WE DID IT! - Thank You B'yachad, together, we ignite possibilities

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WE DID IT! - Thank You B'yachad, together, we ignite possibilities


                  Thank You
B ’y ac h a d , to g e th e r, we i gn i te possi bi l i t ies
WE DID IT! - Thank You B'yachad, together, we ignite possibilities
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Dr. Dalia Hochman, Head of School, greets Gann families at 2021 Commencement


  n Jewish tradition, the notion of a Brit or covenant is one that is central to our tradition but an idea that might
  be harder to access for all students. This year, as part of Gann’s approach to keeping the school open during
  COVID-19, we asked our students to co-develop a Community Brit. The Brit required members of our
  community to agree to limiting certain individual behaviors for the sake of the health and welfare of the whole.

Some wondered if we would be able to keep a school full of teenagers open in person safely. However, our
students adhered closely to the rules of our Brit, by masking, distancing, and refraining from out-of-school

As a result of our community’s commitment to one another, I am proud to report that we were one of the few
high schools in the state that was able to keep our doors open to our students full-time, continuously, with no

The Jewish tradition is replete with ideas that help provide meaningful frameworks and important values to our
21st century students. What makes Gann Academy so special is that we are able to make Judaism come alive by
connecting beautiful and ancient ideas with their lived realities.

The stories in this annual report provide a glimpse into the countless ways our community turned the challenges
of this past year into educational opportunities. I invite you in, to explore how students, faculty, parents, and
supporters, came together in this most extraordinary of years. As we approach our 25th anniversary, I am
pleased to report that our school is stronger than ever. And it is with tremendous gratitude to you—our
donors—that we celebrate this important milestone and continue to plan for the future.


Dalia Hochman, Ph.D.
Head of School
WE DID IT! - Thank You B'yachad, together, we ignite possibilities
Gann’s award winning a cappella group, The ShenaniGanns, perform           Gann graduates, Class of 2021
the National Anthem at Fenway Park

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                    FROM OUR PRESIDENT

          In a time of unprecedented challenges, I’ve been truly awed by how the school’s
          leadership, faculty, and staff have made good on our mission to educate, inspire, and
          empower. The faculty showed up fully for our kids despite all the unknowns of the
          pandemic and the real fear about their own personal safety. School leadership
          reconfigured courses and classroom layout. A board member and generous donors
          raised a tuition support fund for families facing financial setback due to the pandemic.
          And the school improvised over and over: when a heat wave threatened orientation
          week, hundreds of golf umbrellas and popsicles kept students hydrated and happy.
          At every turn, our community delivered.

          The list of what I’m proud of goes on. This fall, we will welcome the largest class in
          our history while ensuring our program remains accessible by providing more financial
          support than ever before and keeping our tuition increase at a historic low.

          This past year has me thinking about a quote from Benjamin Disraeli, the United Kingdom’s first and only Jewish
          prime minister: “Success is the product of unremitting attention to purpose.” Because of Gann’s unremitting
          attention to our purpose and mission, we are able to look back on this year as one of tremendous success.

          None of this was easy. Tens of thousands of hours of attention, creativity, trust, and persistence were needed at
          hundreds of stressful twists in the road. On behalf of the Board of Trustees, I want to express our deepest gratitude
          to our amazing faculty, staff (a special call-out to school nurse Jacqui Pernisie), parents, students, medical advisors—
          Drs. Kotton and Agus—, and most notably our head of school, Dr. Hochman. What you have done so well this year
          will echo for years and years to come.

          With best wishes,

          William Foster
          Board of Trustees

                                                                                               G A NN AC A D E MY A N N UA L REP ORT 2021   1
WE DID IT! - Thank You B'yachad, together, we ignite possibilities
Gann student blows a COVID-19 safe shofar for the New Year

                    N E W D E PA R TM E N T W I L L I N T E G R AT E

                    ALL THINGS

                       Gann graduate, Class of 2021, shares their Israeli pride

WE DID IT! - Thank You B'yachad, together, we ignite possibilities
                                                ith the hiring   Orthodox, feminist, and fluent in four languages,
                                                of three new     Rabbi Brawer was born in Italy and educated in Jerusalem,
                                                staff members,   New York, and London. She has a BA and MA from the
                                    Gann begins the evolu-       University of London and received her rabbinic ordination
                                    tion of its new approach     from Yeshivat Maharat, the first Open Orthodox
                                    to Jewish education.         yeshiva in North America to ordain women. Rabbi Brawer
                                                                 will lead an effort that will determine how Jewish learning
                                    This fall, Jewish Studies,   and experiences will be transformed in coming years,
                                    Jewish Life, Hebrew          balancing what should be core to every student’s experience
                                    language, and Israel         with the need for choice. “For example, are there certain
 Rabbi Dina Brawer, Assistant Head Education will come           skills every student should have when it comes to prayer?”
 of School for Jewish Education
                                    together under the newly     asked Golden. “Now, students can choose between a
                                    formed Department of         minyan and a more discussion-based experience.”
Jewish Education. Two other multi-disciplinary departments
have been created in the school-wide restructuring: STEAM        Rabbi Brawer said she was drawn to Gann because of its
(science, technology, engineering, arts, and math) and           reputation as a highly innovative, pluralistic high school.
Humanities. “The thinking is that having bigger teams will       “To engage with other denominations and ways of living
allow for more interdisciplinary possibilities in course work    Jewishly enriches all of us and gives us a deeper
and coordination,” said history teacher Dr. Jonathan Golden,     understanding of our own practices,” she said.
who is also the Israel Curriculum Coordinator. The changes
are part of the self-assessment every high-quality
educational institution does periodically, added Golden.           “To engage with other
Heading up the Department of Jewish Education is                     denominations and ways of living
Rabbi Dina Brawer, who comes to Gann in the newly created            Jewishly enriches all of us and
position of Assistant Head of School for Jewish Education.
“We did a national search to find the right candidate,” said
                                                                     gives us a deeper understanding
Golden. “Rabbi Brawer, like our two other new staff                  of our own practices.” — Rabbi Dina Brawer
members, has had a fascinating Jewish journey.”

                                                                 One way of exposing students to the richness and diversity
                                                                 of Jewish expression is through Z’man Kodesh, sacred time,
                                                                 which Rabbi Brawer has been tasked with reimagining for
                                                                 ninth graders. The goal is to introduce every student to
                                                                 different ways to connect with prayer and spirituality—
                                                                 whether that be through liturgy, communing with nature,
                                                                 creative movement, or meditation, to name a few.

                                                                 Joining the Department of Jewish Education are Rabbi
                                                                 Vanessa Harper, as Reform Rabbi in Residence, and Simon
                                                                 Luxemburg, as Strategy and Innovation Manager. Rabbi
                                                                 Harper is also a member of the clergy team at Temple Beth
                                                                 Elohim in Wellesley, which will deepen Gann’s relationship
                                                                 with the synagogue, according to Golden. Luxemburg was
                                                                 director of programming at Camp Ramah. “Having that
                                                                 background is invaluable,” said Golden. “Jewish camps
                                                                 represent the best of informal Jewish education.”

   Gann students and faculty celebrate Yom Ha’atzmaut
   (Israel’s Independence Day)

                                                                                      G A NN AC A D E MY A N N UA L REP ORT 2021   3
WE DID IT! - Thank You B'yachad, together, we ignite possibilities
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                        FINANCIAL REPORT                                                     2020-2021
                         (July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2021)

                                         Grants   Other Income

       Annual Fund & Gann Cares                                                           REVENUES:

                                                                                          Tuition				                  $ 10,180,750
                                                                                          Annual Fund & Gann Cares			  $ 1,527,618
                                                                                                Tuition $10,180.7
                                                                                          Grants                       $    223,670
                                                                                                 Income Fund + Gann Cares
                                                                                                                       $   $1,527.6

                                                                                          Total Grants
                                                                                                Revenue $223.7                                    $ 11,999,836
                                                                                                Other Income $67.1

     Capital, PPRRSM & Other Reserves

    Direct COVID-19 Costs
         Institutional                                                                         Compensation & Benefits $8,452.0
   Advancement Costs                                                                     Compensation & Benefits                $ 8,417,794
Administrative Costs
                                                                                              Occupancy        $1,070.1
                                                                                         Occupancy/IT/Food/Transportation       $ 1,296,577
      Educational                                                                             Educational
                                                                                         Educational  Programs Programs $344.8  $   343,703
                                                                                         Administrative Costs                   $   286,1 15
                                                                                              Administrative      Costs
                                                                                         Institutional Advancement Costs
                                                                                                                                $   264,883
  Occupancy/IT/                                                                               Institutional
                                                                                         Direct COVID-19 Costs Advancement      Costs
                                                                                                                                $      $243.3
                                                                                         Capital, PPRRSM
                                                                                              Direct        & Other
                                                                                                        COVID       Reserves
                                                                                                                Costs    $600.4$ 1,191,363
                                                                                             Direct COVID Costs $600.4
                                                                                              Expenses PPRRSM & Other Reserves    $1,200.2
                                                                                                                       $ 12,415,224

                                                          Compensation & Benefits

• T uition is reported net of financial assistance. Gann’s accessibility programs provided more than $4 million in tuition support in 2020-2021. This was
   an increase of $994,170 from the previous year. We are very proud to be able to support the needs of our community in our continued quest to make
   a Gann education accessible to all families.

• 2
   020-2021 was an anomalous year due to the pandemic. We are grateful to have been open for in-person learning the entire year, but we had to make
  many sacrifices. Gann was not able to run an Israel class trip, have a normal athletics program, host Shabbatonim, or run our usual foods services
  program. We regret the loss of these programs and services, and look forward a more normal 2021-2022.

• Gann was unable to rent out our facilities in 2020-2021 to the community which is a meaningful source of income for Gann during “normal” years.

• T he gap between revenue and expenses was covered primarily through the PPP loan that Gann received in April of 2020. All PPP loan disbursements
   were made in accordance with the program’s guidelines for eligible expenses, and therefore, Gann’s PPP loan was fully forgiven in April of 2021.

• Capital Expenses were higher than normal due to necessary upgrades to the facilities to make the school safe to be used during the pandemic. This
   includes a large allocation to Gann’s PPRRSM (Reserve for Property Maintenance) account to bring our fund balance in line with industry standards.

                                                                                    Please note the numbers reported in this financial statement are unaudited and not final.
WE DID IT! - Thank You B'yachad, together, we ignite possibilities
We recognize and honor those who have made a legacy commitment by including Gann Academy in their estate
L’DOR V’DOR   plans. If you would like to make a legacy commitment, please contact our Advancement Office. We apologize for
              any errors or omissions.

              Joyce and Michael Bohnen                                         Elizabeth and Daniel Jick
              Arlene and Haldon Bryer                                          Amelia and Joshua Katzen
              Lisa Popik Coll and Arieh Coll                                   Alan Lobovitz and Lisa Rosenfeld
              Janine and Rabbi Jevin Eagle                                     Cynthia and William Marcus
              Dr. Gerald Entine z”l                                            Dorie Alexander Mufson and Mike Mufson
              Shira Goodman and Rabbi Wesley Gardenswartz                      Stephen Richmond
              Rose K. Hurwitz z”l                                              Lisa and Neil Wallack

              BUILDING GANN ’ S ENDOWMENT FOR THE                                                               FUTURE

                                                                        any of the ways the pandemic changed Gann Academy’s
                                                                        operations were quite visible this past year—staggered
                                                                        attendance, masks and social distancing, and grade-level
                                                                        cohorts, to name a few. But less obvious were the substantial
                                                           pressures these numerous adaptations put on the school’s finances. Gann
                                                           is very thankful for the outpouring of generosity from families and other
                                                           community benefactors, which ensured that health and safety always
                                                           came first and that our mission to educate, inspire, and empower Jewish
                                                           students went uninterrupted, no matter the cost.

                                                            “Dalia Hochman and her team did a great job navigating the pandemic
                                                            and associated uncertainties. The Board is now focused on building upon
                                                            the school’s strong foundation to ensure the long-term sustainability of
                                                            the Gann community,” said trustee and parent Adam Koppel. “This will
              enable the school to continue providing its singular, integrated secular and Jewish curriculum; attract and support
              world-class faculty; and make a Gann education accessible to all who desire it. We want this school to be here for
              generations to come.”

              Like any young school, Gann has just begun growing its nest egg so it may receive
              short- and long-term benefits. One way to build a stronger financial foundation is by
              growing the school’s endowment and other aspects of its ever-evolving advancement
              program. Currently the Gann endowment fund has about $9M in assets, and the goal
              is to grow that amount significantly over the next 5-10 years. This endeavor takes hard
              work and a vision for the school. “Dalia has an exciting vision for the future of Gann,
              and the Board has total confidence in what she is trying to accomplish for our students
              and our school,” said trustee and parent Michelle Black. “This requires a level of
              financial flexibility we hope to be able to build through the coming years.”

              “As we approach the school’s 25th anniversary, we aim to provide the economic
              foundation enjoyed by the 100-year-old independent schools in our market,” added
              former board president and alumni parent Scott Cohen. “This year has shown us
              how Gann can innovate and thrive through the most challenging circumstances.
              As stewards of its future, we are committed to ensuring its long-term stability
              and success.”                                                                                  Gann student participates in class

                                                                                                G A NN AC A D E MY A N N UA L REP ORT 2021 5
WE DID IT! - Thank You B'yachad, together, we ignite possibilities
                                                                                Humanities 9
                                                                                Asks Students to Wrestle
                                                                                with the Big Questions
                                                                                Gann’s new Humanities 9 course, a requirement
                                                                                for every ninth grader, has ambitious goals:
                                                                                to teach students how to think critically,
                                                                                communicate clearly, and wrestle with basic
                                                                                questions of human existence. They also learn
                                                                                how to appreciate the literature and history of
                                                                                other cultures in order to better understand

                                                                                The class replaces ninth grade English and World
                                                                                History, melding some of the learning that takes
Gann students working on the Gann Farm                                          place separately in those courses to lay a firmer

                                                                                foundation for upper level courses. “English
         lthough social distancing and other precautions made experiential      and history are two very distinct disciplines that
         activities more challenging, Gann was still able to provide students   often teach skills—like close reading of texts
          with some unforgettable hands-on learning experiences, thanks         and essay writing—differently,” said Director of
         to the ingenuity of the staff.                                         Humanities Dr. Marion Menzin. “Humanities
                                                                                9 emphasizes the common elements of these
Associate Dean of Jewish Education for Jewish Life Akiko Yonekawa said          foundational skills.” Then beginning in 10th
the pandemic revealed how much students value the school’s Jewish life          grade, students will learn the unique approaches
programming, which is heavy on the experiential. “It turns out that a lot of    English and history bring to building those
Jewish life programming is core to our students’ Gann identities,” she said.    competencies, according to Menzin.
“It was tough for the kids not to have the Shabbatons, for example, which
are very important to grade-level bonding.”                                     The course teaches students about various
                                                                                literary genres and interpretive techniques,
So the school improvised: Shabbatons were shortened to five-hour mini-tons.     against the backdrop of some of the most
And while students missed sleeping at the school, the Friday mini-tons          significant cultural shifts and transformational
provided the same opportunity to bond with classmates, play games, do           ideologies that shaped the modern world:
Shabbat-themed art projects, and just have fun. Ninth graders were also         democracy and authoritarianism in Ancient
treated to a tiny-ton—a Thursday after-school experience featuring a            Greece; the rise and spread of early modern
scavenger hunt, which allowed students to venture into wings of the school      Islam; and the Protestant Reformation.
they had never set foot in before.                                              “The course encourages students to consider
                                                                                enduring questions about the human
Gann’s beloved purim carnival was missed, but s’mores-making in each            condition,” explained Menzin.
grade’s outdoor zone helped make the holiday feel festive. So did the
Zoom-based reading of the Megillah and the hilarious spiel, featuring lots      One example is the unit on the play Antigone
of COVID-19-themed jesting.                                                     by ancient Greek dramatist Sophocles. The plot
                                                                                revolves around the eponymous heroine, who
One of the most successful out-of-the-classroom experiences this year was       defies the authorities and buries her brother—
the election program. A committee of teachers and administrators created        considered an enemy of the state. “The play
a model to help students process the Presidential election and its              brings up all kinds of questions about authority:
aftermath, knowing emotions would run high. Some of the programming             What is the source of authority? How do we
was didactic—an all-school Zoom assembly explaining how the electoral           decide which authorities we will follow? Should
college works, for example. But much of it was small group, in-person           one follow their conscience, which Sophocles
processing—which took place outdoors. “The kids were engaged with               equates with divine authority?” asked Menzin.
the elections in a way I’ve never seen them engaged with anything,” said
History Department Chair Yoni Kadden. “They were in halls, checking the         Humanities 9 teacher Casey Beyer said the
election results. I would come to class thinking I would help them process      course asks students to engage with wide-
what was happening in, say, Arizona and they already knew more than             ranging beliefs, values, and experiences, which
I did.” The “crisis response” model worked so well it is now being used to      in turn “provokes nuanced, thoughtful, and
help students understand and process other polarizing events.                   challenging reflection on their own beliefs —
                                                                                because the questions they grapple with are
“While there were certainly experiences that were greatly missed this year,     so relevant and compelling, the students are
we made innovations where we needed, but held on to the traditions and          genuinely excited to learn.”
customs that our students have come to love,” said Yonekawa.

6   G A NN ACAD EMY A N N UA L R E PO R T 2021
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          GANN FUND                               2020-2021
Every day at Gann, students are inspired, empowered and passionately engaged. The Gann Fund supports each student’s journey,
providing the critical skills, tools, and connections they will need to succeed in the world. This list represents annual donations
received between July 1, 2020 and June 30, 2021. We apologize for any errors or omissions.
$100,000+                                    Julie Altman and Alex Sagan                   $2,500 - $4,999
Combined Jewish Philanthropies               Hope and Adam Suttin                          Jill and Marc Baker
Joseph and Rae Gann Charitable Foundation    Lisa and Neil Wallack                         Claire and Daniel Caine
   Beverly and Donald z”l Bavly              Andria and Eric Weil                          Ilana and Isaac Edry
   Rita and Herbert Gann                     Janis and Michael Weilheimer                  Barbara and Mike Epstein
   Shirley Saunders                          Daniel Romanow and Andrew Zelermyer           Estate of Barbara Feinberg
                                                                                           Nicole and Joshua Gann
$50,000 - $99,999                            $5,000 - $9,999                               Shira Goodman and
Barbara and Ellis V. Morris                  Anonymous                                         Rabbi Wesley Gardenswartz
Barbara and Frank Resnek                     Susan and Aron Ain                            Rabbi Leslie Gordon and David Goodtree
Ruderman Family Charitable Foundation        Shelley R. Baker                              Lisa Fishbayn Joffe and Jonathan Joffe
                                             Irina and Mark Barrocas                       Sarah Perry and Tony Kingsley
$25,000 - $49,999                            Benevity Causes                               Lauren and Aaron Lapat
Anonymous                                    Joel Berkowitz                                Elizabeth Waksman and Darren Orbach
The Beker Foundation                         Arlene and Haldon Bryer                       Mindy and Max Peckler
Kathleen and Scott Cohen                     Century Bank                                  Rabbi Ruth Langer and Jonathan Sarna
Combined Jewish Philanthropies—              DAJER Charitable Foundation                   Wendy and Yakir Siegal
  Boston Haifa Connection                    Dorit Harverd and Richard Dale                Alexandra and Jody Simes
Combined Jewish Philanthropies—              Terri and Solomon Eisenberg                   Sheila Sydney
  Transportation Grant                       Karen Bressler and Scott Epstein              Chrysanthi Gikas and David Wihl
Randy Gollub and Jon K. Hirschtick           Ann and Myron Falchuk                         Elizabeth Van Ranst and Jerry Zuriff
                                             Rachel and David Fine
$18,000 - $24,999                            Jeannette and Marco Finkielsztein             $1,000 - $2,499
Noamit and Izhar Armony                      Rachel and William Foster                     Anonymous (4)
Michelle and Darren Black                    Linda and Michael Frieze                      Lisa and David Abotbool
Julie Greenberg and Ronald Chaney            Lori and Michael Gilman                       Geraldine Acuña-Sunshine and
Gisele and Andrew Ellis                      Sylvia and Mitch Haber                           Gabriel Sunshine
Robin and Matthew Freeman                    Danielle Remis Hackel and Michael Hackel      Justine Levin-Allerhand and
Laurie and Robert Gervis                     Lynn and Sheldon Hanau                           Paul Allerhand
Diana K. Lloyd and Jordan D. Hershman        Helaine Hartman—                              Susan L. Ansin
Kann Family                                     Alisa and Todd Ente                        Dr. Dina Hirshfeld-Becker and
Janice S. Gross and Stephen Klar                Noah Ente ’18                                 Ronald Becker
Cynthia and William Marcus                      Jonah Ente ’21                             Lucy Goodhart and Gordon Bennett
Mark Rosenzweig                              Michelle and Ronald Herzlinger                Wendy and Seth Berger
Jill D. Smith and Randy Ross                 Jim Joseph Foundation                         Gay Binswanger
Sonya and Sean Wilder                        Claudia Davidoff and Joseph Kahan             Diane and Chester Black
                                             Rita J. and Stanley H. Kaplan Family          Marc J. Bloostein
$10,000 - $17,999                                Foundation                                Dr. Cindy Spier and Dr. Les Brail
Cindy and Mark Blotner                       Stephanie Karger                              Chelsea Hebrew Free School
Joyce and Michael Bohnen                     Gayle and Jerry Klusky                           Endowment Fund
Lisa Popik Coll and Arieh Coll               Emily and Stan Kotler                         Carol and Stephen Cohen
Leslie and Alan Crane                        Marcy and Adam Kramer                         Sarah Abrams and Allan Cole
Merilyn and Joseph Geisberg                  Marcia and Alan Leifer                        Elizabeth and Scott Cooper
Winnie and Steven Grinspoon                  David E. Moeser Trust                         Brenda and Jerome Deener
Leslie and Richard Jarbeau                   Sara Schutzman and Joshua Margolis            Nanci and Stephen Dephoure
Elizabeth and Daniel Jick                    Stephanie and Michael Mitzenmacher            Educating for Impact
Amelia and Joshua Katzen                     Bonnie Orlin and Rabbi Abraham Morhaim        Frances Elovitz
Dr. Brenda Haynes and Dr. Adam Koppel        Marla and Robert Rosenbloom                   Rena Gray Fein and Robert Fein
Lizbeth and George Krupp                     Jonathan Savitz                               Penny and Roy Feldman
Louis & Ida Selib Memorial Fund              Abraham Shapiro Charity Fund                  Nanette and Jose Fridman
Deborah and Mark Lovich                      Sharon and Rony Shapiro                       Zelda and Elkan Gamzu
Susan K. Patkin                              Aaron Spencer                                 Laurie and Richard Gliklich
Bonnie and David Rich                        Takeda Pharmaceuticals                        Elizabeth Brody Gluck and Ronald Gluck
Dr. Deborah Sanders-Zilberman and            The Irving & Edyth S. Usen Family             Edith Goldman and Morton Hoffman
   James Rosenfield                              Charitable Foundation—                    Sharon and David Goldstein
Lisa and Jonathan Rourke                        Judith Usen                                Larry and Beth Greenberg
Shira and Jay Ruderman                       Ronney Traynor                                Valeriya and Asaf ’05 Greene
Todd Ruderman                                Pamela and Allen Weiss                        Linda and David Greenseid
                                             Wendy and Allan Williams                      Continued on page 9

                                                                                           G A NN AC A D E MY A N N UA L REP ORT 2021 7
WE DID IT! - Thank You B'yachad, together, we ignite possibilities
Pictured left to right: Elisa Deener-Agus, Eytan J. Deener-Agus ’15, Kobe Deener-Agus ’21, Noah G. Deener-Agus ’17 and Michael S.
         Agus celebrating Commencement 2021

         Elisa Deener-Agus is the mother    • A music teacher who reaches deep into his
         of three Gann alumni. She recently student’s   soul to push him to find his voice
                                              through his instrument.
         shared why she considers Gann a    • An English teacher who provides scaffolding for
         partner in raising her children.     an essay writing assignment, then carefully
                                              removes that support, piece by piece, over the
         Her remarks are condensed.           school year as the student becomes more
                                                                                independent as a thinker and writer.
         Our boys received stellar educations at Gann and
         the depth and breadth of the extracurricular                       •   Jewish studies teachers who are passionate about
         offerings are remarkable.                                              their subjects and help bring Judaism alive and
                                                                                make it relevant.
         When our second son was applying to Gann, the
         admissions director at the time said that we might
                                                                            •   A Frisbee coach, doubling as an advisor, who
                                                                                sees the whole child, and shepherds his growth in
         think we know Gann because of our eldest, but that
                                                                                school and on the field.
         we would see a whole different school with our
         middle son. It was true. The education is tailored to
         each child’s strengths and challenges.                             Although Gann faculty members bring a diversity of
                                                                            styles, experiences, and talents to their jobs, they all
         There are many teachers who made a difference—                     communicate a common message: Our kids matter.
         too many to recount, but here are a few:                           Their learning matters. Their ideas matter. And with
                                                                            that simple yet profound gift, our children go out
         •    Learning Center teacher who is a brilliant
             A                                                              into the world with grace and confidence.
             educator, fierce advocate, and guardian angel.

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         GANN FUND                             2020-2021
         Continued from page 7

Kimberly Kaplan-Gross and                  Deborah and Jonathan Forman              Kenneth Berman
    Michael Gross                          Jane and Edward Foster                   Wendy and Jonathan Bernays
Maria and Alexander Gurevich               Brenda and Harvey Freishtat              Arlene Bernstein
Zona and Martin Hoffman                    Anna Gilman and Benji Joelle             Ruth and David Bernstein
Josh Hoffman-Senn ’09                      Jill and Jason Glashow                   Gloria Bernstein
Leora and Hazzan Jesse Holzer ’00          Lillian and Richard Gray                 Barbara Becker and Jonathan Bilmes
Sharon Waller and Al Hyman                 Pamela and Jeffrey Gurock                Dr. Deborah Block
Rachel and Michael Kesselman               Allison Cook and David Hirsh             Gloria Bloom
Dr. Barry Kislowicz                        Carol and Michael Hirsh                  Sally Bock and Rabbi Ira Korinow
Lori B. Silver and Peter M. Lefkowitz      Yael Hurwitz-Lange and Steven A. Lange   Victoria Campos and Dr. Paul Bogorad
Emily Beck and Jon Levisohn                Debby and Ron Iken                       Marcia and Tamir Borensztajn
Susan and Kurt Linden                      Rabba Claudia Marbach and                Sageet Bar-Yum Braha and Dan Braha
Jillian Erdos and Joseph Lipchitz              Daniel Jackson                       Rita Braun and Dr. Henry Isaiah Braun
Stephanie and Yair Listokin                Diane and Robert Jaye                    Lorraine Bressler
Lisa Rosenfeld and Alan Lobovits           Andrea and Jonathan Kamens               Miriam Bronstein
Sandi and Nathaniel Margolis               Trudy and Barry Karger                   Brotherhood Temple Ohabei Shalom
Beth and Daniel Marx                       Jennifer ’01 and Ari Kaufmann            Miriam Jaffe and Martin Browne
Sara Wolfenshon and Neil L. Mayle          Amy and Carl Kruglak                     Sondra Busch
Jennifer Brown and Adam Medros             Dr. Lisa Lehmann and                     Lee and Larry Buxton
Dorie Alexander Mufson and                     Rabbi Daniel Lehmann                 Craig Byer
    Michael Mufson                         Roslyn and David Levine                  Erica Cabag
Beryl Niewood                              Jean and Leonid Lipchin                  Kirsten Cadot
Peter Olsberg                              Ruth and Edward Medros                   Jane and Dennis Carlton
Gail and Jay Pearlstein                    Marla and Simon Olsberg                  Heidi Chait
Dr. Jacalyn Rosenblatt and                 Alan Peterfreund                         Tehila and Ian Cherubino
    Dr. Benjamin Raby                      Margaret and Armand L. Petersen          David I. Citron
Barbara and Joel Renbaum                   Diane and Martin Richler                 Louise G. Citron
Lauren E. and Mark H. Rubin                Deborah and Marc Schwartz                Alexandra and Brian Cohen
Tamar and Craig Schneider                  Miriam Sheftel                           James A. Cohen
Mindy and Eric Sherbet                     Cynthia B. Shulman                       Pamela and Leonard Cohen
Harriet and Stuart Sherman                 Alison and Peter Slater                  Yael Miller and Stuart Cole
Robyn and Bruce Shoulson                   Rose-Jane Sulman                         Susan Cook
Gary Shub                                  Deborah Reck and Arthur Unobskey         Madeline S. Cooper ’12
Jennifer and Jason Skolnick                Joan and Robert Weiner                   Saul Cooper
Toby M. Sloane                             Ruth Weinrib and Paul Weiss              Lori Corriveau
Susan Pruyn and Dr. Avrum Spira            Michele and Jonathan Wolfman             Talia Weisberg and Evan Crane ’12
Heather Hill and Jon Star                  Lorel and Arnold Zar-Kessler             Bonnie and Steven Croopnick
Michelle Barmazel and Kevin Steinberg                                               Jo Ann David-Kasdan
Dr. Abby Zanger and Dr. Roy B. Tishler     Up to $499                               David Davidson
Jennifer Slifka Vidal and Luis Vidal       Anonymous (9)                            Sherri and Ira Davoudgoleh
Jennifer and Amiel Weinstock               Marjory A. Aarons                        Karen and Robert Dinon
Leigh Weiss                                Lynn and Brian Abrams                    Marcus A. Dodyk ’09
Deanna and Sidney Wolk                     Mara and Stephane Acel-Green             Caitlin Dong
Rebecca Peterfreund and Bil Zarch          Jane Akiba                               Madelyn and Bruce Donoff
Shoshanah and Yitzhak Zaritt               Julie and Laurent Amouyal                Micki and Walter Dore
                                           Seymour Andrus                           Rosa and Mark Drapkin
$500 - $999                                Charlotte Bailey                         Rahel ’05 and Yitzi Ehrenberg
Anonymous                                  Roberta and Malcolm Barach               Ruth and Barry Ehrlich
Elisa Deener-Agus and Michael S. Agus      Dr. Rebecca Barron ’02 and               Marcia and Monroe Elbrand
Beth and Matt Barach                          Dr. Tovy Kamine                       Judy and Rabbi Joshua Elkin
Susan and Carl Blanchard                   Shelley A. Barron and Spencer Ackerman   Dena and Gary Elovitz
Jess and Mike Carroll                      Shirley and Victor Becker                Malka and Menachem Engel
Rhoda Clamen and Dr. Allen Clamen          Ifat Rubin-Bejerano and Yaniv Bejerano   Nancy Falchuk
Penny and Roy Feldman                      Melissa and Cary Berger                  Irina and Michael Feinberg
Erica and Josh Fine                        Susan and Barry Bergman                  Jennifer and Adam Feldman
Renee and Steven Finn                      Judy and Murray Berk                     Joanna Feldman
Marilyn and Gerald Fishbone                Mitzi F. Berkelhammer                    Melleta Marx and Joshua Fertik
Helen Tager-Flusberg and Martin Flusberg   Brett and Eric Berkman                   Ellenjoy Fields and Herbert Morse

                                                                                    Continued on page 11

                                                                                    G A NN AC A D E MY A N N UA L REP ORT 2021 9
History of AIDS Course Debuts

          Gann students explore politics and social history

                  he idea for a class on the history of AIDS had been percolating in teacher Matt Conti’s mind for years. He
                  had no idea that COVID-19 would make The AIDS Crisis in America, a course he conceived and designed
                  pre-pandemic, uncannily relevant. It was signature Gann: a class that made the past come alive by surfacing
                  themes that resonated loudly in the present.

          “What’s been interesting is that I haven’t needed to draw parallels between coronavirus and AIDS, the kids are doing
          it themselves,” said Conti, a Jewish studies teacher who took a small detour this year to teach a senior history elective.
          “They’ve made all sorts of connections between the two, including the stigma associated with both diseases and the
          fact that they hit certain populations harder than others.”

          The course examines the political and social history of AIDS, beginning with the first report of the disease in a 1981
          Centers for Disease Control publication. Students studied the activists who forced the medical establishment and
          politicians to pay attention; the development of antiviral drugs that transformed AIDS from a death sentence to a
          chronic illness; the art the epidemic inspired; and much more.

          “This course has hit them deeply and I think partly because many of the people who died were not much older than
          they are,” he says. “And the pandemic has given them a new sense of loss. It’s made these losses from decades ago
          resonate for them in a way I don’t think it would have before. This was the best class I have ever taught.”

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         GANN FUND                             2020-2021
         Continued from page 9

Rebecca Raub and Rafi Finegold             Shira Hoffer ’20                           Rita Cusack and Dr. Deborah Margolis
Joy Fish                                   Hinda and Victor Hoffman                   Susan and Benjamin Margulies
Carolyn and Steven Flammey                 Benjamin Jacobson ’19                      Burton Marks
Benjamin Flax                              Dale Smith and Steve Jacobson              Roberta Tovey and David Marks
Leiba and Marshall Frankel                 Robin and Jerold Jaeger                    Judith Marmor
Beth and David Franklin                    Laura and Geoff Jarbeau                    Deborah Wollheim and Betsey Martinez
Rabbi Beth Naditch and Barry Freedman      Aviva Jezer and Jeff Rothschild            Susan and Michael Marx
Howard Freedman                            Olga Kagan                                 Anne Meirowitz and
Dr. Ellen F. Friedman                      Rhoda and Sylvan Kamens                       Rabbi Richard Meirowitz
Wendy Drexler and Herbert Friedman         Jill and Ken Kams                          Caroline and Amit Menipaz
Rebecca and Michael Friedman               Dr. Jodi Hoffman and Amir Karger           Barbara and Stephen Merlin
Sharon Walach-Gale and Elon Gale           Steffi Aronson Karp and Eric Karp          Beth Byer and Fred Mermelstein
Jonathan Gale ’07                          Benjamin N. Kasdan ’10                     Carolyn and Arthur Merovick
Robin and Tyler Gannon                     Helen and Bert Katz                        Molly and David Micley ’06
Lori and Steven Gans                       Shari and David Katz                       Carol and Daniel Milewich
Jody and David Gastfriend                  Charlotte Ross and Matthew Katz            Roberta and Glenn Minkovitz
Rosalie Gerut                              Mindy and Irving Kempner                   Ashley Morris ’21
Cynthia and Richard Gilman                 Caren and Dan Kimball                      Samantha and Joshua Neudel
Wendy G. Gilman                            Abraham Kirby-Galen ’12                    Jennifer and Joel Newman
Barbara and Robert Gold                    Alan Klevan                                Andrea Hanssen Olitzky ’01
Amy and Fredric Gold                       Isaac Kohane                               Sara and Michael Onufer
Sandra and Howard Gold                     Galit and Yoel Konstantine                 Tovia and Michael Paris
Heidi Gold and Rabbi Neal Gold             Susana and Hernan Kopcow                   Lisa and Dr. Barry Paul
Arthur Goldberg                            Elana ’00 and Doron Korinow ’00            Aviel ’07 and Daniel Peaceman
Nancy Glazer Pearl and David H. Goldberg   Deb Frydman and Robert Koritz              Marla Peckler
Robin Goldberg                             Brenda and David Korn                      Beverly Siegal and Richard Peiser
Gayle and Robert Golden                    Alisa and Laurence Kotler-Berkowitz        Raylea and Bernard Pemstein
Caron and Frederick Golder                 Benjamin Kotton ’19                        Dvora and Joshua Pemstein
Avigail Goldgraber ’02                     Barbara and Bernard Kotton                 Rabbi Leora Perkins ’05
Anita Rabinoff-Goldman and                 Camille and Darrell Kotton                 Janet Strassman Perlmutter and
    Ken Goldman                            Wendy and Daniel Kraft                        Joel Perlmutter
Robin and Wayne Goldstein                  Sharon and Hermano Krebs                   Bryce Q. Petersen
Alla Gordon                                Dr. Sharon Krefetz                         Ruthy and Ralph Philosophe
Gali Gordon ’11                            Annette Lakein                             Laura and Judson Pierce
Barbara S. Gottfried                       Orit Kent and Meir Lakein                  Miriam Newman and Michael Pinnolis
Spencer A. Gould                           Millicent Lapkin and Dr. Benjamin Lapkin   Candace and Scott Plotkin
Batya and David Greene                     Rochelle and Helmut Lecke                  Bella and Joseph Porath
Judith and Gary Greene                     Mary and Dr. Benjamin Leder                Aliza Arzt and Meredith Porter
Nancy Nozick-Grodin and Michael Grodin     Lynda Fink and Maury Lederman              Meryl Post
Claudine and Adam Grossman                 Rebecca Leffell Koren ’04                  Mary Collins and Wesley Potter
Jill and David Grossman                    Rozi and George Lehner                     Inbal and Zori Rabinovitz
Stacy Grossman                             Cynthia Levin                              Elan Radbil ’12
Liliya and Boris Groysberg                 Marsha Levin                               Sherryl and Uri Radbil
Sheri and Eli Gurock                       Laurie Jacobs and Steven Levine            Arlene and Lawrence Rand
Howard E. Guthermann                       Reva Levitt                                Adrienne Raskin
Rabbi Joshua Gutoff                        Ann G. Levy                                Raytheon Technologies
Alexandra Haber ’09                        Debka Janak and Eli Levy                   Judy and Jeffrey Remz
Jill Jacobs and Frederic Haber             Tammi Levy-Cantor and Michael Cantor       Janet and Jonathan Rhodes
Susan and Eric Hailman                     Aaron Tillman and Shira Lewin              Stephen Richmond
Yonina Eisenberg Havivi ’09 and            Sue and Joel Lewin                         Rabbi Michelle and Mike Robinson
    Nadav Havivi                           Bonnie Marmor and Benjamin Linden          Ziva Mann and Ezra Robison
Rana and Reggie Hebert                     Marcie and Bruce Lipsey                    Ilana Rosenberg and Ramel Rones
Hebrew Helpers                             Larry and Ellen Lodgen                     Lori and Mark Rosen
Esther Hecht                               Luba and Ben Loewenberg                    Civia and Irwin Rosenberg
Dr. Marina Livshits and Michael Hiam       Julie Plaut Mahoney and Tim Mahoney        Jean Remmer and Marvin Rosenbloom
Helen and Peter Hiam                       Gloria and Dmitri Mamokhin                 Laura Miller and Kenneth Rosenstein
Dr. Richard Hochman and                    Margot Mann                                Dr. Rebecca Rosenstein
    Esther Hochman                         Anya Manning ’03 and Elie Lehmann ’04      Nancy Rosenzweig

                                                                                      Continued on page 12

                                                                                      G A NN AC A D E MY A N N UA L R EP ORT 2021   11
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                 GANN FUND                               2020-2021
                 Continued from page 11

       Beth and Michael Ross                        Rachel and Jeremy Sohn                        Nyna Urovitch and David Williams
       Marilyn and Robert Ross                      Susan and Stanley Sokoloff                    Jesse Wolf ’05
       Brenda and Larry Rubin                       Judy Katz and Dean Solomon                    Alex Woogmaster ’05
       Mikki ’03 and Ezra ’01 Samet                 Tova and Ken Sperber                          Joan and Steve Woogmaster
       Lori Barnet and Jeffrey Savit                Shira and David Starobinski                   Ofer Eyal-Yahalom and Rafi Yahalom
       Daniel Saxe ’07                              Lauren and Alan Starr                         Jessica ’01 and Efraim Yudewitz
       Ellen Schachter                              Paula Stern                                   Denise Zami
       Nancy and Robert Schachter                   Arthur Stolow                                 Debra Zane and Max Gould
       Sharon and Jerald Schindler                  Debbie and Joel Sussman                       Janet and Matthew Zanger
       Sarah Schneider ’13                          Shelley Stevens and David Tabachnik           Heidi Lack and Michael Zell
       Gail Schulman and Robert Sullaway            Sandy and David Tall                          Joel D. Ziff
       Ruth and Dr. Ari Schwartz                    Janice Teller-Levy and Danny Levy             Vivien Singer and Howard Zilber
       Deborah and Cary Schwartz                    Ben Tepfer ’08                                Barbara and Henry Zoob
       Heni Schwartz                                The New England Friends of the                Deena and Brian Zuckerman
       Judith D. Powsner and Eric Scribner              March of the Living                       Jeanine and Jeffrey Zwicker
       Marlene and David Sheena                     Tifereth Israel Congregation
       Sandra Sheiber                                  Rabbi Raphael Kanter
       Leslie and Alan Sherman                      Elisa and Stephen Tobin
       Sue and Joel Sherman                         Jill Weiner and Bruce Todtfeld
       Zachary Sherman ’19                          Erika ’01 and Patrick Torbert
       Naomi and Richard Shore                      Jill Stanton and Bruce Trager
       Talia Landau and Arnon Z. Shorr ’01          Deborah Turney
       Margery Sokoloff and Jeffrey Shoulson        Randy and Steven Ugent
       Wendy Berland and Steven Simon               Perry M. Wallack ’17
       Leeta Sinrich                                Rochelle Weil
       Deborah Gonsalves-Sinrich and                Joseph J. Weinstein
          Scott Sinrich                             Joan and Robert Weinstein
       Heidi and Rabbi Joel Sisenwine               Shelley and Steven Weinstock
       Ronni and Paul Skerker                       Bess and Andrew Weiskopf
       Linda and Ira Skolnik                        Patricia Weiss and Rabbi Loel Weiss
       Julia and Dmitry Skuratovsky                 Candice Wesson and Mark Handy
       Alison and Peter Slater                      Deborah and Jeffrey Wesson                       Celebrating Sukkot in a one person Sukkah
       Rachel S. Boyar and Michael Smookler         Janice and John Wilder

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                 GANN SENIOR CLASS GIFT                                                              CLASS OF 2021
       Thank you to the Class of 2021 for leaving a lasting legacy. It is a unique opportunity for families to make a donation in honor of
       their time at Gann. This gift will enable essential upgrades and infrastructure at the Gann Farm. We are thankful to the following
       donors to the Senior Class Gift Campaign.
       Anonymous (2)                                Lauren and Aaron Lapat                        Wendy Berland and Steven Simon
       Beth and David Franklin                      Carolyn Langer and Leonard Lilly              Deborah Gonsalves-Sinrich and
       Nanette and Jose Fridman                     Jillian Erdos and Joseph Lipchitz                Scott Sinrich
       Rebecca and Michael Friedman                 Rita Cusack and Dr. Deborah Margolis          Jennifer and Jason Skolnick
       Carol and Donald Gleklen                     Sandi and Nathaniel Margolis                  Ronit and Alex Smolyar
       Bina Carr and Cantor Jamie Gloth             Tova Mirvis and Bruce Cohen                   Heather Hill and Jon Star
       Amy and Fredric Gold                         Stephanie and Michael Mitzenmacher            Shira and David Starobinski
       Nancy Glazer Pearl and David H. Goldberg     Dvora and Joshua Pemstein                     Sharon Stein
       Michelle and Ronald Herzlinger               Julie Altman and Alex Sagan                   Jennifer and Amiel Weinstock
       Dr. Marina Livshits and Michael Hiam         Mindy and Eric Sherbet                        Felice and Mark Whittum
       Dale Smith and Steven Jacobson               Leslie and Alan Sherman                       Sonya and Sean Wilder
       Rachel Kalikow and David de Graaf            Harriet and Stuart Sherman                    Ofer Eyal-Yahalom and Rafi Yahalom
       Charlotte Ross and Matthew Katz              Jennifer and David Shevitz
       Camille and Darrell Kotton                   Margery Sokoloff and Jeffrey Shoulson

ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT                                                               MITZVAH PROJECTS
ARIANA ABADIAN-HEIFETZ ’08                                                         Turn February Vacation into
                                                                                      a Chance to Do Good
        ann alum Ariana Abadian-Heifetz recently wrote about the
        impact Gann has had on her life since graduating in 2008. She
        is a 2012 graduate of Carleton College, where she majored in
political science and international relations and is now studying for a
master’s degree at NYU Gallatin School of Individualized Study.

I felt deeply loved, held, and valued as an individual at Gann, which has
given me a sense of courage and self-respect as I’ve made my way in
the world. Teachers made time for me, cared about my voice, and
made space for me as I sometimes pushed back and rebelled. Gann’s
culture is one in which students engage deeply in debate, construct
evidence-informed ideas, learn from unexpected voices, and explore
our own ethical blind spots. And then, most importantly, we try to
apply our insights to our daily actions.

There are several Gann teachers who have had a profound impact on
my life, starting with history teacher Yoni Kadden. We studied the
Holocaust and I came to understand that it was made possible by a
series of choices everyday people made. That understanding led to our
examination of how in our own lives we are complicit in upholding
                                                                                 Gann students gathering materials for February
systems of oppression, injustice, and violence. I carry that responsibility      break project
with me every day, as I continue to learn how to show up more justly in
the world.
                                                                              As a board member of the Gann Parent Association,
For the last three years, I worked in Delhi, India as the head of             Alisa Kotler-Berkowitz is always thinking about ways
social-emotional learning for a school with more than 3,000 students.         to build community among parents, students, and the
One of my responsibilities was facilitating experiential workshops for        school. With so many school vacation plans put on hold
thousands of high school students on interfaith dialogue, gender              this year, she mused, why not turn one more pandemic
equity, and caste-based discrimination. I have incorporated many of           disappointment into an opportunity?
the lessons from Mr. Kadden’s class.
                                                                              “One of the reasons we send our kids to Gann is to
Laila Goodman taught me biology in a way that encouraged me to see            learn how to be mensches,” said Kotler-Berkowitz,
the natural world and the human body with a deep sense of awe and             whose twins Lev and Sivan are rising juniors. “Why not
reverence. When I taught menstrual health in Indian communities,              help busy parents give their kids an experience during
I liked to think I was channeling some of Laila’s wisdom as I tried to pass   February vacation when so many other experiences
on the same sense of awe as a means to combat the shame and stigma            have been taken away?” She landed on the idea of
surrounding menstruation.                                                     helping out nonprofits with projects families could do at
                                                                              home. The February break mitzvah projects were born.

                                                                              Kotler-Berkowitz partnered with Cradles to Crayons,
                                                                              which provides clothing, book, and toys to children
                                                                              living in poverty, and Desk Mates, a new organization
                                                                              that builds desks for students who lack a place to do
                                                                              remote schooling. Akiko Yonekawa, Associate Dean of
                                                                              Jewish Education for Jewish Life, coordinated things on
                                                                              the school end.

                                                                              Kotler-Berkowitz said she wasn’t sure how many families
                                                                              would take part, but the response was “overwhelming.”
                                                                              “It showed that Gann is a place where there is an ethos
                                                                              of caring, it’s just in the water,” she said. By the end of
                                                                              the week, 20 families had sorted 80 55-gallon bags of
                                                                              children’s clothing and built 17 desks.

                                                                              “The Gann Parent Association and the school are
                                                                              committed to engaging our families in doing good in
                                                                              the world and it was my goal to make this as accessible
                                                                              as possible,” said Kotler-Berkowitz. “We don’t know
                                                                              what next year will bring, but we’ll continue doing this
                                                                              work in one form or another.”

                                                                                       G A NN AC A D E MY A N N UA L REP ORT 2021 1 3
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                   F A C U LT Y & S TA F F G I V I N G                                                2020-2021
         By any definition, the commitment of the faculty and staff to Gann is unwavering. We extend our deepest gratitude to the employees listed
         below for both their generous support of both the Gann Fund and the many special projects and needs at the school.

         Anonymous                         Valerie Giebel                     Melissa Sydney and                 Dr. Dalia Hochman and
         Efrat Amiri                       Dr. Jonathan Golden                   Dr. Adam Kolman Marshak            Dr. David Schidlow
         Lauren Avalos                     Rabbi Gavriel Goldfeder            Alexandra S. Lahr                  Ellen Seaward
         Lynda Bachman                     Lindsay Goldstein                  Michelle Langwieder                Christopher Heap-Senhouse
         Brad Ballinger                    Laila C. Goodman                   Trine and Tedd Lustig              Abby Shapiro
         Camila Barta                      Nati Golan                         Julia and Scott Mabuchi            Leah Spellberg
         Seth Battis                       Lily Rabinoff-Goldman and          Sheila MacDonald                   Naomi Bilmes and
         Shulamit Ben-Natan                   Rabbi Hillel Greene ’00         Kerry Maher                           Noah Slovin ’05
         Casey Beyer                       Jaime Guarnaccia                   Jeffrey Molk                       Stephanie Truesdell
         Shahar Colt                       Dr. Joshua Gutoff                  Elena C. Morgan                    Maya Wainhaus
         Wendy Falchuk                     Stephanie Hoffman                  Amy Chandler-Nelson                Mark Wilkins
         Sarah Feldman                     David Hubbard                      Curtis Nelson                      Noah Weinberg
         Seth Finkle                       Brian Infante                      Brenden O’Donnell                  Shlomi Zan
         Lindsay Flammey ’11               Cindy Jacobs                       Jacqui Pernisie
         Rachel Frenkil                    Alison and Isaac Judd              Kelsey L. Petersen
         Cathleen Gallagher                Gregory Kee                        Michelle Poirier
         Sherri L. Geller                                                     Sarah Rogers

                                GANN’S YEAR BY THE NUMBERS
               Attendees at Gann’s
               “Who Knows One”
               Game Show Night

                                                                3 New
                                                           Jewish Education

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                                                                          BOARD OF TRUSTEES
                                                                    2 02 0-2 02 1
                                                                 OFFICERS                                   Danielle Remis Hackel
                                                                                                            Joshua Hoffman-Senn ’09
                                                                 William Foster, President
                                                                                                            Jonathan Joffe
                                                                 Michelle Black, Vice President
                                                                                                            Adam Koppel
                                                                 Jill Smith, Treasurer
                                                                                                            Nicole Lieberman Gann
                                                                 Elizabeth Cooper, Secretary
                                                                                                            Diana Lloyd
                                                                 Sheldon Hanau, Clerk
                                                                                                            Deborah Margolis
                                                                                                            Joshua Margolis
                                                                 TRUSTEES                                   Ellis Morris
                                                                 Michael Bohnen                             Jay Ruderman
                                                                 Jessica Carroll                            Leigh Weiss
                                                                 Scott Cohen                                Sean Wilder
                                                                 Lisa Popik Coll                            Bil Zarch
                                                                 Talia Engelhart
                                                                 Janice Gross
                                                                 Michelle Herzlinger

                                                                    2 02 1-2 02 2

                                                                 OFFICERS                                   Joshua Hoffman-Senn ’09
                                                                                                            Jonathan Joffe
                                                                 William Foster, President
                                                                                                            Adam Koppel
                                                                 Michelle Black, Vice President
                                                                                                            Justine Levin-Allerhand
                                                                 Danielle Remis Hackel, Vice President
                                                                                                            Nicole Lieberman Gann
                                                                 Jill Smith, Treasurer
                                                                                                            Stephanie Listokin
Gann students gather for the last day of school assembly         Sheldon Hanau, Clerk
                                                                                                            Diana Lloyd
                                                                                                            Joshua Margolis
                                                                 TRUSTEES                                   David Micley ’06
                                                                 Michael Bohnen *                           Ellis Morris
                                                                 Jessica Carroll                            Jay Ruderman
                                                                 Scott Cohen *                              Sean Wilder
                                                                 Lisa Popik Coll                            Bil Zarch
                                                                 Rachel Dixon
                                                                 Janice Gross
                                                                 Michelle Herzlinger

                                                                    H ON ORARY TRU S TEES

                                                                 Carl Blanchard                             Frank Litwin *
                                                                 Alan Crane *                               Alan Lobovits *
                                                                 Solomon Eisenberg                          Cynthia Marcus *
                                                                 Josh Elkin                                 Shari Redstone
                                                                 Linda Greenseid *                          Shira Ruderman
                                                                 Bonnie Hausman *                           Jonathan Sarna
                                                                 Elizabeth Jick *                           Leo Sprecher *
                                                                 Joshua Katzen *                            Sidney Swartz
                                                                 George Krupp

                                                                 * Past President

Gann students give a thumbs up for the end of a great semester                               G A NN AC A D E MY A N N UA L R EP ORT 2021 1 5
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                      NEW TRUSTEES BIOS                                                         2021
             The Gann Board of Trustees is pleased to welcome the following new members:
             RACHEL DIXON is a member of the Board of Trustees at The Rashi               STEPHANIE LISTOKIN practiced law for 15 years in the areas of
             School, where she serves on the Governance Committee. She is active          litigation and trusts and estates in New York City, Chicago, New Haven,
             on multiple committees at Rashi, including admissions and teacher            and Newton. She ran her own law firm after working in large and
             appreciation. Rachel is also a member of the Board of Advisors at Beth       medium-sized law firms. Stephanie is an active member of the Newton
             Israel Lahey Health, focusing on patient experience and fundraising.         Center Minyan. She has served on the board of Boston’s Jewish
             Rachel volunteers at Horizons for Homeless Children, working with            Community Day School, where she co-chaired the school’s strategic
             pre-kindergarten children in an academic setting.                            planning effort. She is the incoming President of the Gann Parent
             Before becoming a stay-at-home mother, Rachel was a nationally-
             ranked sales representative for Pfizer, Inc. She covered several of the      Stephanie lives in Newton with her husband Yair and their two children.
             largest and most prestigious hospitals in New York City and Boston,          Their son is a rising senior at Gann. She has a B.A. from Harvard College
             playing a key role in the launch of cardiovascular, urology, and smoking     where her studies focused on modern Jewish history. After college,
             cessation products. Prior to her time at Pfizer, Rachel was a change         Stephanie spent a year studying Israeli politics at Hebrew University
             management consultant. Rachel received her B.A. in economics from            in Jerusalem, and also took courses at Pardes and the Conservative
             Hamilton College. She lives in Newton with her family and their Boston       Yeshiva. Stephanie earned her J.D. from the University of Pennsylvania
             terrier, Enzo.                                                               Law School.

             JUSTINE LEVIN-ALLERHAND is Chief Development Officer and                     DAVID MICLEY ’06 is the Director of Sales and Client Relations at
             Chief External Relations Officer at the Broad Institute of MIT and           Floating Point Group, a cryptocurrency startup. He previously worked
             Harvard. A scientist by training, she has diverse experience in raising      at Bridgewater Associates, an asset management firm in Connecticut.
             funds for basic science and biomedicine. At the Broad, Levin-Allerhand       Previously, David worked as a teacher and Director of Recruitment at
             leads the Institute’s efforts to develop and steward philanthropic           Prozdor, the high school of Hebrew College; a fundraiser at Combined
             partnerships. She also oversees the communications department and            Jewish Philanthropies; and the Director of the TAMID Fellowship in
             manages the Institute’s board of directors.                                  Israel, where he lived at the time. He received his B.A. from Emory and
                                                                                          MBA from MIT Sloan School of Management. David is a 2006 graduate
             Previously, she was Deputy Director for International Fundraising            of Gann and spent a gap year in Israel after high school. He and his wife
             at Yale University and the Director of Science and Engineering               Molly live in Newton where they are raising two daughters.
             Fundraising for the Yale Tomorrow campaign.

             Justine earned a B.A. from Barnard College and a Ph.D. from The
             Rockefeller University. She also serves on the Board of Trustees of
             Solomon Schechter Day School of Greater Boston. She lives in Newton
             with her husband Paul and two children. The oldest, Tomy, is a recent
             Gann graduate.

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                      F I V E Y E A R M AT R I C U L AT I O N L I S T                                                                      2017-2021
             Gann Academy graduates enroll at a range of top colleges. Our two full-time college counselors work closely with each student
             to find the school that is the best “fit.” Gann alumni have attended over 180 colleges and universities and participated in over
             25 gap year programs. The matriculation list for the Classes of 2017-2021 is below. Bold indicates multiple students.

American University                      Elon University                              Northeastern University                     University of Florida
Babson College                           Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University         Northwestern University                     University of Hartford
Barnard College                          Emory University                             Oberlin College                             University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Bates College                            Endicott College                             Old Dominion University                     University of Maryland
Berklee College of Music                 Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering      Pennsylvania State University               University of Massachusetts Amherst
Boston College                           George Washington University                 Princeton University                        University of Miami
Boston University                        Georgia Institute of Technology              Quinnipiac University                       University of Michigan
Brandeis University                      Gettysburg College                           Roger Williams University                   University of Minnesota
Brown University                         Goucher College                              Ryerson University                          University of New Hampshire
Bryn Mawr College                        Hampshire College                            Santa Clara University                      University of Pennsylvania
Carleton College                         Harvard University                           Simmons University                          University of Pittsburgh
Carleton University                      IDC Herzliya                                 Skidmore College                            University of Rochester
Carnegie Mellon University               Indiana University                           Smith College                               University of Southern California
Chapman University                       Ithaca College                               Syracuse University                         University of Vermont
Clark University                         Jewish Theological Seminary of               Temple University                           University of Virginia
Colby College                               America/Columbia University               The University of Edinburgh                 Ursinus College
Colgate University                       Johns Hopkins University                     The University of Tampa                     Vassar College
College of Charleston                    Lafayette College                            The University of Texas at Austin           Washington University in St. Louis
College of William and Mary              Lehigh University                            The University of the Arts                  Wellesley College
Colorado College                         Macalester College                           Tufts University                            Wesleyan University
Columbia University                      Manhattan School of Music                    Tulane University                           Wheaton College
Connecticut College                      Massachusetts Institute of Technology        Union College                               Williams College
Cornell University                       McGill University                            United States Military Academy/West Point   Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Dartmouth College                        Merrimack College                            University of California, Los Angeles       Yale University
Dean College                             Mount Allison University                     University of Chicago                       Yeshiva University
Dickinson College                        Mount Holyoke College                        University of Colorado Boulder
Drexel University                        Muhlenberg College                           University of Connecticut
Duke University                          New York University                          University of Delaware

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          COMMITTEES & VOLUNTEERS                                      2020-2021
GOVERNANCE                HEAD OF SCHOOL SUPPORT               Cynthia Marcus
Michelle Black, Chair     Scott Cohen                          Ellis Morris
Jess Carroll              William Foster                       Mindy Peckler
Scott Cohen               Deborah Margolis                     Harriet Sherman
William Foster            Jill Smith                           Stuart Sherman
Nicole Gann               Leigh Weiss                          Sandy Tall
Danielle Remis Hackel                                          Lisa F. Wallack
Michelle Herzlinger       RECRUITMENT AND                      Sonya Wilder
Jonathan Joffe            OUTREACH COMMITTEE
Jay Ruderman              Linda Skolnick, Chair                INVESTMENT WORKING GROUP
                          Jess Carroll                         Sheldon Hanau, Chair
FINANCE                   Ilana Edry                           Arieh Coll
Jill Smith, Chair         Jillian Erdos                        Josh Friedman
Scott Cohen               Rachel Foster                        Adam Koppel
Arieh Coll                Sharon Goldstein                     Jill Smith
Alan Crane                Laura Jarbeau                        Adam Suttin
Mike Epstein              Rachel Kesselman
Jules Fried               Joanna Ravina                        POLICY COMMITTEE
Janice Gross              Beth Ross                            Adam Koppel, Chair
Sheldon Hanau             Leslie Sherman                       Joshua Margolis
Adam Koppel                                                    Danielle Remis-Hackel
Frank Litwin              GANN ALUMNI PARENT                   Jill Smith
Ellis Morris              ASSOCIATION                          Andrea Weil
Adam Suttin               Michelle Barmazel
Andrea Weil               Julia Feldman                        SENIOR GIFT CO-CHAIRS
Sean Wilder               Wayne Goldstein                      Alan Sherman
                          Ron Iken                             Malka Engel
GANN FUND                 Vivien Singer
Ilana Edry, Chair         Joni Schockett                       FACULTY AND STAFF CAMPAIGN
Ellen Berk                Judith Sydney                        CO-CHAIRS
Lisa Popik Coll           Sharon Winn                          Sarah Feldman
Nicole Lieberman Gann                                          Shlomi Zane
Michelle Herzlinger       GANN PARENT ASSOCIATION (GPA)
Joshua Hoffman-Senn ’09   Deborah Margolis, President          POSSIBILITIES AND PERMANENCE
Ron Iken                  Stephanie Listokin, Vice President   CAMPAIGN CO-CHAIRS
Ellis Morris              Jill Baker                           Michelle and Darren Black
Mindy Peckler             Ron Becker                           Kathleen and Scott Cohen
Harriet Sherman           Alisa Kotler-Berkowitz               Brenda Haynes and Adam Koppel
Stuart Sherman            Ruth Bernstein
Sonya Wilder              Jen Block                            IT COMMITTEE
                          James Cohen                          Robert Rosenbloom
AUDIT                     David deGraaf                        Jill Smith
Ellis Morris, Chair       Gisele Ellis                         Nancy Viner
Jules Fried               Malka Engel
Jill Smith                Rachel Foster                        SENIOR LEADERSHIP TEAM
Adam Suttin               Lucy Goodhart                        Dr. Dalia Hochman, Head of School
                          Claudine Grossman                    Rabbi Dina Brawer, Assistant Head of
STRATEGIC PHILANTHROPY    Beth Marx                            School for Jewish Education
COMMITTEE                 Mindy Peckler                        Wendy Falchuk, Assistant Head of School
Michael Bohnen, Chair     Nancy Rosenzweig                        for Enrollment Management and
Lisa Popik Coll, Chair    Leslie Sherman                          Student Success
Darren Black              Rachel Sohn                          Jenny Gomeringer, Director of Marketing
Michelle Black            Margery Sokoloff                        and Communications
Scott Cohen                                                    Isaac Judd, Chief Financial and
Ilana Edry                CAMPAIGN VOLUNTEERS                     Operating Officer
William Foster            Joel Berkowitz                       Trine Lustig, Chief Advancement Officer
Nanette Fridman           Michelle Black                       Lily Rabinoff-Goldman, Assistant Head of
Danielle Remis Hackel     Michael Bohnen                          School for Teaching and Learning
Adam Koppel               Scott Cohen
Frank Litwin              Lisa Popik Coll                      ADVANCEMENT DEPARTMENT
Cynthia Marcus            Alan Crane                           Trine Lustig, Chief Advancement Officer
Ellis Morris              Ilana Edry                           Camila Barta, Advancement and Events
Lisa F. Wallack           Nicole Lieberman Gann                   Manager
Amiel Weinstock           Joshua Hoffman-Senn ’09              Adam Cucchiara, Research and Database
Bil Zarch                 Ron Iken                                Analyst
                          Shira Lewin                          Seth Finkle, Senior Development Officer
                          Susan Linden                         Kelse Petersen, Advancement and Alumni
                          Frank Litwin                            Relations Associate
The Mission of Gann Academy
       is to educate, to inspire, and to empower intellectually
               confident, passionately engaged, ethically
                 responsible Jews who, through critical
        thinking and the contribution of their unique voices,
              will create a vibrant Jewish future and build
           a better world where human dignity will flourish.

                                      SAVE THE DATE:
                                   GANN’S 25th

GANN ACADEMY • 333 FOREST STREET • WALTHAM, MA 02452 • (781) 642-6800 • www.gannacademy.org
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