Vice President Joe Biden: Keeping the "Reset" Momentum - An Insider Perspective on International Business in Russia

Page created by Joshua Parsons
Vice President Joe Biden: Keeping the "Reset" Momentum - An Insider Perspective on International Business in Russia
Th Sp
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 Volume 17, Number 92                                             tio ain
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 An Insider Perspective on International Business in Russia

   Vice President Joe Biden:
Keeping the “Reset” Momentum
Vice President Joe Biden: Keeping the "Reset" Momentum - An Insider Perspective on International Business in Russia
Vice President Joe Biden: Keeping the "Reset" Momentum - An Insider Perspective on International Business in Russia
Vice President Joe Biden: Keeping the "Reset" Momentum - An Insider Perspective on International Business in Russia
Vice President Joe Biden: Keeping the "Reset" Momentum - An Insider Perspective on International Business in Russia
AMCHAM NEWS ISSUE 92                                                                      3

in Russian Accession to WTO                              5

AmCham Policy Event Highlights: Winter 2010-2011         8

AmCham 11th Annual Investment Conference                 12                          05

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden: “Building on the Reset”   14

Country Assessment: Russia                               19

Overall Assessment of the Russian Economy                22

Investment in Key Industries:
The Russian Government’s Priorities                      26

FAQ: A Guide for the Registration of Foreign Citizens    30   Special Report:
U.S. Ambassador to Russia John Beyrle
Speaks Out Against Corruption                            33    The Fight
An Interview with Elena Panfilova,
Director of Transparency International Russia            35
Building Islands of Integrity:                                Corruption        32   57

Companies’ Individual and Collective Approaches
to Minimizing the Risk of Corruption                     38

A Note of Caution: Compliance with the U.S.
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Does Not Equal
U.K. Bribery Act Compliance                              40

Ethical Business Culture Gets Codified                   42

Moscow Moving Forward: Challenges
and Opportunities                                        44

Costs Incurred in Development of Investment
Property: Advantages and Difficulties
in Application of the Fair Value Model                   45

Pre-Due Diligence Pointers for Real Estate Investors:                                14
Navigating Through the Russian Public Records            48

Overview: The Hospitality Market 2011, 1st Quarter       52

Letter from the Tatarstan President,
Rustam Minnikhanov: The 2013 World Summer
Universiade in Kazan                                     56

General Information About the Republic of Tatarstan      57

AmCham Annual Holiday Party 2010                         60

AmCham Business Before and After Hours                   61

Committee Briefs                                         63

Off-the-Wire                                             65

Welcome Aboard                                           67                          62
Vice President Joe Biden: Keeping the "Reset" Momentum - An Insider Perspective on International Business in Russia
Vice President Joe Biden: Keeping the "Reset" Momentum - An Insider Perspective on International Business in Russia
AMCHAM NEWS ISSUE 92                                                                                                                PRESIDENT’S LETTER       5

AmCham’s Role
in Russian Accession to WTO
By Andrew B. Somers, President and CEO, the American Chamber of Commerce in Russia

          USSIA’S ACCESSION             accession, as reflected in his De-
          to the World Trade            cember 9, 2010, comments to the
          Organization (WTO) has        President’s Export Council, which
been a key objective for the Ameri-     consists of business, labor, Congres-
can Chamber of Commerce in              sional and Administrative leaders:
Russia during the last several years,   “I believe that Russia belongs in the
and 2011 has witnessed unprec-          WTO and that we should support all
edented determination on the parts      efforts to make that happen.”
of policymakers in Washington and
Moscow to make this happen in           The U.S. Congress, however, has a
the coming months. To ensure con-       significant indirect role in Russia’s
tinued momentum – and finally,          accession to WTO. Under WTO
closure – AmCham has initiated          rules, every WTO member must
monthly visits to Washington to         grant all other WTO members
speak with Congressmen and lead-        Permanent Normal Trade Rela-
ing decision-makers to help move        tions (PNTR). Currently the U.S.
the process along.                      grants Russia temporary Normal
                                        Trade Relations on an annual
                                        basis, due to a 1976 amendment          Despite the strong business case        Russia is outstanding, and second,
What Stands in the Way                  to the Defense Act, known as the        for granting Russia PNTR and the        that American investment in the
of PNTR and WTO                         Jackson-Vanik Amendment. This           fact that Russia’s free emigration      Russian market supports U.S. jobs
Accession                               law – originally enacted to support     policy complies with the original       and U.S. exports and is crucial to
The benefits of WTO accession           emigration from the Soviet Union        objectives of Jackson-Vanik, we         maintaining the competitiveness of
for our membership, and for U.S.        for prisoners of conscience and         expect a significant upcoming           the U.S. economy.
companies generally, will include       victims of religious persecution –      debate in Congress. This will
a reduction in, or the phasing out      requires the President to certify       arise from negative perceptions         Our initial delegation comprised
of, those Russian import tariffs        to Congress every year that Russia      of Russia’s foreign policy and          the heads of Russian operations
or quotas that currently exceed         permits free emigration of its citi-    internal political structure, as        for John Deere, Chevron, Amsted
WTO standards and a ceiling on          zens. Accordingly, Congress then        well as a lack of knowledge about       Rail, and Deloitte. During our
tariff rates that currently meet        grants Russia another year of Nor-      the magnitude of success by, and        visit, we met with the following
WTO requirements. The effect            mal Trade Relations. If Jackson-        opportunities for, American busi-       Congressmen:
should be improved access and           Vanik remains applicable to Russia      nesses in Russia.
competitiveness for many of our         after Russia accedes to WTO,                                                    • Kevin Brady, Chair of the Trade
companies’ products on the Rus-         the U.S. would be in violation of                                                 Subcommittee of the House
sian market. Russia’s accession to      WTO rules, and as a consequence,        AmCham Strategy:                          Ways and Means Committee,
WTO will also bring the only major      U.S. companies would be denied          Monthly Visits                            the key House unit for PNTR
economy not yet in the WTO into         the full enjoyment of Russia’s          to Washington
this rules-based international trade    improved market access and tariff       AmCham recently initiated the im-       • Dan Burton, Chair of the
organization, which should also         reductions. Our companies would         plementation of its strategy to per-      Europe Subcommittee of the
have a positive impact on foreign       be at a competitive disadvantage        suade the U.S. Congress to grant to       House International Relations
perception of Russia as an invest-      with respect to the products of         Russia PNTR status. Our strategy          Committee
ment market.                            other WTO members. For this             involves organizing monthly visits
                                        reason, the Administration and the      to Washington of small delegations      • Congressmen Denis Kucinich
Under U.S. law, the President has       great majority of American busi-        of member company CEOs of Rus-            and Dana Rohrabacher, both
the exclusive authority to ap-          nesses operating in Russia support      sian operations to deliver a two-fold     members of the Congres-
prove Russia’s accession to WTO.        the withdrawal of Jackson-Vanik’s       message. The first is that the per-       sional “Russia Caucus” led by
President Obama supports Russia’s       applicability to Russia.                formance of American business in          Mr. Kucinich
Vice President Joe Biden: Keeping the "Reset" Momentum - An Insider Perspective on International Business in Russia
6                                                                                                                                                                 AMCHAM NEWS ISSUE 92

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    • Senator John Thune, member                    As we expect Congress to vote on                our message will also specifically               • Giving us the contacts of U.S.
      of the Senate Finance Commit-                 PNTR in the fall, it would be very              be honed to a particular concern                   Congressmen in districts posi-
      tee, the key Senate PNTR unit                 timely and supportive if the heads of           of a Congressman’s respective                      tively affected by your company’s
                                                    Russian operations of American com-             committee and/or district.                         Russian operations*
    • Senator James Risch, member                   panies would write to those members
      of the Committee on Energy and                of Congress in the Senate and the               Similar visits will take place in                This information will be of great
      Natural Resources, the Select                 House of Representatives who repre-             June, July, September, and Octo-                 value to us as we meet with Con-
      Committee on Intelligence, the                sent the state and towns where your             ber. I encourage our members to                  gressmen and as we print handout
      Committee on Small Business                   company has substantial production              take an active part in our effort by:            literature for each trip.
      and Entrepreneurship, the Com-                facilities or a large labor force, urging
      mittee on Foreign Relations, and              that Congress vote PNTR for Russia.             • Supplying specific statistics                  AmCham will continue to keep you
      the Select Committee on Ethics                                                                  regarding the amount of jobs                   updated on WTO and PNTR progress
                                                    Our next visit is scheduled for                   created or sustained in the U.S.               as it unfolds. Political currents can
    We also met with Michael McFaul,                early May, and our delegation will                by your company’s Russian                      change quickly, as we know, but the
    President Barack Obama’s top                    comprise the Russian operations’                  operations                                     speed with which progress is now being
    advisor on Russia, who strongly                 CEOs of Procter & Gamble, Dow,                                                                   made is encouraging. In the mean-
    endorses our strategy, and Mimi                 Abbot Laboratories, and Estee                   • Supplying information about                    time, I will also keep you updated
    Alemayehou, Executive Vice                      Lauder. We will meet with addi-                   how your company’s opera-                      through regular briefings and reports
    President of the Overseas Private               tional Congressional leaders to de-               tions in Russia help it to remain              following our visits to Washington, as
    Investment Corporation (OPIC).                  liver our message. And as always,                 globally competitive                           well as letters to our membership. ■

        Please send this information to Guy Archer at
Vice President Joe Biden: Keeping the "Reset" Momentum - An Insider Perspective on International Business in Russia
AMCHAM NEWS ISSUE 92                                                                                                                                     7

                                         President and CEO Andrew B. Somers

                                          AMCHAM BOARD OF DIRECTORS
                                         Chairman Ronald Pollett, GE

                                         Lena Alexandrova, United Technologies                    Patricia Lopez de Perez-Ayala, Procter & Gamble
                                         James Bovenzi, General Motors CIS                        Richard Munn, PricewaterhouseCoopers
                                         Alex Chmelev, Baker & McKenzie                           Peter B. Necarsulmer, PBN Company
                                         Darrell Cordry, Chevron                                  David J. Pearson, Deloitte
                                         Robert Courtney, US Dental Care                          Nikolay Pryanishnikov, Microsoft Rus LLC
                                         Jean-Luc Duramy, DuPont Science and Technologies         Sergei Riabokobylko, C&W Stiles & Riabokobylko
                                         Alex Geller, A.M.G. Group                                Richard Sobel, Alfa Capital Partners
                                         Jonathan Hines, Dewey & LeBoeuf LLP                      Yermolai Solzhenitsyn, McKinsey & Company
                                         Christian Holmer, Pfizer International LLC               Leonid Tarasov, Delta Airlines
                                         Alexander Ivlev, Ernst & Young                           Zdenek Turek, Citi Russia
                                         Jonathan Knaus, Western Union
                                         Dmitri Konash, Intel Technologies Inc                    John McCaslin, U.S. Commercial Service,
                                         Sergey Kravchenko, Boeing                                U.S. Embassy (ex officio)
                                         David C. Larson, John Deere                              Matthias Mitman, Economic Affairs Section
                                         Ron Lewin, TerraLink Technologies                        (ex officio)

Ruslan Belyaev, Citigroup; Maxim Kalinin, Baker & McKenzie; Natalia Sherbakova, PricewaterhouseCoopers; Heinrich Fiedler, Johnson Controls;
Igor Kaloshin, Intel; Andrey Korzhakov, Foxconn; Vyacheslav Nesterov, EMC; Julia Nikitina, Boyden; Steven Wayne, Jensen Group; Sheila Gwaltney,
U.S. Consul General in St. Petersburg (ex officio and Honorary Chair); Maria Chernobrovkina, Executive Director, AmCham St. Petersburg (ex officio);
Kenneth Duckworth, U.S. Principal Commercial Officer (ex officio)

Tatiana Raguzina, Executive Vice President; Guy Archer, Communications Director, Editor-in-chief; Olga Avraamova, Coordinator/Migration Issues;
David Birney, Director, Committee Affairs, IT Communications & Marketing; Elena Boldina, Accountant; Julia Butorina, Office Secretary; Irina Doronina,
Director of Operations; Anastasia Dourygina, Chief Accountant, Non-Commercial Entity; Ksenia Forsheneva, Membership Development Manager;
Timur Gafurov, Director, Government Relations; Ekaterina Gerasimova, Senior Director, Finance; Svetlana Kubrakova, Administrative Assistant to the
President & CEO; Milena Kuzmina, Event Manager; Kristina Romanovskaya, Executive Assistant to the President & CEO; Maria Sirotina, Office Secretary;
Tatiana Svistunova, CRM Manager, Acting Office Manager; Evgenia Voit, Chief Accountant, Commercial Entity

Maria Chernobrovkina, Executive Director; Alla Doroshenko, Administrative Assistant; Irina Makarenkova, Events & Operations Manager;
Elena Mishkiniuk, Marketing & Membership Communications Manager

Ambassador Gilbert Robinson, U.S. Communications Advisor

                                         Published by AmCham Information Services, Inc.           Printed by Presse-Papiers
                                         AmCham News is registered with RosKomPechat,             Design by Lyudmila Turovtseva
                                         Certificate No. 018210 of October 21, 1998               Editor-in-Chief: Guy Archer
                                         Circulation: 7,000, distributed free of charge           Assistant: Elizabeth Bagot
                                         Volume 17, Number 92, 2011                               Photos: Alexander Antonov, David Birney,
                                                                                                  Aleksei Bessaly, Anton Butsenko, Kirill Skrebnev,
Address: Dolgorukovskaya Ul. 7, 14th Floor, Moscow 127006, Russia                                 Alexander Zabrin
Tel: +7 (495) 961-2141; Fax: +7 (495) 961-2142
Website:                                                                            Artwork kindly provided by NB Gallery,
                                                                                                  6/2 Sivtsev Vrazhek, Entrance 1, Suite 2
                                                                                                  tel: +7 495 697-4006, 737-5298
The opinions expressed by the authors do not necessarily                                          e-mail:
reflect the views of the Chamber.                                                       

The American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham) is the largest foreign business organization operating in Russia. Founded in 1994, AmCham advocates
the trade and investment interests of more than 800 members, which include major U.S. Corporations, as well as large European and Russian compa-
nies. The Chamber advances commercial relations between the Russian Federation and the international community by promoting an investment-friend-
ly environment. In so doing, the Chamber maintains a constant dialogue with the Russian government to protect and promote the economic interests of
member companies.
                           AmCham welcomes membership applications from American, Russian, and international firms.
                      To find out how to join, please contact Ksenia Forsheneva at +7 (495) 961-2141, or
Vice President Joe Biden: Keeping the "Reset" Momentum - An Insider Perspective on International Business in Russia
8   POLICY EVENTS                                                                                                                     AMCHAM NEWS ISSUE 92

    AmCham Policy Event Highlights:
    Winter 2010-2011
    AmCham at State Duma                     students, all participants in the       Financial Center Strategy             held a meeting with Baltic Customs
    Roundtable on Customs                    U.S. Library of Congress’s Open         Conference                            head, Maj. Gen. Alexander N.
    Union                                    World program, about the Russian        On December 2, AmCham took            Chebayev, and AmCham members.
    On November 11, AmCham par-              business climate, as well as growing    part in a conference on strategies
    ticipated in a roundtable discussion     areas for developing U.S.-Russian       for turning Moscow into an inter-     Meeting with Economic
    between businesses and Russian           cooperation.                            national financial center.            Development Ministry
    government representatives on the                                                                                      On the week of November 28,
    latest developments regarding the        Contract Labor Meeting                                                        AmCham met with the RF Deputy
    Customs Union. The event was or-         with Duma Chairman                                                            Minister of Economic Develop-
    ganized by the State Duma’s Com-         and Roundtable                                                                ment regarding localization and
    mittee on Budget and Taxation.           On November 29, AmCham met                                                    its possible negative impact on
                                             with RF State Duma Chairman of                                                electronics-industry AmCham
    AmCham Trade Mission                     the Labor Committee on contract                                               members.
    to Ryazan                                labor and staffing issues. AmCham
    On November 11, AmCham hosted            will review current draft legislation                                         AmCham in the U.S.
    a trade mission to Ryazan, which         regarding these issues to make rec-                                           On the week of December 5,
    included a roundtable meeting with       ommendations. On December 2,                                                  Andrew Somers was in the United
    Oleg Kovalyov, Governor of Ryazan        AmCham held a policy roundtable                                               States for a series of meetings with
    Oblast, and key government of-           on contract labor, discussing the                                             U.S. business leaders and State
    ficials; a roundtable meeting with       preceding meeting with the State                                              Department, National Security
    the Ryazan Chamber of Commerce           Duma Chairman, strategizing for                                               Council, and other government of-
    and industry representatives from        the near-term, and outlining the                                              ficials to discuss Russia’s accession
    the local business community; and        recommendations that the Cham-                                                to the World Trade Organization
    a visit to the Guardian Steklo plant.    ber will make concerning the draft                                            and PNTR issues.
                                             legislation.                            AmCham Regional
    General Managers                                                                 Briefing with Tatarstan
    Breakfast                                High-level Skolkovo                     President
    On November 12, AmCham hosted            Briefing                                On December 3, Andrew Somers
    an AmCham General Managers               On November 30, AmCham held             chaired an AmCham regional brief-
    Breakfast Roundtable.                    a high-level speaker briefing with      ing with a delegation of govern-
                                             RF State Duma Deputy, Ilya              ment officials from the Republic
    Energy Efficiency                        Ponomarev, who leads the State          of Tatarstan, headed by Tatarstan’s
    Meeting                                  Duma High-Tech Development              President, Rustam Minnikhanov.
    On November 16, Andrew Somers,           Subcommittee and serves as advisor      The briefing included a presenta-
    together with a representative of the    to the President of the Skolkovo        tion on Universiade Kazan 2013
    Russian Ministry of Energy and the       Foundation.                             and presentations by the heads
    U.S. Ambassador to Russia, John                                                  of international and Russian
    Beyrle, gave the opening comments        Joint-venture Signing                   companies operating in the region,
    at a Moscow conference on financ-        in Siberia                              including Tatneftekhiminvest-hold-
    ing energy-efficiency projects for the   On December 1, Andrew Somers            ing, Honeywell, Mercedes-Benz
    Energy-Efficiency Subgroup of the        was in Kagalym, Siberia, to par-        Trucks Vostok, Wienerberger Inves-
    U.S.-Russia Energy Working Group.        ticipate in a joint-venture signing     titions- und Projektmanagement,
                                             between Nalco and LUKOIL to             and PricewaterhouseCoopers.           EBRD Presents Transition
    Visiting Delegation of                   upgrade energy efficiency in that                                             Report
    U.S. Students                            area. The event was also attended       AmCham Meets with                     On December 7, Erik Berglöf,
    On November 17, Andrew Somers            by LUKOIL President, Vagit              Baltic Customs Head                   Chief Economist with the Europe-
    spoke with a visiting delegation         Alekperov, and Nalco Chairman,          On December 3, the AmCham             an Bank for Reconstruction & De-
    of U.S. college and university           President, and CEO, Erik Fyrwald.       Regional Office in St. Petersburg     velopment (EBRD), presented the
                                   Accounting & Audit


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10   POLICY EVENTS                                                                                                                     AMCHAM NEWS ISSUE 92

     Boris Domashnikov
     “Moscow. In the Construction Yard,” 1959

                                                                                                                            Early-Bird Networking
                                                                                                                            On February 2, as part of its Early-
                                                                                                                            Bird Networking series, AmCham
                                                                                                                            hosted an informal discussion with
                                                                                                                            Andrew Somers, which focused on
                                                                                                                            his recent meetings with Russian,
                                                                                                                            U.S. and international policy-
                                                                                                                            makers and business leaders during
                                                                                                                            the World Economic Forum in
                                                                                                                            Davos, Switzerland, as well as key
                                                                                                                            AmCham-member business issues.

                                                                                                                            Roundtable on Reform
                                                                                                                            of Russian Public
                                                                                                                            Procurement System
                                                                                                                            Andrew Somers co-moderated a
                                                                                                                            roundtable discussion on February
                                                                                                                            3 entitled, “Reform of the Russian
                                                                                                                            Public Procurement System: The
                                                                                                                            Transition to Electronic Auctions
                                                                                                                            and the Participation of Foreign
                                                                                                                            Suppliers in Electronic Auctions,”
                                                                                                                            in which guests discussed how elec-
                                                                                                                            tronic auctions can be effective in
                                                                                                                            preventing corruption. Participants
                                                                                                                            included representatives of the RF
     EBRD’s 2010 Transition Report to           AmCham’s customs-court and           Review 2010-2011,” to discuss          Federal Antimonopoly Service
     AmCham members and discussed               small-business initiatives.          major changes to the legislation and   (FAS) (including Andrey Tsariko-
     the EBRD’s recommendations for                                                  legal practices in Russia in 2010,     vsky, Secretary of State and Deputy
     Russia to achieve stronger, more           Healthy Lifestyle Initiative         and trends for 2011.                   Head, FAS), the RF Ministry of
     sustainable growth. Please see an          On December 15, AmCham held                                                 Economic Development, the As-
     excerpt of the report in this issue of     a policy brainstorming session re-   AmCham Strategy Memo                   sociation of Electronic Auction
     AmCham News.                               garding healthcare. Under the um-    On January 28, AmCham issued a         Providers, and electronic auction
                                                brella of the AmCham Healthcare      memo to its membership outlin-         providers.
     St. Petersburg                             Committee advocacy of developing     ing its initial strategy for 2011
     Tax Seminar                                a patient-centric culture in Rus-    to support Russian accession to        AmCham Meetings
     On December 9, the AmCham St.              sia, the session explored possible   WTO, PNTR, and the abrogation          with FMS
     Petersburg Regional office held its        AmCham initiatives to support the    of Jackson-Vanik’s applicability to    After a meeting with the Head
     Annual Tax Seminar, with a key-            development of a healthy-lifestyle   Russia.                                of the Federal Migration Service
     note address by Eduard Batanov,            culture in Russia to decrease mor-                                          (FMS) on February 4, the FMS
     St. Petersburg Finance Committee           bidity and mortality rates.          AmCham at Davos                        agreed to resume arrangements
     Chair.                                                                          On the week of January 23,             with AmCham for members to
                                                National Payment System              AmCham participated in a CEO           submit their work permit applica-
     AmCham                                     Working Group Meets                  roundtable at the World Economic       tions to AmCham for expedited
     in Washington, D.C.                        On January 17, AmCham convened       Forum in Davos, Switzerland, with      delivery and processing by FMS for
     On the week of December 12,                another meeting of its working       RF First Deputy Prime Minister         highly-qualified specialists residing
     AmCham’s Senior Vice President             group to review a draft law on a     Igor Shuvalov and organized by         anywhere in Russia. AmCham will
     for Policy, Government Rela-               national payment system and to       the Foreign Investment Advi-           forward documents for highly-
     tions, and Membership, Tatiana             prepare recommendations to the       sory Council (FIAC). AmCham            qualified specialists to the FMS on
     Raguzina, was in Washington, D.C.          Duma regarding the legislation.      also took part in additional side      Tuesdays. The FMS also agreed
     to participate in a meeting of the                                              meetings with CEOs and Russian         to review the possibility of issuing
     PNTR Coalition at the office of            Legal Practice Review                and U.S. government officials on       guidelines permitting expats to
     the U.S.-Russia Business Council,          in St. Petersburg                    a range of issues. On Wednesday,       continue registration through their
     where chief U.S. negotiator Chris-         On January 25, the AmCham            February 2, AmCham’s President         companies as an option to the
     topher Wilson addressed the Coali-         Regional Office in St. Petersburg    and CEO, Andrew Somers, dis-           new legal requirement – effective
     tion. During the week, she also met        held its annual seminar, entitled    cussed the meetings and roundtable     February 15 – that expats register
     with government officials regarding        “Legislation and Legal Practice      in Davos with AmCham members.          through their landlords.
AMCHAM NEWS ISSUE 92                                                                                                                              POLICY EVENTS           11
                                                                                                                                                          Vasiliy Orlov
                                                                                                                                    “Evening on the Volga-river,” 1960s

                                        impact on expats, which was under-         concern of AmCham financial com-          February 13 to discuss possible areas
                                        stood and accepted by the FMS.             panies about the Duma draft bill          for cooperation between the U.S.
                                                                                   restricting the cross-border flow of      and Russia, as well as commercial
                                        On February 17, the Ministry of            financial data, a meeting took place      opportunities for U.S. companies in
                                        Economic Development called for a          on February 22 in the presidential        the Russian market and current energy
                                        meeting with AmCham, the Federal           administration with AmCham,               efficiency practices employed by U.S.
                                        Migration Service (FMS), the Chair of      the Russian Bank Association, the         companies operating in Russia.
Duma Financial Market                   the State Duma Committee on Con-           Duma Committee Chair on the Fi-
Committee Chairman                      stitutional Legislation, and other busi-   nancial Market, and representatives
Addresses AmCham                        ness associations in order to discuss      of the telecom sector, which has also
On February 9, Vladislav Reznik,        the negative impact of new migration-      expressed concern. The meeting was
Chairman of the State Duma Fi-          registration procedures, in effect as      chaired by the RF President’s aide,
nancial Market Committee, briefed       of February 15, 2011. Following this       Arkady Dvorkovich.
AmCham members on the national          meeting, a draft law allowing foreign-
payment system and State Duma           ers to be registered by their employers    AmCham is continuing to work with
Financial Market Committee plans        was submitted to the State Duma.           American Express, MasterCard, Visa,
for 2011.                                                                          and Western Union to draw up rec-
                                        On March 11, the State Duma                ommendations for a more open and
AmCham Successfully Works with          passed an amendment easing expat           competitive market than is reflected in
FMS and Other Government Offi-          registration rules and returning the       current draft national payment system
cials to Resolve Migration Registra-    responsibility for the registration of     legislation. AmCham will meet again
tion Issue                              foreigners back to their employers         with Mr. Dvorkovich in this regard.
                                        as an option. Earlier in the week,
On February 11, the Federal Migra-      AmCham met with Vladimir Pligin,
tion Service (FMS) confirmed the        Chair of the Duma Committee on                                                       Leningrad Oblast
continuation of expat registration      Constitutional Development, to                                                       Vice-Governor Speaks
through an employer company.            support the new draft legislation,                                                   to AmCham
Originally, there had been concern      and to discuss a new State Duma                                                      On February 18, Grigory Dvas, Len-
that on February 15, a federal-mi-      amendment that will increase ad-                                                     ingrad Oblast’s Vice-Governor, spoke
gration procedure would take effect,    ministrative penalties for violations                                                to AmCham members in St. Peters-
restricting foreigners to register      of technical regulations.                                                            burg, discussing the region’s economic
through their landlords, or person-                                                                                          development results and perspectives,
ally if they are property owners.       Emergency Meeting of                                                                 and answering audience questions.
                                        National-Payment System
This concern has now been alleviated,   Working Group                                                                        Technical Fair, Industrial
following an agreement reached dur-     AmCham’s national-payment system                                                     Congress & Partneriat
ing a meeting the week of February      working group met on an emergency                                                    The annual St. Petersburg Technical
6 between AmCham President and          basis on February 11 to develop a                                                    Fair, Industrial Congress & Partneriat
CEO, Andrew Somers, and Head of         strategy to eliminate certain restric-                                               was held March 15-17. The AmCham
the FMS, Konstantin Romodanovsky.       tions on cross-border data transfers                                                 Regional St. Petersburg Office
At this meeting, AmCham secured         that would negatively impact member        AmCham Energy Efficien-                   supported the event and co-organized
confirmation of the current practice    banks and banking associations. This       cy Working Group Meets                    a number of meetings for the event.
whereby expat employees register        provision was inserted into the Duma       with U.S. Government                      The event featured a number of
through their company, as an option     draft bill without notice.                 Official                                  prominent business people and
to the new requirement.                                                            The AmCham Energy Efficiency              government leaders, who discussed
                                        In response to a letter from the           working group met with Deputy             modernization and investment in
During this constructive meeting,       AmCham President to the RF Presi-          Assistant Secretary of Commerce           Russia’s regions, especially with
AmCham explained the negative           dent’s Chief-of-Staff expressing the       for Europe Juan Verde the week of         regards to manufacturing. ■
12   POLICY EVENTS                                                                                                                           AMCHAM NEWS ISSUE 92

              he American Chamber of Commerce in Russia held its 11th Annual     Corporate leaders then participated in two panel sessions focusing on
              Investment Conference on March 10 at Lomonosov Moscow State        Russia as an international financial center and strategies to raise Russia’s
              University. During the opening session, AmCham President &         competitive capacity. The conference concluded with a keynote address
     CEO Andrew Somers discussed the successes and challenges of the Russian     by U.S. Vice President Joe Biden entitled “Building on the Reset”
     market; Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Economic Policy Andrey Sharonov          (the full text can be found on page 27). His speech to AmCham was
     outlined strategies for Moscow development in 2011 and beyond; and Presi-   heralded as the “signature event of his five-day trip abroad,” during which
     dent of the Russian-American Business Council David Iakobachvili spoke      he visited Finland, Russia, and Moldova. ■
     on Russian-American Strategic Economic Partnerships.

      Opening Session Speakers:

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AMCHAM NEWS ISSUE 92                                                                                                                                                            POLICY EVENTS        13

 Panel Discussion: Russia as an International Financial Center

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 Panel Discussion: Raising Russia’s Competitive Capacity

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                                                                                                                                       THANK YOU SPONSORS:

                                                                                                                                                          Major Sponsors:
                                                                                                                                                           Ernst & Young
                                                                                                                                                           Goltsblat BLP
                                                                                                                                                           Telenor Group

                                                                                                                                                        General Sponsors:
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14   AMCHAM GUEST SPEAKER BRIEFING                                                                                                       AMCHAM NEWS ISSUE 92


     U.S. Vice President Joe Biden:
     “Building on the Reset”
               N MARCH 10, 2011,          rule: You don’t have to wait any          And, Rector, again, thank you for        tions, and Zhukov’s and Gagarin’s
               U.S. Vice President Joe    longer than twenty minutes for a full     hosting us here at Moscow State          heroic feats. It is a rich and a noble
               Biden gave the following   professor. And for someone who is         University, which has given Russia       culture, and I’m delighted she has
     speech as keynote speaker at the     not a full professor, you need only       and the world so many and such an        had a chance to get just a little
     American Chamber of Commerce in      wait ten minutes. I’m honored you         extraordinary array of graduates,        glimpse of it.
     Russia’s Annual Investment Confer-   waited at all. I do apologize to the      among them – if I’m not mistak-
     ence at Moscow State University.     business community, as well as the        en – eight Nobel Laureates, includ-      Let me also thank our Ambassador
                                          students, for keeping you waiting.        ing former President Gorbachev,          John Beyrle and his team for hosting
     Thank you, Andy [Somers, Am-                                                   who I have known for some time.          me. As you businesspeople know,
     Cham’s President and CEO]. Rec-      I want to publicly as well thank Presi-                                            there’s an old expression if you’re
     tor [Victor Antonovich Sadovnichy,   dent Medvedev and Prime Minister          In addition to my wife, Jill, I          in the military, but also if you’re in
     Moscow State University], thank      Putin for their hospitality. We had       brought along my number two              the diplomatic corps. “The good
     you. It’s an honor to be here at     very good meetings, very long meet-       granddaughter. Her name is               news is the commanding general is
     Moscow State University, and I       ings, and I hope, productive.             Finnegan Biden. And I brought her        coming. The bad news is the com-
     want to thank AmCham for spon-                                                 along to Russia because I wanted         manding general is coming”. On
     soring this.                         And I want to thank AmCham                her to see this great country with her   the diplomatic side, the good news
                                          Russia for sponsoring this event,         own eyes; the country of Pushkin’s       is the Vice President is coming, and
     To the students that are here, I     working to foster a modern business       poetry and Tolstoy’s prose, the          the bad news, the Vice President
     apologize. In America, we have a     climate after the fall of communism.      country of Tchaikovsky’s composi-        is coming, because I’ve created an
AMCHAM NEWS ISSUE 92                                                                                                     AMCHAM GUEST SPEAKER BRIEFING                 15

extraordinary amount of work for          The President asked me to make that       benefits of this approach to both       tional Security Assistance Forces),
John’s incredible team.                   “reset” the focus of our administra-      our countries are absolutely clear      including American soldiers and ci-
                                          tion’s first foreign policy speech that   on issue after issue.                   vilians into Afghanistan. In addition
But John is one of the best America       I delivered several weeks after our                                               to rail cars rolling through Russia
has to offer. And anyone who doubts       inauguration at the Munich Security       Arms control: We signed and rati-       with supplies, over 800 flights have
the ability of Americans and Rus-         Conference. And I said then, and          fied a New START Treaty, which          carried nearly 120,000 passengers
sians to work together need only          I quote, “the United States and           will reduce our deployment of stra-     over Russian territory to Afghani-
examine the history of John’s family.     Russia can disagree and still – still –   tegic weapons while ensuring that       stan. That would have been thought
His father, Joseph, was a hero in         work together where our interests         we maintain stable and predictable      impossible four years ago. And Rus-
both Russia and the United States,        coincide. And they coincide in many       verification. The two countries with    sia is also providing badly needed
an American soldier taken prisoner        places.”                                  the largest nuclear arsenals showed     military equipment and training
by the Nazis who went on later,                                                     the world that they are serious about   to the Afghan National Security
when he escaped, to fight with the        Now, we knew that pursuing this           arms control and strengthening glo-     Forces. We’re also cooperating on
Red Army on the Eastern Front.            agenda would be hard work, that old       bal nonproliferation. And that gave     drug eradication.
And now, more than sixty-five years       habits – as we say in America – old       us even more credibility to deal with
later, his son is the American envoy      habits die hard. That’s why President     the most egregious violators of their   European security: Using America’s
to Moscow. I think that’s a remark-       Obama has met nearly a dozen times        international commitments.              improved relationship with Russia
able, remarkable story.                   with President Medvedev, and why                                                  as a model, we also reset relations
                                          together we established a Bilateral       Iran: With our partners in the so-      between Russia and NATO during
And today, I also want to address the     Presidential Commission with work-        called P5 plus 1, we – Russia and       last year’s Lisbon Summit, and a
state of U.S.-Russian relations. I        ing groups on key issues like arms        the United States – gave Tehran         great deal of credit goes to President
don’t need to tell anyone in this audi-   control and energy, broadening the        a chance for meaningful dialogue        Medvedev. And we identified missile
ence that our administration, when        contacts between our two govern-          based on mutual interests and mu-       defense as a common project. I’ve
we took office in January of ‘09, our     ments.                                    tual respect to develop peaceful nu-    talked extensively with your leaders
relationship with Russia had hit a                                                  clear means. They simply rejected       on this issue. It will be difficult, but
fairly low point that had accumulated     And in the spirit of what we call         it. So Russia and the United States,    it will be a game-changer if we can
over the previous eight years.            in America a “dual-track engage-          along with our partners on the U.N.     get it done. It will say to the world,
                                          ment”, we’ve also worked to deepen        Security Council, adopted what          the two largest superpowers in the
Yes, so we saw a war between Russia       our ties between our countries’           is known as Resolution 1929, the        world are mutually developing the
and Georgia played out, and played        business leaders, including many of       most extensive package of sanctions     ability to have missile defenses,
a role in that decline. But even be-      the distinguished men and women           Iran has ever faced. And Moscow         which I would argue would have
fore that conflict erupted in August      in this room, as well as between our      took another important step: It         an extremely important impact on
of ‘08, a dangerous drift was under-      civil society groups.                     canceled its contract to sell to Iran   dissuading so many of the countries
way in this important relationship.                                                 S-300, air-defense missile systems,     who are contemplating becoming
While we no longer considered each        Our business and civil society sum-       which was an unambiguous sign of        nuclear powers from doing so.
other enemies, we couldn’t always         mits, alongside our presidential sum-     international resolve that Iran must
tell from the rhetoric that was flying    mits in 2009 and 2010, were in my         address the concerns that we have       This year we’ll seek agreement on
back and forth across the continent.      view very important in strengthening      over their nuclear program.             an ambitious work plan for coopera-
                                          these relationships. We believed                                                  tion on this once contentious issue.
Ironically, this came at a time when      then, and still believe, in focusing on   North Korea: Working closely with       And we’ll also pursue an agreement
American and Russian interests – on       concrete outcomes that serve both         Russia and our other international      on negotiations to modernize and
nuclear arms control, nonprolifera-       countries’ interests – as President       partners on the threat posed by         strengthen the Conventional Forces
tion, stabilizing Afghanistan, fighting   Obama puts it, “win-win” situations.      Pyongyang, we adopted another           in Europe Treaty. I’ve been around
terrorism, opening global markets,                                                  U.N. resolution, referred to as         a long time; the CFE Treaty has
and a range of other issues – at a        And we reject – we reject, the Presi-     1874, which authorized inspec-          been something we’ve been working
time when all of them, we were more       dent and I – the tired theory that our    tions – almost unprecedented –of        on since the late ‘70s. We have an
closely aligned than ever on each and     values and our interests must com-        vessels – Korean vessels – sus-         opportunity to make more progress.
every one of those issues.                pete for influence over our politics.     pected of carrying nuclear materials
                                          We flat reject that notion because        into or out of their country. And the   Central Asia: We’re working to-
So to seize this opportunity, Presi-      we believe and we will continue to        nations of the world have cooper-       gether to foster a stable, democratic
dent Obama and I proposed forging         stand up for our principles. And I        ated. I would argue it’s because        government – and I might add, a
a fresh new start by, as I said in the    believe those principles make all of      Russia and the United States were       great deal of the credit goes to your
initial speech on our foreign policy,     us, Americans and Russians alike,         leading in this effort.                 President – in Kyrgyzstan, combat-
pressing a reset button. We wanted        more secure, more prosperous, and                                                 ing drug traffickers, eradicating
to literally reset this relationship,     more free.                                Afghanistan: We’re cooperating on       polio – steps that suggest we can
reset it in a way that reflected our                                                what we call the Northern Distribu-     move beyond the so-called “Grand
mutual interests, so that our coun-       Two years since we pressed that           tion Network, which now brings          Game” and “spheres of influence”,
tries could move forward together.        reset button, I would argue the           vital supplies to the ISAF (Interna-    a Cold War relic in my view.
16   AMCHAM GUEST SPEAKER BRIEFING                                                                                                           AMCHAM NEWS ISSUE 92

     Cooperation on each of these               But there is still much work to be
     important issues has made America          done to enhance our security coop-
     more secure, and I would argue –           eration and our closeness.
     presumptuous of me – but I believe
     it’s made Russia more secure.              On the Caucasus: We have a
                                                genuine disagreement not only with
     But the reset has also produced            your leadership, but with the vast
     more subtle signs of progress; again,      majority of the Russian people, over
     ones that would not have been con-         Georgia. But there’s a larger princi-
     templated even four years ago. Rus-        ple at stake here in our view – and I
     sian helicopters used for relief efforts   want to be straightforward, because
     in Sudan. California firefighters          if friends cannot be straightforward
     helping to fight wildfires in central      with friends, it really isn’t friend-
     Russia. American and Russian               ship based on mutual trust. We think
     drug officers working side-by-side         there’s a larger principle at stake
     in Afghanistan, the world’s largest        here. As I said when I announced
     producer of heroin and opium, as           the reset at Munich, I said, “It will
     a consequence of it. Student body          remain our view that sovereign
     presidents from American universi-         states have the right to make their
     ties discussing democracy and              own decisions and choose their own
     human rights with Kremlin advisors.        alliances.” And further: “We will not
     And we’re very pleased that they are       recognize any state having a sphere
     here today in the audience.                of influence.” And almost regardless
                                                of the difficulty, we don’t support
     These things clearly would have            any state through force changing the
     been hard to imagine amid the              leadership of an elected – demo-
     mistrust and ill will a little over two    cratically elected – individual.
     years ago. And to some of you, they
     may sound small. But having been           We have also worked closely, though,
     involved in this relationship for over     with both Russia and Georgia to
     thirty-six years, they are more than       reduce the threat of further conflict.   In the 20th century, the wealth of a     Russian partners. General Electric
     the sum of their parts.                    As a result, Georgia recently re-        nation was measured by the abun-         is undertaking a major expansion of
                                                stated its commitment to [the] non-      dance of its natural resources, the      its operations here. And John Deere
     And if you think I’m exaggerating          use of force; and commercial flights     expanse of its landmass, or the size     last year opened a major manufac-
     and overstating the case, consider the     have resumed between Moscow              of its army. Russia had all of those     turing center in the Moscow region,
     following statistics, or polling. In De-   and Tbilisi. But we must do more         things. But in the 21st century, the     and is already doubling its capacity
     cember of 2008, one month before we        to assist those displaced by the 2008    true wealth of a nation is found in      and, as a consequence, employ-
     were sworn in as President and Vice        conflict and enable normal travel        the creative minds of its people and     ment.
     President, polling showed that only        and commerce to occur.                   their ability to innovate. There, too,
     17 percent of all Russians had a posi-                                              Russia is remarkably blessed. Un-        And Alcoa is working closely – very
     tive opinion of the United States – 17     Our joint diplomacy was essential        leashing Russia’s full potential will    closely – with a nanotechnology
     percent. This year, that number has        and is essential in ending conflicts     be a boon and an opportunity not         firm, Rusnano, on an array of high-
     jumped to over 60 percent. Our goal is     in other areas: Nagorno-Karabakh,        only for the United States and for       tech products that are the future.
     to have it continue to climb.              where I would again commend              Russians, but again for international
                                                President Medvedev for his tireless      commerce and peace and justice.          This week a coalition of public and
     That same year, Americans ranked           work for a peaceful and permanent                                                 private sector partners in Russia
     Russia as one of the top five countries    settlement there.                        Already, our economic relationship       and the U.S. announced a new
     threatening American security – two                                                 is moving to center stage. PepsiCo       program, as well, supported by an
     years ago. This year, only 2 percent       But the next frontier in our relation-   has made a multi-billion dollar          American company, Johnson &
     of the entire American population          ship – and the main area in my view      investment in Russia, [in] Russia’s      Johnson. That program will provide
     say they view Russia as a threat. All      and the President of the United          leading juice and dietary producer.      pregnant women and new moth-
     of this leads to one very important        States’ view of future opportunities     Imagine, five years ago, the likeli-     ers with health information via text
     conclusion in the mind of one Vice         and challenges – will be building        hood that an American company            messages – a great example of how
     President that I think is now beyond       stronger ties of trade and commerce      could buy, in effect, the largest of     civil society, government, and the
     dispute: the reset is working – work-      that match the security coopera-         anything in Russia.                      private sector can work together to
     ing for all of us, working for Russia,     tion we have accomplished over the                                                find innovative solutions to shared
     and I would presumptuously suggest,        last two years and hopefully will        Chevron and ExxonMobil recently          challenges – real challenges to real
     working for the world.                     continue to grow.                        announced major new deals with           people, ordinary people.
AMCHAM NEWS ISSUE 92                                                                                                      AMCHAM GUEST SPEAKER BRIEFING             17

And just yesterday, I witnessed the      We’re also providing – not as a gift.     We’re making progress on these            quote, his quote – and he prescribed
signing of a $2 billion sale of eight    When I say providing, it sounds like      issues that have caused so much           a set of reforms.
Boeing 777 aircraft to Aeroflot,         we’re providing a gift. We’re also –      friction in the past. We’re mak-
expanding last year’s agreement to       American venture capitalists and          ing progress on agricultural trade,       The simple fact is this: Pragmatic
sell fifty 737s to Russian Technolo-     other foreign investment is flowing       sanitary regulations, enforcement of      businessmen and -women, par-
gies. These contracts were able to       into Russia’s economy to allow it         intellectual property rights, though      ticularly those who are not so big
be done and the plane was able to        to diversify beyond your abundant         we still have more work to do.            that they can go directly to each of
be built, I might add, because of        natural resources – metals, oil, and                                                our governments to resolve their
Russian titanium, ingenuity, and         gas – and help Russian start-ups get      So let me make this as clear as I         differences – they want to invest
the engineers here, as well as the       their ideas to market.                    possibly can: President Obama and         where they can expect a reasonable
brilliant engineers and workforce                                                  I strongly support and want to see        return and an absolute assurance
back in the United States. These         Those of you who are studying busi-       Russia in WTO. We’ve made that            that the legal system in the country
contracts will create or sustain tens    ness know that it’s one thing to have     clear to the Congress; we’ve made         they’re investing in will provide
of thousands of jobs in Russia and in    an idea. It’s another thing to get to     that clear to the world; and we’ve        due process.
the United States.                       market. It takes people willing to        made that clear to anybody who
                                         make a gamble, make an invest-            is willing to listen.                     I don’t think it’s reasonable to
On his visit to Silicon Valley last      ment, make a bet.                                                                   expect Americans or Europeans or
year, President Medvedev made                                                      It’s better for America – and pre-        Russians themselves to invest con-
clear Russia’s desire to bolster         Already, several of America’s lead-       sumptuous of me to say this; never        fidently in a country in which there
our partnership in the innovation        ing firms have shown their support        tell another man his business or          are infamous cases in which prop-
economy – a priority the United          for this vision, by committing to         another country their interest – but      erty rights were violated and not
States shares, and the President of      invest, in the case of several venture    it’s better for America, and I believe    protected. It may be unfair, but it
the United States has announced as       capitalists, over $1 billion – already    better for Russia, to be able to trade    is a perception. A country in which
the hallmark of what we’re attempt-      committed – investing in Russian          with each other under predictable         investors, Russian and American,
ing to do.                               high-tech industry.                       and transparent rules. And that’s         can lose when they succeed – in
                                                                                   also why we’re going to work with         fact, have lost fortunes because of
Yesterday I had the opportunity to       But despite these steps, our trading      Congress to terminate the Jackson-        legal abuses. A company which can
be in Skolkovo, a high-tech hub on       and investment relationship is not        Vanik amendment.                          be seized, or an owner imprisoned
the outskirts of Moscow that has the     what it should be. As a matter of                                                   on a politician’s whim; in which a
promise of becoming the Silicon          fact, it was higher years ago than it     These steps are critical compo-           lawyer like Sergei Magnitsky can be
Valley of Russia. Closer cooperation     is now. Russia was America’s 37th         nents to our Administration’s trade       arrested after accusing the police
will allow American companies to         largest export market in 2010. The        agenda. There used to be a bank           of fraud and then die in detention
benefit from greater access to Rus-      value of the goods that cross our         robber in America in the ‘30s. His        before being tried.
sia’s deep pool of talented engineers,   border, the United States border          name was Willie Sutton. And they
mathematicians, and computer             with Canada and Mexico, every few         once asked Willie Sutton, “Why do         No amount of government cheer-
scientists.                              days exceeds the annual value of our      you rob banks, Willie?” He said,          leading or public relations or U.S.
                                         trade with Russia. We’ve got to do        “That’s where the money is”. We’re        support or rebranding will bring
Yesterday we had this discussion, a      better. And I believe we can.             not doing Russia a favor. This is in      wronged or nervous investors back
roundtable discussion of American                                                  the overall best interest, we think, of   to a market they perceive to have
businesses and CEOs from Russian         This is one of the reasons the Presi-     Russia, but we know for the United        these shortcomings. Only bold and
business. A Russian businessman          dent and I so strongly support Rus-       States. We know for our employ-           genuine change. I’m not here to
said something that was true: He         sians accession to the World Trade        ment to grow, trade, exports have to      lecture. I’m not here to preach.
said the reason why it’s good to         Organization. Accession will enable       grow as well.                             I’m not here to tell Russia what to
be here in Russia and investing is       Russia to deepen its trade relations                                                do. But I know from my experi-
because of its market. An interest-      not only with the United States, but      So we expect Russia’s leaders to          ence, almost every country I visit,
ing comment from the chairman of         the rest of the world. And it will give   continue working with us to move          particularly smaller ones – not
the board of Boeing in Russia: He        American companies a greater and          the process along. But you in this        great countries like Russia – the
said, with all due respect to my good    more predictable – important word,        room know as well as anyone that          first thing they’ll tell me is, “Can
friend, that may be true, but that’s     predictable – access to Russia’s          even if liberalizing our trading          you encourage, Mr. Vice President,
not the reason we’re here. Other         growing markets, expanding both           relationship, Russia’s business and       American businesses to invest
countries have four, five, six, and      U.S. exports and employment.              legal climate, quite frankly, is going    here?” And there’s the same
seven times the capacity to purchase                                               to have to continue to improve, be-       answer: “Get your system right.
our planes in terms of their needs.      The renewed energy that Russian ne-       cause right now for many companies        Don’t make it a gamble. Have
But we’re here. He said let me tell      gotiators have brought to the table in    it presents a fundamental obstacle.       certainty.”
you why we’re here. We’re here           this accession effort, and Moscow’s
because the best engineers in the        political will to get the job done, are   In early 2008, President Medvedev         Over the past few months alone,
world are here, many educated at         for the first time in a long time genu-   described Russia as, and I quote, “a      our Administration has spoken out
this great university.                   inely moving things forward.              country of legal nihilism” – not my       against allegations of misconduct in
18   AMCHAM GUEST SPEAKER BRIEFING                                                                                                        AMCHAM NEWS ISSUE 92

     the trial of [Mikhail] Khodorkovsky     choose a free press. It’s the great-     Now, there are some in Russia who        He was absolutely right back then,
     and of the beating and detention of     est guarantee of freedom there is,       say we hold your country to an           but he would be absolutely wrong
     “Strategy 31” demonstrators.            the so-called Third Estate. And          unreasonably high standard. It is        today. Russians and Americans
                                             believe me, to the American press        true our expectations are high, but      inside and outside of government
     Some of you may say, “Well, how         up there, they drive me crazy. It’s      it’s because we’ve learned during        have worked extremely hard to
     can you say those things out loud,      not like they say nice things about      the Cold War just how capable            overcome decades of mistrust,
     Mr. Vice President, and expect          me all the time. But I really mean       the Russian people are. When you         to identify common ground, to
     to have a better relationship?”         it: It is the single best guarantee of   launched Sputnik, we had to mar-         fashion a more secure and more
     They’re necessary to have a good        political freedom.                       shal our greatest intellectual talents   prosperous future for both coun-
     relationship. We should not have to                                              to begin to meet the challenge.          tries. And in the second decade of
     make choices. We will continue to       And viable opposition and public         And we had no illusions ever about       this new century, the United States
     object when we think human rights       parties that are able to compete is      the capacity of our then-adversary.      and Russia no longer have good
     are violated or democracy and the       also essential to good governance.                                                reason not to trust one another.
     rule of law is undermined.              Just as competition between top          And in this new era of partnership,      There is no good reason not to
                                             athletes produces better players         our respect for the Russian people       trust one another.
     For us, these are matters of princi-    and better teams, it’s also true that    as innovators, as thinkers, remains
     ple, but I would argue they’re also     that works as well among firms who       undiminished. Unleashing the             It’s legitimate to be skeptical as
     matters of pragmatism. History          provide better services and better       intellectual capacity of this country    you are in dealing with any nation,
     shows that in industrialized socie-     products. Political competition          is not only in Russia’s interest, but    because their self-interest may be
     ties, economic modernization and        means better candidates, better          it’s in America’s national interest,     different to you. But it does not
     political modernization go hand-        politics, and most importantly,          and I would argue the world’s            translate into: We cannot trust.
     in-hand. You don’t get one without      governments that better represent        interest. This is no longer a zero-
     the other. Or put it this way: You      the will of their people.                sum game.                                If two great nations that for forty
     don’t get industrial modernization                                                                                        years stood on the opposite sides
     without political modernization.        In my view, the Russian people           Folks, as you well know, we’ve           of the 20th century’s deepest
     And I realize it’s been a short jour-   already understand this. Polls show      already come a long way. I visited       divide can stand side-by-side fac-
     ney since, as we say in the West,       that most Russians want to choose        Moscow for the first time in ’73,        ing the 21st century challenges, it
     the wall came down. And I realize       their national and local leaders in      but in the summer of ’79, I was          will benefit not just the American
     there is an awful lot that’s been       competitive elections. They want to      asked by then-President Carter,          people and the Russian people, but
     accomplished. But modernization         be able to assemble freely, and they     some thirty years ago, to lead a         all people.
     in every way is essential.              want the media to be independent         delegation of United States sena-
                                             of the state. And they want to live      tors who were uncertain about the        That future is not just the stuff of
     I think that’s why so many Rus-         in a country that fights corruption.     SALT Talks, SALT II – Strategic          which dreams are made. We are
     sians now call on their country to                                               Arms Limitation Talks. And I was         already moving in that direction.
     strengthen their democratic insti-      That’s democracy. They’re the            a strong supporter of that treaty.       Yes, it can be knocked off course,
     tutions. Courts must be empow-          ingredients of democracy. So I           But there were a group of new            but we are already moving in that
     ered to uphold the rule of law and      urge all of you students here: Don’t     senators who were not familiar           direction. And I say to you young
     protect those playing by the rules.     compromise on the basic elements         with the treaty, and agnostic on it.     people in this audience: It’s in-
                                             of democracy. You need not make          And I was asked to bring nine of         cumbent upon you and incumbent
     Non-governmental watchdogs              that Faustian bargain.                   them to Russia. And we sat across        upon the young people of my
     should be applauded as patriots,                                                 a conference table in the Krem-          country to not allow us to get off
     not traitors. As a famous American      And it’s also the message I heard        lin, across the table from Leonid        that path, to stay in this direction.
     jurist once said, “Sunlight is the      recently when President Medvedev         Brezhnev. To his left was Defense
     best disinfectant”. In today’s soci-    said last week, and I quote him,         Minister Ustinov, and to his right       And I know that for many of you
     ety, we’d probably say transparency     “Freedom cannot be postponed”.           was Premier Kosygin. And to state        here today, this will be a joint ef-
     is the best lubricant.                  Joe Biden didn’t say that. The           the obvious, it was a very different     fort – that you’ll join us. There’s
                                             President of Russia said that.           time. And I recall President Brezh-      much to overcome, but there’s
     Journalists must be able to publish     And when Deputy Premier and              nev was sicker than we thought           much we’ve done. And I would
     without fear of retribution. In my      Finance Minister Kudrin said that        then. And he excused himself and         argue that based on what we’ve re-
     country it was a newspaper – not        only fair elections can give the         left the meeting early and turned        cently done, it’s a clear indication
     the FBI or the Justice Depart-          authorities the mandate of trust we      it over to Premier Kosygin, who          we can fundamentally change this
     ment – it was a newspaper, The          need to help implement economic          in his opening statement said the        relationship on a permanent basis.
     Washington Post, that brought down      reforms; that’s a Russian leader,        following – I will never forget
     a President for illegal actions.        not an American leader. Russia           it – he said, “Before we begin our       Thank you all for being so gracious
                                             and America both have a lot to           discussion, Senator, let’s agree that    waiting and even more gracious
     Thomas Jefferson said that if he        gain if these sentiments are turned      we do not trust you, and you do not      listening. Thank you. ■
     only had a choice of a free press       into actions, which I am hopeful         trust us. And we both have good
     or what we had, he said he’d            they will be.                            reason”. Literally.
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