Temple Beth Sholom
                                                                    401 Roslyn Road, Roslyn Heights, NY
                                                           • 516-621-2288
April 2013
Nisan/Iyar 5773

           Temple Beth Sholom and Cantor Barnoy
                         P rese n t :

                      Cinco de M ayo
                  Celebration of Freedom

                  Gastón Bogomolni                               Ofer Barnoy                                 Ari Litvak

                               May 5, 2013 at 7:00 PM
                               Temple Beth Sholom, 401 Roslyn Road, Roslyn Heights
                               $36 General Admission ($18 under 13 years old)
                                     includes delicious snacks and desserts at your table

                                Event Co-Chairs                      Noel & Pam Cott           Howard & Meg Kahn
                   Edna Eiber, Tammy Fisher, Stacey Schwartz       Scott & Marla Defrin          Avi & Susan Kendi
                                                                  David & Cheri Dubner        David & Barbara Levine
                              Event Committee                     David & Lisa Edelblum          Gil & Susan Lipper
                             David & Helene Abiri              Philippe & Beverly Edelman       Alan & Sara J. Most
                          Michael & Rebecca Altman                  Neil & Alisa Forrest       Jeffrey & Elaine Perry
                            Clifford & Laura Atlas               Harold & Carrie Gordon      Howard & Shari Schnitzer
                            Marvin & Galya Benak               Steven & Phyllis Goldenberg      Glenn & Elise Stoller
                            Joseph & Suzan Bruck                  Robert & Alison Haime       Robert & Linda Tepper
                                   By Rabbi Alan B. Lucas

                                  Yom Ha-Atzmaut 2013 Why I am still unabashedly pro-Israel
                                             The confessions of an aging rabbi

                         We will celebrate Israel’s 65th          It is easy to love perfection. How can you not? Perfection
                         Anniversary      of    Independence      demands admiration. The real challenge in life is to learn
                         on April 16, 2013. I am still            to love imperfection – to get people to know you and love
unabashedly pro-Israel. Whenever I make that statement            you – warts and all. I know too many young people today
there are some people who challenge me and ask: Rabbi             who find it hard to find a mate as they continue to pursue
how can you be unabashedly pro-Israel when……. and                 an elusive notion of the “perfect match.”
then they proceed to list one or another gripe they have
against government, the people, the Ultra-Orthodox – the          Am I troubled by many of Israel’s policies that make it
list of complaints I am afraid is long and detailed. “Rabbi       difficult for Conservative Jews to flourish? Yes. Am I
– how can you say you unabashedly support Israel when             outraged when women are mistreated at the kotel. Of
it discriminates in its religious policy against Conservative     course. Do I fully support the policies of Prime Minister
Jews, against women…” “Rabbi, they are arresting women            Netanyahu – not by a long shot. But, none of this
who wear a tallit at the kotel – how can you unabashedly          diminishes my love for Israel and my commitment in the
support Israel?” Or maybe it is politics that gets you worked     slightest.
up over Israel – “Rabbi how can you unabashedly support
the Netanyahu government, or the Settlers, or a government        Someone recently expressed surprise that I attended the
that they perceive is not doing enough to pursue peace with       AIPAC convention in Washington DC. When I asked
the Palestinians.”                                                why they were surprised – they commented on AIPAC’s
                                                                  unabashed support of Israel. They were more comfortable
There was a time when it was easier to be unabashedly             with J Street and its more critical stance. I respectfully
pro-Israel – but I’m not sure that those times were better        disagree.
times. I recently made a reference to the movie Exodus in
one of my Machon High School classes and I was surprised          I am very grateful when my wife supports me publicly
(although I guess I should not have been) that my students        and criticizes me privately. I am very grateful when my
did not have a clue what I was referring to. Now if you           congregants and shul leaders support me in public and
are of a certain age (euphemism for old) the movie Exodus         criticize me in private. That is what I expect of my friends
produced and directed by Otto Preminger and based on the          and loved ones. So too - -I prefer AIPAC that expresses
novel by Leon Uris was one of the formative experiences           its love for Israel in public and its concerns privately as
in your life. All Israelis were (at least in our minds) Paul      opposed to those who find it necessary to do the opposite. I
Newman and Sal Mineo and everyone loved Israel. I                 have a much harder time calling the later - friends.
watched the movie – and realized that there was no way I
could show it to my class in 2013. (If you don’t believe me       The movies we show our kids today are a far cry from
– rent the movie and you will see what I mean). By today’s        the ones we are raised with. In place of “Exodus” and “To
standards it is – well simplistic. We no longer live in a world   Cast a Giant Shadow”, they now see movies like “The
where the good guys wear white hats and the bad guys wear         Gatekeepers (Shomrei Hasaf ) and “Beaufort.” Today’s
black. Ours is a world of subtle shades of gray – and as a        movies are much more complex and nuanced. They picture
rabbi, I would be the last person to suggest that good and        a flawed and complicated Israel wrestling with a myriad of
bad, right and wrong are no longer operative concepts but it      challenges. But somehow – I love Israel even more after
is complicated. The truth is I think our contemporary view        seeing these movies because over the years I have grown up
is more realistic. Exodus was a romantic vision of the way        and so has my relationship with Israel. Our kids are being
things never were. It was nice to believe in such a world –       asked to grow up a little faster than we did – but that seems
but I think it is not the world that has changed as much as       to be true across the board. It is a complicated love we are
our perspective has become more attuned to the nuances of         asking them to enter and embrace but it is a more mature
history and its subtleties shadings.                              and sophisticated one as well.

It was much easier to love Ari ben Canaan (Paul Newman)           I will dance with a full heart on April 16 and rejoice in
than the real Israelis I meet today. The Golda Meir’s and         the remarkable achievements of my Jewish homeland as it
David Ben Gurions were much more romantic figures                 celebrates 65 miraculous years. I hope you will dance with
than Bib Netanyahu. But maybe it is time to grow up and           me.
recognize that Ari ben Canaan was fiction – and to some
extent so was Golda Meir – or at least our romantic notion
of her.

                                                                                                        Temple Beth Sholom 2
                                    By Marc Magid

                       We will gather together on Sunday,           family may have the privilege of reading from in the future.
                       April 7, at 7 p.m. to memorialize            Please contact Rebecca Altman at mitzvah613@tbsroslyn.
                       the victims of the Holocaust                 org or call the office at 621-2288 to make an appointment.
                       at our annual Yom HaShoah
                       commemoration service. It is always          “On the Path to Jewish Learning” Class Continues in April
                       a dignified and poignant program,
                       and one at which we pay tribute              If you would like to enhance your observance of Judaism
to survivors and their families while we mourn the people           and the holidays while also studying Torah in the weeks
--- mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, sons, daughters,           before Shavuot, then we have a mini series of classes for
grandfathers, grandmothers, aunts, uncles, cousins and              you on Tuesday nights from April 9 through the celebration
friends—who were lost.                                              of Tikun Leyl Shavuot on May 14. Gila Hadani Ward is
                                                                    conducting these classes, which are supplemented by guest
At Temple Beth Sholom, we distribute a booklet for                  appearances from our clergy.
the Yom HaShoah service that lists the families in our
synagogue who lost relatives during the Holocaust, and              Reserve Seats at Our “Cinco de Mayo” Musical Celebration
the names of those relatives as well as their relationship.         on May 5
There is also a procession of survivors’ descendants and a
ceremony in which survivors light a candle individually.            Join us for an evening of cabaret-style musical entertainment
                                                                    in our ballroom on May 5 at 7 p.m. featuring Cantor Ofer
Our guest speaker at this year’s program will be Survivor           Barnoy and guest artists, Gaston Bogomoini from Buenos
Stephen Berger, who was born and raised in Debrecin,                Aires and Ari Litvak from Mexico City, accompanied by
Hungary, and survived the Strasshof concentration camp,             a terrific band. It will be a festive show with a Latin twist,
an Austrian slave-labor camp, and the loss of 26 family             and refreshments and desserts from Joseph Craig Caterers
members. After liberation, he helped European Jews                  served at your table. General admission tickets are just $36
immigrate to Palestine and contributed to Israel’s war for          and include beverages and desserts. There will be a meet-
independence. Please join our TBS family as we participate          the-artists buffet reception for sponsors prior to the event.
in this very moving program and hear Mr. Berger’s
remarkable story of survival.                                       UJA-Federation Dinner Honors Rebecca and Michael
                                                                    Altman on May 28
Israel’s Turns 65 on April 16
                                                                    Support the Jewish community while honoring Rebecca
Yom HaAtzma’ut, known as Israel Independence Day,                   and Michael Altman at our dinner benefiting the work of
will be here before we know it on April 16. Since Jewish            UJA-Federation of New York on Tuesday, May 28. Rebecca
holidays begin at sundown the night before, many of us              serves on the Temple Executive Board as secretary, and
will start celebrating on the evening of April 15. I marvel         is also the membership chair of Sisterhood and a leader
at our amazing Jewish homeland every day and pray that              of Sisterhood’s Zahava Group. She also chairs our Torah
Israel and its people continue to thrive. As I write this           writing project, Mitzvah 613. Rebecca and Michael, with
message, President Obama is visiting Israel, reaffirming the        their children Ryan and Rachel, who attend our religious
U.S.’s commitment to the Jewish state. I’m confident that           school, are actively involved in Temple life.
the bonds between the two countries will remain strong, as
Israel is the only democratic country in the Middle East.           Become a Goodwill Ambassador for Temple Beth Sholom

Join Us for Sisterhood Shabbat and Men’s Club Shabbat               With the new beginnings of spring, it is my hope that
                                                                    each of us will assume the role of goodwill ambassador for
Sisterhood members will lead Shabbat morning services               our TBS. Encourage families that are not affiliated with
on April 20, and the Men’s Club members will do the                 a synagogue to enrich their lives by becoming part of our
same at Shabbat morning services on May 5. These will be            welcoming, egalitarian, spiritual Conservative Judaism
truly engaging, spiritually uplifting services, and I know          community. We have a tremendous array of programs –
that members of both groups look forward to leading the             educational, spiritual and social – to offer everyone: singles,
congregation on their respective dates this spring. A festive       couples, families, and those who are empty nesters. I
kiddush luncheon will follow each service.                          really do believe that both our daily lives as well as life’s
                                                                    milestones are more meaningful and enjoyable for those
Torah Scribing Continues on April 21 and 22                         who are connected to a synagogue, and especially one that
                                                                    is as multi-faceted as Temple Beth Sholom.
Let our scribe help your family fulfill Mitzvah 613 by
helping you take your turn to write a letter in our Torah.          Sholom Chaverim,
It is very gratifying to fill in a letter in a Torah that we will
chant from at services, and that you or a member of your            Marc Magid

                                                                                                           Temple Beth Sholom 3

                         As I sat down to write my article        Hamas. They do not recognize our right to exist as a
                         for the April bulletin I knew the        Jewish homeland and they are bent on our destruction. In
                         calendar dictated that I should write    the past few years thousands of their rockets rained over
something about Israel Independence Day or it’s preceding         Israel from Gaza, some recently as deep as Tel Aviv and
Memorial Day for Israel’s fallen soldiers or even Jerusalem       Jerusalem and there is no doubt who fired them. When
Day but I still wasn’t sure what my actual theme would be.        a cease-fire was brokered they saw it as their defeat of us.
                                                                  In their eyes, we caved in to pressure from the world and
Then I read a perplexing news flash on the Internet:              they saw themselves as winners. Therefore, is it any wonder
President Barack Obama visits Israel and Palestine for the        that from their perspective, Palestine is indeed a place our
first time in his presidency.                                     President can already visit??

He actually touched down in Israel this morning so the            My purpose is not to berate our president. He is well
success of his journey is yet unknown and by the time you         intentioned in striving for peace in the region and hopefully
read this the facts may change but one thing is for sure –        he will meet with people who are only interested in peace
this would be a historic event. After all, when the President     and restart a process towards achieving it. But we must be
of the USA visits a country it carries with it the weight of      vigilant to make sure our president is constantly reminded
America itself. It extends legitimacy to the relationship that    that there is a process by which a rightful peace can be
country has with the United States and it says to the world       achieved and it is not by trickery or by smoke-and-mirror
that the most powerful man in the world, the president of         tactics that our enemies have become so adapt at using to
the USA, believes that this relationship is important and         gain favor in the media, such as their recent attempt at
worth nurturing.                                                  unilaterally creating their Palestine via the UN.

However, you may ask why I found this announcement                The Internet cannot always be trusted as a source of
of his visit perplexing and maybe even a bit upsetting.           verified information but at the same time there is no doubt
According to the news sources, President Obama’s itinerary        that when most modern people search for information,
showed that he will not only visit Israel but will also visit     the Internet is the first place and sometimes the only place
“Palestine.” So I thought to myself “How is he going to           they turn. The news report on the president’s itinerary
visit a place that doesn’t exist yet? I thought Palestine was     which I read will be treated by millions around the world
only an idea for now, not a place you can visit. It didn’t say    as accurate and thus in their minds “Palestine” indeed
Gaza or the West Bank or East Jerusalem. It actually said         becomes a place our president can visit, regardless of the
“PALESTINE” and it even showed their flag.”                       real facts.

I know that many in the world are saying that the creation        This month, as we commemorate Israel’s fallen soldiers
of Palestine is probably inevitable and unavoidable but if        who made it possible for us to celebrate the birth of
our President visits with them in a place they are trying to      Israel and the reunification of Jerusalem, we as American
create unilaterally it will certainly give that place premature   Jews must rededicate ourselves to the important work of
legitimacy.                                                       making sure our government is pivoted correctly in its
                                                                  efforts to help Israel and its neighbors achieve a lasting
There are two governing bodies in that area who claim to          and true peace. Consider joining and supporting national
represent the Palestinian people. The Fatah movement has          organizations like AIPAC and writing letters to our
been perpetrating terrorist activities for 60 years but seems     national and local politicians to express our vigilance for
more moderate and reasonable now and Hamas which is               Israel. Commemorate Yom Hazikaron and celebrate Yom
a brutal terrorist organization, sworn to destroy what they       Ha Atzmaut. In June, show your support even further by
term the Zionist State. Even if our president avoids visiting     marching in the Israel Day Parade. Visit Israel even if
Hamas in Gaza and chooses to meet only with Fatah in the          you’ve been there before – it’s your home.
West Bank, he still cannot do this in “Palestine” since this
place does not legally exist yet.                                 Am Yisrael Chai!!!

It was only a few short months ago that we were involved
in a battle with the Palestinians in Gaza, represented by

                                                                                                        Temple Beth Sholom 4

       Son of                      Daughter of
   Debbie & Jeffrey           Alonna & Michael Ostad
       April 6                       April 13

     Daughter of                      Son of
Alonna & Michael Ostad            Gilda & Saeed
       April 13                      April 27

                                                  Temple Beth Sholom 5
                                 TEMPLE BETH SHOLOM
                                 By Gila Hadani Ward, Director of Lifelong Learning

                         Spring is here! What do you do            all backed up by government policies focused on innovation.
                         to shake yourself out of the winter       There are entrepreneurial lessons well worth noting.
                         doldrums? Spring cleaning? Check!
                         (We cleaned for Passover). Take a         What ever you do – recognize that April 15 this year is
                         walk in the sunshine? Check! (That        not only a day to get to the post office. It is a day to honor
is what Shabbat is for). Now what?                                 the country of Israel, to recognize it in some way for the
                                                                   progress and advances she has made in her short life as a
Well…the State of Israel is turning 65 – how about                 nation.
celebrating? Spring and Yom HaAtzmaut go hand in hand.
When we think about the birth of the State of Israel in 1948,      Happy Spring and Happy Birthday, Israel!
it is so appropriate that it happens in the days following
Pesach, also known as Hag HaAviv (the holiday of Spring)
where all is in bloom and we feel bright and hopeful.                Remember last month we asked TBS to collect
                                                                                  500 cans of tuna?
So how do we celebrate a birthday for a country? Well, we                Well, here is how they were used…
know how it is done on July 4. How do we do it on 5 Iyar
(the Hebrew date for Yom HaAtzmaut)?                                Thank you all for your contributions, for your hard work
                                                                    and for your dedication. To those people that donated
Well, in Israel it does look a lot like July 4 – parties, BBQs –    food, or their time or both thank you. Together as a
celebrating. But we are not in Israel so are there other ways       team, the member organizations of TANS and their
we can commemorate the miracle that is Eretz Yisrael?               members donated enough food to fill 434 bags of
                                                                    groceries. The total amount of food in weight was
OK – think about what you love to do -                              somewhere between 3,000 and 4,000 pounds of food,
                                                                    that is a ton and a half to two tons of food. Each bag
Do you want to study? – The Israeli Declaration of                  received a greeting card and recipes for nutritious meals.
Independence is a magnificent document and an                       All of the food was delivered to the Hatzilu Food
appropriate place to start your study on Yom HaAtzmaut.             Pantry on Monday March 4, 2013 by around noon and
Here is a great lesson that can be done independently, with a       was on their shelves by about 2:30pm. The volunteers
hevruta (a study partner) or your family based on the Israeli       at Hatzilu were overwhelmed and send their sincere
Declaration of Independence:              gratitude as did Herb Weiss, President of Hatzilu. It
resources/independence_avichai.htm                                  was an honor to work with you all and to have been a
                                                                    part of this project. It is also a pleasure to work with
Do you love music? Do you love Israeli music? There are             you all because of your strong commitment, giving
some fantastic newer Israeli artists that you can learn all         nature and passion to accomplish the goal of feeding
about and sample their music on iTunes. Search names like                                people in need.
Eyal Golan, the Idan Raichel Project or HaDag Nachash.
Films? The Israel Film Festival will take place in                                    Jay Litzman
                                                                               AMERICORPS Project Coordinator
Manhattan from May 2 – May 16, 2013. Think about
seeing one of the new films coming out of Israel. (www.                           Want to do more great stuff ? But you don’t need to shlep into the                               Join us at
city to see an Israeli film. Netflix has tons of Israeli films                Temple Beth Sholom and Temple Sinai’s
and documentaries that you can watch in the comfort of                               MITZVAH DAY 2013
your own home.
                                                                                       Sunday May 5, 2013
Want to get moving? How about learning the newest                                         9AM – 1PM
Israeli dance? There are lots of classes out there for Rikudei                            Temple Sinai
Am (Israeli Dancing), but again, from the comfort of your
                                                                                For more information, contact Gila
computer on YouTube you can find instructional videos –
                                                                           621-2288 x120 or
just search “How to Israeli Dance.”

A good book? There are literally millions! After all, we are
the people of The Book! Right now I am thinking about the
book Start Up Nation by Dan Senor and Saul Singer. Senor            If you have a graduation announcement this spring,
and Singer examine the lessons of Israel’s adversity-driven         please email us your student’s name and school.
culture, which flattens hierarchy and elevates informality--              Send an email to

                                                                                                          Temple Beth Sholom 6
By Gila Hadani Ward, Director of Lifelong Learning

                               Mitzvot are in the air at Machon Beth Sholom!

This semester, the teens of MBS have been focusing a great
                                                                                 Temple Beth Sholom
deal of their efforts on the issues of homelessness and hun-                Youth Programs At-A-Glance
ger. They chose to study these issues, because they feel that                        April 2013
in a country as wealthy as the United States it is literally      (does not include Hebrew High School Sessions,
unbelievable that there are people in this country who do       Gimme 10 or Stepping Up Teen Philanthropy Project)
not have a bed to sleep in or even if they do, they go to bed
hungry at night.
                                                                Thurday April 18
The participants in our Gimme 10 Community Service              Kadima Program Night (Grades 6 and 7)
program have been taking a hands on approach to aiding          6-7:15PM
those in our community. They have cooked for the resi-
                                                                USY Program Night
dents of Glory House, a women’s shelter in Hempstead            (Grades 8-12)
and have also done gardening work there as well to beau-        7:30-9PM
tify the place. They see where these women have to live and
want to make that situation better for them.                    Sunday April 21
                                                                Yom Tikun Olam
Our Stepping Up Teen Philanthropy Group is taking a             (USY, Schechter and Camp Ramah)
different but equally important approach to the same issue.     (Grades 8-12)
This group of thoughtful, insightful young people have
committed to allocate monies from a fund that has been          Tuesday April 23
                                                                Machar Program Night (Grades 4 and 5)
granted to us through the Jewish Teen Funders Network to
                                                                6 – 7:15PM
local organizations on Long Island. In a year-long process
they have clarified which issues are of critical importance                     Coming in May…
to both them and to the people of Long Island. They have          USY Regional Convention, 8th Grade Experience
chosen to focus on agencies which deal with homelessness                 TBS-Temple Sinai Mitzvah Day
and hunger. They are in the process of reviewing grant
proposals, meeting with agencies and clarifying what will       For More Information on any of these great programs -
be done with the funds they donate. Stay tuned to hear            Contact Leah Stern at
their final decisions.                                                            or 621-2288 x160

Finally, our Gimme 10 students and our Gesher (7th
Grade) students recently screened a new film entitled A
Place At the Table. This film introduced a concept to our
students they had not heard before: “Food Insecurity.”
This is the idea of people not knowing where their next
meal will come from or when it will be. They encountered
people in the film who had homes and jobs, and yet did
not have enough food in their lives for adequate nutrition.
The impact of food insecurity has so many undesirable out-
comes. The goal of this documentary is a call for healthier
food to be more affordable and more available. Many issues
in the United States are worsened due to hunger. Mitigat-                       SAVE THE DATE
ing the hunger problem can help solve other health and
economic issues. After viewing the film, our students were                  Thursday June 13, 2013
moved to action. They were distressed about this situation                         7:30PM
and sent letters to our Congressman, Steve Israel, asking
him to be proactive in our government on this issue.                             An Evening With
                                                                                 Dr. Arnold Eisen
One issue – so many ways to act and to react. Our teens               Chancellor, Jewish Theological Seminary
are learning how to do it all and in doing so are helping
fulfill the ideals of Tikun Olam, repairing the world.                        “Taking Hold of Torah”
Kol HaKavod to our amazing teenagers!                                          Stay tuned for details!

                                                                                                  Temple Beth Sholom 7
                                  By Sharon Solomon, Religious School Director

                      The      Temple      Beth      Sholom      be invited to join us at 11:45, just prior to dismissal, for
                      commemoration of Yom Ha Shoah              the raising of the Israeli flag and singing of Hatikvah
                      will take place on Sunday, April 7th.      and other Israeli songs with Cantor Barnoy. We are very
                      Our Vav (6th) graders take part in         grateful for PTA for providing Israeli treats to all our TBS
                      this ceremony of remembrance. I            Religious School family to enjoy; “Taam Haaretz”, a taste
                      encourage all the families of students     of goodies from Israel. Toda Raba to Felice Bergman and
                      (especially in grade 6 and up) to          Francine Weinman for all their hard work and dedication
                      participate in this memorable and
                      moving ceremony. Each year as
I participate, it is obvious that less and less survivors are
around to light the yarzheit candles. As a granddaughter
of a Holocaust survivor, I feel that we have an obligation to
remember their story and remember all those who have no
one to say kaddish for them. Our Zayin students have had
the privilege of studying with Irving Roth, an Auschwitz
survivor, who runs the Holocaust Center at Temple Judea.
He has worked with our Zayin students and families to
share his story of a time in history filled with hatred and
intolerance. I recommend each of you to read his story,
Bondi’s Brother. Copies are located in the TBS library.          to our school and for all the love they bring with beautiful
There are other books available to introduce this sensitive      programs for our students.
subject to the younger 5th grade students such as the book
entitled Terrible Things, an Allegory of the Holocaust,          For our Mitzvah of the Month, our Hay students will
by Eve Bunting and the book The Journey That Saved                                       be putting packages together
Curious George - The True Wartime Escape of Margaret                                     for Israeli soldiers. We will
and H.A Rey.                                                                             be sponsoring an Israeli unit.
                                                                                         Please send in men’s tee shirts,
We are very fortunate to have our Vice President of                                      socks and toiletries. We wish
Education, Mrs. Pearl Halegua                                                            to show our support to the men
who will be doing a workshop for                                                         who protect our homeland,
our Vav (6th) students about the                                                         Israel.
“Jews of Greece” who survived
the Holocaust. Pearl shares her                                                              Wishing everyone a Chodesh
husband Nathan’s family’s story of                                                           Tov (Good Month)!
survival and triumph.
                                                                                             Sharon Solomon
In the month of April we continue
our festivities as we celebrate Yom
Ha’Atzmaut, Israel’s 65th birthday.
Religious School will have school                                                  Important April Dates:
programs and workshops to                                         Sunday, 3/24 - Tuesday, 4/2
honor Israel. We will be holding our Israel Poetry/Song           NO RELIGIOUS SCHOOL
Competition in honor of our beautiful Jewish homeland.
                                                                  Thursday, 4/4
Contest winners from the Israel Poetry/Song Competition           Vav – Yom HaShoah Speaker Workshop
                                      will be announced
                                      on Sunday, April            Sunday, 4/7
                                      14th at the end of the      Yom HaShoah Ceremony – Vav class participation
                                      day. Grades 3 and
                                                                  Monday, 4/8
                                      up are encouraged
                                                                  Zayin – Yom HaShoah Speaker Workshop
                                      to participate in
                                      this     competition.       Sunday, 4/14
                                      We look forward to          Yom Ha’Atzmaut Celebration for Gan – Vav
                                      seeing the students’
                                      creations.       Due        Monday, 4/15
                                                                  Yom Ha’Atzmaut Celebration for Zayin and Machon
                                      date is April 7th for
                                      submissions. Prizes         Sunday, 4/21
will comprise of I-Tune gift cards, games and other Israeli       PTA Meeting, Gan/Aleph Torah Signing
                                                                  Friday, 4/26
Mark your calendars for Sunday, April 14th – Yom Ha’              Bet & Gimel Shabbat Service and Dinner
Atzmaut End of the Day Ceremony - All parents will
                                                                                                      Temple Beth Sholom 8
                             By Helayne Cohen, Early Childhood Center Director

                     If you were at Temple Beth Sholom          As “Art in the Afternoon”
                     on Sunday, March 10, you were              drew to a close; I was asked
                     part of a very special afternoon at        many times, “How do you
                     the Early Childhood Center. “Art           top this?” So, my personal
                     in the Afternoon” was an event             thanks to everyone involved
                     highlighting the many artistic talents     in this labor of love that was truly wonderful.
                     of our children. The day began with
                     our guests being entertained by            As we move forward in the school year, we are excited about
                     clarinetist/Doctor Claude Weinberg         our annual one day trip to Israel in celebration of Yom

                                                                Ha’Atzmaut. This year we are introducing new activities
who set the tone for the afternoon. Families were welcomed      to our program such as “boot camp”, Masada Moves Us“,
by Executive Vice President Richard Levine, Cantor Ofer         and other fun activities planned for the children. All good
Barnoy and Laura Lynch, Director of the Nassau County           Things!!
Museum of Art. Families perused the Early Childhood
Center hallway admiring their children’s work and had           We are very excited about our date with Rabbi Druin on
the opportunity to replicate the works of O’Keefe, Picasso,     Monday, April 22 when the children will join him to write
Mondrian, Monet and Kandinsky in the multipurpose room,         a letter in the Torah as we become a part of Mitzvah 613.
assisted by volunteers from Temple Beth Sholom’s Religious      We are all very excited about this very special event.
High School. The event continued with a visit from
children’s author/illustrator Melanie Hope Greenberg who
read her book “Mermaids on
Parade” to the children and                                                       Important April Dates
by Claudius Agrippa, a 13
                                                                April 1-2       Monday - Tuesday
year old violinist who has
                                                                Passover & Spring Recess (No Classes)
already performed for former
President      Bill    Clinton,
                                                                        3      Wednesday
the NY Mets at Citifield,
                                                                Classes Resume
received rave reviews for
his performance in The
                                                                       15     Monday
Nutcracker,          performed
                                                                Yom Ha’Atzmaut Celebration Fantasy Trip To Israel
on the CBS Early Show
– I could go on and on.
                                                                      21-26 Sunday - Friday
Claudius also volunteers his
                                                                ECC Book Fair
time playing for seniors and
at many houses of worship.
                                                                        24      Wednesday
The children and families were spellbound by his incredible
                                                                Parent/Teacher Conferences (No Classes)
talent. Needless to say, a great time was had by all. Of
course, the event would not have been the success that it
                                                                          26     Friday
was without the hard work and dedication of our Parent
                                                                Grandparents/Special Person’s Day
Association Presidents Jodi Mandell and Elaine Benlevi
                                                                (For our 3 & 4 year olds)
who gave of their days and nights to make this event as
special as it was, to our invaluable Early Childhood Center
                                                                        26      Friday
staff, to Donna Bartolomeo and Bob Spampinato and his
                                                                “Shabbat Twogether” – 12:00 PM – 12:30 PM
staff, and of course our ever supportive families and their
                                                                Toddlers Only
wonderful children.

                                                                                                      Temple Beth Sholom 9
SISTERHOOD                          SCOOP
By Co-Presidents, Madeline Yousefzadeh & Mahvash Zarabi

           Sisterhood Contributes $500 to                         We hope to see you at our upcoming events, which are great
        Help Jews Affected by Hurricane Sandy                     opportunities to form and deepen our bonds of friendship
                                                                  with other women who are part of a great community. At
                         Our Sisterhood donated $500, part        our BQLI Women’s Seder, women from many sisterhoods
                         of the proceeds from its Purim           joined together to experience the joys of Pesach by singing
                         fundraiser, to the Jewish Community      and participating in a great celebration that paid tribute to
                         Assistance Program of Long Beach         the contributions of our great matriarchs.
                         and Atlantic Beach. Rabbi David
                         Bibi, coordinator of this organization          Social Night with Men’s Club on April 20
                         created in the aftermath of Hurricane    We are planning a joint social event for the Sisterhood
                         Sandy, said these South Shore            and Men’s Club on Saturday night, April 20. Look for
                         communities will hold a seder on         more details in your mail.
                          the first two nights of Passover for
     Miriam Furman        families that have not yet returned     Our Theatre Club will be headed to these Broadway Shows
Silverman, presents check to their homes.
      to Rabbi Bibi                                               for Wednesday matinees in May and June: Kinky Boots
                                                                  on May 29; The Nance with Nathan Lane on June 12; and
Movie Night featuring the acclaimed Israeli film,                 The Orphans with Alec Baldwin on June 26. There trips
“Footnote,” was a great success and well attended. Rabbi          are full, but you’re welcome to sign up for the waiting list.
Lucas posed some questions to us as food-for-thought              We hope that next year you will reserve your place promptly
before we watched the movie. Afterwards, he led a lively          and not be left out.
discussion about the movie and the relationship between
its main characters, a father and his son, the candidates to      Our Discussion Group is scheduled for Wednesdays at
receive the Israel Award. Everyone enjoyed the program,           10:30 AM on April 10 and May 8.
as well as the plentiful and delicious refreshments. As a
footnote to the movie, “Footnote,” the uncle of Sisterhood        Don’t miss the book group scheduled for Wednesday,
member Eleanor Roberts was also a recipient of the Israel         April 17, at 10:30 a.m. to discuss the book, Once We Were
Award , and had many accomplishments. Thank you to                Brothers by Ronald Balson, a compelling and captivating
Laurie Prowler for selecting the movie and Mahvash                tale of two boys and a family that struggles to survive the
Zarabi for sponsoring the delicious refreshments.                 Holocaust. Two lives, two worlds and 60 years, from Nazi
                                                                  occupied Poland to Chicago -- this is a book you won’t
Please join me in congratulating Roberta Zeldis, who will         want to put down.
be our Woman of Achievement honoree at the Women’s
League BQLI Region Dinner on May 29th. Roberta has                Thank you, Cindy Katz and Amy Magid for a great job done
delivered meals to bereaved temple families during shiva          in preparing and organizing the Purim basket fundraiser.
on behalf of Sisterhood. Thank you to Roberta Zeldis and
Mahnaz Pourrabbani for the wonderful job they are doing.          Best wishes for a wonderful Passover!
(Mahnaz was last year’s honoree.)

                 Save The Date                                                    Important Sisterhood Dates
     Sisterhood andZ'havah Young Leaders                           Monday Morning Classes:
                 of Sisterhood                                             9:30 AM – Intermediate Hebrew
                                                                          10:30 AM - Book of Psalms
            Installation & Spring Dinner                                  11:30 AM - Beginner Hebrew
               Monday June 3, 2013
                                                                   Wednesday, April 10 - 10:30 AM
                                                                   Discussion group
                                                                   Wednesday, April 17 - 10:30 AM
                  Roberta Zeldis                                   Book group
                                                                   Once We Were Brothers by Ronald H. Balson
        Woman of Achievement of Sisterhood
              Torah Fund Honoree                                   Saturday, April 20 - 9 AM
                                                                   Sisterhood and Zahava group Shabbat
                   Cheri Dubner
                                                                   Monday, April 22 -11:30 AM
 Woman of Achievemnt of Z'havah Young Leaders                      Brunch and Learn: Marc Magid
                of Sisterhood

                                                                                                        Temple Beth Sholom 10
By Donna Bartolomeo, Executive Director

As I write on this dismal March day with snow showers           Ward who all worked with these students on the service,
and cold temperatures, you would not know it is spring.         readings and blessings .
From October through March storms have hit our area
very hard, but Temple Beth Sholom has been bustling with        The Early Childhood Center students stopped by the
warmth and ruach.                                               office to sing songs and to bring in fresh baked challah.
                                                                This is always a special treat. The office staff can’t thank
                                                                you enough - Helayne Cohen, Kim Brethel, Rona Denis,
The month of March was jam-packed with events which             Laura Gottlieb, Susan Hoffman, Diane Rudman, Ines
were filled with fun and learning. It began with Mizvah         Bacharach, Fariba Brookhim, Maria Luca, Judy Ross and
613, our torah-writing project in which every member is         Shahrzad Salih - for bringing the children into the office
invited to write a letter in the new torah. Our scribe, Rabbi   to brighten up our day.
Druin, was in residence for two days in March. Almost half
of our members have scribed and have been moved by the          June is just around the corner and so is camp. Stop by
experience. Rabbi Druin will return on April 21, April 22,      and meet our new camp director Jayson Rubin and our
June 6, September 30 and October 1. If you have not had         new assistant camp director Dan Risner. Their energy,
a chance to scribe yet and have not made an appointment,        enthusiasm and wonderful new ideas are sure to provide an
please contact Rebecca Altman at mitzvah613@tbsroslyn.          amazing summer experience for our campers.
org or me to set one up. Our goal is for everyone to scribe.
Don’t miss out on this memorable experience.                    The High Holidays begin right after Labor Day this year.
                                                                Rosh Hashanah is September 4. Keep a look out for the
The Daled and Hay Shabbat was rescheduled for March             holiday information which will be mailed out in June.
9 after being snowed out in February. The youth of our
congregation participated in the service and did a wonderful    Warm regards,
job. Yasher Koach to Sharon Solomon, Joe Soffer, Gerri
Blum, Roya Mizrahi, Fran Shalot, Elise Kitaeff, Hyam            Donna Bartolomeo
Blum, Ronit Menashe, Zahava Rosenfeld and Gila Hadani

                                    L’DOR V’DOR-From Generation to Generation
         Create a lasting a legacy of your family’s connection to Temple Beth Sholom with the purchase of an
         engraved brick for the Courtyard in our new Early Childhood and Lifelong Learning Center. You can
                                        even choose between two sized bricks:

                                      Size 4x8: Cost: $180 per brick or 3 for $500
                             (Each brick can include 3 lines of text with up to 14 characters)

                                            Size 12x12: Cost: $540 per brick
                               (Each brick can include 8 lines of text with up to 16 characters)

                             Characters include letters, numbers, symbols, and spaces.
                                           For more information, contact
                   Rebecca Altman at or Rachel Schor at

                                                                                                     Temple Beth Sholom 11
Dedication Acknowledgement As Of March 22, 2013
Farzan and Linda Adhami                   Paul and Reva Gajer
Peter and Deborah Agulnick                Andrew and Rochelle Garnock
Jonathan and Lauren Allen                 Ronnen and Ronit Gilady
Steven and Barbara Allen                  Jeffrey and Ivy Giller
Harvey and Melody Alstodt                 David and Doris Gladstone
Moshe and Maya Azulai                     Lawrence and Barbara Glass
Michael and Rebecca Altman                Mark and Mary Glick
Joan Baraf                                Judith Goldberg
Cantor Ofer and Marsha Barnoy             Steven and Phyllis Goldenberg
William and Anita Baron                   Mark and Jeanne Goldman
Lewis and Donna Bass                      Billy and Rachel Goldstein
Harriet Becker                            Howard and Barbara Goldstein
Eytan and Inbar Behiri                    Russell and Melissa Goldstein
Bruce and Ellen Belsky                    James and Karen Goldstick
Marvin and Galya Benak                    Steven and Mindy Golodny
Joe and Elaine Benlevi                    Harold and Carrie Gordon
Boaz and Susan Ben Moshe                  Stewart and Dana Gordon
Sanford Berger                            Evan and Natalie Granovsky
Melvin and Linda Bernstein                H. Robert and Noreen Greenbaum
Alan and Robin Bochner                    Adam and Cindy Gross
Richard and Wendy Bochner                 Robert and Ronit Hakimi
Linda Borsykowsky                         Joshua Halegua
Samuel and Sandra Brenner                 Nathan and Pearl Halegua
Michael and Madeline Brisman              Adam and Marci Haworth
Stuart and Susan Brown                    Douglas and Arleen Held
Joseph and Suzan Bruck                    Larry and Lisa Herzog
Stanley and Eva Bykov                     Marilyn Hoch
John and Carolyn Canova                   Robyne Huber
Drew and Sherri Caplin                    Arnold and Wendee Hyman
Richard and Cheryl Caplin                 Martin and Frances Ilivicky
Irving and Molly Chernofsky               Howard and Arlene Jacobs
Suzanne Chervin                           Patrick and Marilyn Jacques
Warren and Arlyne Choset                  Howard and Meg Kahn
Barton and Cheryl Cohen                   Roslyn Kaley
Paul and Natalie Cohn                     Eric and Ida Kalimian
Stephen and Jacqueline Covey              Ted and Sara Kallif
Robert and Sandra Curtis                  Benjamin and Linda Kamara
Scott and Marla Defrin                    Joseph and Barbara Kandel
Neil and Melanie DerAris                  Alan and Barbara Kaplan
Joshua and Ellen Dicker                   Richard and Cheryl Kaplan
Dennis and Judith Draizin                 Victor and Marjorie Kasner
David and Cheri Dubner                    David and Nancy Katz
Jay and Debbie Dubowsky                   Ronald and Cynthia Katz
Philippe and Beverly Edelman              Seymour and Arlene Katz
Jerome and Deena Ehrlich                  Yale and Rikki Kessler
Marc and Beth Eichenholtz                 Lewis and Nadine Kesten
Joseph and Marcia Endzweig                Maurice and Judith Klein
Paul and Carla Feinstein                  Steven and Daniela Klein
David and Cindy Feldman                   Leonard and Edith Kliegman
Mark and Carol Feldman                    Steven and Mindy Kober
Barton and Ellen Fingerman                Steven and Barbara Kohl
David and Tammy Fisher                    Martin and Lisa Kohn
Neil and Alisa Forrest                    Michael Kotin
Norman and Beth Fried                     Jack and Ellen Krampf
Burton and Priscilla Friedman             Michael and Andrea Kreisberg
Mark and Cheryl Friedman                  Michael Krolick
Leon and Jean Futoran                     Fredrick and Helaine Kurtzman

                                                                           Temple Beth Sholom 12
Dedication Acknowledgement As Of March 22, 2013
Neil and Marilyn Kutin                    Alan Rosenwasser
Leonard and Helene Landesberg             Jeremy Rosof and Rachel Fetner
Betsy Landsman                            Joel Rudner
Peter and Mona Lanzer                     Barry and Marilyn Rubenstein
Joel and Gail Leder                       Brian and Dara Rubenstein
Scott and Cheryl Lenowitz                 David and Julie Samber
William and Joan Levick                   Ramin and Parvaneh Sarraf
Marvin and Charlotte Levine               Morty and Rebecca Schaja
Richard and Lisa Levine                   Alan and Rose Schecter
David and Rita Levy                       James and Lisa Schlesinger
Mark and Marcia Lilling                   Steven and Hillary Schultz
Gil and Susan Lipper                      Michael and Stacey Schwartz
Phyllis Litman                            Walter and Renee Schwartz
Stephen and Diane Lovell                  Stephen and Sandra Seltzer
David and Beatrice Luft                   Sheldon and Debra Shalom
Abraham and Sally Magid                   Moussa and Jila Shokrian
Marc and Amy Magid                        Yves and Stacey Siegel
Dan Mallin and Renee Lefland              Mark and Stacey Silverman
Andrew and Judi Marcus                    Avraham and Shirin Simkhai
Baruch and Rachel May                     Craig and Stefi Sirota
David and Lisa Mayeri                     Lawrence and Paige Sirota
Jay and Robin Merker                      Gertrude Sobolow
Manouchehr and Janet Michael              Robert and Norma Solomon
Keivon and Roya Mizrahi                   Rabbi Sidney and Ruth Solomon
Jack Moersel                              Yoram and Sharon Solomon
Steve and Lana Monas                      Scott and Susan Spinner
Alan and Sara J. Most                     Albert and Roberta Sprung
Rita Nadel                                Harry Staszewski and Sherrie Levine
Louis and Jill Naviasky                   Avi and Sarah Stein
Herman and Blanche Navon                  Kevin and Alisa Stein
Hooman and Shila Neman                    Michael and Evelyn Stein
Mark and Susan Nevins                     Jeffrey and Caryn Stellman
Sam Novel and Sherlin Shemouelian Novel   Tinette Sterling
David and Sandy Nussbaum                  Robert and Leila Strassler
David H. Oestreich                        Steven Swersky
Barry and Alice Opell                     Saeed and Giti Tabibi
Ruth Orange                               Linda Taub
Bernard and Sandra Otterman               Moises and Rosita Tenembaum
Benjamin and Judy Pace                    Robert and Linda Tepper
Joy Perla                                 Doris Tolins
Jeffrey and Elaine Perry                  Henry and Susan Tritter

Rubin and Sharon Pikus                    Martin and Rose Warshawsky
Arthur and Nina Purvin                    Adam and Denise Wechsler
Burton and Helen Putterman                Leonard and Joan Weinberg
Daniel and Jaime Putterman                Jeff and Beth Weingarten
Milton and Marian Radutzky                Kenneth and Mimi Weitz
James and Susan Rand                      Stuart and Laurie Wilkins
Allen and Ellen Relkin                    Robert and Dorine Wulwick
Shirlee Roberts                           David and Debra Yagoda
Stewart and Eva Rodal                     Marvin and Suzanne Yarnell
Elihu and Gail Rose                       Leonard and June Yohay
Bonnie Rosen                              Parvin Youssefenia
Marvin and Harriet Rosen                  Stuart and Vicki Yunis
Andrew and Maris Rosenberg                Joseph and Susan Zacherman
Zahava Rosenfeld                          Mansour and Mahvash Zarabi
Enid Rosenthal                            Parvaneh Zareh
Randi Rosenthal                           Steven and Roberta Zeldis
                                          Shahnaz Zokai
                                          Leonard and Selma Zoref
                                                                                Temple Beth Sholom 13
RABBI’S FUND                                                   In Memory Of Emanuel Leder
In Memory Of Dorothy Lieberman				                              Phyllis & Alan Wolpert
 Lana & Steve Monas                                            ALBERT B. COHEN ENDOWMENT FUND
 Bat Sheva & Nathan Slavin                                     In Memory Of Jennie Samuels
Donation                                                        Barbara & Larry Glass
 Doris & David Gladstone                                       In Honor Of birth of Leah Joy, daughter of Rabbi Schlosberg
In Memory Of Margit Rubnitz			                                 and Micah Wissinger
 Linda & David Miller                                           Jill & Louis Naviasky
In Honor Of engagement of Jessica Cooper to Craig Kesten       In Honor Of Wedding of Nathan Franco to Sharon
 Sara & Alan Most                                               Lisa & Richard Levine
In Honor Of Bar Mitzvah of Leor Lavi                           In Honor Of Ethan Levine being honored by Men’s Club
 Phyllis & Steven Goldenberg                                   Federation
In Honor Of birth of Leah Joy, daughter of Rabbi Schlosberg     Rebecca & Michael Altman
& Micah Wissinger                                              In Honor Of Joe Bruck being honored by Men’s Club
 Alan Rosenwasser                                              Federation
 Linda, Michael, Risa, Joshua, Daniel & Benjamin 		             Rebecca & Michael Altman
 Borsykowsky                                                   In Memory Of Milton Zeldis
 Ellen & Barton Fingerman                                       Roberta Steven Zeldis
 Rebecca & Michael Altman                                      In Memory Of Murray Goldberg & Lawrence Goldberg
 Leatrice & Harold Baron                                        Leatrice & Harold Baron
In Honor Of Rabbi Lucas, in memory of Jennie Samuels           SIDNEY & RUTH KAHSN CHESED FUND
 Antonie & David Samuels                                       In Honor Of the Chesed Committee for the Purim gift
In Memory Of Albert Baharestani                                 Roslyn Karmin
 Eva & Sanford Gerber                                          Thanking TBS for the Purim gift
In Honor Of Nadine & Lew Kesten on the engagement of            Edith & Leonard Kliegman
their son Craig to Jessica Cooper                              In Honor Of the wedding of Mahvash & Mansour Zarabi’s son
 Melody & Harvey Alstodt                                       Joshua
 Doris Gladstone                                                Pearl & Nathan Halegua
In Memory Of Jennie Samuels                                    In Honor Of Amy & Marc Magid & Ellen & Paul Walk for
 Doris Gladstone                                               sending Shalot Manot baskets
 Rebecca & Michael Altman                                       Ellen & Jack Krampf
 Carol & Ira Fishman                                           In Memory Of Nathan Herbstman
In Memory Of Sonia Gordon                                       Lana & Steve Monas
 Doris Gladstone                                                Eva & Sanford Gerber
In Honor Of Bat Mitzvah of Ellie Eisenberg                     In Memory Of Morris Rafkin
 Sharon & Marc Tract                                            The Walk Family
In Honor Of Bat Mitzvah of Jessica Weinberg                    In Honor Of birth of Leah Joy daughter of Rabbi Schlosberg &
 Marilyn & Barry Rubenstein                                    Micah Wissinger
In Memory Of Stacey Sussman Cavrell                             Alice Zwillenberg
 Gloria, Stanley & Jill Sussman                                 Roz Kaley
In Memory Of Meyer Parker                                       Bonnie Rosen
 Henriette & Milton Parker                                      Eva & Sanford Gerber
In Memory Of Marion Seltzer                                     Edith & Leonard Kliegman
 Lisa Tract                                                     Phyllis Freeman
In Honor Of Wedding of Joshua & Jenifer Zarabi                  Helene & Scott Lurie
 Sheila Barth                                                  Welcome to the world baby Leah Joy Wissinger
 Marcia & Larry Atlas                                           Dawn Ruggiero & Bob Spampinato
 Leatrice & Harold Baron                                       In Memory Of Aaron Siegel
Donation						                                                  Harriet & Mark Chertok
 Mark Kushner                                                  In Memory Of Elaine Weissman
In Honor Of of Joshua Mason Dubner                              Eva & Sanford Gerber
 Cheri & David Dubner                                          In Memory Of Jennie Samuels
In Memory Of Nathan Herbstman                                   Eva & Sanford Gerber
 Aileen Herbstman, Ellen, Chuck & Stephen                      In Memory Of Dorothy Lieberman
In Memory Of Sidney Barbanel                                    Pamela & Jack Shampan
 Marsha Elser Smith, Stephanie Simon, Karen Estis, 		          Thank you to the Chessed Committee for their kindness &
 Geraldine Barbanel & Samara Rosenberg                         thoughtfulness after Mindy’s recent accident
In Honor Of Jacob Goldstein                                     Steve & Mindy Kober
 Sara & Ted Kallif                                             In Memory Of Peter Bonoff
To the Radutzky family, thank you for your thoughts and have    Dorine & Robert Wulwick
a Zissen Pesach                                                In Memory Of Nathan Herbstman
 Ellen & Jack Krampf                                            Alisa & Neil Forrest
In Memory Of Robert Kaufman                                    Thank you for the Purim Basket
 Karen Hammer, thanking Rabbi Lucas & Cantor & entire           Gladys Kliegman
 Temple for their support                                      In Honor Of Billy and Rachel Goldstein and family for the
                                                               generous gifts for our daughter, Leah Joy
                                                                                                     Temple Beth Sholom 14
 Rabbi Jennifer Schlosberg and Micah Wissinger                 ZELMAN COLLEGE TEXTBOOK FUND
HAROLD KALB PRAYERBOOK FUND                                    In Memory Of Dorothy Lieberman
In Memory Of Nathan Friedman				                                Susan & Alan Zelman
 Albert Friedman                                               In Memory Of Zachary Resnik
In Memory Of Hannah Hollander				                               Phyllis & Steven Goldenberg
 Roslyn Karmin                                                  Eva & Sanford Gerber
In Memory Of Celia & Frank Litwin				                          LIBRARY FUND
 Ellen & Barton Fingerman                                      Mazal Tov: the marriage of Joshua & Jenifer Zarabi
In Memory Of Jacob Farba					                                   Molly & Irving Chernofsky
 Sara & Ted Kallif                                             THE WINGATE USY SCHOLARSHIP FUND
In Memory Of Dorothy & Saul Lieberman			                       In Memory Of Dorothy Lieberman
 Harriet & Mark Chertok                                         Beth & Ronald Ostrow
In Memory Of Jennie Samuels				                                MBS SCHOLARSHIP FUND
 Arlyne & Warren Choset                                        In Memory Of Dorothy Lieberman
MALKA’S FUND FOR THE LIFE LONG                                  Barbara & Alan Kaplan
LEARNING]                                                      In Memory Of Herman Kazen
In Honor Of birth of Leah Joy daughter of Rabbi Schlosberg &    Phyllis & Steven Goldenberg
Micah Wissinger                                                PAUL SHIPPER MUSIC FUND
 Dorine & Robert Wulwick                                       In Memory Of Naomi Lehrman
In Memory Of Saul & Dorothy Lieberman			                        Miriam. Steve & liana Silverman
 Lainie & Larry Krasnoff                                       In Honor Of Cantor Barnoy, in memory of Jennie Samuels
In Memory Of Arie Chostaka				                                  Antonie & David Samuels
 Pearl & Nathan Halegua                                        In Memory Of Barbara Phillip’s beloved mother
In Honor Of engagement of Jessica Cooper & Craig Kesten         Carol & Ira Fishman
 Ellen & Paul Walk                                             LISA & JIM SCHLESINGER CAMP RAMAH
In Honor Of Bat Mitzvah of Gabrielle Soffer			                 In Memory Of Judy Dale Soegel
 Phyllis & Steven Goldenberg                                    Harriet & Mark Chertok
In Honor Of Bat Mitzvah of Judy & Maurice Klein’s              In Honor Of bat Mitzvah of Ellie Eisenberg
granddaughter Jessica                                           Phyllis & Steven Goldenberg
 Ellen & Paul Walk                                             WM. SPIELMAN SOLOMON SCHECHTER
In Honor Of Rebecca & Morty Schaja honored by                  SCHOLARSHIP FUND
Solomon Schechter                                              In Memory Of Dorothy Lieberman
 Sharon & Yoram Solomon                                         Ellen & Paul Walk
In Honor Of birth of Ronit & Robert Hakimi’s baby boy          KIDDUSH FUND
 Rebecca & Michael Altman                                      In Memory Of Louise Goldstein
In Memory Of Shirley Buchbonder				                             Rachel & Billy Goldstein
 Leatrice & Harold Baron                                       In Honor Of Birth of Leah Malka Wissinger
In Memory Of Dr. Stuart Yunis			                                Jeanne & Mark Goldman
 Sisterhood                                                    Donation
In Memory Of Neil Karofsky’s mother				                        Mahvash & Mansour Zarabi
Nancy & Mitchell Charnas                                       In Honor Of Auf Ruf of Joshua & Jenifer Zarabi
ARTHUR GOLDBERG SOCIAL ACTION &                                 Susan & Gil Lipper
CULTURAL ARTS PROGRAM                                          In Honor Of Auf Ruf of Elana Romirowsky & Josh Gajer
In Honor Of engagement of Rachel Pellman & Scott Wadler         Susan & Gil Lipper
 Ellen & Paul Walk                                             In Honor Of Engagement of Phyllis & Elliot Pellman’s
In Honor Of engagement of Craig Kesten to Jessica Cooper       daughter, Rachel
 Judy Goldberg                                                  Helene & Scott Lurie
In Honor Of birth of Leah Joy Wissinger			                     In Honor Of Joan Weinberg’s special birthday and of Joan and
 Judy Goldberg                                                 Leonard reading Torah
In Honor Of Wedding of Joshua Zarabi to Jenifer Ehrlich         Joan & Leonard Weinberg
 Judy Goldberg                                                 In Honor Of Cantor Barnoy for his generous help in naming
In Honor Of Bat Mitzvah of Ellie Eisenberg			                  our daughter, Leah Joy
 Doris Tolins                                                   Rabbi Jennifer Schlosberg and Micah Wissinger
In Honor Of marriage of Joshua Zarabi to Jenifer Ehrlich		     GENERAL DONATION
 Arlene & Sy Katz                                              In Memory Of Jennie Samuels
In Honor Of Josuhua & Jenifer Zarabi’s wedding			               Helaine & Fred Kurtzman
 Pearl & Nathan Halegua                                        In Memory Of Adele Flescher
In Honor Of Ellie Eisenberg’s Bat Mitzvah                       Eva & Sanford Gerber
 Pearl & Nathan Halegua                                        YAHRZEIT FUND
In Honor Of Ellie Eisenberg’s Bat Mitzvah			                   In Memory Of Jennie & Louis Rabinowitz
 Judy Goldberg                                                  Roberta & Al Sprung
In Honor Of birth of Leah Joy Wissinger
 Judy Goldberg
In Honor Of Marriage of Kate Axelrod
  Judy Goldberg

                                                                                                     Temple Beth Sholom 15
 By Lisa G. Schlesinger

                                       Five Decades plus of Torah Fund Fashion

                   I was recently saddened by the death of       She was an indefatigable as a salesman. She would
                   Dorothy Lieberman. You all knew her           approach people and extol the virtues of being a
                   as the mother of Susan Katz but I knew        benefactor and not letting go until they made their
                   her in a different way. I first knew the      pledge.I only wish that I had that personality since we
                   Lieberman’s through my father when he         still have too many women in our synagogue who are
                   was at the Jewish Theological Seminary.       not yet Special Gift donors. Sorry for the digression.
                                                                 I am writing about Dorothy since her loss reminded me of
He was one of the founders of the Torah Fund project and         the continuity with the past and the future that Torah Fund
Dorothy was one of the early leaders. She had a collection       represents. It has been around for more than 60 years and
of Torah Fund pins from the first one, “The Burning Bush”,       contributed so greatly to the Seminary and its partners.
designed by the great silversmith Ludwig Wolpert, to the         It is still a major support of the institutions. Susan has
present one. She was the chair of Torah Fund for years           maintained her support for Torah Fund and I hope that
at Israel Center of Hillcrest Manor and then , when she          many of you will talk to your daughters and daughters-in-
moved to Florida, at Temple Beth El of West Palm Beach.          law about continuing your tradition of supporting Torah
                                                                 Fund in their synagogues.

                                                                Vav Mitzvah Makers Prepare Sandwich-
FROM THE LIBRARIAN                                                es for Men’s Shelter of Glen Cove
By Julie Gittlin, Librarian
       YOM HASHOAH: A Recommended Read                          Temple Beth Sholom Sixth Graders discovered how good
          The Storyteller by Jodi Piccoult                      it feels to help those in need. The central Jewish value
                                                                of taking responsibility for taking care of one another
Although it has been over 60 years since the Holocaust,         was demonstrated by their acts of kindness in which they
we commemorate Yom HaShoah and make a special                   prepared sandwiches for the Men’s Shelter of Glen Cove.
effort to remember (Zachor). A newly published book             This act of tzedakah is a wonderful example of tikkun
by author Jodi Piccoult, entitled The Storyteller explores      olam, repairing the world.
the lengths we will go in order to protect our families and
to keep the past from dictating the future. This is the story
of a young Jewish woman who befriends an elderly man
who shares his darkest secret with her, and then despite
their differences, they see in each other the hidden scars
that others can’t, and they become companions. Piccoult
mixes the contemporary details of life in the modern
world with evocatively tragic horrors that took place
in war-torn Europe, jolting the reader into shock every
time one trance-like segment ends. This is a hopeful
tale of survival and strength in the face of unfathomable
wickedness. This and other new adult books will be
available in the library this month.

Below is a list of some other titles for children and young
adults regarding Yom HaShoah.

Six Million Paperclips by Peter Schroeder
Keeping the Promise by Tami Lehman
The Grey Striped Shirt by Jacqueline Jules
Don’t Forget by Patricia Lakin
The Number on My Grandfather’s Arm by David Adler
World War II for Kids by Richard Panchyk

Our library hours are Sunday 8:45 to 1:00 and Tuesday
3:45 to 6:00. If you have a special request, please
contact Julie Gittlin, Librarian at 516 484-4980 or at

                                                                                                     Temple Beth Sholom 16
Ways To Give to Temple Without Your Giving

Contact Partners In Caring for counseling, support
groups, general information or referral services. Our          How can we give without writing another check or
warm line is staffed by caring, professional social workers.   buying another raffle; we can always make donations
As we welcome Spring, we would like to highlight some          and time to a cause we feel is worthwhile. But did you
information about one of our support groups.                   ever wonder how you could give without giving?
                                                               It’s easy! Just try this ...When searching for something
Grief is a normal reaction to loss of any kind. Since          on the internet, put in bookmark
the grief journey can be overwhelming and lonely at            it on your tool bar. Simply enter Temple Beth Sholom,
times, our 8 week bereavement support group provides           Roslyn Heights in as your charity. We estimate that
a supportive and safe environment where people can             each internet search will generate approximately $0.01
share their feelings with others in similar circumstances.     for Temple. You’d be surprised how it can add up.
Learn practical coping strategies on how to navigate
through the grieving process. All groups are facilitated       **And don’t forget to sign up for The
by professional social workers. If you or someone              Temple wins every time you dine out.
you know may be interested in learning about our
bereavement groups, please call for more information.
Partners In Caring Staff
Susan Broxmeyer, LCSW, ACSW, PIC Supervisor
Audrey J. Bernstein, LMSW
Randy Hight, LMSW
Margy Ringelheim, LMSW

    CALL 516.484.1545, ext. 196
   Phone calls are always free and confidential.

                         Barbara Korn
                         Licensed Salesperson
                         516.627.4440 ext.344

   I take great pride in using my expertise, resources, and                          Manhasset Office
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   Please call me at 516-661-1685 if I can be of help with any                       516.627.4440
   of your real estate needs.

                                                                                                  Temple Beth Sholom 17
Why not sponsor a Sunday minyan breakfast?
Your contribution will celebrate a simcha or
      honor the memory of a loved one

    In addition, a particularly meaningful way to
 commemorate a milestone in your life is to sponsor a
 Kiddush on Saturday morning, thereby sharing your
          simcha with the Temple family.

 Please call David Oestreich at 621-3046 or the Temple
    office at 621-2288 for details or to reserve a date.

                                                           Temple Beth Sholom 18
TBS Religious School PTA asks you to
           help support our School with

  LABEL DADDY offers customized, washable, peel & stick
   labels that can be placed on clothing, books, backpacks/
    lunch boxes....Also, great labels for your holiday gifts.
                OR MESSY FABRIC PENS!


                            Visit our website:

               Browse the selections! CREATE LABELS!
           Lots of label colors, icons and fonts to choose from!
           Be sure to use school code: TBSRELIG at checkout

     Shopping At The Judaica shop
                   Contact Eva Bykov at 718-483-1665
                      Jill Wagner at 516-480-5108

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                                                                                          Temple Beth Sholom 19
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