Page created by Wallace Horton
PUBLISHED BY                 SPRING 2017 // ISSUE 162

                                  THE YEAR IN
                                    HATE AND
                                    AFTER HALF A CENTURY, THE RADICAL
                                       RIGHT ENTERS THE MAINSTREAM

                                    PLUS HATE GROUP MAP & LISTING INSIDE

       Donald Trump, ‘Fake News’ and
       the Rise of White Nationalism
       Last December, an armed, 28-year-old North Carolina             that 80% of white murder victims in America are killed
       man stormed into a Washington, D.C., pizza parlor called        by black people. He described Mexican immigrants as
                     Comet Ping-Pong, bent on investigating            rapists and drug dealers, said Muslims should be banned
                     the stories he’d heard about it being part of     from the country, and seemed to encourage violence by
                     a child sex-slavery ring closely tied to the      his supporters against black protesters.
                     presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton.             During the campaign, Trump only weakly disavowed
                     Before it was over, Edgar Welch had fired a       the white supremacists who were electrified by his
                     shot that harmed no one, but terrified res-       candidacy. And once elected, he selected appointees
                     taurant customers and staff alike.                known for their hardline anti-LGBT, anti-Muslim and
                        “The intel on this wasn’t 100%,” Welch         anti-immigrant ideas. Chief among them was Breitbart
                     sheepishly conceded later.                        News executive Stephen Bannon, a partisan of right-
          That may have been the understatement of the year.           wing populism who many observers see as having pro-
       The “intel” on what came to be called “Pizzagate”               moted white nationalism.
       was utterly and completely false. It soon transpired                After half a century of being pushed to the very mar-
       that Welch had been taken in by a “documentary” he              gins of American society, the radical right has entered
       watched on the Infowars site of Alex Jones, America’s           the political mainstream in a way not even imagined
       most unhinged conspiracist and a man who sees the fed-          since the 1968 run for the presidency by segregation-
       eral government as being the author of almost every ter-        ist George Wallace.
       rorist attack since 1995.                                           In this issue, we take a look at the state of the radi-
          But the most remarkable thing about the whole                cal right in America in the aftermath of one of the most
       bizarre episode wasn’t that significant numbers of              remarkable presidential races in history. According to
       Americans are so taken in by Jones’ “fake news” that a          the Southern Poverty Law Center’s latest count, the
       man like Welch actually begins shooting. What’s gen-            number of hate groups in the U.S. remained at near-his-
       uinely stunning is that then-presidential candidate             toric levels, increasing from 892 in 2015 to 917 last year.
       Donald Trump had in late 2015 gone on Jones’ radio              That approaches the all-time high in some 30 years of
       show, where the future U.S. president pronounced his            counting groups, 1,018 in 2011, when hatred of President
       interviewer’s reputation “amazing.”                             Obama on the political right was white hot.
          That statement, along with Jones’ claim that Trump               These numbers don’t tell the whole story. Increasing
       called him personally right after the election to thank         numbers of extremists — like Dylann Roof, who was
       him for his support and to promise to go on his show            convicted late last year of the 2015 murder of nine black
       once again, was a reflection of just how far the radi-          churchgoers in a bid to start a race war — are lurking
       cal right in America has come in recent years. And it           on the Internet, absorbing radical ideas without actu-
       wasn’t the only such sign. During the campaign, Trump           ally ever joining a hate group. Some small proportion
       retweeted a white supremacist’s completely false claim          of these people, anonymous and invisible until the very
                                                                       last moment like Roof, go on to kill.
                                                                           America is at a crossroads. On one hand, the coun-
RETRACTION In the Summer 2015 issue of the Intelligence Report, we     try has come a remarkable distance from a past marred
reported that Cathy Brennan was removed in 2012 as liaison to the      by slavery, Jim Crow and discrimination against minor-
American Bar Association’s Committee on Sexual Orientation and         ities of all kinds. On the other, like most European coun-
Gender Identity. This report was not accurate; Ms. Brennan was not a   tries, we are facing a resurgence of racial nationalism
member of this American Bar Association Committee in 2012, having      that imperils the progress we’ve made.
served a one-year term from 2008-2009. We deeply regret this error.
                                                                           Alex Jones may try scrub the evidence of his role
    In the same story, we reported that Ms. Brennan “outed [a
                                                                       in promoting extremism, as he did immediately after
transgender] student to school officials by revealing his female
birth name.” Ms. Brennan disputes this and claims that the student     Welch’s attack in the nation’s capital. But it is impera-
published his “female birth name” on his Facebook and Tumblr pages,    tive that we remember the Joneses of the world, and that
which Ms. Brennan only became aware of after this person repeatedly    we work to identify, isolate and neutralize those who
contacted Ms. Brennan.                                                 would make America less than the country it could be. ▲
SPRING 2017 // ISSUE 162


                                                                     O N T HE COV E R

                                                                     36      The Year in Hate & Extremism
                                                                     After a half century on the margins of American society, the radical right last year
                                                                     entered the political mainstream. Recurring strains of racism and other forms of big-
                                                                     otry, stoked by the effects of globalization and free trade, helped elect a right-wing
                                                                     populist to the presidency of the United States. Donald Trump’s subsequent appoint-
                                                                     ment of a raft of hardliners also heartened extremists across the nation.

                           13    Eye of the Stormer                  23      One More Enemy                      26   The Kidnapping
                           In recent months, The Daily Stormer,
                           a neo-Nazi website run by Andrew
                                                                     Officials arrested three members of an
                                                                     antigovernment “Patriot” group called
                                                                                                                 of Isabella
                                                                                                                 The 2009 parental kidnapping of
                           Anglin, has surpassed Stormfront as the   the Kansas Security Force last fall,
                                                                                                                 a 7-year-old girl by a woman who
                           leading white supremacist forum on the    accusing them of forming a subgroup
                                                                                                                 renounced her lesbian past and took up
                           Internet. This remarkable development     that planned to mass murder Somali
                                                                                                                 with a radical anti-LGBT group resulted
                           was propelled by the Trump campaign,      Muslim immigrants in Garden City, Kan.

                                                                                                                 last fall in the conviction of a Virginia
                           a “Stormer Troll Army” set up by Anglin   The case highlighted the convergence of
                                                                                                                 Christian activist. Now, with a civil
                           to harass his enemies, and Anglin’s       the antigovernment movement and anti-
                                                                                                                 lawsuit in the works, others on the anti-
                           “click bait” prowess.                     Muslim hatred.
                                                                                                                 LGBT right could be implicated in the
                                                                                                                 international abduction.
                         INTELLIGENCE REPORT EDITOR
                                   Mark Potok
                                  Heidi Beirich

                        ONLINE EDITOR/SENIOR WRITER
                                    Ryan Lenz

                                  Laurie Wood

                                 DATA MANAGER                                            18     Attorney for Aryans
                                 Keegan Hankes                                           Kyle Bristow has a long history with youth-oriented hate groups.
                              RESEARCH TEAM LEAD                                         Now the lawyer has created a foundation that is poised to
                                 Stephen Piggott                                         become the legal arm of the radical right.
                              RESEARCH ANALYSTS
                        Rose Falvey, Evelyn Schlatter,
                                 Sarah Viets
                                                                                         32     The Trump Effect
                              PROGRAM ASSOCIATE
                                                                                         From the start of his presidential campaign, Donald Trump’s
                                   Karla Griffin
                                                                                         rhetoric encouraged political violence. After his victory,
                                DESIGN DIRECTOR
                                  Russell Estes
                                                                                         unleashed hatred soared to new highs.

         Shannon Anderson, Valerie Downes, Michelle Leland,
             Sunny Paulk, Scott Phillips, Kristina Turner                                63     Picturing Extremism
                             PRODUCTION MANAGER
                                                                                         The director and a screenwriter discuss their “Imperium,” a new
                                 Regina Collins                                          movie starring Daniel Radcliffe about the FBI infiltration of a
                         SOCIAL MEDIA COORDINATOR
                                                                                         white supremacist hate group.
                                   Alex Amend

               MEDIA AND GENERAL INQUIRIES Heidi Beirich

                LAW ENFORCEMENT INQUIRIES Laurie Wood

                    SUBSCRIPTION REQUESTS Karla Griffin
                                                                                         d e pa r t m e n t s
                    Southern Poverty Law Center
             400 Washington Ave. • Montgomery, AL 36104
                (334) 956-8200 •
                                                                                         3    Intelligence Briefs
                                                                                         Conspiracy theories produce terror plots; organized misogyny
                      PUBLISHED BY
            THE SOUTHERN POVERTY LAW CENTER’S                                            is on the rise; police officers are assassinated by violent radicals;
                  INTELLIGENCE PROJECT                                                   and other glimpses of extremism.

                                                                                         67     For the Record
                                                                                         A sampling of hate crimes and hate group activities from the
                                                                                         second half of 2016 is summarized in state-by-state listings.
                                J. Richard Cohen
                                  Morris Dees
                               Joseph J. Levin Jr.
                                                                                         69     The Last Word
                                                                                         A Klan leader decided to hold a “Victory Klavalkade” to
          SOUTHERN POVERTY LAW CENTER BOARD OF DIRECTORS                                 celebrate the election of Donald Trump. But in the end,
                         Alan B. Howard, Chair
                        Henry Solano, Vice Chair                                         Chris Barker couldn’t make it to his own parade.
                                                                                                                                                                 Printed with inks containing 27.3% renewable resources

                Jocelyn Benson, Bryan Fair, Bennett Grau,
                      Will Little, Howard Mandell,
              James McElroy, Lida Orzeck, Elden Rosenthal,
                       James Rucker, Ellen Sudow
                                                                                         law enforcement inquiries welcomed

The Intelligence Report is published two times a year by the staff of the Intelligence
                                                                                         The Intelligence Project of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC)
  Project of the Southern Poverty Law Center and provided free of charge to law          welcomes law enforcement inquiries regarding radical right extremists
   enforcement officials, journalists, scholars and others. The Southern Poverty         and hate groups. Please direct questions during normal business hours
 Law Center is supported entirely by private donations. No government funds are
       involved. © 2017 Southern Poverty Law Center. All rights reserved.                to Laurie Wood via the SPLC’s general number, (334) 956-8200.

                            Briefs                                                                                                              E XTRE MISM IN T HE U .S .

                            [FAK E NE WS]

                            Tall Tales Spread by Alex Jones Breed Dangerous Plots
                            On Dec. 4, a 28-year-old North            the weather, controls minds and        says the U.S. government was
                            Carolina man bearing a handgun            traps souls. Michael Mancil, 30,       behind everything from the 1995
                            and a military-style rifle stormed        and James Dryden Jr., 22, both         Oklahoma City bombing to the
                            a Washington, D.C., pizza joint           of Douglas, Ga., had amassed an        terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001,   Seeds of violence:
                            called Comet Ping-Pong, deter-            arsenal — including AR-15 mil-         including the massacres of school-     The unhinged claims
                            mined to “self-investigate” rumors        itary-style assault rifles, four       children at Columbine and Sandy        spread by arch-con-
                                                                                                                                                    spiracy theorist Alex
                            that the restaurant was the cen-          Glock handguns, a rifle and more       Hook and the Boston Marathon
                                                                                                                                                    Jones might be amus-
                            ter of a child sex-slave ring with        than 2,000 rounds of ammuni-           bombing, and who claims that           ing if they were not so
                            connections to the Clinton cam-           tion, radios and flak jackets — that   “Hillary Clinton has personally        dangerous. But that
                            paign. Edgar M. Welch, of Salis-          authorities say they planned to use    murdered and chopped up and            didn’t stop then-pres-
                            bury, N.C., who fired his weapon          to attack Alaska’s High-Frequency      raped” children.                       idential candidate
                                                                                                                                                    Donald Trump from
                            inside the restaurant but injured         Active Auroral Research Program           Jones, who has been spread-
                                                                                                                                                    going on Jones’ radio
                            no one, later admitted “the intel         (HAARP), a large radio transmit-       ing fake news and ginning up           show, where he
                            on this wasn’t 100%.”                     ter cited in numerous antigovern-      antigovernment hysteria for            praised the “amaz-
                               Earlier, in late October, two          ment conspiracy theories.              well over a decade, has recently       ing” reputation of his
                            Georgia men were arrested in con-             These two incidents, either of     gained new prominence through          interviewer.
                            nection with an alleged domes-            which could easily have ended          his connection to the Trump cam-

                            tic terror plot to travel nearly          in bloodshed, have one man in          paign. As a candidate, Donald
                            3,500 miles to a former mili-             common: Internet personality           Trump appeared on Jones’ show          Visit
                                                                                                                                                    for more information
                            tary research facility in Alaska          Alex Jones, an influential and         in December 2015, where he             on the state of hate
                            that they believed manipulates            prolific conspiracy theorist who       told Jones, “Your reputation is        in America.

                            Leah Nelson and Mark Potok contributed.                                                                                          spring 2017      3

Bullets not ballots:       amazing. I will not let you down.”
Among those who            Jones claims to have personally
faced charges in
                           advised Trump in the run-up to
the armed Malheur
National Wildlife          the election, and also asserted
Refuge takeover were       that a grateful Trump called him
(clockwise from top        after his victory and promised to
left) Ryan Bundy,          appear on the show again.
Ammon Bundy, Brian
                               That was before the fake
Cavalier, Pete Santilli,
Shawna Cox, Ryan           news item known as “Pizzagate,”
Payne and Joseph           which was born on the Reddit
O’Shaughnessy.             and 4chan Internet forums and
                           gained a dubious kind of credibil-
                           ity when Jones’ Infowars website
                           began posting videos and articles
                           pushing it, nearly ended in trag-
                           edy with Welch’s armed “inves-
                           tigation.” After an FBI complaint        [ A N T IG OV ER N M EN T V IO L EN CE]   FBI — was merely an act of civil
                           showed that Welch had been                                                         disobedience, akin to a sit-in, by
                           watching an Infowars “documen-           Acquittal of Bundy                        civic-minded individuals opposed
                           tary” promoting the conspiracy                                                     to government “overreach.”
                           theory, Jones scrubbed his site of       Militants Further                             Experts say the Bundys’ inter-
                           most of its Pizzagate content in an
                           apparent effort to distance himself
                                                                    Emboldens Radicals                        pretation of the Constitution flies
                                                                                                              in the face of nearly 200 years
                           from the fallout of this particu-        A federal jury stunned court              of legal precedent, including the
                           larly toxic lie.                         watchers on Oct. 27 by deliver-           Property Clause, which delegates to
                               His contrition, if that’s what it    ing a not guilty verdict for Ryan         Congress the power to make “need-
                           is, apparently ends with Pizzagate:      and Ammon Bundy and five other            ful Rules and Regulations respect-
                           Infowars still teems with gro-           defendants charged in connection          ing Territory or other Property
                           tesquely misleading headlines            with the armed, 41-day-long take-         belonging to the United States.”
                           and conspiracy theories about            over of Oregon’s Malheur National             “We have 175 years of consis-
                           vaccinations, a supposed Obama           Wildlife Refuge.                          tent interpretation of the Property
                           “scorched earth” policy, and a              Despite guilty pleas from a            Clause and then we have the
                           coup allegedly being plotted             number of other individuals               Bundys,” Michael Blumm, a law
                           by Democrats.                            arrested in connection with the           professor at Oregon’s Lewis &
                               Jones is not alone. The mar-         occupation — including Bundy              Clark College who specializes in
                           ket for fake news is crowded,            “bodyguard” Wesley Kjar’s June            public lands, told High Country
                           and likely to get more so under          23 admission that “I agreed to            News. “Which is more persuasive?”
                           the leadership of a president who        occupy the Malheur National                   The Bundy brothers know
                           said in December, “The whole             Wildlife Refuge as part of an             the answer to that question.
                           age of [the] computer has made           armed political protest against           Emboldened by their acquittals,
                           it where nobody knows exactly            federal power” — the jurors felt          they have already threatened fur-
                           what’s going on,” and whose sur-         the government failed to prove            ther action. “The government
                           rogate, “journalist” Scottie Nell        that the militants had conspired          should be scared,” Ryan Bundy
                           Hughes, claimed, astonishingly,          to impede federal workers from            told The Washington Post in early
                                                                                                                                                    MULTNOMAH COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE/HANDOUT VIA REUTERS/FILE PHOTO

                           that “there are no such things,          doing their jobs.                         November. Discussing his opposi-
                           unfortunately, anymore, as facts.”          Instead, they apparently were          tion to an Obama administration
                               Facts do, in fact, exist. But with   persuaded by the defense argu-            plan to create a national monu-
                           social media platforms and search        ment that the armed occupa-               ment on federal land abutting the
                           engines making only the feeblest         tion — which disrupted life in the        Bundy ranch, he said: “Read the
                           of efforts to identify and marginal-     rural corner of Oregon for over           Declaration of Independence. It
                           ize false content, a president who       a month, inconvenienced locals,           says right there that if the gov-
                           is all too happy to exploit the fear     menaced federal employees, and            ernment becomes abusive, it’s
                           uncertainty engenders, and con-          led to the death of LaVoy Finicum,        our right and our duty to abolish
                           spiracists like Alex Jones continu-      a spokesman for the group who             that government. If the govern-
                           ing to propagate lies, reality seems     was shot while reaching for a gun         ment won’t restrain itself, what-
                           likely to lose out.                      during a confrontation with the           ever happens is their own fault.”

4   splc intelligence report
The government will have a         casual misogyny and alleged sex-        see the value in fat women who
                        second crack at the Bundys in          ual assault (“grab them by the          don’t take care of themselves, and
                        February, when, together with          pussy”) energized an explicitly         neither should you.”
                        their father Cliven, the brothers      sexist element within the noxious           Matt Forney, a racist blogger
                        will face a Nevada federal jury in     “Alt-Right” movement.                   who claims women secretly want
                        connection with the armed 2014             Though he is best known for         to be “raped” and “beat[en],”
                        standoff over government efforts to    his white nationalism, Alt-Right        endorsed Trump because, as he
                        stop the elder Bundy from illegally    personality Richard Spencer has         wrote on Oct. 26, “Trump is show-
                        grazing cattle on federal land. The    made it clear that women, too,          ing the world that not only is the
                        brothers have already staked out a     would be marginalized in his            emperor naked, his dick is the size
                        defiant position, refusing to leave    fantasy world. During the first         of a clit.” He was apparently refer-
                        their holding cells to attend a pre-   presidential debate of 2016, he         ring to mainstream conservatives
                        trial hearing in December.             tweeted that “[w]omen should            who he sees “cuckolds” who have
                            No matter what happens, the        never be allowed to make foreign        sold white people out.
                        Bundy family has made its mark.        policy. It’s not that they’re ‘weak.’       With misogynist Alt-Right
                        Washington State Rep. Matt Shea        To the contrary, their vindictive-      personalities on the rise, day-to-
                        (R), a longtime antigovernment         ness knows no bounds.” Female           day acts of anti-woman violence
                        activist who claimed credit for        citizens of his ideal white “ethno-     took on new significance. At the
                        averting a massacre at Malheur         state,” he told The Washington          University of Arizona on Sept. 20,
                        by sending a confrontational           Post, would stay at home and pro-       Dean Saxon, a street preacher best
                        gun-rights activist to the ref-        duce offspring.                         known for “slut-shaming” women
                        uge to meet with the occupiers,            And, according to Mother            and hollering “You deserve rape,”
                        in December pre-filed a bill that      Jones, Spencer dismisses the idea
                        would drastically restrict the abil-   that Trump’s alleged history of
                        ity of state natural resource agen-    forcing himself on women, kiss-
                        cies to acquire and manage public      ing and groping them without
                        land in Washington.                    their consent, constitutes sex-
                            And the GOP’s 2016 platform,       ual assault. Indeed, he seems to
                        widely criticized for lurching         endorse rape, writing, “At some
                        right on nearly every major issue,     part of every woman’s soul, they
                        includes language demanding            want to be taken by a strong man.”
                        that Congress “immediately pass            Then there’s Stephen K. Bannon,
                        universal legislation providing a      chief White House strategist, who
                        timely and orderly mechanism           presided over far-right Breitbart
                        requiring the federal government       News — which he called a “platform
                        to convey certain federally con-       for the alt-right” — when it fea-
                        trolled public lands to the states.”   tured headlines like, “Birth Control
                                                               Makes Women Unattractive and            was arrested and banned from           Stephen Bannon,
                        [MI SOGYNY]                            Crazy” and “Would You Rather            campus for a year for allegedly        now a top advisor to
                                                                                                                                              Donald Trump, is one
                                                               Your Child Have Feminism or             kicking a woman in the chest.
                        Woman Hatred,                          Cancer?” It also carried endless           On Oct. 13, Fox Business host
                                                                                                                                              of those who led the
                                                                                                                                              resurgence in ver-
                                                               anti-feminist pieces by Alt-Right       Lou Dobbs “doxxed” Jessica Leeds,
                        Fueled by Presidential                 arch-troll Milo Yiannopoulos, who       retweeting a post that included the
                                                                                                                                              bal attacks on women
                                                                                                                                              and feminists that has

                        Campaign, on the Rise                  wrote in August, “In terms of female
                                                               happiness, women’s liberation was
                                                                                                       address and phone numbers of
                                                                                                       the 74-year-old, who alleges that
                                                                                                                                              afflicted the nation in
                                                                                                                                              recent years.

                        Much has been made of the rise         probably a mistake.”                    Trump sexually assaulted her on a
                        in racist and xenophobic rhet-             Misogyny, in other words, is        plane in the early 1980s.
                        oric, anti-Muslim attacks, and         making a comeback.                         And on Dec. 9, a California
                        anti-Semitic trolling in the wake          Celebrating Trump’s victory,        judge sentenced to eight years in
                        of Donald Trump’s ascent, and          self-declared “neo-masculinist”         prison — the maximum — Alex
                        rightly so. But just as Trump’s        Daryush Valizadeh (alias “Roosh         Smith, a professional “pickup art-
                        promises to build a wall on the        V”) wrote: “I’m in a state of exuber-   ist” who, together with a fellow

                        U.S.-Mexico border, block Muslim       ance that we now have a President       pickup “instructor” and a “stu-
                        immigration, and restore “law and      who rates women on a 1-10 scale         dent,” gang-raped a woman who
                        order” have emboldened nativists       the same way we do. … The presi-        found out how she was attacked
                        and racists, so has his history of     dent of the United States does not      from Smith’s online profile.

                                                                                                                                                     spring 2017   5

                        [OBI TUARI E S ON TH E FA R RI GH T]   the mid-2000s, was patrolling the      wrote or co-authored is called The
                                                               border with the Alabama Minute-        Conservative Case for Trump.
                        Sunrise, Sunset: Five                  man Support Team. The “III Per-        Charles Weisman, a Christian
                                                               cent” term, which he helped coin       Identity publisher and promoter
                        Leading Extremists                     and popularize, supposedly refers      of anti-Semitic conspiracy theo-
                        Dead in 2016                           to “at least 3% of American gun
                                                               owners” — those who “will not
                                                                                                                      ries, died on Oct. 8.
                                                                                                                      He was in his early
                        The story of 2016 was one of           disarm, will not compromise and                        60s. Weisman, a
                        right-wing extremists ascendant.       will no longer back up at the pas-                     self-proclaimed
                        But even as young racist radicals      sage of the next gun control act.”                     scholar who traf-
                        gained attention and influence,        “When democracy turns to tyr-                          ficked in the sort
                        important members of the gener-        anny, the armed citizen still gets     of conspiracy theories that fea-
                        ation that preceded them passed        to vote — with his rifle,” wrote       ture clandestine rabbinical coun-
                        away. Among them:                      Vanderboegh, who participated          sels plotting a Jewish takeover of
                        Victor Thorn, an antigovernment        in and applauded the 2014 armed        the planet, subscribed to a ver-
                        conspiracy theorist and “Clinton       standoff between Nevada rancher        sion of the anti-Semitic theology
                        researcher,” died on Aug. 1. He        Cliven Bundy and government            called Christian Identity, which
                                       was 54. Thorn was       officials. “Any grasping would-be      holds that Jews are a cursed peo-
                                       a Holocaust denier      tyrant who ignores that truth does     ple intent on destroying the white
                                       and anti-Sem-           so at his own peril.”                  race. He ran Weisman Publica-
                                       ite whose books         Phyllis Schlafly, ultraconservative    tions out of a suburb of Minneap-
                                       included The Holo-      anti-feminist, antigovernment          olis, Minn., selling over 90 titles,
                                       caust Hoax Exposed,     conspiracy theorist and anti-          including his own works and anti-
                        9-11 EVIL: Israel’s Central Role in                    gay agitator, died     Semitic classics such as the forged
                        the September 11, 2001 Terror-                         on Sept. 5 at the      Protocols of the Learned Elders of
                        ist Attacks, and a trilogy “expos-                     age of 92. Schlafly    Zion, which purports to reveal a
                        ing” Bill and Hillary Clinton, as                      entered the pub-       secret plan by Jewish “elders”
                        well as numerous articles for the                      lic sphere in the      plotting world domination. “My
                        anti-Semitic, conspiracist Ameri-                      1950s by denounc-      beliefs are grounded in the truths
                        can Free Press (AFP). Though AFP       ing communism, opposing limits         I’ve found out in my study, my
                        reported that Thorn’s family and       on nuclear testing, and gunning        research,” he told City Pages of
                        friends described his death as a       for a constitutional amendment         Minneapolis in 2015. “The biggest

                                                                                                                                              FACEBOOK (THORN); AP IMAGES/ ELAINE THOMPSON (VANDERBOEGH); REUTERS/HYUNGWON KANG (SCHLAFLY); YOUTUBE (WEISMAN); CHICK.COM (CHICK)
                        suicide, his death was immedi-         to prevent the president from          farce in the world [is that Jews
                        ately seized upon by AFP eulogists     negotiating international trea-        are] God’s chosen people.”
                        and others as further “proof” that     ties. A devout Catholic, she mobi-     Jack Chick — prolific cartoonist
                        the Clintons make a habit of “mur-     lized conservative women in favor      and founder of the anti-atheist,
                        dering” their enemies.                 of public school prayer after the      anti-gay, anti-Muslim, anti-Mor-
                        Michael Brian Vanderboegh, anti-       Supreme Court banned it in the                         mon and anti-
                        government militia activist and        1960s and became a household                           Catholic Chick
                        co-founder of the extremist Three      name in the 1970s, when her                            Publications — died
                                       Percent movement        “Stop ERA” movement success-                           on Oct. 23 at the age
                                       who once mailed         fully derailed the Equal Rights                        of 92. Chick, whose
                                       the editor of this      Amendment for women. Her                               cartoons warning
                                       magazine a realis-      grass-roots movement, oppos-           against various evils including
                                       tic-looking plastic     ing feminism, modern liberalism,       homosexuality, Satanism, Hal-
                                       human skull, died       and cultural changes in American       loween, freemasonry, evolution,
                        Aug. 10 at the age of 64. Vander-      society, eventually morphed into       infant baptism, Harry Potter, and
                        boegh, who bragged that he had         the Illinois-based Eagle Forum,        the children’s fantasy game Dun-
                        been on the “enemies lists of          a far-right group espousing var-       geons and Dragons have been
                        the last THREE White Houses,”          ious conspiracy theories includ-       described as “a form of religious
                        appeared on the national anti-         ing the claim that there is a secret   pornography,” was a World War II
                        government scene during the            plan to merge Canada, Mexico and       veteran and one-time theater stu-
                        1993 siege of the Branch David-        the United States. In 2016, despite    dent who claimed to have been
                        ian compound in Waco, Texas.           her age and failing health, Schlafly   converted during his 1948 hon-
                        He associated with the right-          endorsed Donald Trump for pres-        eymoon. Famously disinclined to
                        wing militia movement, and by          ident. The last of the 20 books she    be photographed, he used images

6   splc intelligence report

                                                                                                                                           to great effect, spreading his fire-
                                                                                                                                           and-brimstone interpretation
                                                                                                                                           of Christian Scripture through          “It is a melting pot of 3rd world miscreants and
                                                                                                                                           accessible black-and-white comics        ghetto thugs.”
                                                                                                                                           known as Chick Tracts. His best-        —Florida assistant state attorney KENNETH LEWIS, in a June 12 Facebook post that
                                                                                                                                           selling tract, “This Was Your Life,”    resulted in his being fired, describing downtown Orlando hours after an Islamist radical
                                                                                                                                           shows the angel of death review-        murdered 49 people at an LGBT nightclub there

                                                                                                                                           ing a man’s sinful path, then shows
                                                                                                                                           the man being cast into hell.           “This is now war. Watch out Obama. Watch out black
                                                                                                                                                                                    lives matter punks. Real America is coming after you.”
                                                                                                                                           [ONLINE EXTREMISM]                      —Former U.S. Rep. JOE WALSH (R-Ill.), who later deleted the July 7 tweet he sent hours
                                                                                                                                                                                   after five Dallas police officers were murdered by a black sniper
                                                                                                                                           Social Media
                                                                                                                                           Platforms’ Anti-Hate                     “[T]he shooter was a martyr.”
                                                                                                                                                                                   —Former Miss Alabama KALYN JAMES, who in 1993 became the first African American to
                                                                                                                                           Efforts Inch Ahead                      win that title, in a July 10 Facebook video praising Micah Xavier Johnson, who was killed by
                                                                                                                                                                                   a police robot after murdering five Dallas police officers
                                                                                                                                           Google aspires “to organize the
                                                                                                                                           world’s information and make it
                                                                                                                                           universally accessible and useful.”
                                                                                                                                                                                   “Where did any other subgroup of people contribute
                                                                                                                                           Facebook’s mission is to “make the       more to civilization?”
                                                                                                                                           world more open and connected.”         —U.S. Rep. STEVE KING (R-Iowa), who in a July 18 interview with MSNBC also suggested
                                                                                                                                                                                   that “white people” have contributed more than other “categories of people”
                                                                                                                                           Twitter, while occasionally bill-
                                                                                                                                           ing itself as “the free speech wing
                                                                                                                                           of the free speech party,” pro-          “My culture is a very dominant culture. And it’s
                                                                                                                                           hibits “hateful conduct,” telling       imposing, and it’s causing problems. If you don’t do
                                                                                                                                           users: “You may not promote vio-        something about it, you’re gonna have taco trucks on
                                                                                                                                           lence against or directly attack or
                                                                                                                                           threaten other people on the basis
                                                                                                                                                                                   every corner.”
                                                                                                                                                                                   —Latinos for Trump founder MARCO GUTIERREZ, warning of the dangers of Mexican
                                                                                                                                           of race, ethnicity, national origin,
                                                                                                                                                                                    immigrants in a much-mocked Sept. 1 appearance on MSNBC
                                                                                                                                           sexual orientation, gender, gender

                                                                                                                                           identity, religious affiliation, age,
                                                                                                                                           disability, or disease.”                “The majority of those people in these situations that

                                                                                                                                              In December, all three com-           are shot are on the way to jail.”
                                                                                                                                           panies, together with Microsoft,        —Henrico County, Va., Sheriff MIKE WADE, a GOP congressional nominee who later lost, in
                                                                                                                                           announced an ambitious plan to          an Oct. 20 comment shrugging off concerns about police shootings of black men
                                                                                                                                           curb the online spread of extrem-
                                                                                                                                           ism through the creation of a joint     “Think of them like termites. They get into the wood
                                                                                                                                           industry database of “content that
                                                                                                                                                                                    of the house and they eat away at the very moral
                                                                                                                                           promotes terrorism” — a move
                                                                                                                                           that has been widely interpreted         fabric of the foundation of our country.”
                                                                                                                                                                                   —Conservative Republicans of Texas president STEVEN HOTZE, claiming to a crowd on
                                                                                                                                           to mean that the companies will
                                                                                                                                                                                   Oct. 29 that homosexuality was introduced to America by Soviet premier Nikita Kruschev
                                                                                                                                           focus on propaganda created by          as part of a plot to “create moral anarchy in our country”
                                                                                                                                           jihadist terrorist groups like the
                                                                                                                                           Islamic State.
                                                                                                                                              Yet when it comes to tackling        “Holding up that faggot flag, it’s unforgivable to me,
                                                                                                                                           right-wing extremist content and         it’s unforgivable — and in an ideal society, people like
                                                                                                                                           hate speech, the companies seem          Mr. Trump would also be put to death.”
                                                                                                                                           mysteriously helpless.                  —Anti-LGBT activist THEODORE SHOEBAT, reacting on Oct. 30 to Donald Trump’s holding
                                                                                                                                              Twitter is probably the worst        up an “LGBTs for Trump” rainbow flag
                                                                                                                                           offender: Despite explicitly
                                                                                                                                           banning “accounts whose pri-            “I’m tired of seeing a Ape in heels.”
                                                                                                                                           mary purpose is inciting harm           —Clay County, W. Va., Development Corporation Director PAMELA TAYLOR, in an early
                                                                                                                                           towards others on the basis of           November Facebook post about Michelle Obama that cost her her job and also led to the
                                                                                                                                           these categories,” it has done          resignation of Clay Mayor BEVERLY WHALING, who wrote approvingly on the post
                                                                                                                                           remarkably little in the way of

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   spring 2017    7

                        enforcement. In late November,        past is precedent, these Whac-A-           The gunman, New York-born
                        it won applause from progres-         Mole efforts are unlikely to sig-       Omar Mateen, was shot and killed
                        sives when it strengthened report-    nificantly reduce the spread of         by police. The son of Afghan immi-
                        ing tools and banned numerous         hate online.                            grants, Mateen was a former secu-
                        “alternative right” accounts that         As Elon University communica-       rity guard who had twice been
                        pumped out racist, anti-Semitic,      tions professor Jonathan Albright,      investigated by the FBI for pro-
                        anti-Muslim and misogynis-            who studies the spread of online        fessing interest in radical Islam.
                        tic content, most notably that of     hate, told The Guardian, promot-        The 29-year-old, who had a wife
                        prominent white nationalist           ers of hateful false information        and young son, dreamed of work-
                        leader Richard Spencer.               “have created a web that is bleed-      ing in law enforcement, but was
                            But in December, Spencer’s        ing through on to our web. This         expelled from a training program
                        account was back up, and it           isn’t a conspiracy. There isn’t one     run by the Florida Department of
                        emerged that Twitter had only         person who’s created this. It’s a       Corrections, in part for making off-
                        banned him for violating a policy     vast system of hundreds of differ-      color comments about bringing a
                        that prohibits individuals from       ent sites that are using all the same   weapon to class. He lost another
                        running multiple accounts with        tricks that all websites use. They’re   job as a security guard after claim-
                        overlapping uses. (The social         sending out thousands of links to       ing connections to both Al Qaeda,
                        media platform has not restored       other sites and together this has       a Sunni group, and Hezbollah, a
                        the account of Milo Yiannopoulos,     created a vast satellite system of      Shiite organization and avowed
                        an Alt-Right “troll” whose vicious    rightwing news and propaganda           enemy of Al Qaeda. His first known
                        online attacks even Spencer           that has completely surrounded          pledge of loyalty to the Islamic
                        acknowledged as “harassment.”)        the mainstream media system …           State came during a 911 call the
                            Facebook and Google, mean-        like an organism that is growing        night of the attack, less than three
                        while, have done little to coun-      and getting stronger all the time.”     hours before he was killed.
                        ter the use of their platforms to         Indeed. Even as Reddit, a              Though Mateen’s terrorist
                        spread hateful, false “informa-       major platform for online hate,         bona fides bordered on fantasy,
                        tion,” from conspiracy theories       announced that it would ban             the carnage he inflicted was all
                        accusing various minority groups      some of its most vicious users,         too real. Survivors of the massacre
                        of plotting against America to        Andrew Anglin, neo-Nazi editor          at Pulse, which was particularly
Neo-Nazi Andrew         websites promoting Holocaust          of the viciously racist online Daily    popular among Latino members
Anglin has led his
“Troll Army” in some
                        denial and false “facts” about        Stormer, was rallying his follow-       of the Orlando LGBT commu-
of the more vicious     Islam, LGBT people, women,            ers for their next attack. Urging       nity, suffered inside the club for
online attacks seen     Mexicans and others. Facebook’s       them to create “fake black person       upwards of three hours as Mateen
in recent years. But    hate speech policy, as leaked         accounts,” he wrote: “We wish to        murdered their friends and held
he is far from alone    to the German newspaper               create a state of chaos on twitter,     them hostage. He was killed dur-
among haters who
are increasingly
                        Süddeutsche Zeitung, prohibits        among the black twitter popula-         ing a SWAT raid around 5 a.m.
using social media to   attacks on individuals based on       tion, by sowing distrust and sus-          Racists, anti-LGBT activists
intimidate and harass   their race, national origin, reli-    picion. … Chaos is the name of                            and other extrem-
their enemies.          gion, or sexual orientation, but      the game.”                                                ists wasted no
                        seemingly permits attacks on                                                                    time in celebrat-
                        religions and nationalities more      [ IS L A M IST T ER RO R]                                 ing the slaughter.
                        generally. And a recent report by                                                                  Michael Hill,
                        The Guardian found that Google’s      49 Murdered at                            Mateen
                                                                                                                        president of the
                        autocomplete function, which                                                  neo-Confederate League of the
                        predicts what people mean to          Orlando Club, and                       South, a theocratic, anti-black
                        ask when they start typing, filled
                        in “evil” after a user typed “Are
                                                              Extremists Celebrate                    group with fantasies of becom-
                                                                                                      ing a paramilitary organization,
                         Jews” and “Are women.”               Orlando, Fla., became the site of       proclaimed: “In a free & inde-
                                The platform altered          the deadliest mass shooting by a        pendent South, Islam would be
                              these particular autocom-       single gunman in U.S. history, and      banned, Muslims deported, and all
                                                                                                                                             DAILY STORMER (ANGLIN); DMV(MATEEN)

                               plete answers following        the deadliest terrorist attack on       mosques closed down. The own-
                               The Guardian’s article, and    U.S. soil since 9/11, when a man        ership of firearms, including mil-
                               appeared to take steps to      who proclaimed allegiance to the        itary grade, would be encouraged
                                assure that the top results   Islamic State killed 49 people and      for all Southern citizens.”
                                    no longer included        wounded 53 at Pulse, a popular gay         Andrew Anglin, editor and
                                       hate sites. But if     nightclub, before dawn on June 12.      publisher of the neo-Nazi website

8   splc intelligence report
Daily Stormer, hoped the attack         on July 8 to the nightmarish news       progressive philanthropist George
                                                                                                                                                             signaled “the start of the terror-      that a sniper had assassinated five     Soros had engineered the shoot-
                                                                                                                                                             ist/faggot civil war.”                  Dallas police officers who were         ings to provoke a race war. Arch-
                                                                                                                                                                 Timothy Buchanan of BarbWire,       providing security at an other-         Islamophobe David Horowitz
                                                                                                                                                             an anti-gay website, blamed LGBT        wise peaceful Black Lives Mat-          claimed that Johnson was “in
                                                                                                                                                             people for provoking the attack:        ter protest.                            effect” acting as the “military
                                                                                                                                                             “Flaunting gross immorality and             Six other individuals were          wing” of the Black Lives Matter
                                                                                                                                                             defiant wickedness that is hid-         wounded in the shooting, and            movement, and demanded that
                                                                                                                                                             eous, odious and wretched to an         the shooter, 25-year-old Micah          the latter be declared a domestic
                                                                                                                                                             overwhelming majority of people         Johnson of Mesquite, Texas, was         terrorist organization. Stewart
                                                                                                                                                             is a foolish and dangerous course       killed by a police robot in the early   Rhodes of the radical antigov-
                                                                                                                                                             of action.” In a bizarre showing of     hours of that summer day.               ernment Oath Keepers called on
                                                                                                                                                             moral empathy with Mateen, he               Johnson was an Army vet-            his group to “unite and coordi-
                                                                                                                                                             continued: “Those who come to           eran and black nationalist sym-         nate in mutual defense against
                                                                                                                                                             the United States from other cul-       pathizer who reportedly told            this orchestrated campaign of
                                                                                                                                                             tures — some of which are infinitely    police that “he was upset about         Marxist terrorism.”
                                                                                                                                                             more moral than our own — are           the recent police shootings” and            While extremists bloviated,
                                                                                                                                                             going to be offended and repulsed       “wanted to kill white people,           real and threatened attacks on
                                                                                                                                                             by the rampant depravity that has       especially white officers.” After       police across the country con-
                                                                                                                                                             become a defining characteristic of     being discharged while under            tinued. In Tennessee on July 8,
                                                                                                                                                             our culture.”                           investigation for sexual harrass-       one woman was killed and three
                                                                                                                                                                 Steven Anderson of the Faithful     ment, he gravitated toward black        others, including a police offi-
                                                                                                                                                             Word Baptist Church in Tempe,           nationalist hate groups includ-         cer, were wounded by a black
                                                                                                                                                             Ariz., put it like this: “The good      ing the racist, anti-Semitic New        Army veteran who reportedly
                                                                                                                                                             news is that there’s 50 less pedo-      Black Panther Party, the Nation         explained his indiscriminate
                                                                                                                                                             philes in this world, because, you      of Islam, and the Black Riders          shooting attack by saying he
                                                                                                                                                             know, these homosexuals are             Liberation Party.                       was angry about police violence
                                                                                                                                                             a bunch of disgusting perverts              Extremists wasted no time           against black Americans. Officers

                                                                                                                                                             and pedophiles.” Another pastor,        in co-opting Johnson’s act of           in Missouri and Georgia were
                                                                                                                                                             Kenneth Adkins, who runs three          domestic terrorism for their own        wounded by gunfire the next
                                                                                                                                                             churches in Georgia and who was         purposes. A handful of black            day, though the shooters’ motives
                                                                                                                                                             arrested in August on charges of        nationalists endorsed Johnson’s         were unclear.
                                                                                                                                                             molesting a boy under the age of 16,    actions. Black Riders Liberation            A few days later in Detroit,
                                                                                                                                                             tweeted that the victims got “what      Party leader Lakesia Washington         four black men, including one
                                                                                                                                                             they deserved.” And in a widely         posted an “R.I.P.” message for          who called Johnson a “hero” and
                                                                                                                                                             circulated video, Pastor Roger          Johnson on the group’s Facebook         another who wrote, “It’s time to
                                                                                                                                                             Jimenez of Sacramento’s Verity          page, where another member              wage war and shoot the police
                                                                                                                                                             Baptist Church told his congrega-       called him the “Nat Turner of           first,” were arrested for alleg-
                                                                                                                                                             tion, “The tragedy is that more of      Our Time.”                              edly threatening on Facebook to
                                                                                                                                                             them didn’t die. The tragedy is—            On the other side of the racial     kill police.                           Exploiting a trag-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    edy: Extremists (from
                                                                                                                                                             I’m kind of upset that he didn’t fin-   extremist spectrum, Matt Parrott,           And on July 17, 29-year-old
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    top) Matt Parrott,
                                                                                                                                                             ish the job.”                           co-founder of the Traditionalist        Gavin Eugene Long, a black man         Alex Jones, David
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Youth Network and Traditionalist        from Kansas City who in 2015           Horowitz and Stewart
                                                                                                                                                             [ANT I - P OL ICE VIOLEN CE]            Worker Party — racist white             filed documents declaring him-         Rhodes all tried to
                                                                                                                                                                                                     groups that were involved in a          self an antigovernment “sover-         use a black sniper’s
                                                                                                                                                             Officers Murdered                       bloody fight during a protest in        eign citizen,” shot and killed three
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    July murder of five
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Dallas police offi-
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Sacramento, Calif., that left sev-      Baton Rouge police officers and
                                                                                                                                                             Across U.S. in Wave                     eral stabbed and wounded — pre-         wounded three others.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    cers to make wildly
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    dubious claims about

                                                                                                                                                             of Extremist Violence                   dicted “race war.” And so did
                                                                                                                                                                                                     numerous posters on racist online
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 As the anti-police attacks and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             threats continued sporadically
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    race war, Black Lives
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Matter, and “Marxist
                                                                                                                                                             A nation roiled by a vicious and                          bulletin boards       throughout the fall, with inci-
                                                                                                                                                             protracted presidential campaign                          like Stormfront.      dents in Massachusetts, Colorado,
                                                                                                                                                             and shocked and saddened by                                  Right-wing         Maryland, Alabama and else-
                                                                                                                                                             graphic evidence of the deaths of                         conspiracy the-       where, police and pundits strug-
                                                                                                                                                             multiple unarmed black men at                             orist Alex Joes       gled to make sense of the violence
                                                                                                                                                             the hands of police officers, woke          Johnson       claimed that          and chart a path forward. Some

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          spring 2017   9

                          departments spoke of falling back       on July 31 in Cleveland, Ohio.         shot. And Indiana Monroe, 29, was
                          on military training, while oth-        Erykah Tijerina, 36, was found         shot to death in Newport News,
The price of hate:        ers planned to have officers work       dead in her El Paso home on            Va., on Dec. 21. Before she was
The wave of appar-        in pairs at all times. Dallas police    Aug. 8; police suspected foul play.    buried, her long hair was shorn
ent murders of
                          chief David Brown, a black man          Rae’Lynn Thomas, 28, was shot          and she was dressed in a suit.
transgender or gen-
der-nonconforming         who rose to national prominence         and beaten to death, allegedly             Each of these apparent homi-
women continued in        in the wake of Johnson’s attack,        by her mother’s ex-boyfriend, in       cide victims was either transgen-
the second half of        retired in October but urged aspir-     Columbus, Ohio, on Aug. 10.            der or gender-nonconforming.
2016 (pictured from       ing police officers, especially peo-       Lexxi T. Sironen, 43, was           Most were trans women, and most
top left in same order
                          ple of color, not to “quit on me” and   found dead Sept. 6, in Waterville,     of those, black trans women, who,
as the story at right).
                          to “[f ]inish what you’ve started.”     Maine. T.T. Saffore, 27, was found     according to, constituted
                                                                  dead, her throat slit, in Chicago’s    72% of transgender homicide vic-
                          [TRA NSGE NDE R VI C TI M I Z ATI ON]   West Garfield Park neighborhood        tims since 2010. Together with 14
                                                                  on Sept. 11. Crystal Edmonds, 32,      others murdered in the first half
                          Transgender Hate                        was shot to death in Baltimore on      of this year, these 13 are victims
                                                                  Sept. 16. Jazz Alford, 30, of North    of trend that made 2016 the dead-
                          Murders Hit New All-                    Carolina, was also shot to death,      liest year on record for transgen-
                          Time High                               at a Birmingham, Ala., motel on
                                                                  Sept. 23.
                                                                                                         der people.
                                                                                                             These deaths, which due to
                          The horrific list just keeps growing.      Brandi Bledsoe, 32, was found       inaccurate and incomplete report-
                              Deeniquia Dodds, 22, died on        dead with a bag around her head        ing almost certainly constitute
                          July 13, nine days after she was shot   on Oct. 8, in what Cleveland police    only a fraction of the actual toll
                          in the early morning hours of July      suspect was a homicide. The body       of transgender people murdered
                          4 near her Washington, D.C., home.      of Sierra/Simon Bush, 18, was          last year, took place against the
                          Dee Whigham, 25, was robbed and         found in a creek near Idaho City,      backdrop of a prominent pub-
                          stabbed to death near Biloxi, Miss.,    Idaho, on Oct. 22, under what          lic conversation about transgen-
                          on July 23, while in town for the       police termed “suspicious cir-         der rights. Progressive activists
                          Gulf Coast Black Rodeo.                 cumstances.” Noony Norwood,            had been demanding that trans-
                              Skye Mockabee, 26, was found        30, died Nov. 6 in a Richmond,         gender people be allowed to use
                          dead of an apparent head wound          Va., hospital, the day after she was   facilities aligned with their gender

BLOTTER                                   UPDATES ON EXTREMISM AND THE LAW

JULY 7                                 JULY 11                            JULY 20                            SEPT. 14
A federal indictment was               An Arizona judge sentenced         Criminal summonses were            A Gresham, Ore., man and the
unsealed that charged seven            former border vigilante Chris      issued for white nationalist       girlfriend who allegedly egged
members of the Latino gang             Simcox to 19½ years in prison      Matthew Heimbach and two           him on, shouting “Get him,
Big Hazard with firebomb-              on two counts of child moles-      other men who were filmed          baby!” as he plowed across
ing four apartments in Los             tation and one of furnishing       shoving a black protester at a     several lanes of oncoming
Angeles’ Boyle Heights neigh-          pornography to a minor. A for-     March rally for Donald Trump       traffic and struck and killed
borhood in an effort to chase          mer schoolteacher, Simcox,         in Louisville, Ky. The three       a black teenager, pleaded not
black people out. The May 12,          55, rose to national promi-        were charged with harass-          guilty to first degree intimi-
2014, attacks were only the            nence in the early 2000s as        ment with physical contact         dation charges, a hate crime,
latest attempt by Latino street        co-founder of the Minuteman        for their attacks on Shiya         in a Multnomah County court-
gangs over some two decades            Project, a nativist extremist      Nwanguma, a University of          house. Russell Courtier, 38,
to drive blacks out of certain         group that patrolled the U.S.-     Louisville student. Heimbach,      and Colleen Hunt, 35, had
southern California neighbor-          Mexico border. He had been         a 25-year-old who heads            already pleaded not guilty to
hoods. Carlos Hernandez, 31,           in prison since 2013, when he      the racist and anti-Semitic        murder in the death of Larnell
the suspected leader of the            was arrested for molesting         Traditionalist Youth Network       Bruce, 19. Courtier is alleged
recent conspiracy, allegedly           the 5-year-old daughter of a       and Traditionalist Worker          to be a member of the racist
told fellow Big Hazard gang            neighbor and his own daugh-        Party, had bragged online          prison gang European Kindred.
members that the bombings              ters, ages 6 and 4, although       about the assault, but com-
would “get the niggers out of          charges involving the young-       plained after his arrest of fac-   OCT. 18

the neighborhood.”                     est were later dropped.            ing a “political prosecution.”     A 32-year-old Joplin, Mo.,

10   splc intelligence report
identity, which social conserva-      public venom, the report          Texas A&M, telling them that
tives responded to by ginning up      concluded, they will remain easy          “America, at the end of the day,
fears of malevolent perverts lurk-    targets for violence and murder.          belongs to white men. … Our bones
ing in toilet stalls.                                                           are in the ground. We own it. At
   A study by, a progres-     [C AM PUS E X TRE M I SM ]                the end of the day, America can’t
sive news site, revealed that law                                               exist without us. We defined it.”
enforcement and victims’ families     White Nationalists                           Identity Evropa, founded in
are often hesitant to identify vic-                                             March 2016 by 30-year-old Cal
tims as transgender people, often     Work to Make Inroads                      State Stanislaus student Nathan
referring to trans women as gay
men or using gendered pronouns
                                      at U.S. Colleges                          Damigo, hit the ground running
                                                                                over the July 4 weekend, when
to describe non-binary individu-      Emboldened by a presidential can-         supporters posted fliers promot-
als. Despite strong evidence in       didate who embraced their ideas           ing “European identity and sol-
many cases, no homicide of a          with a nudge and a wink, and              idarity” in 17 cities. Damigo is a
transgender person has led to a       electrified by his victory, white         former Marine corporal who dis-
hate crime conviction since 2009,     nationalists in 2016 fanned out           covered his inner white nation-
a problem attributed          and spread their message of fear          alist by reading the work of
at least in part to judicial bias     and loathing among the nation’s           Holocaust-denying ex-Klansman
and prosecutors’ failure to fully     young people.                             David Duke while serving five
accept victims’ gender identities.        Richard Spencer, 38, of the           years for armed robbery (while
   Many police departments were       National Policy Institute, capi-          drunk, he put a gun to the head of
working to do better. Washington,     talized on his newfound status as         a cab driver he thought was Iraqi
D.C., and Detroit now have ded-       the man who coined the term “Alt-         and stole $43).
icated LGBT police units, and         Right” to take his hateful message           Addressing a class at Cal State
other cities are working to train     to campus. In addition to numer-          Stanislaus, Damigo called himself
police to be more sensitive to        ous high-profile media appear-            an “identitarian” — a reference
transgender issues. But as long as    ances which he used to shill his          to a racist European movement
transgender people remain eco-        suit-and-tie brand of racial hatred,      — and rejected terms like “rac-
nomically and socially marginal-      on Dec. 6 he addressed a crowd            ist” and “supremacist” as “anti-
ized, semi-acceptable targets of      of 400 (including protesters) at          white hate speech.” His group,

m a n w h o b u r n e d d ow n    o rd e r t o st o p t a rg e t i n g   OCT. 28                           NOV. 4
a Joplin mosque on Aug.           Latinos, federal prosecutors           The FBI arrested a mem-           An Arizona judge sentenced
6, 2012, and attempted to         in Arizona charged Maricopa            ber of the violent, neo-Nazi      an 18-year-old Tucson man
do the same to the town’s         County Sheriff Joe Arpaio              Vinlanders Social Club at a       to eight years in prison
Planned Parenthood clinic         with criminal contempt of              motel in Valdosta, Ga., and       and a lifetime of proba-
the next year, was sentenced      court, a misdemeanor. Arpaio,          returned him to West Palm         tion after he was convicted
to more than five years in        whose department in 2011               Beach, Fla., on federal charges   of terrorism and conspir-
federal prison and ordered        was found to systematically            related to a murder-for-hire,     acy charges for plotting to
to pay $701,971 in restitution.   discriminate against Latinos,          attempted drug possession         bomb a Department of Motor
Jedediah Stout, 32, told offi-    built a national reputation            with intent to distribute,        Vehicles building. During
cials that he opposed Islam       with his bellicose nativist            and robbery. Adrian “Skitz”       the probe, Mahin Khan
and abortion. The mosque fire     rhetoric, disregard for civil          Apodaca, 44, was arrested after   instructed an undercover
he set not only destroyed the     rights, publicity stunts like          undercover FBI agents set up      FBI agent to build homemade
building, but also consumed       forcing inmates under his              their own fake white suprem-      grenades that Khan planned
donations made by mosque          supervision to wear pink               acist gang and befriended         to use to incite an upris-
supporters during the holy        underwear, and formation of            him, conducting a five-month      ing on behalf of the Islamic
month of Ramadan.                 a “Cold Case Posse” to inves-          sting operation during which      State. Khan had previously
                                  tigate President Obama’s cit-          they secretly recorded his        expressed interest in attack-
OCT. 25                           izenship. Arpaio, who first            boasts of having “killed a lot    ing a local Jewish commu-
Saying the 84-year-old law-       took office in 1993, lost his          of people” and leaving “a trail   nity center.
man willfully defied a judge’s    re-election bid in November.           of dead hookers.”

                                                                                                                          spring 2017   11

                                                               offensive. Best known for being           “take a stand” against “globalist
                                                               banned from Twitter after orches-         traitors” who are “destroying your
                                                               trating a storm of online hatred          race and heritage through open
                                                               against a black female comedian,          borders, affirmative action, and
                                                               Yiannopoulos — who seems to               Marxist ‘political correctness.’”
                                                               view misogyny and neo-Nazism                  TheRightStuff, a blog founded
                                                               as witty affectations — makes his         in 2012 that created the “paren-
                         whose fliers have appeared at doz-    campus appearances as miserable           theses meme” in which Jewish
                         ens of campuses across the coun-      as possible. During a December            people are targeted for online
                         try as part of its “#ProjectSiege,”   appearance at the University of           harassment by trolls who iden-
                         is a reimagining of the now-          Wisconsin, Milwaukee, he mocked           tify them as Jews by putting triple
                         defunct National Youth Front,         a transgender woman, showing her          parentheses around their names,
                         the youth arm of the white            photo and name on screen.                 hopes to spark “dialogue among
                         nationalist American Freedom              Amplifying the efforts of these       a disparate and edgy right-wing.”
                         Party, which Damigo also led.         headline personalities are youth          The Southern Poverty Law Center,
Hate on tour: Alt-       Members must be of “European,         groups like American Vanguard             which tracked report distribu-
Right personalities      non-Semitic heritage.”                and TheRightStuff, both of which          tions of white nationalist, KKK
spreading venom              Where Damigo and Spencer          have posted fliers at dozens              and anti-Semitic posters and fli-
on campus include        are smooth-talking and slick,         of campuses.                              ers on campus, found that Identity
(clockwise from top
left) Richard Spencer,
                         Milo Yiannopoulos, 33, a third            American Vanguard, founded            Evropa, American Vanguard, and
Nathan Damigo and        rising young Alt-Right personal-      in 2016 and based in Southern             TheRightStuff were behind the
Milo Yiannopoulos.       ity, is flamboyant and deliberately   California, urges white men to            majority of incidents. ▲

                                                                                                         April 29, 2016
                                                                                                            In the 24 hours after her profile of
                                                                                                            Melania Trump was published in GQ
                                                                                                            magazine, Julia Ioffe, whose family

                                                                                                                                                     LINDA DAVIDSON/THE WASHINGTON POST VIA GETTY IMAGES (SPENCER); TWITTER (DAMIGO); DREW ANGERER/GETTY IMAGES (YIANNOPOULOS); YOUTUBE (IOFFE)
                                                                                                            fled anti-Semitism in Russia a quarter
                                                                                                            century ago, was bombarded by a
                                                                                                            series of incredibly vicious online
                                                                            messages and images. They included a cartoon of a Jew being
                                                                            murdered, a photo of a concentration camp victim with Ioffe’s face
                                                                            superimposed, and another of a lampshade with her face on it —
                                                                            an obvious reference to the myth that the Nazis used the skin of
                                                                            Jewish victims to make lampshades. The torrent of abuse — which
                                                                            included an anonymous caller who played a Hitler speech over the
                                                                            phone and a series of threats — followed Melania Trump’s sharp
                                                                            criticism of Ioffe’s relatively mild story as “yet another example
                                                                            of the dishonest media and their disingenuous reporting.” But
                                                                            it mainly stemmed from a post by neo-Nazi Andrew Anglin on
                                                                            his site The Daily Stormer that ran under the headline, “Empress
                                                                            Melania Attacked by Filthy Russian Kike Julia Ioffe in GQ!” In it, he
                                                                            urged followers to “go ahead and send her a tweet and let her know
                                                                            what you think of her dirty kike trickery. Make sure to identify her
                                                                            as a Jew working against White interests, or send her a picture with
                                                                            the Jude star from the top of this article.” Anglin has made a vile
                                                                            sport of sending his “Stormer Troll Army” after his enemies — a
                                                                            professor at the University of Missouri, a Nintendo employee, an
                                                                            anti-racist in Montana and others. Ioffe filed a police report on the
                                                                            day after Anglin’s post, but it was not known if a criminal case is
                                                                            being pursued against anyone involved.

12   splc intelligence report
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