Thanks, but no thanks - 10 dangerous roles in the military

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Thanks, but no thanks - 10 dangerous roles in the military
Military Despatches
                                     Vol 45 March 2021

Thanks, but no thanks
10 dangerous roles in the military

It pays to be a winner
The US Navy SEALs

An offer you can’t refuse
Did the US Military and the Mafia collaborate?

Colonel Arthur ‘Bull’ Simons
US Army Special Forces legend

            For the military enthusiast
Thanks, but no thanks - 10 dangerous roles in the military
                                                                                    March 2021

                                                                                         Page 14
                 Click on any video below to view
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                            about movie theme
                            songs? Take our quiz
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Hipe’s    Wouter     de                               The old South African
Goede interviews former                               Defence Force used
28’s gang boss David                                  a mixture of English,
Williams.                                             Afrikaans, slang and
                                                      techno-speak that few       Special Forces - US Navy SEALS
                                                      outside the military
                                                      could hope to under-
                                                      stand. Some of the terms                                                                        46
                                                      were humorous, some                                                                             Changes to the engine room
                                                                                  6                                                                   The Sea Cadets announce new
                                                      were clever, while others
                                                                                  Ten dangerous military roles                                        appointments.
                                                      were downright crude.
                                                                                  These are ten military roles in                                     48
                                                                                  history that you did not want.
                                                                                                                                                      Remembrance Day
                            Part of Hipe’s “On the                                22                                32                     Seaman Piper Pauwels from
                            couch” series, this is an                             Who’s running the show?           It’s not really a game TS Rook researches the mean-
                            interview with one of                                 The nine people that became How simulators are changing ing of Remembrance Day.
                            author Herman Charles                                 Chief of the SADF.          the way the military trains. 50
                            Bosman’s most famous                                  24                                36
                            characters, Oom Schalk                                                                                                    Memories of a Sea Cadet
                                                                                  An offer you can’t refuse         Long distance air mail            Deene Collopy, Country Man-
A taxi driver    was shot Lourens.                    Hipe spent time in          Did the US Military and the Ma- The Excalibur extended-range        ager for Oil Spill Response
dead in an         ongoing                            Hanover Park, an area       fia collaborate in World War II? guided artillery shell could be-   Limited, remembers some of the
war between      rival taxi                           plagued with gang           26                               come one of the deadliest weap-    annual courses he did as a young
organisations.                                        violence, to view first-    Miracle of the skies
                                                                                                                   ons on the modern battlefield.     Sea Cadet.
                                                      hand      how     Project   Almost torn in half, an Ameri- 38
                                                      Ceasefire is dealing with   can B-17 bomber attempts to Military ranks
                                                      the situation.              make it back home.             The Angolan Armed Forces.
                                                                                  28                                44                                43
 Hipe TV brings you videos ranging from actuality to humour and every-
                                                                                  When the cold war turns hot       International Seafarers Day       Military Small Arms
   thing in between. Interviews, mini-documentaries and much more.                                                                                    We show you 15 side arms, you
                                                                                  An incident that nearly led to A day in the life of a seafarer.
                                                                                  war.                                                                tell us what they are.
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00                                                                                                                                                                                  3
Thanks, but no thanks - 10 dangerous roles in the military
                                                                                                                   Page 76

                                           Sitrep                          Hipe Media

                                                                           Matt Tennyson

                                                                           PHOTO EDITOR

         all the weather depart- tleman and I wish him everything          Regine Lord
         ment and tell them to get of the best for his special day.
         the Ark out of mothballs.     Someone mentioned to me that
                                                                           Captain WM Bartie, Robin G.
                                                                                                               March in military history
We’re probably going to have a I tend to do a number of articles
                                                                           Coles, Deene Collopy, Ryan
flood.                               on the Sea Cadets. They’re prob-
                                                                           Murphy, Matt O’Brien, Seaman              Head-to-Head                 Forged in Battle                   Book Review
   The reason I say this is that it ably right. Now I was never a
                                                                           Piper Pauwels, Matt Tennyson.
is 10 February and basically the Sea Cadet, nor was I in the navy.                                                                                                             75
March issue of Military Des- I was army for my entire military                                                 52                            62
                                                                              Military Despatches is pub-                                                                      At the front
patches is ready to go.              career.                               lished on-line every month.         World War I                   Avro Lancaster bomber             The remarkable story of Gener-
   There are a number of reasons       It’s just that the Sea Cadets are   The articles used in Military       This month we compare the The RAF bomber that carried           al Jannie Geldenhuys. He wsa
for this. First of all I was getting cunning. How, you may well ask.       Despatches are copyrighted          weapons and equipment of the out the night-time bombing         regarded by many as one of
tired of only completing the mag- Well they take the time to actual-       and may not be used without         major combatants of World War raids over Germany.               the leading military command-
azine a few minutes before mid- ly send articles to Military Des-          prior permission from the edi-      I.                                                              ers that South Africa ever pro-
night on the last day of the month. patches.                                                                                                          Battlefield              duced.
   The second reason is that I have    So if you have an organisa-                                                 Famous Figures
                                                                              The views stated in this maga-                                 68
two other magazine that I have to tion, newsletter or even a story         zine do not necessary reflect the
get ready for March.                 that you feel would be of interest                                        58                            Ten bloodiest battles                  Front Cover
                                                                           views of Military Despatches,                                     These ten battles claimed more
   Third, and probably most im- to “the military enthusiast”, feel         the editor, the staff, or Hipe      Arthur ‘Bull’ Simons                                           Members of the US Navy
portant, I need to do some other free to send it to us and we will         Media.                              The US Army Special Forces than 11 million casualties.       SEALS on a training exercise
work of the paying variety.          do our best to publish it.                                                Colonel best know leading the                                off the west coast of America.
   One of the magazines I’m do-                                                                                                                        Gaming
                                       As many of you know, I was                        Hipe!                 Sơn Tây, an attempt to rescue
ing for March is the quarterly born and raised in Ireland. And              P.O. Box 31216, Tokai, 7966        US prisoners of war from a 72
issue of ‘Jimmy’s Own’, the of- this month, on 17 March, is Saint                  South Africa.               North Vietnamese prison.
ficial magazine of the South Afri- Patrick’s Day. So I will be hav-
                                                                                                                                             An excellent military simulator
can Signals Association.             ing a few of my relatives - Un-                     email                                               that is free of charge.
   It’s a very special edition and cle Bushmills, Uncle Tullamore      
devoted entirely to Sydney ‘Un- Dew, Uncle Jameson, and Un-                                                                                        Series Review
cle Syd’ Ireland who will be cel- cle Paddy - around to celebrate.                  Back Issues
ebrating his 100th birthday on 9 I may even invite my American               To view any back issues of                                      74
March. As far as I know he is the cousin Jack Daniels. Sláinte.            Military Despatches, go to                                        Blackadder goes forth
last surviving South African sig-                                                                      Set in the trenches of World
naller of World War II.                Until next time.                    or click here.                                                    War I, British Army Captain
   I’ve had the honour and pleas-                                                                                                            Edmund Blackadder will do

ure of knowing Uncle Syd for a                                                                                                               anything to escape the front
number of years. He is a true gen-                                                                                                           lines.
4                                                                                                                                                                                                           5
Thanks, but no thanks - 10 dangerous roles in the military
Top Ten                                                                                                                                                                                       Top Ten
                                                                                                                                                                                       to clear the tunnels of enemy,
10 most dangerous military                                                                                                                                                             gather intelligence, and blow
                                                                                                                                                                                       the tunnels up one by one.
roles                                                                                                                                                                                     Infantrymen, primarily from
                                                                                                                                                                                       Australia, New Zealand and
These are ten military roles in history that you did not want.                                                                                                                         America, volunteered for the

                                                                                                                                                                                       job and became known as ‘tun-
         ften the mere fact that     rowers, could always be relied      galleys. Many regarded this as                                                                                nel rats’. Their motto was the
         you’re in the military is   on.                                 a death sentence because few                                                                                  Latin phrase “Non Gratus Ro-
         dangerous enough. This         Contrary to popular belief,      would survive the battles to                                                                                  dentum” - ”not worth a rat”.
is especially true during times      ancient galley rowers tended        come, or the harsh conditions.                                                                                   The men had to be small and
of war.                              not to be slaves, but were in-          Chained to the benches where                                                                              thin to stand any chance of mak-
   People serve in the military      stead free men who were well        they worked, most spent their                                                                                 ing their way through the tight
for a variety of reasons. Many       respected for their profession.     entire short existence confined                                                                               passageways.
will do so because of patriotism        The work of the galley row-      to the rowing deck.                                                                                              Whenever troops discovered
and a sense of duty towards their    er was skilled and required high        They were unable to wash or                                                                               a tunnel entrance the area would
country. Others see it as an ad-     levels of training and coordina-    even go to the toilet. It was of-     CLAUSTROPHOBIA: A tunnel rat prepares to enter a Viet Cong              first be checked for booby traps
                                                                                                               tunnel complex.
venture and a test of manhood.       tion between each rower.            ten said that with the right wind                                                                             before a tunnel rat was sent in.
   Many serve because they              In battle the lives of all on    direction you could smell a gal-                                                                                 Armed with only a pistol, a
don’t have a choice in the mat-      board were reliant on the talents   ley long before you would see         Tunnel Rats                         and even provinces. This meant      bayonet and a flashlight, the
ter and are conscripted or draft-    of the men rowing the galley. So    it.                                     From the 1940s during the In-     that the Viet Cong could move       tunnel rat would be lowered
ed into service. And there are       it made sense that ancient navies       Unable to move, the rowers        dochina War against the French      forces and equipment unseen         into the tunnel.
others that consider it a career.    would be reluctant to place their   would often develop sores on          colonial forces, the Viet Minh      and protected.                         Many of them chose not to
   Those that serve in a combat      lives in the hands of unskilled     their body, caused by the fric-       created an extensive network of        To combat this problem the       arm themselves with the stand-
role often face greater dangers      and unreliable slaves.              tion of the chains as they rowed.     underground tunnels and com-        US military tried flooding the      ard issue .45 calibre pistol. Due
that those that do not. Yet there       This would, however, change      These wounds would often be-          plexes.                             tunnels, or using gas to kill or    to the confined space, they dis-
are some combat roles that are       dramatically between the an-        come infected in the unsanitary         These were later expanded by      flush out those within. Yet the     liked the intense muzzle blast
more dangerous than others.          cient world and the middle ages.    conditions, resulting in even         the Viet Cong during the Viet-      sheer size of the tunnels and       of the .45, which would often
   The strange thing with some          By the 1600s the size of gal-    more deaths.                          nam War. By the 1960s there         the use of simple, but highly ef-   leave them temporarily deaf.
of these roles is that people ac-    leys and galley fleets was be-          Even if the men survived          were underground hospitals,         fective water traps, meant that     The preferred pistols were 9x19
tually volunteered for them.         coming much larger. This meant      these terrible conditions, they       training grounds, storage fa-       these attempts met with little      mm calibre, often with an im-
   Here are ten dangerous com-       that a greater number of rowers     still had to contend with the         cilities, headquarters and even     success.                            provised suppressor.
bat roles in history, in no par-     were needed. The supplies of        greatest danger - battle on the       stages for political theatre. The      The tunnels were spread over        The tunnels were filled with
ticular order.                       skilled oarsmen could not keep      open seas.                            Viet Cong, who were skilled         several levels, with each level     dangers. Defending soldiers of-
                                     up with the demand.                     If a ship was sunk, the rowers,   at guerrilla warfare, might stay    sealed by a watertight trap door.   ten manned holes on the sides
Galley Rower                            The era of the galley slave      chained to their benches, would       underground for several months      There were U-bends in tunnels       of the tunnels through which
  Before the invention of the        was born as navies manned           be dragged down to a watery           at a time.                          on the same level and these         spears could be thrust, impaling
steam engine, ships had two          their fleets with whichever un-     grave.                                  The Viet Cong would often         would often be filled with water,   a crawling intruder.
means of propulsion.                 fortunate that they could seize.        Capture by the enemy may          emerge from the tunnels, launch     preventing gas from spreading.         There were dangerous crea-
  They would either rely on the         This practice became espe-       have seemed a good option, but        a quick raid or ambush, then es-       The Americans even tried         tures such as snakes, rats, spi-
free, but unreliable, wind, or on    cially common in France when        it was not. It was a case of heads    cape back into the tunnels be-      sending dogs down into the          ders, scorpions and ants. Ven-
human sheer brute force.             the king ordered judges to sen-     you lose, tails you also lose.        fore the might of the American      tunnels, but they were quickly      omous snakes were placed
  Although sails could harness       tence men to the galleys for        They would either be put to           war machine could be turned         killed by the numerous traps        inside a hollow bamboo tube
the power of the wind, a calm        their crimes instead of issuing     death, or used as galley slaves       against them.                       lining the tight passageways.       that was attached to a tripwire.
day could leave you drifting at      the death penalty.                  by the enemy.                           The tunnel complexes could           It was decided that the only     When tripped, the snake would
the mercy of the sea. Human             Criminals were usually giv-                                            stretch for hundred of kilo-        way to clear the tunnels was by     fall onto the intruder.
power, in the form of galley         en a ten year sentence to the                                             metres, often linking villages      sending in specialised soldiers        Often the tunnel rats would
6                                                                                                                                                                                                                     7
Thanks, but no thanks - 10 dangerous roles in the military
Top Ten                                                                                                                                                                                Top Ten
operate in the dark so that they     trition rate of pilots.        of World War II, the skies over                                                                           noeuvres.
light of their torch did not give                                   Germany were not the safest
                                        First of all, early aircraft were                                                                                                        This meant flying in this con-
them away.                           beset with technical problems. place to be.                                                                                              fined, see-through turret, envel-
   It was a job filled with stress   Engines would stall in a steep    The US Army Air Forces and                                                                             oped by the pitch-black sky and
as every centimetre of a tunnel      climb or tight turn. In a steepthe Royal Air Force Bomber                                                                                constantly revolving the turret
could prove deadly. They would       dive the wings could tear off. Command began the strategic                                                                               to scan the eerie darkness for a
strain their senses, listening for   Machine guns would often jam   bombing campaign of German                                                                                shadow that could be an attack-
the slightest sound such as a        during combat. There was no    cities. This was also known as                                                                            ing night fighter.
man breathing or try to smell        radio communication between    area bombardment.                                                                                            German night fighter fa-
the sweat of a person close by.      planes or to the ground.          According to a British Air                                                                             voured the tactic of attack a
                                                                                                          CRAMPED CONDITIONS: Space inside the Sperry ball Turret
   Clearing a section of tunnel         Pilots would often have as  Staff paper, “The ultimate aim                                                                            British bomber from behind,
                                                                                                          was limited.
and setting up the explosives        little as ten hours flying timeof an attack on a town area is to                                                                         and the tail gunner was usually
could take anywhere from a few       before being sent into combat. break the morale of the popula-                                                                           their first target.
minutes to several hours.            Some of them found it difficulttion which occupies it. To en-        by angry German civilians and the belly gunner first.
   Many of the tunnel rats in Vi-    enough to manage straight and  sure this, we must achieve two        lynched from the nearest lamp-      It was not uncommon for the Flamethrower operator
etnam did not survive the war.                                      things: first, we must make the
                                     level flight, let alone the twists                                   post.                             turret door to jam shut in a dam-    The idea of setting your ene-
   Later, similar teams were         and turns of a dogfight.       town physically uninhabitable            German civilians referred to aged bomber, leaving the belly my on fire is nothing new and
used by the Soviet Army during          Many pilots, on both sides, and, secondly, we must make           the bombers crews as terror- gunner unable to bail out.             man has done his best to turn
the Soviet war in Afghanistan,                                      the people conscious of constant
                                     were killed in aircraft accidents.                                   flieger (terror flyers).                                            flame into a weapon for thou-
and the Israel Defence Forces.                                      personal danger. The immedi-
                                     In fact the life expectancy of a                                        The bombers used by the US Tail gunner                           sands of years.
   Afghanistan has an extensive      pilot during World War I was a ate aim, is therefore, twofold,       Army Air Force were the Boe-        During the strategic bomb-         From as early as the first cen-
series of historic tunnels used      mere 11 days.                  namely, to produce destruction        ing B-17 Flying Fortress and the ing campaign against Germany, tury ‘Greek Fire’ was deployed
for transporting water, the kariz,      One of the greatest dangers and fear of death.”                   Consolidated B-24 Liberator.      being a tail gunner in a Vickers in a flamethrower-type weapon
and during the 1979–1989 Sovi-       they faced was that of their air- The US Army Air Force car-            The B-17 was armed with 13 Wellington bomber or a Avro on board naval ships in order to
et war in Afghanistan, such tun-                                    ried out daylight raids over Ger-
                                     craft catching fire. Most of the                                     12.7 mm M2 Browning ma- Lancaster bomber was not the give the Byzantines a combat
nels were used by Mujahideen         planes were made from wood     many, while the RAF bombed            chine guns, while the B-24 had most desirable job.                  advantage.
fighters. The Soviet 40th Army       and canvas and would often     at night.                             10. One thing they both had in      The RAF carried out their          In 900 AD the Chinese devel-
had their own tunnel rats, who       catch fire when hit.              Besides facing heavy anti-air-     common was a Sperry ball tur- bombing missions at night. The oped a piston-type flamethrow-
were tasked with flushing peo-          While parachutes were avail-craft fire, bomber crews also         ret in the belly of the aircraft. tail gunner would spend many er that used a substance similar
ple out of the tunnels, then go-     able (they were issued to bal- faced the danger of German               The Sperry ball turret was hours a night flying backwards to gasoline.
ing through the tunnels to dis-      loon observers) they were not  Luftwaffe fighters. And many          very small in order to reduce in cramped, freezing and soli-           The modern flamethrower
arm booby traps and kill those       issued to pilots.              of these bombing missions were        drag, and was typically operated tary conditions.                   as we known it was first put to
who remained.                                                       carried out without fighter es-
                                        If a pilot’s aircraft caught on                                   by the smallest man of the crew.    The life expectancy of a rear deadly use during the First and
   A similar Israeli team called                                    cort.
                                     fire they had three options. First                                   To enter the turret, the turret gunner, also known as ‘tail-end Second World Wars.
SAMOOR (“Weasel”) is part of                                           It was only in 1944 that the in-
                                     of all they could ‘bail out’ of the                                  was moved until the guns were Charlie’, was desperately short;         Able to produce a long stream
the Yahalom elite combat engi-                                      troduction of the Lockheed P-38
                                     burning aircraft and fall to their                                   pointed straight down. The gun- estimates vary but suggest that of accurate flame, the weap-
neering unit.                        death. Secondly, they could re-Lightning, Republic P-47 Thun-        ner placed his feet in the heel they could expect to be shot on seemed an ideal solution to
                                     main with the aircraft and burnderbolt and the North American        rests and occupied his cramped down, or killed, within two break the stalemate of trench
World War I pilot                    to death.                      P-51 Mustang allowed Allied           station.                          weeks, or up to five operations. warfare.
   World War I was the first            Or thirdly, as most pilots  fighters to escort bombers all           He would put on a safety strap According to Yorkshire Air Mu-       It could incinerate enemy sol-
war where aircraft were used         would carry a pistol with them,the way to their target.              and close and lock the turret seum, 20,000 rear gunners lost diers sheltering in bunkers or
in combat. While many pilots         he would shoot himself in the     Even bomber crews that man-        door. There was no room inside their lives during World War II. trenches, or cause them to flee
would go on to survive the war,      head. Most opted for the last  aged to bail out after being shot     for a parachute, which was left     The primary role of the tail for their lives. The problem was
casualties among pilots were         choice.                        down over Germany were not            in the cabin above the turret.    gunner was to defend his air- that they could be gunned down
still very high.                                                    safe. There was the very real            A common tactic of the Ger- craft from enemy fighter attack before they were close enough
   There were numerous factors       Ball turret gunner             danger that, upon parachuting to      man fighters was to come up from the rear, and to warn the to use the flamethrower.
that contributed to the high at-      From early 1943 until the end the ground, they could be seized      under the bomber and take out pilot when to take evasive ma-           During World War II the
8                                                                                                                                                                                                             9
Thanks, but no thanks - 10 dangerous roles in the military
Top Ten                                                                                                                                                                                        Top Ten
flamethrower was used to as-                                                                                                                                            aged it could also cause the
sault heavily defended enemy                                                                                                                                            U-boat to sink to the bottom.
positions such as bunkers and                                                                                                                                           If the water was deep enough
pillboxes were the enemy shel-                                                                                                                                          the U-boat’s hull would be
tering inside could be burnt to                                                                                                                                         crushed. If, however, the water
death or flushed out by the in-                                                                                                                                         was not deep enough to crush
tense flames.                                                                                                                                                           the hull, the U-boat could lie on
   Yet the flamethrower opera-                                                                                                                                          the seabed, unable to surface.
tors didn’t have things all their                                                                                                                                       Eventually they would run out
own way. There were a variety                                                                                                                                           of breathable air and the crew
of deadly risks of using flame-                                                                                                                                         would die a slow death.
throwers in combat.                                                                                                                                                       Statistics show that U-boat
   The equipment was heavy and                                                                                                                                          crew suffered a 75% casualty
made moving around a combat                                                                                                                                             rate during World War II. In
zone slower and therefore more                                                                                BANZAI: A Japanese Kamikaze dives towards a US Navy ship, other words, three out of four of
dangerous.                                                                                                    aiming to crash his aircraft into it.                     them did not survive the war.
   The flamethrower also had a
very short burn time and would                                                                                convoys through the Battle of      three eight-hour shifts. One        SOE/OSS Operative
use up fuel very quickly. If you      SAFE THIS TIME: A U-boat crew poses for the camera after re-            the Atlantic.                      shift was for sleeping, one for        Early during World War II the
missed your target you would          turning from a patrol. Yet 75% of U-boat crew would not survive           The advancement of ASDIC,        normal duties, and one for mis-     British had been forced out of
now be faced by an enemy who          the war.                                                                known as SONAR by the Amer-        cellaneous tasks. It was a rou-     Europe. It was vital that they es-
would probably not be amused                                                                                  icans, meant that escorts could    tine that could quickly become      tablish some sort of a presence,
that you just tried to set him on     could have a strong psychologi-       An Escort Group consisted of      detect submarines under water.     monotonous.                         especially in France.
fire.                                 cal effect on the operator.         several small warships organ-         The men that commanded              Yet these conditions were           To this end the British estab-
   The weapon was also very              That, combined with the con-     ized and trained to operate to-     and crewed U-boats were vol-       nothing compared to coming          lished the Special Operations
visible, making its operator a        stant danger, would often be        gether providing protection for     unteers and the selection pro-     under attack.                       Executive (SOE). These men
prime target for enemy fire, es-      enough to tip even a balanced       trade convoys.                      cess was rigorous. They were a        If they were detected by an      and women would be given
pecially from snipers. Even if        individual over the edge.             Escort groups were a World        breed apart and wore their uni-    escort ship they could expect to    training and then sent into oc-
the bullet missed you, it could          At Iwo Jima flamethrower op-     War II tactical innovation in       form with pride.                   come under depth charge attack.     cupied Europe, and sometimes
puncture the flamethrower tank,       erators suffered a massive 92%      anti-submarine warfare by the         Yet the conditions they had to      A depth charge attack could      even Germany.
causing you and nearby soldiers       casualty rate with the average      Royal Navy to combat the threat     work and live under were harsh.    go on for hours until either the       Their tasks could include an-
to be engulfed in flames.             life expectancy to be just four     of the Kriegsmarine’s “wolf-        They would often be at sea for     U-boat managed to escape, or        ything from spying on the ene-
   Another major problem was          minutes.                            pack” tactics.                      months at a time, living and       they were sunk or forced to the     my and gathering intelligence,
that the range of the flame-                                                Early escort groups often con-    working in cramped conditions.     surface.                            to recruiting and training local
thrower was far less than that of     U-boat crewman                      tained destroyers, sloops, naval      Fresh rations were consumed         If a depth charge exploded       resistance groups. They would
a rifle. In order to be used effec-     During World War I and            trawlers and, later, corvettes of   very quickly and for the re-       close enough to the U-boat it       also carry out acts of sabotage.
tively, the operator would have       World War II the Germans made       differing specifications lack-      mainder of the trip they would     could damage the hull. The wa-         The work was both demand-
to get close to their target. This    excellent use of their U-boats      ing the ability to manoeuvre        eat canned food. They could not    ter pressure would then cause       ing and dangerous. The slight-
gave the enemy time to pick           (submarines).                       together as a flotilla of similar   shower and often were unable to    the hull to implode. Death          est slip-up could result in cap-
them off.                               In fact during World War II       warships, but rigorously trained    wash clothes due to the limited    would be quick as those inside      ture and execution.
   It could also have a heavy         they came close to turning the      in anti-submarine tactics to        amount of fresh water on board.    were crushed.                          If, for example, you were op-
psychological effect on the op-       entire tide of the war by deny-     use teamwork emphasizing the          While they travelled on the         The ballast tanks could also     erating in France, it would not
erator. The sight of men on fire,     ing Britain vital supplies during   unique sensors, weapons, speed      surface as much as possible,       be damaged, forcing the U-boat      be enough to be merely able to
screaming in pain. The constant       the Battle of the Atlantic.         and turning radius of each ship.    when they were forced to dive      to surface, where they would be     speak French. You would have
stream of charred bodies and the        To counter the threat of the        The development of these ‘es-     the air would become stale very    at the mercy of the guns of the     to be fluent and it would have
smell of burnt flesh, and know-       U-boats, merchant ships began       cort groups’ proved an effective    quickly.                           escort ships.                       to sound as if French was your
ing that you were the cause,          travelling in armed convoys.        means of defending shipping           The day was divided up into         If the dive controls were dam-   first language.
10                                                                                                                                                                                                                 11
Thanks, but no thanks - 10 dangerous roles in the military
Top Ten                                                                                                                                                                                           Top Ten
   Most of your identity docu-       for the Japanese. The Ameri-         battalions were used extensive-          Among the penal battal-             One of the most infamous pe-      stall discipline and stop them
ments, travel permits, and so on     cans were closing in and were        ly by both the German and So-          ions these missions were often      nal units was the 36th Grenadier    from retreating in battle, Stalin
would be forgeries. If they were     about to launch an invasion of       viet armies.                           known as “Reise in den Him-         Division of the Waffen SS. The      issued the infamous Order 227
not up to date and spot on, you      Okinawa, one of the homeland            Prior to the war the Germans        mel” (Journey to Heaven) mis-       units was originally made up        in July 1942. It was also known
could easily be caught out.          islands.                             had used soldiers that were con-       sions.                              of convicted poachers and their     as the “Not one step back” or-
   Your cover story as to who           In desperation, the Japanese      sidered disruptive to general            In the German Wehrmacht it        skill was used to hunt and kill     der. No unit was allowed to re-
you were and what you were           Imperial Army came up with           morale but were otherwise wor-         was possible to be a high rank-     partisans on the Eastern Front.     treat and anyone that did could
doing there had to be perfect        a solution - Kamikaze (Divne         thy of service in specialised pe-      ing officer one day and then re-      Yet the unit grew and its ranks   face immediate execution or
and stand up to any scrutiny.        Wind) attacks.                       nal units.                             duced to the rank of private in a   were swelled by some of Ger-        transfer to a penal battalion.
You would also have to know             What this meant was that a pi-       However with the war turning        penal battalion the next day.       many’s worst criminals and             The NKVD Secret Police that
if there were any curfews en-        lot would climb into his plane,      against them all sorts of pris-          The 500th SS Parachute Bat-       most insane men. The unit soon      commanded the battalions con-
forced in the area and any local     fly out over the American fleet,     oners, convicted soldiers and          talion (SS-Fallschirmjägerbat-      gained a reputation for extreme     sidered them cannon fodder. The
regulations.                         put his plane into a steep dive,     even hardened criminals were           aillon 500) was the parachute       brutality towards civilians.        units would be sent to where the
   You needed to know the lay        and deliberately crash it into a     conscripted into the ranks in a        unit of the Waffen-SS employed        The unit fell under the com-      fighting was the thickest. They
of the land and who the local        ship.                                desperate bid to stave off defeat.     in dangerous actions behind         mand of SS-Oberführer Oskar         were kept under armed guard.
contacts were.                          The planes were often loaded         Used to carry out the most          enemy lines. It was decided to      Direlwanger, a man with whom        When they went into action they
   Unfortunately most opera-         with explosives to make them         dangerous and back breaking            extend enlistment to those in       few could compete in cruelty.       were followed by troops known
tives dropped into occupied Eu-      more effective.                      tasks, the doomed men were             the SS disciplinary units which     He was a convicted child mo-        as ‘Barrier guards’. They would
rope were quickly captured by           While these attacks were not      kept in line by officers and mil-      were formed from officers,          lester and described as a psy-      set up machine guns and mow
the ruthless but highly efficient    always that successful (pilots       itary police units along with the      non-commissioned officers and       chopathic killer and an expert in   down anyone trying to retreat.
German Gestapo.                      would often miss the ships due       promise that should they serve         soldiers who had problems with      extermination and a devotee of         Those that served in Russian
   Operatives captured were of-      to a lack of flight training) they   with bravery they might be al-         military law.                       sadism and necrophilia.             penal battalions had two choic-
ten tortured in the most horrific    did shock the Americans. In fact     lowed to return to regular army          The 999th Light Afrika Divi-        The Soviets used about            es - advance and be killed by the
ways, interrogated, and usually      the Americans gave them the          units.                                 sion was formed from civilian       430,000 men in penal battal-        Germans, or retreat and be shot
executed. Because they were          nickname of “Baka Bombs”.               In reality they had little choice   criminals and prison inmates        ions.                               by your own troops.
not wearing a uniform they           Baka is the Japanese term for        in the matter, for refusal to carry    who had been deemed “unfit for        They were considered ex-             Not much of a choice when
were not entitled to be treated      idiot.                               out the often suicidal missions        military service”                   pendable and in an effort to in-    you consider it.
as prisoners of war, but as spies.                                        would result in summary exe-
   When the Americans entered        Penal Battalion                      cution for the original sentence.
the war they formed the Office         For as long as there have been     For those men on death row this
of Strategic Services (OSS) and      wars, criminals and undesirable      would mean a bullet to the back
they worked closely with the         elements have been viewed as         of the head or an appointment
SOE.                                 useful but disposable cannon         with the hangman’s noose.
   The SOE would later go on to      fodder.                                 Once the condemned men ar-                                                   Journal of the South African Legion
become Britain’s MI6 and the           They were viewed as ideal for      rived at their designated units                                               Tydskrif van die Suid-Afrikaanse Legioen
OSS would become the CIA.            dangerous or suicidal missions       they would be given the most
                                     or tasks that were beneath regu-     dangerous tasks which could
                                     lar soldiers.                        involve clearing minefields, at-                                           The SA Legion is a national organisation, part of a world-
Kamikaze pilot                         Arranged into penal battal-        tacking heavily defended posi-                                             wide family that addresses the needs of ex-service per-
   This was one of those jobs        ions, they faced a short life of     tions to soften up the enemy for                                           sonnel and their dependents by way of housing, pensions,
were your survival rate was rat-     misery and suffering, followed       the real soldiers waiting behind                                           employment and general welfare. It is apolitical, non-sec-
ed at around about zero percent.     by an almost certain death on        them, or used as cannon fodder                                             tarian, non-racial, non-sexist and non-partisan.
Not exactly a great recruitment      the front lines.                     to defend a specific location
slogan. Yet most Kamikaze pi-          The Romans used penal le-          where they would sacrifice their                                           The Springbok is the official journal of the South African
lots were volunteers.                gions and Napoleon used penal        lives, allowing regular army                                               Legion. Read the December issue of Springbok by click-
   Towards the end of World War      battalions. But it was during the    units they time needed to re-                                              ing on the cover to the left.
II, things were not going well       Second World War that penal          treat.
12                                                                                                                                                                                                                    13
Thanks, but no thanks - 10 dangerous roles in the military
ious Scouts and Raiders (Joint)     in November 1942 during Op-        Naval Combat Demolition
Special Forces - US Navy SEALs                                                                            training.
                                                                                                            The Scouts and Raiders’ mis-
                                                                                                                                              eration Torch on the North Af-
                                                                                                                                              rican Coast. Scouts and Raiders
                                                                                                                                                                                 Units (NCDUs)
                                                                                                                                                                                    In September 1942, 17 Navy
                                                                                                          sion was to identify and rec-       also supported landings in Sic-    salvage personnel arrived at
Part twenty-four of a series that looks at Special Forces around the world. This month we                 onnoitre the objective beach,                                          ATB Little Creek, Virginia for
                                                                                                                                              ily, Salerno, Anzio, Normandy,
feature the United States Navy Seals.                                                                     maintain a position on the des-                                        a week-long course in demoli-
                                                                                                                                              and southern France.

         long with the Brit-       The CIA’s highly secretive and        As a result, the joint Army,     ignated beach prior to a landing,      The second group of Scouts      tions, explosive cable cutting,
         ish Special Air Ser-      elite Special Operations Group      Marine Corps, and Navy Am-         and guide the assault waves to      and Raiders, code-named Spe-       and commando raiding tech-
         vice (SAS), the United    (SOG) recruits operators from       phibious Scout and Raider          the landing beach.                  cial Service Unit No. 1, was es-   niques.
States Navy Seals are probably     SEAL Teams, with joint opera-       School was established in 1942       Navy chief petty officers and     tablished on 7 July 1943, as a        On 10 November 1942, the
the most recognised special        tions going back to the MACV-       at Fort Pierce, Florida.           sailors came from the boat pool     joint and combined operations      first combat demolition unit
forces unit in the world.          SOG during the Vietnam War.                                            at ATB, Solomons, Maryland,         force.                             successfully cut cable and net
   The United States Navy Sea,     This cooperation still exists to-   Scouts and Raiders                 and Army Raider personnel              The third and final Scouts      barriers across the Wadi Sebou
Air, and Land (SEAL) Teams,        day, as evidenced by military         The Scouts and Raiders were      came from the 3rd and 9th In-       and Raiders organization oper-     River during Operation Torch
commonly known as Navy             operations in Iraq and Afghan-      formed in September of that        fantry Divisions. They trained      ated in China. Scouts and Raid-    in North Africa.
SEALs, are the U.S. Navy’s pri-    istan.                              year, just nine months after the   at Little Creek until embarking     ers were deployed to fight with       This enabled USS Dallas
mary special operations force                                          attack on Pearl Harbour, from      for the North Africa campaign       the Sino-American Cooperative      (DD-199) to traverse the water
and a component of the Naval       Origins                             the Observer Group, a joint        the following November.             Organization (SACO).               and insert U.S. Rangers who
Special Warfare Command.             Although not formally found-      U.S. Army-Marine-Navy unit.          The first group included Phil                                        captured the Port Lyautey aer-
   Among the SEALs’ main           ed until 1962, the modern-day         Recognizing the need for a       H. Bucklew, the “Father of                                             odrome.
functions are conducting small-    U.S. Navy SEALs trace their         beach reconnaissance force, a      Naval Special Warfare,” after                                             By April 1944, a total of 34
unit special operation missions    roots to World War II.              select group of Army and Navy      whom the Naval Special Air                                             NCDUs were deployed to Eng-
in maritime, jungle, urban, arc-     The United States Military        personnel assembled at Am-         Force Warfare Center|Na-                                               land in preparation for Opera-
tic, mountainous, and desert       recognized the need for the cov-    phibious Training Base (ATB)       val Special Warfare                                                    tion Overlord, the amphibious
environments. SEALs are typ-       ert reconnaissance of landing       Little Creek, Virginia on 15       Center building is                                                     landing at Normandy.
ically ordered to capture or to    beaches and coastal defences.       August 1942 to begin Amphib-       named.                                                                    On 6 June 1944, under heavy
eliminate high level targets,                                                                               Commissioned in                                                      fire, the NCDUs at Omaha
or to gather intelligence                                                                                 October 1942, this                                                     Beach managed to blow eight
behind enemy lines.                                                                                       group saw combat                                                       complete gaps and two partial
   All active SEALs are
male and members
of the U.S. Navy.

14                                                                                                                                                                                                          15
Thanks, but no thanks - 10 dangerous roles in the military
gaps in the German defences.        maritime and coastal targets.                                                                                                           Navy Crosses, 42 Silver stars,
   The NCDUs suffered 31               They also developed a close                                                                                                          402 Bronze Stars, two Legions
killed and 60 wounded, a            working relationship with the                                                                                                           of Merit, 352 Commendation
casualty rate of 52%. Mean-         Republic of Korea Underwater                                                                                                            Medals, and 51 Navy Achieve-
while, the NCDUs at Utah            Demolitions Unit (predecessor                                                                                                           ment Medals
Beach met less intense enemy        to the Navy Special Warfare                                                                                                                Later awards would bring the
fire. They cleared 640 metres of    Flotilla), which continues to-                                                                                                          total to three Medals of Honour
beach in two hours, another 820     day.                               TRIDENT: Special Warfare in-                                                                         and five Navy Crosses. SEAL
metres by the afternoon.               On 15 September 1950, UDTs      signia known as the “SEAL Tri-                                                                       Team One was awarded three
   Casualties at Utah Beach         supported Operation Chro-          dent”                                                                                                Presidential Unit Citations and
were significantly lighter with     mite, the amphibious landing at                                                                                                         one Navy Unit Commendation;
six killed and eleven wounded.      Incheon. UDT 1 and 3 provided      recommended the establish-                                                                           SEAL Team Two received two
During Operation Overlord, not      personnel who went in ahead of     ment of guerrilla and coun-                                                                          Presidential Unit Citations.
a single demolitioneer was lost     the landing craft, scouting mud    ter-guerrilla units.               THE NAM: A Navy SEAL on an operation in Vietnam. The Viet            By the end of the war, 48
to improper handling of explo-      flats, marking low points in the      These units would be able to    Cong referred to them as “the men with green faces,” due to the SEALs had been killed in Viet-
sives.                              channel, clearing fouled propel-   operate from sea, air or land.     camouflage paint they wore during combat missions.                nam, but estimates of their kill
                                    lers, and searching for mines.     This was the beginning of the                                                                        count are as high as 2,000.
OSS Maritime Unit                   Four UDT personnel acted as        Navy SEALs. All SEALs came         UDTs. Upon making it to a cial Zone where they were to
   Much like their brethren in      wave-guides for the Marine         from the Navy’s Underwater         SEAL team, they would under- disrupt the enemy supply and Reorganization
the US Army Special Forces          landing.                           Demolition Teams, who had          go a SEAL Basic Indoctrination troop movements and in the            On 1 May 1983, UDT–11 was
(the Green Berets), the Navy           In October 1950, UDTs sup-      already gained extensive expe-     (SBI) training class at Camp Mekong Delta to fulfil riverine re-designated as SEAL Team
SEALs claim a lineage to the        ported mine-clearing opera-        rience in commando warfare in      Kerry in the Cuyamaca Moun- operations, fighting on the in- Five, UDT–21 was re-designat-
Office of Strategic Services        tions in Wonsan Harbor where       Korea; however, the Underwa-       tains. After SBI training class, land waterways.                  ed as SEAL Team Four, UDT–
(OSS).                              frogmen would locate and mark      ter Demolition Teams were still    they would enter a platoon and      Combat with the VC was di- 12 became SEAL Delivery Ve-
   The OSS was a paramilitary       mines for minesweepers.            necessary to the Navy’s am-        conduct platoon training.         rect. Unlike the conventional hicle Team One (SDVT–1), and
organization and also a progen-        On 12 October 1950, two         phibious force.                       In March 1962, SEALs were warfare methods of firing artil- UDT–22 was re-designated as
itor of the CIA. Army Special       U.S. minesweepers hit mines           The first two teams were        deployed to South Vietnam lery into a coordinate location, SDVT-2.
Forces, founded in 1952 by          and sank. UDTs rescued 25          formed in January 1962 and sta-    as advisors for the purpose of the SEALs operated close to           SEAL Team Three, was es-
former members of the OSS,          sailors.                           tioned on both US coasts: Team     training Army of the Republic their targets.                      tablished 1 October 1983 in
established the first military         The next day, William Gi-       One at Naval Amphibious Base       of Vietnam commandos in the         Into the late 1960s, the Coronado, California. SEAL
special operations combat diver     annotti conducted the first U.S.   Coronado, in San Diego, Cali-      same methods they were trained SEALs were successful in a Team Eight was established on
units nearly a decade before the    combat operation using an “aq-     fornia and Team Two at Naval       themselves.                       new style of warfare, effective 1 October 1988 at Naval Am-
SEALs were created in 1962.         ualung” when he dove on USS        Amphibious Base Little Creek,         The Central Intelligence in anti-guerrilla and guerrilla phibious Base, Little Creek,
   Some of the earliest World       Pledge.                            in Virginia Beach, Virginia.       Agency began using SEALs in actions. SEALs brought a per- Virginia.
War II predecessors of the             For the remainder of the war,      Formed entirely with per-       covert operations in early 1963. sonal war to the enemy in a pre-    United States Special Opera-
Green Berets and SEALs were         UDTs conducted beach and riv-      sonnel from UDTs, the SEALs        The SEALs were later involved viously safe area.                  tions Command (SOCOM) was
the Operational Swimmers of         er reconnaissance, infiltrated     mission was to conduct counter     in the CIA sponsored Phoenix        The VC referred to them as established in April 1987 and
OSS.                                guerrillas behind the lines from   guerilla warfare and clandes-      Program where it targeted Vi- “the men with green faces,” due its Naval component, United
                                    sea, continued mine sweeping       tine operations in maritime and    etcong (VC) infrastructure and to the camouflage face paint the States Naval Special Warfare
Korean War                          operations and participated in     riverine environments.             personnel for capture and as- SEALs wore during combat Command (NAVSPECWAR-
  During the Korean War the         Operation Fishnet, which dev-         Men of the newly formed         sassination.                      missions.                       COM), also known as NSWC,
UDTs fought intensively, be-        astated the North Koreans’ fish-   SEAL Teams were trained in            The SEALs were initially de-     The last SEAL platoon left was established at the same
ginning to employ demolition        ing capability.                    such unconventional areas as       ployed in and around Da Nang, South Vietnam on 7 December time.
expertise gained from WWII                                             hand-to-hand combat, high-al-      training the South Vietnamese 1971, and the last SEAL advi-          Since 1983 the SEALs have
and use it for an offensive role.   Vietnam - birth of the SEALs       titude parachuting, demolitions,   in combat diving, demolitions sor left South Vietnam in March taken part in numerous opera-
  Continuing to use water as          The Navy needed to deter-        and foreign languages.             and guerrilla/anti-guerrilla tac- 1973.                           tions and campaigns. These in-
cover and concealment as well       mine its role within the spe-         The SEALs attended Un-          tics.                               The SEALs were among the clude:
as an insertion method, the Ko-     cial operations arena. In March    derwater Demolition Team re-          As the war continued, the highest decorated units for their • Operation Urgent Fury -
rean Era UDTs targeted bridges,     1961, Admiral Arleigh Burke,       placement training and they        SEALs found themselves po- size in the war, receiving by              United States invasion of
tunnels, fishing nets, and other    the Chief of Naval Operations,     spent some time training in        sitioned in the Rung Sat Spe- 1974 one Medal of Honour, two           Grenada.
16                                                                                                                                                                                                      17
Thanks, but no thanks - 10 dangerous roles in the military
• Operation Prime Chance -                                                                                                                                                        sailors were barred from becom-
   Iran–Iraq War.                                                                                                                                                                 ing Navy SEALs by naval regu-
• Operation Just Cause - Unit-                                                                                                                                                    lation; however, this prohibition
   ed States invasion of Pana-                                                                                                                                                    no longer exists.
   ma.                                                                                                                                                                               As early as August 2015, it
• Operation Desert Shield -                                                                                                                                                       was reported that the “Navy is
   Gulf War.                                                                                                                                                                      planning to open its elite SEAL
• Operation Restore Hope -                                                                                                                                                        teams to women who can pass
   Somalia Intervention.                                                                                                                                                          the gruelling training regimen.”
• Operation Enduring Free-                                                                                                                                                           In that same month, Admiral
   dom – United States inva-                                                                                                                                                      Jon Greenert, the Chief of Na-
   sion of Afghanistan.                                                                                                                                                           val Operations at the time, said
• Iraq War.                                                                                                                                                                       that “he and the head of Naval
• Operation Enduring Free-         NEPTUNE SPEAR: SEAL Team 6 carried out the raid that finally                                                                                   Special Warfare Command,
   dom – Philippines.              took down Osama bin Laden.                                                                                                                     Rear Admiral Brian Losey, be-
• Operation Enduring Free-                                                                                                                                                        lieve that if women can pass
                                                                                                            FREEZING COLD: The selection process to become a SEAL is
   dom – Horn of Africa.           Division officers on the ground,     selling nationalized Libyan oil                                                                           the legendary six-month Basic
                                                                                                            tough. Normally about 80 percent of them won’t make the grade.
  Some SEAL operations re-         killed Osama bin Laden in Ab-        on the black market.                                                                                      Underwater Demolition/SEAL
ceived wide media coverage.        bottabad, Pakistan about 56 km                                           (NEC) 5326 Combatant Swim-               ty Training (ProDev)         (BUD/S) training, they should
These include:                     from Islamabad in a CIA oper-        Selection and training              mer (SEAL) or, in the case of        • 6-month Unit Level Training    be allowed to serve.”
                                   ation.                                  Before getting accepted into     commissioned naval officers,             (ULT). ULT is unit training     On 3 December 2015, it was
Maersk Alabama hijacking              President Barack Obama later      Basic Underwater Demolition/        the designation Naval Special            conducted by each Groups     announced that there are now
   On 12 April 2009, in response   confirmed the death of bin Lad-      SEAL (BUD/S) training, a pro-       Warfare (SEAL) Officer.                  Training Detachment. Core    “no exceptions” to all military
to a hostage taking incident off   en, but did not directly mention     spective candidate must pass a         Navy SEAL training pipeline:          unit training blocks are Air roles in the U.S., and women
the coast of Somalia by Soma-      the involvement of DEVGRU,           certain number of both mental       • 8-week Naval Recruit Train-            Operations, Land Warfare,    can become U.S. Navy SEALs.
lian pirates, three Navy SEALs     saying only that a “small team”      and physical requirements.              ing                                  Maritime, Urban and Special     The Washington Examiner re-
from DEVGRU simultaneously         of Americans undertook the op-          These tests include: Pre-en-     • 8-week        Naval      Special       Reconnaissance.              ported on 10 August 2017: “A
engaged and killed the three pi-   eration to bring down bin Lad-       listment medical screening,             Warfare Prep School (Pre-        • 6-month Squadron Integra-      woman aiming to become the
rates who were closely holding     en.                                  ASVAB, AFQT, C-SORT, and                BUD/S)                               tion Training (SIT)          first female Navy SEAL officer
the hostage, Captain Richard          The unprecedented media           PST. Then, the candidate must       • 3-Week BUD/S Orientation              Those enlisted SEALs with a   quit about a week into the initial
Phillips, of the freighter ship    coverage raised the public pro-      get a SEAL contract by passing      • 24-week Basic Underwater           medical rating will first attend training”.
Maersk Alabama.                    file of the SEAL community,          the SEAL Physical Screening             Demolition/SEAL Training         the Special Operations Combat       In 2019 the first woman com-
   The pirates and their hostage   particularly the counter-ter-        Test: 450 metre swim in 12:30,          (BUD/S)                          Medic Course for 6 months in     pleted Navy SEAL officer as-
were being towed in a lifeboat     rorism specialists commonly          50 push-ups in two minutes, 50      • 5-week Parachute Jump              Fort Bragg, North Carolina be-   sessment and selection; how-
approximately 90 metres be-        known as SEAL Team 6.                sit-ups in two minutes, 10 con-         School                           fore joining a team in order to  ever, she was not selected for a
hind USS Bainbridge when              The official name of the mil-     secutive pull-ups in two min-       • 26-week SEAL Qualifica-            become a SEAL/Special Opera-     SEAL contract as she had not
each of the pirates were killed    itary operation was Operation        utes, and a 2.4 km run in 10:30.        tion Training (SQT)              tor Corpsman.                    listed the SEALs as her top-
by a different DEVGRU sniper       Neptune Spear.                           Candidates receiving a pass-       Upon graduation from SQT,            Those pursuing Officer posi-  choice war-fighting community.
with a single shot to the head.                                         ing score may then be admitted      trainees receive the U.S. Navy       tions first attend the Junior Of-
                                   Morning Glory oil tanker             into training to become Navy        SEAL Trident, designating them       ficer Training Course (JOTC) to SEAL teams and structures
Death of Osama bin Laden             On 16 March 2014, thirty U.S.      SEALs. SEAL training is ex-         as Navy SEALs.                       learn about operations planning       Naval Special Warfare Com-
  In the early morning of 2 May    Navy SEALs from SEAL Team            tremely rigorous. The attrition        They are subsequently as-         and how to perform team brief- mand is organized into the fol-
2011 local time, a team of Navy    2 took control of MV Morning         rate fluctuates, but averages at    signed to a SEAL Team or             ings. In total it can take over 2.5 lowing configuration:
SEALs of the Naval Special         Glory, a tanker full of oil loaded   about 80 percent.                   SEAL Delivery Vehicle (SDV)          years to completely train a Navy • Naval Special Warfare Group
Warfare Development Group          from a rebel-held port in Lib-          The average candidate spends     Team and begin 18-months of          SEAL for his first deployment.         1: SEAL Teams 1, 3, 5, 7
(DEVGRU), previously called        ya. The raid by Navy SEALs           over a year in a series of formal   pre-deployment training before                                           • Naval Special Warfare Group
“SEAL Team 6”, along with          took place in international wa-      training courses before being       they are considered deployable.      Women                                  2: SEAL Teams 2, 4, 8, 10
a Belgian Malinois Military        ters off the coast of Cyprus; the    awarded the Special Warfare         This training consists of:              No woman has ever become a • Naval Special Warfare
Working Dog (named “Cairo”),       raid was a success, preventing       Operator Naval Rating and the       • 6-month Professional Devel-        Navy SEAL.                             Group 3: SEAL Delivery
supported by Special Activities    a Libyan splinter militia group      Navy Enlisted Classification            opment – Individual Special-        Until December 2015, female         Vehicle Team 1, SEAL De-
18                                                                                                                                                                                                              19
livery Vehicle Team 2
     Weapons used by the SEALs          • Naval Special Warfare
                                           Group 4: Special Boat
                                           Teams 12, 20, 22
                                        • Naval Special Warfare
                                           Group 10: NSW Support
                                           Activity One, NSW Sup-
                                           port Activity Two, Mission
                                           Support Centre (“organize,
                         M4A1 Carbine      train, educate, equip, de-
                                           ploy and sustain specialized
                                           intelligence, surveillance,
                                           reconnaissance and prepa-
                         MK 16 SCAR     • Naval Special Warfare
                                           Group 11: SEAL Teams 17,
                                           18 (formerly Operational
                                           Support Teams 1, 2)
                                        • Naval Special Warfare De-
                                           velopment Group: Assigned
                                           operationally to JSOC (for-
                                           merly SEAL Team 6)
                                          The total number of per-
                                        sonnel, including SEALs and          Bush War Books has probably one of the finest
                                        SWCCs assigned to Naval Spe-        collections of military titles available. Especially
        M249 SAW Machine Gun            cial Warfare Command is ap-
                                        proximately 8,195 out of a total
                                                                                    on the South African Border War.
                                        8,985 military staff, and 10,166
                                        including civilian support staff.

                                                                                     Click here to visit their website.
        Sig Sauer P226

                                          The SEALs have two mot-
                                        • The Only Easy Day Was
       SOCOM MK 13 Mod 5                    Yesterday.
                                        • It pays to be a winner.
                                                                            “War does not determine who is right - only who is left”
20                                                                                                                                00
Who was running the show?
Prompted by an e-mail from a reader, MATT TENNYSON decided to take a closer look at the various                               Admiral
                                                                                                                                                  1 April     31 August     4 years,    South African
people that were the Chiefs of the SADF.                                                                                   Hugo Biermann
                                                                                                                                                   1972         1976        152 days        Navy

    ohn Verster, who has been      that General Rudolph Hiemstra      covered that both of us were
    a reader of Military Des-      had been the only member of        wrong. General Rogers was
    patches since the very first   the South African Air Force to     never the Chief of the SADF,
issue, sent me an e-mail after     become Chief of the SADF.          but General Hiemstra was not
reading the February issue of        John asked if General Bob        the only member of the South                            General
                                                                                                                                                1 September   6 October      4 years,   South African
the magazine.                      Rogers had not been the Chief      African Air Force to hold the                        Magnus Malan
                                                                                                                                                   1976         1980         35 days       Army
  In the ‘This month in Mili-      of the SADF at some stage.         title.                                                (1930–2011)
tary History’ I had mentioned        I did some research and dis-

Chief of the South African Defence Force (SADF)
  The Union Defence Force (UDF) was renamed ‘South African Defence Force’ in November
1958. The Commandant General’s title was then changed to ‘Commandant General SADF’.
  It was changed to ‘Chief of the SADF’ in July 1973, after Admiral Hugo Biermann assumed                                     General
                                                                                                                                                 7 October    30 October     5 years,   South African
the post the year before. After South Africa’s first democratic election, the South African Defence                       Constand Viljoen
                                                                                                                                                   1980          1985        23 days       Army
Force (SADF) became the South African National Defence Force (SANDF).

                                                                           Time in       Defence
                    Chief of the SADF       Took Office   Took Office
                                                                           Office        Branch
                                                                                                                                                1 November    31 October    4 years,    South African
                                                                                                                        Johannes Geldenhuys
                          General                                                                                                                  1985          1990       364 days       Army
                                            1 November    31 December      2 years,   South African                         (1935–2018)
                      Stephen Melville
                                               1958           1960         60 days      Air Force

                                                                                                                                                1 November    31 October    2 years,    South African
                                                                                                                       Andreas ‘Kat’ Liebenberg
                          General                                                                                                                  1990          1993       364 days       Army
                                             1 January    31 December      4 years,   South African                          (1938–1998)
                     Pieter Grobbelaar
                                               1961           1965         364 days      Army

                                                                                                                                                1 November     30 April                 South African
                         General                                                                                            Georg Meiring                                   180 days
                                             1 January     31 March        6 years,   South African                                                1993         1994                       Army
                     Rudolph Hiemstra                                                                                        (born 1939)
                                               1966          1972          90 days      Air Force

                                                                                                        General Georg Meiring would also go on to become the first Chief of the South African Nation-
                                                                                                      al Defence Force (SANDF), a position he would hold from 1 May 1994 to 31 May 1998.

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employees.                          try of the United States into the
An offer you can’t refuse, capeesh                                                                                                               Through the Navy Intelli-        war, Luciano’s aid was sought
                                                                                                                                              gence’s Mafia contacts from         by the Armed Services in induc-
Did the Mafia and the US Military really collaborate during World War II, or was it merely the imagi-                                         Operation Underworld, the           ing others to provide informa-
nations of a fiction writer? Sometimes the truth is far stranger than fiction.
                                                                                                                                              names of Sicilian underworld        tion concerning possible enemy

                                                                                                                                              personalities and friendly Sicil-   attack. It appears that he coop-
            ar can often lead         gins also claimed that it was negotiations, the State of New                                            ian natives who could be trust-     erated in such effort, although
            to some interest-         nothing more than a work of York moved Luciano from the                                                 ed were obtained and actually       the actual value of the informa-
            ing bedfellows and,       fiction. Or was it?               Clinton prison to Great Mead-                                         used in the Sicilian campaign.      tion procured is not clear.”
as is often stated, truth can be                                        ow Correctional Facility, which                                          The Joint Staff Planners for        Luciano was deported to his
a lot stranger than fiction. But      Operation Underworld              is much closer to New York                                            the US Joint Chiefs of Staff        homeland Italy on 9 February
the Mafia and the United States          During the early days of City.                                                                       (JSP) drafted a report titled       1946. There was a media hype
Military working hand-in-hand,        World War II, the U.S. Office       The State of New York, Lu-                                          Special Military Plan for Psy-      of Luciano’s role after his de-
surely not.                           of Naval Intelligence suspected ciano and the Navy struck a deal                                        chological Warfare in Sicily        portation. The syndicated col-
   In 1981 Jack Higgins released      that Italian and German agents in which Luciano guaranteed                                              that recommended the “Estab-        umnist and radio broadcaster
a fiction novel titled ‘Luciano’s     were entering the United States full assistance of his organiza-                                        lishment of contact and com-        Walter Winchell even reported
Luck’. The book was set in the        through New York, and that tion in providing intelligence to                Salvatore ‘Lucky’           munications with the leaders        in 1947 that Luciano would re-
summer of 1943 with the Allies        these facilities were susceptible the Navy.                                       Luciano               of separatist nuclei, disaffect-    ceive the Medal of Honour for
poised to invade Sicily.              to sabotage.                        In addition, Luciano associ-                                        ed workers, and clandestine         his secret services. Obviously
                                                                                                           ized crime groups in New York
   The Allies knew that the price        The loss of SS Normandie ate Albert Anastasia - who con-                                             radical groups, e.g., the Mafia,    this never happened.
                                                                                                           City and elsewhere.
of the invasion would be high in      in February 1942, especially, trolled the docks and ran Mur-                                            and giving them every possible
                                                                                                              Luciano allegedly guaranteed
blood and time unless the island      raised fears and suspicions in der, Inc., an organized crime                                            aid.” The report was approved       Controversy and criticism
                                                                                                           no dockworker strikes through-
people rose in revolt against         the Navy about possible sabo- group, active from 1929 to                                                by the Joint Chiefs of Staff in        There was considerable pub-
                                                                                                           out the war. In return, the State
their Nazi oppressors.                tage in the Eastern ports.        1941, that acted as the enforce-                                      Washington on April 15, 1943.       lic controversy during the late
                                                                                                           of New York agreed to com-
   Yet only the Mafia could              A Navy Intelligence Unit, B3, ment arm of the Italian-Amer-                                                                              days of the war and afterwards
                                                                                                           mute Luciano’s sentence.
command an uprising, and Ma-          assigned more than a hundred ican Mafia, Jewish Mob, and
                                                                                                              Luciano’s actual influence is Luciano is released                   surrounding the connection be-
fia supremo Antonia Luca hated        agents to investigate possible other closely connected organ-                                             In the summer of 1945, Lu-        tween the U.S. Government and
                                                                                                           uncertain, but the authorities
everything American. Someone          Benito Mussolini supporters
                                                                                                           did note that the dockworker ciano petitioned the State of             the Mafia.
very persuasive was needed to         within the predominantly Ital-
                                                                                                           strikes stopped after the deal New York for executive clem-               In 1953, Governor Dewey,
change his mind.                      ian-American fisherman and                                                                             ency, citing his assistance to the   pushed by allegations that he
                                                                                                           was reached with Luciano.
   And the American’s knew just       dockworker population on the                                                                           Navy. Naval authorities, embar-      sold Luciano his pardon, or-
the person with that persuasive       waterfront.
power - imprisoned Mafia boss            Their efforts would be fruit-
                                                                                                           Operation Husky                   rassed that they had to recruit      dered a confidential investi-
                                                                                                              Italian Americans were very organized-crime to help in their        gation by the state’s commis-
Salvatore ‘Lucky’ Luciano.            less. The Italian Mafia con-
                                                                                                           helpful in the planning and exe- war effort, declined to confirm       sioner of investigation, William
   While Higgins’ novel was a         trolled the docks and the water-
                                                                                                           cution of the invasion of Sicily Luciano’s claim.                      Herlands.
work of fiction, it was a lot clos-   front and no-one would say a                                                                              However, the Manhattan Dis-          Herlands released his 2,600-
                                                                                                           and the Mafia was involved in
er to the truth than many people      word without their permission.                                                                         trict Attorney’s office validated    page report in 1954, which
                                                                                                           assisting the U.S. war efforts.
realised. It was something that          The Navy knew that they
                                                                                                              Luciano’s associates found the facts and the state parole           offered proof of Luciano’s in-
Higgins was renowned for.             would have to start thinking out-
                                                                                                           numerous Sicilians to help the board unanimously agreed to             volvement with the Navy with-
   His 1975 best-seller ‘The Ea-      side of the box. They contacted
                                                                                                           Naval Intelligence draw maps recommend to the governor                 out finding any wrongdoing by
gle has landed’ was about a plot      Meyer Lansky. He was associ-
                                                                                                           of the harbours of Sicily and that Luciano be released and             Dewey.
by the Nazis to capture Win-          ated with the Jewish Mafia and
                                                                                                           dig up old snapshots of the deported immediately.                         Naval officials reviewed the
ston Churchill. While Higgins         was known as the ‘Mob’s ac-                                                                               On 4 January 1946, Governor       report and requested Dewey to
claimed that the book was pure        countant’. He was also a close
                                                                                                              Vito Genovese, another Ma- Thomas E. Dewey, the former              not release it on the grounds
fiction, many people believed         associate of Luciano.
                                                                                                           fia boss, offered his services to prosecutor who placed Luciano        that it would be a public-rela-
that it was based on fact and            Salvatore Luciano was serv-
                                                                                                           the U.S. Army and became an into prison, commuted Lucky                tions disaster for the Navy and
that there was an actual plan to      ing a 30 to 50 year sentence in FACT OR FICTION: Jack Hig-
                                                                                                           interpreter and advisor to the Luciano’s sentence on the con-          it might damage future similar
capture Churchill. A plan that        the Clinton Prison. The Navy gins’ fictional novel was a lot
                                                                                                           U.S. Army military government dition that he did not resist de-        war efforts. Dewey agreed, and
almost worked.                        asked Lansky to broker a deal closer to the truth than people
                                                                                                           in Naples. He quickly became portation to Italy.                       the report was not released until
   With ‘Luciano’s Luck’, Hig-        with Luciano. To facilitate the realised.                                                                 Dewey stated, “Upon the en-       after his death in the mid-1970s.
                                                                                                           one of AMGOT’s most trusted
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