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Friday 20th March 2020 £1.50 €2.00 Since 1860 Walsingham supplement “United to Christ, we are never alone’. inside, page 17 Pope Francis on spiritual communion The Re-dedication of England as the Dowry of Mary - 29th March 2020 page 13 My prayer for all of humanity Pope implores the of crisis. In addition, the Holy Father has protection of Our Lady looked to an ancient icon and crucifix in fight against virus associated with miraculous interven- tions to save the city and its people. Michael J.Winterbottom The icon Salus Populi Romani As nations reel from the impact of (health of the Roman people) stands the deadly coronavirus, the Holy Fa- in the Basilica of St Mary Major while ther has implored the protection of the crucifix, which Romans call the the Blessed Virgin in a prayer ad- Miraculous Crucifix, is housed in the dressed to Our Lady, Health of the Church of St Marcellus on Via del Cor- Sick. so, known as the plague church, on The Pope offered the prayer in a the usually crowded street of shops video message to mark the Diocese leading to the central Piazza Venezia. of Rome’s day of prayer and fasting Pope Francis took a mini-pilgrimage for the Coronavirus emergency. The through Rome’s deserted streets to video was broadcast at the opening visit both. At the basilica he was joined of a Mass at the Sanctuary of Our in prayer by its archpriest, Polish Car- Lady of Divine Love near Rome. dinal Stanislaw Rylko, with the Salus The choice to celebrate the Mass Populi Romani icon looking down on at the Divine Love Sanctuary holds them from high above the altar. significant historical value. The Ven- The pope laid a bouquet of yellow erable Pope Pius XII went to pray and white flowers on the altar and there before the statue of Our Lady in sat in prayer in front of the chapel's June 1944, when he pleaded for the famous icon of Mary and the child salvation of the city of Rome as Nazi Jesus. troops withdrew from Italy during Pope Francis prays before the icon World War II. often, including before and after every Now, over 75 years later, Pope Fran- trip he makes abroad. Pope Francis prays in front of the crucifix at the Church of St Marcellus in cis has asked the Virgin Mary to watch Rome . The crucifix was carried through Rome in 1522 during the ‘Great over the world in this current moment Continued on page 2 Plague’, and the pope has turned to it for protection once more See page 08 for ways to purchase
02 For extra news go to News Follow the Catholic Universe on twitter @ukcatholicpress BBC delays end of free TV licence Age UK has welcomed the BBC’s Major changes ahead as Church responds to virus decision to delay the end of the free TV licence for all over-75s because of the coronavirus outbreak as “a victory for common sense”. The universal benefit was due to end on 1st June 1, when it will As The Catholic Universe went to press, be restricted to those who claim the Catholic bishops of England and pension credit, but that has now Wales were being consulted on issues been pushed back until 1st regarding public worship and concerns August. over whether Mass should be sus- Caroline Abrahams, charity pended in order to protect against director at Age UK, said: “We the spread of the coronavirus. welcome the BBC’s decision to At the time of writing, the Catholic allow free TV licences for over-75s Bishops’ Conference of England and to continue during this health Wales (CBCEW) remained on Stage emergency as a victory for Two of its three-stage guidance plan, common sense.” which focused on parishes in com- munities that are affected by the out- break of the coronavirus or that have on the issues regarding public worship. Warning over virus a case specifically linked to their parish A clear statement of the way forward cyber-scams community. will be issued tomorrow morning fol- Security experts have warned that Among the guidelines were recom- lowing the consultation and the de- criminals are using people’s fears mendations to suspend the Sign of cisions made will be by the five arch- over the coronavirus crisis to Peace, as well as the distribution of bishops.” target victims online. Communion under both kinds. The CBCEW’s guidance states that The National Cyber Security However, following Prime Minister if the current status worsens, reaching Centre (NCSC) said Boris Johnson’s statement earlier this Stage Three, with many cases in local “opportunistic” cyber criminals week, in which he advised against parishes, ‘Mass and Liturgy in public are using the deadly outbreak to mass gatherings and group meetings should be suspended and parish gath- launch online attacks. at social venues, the CBCEW said it erings suspended’. Clicking on to the links on would be holding a consultation on The bishops note that churchgoers bogus emails which say they have public worship. will know if the guidance moves to important updates has led to A spokesperson for the Bishops’ Stage Three as ‘public authorities will devices being infected. Conference of England & Wales told give general advice on suspending These ‘phishing’ attempts can The Catholic Universe: “Following the large public gatherings’. lead to victims being left out of Prime Minister’s statement yesterday The guidance notes that specific pocket or stripped of sensitive and advice from public health pro- and detailed guidance will be pro- data. fessionals, the Catholic Bishops of duced should it reach Stage Three. England and Wales are being consulted Read updates on this story and the current status on https://www.the- Memo from CAFOD The CBCEW guidance can be found at and -work/health-social-care/ The current government advice on maintaining good hygiene during the crisis Step by step Pope implores protection My name is Hugh Cafferky. Recently, I travelled to Cambodia as of the Virgin against virus part of CAFOD’s ‘Step into the Gap’ programme. Continued from page 1 His prayer intention was also ex- The image has long been connected tended to healthcare workers, doctors, We visited farming to the faith of the Roman people in nurses, and all those working in these communities where I times of dire health emergencies. Ac- days to guarantee the smooth func- witnessed the huge cording to legend, late in the 6th cen- tioning of society. impact of CAFOD’s work. tury Pope Gregory I had the icon car- The people I spoke with ried through the streets of Rome in An English translation of the pope’s faced a number of Hugh(three from the right) with fellow ‘Step into the Gap’ volunteers in Cambodia prayer that the Black Plague would prayer is below: difficulties. They were forced to travel long distances in order to reach clean drinking end, and in 1837, Pope Gregory XVI O Mary, you shine continuously on water. They had little access to educational resources. Climate prayed before the image for an end our journey as a sign of salvation change was causing serious damage to their farmland. The to a devastating cholera outbreak. and hope. future looked bleak. Leading the recitation of the Rosary We entrust ourselves to you, Health of at St Mary Major, Pope Francis said: the Sick. Thankfully, CAFOD is working with local experts in the Karuna “Mary is a mother, and a mother wor- At the foot of the Cross you partici- The pope prays before the icon Battambang Organisation (KBO), to train and educate ries above all about the health of her pated in Jesus’ pain, Salus Populi Romani in the communities on sustainable farming techniques. Step by step, children; she knows how to care for with steadfast faith. Basilica of St Mary Major people are making the necessary changes to adapt to climate them always with great and tender You, Salvation of the Roman People, change. and to do what Jesus tells us: love. Our Lady guards our health." know what we need. He who took our sufferings upon In his prayers he pleaded for an We are certain that you will provide, ‘Step by step’ was a phrase I heard throughout my time in the end to the pandemic that has struck Himself, and bore our sorrows to beautiful country of Cambodia. Speaking with Monsignor so that, bring us, Enrique Figaredo, President of KBO, we were encouraged to the world, imploring the healing of as you did at Cana of Galilee, through the Cross, to the joy of the keep “pushing for progress”, knowing that by each small action the many sick people and remem- joy and feasting might return after Resurrection. Amen. – step by step – we can help to build a brighter future for all. bering the numerous victims of the this moment of trial. past days, asking that their families Help us, Mother of Divine Love, Find out more about ‘Step into the Gap’ and CAFOD’s other We seek refuge under your protection, and friends might find consolation brilliant gap year opportunities at to conform ourselves to the Father’s O Holy Mother of God. and comfort. will Do not despise our pleas – we who CAFOD, Romero House, 55 Westminster Bridge Rd, London SE1 7JB are put to the test – and deliver us Tel: 020 7733 7900 • Email: • Web: Updates on coronavirus and the Church: from every danger, O glorious and blessed Virgin. See Amen
The Catholic Universe | Friday 20th March 2020 03 To advertise in The Catholic Universe contact Andrea Black on 0161 820 5722 or email News Charity first as Catholics Homeless shelters exempt from new rules over virus Day shelters can stay open and told: look after vulnerable hostel residents should self- isolate if they become unwell, Government guidance on rough sleeping during the coronavirus outbreak says. Nick Benson and Simon Caldwell Hostels and day centres do not Catholics are being encouraged to as- need to close unless directed to, pire to greater acts of charity during but should ‘frequently clean and the developing coronavirus pandemic, disinfect regularly touched which has led to shopper panic buying objects and surfaces’. and stockpiling essential items. If a hostel resident develops The Bishop of Shrewsbury, Mark symptoms, they should stay in Davies denounced selfish shoppers their room and ‘minimise visiting who took far more than they usually shared spaces’. buy, saying that the crisis should in- The guidance also says there is stead provide opportunities for people “no need to close the venue or to show active solidarity with the eld- send staff home if they’ve been in erly, the weak and the homeless. close contact with a person who “We are aware of growing anxiety has a new, continuous cough or a regarding the coronavirus and the de- high temperature unless veloping global pandemic,” said Bish- government policy changes.’ op Davies. “The ugly scenes of panic National homelessness charity buying have created the very shortages Crisis said the guidance is people feared. This shows how self- “inadequate” and does not go far ishness never enables humanity to enough to help people sleeping flourish. The Gospel shows us how it rough or living in shelters and is only by self-giving love that human hostels to self-isolate. society flourishes. This is a lesson we Its chief executive, Jon Sparkes, must re-learn in these days.” is calling on the Government to Instead, the bishop urged the faithful Panic buying has left many arrange hotel-style accomm- to be mindful of the elderly and the supermarket shelves bare odation to meet the increased most vulnerable and not to forget need among homeless people. those on low incomes, families who The calls from the Church leaders times mean that others will be left are dependent on food banks, and come as British food retailers are urg- without. the homeless. ing customers to shop responsibly ‘There is enough for everyone if we Bishop Davies’ call was echoed during the coronavirus outbreak. all work together. north of the border by the Archbishop British Retail Consortium members ‘Together we can make sure we are of Glasgow, Philip Tartaglia. sent a joint letter to consumers urging looking out for family, friends, neigh- “As good citizens and members of everyone to work together to ensure bours. Together we will care for those the community, we will do whatever there is enough food for the country. around us and those who are elderly, has to be done both as individuals Online shoppers faced virtual vulnerable or choosing to remain at and as a Church,” he said during Mass queues, website malfunctions and de- home.’ at St Andrew’s Cathedral on Sunday lays on Sunday, as outlets with delivery Environment Secretary, George Eu- 15th March. and click-and-collect services strug- stice, said: “I fully support the call “We have been hearing of sporadic gled to cope with a surge in demand. from British food retailers urging us episodes of greed and selfishness Retailers are currently working all to be considerate in the way we among the population at large. This ‘round the clock’ to help customers shop and look out for our neighbours. should not be happening. I remind get the items they need, the BRC said, “We are in regular contact with the us all that the Lord calls us to love, as they appealed for people ‘to be food industry and retailers are taking compassion, patience and goodness considerate in the way they shop. all the necessary steps to ensure con- in every circumstance, especially in ‘We understand your concerns, but sumers have the food and supplies times of stress and danger.” buying more than is needed can some- they need.” Archbishop issues heartfelt message Cardinal leads calls for St Patrick’s Day “We are never completely isolated,” to protect elderly the Primate of All-Ireland has remind- Cardinal Vincent Nichols has led calls hands regularly, especially on every ed the faithful in his St Patrick’s Day to protect the elderly amid the deadly occasion of returning into the pres- message. coronavirus pandemic, calling them bytery. The Archbishop of Armagh, Eamon ‘our treasure who enrich our lives and ‘Please do look after yourselves, en- Martin, acknowledged that this year’s our wisdom’. suring you get enough rest and eating St Patrick’s Day saw Ireland coming In a letter to the priests and people properly,’ the cardinal wrote. to terms with the coronavirus, with of the Diocese of Westminster, the ‘We all know that the fight against “many people…anxious about what cardinal urged them to ‘have a special this virus will be a long haul. Please lies ahead”. concern for the elderly’. don’t take too much to heart the anx- The archbishop invited the faithful ‘After all,’ he continued, ‘the elderly iety that is felt by many, but rather to join him in praying the prayer of St are our treasure who enrich our lives embrace the reassurance that in this Patrick, known as his ‘breastplate’ and our wisdom. We must do all we communal effort, we are being guided prayer, in which he invited Christ to can always to nurture and protect by the best possible advice. surround him with love and protec- them, but especially at this time of ‘And please let us pray for each tion. extraordinary challenge. Perhaps there other, and for those who are caring Archbishop Martin warned that the is a ministry of the telephone to be for the sick and those searching hard coming weeks and months are going deployed here.’ to develop a treatment and a vaccine to bring challenges and uncertainty Cardinal Nichols also had a special for this illness.’ for all, with reminders of the fragility message for priests, in which he point- The cardinal’s call was echoed in of human life and of each person’s de- ed out how many of them are in the Ireland by the Bishop of Raphoe, Alan pendence on one another and on God. ‘more vulnerable age group’ and McGuckian, who urged the faithful “This is a time for an outpouring of ‘should exercise every care in our daily to follow in Christ’s footsteps. the works of mercy towards the sick routines’. He explained that such care “We remember that the Lord will and vulnerable,” he said. would include remembering to wash never abandon his people,” he said.
04 For extra news go to News Like us on facebook - search Catholic Universe Newspaper BBC upholds complaint over NI abortion bias Pro-lifers have welcomed the outcome of an investigation which has upheld a complaint of bias in the BBC’s news item on the parliamentary vote last July to extend abortion provision to Northern Ireland. A viewer, Andrew Todd, complained to the BBC that in its news coverage on the parliamentary vote on 9th July 2019, it only spoke to two pro-abortion interviewees who were both in favour of the change. Mr Todd argued that a contrary viewpoint was not heard. The BBC said it approached a num- ber of potential contributors but these “interview bids did not generate an- other guest”. Mr Todd then contacted five pro- life organisations including Life Char- Responding to the outcome of the of public funds, the BBC has a duty ity, which all said they had not been complaint, Life’s Director of Advocacy and obligation to be impartial in its contacted by the BBC. He then filed a Liz Parsons said: “The BBC has for reporting. Its coverage of controversial ‘stage two’ complaint to the BBC Ex- many years been widely seen as being issues such as abortion and assisted ecutive Complaints Unit, which up- on the side of the abortion lobby. Its suicide must reflect the views of all held his complaint. behaviour on 9th July 2019 was just sides of the debate in a fair and bal- In its ruling the ECU said “the ab- one of the many instances in which it anced way. We hope this ruling will sence of an opponent of the changes gives precedence to the pro-abortion help guide the behaviour of the BBC would not necessarily have resulted side of this debate. We commend Mr in future. We also call on the regulator, in bias but achieving due impartiality Todd for taking the BBC to task about OFCOM, which disappointingly re- would have required elements of chal- its biased reporting and we urge other fused to hear this complaint, to step lenge in the two interviews with sup- viewers to do the same in future. up and do its duty to hold the BBC to porters, which were absent”. “As a public broadcaster in receipt account.” Bishops challenge Lewis over new laws The Catholic Bishops of Northern Ire- number of disabled unborn children land have written to the Secretary of who are aborted in our society’. State, Brandon Lewis, expressing their The bishops’ letter emphasises that concern about the proposed new legal ‘the direct and intentional killing of framework for abortion services. innocent human beings by means of In their letter, the bishops point abortion ignores the right to life of out that the framework for a trans- the unborn. formation of Northern Ireland abor- ‘For this reason all Christians and tion law proposed by the Northern people of goodwill are obliged in con- Ireland Office goes much further than science not to co-operate formally in the more limited changes required by abortion services, even if permitted the Northern Ireland (Executive For- by civil legislation,’ they say, adding mation and Exercise of Functions Act) that this includes all health profes- 2019. sional and ancillary staff. They state that while abortion was The signatories to the letter are: the a devolved matter, ‘the Westminster Primate of All-Ireland, Archbishop of Government removed protections to Secretary of State, Brandon Lewis Armagh and Apostolic Administrator the life of the unborn child with chill- of the Diocese of Dromore, Archbishop ing alacrity’. the Northern Ireland Office’s proposal Eamon Martin; the Bishop of Down The bishops warn that ‘the imposi- for abortion on demand up to 12 or & Connor, Noel Treanor; the Bishop tion of such draconian and unjust 14 weeks for any reason, including of Derry, Donal McKeown; the Bishop legislation ensures that the issue will sex-selective abortions, and ‘that the of Clogher, Larry Duffy; and the Aux- never cease to be contentious’. new legal framework will help to fa- iliary Bishop of Armagh, Michael The bishops also strongly criticise cilitate a significant increase in the Router. Warm welcome for new Anglican archbishop The Catholic Primate of All-Ireland has young people to the Somme and other Bishop John McDowell expressed his “delight” at the election of significant First World War sites back in Photo: Church of Ireland Bishop John McDowell as the new Church 2016,” said Archbishop Martin. of Ireland Archbishop of Armagh, wishing “I very much look forward to working him “sincere congratulations”. with Bishop John in the months and years Archbishop Eamon Martin, who serves ahead. as the Catholic Archbishop of Armagh, “His predecessor Archbishop Richard said he “looks forward” to welcoming Bish- Clarke and I had a very positive working op McDowell to the ecclesiastical capital relationship and we often remarked that, of Ireland and wishes him “God’s blessing even though there are two St Patrick’s as he begins a new chapter in his ministry”. Cathedrals in Armagh, there is only one St “I have known Bishop McDowell for sev- Patrick! eral years and have already worked closely “I hope that Bishop John and I can nur- with him in his previous role as President ture a similar, shared mission in proclaiming of the Irish Council of Churches. the joy of the Gospel as brothers and “Bishop John also joined me on a cross- friends. Here in the parish and diocese we community centenary pilgrimage with shall pray for him in the coming days.”
The Catholic Universe | Friday 20th March 2020 05 News Mum saddened as court refuses UK detaining tortured right to appeal against vigil ban refugees, says new report Simon Caldwell effectively silenced. Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) UK has Alina Dulgheriu The Supreme Court has declined to She was discussing her position renewed its calls for a more humane has been left hear an appeal against the creation with her legal team, she said, adding approach to immigration after a new saddened by the of the UK’s first ‘buffer zone’ around judgement that she “will be considering all op- report was critical of the way migrants an abortion clinic. Photo: Be tions, including an appeal to the Eu- were handled by the Morton Hall Im- The 100-metre exclusion zone Here For Me. ropean Court of Human Rights in migration Removal Centre (IRC) in around a Marie Stopes clinic was ap- Strasbourg”, to which British courts Lincolnshire. proved by Ealing Council in 2018 to remain subject under the European Many of the detainees had been prevent harassment of clients and Convention on Human Rights. the victims of torture, and the report staff. It prohibits all pro-life activity Elizabeth Howard of Be Here For found that ‘detention was often main- within the zone, including peaceful Me, a pro-life group supporting Ms tained despite the Home Office ac- protests, the offer of counselling, and Dulgheriu, said the decision by the cepting that a detainee had been tor- of prayer, even when it is silent. Supreme Court represented “a very tured’. It recommends that ‘Where ev- The Public Spaces Protection Order sad day for vulnerable women”. idence of torture is accepted, detention was unsuccessfully challenged at the “In five years of the pro-life vigil’s should only be maintained in excep- High Court the same year by Alina work in Ealing, hundreds of women tional circumstances’. Dulgheriu, a Romanian former nanny have accepted an offer of help and Sophie Cartwright, JRS UK’s policy who had decided not to go ahead chose to keep their baby rather than officer, said: “Detention causes huge with a planned abortion after she was have an abortion. trauma for thousands of people every helped by pro-life counsellors. She is æThese women have tried to have year – and this is often visited on peo- now the mother of a seven-year-old their voices heard, but they are ig- ple who are already extremely vul- daughter. “I am devastated that the Supreme support option removed. nored,” she said. nerable. A society that detains victims In August 2019, Ms Dulgheriu lost Court has decided not to consider my “It is unthinkable that any council “It is disgraceful that in both court of torture has to ask itself serious her case at the Court of Appeal, so appeal,” she said. “My little girl is here would criminalise an offer of help to judgments, there is literally not a single questions. Change is long overdue”. she tried to take it to the Supreme today because of the practical and a woman who might want to keep sentence, not a single word, dedicated Under the currently operative ‘Adults Court, the highest in the country. emotional support that I was offered her child,” she said. to the women who have been helped at Risk in Immigration Detention’ pol- However, the Supreme Court has outside a Marie Stopes centre, and I Ms Dulgheriu said the voices of by the vigil and who have given the icy, evidence of vulnerability, such as refused its permission for her to bring brought the appeal to ensure that women who needed help and support other side of the story,” she said. torture, is weighed against immigra- the case. other women did not have this vital during crisis pregnancies had been Abortion providers have asked the tion factors in deciding whether to government to impose exclusion detain or continue detention. The zones around all clinics, arguing that policy replaces a previous one, in Chronic shortage of housing pro-life activity was a “national prob- which torture victims were ostensibly PLEASE GIVE LENTEN ALMS lem which required a national solu- only detained under exceptional cir- tion.” cumstances creating crisis for homeless More than a third of people who asked their local authority for help remained within 56 days – and a relief duty, where they must take reasonable steps they are trying to help on the streets or drifting from sofa to sofa – all be- FOR POOR CHILDREN or became homeless due to a lack of to help secure accommodation for cause they cannot find somewhere Countless missionaries throughout the world ask affordable housing, a report suggests. those currently homeless and eligi- safe and affordable for them to live. The Little Way Association for help to feed, Some 38 per cent of those who ap- ble. “The HRA has made some good clothe and house deprived children. They tell us proached their local authority for help But Crisis says councils’ ‘best efforts’ progress in preventing people from of orphaned children left alone with no one to saw their housing situation either stay are being thwarted by a chronic short- becoming homeless, but it's worrying love or care for them, and of street children, the same or worsen, according to a age of affordable homes and rising to see that it's being constrained by a totally abandoned, hungry and homeless, survey by Crisis, the national charity rents pricing out those on lower wages chronic lack of housing and cuts to experiencing much anguish and hardship during for homeless people. and benefits. housing benefit. their most tender years. Many of these children’s These were people experiencing Many respondents told Crisis the “The HRA can be at the heart of future depends upon whether a missionary can the worst forms of homelessness only support councils were able to ending homelessness for good, as this find sufficient funds to care for them. which include rough sleeping, sofa offer them was information on how report shows, but this is only possible Shocking as the facts of child poverty are, things surfing and people sleeping in cars to rent privately while others were if councils are properly resourced and would be even worse were it not for the and public transport. placed into temporary accommoda- have the tools they need to help people generosity of people like yourself. Could you The charity’s report examines how tion such as B&Bs. leave homelessness behind for good.” save the life of one child by giving alms this Lent? the Homelessness Reduction Act In some cases, the only help people Crisis is calling on the Government Simple measures such as providing a proper diet (HRA) is working from the perspective were given was a list of potential pri- to invest in housing benefit so that it could avoid many tragic deaths. of people facing homelessness. It was vate landlords for them to contact, covers the cheapest third of rents and Your Lenten gift will be introduced in 2018 to prevent people only for them to discover their housing commit to building 90,000 social In 1893, St Thérèse of gratefully received and sent WITHOUT from becoming homeless. benefit would not cover the rent. homes each year for the next 15 years. Lisieux wrote to her sister Celine: DEDUCTION to the missions, to enable a The act includes a prevention duty – Crisis chief executive Jon Sparkes It also wants a duty to prevent missionary priest or sister to carry the love, care “Jesus wills where local authorities must take rea- said: “It’s deeply distressing that coun- homelessness to be placed on all rel- that we give and compassion of Christ to a deprived, The Little Way sonable steps to prevent homelessness cils are being forced to leave the people evant government departments. alms to Him abandoned or orphaned child. Association as to one U/20/03 Budget ‘missed goal’ on climate change poor and Crossed POs and cheques should be sent and made needy. He puts Himself, payable to: THE LITTLE WAY ASSOCIATION as it were, at our mercy. Sacred Heart House, 119 Cedars Rd, Clapham Common, Catholic aid agency CAFOD has de- tion to support ultra-low emissions Neil Thorns, director at CAFOD, He will take nothing but London SW4 0PR (Registered Charity No. 235703) scribed last week’s Budget as a “missed vehicles. warned that “half-hearted efforts” what we give Him from our heart. The very least Tel. 020 7622 0466. opportunity” in terms of green meas- The climate change levy businesses won’t do as he criticised the Budget’s trifle is precious in His I enclose £ be allocated for:- ures. pay for gas will be increased and the failure to put the UK on track to net sight.” The three pillars of Mr Sunak outlined a series of envi- tax break on polluting red diesel will zero emissions ahead of the UN talks Lent are prayer, fasting £............. HUNGRY, DEPRIVED CHILDREN Please tick if you would and almsgiving. The like an acknowledgement ronmental measures, including £800 be removed from 2022, except for uses in autumn, which the UK is hosting. £............. NEEDS OF MISSIONARIES Catechism says: “Giving million for developing hubs to help in agriculture, fish farming, rail and “It’s nearly five years since Pope alms to the poor is a £............. MASS OFFERINGS (Please state no. of Masses .........) industry and the power sector capture domestic heating. Francis threw down the gauntlet in witness to fraternal £............. LITTLE WAY ADMIN. EXPENSES and store their emissions. However, with £27 billion worth of Laudato Si’, calling for action to halt charity: it is also a work of Name (Rev. Mr. Mrs. Miss) There was also £650 million funding road building and a continued freeze the crisis facing our common home. justice pleasing to God.” (Block letters please) for more tree planting and restoring on fuel duty, CAFOD warned that the Yet the Budget was an example of an- In Lent, we can serve peatland, a £200 a tonne tax on plastic Budget was a “missed opportunity” other missed opportunity to show the Christ and help the Address packaging that does not have at least to show the ambition needed to pre- ambition we need to halt the climate destitute with our Email address 30 per cent recycled content and ac- vent the climate emergency. emergency,” Mr Thorns said. almsgiving. To donate online go to:
06 For extra news go to Comment We need to support food Virus crisis puts a strain on banks John the nation’s mental health Battle Cancelling Leeds United home match and major music concerts Ben in the city does not just interrupt Bano social events. It means that pro- gramme sellers, litter pickers, cleaners and many other service staff , all of whom are on low-paid Ben Bano provides advice on zero hour contracts, will be laid off sustaining our mental health with no pay. for those affected by the 56 per cent of the 4.4 million in restrictions on their daily lives our society officially classed as in during the coronavirus crisis. poverty are actually drawn from No longer able to go to attend the ‘working poor’. Quite a lot of church, no longer able to share a tea this group have to regularly visit or coffee with our friends after Mass food banks to support their fami- – these are just some of the incon- lies. veniences which many of us, partic- Following detailed analysis, both ularly older people, will be experi- the independent Institute of Fiscal encing over the coming months. Studies and the Resolution Foun- It will be a challenge – and partic- dation spelt out that the impact of ularly so if we already experience the recent Budget will not con- feelings of loneliness and isolation. periods when you have a time for • Think about how you can help ness and isolation and is a good way tribute to lifting families out of In themselves these restrictions recreation during which you can others in the same, or similar situa- to keep in touch. poverty. may be manageable, but when com- treat yourself, perhaps something a tion. A friendly phone call or arrang- • Maintain your spiritual life. In fact, they found that previ- bined with the prospect of a complete little special – while keeping a bal- ing for the delivery of something There are Masses and other services ously built-in cuts to welfare pro- change in our social and family lives, anced diet. special will help us to feel useful and on the internet. There are many grammes will continue to hit the they can feel daunting. • You might take an opportunity to raise our self-esteem. ways to stay close to your faith: if poor hard. So what can we do for ourselves learn a new relaxation technique or • Try to practice positive thinking you prefer a short period of prayer, The Resolution Foundation and those who are close to us if, for exercises if you can’t go out. instead of dwelling morbidly on the ‘Pray as You Go’ website is partic- points out that the economic hit whatever reason, we are obliged to • If there are two or more of you in what could happen in the future. We ularly helpful. And as well as praying from weaker growth alone over the stay at home? Here are some tips isolation, take an opportunity to do will collectively get through this crisis for those affected, be assured that next five years, despite increased which you might like to consider: things together that may have been – we need an abundance of the you are being prayed for as well. government spending, will be £300 • Follow the handwashing and hy- neglected for a while – maybe you Christian message of hope, both for Sr Benedict, from Minster Abbey per household this year. In other giene advice from the appropriate can bring out those games that may ourselves and others. in Kent, which is a Benedictine com- words, this Budget does ‘almost agencies – not least it will make you have been stored away. • Try to stay connected and ask munity, writes: ‘Between 5.30am un- nothing to offset the considerable feel that you are doing your bit. For hundreds of years members of family and friends about how you til almost 9pm our prayer goes up to welfare cuts put in place stretching • Avoid the continuous watching monastic communities have led might use virtual methods of com- the Lord. Perhaps some isolated into the future by George Osborne’. of news programmes which repeat lives which have enriched both munication to keep in touch. people may be consoled to know More families are to be pushed the same message every half hour. them and those around them, even Keep in touch with other people that 24/7 prayer is extending from into unsupported poverty. Fill the gaps if you can with catching though much of their life takes place in the same situation – they will monasteries and indeed every pray- Moreover, even the welcome up on reading, or engaging in a in the conditions which resemble appreciate your concern. ing heart across the world’. measures such as faster benefit practical activity, such as indoor or the current situation in which we A group of four friends who are all Together, with the solidarity and payments for self-employed peo- outdoor gardening. find ourselves. The ingredient to this in their 70s have been encouraged to care for ourselves and others which ple who become ill or self isolate • Don’t let the day drift by – make life is a healthy balance of prayer, set up a WhatsApp group on which is the hallmark of the Christian mes- and stay home will still leave over yourself a timetable to which you practical and manual work, as well they can converse at a set time each sage, we can beat this virus. two million low-paid workers on will want to adhere. Divide your day as recreation. There is much we can day when they can’t enjoy the time Ben Bano is director of ‘Welcome Me zero and part-time hours ineligible into periods when you will be engaged learn in our current situation about for tea and coffee on a Sunday. This as I Am’, which promotes mental for any statutory sick pay. Simply in a practical or other activity and this rhythm of life. helps to alleviate feelings of loneli- health awareness in parishes redirecting them to the Universal Credit system, which still has a five week wait for new claims, will not help. The result will be many low paid workers who are sent home will go Self-isolating? Here are some tips: hungry. • Plan ahead and think about what touching any surfaces and don’t keep two metres away. You should separate from other waste in the The Catholic Bishops and the you are going to need while you are interact with others. minimise the time you spend in room in which you are self- Catholic Union urged the new in self-isolation – what food and shared spaces and keep them well isolating. Keep aside for at least 72 Chancellor specifically to abolish a supplies are you going to need and • What about food shopping or ventilated. Sleep alone, if possible. hours before putting into your government insistence on the ‘two what medicines will you require? picking up medication? external household waste bin. child limit’ on access to Universal Talk to your employer, friends and Ask friends or family to shop for I share a bathroom, what should I do? Credit family benefits to lift half a family to ask for their help to access you or collect medication. Try If youshare toilet and bathroom, • How can I help myself get better? million children out of poverty. It the things you will need. shopping online, and some clean them after you have used Drink water to keep hydrated – you did not happen. chemists are now home delivering. them every time (wiping surfaces should drink enough during the That their plea was ignored • Will I be tested if I think I have you have come into contact with). day so your urine is a pale clear means thousands more children Covid-19 (coronavirus)? • Can I go in my garden? Consider a rota for bathing, with colour. Over-the-counter medicine, will inevitably fall into poverty. The Government has said that it If you have a garden, it is fine to use you using the facilities last, before such as paracetamol, will help with Meanwhile, rather than join the will not be testing people who are it as long as you keep two metres thoroughly cleaning the bath, sink some of your symptoms. Clean panickers who are rushing to self-isolating with mild symptoms. away from other members of your and toilet yourself. your hands frequently stockpile in supermarkets, perhaps household. If possible, they should Use your own toothbrushes, towels, we should all pick up and buy that • Can I go outside to the park or use the outside area separately. washcloths and bed linen. • When is it safe to stop self- extra item and put it in the food take a taxi? isolating? banking box every time we shop. In short, no. Remain in your home. • I live with other people, can I • Can I dispose of rubbish as usual? Remain at home until 14 days after It will be our contribution to Do not go to work, school or public socialise with them? Personal waste (such as used the onset of your symptoms. rapidly declining supplies at over- areas, and do not use public Try to separate yourself from other tissues) can be stored securely stretched food banks, which are transport or taxis. If you go for a people in your home and keep your within disposable rubbish bags. Contact NHS 111 if symptoms needed now more than ever. walk go where you can remain a bedroom door closed. If you cannot These bags should be placed into a worsen, and see for the good distance from others, avoid stay in a separate room, aim to second bag, tied securely and kept latest official advice.
The Catholic Universe | Friday 20th March 2020 07 To advertise in The Catholic Universe contact Andrea Black on 0161 820 5722 or email News More faith will help society stay healthy The president of the Catholic Medical Association (UK) has urged society to “face the real issues that are the main driving forces for our inability to pro- vide adequate healthcare”, adding that he saw “the loss of the sense of the need for God and religious practice” as a major concern that would help Betting firm’s record fine welcomed address the health of many if its loss were to be reversed. Christian Action Research & Betway after it found one of ts Gambling Commission should Dr Dermot Kearney said factors in- Education (CARE) has welcomed customers lost more than £4 crack down on Betway, adding that cluded “the increasing problem of the £11.6 million fine handed down million during a four-year period. “to have failed to do checks on high social isolation and loneliness; the to online gambling firm Betway, Betway also failed to carry out spending customers is highly increasing prevalence of obesity; fam- doctors who are planning to take early but called for new laws that social responsibility interactions irresponsible. ily breakdown; material poverty; poor retirement or leave the profession be- “prioritise protecting people from with a customer who deposited and “This story speaks to the wider educational standards for many; ad- cause of the current unsustainable gambling related harms”. lost £187,000 in two days. challenge in that we have a betting dictions; sexual promiscuity; and ir- levels of stress endured by many in The Gambling Commission said it James Mildred of CARE said it is industry that has got used to a lack responsible behaviour”. the healthcare professions.” was “taking a tough line” with “absolutely right” that the of regulation.” “All of these issues have a profound spiritual basis and the loss of the sense of the need for God and religious practice is a major concern that really ought to be addressed. This, of course, will not be recognised or acknowl- edged,” he told The Catholic Universe. Dr Kearney’s comments come in response to a new poll which sug- gested that GPs are ‘dissatisfied’ with the amount of time they get to spend with patients. The Health Foundation said that just one in four GPs in the UK are sat- isfied with the length of appointment. The health thinktank surveyed fam- ily doctors from 11 high income na- tions, including more than 1,000 work- ing in Britain. GPs working in Britain were found to be the least satisfied with the amount of time they get al- located to help their patients – usually around 10 minutes. Dr Kearney said he fully supports allowing GPs to spend more time with patients who need more time. “There should be a great degree of flexibility associated with all healthcare consultations. Some patients require short periods of time to address their concerns. Others require considerably longer for their problems to be ade- quately and appropriately managed,” he said. “In particular, elderly or disabled patients and those with complex med- ical and social needs often require far more than the ten minutes provided for each consultation. For some pa- tients, it can take several minutes alone for them to take their coat off and sit down.” “A great number of measures are needed to address these problems and there is no prospect of any im- mediate remedy,” he said, adding that the biggest surprise in the survey was that “29 per cent of GPs thought they had enough time with piatients!” “Throwing more money at the health services, including GPs, may help but is unlikely to have any major positive impact. “The call for training more doctors is admirable but is unlikely to happen overnight. Improving morale among doctors might help to retain more
08 For extra news go to News Off on pilgrimage: From left, Adrian Chiles, Fatima Whitbread, Edwina Currie, Amar Latif, Mim Shaikh, Pauline McLynn, Dom Joly. Photo: BBC/CTVC/Oliver Rose. Stars ready to hit the road as Easter pilgrims Seven well-known celebrities from a tian; broadcaster Mim Shaikh and tel- physical challenge and will this journey mixture of religious backgrounds will evision presenter Amar Latif, both change how they feel about themselves embark on a pilgrimage to Istanbul Muslims; and two confirmed atheists, and their beliefs? this Easter, as part of the BBC’s popular comedian Dom Joly and actor Pauline Daisy Scalchi, BBC Commissioning Pilgrimage series. McLynn, will live as simple pilgrims Editor, Religion, said: “Pilgrimage... Marking the return of the series, following an ancient military route to is a wonderful series that brings the Pilgrimage: The Road To Istanbul will the historic city of Istanbul, which conversations around spirituality and air on BBC Two next week. It comes has been transformed into a mod- faith to a wide audience in an engaging hot on the heels of the first two criti- ern-day path of peace. and personal way. cally acclaimed series that saw well Formed just over ten years ago and “The range of beliefs and back- known personalities embark on a jour- designed to promote tolerance for all grounds of all seven pilgrims, with ney of discovery, to Santiago and faiths and cultures, Pilgrimage: The their similarities and differences, show Rome, the latter of which featured Road To Istanbul will be a journey of that the questions at the heart of reli- celebrity pilgrims taking part in a pri- discovery and adventure for the pil- gion are relevant to all of us, regardless vate audience with Pope Francis. grims. of faith.” As reported in The Catholic Universe Donning backpacks and walking Caroline Matthews, CEO and exec- at the time, gay comedian Stephen K boots, they’ll stay in basic hostels, utive producer, CTVC, said: “I am ab- Amos said the “life-changing” meeting sleep in shared dorms, and follow a solutely delighted Pilgrimage is back with the Holy Father gave him “faith largely untrodden route. for a third series. Promoting tolerance in human beings”. Starting in Serbia’s capital city Bel- for all faiths and cultures, Pilgrimage: Amos, who had initially prepared grade, the pilgrims will travel through The Road To Istanbul has everything to challenge the pope over the Catholic Bulgaria and the mountainous Balka- we’ve come to love about the series; Church’s doctrines, was left in tears ns, before crossing the border into vigorous debates, back to basic living when the pope told him that he was Turkey, with their goal of reaching Is- and a good dose of humour, but it not being judged, and common hu- tanbul and the magnificent Suley- will also reveal how religions have manity is more important than dif- maniye Mosque. clashed over the centuries and what ferences in sexuality. This year’s celebrity pilgrims have this means for our pilgrims, who have Next week, seven new famous faces just over two weeks to complete their all come on the journey with a mixed will take to the open road, as they pilgrimage. They’ll visit historical mon- range of beliefs.” follow a completely different pilgrim- uments and buildings and see first- age. This time, in Pilgrimage: The Road hand how religions have clashed over Pilgrimage: The Road To Istanbul To Istanbul, journalist Adrian Chiles, centuries from the Ottomans, right launches on BBC Two on Friday a converted Catholic; former politician up to more recent conflicts. 27th March and will run for three Edwina Currie, a lapsed Jew; Olympian With over 1,000 kilometres to cover, consecutive Fridays, until Good Fatima Whitbread, a practising Chris- how will the pilgrims cope with the Friday. Abuse law has to prioritise children’s safety The Government’s proposed Domestic Universe: “It is absolutely essential “There needs to be more awareness Abuse Bill must prioritise protecting that the domestic abuse bill tackles of how this situation will affect the children from an abusive parent, a the needs of these children. At the children involved, many of whom are Church expert has said. moment, children are often not suffi- terrified of the perpetrator parent,” Nikki Dhillon-Keane, who sits on ciently protected by family law from added Ms Dhillon-Keane. “There is the Catholic Bishops’ Domestic Abuse their abusive parent. It is extremely also a need for improved access to Working Group, said that children common for a parent with a history abuse-aware therapy for these chil- who witness domestic abuse are at of violent abuse to be granted unsu- dren.” higher risk of having emotional diffi- pervised access to their children. The She also welcomed former Labour culties, becoming victims of domestic survivor parent will have no choice MP Jess Phillips’ call to support child abuse as adults and even being more but to co-operate, knowing that their victims of domestic abuse as an im- vulnerable to radicalisation. child is in danger of being abused by portant point in the fight against ter- Ms Dhillon-Keane told The Catholic the perpetrator parent. rorism.
The Catholic Universe | Friday 20th March 2020 09 News Royal call to tackle eco-crisis with same energy as virus fight The Prince of Wales has urged nations navirus at least demonstrates, if noth- wealth Heads of Government Meeting to work together to tackle the envi- ing else, how quickly the world can in June to discuss the issue, and Glas- ronmental threat to the planet – just mobilise when we identify a common gow hosting COP26, the UN Climate as the world has mobilised to combat threat.” Change conference in November. the coronavirus. Charles highlighted how 2020 is an He told the delegates: “I’m hugely Prince Charles used global efforts important year for global debate on grateful to WaterAid and all the other to halt the spread of the deadly Covid- the environment, with a Common- partners who are here today for bring- 19 illness as an example of how urgent ing water and climate into focus in action is possible, during a speech to this – it literally is vital – super year. delegates at a WaterAid event looking “It has been interrupted by other at the impact of climate change on horrors like coronavirus, which makes drinking water. it all much more complicated, so we He described the virus as contribut- end up with a perfect storm now of ing to a “perfect storm” of threat mul- threat multipliers in all directions.” tipliers to the environmental issue. WaterAid is calling for a tenfold in- WaterAid, of which the prince is crease in climate finance that goes to president, provides clean water, decent water, sanitation and hygiene services toilets and hygiene knowledge across from donor governments and climate the globe. 3.6 billion people live in finance institutions. It also wants gov- areas where water is scarce because ernments to include clean water access of drought or contaminated supplies, in their national climate change plan- and this number is predicted to rise ning processes. to five billion by 2050, if no global ac- Charles added: “Water is utterly tion is taken. central to all life so protecting it is ut- Prince Charles told a round-table terly critical to our survival. discussion group: “With the urgency “And we have to really work urgently To advertise in The Catholic Universe contact that now exists around avoiding irre- to stabilise the climate, which means versible damage to our planet, we de-carbonising our economy rapidly. Andrea Black on 0161 820 5722 must put ourselves on what can only “Climate change is the greatest or email be described as a war footing. threat humanity has ever faced and “The current battle against the coro- time is rapidly running out War on plastic ‘misses’ root of UK’s problem’ Action to curb the use of carrier bags, Alliance said had helped increase in- straws or microbeads fails to deal with vestment in plastic recycling facilities, the root of the plastic pollution prob- but could go further. lem, a report has warned. Overall, the think tank said the ‘plas- While bans on items that are likely tic-only’ approach is not working, and to harm the environment are neces- the whole system of using and man- sary, the Government’s strategy on aging resources needs a fundamental waste is not addressing the UK’s rethink. ‘throwaway’ habits, the report by en- The organisation points to the vironmental think tank Green Alliance health risks of chemicals used to im- said. prove water resistance in paper, card And simply substituting plastic with and compostable takeaway containers other materials in products, without and food packaging, and problems reducing their throwaway nature, with disposing of compostable plas- could be storing up other environ- tics. mental problems. The plastic bag charge has led to The Government has imposed a an increase in purchases of ‘bags for levy on single-use plastic bags, banned life’ which can push up the overall microbeads from use in wash-off cos- amount of plastic being used, research metics, and aims to ban plastic straws, suggests. stirrers and cotton buds in response A future system should ensure that to calls to curb plastic pollution. all materials, including plastic, are It also recently unveiled a tax on properly valued throughout their life- plastic packaging with less than 30 cycle, the report said. per cent recycled content, which Green A top priority should be to reduce the amount of materials used overall, as well as reducing the damage and impacts of different products. Environmental harms should be systematically considered, to tackle impacts such as forests being cut down for paper or the greenhouse gas emissions of aluminium. And exposure to all hazardous sub- stances should be prevented as a mat- ter of urgency, the report warned.
10 For extra news go to Comment Like us on facebook - search Catholic Universe Newspaper The Universe – Comment – A spot of self isolation may help Post-virus, let’s hope we’re a less selfish world us realise what we have to lose It was eerie last weekend to have a CATHOLIC Saturday without professional sport, to see our eerily quite town COMMENT centres and empty public transport. People are hunkering down and Caroline few people will have experienced anything like this before. Farrow Our history books are full of pan- demics and outbreaks have been a staple of dystopian fiction for years, As I write, our family is currently on but now that fiction has become a day one of a two-week period of self- reality and actually living through a isolation thanks to one of my pandemic is different to reading children coming home with a high about it. It is an experience that will temperature last night. By the time certainly change us. you read this we will be less than Are there any benefits to arise half-way through and no doubt our from what is a deeply worrying sit- patience will stretched to its limits. uation? There is a chance, perhaps That said, thanks to a little bit of a very small one, that we might foresight and no doubt due to emerge from this as a less selfish having grown up in the ’70s and ’80’s and more thoughtful country. You where power cuts were fairly would not think it at the moment, frequent and in a village which was with widespread selfish panic buy- frequently cut off thanks to ing in our supermarkets, but be- inclement weather and flooding, I’ve haviour can evolve. always been in the habit of keeping For a start, the crisis has forced a fully-stocked dry larder in case of businesses to rethink the working emergencies. practice that employees congregate The stockpiling phenomenon has levels of panic, I am fairly sanguine probably won’t even be hospitalised, members of the parish in order that at the same location every day. seemed as bizarre as it was about the coronavirus in as much as let alone die. We are doing it in order they should receive the comfort of Working from home, entirely possi- unnecessary, though I was granted a that I think it might actually be the to protect other more vulnerable the Sacraments? After all, a spiritual ble for many these days, keeps peo- rare insight into it just a couple of big wake-up call we need. That’s not people and to stop the health service communion is just as valid and used ple closer to loved ones, eases con- days ago when shopping. As I in any way to minimise the from being overwhelmed so that it is to be a far more common practice. gestion on overcrowded public pushed my trolley down an aisle inevitable deaths and strain on the there for those who really do need it. Perhaps one of the ways that God transport and is good for the plan- which had been stripped of all health service but it could mean that There’s also been a lot of talk, may be working through this et. It may take pressure off child- produce, I happened to spy what we all experience an awakening in especially among online Catholic pandemic is to increase our hunger care arrangements, too. appeared to be the last remaining terms of our responsibilities circles, about whether or not for the Eucharist? Then there is the issue of long- family packs of toilet roll. towards the vulnerable and develop churches really need to close and Masses are still going to be said for term care, where the crisis may I immediately scooped them into a better sense of community. whether or not this virus is some the Church – my husband is serve as a wake-up call. Our hospi- my trolley with a sense of victorious- From a personal perspective, kind of punishment or test for the currently setting up a makeshift alter tal wards are clogged up with older ness, before my brain kicked into being isolated has brought forth faithful. As for the last question, I in the spare room, in order to fulfil people who should be looked after gear and I realised that we already tearful protestations from the guess only God knows the answer his obligation – it is only that public elsewhere, including in their own had more than sufficient to get us children. One is preparing for her and we cannot presume to know His celebrations could temporarily be homes. through at least a few weeks at GCSES and is worried about missing plan. However, I think it’s more likely restricted. It may be wishful thinking, but home. I put them back on the schoolwork, while the others are that what we are seeing with the Dire as it all sounds and I am in perhaps we can start to behave dif- shelves, leaving them for others devastated to be missing parties and spread of the coronavirus is the no position to be able to judge the ferently towards one another. If old- whose need was more urgent. other social gatherings. My husband global pandemic which has long wisdom of governmental advice, er people need help with their It was a reminder that herd is also extremely frustrated in that been predicted by scientists. God only to pray that they have managed shopping or other tasks, that behaviour can affect all of us, no he has to assume that he has been may not have caused it or actively to strike the right balance between should not just be something that matter how sensible or virtuous we exposed to the virus and therefore intervened but what we do know is protecting the jobs and prosperity of lasts as long as the crisis, but be- consider ourselves to be. I was also cannot celebrate public Mass, visit that He always works to bring good individuals and protecting public comes permanent. Covid-19 is an wary of some of the hard stares I the sick or indeed have any contact out of every situation of suffering health, but we still have to keep a entirely new kind of crisis for most appeared to be receiving from other with anyone, for fear he could pass and draw His children closer to Him. sense of proportion. It’s just might people and it will change us. people as I manoeuvred my heavily- on the lurgy to the vulnerable. In terms of whether or not it is be that Lent turns out to be a deeper Let us hope it changes us for the laden trolley to the checkout. What One person helpfully suggested right to close churches, then we period of reflection than anyone better. could seem like a ludicrous amount that because he wasn’t displaying needed to be guided by science and could have anticipated. of stockpiling to one person, could any symptoms then surely, given the common sense, rather than an The key is to keep calm, be in fact just be the regular weekly number of small children in the inflated sense of our own piety. Say, grateful for all the mod cons which shop for a family with several house, he could ‘get away with for example, my husband, who is are still available to us and to find The Universe children. Milk, bread and fresh fruit popping to the local shop’ for currently asymptomatic, has in fact creative and safe ways to draw closer don’t hang around for long in our supplies, which entirely misses the caught the coronavirus from a to God, whatever the near future Editor: Joseph Kelly household. point. We are taking precautions not member of the family? Is it right that may hold. Whereas the world seems to be to protect ourselves; statistics he should risk passing this on to the • Caroline Farrow is a Catholic Email: joseph.kelly@ experiencing almost apocalyptic demonstrate that most of us many elderly and vulnerable journalist and broadcaster Universe Media Group Limited, Cash call to replace free meals if schools close Food banks will continue – but need help 2nd Floor, Oakland House, 76 Talbot Road, Manchester M16 0PQ The Government should make cash are more families living with food A major food bank charity has said no food bank had run out of food, available for low-income families insecurity. food banks will continue to provide they were expecting a surge in de- News items: so children can still be fed if schools Direct cash transfers are ‘by far a “lifeline of emergency food” amid mand. “It is possible that food close during the coronavirus out- the most effective tool in order to the “unprecedented challenge” of banks will face increased demand break, charities have said. aid families to weather the storm’ the coronavirus outbreak. as people lose income, at the same All enquiries: Some 18 groups have written to and preferable over vouchers for But they stressed that some food time as food donations drop or staff the Government seeking clarifica- food aid or funding for lunch clubs, banks are starting to run out of ba- and volunteers are unavailable,” Tel: 0161 820 5722 tion on measures to ensure chil- the charities said. sics and are rationing out parcels she said. Meanwhile, several food Subscription rates: dren do not go hungry. Current Government advice is amid stockpiling and a fall in dona- banks in the Independent Food Aid (Basic) £72 UK; 104€ Ireland/Europe. Around 1.5 million children eligi- that schools in the UK should not tions. Network (IFAN) are struggling to (Annual) £105 UK; 140€ Ireland/Europe. To subscribe, please use the order form in this ble for free school meals could be close but the situation could Emma Revie, chief executive of purchase cupboard staples such as issue or call 0161 820 5722. affected but the charities said there change as the virus spreads. the Trussell Trust, said that while long-life milk, cereal and pasta.
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