                        Currently, there is absolutely no gov-
                                                                                                                                    posed to offering them the death of
                                                                                                                                    their baby.”
                                                                                                                                                                             trayed women with their policy of of-
                                                                                                                                                                             fering abortion free of charge, and
                                           22 per cent since the UK government          ernment funding for pregnancy re-             Ms Smyth was also critical of the      with travel expenses included.”
new rector of                              began paying for abortions in 2017.
                                              Bernadette Smyth, head of Precious          Bernadette Smyth pictured with
national shrine                            Life, said the rise in abortions is deeply
                                           troubling and further proof that preg-
                                                                                          fellow pro-life supporters
Mgr Canon Philip Moger is to become        nant women were being let down by
the next rector of the National Shrine     politicians.
of Our Lady of Walsingham in Norfolk.         “The statistics reveal a catastrophic
   Mgr Moger, currently the parish         failure of the Northern Ireland gov-
priest of St John Mary Vianney in          ernment, and society, when their re-
Leeds, will take up his new responsi-      sponse to women in unplanned preg-
bilities in September 2020.                nancies is only to offer the death of
   He replaces Mgr John Armitage,          their unborn children,” she said.
who has come to the end of his five-          “The absence of a functioning gov-
year term.                                 ernment for almost three years and
   The Bishop of Leeds, Marcus Stock,      the failure to provide life-affirming
admitted he is “reluctant” to see Mgr      alternatives for women has created a
Moger leave the diocese but expressed      dire and hopeless situation for mothers
his delight at his new appointment.        and unborn babies in Northern Ire-
   “I am delighted that we have a priest   land,” she said.
of such talent and ability leading one        “We need to provide hope, not abor-
of the Catholic Church’s important         tion to these women. Nothing is ever
national institutions,” said Bishop        made better by the death and de-
Stock, “but I know that Mgr Moger          struction of an unborn child. It is clear
will be sorry to leave the parish of St    that women are not being properly
John Mary Vianney in Leeds, only a         supported, and are subsequently
year after having taken up his             pressing a panic button.”
appointment there last summer.”               Ms Smyth also highlighted the need

Welsh parents’ dismay as                                                                                                              The Society of the Sacred Heart

they lose right to withdraw                                                                                                                                       Explore, listen,
children from sex ed classes                                                                                                                                         discover
Nick Benson
A national parents’ advocacy group
                                           extended to the appropriate role of
                                           the state in education on these matters
                                                                                        state. And critically, parents are being
                                                                                        denied their right to bring up their
                                                                                                                                                                   God’s call ...
has condemned the Welsh Govern-            and what and how learners will be            children in line with their own beliefs
ment’s decision to make Relationships
and Sexuality Education (RSE) a com-
                                           taught,” she added.
                                              Ms Williams said significant feed-
                                                                                        and values.”
                                                                                           Ms Tully said Safe at School will be
                                                                                                                                                Vocation Discernment
pulsory school subject in all schools
in Wales.
                                           back would be collected and trials
                                           undertaken before the new curriculum
                                                                                        supporting and advising parents in
                                                                                        Wales about what they can do to work                          Weekend
   From 2021, parents in Wales will        begins in September 2022.                    with schools to make sure that the
no longer be able to withdraw their
children from lessons on relationships
                                              Calling the decision a “fundamental
                                           breach of parental rights”, Safe at
                                                                                        new subject does not expose their
                                                                                        children to unacceptable and inap-
                                                                                                                                             Friday 28th February 5pm -
and sexuality.
   The Welsh Government began a
                                           School said that parents in Wales will
                                           be “powerless to protect their children”
                                                                                        propriate teaching.
                                                                                           She also warned that parents are
                                                                                                                                             Sunday 1st March 2020 2pm
project in October collecting feedback     from teaching on LGBT+ and other             also under attack from Ofsted.
on changing the curriculum to remove       sensitive matters.                              “Ofsted’s Chief Inspector, Amanda
                                                                                                                                                  216A Wingrove Road
                                              “This is a staggering move by the         Speilman, is now criticising the Gov-
the option for parents to stop children
studying Religious Education (RE) and      Welsh Government,” said Antonia              ernment for not doing enough to stop
                                                                                                                                         Fenham, Newcastle-upon-Tyne NE4 9DD
RSE, Education Minister Kirsty             Tully of the Safe at School campaign.        parents from protesting about teach-
Williams said in a statement.              “88.7 per cent of those who responded        ing on relationships which they find          For single Catholic women open to a possible call to religious
   “After careful consideration of the     to their own public consultation last        unacceptable,” she said.                      life.
responses, I can confirm that there        year said that parents should be able           ‘Parents are being turned into the
                                                                                                                                      A weekend retreat of prayer, discussion, reflection, community...
will not be a right to withdraw from       to withdraw their children from LGBT+        enemies of their children, as well as
RE and RSE as part of the new cur-         classes.                                     the state. If our governments were se-        a time to discern, to ask questions, to be with others on a
riculum. This change will require care-       “Once again, parents are being to-        rious about equipping children for            similar journey...
ful and sensitive implementation,”         tally ignored,” she continued. “The          life in 21st century, they would be
she said.                                  Welsh Government has effectively tak-        harnessing the support and active en-
                                                                                                                                      For further information contact Sr Barbara Sweeney:-
   The responses were varied and           en over the education of children and        gagement of parents.                          T: 0191 272 3000 Mob: 07752 300056
showed “strong and deeply held con-        teenagers in the sensitive and intimate         “Parents know and understand their         E:
cerns.                                     areas of human relationships and sex-        children best. Let them teach their
   “These went further than the ques-      uality.                                      own children about relationships and
tion of right to withdraw itself, and         “This is the task of parents, not the     sexuality.”                         
Thank you for subscribing to The Catholic Universe - Friday 31st January, 2020
08                                                                                                                                              For extra news go to

Comment                                                                                                                                         Follow the Catholic Universe on twitter @ukcatholicpress

 Aquinas: A
                                        Durham is proof we all need
                                        to move on from the past
 Battle                                 POLITICAL
 This week (28th January) saw the
 Church mark the feast-day of the
 great Dominican scholastic
 philosopher and theologian, St         Spence
 Thomas Aquinas.
    For centuries well respected for
 his intellect, Thomas Aquinas’s        Last month’s General Election was a
 legacy are his ‘Summa’, a cate-        watershed moment in the political
 chetical summary of our faith          geography of Great Britain. As
 built on his deep questioning and      dozens of former Labour stronghold
 his detailed scriptural ‘Commen-       seats fell across Wales, the Midlands
 taries’.                               and the North, that famed ‘red wall’
    For most of us today his works      of the party’s heartland constituen-
 are difficult reading and they do      cies was breached brick by brick.
 require good guides. Most                 Thousands upon thousands of
 Catholics, though, know him            voters, I’m sure many Universe read-
 through a handful of hymns: the        ers among them, thought about an-
 traditional O SalutarisHostia,         cestors spinning in their graves be-
 Pange Lingua and its short form,       fore entering the privacy of the
 Tantum Ergo Sacramentum                polling booth and putting their mark
 which featured at Benediction,         next to a Conservative tree emblem,
 while Fr Gerard Manley Hopkins’        perhaps for the very first time.
 translation of his poem Godhead           In my own village, a former min-
 here in hiding is still sung at Mass   ing community lost to the Tories in         Brass bands and banners parade
 today.                                 2010, I heard coalminers – veterans         through Durham during the Durham
    But it is St Thomas as a man of     of the 1984 dispute – say that Labour       Miners’ Gala.
 prayer and a guide to the spiritual    had lost them, that they would be
 life centred on faith in the Real      voting for ‘Boris’ to get Brexit done.      Photo: Owen Humphreys/PA
 Presence that is less remem-              It is truly astonishing to think how
 bered. In our Church’s Roman           times have changed.                       and preach from the balcony of the         a celebration of the history of mining             It is impossible to equate Thatcher’s
 Missal for Sundays are some               Arguably the most totemic of           County Hotel.                              and trade unionism or it is a rally for         Conservative Party of the 1980’s – a
 prayers before and after com-          Labour’s losses last month were in           It is a wonderful day and one intri-    the far left.                                   party that legislated for the homo-
 munion featuring two great po-         those former coalfields where pit         cately entangled with the history of          If it is the former then many,               phobic Section 28 – with the current
 ems by St Thomas Aquinas. The          gates have long since been closed         the trade union movement – a               many former coalminers just last                party which legislated for equal mar-
 first opens thus: ‘ Almighty and       and new industries and distribution       movement which historically saw it-        month voted for a Conservative gov-             riage. No matter your views on either
 ever-living God, I approach the        hubs have taken over.                     self as the enemies of Conservatism,       ernment; so did their families and              of those issues, no one could argue
 sacrament of your only beloved            Even for me the defeat of that         capitalism and, perhaps most of all,       loved ones – enough to elect four               that today’s Tory party is intellectu-
 Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. I come     great socialist warrior Dennis Skinner    Margaret Thatcher.                         Tory MPs in Durham. In fact, polling            ally in the same place as the one of
 sick to the doctor of life, unclean    in his Bolsover fiefdom tugged at the        Despite the Tories’ victories, then,    carried out on the run up to the                40 years ago.
 to the fountain of mercy, blind to     heartstrings; a political pugilist tak-   perhaps it came as little surprise         General Election showed that across                But let’s put politics to one side.
 the radiance of eternal life and       ing one fight too many with, per-         that last week, when asked whether         the country just 35 per cent of mem-            Most people simply do not care
 poor and needy to the Lord of          haps, the inevitable result.              the region’s new Conservative MPs          bers of Unite – the largest trade               about that old tribal hatred anymore.
 heaven and earth.                         In the North seat after seat turned    from the now majority Tory County          union – planned to vote Labour.                    A few years ago my local council
    ‘Lord, in your generosity, heal     blue on the electoral map: Barrow         of Durham would be welcome at the             If it is the latter then, frankly, I can’t   asked me, a Conservative, if I would
 my sickness, wash away my de-          and Furness, Blackpool South, Blyth       gala, Alan Mardghum, president of          see any reason why a Conservative               be prepared to take over as Chair of
 filement, enlighten my blindness,      Valley, Bolton North East, Burnley        the Durham Miners Association, was         MP would want to attend either.                 Trustees at my village’s Miners Wel-
 enrich my poverty and clothe my        and Bury’s North and South. And           less than welcoming.                          But in truth, for most people, the           fare centre. For various reasons the
 nakedness.                             that’s just the Bs.                          In an interview with a regional         history of the pits is why they are             charity had hit hard times and I un-
    ‘May I receive the sacrament of        And up in the North East, in           BBC reporter Mardghum said: “To            there.                                          hesitatingly said yes.
 the Lord’s body and blood and its      County Durham, four of the seven          paraphrase (Boris) Johnson, I would           You see, most people don’t have                 In the years that followed not one
 reality and power’.                    parliamentary constituencies turned       rather be found dead in a ditch than       the hatred for the Conservatives that           single person has questioned why a
    His parallel prayer after com-      blue, including the defeat of             invite them, or Johnson, to the gala.      Mr Mardghum and his socialist                   Conservative is managing a Miners
 munion includes the words ‘May         Labour’s rising star Laura Pidcock in        He continued: “They [the Conser-        comrades do.                                    Welfare. It just isn’t an issue. It’s peo-
 this holy communion... be a hel-       Durham North West; had she been           vaties] did their best to absolutely          This year marks 30 years since Mrs           ple from a village mucking in and
 met of faith and a shield of good      returned as an MP she would almost        destroy the Durham miners and the          Thatcher left Downing Street; 35                working together because we are
 will, may it purify me from evil       certainly be playing a major role in      miners of Great Britain.”                  years since the end of the miners’              more than one label.
 ways and put an end to my evil         the current leadership race.                 And, perhaps more ominously, on         strike. Mrs T has moved firmly from                I don’t know if Mr Mardghum
 passions.                                 In many ways the loss of those         the subject of what would happen if        the section marked ‘current affairs’            reads the Catholic Universe, I hope
    ‘May it bring me charity and        four seats in County Durham is the        Conservative MPs did attend,               to one marked ‘history’. There are lit-         he does, but I would love to tell him
 patience, humility and obedience       most symbolic of all in Labour’s de-      Mardghum said “Can I stop them             erally people who are now grandpar-             that Conservatives don’t hate trade
 and growth in the power to do          feat. Bishop Auckland and Durham          coming to Durham? It’s a free country      ents who were not born when the                 unions – in many ways, unions do a
 good’.                                 North West had both been rock solid       … but I would suggest that if any of       miners’ strike ended.                           remarkable job helping their mem-
    Both prayers (each a page long)     Labour since 1935, likewise Sedge-        them are thinking of coming in, that          There comes a time when we all               bers when they hit hard times.
 are power packs of deep faith          field had for many years been the         they speak to the police, who do an        need to move on. It may be hard to                 The truth is, Conservatives are our
 sentences.                             constituency of Tony Blair – Labour’s     absolutely marvellous job of ensur-        do but it is essential, for our own             friends and neighbours who care as
    For St Thomas, contemplation        most successful ever leader.              ing all of our personal security.          wellbeing, that we do it.                       passionately about their communi-
 was the source of his work. As the        It was especially poignant because        “So, they might need to speak to           There had to be a time when, as a            ties as anyone.
 Wisdom scripture reading on his        every year, on the second Saturday        the police to make sure that they’re       nation, we moved on from our post-                 The time has come to move on. So
 feast day reminds us, ‘I prayed        of July, Durham hosts the largest an-     safe on the day.”                          war hatred of Germany; a time when              the message to Durham is invite
 and understanding was given’.          nual gathering of trade unionists in         Now, let us put to one side for a       Stan Boardman and Freddie Starr’s               your local Conservative MPs to the
    For more on this remarkable         Britain, the Durham Miners’ Gala.         minute the rather unsavoury sug-           jokes about the ‘Germans’ ceased to             Big Meeting.
 man and to capture the essence            Around 100,000 people congre-          gestion that any Conservative MP           be current.                                        I’m sure they will enjoy it, and you
 of his spirutality and scripture,      gate for ‘The Big Meeting’. Historic      attending may need police protection          That same time has come for                  might find they’re nicer than you
 perhaps try the very accessible        trade union banners are processed         for their safety, and let’s focus on the   those who hate Margaret Thatcher, it            might imagine.
 Aquinas at Prayer by Paul Murray       through the streets; brass bands play     here and now.                              has come because as a nation we                 Leon is a writer, political
 OP (Bloomsbury 2013).                  and speakers and luminaries gather           The Durham Miners’ Gala is either       have moved on.                                  commentator and charity trustee
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