ROYAL THA MES 2019 Review

Page created by Anna Santiago
ROYAL THA MES 2019 Review

                      ROYA L T H A M ES

                           2019 Review
ROYAL THA MES 2019 Review
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ROYAL THA MES 2019 Review
CONTENTS                                                                                                                                           FOREWORD

Inside                                    44 The NYYC Invitational Cup            86 The Royal Thames Academy
    5	Foreword by the Commodore,            Excuses, Excuses
                                          50	                                       RTYC Wine & Cigar Committee
       HRH The Duke of York
                                          52 Turkish Delight – The Rally             Victory at the Aspirin Trophy
    6	Introduction by the                   The Sardinia and Corsica Rally
                                          54	                                       Rear Commodore
       Vice Commodore                                                                House & Finance
                                             WATER MUSIC sets off
    8	Forty Years On – The 1979 		          for New Zealand                         RTYC Charitable Trust
       Fastnet Race revisited
                                          60 Club Programme 2019/20               96 Historical Cartoon
16	Rear Commodore Sailing
                                          64 The Social Year – 2018 in Pictures   98 Salve & Vale
19	Captain of Racing
                                             Rear Commodore Membership
                                          68	                                    100 Club Merchandise
   Captain of Cruising
                                          70 Trophy Winners
26	The Lee Trophy
                                             The Earl Twining Shield
                                                                                  Editor: Richard Bundy
28 The Cumberland Cup
                                          72 The Roll of Honour 1914 -18          Visiting Historian: Clare McComb
30 Global Team Racing                                                             Design:
                                          78 Tom Ratsey and DOLLY VARDEN          Cover: Brian Smullen’s CUILAUN at the Spring Excuse 2018
32 Royal Thames Carmela Cup                                                       ©Ruth Tracey
                                             The Club Poet
                                                                                  This Page: Sailing away with the Carmela Cup 2018
   The British Keelboat League
                                             Younger Members
                                          84	                                    ©
36 A Year in the Life of Annie Lush          of the Royal Thames

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ROYAL THA MES 2019 Review

                                         FROM THE
Vice Commodore
      was delighted when the Commodore
      attended the Cumberland Cup
      during racing at Queen Mary
      Reservoir in May last year, and
pleased to be able to host his attendance
at the event with the Lord Lieutenant of
Surrey, Michael More-Molyneux. His Royal
Highness met most of the teams taking
                                               opportunities to charter our boats not
                                               only to members, but also to other
                                               organisations; we will be seeking ways on
                                               how to improve the usage of the fleets.
                                                  Elsewhere in the Review are detailed
                                               articles of exploits over the past year. I
                                               would draw your attention to the first week
                                               in October 2018, when teams representing
                                                                                             be followed by review of the Club’s
                                                                                             constitution, including both articles
                                                                                             of association and byelaws to ensure
                                                                                             that the Club governance remains fit
part in the Cumberland Cup competition,        the Club won the inaugural Global Team        for purpose over the coming years.
our biennial two-boat team racing event        Racing Regatta in New York and came              In 2025, only six years away, the Club
with our reciprocal clubs.                     second in the Lee Trophy at Seawanhaka.       will be celebrating its 250th anniversary.
   The Royal Thames Review provides me            The secretariat has seen a number of       Leading up to this momentous occasion
with the opportunity to thank two flags        changes over the last year. Our new chief     provides an opportunity for the Club to
who completed their terms of office at the     executive, Will Harding, joined us in May     show off its heritage, whether this is
Annual General Meeting in October 2018.        2018, but has since decided that that he      silverware, the half models, the other
Peter Innes-Ker retired after two years as     would return to mainstream hospitality.       treasures and even the archives of
Rear Commodore Membership. We are all          The general committee decided on a two        the Club going back many years.
grateful that he took on the role of guiding   stage replacement programme; firstly be          Over the years individuals and small
us through the complexities of the new         seeking an interim manager as our chief       groups have done sterling work in
data protection regulations, GDPR. Our         executive/ club secretary for a period of     maintaining and developing various parts
new Rear Commodore Membership is               between four to six months. This would        of these historic artefacts. There has
Anthony Hinton. Owain Franks completed         ensure continuity within the clubhouse        however not been a central body with
a three-year term as Rear Commodore            during that period. Also during that          responsibility overall for our heritage
House and Finance and has handed over          period we would seek the full time            assets. I would now like to bring all this
to Tony Hanna. My thanks go to both the        replacement. Christian Horvath joined         work together under one body, a heritage
retiring flags who have, as always with        us at the end of January 2019 in the          committee for the Club. I would welcome
the Club’s flag officers, put huge effort      interim position; Christian has wide          discussion with any member who would
into their roles.                              club experience over a long period and        be interested in this project.
   Jenny Woods continues into her second       is welcomed to this position.                    The Thames Review has been published
year as Rear Commodore Sailing. The               Other secretariat changes over the last    since 2006. The editor throughout this
Club has an ever increasing sailing            year have been the departures of Lucia        period has been Richard Bundy who, as
agenda, which led one of our former            Houston and Mousey Brown, both of whom        well as recording progress of the Club
sailing flags to comment that whilst           moved on to more senior roles after being     through this time, has also enlightened      MOONBEAM IV is a member of an elite classic fleet. Designed and built by William Fife, she is a Marconi rigged gaff cutter with a racing
in his day we were involved in some 50         with the Club for some ten years; we wish     members with all sorts of articles of        pedigree matched by an easy cruising ability. She won the King’s Cup in 1920 and 1923 and has chalked up many a notable regatta title in
sailing events a year, this is now running     them well in their new endeavours. By this    interest. Our thanks go to Richard and       more recent times. Added to her serious sailing credentials is the stuff of legend. Prince Rainier purchased the yacht for his honeymoon
at around 100 events. Much of this is due      time many members will have met Sonia         his small team who produce a magazine        with Grace Kelly, with Eric Tabarly calling her “the most beautiful yacht ever built”.
to our two fleets of J70s and J80s, but        Rafi, the new membership secretary            of quality and relevance which continues     Completely restored in 2001 with a recent substantial refit, MOONBEAM IV returns to the market at a highly attractive asking price.
also indicates the breadth and depth of        and Ewa Janeczek, our new accounts            to promote the Club around the world.
our members in supporting the Club.            assistant and we welcome them both.              Finally, my thanks go to the              Fife Shipyard, 35m/115ft, 1914/2001, 6 guests, 6 crew, €2,800,000

   One interesting development for an             I note that last year I expected that      membership who make all this happen.         Mike Horsley,, + 33 493 34 68 98
increasing number of sailing clubs is to       the general committee would to be             It is the members who provide the
provide resources for members’ use which       developing a revised club strategy. This      impetus to the Club, whether by
have been traditionally provided by the        has been somewhat delayed, but is now         participation, volunteering or just being
                                                                                                                                          ANTIBES                 +33 493 34 68 98
members themselves – club-owned boats          finding traction and expected to be in        there. In the end it is our Club and its
                                                                                                                                          MONTE CARLO             +377 93 30 54 44
to use on a ‘pay and play’ basis. Our          place by around the middle of 2019.           success and prosperity depends on what
                                                                                                                                          LONDON                   +44 20 7495 5151
acquisition of our two fleets has put us       We will be looking to all areas of the        we all choose to put in.                     NEW YORK                  +1 212 792 5370
firmly in the pay and play sector, providing   membership to assist with this. This will     George Ehlers                                MEXICO CITY            +52 55 52 80 95 74

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ROYAL THA MES 2019 Review

                                         FORT Y YEARS ON                                                                             Left: A body being brought ashore from the
                                                                                                                                     Dutch frigate OVERIJSSEL ©Jonanthan Eastland

          The Fastnet Race
                                                                                                                                     Right: The winchman supervises a rescue; Harvey
                                                                                                                                     Bagnall is hoisted aboard a navy helicopter - the
                                                                                                                                     airman stems the blood from his skull, fractured by the
                                                                                                                                     boom of his yacht ©William Payne; Fastnet Rock in
                                                                                                                                     better weather

                                                                                                                                        However, another depression, ‘Low X’,

                                                                                                                                     – so called because meteorologists had
       he storm that was to bring           New Jersey Turnpike and knocked down       channel in the fog, it was heading across     been aware of it for longer than Low Y
       about the deaths of 15 amateur       powerlines and trees. The falling branch   the Atlantic. Small and fast-moving, ‘Low     – had left the coast of Canada on the
       yachtsmen – and leave several        of a tree killed a woman walking in        Y’ as this depression was identified by the   morning of Friday 10th and on the
       others scarred mentally and          Central Park, New York City. Later in      meteorologists, was hard to track. The        morning of Sunday 12th its centre was
physically – on the 14th August 1979, was   the day it arrived in Narragansett Bay,    weather maps published in the British         about 350 miles southwest of Iceland,
born in the Great Plains of the United      Rhode Island, broke one of the wire jib    weekend newspapers described it as a          where it perversely stopped moving,
States a little over a week previously.     sheets of the 12 Metre INTREPID and        “shallow depression that would move           allowing Low Y to overtake it but
Above this high plateau of grasslands       scattered the 78 competitors in the        swiftly east and deepen” and that it would    changing the latter’s course so that,                     the stability provided by the hull’s shape     If the 1969 boat was a scaled down
blazing temperatures meet cold air          J24 world championships, knocking          produce force seven winds on Monday.          in the early hours of Monday morning,                     and the keel. The vessel rolls perhaps         version of a big boat, then the new one
currents coming down from Canada.           three of them flat.                        It was scheduled to make its landfall in      it was heading for the west of Ireland.                   through 90 degrees, perhaps all the way.       was more of a big, lightweight dinghy.
   Usually the vicious depressions            As the Fastnet Race started in Cowes,    the Bay of Biscay and should have been        UK forecasters realised by noon on                           There is no doubt that far and away the        The materials used in manufacture,
resulting from the collision of these       on Saturday, the small but lethal          only of peripheral importance to the          Monday that Low Y, swinging around Low                    most important element in bringing             principally carbon fibre, the use of which
ill-matched airstreams wreak their          depression had passed over                 Fastnet competitors.                          X, would travel across southern Ireland                   about the tragedy of the 1979 Fastnet          was in its infancy at the time, came under
havoc locally in tornadoes, violent         Halifax, Nova Scotia,                                                                    and the Western Approaches that night.                    Race was the state of the sea – obviously      criticism in the aftermath of the race.
thunderstorms, hail storms and the like     travelling at about                                                                         Unfortunately, noon was too late for                   caused by the wind in part, but also by        Of the 14 lost rudders that led to the
and blow themselves out. This particular    50kts. By Sunday,                                                                        the 1355 Shipping Forecast. Almost all                    the shallow waters encountered in the          rescue of their boats, over half were of
one possessed a force that kept it going    as the Fastnet fleet                                                                     sailors around the UK, racing or not,                     Western Approaches which steepened and         carbon fibre. However, there is no
even after it dropped more than an inch     moved down the                                                                           relied on the three-times-a-day broadcast.                shortened the wave structure. However,         suggestion that anyone died as a result.
and a half of rain over Minneapolis on                                                                                               In extraordinary circumstances the BBC                    there was another major contributory              In the manner of these things, a great
Thursday, August 9th and headed east.                                                                                                might intervene with a message from the                   factor and that was the design of the          deal of blame and ill-informed comment
On Friday 10th August, 60kt winds                                                                                                    meteorological office, but this required                  boats themselves. Of the 303 boats on          was sprayed around in the aftermath
blew the roof off a tollbooth on the                                                                                                 listening to Radio 4 all day, which was not               the race, five sank, 100 were knocked          of the race. The storm was so localised
                                                                                                                                     going to happen. There was no mention                     flat at least once and 75 were capsized        that nobody could be sure who was in
                                                                                                                                     of Fastnet again until a new gale warning                 completely. This was something that            the most dangerous place, except by
                                                                                                                                     at 2245: “Fastnet: south-west severe                      simply should not happen and it                the damage that they sustained. Several
                                                                                                                                     gale force 9 increasing storm force 10                    prompted the world’s leading yacht             sailors were reported as saying that the
                                                                                                                                     imminent”, ‘Imminent’ in weather speak                    designer, Olin Stephens, to say: “Some         conditions were not too bad, to which the
                                                                                                                                     means within six hours, which was                         modern ocean racers, and the cruising          retort should have been (and probably
                                                                                                                                     conservative; anyway, it was all too late                 boats derived from them, are dangerous         was): “Maybe not where you were”.
                                                                                                                                     for the vulnerable boats, those of Class                  to their crews.”                               Skippers and crews were accused of
                                                                                                                                     IV and V, now between the Lizard and                         Yacht design had changed considerably       lacking in experience. There was actually
                                                                                                                                     Fastnet Rock and already experiencing                     during the 1970s, with the intensification     no suggestion of this either evinced by
                                                                                                                                     winds of 50-60 kts.                                       of competition and the modifications           their behaviour nor revealed in the
                                                                                                                                        The wind’s strength was such that                      made to the International Offshore Rule        Inquiry report published after the event.
                                                                                                                                     smaller boats could not carry enough sail                 (IOR). Most of the boats in the race were      Safety and radio requirements may have
                                                                                                                                     to steer around the waves or to mitigate                  vulnerable to the conditions simply due        been inadequate, but the actual safety
                                                                                                                                     their great shocks; but the seas were the                 to their size – between 30 and 38 feet.        and radio equipment carried on those
                                                                                                                                     true killers on August 14th. Salt water                   While we Brits had long prided ourselves       boats that sank or hosted fatalities were
                                                                                                                                     weighs 64 pounds per cubic foot and a                     on racing small boats in big seas, the         far in excess of the official requirement.
                                                                                                                                     moderately large breaker that is six feet                 typical 35-footer in 1979 was a much less         There was, once again, the vexed
                                                                                                                                     high, ten across and six feet thick carries               stable boat than one of, say, 1969. The        question of life rafts and when to take
                                                                                                                                     – at a speed as high as 30 kts – 23,000lbs                latter would have been narrow and heavy        to them. The old adage that one should
                                                                                                                                     of water. The average boat in the Fastnet                 with an ability to right itself even if she    only step up into a life raft rather
                                                                                                                                     race weighed considerably less than that.                 were knocked flat with her mast under          conjures up the image of an orderly queue
                                                                                                                                     When a wave of such size and velocity                     water. The new boats were lightweight,         of life-jacketed sailors politely waiting to
                                                                                                                                     breaks over a boat its force overwhelms                   with short keels and lacking this stability.   take their turn to step into the raft as

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ROYAL THA MES 2019 Review

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                                      From left: The Daily Mail, Wednesday 15th August 1979; Lifeboat GUY & CLAIRE HUNTER, from St Mary’s S.I., one of many
                                      lifeboats that took part in the search and rescue © Ajax News & Feature Service; the helicopter dropping a hook to an airman and a
                                      CARMARGUE crew member © Royal Navy; POLICE CAR was a 42 footer, designed by Ed Dubois for Western Australian yachtsman
                                      Peter Cantwell who wanted a downwind flyer campaign for the 1979 Admiral’s Cup. She was knocked flat several times before her
                                      crew discovered that making her go faster made her more seaworthy. She finished 4th in Class II, © William Payne

                                                        The final solution is that it was bad                     To illustrate this point, I have an excerpt
                                                      luck. Boats, for the most part, have got                    from a marvellous piece written by Chris
                                                      better, safety gear has got stronger, storm                 Windley, a crewman on Peter Blake’s
                                                      sails have become compulsory. Most                          CONDOR, which took line honours and
their boat slowly slides beneath the gently           importantly, weather forecasting has been                   the record in 1979. Chris calls this: “The
lapping waters. The reality is that a self-           revolutionised and is available to everyone                 Storm” Fastnet Race, 1979: Racing with
inflating life-raft in a 50+ knot wind                all the time. It is an almost spooky fact                   Sir Peter Blake on Condor of Bermuda:
must be boarded as soon as it is inflated.            that, as Des Sleightholme, then editor                      A Story in Parts, for Friends.
You can’t tie it to the side of the boat              of Yachting Monthly, said at the time:
waiting for conditions to worsen and it’s                                                                         …At 0400 I came off watch and collapsed
too big for the cockpit. There is very fine             “Let’s face it. If there was not a race                   on the sails exhausted, cold and wet.
judgment involved here – just how safe is             going through that area at that time,                       While I was below we rounded Bishop
your boat? Just how dangerous, travelling             most people would never have known                          Rock, a mile inside Pole Bank Overfalls.
at 60mph, is the Marmite pot, the corned              the storm was taking place.”                                We had no idea where KIALOA was.
beef tin, the knife in the drawer? At least                                                                       MISTRESS QUICKLY, another maxi rater
five of the fatalities were caused at least           But if you did happen to find yourself                      had come up on the radio and we knew
in part by injuries sustained down below              in the middle of it, even today, you’d be                   that she was way astern but KIALOA had
on the boat.                                          in trouble.                                                 remained silent. At this time we reckoned
   There was a feeding frenzy in the                     A few weeks ago news had just arrived                    that the wave height was about 20 to 25                  T H E P E N D E N N I S TC128 F L E E T
press following the race. Journalists are             of Susie Goodall’s Rustler 36 pitchpoling                   feet and it was still blowing 50 to 60 knots.
fairly left wing by nature and yachting               in the Southern Ocean, 2,000 miles west                        Once again we were called on deck as
                                                                                                                                                                           SY Vijonara (TC128-2)       DELIVERED 2018                      Build opportunity:
is a traditional Aunt Sally. Alan Green,              of Cape Horn in 60kt winds and massive                      we bore away for the Lizard. It was                      SY K2 (TC128-4)             DELIVERY 2020                       Slot 3 (TC128-5)          DELIVERY 2021
secretary of RORC was confronted by                   seas. Barry Pickthall, running the press                    almost a dead run and we poled out the
hostile journalists, one of whom asked:               office of the Golden Globe Race is                          number five. This involved running the
                                                      fielding questions from John Humphrys                       genoa sheet through the end of the
  “A Labour MP, Sydney Bidwell, says                  on the Today programme. “Isn’t it just                      spinnaker boom. Setting up the pole was
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     H OW C A N W E TA I LO R YO U R D R E A M ?
that the RORC should help pay for the                 too dangerous for people to go out there,                   a tricky business as we rolled downwind.
cost of the rescue services because                   risking these conditions, on their own?”                    At least the apparent wind was less than                                                           Contact us to discuss your next build
yachtsmen are ‘well-heeled, well-to-do                asks Humphrys (in fairness, because                         it had been before.                                                                                +44 (0)1326 211344 |
people indulging in a fairly expensive                he has to). Barry replies wearily, citing                      Communication was vitally important
sport for their own pleasure. What do                 comparisons with climbing Everest and                       on a boat this size, but experience was                                                            PERFECTION IS PERSONAL
you have to say about that?”                          reaching the South Pole. What he doesn’t                    even better. If you knew what to do and
                                                      say is: “Of course it’s dangerous! It’s an                  when to do it then it did not matter that
And, eventually, the criticism died down.             adventure, you idiot. That’s why we do it.”                 you could not hear what Andy was                         PENDENNIS.COM                             BUILDERS OF BESPOKE SUPERYACHTS     30 YEARS OF EXPERTISE

10   I   ROYAL THAMES REVIEW   I   2019
ROYAL THA MES 2019 Review
                                                                                                        Clockwise, from left: The Baltimore lifeboat
                                                                                                        ROBERT towing in KAYUKA © Ajax Picture
                                                                                                        Library; GRIMALKIN, perhaps the most famous
                                                                                                        casualty, with two deaths and one “Left for
                                                                                                        Dead” and being recovered here; ARIADNE,
                                                                                                        from which four died, floating abandoned
saying 70 feet away. We continued under                                                                 ©Ajax News & Picture Service
this rig for a while but gradually the wind
began to decrease. The waves were still
huge and we were carried along by them,
surfing at 16 or 17 knots. However, the
boat felt underpowered. We had about
25 knots of apparent wind and we all
knew that there was only one thing for
it – we had to go to a chute.
   There are a lot of offshore sailors who
don’t even know how to put up a chute
on a yacht and they would certainly have
never imagined that you could fly one in
40 or 50 knots of true wind. Peter had
sailed this boat around the world and
knew it probably better than anyone else.
At the beginning of the race he was
worried about our new mast but he was
now confident that it would stay up. There    exhilaration; adrenalin coursed through           “Look out everyone, she’s going!” What
was a record at stake and nobody ever         our veins. Now she used the waves. They        now? I sat by the centre coffee grinders.
broke records who did not take risks.         towered high astern, flecked with foam,        If she broaches, I thought, I’ll hang on
   We were going to fly the 2.2oz. Each       lifted up the transom, pointing the bow        to these. My expensive oilskin with its
member of the crew moved around the           down into the chasm that was the trough        built-in safety harness lay on the deck.
decks preparing and checking and              of the wave. Then she began her mad slide      The safety harness clipped to a wire
checking again. Meanwhile CONDOR              like a big dipper. The bow wave grew           and protecting the jacket from going
careered along under main alone, eager        higher and higher and moved aft until it       anywhere! It was too late for it now.
for more canvas. Peter guided her down        was higher than the boom. Astern grew          Slowly, reluctantly, accepting the
the waves, his eyes roving over the deck      a cockerels tail four foot high.               power of the sea over her CONDOR
checking what had already been checked           The digital speedometer went through        swung around into the wind, heeling

                                                                                                                                                       Follow your
before, weighing up the risks, calling on     10 knots and began to count again;             more and more.
all his experience.                           through 10 knot again and on and on               Pray to every god you have ever heard
   We needed more speed.                      until it reached 9.5 knots. A total of         of and hang on!! Beam onto the sea and

                                                                                                                                                       2019 compass
   Finally, the chute was ready in its        29.5 knots. Crossbow here we come!             the wind, she was flattened.
three-legged bag that prevented it from       Where is Beken now?                               If it had been my Lazer I would have
filling until required. I gripped the            A sound like a rifle shot brought us back   climbed over the windward side and
halyard, looked toward Peter for the final,   to reality. The block that the spinnaker       stood on the centre board. If only it was
purposeful nod and then pulled like a         sheet turned around on the starboard           that easy. I ended up sitting on the coffee
maniac to get it to the top of the towering   quarter had exploded. Les had his leg in       grinders, which were now horizontal,
mast. Dennis came up to help on the last      the path of the released rope as it ripped     looking down at the, amazingly calm,                      Catch the occasional mistral along Dubrovnik’s
few feet and we sweated up the halyard        through six feet of stanchions as though       sea. Slowly she began to right herself.
                                                                                                                                                       fortified shores or enjoy the challenging Meltemi
as sailors have done since the days of the    they were not even there. He could easily      Then the spinnaker went aback and she
square-riggers.                               have lost his leg. Luckily he did not but he   went astern. Peter said at three knots.                   winds across the Saronic Gulf. Explore Mallorca’s
   A line led up to the centre of the star    limped in memory of his close call for days    The oncoming waves finally halted her
shape that hung innocently from the mast.     after. “Get the guy in!” I shouted but this       Peter had steered her around in an arc.                charming hidden coves on bareboat charter, or set
The two Andys tugged on it; it would not      crew were faster than the time that it took    The spinnaker half filled, obstinately
                                                                                                                                                       sail towards Sant’ Angelo’s natural thermal springs
come. Take in on the sheet, more, more        for somebody to tell them what to do and       refusing to set. For endless seconds
— Bang!!, the bag opened and suddenly         already the grinders were grinding in the      Peter juggled with the wheel, coaxing                     on our Amalfi Coast flotilla. See the Mediterranean
there was the spinnaker, straining to pull    lazy guy. Gradually we got the spinnaker       and understanding. Suddenly the chute
the mast out of the deck. CONDOR              under control again and breathed a sigh        filled with a crack and we were off again.                differently this summer.
accelerated instantly like a jet with its     of relief. Our hearts pounded.                 Everything was all right. We had not
brakes just released. Sheet!! Sheet!! The        Once more the wild surfing began.           lost anybody.
sail had to be flat. Now she was going!!      Spud had given up navigating. The miles           Were we insane? The exhilaration was
We grinned at each other like naughty         flashed by. When would we be there?            draining. A three point turn in a 78 footer               Find out more at
children. He must be mad – but what           Very, very soon!                               with a spinnaker up in 45 knots of breeze.                or call 0330 332 1184                                           SEE THE WORLD DIFFERENTLY

12   I   ROYAL THAMES REVIEW   I   2019
                                                                                                                                                       BAREBOAT l FLOTILLA l SAIL BY THE CABIN l SKIPPERED l SCHOOLS
ROYAL THA MES 2019 Review

The record-breaking crew of CONDOR in Plymouth before they got news of the casualties © Jonathan Eastland

“If that happens again we’ll have to get it              in,” he said simply. We’d done it. We only         to stow the sails. Our time – 71 hours 37
off “ said Peter. We laughed uncertainly.                had to get to the line. We wanted to get rid       minutes and 23 seconds. We had beaten
   Then, sliding down a wave, we                         of the staysail. Come on Peter, let’s get it       the previous record by over seven hours.
caught up with the one in front. The                     off. A boomed-out headsail is a tricky thing
bow buried itself into the sea. I reached                to get down and we were heading for the              Roger Spriggs was crewing on the
for my favourite coffee grinder and put                  breakwater at a vast rate of knots. We             Contessa OOD 34 ROCK ON, which
a lover’s grip on it. The sea foamed up                  looked pleadingly at him. Finally, he gave         finished the race in Milford Haven. They
over the foredeck, past the mast, over                   the word. As we began to get it down a             had passed the Lizard and he had just
me and I then did not know how far                       last vicious gust swept across the sea,            replaced the washboards in the companion
behind. Deeper and deeper she buried.                    ripping the flogging sail from our hands.          way: it was blowing more than 50 kts. He
Then we were on our beam ends again                      The breakwater loomed ominously close              saw an enormous black wave coming down
and she was coming up, shaking off                       as we struggled to get it on board. Finally        on them and clutched the hatch cover for
the water, undefeated, her mast still                    we overpowered it and seconds later                all be was worth. A split second later the
standing erect. Again the spinnaker                      flashed through the breakwater.                    mast was pointing downwards. As they
filled and we careered away. “Get it off”                   Where was the finishing line? Andy              surfaced, he saw that the Frenchman who
Peter said. “Enough is enough”.                          was on the bow, ready to take the time             had been standing next to him was in the
   Plymouth was in sight. We changed to                  of crossing. Spud went up and sent him             sea and at the extent of his safety line.
the reacher poled out with the staysail                  back aft for something. Bang! The gun              Roger hauled him in and aboard. “Roger,”
set inside. We were still flying. Where                  went. “Ha ha!” yelled Spud, “I was first           he asked. “Is it always like this, this ocean                  SAILING SQUADRON WITH J70s FLEET / INTERNATIONAL REGATTA PROGRAMME
was KIALOA? Were we in the lead?                         across the line!”. One and a half hours            racing?” Roger said yes, of course it was.                      RYA TRAINING CENTRE / ACTIVE ROWING CALENDAR / FITNESS & YOGA CENTER
We could be. We just could be.                           sleep in three days and the guy was still          There was a Gallic shrug, the souffle                             TENNIS, SQUASH & CRICKET FACILITIES / TIERED MEMBERSHIP PACKAGES
   Spud was worried that we could be                     making jokes!                                      of breath and the finger-click gesture                        PRIVATE MEMBERS LOUNGE & MEETING ROOM / 64M INFINITY POOL WITH DAYBEDS
heading for Fowey instead of Plymouth.                      We yelled and danced, shook hands               typical of the race: “Très sportif!”                           OUTDOOR DAYTIME RESTAURANT / MEZZANINE BAR / FINE DINING RESTAURANT
Come on Spud, we know it’s Plymouth.                     and slapped backs and laughed and                  Richard Bundy                                                                          NIGHTCLUB WITH LIVE DJS
He went down to speak to Race Control on                 smiled. Line honours – The Record –
                                                                                                            Primary sources: Fastnet Force 10 by John Rousmaniere
the radio. After a few minutes he appeared               beaten KIALOA. Perhaps even first on               (WW Norton & Co 2000) 1979 Fastnet Race Inquiry Report to
at the hatch. “There are no other yachts                 handicap. We put it all aside and began            the Council of the RYA and the Committee of the RORC (1979)
                                                                                                                                                                                   FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT US AT PMYC@PORTOMONTENEGRO.COM
14   I   ROYAL THAMES REVIEW      I   2019
ROYAL THA MES 2019 Review

                                                                                                                 Linda Pennington and team
                                                                                                               officiating ©

                     Rear Commodore Sailing
            hat a year we had in 2018…!       has now taken over the baton and I am           The Sailing Programme for 2019 was
               What successes we achieved     looking forward to working with her to        launched at our Sailing Forum in January
            in both team and fleet racing!    drive our racing programme forward.           and the calendar is busier than ever.
            Confirmation that we are at       It would have been rude of me not to          There are:
the top of our game in winning both the       embrace the Club’s programme during
inaugural Global Team Racing Regatta          my first 12 months as rear commodore
and the British Keelboat League to name       sailing. I took to the water at the Spring     • 8 weekends for sail training
but two events.                               Excuse, attended the Cumberland                  in our J/80s and J/70s
  As the title of this magazine suggests      Regatta, went cruising on our Sardinian        • 11 weekends of team racing
we are reviewing 2018 and there are           Rally and accepted an invitation to go to        at Queen Mary
absorbing and enlightening articles from      Seawanhaka Yacht Club to be part of the        • 8 weekends of fleet racing in
Amelia Lowe, our captain of racing, and       race management team for the Lee                 the Solent plus Cowes Week
Adrian Walsh, our captain of cruising,        Trophy. As many of the members may
                                                                                             • 1 weekend of Match Racing
for which I thank them.                       know I play a very active role on our race
                                                                                               at Queen Mary
  Before moving on I would like to thank      management team both at Queen Mary
Angus Prentice who kindly served as           and in the Solent, so 2018 was certainly       • 3 weekends in the Solent for our
captain of racing for four years and          memorable for me and brilliant fun. Now          Spring, Motor and Autumn Excuses
during his term championed the British        for 2019 and the Spring Excuse, Cyclades       • 1 weekend for our Annual
Keelboat League and the British Isles         Rally, the 175th Anniversary Regatta             Cumberland Regatta
Team Racing League. Both are going            of New York Yacht Club – and of course         • 2 week Cyclades Rally
from strength to strength. Working with       supporting our challenge at the New York
                                                                                             • 2 week Balearic Rally
Angus last year was effortless and his help   Invitational Cup – plus delivering regattas
and support to me was invaluable so I         for our Club – it is going to be busy and      • 4 weekends for the Young Members
cannot thank him enough. Amelia Lowe          I can hardly wait!

16   I   ROYAL THAMES REVIEW   I   2019
ROYAL THA MES 2019 Review
R/C SAILING                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       RACING

Added to all of this we have great social                                                                  Officiating at the Lee Trophy –   BALLYTRIM on the
                                                                                                         in uniform! With Mike Halstead      Newport Bermuda Race
events with:

  • Young Members Ball
  • Cowes Week Cocktail Party
  • Racing socials namely the Racers
    Dinner and the Prize Winners Dinner
  • Cruising Socials namely the Cruisers
    Dinner and two rally dinners

With such a diverse collection of events
and regattas I trust they will appeal to
the membership whether you only sail in
shorts and a T-shirt or are prepared to
don your full foul weather gear. From the
Academy and Young Members through to
the Masters and Grand Masters there is
something for everyone and we will keep
building on our programme. We aim to
give our membership a variety of choices
and a platform for great sailing and new
friendships to be made.
  Our Club’s dedicated race officers and
umpires will have their work cut out this
year supporting our members at our
internal events. The strong team of over
20 volunteers also deliver regattas in the                                               21st September and to come out to
Solent for the Etchells fleet, the Cowes                                                 Queen Mary to watch the racing.
Keelboats and for the whole of Cowes          This year sees the return                     Last year saw our Academy and Young
Week. We are looking at opportunities                                                    Members continually achieve podium
for running class events, similar to the       of the British-American                   places at regattas both in our home
Fast 40s, during the years ahead. Thanks      Cup being raced on our                     waters and overseas and their dedication

                                                                                                                                             Captain of Racing
must go to Linda Pennington who heads                                                    and expertise is exemplary. Our successes
up the race management squad and               waters after four years                   across the membership last year were
selects race officers with the correct                                                   first class so 2019 brings yet more
skills to provide a first class regatta.                                                 records to beat and podium places to

  There are some major challenges ahead                                                  achieve and, with their passion and skill,
of us on the racing front with the bi-       waters after four years. Selection trials   this is achievable.                                        he Royal Thames Yacht Club           He managed the Club’s racing                   Twenty-eighteen was an incredibly
annual New York Yacht Club Invitational      were held over three weekends during           Finally, my thanks to our sailing office                racing has flourished over the       programme to provide opportunity             busy year, with our members competing
Cup which this year will be sailed in the    the winter months to ensure that the        headed by Richard Ambler who, with his                     last few years and we could not      for members at every level, from the         across fleet racing, team racing and
new Melges IC37. William Edwards is to       best British team could be brought          very able assistant Georgina Muncaster,                    be in a better position going into   Academy to the Masters, from club            match racing, as well as achieving some
campaign the Royal Thames entry and          together for this four-on-four team         has made my time as rear commodore                  2019, where I have no doubt that we will    racing and training days to the very         incredible results in offshore campaigns.
has purchased his own IC37 which will        racing regatta which dates back to 1921.    sailing productive in producing and                 continue to see our members racing          top of the podium at world class             To mention all the achievements is sadly
give his team valuable practice time         All four of our selected helms are Royal    delivering such a varied                            activity reaching the very top levels of    international regattas; not an easy feat     not possible in this short report,
on this new racing yacht in the Solent       Thames members and Andy Cornah will         programme for you all.                              our sport.                                  by any stretch of the imagination! And       however I would like to bring to your
before she is shipped to the west coast      act as team captain. Mike Halstead          They are to be joined by                              I personally want to give huge thanks     it is with this foundation that I have       attention a couple of memorable
of America. We all wish William and his      continues to drive the training             Rosa McNeill at the end                             to my predecessor, Angus Prentice,          been able to take over and look to 2019      achievements in particular.
team every success in the hope that the      programme for the BA Cup with               of January who will fit                             without whom the Club’s racing success      and beyond to bring even more success          We have awarded two Club members
trophy can once again be returned to         enthusiasm and humour. The BA Cup           well into this well-oiled                           over last four years would not have been    and opportunities for our members, as        as joint Sailors of the Year for 2018,
the Royal Thames Yacht Club.                 will give our members an opportunity        machine.                                            possible. The commitment, energy and        they pursue their racing activity all over   following not just great performances
  This year sees the return of the           both to welcome the American team           Jennifer Woods                                      enthusiasm he gave to the role of           the globe, across a huge variety of          last year, but consistently great results
British-American Cup being raced on our      into our clubhouse between 19th and         REAR COMMODORE SAILING                              captain of racing was truly exemplary.      disciplines.                                 over a prolonged period for the Club.

18   I   ROYAL THAMES REVIEW   I   2019                                                                                                                                                                                                            WWW.ROYALTHAMES.COM    I   19

                                             Inset: Ben Field and Andy Cornah
                                             Main: The Commodore, HRH The Duke of York and
                                             Vice Commodore Ehlers at the Cumberland Cup

                                             Langley’s two TP 52s, for first in class in
                                             both Cowes Week and in Les Voiles de
                                             St Tropez, both under IRC. And secondly
                                             to BALLYTRIM, Andrew and Sue Allner’s
                                             Swan 53, for second in class and winner
                                             of the Swan Cup in the RORC Caribbean
                                             600, and second in class in the Newport
                                             to Bermuda Race.
                                                We are lucky to be able to say that our
                                             list of remarkable results and the reach
                                             of our members’ racing does not stop
                                             anywhere near there. Fiona Hampshire,
                                             a Club member and previous head of
                                             our Academy was awarded Yachts and
Ben Field and Andy Cornah put together       Yachting Amateur Sailor of the Year
a very strong team (Scott Millar, Andy       2018, following continued success in
Shaw, Simon Morris, Annie Lush, Katie        keelboat racing at the very highest
Greenland, Kate Macgregor) for the           level; a fantastic achievement.
inaugural Global Team Race                      In fleet racing we continued our
Championship, hosted by New York             consistently good results at the Bermuda
Yacht Club in October, and recorded an       International Invitational Regatta in
impressive 18 wins out of 21 races, to       April where Henry Arnold captained our
amass an unassailable lead and take first    team of William Edwards, Olly Dix and
place in this prestigious event. A special   Tom Quigley. Our members and race
mention for the award also went to Henry     committee yet again had a fantastically
Arnold, following a very consistent set of   successful Cowes Week, on a year where
results at the top of the podium in both     the weather kept the competitors and
the British Keelboat League and the 2K       race management alike on their toes by
Team Racing circuit. Henry finished the      throwing everything possible at them.
year as the champion at the final of the     In particular, I would like to mention
BKL for 2018, run by our own RTYC Race       Russell Peters in relation to Cowes Week
Committee in our J70 fleet, and will go      2018 who, during Friday’s racing in
on to represent Britain in the European      unbelievably challenging conditions,
leg of the event in 2019. He also finished   displayed remarkable courage, bravery
as the top ranked helm on the 2K             and seamanship in extraordinary
European Team Racing circuit in 2018.        circumstances to do everything he could         the west coast of the USA with a team        in the dedicated reports on some of         committee, and a training programme            All that is left to say is please keep an
   Our Yacht of the Year award has           to help a fellow competitor in need.            managed by Mike Halstead, followed by        our team racing and Academy success         has been designed to allow the team fully    eye on the Sailing Newsletters and Racing
deservedly been given to PATA NEGRA,            We have also had much success at team        our own Cumberland Cup in May, and the       elsewhere in the Review.                    to prepare for the notoriously tough         Programme on the Club’s website and
a Marc Lombard 46ft design, owned            racing events on both sides on the Pond,        Wilson Trophy held in more local waters        Now with a look to 2019 and beyond,       competition brought by the Americans.        emails to keep up to date with all the
and skippered by Giles Redpath. This         at the Baldwin Cup in April held on             in the UK, attended by two of our            with an outlook of even more success to       Our Academy continues to be overseen       opportunities coming up in the year
crew achieved a remarkable trio of                                                           Academy teams led by Fiona Hampshire         come as we enter a year where we will       by Mike Halstead and many thanks to him      ahead. And as always, many thanks to
long-distance race results in the 2018                                                       and Josh Flack, who also led a team          once again host the British America’s Cup   for his continued support and dedication.    the sailing office, race committee and
season with a second in class at the                                                         to the Lee Trophy at Seawanhaka              on British soil and try to take back the    Tim Gratton and Rachel Tilley will lead      the endless list of members, umpires
RORC Caribbean 600, second in class              In fleet racing we                          Corinthian YC, in Long Island in October.    trophy from our American friends. Many      the Academy sailors this year and, as they   and race management teams who give
at the Atlantic Anniversary Bermuda                                                          We also continued to see the great           thanks must go to Mike Halstead who         take over from their predecessors, we look   up their time to
to Hamburg, and to top it all off a first          continued our                             success of our internal team racing          continues to manage the BA Cup. There       forward to watching the growth continue      enable us to put on an
overall in the Sevenstar Round Britain and       consistently good                           event, the Mum’s Bucket, which in 2018       has been a lot of groundwork laid already   as we put in place the building blocks to    extraordinary amount
Ireland Race. It is a long time since the                                                    was won by Henry Arnold, and his crew of     for what will I’m sure be an incredibly     support the next generation of racers.       of racing and produce
RTYC has had an owner who excels in long      results at the Bermuda                         Ed Bayliss and Nick Cooney. This year’s      successful campaign as it progresses          Our Master’s programme is going            the aforementioned
distance ocean racing, which is often        International Invitational                      Mum’s Bucket heats have already got          and culminates at the end of 2019. The      to be led by Jon Redding and there is        results for the Club.
called “endurance racing” for a very good                                                    underway and members are gearing up          trials for the team have been completed,    already an exciting schedule in the          Happy and successful
reason. An honourable mention also goes           Regatta in April                           for qualification in the final in March in   including many non-RTYC sailors, under      pipeline to include training as well         racing for 2019!
firstly to GLADIATOR, the older of Tony                                                      our J80s at QMSC. There is more detail       the watchful eye of the selection           as events at home and overseas.              Amelia Lowe

20   I   ROYAL THAMES REVIEW   I   2019                                                                                                                                                                                                         WWW.ROYALTHAMES.COM      I   21
CRUISING                                                                                                                                  Anne T. Converse
                                                                                                                                          MARINE • TRAVEL • EQUINE

                  Captain of Cruising
   t is far from unusual to be visiting a        Over the last few years we have tried      who opened their homes to support
   foreign port and to see a RTYC burgee      to develop a five-year programme to           our programme. Ted Fort OBE kindly
   flying from a masthead. Our members        allow members to plan their cruising to       welcomed the fleet to his beautiful estate
   cruise across the world. As I write this   position their boats to take advantage        – ‘Fiddlers’ – on the Beaulieu River for
report I know of three members crossing       of overseas rallies. This has worked well     lunch, a swim and tennis on the Saturday
the Atlantic and many more in Caribbean       in the Mediterranean where we have            of our Spring Excuse. And, during the
waters for the winter season. We have         concentrated our programme to allow           rally in Sardinia, Sir Irvine Laidlaw not
many members who rarely come to               many members with boats to join others        only offered crew opportunities on his
England and cruise extensively in             who charter. We have been successful          yacht HIGHLAND FLING, but also kindly
beautiful foreign seas, others remain         in bringing together many overseas            invited participants to his magnificent
closer by in UK waters.                       members with others whose main home           home close to the Costa Smeralda for
   Our cruising programme aims to offer       is in Britain. Last year in particular, our   a wonderful cocktail party.
opportunities for all members, whether        Sardinia rally attracted members from           It is only through the involvement of
boat owners or not, to cruise in the
company of other members. Through
                                              UK, Turkey, Italy, Germany, Canada and
                                              Hong Kong. Our late season ‘Excuse’
                                                                                            members who are keen to share their
                                                                                            experience and knowledge that we are
                                                                                                                                                 P.O. Box 209
it we aim to extend the warm friendly
ambience of our clubhouse and allow
                                              organised by Turkey-based member
                                              Kemal Sengul attracted ten boats to sail
                                                                                            able to provide a diverse and interesting
                                                                                            programme. I am grateful to the
                                                                                                                                            Marion, MA 02738 | USA
members to share some adventure,
lots of fun and occasionally a little
                                              in company from Port Iasos near Bodrum.
                                                 A notable feature of the year’s cruising
                                                                                            members of your cruising committee
                                                                                            who put so much thought and energy into              508 728 6210
competition too.                              has been the generosity of members            the organisation of events. They represent
22   I   ROYAL THAMES REVIEW   I   2019
CRUISING                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     CRUISING

                                                                                                3.      Drinks between WOTKNOT
                                                                                                                  and POLAR BEAR
                                                                                                                                   a cultural tour of these islands which           by dinner on the Platform at RYS. Young        cruisers and also those who wish to start
                                                                                                                                   hold some of Greece’s most historic              Members are planning J70 racing to             the season’s shooting.
                                                                                                                                   treasures. To visit these with such a            coincide with this and the Royal Yacht           I know that our committee is looking
                                                                                                                                   knowledgeable guide, who also knows              Squadron Summer Dance. The regatta             forward to the season and we very much
                                                                                                                                   the very best anchorages and hostelries,         will end with a pursuit race on Sunday,        hope that 2019 will be an enjoyable year
                                                                                                                                   will be a highlight of the season.               which will include cruisers and J70s.          for those who cruise under our burgee,
                                                                                                                                      I am delighted that Jamie Foot, an active       As we did four years ago following the       join others in our events or cruise
                                                                                                                                   young member, has joined the committee.          regatta we will organise a cruise in company   independently. We could do none of
                                                                                                                                   He is organising a number of boats to join       crossing the channel to northern France.       this without our Chief Sailing Officer
                                                                                                                                   the rally in Greece in June and hopefully will     The Solent events will include another       and his excellent team in the sailing
                                                                                                                                   be able to encourage a good representation       Motor Excuse and end with the Autumn           office whose support is first rate.
                                                                                                                                   in Ibiza which is our last rallying point.       Excuse which will as usual attract golfers,    Adrian Walsh
                                                                                                                                      From 21st September to 5th October
                                                                                                                                   we will be rallying in the Balearics.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          CSO at work during the
                                                                                                                                   A group of members, which includes                                                                                       Cumberland Regatta
                                                                                                                                   Andrew Collins who also knows these
                                                                                                                                   waters well, is working on a plan for a
                                                                                                                                   really enjoyable end of season cruise. Paul
                                                                                                                                   May, who recently joined the committee
                                                                                                                                   and is Palma based, is organising a social
                                                                                                                                   programme there with sailing to the
                                                                                                                                   beautiful Cabrera Archipelago Maritime-
                                                                                                                                   Terrestrial National Park to the south
                                                                                                                                   east of Mallorca. This will be followed by
                                                                                                                                   a cruise to Andratx where we plan to
                                                                                                                                   organise golfing for those interested.
                                                                                                                                      The Ibiza week is being arranged by
                                                                                                                                   Geoffrey and Lourdes Taunton-Collins
                                                                                                                                   to include island tours, sailing to
                                                                                                                                   Formentera and a tour of the city.
                                                                                                                                   The week is designed also to attract
a wonderful cross-section of the Club                                                with his boat based in Italy, has also        young members who wish to enjoy
membership and are vital in bringing                                                 recently joined our committee and brings      the night-life on the island.
together such an interesting and               Our Mediterranean                     with him his trans-Atlantic experience           Closer to home we are planning our
exciting programme.                                                                  and wide knowledge of the Mediterranean.      traditional Solent-based events but this
  Irene Ryan who is London-based has
                                              Rally in 2020 will be                  Also joining us recently is Tom Partridge     year with a difference. Our Spring
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Mermaid racing in prospect
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         for Spring Excuse 2019
recently stood down; she organised a         based in Italian waters                 fresh from a two-year circumnavigation.       Excuse, 10–12 May, will be based at
successful and ambitious rally in the                                                Tom is also a member of the Royal             Seaview and feature a full day racing
Ionian in 2017 and gave us a fantastic                                               Cruising Club and has arranged two            Mermaids with lunch and a dinner where
dinner last year. Tim Fooks, who                                                     talks in the early season to be given by      prizes will be awarded. We aim to be as
represents not just his small but active   before the dinner at the Royal Yacht      the authors of the RCC Foundation Pilots.     flexible as possible, mixing crews if
cruising group from Sussex but who         Squadron during the Cumberland Fleet         Our five-year programme is being           required, to allow older and younger to
often explores further European waters,    Regatta. For his hospitality John was     masterminded by Laura Scaramella, who         work together. Younger family members
instituted the Twining Shield              awarded the Bodrum Tile for the most      is based in Rome so it is not surprising      are encouraged to attend provided they
photographic competition which has         hospitable boat in our fleet.             that our Mediterranean Rally in 2020          sail with their parent or a guardian.
encouraged many members to share             Our remit includes supporting motor     will be based in Italian waters. We are       With many varied accommodation
their cruising experiences more widely.    cruisers so we were delighted that Nick   also planning to visit Canada.                options and moorings available we
My thanks also go to Tom Buss who          Agar, who provides the committee boat        The 2019 rallies are being organised       hope to attract a wider clientele than
organised the very well attended and       for many events, was able to arrange a    by experienced sailors who know their         our traditional cruising sailors.
exciting rally in Sardinia and Corsica.    Motor Excuse in the Solent. We are also   waters well. Jonathan Beard who keeps            The Cumberland Fleet Regatta is
  Based in the Solent but often seen in    grateful to Brian May who was the host    his boat in Bodrum, and was so helpful        planned for 6/7 July. Friday evening
Caribbean or Mediterranean waters is       for the visit to Berthon and his home     in last year’s Turkish Delight is             supper will be in Cowes. On Saturday
John Westlake, who kindly offered his      in Lymington.                             organising a most interesting cruise          we will lunch at anchor in Osborne Bay
yacht POLAR BEAR for the cocktail party      Winfried Lubos, who lives in Germany    in The Cyclades in June. This will be         between navigational exercises followed

24   I   ROYAL THAMES REVIEW   I   2019                                                                                                                                                                                                         WWW.ROYALTHAMES.COM         I   25

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RTYC takes
second at the
Lee Trophy

      ollowing on from success at the                          We were then treated to a delicious                  gold league heading into the final day.
      inaugural 2K Global Team Race at                       opening dinner with Bruce and Janetta                    Monday morning dawned grey and
      the New York Yacht Club, the Royal                     Lee, sponsors of the event with a soft                 drizzly, a pathetic fallacy perhaps
      Thames’ attempt to conquer the US                      spot for the Thames!                                   reflecting the mood of several of the  represents the largest photo and video collection of new and used boats for sale on the Internet. A member of the International
team racing scene continued at the 2018                        The first day of the regatta saw similar             assembled competitors after a very              Yacht Brokers Association. Power boats, sail boats, commercial and classic boats for sale across the country and around the globe. Boat listings
Lee Family Trophy, hosted as ever by the                     conditions, with racing getting underway               enjoyable regatta dinner the night before.         on are posted by Local Dealer and International yacht brokers, new boat dealers and private sellers. Once you’ve found the
                                                                                                                                                                               right boat, connect with the seller. If you need financing, we’ve got that too. Don’t forget to get the boat surveyed. You’ll also find
Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club, over                       early on Saturday morning. RTYC got                      Nevertheless, the wind was perfect for
                                                                                                                                                                                  Marine Surveyors on our site. Marine shipping and transport providers, boat repair and even dock building and repair,
the long weekend of the 6th-8th October.                     going quickly in their first race against              racing, and the Thames team jumped
                                                                                                                                                                                            all on From fishing charters to bikinis and from kayaks to waterfront property.
  A squad of 12 young RTYC sailors,                          Dartmouth Corinthian Yacht Club, taking                out of the blocks, winning three straight                                       Member of the International Marine Association /
 all current or recently-graduated                           a solid 2,3,4 onto the final beat before               races in the gold league with some
Academicians, escaped the rapidly chilling                   a big left hand shift saw this broken                  excellent team racing around the course.
                                                                                                                                                          is THE most diverse and comprehensive water-related site in the known universe.
British Isles and headed for (mostly!)                       down just shy of the finish line.                        This momentum was carried into the
sunny Long Island for three days of                            Nevertheless, the Thames team                        semi-final, against Yale Corinthian,
three-boat team racing, sailed in Sonar
keelboats, looking to defend the title won
                                                             acquitted themselves well, winning four
                                                             of seven races as we completed the first
                                                                                                                    which the Thames took 2-1 despite a
                                                                                                                    misfiring starting strategy in the second                                                Miilu-Boats Ltd.
by the Thames for the first time in 2017.
  With the event providing a first foray into
                                                             round robin, including a tightly fought
                                                             win over NYYC.
                                                                                                                    race. The reward was a place in the final
                                                                                                                    against Seawanhaka Corinthian, a re-run
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Between passion and obsession
three-sail team racing for some of the                         Sunday saw lighter winds, putting a                  of last year’s final.                                                Miilu-Boats Ltd. is a family owned company that specialises in custom build boats.
team, we were looking to make use of the                     premium on boatspeed and favouring those                 Despite two close races, the RTYC team                              These boats are made to fill your dreams and standards of boating and sailing.
training session, generously offered by our                  teams who could link together the breeze               was unable to replicate their form from
hosts at Seawanhaka, to practise our boat-                   (and avoid being caught out by those ‘gusts’           earlier in the day, slipping to a 2-0 defeat
handling and get to grips with handling the                  which were actually large shoals of fish!).            and returning the trophy to the host team.
kites on top of all the other team-racing                      The RTYC team sailed confidently,                      The team would like to thank
moves. Fortunately, most of our concerns                     taking five wins in the second round                   Seawanhaka Corinthian for hosting us all
were dispelled on a beautiful training day,                  robin, including a runaway victory against             weekend, as well as putting on a fantastic
sunny and with about eight knots blowing                     the home team and regatta leaders,                     regatta, and to Mike Halstead and Jenny
over the magnificent Oyster Bay.                             Seawanhaka, and qualifying for the                     Woods for their encouragement and
                                                                                                                    support from the committee boat.
                                                                                                                      We’ll be back next year to write another
                                                                                                                    chapter in the intense, though friendly,
                                                                                                                    rivalry between the two clubs!
                                                                                                                    Josh Flack

                                                                                                                      Results (top four)
                                                                                                                     Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club
                                                                                                                     Royal Thames Yacht Club                                   Custom build Columbia Dinghy “Lili”
                                                                                                                     Yale Corinthian Yacht Club
                                                                                                                                                                                          Miilu-Boats Ltd.,Finnish Woodenboat Center, Kotka, Finland
                    L to R: Arthur Henderson, Tim Gratton, Charlie Makepeace, Hugo Sloper, Duncan Yeabsley,          Noroton Yacht Club
              Becky Cross, Claire Lasko, Sophie Heritage, Lilly Carlisle, Fiona Hampshire, Josh Flack, Honor Fell                                                             Tel: +358 50 3223 950 • Email: • Web:

26   I   ROYAL THAMES REVIEW        I   2019
RACING                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             RACING

                                                                                                                                       and a fine showing from the eastern            Included in the programme was an          resulting in the Royal Thames, helmed
                                                                                                                                       seaboard of the USA in the form of New       intense social programme which included     by Andy Cornah and Josh Flack, being
                                                                                                                                       York Yacht Club, the Eastern Yacht Club      a trip to the Houses of Parliament with     declared the winners.
                                                                                                                                       of Boston and Yale Corinthian Yacht Club     a cocktail reception and a gala dinner.       At the gala dinner each team had to
                                                                                                                                       from Branford Connecticut. The seventh         After the end of the third round robin    put on some entertainment most of which
                                                                                                                                       entrant was the Royal Thames.                RTYC had won 16 of the 18 races and         focussed on the unfortunate collision
                                                                                                                                         There followed three days of very          New York and Yale Yacht club were tied on   between Southern and Eastern which
                                                                                                                                       intense racing as each team sailed a total   13 races each. This normally would have     badly damaged two of our J80s and the
                                                                                                                                       of 18 races (three round robins) umpired     resulted in a final between RTYC and New    collision between one J80 and Mike
                                                                                                                                       by a team of international umpires           York and a petit final between Southern     Halstead’s personal RIB that was being
                                                                                                                                       led by Steven Wolf of New York and           and Yale but the wind decided not to        used for crew changes.
                                                                                                                                       including our vice commodore, George         play ball on the last day and died away       The competitors were full of praise
                                                                                                                                       Ehlers, Bernard Kinchin and Bruce                                                        for the way the event managed to keep
                                                                                                                                       Hebbert. The race team was ably led                                                      going and how the damage was repaired
                                                                                                                                       by Jo Sammons.                                                                           sufficiently to keep the regatta on track
                                                                                                                                         The breeze was almost perfect for the                                                  in spite of all.
                                                                                                                                       event with light airs at the start of the       Mid way through the                        Royal Perth were the worthy winners of
                                                                                                                                       event and stronger breezes on the third        event we were visited                     the entertainment and proceeded to buy
                                                                                                                                       day. Mid way through the event we were                                                   all the competitors a glass of champagne
                                                                                                                                       visited by our Commodore, HRH the               by our Commodore,                        in the bar afterwards, which meant the
                                                                                                                                       Duke of York, who met many of the              HRH the Duke of York                      entertainment and convivial camaraderie
                                                                                                                                       teams and impressed the American                                                         carried on well into the night.
                                                                                                                                       teams with his relaxed manner.                                                           Chief Sailing Officer

                The Cumberland Cup
       wenty years ago two-boat team           That, too, became very popular.           And so the following year the event was
       racing, with its intensity of action,     By 2006 we began to think               established as The Cumberland Cup.
       was popular in dinghies but almost      internationally – and in 2007 ran an      It was, rather grandly, billed as ‘the
       unheard of in keelboats. Our Club,      inaugural ‘Invitation International       only international sailing championship
essentially a keelboat club but keen on        Keelboat Team Racing Challenge’ using     staged in the capital’. Sailing in London’s
team racing, set out to change that. We        the same boats and venue and supported    docks was an new experience for the
began with an exhibition tournament in         by Berkeley Marine and Novotel, whose     international team racers who came –
the RYA’s matched fleet of Beneteau First      excellent facilities were used as the     but the spectators had a great view.
Class Eights, transporting them to the         sailing base for the crews and the race      By 2010 increasing development around
Royal Victoria Docks in front of the           office. Seven teams attended, from        the Docks rendered the venue less and
London International Boat Show’s new           Europe, Australia, the US and Canada.     less suitable for even a short-course
venue at ExCel. It proved a popular event                                                team racing challenge, we had recently
with sailors and with spectators – and                                                   acquired our fleet of J80s and so the
within a couple of years had, with the                                                   event was moved to Queen Mary lake,
RYA’s blessing, become the ‘National                                                     hard by Heathrow airport, home of
Championship of two-boat team racing                                                     Queen Mary Sailing Club and our base
keelboats’, for the Royal Thames Carmela        It was, rather grandly,                  for the J80 fleet.
Cup. It thrives still. By 2006 the RYA             billed as ‘the only                      A total of seven teams gathered at
boats had been bought by Berkeley                                                        Queen Mary on Wednesday 9th May 2018
Marine, were permanently stationed at
                                                 international sailing                   for the first day of the biennial team
RVD and, sponsored by the eponymous              championship staged                     racing Cumberland Cup. The teams
car maker, RTYC used them to run, on                                                     represented the Royal Perth, of Australia,
week-day evening during the summer
                                                     in the capital’                     the Southern Yacht Club from New
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Opposite: RTYC Triumphant! Left to right: Josh
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Flack, Andy Cornah, Gregor Logan, Katie
months, the BMW City Challenge.                                                          Orleans, Gamla Stans from Stockholm                                                                                                              Greenland, Simon Talbot and Matt Pinner

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