EXCELLENT RESPONSE See inside for your feature on the late Prof. the Rt. Hon. Owen Arthur - UFDC ...

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EXCELLENT RESPONSE See inside for your feature on the late Prof. the Rt. Hon. Owen Arthur - UFDC ...
Established October 1895                              See inside
                                                                                                                                             for your feature
                                                                                                                                             on the late Prof.
                                                                                                                                               the Rt. Hon.

                                                                                                                                              Owen Arthur
Sunday August 16, 2020                                                                                                                                                 $2 VAT Inclusive

                                                                                          By Marsha Gittens                             140 lots and some of the lots were bought
                                                                                                                                        prior to the day’s event. Duguid shared
                                                                                          BARBADIANS did not miss out on an             that the 62 lots remaining were sold on the
                                                                                          opportunity to own a piece of the             day within two hours. The lots on offer
                                                                                          rock as scores of them attended the           were priced at “$18 per square foot”.
                                                                                          National Housing Corporation’s                   “Let me thank the people of Barbados
                                                                                          (NHC) Land Fair on Saturday.                  for coming out and giving tremendous
                                                                                            It was reported that from as early as       support to what would have been our first
                                                                                          8:30 in the morning individuals were          land fair here at Deanstown Heights. As
                                                                                          present at Deanstown Heights, St. James       I understand it … within two hours 62 lots
                                                                                          making their assessment of the land           sold here for the National Housing
                                                                                          which overlooks Westmoreland                  Corporation and I am very, very happy at
                                                                                          Development. Lots ranging from 5000 to        the tremendous support that was given to
                                                                                          10 000 square feet were being sold.The set    us to start this project with the first 62 lots.
                                                                                          time for the Fair was 10:00 a.m. to 2:00      That brings a total of 140 lots here that
                                                                                          p.m.                                          have been made available for housing here
                                                                                            Speaking to the media, Minister of          at Deanstown Heights. I am very, very
                                                                                          Housing, Lands and Maintenance,               happy with the support and I think it
                                                                                          Dr. William Duguid said Saturday’s Fair       gives us a tremendous start to be able to
                                                                                          was the first in a series of land fairs the   house the nation,” he stated.
                                                                                          NHC plans to have.The section comprised                            LAND FAIR on Page 3

                                                                                          Persons taking a close look at the site map as they decided which of the
                                                                                          available lots they preferred.
                                                                                          LEFT: Minister of Housing, Lands and Maintenance, Dr. William Duguid, told the

Makeover of the public service is greatly needed
                                                                                          media he was very happy with the response given to the day’s Land Fair.

POORLY performing public sector               They stand in the way of new innovations    said in a video statement.                    term.
agencies must be reformed.                    and new projects within the public and        Speaking on the revitalisation of the         Regarding financial incentives, Stuart
  Issuing this call, President of the Young   private sector and the reason for slow      economy onto a more sustainable path,         noted while the Fiscal Incentives Bill
Democrats, Kemar Stuart, highlighted          implementation may vary but they            he said both regional and international       paved the way for great foreign direct
such a move was critical if the island was    almost always relate to some type of        co-operation was greatly needed to move       investment to come into the island “that
truly serious about raising the standards     failure within the public sector.           forward in these uncertain times.             was yesteryear” as it had repealed the
of doing business and improving the             “A makeover of the public service is        “If we look at Barbados economic and        legislation.
economy.                                      greatly needed sooner rather than later     investment policies, there is a clear void      “Low tax regimes are constantly under
  “Renewed growth in the Barbados             to raise the standards to that of the US,   for the facilitation of a more robust         attack by the OECD and a greater
economy, depends on the removal of            UK and Canada where our public              investment culture in Barbados and this       competitive package is needed within the
complex and antiquated processes within       servants are internationally competitive.   may very well be the light in the midst of    regulations of course, where Barbados
government’s administrative process.          Our public service needs to bid on          the COVID pandemic,” he said, noting          can have a sustained approach to
Poorly performing government                  contracts internationally where it earns    attention needed to be paid to the            attracting foreign direct investment
departments, state-owned corporations         foreign exchange and becomes a              country’s infrastructure to help Barbados     through more financial encouragement,”
and agencies are in need of much reform.      contributor to government’s finances,” he   unlock growth in the medium- to long-         he advised.
EXCELLENT RESPONSE See inside for your feature on the late Prof. the Rt. Hon. Owen Arthur - UFDC ...
2 • Sunday August 16, 2020   The Barbados Advocate
EXCELLENT RESPONSE See inside for your feature on the late Prof. the Rt. Hon. Owen Arthur - UFDC ...
The Barbados Advocate                                                                                                                             Sunday August 16, 2020 • 3

NHC’s Land
Fair draws
response from
the public
   LAND FAIR from Front        fair will be soon.
                      Page       “The second one we will
  The Housing Minister         be having will be
attributed the excellent       Lancaster Phrase 3 and
public response to the         we hope to break ground
day’s Fair to the need by      on that next month and as
Barbadians for housing         soon as we break ground,
solutions.                     we will have another land
  “Clearly, we see that        fair like this and that is a
there is great need for over   total 183 lots and once we
60 lots to be sold in two      get those lots going we
hours. There is great need     hope that people will be
for housing solutions in       able to get their housing
Barbados and we are            starts going as quickly as
going to work hard to be       possible to get that next
able to meet that need for     183 lots into production
the people of Barbados,” it    for people to get shelter
was further pointed out.       here in this country,” he      Clerical Officer with NHC, Claire Holder, responding to queries from members of the public about the lots on
  He said the next land        added.                         sale at Deanstown Heights, St. James.

NHC Stenographer, Jonelle Rollock responding to queries from the public about the lots on sale at the Land Fair.

Persons with derelict houses, vacant land urged to partner with NHC
By Marsha Gittens                                “We are encouraging people who have        and then share the proceeds… It is a new        “People often say that we have a
                                              derelict houses or who have vacant land,      and innovative programme that we are          database with 32 000 people who have
THE National Housing Corporation              it doesn’t have to be a large piece, it can   working on and we are asking people           applied for housing solutions. We are
(NHC) plans to roll out a new                 be a single house spot or a single house,     who are interested in coming and              working on that to see if we can make
initiative where it will partner with         we are encouraging them to come and           partnering with the National Housing          that better. To weed out all the doubles
Barbadians to put up their derelict           give us your information. Those of you        Corporation to call in and we will start to   and triples and try to get that in terms of
houses or vacant land for rent.               who want to work with the National            put that programme together for vacant        who still wants [in order] and we have a
  Minister of Housing, Lands and              Housing Corporation,” it was explained.       and derelict houses and vacant lots.”         programme working on that to get a more
Maintenance, Dr. William Duguid,                 He added, “We are putting together a         Duguid said in addition to the new          accurate database, that is the first thing.
explained the details of this programme       policy so that together with those home       initiative, the NHC is working on a           The second thing, we recognise that
as he spoke to the media at Deanstown         owners those derelict houses, we will         programme to bring its database which         people have great needs and we are
Heights, St. James on Saturday where          come in make an arrangement with you,         comprises persons who have applied for        trying to meet that need as best as we
the NHC held its Land Fair.                   fix up the house, put it available for rent   housing solutions up-to-date.                 can.”
EXCELLENT RESPONSE See inside for your feature on the late Prof. the Rt. Hon. Owen Arthur - UFDC ...
4• Sunday August 16, 2020                                                                                       The Barbados Advocate

Community Volunteers who took part in the DEM’s Exercise Montgomery yesterday.

                                                                                 DEM Director Kerry Hinds said the organisation’s

                                                                                 Call for more community
                                                                                 partnerships reduced the impact of the lack of
                                                                                 specific resources.

                                                                                 volunteers to join DEOs
                                                                                 AS the hurricane               various DEOs, and noted
                                                                                 season hits the midway         in the case there was a lack
                                                                                 mark, the Department           of specific resources, the
                                                                                 of          Emergency          DEM’s partnerships with
                                                                                 Management (DEM) is            other units aided in
                                                                                 signalling its continued       making up the shortfall.
                                                                                 state of readiness.              “You may find at some
                                                                                   Forecasters         have     points in time, you may
                                                                                 predicted an extremely         lack resources in certain
                                                                                 active hurricane season,       areas, hence the reason
                                                                                 and with Tropical Storms       why we have various
                                                                                 Josephine and Kyle             memoranda                 of
                                                                                 already churning in the        understanding with other
                                                                                 Atlantic, DEM Director         agencies and other bodies
                                                                                 Kerry Hinds said her           to supplement what we
                                                                                 organisation is constantly     have at the national level.
                                                                                 refining its plans and         This is the reason why we
                                                                                 procedures to be able to       engage partners such at
                                                                                 meet the needs of              the Roving Response
                                                                                 Barbadians or our regional     Team, the same District
                                                                                 brothers and sisters in the    Emergency Organisations
                                                                                 case of a disaster, in         and other entities who may
                                                                                 whatever form it may take.     have resources that can be
                                                                                   “We are ever mindful of      brought to bear on the
                                                                                 the fact that although we      system,” she said, adding
                                                                                 are in the hurricane           that there was still room
                                                                                 season, there are other        for improvement.
                                                                                 hazards we need to treat         She made the comments
                                                                                 to. Currently, our countries   to the media yesterday as
                                                                                 have been affected by          in its efforts to ensure its
                                                                                 Covid-19 and as such we        community volunteers are
                                                                                 would have tweaked a           ready to respond in the
                                                                                 number of our hurricane        case of a disaster, the DEM
                                                                                 procedures to reflect the      hosted a simulation
                                                                                 Covid-19 implications,” she    exercise called ‘Exercise
                                                                                 added.                         Montgomery’ at Queen’s
                                                                                   With 29 out of 30 of the     College for 104 of these
                                                                                 District       Emergency       individuals.
                                                                                 Organisations up and             The operation focused on
                                                                                 running, Hinds once again      the volunteers’ responses
                                                                                 expressed the desire for       before and in the aftermath
                                                                                 more           community       of the island being struck
                                                                                 volunteers to join the         by a storm watch. (JMB)
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The Barbados Advocate                                                                                                                    Sunday August 16, 2020 • 5

                                                          Appeal to repay loans from Fund
                                                            DONATION from Back         some 90 laptops, at an      assistance to Barbadians     Ministry in achieving its
                                                                          Page         approximate cost of         who wished to further        goal     of   providing
                                                                                       $100,000, is testimony to   their education to           electronic devices to
                                                            so as our tag line says,   what government-owned       tertiary level, but were     students            from
                                                          so they can invest in        entities can achieve.”      constrained by limited       needy households or
                                                          themselves,” he stated.        Meanwhile,                financial resources, Dr.     families.
                                                             Emphasising that the      Parliamentary Secretary     Springer said it could         Since               its
                                                          Fund was “particularly       in the Ministry, Senator    only remain viable and       establishment, some 43
                                                          pleased” to make the         Dr. Romel Springer, in      fulfil its mandate, “if      years ago, the Student
                                                          presentation,          Mr.   welcoming the donation      those who have benefited     Revolving Loan Fund has
                                                          Johnson said: “When we       of the 90 laptops, made     from it, honour their        approved loans in excess
                                                          think about charitable       an appeal to those          moral      and       legal   of $325 million, enabling
                                                          donations, we usually        Barbadians who had          responsibility of repaying   more than 14,000
                                                          think in terms of the        benefited from the Fund     outstanding funds in a       Barbadian students to
                                                          private sector, but the      to repay those loans.       timely manner”.              pursue a diversity of
                                                          fact that as a state-owned   Stating that the aim of        He added that the 90      programmes, in various
                                                          enterprise we can donate     the Fund was to provide     laptops would assist the     parts of the world

Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of
Education, Senator Dr. Romel Springer (right), and
Administrative Manager with the Student
Revolving Loan Fund, Ambrose Johnson, during
the donation of laptops by the Fund, to the

Ministry of Education.
                                                                                       NOTICE TO EMPLOYERS

                                                                 Employers who have submitted termination of services/lay-off

invites St. John
                                                                 certificates for their employees and are now extending the period of

residents to
                                                                 lay-off/or rehiring their employees are advised to complete the
                                                                 NIS       Employer          Spreadsheet            which        can      be      found       at

virtual meeting

IT IS the turn of St.         Thorne.Commission@                 Employers              should          submit           that        spreadsheet              to
John residents today          barbados.gov.bb and
Sunday, August 16, to         providing their full name          employer.queries@bginis.gov.bb.
share their ideas             and address.
with the Thorne                 The link to join the
Commission on Local           online town hall event
Governance about              will be forwarded to the           Employers are also advised to provide their employees with copies
the establishment             e-mail       addresses
of community-based            prior to the meeting.              of the termination of services/lay-off certificates bearing the period
People’s Assemblies in        Questions and written
Barbados.                     submissions are also
  Persons interested in       welcomed.                          of extension.
participating      may          The meeting will
register for the Zoom         run from 5:00 to 7:00

Daryll Jordan
meeting by emailing           p.m.
                                                                 The NIS thanks you for your cooperation!

Secondary extends
book return dates
                                                                                  Please also visit our website at www.nis.gov.bb

                                                                                                         Follow us on:
MANAGEMENT of the             additional days.
Daryll Jordan Secondary         These are tomorrow,
School at Trents, St. Lucy,   August 17, and Tuesday,
advises parents and           August       18.    All                            nisbds                    nisbarbados                    nisbarbados
students that allowance       outstanding books from
has      been       made      all form levels will be
for them to return            collected between 9:00
textbooks      on      two    a.m. and 2:00 p.m.
EXCELLENT RESPONSE See inside for your feature on the late Prof. the Rt. Hon. Owen Arthur - UFDC ...
Fitting farewell for late PM
6 • Sunday August 16, 2020                                                                                                                            The Barbados Advocate

By Regina Selman Moore         grew up in St. Peter and         and his leadership.            loved simplicity and pri-
                               who faithfully served the           “Owen Arthur taught         vacy, but yet required and
THIS island’s fifth and        people of that constituency      his Cabinet and his public     defended form, pomp and
longest serving Prime          for well over thirty years, is   officials so many lessons      ceremony, as critical ele-
Minister, Professor, The       finally at rest in his           in public policy and fiscal    ments of nation building.
Rt. Honourable Owen            beloved parish.                  discipline. His was a true     He loved the countryside
Arthur was recently ac-          His cousin, Dr. Elliot         understanding that you         and relished being de-
corded a State Funeral,        Douglin, in reflecting on        only see real progress         scribed as “a country boy”.
with all the “pomp and         his life from a boy of hum-      when it comes from sound       And the country boy loved
pageantry” befitting           ble beginnings, to a man         policy. In the Barbados        cooking – from pepper pot
his outstanding contri-        who rose to political            Labour Party, we have all      and wilts to sorrel!”
bution to his beloved          heights, recalled that the       been genuine graduates of        It was meanwhile noted
Barbados.                      former Coleridge and             the Tom Adams/Bernard          by both speakers, that
  Indeed, it was a fitting     Parry student who com-           St. John/Henry Forde           family meant the world to
farewell for the late Prime    pleted his ‘A’ Levels at         School of Governance –         Owen Arthur, who dearly
Minister who passed away       Harrison College, success-       that Great Combination.        loved his wife Julie, his
at the Queen Elizabeth         fully read for his first de-     Owen Arthur fully em-          daughters Sabrina and
Hospital on July 27th,         gree from the University         braced their love and ap-      Leah and his grand-
2020. On the day of the        of the West Indies at Cave       preciation for the power of    daughter Isabelle, on
funeral service, Friday        Hill, in Economics, History      public policy and passed it    whom he doted.
August 14th, Barbadians        and Management. He               on to a new generation.All       The Barbados Advocate
eagerly lined the streets to   later received a postgradu-      of his Ministers defended      joins with the rest of the
witness the cortege take a     ate scholarship, which led       the integrity of Cabinet       country in bidding him        Valmay Arthur, sister of the late Owen Arthur, as
stately journey from the       him to UWI Mona in               government and the high        good bye, farewell. May he    she was assisted by Defence Force Personnel
Lyndhurst Funeral Home         Jamaica. After his return        office which he held, not      rest in peace.                during the funeral service.
in Passage Road, St.           to Barbados in 1981,             for the sake of himself, but
Michael,          through      Arthur began working in          for the preservation of the
Bridgetown where a one-        the Ministry of Finance          sanctity of the office and
minute stop was made at        under former Prime               the unwritten rule that
the Parliament Buildings       Minister Tom Adams.              you must protect that of-
where Arthur spent a sig-      Then in 1984, he became a        fice at all costs,” Mottley
nificant portion of his        Member of Parliament,            indicated.
years, whether in power or     representing the Barbados           “Owen’s insistence on
in opposition, then past       Labour Party, which he           the need for clarity of pur-
Kensington Oval, given his     would later lead as Prime        pose in the settlement of
love for cricket and his re-   Minister, from 1994 until        policy, spoke to a tidy and
development of that Oval,      2008.                            logical mind. His eye for
then along the Mighty            Arthur was remembered          detail and the need for the
Grynner Highway and            by Dr. Douglin as a hard         efficient use of resources
Highway One, headed for        worker, a man filled with        in the implementation of
Speightstown.                  patriotism, as he loved his      policy are valuable lessons
  In keeping with his final    country and the people           needed for any person in-
wishes, the church service     therein and indeed, he was       terested in public life, any
was held at the St. Peter’s    committed to improving           part of the world,” Mottley
Parish Church, beginning       the lives of all Barbadians.     maintained.
at 2 p.m., and it was fol-     He was also one who                 The Prime Minister
lowed by the interment at      fought for regional integra-     went on to state that,“And
the Mount Pleasant             tion.                            as for the man! Owen was
Memorial Gardens in St.          Prime Minister Mia             equally a man of great
Peter, located east of the     Amor Mottley, who deliv-         complexity. But that was
All Saint’s Primary School,    ered a Tribute during the        what made him such a
where the late Prime           funeral service, stressed        forceful personality. He
Minister received his early    that there were many les-        had a passion for the pub-     Prime Minister of Barbados, Mia Amor Mottley, as she joined the cortege en
education. Arthur, who         sons to learn from Arthur        lic causes he adopted. He      route to the St. Peter’s Parish Church.

                                                                                               The casket bearing the body of the late Professor, The Rt. Honourable Owen
Widow Julie Arthur (centre) takes in the proceedings of her late husband’s                     Arthur, as it was carried through the streets on its way to the church, during
State Funeral, with Owen Arthur’s daughters Sabrina (right) and Leah.                          his State Funeral.
EXCELLENT RESPONSE See inside for your feature on the late Prof. the Rt. Hon. Owen Arthur - UFDC ...
Possible way
The Barbados Advocate                                                                                                               Sunday August 16, 2020 • 7

        SPACE from Back Page

Ambassador Thompson in her re-
marks thanked Dr. Jhagroo and the
BSP’s Subcommittee for the invita-
tion. She also congratulated the
Society on its success over the years
and highlighted a possible way for-
ward for the organisation.
  “You have the capacity with expansion
to sell your services and your skills and
bring people into Barbados to get access
to those services and skills. That way not
only will we spread our reputation as a
brand for excellence in health care and
your own, but it certainly will generate
much needed foreign exchange at a time
when coming out of COVID-19 we are
going to have to be asking ourselves how
as a country do we earn money and keep
the country economy going. I think that
you have proven that you really do have
the will and the capacity to deliver on a
vision and to deliver on the implementa-
tion of a programme that is transforma-
tional not only in the context of the indi-
viduals who will access the services but
in terms of their development of the con-     Medical Coordinator with the Barbados Cancer Society, Dr. Shirley Jhagroo (right) in conversation with Barbados’
tribution to national development and         Ambassador to the United Nations (UN), Liz Thompson (left) and Radiographer, Johana Romero after looking at the
the national healthcare service.” (MG)        digital mammogram machine.
EXCELLENT RESPONSE See inside for your feature on the late Prof. the Rt. Hon. Owen Arthur - UFDC ...
8 • Sunday August 16, 2020                                                                                                                                               The Barbados Advocate

                                                                            Buffalo soldier – Part seven
    ‘For the cause that lacks assistance, ’Gainst the wrongs that need resistance, For the future in the distance, And the good that I can do’

 Finding the
 correct balance
                                                             I SUPPOSE we’d say that                                                                                     black        on        black
                                                             Barbados is a ‘Christian                                                                                    favouritism. What’s new?
                                                             country’. Would we? For                                                                                     Then he told me of his an-
                                                             me that would mean                                                                                          cestor, who was born a
                                                             more than church-going.                                                                                     slave. There’s a plaque to
                                                             It would mean, at the                                                                                       him at St. John’s Church.
                                                             least, practising what                                                                                      It reads: “ADAM STRAW
  THE recent electorally rejected Democratic Labour          Pope Francis has called a                                                                                   WATERMAN, A GREAT
  Party governing administration made it a point of          “life plan”. Yes: “I was                                                                                    BARBADIAN, 1803-1887.
  honour to emphasise that Barbados was more than            hungry and you gave me                                                                                      Born into slavery. Set
  an economy, but was a society too.                         food; I was thirsty and                                                                                     free as a young man.
     Some people might argue fairly that these two           you gave me drink; I was                                                                                    Apprenticed to a mason,
  concepts are not mutually exclusive; that Barbados         a stranger and you in-              So I did what I usually          ested in filling people’s              he developed great skill
  is indeed both an economy and a society and that           vited me in; I needed             do when I want to under-           bellies… that people have              as a builder and a reputa-
  to concentrate on one while ignoring the other will        clothes… I was sick… I            stand. I asked around: the         comfort when they sleep                tion for his sensitive work
  lead to either a wealthy dystopia or an economically       was in prison… (Matt              plumber, the postman,              at night, that their chil-             with sawn coral stone.
  depressed polity.                                          25:35-45). In short, it’s         the supervisor, the vet,           dren have satisfaction                 St. John’s Church, rebuilt
     Currently, owing to the immediate sequelae of           love in action, not just to       the priest, the doctor, the        that they are going to in-             in 1836, is one of his
  the global pandemic, Barbados finds itself in the          think or spout about.             small businessman, and             herit something in the                 outstanding works.”
  midst of an economic recession and, as if to               Ours is a passionate              many more. Well, my re-            land of their birth, and               Beautiful, yes?
  demonstrate the validity of the argument above,            spirit. It may mean over-         spondents, with one ex-            until we come to that                     Then      my       friend
  some relatively recent events have also borne              turning the tables in the         ception, didn’t speak of           point we are having an                 Merlene. She was the first
  witness to an alarming incidence of anomie and             Temple. Do you recognise          love. Their approach was           artificial debate.”                    person I spoke to. “Look,”
  antisocial conduct among our very young.                   any of that? Well, it             the seasoned, no-non-                One respondent, gen-                 she said, “God made us
     In recent days there have been reports of a group       caused me to wonder               sense, all-or-nothing,             erally: “I’ve got better               all. We all need each other
  of pre-adolescent youngsters beating one of their          how Christians in this            pragmatic, on times judg-          things to do.” Another, of             and we all matter. There’s
  playmates into a vegetative state; a pre-teen child        ‘Christian country’ were          mental, approach which,            Nelson: “He was there                  no light without shade,
  stabbing his older sister to death; and some youths,       responding to the out-            religion apart, is so often        when I was born. He’ll be              nor shade without light.
  for no apparent reason except maybe their own              pouring of racial hatred          the ‘Bajan way’. My ques-          there when I die. I’m re-              They complement each
  amusement, deciding to assault sundry homeless             against white people and          tion: ‘What’s your re-             ally not bothered.” More               other. We’re all one.” She
  men and having it recorded on social media for             institutions at and follow-       sponse to everything               pragmatism on support-                 then thanked me for
  posterity.                                                 ing the first protest             you’ve seen, read, heard?’         ing black businesses: “So              listening, and I thanked
     And, all the while, the horrifying spate of random      march as recorded in the            No one mentioned                 long as they have what I               her for cheering me up.
  killings by firearms persists with a seemingly             Press. It depressed me.           George Floyd. Odd: that’s          want, I don’t care whether             Oneness.
  intractable frequency.                                     Why wouldn’t it? I’m              what the protests were             they’re black, white, or                  One last. He’d been a
     We really must do better, if we are to deserve the      white and British, after          supposed to be about. At           polka dot.” On ‘inferior-              protester in the ’80’s, he
  high reputation we appear to hold of ourselves to          all. In 25 years, here I’d        root, I suppose, my re-            ity’: “I know who I am. Do             said. “Look to see who’s
  the point where we prefer to regard the recent US          never heard or read any-          sponders reflected the             they?” Of slavery: “This is            leading the protests. Then
  travel advisory as a national affront, rather than         thing like that. My fear          spirit of Minister Kerrie          today. That was the day                you’ll understand.” Kabir
  either as a genuine attempt by the US to close its         was that it would all rub         Symmonds’ powerful                 before yesterday. We’re in             was right. Truth seeking
  borders to its citizens or even as an unwitting sop        off, that life would change       pragmatism (Advocate,              charge now.” And yes,                  is like a battle, isn’t it? As
  to protect our relatively efficient handling of the        here irrevocably. Were the        26 June): “I am now at             even on ‘smelling a rat’:              long as life lasts, it never
  virus.                                                     ‘haters’ really speaking          an age and stage in life           “What’s really going on?”              ends.
     The truth is that we are so accustomed to viewing       for everyone or just for          where I am not interested            One respondent, with                    Go safely, until the next
  travel advisories issued by the US and the UK as           themselves, a narrow sect         in the optics. You could           vast experience in busi-               time.
  condemnatory of the object nation that we have             with veiled agendas using         pull down a thousand               ness, recounted stories                   John Lewis, from the

                                                                Mexico needs 200 million COVID-19
  reacted to this one with knees a-jerking and hackles       the murder of George              statues and it will fill no-       of white on white                      boundary: “I believe in
  raised, rather than with deliberate thought.               Floyd to push them?               body’s belly. I am inter-          favouritism – and then                 forgiveness.”
     But this is to digress from our immediate thesis;

                                                               vaccine doses; shots could start in April
  that we have to get both our economy and our
  society back on track.
     The current spate of crime has raised once more
  the hoary suggestion that the administration of
  corporal punishment is the answer to our woes.
  This is unsurprising. Despite cogent evidence to the
  contrary, there is a pervasive local superstition          MEXICO CITY – Mexico              Latin           America.           quire two doses to be ef-              hind the United States
  that a good “cut-tail” is the sole antidote to youthful,   will need up to 200 mil-          AstraZeneca is among               fective, Delgado said.                 and     Brazil.     Latin
  and adult, indiscretions of whatever hue.                  lion coronavirus vaccine          those working on COVID-              “If we need 200 million,             America’s 6 million cases
     We have also seen suggestions of placing a              doses, according to a sen-        19 vaccine candidates              we’re going to be vaccin-              and more than 237,000
  vicarious responsibility on parents for the wrongful       ior government official,          now in development                 ating for a long time,”                deaths make it the
  acts of their children. The concept is not unknown,        and inoculation of its 120        around the world.                  Delgado added.                         world’s hardest-hit re-
  although it has been restricted so far to the liability    million inhabitants could           Mexico’s government                Last-stage so-called                 gion.
  of employers for their employees’ acts in the course       start as early as April if        also has said it is con-           Phase III trials are ex-                 To ensure all Mexicans
  of employment and of principals for the acts of            clinical trials and reg-          sidering other options             pected to conclude by                  have access to a vaccine,
  their agents done for the principal’s benefit.             ulatory approvals for             for bringing a vaccine             November or December,                  President Andres Manuel
     We are of the view that despite the allure of the       pharmaceutical firm               quickly to its population,         after which AstraZeneca                Lopez Obrador’s govern-
  concept, principles of fairness militate against it.A      AstraZeneca Plc go as             the second-largest in              will seek government                   ment is in talks with
  parent may do only so much to influence his or her         planned.                          Latin America.                     approvals if the vaccine               other pharmaceutical
  child’s conduct, but the combined influences of the           In partnership with              AstraZeneca will be              is found to be safe and                laboratories in different
  child’s peers, his or her education in the broad           the governments of                able to produce between            effective. If that goes                stages of developing a
  sense, and their psychological make-up may all             Mexico and Argentina,             30 and 35 million vac-             smoothly, Delgado esti-                vaccine.
  act as intervening causes between the parental             AstraZeneca initially             cines per month, Martha            mated the first vaccines                 “Astra’s production isn’t
  instruction and the conduct to be censured.                plans to produce 150 mil-         Delgado, a Mexican                 in Mexico could be admin-              going to be enough for
     It may eventually be a matter for an already            lion doses in early 2021          deputy foreign minister,           istered in April.                      Mexico. We need to sup-
  laden public discourse agenda, but we yearn for an         and eventually make at            told Reuters in an inter-            Mexico’s death toll of               plement that with a cou-
  impression that officialdom is keen to confront            least 400 million doses for       view on Friday.                    55,908 stands as the                   ple of more vaccines,”
  existing social ills, in much the same way it has          distribution throughout             The vaccine could re-            world’s third highest, be-             Delgado said.
  emphasised the importance of the various aspects
  of the economy, with the array of ministers and                                     Telephone: 467-2000 News Fax: 434-1000         News Editor: Dorian Bryan            Executive Editor: Allison Downes
                                                                                                                                     Business Editor: Jewel Brathwaite    General Manager: Sandra Clarke
  consultants under that portfolio, to add to the                                     E-mail Address: news@barbadosadvocate.com
                                                                                                                                                                          Assistant Managing Director: Sean Eteen
                                                                                                                                     Sports Editor: Corey Greaves
  discrete ministries dedicated to the green, blue                                    Website: www.barbadosadvocate.com
                                                                                                                                                                          Publisher: Sir Anthony Bryan
  and creative economies. A balance is essential.
                                                                   @The Barbados Advocate          @barbadosadvocate
EXCELLENT RESPONSE See inside for your feature on the late Prof. the Rt. Hon. Owen Arthur - UFDC ...
Image and truth – the curse of the contest
The Barbados Advocate                                                                                                                                        Sunday August 16, 2020 • 9

I LOVE America. It is not        President did not answer                                                                           painted as liars, thieves       tem will return.
the paradise with streets        the question. Kid Site sang                                                                        and everything else that is       However, if the Trump
of gold that they like to sell   a calypso in which he                                                                              wrong or nasty.They prob-       policies are rewarded with
the world, but it is an ex-      listed a number of things                                                                          ably have themselves to         his re-election, there may
ceptional country in some        that would only occur in                                                                           thank for the negative          never be a return to polit-
ways.                            Barbados. Only in America                                                                          image that now pervades         ical stability there.
   It is not guns, bombs         would a journalist ask the                                                                         the class which they have         The Caribbean, for the
and money that make a            leader of the country a                                                                            created for themselves.         most part, has had a
country great. That power        question that would be                                                                                Adversarial politics will    similar political history,
might scare others and           regarded as disrespectful                                                                          always throw up divisions.      having, like America,
buy deference, but all           elsewhere.                                                                                         Whether real or artificial      inherited a form of their
countries that were mate-           For many people, politics                                                                       is immaterial. What is im-      Westminster parentage. It
rially rich and militarily       is synonymous with lies.          prepared to say so and not       him because of his declara-     portant is the establish-       should not be assumed,
powerful eventually caved,       If this is not true, it is dif-   fear any consequences was        tion, “I speak for the peo-     ment and nurturing of a         however, that prevarica-
whether through external         ficult to find many people        a thing of beauty.               ple.”                           mature culture which is         tion is necessarily inher-
or internal forces.              that would make the op-              There is probably no no-        This example also             shared and understood by        ent in the Westminster
   The great ones have           posite case. Those politi-        bler desire in man than          characterised many of           those involved in it and        system.True Westminster
something more. There is         cians who stand above             the proper motivation to         our politicians long after      affected by it. This is not     politics see the back of
a certain character that         such a label are ignored          be a politician. If one were     Barbados claimed inde-          always captured in small        many a political figure in
makes greatness, and not         when the mud is being             to look back at the political    pendence. Few would             states.                         circumstances that have
all have it. Historically,       splashed. But it is not           history of Barbados, the         doubt that there are still         Prior to the advent          never been the case in this
European countries have          every day that a journalist       evidence of this noble con-      good motives in some of         of    Barack      Obama,        region.
built their economies on         would pose such a ques-           viction is obvious. Maybe,       those who serve in modern       Americans seemed to have          The security that allows
the resources of other           tion to a leader. Whatever        not until recent times,          times. Unfortunately, the       a clear understanding of        a journalist to freely exer-
nations. Their superior          it is that empowers an            most of the black men and        weakness of character that      that country’s political cul-   cise the duty of the fourth
ability to despoil others        American journalist to            women that went into pol-        forces some into a mindset      ture. Obama’s election          estate and draw attention
has made them comfort-           confidently ask such a            itics were not in pursuit of     which tells them that they      brought a dynamic that          to the lies of the head of
able, even now, but this has     question of the President,        wealth. This is certainly        need to pull down their         cracked that bowl. Trump        state is an excellent
not necessarily brought          is part of the source of          true of those who stepped        opponents in order to lift      broke it. If Joe Biden is       demonstration of democ-
them greatness.                  America’s greatness.              up towards the end of the        themselves up, destroys,        elected, there will be a        racy in action. Maybe
   A few days ago, a jour-          Both the President and         colonial period and during       not just their targets, but     return to the mainstream        there needs to be a way to
nalist asked the President       the journalist knew that          our early years of inde-         them as well. It is akin to     culture, even if only tem-      take the next step and hold
of the United States of          that was not so much a            pendence. While it would         standing in a circle and        porarily. The metronomic        those who lie accountable
America if he at all regrets     question as it was a state-       require too much space to        shooting.The result is that     timing to which they are        for their fictitious state-

                                     The Day After: Another
all the lies he has told         ment. It was also a decla-        list names, one example          the entire band of them is      accustomed in their sys-        ments and deeds.
Americans over the last          ration of enough is enough.       that fits this discussion is
three and a half years.The       That a regular citizen was        Wynter Crawford. I chose

The Day After: COVID and the C’bean, human cost to the pandemic
rising to the challenge together                                                                    BARBADOS has just re-           considering these major         Maybe some sort of global
                                                                                                    ported an overall 15 per        changes. The call then for      new deal or convention
By Her Excellency Mrs.           the emergency health re-          pandemic, it has also            cent decline in economic        diversification of industry     would allow governments
Janet Douglas CMG,               sponse and protect the            brought opportunities. It        activity during the first       going forward is thus a         to declare the reduction of
British High                     most vulnerable.                  has highlighted the po-          half of 2020. I do expect       good one. I’m however re-       debt, like what was done
Commissioner to                     The pandemic has               tential of trade sectors         that official statistics from   minded that given the so-       after the second world
Barbados and the                 heightened awareness              such as e-commerce,              other CARICOM states            cial dislocation unfolding      war. I am, however, not
Eastern Caribbean                and appreciation of the           digital technology, cyber-       will follow shortly and in a    in front of our very eyes,      confident that this would
                                 Caribbean’s unique envi-          security, agri-processing,       similar manner. Mainstay        that any attempt to resus-      happen. Sadly, the
THE COVID-19 pan-                ronment. As we emerge             healthcare, telemedicine,        industries such as tourism      citate what is left without     labourer is not going to be
demic has brought anxi-          from the crisis, it will          biotechnology, and renew-        and construction have           empowering the people           the winner coming out of
ety, fear and – sadly for        be more important than            able energy: all areas           stalled throughout CARI-        through education is            this particular crisis.
many – the heartache of          ever to ensure that the           where the Caribbean is           COM, resulting in a peak-       going to leave the region       Economic history has
bereavement. But it has          Caribbean’s recovery is           well placed to benefit. It       ing in unemployment.            as it was before the pan-       taught us that this never
also highlighted the             clean, inclusive and re-          has also showcased the           Official sources however        demic: a highly indebted        happens under any sys-
amazing resilience and           silient. Key to that will         role of online learning in       have not adjusted the un-       place with anaemic              tem. But maybe this time
adaptability of the              be further progress on            education. UK suppliers          employment rate just yet.       prospects for growth.           we could somehow correct
Caribbean people in the          climate change. The UK,           are at the forefront. Many       The saving grace, may             Employers across the          this. My feeling is that if
worldwide effort to re-          working in partnership            courses are free, and offer      there be any, has been an       globe will definitely use       CARICOM focuses on re-
spond to its impact. The         with Caribbean countries          people opportunities to          oversupply of different         this period to recalibrate      structuring our economies
UK has been proud to             and regional organisa-            retrain, including in new        types of foods across           their operations and are        in a resolute, and some-
contribute to that effort,       tions, is determined to           and growing sectors.             CARICOM, ranging from           most likely going to em-        what rapid manner, that
committing over £700m            drive ambitious progress          The UK’s Economic                poultry in Barbados to          brace cheaper labour            maybe we stand to be win-
to the international re-         when world leaders                Partnership Agreement            roots and tubers in             and/or the dependency of        ners. We may be able to
sponse to stop the spread        gather in Glasgow in 2021         with CARIFORUM coun-             Dominica. I found myself        automation. Following           stave off the inevitable
of the virus, find a vaccine     for the ‘COP26’ Climate           tries will be a vital tool for   thinking about which            this period of global fiscal    which faces global labour
and save lives, including a      Conference.                       increasing trade when            course of action could re-      support, governments will       forces.
package specifically for            Despite the enormous           it comes into force in           lieve long-term social          have no choice but to
the Caribbean to support         challenges brought by the         January 2021.                    decay or even upheaval          ramp up tax intake.                   – Jeremy Stephen

                                                                                                                                                Sunny with cloudy periods with a few
                                                                                                                                               intermittent light to moderate showers
                                                                                                                                                    mainly during the afternoon.

                                                                                     High: 12:55 a.m.
                                                                                      and 2:32 p.m.
   New York: 26°C                                                                                                               Yesterday: 0.1 mm
   Miami: 32°C                                                                       Low: 8:02 a.m.                             For the month: 75.6 mm                    Max: 31.3°C
   Boston: 20°C                                                                       and 7:33 p.m.                             For the year: 455.5 mm                    Min: 26.4°C
   Toronto: 26°C
   Montreal: 28°C
   London: 19°C                                                                                          5:46 a.m.                                   6:19 p.m.
EXCELLENT RESPONSE See inside for your feature on the late Prof. the Rt. Hon. Owen Arthur - UFDC ...
External observation of elections important
10 • Sunday August 16, 2020                                                                                                                                     The Barbados Advocate

to protect democracy and rights
CARICOM countries                country, however, was                                                                          tenance of the rule of law.     do so again for the 2020
have been subject to in-         Suriname. Not only was its                                                                     Similarly, international ob-    elections on November 3.
tense scrutiny in the            elections process transpar-                                                                    servers, and their assess-         The value that external
period March to August           ent and judged to be so by                                                                     ment of the fairness of the     observation missions bring
this year, relating to the       local and foreign ob-                                                                          Suriname elections, con-        to the integrity of an elec-
conduct of general elec-         servers, but the President                                                                     tributed to the acceptance      tion, the legitimacy of a de-
tions, maintaining               and party in power ac-                                                                         of the results of the May 25    clared winner, and the
democracy, and up-               cepted the will of the ma-                                                                     poll. Mr Bouterse, an army      willingness of a population
holding the rule of law.         jority of the electorate and                                                                   man and leader of two           to accept a result, is vital
                                 handed over office peace-                                                                      coups d’état in the past,       and should be encour-
   Elections were held in        fully after an initial, but                                                                    might otherwise have fan-       aged.
four countries – Guyana,         brief, call for a recount of                                                                   cied his chances of seizing        In this connection,
St. Kitts-Nevis, Suriname        votes in some areas. The                                                                       office. An identical            Jamaica’s Prime Minister
and Trinidad and Tobago.         former President, Desiré        a vital role in Guyana.           Nonetheless, the pres-       prospect also hung-over         Andrew Holness has an-
   No country was more           Bouterse, himself sashed           Speculation still lingers    ence of external observers     Guyana for five months.         nounced that early general
closely scrutinized than         the new President,              over the St. Kitts-Nevis        would have helped to en-          What this all empha-         elections will be held on
Guyana by both vigilant          Chandrikapersad                 elections on June 5, where      gender trust in the elec-      sizes is that external ob-      September 3. While
domestic groups and              Santokhi.                       opposition parties claimed      tions and eliminate the        servation of general elec-      Jamaica has quarantine
watchful international ob-         There were no interna-        that the government used        claims that led to the re-     tions is important to guard     restrictions in place for vis-
servers. That is good for        tional observers at the St.     border closures to prevent      count.                         against fraud and elec-         itors, there is time now for
the elected government           Kitts-Nevis and Trinidad        nationals from returning          The experiences of           tions rigging, and for the      invitations to be issued to
which gained strong legit-       and Tobago elections. In        home to vote, and to ex-        Guyana, Suriname and           maintenance of the rule of      CARICOM,                 the
imacy both at home and           both nations, quarantine        clude external observers.       Trinidad and Tobago –          law and democracy. Even if      Commonwealth and the
abroad.                          restrictions, on persons ar-       In the case of Trinidad      each of them plural soci-      the elections machinery in      OAS either to send sepa-
   Guyana’s elections were       riving in the countries, pro-   and Tobago, it is doubtful      eties in which ethnicity       a country is strong, it takes   rate teams or to collabo-
held on March 2 and could        hibited the presence of ex-     that the integrity of the       plays a part in political      only one or two key offi-       rate, to save higher costs,
not be declared until            ternal elections observa-       elections suffered from the     party support – under-         cials to act improperly to      by sending a combined
August 2, largely because        tion missions. It has been      absence of external ob-         score the vital importance     manipulate results in           team to observe the elec-
of actions by officials of the   argued that incumbent           servers. Over the years,        of strong, independent         favour of political parties     tions. Such a mission
Elections Commission who         governments took advan-         the electoral machinery, as     bodies to oversee elections.   they support.                   would give greater credi-
are expected to be investi-      tage of the curtailments,       an institution, has been        In both Suriname and              Almost every country in      bility and acceptability to
gated in the coming weeks.       occasioned by the COVID-        strengthened, providing         Trinidad and Tobago, it is     the world now accepts the       the elections for which par-
The role played by the in-       19 pandemic, to constrain       confidence in the process.      generally accepted that        value of external observa-      ties have been gearing for
ternational community            political party campaign-       This confidence was evi-        the elections bodies are in-   tion of its elections, even     weeks.
was a key factor in the dec-     ing and to exclude ob-          dent when the August 10         stitutionally strong.          the United States of               External elections ob-
laration of a credible re-       servers from organisations      elections were hailed by all      This was not the case in     America. In 2016, both the      server missions proved de-
sult of the elections, that      such           as        the    the parties as free and fair.   Guyana, and it is precisely    OAS and the Organization        cisive in Guyana and ben-
led to the swearing-in of        Commonwealth,            the    It was only the main oppo-      why the presence of inter-     for Security and Co-opera-      eficial in Suriname – the
Irfaan Ali as country’s new      Organisation of American        sition party, that called for   national observers was so      tion in Europe observed         peoples of both countries
President.                       States (OAS) and CARI-          a recount of six constituen-    vital to a democratic result   the U.S. Presidential elec-     can attest to their crucial

Discussions to continue on                                                                                                      Hike for
   The most outstanding          COM – all of which played       cies.                           of the elections and main-     tions and are preparing to      value.

Draft Customs Bill 2019                                                                                                         Wellness next
MEMBERS of the busi-             very successful as we had       August 20 and 26, respec-       would be submitted by the
ness community will get          inputs from Customs, the        tively. We encourage per-       Customs and Excise
another opportunity to fa-       private sector, The UWI         sons to familiarise them-       Department (CED) to the
miliarise themselves with        and CARICOM. We look            selves with the relevant        Ministry of Finance for
the draft Customs Bill on        forward to continued in-        sections of the Bill in         consideration in the draft
Thursday, August 20, dur-        terest in this the second       order to enhance partici-       legislation that would go      THE Ministry of Health          years ago, without the aid
ing a virtual consultation.      consultation as we work         pation in these sessions        before Parliament.             and Wellness, in collabo-       of hydraulic machinery.
  It will begin at 1:30          together in developing the      and as a means of expedit-        The consultations,           ration with the National          They will then proceed
p.m., and interested per-        Customs Bill.”                  ing the review process.         being hosted by the BCCI,      Task Force on Wellness,         back to Skeetes Bay
sons willing to participate         He added that the con-         “This will ensure that        in collaboration with the      will resume its monthly         through Supers and
in the session should            sultations were of critical     the business community          CED, seek to bring about       hike for wellness pro-          Fortescue.
email the Barbados               importance as stakehold-        is fully aware of the pro-      a better understanding of      gramme on Sunday,                 It is expected to last two
Chamber of Commerce              ers were being informed         posed changes to the leg-       this country’s obligations     August 23.                      and a half hours and is
and Industry (BCCI) at           of the various sections in      islation and how they will      under the World Trade            The hike, which will be       suitable for children,
  bcci@barbadoscham-             the Bill, in particular the     impact on the ‘Ease of          Organization, the Trade        the first since the COVID-      adults, and even elderly
ber.com, or register online      new inclusions.                 Doing Business’ in              Facilitation Agreement         19 shutdown, leaves             people. Anyone wishing
at                                  Executive Director of        Barbados.”                      and CARICOM, and how           Skeetes Bay, St. Philip, at     to participate is advised to
  https://zoom.us/webi-          the BCCI, Misha Lobban-           The BCCI’s Executive          they translate into            3 p.m.                          bring drinking water and
nar/register/WN_iDOxH            Clarke, said over 125 per-      Director said it was antic-     customs requirements for         The four-mile trek will       a snack, and to wear suit-
D6YSKmD66RyV1FRlg.               sons participated in the        ipated that the feedback        import and export              proceed along the rugged        able clothing and comfort-

                                                                 BCC Closure notice
  A meeting was held re-         first session and proffered     from the trade community        processes.                     coastline, passing the Bell     able shoes.
cently to sensitise the          the view that it signalled                                                                     Point protrusion and ar-          The free event is being
business people about the        a successful and positive                                                                      riving in Consett Bay via       held under the theme
new legislation and              start to the discussion.                                                                       the route of the Ancient        Barbados Moves! Let’s
Comptroller of Customs,             Mrs. Lobban-Clarke                                                                          Railway Line.                   Get Moving!
Owen Holder, said there          continued: “We look for-        THE         Barbados             between 8.30 a.m. and 1         Hikers will traverse            The public is reminded
was robust discussion at         ward to more robust dis-        Community College has           p.m. The College apolo-        through the narrow pass         that COVID-19 protocols
the session.                     cussions on this Bill dur-      advised that it will be         gises for any inconven-        known as Consett                will be observed, includ-
  Mr. Holder stated: “The        ing the next two consul-        closed on Monday,               ience this closure may         Cutting, which was carved       ing the wearing of masks
first consultation was           tations, scheduled for          August 17 (tomorrow),           cause.                         out of the rock over 100        and hand sanitising.
The Barbados Advocate                                                                                                                                 Sunday August 16, 2020 • 11

The price controllers
                                    ADVOCATE PUBLISHERS (2000) INC, FONTABELLE • FAX: 434-1000 • E-MAIL: letters@barbadosadvocate.com

                                                                                                                                               Nelson the
  “The Federal Reserve Bank of the
United States, for instance, can wreak
                                              the cost of money reverberates through-
                                              out every facet of a modern economy, dis-
                                                                                              It is why the cycle of economic blow-ups
                                                                                              will continue: “Just as one day some
havoc on the economy yet feel convinced       torting virtually every consumption, sav-       primitive tribesman scratched his nose,          THERE is more evidence to support the
of its effectiveness.” – Nassim Nicholas      ings and investment decision.” He con-          saw rain falling, and developed an elab-         claim that Nelson built a space shuttle,
Taleb                                         cluded, “The Federal Reserve has played         orate method of scratching his nose to           went into Earth’s orbit and brought back
                                              a major role, generally the major role, in      bring on the much-needed rain, we link           the cow that jumped over the moon, than
IN 1955, then-Chairman William                every financial disaster since its creation     economic prosperity to some rate cut by          for Nelson being a racist white suprema-
McChesney said, “The Federal Reserve is       in 1913.” Read that again. Slowly.              the Federal Reserve Board.” Utter and            cist mass-murderer. In both claims, his-
in the position of the chaperone who has        I often wonder (laughing or I would           complete nonsense. One more thought              tory would need to be invented.
ordered the punchbowl removed just            cry), why we scoff at price-controls in         on the cyclical nature of our economic             Nelson modifying his ships to improve
when the party was really warming up.”        general but don’t bat an eye at the Fed.        fortunes and I am done.                          their performance during a battle, is not
He was speaking in the context of an im-      Mr. Taleb (Antifragile) puts this oddity           In his review of (deep breath now),           evidence that he made a space shuttle.
pending interest rate hike from the Fed.      down to domain dependence: “Ask a U.S.          Money for Nothing: The Scientists,               Nelson keeping livestock on his ships, is
With the recent announcement from cur-        citizen if some semi-governmental               Fraudsters, and Corrupt Politicians Who          not evidence that he retrieved a cow from
rent Chairman Jerome Powell (flirting         agency with a great deal of independ-           Reinvented Money, Panicked a Nation,             orbit. But that is the level of reasoning
with controlling the debt yield curve),       ence (and no interference from Congress)        and Made the World Rich; James Grant             that we are told to accept.
one could be forgiven for accusing the        should control the price of cars, morning       provided the perfect ending for us, “It’s          These claims of some of our historians
Fed of not only keeping, but spiking the      newspapers, and Malbec wine, as its do-         proverbial that, whereas scientific              and political activists, have no support in
punchbowl. The Editorial Board of The         main of specialty. He would jump in             progress is cumulative, financial progress       the credible historical record of docu-
Wall Street Journal detailed the next         anger, as it appears to violate every prin-     is cyclical. In the first, we build on what      ments. This record includes letters and
step on the road to serfdom in, Jerome        ciple the country stands for, and call you      came before. In the second, we move for-         dispatches written by Nelson, the ac-
Powell’s Price-Fix Is In.                     a Communist post-Soviet mole for even           ward only to fall back. Bust chases boom,        counts of those who served with him and
   As if the quantitative ease and age of     suggesting it.”                                 underdoing-it follows overdoing-it.” With        fought against him, and books written by
magic money were not enough, now this.          Now gently point out that “the Federal        a nod to Serenader: It is one step for-          the enslaved when they were freed.
The Board writes, “This tool would in-        Reserve Bank of the United States is in         ward, and two step backward, and trem-             The historical record shows that in an
volve the Fed setting interest rates by       the business of controlling and managing        ble. Hold (not only belly but) your sav-         age when racism was popular, Nelson
diktat for the first time in 70 years, and    the price of another good, another price,       ings, investments, pension plans and             stood out as perhaps the lone consistent
Governors are warming to the idea.”They       called the lending rate, the interest rate      tremble at the price controllers.                non-racist, by his behaviour. However, by
continue, “No one should underestimate        in the economy (and has proved to be               Economics needs a hard reset, or at           indoctrinating our students, the fantasy
the risks this poses for the global econ-     good at it).” I am not sure about his par-      the very least, a reality check. It is getting   about Nelson being a racist has become
omy.” Although the Fed has “set” the          enthetical comment (unless he meant             harder to take it seriously with each cri-       popular. Those students have now be-

                                                                                              Then there is
short-term rate for decades, there is room    good in the sense of how some persons are       sis.                                             come history teachers, journalists, ac-
for the market to send signals about in-      “good” at crime). We dub Ron Paul a                                     ADRIAN SOBERS            tivists, and members of parliament.
vestor expectations for growth and infla-     crank for suggesting that the Fed be abol-                                                         After I found no evidence that Nelson
tion. However, “yield-curve control muz-      ished or have its role restricted; but as                                                        was a racist, but found evidence that he

zles investors.” Economic pain is no          Taleb points out, “he would also have                                                            was not, they used a strange argument.
laughing matter and this would be the         been called a crank for suggesting the                                                           They claimed that such evidence does
equivalent of carrying a joke too far.        creation of an agency to control other                                                           not prove that he was not a racist.
   As I read Incerto I remember thinking      prices.” In short: the Fed.                                                                      Therefore, he must remain a racist until
that Taleb, at times, went too far in his       We are suckers for sophistication which                                                        evidence proving that he was not is
critique of the dismal discipline. The        makes us vulnerable to being duped by           THERE is a clamour for Nelson to be re-          found. That is the new standard of proof
more things fall apart, I wonder if he        packaging. We scoff at mangoes from the         moved from National Heroes Square.               used in Barbados.
should have gone even further. Interest-      village but pay a premium for a mango-          That sounds more emotive than having               I have heard this type of impossible
rate price controls were tried in the 1940s   infused-drink at an upscale restaurant          him removed from Trafalgar Square                reasoning only once before. It was when
but “introduced financial and other dis-      (who probably sourced mangoes from              which is in fact the plot of land on which       I was investigating structural damage
tortions that became harder to manage         said village). The Fed (and other organi-       the statue was erected. The same plot            at the Psychiatric Hospital. A patient
the further out of sync the official rate     zations) will continue to blow us up with       from which a portion was excised to cre-         claimed that 1+1=2 does not disprove
and market sentiment drifted.” One com-       their “sophisticated” economic models. I        ate National Heroes Square.                      that 1+1 also equals 85. It just means
menter spoke to the broader issue of price    leave you with two tidbits from Taleb,            My understanding is that the portion           that the evidence for 1+1=85 has not
controls: “All price controls and other at-   “Economists often invoke a strange argu-        on which the statue still stands is still re-    been found. Therefore, he could continue
tempts to influence prices by a central au-   ment by Milton Friedman that states             garded as Trafalgar Square.                      to claim that 1+1=85.
thority are to some extent like legislation   that models do not have to have realistic         Why are some people always anxious               Our Government swore that wedge is-
to repeal the law of gravity so we can all    assumptions to be acceptable – giving           to change the historical reality to suit         sues like this will never be determined by
fly.”                                         them license to produce severely defec-         their own motives? Some history may be           30 politicians, but by the people through
   Mr. Joseph Rio continued, “Interest        tive mathematical representations of re-        unpalatable to Twistorians. Take for in-         a referendum. A referendum would give
rates are in some sense no different, but     ality.”                                         stance the fact that The Right Excellent         their decision to move the over 200-year
in another they can produce much                He points out the obvious problem             Errol Barrow went to fight a war for the         old statue of Nelson, unanimous support.
greater destruction than just about any       here, they “do not have realistic assump-       colonial power – Britain.                        This is because they did it in the way
other market price.Whether through out-       tions and do not produce reliable results.        I await the Twistorians commentary.            that they promised all of us.
right controls or open market operations,     They are neither realistic nor predictive.”                        MICHAEL RUDDER                              GRENVILLE PHILLIPS II

      LET GOD                                                    QUOTES FOR TODAY                                                                               WORDS OF
    SPEAK TO US                                                                   Oscar Wilde
                                                                                                                                          Margaret Mead
 “The wicked plotteth against                                                    (1854 - 1900)                                              (1901 - 1978)
 the just, and gnasheth upon                                  Irish dramatist, novelist, & poet                                         US anthropologist        CHARACTER THE
 him with his teeth.                                       “The only way to get rid of a temp-                                                                       KEY
                                                                                                                            “Never doubt that a small
   The Lord shall laugh at him:                            tation is to yield to it.”                                       group of thoughtful, commit-
 for he seeth that his day is                                                                                                                                        Consistency
                                                                                                                            ted citizens can change the
 coming.”                                                                                                                                                      is the last refuge of the
                                                                                                                            world. Indeed, it is the only
          – Psalm 37, vs 12-13                                                                                                                                      unimaginative.
                                                                                                                            thing that ever has.”
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