COURSE GUIDE 2019 TAFE courses to degrees - Chisholm

Page created by Shane Beck
COURSE GUIDE 2019 TAFE courses to degrees - Chisholm
  TAFE courses to degrees
COURSE GUIDE 2019 TAFE courses to degrees - Chisholm
    This course guide has all the information you need to discover why thousands of students choose
     Chisholm for their education and training each year. From VCE and VCAL through to certificates,
diplomas, advanced diplomas and specialist degree courses, we offer a full range of study pathways into
 qualifications across most major industry sectors. Fully government owned, Chisholm is a proud public
TAFE institute with a long history of providing quality education to more than 700,000 students over many
decades. We have established partnerships with universities and developed strong links with industry and
 the local community. We also offer government-funded training and access to student loans for eligible
 students, along with scholarships, academic support, counselling and a range of student services, and
                                        world-class learning facilities.

                  ON CAMPUS. ONLINE.
  At Chisholm, we’re here to help you gain the qualifications you need to find work in your chosen career
  field. With more than 300 courses to choose from, our training is focused on giving you job-ready skills.
    Our courses are devised in close consultation with industry, and offer practical experience and work
placements so you’ll get plenty of on-the-job training while you study. Whether you learn with Chisholm on
 campus at one of our ten locations, in your workplace or online, our dedicated teachers, student support
  services and world-class facilities will help you gain qualifications recognised by employers across the
                       country, in industry sectors where workers are in high demand.

    We are fully                We offer over          Over 7000 companies            We are one of the
 government owned              300 nationally           have had their staff      largest vocational training
                             recognised courses            trained by us             providers in Victoria
COURSE GUIDE 2019 TAFE courses to degrees - Chisholm
Why Chisholm                                                                                  1
How to apply                                                                                  3
Get qualified with us                                                                        5
Higher education at Chisholm                                                                  7
Study La Trobe degrees at Chisholm                                                           9
Learn on campus                                                                              11
Learn in the workplace                                                                      12
Tailored workplace training                                                                 12
Learn online with Chisholm Online                                                           13
Apprenticeships and traineeships                                                            15
Money matters                                                                               17
Student Services, we’re here to help                                                        19
Short courses and professional development                                                  21
Scholarships – Caroline Chisholm Education Foundation                                       22
Art and Design                                                                              23
Automotive and Logistics                                                                    27
Building Trades                                                                             29
Business                                                                                    33
Early Childhood Education and Care                                                          37
Electronics and Engineering                                                                 40
Hair, Beauty and Make–Up                                                                    43
Health and Community Services                                                               45
Horticulture and Conservation                                                               49
Hospitality and Tourism                                                                      51
Information Technology                                                                      53
Sport, Recreation and Fitness                                                               55
Training and Assessing                                                                      56
Secondary School Alternatives                                                               57
Our endorsements                                                                            67
Stay in touch                                                                               68

       CHISHOLM IN 2019
               Health and Community Services, Trades, Accounting,
                        Horticulture, Education and more.
   Secure your future by studying one of the many free courses that lead to priority occupations in demand
 from employers in the Victorian economy. This Victorian Government program covers your tuition fees if you
       commence a selected course at Chisholm in 2019 and you’re eligible for government subsidy.

                              Find out more at

     Correct at time of publishing, final list of free courses is yet to be finalised. Full list of tuition free fee courses can be found at Subject to Victorian Government policy change, for more information go to
COURSE GUIDE 2019 TAFE courses to degrees - Chisholm
                     We are passionate about inspiring and transforming people’s lives through
                      quality education and training. Our students are our greatest supporters.
                       They recommend us to friends and family because we have dedicated
                    teachers, practical programs, convenient locations, flexible learning options,
                              and state-of-the art facilities to achieve real job outcomes.

STATE-OF-THE-ART                                           A $75.9 million redevelopment at the Frankston
                                                           Campus (pictured) will be almost complete if you
FACILITIES                                                 start with us in 2019. This will include new state-of-
Our state-of-the-art facilities continue to meet the       the-art education and training facilities for health,
needs of students and industry. We are always              community care, early childhood education and hair
investing to forge even stronger links with business       and beauty. It will also include new higher education
and industry and to deliver outstanding education,         space and student hub, and innovative teaching
employment and skills opportunities into the future.       and learning spaces for the digital era, redeveloped
                                                           trades facilities and a new Centre for Advanced
                                                           The new Berwick Centre for Health is situated in
                                                           the heart of the emerging Berwick Health and
                                                           Education Precinct, and will feature specialised
                                                           training and simulation laboratories, tailored teaching
                                                           environments and student facilities.

Our experienced and passionate teachers, who are experts in their field,
will guide you through your course and help you to achieve your goals.
They will also provide you with current industry insights, networking
opportunities and relevant career advice along the way.

2019 Course Guide                                                                                                   1
COURSE GUIDE 2019 TAFE courses to degrees - Chisholm
Chisholm has been leading the way in providing
quality education and training throughout Victoria,
nationally and overseas for decades. You can be
confident that we will be here for your whole education
journey and into the future.

Tafe courses to degrees                                                      ✔ One of the largest vocational education
Chisholm offers certificate, diploma, advanced diploma                          and training providers in Victoria.
and graduate certificate courses, short courses and
degree programs. Through our partnership with                                           ✔ Ten locations plus
La Trobe University, we also offer a number of                                  online and workplace study options
La Trobe degrees at Chisholm. For many of our
students, Chisholm’s multiple entry and exit points                             ✔ Over 30,000 students each year
provide the flexibility to balance the personal and                         ✔ Over 300 nationally recognised courses
professional journey.
                                                                             ✔ Flexible study options that work for you
Flexible learning options
At Chisholm, we offer flexible study options, including                       ✔ Opportunities to earn while you learn
online, part-time, and workplace delivery. Modes of
                                                                         ✔ Clear pathways to your ideal job or qualification
study vary for each course so speak to one of our
friendly course advisors to see what can work for you.                             ✔ Opportunities to transition
                                                                              from certificates to diplomas to degrees
We’re on the cutting edge
We work closely with employers and industry, and are                ✔ Specialist courses designed to meet industry needs
committed to providing a curriculum relevant to both
established and emerging industries. From traditional                                ✔ Inspirational educators
trades and apprenticeships to digital gaming and fine                ✔ Practical programs that provide real job outcomes
arts, we ensure our courses match current and future
industry needs. When you finish a qualification with us,                     ✔ State-of-the-art facilities and equipment
you can be confident that you have the right skills for
your chosen industry.                                                          ✔ Friendly and relevant learning and
                                                                                         support services

 Students have graduated            Established 1954 as              Ten locations plus             The year that TAFEs
   from Chisholm in the            Dandenong Technical              online and workplace          in south east Melbourne
       last 10 years                      School                           delivery               merged to form Chisholm

For the latest information, visit or call 1300 244 746                                                      2
COURSE GUIDE 2019 TAFE courses to degrees - Chisholm
                        IT’S EASY TO ENROL IN A COURSE
                             THAT’S RIGHT FOR YOU

        Apply online at      FURTHER INFORMATION
                          OR                       Here’s where you can find the most up to date
               Call us on 1300 244 746             information you need at your finger tips.
                          OR                       Of course, if you prefer to talk to someone
            Apply at any Chisholm location         instead give us a call on 1300 244 746.
                • Course listings
                                                   • Course outlines You can download an outline
                                                     for each course from the course page
                                                   • USI You need one of these. If you don’t have one,
                                                     you can get one quickly at
                                                   • Fees Course fees are listed on each course page
                                                     or go to
                                                   • Come to an open night

                                                   • Find out about students who have completed
                                                     courses with us –
        One of our friendly Course Advisors will   • Check out our locations
         assist you to finalise your enrolment
                                                   • Information for our current students
                                                   • Other links you might be interested in

        Once you have completed enrolment,
          you’ll be ready to commence your
         course. Our courses have a number
          of start times throughout the year.

2019 Course Guide                                                                                        3
COURSE GUIDE 2019 TAFE courses to degrees - Chisholm
Don’t know what course to do?
• Email, enquire now or call a course advisor who can
  step you through what might work for you
• Come to an open night
• The course guide is a ‘shopping list’ of what’s on offer.
  This can be a great starting place.

Know what course you want to do, but
need more info?
• Find course outlines on the web which contain more
  detailed information about what’s covered in each course.
• Discuss with a Course Advisor.

I’m ready and want to enrol.
How do I do that?
• Click apply now on any course page
• Call us on 1300 244 746
• Visit us at any Chisholm location

How can I pay for my course?
• Find more detailed info about payment on
  page 17 or visit

Our team of friendly Course Advisors will assist you
to find, finalise or enrol in your course. Our team are
here to help you on your career path.
We can work through your interests and goals to
determine suitable career or course options.
We can answer your quick questions, or have a chat.

For the latest information, visit or call 1300 244 746   4
COURSE GUIDE 2019 TAFE courses to degrees - Chisholm
                             WITH US
                             At Chisholm, you can choose a qualification level and a
                                   learning method that suits your career goals.

SHORT COURSES                                              PRE-APPRENTICESHIPS
We have a wide variety of short courses that can help      A pre-apprenticeship is a certificate course that
you to develop your skills in specific areas. As well as   enables you to experience what it’s like to work
providing experience in your area of interest, many of     in a trade, before you make a commitment to
these courses can be recognised in further study and       an apprenticeship. If you do continue to a full
contribute to your qualification. Discover a range of      apprenticeship, you’ll be better equipped and might
short courses at                                           even be able to shorten the study component of your                               apprenticeship by having the subjects you’ve already
                                                           completed recognised.
QUALIFICATIONS                                             APPRENTICESHIPS
Foundation Courses
                                                           AND TRAINEESHIPS
                                                           You can combine training with full-time or part-time
Foundation courses are designed to help students
                                                           work, so that while learning on the job you get the
gain valuable language, literacy, numeracy, study
                                                           necessary class time and are paid as you progress.
and job-ready skills. Our dedicated and experienced
                                                           We work closely with industry, community and
teachers help you to develop a tailored learning plan
                                                           government to develop programs that meet workplace
based on your skill level and future goals. They will
                                                           needs. The best thing about apprenticeships and
also provide support and guidance throughout your
                                                           traineeships is that you get practical, on-the-job
learning pathway. Our programs include English as
                                                           experience while gaining a nationally recognised
an Additional Language (EAL), General Education for
                                                           qualification, which means that you can go to any
Adults, Work Education and Skills for Education and
                                                           company in the field and be confident in your
Employment (SEE).
VET in Schools (VETiS)
Did you know that you can include vocational               CERTIFICATES
education and training (VET) programs as part of           Our certificate courses can be used to start
your senior school studies? These programs may             on a career pathway, gain an entry-level position or
count towards your Victorian Certificate of Education      round out your qualifications. The content is created
(VCE) and ATAR score, or your Victorian Certificate of     with extensive industry consultation and the units are
Applied Learning (VCAL). Successful completion of a        relevant and immediately useful in the workforce.
VETiS program provides you with two qualifications;        So whether you’re just starting or already well along
either VCE or VCAL, plus an industry certificate.          the way to having the career you want, one of our
Victorian Certificate of Education                         certificate courses could be just what you need to
                                                           make it all happen.
(VCE) and Victorian Certificate of
Applied Learning (VCAL)
If you’ve completed Year 10, you can study
your VCE and VCAL Years 11 and 12 at Chisholm.
We have a number of VCE subjects at our Dandenong
and Frankston locations, or you might prefer to
complete a VCAL course in your area of interest. This
can help you learn at a pace that suits you and be the
first step on your path to a rewarding career.

2019 Course Guide                                                                                                   5
COURSE GUIDE 2019 TAFE courses to degrees - Chisholm
DIPLOMAS                                                          DEGREES
These courses will extend your skills and                         We offer specialist degrees developed at Chisholm to
knowledge across a broad range of technical                       specifically meet the demands of industry. Through
and/or management functions. In many cases, your                  our partnership with La Trobe University, we also offer
diploma can be credited towards the first year of a               a number of La Trobe degrees at Chisholm.
university degree, which means you’ll complete
your degree sooner. Diploma courses dig a little                  GRADUATE CERTIFICATES
deeper into what the industry requires, and can give
you that extra knowledge you need to make an                      AND GRADUATE DIPLOMAS
impact. VET Student Loans are available to eligible               These postgraduate qualifications, just like our
students for many diploma courses.                                degrees, have been developed with industry to
                                                                  complement existing knowledge. They are suited to
ADVANCED DIPLOMAS                                                 diploma or degree graduates from other disciplines,
                                                                  or people with relevant industry experience who are
This higher level qualification will provide you with
                                                                  looking to broaden their skills.
advanced skills and an in-depth knowledge about
your chosen field. In many cases your advanced
diploma can be credited towards the first years
of a university degree.

  Building designer
  There is a shortage
  of trained architects
  and building designers
  at a time when the
  construction industry
  is thriving, with annual             Building Design               Further jobs growth
  new housing growth of            (Architectural) students          predicted over next
  up to eight per cent.               have the option to                  five years
                                   pathway into a degree
                                     or work post study

  Building design by
  Adam Andelkovic
  Advanced Diploma of Building
  Design (Architectural)

For the latest information, visit or call 1300 244 746                                                  6
COURSE GUIDE 2019 TAFE courses to degrees - Chisholm
Industry relevant                We have
                                      degrees                 pathways to degree

                HIGHER EDUCATION
                   AT CHISHOLM
       At Chisholm, we offer specialised, industry-specific higher education courses that give graduates
       a unique insight into the way industry works, as well as creating a network of people in the area.

Through our partnership with La Trobe University,           Chisholm’s Bachelor of Engineering Technology is
Chisholm provides you with a choice of pathways             endorsed by the Institute of Engineers Australia,
through higher education. You can apply to enter            allowing our graduates to be registered with the
directly into one of our degrees, or you may choose         Institute upon course completion.
to complete a diploma qualification which can then
provide you with credit towards the associated              Bachelor of Design
degree. The diploma-to-degree pathway generally             Chisholm’s Bachelor of Design program will equip you
takes the same amount of time to complete as the            with the skills to launch your design career in graphic
direct-entry degree, but you will hold a qualification at   and communication design.
the end of your first year of studies and can potentially   With an innovative delivery model that offers a mix
begin working in the field while completing the rest of     of online, face-to-face and industry engagement, this
your degree.                                                course sets you apart and focuses on developing an
We are actively expanding our Higher Education              industry-ready portfolio.
offerings at Chisholm. Check our website for the latest
                                                            Bachelor of Community Mental Health,
offerings and information as more degrees come on
                                                            Alcohol and Other Drugs
line throughout the year.
                                                            Chisholm’s unique Bachelor of Community Mental
Further information about Chisholm’s accreditation          Health, Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) will give you
as a higher education provider can be found at              the skills you need to provide non-clinical services
the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency         to specialists such as psychiatrists, nurses and
(TEQSA) and Quality Indicators in Learning and              social workers.
Teaching (QILT) websites.
                                                            You’ll gain an in-depth understanding of issues
Bachelor of Engineering Technology                          relating to alcohol and other drugs, mental health
Chisholm’s Bachelor of Engineering Technology               practice, community development and counselling
will prepare you for potential employment as an             processes. You’ll also learn about the legal and
Engineering Technologist, a career in high demand           ethical frameworks, working with children and youth,
both locally and across the world.                          intervention strategies, client advocacy and working in
                                                            aged care.
During this course, you’ll develop advanced skills
in engineering practice, project management,
problem solving, programming concepts, engineering
system design, engineering scientific principles,
instrumentation principles, manufacturing systems
and workplace training.

2019 Course Guide                                                                                                   7
This program has been designed to meet the growing                Graduate Diploma in Alcohol and Other
need for highly trained practitioners in the field. With          Drug Addiction Counselling
direct input from stakeholders in areas of mental                 Chisholm’s Graduate Diploma in Alcohol and Other
health and AOD, the degree has been developed                     Drugs Addiction Counselling provides you with the
in close consultation with practitioners, academics,              skills to confront current and emerging needs in
professional bodies and policy makers at both state               the alcohol and other drugs service sector. You will
and federal government levels.                                    develop an in-depth understanding of the theoretical
The Australian Community Workers Association                      underpinnings of addiction to both alcohol and other
(ACWA) is a national professional body that endorses              drugs, evidence based counselling strategies, and the
training courses for workers in the field. Chisholm’s             ability to provide service to vulnerable individuals and
programs are endorsed by ACWA. This endorsement                   families all within ethical frameworks for counsellors.
adds value to graduates of Chisholm programs as it                You will also learn about the socio-political contexts
confirms the professional reputation of our programs.             in which you will practice and how to apply your
Graduates are able to apply for membership of ACWA.               counselling skills to youth, children, older adults and
                                                                  families in need.
Graduate Certificate in Family Violence
                                                                  This highly specialised program has been developed
Fully accredited, Chisholm’s Graduate Certificate in
                                                                  to meet the growing need of counsellors and mental
Family Violence was developed in consultation with
                                                                  health workers to tackle the increase in adult alcohol
industry, academics and associated stakeholders,
                                                                  and drug consumption and the associated mental
including former Australian of the Year and anti-family
                                                                  health concerns. The degree has been developed
violence campaigner Rosie Batty, of the Luke Batty
                                                                  in consultation with counsellors, psychologists,
                                                                  academics, policy makers, professional bodies and
A key recommendation of the Royal Commission                      with close liaison with industry partners, ensuring that
into Family Violence was that practitioners have as a             it provides you with skills based on current evidence,
minimum, specialist training to degree level.                     and industry needs. This course is ideal for those with
This new post-graduate course will give those already             skills in the mental health sector, who wish to extend
working within the health and community services                  their qualifications and/or counselling abilities through
sector a chance to advance in the areas of prevention             rigorous training via highly skilled professionals.
and intervention of family violence.
The course is designed to deliver specialised
expertise in the area of family violence work. The
course objectives focus on the requisite knowledge,
skills, attitudes and values required of skilled
practitioners within the field. It aims to develop
professionals who can respond critically to the
current and future needs of their industry, and who
are effective lifelong learners who can realise and
capitalise on opportunities afforded by emerging
research and prevention initiatives relating to family
violence work.

                                                                                                Gaynor’s pathway
                                                                                                “The Chisholm
                                                                                                pathways were
                                                                                                amazing. The Diploma
                                                                                                of Community Services
                                                                                                took 1.5 years off my
     Choose the right             Pathways provide more                                         three year degree
   pathway to suit your           options to get the right
    needs and lifestyle                qualification

For the latest information, visit
                                                  or call
                                                     call 1300
                                                          1300 244
                                                               244 746
                                                                   746                                                    8
More La Trobe courses                 Some Chisholm                La Trobe degrees
                    are delivered at                 diplomas have direct          delivered at Chisholm
                   Chisholm locations                    pathways into                   locations
                        each year                      La Trobe degrees

             STUDY LA TROBE

                                                                    Bachelor of Early Learning
LA TROBE DEGREES                                                    This degree course is available to students enrolling
AT CHISHOLM                                                         in Chisholm’s Diploma of Early Childhood Education
                                                                    and Care. After successfully finishing your diploma,
Chisholm students can study a range of La Trobe
                                                                    you can opt to complete the degree program in 2.5
University qualifications from Chisholm campus
                                                                    years. It’s currently delivered as a fully supported
locations in Melbourne’s south east. By completing
                                                                    online course. Both the Diploma of Early Childhood
certain diploma courses with Chisholm, you will gain
                                                                    Education and Care and the Bachelor of Early
entry into* and earn credit towards a specialised
                                                                    Learning are accredited by the Australian Children’s
degree that prepares you to work in your chosen
                                                                    Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA).
industry. Each year an increasing range of La Trobe
University degrees will be offered and delivered                    Bachelor of Community Services
conveniently for you at a local Chisholm campus.
                                                                    Once you successfully complete your Diploma
Bachelor of Nursing (Enrolled Nurse Entry)                          of Community Services you can pathway into the
                                                                    Bachelor of Community Services at a Chisholm
When you complete the Diploma of Nursing at
                                                                    campus. You will gain credit for eight university
Chisholm and hold Australian Health Practitioner
                                                                    subjects providing advanced standing into the second
Regulation Agency (AHPRA) Enrolled Nurse
                                                                    year of the La Trobe degree. The degree program
Division 2 nursing registration, you have a direct
                                                                    allows you to expand your employment options within
pathway entrance into La Trobe University Bachelor
                                                                    the community services sector.
of Nursing (Enrolled Nurse Entry) at a Chisholm
campus. The Bachelor of Nursing (Enrolled Nurse
Entry) is accredited by the Australian Nursing and
Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC). This
option provides you with the knowledge, skills and
practical experience to become a highly employable
Registered Nurse.

* subject to completing transition subject/s for nursing degrees.
2019 Course Guide                                                                                                           9
Bachelor of Accounting                                            Master of Business Administration
Become a tertiary qualified Accountant by studying                Study a La Trobe Master of Business Administration
the Bachelor of Accounting, offered by Chisholm in                at Chisholm locations in Melbourne’s south east and
partnership with La Trobe University. This program                gain high level managerial and business skills to lead
is available at Chisholm 311, our location in central             in your chosen business industry. This is an ideal path
Dandenong. You can complete Chisholm’s Diploma                    if you are looking to advance in your current career
of Accounting in one year and then study the La Trobe             area or build skills and knowledge to move into a
Bachelor of Accounting for two more years                         new business field. Students will be integrated into
(or equivalent part time) and gain both qualifications.           the state-wide program of delivery and will be able to
                                                                  network with peers from all over Victoria.
Bachelor of Information Technology
If you aspire to be degree qualified in the field of
Information and Communications Technology (ICT),                    Check our website for the latest La Trobe degrees
the Bachelor of Information Technology is for you.                  as more are added throughout the year –
Study locally and conveniently, in the central business   
district of Dandenong, and fast track your degree by              Please note that courses may be subject to change
combining one year of study with two years of further             where external accreditation requirements apply.
university study. When you complete your degree,
you will have the confidence and ability to work in a
variety of industries as an ICT professional.

                                                                   Registered nurses
                                                                   Registered nurses are
                                                                   needed across Australia.
                                                                   Nurse practitioners and
                                                                   midwives are also in hot
                                                                   demand with strong jobs
                                                                   growth predicted.

   Extremely rewarding                 Average annual             Direct pathway entrance            Health will be the
   career with high job              salary of Registered         into La Trobe University         largest growth sector
        satisfaction                  Nurses in Australia           Bachelor of Nursing            over the next 5 years
                                                                   (Enrolled Nurse Entry)

For the latest information, visit or call 1300 244 746                                                     10
LEARN ON                                                       Dandenong
                                                               121 Stud Road, Dandenong, 3175

                                                               The Dandenong campus is the largest Chisholm
                                                               campus in south east Melbourne, with facilities for
                                                               international and VCE students, manufacturing and
                                                               robotics centre, building and construction trades
OUR LOCATIONS                                                  centre, hi-tech automotive centre, a large library
                                                               and computer lab, café, patisserie, hair and beauty
We have ten locations across Melbourne and the
                                                               salon and campus store. The Dandenong campus is
South East. Each one has facilities dedicated to the
                                                               well equipped to provide you with what you need to
particular learning areas offered at that campus.
                                                               succeed in your studies.
All campuses are conveniently located with parking
and public transport access, each featuring a modern           311 Lonsdale Street, Dandenong, 3175
learning environment, helpful support services, and            Chisholm @311 is situated in the Dandenong CBD,
world-class facilities.                                        providing a contemporary space for students to
We also offer options to learn online, or in the               learn right in the hub of Dandenong. With modern
workplace for many subjects, so you can create a               classrooms and cutting edge technology such as
learning plan that suits your individual needs.                a green screen facility, Chisholm @311 is a fantastic
                                                               location to gain your qualification.
 Find out more about our campus locations and facilities
 at                                  Frankston
 Check out transport options at         Fletcher Road, Frankston, 3199
                                                               Our $75.9 million redevelopment at the Frankston
You can also learn online or                                   Campus brings new state-of-the-art education and
                                                               training facilities across many disciplines. Frankston
in your workplace.
                                                               also has comprehensive library, computer labs,
                                                               modern cafe, student restaurant, massage clinic, hair
                                                               and beauty salon and trades facilities. It is located
                                                               next to the Peninsula Aquatic & Recreation Centre.

                                                               Berwick and Berwick TEC
Melbourne                                                      25 Kangan Drive, Berwick, 3806
                                                               With an on-site beauty spa, children’s services training
                                                               centre and a computer, engineering and electronic
                                                               centre, Berwick caters to many different streams
                                                               of education. Berwick also has a fully integrated
                                                               trade training centre (BTCC) where apprentices work
                                                               together across disciplines like a real building site.
                                                               The campus is also shared with Berwick TEC, a
                                                               premier location for VCAL, pre-apprenticeship and
                             Cranbourne                        apprenticeship learning. Other facilities include a
                                                               modern sports centre, gym and fitness rooms,
                                                               state-of-the-art computer labs and café.
                                                               Chisholm’s new Centre for Health is situated in the
                                                               heart of the emerging Berwick Health and Education
                                                               Precinct. The precinct includes Casey Hospital and
                                                               the new St John of God Hospital, both located in
Rosebud                                                        walking distance of the Centre for Health. It features
                                                               specialised training and simulation laboratories,
                                                               tailored teaching environments and student amenities
                                                               to meet increased demand for health and nursing.


2019 Course Guide                                                                                                       11
New Holland Drive, Cranbourne, 3911                                LEARN IN THE
Cranbourne has a large library and study area,
computer lab and café. There are also many course
specific facilities, such as the large plant nursery,
glasshouse and environmental simulation facilities.                With many courses we will train or assess you in your
It also has the National Water Centre– a $10 million               workplace. This minimises off-the-job time and makes
water industry training facility.                                  it easier to get your qualification. Training is done at
                                                                   the premises of your work. Chisholm delivers short
Mornington Peninsula                                               courses to further your development to nationally
Boneo Road, Rosebud, 3939                                          recognised courses adapted to meet the needs of
The Mornington Peninsula campus boasts many                        your workplace.
facilities that can help you learn in your chosen field,
with a café, library, on-site restaurant and a hair and
beauty salon, and is home to the Southern Peninsula
Trade Training Centre.
It services local secondary students as well as
students pursuing tertiary education, helping them                 WORKPLACE
develop skills for in-demand trade qualifications.

Bass Coast
Corner Bass Highway and South Dudley                               We understand that a business’s success depends on
Road, Wonthaggi, 3995                                              the quality of its staff.
The Bass Coast campus services a large area of
                                                                   Our tailored staff training programs are designed
Wonthaggi and surrounding communities, with a
                                                                   to improve your team’s skills, increase workplace
focus on accessible learning options for secondary
                                                                   productivity and meet your specific business needs.
and tertiary students. VCAL can help students under
                                                                   Conducted in the workplace, our flexible training
20 work their way into an apprenticeship or pre-
                                                                   programs are delivered by industry experts and
apprenticeship as they progress through Year 11 and
                                                                   specialist workplace trainers.
12. There are also many options for school leavers
and mature age students to get the qualifications                  We work with your business to ensure minimal
they need, in the career they want.                                operational disruption. Our goal is to achieve
                                                                   outcomes that positively impact your business.
Melbourne City                                                     Visit to find out
399 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, 3000                               more about how we can support your business
234 Flinders Lane, Melbourne, 3000                                 growth, including:
Our two Melbourne City locations are positioned in                 •   The Chisholm workplace delivery model
the heart of Melbourne’s vibrant commercial business               •   Delivery Management
districts, on the corner of Lonsdale Street and                    •   Account communication and reporting
Hardware Lane and at 234 Flinders Lane. The city                   •   Training and assessment staff.
locations provide flexible and contemporary spaces
for teaching hairdressing and other courses including
English language and business programs.

Corner Boulton Street and Springvale Road,
Springvale, 3171
Located in the heart of Springvale, this location
specialises in the delivery of english language

                                                                       We develop training        We deliver training
                                                                        for your business         in your workplace

For the latest information, visit or call 1300 244 746                                                   12
                                                         Certificate III
                                                         • Individual Support.

                                                         Certificate IV
                                                         •   Building and Construction
                                                         •   Bookkeeping
                                                         •   Business Administration
                                                         •   Disability
                                                         •   Leadership and Management
                                                         •   New Small Business

                                                         •   Plumbing and Services.


                                                         •   Accounting
                                                         •   Alcohol and Other Drugs
                                                         •   Business
                                                         •   Business Administration
Chisholm Online is all about flexibility – studying      •   Early Childhood Education
when and where it suits. So you can move                 •   HR Management
towards the job you want without sacrificing             •   Leadership and Management
pay or family time.                                      •   Mental Health.
Our courses are designed to fit in with you. There are
videos, podcasts, simulations, web links, readings and   Short courses
webinars that you can choose to watch live or later      Chisholm Online offers a variety of short
in your own time. Your teacher is with you the whole     courses delivered online.
way through, ready to answer any questions you may
have and a student engagement team is available 7
days a week to talk to if you need advice.
Best of all, you will be welcomed into an online
community with a network of people just like you.
When you study with Chisholm Online, you will
also have access to all the services available to
Chisholm on campus students, such as tutoring,
skills development and library access. When you
successfully complete your course, you’ll receive a
nationally recognised qualification from Chisholm.

2019 Course Guide                                                                                    13
HOW YOU WILL                                                      Peer interaction
LEARN ONLINE                                                      Through the virtual classroom, you can interact
                                                                  with other students who are studying the same unit.
                                                                  Communicating with your peers about your course
Virtual classroom
                                                                  material is a great way to cement your knowledge
Your virtual classroom is where you will access all
                                                                  and stay motivated. Many students form friendships
of your learning materials, watch weekly webinars
                                                                  and stay in touch with their peers and teachers,
and chat with your teacher and other students.
                                                                  assisting each other in finding jobs and networking.
You’ll learn through interactive activities, simulations,
readings and videos which can be accessed from
                                                                  Student services
your computer or tablet.
                                                                  You’ll have access to the same services as Chisholm
                                                                  on campus students have such as on campus libraries,
Inspiring teachers
                                                                  tutoring services, counselling, career and employment
Chisholm Online’s teachers have been selected for
                                                                  services, learning skills help resource with tutorials to
their knowledge, experience and passion for online
                                                                  help you reach your full potential.
learning. Your teacher will guide you through the
course material, answering questions as they arise.
                                                                  Support 7 days a week
You are able to contact your teacher at any time
                                                                  A student engagement team is available 7 days
through email or group discussion boards in Moodle.
                                                                  a week to answer questions, give advice and offer
                                                                  support. They can help you use the virtual classroom,
24/7 learning
                                                                  offer technical support and give you information
You can access your learning material, complete
                                                                  about course requirements. The engagement team
assignments and post questions to your peers and
                                                                  are available:
teacher at any time, from wherever suits you; at home,
while on the train, on your lunch break, morning,                 Monday to Friday 9am – 7pm
afternoon or evening, during the week or on the                   Saturday and Sunday 1 – 5pm
weekend. The choice is yours.
As long as you have a computer or tablet with Internet             To find out more visit
access, you can access your learning material and                   or phone 1300 275 265
support network.


    Our online teachers                 High student                Student Engagement             Real people to talk
      are experts in                    retention rate                 Team available             to when you need it
        their fields                                                   7 days a week

For the latest information, visit or call 1300 244 746                                                   14
                      Apprenticeships and traineeships offer diverse career opportunities as
             well as the ability to earn while you learn. With an apprenticeship or traineeship, you’re
               paid for your time at work as well as the time you conduct training with Chisholm.

             Another advantage of apprenticeships and traineeships is their flexibility. You can work
         part-time or full-time, and even complete some apprenticeships and traineeships at school as a
                                 School Based Apprenticeship or Traineeship (SBAT).

    As a Chisholm apprentice or trainee you may attend trade school one day a week or on a ‘block release’
        schedule where you work for four or five weeks and then attend for one week. Depending on the
                   apprenticeship you undertake, workplace training may be an option also.

                 Our training facilities represent real-world learning environments, with quality
            educators, strong links with industry and opportunities for employment and further study.

          By completing an apprenticeship or traineeship your career opportunities could be endless.
              From long term employment and even the possibility of running your own business.

                        Apprenticeships focus on                     Traineeships focus
                      trade careers while working             on building skills and knowledge
                        and undertaking a formal              while working and undertaking a
                       qualification. Approximate             formal qualification. Approximate
                       duration two to four years.               duration one to two years.

                    Flexible learning to     Pathways provide more           Choose the right
                     help you achieve        options to get the right      pathway to suit your
                        your goals                qualification             needs and lifestyle

2019 Course Guide                                                                                            15

                                                                         2. Polish your resume and cover letter
  1. Decide on your preferred industry or trade                          The Chisholm Skills and Jobs Centre
  Find out about the different trade careers                             can help you with resume writing and
  available. Register to attend one of our                               interview skills. Call 9212 4909 or email
  Open Nights at                          for
                                                                         these services.

  3. Find an employer:
                                                                  • Tell everyone that you’re looking for an apprenticeship
  • Search the Apprenticeship Employment                          • Ask trade outlets such as plumbing and hardware
    Network at and the Australian                        suppliers if you can post a notice at their business.
    Apprenticeship Network provider at                            • Phone or send your resume to companies you’d                                like to work for.
  • Try,                        • Drop in to their business or work sites with a
    (Jobs and Workplace), Facebook, LinkedIn                        ‘calling card’ or resume.
    and other job sites                                           • Register with the Chisholm Skills and Jobs Centre
  • Newspapers generally advertise apprenticeships                  for help finding employment. Call 9212 4909 or
    on Saturday or Wednesday. Most apprenticeships                  email
    are gained through word of mouth.

  4. Sign your apprenticeship/traineeship                                5. Enrol at Chisholm
  training agreement                                                     Once your training agreement details are
  Once you’ve found an employer, they must                               received by us (this can take a few weeks) we will
  register you with an Australian Apprenticeship                         be in touch via phone or email with the next steps
  Network provider within three months of starting                       for enrolment. Visit or contact a
  work and arrange for you and your employer                             Chisholm course advisor on
  to sign a training agreement. Make sure you list                       1300 244 746 with any question you may have
  Chisholm as your training provider.                                    in the meantime.

For the latest information, visit or call 1300 244 746                                                        16
MONEY                                                     FEE PAYMENT OPTIONS
                                                          There are several ways you can pay for your fees.

                                                          Many people prefer to pay over time or at a later date
                                                          instead of in one lump sum. There are government
                                                          loan options available to eligible students for many
Everyone’s circumstances are different, and this          courses too. So you can learn now, and repay later
can affect how much you’ll pay for your training          when you have the job you’ve been working towards.
at Chisholm.                                              For all the latest information, go to
The cost of our courses is listed on the course
information pages, and is correct at the time of print,   VET Student Loans
but it’s a good idea to check our website as prices       Study now and pay later with VET Student Loans –
may change if resources, funding and expenses             an Australian government loan program that assists
change. Go to                        eligible students to pay for their vocational education
                                                          and training (VET) tuition fees when studying for a VET
Fees listed on our website are for:
                                                          Student Loan-eligible diploma or advanced diploma.
• students who are eligible for Victorian and
  Australian government-subsidised training               Eligible students studying VET Student Loan-eligible
• students who are eligible for concession                graduate certificates and graduate diplomas may
  rates on Victorian and Australian government-           also qualify for VET Student Loans assistance.
  subsidised training                                     To be an eligible student, you must be an Australian
• students who are required to pay the full fees          citizen, hold a Permanent Humanitarian Visa and be
  for tuition and other costs.                            usually resident in Australia, or be an eligible New
                                                          Zealand citizen.
Annual course costs include:                              Students do not have to repay the loan until their
• a tuition fee (for course delivery)                     income is above the minimum repayment threshold
• a student services fee (for services and facilities)    for compulsory repayment. Voluntary payments may
• a materials fee (for resources and equipment            be made at any time.
  where applicable).
Some courses use more resources than others, and
                                                          This Australian government loan scheme helps
the cost may reflect this. These fees must be paid on
                                                          eligible students to pay their tuition fees when
the day of enrolment, although you may be eligible
                                                          studying a bachelor degree or FEE-HELP eligible
for assistance with your tuition fees that can defer
                                                          graduate certificates or graduate diplomas. You don’t
the payment through a government loan. These
                                                          have to repay the loan until your income is above
loans are available if you are studying eligible
                                                          the minimum repayment threshold for compulsory
diplomas and above. Payment plans may also
                                                          repayment, although you can make voluntary
be available.
                                                          repayments at any time.

    Full details on your         Speak with us about         You can trust your          Honest, unbiased
  finance options online         your finance options        investment with us          advice just for you

2019 Course Guide                                                                                                17
Payment plans                                                     Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders
Payment plans are available for most courses at                   Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders
certificate I, II, III and IV levels and diplomas or              are eligible for a concession on tuition and student
above that are not eligible for a VET Student Loan.               services fees for any level of Victorian government-
You can spread your tuition costs over the year by                subsidised course.
making part payments by direct debit on a weekly,
fortnightly or monthly basis. We work in partnership              Skills First Program
with Debit Success, the largest direct debit provider in          Skills First funding is a Victorian state government
Australasia, to set up a payment plan that works                  subsidy that makes training more affordable.
for you.                                                          You could be eligible for a government subsidised
                                                                  training place, depending on your age, educational
Financial assistance                                              history, and citizenship or residency status. If you meet
If you hold a current Health Care, Pensioner                      the eligibility criteria, the Victorian government may
Concession or Veterans’ Gold Card, or are named                   subsidise your training greatly reducing what you
on the card as a dependent spouse or child, you may               need to pay.
be eligible for a tuition fee concession. This applies to
all Victorian government-subsidised courses except                Caroline Chisholm Education Foundation
diplomas and above.                                               Caroline Chisholm Education Foundation helps
                                                                  support students who, due to financial hardship, might
Free TAFE for Priority Courses                                    otherwise not have access to training and education.
This Victorian Government program covers your                     Find out more on page 22.
tuition fees if you commence a selected course at
Chisholm in 2019 and you’re eligible for government
subsidy. Find out more at
(Subject to Victorian Government policy change

                                                                         PER CENT
   people employed in               Engineers in high               of working engineers
  the Manufacturing and           demand across Victoria           have bachelor degrees
    Engineering sector

For the latest information, visit or call 1300 244 746                                                   18
             WE’RE HERE TO HELP
                 As a Chisholm student, you can access a variety of support services that will
             enhance your study experience and help you to complete your training successfully.
            For more information about any of our services, visit

2019 Course Guide                                                                                    19
Apprenticeship support                                            International Student Programs
Apprenticeship Support Officers (ASOs) provide free               Our International Student Programs staff can help you
and confidential advice and assistance with work,                 with everything from course transfer advice to change
training or personal issues.                                      of visa status. Visit for
                                                                  more information.
Counselling services
Experienced and professionally qualified counsellors              Learning skills
provide free support, advice or referrals to specialist           If you want to improve your study skills, our
providers to help you.                                            learning skills staff can assist you with writing reports
                                                                  and essays, referencing and bibliographies, exams
Client services                                                   and test preparation, and presentation skills. Connect
Our staff can assist you with course information,                 with Learning Skills support in your campus library.
application and enrolment procedures, student ID
cards and more.                                                   Free, online study support
                                                                  Get free online help from expert tutors. Studiosity
Disability support                                                provides online personal study support with
We provide support for students with diagnosed                    assignment and study questions, and a 24/7 essay
disabilities, medical or mental health conditions.                review service.
Contact a disability officer as early as possible, before
your course starts, to organise the help you need.                Library and information centre
                                                                  Our friendly staff can help you find information and
Employment services                                               connect you with resources and services to support
Our employment service can help you to find work.                 your study. For opening times, visit
We provide advice and assistance in areas such as       
career counselling, job search techniques, resume
review and interview preparation.                                 Parking
You can also register online with MyWorkSearch, a                 We provide free student parking across all
job search and training tool. It provides support for all         campuses with a permit issued (except for @311
aspects of looking for and securing a new job, both               and Melbourne City).
while you study and once you graduate.                            Student experience
                                                                  We provide a range of experiences including campus
Indigenous support                                                events, competitions, giveaways, incentives and
We help Indigenous students to access a full range                discounts. You’ll also have access to student-run
of educational opportunities. Our liaison office can              salons, restaurants and massage clinics – all at
provide advice.                                                   discounted prices.

    Your needs are our             We’re here to help you                You can talk to us       Keep up to date at
    number one priority                                                                  

For the latest information, visit or call 1300 244 746                                                   20
               AND PROFESSIONAL
                       Check out our extensive range of short courses across every career
                                    area at
             A short course can be a great way to feed a passion, dip your toe into a new career,
             add a skill to your resume or pathway into a nationally recognised certificate course.
                    We deliver across our ten locations as well as online and in the workplace.
          We can even customise specific courses and content to suit your individual business needs.

                               Cyber security
                               Our cyber security
                               courses have
                               been developed in
                               consultation with
                               industry. This field has
                               strong jobs growth
                               predicted for the             Government report             The Australian
                               next 10 years.             estimates growing need          government has
                                                           for cyber security over      invested in a $230m
                                                                next 10 years          Cyber Security Strategy

                             OPEN NIGHTS
    Open Nights are taking place at Chisholm campuses throughout the year. Drop by to
 learn more about what Chisholm has to offer you. Visit our website for dates and locations.

2019 Course Guide                                                                                            21
          The Caroline Chisholm Education Foundation helps support students of Chisholm who, due to
                 financial hardship, might otherwise not have access to training and education.
                 The scholarships can assist in paying tuition fees, material fees and amenity fees.

                                           HOW TO APPLY
          Applications are processed throughout the year. You can pick up an application form from any
           Chisholm Campus Customer Service location or download one from
                                           Eligibility and selection criteria apply.
                    For more information on how to apply contact the Foundation on 9238 8114
                                       or email us at

      Over 200 grants                 We help people                      We are helping         Donate and
     awarded last year               improve their lives                  more and more       make a difference in
                                                                         people each year       someone’s life

                                   Meet Dianna, a Caroline Chisholm Education Foundation
                                   success story
                                   Dianna left school in year 9 at the age of 15 when the traditional secondary
                                   school environment was not supporting her needs. At 20 years of age, Dianna
                                   recommenced her education by enrolling into VCAL (Victorian Certificate of
                                   Applied Learning). Dianna’s return to education was assisted by the financial
                                   support of the Caroline Chisholm Education Foundation Scholarship. As a single
                                   mother, the scholarship allowed her to successfully complete a course she would
                                   otherwise not have had access to.
                                   Dianna not only completed her VCAL but went on to successfully complete a
                                   Certificate III in Business Administration Traineeship with the Red Cross, and a
                                   Certificate IV in Business Administration with asistance from the CCEF.
                                   From those early years of uncertainty, Dianna developed in to a confident
                                   student. As the mother of a young daughter, working fulltime in administration
                                   including reception, sales, and purchasing, Dianna’s future is filled with
                                   opportunities. In the future, Dianna aspires to undertake further study, eventually
                                   working in a senior position and saving for a house.

For the latest information, visit or call 1300 244 746                                                22

If it’s a creative career you want, there’s no better place
than Chisholm.
Our quality art and design courses open up a world of
choice, helping you develop foundation skills or deepen
your knowledge and technical expertise to build the career
you want.
Find your creative niche at Chisholm with a full-time, part-
time or short course in art and design across a wide range
of courses in fine art, graphic design, illustration and screen
arts, photography, games art and art therapy.
We’ll help you build a great portfolio of work, with access
to Chisholm’s state-of-the-art facilities, including a high-
tech sculpture studio, and support from our high quality
educators to find the job that you’re seeking.
Alternatively, continue to our Advanced Diploma industry-
ready program, or to higher education with a credit transfer
into university studies.
Whether you’re a school leaver, mature student or
international student, Chisholm has everything you need to
explore and develop your creative career.
Get your creative career going!
 Robyn’s art features in group and solo exhibitions.
 See her story

 Emmanuel chose Chisholm’s bachelor course because it
 presented multiple pathways.
 See his story.

 View our photo imaging and graphic design galleries.

2019 Course Guide                                                 23
Qualification:          Certificate I        Certificate II        Certificate III       Certificate IV
   Diploma           Advanced Diploma              Bachelor Degree             Graduate Certificate           Masters

Locations: @311 Lonsdale St Dandenong, B Berwick, BC Bass Coast, BT Berwick TEC, C Cranbourne, D Dandenong, F Frankston, FL Flinders Lane,
MC Melbourne City, MP Mornington Peninsula, O Online, S Springvale, W Workplace

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Payment plan available
                                                                                                                                                                                                        FEE-HELP available
                                                                                                                                                                                    VET Student Loans
                                                                                                                                    Gov subsidised

                                                                                                                                                     Gov subsidised

                                                                                                                                                                      Full fee
Certificate IV In Screen And Media / Certificate IV In Digital And Interactive Games                                                 $1,520               $7,596          $16,816                                            ✔
Entry Requirements: Year 11 or mature age entry Duration: Full time 1 year Location: @311
Diploma Of Digital And Interactive Games (ICT50215) Games Art                                                                        N/A                  $3,650          $6,899    ✔
Entry Requirements: Year 11 or mature age entry Duration: Full time 1 year 18 months Location: @311
Certificate IV In Programming (ICT40515)                                                                                             $815                 $4,074          $8,568                                             ✔
Entry Requirements: Prior IT skills and knowledge are essential. Year 12 (VCE) or an equivalent
qualification. Duration: Full time 1 year Location: D
Certificate IV In Digital Media Technologies (ICT40815) Games Programming                                                            $761                 $3,807          $8,007                                             ✔
Entry Requirements: Mature age entry, Year 12 (VCE) or an equivalent qualification
Duration: Full time 6 months, Part time 1 year Location: B, C, D, F
Diploma Of Software Development /                                                                                                    N/A                  $8,784          $15,644
Diploma Of Digital And Interactive Games (ICT50715)
Entry Requirements: Attendance at an interview prior to enrolment. Certificate IV in Programming or
equivalent. Year 12 (VCE) or equivalent, or mature age.
Duration: Full time 1 year , Part time 2 years Location: F

Certificate II In Printing And Graphic Arts (General) (ICP20115)                                                                     $286                 $1,431          $7,371                                             ✔
Entry Requirements: No formal requirements Duration: Part time 16 weeks Location: D
Certificate IV In Design / Certificate IV In Visual Arts (CUA40715) Art and Design Foundation                                        $827                 $4,137          $10,441                                            ✔
Entry Requirements: Year 11 or mature age entry Duration: Full time 1 year 2 years Location: D, F
Diploma Of Graphic Design (CUA50715)                                                                                                 N/A                  $7,227          $12,185   ✔
Entry Requirements: Students applying directly for a Diploma interview are requested to bring to the
interview a portfolio of at least 10 images that relate to the chosen area of study and completed in the last
2 years. The portfolio may be hard copy or digital. Duration: Full time 1 year 2 years Location: D
Advanced Diploma of Graphic Design (CUA60315)                                                                                        N/A                  $7,700          $11,638
Entry Requirements: Applicants must have completed the Diploma of Graphic Design, Students applying
directly for a Diploma interview are requested to bring to the interview a portfolio of at least 10 images that
relate to the chosen area of study and completed in the last 2 years. The portfolio may be hard copy or
digital. Year 12 (VCE) or equivalent or mature age (at least 18 years of age and away from formal education
for at least one year). Duration: Full time 6 months Location: D
Bachelor of Design (CRS1201284)                                                                                                      See individual course page for further details
Entry Requirements: Pathway Diploma pathways allow students to progress from one qualification to           including international admissions requirements
another where the first course is recognised as an entry requirement and/or provides advanced standing to at
the second. Successful completion of the associated Diploma guarantees entry into the second year of the
Degree, with credit for first year subjects.
Year 12 entry Successful completion of the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) or its equivalent, such
as an interstate or international Year 12 qualification
Non-Year 12 entry Students admitted to the course with prior tertiary studies that satisfy part of the
academic requirements of this course may be eligible for academic credit. Applicants without a formal
qualification but with significant and relevant work experience will be considered if they can demonstrate
that they can undertake the course with a reasonable prospect of success.
Applicants will also attend an interview to further assess their suitability for this course.
Duration: Full time 3 years or part time equivalent. Location: @311

All listed fees and entry requirements are subject to change at any time and without notice. Fees are also subject to change given individual circumstances at enrolment
and potential changes to government funding. See the Money Matters sections of this guide for more information on financial support available. Concession and payment
options are subject to eligibility criteria. Visit for the latest information and pricing.

For the latest information, visit or call 1300 244 746                                                                                                                                                       24
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