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Friday 28th February 2020 £1.50 €2.00 Since 1860 kEEpINg WORLD SEEkS TO FIND ANSWERS AS vIRUS FAITH IN THE bRINgS FEAR INTO EUROpE, MIDDLE EAST 16 NEWS DANA’S STATIONS OF THE CROSS TO LEAD LENTEN MUSIC SHOW page 3 L’Arche shocked as beloved founder’s secret life exposed Report finds Jean Vanier had ‘manipulative relations’ with women he met through charity Philippe Vaillancourt preventing abuse and thus to improve and Nick Benson our own current policies and practices’. Jean Vanier, founder of the ecumenical In particular, the organisation wanted L’Arche communities which provide to shed light on the environment sur- group homes and spiritual support rounding Fr Thomas Philippe, Vanier’s for people with intellectual disabilities, spiritual director, who had sexually used his status to have ‘manipulative’ abused adult women who were not sexual relationships with at least six disabled; the organisation learnt about women, an internal investigation com- it in 2015, 22 years after the priest’s missioned by the organisation has death. concluded. In a Church trial in the 1950s, the The investigation reports ‘sincere priest was banned from exercising and consistent testimony covering any public or private ministry. the period 1970-2005’ from six adults, The alleged acts with Vanier took none of whom had disabilities. place in Trosly-Breuil, France, where The women report Vanier initiated L’Arche was founded in 1964 and sexual relations with them. Vanier, where Fr Philippe and Vanier lived al- who died in 2019, asked the women most permanently until their deaths. to keep their relations secret. All the testimonies mention the same The report says the women reported procedure: The women received an similar facts, although they did not invitation to go to Vanier’s room, under know each other or about their parallel the pretext of receiving spiritual di- histories. rection, before Vanier asked them for L’Arche International promised ‘a sex. thorough and independent investi- In a letter addressed to members gation’ in order ‘to better understand of L’Arche communities around the our history, to improve our work in world, which was released on Tuesday but leaked to the media early, Stephan Posner and Stacy Cates-Carney, re- spectively international officer and vice international officer, presented the main conclusions of an investi- Jean Vanier was revered within the Church for his work with disabled gation entrusted to the British con- communities around the world sulting firm GCPS Consulting. Photo: Jean Vanier Association Continued on page 2 See page 11 for ways to purchase
02 For extra news go to News Follow the Catholic Universe on twitter @ukcatholicpress Archbishop issues plea Jesuits latest to divest from fossil fuels for suffering Christians The Jesuits in Britain have announced they are divesting from companies whose major income is from the ex- traction of fossil fuels, making them the largest Catholic religious order in Helping persecuted Christians ‘is not somebody else’s business: it’s our business’ the UK so far to join the global di- John Pontifex never be complacent about this. It is day for the persecuted Church; vestment movement. Southwark’s archbishop has made an not somebody else’s business: it is • Share the latest news and facts The Jesuits in Britain have equity urgent call for action to support per- our business. about persecution; investments of about £400 million of secuted Christians, saying helping “It has a claim on our hearts as • Ensure their parish communities assets under the management of three them “is not somebody else’s business: Catholics, as Christians.” are taking action to help through equity fund managers and will be fully it’s our business”. The archbishop went on: “I want prayer and giving. divested by the end of 2020. Speaking last week at a Mass at the to thank Aid to the Church in Need – The archbishop said: “There is the Fr Damian Howard SJ, the provincial Church of Our Lady of the Rosary, and all those who support and work solidarity of our prayers and there is superior of the British Jesuits, said: Sutton, Surrey, Archbishop John Wilson the solidarity of our words and thirdly “Climate change is the most pressing spoke out against complacency in the ‘Persecution of Christians is so there is the solidarity of our financial challenge the world faces and the de- face of persistent reports of anti-Chris- frequent that we are now used support.” cision to divest is principally a re- tian persecution. to it. It has become acceptable The archbishop added: “We, who sponse to the clear moral imperative The Mass took place ahead of the for Christians to be have the freedom to practise our faith, of acting to safeguard our planet for archbishop’s visit to the Sutton-based must act in support of those who do future generations at a time when sci- UK national offices of Aid to the persecuted for their faith. not have such freedoms. It is not an entific evidence is mounting that we Church in Need and in his homily It is not acceptable...’ option, it is a necessity; it is something are facing a grave climate emergency. Archbishop Wilson praised the Archbishop Wilson we must do.” “We need to act together to protect Catholic charity for its work supporting Welcoming the archbishop to the the conditions for human life. I am suffering Christians. for it – because you put before the church was parish priest Fr Jim glad that the Jesuits can contribute The archbishop said persecution world, to our individual churches and McGillicuddy and present were ACN to that joint effort. of Christians “is so frequent that we governments, the importance of stand- (UK) national director Neville Kyrke- “Our institutions need to take bold are now used to it. It has become ac- Archbishop John Wilson at the ing up and speaking up for the free- Smith, chaplain Fr Dominic Robinson, action to reduce energy use and switch ceptable for Christians to be perse- Church of Our Lady of the Rosary, dom to believe, to gather for worship, members of the UK board of directors, to renewable sources. Large-scale in- cuted for their faith. It is not accept- Sutton, Surrey to be able to live and act without suf- staff and volunteers. vestors should be doing everything able.” Photo: Aid to the Church in Need fering persecution.” After refreshments in the parish possible to help avert the severe con- “It is not acceptable that people And, in a church packed with parish- hall, Archbishop Wilson was welcomed sequences that could result.” should be brought before the court, if we do not speak up nobody else ioners and supporters of ACN, he to the nearby ACN (UK) national of- The decision aligns the Jesuits in brought before the militia for what will.” called on everyone to take three steps fices where he led the Angelus before Britain with a global movement of di- they believe. He said: “Solidarity with persecuted to help suffering Christians: receiving a briefing about the charity vesting institutions with a combined “Freedom to believe is essential and Christians is in our hearts. We should • Pray a decade of the Rosary every and its present project priorities. value of more than $14 trillion. Memo from CAFOD L’Arche in shock after Family Fast Day: Your love in her hands report’s revelations “The people who come to Continued from page 1 “We commend L’Arche International We are in the process of rolling out a this centre are the poorest GCPS Consulting specialises in in- for undertaking this inquiry. We whole- new 15-point plan to ensure we are people,” Sr Consilia tells vestigating situations involving chil- heartedly agree with their wishes that doing everything we can to support us. dren or vulnerable persons, and mem- we act with full transparency. all of our assistants to feel safe and “Sometimes they don’t bers of L’Arche were informed last “To this end we are publishing a heard. have enough to buy baby June that such a process had begun. summary of the GCPS inquiry on our “While we process this extremely clothes or food for The investigation reveals the depth website. We are reassured that the in- upsetting news, we remain united in themselves.” of the relationship between Vanier quiry did not reveal any evidence that our mission to build a world where Sr Consilia runs a mission and Fr Philippe and says Vanier lied Jean Vanier harmed people with learn- we celebrate the unique gifts of every hospital in a remote part when he claimed he was unaware of ing disabilities in any way, although individual,” Ms Treisman added. of Gokwe, Zimbabwe. Up to the canonical sanctions against his this does not diminish the gravity of “Here in the UK we will continue 160 mothers are under mentor. the findings, of course .” to build community with people with her care. Shockingly, some Loren Treisman, CEO of L’Arche in Ms Treisman acknowledged that learning disabilities and in doing so, of these pregnant mothers the UK, said the UK branch is “thor- while the historic events did not occur create places of belonging where some have walked up to nine oughly shocked and saddened” by in the UK, “they affect us deeply”. of the most vulnerable people can miles to arrive here. the news. Noting that Vanier was “an “I want to reassure you that since lead full lives and contribute to soci- Sr Consilia is a trained Sr Consilia admired figure”, she acknowledged taking up my role in October 2019 as ety.” pharmacist. She provides that the findings of the report would CEO for L’Arche in the UK, ensuring There are 10 L’Arche communities medication, conducts check-ups and gives advice to pregnant “cause pain for many”. the wellbeing and safety of our mem- and one project in the UK. All of the mothers who are admitted to the hospital. She has worked with us “We unreservedly condemn Jean bers has been and will continue to services in England have been rated to set up a water supply and vegetable garden, so mothers can Vanier’s actions,” she said. “They are be, one of my personal priorities. outstanding or good by the Care Qual- feed themselves without leaving the hospital grounds. in total contradiction to the values “We have comprehensive safeguard- ity Commission, indicating that they Sr Consilia is unyielding in her resolve to help others. that he claimed and are contrary to ing procedures in place to ensure our are safe, caring, effective, responsive Miraculously, given the circumstances of the hospital, not one the fundamental principles of our or- members with learning disabilities and well-led. mother or child in Sr Consilia’s care has died this year. ganisation, which affirm the unique are protected from any abuse or harm Services in Scotland are rated good This Family Fast Day you can support Sr Consilia continue her value in every person.” within or beyond our communities. or very good. tireless work. Eat a simple meal, like soup, and donate the money Ms Treisman said that L’Arche in “While we process this extremely upsetting news, you save. You make a genuine difference. the UK wants to “acknowledge and we remain united in our mission to build a world thank the victims for their courage Visit to find out more. where we celebrate the unique gifts of every CAFOD, Romero House, 55 Westminster Bridge Rd, London SE1 7JB and express our heartfelt regret for individual ... here in the UK we will continue to Tel: 020 7733 7900 • Email: • Web: the trauma they had to endure”. “We are devastated that our founder build community with people with learning disabilities and in doing so, create places of abused his position of power and belonging where some of the most vulnerable caused deep hurt to some of his vic- people can lead full lives and contribute to society.” tims.
The Catholic Universe | Friday 28th February 2020 03 To advertise in The Catholic Universe contact Andrea Black on 0161 820 5722 or email News Cadbury /NT Dana’s Stations of to drop Easter the Cross to lead egg hunts The National Trust and Cadbury have announced that they are ending their Lenten music show Great Catholic Music, a free Catholic music they will be praying the stations with thou- controversial joint Easter egg hunts after this year. The activity was the topic of criticism in 2017, when the organisations dropped the word ‘East- platform with over 16,000 downloads, is part- sands of others from around the world. er’ from the egg hunts. nering with Irish Catholic recording artist “Great Catholic Music has as its goal unit- The partnership also faced contro- Dana this Lent to bring listeners an hour-long ing all people in Christ through the melodies versy over claims the confectionery programme, entitled The Stations of the for the soul,” the station said. “In Stations, Fr giant used unsustainable palm oil in Cross. Kevin Scallon’s soothing voice and Dana’s its products. The programme, which will air every Friday haunting sung prayers give a clear mental A spokesman for the National Trust of Lent, will consist of spoken reflection and picture of each station. Each time you hear it, said this year’s Easter hunts with Cad- prayer accompanied by music sung by Dana. you will walk alongside Jesus on his final bury would go ahead as planned. Listeners can hear the programme at Great- journey to Calvary.” He said: “However, now is the time, on Alexa devices or on Great Catholic Music was formed in 2019 for change as we look to increase our the outlet’s free mobile app for Android and by Living Bread Radio in the USA, to help emphasis on nature and the outdoors. Apple devices. Catholics learn more about the music tradi- “To reflect that in our Easter activi- “This recording of The Stations of the Cross tion of the Church. The platform allows lis- ties, from next year we will be making will help you meditate deeply on Jesus’ pas- teners from anywhere in the world to stream chocolate less of a focus. sion, death and Resurrection. The use of the Catholic music that can be used for praise “For this reason, it is the right time harp, beautiful prayerful vocals, and added and worship or meditative prayer. for us to end a partnership associated effects provide the contemplative back- Great Catholic Music’s Lent pro- so uniquely with chocolate.” ground music,” said Dana. gramme can be streamed A spokesman for Cadbury said the She made the album with her brother-in- online at GreatCatholic- company and the Trust had come to law, the late Fr Kevin Scallon, to allow, on the app a mutual decision to end the “won- Catholics “a chance to walk with Christ”. available on Apple and An- derful” partnership. “We could not think of a better programme droid devices, or through Children’s Food Campaign co-or- to help our listeners prepare for Easter than smartspeaker technology, dinator Barbara Crowther welcomed Dana’s The Stations of the Cross,” said Chris such as Alexa. the move, saying: “We’re really pleased Cugini, spokesperson for Great Catholic The Stations of the Cross the National Trust wants to make Music. “The stations are one of the most will air in the UK at 11am chocolate less of a focus for its Easter sacred prayers for Catholics to reflect upon and 8pm every Friday and activity. There are so many healthy, during the Lenten season.” 2am every Saturday fun and active ways for children to As listeners tune in to Dana’s programme, during Lent. explore National Trust properties that don’t involve lots of sugary treats.” Church urges faithful to help HOLY SPIRIT SISTERS NEED WATER HARVESTING SYSTEM FOR VILLAGE SCHOOL EU friends remain in the UK In a remote area of India, close to the border with Myanmar, the Holy Spirit Sisters run a village school for Bishops across England and Wales are citizens who have made their homes children unable to travel to calling on Catholics to make sure their the parish centre, which is 33 here. They are a valued part of our kilometres distance away. At European friends, relatives and fellow parishes, schools and communities.’ present the school has 220 parishioners are aware of the Settle- Poles constitute the largest group pupils, most of whom come ment Scheme, so that they can secure of EU migrants to the United Kingdom, from deprived families, living their rights post-Brexit. and the majority of them are Catholics. by subsistence farming and The United Kingdom left the EU Large numbers have also migrated struggling to make ends on 31st January following a June 2016 from Romania and Bulgaria. meet. The only source of water in the village is rain water and a nearby stream, as referendum on membership of the The Government has consistently the land is not suitable for a well, or bore-hole. The Holy Cross Fathers, who are in now 27-member bloc. maintained the position that all EU charge of the parish, have appealed to The Little Way Association for financial help Although the exit agreement will migrants living and working in Britain to install a rain water harvesting system for the Sisters and their village school. not be finalised before the end of 2020 before the official departure date of Can you help The Little Way Association make at the earliest, the Government has 31st January will be allowed to stay if a big difference in the daily lives of the Holy Spirit stated that it requires EU, EEA or Swiss they register. Sisters and the children they teach? citizens who have made their homes The Government hopes the EU will A source of clean water is vital for the health and well-being of any community, in the UK to apply to the EU Settle- accord the same rights to British citi- large or small. Can you help The Little Way Association to assist those who do ment Scheme online by 30th June zens who have moved to Europe, in- not have access to clean, safe water? 2021, if they wish to remain in the ‘The Church stands in solidarity cluding more than 200,000 people with all European citizens who We have new requests for grants to fund UK. Irish nationals are exempt from who have migrated to Spain, often water projects every week. the scheme. have made their homes here. They with the intention of spending their are a valued part of our parishes, Any donation you send will be forwarded The Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster, retirement there. without deduction and gratefully received. The Little Way schools and communities.’ Association Paul McAleenan, recently wrote to After free movement between the fellow bishops to express concern that ‘In many cases their main point of UK and the EU ends on 31st Decem- Crossed POs and cheques should be sent and made about a quarter of the 3.6 million EU contact with society will be through ber, EU citizens will require a visa if payable to: THE LITTLE WAY ASSOCIATION nationals living in the UK ‘have not the Church,’ he said, inviting the bish- they wish to move to the UK, and Sacred Heart House, 119 Cedars Rd, Clapham Common, yet made an application, leaving them ops to raise awareness about the low-skilled workers will find it difficult “Our Lord does not London SW4 0PR (Registered Charity No. 235703) U/28/02 at risk of losing their right to live, scheme by encouraging all parishes to obtain them as the Government look so much Tel. 020 7622 0466. work and access services here’. to place items in their newsletters. moves to end the reliance of UK firms at the greatness I enclose £ be allocated for:- ‘We are particularly concerned The items should ask Catholics to on cheap foreign labour. of our actions, but at the love £............. CLEAN, SAFE WATER about older and vulnerable people bring the application to the attention The deadline for applications is £............. NEEDY CHILDREN who may struggle to navigate the of their European friends, family mem- 30th June 2021. Details and links to at which we £............. MASS STIPENDS (please state no. ) Please tick if you would process, require assistance with the bers and work colleagues, and it pro- the application process can be found do them.” £............. LITTLE WAY ADMIN. EXPENSES like an acknowledgement online application or not even know at: - St Thérèse vides information about how it can Name (Rev. Mr. Mrs. Miss) that their status is at risk,’ wrote Bishop be accessed. Information on assistance for those You and your intentions (Block letters please) McAleenan, lead bishop for migration who may have difficulty applying is are remembered in a daily Address Bishop McAleenan added: ‘The Mass offered in the and asylum of the Bishops’ Conference Catholic Church in England and Wales available at: Missions for all our friends of England and Wales. stands in solidarity with all European settlement-scheme. and benefactors. To donate online go to:
04 For extra news go to News Like us on facebook - search Catholic Universe Newspaper Mosque attack ‘hits at heart of what is sacred’ Nick Benson The attack on a Muslim prayer leader at a London mosque “strikes at the heart of all that we hold to be sacred”, a Catholic bishop has said. The auxiliary Bishop of Westminster, Paul McAleenan, condemned last week’s knife attack at London Central Mosque in Regent’s Park, in which a knifeman stabbed muezzin Raafat Maglad in the back as he was leading the call to prayer. Mr Maglad, who is in his 70s, was rushed to hospital following the attack on Thursday, 20th February but re- turned to the mosque less than 24 hours later for Friday prayers. He was left with a “very deep cut” to his neck but said he forgives his attacker. Bishop McAleenan said he was re- lieved that Mr Maglad’s injuries were not life threatening and voiced his hope that the attack would not stop any Muslims from attending and pray- ing at the mosque. “We rejoice that the muezzin was not seriously injured in the attack in London Central Mosque,” Bishop McAleenan told The Catholic Universe. “We pray that he will make a full and complete recovery and resume his honourable task of calling others to prayer. “This particular incident strikes at the heart of all that we hold to be sa- cred, it was a violation of a person while in a dedicated place, a place set apart for the worship of God. “May all those who assemble in London Central Mosque continue their sincere and humble prayer know- ing that the vast majority of people stand with them against violence and Stab victim prayer leader “What we are seeing now is defi- wish them well.” Raafat Maglad talks to police at nitely a change in behaviour – women Mr Maglad, who is originally from the London Central Mosque, have stopped going and some children Sudan, said he had seen the attacker near Regent's Park, north too, they have been advised by the previously worshipping at the mosque. London menfolk not to come to prayer in the With his right arm in a sling and a Photo: Kirsty O'Connor/PA Wire evenings and to worship at home in- bandage over his wound, Mr Maglad stead, because there are concerns told reporters: “I forgive him. I feel about being attacked at prayer or on very sorry for him.” Dubayan said “everybody is worried” the way to the mosques. He added: “What is done is done, since the incident, which took place “People are looking over their shoul- he is not going to return.” at a mosque that attracts around 2,000 ders, 100 per cent.” Recalling the attack, Mr Maglad people every Friday for midday The mayor said there was a height- said: “He hit me. I just felt blood flow- prayers. ened police presence on Friday 21st ing from my neck and that’s it, they “These kind of attacks sometimes February to provide reassurance and rushed me to the hospital. Everything are copied by some people and that’s prevent copycat attacks. happened all of a sudden.” why we are worried,” he said. He said: “I spoke to the deputy com- Mr Maglad, who has been the He said those in charge will “evalu- missioner today, he’s reassured me muezzin for 30 years, said that as a ate” the level of security at the mosque, that across London there is an in- Muslim he does not hold any hatred which already has CCTV cameras op- creased police presence today, not in his heart and that it was “very im- erating 24 hours a day. because we have any intelligence at portant” for him to attend Friday “We learn from anything that hap- all about the risk of any attacks, there's prayers. pens, either here or anywhere else, no heightened risk. But it’s for reas- “If I miss it, I just miss something trying to be better for the next thing. surance and also to avoid any so- very important. It is very important I hope there will be no next,” he added. called copycat attacks as well.” for us as Muslims,” he added. Shaukat Warraich, chief executive Daniel Horton, a 29-year-old home- Mayor of London Sadiq Khan of non-theological group Faith Asso- less man, has appeared in court praised Mr Maglad after meeting him ciates, said Muslim worshippers are charged with stabbing Mr Maglad. He as he attended Friday prayers. now “looking over their shoulders” as is accused of grievous bodily harm “He was keen to return to the they come to prayer. and possession of a bladed article. mosque and he is quite clear he is He said: “Regent’s Park is the most Horton, who the court heard had not going to allow this attack to stop iconic mosque in London because of been sleeping rough since last year, him going about his business,” he its size and location, but it is probably was remanded in custody by District said. also the most secure in terms of re- Judge Nina Tempia to appear at South- The stabbing, following a string of sources and manpower. wark Crown Court on 20th March. He attacks on places of worship around “But, generally, mosques are soft was said to have been a regular at- the world, has prompted safety fears. targets. Most don’t have any security tendee at the mosque for some Director General Dr Ahmad Al apart from some CCTV. months prior to the attack.
The Catholic Universe | Friday 28th February 2020 05 News Don’t screen Second in RE me out says Nicholas Breakspear Catholic School Colney Heath Lane, St Albans,Hertfordshire, AL4 0TT campaigner To start: Easter/May/September 2020 Grade: MPS/UPS depending on experience + TLR 2b Contract: Permanent Hours: Full Time or Part Time (4 days per week 0.8) Closing date: 9th March 2020 at midday A woman with Down Syndrome has Interviews: Please note that interviews may take place before the closing date so early applications launched a landmark case against the are encouraged. UK Government over its abortion law, Nicholas Breakspear is a vibrant, nurturing and ambitious school. Situated on the outskirts of St Albans the school benefits which allows for abortions up to birth from large spacious grounds and close links to London. This role provides an excellent opportunity for someone to join a for babies with the condition. school which values inclusivity and kindness and which allows children to flourish and grow in confidence. The 2019 GCSE Heidi Crowter, 24, from Coventry, results place the school in the top 10% of schools nationally. has joined forces with Cheryl Bilsbor- row from Preston, whose two-year- We are looking for an inspirational teacher of Religious Education to help lead a committed and friendly team to inspire old son Hector also has Down Syn- students of all abilities to achieve their highest possible levels of attainment. The successful candidate will: drome, and the pair intend to pursue • Be committed to and willing to contribute to the Catholic Ethos and values of the school a judicial review against the current • Be well qualified, enthusiastic and dedicated to Religious Education abortion law, which they say is dis- • Have a vision for what outstanding teaching and learning should look like and be committed to using a range of criminatory. innovative teaching and learning strategies Currently in England, Wales and • Be able to communicate effectively with all staff, students and parents Scotland, there is a general 24-week time limit for abortion, but if the baby Nicholas Breakspear is a member of the Diocese of Westminster Academy Trust. We work together with the other has a disability, including Down Syn- schools in the trust to share best practice and to promote the development of staff and students. DOWAT is recognised drome, cleft lip and club foot, abortion as one of the top 10 academy trusts in the country. is legal right up to birth. Ms Crowter said: “At the moment, We welcome visits from prospective staff. If you would like an informal conversation about the post before applying, babies can be aborted right up to please contact Miss Emma Westbury, Head of R.E. at birth if they are considered to be ‘se- To apply please visit: riously handicapped’. They include me in that definition – just because I Nicholas Breakspear Catholic School is committed to safeguarding, actively promoting British values and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. We are committed to the development of community have an extra chromosome! Can you cohesion and the prevention of extremism and radicalisation. All staff will be required to have an enhanced DBS Check. All staff are required believe that? to have the ability to work in a way that promotes the safety and wellbeing of young children. Heidi Crowter “What it says to me is that my life Photo: Heidi Crowter/PA just isn’t as valuable as others, and I think it’s downright discrimination!” There were 3,269 disability-selective of disability and should consider re- abortions in 2018 and 618 of these pealing section 1(1)(d) of the Abortion were for Down Syndrome. This rep- Act which allows for it. resents a 42 per cent increase in abor- Disabled peer Lord Shinkwin had tion for Down Syndrome in the last a Bill in the House of Lords that would 10 years with figures rising from 436 have repealed section the Abortion in 2008. The figures are likely to be Act – the Bill, but it ran out of time. much higher – a 2013 review showed The proposed framework for abor- 886 foetuses were aborted for Down tion in Northern Ireland would allow Syndrome in England and Wales in abortion up to birth for disabilities. 2010 but only 482 were reported in Polling has shown that the majority Department of Health records. The of people in England, Wales and Scot- underreporting was confirmed by a land feel that disability should not be 2014 Department of Health review. a grounds for abortion at all, with The UN Committee on the Rights only one in three people thinking it is of Persons with Disabilities has criti- acceptable to ban abortion for gender cised countries that provide for abor- or race but allow it for disability. tion on the basis of disability. Ms Crowter and her legal team have Its most recent recommendation set up a CrowdJustice crowdfunding called for a change to the abortion page to help raise the initial £20,000 law on disability so that it does not to start legal proceedings, pay for legal single out babies with disabilities. The advice and prepare for the case. Government has decided to ignore It is being backed by actress and this recommendation. comedian Sally Phillips, whose son The Equality and Human Rights Ollie has Down Syndrome, and cam- Commission has called the Abortion paign group Don’t Screen Us Out. Act ‘offensive to many people; it rein- Ms Phillips said: “Given advances forces negative stereotypes of disabil- in medical care and quality of life for ity…[and] is incompatible with valuing people with Down Syndrome, the dif- disability and non-disability equally’. ferent right to life is beginning to look Ms Crowter said: “The Government not just dated but barbaric.” decided to ignore the UN recommen- Lynn Murray, spokesperson for Don’t dations and didn’t change the law. So Screen Us Out, said: “By stating that now, I am going to take the Govern- disability is grounds for termination, ment to court to make sure that people section 1(1)(d) of the Abortion Act, aren’t treated differently because of promotes inequality. It would be totally their disabilities.” condemned if a country’s abortion The 2013 Parliamentary Inquiry into laws singled out babies on the ground Abortion for Disability found the vast of gender or skin colour, but because majority of those who gave evidence it’s a disability such as Down Syn- believed allowing abortion up to birth drome, that’s somehow okay?” on the grounds of disability is dis- This is inequality, sanctioned, spon- criminatory. The Inquiry recommend- sored and funded by the state.” ed Parliament reviews the question See: /case/ of allowing abortion on the grounds downrightdiscrimination/
06 For extra news go to News National Trust still in dark over plans to save Chesterton’s home Nick Benson Lord David Alton of Liver- told The Catholic Universe members, and sadly we cannot save “And finally, a property should be – The National Trust has revealed that it pool has condemned plans : “We have not been ap- everything at risk,” a spokesman for and should remain – financially self- has not yet been approached directly to demolish Chesterton’s for- proached formally to take the National Trust told The Catholic supporting. to get involved in the acquisition of the mer home in Beaconsfield, on this property. As one of Universe. “Our decisions are made on “Without a formal request to take former home of famed Catholic author branding them an “act of un- the country’s largest con- whether a place is of national impor- on this building, it is difficult to judge and theologian G.K. Chesterton. pardonable cultural vandal- servation organisations, the tance for outstanding natural beauty, whether G.K. Chesterton’s former The conservation charity said it re- ism”. The Catholic peer sug- National Trust receives natural interest or historic interest; it home would meet the criteria for ac- ceives many calls to save heritage gested that conservation char- many calls to step in and has to be of benefit to the nation for quisition.” sites and countryside areas that are ities could step in to save the save heritage and country- future generations; normally a prop- Lord Alton previously suggested under threat, but as it remains de- property from the threat of side under threat. erty has to be under threat; and the transforming Overroads into a mu- pendent on support, it is unable to demolition. “But as a charity, we are dependent Trust has to be the most appropriate seum celebrating Chesterton and pass- protect all areas at risk. However, the National Trust has on the support of our 5.8 million owner. ing his work on to future generations. SPUC critical as abortion clinic offers surgery to 13-year-old girl The Society for the Protection of Un- (MEWS) been completed when the born Children (SPUC) has said that a girl was admitted. In addition, girls Doncaster abortion clinic is putting as young as 13 having surgical abor- women’s health at risk after it received tions were being treated in the same a damning report on its medical and way as adults. health and safety standards from the “Under-age girls having abortions Syrian refugees pictured in their temporary Care Quality Commission (CQC). should send out warning signs,” said shelters at the border between Greece and The clinic, run by BPAS, was criti- Ms Williams. “Why were they present- North Macedonia. cised for a litany of medical and health ing for abortion? Were there issues of Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa and safety abuses, including girls as coercion or abuse in these cases? Refugees left destitute young as 13 undergoing surgical abor- These are the questions BPAS should tions. have been asking.” Alithea Williams of SPUC, said: “This In the year-long reporting period, is yet another BPAS clinic which is eight patients were transferred out to putting women’s health and safety at another hospital for emergency treat- by UK benefits system risk. And there is no safety at all for ment and one such incident happened the thousands of unborn babies who while the inspectors were there. are killed in the clinic.” The reportalso found safety regu- The CQC inspectors reported that lation were not met because: ‘Care and treatment was not always •· Not all equipment met infection The Jesuit Refugee Service UK (JRS extended. allowed to work and cannot claim provided in a safe way for patients’. and prevention control requirements UK) has joined calls for better support “This report makes a simple, prac- mainstream benefits. While their asy- The Doncaster BPAS clinic has been at all times. This meant that patients for newly recognised refugees after tical suggestion for change that the lum claim is under consideration, ordered to improve. could be at risk of infection. fresh evidence revealed that many Government could adopt easily, which people typically receive very basic ac- Ms Williams said: “The CQC gives · • The service did not use a paediatric face destitution. would at a stroke prevent many commodation, and asylum support a chilling insight into an abortion specific early warning score for young A new report from the British Red refugees from suffering the horror of of £37.75 a week, either in cash or on clinic. The only improvement for such patients Cross, entitled The Costs of Destitution: destitution,” said Sarah Teather, JRS a card. Once recognised as refugees, a clinic in a civilised society is to close · • Not all risks to performance meas- A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Extending UK’s director. “We urge the govern- they continue to receive this support it down. We urgently need to rethink ures were recorded and acted upon the Move-On Period for New Refugees, ment to adopt the recommendations for 28 days. abortion as a solution for women in Ms Williams said: “This is an ap- finds significant barriers to accessing in this report to extend the so-called The costs of destitution is the latest need.” palling list of safety breaches. The support, the job market, and housing ‘move on period’ as quickly as possi- in a body of research demonstrating A particularly damning section of BPAS clinic has been told to improve for people who have just been recog- ble. that this is not long enough to access the report highlighted the case of a by the CQC. The only real improve- nised as refugees by the government. “The move-on period is not the alternative support or employment. 15-year-old girl who had developed ment for any abortion clinic is to close It calls for the ‘move on period’, in only cause of destitution among In particular, the report notes that sepsis, which could have been treated it down. Women need help and sup- which newly recognised refugees can refugees, however,” she added. “Those the system for accessing Universal quickly had early warning scores port not abortion.” access asylum support, to be extended we accompany at JRS UK have usually Credit involves an automatic 35-day to at least 56 days and estimates that been made destitute by the asylum waiting period – by the end of which, over 5,000 people a year would benefit system long before they reach that newly recognised refugees previously Lord left shocked as tragic from this change. JRS UK has praised the report and point. More root and branch reform to the system is needed to prevent in asylum accommodation are home- less. The costs of destitution also calls loss of 3m embryos revealed joined other organisations in renewing calls for the ‘move on period’ to be their misery.” Asylum seekers are generally not for better support to help refugees navigate the move-on period. Almost 3 million human embryos were destroyed/discarded. were destroyed or experimented Catholic peer Lord Alton of Traffickers on the prowl for desperate migrants upon over the past 27 years, Liverpool, who obtained the figures, Government set out a new points- these workers will be protected The Bishop for Migrants has official statistics show. From 1st said: “Almost 3 million human based immigration system, to come under the new system. We need to warned that traffickers will “seek August 1991 to 31st December embryos have been destroyed or into force next year. see more details around processes every opportunity to abuse new 2018, 2,931,824 embryos were experimented upon. Is science Bishop Lynch told The Catholic for inspecting recruiters, working immigration policies” after the destroyed or discarded. In the wrong when it teaches us that life Universe: “We know that one of the practices and living conditions.” Government announced proposed same timeframe, 1,979,831 begins at fertilisation? And, if not, changes to the system. most serious challenges in modern He added: “Traffickers will seek embryos were transferred to uteri why are we so indifferent? The Auxiliary Bishop of Southwark, is the exploitation experienced by every opportunity to abuse new in order to establish pregnancies. “A total respect for the dignity of Patrick Lynch, said the government seasonal agricultural workers. immigration policies, so the The latest figures show that in human life, at every stage, is crucial must establish safeguards to ensure “The government’s planned government has a responsibility to total 78,773 embryos were for scientific, economic and human the protection of vulnerable people. immigration changes leave many ensure that the proper safeguards transferred in 2018, while 177,194 progress. His comments come after the unanswered questions about how are in place.”
The Catholic Universe | Friday 28th February 2020 07 To advertise in The Catholic Universe contact Andrea Black on 0161 820 5722 or email News Monaghan’s divided civil war history revealed in new files Never-before-seen documents, hand- General Orders from the IRA, written correspondence, photographs dated from 20th April 1921, on and stories feature in an exhibition how to deal with spies that reveals the struggle between the IRA and British forces in a border county. The Monaghan War of Independ- Mother Of Pearl Rosary Beads and ence files include more than 500 pages ammunition of first-hand accounts from IRA vet- erans, which were gathered for the down on letter is really powerful. 50th anniversary of the Easter Rising “Religion really went hand-in-hand in 1966. during this period. There were men The exhibition reveals the impact who were devoutly Catholic and men of the conflict on the local population, who were devoutly Protestant but still as well as sectarianism caused by Liam Bradley, curator at Monaghan involved in sectarian war.” Monaghan’s close proximity with the County Museum, holds a Lee- The exhibition also tells the story Unionist majority counties in Ulster, Enfield rifle from the Monaghan of Monaghan man Eoin O’Duffy who during the War of Independence. War of Independence, 1919-1921. went on to become IRA chief of staff. Liam Bradley, curator of the Mon- Photos: Liam McBurney/PA Wire O’Duffy was heavily involved in the aghan County Museum, said the coun- GAA and used the club’s structures to ty’s population was 25 per cent Protes- “You can see how Monaghan be- side of the line. documents, training manuals and a recruit men to join the IRA. tant which brought an extra element came a focal point of what happened “While a large number of Protestant Monaghan Brigade letter-head. “During that period he is considered to the war. later on in the Troubles in that sense families left, some stayed and to this “The letterhead is rare, I’ve never one of the top military commanders He said: “It’s a unique part of the of Catholics and Protestants fighting day you would have Protestant families seen those before,” Mr Bradley added. in the country and we felt it was im- story on the War of Independence in each other, and we wanted to tell that here and only now some of them feel “You also have general orders in- portant to tell his story,” Mr Bradley Monaghan, as Protestants in the coun- story about Monaghan. they are able to talk openly about structing men not to speak to the en- added. “O’Duffy’s number two was ty, who were mostly unionists, felt “People were fighting for what they their own family’s history and what emy, telling them they are not to be Dan Hogan. His brother Michael under threat from the IRA. believed in, which was either Mon- their family did.” seen talking to the RIC (Royal Irish Hogan was killed in Bloody Sunday “The Protestants felt they needed aghan remaining in the Union or fight- The exhibition features original let- Constabulary) and not to be seen talk- in Croke Park.” to protect themselves and this led to ing for it being part of the Republic. ters from Thomas Brennan, second ing to the Black and Tans or there will Mr Bradley said the exhibition tells the setting up of the Ulster Specialist “There was certainly a civil war go- in command of the 5th Northern Di- be severe consequences. the story of both unionists and na- Constabulary, or as it became known ing on within Monaghan. vision of the IRA, as well as a collection “Other notes talk about what will tionalists in the county. the ‘B Specials’. “Protestants in Monaghan, Cavan of short films bringing eye-witness happen if you are considered to be a “They were local Protestant men and Donegal felt they were cut off accounts to life. spy, the penalties for that were usually To find out more information see: and men from northern Ulster. after partition, they were on the wrong It also includes IRA intelligence always death so having that written
08 For extra news go to Comment Follow the Catholic Universe on twitter @ukcatholicpress After the march, what’s next? Beloved BBC has to change John Battle – or it will wither and die At a recent intergenerational de- bate on the climate crisis organ- ised by our local Diocesan Justice Leon and Peace Commission in a Leeds Catholic secondary school, one of Spence the young people attending asked the question, what was planned as follow-up action to going out on I have a very good friend who is a ‘climate strike’ for a day with all Labour Party councillor. He is a the other schools? lovely, decent guy who would do He was not speaking against pretty much anything if you were in turning out on the public demon- trouble and, while we may disagree stration but was worried that ac- about party politics, I would never tion ended there. He wanted to see question his motives. They are true a practical follow-up plan that and, like people across the political would make a real long-term dif- spectrum, he wants nothing more ference. than to serve his community and Some in the audience suggested make the world a better one to live taking up the CAFOD Live Simply in. Campaign, others lobbying local For the most part my friend is a Members of Parliament. very sensible chap. He’s not one for Last December 500,000 of all conspiracy theories and he certainly ages marched in Madrid at the re- doesn’t fall into that camp of loony cent UN climate talks with drums left Corbynistas who argue that ba- and chanting yet the conference bies are born without a sex. itself was a disappointing damp But my friend does have one blind squib with arguments sinking in spot, one that I argue good naturedly the quicksands of the technicali- with him about regularly. My friend ties of ‘carbon markets’. The Greta believes that the BBC is untouchable, BBC Broadcasting House Thumberg-led young protestors while at the same time believing it to Photo: Ian West/PA were at best patronised but effec- be inherently biased and corrupt. It’s tively ignored by the conference fair to say that I take much the op- participants. posite view. you that the BBC did everything it source when there is nothing else seeing massive increases in sub- Amazingly, young people are Last week my chum posted a 500- could to scupper the UK leaving the on. scribers? In the last quarter of 2019 well aware that they will have to odd word message to his Facebook European Union; you could find But equally, in direct contradic- Amazon Prime say a 35 per cent live with the consequences of the page, shared from a hard left blog, many right-wingers who are ab- tion to my friend, the BBC has to jump in subscribers, in no small part climate crisis and ecological citing that BBC news division was solutely convinced the BBC gave Je- change because it isn’t fit for the down to the live Premiership foot- breakdown yet since the 2013 simply a pawn commanded by a remy Corbyn a far easier ride than world of today. Without change it is ball it has started showing. Netflix is changes to the national school right-wing Conservative Govern- news organisations in the print me- going to die. now subscribed to by over 12 million curriculum, climate change only ment. dia. Last weekend, writing in the Sun- British homes, a 20 per cent growth allows for the teaching of general My friend’s posted highlighted The truth is, as is often the case, day Telegraph, former Culture Secre- on the previous year. environmental changes with no how senior BBC staff had often all of them are a little right and at tary Baroness Morgan of Cotes If you’re under 18 then you are sense of urgency. ended up working in the upper ech- the same time substantially wrong. wrote: ‘People working in the BBC much more likely to be watching There is now a major campaign elons of power, while others had of- There is absolutely no doubt that also have views on its future. I’ve lost your favourite content providers on to make the climate crisis integral ten ended up on career paths taking the BBC is the most ‘establishment’ count of the number of times BBC YouTube rather than watching the to a whole range of school subjects them in the opposite direction. of all establishment organisations. It employees have acknowledged, staid, old content of the BBC. and not just restricted to science Without a sense of irony his posting takes its rising stars from the same without prompting, that the institu- Most tellingly the average age of a subjects, in a programme called failed to mention executives such as universities as political parties and tion needs to change. BBC1 viewer is now well over 60 Teach the Future. Last week this James Purnell, who had made the the civil service do, and there is an ‘The BBC is undoubtedly a great years old. campaign presented a draft move from being a Labour Govern- interchangeability between them. British public service broadcaster. If The BBC is a great British institu- Climate Emergency Education Bill ment minister to his current role as Being of the establishment there is we didn’t have it, we’d have to invent tion, but institutions that fail to to the House of Commons. Director of Radio and Education at inevitably a small ‘c’ conservatism at something like it. But the truth is change inevitably die out. In a world There is also a wider campaign the BBC. home in the BBC; after all, when do that if we were to invent it today, we where the competition is fierce it’s for a rigorous social justice com- My chum made the argument that you remember Auntie last making a wouldn’t start from here. And as the simply impossible to justify a regres- ponent to be built into the curricu- all of this underhand behaviour had ground-breaking programme out- BBC approaches its centenary in sive taxation-based model to pay for lum and teacher training. failed to go unreported by a conspir- side of the nature documentaries 2022, now is the time to ask whether a state-owned media content pro- Catholic schools could take the ing establishment – the first real sign that are its bread and butter? it is still meeting its original pur- ducer. lead in all this, building on the tra- of conspiracy theories – and the At the same time there is a liberal- poses, what impact it has on the rest The fact that there is a licence fee dition of Catholic social teaching public were oblivious to how ism among the people who work of the broadcasting and news land- and that you can be sent to prison and Pope Francis’ increasingly in- Britain’s public service broadcaster there that believes in progressive scape, and also, just as importantly, for not paying it is abhorrent to mil- fluential seminal encyclical on the were nothing but mouthpieces for causes and, yes, that it would have what impact have the rest of the lions upon millions of people in environment, Laudato Si. the establishment. been better to stay in the EU. broadcasting and media sectors had Britain today. Moreover, challenging the im- My friend’s post was nothing spe- Equally though, at its heart, the on the BBC.’ I love the BBC, and heck, I’m a pact of the education institutions cial. I could trawl the internet and BBC, with its public service mandate, Perhaps even more persuasively subscriber to Amazon, Netflix and a themselves in their energy effi- found thousands upon thousands of has editorial guidelines which mean than Baroness Morgan, former MP, few other platforms as well. I would ciency, emissions building and similar theories emanating from that all of those competing factors and current presenter of travelogues, be the first to subscribe to the BBC if procurement projects needs to be hard left activists, communist party can never be too powerful; that for Michael Portillo had his say on the that was an option. part of the future action. members and subscribers to Social- the most part it retains a neutrality subject on last week’s Question Time But it isn’t, and I certainly don’t ex- In other words there is a need to ist Worker. which is in differing degrees absent making it quite clear that ‘The BBC pect others to subsidise the things develop a real comprehensive ‘fu- The daft thing is that, just as easily, from the rest of the media. is losing its audience’ and citing that that I want to watch. ture proofing’ educational agenda. I could conduct a similar search and In many ways I love the BBC. It is most of the young crew on his own The BBC has to change or it will Young people should not be patro- come up with thousands of posts the fairest news source in Britain to- shows never watch the corporation, surely die – and none of us wants nised glibly as ‘our future’. They from people on the right with dia- day, it’s entertainment output in- favouring other platforms. that, do we? are ‘our present’ and are now des- metrically opposed views. cludes just the sort of programmes At a time when BBC loyalty is dy- perate to wake their elders to their You won’t have any difficulty find- that you can fall asleep to and, of ing can it be any surprise that the Leon is a writer, political responsibilities. ing scores of Brexiteers willing to tell course, Radio 4 is always a safe on-demand streaming giants are commentator and charity trustee
The Catholic Universe | Friday 28th February 2020 09 News ‘Greta effect’ takes hold as Rings star says Christianity young focus on our climate Almost a quarter of young people have the biggest role to play in ad- made world a better place Christianity has made the world a have said they are considering a career dressing climate change. better place, Lord of the Rings star in combating climate change in what Results showed 78 per cent of those John Rhys-Davies has said. has been dubbed the ‘Greta effect’, surveyed believe chemistry plays an The Welsh actor, known for his por- according to research. important role in tackling declining trayal of Gimili in the Lord of the Rings More than half of those aged 15-18 natural resources. trilogy, said he often finds himself de- responding to the Royal Society of The survey comes after 17-year-old fending the religion. Chemistry (RSC) survey said they Greta urged members of Congress in “I count myself a rationalist and a thought climate change is the biggest the US last year to “listen to the sci- sceptic, and I find myself constantly problem the world is currently facing, entists” about warnings over global defending Christians and Christianity,” after being inspired by teenage activist warming. Rhys-Davies told The Christian Post. Greta Thunberg’s “listen to the science” She told the politicians: “I don’t “We seem to forget that Christian message. want you to listen to me, I want you civilisation has made the world a The RSC is now calling on educators to listen to the scientists. better place,” he added. to make most of the opportunity to “I want you to unite behind the sci- Rhys-Davies, who recently voiced boost the number of pupils towards ence and I want you to take real ac- a character in the animated film Pil- Stem (science, technology, engineer- tion.” grim’s Progress and will play the lead ing, and mathematics) careers, as part As part of its campaign, RSC is now in a forthcoming movie about St of its newly launched Making The Dif- developing materials for parents and Patrick, said the Church is responsible ference careers campaign. schools to help them better support for much goodness throughout history, Sarah Robertson, director of edu- young people when making their ca- including the abolition of slavery. cation and professional practice at reer decisions. “All the things that we value, the RSC, said: “It’s incredibly encouraging Ms Robertson said: “In launching right of free speech, the right of the to see so many young people keen to Making The Difference, we are aiming individual conscience, these evolved consider a career which can help to inspire the next generation of sci- in Roman Christendom, where the tackle some of the world’s most press- entists by showing them the true scale individual Christian said, ‘I have a ing problems and that it was Greta of what they could achieve – and in right to believe, what I believe and Thunberg, a young person herself, the process demonstrating that the not what the Emperor tells me’. From who has inspired this interest. job goes far beyond the image of sim- that our whole idea of democracy and “We all must capitalise on young ply standing in a lab, but in changing the equality that we have has devel- people’s interests in addressing the the world for the better.” oped,” Rhys-Davies said. climate crisis and demonstrate how “We owe Christianity the greatest they themselves can make the differ- debt of thanks and to slight it and to ence through informed career choic- Right, environmental activist dismiss it as being irrelevant is the es. Greta Thunberg, along with climate detritus of rather ill read minds.” “We’re all aware of the ambition to activist Alexandria Villasenor and increase the number of people study- friends during a protest at the UN Actor John Rhys- ing Stem subjects at university, college Headquarters in New York during Davies says and through apprenticeships.” last September’s debate on climate Christianity has The survey of more than 1,000 15- change. made the world 18 year-olds also revealed 26 per cent Photo: Luiz Rampelotto/ Europa a much better of young people believe scientists Newswire place It’s a 10 from Susan as she sets out on new UK tour Susan Boyle has said she is “very ex- cited” ahead of her upcoming tour, which includes a return to the stage where her journey to fame began. The devout Catholic singer, who recently performed for Pope Francis, will hit the road for her Ten tour in March, playing in eight cities starting in Edinburgh on 1st March. are very warm and friendly, so is every- and be asked to take part in his Christ- The third stop will be the SEC Ar- body, but particularly here because mas concert. madillo in Glasgow, where she stunned it’s got some memories for me. “I have to pinch myself at how lucky Britain’s Got Talent judges Simon Cow- “This is where it all began, deja vu, I am and ten years on I’m still having ell, Piers Morgan and Amanda Holden full circle if you like.” the most fantastic time with these in- in 2009 with her audition in which The singer finished as the runner- credible opportunities. I don’t and she sang I Dreamed A Dream from up on Britain’s Got Talent behind won’t ever take this for granted.” Les Miserables. dance group Diversity. During her Ten tour, marking her At a recent photo call on the stage Boyle, 58, has gone on to sell millions decade of fame, she will sing old in Glasgow, she said she was particu- of records and earn two Grammy favourites as well as some new songs. larly looking forward to her show in nominations. She has also performed She will be joined by fellow Britain’s the city. for Pope Benedict XVI in Glasgow and Got Talent star Jai McDowall, who She said: “I’m very excited – and sang for Pope Francis at the Vatican’s won the fifth series. very excited to be back where it all annual Christmas Concert last De- The tour opens at the Usher Hall in happened 10 years ago. cember. Edinburgh on 1st March and includes “I’m looking forward to performing Boyle said: “It was a huge honour shows in Dundee, Glasgow, Notting- back here because Glasgow audiences to meet Pope Francis at the Vatican ham, Bristol and Cardiff.
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