Starting Primary School - in Tower Hamlets 2021 For children born between 1 September 2016 and 31 August 2017

Page created by Darryl Burton
Starting Primary School - in Tower Hamlets 2021 For children born between 1 September 2016 and 31 August 2017
Primary School
in Tower Hamlets 2021
For children born between 1 September 2016 and 31 August 2017

                                     Closing date for applications: 15 January 2021
                                                   National offer day: 16 April 2021
                     Apply online at
Starting Primary School - in Tower Hamlets 2021 For children born between 1 September 2016 and 31 August 2017
Key dates at a glance

                                 From September 2020
              Read this booklet and consider which schools you want to apply for.
                          You can visit schools to help you decide.

                     1 September 2020 to 15 January 2021
      Complete an application form at
Apply for up to six schools in preference order. If you want to apply for a voluntary aided (church)
or free school, you must also obtain and complete the school’s supplementary information form.

                                     15 January 2021
                             This is the closing date for applications.
                             Make sure you apply online by this date.

                                 January to April 2021
                      Pupil Services will process your application to decide
                       at which school your child can be offered a place.

                                        16 April 2021
           You will be sent a letter and email by Pupil Services informing you of the
         outcome of your application. If you are offered a place at a school, the school
           will write to you to confirm the arrangements for you to accept the place.

                                        30 April 2021
      Deadline for you to confirm acceptance of a place, directly with the school you have
      been offered. You can also add your child’s name to any other school’s waiting list.

                                        14 May 2021
             Deadline for making an appeal for admission to a preferred school(s).

                                      June/July 2021
                        Appeals heard, parents can attend the hearings.

                                     September 2021
                                   Your child starts school.
Starting Primary School - in Tower Hamlets 2021 For children born between 1 September 2016 and 31 August 2017
Foreword by the
Corporate Director
Dear parents and carers,                               We’re proud that Tower Hamlets schools
                                                       are inclusive and that children with Special
Starting primary school is a big moment for            Educational Needs and Disabilities are educated
both parents and children. We know that you            well and thriving in our mainstream settings.
want your child to have the best start in life and
choosing the right school for your child can be a      I am sure you have very high aspirations for your
difficult decision. This booklet is designed to help   child and expect high levels of achievement as
you make the right choice so that your child is        well as good behaviour and regular attendance.
happy and successful at school.
                                                       The council and our schools look to work in
Inside you will find information about schools         partnership with parents and carers. Together we
in Tower Hamlets, including addresses, phone           can ensure your child and all children in Tower
numbers and maps showing exactly where                 Hamlets progress well and make the best of their
they are. We have also tried to answer the most        time at school. You can be sure our teachers and
frequently asked questions.                            other staff strive for nothing short of excellence and,
                                                       working with you, we can achieve this for your child.
It is a good idea to visit some schools and take
the time to see the range of opportunities that        You will be aware that as a result of changes
are available before making up your mind. School       in the population, schools in some parts of the
staff are always pleased to meet new parents           borough are struggling to fill all of their places.
and carers. As long as you make an appointment         Over the last year the council has been working
first, they will be happy to show you around. All      with headteachers and others to agree a plan
of our local schools produce brochures about           to make sure that Tower Hamlets schools can
themselves, so you may want to contact those           maintain their current high standards. A small
you are most interested in to ask for a copy. For      number of schools will be consulting on changes
more information and advice, please call Pupil         to their Published Admissions Number (PAN)
Services on 020 7364 5006. We have multilingual        which will take effect from September 2021.
as well as Bengali speaking admissions officers.       The councils Cabinet will make a final decision
                                                       about these proposals in February 2021.
You should make your application online and, if you
don’t have your own computer, you can access           The schools effected are identified in this booklet
the internet at any of the borough’s Idea Stores.      (pages 26-28) and, if you wish to apply for a place
                                                       at these schools, please be aware that places in
The website address is                                 their Reception year group may not be available,              though this will not affect places from years 1-6.
Please see page 33 for more information.
                                                       If this is the case and a place cannot be offered
More than 97 per cent of Tower Hamlet’s                at your chosen school(s), then, we will allocate
primary schools have now been judged ‘Good’            a place at your nearest primary school that has
or ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted and the borough has         spaces available.
some of the fastest improving schools in the
country. The latest primary school results show        For more information, please refer to the Primary
that very high standards are common in schools         Place Review for parents section of this booklet
across the borough. This has meant a rise in the       (page 29).
number of parents wanting to send their children to
our schools and in turn there is a greater demand      We look forward to your child attending one of
for school places in the borough. Most schools         our schools.
in Tower Hamlets receive more applications than        Yours sincerely,
there are places available, so some children may
not be offered a place at their preferred school(s).   James Thomas
Please be aware of this when deciding which six        Corporate Director, Children and Culture
schools to apply to in order of preference.            London Borough of Tower Hamlets
Starting Primary School - in Tower Hamlets 2021 For children born between 1 September 2016 and 31 August 2017
1                                Contents

This booklet explains how to     1 	Nursery schools, classes and early years units
apply for a place at a primary   • Nursery admission                                     5
school in Tower Hamlets.         • When and how to to apply for a nursery place          7
                                 • Frequently asked questions                            8
You will find this information
useful if you are applying
                                 2 	Reception admission
for a nursery place for your
                                 •   Starting primary school                             9
son or daughter, if they are
due to start reception or you    •   How to apply                                        9
would like them to transfer      •   Making changes to your application                 10
from one school to another.      •   Oversubscription criteria                          11
                                 •   Tie-break                                          12
You should start thinking        •   Outcome of your application                        12
about which nursery or early     •   Making further applications                        13
years unit you would like        •   How to appeal                                      14
your child to go to when they    •   Deferring entry                                    14
are two years old.               •   Frequently asked questions                         16

If your child was born
                                 3 	In-year admissions, school transfer
between 1 September 2016
                                     and moving from infant to junior
and 31 August 2017, they
                                 • In-year admission                                    17
should start reception in the
2021/22 school year.             • Infant to junior transfer                            18

                                 4 	School list and catchment area maps
                                 •   Catchment area maps                                19
You need to apply by             •   School catchment area 1 (Stepney)                  20
15 January 2021 to               •   School catchment area 2 (Bow)                      21
                                 •   School catchment area 3 (Poplar)                   22
secure a place for               •   School catchment area 4 (Isle of Dogs)             23
your child in the                •   School catchment area 5 (Wapping)                  24
2021/22 school year.             •   School catchment area 6 (Bethnal Green)            25
                                 •   Nursery and primary schools in Tower Hamlets       26

                                 5 Primary place review for parents
                                 • 	Our changing borough:                              29
                                     the effect on primary school places

                                 6 	Appendices
                                 • 	Appendix A - Understanding school catchment
                                     areas and the oversubscription criteria            30
                                 • Appendix B - Summary of last year’s offers           32
                                 • Appendix C - Step-by-step guide to applying online   33
                                 • Glossary                                             37
                                 • Useful contacts                                      38
Starting Primary School - in Tower Hamlets 2021 For children born between 1 September 2016 and 31 August 2017
Nursery schools, classes and
                                     early years units                                                              1
                                                                                    Nurseries welcome visits from
Nursery admission                        The benefits of choosing                   parents as we want you to feel
                                         nursery education                          confident that you pick the right
Children will usually start
nursery school or a nursery              Attending a nursery school or              setting for your child. It is well worth
class in the September                   a nursery class gives children a           visiting a few nursery settings
following their third birthday.          valuable introduction to school.           before making your application.
It is possible for eligible              They will have the opportunity to
children to access a funded              develop their skills and to be part
place from the beginning of the          of a large group of children of their
                                                                                      Nursery provision in
term after their third birthday.         own age. We work in partnership              Tower Hamlets
Both part-time (15 hours per             with parents to give your child              Nursery Schools and
week) and full-time (30 hours            the best possible start to their             Schools with nursery classes
per week) places are available           education and prepare them for               There are six nursery schools
at Tower Hamlets nurseries.              Reception class.                             in Tower Hamlets:
                                                                                      • Alice Model Nursery School
                                         Our nurseries are run by
Who is nursery                           experienced, early years trained             • Children’s House Nursery
education for?                           teachers and supported by nursery                School
                                         nurses and early years trained               • Columbia Market Nursery
Nursery Education is free for all                                                         School
                                         teaching assistants. All nursery
three to four-year-olds. Your child                                                   • Harry Roberts Nursery School
                                         education in Tower Hamlets
is entitled to 15 hours free early
                                         nursery schools and nursery                  • Old Church Nursery School
years education per week and this
                                         classes in primary schools are               • Rachel Keeling Nursery
is available from the term after their
                                         rated ‘Good’ by Ofsted and many                  School
third birthday. Eligible parents may
                                         are rated ‘Outstanding’.                     More information about these
also be entitled to an additional
15 hours per week. Some parents                                                       nursery schools can be found
                                         The nursery day is arranged to               on page 26.
of two-year-olds are also eligible
                                         allow each child to develop at their
for 15 hours free nursery, but must
                                         own pace. Nursery classes are                Primary Schools with
meet certain government (income-
                                         usually organised in the same way            Nursery Classes
based) criteria.
                                         as a school, with three terms. A             There are 61 maintained primary
                                         typical day in nursery consists of           schools which have an attached
                                         two sessions: a morning session              nursery class in Tower Hamlets.
                                         from approximately 9am to 12 noon            A full list of these nursery
                                         and an afternoon session from                schools and classes, along with
                                         approximately 12.30pm to 3.30pm.             more information about them,
                                         Some settings offer wrap-around-             can be found on page 26.
                                         care which means children can
                                         attend breakfast club (e.g. from
                                         8am) and after school care (e.g.
                                         until 5.30pm).                             Other pre-school
                                         For more information on how a
                                         typical day in nursery is arranged you     Private, voluntary and independent
                                         can contact your local nursery. You        nurseries, preschools and
                                         can also learn more about the early        playgroups also offer pre-school
                                         years foundation stage from www.           provision. A list of these providers is
                                or          available from the Family Information
                                         the Department for Education (DfE)         Service on 020 7364 6495
                                         website (                  (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm).

                                                                    Apply online at   5
Starting Primary School - in Tower Hamlets 2021 For children born between 1 September 2016 and 31 August 2017
1                          Nursery schools, classes and
                           early years units

                                                Children love to play and learn, and     Families who have no recourse to
Nursery class sessions                          Tower Hamlets has some excellent         public funds (NRPF) are not eligible
Nursery classes are part-time for               nurseries, pre-school playgroups         for a funded Early Learning for
15 hours or full-time for 30 hours              and childminders where they can          two-year-olds.
each week during school term.                   do just that.
                                                                                         You can check whether your
Usually children attend either a                Your child could take up their place     child is eligible by going to:
morning or afternoon session of                 in the term after they turn two-
three hours, or a full day. Where               years-old, with 15 hours a week
a school offers both morning and                of free care, if you are on a low-       Alternatively, you can go to your
afternoon sessions, the school will             income, if your child has additional     nearest children’s centre, and they
allocate the sessions. Sessions                 needs or if your child is looked after   will be able to do the check.
may be allocated in consultation                by the council. If you have an older     For more information on children’s
with parents. No guarantee is                   child at school and they receive         centres, or to check your eligibility
made of the session time when                   Free School Meals, your younger          you can call the Family Information
a place is offered. Children from               children will probably be eligible for   Service on 020 7364 6495
multiple births will be offered the             a free two-year-old place too.           (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm).
same session.                                                                            The Family Information Service will
                                                Your child will be eligible if any of    also be able to discuss with you
                                                the following apply:                     what childcare is available and
Early learning for two-                         • they have a current Education,         what best suits you and your child.
year-olds                                           Health and Care Plan (EHCP)
                                                • they get Disability Living
Some children may be eligible                       Allowance                            Start dates
for 15 hours of funded childcare                • they have left care through
from the term after their second                                                         Children will usually start nursery
                                                    special guardianship or an
birthday. Unlike the nursery                                                             school or a nursery class in the
                                                    adoption or child arrangement
education for three and four-year-                                                       September following their third
olds which is open to all, the early                                                     birthday. However, it is possible for
                                                • they are looked after by the
learning for two-year-olds is only                                                       eligible children to access a funded
                                                    local authority
available to children and families                                                       place from the beginning of the
that meet certain criteria.                                                              term after their third birthday.

6   Starting Primary School in Tower Hamlets 2021
Starting Primary School - in Tower Hamlets 2021 For children born between 1 September 2016 and 31 August 2017
Nursery schools, classes and
                                     early years units                                                               1
                                                                                     An additional free 15 hours will only
How to apply                                For further information on               be available for families where both
If your child was born between 1            nursery admission, including             parents are working (or the sole
September 2017 and 31 August                instructions on how to make              parent is working). Typically, each
2018 and you would like a nursery           an online application, please            parent must earn the equivalent
place for September 2021, you               refer to the ‘Starting Nursery           of 16 hours a week at the national
must submit an online application           in Tower Hamlets’ brochure,              minimum or living wage and less
by 16 February 2021.                        which can be found here:                 than £100,000 a year to be eligible.
You should apply online at                              schooladmissions.                        For more information on eligibility
                                                                                     go to:
It is very important not to apply late,                                    
because applications made after                                                      costs/free-childcare-and-
                                          Notification of decisions                  education-for-2-to-4-year-olds.
the closing date will be considered
only after places have been               If your application was received
allocated to children whose parents       on or before the closing date              The local authority will only offer
applied on time. Nursery class            (16 February 2021), Pupil Services         part-time places. Once your
places are in considerable demand         will notify you of the outcome             child has been offered a part-
and most schools will not have            of your application by letter and          time place, you may request a
vacancies once all applications that      email. The letter will be sent on          full-time place from your nursery.
have been received on time have           7 May 2021 and will name the               Full-time places will be subject
been processed.                           nursery at which a place has               to availability and will depend on
                                          been offered for your child. The           the eligibility criteria outlined in
When you have completed and               email will be sent after 5pm on            the previous paragraph.
submitted your application you            the same day.
will receive an instant email             This offer will be for a part-time         Parents not eligible for the
confirmation. You can then make           place only.                                additional free 15 hours may still
changes to your application up until                                                 access a full-time place by paying
the 16 February 2021 closing date.        If you have not been offered               a top-up fee. This fee will be set by
                                          a place at any of your chosen              each nursery. Please contact your
If you are not able to make an            nurseries, you will be sent a              local nursery for further information
online application, or you are not        list of nurseries that still have
a resident of Tower Hamlets and           places remaining and given the
wish to apply for a Tower Hamlets         opportunity to visit and apply to
nursery, you should contact Pupil         one of these nurseries. Your child         As nursery is non-statutory,
Services on 020 7364 5006.                will also be placed on the waiting         parents do not have the right of
                                          list for your preferred nursery.           appeal if they do not get their
                                                                                     preferred nursery choice. However,
  If you wish to apply to a private
                                                                                     parents may contact the local
  nursery or a nursery in another         Part-time and full-time                    authority for more information on
  local borough, you must                 funding                                    the reason as to why their child
  contact the nursery directly.
                                                                                     was not offered a place.
                                          All parents are entitled to 15
  To find out how to apply for a          hours per week of free early
  nursery place after a September         years education for 38 weeks
  2021 start i.e. January 2021 or         each year from the start of the
  April 2021, please contact Pupil        school term after their child’sthird
  Services on 020 7364 5006               birthday until the child reaches
  or email school.admissions@             compulsory school age i.e. the                    term after their fifth birthday.

                                                                     Apply online at   7
Starting Primary School - in Tower Hamlets 2021 For children born between 1 September 2016 and 31 August 2017
1                          Frequently asked questions about
                           nursery admission

    Is there financial                              Can I transfer                             If a child is already
 Q  help available for                              Q
                                                    my child                              Q    in the school’s
nursery provision?                              between nurseries?                       nursery class, is there an
                                                                                         automatic right to a place
All parents are entitled to 15                  Once children are admitted to
hours per week of free early years              nursery education, it is in their        in the reception class?
education for 38 weeks each year                interests to remain at that school       No. When parents apply for their
from the start of the school term               until they have to move on and           children to start reception, no priority
after their child’s third birthday              start Reception class. Children          is given to children that attend the
until the child reaches compulsory              take at least a term to settle and       nursery of the school. The decision on
school age i.e. the term after their            can find it very upsetting to move       whether or not a place can be offered
fifth birthday.                                 at this stage. Transfers will only       will be made in accordance with the
                                                take place at the start of each term     school’s admission policy. The policy
An additional free 15 hours will                and should only be considered if a       used for community schools in Tower
only be available for families                  family has moved from the area or        Hamlets is explained on page 11.
where both parents are working                  on exceptional grounds.
(or the sole parent is working).
Typically each parent must earn                                                               Can I get help with
the equivalent of 16 hours a week                     When can a child
                                                 Q move from a nursery                    Q   free early education
at the national minimum or living
                                                                                         or childcare for my
wage and less than £100,000                     to primary school?                       two-year-old?
a year to be eligible. For more
information on eligibility go to:               Children normally start the
                                                                                         Your two-year-old child may be                 reception year of primary school
                                                                                         entitled to 15 hours education or
costs/free-childcare-and-                       at the beginning of the school
                                                                                         childcare a week if you are in receipt
education-for-2-to-4-year-olds.                 year (September) following their
                                                                                         of low-income welfare benefit or
                                                fourth birthday. If your child is
                                                                                         your child meets other criteria.
For more information you can                    born between 1 September 2017
                                                                                         For a list of eligibility criteria visit
contact the Family Information                  and 31 August 2018 they will start
Service on 020 7364 6495                        reception in September 2022.
(Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm).                                                          education-for-2-to-4-year-olds.
                                                Children who attend a school’s
                                                nursery class do not automatically
                                                                                         Your child would be eligible from
     Can my child                               transfer to reception, as decisions on
 Q attend more than                             primary school admissions are taken
                                                                                         the beginning of the term after their
                                                                                         second birthday if you qualify for a
one provision?                                  separately. For more information on
                                                                                         funded place. For more information,
                                                when to apply for a reception place
                                                                                         call the Family Information Service
It is not recommended for a child               for your child, please contact Pupil
                                                                                         on 020 7364 6495 (Monday to
to be attending more than one                   Services on 020 7364 5006.
                                                                                         Friday, 9am to 5pm).
type of under-fives activity (e.g.
playgroup in the morning and
nursery class in the afternoon).
The adjustment is too demanding
and confusing for most children of
this age and much of the benefit
from either activity could be lost.

8   Starting Primary School in Tower Hamlets 2021
Starting Primary School - in Tower Hamlets 2021 For children born between 1 September 2016 and 31 August 2017
Reception admission
                                          process and how school admission          If you are not able to make an
Starting primary school                   decisions are made.                       online application, you should
Children start primary school                                                       contact Tower Hamlets Pupil
at the beginning of the school                                                      Services on 020 7364 5006 or
year in which they become
                                          How to apply                              via email to school.admissions@
five years of age. A child born                                           
                                          If you live in Tower Hamlets, you will
between 1 September 2016 and              need to complete the application via
31 August 2017 should start               the local authority, even if you want       If you live in another London
school in September 2021.                 to apply to schools outside of the          borough you can contact
                                          borough. You should apply online at         their School Admissions team
                                                     for a copy of their primary
When to make your                         Please see page 33 of this brochure         school brochure. There will
application                               for instructions.                           be the facility for you to apply
If your child is due to start                                                         online. A list with the contact
reception in September 2021, you          When you have completed and                 details of nearby London local
must complete and submit your             submitted your application you will         authorities is provided on
application by 15 January 2021.           receive an instant email confirmation.      page 38.
                                          You can then make changes to your
                                          application up until 15 January 2021.
What you should do
before you apply
Starting primary school in the
                                            The different types of primary school in Tower Hamlets
reception year is an important stage        There are five different types of maintained primary (government
in your child’s life. It is important       funded) schools within Tower Hamlets:
that you carefully consider which
                                            Community – these schools are           Academy – schools that are
schools to apply to.
                                            run by the council and the local        directly funded by central
                                            authority decides which children        government and independent of
Decide which schools                        can be admitted.                        local authority control. Decisions
                                                                                    on admissions are made by the
to apply for                                Voluntary aided – these are
                                                                                    school’s trust board. However,
                                            either Church of England or
You should visit your local schools to      Roman Catholic schools and              applications for admission must
help you decide. You can make an            each school’s governing body will       be made via the local authority.
appointment by contacting each of           decide on admissions. Priority is       Free school – these are
them directly. You should also look at:     given to children whose families        schools established by parents,
•   the school’s prospectus                 can provide evidence they practice      teachers, charities or businesses
    (information about how the              the school’s particular faith.          and are independent of the
    school runs)                            Foundation Trust – these                local authority. Decisions on
                                            schools are charitable trusts           admissions are made according
•   the school’s most recent
                                            and work in partnership with a          to the school’s admission criteria
    Ofsted inspection report
                                            charity or businesses. Decisions        and by the school’s board of
                                            on admissions are made by the           trustees. However, applications
•   the school’s performance                local authority on behalf of the        for admission must be made via
    results (          school’s board of trustees.             the local authority.
                                            A list of the Tower Hamlets maintained schools with their description,
You should also consider the
                                            location, website and contact details can be found on pages 26-28
likelihood of being offered places          of this brochure. Details of admissions policy and oversubscription
at the schools you prefer. This             criteria for schools can be accessed via the school’s website.
booklet explains the applications

                                                                    Apply online at   9
Starting Primary School - in Tower Hamlets 2021 For children born between 1 September 2016 and 31 August 2017
2                         Reception admission

The number of schools                          Changing your address                    Processing applications
you can apply for                              If you move address before 15            The local authority’s Pupil Services
It is strongly advised that you apply to       January 2021, you will be able to        team will process applications
six primary schools. It is important that      log in and update the address on         and coordinate the decisions for
you list them in order of preference i.e.      your online application. You can         Tower Hamlets children, including
the school you want the most should            also make changes to the schools         those applying to schools in other
be your first choice. This will decide         you wish to apply to.                    boroughs. This is done as part of the
which school is offered if your child                                                   Pan London Admissions System,
qualifies for admission at more than           If you move address after 15             which seeks to ensure that as many
one of the schools you have applied to.        January 2021, you must inform            children as possible are placed in a
                                               Pupil Services immediately. It may       school at the earliest opportunity.
You must not name independent                  still be possible to change your
(private) schools on your application.         choice of schools.                       Your application for each school
Instead, you should apply directly to                                                   is processed individually and, in
these schools.                                                                          each case, a decision is taken
                                               A change in your                         to determine if your child can be
                                               circumstances                            offered a place. If we find that we
You must complete                                                                       can place your child at more than
                                               If an older child transfers to another   one of your school preferences only
an application for a
                                               school after 15 January 2021 and         one school will be offered. This will
reception place, even if                       you need to change your younger          be for the highest preference school
your child is already in                       child’s school preferences because       at which an offer can be made.
the school’s nursery                           of this, you should contact Pupil
                                               Services on 020 7364 5006.
Children do not have an automatic              Depending on when your older             Making the decisions
right to transfer from a school’s              child transfers, it may be possible
nursery class to its reception.                                                         on applications
                                               to change your school preferences.
You must therefore make a separate                                                      The decisions on applications for
application for a reception place.             If any medical or social                 Tower Hamlets community schools
                                               circumstances within the family          are made by Pupil Services. If a
Please also note that by making an             change after 15 January 2021             community school receives more
application you are not guaranteed             that means that you feel your            applications than there are places
that a place will be offered, as               child would need a place at a            available, the local authority’s
children in the nursery are not                particular school, please contact        oversubscription criteria are used
prioritised above other applicants.            Pupil Services.                          to determine who can be offered a
                                                                                        place. The oversubscription criteria
                                               If you live outside of Tower Hamlets,    are set out on the next page.
You must submit an
                                               you must complete and submit
application with the local                     your application to the borough          For voluntary aided schools, free
authority, even if you have                    where you live.                          schools and academies it is the
already completed the                                                                   school governors who will make
school’s form                                                                           decisions, based on the information
                                               Applying after the                       you provided in your application
The school’s form will be a                    closing date                             and the school’s supplementary
‘supplementary form’ and is used by                                                     form. Admission policies and
voluntary aided (church) or free schools       Applications received after 15           oversubscription criteria for these
to gather additional information that          January 2021 will be dealt with          schools can be found in their
will enable the school to consider             after all on-time applications have      prospectuses, on their websites
your application under its faith or            been considered. Most schools will       or at
other criteria. You must also submit           not have any places available after      schooladmissions.
an application with the local authority.       considering on-time applications.

10   Starting Primary School in Tower Hamlets 2021
Reception admission
If one or more of the schools            The remaining places will be filled
you have applied for is outside of       in the priority order below.
Tower Hamlets, the decision will
                                         1. Children Looked After by the             Note 1: This can include the
be taken by the local authority
                                            local authority, including adopted       parents’, carers’ or other family
or the admission authority for
                                            children who were previously             members’ medical conditions and
the school and notified to Pupil
                                            looked after and children who            the family’s social needs. Parents
Services. Once all admission                                                         must complete the relevant section
                                            leave care under a special
decisions are made Pupil Services                                                    on the application form and attach
                                            guardianship or residence order;
will then coordinate the offers of                                                   medical and/or social reports
places as explained above.               2. Children for whom it is deemed
                                                                                     from a suitable professional (e.g.
                                            there is strong medical or social
                                                                                     a doctor or social worker) to
                                            reason to attend the school
                                                                                     support the application, explaining
 The Paradigm Academies                     applied to (See Note 1);                 why the particular school is most
 (Culloden, Old Ford and Solebay),
                                         3. Children living within the               suitable with regards to the family
 St Paul’s Way Trust School,
                                            catchment area of the school             circumstance.
 Bygrove Primary School,
                                            who have a sibling attending             Note 2: Includes the sibling of
 Stebon Primary School and
                                            the school (including the                a child who does not live within
 The Clara Grant Primary School
                                            school of a separate infants             the school’s catchment area,
 have delegated decisions on
                                            and junior schools) and who              but who was admitted on or
 admissions to the local authority
                                            will continue to do so on the            before 31 August 2020. For this
 and, therefore, use the same
                                            date of admission (See Note 2);          purpose, sibling means a whole,
 oversubscription criteria as Tower
 Hamlets community schools.              4. Children whose parent is a               half or step-sibling resident at
                                            member of staff who has                  the same address.
                                            been employed at the school              Note 3: Priority will be limited to
                                            concerned for two or more                one place for each form of entry
The number of places                        years at the time of application         in any year*, with an additional
available at each Tower                     and/or children of a member of           maximum limit of no more than:
Hamlets school                              staff who has been recruited to          • Four children throughout the
                                            fill a vacancy for which there is          whole school (for single and
The number of children who
                                            a demonstrable skill shortage              one-and-a-half form entry
can be admitted to each Tower
                                            (See Note 3);                              schools)
Hamlets school for the school
year 2021/22 is set out on pages         5. Children who live within the             • Eight children throughout the
26-28 of this booklet.                      catchment area of the school               whole school (for two form
                                            and for whom the school                    entry schools)
                                            applied for is their nearest             • Twelve children throughout the
Oversubscription criteria for               community school within the                whole school (for three form
                                                                                       entry schools, and upwards)
Tower Hamlets community                     catchment area;
schools and nurseries         6. Other children from within the                       Planned     Max
                                                                                                         Max per
                                           catchment area of the school;              admission per year
If a community school receives more                                                                      school
                                                                                      number     group
applications than places available       7. Children living outside of the
it will not be possible to offer every      catchment area with a sibling             30 to 45
                                                                                                         1            4
child a place. Children with a              at the school;                            pupils
Statement of Special Educational                                                      60 pupils          2            8
                                         8. Children living outside of the
Needs or an Education, Health and
                                            catchment area of the school.             90 pupils          3           12
Care Plan (EHCP), which names
the school applied to, will be placed
                                                                                     *An exception to the above will apply
before all other applicants.                                                         to children of multiple birth or those
                                                                                     born in the same academic year.

                                                                  Apply online at   11
2                         Reception admission

                                               take account of local footpaths
Tie-break                                      and public walkways with regard          Catchment areas
In the event of oversubscription               to the safety of the route. It does      The school catchment area maps
within categories 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and            not take account of the location of      are on pages 19-25. Please
8 (on the previous page), priority             pedestrian crossing points.              also see pages 30-31 for an
will be given to children who                                                           explanation of school catchment
live closest to the school by the              Distances measured by other              areas and the tie-break criteria.
shortest walking distance. In the              means i.e. private car, pedometer
event of two distances being the               or internet websites are likely to
same, a decision will be made by               result in different calculations as      When you will hear about
random allocation.                             they may use different parameters        the outcome of your
                                               for the address locations and the        application
A digital ordnance survey map is               underlying network which is used
used to measure the distance from              to calculate the distance, and           If your application was received
the home address to the school’s               therefore should not be relied upon      on or before the closing date (15
designated official entrance. The              as evidence that the local authority’s   January 2021), Pupil Services will
distance is measured from the                  distance calculation is incorrect.       notify you of the outcome by letter
centre point of the address to the                                                      and email. The letter will be sent
centre point of the main entrance              The local authority’s measurement        on 16 April 2021 and will name the
of the school, measuring along                 system is designed to be reliable        school at which a place has been
the centre line of the shortest                and consistent.                          offered for your child. The email will
approved route. The system will                                                         be sent after 5pm on 16 April 2021.

12   Starting Primary School in Tower Hamlets 2021
Reception admission
                                        in this process, you must provide
Confirming acceptance                   proof of your new address by               What happens next
of the school offer                     sending the documents shown                Pupil Services will then advise you
Shortly afterwards, the school will     above to Pupil Services. If you            of the outcome of any further school
contact you to confirm whether you      do not inform Pupil Services that          applications you make in May 2021.
want to accept or refuse the place.     you have moved, the offer made             It is strongly recommended that you
You must inform the school of your      to your child may be withdrawn             secure a place at one of the schools
decision within ten school days.        if your child gained an unfair             that still have places.
You need to accept the offer by the     advantage over other applicants.
reply date or it could be withdrawn.                                               Your child’s waiting list position
If an offer is withdrawn or you         Families of UK service personnel           at your preferred schools, or the
refuse it, your child will not have a   with a confirmed posting in Tower          outcome of an appeal that you
school place. You are, therefore,       Hamlets, or Crown Servants                 decide to make, will not be affected
advised to accept the offer even if     returning from overseas to live in         by your child having an alternative
is not your most preferred school.      Tower Hamlets, will need to provide        school place.
                                        an official letter (ie from the MoD or
                                        FCO) which declares a relocation
Providing the school with               date and a unit postal address or          School waiting lists
proof of your address                   quartering area address.
                                                                                   Waiting lists are ordered using the
When offering school places, the                                                   oversubscription criteria in the local
local authority will check addresses    If you do not have an offer                authority’s admission policy. The
to prevent fraudulent applications.     at any of the schools you                  date an application is made is not
The school will, therefore, need        have applied for                           considered. Therefore, a child’s
proof of where you and your child                                                  position on the waiting list can go
are living. You will need to provide    If an offer cannot be made at any          down as more names are added to
the school with your original           of the schools you applied for, the        the waiting list.
2020/21 council tax bill or council     letter that Pupil Services sends
tax benefit letter or notice, as well   you on 16 April 2021 will name the         If your child is not offered a place at
as one of the following documents       school at which a place has been           a community school you named as
that show your address:                 reserved for your child. The letter        a higher preference, they will remain
                                        will also provide information on           on the waiting list until the end of the
•   a utility bill (gas, electricity    the schools that still have places         2021 autumn term. Normally children
    or water) from the last three       remaining, how you can add your            are settled in school by this stage.
    months. We do not accept            child’s name to additional school          However, if you wish for your child
    a mobile phone bill or an           waiting lists and how you can              to remain on the waiting list beyond
    internet bill;                      exercise your right of appeal.             this point, you will need to complete
•   a statement from your bank                                                     an in-year application form. This
    or building society or a credit                                                is available from Pupil Services by
    card statement from the last        Making further                             calling 020 7364 5006. Your child’s
    three months; or                    applications                               name will then stay on the waiting list
                                                                                   for the remainder of the school year.
•   your child benefit entitlement      If you are unhappy with the
    letter from HM Revenue &            school at which a place has been           You will need to contact voluntary
    Customs for your 2020/21 claim.     reserved for your child, you can           aided schools, free schools and
                                        apply for a place at one of the            academies directly to confirm their
Your name, your child’s name and        schools with places remaining.             waiting list procedures. Schools
your address on these documents                                                    outside of the borough may
must match the information on           Please contact Pupil Services if you       operate waiting lists differently
your application form. If you           wish to make a further application.        and you should check with the
change your address at any time                                                    admission authority.

                                                                  Apply online at   13
2                         Reception admission

                                               The appeal panel will accept               These rules also mean that the
How to appeal against a       comments in writing or in person                            independent appeal panel would
decision not to offer a place at the appeal hearing. The appeal                           not normally overturn a decision
You have the right to appeal any               panel’s decision is final and both         if it finds that it was made fairly
of the schools listed on your                  you and the local authority are            and correctly. Consequently,
application form for which a place             required to accept it. Please              there is much less chance of a
could not be offered to your child.            note that government rules’ limit          successful appeal for a place in
If all six of your applications are            a school’s infant class size to a          the reception class.
unsuccessful, you have the right to            maximum of 30 pupils.
appeal for all of them.

Appeal forms and guidance notes                      Deferring entry to the reception year
are available from Pupil Services on
                                                     Children are normally admitted to their school reception class in
020 7364 5006.
                                                     September, at the start of the school year following their fourth
You can also download a form                         birthday. Your child will get the most from their education in a
from                        school reception class if they start at the same time as their friends
schooladmissions.                                    and other children of the same age. However, if you feel there are
Appeals for community schools                        particular reasons why your child should not start reception in
should be made by 14 May 2021.                       September, for example your child may have an Education, Health
                                                     and Care Plan (EHCP), you can ask for your child’s entry to be
If you wish to appeal against the                    deferred until later in the school year. You should first discuss this
refusal of a place at a voluntary                    with the head teacher or manager at your child’s current nursery or
aided school, free school or                         playgroup. This is especially important if your child has significant
academy, you should contact                          developmental delay. Following a discussion with the head teacher
the school directly for details of                   or manager at your child’s current nursery, you should also speak
the appeals procedure and how                        with the head teacher of the school your child will be attending.
appeals must be made.
                                                     A leaflet with further advice and a form to request your child’s deferral
                                                     can be obtained by calling the Pupil Services team on 020 7364 5006.
                                                     You should not request to defer your child’s admission to one school
Appeal timetable                                     because you are awaiting a place at another.
Your appeal will normally be heard
                                                     Where a place is deferred it cannot be given to another child, but
within 30 school days of the
                                                     your child must enter school by the beginning of the school term
closing date from its receipt and                    following their fifth birthday and within the school year for which
before your child is due to start the                the offer was made. You can also request that your child attends
reception year.                                      reception part-time from September 2021 up until the latest date
                                                     entry can be deferred.
The independent                                      The latest point that your child’s entry can be deferred depends on
appeal panel                                         when your child was born:

An independent panel made up                         Your child was born                       Point until which entry
of three people with knowledge of                    between                                   can be deferred
education will hear your appeal.                                                               January 2022
None of the panel members will                       September 2016 – December 2016
                                                                                               (Start of the spring term)
have any connection with the school
or admissions authority. They are                                                              April 2022
                                                     January 2017 – August 2017
served by an independent clerk                                                                 (Start of summer term)
who will contact you to confirm
the date, time and venue for the                     Tower Hamlets schools will try to accommodate parents’ wishes wherever
hearing and invite you to attend.                    possible and will try to ensure there is no gap in a child’s education.

14   Starting Primary School in Tower Hamlets 2021
Reception admission
                                        The school must then respond              However, a parent may seek
Special Educational Needs               to us before a place is offered –         admission for their child outside the
and Disabilities (SEND)                 please bear in mind that schools do       normal group, for example, if:
/ Education, Health and                 have the right to object if they do
                                                                                  •    they are gifted and talented
Care Plan (EHCP)                        not feel that they are able to meet
                                        a child’s needs. If this happens,         •    they have missed a significant
If you feel that your child may have    we can offer further advice.                   amount of education due to
special educational needs and                                                          ill-health
disabilities, you should discuss your   Please call the SEN team on
concerns with the head teacher                                                    •    they were born prematurely
                                        020 7364 4880 if you have any                  and would otherwise be in the
and Special Educational Needs           queries. You may also wish to
Coordinator (SENCO) at your child’s                                                    year below.
                                        contact the Parents’ Advice Centre
nursery as early as possible. If your   on 020 7364 6489.
child does not attend nursery, you                                                If you wish to request for your
should contact the SEN team and                                                   child to be admitted outside the
                                                                                  normal year group, you should
discuss your concerns with them.        Admission of children
                                                                                  include a letter with your reception
                                        outside their normal                      application and provide a report
If your child has an Education,         age group
Health and Care Plan (EHCP), the                                                  from an appropriate education or
SEN Section will work closely with                                                health professional.
                                        It is the view of the local authority
Pupil Services to arrange a school      that children should start primary
place. When you submit your                                                       Your request will be considered
                                        school with their normal age group
application, please ensure that you                                               by the admission authority for the
                                        ie the beginning of the school year
have clearly stated that your child                                               school. In the case of community
                                        following their fourth birthday.
has an EHCP.                                                                      schools this will be the local
                                        Primary schools in Tower Hamlets
                                                                                  authority’s Director of Education and
                                        can address an individual child’s
The SEN section will then consult                                                 Partnerships. For schools which
                                        educational needs through an
your preferred school to see if it                                                are their own admission authority,
                                        appropriately differentiated and
can meet your child’s needs.                                                      this will be the governing body.
                                        enriched curriculum.
                                                                                  When considering your request,
                                                                                  the admission authority will seek
                                                                                  the views of your child’s nursery
                                                                                  headteacher and other relevant
                                                                                  professionals, before deciding
                                                                                  whether or not your child’s needs
                                                                                  can be met within the current
                                                                                  year group. The decision will be
                                                                                  notified to you in writing.

                                                                                  If it is agreed that your child should
                                                                                  start school earlier than the normal
                                                                                  year group, it cannot be guaranteed
                                                                                  that a place will be offered at one
                                                                                  of your preferences.

                                                                                  If your request is for your child to
                                                                                  start reception later than the normal
                                                                                  year group, and this is refused, your
                                                                                  child will need to start school at
                                                                                  the normal time.

                                                                 Apply online at   15
2                         Frequently asked questions
                          on reception admission

                                               This school will be the highest listed
       Is my child guaranteed                                                    I live in one of the
 Q a place at one of their preference             at which an offer can be
                                      made. Your applications for schools
                                                                             Q   neighbouring
six preferred schools?                listed as lower preferences will      boroughs; will I fall into
The local authority expects that
                                      then be cancelled. This is why it is  one of the school
                                      important to list the schools you are catchment areas?
most families will be offered a place
                                               applying to in order of preference
at one of their six preferred schools.                                                  Some of the school catchment
                                               on the application form.
However, this cannot be guaranteed.                                                     area boundaries cover areas in
Unfortunately, it is not always                                                         neighbouring boroughs. If you live
possible for everyone to get a place                 If my child is already             in Hackney, Newham or the City
at the school they most prefer.                 Q    in the school’s nursery            of London and your home address
                                               class, is there an automatic             is in one of the school catchment
When a school receives more                                                             areas your child will have the same
applications than the number of                right to a place in the
                                                                                        priority as those who reside in
places available, not all children             school’s reception class?                Tower Hamlets.
can be admitted. It is important
therefore that you fully consider the          No. When parents apply for their
                                               children to start reception, no          If you live outside of the school
likelihood of your child getting a
                                               priority is given to children that       catchment area, you are welcome
place at a preferred school before
                                               attend the nursery of the school.        to apply for a school place in
you make your application.
                                               The decision on whether or not a         Tower Hamlets but will not have
                                               place can be offered will be made        priority for those schools. To find
To increase the likelihood of your
                                               in accordance with the school’s          out the catchment area for your
child getting a place at one of
                                               admission policy. The policy used        home address, please view the
your preferred schools you are
                                               for community schools in Tower           maps or visit
advised to apply to six schools.
                                               Hamlets is explained on page 11.
If you are applying to community
schools, your child is more likely
to be offered a place at schools in
                                                    Are voluntary aided
the catchment area for your home
address, especially if this is the
                                                Q   schools, free schools Q Can I apply to a
nearest community school within                and academies part of            school that is not
your catchment area.                           the school catchment       within  my catchment area?
                                               area system?               You can apply to any school within
     Is my child more                                                                   the borough. However, if the school
                                               All voluntary aided schools,
 Q   likely to be offered                      Sir William Burrough Academy
                                                                                        is not within your catchment area,
                                                                                        your child will not have priority
a place at my first                            and the Canary Wharf free
                                                                                        for that school and will only be
preference school?                             schools have their own
                                                                                        considered after those children who
                                               admissions policies and do not
                                                                                        live within the school’s catchment
Applications for each school                   use the catchment area system.
                                                                                        area. You can also apply to schools
are determined in line with the
                                                                                        outside of Tower Hamlets.
school’s admissions policy with no             The Paradigm Academies
consideration given to whether or              (Culloden, Old Ford and Solebay),
not it is the first, second, third or          St Paul’s Way Trust School,
sixth preference school. However,              Bygrove Primary School, Stebon
if your child qualifies for a place at         Primary School and The Clara
more than one school, the order in             Grant Primary School use the
which you listed your preferences on           local authority’s admissions policy
your application form will determine           and, therefore, the catchment
the school you are offered.                    area system.

16   Starting Primary School in Tower Hamlets 2021
In-year admissions, school transfer
            and moving from infant to junior                                                                       3
                                                                                  The local authority will consider
In-year admission                      School transfer                            transfer requests once a term in
In-year admission is where a           You may want your child to transfer        line with the timetable below and
child starts primary school at         from one Tower Hamlets primary             children are expected to transfer
a time other than the normal           school to another. This can be             at the beginning of the next
point of entry in reception.           arranged by Pupil Services, but            term. Your child must, therefore,
This is often when a child has         you will first need to speak with the      continue to attend school while
moved into the Tower Hamlets           head teacher of your child’s current       awaiting a transfer.
area from another part of the          school and together complete ‘Part
UK or overseas.                        B’ of the in-year application form         You will need to re-apply in
                                       that will be provided.                     September every year if you want
If you have recently moved to                                                     your child to remain on the waiting
the Tower Hamlets area, please         From September 2020 there will             lists for the schools you wish for
contact Pupil Services immediately.    also be a facility to submit your          them to transfer to.
They can tell you about the schools    in-year application online. For
with places that are nearest to your   more information on submitting             Children transfer to a secondary
home address and provide you with      an in-year application, please visit       school in the September after
an application form to complete for                   reaching the age of 11-years-old.
your child’s school admission.         schooladmissions.                          You will receive a separate booklet
                                                                                  with information about the schools
Pupil Services contact details are:    It is not always possible for a            and the application procedure
                                       child to transfer to another school        when your child begins year 6 of
Pupil Services                         if that school is already full or if       primary school.
Town Hall, Mulberry Place              there are more applicants than
5 Clove Crescent                       places available at the time you
London E14 2BG                         make your application. Your child
Tel: 020 7364 5006                     will, therefore, be placed on the
Email: school.admissions@              school’s waiting list in line with                    the school’s admission criteria.

  Entry point                 Closing date           Parents sent

  Spring Term
                              6 November 2020        4 December 2020
  (January 2021 Start)

  Summer Term
                              12 February 2021       19 March 2021
  (April 2021 Start)

  Autumn Term
                              11 June 2021           2 July 2021
  (September 2021 start)

                                                                 Apply online at   17
3                         In-year admissions, school transfer
                          and moving from infant to junior

                                               More information about the
Tower Hamlets Fair Access protocol is available from Pupil                              What you must do
Admission Protocol        Services on 020 7364 5006.                                    You should submit you application
All schools in Tower Hamlets follow                                                     online at
the Fair Access Admission Protocol.                                                     giving the name of the school you
                                               Infant to junior transfer                want your child to transfer to (this
The protocol sets standards for
dealing with applications that are             If your child goes to an infant          should be your child’s linked junior
made when families move into the               school, they will transfer to a junior   school). Please see page 33 of this
borough or want to transfer their              school in the September after their      brochure for instructions.
child from one school to another.              seventh birthday.
The protocol also provides the early                                                    When you have completed and
                                               Children at infant schools in the
admission to school or access to                                                        submitted your application you
                                               borough will normally transfer to
alternative education for children                                                      will receive an instant email
                                               their linked junior school at the age
whose circumstances make them                                                           confirmation. You can then make
                                               of seven, but you must apply for
difficult to place.                                                                     changes to your application up until
                                               a junior school place. Most linked
                                                                                        the 15 January 2021 closing date.
                                               schools are on the same site and
Children Out of School                         have the same name. We treat the
                                                                                        If you are not able to make an
                                               following as linked schools:
                                                                                        online application, you should
Pupil Services will normally let               •     Blue Gate Fields Infants           contact Tower Hamlets Pupil
parents know whether a place can                     and Juniors                        Services on 020 7364 5006.
be offered within ten school days of
receiving an application for a child           •     Cubitt Town Infants and Juniors
who does not have a school place.              •     Elizabeth Selby Infants and         If you live in another London
Where a child is offered a place,                    Lawdale Juniors.                    borough you can contact their
they would normally be admitted                                                          School Admissions team for
within ten school days after the               When your child is in a year two          a copy of their primary school
decision is made, although more                class, you must apply for your            brochure. There will be the
time is allowed if a school must               child’s year three place, even if this    facility for you to apply online.
make arrangements to support the               is for a place at the linked junior       A list with the contact details of
child’s education in the school.               school. You must submit your              nearby London local authorities
                                               application by 15 January 2021.           is provided on page 38.

                                                                                        For all year three places at
                                                                                        community junior schools we use
                                                                                        the admission criteria listed on page
                                                                                        11 in priority order to decide which
                                                                                        children should be offered places.

                                                                                        Pupil Services will offer places
                                                                                        based on the admissions criteria
                                                                                        and we will notify you of our
                                                                                        decision on 16 April 2021.

18   Starting Primary School in Tower Hamlets 2021
School list and catchment area maps
1     Alice Model Nursery
2     Arnhem Wharf
3     Bangabandhu                                            London Borough
4     Ben Jonson                                                of Hackney
5     Bigland Green                                                                                                                 London Borough
6     Blue Gate Fields Infants & Junior                                                                                                of Newham
7     Bonner (Bethnal Green)                                                                             "
8     Bonner (Mile End)                                                    !
                                                                                54             !
                                                                                                         Area 2 (Bow)
9     Bygrove                                                                                       !

10    Canary Wharf College                                                 $!
                                                                                24 !

      East Ferry                                   !
                                                                                     46                      !
                                                                                                             34               $
                                                                                                                              51     !

11    Canary Wharf College
                                                                              !3                                    !71
      Glenworth                                                        !
12    Canon Barnett                                     $58 ! 72
                                                                              !                  "50
13    Cayley
                                                                                                           !8                "
                                                             52 !
                                                             $                                   !
14    Children’s House                                             !44
                                                                                      !1         29
15    Chisenhale                                                  Area 6           Area 1 (Stepney)                                   !

16    Christ Church CE
                                                          (Bethnal Green)
                                                                                                   !26         $
                                                                                                               59 60
17    Columbia Market                                 !
                                                      12           !
                                                                   32                     !
                                                                                                       49$                                      "
      Nursery                                                                                            65                                     20
                                                                28            $
                                                                              57        !
                                                                                        36             "                       "9!
18    Columbia                                         $23             !5
19    Cubitt Town                                                           !6                                                              !73
      Infants & Juniors                                         48$
                                                                !  61
                                                                                                                21            $

20    Culloden                                                                                                           Area 3 (Poplar)
                                                     Area 5 (Wapping)
21    Cyril Jackson
22    Elizabeth Selby                                                      $62
      & Lawdale Junior
23    English Martyrs RC                                                             London Borough
24    Globe                                                                             of Southwark
25    Hague                                                                                                            !
26    Halley                           50 Solebay Primary School
27    Harbinger                        51 St Agnes RC                                                                                      !
28    Harry Gosling                    52 St Anne's & Guardian Angels RC
                                                                                                                      Area 4 (Isle of Dogs)
29    Harry Roberts                    53 St Edmund’s RC
30    Hermitage                        54 St Elizabeth’s RC                                                              $53                       $
31        ScurrAcademy with Nursery 55 St John’s CE
      John                                                                                                                    !
                                                                                                                                       "10         "

32       NazrulFree/Academy/Foundation56TrustStSchools
      Kobi                                        Luke’s CE
                                                                                            London Borough
33    Lansbury Lawrence                57   St    Mary & St Michael RC
                 Community Primary Schools
                                       58 St Matthias CE
                                                                                              of Lewisham
35       
                 Community Primary Schools with Nursery
                                       59 St Paul’s With St Luke’s CE
36        Richardson
      Marion     Nursery Schools       60 St Paul’s Way Trust
37    Marner Voluntary Aided Primary Schools
                                       61 St Paul’s Whitechapel CE                                                                  London Borough
38    MayflowerBorough Boundary        62 St Peter’s (London Docks) CE                                                                of Greenwich
39    Mowlem                           63 St Saviours CE
40    Old Church                       64 Stebon
41    Old Ford                         65 Stepney Greencoat CE
42    Old Palace                       66 Stepney Park
43    Olga                             67 Stewart Headlam
44    Osmani                           68 The Clara Grant
45    Our Lady & St Joseph             69 Thomas Buxton
46    Rachel Keeling                   70 Virginia
47    Seven Mills                      71 Wellington
48    Shapla                           72 William Davis
49    Sir William Burrough             73 Woolmore

     To find out the catchment area for your home address, please view the maps or visit the website:

                                                                                      Apply online at          19
4                          School catchment area 1 (Stepney)

Schools in the catchment area                         !

Community schools:
1 Alice Model Nursery                                                                                           !
                                                                Bonner (Bethnal Green)
3 Bangabandhu
4 Ben Jonson
                                                      Globe    !
7 Bonner (Bethnal Green)                                      Rachel Keeling
13 Cayley
24 Globe
26 Halley
29 Harry Roberts Nursery                                   !

31 John Scurr
36 Marion Richardson                                      John Scurr                            Solebay
40 Old Church Nursery                                       !
                                                            N                                              "
                                                                                         Harry Roberts
46 Rachel Keeling Nursery                                          Alice Model
66 Stepney Park                                                                  !
                                                                                 N        Ben Jonson     !

Voluntary primary schools:
65 Stepney Greencoat CE
                                                      Stepney Park                Area 1 (Stepney)
                                                               N                                       Halley
Academy/Free schools:                                                                                           !

49 Sir William Burrough
                                                                          Old Church            Cayley
50 	Solebay – a Paradigm Academy
    (uses same admissions policy as
                                                                                         N              N !
                                                                                                Stepney Greencoat CofE
    community schools)                                        Marion Richardson                                                  $
                                                                                                 Sir William Burrough
                                                                                     N                                      "

Area covered
•    South of Approach Road and Old Ford Road
•    West of Regents Canal (up to the
                                             N         !
     Railway Bridge on Grove Road)                                                                                                                !
•    West of Grove Road and Burdett Road
•    North of Limehouse Cut from Burdett Road to River Thames
•    North of River Thames
•    East of Brodlove Lane and Devonport Street
                                                                                                         Academy with Nursery
•    East of Lukin Street                                                                                Free/Academy/Foundation Trust Schools

•    North of Commercial Road (from Lukin Street to Sidney Street)                                       Community Primary Schools

•    East of Sidney Street and Cambridge Heath Road                                                      Community Primary Schools with Nursery

                                                                                                         Nursery Schools

                                                                                                          Voluntary Aided Primary Schools

                                                                                                          Borough Boundary

    To find out the catchment area for your home address, please view the maps or visit the website:

20    Starting Primary School in Tower Hamlets 2021
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