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Thank you for subscribing to The Catholic Universe - Friday 17th January, 2020
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Friday 17th January, 2020
Thank you for subscribing to The Catholic Universe - Friday 17th January, 2020
Friday 17th January 2020                         £1.50 €2.00                                                                                         

                                                                                Since 1860
                                                                                                   DavID oaKlEY announcED aS                                                      FaITH In THE
                                                                                                   nEw bISHoP oF noRTHaMPTon                                      3                  nEwS

                                                                                                  DERRY’S blooDY SunDaY HERo
                                                                                                        PRIEST naMED aS onE oF
                                                                                                  uK’S MoST InFluEnTIal PEoPlE
                                                                                                                                                                                            page 7

                                                                                                                                                                      Church relief
Benedict risks rift with                                                                                                                                              as politicians
                                                                                                                                                                      get Stormont
Francis over celibacy
Surprise intervention
                                                                                                                                                                      back on track
                                                                                                                                                                      The leaders of Ireland’s main Churches
                                                                                                                                                                      have welcomed the agreement
                                                                                                                                                                      reached between Northern Ireland’s
                                                                                                                                                                      political parties and the UK and Irish
                                                                                                                                                                      Governments as a deal that offers
after former pope                                                                                                                                                     ‘fresh hope’ amid prayers that this
vowed to stay ‘hidden                                                                                                                                                 time, the agreement will be perma-
from the world’                                                                                                                                                          Power-sharing returned to Northern
Michael J.Winterbottom                                                                                                                                                Ireland after Sinn Fein joined the DUP
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI has laid                                                                                                                                   in backing the deal, entitled New
out a strong case for the Church to                                                                                                                                   Decade, New Approach, to re-enter
retain priestly celibacy, in an apparent                                                                                                                              devolved government together.
contradiction to moves instigated by                                                                                                                                     Sinn Fein President Mary Lou Mc-
his successor to potentially ease the                                                                                                                                 Donald said a draft agreement tabled
rules over married priests.                                                                                                                                           by the UK and Irish governments pro-
   Pope Benedict revealed his views                                                                                                                                   vided a basis to resurrect parliamen-
in a book by Guinean conservative                                                                                                                                     tary institutions that have been down
Cardinal Robert Sarah, and his com-                                                                                                                                   for three years.
ments are being seen by many as an                                                                                                                                       The Assembly sat once again at
attempt to sway the thinking of the                                                                                                                                   1pm on Saturday, 11th January for a
present pope.                                                                                                                                                         plenary session which saw DUP leader
   It comes amid discussions across                                                                                                                                   Arlene Foster resume the first minister
the Vatican over the issue of allowing                                                                                                                                role she lost when the last adminis-
married men to become priests in or-                                                                                                                                  tration collapsed in 2017, while Sinn
der to address shortages. In particular,                                                                                                                              Fein’s Stormont leader Michelle O’Neill
the debate has been led by the crisis                                                                                                                                 became deputy first minister.
in areas such as the Amazon, where                                                                                                                                       Ireland’s faith leaders were quick
the faithful can go months without                                                                                                                                    to praise politicians for finding an
receiving Holy Communion because                                                                                                                                      agreement to end the empasse.
of a lack of priests.                                                                                                                                                 Continued on page 2
   Last January, speaking to reporters
flying back from Panama with him,
Pope Francis said, “Personally, I believe   be some possibility” of ordaining mar-     The issue of married priests was      on the matter within the next few
that celibacy is a gift to the Church.”     ried men in very remote locations        one of the key issues debated at the    months.
   “I’m not in agreement with allowing      where there are Catholic communities     Synod on the Amazon in autumn 2019         Benedict’s surprise intervention is
optional celibacy,” he said. “A phrase      that seldom have Mass because there      and Pope Francis will consider the      all the more extraordinary because he
St Paul VI said comes to mind: ‘I would     are no priests. South American bishops   idea, along with other proposals, in-   promised to remain “hidden from the
rather give my life than to change the      have advocated the use of married        cluding the environment and the role    world” when he retired in 2013 and
law on celibacy’.”                          clergy in order to address their acute   of women in the Church.                 pledged obedience to the new pope.
   However, he did say “there could         problem in this area.                      He is expected to make a decision     Continued on page 2

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                                                                                                                                                                                   ways to purchase
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Church backs Stormont agreement
Continued from page 1                                                                                                                                                         work, encouraging them, for the sake
                                                                                                                                                                              of the whole community, to grasp fully
   The Catholic Primate of All-Ireland                                                                                                                                        this new opportunity,’ they conclud-
and Archbishop of Armagh, Eamon                                                                                                                                               ed.
Martin, his Church of Ireland coun-                                                                                                                                              Ms Foster, who said she was “deeply
terpart, Archbishop Richard Clarke,                                                                                                                                           humbled” to be reappointed First Min-
and other Church leaders, welcomed                                                                                                                                            ister, admitted there was plenty of
the ‘ambitious’ landmark agreement                                                                                                                                            blame to go around for the three-year
to restore devolution as ‘a balanced                                                                                                                                          powersharing impasse, but insisted it
accommodation that is focused on                                                                                                                                              was now time to look to the future.
the common good’.                                                                                                                                                                “We have many differences –
   The leaders of the Roman Catholic                                                                                                                                          Michelle’s narrative of the past 40 years
Church, Church of Ireland, Methodist                                                                                                                                          could not be more different to mine,”
Church in Ireland, Presbyterian                                                                                                                                               she said.
Church in Ireland and the Irish Council                                                                                                                                          “I’m not sure we will ever agree on
of Churches said they hoped the re-                                                                                                                                           much about the past, but we can agree
establishment of the political institu-                                                                                                                                       there was too much suffering, and that
tions ‘can begin to address the political    All smiles as Boris                                                                                                              we cannot allow society to drift back-
and social crisis that has developed         Johnson greets Sinn Fein                                                                                                         wards and allow division to grow.
due to the prolonged absence of a            leader Michelle O’Neill,                                                                                                            “Northern Ireland is succeeding in
functioning Executive and Assembly’.         Deputy First Minister,                                                                                                           many ways. It’s time for Stormont to
   They insisted that ‘the principles        and his Northern Ireland                                                                                                         move forward and show that ‘together
of accountability, transparency and          Secretary of State Julian                                                                                                        we are stronger’ for the benefit of every-
responsibility, identified in the agree-     Smith shakes hands with                                                                                                          one.”
ment are crucial to underpinning sus-        the First Minister, DUP                                                                                                             Despite the titles, Ms Foster and Ms
tainable government and ensuring             leader Arlene Foster                                                                                                             O’Neill hold equal standing at the top
that the experience of the last three                                                                                                                                         of the ministerial executive.
years cannot happen again’.                 approach, and welcome practical com-      last year, and this dialogue highlighted     deal as ‘a sign of welcome progress           Ms O’Neill said it was a “defining
   ‘Along with the development of trust     mitments to extend welfare mitiga-        that ‘when politics is broken the re-        that provides an opportunity for a         moment” for the region. She said she
and generosity of spirit,’ they said,       tions, address significant challenges     sponsibility for fixing it does not rest     new start for Northern Ireland’s po-       was honoured to follow in the footsteps
‘these measures offer an opportunity        in education and health, tackle the       with the politicians alone’.                 litical institutions and one that can      of the late Martin McGuinness and
to build a peaceful and just society        mental health crisis, and deal with          ‘We therefore renew our commit-           also offer fresh hope’.                    become deputy first minister.
that is centred around respect and          the continued scourge of paramili-        ment to supporting the new Executive            ‘The story of the Christian faith is       “After three years without functioning
recognition of each other’s cultural        tarism and sectarianism’.                 as it begins its work, and along with        one of new beginnings, where failure       institutions it is my hope that we do
identity’.                                     The Church leaders initiated a civic   others in civic society, recognise our       is never final, second chances abound,     so united in our determination to de-
   The Church leaders also welcomed         dialogue between political parties and    collective responsibility for the com-       and all things can be renewed. We          liver a stable power-sharing coalition
‘the renewed focus on reconciliation,       representatives from key sectors in       mon good,’ they added.                       will continue to offer our prayers for     that works on the basis of openness,
which will be central to the Executive’s    civil society across Northern Ireland        The Church leaders described the          all involved in making this agreement      transparency and accountability.”

     Memo from CAFOD
                                                                                      Benedict risks rift with
     A farmer in
                                                                                      Francis over celibacy
     the forest                                                                       Continued from page 1                        provided in a series of letters and con-
                                                                                         He has largely held to that pledge,       versations over several weeks between
     Dona Maria leads a                                                                                                            the pair.
                                                                                      though he penned an essay last year
     thriving, forest-farming
                                                                                      on the sexual abuse scandal that                Popes Benedict and Francis have
                                                                                      blamed the crisis on the sexual revo-        often spoken admiringly of each other,
     Her land produces a                                                              lution of the 1960s.                         but their different views about the
     year-round harvest of                                                               The new book, entitled From the           Church – Francis has pushed for
     delicious, diverse and                                                           Depths of Our Hearts: Priesthood,            changes that his predecessor op-
     commercialy viable                                                               Celibacy and the Crisis of the Catholic      posed – have already caused some
     crops.                                                                           Church, was previewed in part by             traditionalists to rally around Benedict
     “Here, we have a bit of everything,” she says. “We make a living                 French newspaper Le Figaro before            as an alternative authority figure.
     and the forest still stands.”                                                    its full publication last Monday. In it         Vatican commentators were quick
     Sadly, the same cannot be said for others.                                       the former pope writes that marriage         to express surprise at the Pope Emer-
                                                                                      requires man to give himself totally         itus’ intervention, suggesting it breaks   breaking his silence because he (and
     Decades ago, landless farmers migrated to the south-east of Pará                                                                                                         his entourage) never felt bound to
                                                                                      to his family.                               with convention.
     state in northern Brazil, attracted by propaganda promising land
                                                                                         He said: ‘Since serving the Lord like-       “It’s a totally imprudent and ill       that promise. But this is a serious
      to farm. These promises were never fulfilled.
                                                                                      wise requires the total gift of a man, it    thought-out intervention which has         breach.’
      Instead, powerful landowners took control of huge areas of the                  does not seem possible to carry on           the effect of undermining Francis’s           Matteo Bruni, director of the Vatican
      forest, often by fraudulent and violent means. The landless farm-               two vocations simultaneously.                authority,” said Austen Ivereigh, a Vat-   press office, tried to take some of the
      ers were pushed out and replaced by cattle ranching megafarms.                     ‘Thus, the ability to renounce mar-       ican expert and the author of Wounded      heat out of the row by saying “the po-
      Megafarms surround Dona’s community, and the soil of this once                  riage so as to place oneself totally at      Shepherd: Pope Francis and His Strug-      sition of the Holy Father on celibacy
      abundant rainforest – degraded – is now barren, stony and empty                 the Lord’s disposition became a cri-         gle to Convert the Catholic Church.        is known,” quoting the pope’s com-
      of life. The previously plentiful animals and plants are nowhere to             terion for priestly ministry.’                  “Benedict should not have been al-      ments to journalists on last January’s
      be seen.                                                                           His reaffirmation of priestly celibacy,   lowed to have the title Emeritus Pope      flight back from Panama, but added
      Fortunately, Dona’s community received formal acknowledgement                   however, gets to the heart of a fraught      or to continue to dress in the white       Pope Francis’ statement that “some
      of land ownership, thanks to legal support from the local church.               policy issue that Pope Francis is strong-    papal cassock. Instead he should have      possibility could exist for exceptions
      The title recognises their rights to use the land and resources sus-            ly expected to weigh in on.                  been called Emeritus Bishop of Rome        in remote areas when there is a pas-
      tainably, preserving the forest and streams.                                       Such was the response to his com-         and persuaded to live somewhere oth-       toral necessity. There, the pastor must
                                                                                      ments, however, that the former pontiff      er than the Vatican, critics say.          think of the faithful.”
      Other farmers need your help. Buy them the tools they need at                   has asked for his name to be removed            “The effect has been to create             The implications of Benedict’s in-                                                         as the book’s co-author alongside Car-       around Benedict an alternative papacy,     tervention, however, remain grave
                                                                                      dinal Sarah, and in future editions he       a focus of opposition to Francis. That’s   and are likely to fuel renewed anxiety
           CAFOD, Romero House, 55 Westminster Bridge Rd, London SE1 7JB              will be down as a contributor only.          a tragedy for the Church,” he added.       about the unprecedented situation
       Tel: 020 7733 7900 • Email: • Web:            However, Cardinal Sarah has reject-          Others agreed it was a serious rift.    that has arisen because of two popes,
                                                                                      ed rumours that the Pope Emeritus            Massimo Fagioli, an historian and          one retired and one reigning, with of-
                                                                                      did not make the comments on celiba-         theologian at Villanova University,        ten wildly differing views, living side
                                                                                      cy, saying Benedict’s contribution was       tweeted: ‘Benedict XVI is really not       by side in the Vatican gardens.
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The Catholic Universe         |   Friday 17th January 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                03
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Canon takes
on Kent role                                St Mary’s rector named as the
The Archbishop of Southwark has ap-
pointed Canon John O’Toole to the
role of Episcopal Vicar for Kent until
a new Auxiliary Bishop for the arch-
diocese is appointed by the Holy See.
                                            new Bishop of Northampton
                                            Cardinal Vincent Nichols has wel-           in Northampton Cathedral, Bishop-             “On this particular day lots of names                    elect Oakley was born on 28th No-
   Canon O’Toole has worked at the
                                            comed Pope Francis’ appointment of          elect Oakley said: “I’m asking Our         and faces come to mind – my family,                         vember 1955 to Joyce and Fred Oakley.
Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Eng-
                                            Canon David Oakley as the 13th Bish-        Lady and St Joseph to give me the          friends, parishioners and bishops.                          The family moved to Birmingham
land and Wales since 2015, serving as
                                            op of Northampton.                          courage and inspiration I need [as a       They have given me courage… It’s                            when Bishop-elect Oakley was seven
national ecumenical officer and sec-
                                               Bishop-elect Oakley is a priest of       new bishop].                               not easy to be a person of faith today                      years old. After school, he worked in
retary to the Department for Dialogue
                                            the archdiocese of Birmingham and             “I look forward to working closely       but we need to concentrate on God’s                         a local department store and entered
and Unity.
                                            has served as Rector at St Mary’s Col-      with the priests of the diocese – some     grace and I’m going to rely on this.”                       Oscott in September 1974.
   Archbishop John Wilson asked the
                                            lege, Oscott since 2013. He succeeds        of whom were my school friends!               The eldest of five children, Bishop-                        Ordained a priest on 5th July 1980,
clergy and faithful of the archdiocese
                                            Bishop Peter Doyle, whom he de-                                                                                                                    he has served in several parishes with-
to support Canon O’Toole in his new
                                            scribed as “a wonderful, spiritual father     Bishop-elect David                                                                                   in the Archdiocese of Birmingham.
role and to keep him in their prayers,
                                            and great pastor in Northampton”.             Oakley. (©                                                                                           He has always suggested that the
adding “Canon John brings a wealth
                                               Cardinal Vincent said: “I assure Bish-     Mazur/catholicne                                                                                     parish is his natural habitat.
of experience to this new role. He has
                                            op-elect David Oakley of my most                                                                                                 He studied catechetics at the Mary-
also fostered warm and fruitful dia-
                                            sincere prayers and total support as                                                                                                               vale Institute and was awarded a MEd
logue with members of other Christian
                                            he prepares to take up his appoint-                                                                                                                degree. He was appointed Pastoral
traditions and people of other faiths
                                            ment as Bishop of Northampton, in                                                                                                                  Director and Procurator at Oscott in
in his role at the Catholic Bishops’
                                            succession to Bishop Peter Doyle.                                                                                                                  1994. During this time he researched
                                            Bishop Peter will be much missed;                                                                                                                  a PhD thesis in Pastoral Theology,
   “I would also like to take this op-
                                            Bishop David will be warmly wel-                                                                                                                   which was later published.
portunity to thank Mgr Matthew Dick-
                                            comed.”                                                                                                                                               As parish priest at Maryvale, he di-
ens for his selfless service for the peo-
                                               Bishop Doyle has worked closely                                                                                                                 rected the diocesan Department for
ple in Kent.
                                            with Bishop-elect Oakley during his                                                                                                                Parish and Family Catechesis, devel-
   “Mgr Matthew was asked by Arch-
                                            seven years as rector of the seminary                                                                                                              oping resources in collaboration with
bishop Peter to take on responsibility
                                            at Oscott, and knows him to be a man                                                                                                               CaFE. At the same time, he undertook
for Kent following the departure of
                                            of faith and prayer, and a pastoral                                                                                                                licentiate studies in the Pontifical Uni-
Bishop Paul Mason, in addition to his
                                            priest and wise teacher.                                                                                                                           versity of St Patrick’s, Maynooth and
other duties as Vicar General.
                                               Bishop Doyle “rejoiced” in the news                                                                                                             was awarded the STL degree. Since
   “I am most grateful to
                                            and joined the priests and deacons,                                                                                                                February 2013, he has served as the
Mgr Matthew for his
                                            and the religious and people of the                                                                                                                23rd Rector of Oscott.
                                            diocese of Northampton in giving                                                                                                                      Cardinal Nichols will celebrate the
                                            thanks to God and welcoming Bish-                                                                                                                  Episcopal Ordination of Bishop-elect
New role as
                                            op-elect Oakley and praying for him                                                                                                                Oakley in Northampton Cathedral at
Episcopal Vicar
for Canon                                   as he prepares for his ordination.                                                                                                                 11am on the Solemnity of St Joseph,
O’Toole                                        Speaking at a welcome ceremony                                                                                                                  19th March 2020.

Christian charity backs plans                                                                                                            COULD YOU HELP TO SAVE A
                                                                                                                                          POOR HELPLESS CHILD?
to ban credit card gambling
A Christian charity has welcomed the        breakdown and in extreme cases, sui-        pressure to introduce bans for the
                                                                                                                                    The Little Way Association receives
                                                                                                                                    numerous requests from missionaries
                                                                                                                                    throughout the world asking for help to
                                                                                                                                    feed, support and educate needy,
banning of credit card gambling as a        cide as well,” he warned.                   use of credit cards for online bets over    deprived children. They tell us of
“proactive and positive step”.                 “The Government has promised a           the past two years by charity groups        orphaned children left alone with no one
   From 14th April, people wanting to       review of the 2005 Gambling Act and         including Gamble Aware and Citizens         to love or care for them, of families so
place bets online will have to do so        we will be making the case then for         Advice.                                     poor that they cannot afford to send
by using either a debit card or through     significant changes to ensure stronger        In 2018, the Responsible Gambling         their children to school, and of street
cash deposited into an account, fol-        protections for those with gambling         Strategy Board (RGSB) called on the         children, totally abandoned, hungry and
lowing a major shake-up of rules an-
                                                                                                                                    homeless, experiencing much anguish
                                            addictions.”                                Gambling Commission to consider
                                                                                                                                    and hardship during their most tender years. The whole future of these children
nounced by the industry regulator.             Neil McArthur, Gambling Commis-          restrictions on the use of “borrowed        often depends upon whether a missionary can find sufficient funds to care for them.
   The credit card ban affects all gam-     sion chief executive, said: “Credit card    money” for online gambling.
bling, with the exception of the Na-        gambling can lead to significant fi-          An estimated 24 million adults gam-                         Your gift will mean a chance of health
tional Lottery, the Gambling Com-           nancial harm.                               ble in Great Britain, with 10.5 million                        and happiness for a deprived child
mission said.                                  “The ban that we have announced          of those placing bets online.                                         Please consider making a gift to The Little Way
   It follows concerted efforts by the      today should minimise the risks of            It is thought that around 800,000                                   Association’s fund for children. You can use the coupon
Government to address the issue of          harm to consumers from gambling             people use credit cards to gamble,                                    below or give online at quoting
problem gambling.                           with money they do not have.”               with the regulator’s own data showing                                 “children” in the message field.
   Christian Action Research & Edu-            Mr McArthur said the ban needed          that more than 165,000 customers                                      Your donation will be gratefully received and sent
cation (CARE) welcomed the “excel-          to be backed by other action, while         made £46 million worth of credit card                                 WITHOUT DEDUCTION, to enable a
                                                                                                                                                              missionary priest or sister to carry the
lent” announcement, noting that it is       SNP MP Ronnie Cowan, who has spo-           deposits in February last year.
                                                                                                                                                              love, care and compassion of Christ to a
a “positive step” in helping to reduce      ken out about the gambling industry,          The announcement is the latest                                      deprived, abandoned or orphaned child.
the harms of gambling.                      added: “This is welcomed but we             blow to gambling businesses, after             “Christ wishes that    Thank you, and may God reward your                The Little Way
   “This proactive and positive step        mustn’t take our eyes off the prize         the Government introduced a crack-             I love Him because     generosity.                                        Association
                                                                                                                                    He has forgiven me, not
will go some way to helping reduce          and that’s a completely new gambling        down on fixed-odds betting terminals              much, but all.”
these harms,” James Mildred, CARE’s         act.”                                       (FOBTs), which saw the maximum                                        Crossed POs and cheques should be sent and made
                                                                                                                                                  St Thérèse
communications manager, told The               The Government has come under            stake for bets cut from £100 to £2.           May St Thérèse reward   payable to: THE LITTLE WAY ASSOCIATION
                                                                                                                                     you in a special way for Sacred Heart House, 119 Cedars Rd, Clapham Common,
                                                                                                                                     the sacrafices you make
Catholic Universe.
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                                                                                                                                       In our modern age of
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                                                                                                                                                                 £............. NEEDS OF MISSIONARIES
                                             gambling industry, a Christian advocacy group has said.
                                                                                                                                        are searching for an
   Mr Mildred called for a mandatory                                                                                                                             £............. MASS STIPENDS (please state no. )                      Please tick if you would
                                                                                                                                       authentic spirituality,
levy to be introduced on gambling            The latest controversy around sports betting has centred on the FA’s                                                £............. LITTLE WAY ADMIN. EXPENSES                             like an acknowledgement

firms and insisted that action also          sponsorship deal with Bet365, which allowed football fans to watch FA                     Thérèse’s little way of
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                                             Cup ties via the company’s app only if they placed a bet, which was
needs to be taken on shirt sponsorship                                                                                                 others has a powerful
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                                                                                                                                      appeal. Perhaps we too
across football leagues.                     clearly encouraging gambling. CARE’s James Mildred said this was                                                    Address
                                             “further evidence of the extremely troubling relationship between the                      can join her on the
                                                                                                                                             ‘little way’.
   “Problem gambling leads to rela-
tionship troubles, job losses, family        world’s most popular game and the gambling industry.”                                                               To donate online go to:
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                                                                                           Cracker/Rooney’s owner is “thrilled”
                                                                                           they will be reunited after she was
                                                                                           forced to leave him in a church after
                                                                                           life took ‘a really bad turn’.
                                                                                           Photo: RSPCA

       Dog found in church to
       be reunited with owner
       Nick Benson                                 following Rooney’s discovery had led        Rooney’s story “touched the hearts of
       A little Staffie who was found tied up      to Alison being found.                      the nation” thanks to the publicity
       in a Catholic church with a heart-             “Cracker’s story has really captured     surrounding it, such a “heart breaking”
       wrenching note from his former owner        the hearts of the nation and everyone       tale is not that uncommon.
       is to be reunited with his family.          has fallen in love with this little dog,”      “Rooney's story has really touched
          The seven-year-old Staffie, named        said Mr Lamping. “The outpouring            the hearts of the nation, but sadly it’s
       Cracker by the RSPCA, was found tied        of support for Cracker – and his owners     not uncommon,” she said. “People
       up next to the altar at Sacred Heart        – and the publicity his story has re-       who have no home are forced to make
       Roman Catholic Church in Blackpool          ceived resulted in us finding Cracker’s     heart breaking decisions to give up
       on 18th December with a note from           owner.                                      their pets as they have no other choice.
       his former owner.                              “We’re so pleased that Cracker –            She said Street Paws is committed
          ‘Please believe me when I say I          who is actually named Rooney – will         to keeping people in crisis and their
       haven’t done this easily,’ the note read.   be going back to his owner once she’s       pets together.
       ‘My dog means the world to me and I         back on her feet. Alison is thrilled to        “We offer support across the UK to
       don’t know what else to do. I’ve no         be having him home soon.                    relieve animal suffering by providing
       home or money now for him. Life has            “I’d like to thank everyone who has      free of charge veterinary care and
       taken a really bad turn for me and I        shared Rooney’s story, offered help         emergency kennel space to homeless
       couldn’t imagine him being outside          and support to his owner, enquired          people and those suffering the effects
       with me cold and hungry. I love you         about offering him a home and played        of extreme poverty.”
       and I am so so so sorry.’                   a part in enabling us to reunite Alison        Anyone who is interested in offering
          However, Cracker – who is actually       and Rooney and get this lovely dog          an RSPCA rescue dog a new home
       named Rooney – is now to be reunited        back home where he belongs.”                can visit
       with his owner Alison, who is from             Michelle Southern, Street Paws           to find their perfect match.
       the seaside resort town.                    founder, said the charity was “relieved”
          Alison is receiving support from lo-     at hearing Rooney and Alison were to        Anyone interested in offering an
       cal charity Street Paws, who are cur-       be reunited.                                RSPCA rescue dog a new home can
       rently taking care of Rooney until she         “We recognised Rooney when pic-          visit
       is ready to have him home.                  tured in the media, and were relieved       To make a donation to the RSPCA
          RSPCA inspector Will Lamping, who        when his owner was found as she             see:
       went to collect the confused Staffie        loves him very much,” she said.             To support Street Paws see:
       from the church, said the publicity            Ms Southern explained that while

       Orkney hermits excommunicated
       after branding pope a ‘heretic’
       Three hermits living in Orkney have         online statement in April, in which         gyll & the Isles said: “In April the group
       been excommunicated from the Ro-            they noted that Pope Francis is ‘the        wrote to Bishop McGee to say they
       man Catholic Church for calling Pope        head of the Church on Earth’ but            intended to withdraw their ‘obedience
       Francis a ‘heretic’.                        claimed that ‘by his utterances, his        from Pope Francis and sever com-
          Known as The Black Hermits, Fr           behaviour, his teaching and his ac-         munion with the Holy See’.
       Stephen de Kerdrel, Sister Colette          tions,’ he ‘has shown himself to be            “The bishop advised them that their
       Roberts and Brother Damon Kelly re-         indeed a great heretic’.                    actions would incur automatic ex-
       ceived notice of their excommunica-            The group also claimed that there        communication and urged them to
       tion from the Diocese of Argyll and         are ‘underlying evils’ that are ‘destroy-   reconsider and made several offers
       the Isles on Christmas Day.                 ing the Church’ and compared the            of dialogue all of which were refused.
          The decision comes after the group,      Church to a sinking ship.                      “As a result, the penalty of excom-
       who live on Westray, published an              A spokesman for the Diocese of Ar-       munication now applies.”
Thank you for subscribing to The Catholic Universe - Friday 17th January, 2020
The Catholic Universe          |   Friday 17th January 2020                                                                                                                                                      05

Queen’s former
chaplain urges
Sussexes to
choose duty
over celebrity                                                                                                                                                                     Queen Elizabeth II with the
                                                                                                                                                                                   Duke and Duchess of Sussex at
                                                                                                                                                                                   Buckingham Palace in 2018.
                                                                                                                                                                                   Photo: John Stillwell/PA.
A former chaplain to the Queen has           she needs. The genius and beauty of
warned the Duke and Duchess of Sus-          her role is that she does her duty.                                                                                                   Inset: Dr Gavin Ashenden.
sex not to choose celebrity love over        Doing her duty is a way of loving oth-                                                                                                Photo: Diocese of Shrewsbury.
dutiful love.                                ers. Her role acts as a self-giving glue
   Dr Gavin Ashenden, who was re-            that holds society together in an ideal      pathy for Meghan, the ‘more tragic        plained.                                    den pointed out.
ceived into the Catholic Church last         of service.                                  victim’ may in fact be Prince Harry.        ‘It may well be that Meghan and             ‘At the moment Harry is trying to
month, expressed his disapproval at              ‘Celebrity love and dutiful love are       ‘He is having to choose between         Harry can be happy and fulfilled mak-       broker a compromise in order to keep
the couple’s choice ‘to put their own        two different philosophies – almost          the constraints and ethics of belonging   ing their own money, claiming their         some royal money and some royal
self-interests before their public duty      two different religions; certainly, two      to the Firm, and the frustrations and     own freedom, selling their own brand-       glamour. But there isn’t one. He will
and family’.                                 different ways of looking at the world       demands of his celebrity wife who         ed life-style, doing their own thing.       have to choose; if not between John
   The controversy began last week           and our place in it,’ he added.              doesn’t get or doesn’t like the terms     But it will have nothing to do with         Lennon and Jesus, certainly between
when Prince Harry and Meghan                     Dr Ashenden explained that the           of entry into the Royal Family,’ he ex-   royalty, duty or selflessness,’ Dr Ashen-   royalty and celebrity.’
Markle announced they had decided            ‘ideal the monarchy is founded on
to “step back” as senior royals and di-      has strong Christian elements in which
vide their time between the UK and           doing one’s duty on behalf of others
North America.                               takes priority over self-interest’, whilst
   It emerged that the Sussexes had          ‘celebrity love is born out of the nar-
not consulted the Queen or the Prince        cissism of the entertainment indus-
of Wales about the contents of their         try’.
bombshell statement and had just                 He warned that celebrity love is fu-
began talks with them about their fu-        elled by ‘the short termism of romantic
ture roles when they made their de-          love and a rather fragile adoration’.
cision to go public.                             ‘Part of the problem with romantic
   Following their announcement, the         love is that it is time-stamped. It runs
mood at Buckingham Palace was un-            out. It has to grow into something
derstood to be one of disappointment,        deeper. It only has a long-term future
while the BBC reported that senior           by turning into that other kind of love,
royals had been “hurt” by the sur-           which is self-giving and the putting
prising news.                                duty before pleasure,’ he said.
   Dr Ashenden, who served as a chap-            Dr Ashenden said the clash between
lain to the Queen from 2008 to 2017,         two cultures – royal and celebrity –
recalled how Bishop Michael Curry,           had become problematic for the Sus-
during his exuberant sermon had told         sexes.
the couple that all they need is love,           ‘It is beginning to look like Meghan
which, the former chaplain said, led         has been unable or unwilling to tran-
to many wondering if he had ‘been            sition from celebrity love to dutiful
reading more John Lennon than Jesus’.        love. The first is more about ‘me and
   Dr Ashenden said that the preacher        my needs’, and the second more about
should have mentioned that there are         ‘them and theirs’.’
two very different kinds of love; celebri-       He noted that the Queen will be
ty love and dutiful love.                    aware that the monarchy cannot sur-
   ‘This present rupture in the Royal        vive if it ‘morphs into the privileged
Family has erupted in part because           setting out to have your cake and eat
the Queen stands for one kind, and           it’.
Meghan another,’ Dr Ashenden wrote               ‘Duty disowns celebrity-narcissism,’
in a blog post.                              he added.
   ‘You don’t often, you don’t ever,             Dr Ashenden also pointed out that
hear the Queen talking about what            while there are those who have sym-

DUP MP uses maiden speech
to call for ‘culture of life’
A pro-life MP has used her maiden            Ireland - with immediate effect and
speech in the House of Commons to            allow the Northern Ireland Assembly
call for “a culture of choosing life”.       to debate on the emotive issue.
   Carla Lockhart, DUP MP for Upper             “I want a society in Northern Ireland
Bann, hit out at Westminster for im-         that values life, and I want to see serv-
posing “the most extreme measures            ices that will help women choose life,”
of abortion anywhere across Europe”          she said.
on Northern Ireland, despite abortion           “We want to see a perinatal palliative
being a devolved matter there.               care centre, a maternal mental health
   Noting that Northern Ireland has          unit and better childcare services, and
always supported life-affirming laws,        that is my ask of this Government.
Ms Lockhart said she wants to repeal            “Help us create a culture of choosing
section 9 of the Northern Ireland Ex-        life, as opposed to killing an innocent
ecutive Formation Act 2019 - which           little baby that does not have the voice
decriminalises abortion in Northern          to say, ‘No, mummy!’”
Thank you for subscribing to The Catholic Universe - Friday 17th January, 2020
06                                                                                                                                                    For extra news go to


Lord leaps to defend
orphanage founder
Lord David Alton of Liverpool has            remains detained. Professor Tarfa’s          Professor Tarfa and his wife opened
written to the BBC challenging a report      wife, with whom he co-founded the         the Du Merci Centre in 1996 to care
that an orphanage for unwanted chil-         orphanage, was also briefly detained      for abandoned children in the Chris-
dren, which was forcibly closed by           and released on the same day. How-        tian District of Sabon Gari. The centre
the Kano state authorities in Nigeria,       ever, 19 children residing in the or-     provides accommodation for these
was functioning illegally and defended       phanage in Kano were transported to       children, who view them as parents
the people behind the home.                  the Nasarawa Children’s Home. Eight       and are educated and cared for until
   The Catholic peer has also high-          children who were seized in a subse-      they are able to live successful inde-
lighted the case in a letter to the Niger-   quent raid on the Du Merci branch in      pendent lives. It also accommodates
ian High Commissioner to the United          Kaduna state on 31st December were        young women who are pregnant out
Kingdom.                                     also transported to the same loca-        of wedlock, until they give birth, rec-
   On 25th December, Professor               tion.                                     onciling them whenever possible with
Richard Solomon Musa Tarfa, the co-             In the letter to the BBC, Lord Alton   parents who had rejected them due
founder of the Du Merci Centre in            writes: ‘In 2002, and following the in-   to social stigma.
the Kano state capital, was detained         tervention of the late Emir of Kano          Mervyn Thomas, Christian Solidarity
by authorities. A report by BBC Pidgin                                                 Worldwide’s (CSW) Chief Executive
reporter Mansur Abubakar, published                                                    said: “CSW welcomes the intervention
                                             Lord Alton
on the BBC News website on 9th Jan-          has voiced his                            made by Lord Alton to counter the                                                                     Photo: Historic
uary, stated that police in ‘northern        concern over                              false claim that the Du Merci orphan-                                                                 England Archive/John
Nigeria’ had ‘rescued 27 children from       the case of the                           age was operating illegally. The or-                                                                  Laing Photographic
two illegal orphanages operating in          Du Merci                                  phanage is duly registered and keeps                                                                  Collection/PA.
Kano and Kaduna states’, quoting po-         Centre                                    records on how each child came to
lice spokesman Abdullahi Haruna.                                                       be there, documentation that could            This photo, dated 03/07/59 and             and the Second Severn Bridge.
   According to credible local reports,                                                have easily be verified by a thorough         issued by Historic England Archive,        Everyday sites such as social
while Professor Tarfa was initially held     and a legal challenge in the wake of a    investigation.                                shows a Catholic priest speaking to        housing estates, sewage works and
for not having a licence to operate an       similar raid, a High Court ruled that        “The court ruling of 2002 verifying        an Irish worker on the construction        bus stations are also among more
orphanage, the charges were subse-           the Du Merci Centre was duly regis-       the legality of the orphanage could           site for the M1, or London to              than 2,000 pictures from last
quently changed to ‘criminal abduc-          tered and was conducting a legitimate     also have been accessed prior to the          Yorkshire, motorway.                       century released on Historic
tion of minors’ after his wife produced      endeavour. It also ordered the return     unchallenged publication of a false           Historic England are publishing            England’s website.
the requisite documentation proving          of the children who had been seized.      narrative. The excessive charges              online for the first time over 2,000       The pictures form the first batch of
                                                                                                                                     newly digitised images from the            10,000 newly digitised images
registration.                                A copy of this ruling is also available   against Professor Tarfa are completely
                                                                                                                                     John Laing Photographic                    taken by photographers at John
   On 3rd January, the professor’s bail      easily.’                                  unfounded and we urge the Kano
                                                                                                                                     Collection. Laing was one of the           Laing, which ceased its
terms were set at N5 million (approx-          Lord Alton has also written to the      state authorities to facilitate his release   UK’s biggest construction                  construction work in 2002.
imately $13,800) and included the            Nigerian High Commission in the UK,       without pre-condition.                        companies and helped build                 They have been released as part of
provision that one of his sureties must      following up on earlier letters sent to      “In the current era of fake news the       modern Britain, including                  Historic England’s Breaking New
be employed as an undersecretary in          the Police Commissioner and Attorney      need for careful research and factual         Coventry Cathedral, Berkeley               Ground project to digitise and
a federal ministry. So far he has been       General of Kano state, which are yet      reporting that challenges disinforma-         nuclear power plant, London                explore Britain’s construction
unable to meet these stipulations and        to receive a response.                    tion is more important than ever.”            Central Mosque, the M1 Motorway            history.

                                                                                       MP challenges police to act
                                                                                       over SPAC Nation allegations
                                                                                       A specialist police unit should be es-        practice known as “bleeding for seed”.     sources and the manpower and
                                                                                       tablished to investigate a Church ac-         BBC Panorama has reported allegations      woman-power to try and have the in-
                                                                                       cused of exploiting young vulnerable          which accused SPAC Nation of finan-        vestigation concluded and to put an
                                                                                       people, MPs have heard.                       cially exploiting young people.            end to what’s going on.
                                                                                          Labour’s Steve Reed (Croydon                  The Church, which denies the               “Exploitation of young people is
                                                                                       North) and colleagues in the Com-             claims, has previously been praised        abysmal and is despicable and needs
                                                                                       mons used a short debate to raise al-         by politicians for its work to tackle      to be addressed.”
                                                                                       legations against SPAC Nation.                knife crime and gang violence.                Mr Reed said he agreed with “every
                                                                                          Mr Reed said: “This is not an or-             The DUP’s Jim Shannon (Strang-          word” said by Mr Shannon.
                                                                                       ganisation getting young people out           ford), intervening in the debate, told        Culture minister Helen Whately re-
                                                                                       of crime, as it claims, it is an organi-      Mr Reed: “What he has illustrated in       iterated the Charity Commission has
                                                                                       sation criminalising young people for         the House tonight is worrying to every     opened a statutory inquiry into SPAC
                                                                                       its own ends.”                                one of us here who has heard it, and       Nation’s finances, governance, safe-
                                                                                          MPs heard the Church operates              it’s hard not to be moved and feel         guarding and overall compliance with
                                                                                       across London and has “expanded               concerned about it.                        charity law.
                                                                                       into other cities”, including Birming-           “The magnitude and the massive-            The commission, which describes
                                                                                       ham and Leicester.                            ness of what (Mr Reed) has outlined        the London Church as a charity set
                                                                                          HuffPost UK has reported allega-           would indicate to me that it wouldn’t      up to ‘advance Christianity’ that works
                                                                                       tions that some members of the                just be an ordinary police investiga-      particularly with young people, has
                                                                                       Church had been taking teenagers to           tion, it probably needs a certain spe-     ordered it to bank all cash while the
                                                                                       donate blood for medical trials in a          cialised unit set aside with the re-       investigation takes place.

                                                                                       Johnson hints at new nuclear weapons deal with Iran
                                                                                       Boris Johnson has indicated for the           called ‘a Trump deal’ – a new deal to      and Russia. The US withdrew from
                                                                                       first time that he may back the UK            be drawn up by President Trump, who        the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Ac-
                                                                                       out of the Tehran nuclear deal which          has already withdrawn the US from          tion (JCPOA) on Iran after Mr Trump
                                                                                       was set up to prevent Iran from ac-           the existing agreement.                    described it as the worst deal ever
                                                                                       quiring nuclear weapons.                        The UK has maintained its support        negotiated. “From the American per-
                                                                                          He told the BBC on Tuesday that            for the deal, of which it is a co-signa-   spective, it’s a flawed deal... let's replace
                                                                                       he was tempted to sign up to what he          tory alongside France, Germany, China      it with a Trump deal.”
Thank you for subscribing to The Catholic Universe - Friday 17th January, 2020
The Catholic Universe         |   Friday 17th January 2020                                                                                                                                                       07
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Hero priest named                                                                                                                 Vandals won’t stop us
                                                                                                                                  doing our best for our
as one of UK’s most                                                                                                               children, vows school
                                                                                                                                  A Catholic primary school in Teesside      appointed for the children,” she con-

influential people                                                                                                                said it is “determined” to continue
                                                                                                                                  creating opportunities for its pupils
                                                                                                                                  after vandals broke into the grounds
                                                                                                                                  and wreaked havoc, destroying a brand
                                                                                                                                  new £33,000 outdoor play area.
                                                                                                                                                                                “Lots of people have put in extra
                                                                                                                                                                             unpaid work in their own time to
                                                                                                                                                                             make sure the area was up and run-
                                                                                                                                                                             ning for our pupils.
The former Catholic Bishop of Derry,
                                                                                                                                    It’s believed a car was deliberately        “We’ve had donations from families
Dr Edward Daly, whose photograph
                                                                                                                                  rammed into the railings of St Mary’s      and friends of the school to make
became the iconic image of Bloody
                                                                                                                                  Catholic Primary School in Grange-         sure the provision was excellent for
Sunday, has been added to a promi-
                                                                                                                                  town over the Christmas holidays,          the children and all of that has just
nent list of the UK’s most influential
                                                                                                                                  which enabled the yobs access to the       been ruined.
                                                                                                                                  outdoor area, which had only been             “But we’re determined to keep doing
   Bishop Daly has been included in
                                                                                                                                  completed two weeks prior to the           our best for the children of Grange-
the latest update of the Oxford Dic-
                                                                                                                                  Christmas holidays, Teeside Live re-       town, who deserve facilities every bit
tionary of National Biography, which
                                                                                                                                  ported.                                    as good as children in any other part
added the biographies of 228 men
                                                                                                                                    “They haven’t stolen much but            of Teesside or anywhere in the coun-
and women who have had a lasting
                                                                                                                                  they’ve just ruined everything that        try.”
effect on the UK, and who died in
                                                                                                                                  was there, tipping everything out,            The school has launched an appeal
                                                                                                                                  smashing up wooden sheds and gen-          to raise £57,000 to replace the current
   A native of Belleek, Co. Fermanagh,
                                                                                                                                  erally wreaking havoc,” Anna Mc-           concrete playground used by the older
Bishop Daly famously waved a blood-
                                                                                                                                  Clurey, deputy headteacher, told the       children with a modern artificial sports
stained white handkerchief as a sym-
                                                                                                                                  news website.                              surface and they’ve already received
bol of ceasefire as he attempted to
                                                                                                                                    Staff at the school, which is part of    some very generous donations and
escort a fatally injured demonstrator
                                                                                                                                  the Nicholas Postgate Catholic Acad-       promises of help.
to safety during the Bloody Sunday
                                                                                                                                  emy Trust and is rated ‘outstanding’          Mrs McClurey said the school has
massacre in Derry on 30th January
                                                                                                                                  by Ofsted, cut their Christmas holidays    excellent support from the local com-
                                                                                                                                  short in order to clean up the mess.       munity and pointed out that this is
   Paratroopers had opened fire and
                                                                                                                                  However, the children were forced to       the first time it had been targeted in
killed 13 people. Fourteen were in-
                                                                                                                                  stay indoors upon their return.            such a way.
jured, and another was to die later.
                                                                                                                                    “It’s just sad that it’s so soon after
   Bishop Daly was ordained on 16th
                                                                                                                                  the work’s been done,” said Mrs Mc-         Can you help?
March 1957, a priest of the Diocese
                                                                                                                                  Clurey.                                     To help St Mary’s raise funds
of Derry. His first appointment was
                                                                                                                                    “We’ve held a special assembly to         needed for the new playground,
as a Curate in Castlederg, Co. Tyrone,
                                                                                                                                  explain to the children what’s hap-         or to assist in them rebuilding
and in 1962, he was appointed as a
                                                                                                                                  pened and tell them it will be fixed as     their vandalised play equipment,
Curate in St Eugene’s Cathedral, Derry.
                                                                                                                                  soon as possible.                           email
   It was during this time Dr Daly,
                                                                                                                                    “The staff are very upset and dis-
then a 39-year-old curate, took part
in the civil rights marches and had
first-hand experience of the Battle of
the Bogside in 1969, the early Troubles
and the events of Bloody Sunday and
                                                                                                                                     The Society of the Sacred Heart
Operation Motorman.

                                                                                                                                                                  Explore, listen,
   The image of the then-Fr Daly wav-
ing a bloodstained white handkerchief
as he led a group carrying a dying 17-
                                                                              A Bloody Sunday Bogside mural showing a

year-old John ‘Jackie’ Duddy as he
                                                                              white handkerchief being waved by Fr
sought aid for the wounded teenager,
                                                                              Edward Daly as the body of Jackie Duddy
is one of the most famous images
                                                                              was carried from where he was shot in the

                                                                                                                                                                   God’s call ...
from the massacre and is known                                                courtyard of Rossville Flats.
throughout the world. The priest was
near Duddy when he was shot by sol-         saw and what I saw was a young fella         Dr Daly was a consistent voice on
diers and anointed him and gave him         who was posing no threat to anybody        social justice and peace issues. He
                                            being shot dead unjustifiably,” said       also helped organise the papal visit
                                                                                                                                               Vocation Discernment
the Last Rites.
   Years of controversy have surround-      Bishop Daly.                               of St John Paul II to Ireland in 1979
ed Bloody Sunday and the decision              Dr Daly served as Bishop of Derry       and, in 2015, he received the Freedom
of the troops to open fire. “I felt a re-
sponsibility to tell the story of what I
                                            from 1974 to 1993, when serious illness
                                            compelled him to retire.
                                                                                       of the City of Derry. He died on 8th
                                                                                       August 2016, aged 82.
                                                                                                                                           Friday 28th February 5pm -
Boys praised for canal rescue of mum and baby                                                                                              Sunday 1st March 2020 2pm
“Courageous” Catholic schoolboys            Melvin, Jacob Potter, Ellis Hulme and         “I know the parents are very proud.
have been hailed as heroes for the
role they played in rescuing a mother
                                            McAuley Maguire, who were playing
                                            football nearby, sprung into action
                                                                                       You were just fabulous on the night.
                                                                                       And to even think about giving CPR
                                                                                                                                                216A Wingrove Road
and baby from a canal.
   The boys, aged between 11 and 14,
                                            when they heard Reya’s cries.
                                              Joe told The Liverpool Echo that the
                                                                                       is amazing,” said Chief inspector
                                                                                       Pritchard, of Cheshire Police. “So thank
                                                                                                                                       Fenham, Newcastle-upon-Tyne NE4 9DD
were alerted by the cries of four-year-     group ran over to the scene while call-    you for making Widnes a safer place
old Reya Wang, after her mother Lifei       ing 999 and Ethan pulled Eva out of        and I feel very proud to be working
                                                                                                                                    For single Catholic women open to a possible call to religious
and five-month-old baby sister Eva          the water and noticing how she was         knowing there are people like you.”          life.
plunged into the water at Spike Island      “spluttering”, he attempted to perform        aints Peter And Paul Catholic Col-        A weekend retreat of prayer, discussion, reflection, community...
in West Bank, Widnes.                       CPR he’d learned in school before          lege, Widnes, where some of the boys
   The incident occurred last month         paramedics came and took over.             attend, said it was “incredibly proud”
                                                                                                                                    a time to discern, to ask questions, to be with others on a
after the family were chased by a             Chief Inspector Catherine Pritchard      of the boys as it praised their “coura-      similar journey...
gaggle of swans and the pram carrying       presented the boys with a bravery          geous” actions and hoped they would          For further information contact Sr Barbara Sweeney:-
Eva rolled into the canal. The terrified    award and during the ceremony they         inspire others.
mother jumped in after it in an attempt     were also given gifts from Reya on            “We are incredibly proud of Ethan,        T: 0191 272 3000 Mob: 07752 300056
to rescue her daughter, however, she        behalf of the family. Reya also received   Campbell and Joe – their quick think-        E:
began to struggle as her clothes were       an award for alerting the boys and         ing helped to prevent a potential  
weighed down by the water.                  showing then where their help was          tragedy,” said Danielle Scott, princi-
   Joe Draycott, Campbell Law, Ethan        needed.                                    pal.                               
Thank you for subscribing to The Catholic Universe - Friday 17th January, 2020
08                                                                                                                                                For extra news go to

Comment/News                                                                                                                                       Follow the Catholic Universe on twitter @ukcatholicpress

It’s not in our
control – and
that’s good
                                          The Nolan Principle tells us
                                          that no-one can have it all
In the mid-1980s, as we entered
the era of televisualisation (just
before ‘spin doctors’ were intro-
duced), I went as a prospective
parliamentary candidate for ‘me-
dia training’ arranged by the
Labour Party with experienced             Spence
sympathetic media professionals.
   At the time personal presentation
was rapidly rising up the political       About 40 years ago, not too long after
agenda. Arriving in a jumper and          I had started primary school, I re-
anorak didn’t help but wearing a          member my mum and dad telling
beard and glasses were a definite         me that we were going on a big sum-
‘no-no’. I argued that shaving my         mer holiday.
beard off was out, on the grounds            It was the very early 1980s and I
that my wife had never seen me            recall that other children had already
without one and I didn’t wish to          been to exotic places like Ostend, or
spark divorce proceedings. That           had even been on an aeroplane to
plea didn’t work so I suggested           far-flung places like Benidorm, and I
they go the whole hog and arrange         vividly remember asking if we could
not just for a facelift but a head        go to that mythical place ‘abroad’,
transplant.                               too?
   Little did I imagine that in the          My parents were of a generation
science pages of early 2020 the           which had never been further afield
idea of ‘head transplants’ would be       than Bournemouth. It wasn’t until a
seriously introduced as a medical         few years later that they would dare
and biological possibility. In 2017       to get on a plane to travel as far away
the whizz kids of Silicon Valley          as Jersey, and the main selling point
were suggesting that before long,         with that holiday was that the plane
death would be ‘optional’ and ge-         would land in time for us to get to
netic engineering would enable us         Mass on the Sunday morning that
to screen out ageing. At the end of       we returned.
last year two rogue Chinese med-             ‘No’, they told me, we weren’t go-
ical scientists were arrested for         ing abroad but rather for a week in a
‘creating human life’ in laboratory       guest house in Blackpool. The rea-          hard work and long hours and, in all        choose and surely one that the            who have benefitted from public
conditions. In other words the            son that it was a ‘big holiday’ was         likelihood, if we were to move to           Duchess, for all of her pre-royal         funding and who will, in all likelihood,
idea of ‘playing God’ and creating        because it was their 25th wedding           Blackpool we wouldn’t go to arcades         fame, could never have been truly         continue to do so, certainly when it
and manipulating life has moved           anniversary and it would be a rerun         or the beach anymore than we did            prepared for.                             comes to the cost of security.
into a new dimension: to eliminate        of their honeymoon. We were even            as holidaymakers.                              Equally, however, the royal life is       The integrity that is required un-
death altogether.                         going to stay in the same lodgings as          It’s a lesson that has stayed with       undoubtedly one that cannot be            der Nolan specifically states ‘they
   This ‘culture of death’ set against    they did all of those years before.         me ever since and one that I have           lived on a part-time basis.               should not act… in order to gain fi-
a ‘culture of life’ in the work of        Only this time, with a six or seven-        been thinking about an awful lot this          In announcing ‘We now plan to          nancial or other material benefits
Pope St John Paul II has been             year-old me in tow, money would             week as the Duke and Duchess of             balance our time between the              for themselves’, yet isn’t that exactly
transposed into a new 21st century        not be a problem – they had saved           Sussex have announced their inten-          United Kingdom and North Amer-            what the couple’s part in/part out
key which, by denying death, age-         up for years and, within reason, we         tions to change the way that they           ica, continuing to honour our duty        life seeks to achieve?
ing and illness, proffers a limitless     could do anything that we liked.            live their own lives.                       to The Queen, the Commonwealth,              Is the selflessness, deemed essen-
life of eternal possibilities. But this      In arguably those last, halcyon             Which one of us as a child didn’t        and our patronages’ while at the          tial under Nolan, conducive to giv-
determined refusal to accept our          days of the Great British seaside hol-      want to be a prince or princess? How        same time becoming financially in-        ing ‘tell all’ interviews on American
finite limits not only flies in the       iday, I had one of the greatest weeks       many of us haven’t watch a Disney           dependent is a way of life which          television? Does the openness and
face of our present experience of         of my life.                                 movie or one of those schmaltzy             simply does not exist and one that is     transparency demanded of public
the destruction of our environment,          We went to the Pleasure Beach            Christmas films where an ordinary           to all intents and purposes impossi-      servants sit comfortably with a cou-
it reverses our understanding of          and the Tower; we played on the             girl meets her Prince Charming and          ble. It is my childhood dream of rid-     ple whose desire for privacy is para-
the ‘given ness’ of the reality of        beach and rode on donkeys; and in           thought, ‘Mmmm, what if?’                   ing the donkeys every day.                mount?
Creation and our place within it by       the dying days of variety we went to           And, of course, the truth is that           The Queen, a woman who has                I have a huge amount of sympathy
suggesting it is now totally within       see Jimmy Tarbuck, Cilla Black and          there is a very strange parallel be-        lived an exemplary life for many          for the Duke and Duchess; how
our control. The only dangers to          Tommy Cooper, all then at the               tween running a guest house and             years with the privilege and con-         could one not for a young boy who
our future lives come from accidents.     height of their popularity.                 being a member of the royal family,         straints of her role, expects members     lost his mother so tragically, or a
   Paradoxically, it is a deeply pes-        You might have guessed that it           or any other of those ‘glamorous’           of the royal family – at least those      woman who clearly had little com-
simistic and fatalistic approach          was a week that has stayed with me          ways of life that we considered as          playing and being handsomely re-          prehension of the demands of royal
masquerading as positive human-           for four decades and I am sure it’s         kids. For all of the adulation or ex-       warded for a public role – to live        life?
istic optimism. Samuel Beckett            one that will stay with me for as long      citement of dreaming about turning          their lives according to what are            But public life isn’t something that
was once greeted by a reporter            as I live. As I’m sitting typing this I’m   out in a match at Old Trafford or An-       called the ‘Nolan Principles of public    can be dipped in and out of. The
with the words “It’s a nice morning       doing so with a smile on my face            field there are the countless hours of      life’. They are exactly the same prin-    couple must be either part of that
Mr Beckett”. “Mmm, yes it is,” he         and memories flooding back. I could         training that have been put in on a         ciples that anyone who has held           life or out of it.
replied. “Good to be alive,” added        easily fill many pages with those           sludgy training ground; for every           even the lowliest of elected public          Being in is living life like a bird in a
the reporter. “Well, I wouldn’t go        memories but I suppose I’d better           trip to the Pleasure Beach there will       offices is expected to live their lives   gilded cage, being out is foregoing
that far,” Beckett retorted.              get on to the real point of this week’s     have been the days of washing fried         to.                                       public money completely – and that
   Despite the current state of deep      column.                                     egg-stained crockery and removing              The Nolan principles are simple        does have to include security – and
pessimism many feel there is a lib-          As we were sat in the guest house        soiled bedding.                             and are drilled into councillors, MPs     relying on their not insignificant
eration in recognising our God-           on the last morning – holidays al-             And for a prince or princess, for        and civil servants alike. Those of us     personal wealth.
given limitations. As the Psalm           ways ran Saturday to Saturday – I           every foreign tour or Hollywood film        who have held those roles know our           Part of that idyllic holiday 40 years
prayer reminds us, ‘Make us know          implored my mum and dad to let us           premiere, there are the many mun-           lives should be lived with selfless-      ago was about teaching me that it
the shortness of our lives that we        move to Blackpool: “we could run a          dane charitable visits or living life       ness, integrity, objectivity, accounta-   was impossible to have it all. It
may gain wisdom of heart’ as we           guest house and go to the pier every-       while not expressing opinion.               bility, openness, honesty and with        seems to me that it’s a lesson grown-
are like the grass in the fields that     day and the theatre every night”.              I don’t for one second envy the life     leadership.                               ups need to be reminded of periodi-
‘in the morning springs up and               My parents, the best that there has      that Meghan and Harry have had to              In seeking a financially independ-     cally too.
flowers but by evening withers and        ever been or ever will be, lovingly ex-     live, or for that matter, the life of any   ent life the Sussexes will undoubt-
fades’. That image itself is a source     plained that wasn’t how it worked.          other member of the family. It’s a life     edly capitalise on their position         Leon is a writer, political
of hope.                                  Running a guest house was very              that the Duke of Sussex did not             within society; they are a couple         commentator and charity trustee
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