Admission Policies - Cardiff Council

Page created by Clifford Daniels
Admission Policies - Cardiff Council
Admission Policies



•	Admission to Voluntary Aided Catholic Schools is determined by the Governing Body of the
   individual school.

•	These policies act as summary documents and full copies of Admission Policies are available on
   request from each Catholic School.

•	Cardiff Council has undertaken a pilot on Coordinated Admissions with faith and foundation
   secondary schools. This includes Corpus Christi R.C High School, St Teilo’s C.W High School and
   Whitchurch High School. Applications for these three schools will be made to Cardiff Council in
   the first instance and further evidence may be required from each individual school.

•	Any enquiries concerning the procedure for admission applications should be made directly to
   each individual school/ Governing Body. Application forms for admission are available from and
   should be returned directly to each school.

•	Where the number of applications exceeds the number of places available, Governing Bodies will
   apply their individual admissions criteria for each Catholic School as published in this section.

• The symbol (N) shows Catholic Schools with a nursery.                                                 Admission Policies

Right of Appeal
Details of the procedure to be followed if parents wish to appeal against the decision of the
Governors may be obtained from the Admissions Appeal Committee c/o Clerk to the Governing Body
at the school.

For full copies of admission policies please contact the individual schools.

Any enquiries should be addressed to the individual school or Governing Body

CHRIST THE KING CATHOLIC                                          Any other children whose parents desire a Catholic
                                                                   education for them
                                                                   A sibling is as defined in the Local Authority School
 Parents /Guardians have the right to express a preference         Admission Policy Document.
 for a school. Where the school has more requests for
 spaces than available places, admission will be decided           Baptised children’s applications must be accompanied by a
 using the Oversubscription Criteria, category 1 being the         Baptismal certificate.
 highest criterion.
                                                                   In the event of the Governing Body refusing an application
 The Governors do not usually exceed the school’s                  for admission, parents / guardians have the right of appeal
 admission number or breach the limitations imposed by             to an Independent Appeals Panel and should write to the
 statutory maximum class size (30) and will admit up to the        Clerk to the Governing Body c/o the school, within two
 school’s admission number of 30.                                  weeks, stating they wish to lodge an appeal. The Appeal
                                                                   Panel’s decision is binding on the school
 In the case of multiple birth children, if when applying the
 oversubscription criteria, the last child to be admitted is one
 of a multiple birth then the Governors will admit the other
 child/children.                                                   HOLY FAMILY CATHOLIC PRIMARY
 Where the school is named in a Statement of Special
 Educational Needs the child will be given priority in             The Governing Body of Holy Family RC Primary School has
 admission for entry into the school provided written proof is     sole responsibility for admissions to the school and will
 submitted with the application form.                              admit up to the school’s admission number.

 A Looked After Child or Previously Looked After Child [as         In the event of the school receiving more applications for
 defined by Section 22 of the Children Act 1989] will be           an age group than the number of places available, places
 given priority for entry into the school in the category into     will be filled by using the Oversubscription Criteria below.
 which they fall. (Baptised/Non Baptised). Proof must be
 provided with the application.                                    Oversubscription Criteria
                                                                   Within the following criteria, Looked After Children (LAC)
 Late applications will be considered at the second or             are given priority in accordance with Section 106 of the
 subsequent rounds when all applicants will be ranked              Education Act 2005 and Education (Admission of Looked
 according to oversubscription criteria and the distance tie       After Children) (Wales) Regulations 2009:Baptised Catholic
 -breaker and any remaining places offered.                        looked after and previously looked after children.

 Category 1                                                        1.	Baptised Catholic children residing in Holy Family
 Baptised Catholic Children who are “Looked After Children”            Parish and Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, who have
 or “Previously Looked After Children”                                 siblings in the school at the time of admission
 Category 2                                                        2.	Baptised Catholic children residing in Holy Family Parish
 Baptised Catholic children who have a sibling who will                and Our Lady of Lourdes Parish.
 be on the school roll at the commencement of the next             3.	Baptised Catholic children living outside the Parishes
 academic year.                                                        of Holy Family and Our Lady of Lourdes who have a
 Category 3                                                            sibling in the school at the time of admission.
 Baptised Catholic children living in the Parishes of Christ the   4.	Baptised Catholic children living outside the Parishes of
 King and St Brigid with St Paul.                                      Holy Family and Our Lady of Lourdes.
 Category 4                                                        5.	Children from other Christian faiths who have a sibling
 Baptised Catholic children living in the Parish of St Teilo           in the school at the time of admission.
 with Our Lady of Lourdes
 Category 5                                                        Proof of Baptism will be required in each of the above
 Baptised Catholic children living in Cardiff but not falling      categories.
 within any of the categories 1 to 4 above.                        6.	Children from other Christian faiths who have who have
 Category 6                                                            a sibling in the school at the time of admission.
 Baptised Catholic children not living in Cardiff.                 7.	Children from other Christian faiths whose parents wish
 Category 7                                                            them to have a Catholic Education. Each application
 Non-Baptised children who are “Looked After Children “or              should be supported by a letter or evidence of practice
 “Previously Looked After Children”.                                   of worship from their religious leader.
 Category 8                                                        8.	Non Baptised children including children of a religious
 Non-Baptised children who have a sibling in the school.               tradition, other than Christian who wish to receive
 Category 9                                                            education at Holy Family RC Primary School who have

a sibling in the school at the time of admission.         application of oversubscription criteria not length of time
9.	Non-Baptised children including children of a             on the waiting list.
    religious tradition, other than Christian who wish to
    receive education at Holy Family RC Primary School,       Right of Appeal
    children whose parents wish them to be educated in        Where a child is refused entry to school, the Governing
    a Catholic School.                                        Body will write to the parents giving full details why
                                                              the application was refused, in light of the published
Tie breaker                                                   criteria. Parents have the right of appeal against the
If the governing body are unable to admit all applicants      decision to refuse an application which will be heard by
who fall into the lowest criterion a tie-breaker will be      an independent appeal panel. The determination of the
applied. The governing body give priority to children         appeal panel will be made in accordance with the Code
living nearest the school as measured by the safest           of Practice on School Admission Appeals and is binding
walking route and will ask the Council to calculate this.     on all parties. The appeal must be forwarded in writing
The Council uses a Geographical Information System            to the Clerk to the Governors c/o Holy Family RC Primary
(GIS) to calculate home to school distances in miles.         School.
The safest walking route is calculated using Ordnance
Survey (OS) customised route data from an applicant’s
home address to the nearest open school gate. The
co-ordinates of an applicant’s home address are               ST ALBAN’S CATHOLIC PRIMARY
determined using the Local Land and Property Gazetteer        SCHOOL
(LLPG) AND OS Address Point Data. Cardiff Council has
developed a computerised walking route network based          The Governing Body of St Alban’s Catholic Primary
on the Local Authority Road Safety Officers Association       School has sole responsibility for admissions to the school
(LARSOA) criteria and this is used to ensure that every       and will admit up to the school’s admission number.
pupil is assessed as consistently as possible.
                                                              The minimum age of entry to the school is 4 years
Requirements                                                  provided that the child’s 5th birthday falls between 01
Proof of baptism will be required for categories 1-5.         September and 31 August of that academic year.
Evidence of permanent residence of the child at time
of application must be supplied if required. This needs       Oversubscription Criteria
to be a current Council Tax form with the correct postal      Children with a statement for special educational need
address. The home address is considered to be the             naming St Alban’s Catholic Primary School will be
child’s along with the parent’s main and genuine              admitted. Where the number of applicants for admission
principal place of residence on the published date i.e.       exceeds the number of places available, places will
where they are normally and regularly living. If a child is   be awarded to applicants in the under mentioned
resident with friends or relatives (for reasons other than    categories in the following order of priority, with Looked
guardianship) the friends or relatives address will not be    After and previously Looked After Children will be given
considered for allocation purposes.                           priority in each of the oversubscription categories. In the
                                                              event of the Governors being unable to offer all children
Definition of sibling                                         in a particular oversubscription category a place will be

                                                                                                                              Admission Policies
Children who have a sibling on roll at Holy Family RC         offered to multiple births and those children living closest
School Primary School in the September the applicant          to the school measured by the safest walking route as
would begin school. Any sibling connection must be            determined by the Local Authority.
stated on the application form. For admission purposes
a sibling is a child living at the same address who is        Order of priority for admission
the brother/sister, half-brother / sister (children who       Applications for admission will be considered against the
share one common parent), step brother/sister where           following over-subscription criteria and preference will
two children are related in marriage. This definition         be given to those children meeting the earlier criteria.
also includes adopted or fostered children at the same
address.                                                      1.	Looked after Children (LAC - children in the public
                                                                  care) or previously Looked After children who are
Multiple births                                                   baptised as Roman Catholics or have been formally
If, when applying the oversubscription criteria the               accepted into the Roman Catholic Church.
last child to be admitted is one of multiple birth, the
Governors will admit the other sibling(s).                    2.	Looked after children (LAC -children in the public
                                                                  care) or previously Looked After children who are not
Waiting Lists                                                     of the Roman Catholic Faith.
Where a place has been refused, the applicant will be
placed on a waiting list for that academic year and when      3.	Baptised Catholic children of Catholic families,
a place becomes available it will be allocated by the             residing within the parish of St Alban’s Catholic

Primary School in Splott, Tremorfa, Pengam Green and          Definition of Siblings
     Windsor Village. (Proof of residence and baptismal            Children who have a sibling on roll at St Alban’s Catholic
     certificate is required.)                                     Primary School in the September the applicant would
                                                                   begin school. Priority will be by reference to the youngest
 4.	Baptised Catholic children of Catholic families who           sibling in the school, the youngest commanding the highest
     have siblings in the school at the time the applicant         degree of priority. Any sibling connection must be stated
     joins the school, residing within the parish of St Alban’s    on the application form. For admission purposes a sibling
     Catholic Primary School in Splott, Tremorfa, Pengam           who is the brother/sister, half-brother/sister (children who
     Green and Windsor Village. (Proof of residence and            share one common parent), step brother/sister where
     baptismal certificate is required.)                           two children are related by marriage. This definition also
                                                                   includes adopted or fostered children at the same address.
 5.	Catholic children who have been baptised and reside
     outside of category 1 and 2 above but within the              Multiple Birth Children (eg twins/triplets)
     County of Cardiff. (Baptismal certificate is required.)       If when applying the oversubscription criteria the last child
                                                                   to be admitted is one of a multiple birth the governors will
 6.	Catholic children who have been baptised and reside           admit the other sibling(s).
     outside of category 1 and 2 above but within the
     County of Cardiff and who have siblings in the school         Right of Appeal
     at the time of the applicant’s entry to the school.           Where a child is refused entry into school, the Governing
     (Baptismal certificate is required.)                          Body will write to the parents giving full details of why the
                                                                   application was refused, in light of the publishing criteria.
 7.	Christian children from other denominations who have          Parents have the right of appeal against the decision to
     siblings in the school at the time the applicant joins the    refuse an application. The appeal must be forwarded in
     school, residing within the parish of St Alban’s Catholic     writing with fourteen days, to the Clerk to the Governors
     Primary School in Splott, Tremorfa, Pengam Green              who will present it to the Appeals Committee.
     and Windsor Village. Proof of residence is required.
     (Baptismal certificate or a letter from the minister is       Waiting List
     required.)                                                    A waiting list will be maintained until 30th September.
                                                                   If an additional place becomes available the governors
 8.	Christian children from other denominations who have          will consider those on the waiting list on the basis of
     siblings in the school at the time the applicant joins the    published oversubscription criteria and not on the date the
     school and reside outside of category 1 and 2 above           application was received.
     but within the County of Cardiff . (Baptismal certificate
     or a letter from the minister is required.)

 9.	Christian children from other denominations, residing         ST BERNADETTE’S CATHOLIC
     within the parish of St Alban’s Catholic Primary School
     in Splott, Tremorfa, Pengam Green and Windsor Village.        PRIMARY SCHOOL (N)
     Proof of residence is required. (Baptismal certificate or
     a letter from the minister is required.)                      Places are provided for children who due to SEN needs,
                                                                   have been allocated Nursery funding by the Early Years
 10.	Christian children from other denominations who              Assessment Panel or Case Advisory Panel and to those
      reside outside of category 1 and 2 above but within the      children who have a Statement of Special Educational
      County of Cardiff. (Baptismal certificate or a letter from   Needs where St Bernadette’s Primary School is clearly
      the minister is required.)                                   named on the statement in accordance with the Education
                                                                   Act 1996.
 11.	Non-Christian children who have siblings in the school
      at the time of the applicant’s entry, residing within the    In the event of the school receiving more applications for
      parish of St Alban’s Catholic Primary School in Splott,      an age group than the number of places available, places
      Tremorfa, Pengam Green and Windsor Village. Proof of         will be filled by using the Oversubscription Criteria below.
      residence is required.
                                                                   Oversubscription Criteria
 12.	Non-Christian children, residing within the parish of St     1	Within the following criteria, Looked After Children
      Alban’s Catholic Primary School in Splott, Tremorfa,            (LAC) are given priority in accordance with Section 106
      Pengam Green and Windsor Village. Proof of residence            of the Education Act 2005 and Education (Admission
      is required.                                                    of Looked After Children) (Wales) Regulations 2009:
                                                                      Baptised Catholic looked after and previously looked
 13.	Non-Christian children who reside outside of category           after children.
      1 and 2 above but within the County of Cardiff.

2	Baptised Catholic children who reside in the               (GIS) to calculate home to school distances in miles.
   Parish of St Philip Evans including the following          The safest walking route is calculated using Ordnance
   areas: Pentwyn, Glyncoed, North Pentwyn and                Survey (OS) customised route data from an applicant’s
   Pontprennau (proof of residence required) and have         home address to the nearest open school gate. The
   a sibling in the school at the time that the applicant     co-ordinates of an applicant’s home address are
   joins the school.                                          determined using the Local Land and Property Gazetteer
                                                              (LLPG) AND OS Address Point Data. Cardiff Council has
3	Baptised Catholic children who reside in the               developed a computerised walking route network based
   Parish of St Philip Evans including the following          on the Local Authority Road Safety Officers Association
   areas: Pentwyn, Glyncoed, North Pentwyn and                (LARSOA) criteria and this is used to ensure that every
   Pontprennau (proof of residence required).                 pupil is assessed as consistently as possible.

4	Baptised Catholic children who reside outside of           Requirements
   category 2 & 3 and who will have a sibling in the          Proof of baptism will be required for categories 1-6.
   school at the time that the applicant joins the            Evidence of permanent residence of the child at time
   school.                                                    of application must be supplied if required. This needs
                                                              to be a current Council Tax form with the correct postal
5	Baptised Catholic children who reside outside of           address. The home address is considered to be the
   category 2 & 3, but in the County of Cardiff.              child’s along with the parent’s main and genuine
                                                              principal place of residence on the published date i.e.
6	Baptised Catholic children who reside outside the          where they are normally and regularly living. If a child is
   County of Cardiff.                                         resident with friends or relatives (for reasons other than
                                                              guardianship) the friends or relative’s address will not be
7	Looked after and previously looked after children          considered for allocation purposes.
   that are not of the faith.
                                                              Definition of sibling
8	Christian children from other denominations who            Children who have a sibling on roll at St Bernadette’s
   reside in category 2 & 3, who will have a sibling in       Catholic Primary School in the September the applicant
   the school at the time that the applicant joins the        would begin school. Any sibling connection must be
   school. (Baptismal certificate or letter from minister     stated on the application form. For admission purposes
   of religion required).                                     a sibling is a child living at the same address who is the
                                                              brother/sister, half brother/ sister (children who share one
9	Christian children from other denominations who            common parent), step brother/sister where two children
   reside in areas outside of category 2 & 3, who will        are related in marriage. This definition also includes
   have a sibling in the school at the time that the          adopted or fostered children at the same address.
   applicant joins the school (Baptismal certificate or
   letter from minister of religion required).                Multiple births
                                                              If, when applying the oversubscription criteria the
10	Christian children from other denominations who           last child to be admitted is one of multiple birth, the
    reside in the areas referred to in category 2 & 3         Governors will admit the other sibling(s).

                                                                                                                              Admission Policies
    (Baptismal certificate or letter from minister of
    religion required).                                       Waiting Lists
                                                              Where a place has been refused, the applicant will be
11	Christian children from other denominations who           placed on a waiting list for that academic year and when
    reside in areas outside of those in category 2 &          a place becomes available it will be allocated by the
    3 (Baptismal certificate or letter from minister          application of oversubscription criteria not length of time
    required).                                                on the waiting list.

12	Non-Christian children who will have a sibling in the     Right of Appeal
    school at the time that the applicant joins the school.   Where a child is refused entry to school, the Governing
                                                              Body will write to the parents giving full details why
13 Non- Christian children.                                   the application was refused, in light of the published
                                                              criteria. Parents have the right of appeal against the
Tie breaker                                                   decision to refuse an application which will be heard by
If the governing body are unable to admit all applicants      an independent appeal panel. The determination of the
who fall into the lowest criterion a tie-breaker will be      appeal panel will be made in accordance with the Code
applied. The governing body give priority to children         of Practice on School Admission Appeals and is binding
living nearest the school as measured by the safest           on all parties. The appeal must be forwarded in writing to
walking route and will ask the Council to calculate this.     the Clerk to the Governors c/o St Bernadette’s Catholic
The Council uses a Geographical Information System            Primary School.

ST CADOC’S CATHOLIC PRIMARY                                     9.	Non-Christian faith children who have a sibling in the
                                                                     school at the time of admission.
                                                                 10.	Non- Christian children whose parents wish them to be
 St. Cadoc’s Catholic Primary School will act in accordance           educated in a Catholic School.
 with the relevant provisions of the statutory Codes of
 Practice (Welsh Government Admissions and Appeals               Definition of Sibling
 2013) as they apply at any given time to maintained             Children who have a sibling on roll at St. Cadoc’s Catholic
 schools and with the law on admissions as it applies to         Primary School in the September the applicant would
 maintained schools.                                             begin school. Priority will be by reference to the youngest
                                                                 sibling in the school, the youngest commanding the highest
 The Governing Body of St. Cadoc’s Catholic School has sole      degree of priority. Any sibling connection must be stated on
 responsibility for admissions to the school and will admit up   the application form. For admission purposes a sibling is a
 to the school’s admission number.                               child who is the brother / sister, half brother / sister (children
                                                                 who share one common parent), step brother / sister where
 The minimum age of entry to the school is 4 years               two children are related by marriage. This definition also
 provided that the child’s 5th birthday falls between the 1st    includes adopted or fostered children living at the same
 September and 31st August of that academic year.                address.
 Oversubscription Criteria                                       Multiple birth children (e.g. twins / triplets etc.)
 Children with an SEN statement naming St Cadoc’s Catholic       If when applying the oversubscription criteria the last child
 Primary school will be admitted.                                to be admitted is one of a multiple birth the governors will
 Where the number of applicants for admission exceeds the        admit the other sibling(s).
 Admission Number, places will be awarded to applicants in
 the under mentioned categories in the following order of        Proximity
 priority.                                                       Where it is possible to admit some, but not all of the
                                                                 children who fall within one particular category within the
 In the event of the Governors being unable to offer places      Oversubscription Criteria, preference will be given to
 to all children in a particular oversubscription category       those children whose homes are within the shortest walking
 then places will be offered to those children living closest    distance to the main entrance of the school as measured
 to the school measured by the safest walking route as           using Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) system as operated
 determined by the Local Authority.                              by the Local Authority.
 1.	Baptised Catholic looked after children and previously      Residence
     looked after children.                                      Evidence of permanent residence of the child at the time
                                                                 of application must be supplied if required. Permanent
 2.	Baptised Catholic children living in St. Cadoc’s Parish     residence is considered to be the child’s along with the
     who have siblings in the school at the time of admission    parent / guardian’s main and genuine principal place of
                                                                 residence that is where they are regularly and normally
 3.   Baptised Catholic children living in St. Cadoc’s Parish    living. If a child is resident with friends or relatives (for
                                                                 reasons other than guardianship) the friend or relative’s
 4.	Baptised Catholic children living outside the Parish of     address will not be considered for allocation purposes.
     St. Cadoc’s who have a sibling in the school at the time
     of admission                                                Right of Appeal
                                                                 Where a child is refused entry to school, the Governing
 5.	Baptised Catholic children living outside the Parish of     Body will write to the parents giving full details of why the
     St. Cadoc’s.                                                application was refused, in light of the published criteria.
                                                                 Parents have the right of appeal against the decision to
 Confirmation of Baptism will be required in each of the         refuse an application. The intention to appeal must be
 above categories.                                               forwarded in writing, within fourteen days of the receipt
                                                                 of the refusal letter, to the Clerk to the Governors c/o the
 6.	Looked after children and previously looked after           School. The appeal will be heard by an Independent
     children of other Christian or Non-Christian faiths.        Appeals Panel.
 7.	Children from other Christian faiths who have a sibling     Waiting List
     in the school at the time of admission                      A waiting list will be maintained until 30 September. If
                                                                 an additional place becomes available the governors
 8.	Children from other Christian faiths whose parents wish     will consider those on the waiting list on the basis of the
     them to have a Catholic Education. Each application         published oversubscription criteria and not on the date the
     should be supported by a letter or evidence of practice     application was received.
     of worship from their religious leader.

ST CUTHBERT’S CATHOLIC                                          exceptional medical, educational or pastoral needs. The
                                                                Governing Body gives top priority within each category
PRIMARY SCHOOL                                                  to those children who are in the care of the local
                                                                authority (Looked After Children). The Governing Body
Oversubscriptions Criteria                                      recognises this as a recommendation of the code of
1.	Baptised Catholic children of Catholic families             practice for admissions in accordance with Section 22 of
    who have siblings in the school at the time the             the Children Act 1989.In doing so, the Governing Body
    applicant joins the school, residing in the Parish of       does not set any form of precedent which may be used
    St Cuthbert’s. (Proof of residence and Baptismal            as a benchmark for other cases.
    Certificate is required.)
                                                                Each case will be reviewed as a unique case and given
2. 	The Baptised Catholic children of Catholic parents         consideration as such. Confidentiality will be maintained
     residing in St. Cuthbert’s Parish, Cardiff. (Proof of      in all cases and not discussed in comparison to others.
     residence and Baptismal Certificate is required.)
                                                                Tie breaker
3. 	Baptised Catholic children of Catholic parents             If the Governing Body are unable to admit all applicants
     residing in parishes adjoining St. Cuthbert’s Parish       who fall into the lowest criterion a tie-breaker will be
     which are in the City and County of Cardiff. (Proof of     applied where priority will be given to those children who
     residence and Baptismal Certificate is required.)          live closest to the school as measured by the distance from
                                                                the school gate to their home residence in a straight line.
4. 	Baptised Catholic children residing in areas other
     than referred to in Category 1 who have baptised           Evidence of permanent residence of the child at time
     siblings in the school at the time of admission. (Proof    of application must be supplied if required. The home
     of residence and Baptismal Certificate is required.)       address is considered to be the child’s along with the
                                                                parent’s main and genuine principal place of residence
5. 	The children of Catholic parents not in the above          on the published date i.e. where they are normally
     categories (1-4) at their discretion. (Proof of            and regularly living. If a child is resident with friends
     residence and Baptismal Certificate required.)             or relatives (for reasons other than guardianship) the
                                                                friends or relative’s address will not be considered for
6. 	Children baptised into other Christian                     allocation purposes.
     denominations who reside in the areas referred to
     in Category 1, who already have baptised siblings in       Appeals
     the school at the time of admission.                       Details of the procedure to be followed if an appeal
                                                                against any decision of the Governors on admissions is
7. 	Children baptised into other Christian                     contemplated may be had from the Admissions Appeal
     denominations who reside in the areas referred to in       Panel c/o Clerk to the Governing Body.
     Category 1.

8. 	Non-Christian children who already have siblings in
     the school at the time of admission.
                                                                ST FRANCIS CATHOLIC PRIMARY
                                                                                                                                Admission Policies
9. 	In the event of their being any unallocated places         SCHOOL (N)
     by 1st July in any year, the Governors may consider
     applications from non-Christian parents desirous           The Governing Body of St Francis RC Primary School is
     of seeking a Christian education for their children.       the Admissions Authority for the school. While it has
     Such applications will only be agreed where the            responsibility for its policy and procedures, the Governing
     Governors are satisfied that the religious and moral       Body will consult annually with other admissions
     atmosphere and teaching of the school are of prime         authorities within a three mile radius of the school.
     importance to those making the application.
                                                                Oversubscriptions Criteria
10. 	Applications on compassionate grounds, each to be         1.	Baptised Catholic children living in St. Francis and St.
      considered on its own merit, and at the discretion of         Clare’s Parish, Ely, Cardiff.
      the Governing Body,
                                                                2.	Baptised children of Catholic parents living in St.
All applications for the admission of children to this school       Francis and St. Clare’s Parish, Ely, Cardiff.
should be made to the Head teacher in the first instance.
                                                                3. 	Baptised Catholic children of neighbouring parishes.
The Governing Body reserves the right to allocate a
place at their discretion for individual or exceptional         4. 	Siblings of children already in the school.
cases. The Governing Body will give due consideration
to applications from families whose children have               5. 	The Baptised children of Catholic Parents not in the

above categories.                                            Definition of sibling
                                                                  For admission purposes, a sibling is a child who is the
 6. 	In the event of there being any unallocated places the      brother/sister, half brother/sister (children who share a
      Governors may consider applications from non-Catholic       common parent), step brother/sister where two children are
      parents desirous of seeking a Christian education for       related by marriage. This definition also includes adopted
      their child provided such an application is supported       or fostered children living at the same address.
      by the appropriate Minister of Religion or where the        Evidence of permanent residence of the child at the time
      Governors are satisfied that the religious and moral        of application must be supplied if required. Permanent
      atmosphere and teaching of the school are of prime          residence is considered to be the child’s along with the
      importance to those making the applications.                parent’s/ guardian’s main and genuine principal place of
                                                                  residence ie. where they are regularly and normally living. If
 7. 	Children of a non-religious background whose parents        a child is resident with friends or relatives (for reasons other
      seek a Christian education.                                 than guardianship) the friend’s or relative’s address will not
                                                                  be considered for allocation purposes.
 The Governing Body gives top priority within each category
 to those children who are in the care of the Local Authority.    Late Applications
 Places are provided for pupils who have a Statement of           Only applications received by the published closing date
 Special Educational Needs where St Francis RC Primary            will be considered in the initial round of allocation of
 School is clearly named on the statement in accordance           places. Applications received after the published date will
 with the Education Act 19196.                                    be processed in the same way, but will be considered only
                                                                  after all of the applications received on time. This could
 Arrangements for Admissions of Reception pupils in               result in there not being a place available at the school.
 September 2019
 Parents seeking a place in the Reception class for               Waiting List
 September 2019 must apply in writing using a school              A waiting list will be maintained until the Friday
 application form. In order to ensure consistency between         immediately prior to the autumn half term in any academic
 admission authorities and avoid confusion on the part of         year. If a place becomes available, it will be allocated on
 parents, all admission authorities in Cardiff have common        the basis of the Oversubscriptions Criteria and not on the
 dates for the return of primary applications and decision        date the application was received.
 letters being sent out.
                                                                  Right of Appeal
 Therefore, the closing date for applications will be in          Applicants will be notified in writing as soon as possible
 Monday 7th January 2019. The Admissions Sub Committee            after the determination of their application. Where a
 will meet to determine admissions and if required apply the      child is refused admission to the school, the Governing
 oversubscription criteria. Parents will be notified by Tuesday   Body will write to the parents giving full details of why the
 16th April 2019. Any applications received after the closing     application was refused, in light of the published criteria.
 date will be considered, subject to places being available
 (see late applications.)                                         Parents have a right to appeal against the decision to
                                                                  refuse an application. This will be heard by an independent
 The Governing Body will admit up to the school’s                 appeals panel. The determination of the appeal panel will
 admissions number. The Admissions Number for St Francis          be made in accordance with the Code of Practice on School
 RC Primary School in September 2019 is 55. Applications          Admission Appeals. Notice of the intention to appeal
 received after the closing date will be considered, subject to   should be sent in writing to the Clerk of the Governors, c/o
 places being available                                           St Francis RC Primary School.

 Tie breaker
 Where it is possible to admit some, but not all of the
 children who fall within one particular category within the      ST JOHN LLOYD CATHOLIC PRIMARY
 Oversubscriptions Criteria, preference will be given to those    SCHOOL (N)
 children whose homes are within the shortest walking
 distance to the main entrance of the school as determined        Oversubscription Criteria
 by the ‘Strategic Planning and Performance Unit’ of              Children with an SEN statement naming St John Lloyd
 the Local Authority and their use of the Geographical            Catholic Primary School will be admitted. Where the
 Information System (GIS.) This is known as a ‘tie- breaker.’     number of applicants for admission exceeds the number
                                                                  of places available, places will be awarded to Applicants
 Requirements                                                     in the under mentioned categories in the following order
 All applications for the admission of children to this           of priority, with Looked After and previously Looked After
 school should be made to the Headteacher. Certificates           Children being given priority in each of the oversubscription
 of Baptism or any other evidence of Baptism are required         categories. In the event of the Governors being unable to
 when an application is made from parents of Baptised             offer all children in a particular oversubscription category a
 children (categories 1 – 4.)                                     place then places will offered to multiple births and those

children living closest to the school measured from the      Right of Appeal
school gates at Brynbala Way by the safest walking route     Where a child is refused entry to school, the Governing
as determined by the Local Authority.                        Body will write to the parents giving full details of why
                                                             the application was refused, in light of the published
1.	Baptised Catholic children living in the parish of St    criteria. Parents have the right of appeal against the
    John Lloyd and Blessed Sacrament who have siblings       decision to refuse an application. The intention to appeal
    in the school at the time of admission                   must be forwarded in writing within fourteen days of
                                                             the refusal letter, to the Clerk to the Governors who will
2.	Baptised Catholic children living in the parish of St    present it to the Independent Appeals Committee.
    John Lloyd and Blessed Sacrament.
                                                             Waiting List
3.	The baptised Catholic children living outside the        A waiting list will be maintained until 30th September.
    parish of St John Lloyd and Blessed Sacrament who        If an additional place becomes available the governors
    have a sibling in the school at the time of admission    will consider those on the waiting list on the basis of the
                                                             published oversubscription criteria and not on the date
4.	The baptised Catholic children living outside the        the application was received.
    parish of St John Lloyd and Blessed Sacrament.

5.	Children from other Christian faiths who have a
    sibling in the school at the time of admission.
                                                             ST JOSEPH’S CATHOLIC PRIMARY
Proof of baptism will be required in each of the             SCHOOL
above categories.
                                                             Oversubscriptions Criteria
6.	Children from other Christian faiths who have who        1a)	Baptised Catholic children who are or have been
    have a sibling in the school at the time of admission.        in the care of the Local Authority (looked after
                                                                  children) or provided with accommodation by them
7.	Children from other Christian faiths whose parents            e.g. foster parents (section106 of the Education Act
    wish them to have a Catholic Education. Each                  2005, All Wales Education regulations 2009)
    application should be supported by a letter or
    evidence of practice of worship from their religious     1b) Baptised Catholic children whose families reside
    leader.                                                       in St Joseph’s Parish or in the adjacent parishes of
                                                                  Our Lady of Lourdes and St Teilo’s, St Brigid’s or St
8.	Non Baptised children including children of a                 David’s Cathedral who do not have schools of their
    religious tradition, other than Christian who wish            own and who have siblings in the school at the time
    to receive education at St John Lloyd who have a              of admission
    sibling in the school at the time of admission.
                                                             1c)	Pupils with Statements of Additional/ Special
9.	Non-Baptised including children of a religious                Educational Needs where St Joseph’ RC Primary
    tradition, other than Christian who wish to receive           School is named on the statement will automatically

                                                                                                                            Admission Policies
    education at St John Lloyd children whose parents             be admitted
    wish them to be educated in a Catholic School.
                                                             2)	Baptised Catholic children residing in the areas
Definition of Sibling                                            referred to in category 1
Children who have a sibling on roll at St. John Lloyd
Catholic Primary School in the September the applicant       3) 	Baptised Catholic children not category 1 but
would begin school. Priority will be by reference to              residing in Cardiff
the youngest sibling in the school, the youngest
commanding the highest degree of priority. Any sibling       4) 	Baptised Catholic children who reside outside Cardiff
connection must be stated on the application form. For
admission purposes a sibling is a child who is the brother   5) 	Children who are not baptized Catholics who are or
/ sister, half-brother/sister (children who share one             have been in the care of the Local Authority (LAC/
common parent), step brother / sister where two children          PLAC) or provided with accommodation by them,
are related by marriage. This definition also includes            e.g. foster parents (Section 106 of Education Act
adopted or fostered children at the same address.                 2005, All Wales Education Regulations 2009.)

Multiple Birth Children (eg twins/triplets                   6) 	Children baptised into other denominations (as
If when applying the oversubscription criteria the                defined in notes below) who reside in the areas
last child to be admitted is one of a multiple birth the          referred to in Category 1 with a brother or sister in
governors will admit the other sibling(s).                        school in the September that the applicant would

begin school. (Priority will not be given to applications      Definition of Sibling
     in this category unless an accompanying letter is              Children who have a sibling on roll at St Joseph’s Catholic
     provided confirming baptism)                                   Primary School in the September the applicant would
                                                                    begin school. Twins triplets or quads will have the priority
 7) 	Children baptised into other denominations (as                over single siblings. The second priority in this category will
      defined in notes below) who reside in areas other than        be by reference to the youngest sibling in the school, the
      referred to in Category 1. Priority will not be given to      youngest commanding the highest degree of priority. Any
      applications in this category unless an accompanying          sibling connection must be stated in the application. For
      letter is provided confirming baptism                         admission purposes a sibling is a child who is the brother/
                                                                    sister, half-brother/sister (children who share one common
 8) 	Children of other faiths who seek a Catholic Education.       parent), step brother/step sister where two children are
      Priority will not be given to applications in this category   related by marriage. This definition also includes adopted
      unless a supportive accompanying letter from their            or fostered children living at the same address.
      Minister or Religious Leader is provided.
                                                                    Tie Breaker
 9) Non-baptised children who seek a Catholic Education             In the event of a tie breaker being required the governors
                                                                    will admit those applicants who live nearest to the school.
 Relevant Notes and Definitions                                     The distance will be measured from the front door of the
                                                                    reception entrance to the front door of the house or flat
 Confirmation of Baptism will be required for                       of the applicant. In the case of a child whose parents have
 Categories 1 to 4                                                  joint shared responsibility the parent who has the greater
 Confirmation of Baptism will be required by the provision          responsibility during the school week and whose residence
 of a baptism certificate from the relevant parish and              is nearer the school will be the determining factor. A letter
 confirmation in writing from the current parish priest.            from the parents will have to be provided to confirm that
 Looked after Children
 Children who are in the care of the Local Authority (looked        The school will use the Geographical Information System
 after children) or provided with accommodation by them             (GIS) to calculate home to school distances in miles.( This is
 e.g. foster parents (section106 of the Education Act 2005,         the system applied to all maintained Schools in Cardiff) The
 All Wales Education regulations 2009) and Previously               shortest walking route is calculated using Ordnance Survey
 Looked after Children will have priority in all clauses of the     (OS) customised route data from an applicant’s home
 oversubscription Criteria. The definition of a Looked after        address to the nearest open school gate. The co-ordinates
 Child is a child who is looked after by the Local Authority in     of an applicant’s home address are determined using the
 accordance with Section 22 of the Children Act 1989.               Local Land and Property Gazetteer (LLPG) AND OS Address
                                                                    Point Data
 Special Educational Needs
 Pupils with Statements of Additional/ Special Educational          Late Applications
 Needs where St Joseph’s RC Primary School is named on               Applications received after the closing date will be
 the Statement will automatically be admitted                       considered when a good reason is stated such as a family
                                                                    moving in to the area. Looked after Children and children
 Christians of other Denominations                                  with SEN statements will be admitted.
 Children whose parents(s) or guardian(s) are active and            Parents will have the right of appeal to an Independent
 practising members of Churches together in Wales (Cytun).          Appeal Panel if they are dissatisfied with an admission
 This includes churches such as Presbyterian Church of              decision of St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School The Appeal
 Wales; Union of Welsh Independent Churches; Baptist                Panel will be independent of the school. The arrangements
 Union of Wales; Methodist Church; United Reformed                  for Appeals will be in line with the Code of Practice
 Church; Covenanted Baptist Churches; Salvation Army;               on School Admission Appeals published by the Welsh
 Roman Catholic; Congregational Federation of Churches;             Assembly Government in July 2009. The determination of
 Religious Society of Friends; Orthodox Church. Priority will       the appeal panel will be made in accordance with the Code
 not be given to applications in this category unless an            of Practice on School Admission Appeals and is binding on
 accompanying statement of affiliation or reference signed          all parties.
 by the minister or church’s representative is provided
 confirming membership of the church.                               Appeals will be dealt with within thirty school days. Late
                                                                    applications will be considered and applicants notified
 Parents of other Faiths seeking a Catholic Education               within 15 school days if a place is available.
 Parents of pupils in category 7 and 8 will need to provide
 a letter explaining the reasons they desire a Catholic             A waiting list will be maintained until 30th September 2019
 education for their child. Those Parents applying in               in the school year in which the applicants applied.
 Category 7 will also need to provide a supporting letter
 from their Minister of Religion or Religious Leader.

Should places become available then the places will be              care) or previously Looked After children who are
allocated on the basis of the oversubscription criteria.            baptised as Roman Catholics or have been formally
The school will notify the parents of where their child has         accepted into the Roman Catholic Church.
been on the waiting list.                                     (2) 	Children who are baptised as Roman Catholics
                                                                    or have been formally accepted into the Roman
The school will notify the parent if a place has been               Catholic Church and permanently reside in the
allocated. If the applicant is rejected the parent will be          catchment area of St Mary’s School*.
notified and given the following information:-                (3) 	Children who are baptised as Roman Catholics
                                                                    or have been formally accepted into the Roman
•   Number of applications received                                 Catholic Church.
•   Number available                                          (4) 	Looked after children (LAC -children in the public
•   Oversubscription Criteria                                       care) or previously Looked After children who are not
•   Right of Appeal                                                 of the Roman Catholic Faith.
•   Process for that Appeal                                   (5) 	Children of other Christian denominations, whose
•   Deadline for Response                                           parents have demonstrated a wish for Catholic
•   Reason for Rejection                                            education, who permanently reside in the catchment
                                                                    area of St Mary’s School*.
Details of the procedure to be followed if an appeal          (6) 	Children of other Christian denominations whose
against any decision of the Governors on admission is               parents have demonstrated a wish for Catholic
contemplated may be obtained from the Admissions                    education.
Appeal Committee c/o Clerk to the Governing Body at           (7) 	Children of other Faith traditions, whose parents
the school St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School Appeals              have demonstrated a wish for Catholic education,
Process Information Notes to parents who appeal                     who permanently reside in the catchment area of St
against a decision of the Governing Body not to admit               Mary’s School*.
an applicant.                                                 (8) 	Other children, whose parents have demonstrated a
                                                                    wish for Catholic education, who permanently reside
St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School Governing Body                  in the catchment area of St Mary’s School*.
is the Admission Authority and is required to make            (9) 	Other children whose parents have demonstrated a
arrangements for the hearing of appeals against                     wish for Catholic education.
decisions not to offer a place to a child at the school.      * Catchment area of
                                                              •	Ely River, the eastern side of Western avenue (A48)
Admission Appeals                                                   Ely Road and Cardiff Road.
Parents have a right to appeal in the event that their        •	To roundabout (BBC) including Llandaff Village
application for a place is unsuccessful. Appeals must be            bounded by the River Taff to railway line parallel to
lodged with the Clerk to the Appeal Panel by Appeals will           Ninian Park Road.
be heard within thirty school days                            •	Both sides of Sloper Road to both sides of Bessemer
                                                                    Road and Hadfield Road to the River Ely.

                                                              Terms Used
ST MARY’S CATHOLIC PRIMARY                                    Home to School Distances

                                                                                                                             Admission Policies
                                                              This distance is measured as the “shortest available
SCHOOL (N)                                                    walking route, accompanied as necessary” between the
                                                              home and school. Cardiff Council uses a Geographical
Oversubscriptions Criteria                                    Information System (GIS) to calculate home to school
Where St. Mary’s Catholic Primary School is named in a        distances in miles to the nearest 2 decimal point. The
statement of Special Educational Needs, the Governing         shortest walking route is calculated using Ordnance
Body has a duty to admit the child to the school              Survey (OS) customised route data from an applicant’s
before the over-subscription criteria is applied against      home address to the nearest open school gate.
applications received.
                                                              Children of UK Service Personnel and Crown Servants
In each category below:                                       The address of UK service Personnel will be accepted
•	Priority will be given firstly to applications made on     if their application form is accompanied by an official
    medical needs (see Medical Grounds)                       Ministry of Defence (MoD) letter declaring a definite
•	Priority will next be given to the siblings of those       return date and confirmation of the new address.
    pupils who will be registered at St Mary’s Catholic
    Primary School at the time the child is to be             Shared Parental Responsibility
    admitted.                                                 Where parents have shared responsibility for a child, and
• Priority will next be given to multiple births.             the child lives with both parents for parts of the week
                                                              the home address will be determined as the property
The criterion will be applied in rank order.                  where the child lives for the majority of the school
(1) 	Looked after Children (LAC - children in the public     week (i.e. 3 out of 5 days) as at the stipulated closing

date for applications. Parents will be required to provide         8.	Children from other Christian faiths whose parents wish
 documentary evidence to support the address they wish to               them to have a Catholic Education. Each application
 be considered for admission purposes.                                  should be supported by a letter or evidence of practice
                                                                        of worship from their religious leader.
 Medical Grounds
 Written recommendations from a medical consultant (not a           Non – Christian children whose parents wish them to be
 GP) must be provided giving detailed reasons for the pupil’s       educated in a Catholic School.
 admission to a particular school to be considered under this
 criterion. It is your responsibility to provide this information   Right of Appeal
 with your application by the closing date. Evidence after          Where a child is refused entry to the school, the Governing
 the closing date will not be considered until after the initial    Body will write to the parents giving full details of why
 allocation of places.                                              the application was refused, in light of published criteria.
                                                                    Details of the procedure to be followed if an appeal
 Siblings                                                           against any decision of the Governing Body on admission
 For admission purposes a sibling is a child who is the             is contemplated will be provided with the letter of refusal.
 brother/ sister, half-brother/ sister (children who share          An ‘Independent Appeals Panel’ considers all appeals.
 one common parent), Step brother/ step sister (where               Unsuccessful applications are given the opportunity to
 two children are related by virtue of their parents being          be placed on a waiting list until the October, half-term
 married or co-habiting). This also includes adopted or             holidays, in 2019.
 fosters children living at the same address. A school will only
 consider siblings attending Years 1-6 during the 2019-20
 school year.
                                                                    ST PETER’S CATHOLIC PRIMARY
                                                                    SCHOOL (N)
 ST PATRICK’S CATHOLIC PRIMARY                                      Oversubscription Criteria
 SCHOOL                                                             1. 	Baptised Roman Catholic children resident in the
                                                                           area(s) defined in (i) and (ii) below, in this category
 Oversubscription Criteria                                                 priority will be given to children who are looked after by
 1.	Baptised catholic children who are in the care of the                 the Local Authority:
     local authority (looked after children) or provided with       (i) St. Peter’s Parish*
     accommodation by them e.g. foster parents (section             (ii) 	That part of St. Brigid, St. Paul and Christ the King
     106 of the Education Act 2005, All Wales Education             Parishes south of Eastern Avenue*
     regulations 2009).
                                                                    2. 	Baptised Roman Catholic children with a brother or
 2.	Baptised Catholic children living within the parish of              sister currently in the school, in this category priority will
     St. Patrick’s who have a sibling i.e. a full, half or step,         be given to children who are looked after by the Local
     adopted or fostered, brother or sister, in the school at            Authority**.
     the time of admission.
                                                                    3. 	Baptised Roman Catholic children from outside the
 3.	Baptised Catholic children living within the parish of St.          boundaries of 1 above. Here places will be allocated on
     Patrick’s.                                                          the basis of proximity to the school**, in this category
                                                                         priority will be given to children who are looked after by
 4.	Baptised Catholic children living outside St. Patrick’s             the Local Authority.
     Parish, who have a sibling in the school at the time of
     admission.                                                     4. 	Children with a brother or sister currently in the school,
                                                                         allocated on the basis of proximity to the school** in
 5.	Baptised Catholic children living outside St. Patrick’s             this category priority will be given to children who are
     Parish.                                                             looked after by the Local Authority.

 6.	Non-Catholic children who are in the care of the local         5. 	Baptised Christians of other denominations allocated
     authority (looked after children) or provided with                  on the basis of proximity to the school**, in this
     accommodation by them e.g. foster parents (section                  category priority will be given to children who are
     106 of the Education Act 2005, All Wales Education                  looked after by the Local Authority.
     regulations 2009).
                                                                    6. 	Non-Catholic children where the parents understand
 7.	Non-Catholic children who have a sibling in the school              and accept that their child/children will be educated
     at the time of admission.                                           in an environment that reflects Christian values
                                                                         allocated on the basis of proximity to the school**, in
                                                                         this category priority will be given to children who are
                                                                         looked after by the Local Authority.
7. 	Any other applicants who do not fall into the             Placing a child’s name on a waiting list does not affect
     categories outlined in 1-6 above allocated on the         the parent’s right of appeal against an unsuccessful
     basis of proximity to the school**, in this category      application. Where school places become available
     priority will be given to children who are looked after   before admissions appeals are heard these will be
     by the Local Authority.                                   filled from the waiting list according to the published
                                                               oversubscription criteria.
*Maps of the Parish of St Peter and St. Bridget’s, St.
Paul’s and Christ the King Parishes are available from the
school. We also have street maps of the city available
for any parent who wishes to use them to plot a route          ST PHILIP EVANS CATHOLIC
from home to St. Peter’s. As indicated children within
St. Peter’s Parish subdivision (i) in this category will be    PRIMARY SCHOOL (N)
admitted before children in subdivision (ii).
                                                               Oversubscription Criteria
*For the purposes of this policy brother or sister shall be    1a.	Baptised Catholic children who are in the care of the
taken to mean full, half or step brother or sister, adopted         Local Authority (looked after children) or provided
or fostered brother or sister.                                      with accommodation by them e.g. foster parents
**The proximity to the school will be measured by the               (section106 of the Education Act 2005, All Wales
safest walking route to the school. The LA at the request           Education regulations 2009)
of the Governing Body will ascertain this route by using
the route finder software is uses for this specific purpose.   1b. 	Baptised Catholic children whose families are
The route will be measured from the front door of the                 residing in:
house or dwelling to the nearest school gate, either the       (i) St Philip Evans Parish, St Paul’s Parish.
Elm Street Gate or the Southey Street Gate whichever is        (ii) 	The area encompassed by Llanishen Reservoir,
the shortest distance. In the case of flats, maisonettes or           Nantfawr River, Roath Park Lake and Western Avenue
other high rise residential buildings the measurement will            motorway but excluding Glyn Eiddew, Bryn Cyn, Bryn
be taken from the main entrance of the building to the                Heulog, Glyn Collen and Pant Glas, both sides of
nearest gate as previously described.                                 Llandennis Road and Rhydypenau Road.

The Governing Body which is the Admission Authority            1c. 	Pupils with Statements of Additional/Special
for St. Peter’s R.C. Primary School is obliged to maintain           Educational Needs where St Philip Evans RC Primary
a waiting list for admission when the school has been                School is named on the Statement will automatically
oversubscribed and the oversubscription criteria have                be admitted.
been applied. For each unsuccessful application the
parent/s or guardians will be asked if they wish to have       2. 	Baptised Catholic children with a brother or sister
the child’s name placed on a waiting list. This will be             currently in the school.
done formally as part of the letter which informs them
their application has been unsuccessful. We will require       3. 	Baptised Catholic children not in either of the above
in writing an indication that they want to be placed on a           categories but residing in the County of Cardiff.
waiting list. This list will be maintained until 31st August

                                                                                                                             Admission Policies
in the school year in which they apply. The child’s name       4. 	Baptised Catholic children residing outside the
will be kept on the waiting list for the academic year              County of Cardiff.
after their application if the Governing Body receives
such a request. Longer term placement on the waiting           Confirmation of Baptism will be required for
list would be discussed on an individual basis.                categories 1 to 4.

If additional places become available while the waiting        5. 	Children from other Christian faiths (as defined
list is in operation they will be allocated to children             in notes below) who have a sibling at the time of
on the waiting list on the basis of the published                   admission. (see notes).
oversubscription criteria and following the method that
has been set out above. The waiting list will not give         6. 	Children from other Christian faiths (as defined in
priority to children based on the date the application              notes below) who wish them to have a Catholic
was made or the request to be added to the list was                 education. Written evidence of practice in that
received. The Admission Authority will inform parents               faith must be provided by the Minister confirming
of where their child has been placed on the waiting                 membership of the Church.
list and of any alteration to this position because of
applications received that have a higher priority in the       7. 	Children of other religions who seek a Catholic
oversubscription criteria.                                          education. Applications in this category will not
                                                                    be considered unless an accompanying letter is
                                                                    provided from the Minister/representative outlining
                                                                    the reason for seeking admission to the school.

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