Page created by Phillip Salazar
                              Edition -2020-2021
Published by the Department of Research and Developement and the Department of Human
                          Resources at the University of Liège
Welcome Guide for incoming ULiège staff & visiting researchers .................................................... 1
A Word of Welcome ..................................................................................................................... 1

1.      Belgium &Wallonia ............................................................................................................... 2
     1.1.      The federal state ...................................................................................................................... 3
     1.2.      Languages ................................................................................................................................ 3
     1.3.      Weather ................................................................................................................................... 3
     1.4.      Customs ................................................................................................................................... 3
2.      Research at ULiège ................................................................................................................ 4
3.      Preparing your departure ...................................................................................................... 6
     3.1. Preparing your application ........................................................................................................... 7
     3.2.      Arriving at the ULiège ............................................................................................................ 10
     3.3.      Gembloux .............................................................................................................................. 13
     3.4.      Arlon ...................................................................................................................................... 13
4.      Arrival on site ..................................................................................................................... 14
     4.1.      FirsT STEPS ............................................................................................................................. 15
     4.2.      Accommodations ................................................................................................................... 15
     4.3.      Tips before signing a Rental agreement ................................................................................ 17
     4.4.      Municipal Taxes ..................................................................................................................... 18
     4.5.      Getting legal advice on Accommodation issues .................................................................... 19
     4.6.      Registering with the local authorities .................................................................................... 19
     4.7.      Bank Account ......................................................................................................................... 22
     4.8.      Embassies & Consulates ........................................................................................................ 22
     4.9.      Insurance ............................................................................................................................... 22
5.      Working at Uliège ............................................................................................................... 25
     5.1.      Identification Badge............................................................................................................... 26
     5.2.      Salary and deductions ........................................................................................................... 26
     5.3.      Internet Access ...................................................................................................................... 27
     5.4.      ULiège Libraries ..................................................................................................................... 27
     5.5.      Open Access .......................................................................................................................... 28
     5.6.      University Restaurants ........................................................................................................... 28
6.      Health and Well-Being at work ............................................................................................ 29
     6.1.      Medical Fees .......................................................................................................................... 30
     6.2.      Reimbursements of medical expenses .................................................................................. 31
     6.3.      Important health care documents......................................................................................... 31
     6.4.      Patients’ rights ....................................................................................................................... 32
     6.5.      Medical consultations............................................................................................................ 32
     6.6.      In Case of Illness .................................................................................................................... 33
     6.7.      Smoking at work .................................................................................................................... 33
     6.8.      Safety Instructions ................................................................................................................. 33
     6.9.      Contacts at the Department of Human Resources (ARH) ..................................................... 34
     6.10. Need to TALK?........................................................................................................................ 36
7.      Living in Belgium ................................................................................................................. 39
     7.1.      Cost of Living ......................................................................................................................... 40
     7.2.      Leisure and culture ................................................................................................................ 40
        In Liège........................................................................................................................................... 40
        In Gembloux .................................................................................................................................. 40
        In Arlon .......................................................................................................................................... 41
     7.3.      French Classes ....................................................................................................................... 41
        In Gembloux .................................................................................................................................. 41
        In Arlon .......................................................................................................................................... 41
8.      A Family Friendly University ................................................................................................ 42
     8.1.      Child Care for 0-3 years ......................................................................................................... 46
     8.2.      Education ............................................................................................................................... 46
     8.3.      Welcoming a spouse or partner ............................................................................................ 47
9.      Contact us........................................................................................................................... 48
     9.1.      The euraxerss center ............................................................................................................. 49
     9.2.      Social Service for the Uliège Personnel ................................................................................. 50
Dear International Colleagues, welcome to the University of Liège!

We are delighted that you have chosen to spend part of your academic career at the University of Liège.
Whether you are here for a few months or for a few years, we are here to offer you support and

Liège’s reputation as a warm and welcoming place is not a mere platitude but a reality that you will
certainly have a chance to experience during your stay. In addition to your research unit, various
University departments including the Personnel Welfare Office and the ULiège Mobility Centre (which
is part of the EURAXESS network) are at your disposal to ensure your stay is a success.

This welcome guide offers practical information for your stay and should assist you as you integrate
into the community.

Once you have obtained your ULiège username and password1 we invite you to regularly consult the
MyULiège Intranet portal for updates and information (mainly in French).

ARH (Department of Human Resources): my.arh.uliege.be

ARD (Department of Research & Development):www.recherche.ULiege.be/

Please do not hesitate to reach out should you have any questions or concerns:

We look forward to meeting you soon,

                                                                 Department of Research & Development

                                                                         Department of Human Resources

 You must request your login and password from an computer on campus via this page :
Once you are connected to My ULiège follow the instructions to get your ULiège email address

             Belgium has approximately 11 million
             inhabitants living on a territory covering
             30507 square kms. We are one of the

             founding member states of the European
             Union and the Belgian capital city of
             Brussels is also home to the European
             Union capital. This makes it a very
             international and multicultural city. The
             country is a federal constitutional
             monarchy under parliamentary rule, a
             complex governance structure which has
             given way to the well –known « Belgian
             compromise ».

                                                  Gare des Guillemins

1.1.     THE FEDERAL STATE                          1.2.    LANGUAGES

Belgium is a federal state composed of 3           French, Dutch and German are Belgium’s
communities and 3 geographic regions, each         three official languages. An invisible linguistic
one exercising legislative powers correspond-      border divides the country roughly into two
ding to its purpose.                               parts: the French-speaking South and the
                                                   Dutch-speaking North. There is also a German-
Federal jurisdiction oversees all matters          speaking community along the German
relating to general public needs: finances,        border. Brussels is an important bilingual
army, judicial affairs, police, social security,   entity (French-Dutch), having a majority of
foreign affairs, public enterprises such as B-     French speakers. Apart from a few exceptions,
Post (Mail) and the SNCB (national train),         the other regions are monolingual.
along with part of the public health care and
Internal Affairs. The federal government also           1.3.    WEATHER
represents Belgium within the European
Union and NATO.                                    Belgium enjoys a temperate climate with mild
                                                   but humid seasons and an annual average
The 3 Regions: Wallonia Region, Flanders           temperature of 9.4°C. Temperatures remain
Region and Brussels-Capital Region each            mild throughout the year; during the colder
oversee territorial responsibilities in terms of   months (December to March) and the warmer
economic      development,         employment,     months (June to August), the only constant is
agriculture, water, housing, public works,         rain. The best preparation for Belgian weather
energy, transportation, environment & nature       is an all-season raincoat!
conservation, urban planning, foreign trade
and oversight of the municipalities and            www.meteo.be/en
communes. They also support scientific
research and international partnerships in the          1.4.    CUSTOMS
aforementioned areas.
                                                   Over the years, we have also become known
The Communities have oversight over matters        as the homeland of beer, chocolate and comic
relating to language and culture (theatres,        books – some things we hope you will enjoy
libraries, etc), education, language, health       during your stay!
policy, preventative and remedial health,          We invite you to get information beforehand
social assistance, etc. They also support          in order to facilitate the preparation and a
scientific    research   and     international     smooth running of your stay. You will already
partnerships      that   fall   within     the     find a brief overview of the customs on
aforementioned geographical areas.

 Useful websites to discover Belgium


The University of Liège is an
               accomplished research institution with

2. RESEARCH    more than 3500 researchers and over
               2000 doctoral students active across all
               disciplines: humanities and social

   AT ULIÈGE   sciences, life sciences, health sciences
               and medicine. ULiège welcomes
               numerous researchers from the FRS-
               FNRS « Foundation for Scientific
               Research » as well as foreign
               researchers. Researchers at ULiège will
               have a plethora of opportunities to
               expand their networks and connections.
               ULiège       researchers      distinguish
               themselves by being published in top
               research journals. The University is a
               pioneer in Open Access publications
               (see 8.6.4- Open Access).

The university’s research is rooted in             an environment where researchers benefit
internationally recognized areas of excellence.    from favourable research conditions, training
Leading research centres are paired with first-    and career development, ULiège has adhered
class science and technology platforms.            to the European Charter for Researchers and
Research is funded by the University, by the       the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of
Foundation for Scientific Research (FRS-FNRS),     Researchers since 2005.
and by external funds, often through regional
and European projects.                             ULiège is equally committed to improving the
                                                   services delivered by its EURAXESS Mobility
In Belgium, funding for research is under the      Centre for researchers.
jurisdiction of the Federal State, the
Communities and the Regions, each                  In 2011, ULiège was the first Belgian university
contributing according to their administrative     to receive the « HR Excellence in Research »
powers. Wallonia holds a significant amount of     accreditation, a recognition by the European
research potential in terms of skills. Research    Commission acknowledging its intention to
expenditures in Wallonia as a percentage of        continuously improve its human resources
GDP are on par with other countries and            management in research.
regions in Europe.

The University of Liège has established            A EUROPEAN SEAL OF EXCELLENCE
numerous partnerships with institutions
around the globe and has become an integral                                 The University of
part of large international networks providing                              Liège upholds and
training to researchers starting out in their                               advocates for the
careers.                                                                    principles of the
                                                                            European Charter for
Mindful of the current needs of society, the                                Researchers.      The
University of Liège seeks to add value and         2017-2020 Human Resource Management
innovation to projects though its partnerships     strategy at ULiège includes 25 actions
with commercial and private research               designed to improve the status of researchers
institutions and research promotion in             in the University. This process includes an
industry and relevant fields. One notable area     internal assessment after two years and an
of focus is the Walloon Region’s economic          external evaluation after three years. The
recovery plan, known as the Marshall Plan.         European Commission award institutions with
Business      clusters    linking  universities,   the 'HR Excellence in Research Award' when
companies, donors and venture capitalists          they commit and develop an action plan and
enable the development of research anchored        HR strategy aligning their human resource
in an economy in need of innovation and            policies to the 40 principles of the Charter &
interdisciplinary creativity.                      Code.

Conscious that excellence is best nurtured in

               Have you already established contact
               with host lab and supervisor? Now, let’s
               plan you arrival at the University of Liège.

3.1. PREPARING YOUR APPLICATION                       For researchers, the hosting agreement
                                                      remains temporarily valid. Hosting agreements
Contact a member of the ULiège academic or            exempt researchers from work permit.
scientific staff involved in your research field at
the University of Liège to draw up and agree          For professors, lecturers and assistants, ULiège
upon a research proposal that you will                has to first ask a work permit from the Walloon
complete while in Liège. If you are the recipient     Region Employment Office, who when
of a grant or under contract with the University,     approved, will then send the visa application to
complete the human resources forms (fiche             the Ministry of Interior. The delay of delivery
signalétique) in conjunction with your                for the visa (usually 2 months) is likely to be
supervisor.                                           extended.

If you will not receive a salary or a fellowship
from the University of Liège, you will be             COST OF A TYPE D VISA APPLICATION:
registered as a visiting researcher. Along with
your supervisor, fill in, the online application      A long term type D visa application for Belgium
form and the fiche d’intention. Send them to          is subject to 2 different fees:
the ULiège EURAXESS Centre (contact: Brigitte
ERNST). Include documentation demonstrating                  the first is called a « handling fee »
that you have an adequate grant or salary for                 which covers the management of the
your stay (minimum €1593,812 gross /month).                   application by the embassy
The EURAXESS Centre will process your                        the second is called an « administrative
application, in conjunction with the ARH                      fee » and covers the management of
(Human Resource Department) and –when                         the application by the Ministry of
necessary - the Employment Office of the                      Interior (Office des Etrangers). It is set
Walloon Region.                                               at 63€, 207€ or 363€ (at the date of
                                                              publication). If you are subject to this
IMPORTANT: If you do not have sufficient
                                                              fee, you must pay it before submitting
income or a grant, your stay will be limited to
                                                              your application. Do not forget to bring
90 days. In this case, you may need a short stay
type C visa to come to Belgium, and you will still            proof of payment when you report to
need to prove that you have adequate financial                the embassy.
support for the duration of your stay. 3
                                                      If your application involves more than one
                                                      person, the fees apply to each individual.
APPLYING FOR A VISA                                   These fees are not reimbursed if your
If you are a European Union national, no visa         application is turned down.
formalities are needed to work in Belgium.
                                                      Exception: Students and researchers who have
If you are not a European Union national, the         obtained a scholarship by a Belgian authority
following procedures apply and vary depending         (FNRS, WBI, ARES…) or higher education
on the length of your stay and your status (see       institution (university grant for doctoral or
table on the next page).                              postdoctoral fellows) are exempt from paying
                                                      this fee by presenting their funding
New procedures for type D Visas: In January           certification. If you have not received it, contact
2019, the long term visa process for workers          your file manager in the Department of Human
changed, in order to comply with the                  Resources or the EURAXESS centre.
implementation of the EU Single Permit
directive of 2011.

2                                                     3
    See (in French or Dutch only)                      For more information (in French and Dutch only),

VISA application (non EU Nationals)

                     Stay of less
    Length of      than 3 months
                                                               Stay of more than 90 days
      stay         (90 days maxi-
                                                                                 Researchers        Other statuses
    Status of     All statuses in-                           Postdoctoral        on ULiège          (temporary or
                                       Doctoral scholar
    the agent     cluded                                     scholar             employment         academic as-
                                                                                 contract           sistants)
      Docu-                                                                                         Single permit
                                       Visa type D           Long stay           Long stay
      ment        Type C visa                                                                       (work and
                                       « étudiant »          type D visa         type D visa
      type                                                                                          stay)
                                       *Admission let-
                                       ter (AEE)             *Hosting
                                                             agreement (in
                                       *Proof of suffi-      French) (ARH)
                                                                                                    ARH applies
                                       cient financial
                  Enrol as a visit-                                                                 for a work per-
                                       resources (min-        *Attestation
                  ing researcher                                                                    mit with the
                                       imum 670€ per         of exemption        *Hosting
                  (ARD) OR                                                                          Walloon Re-
                                       month4) (ARH)         for the han-        agreement
                  exchange stu-                                                                     gion. Once ac-
    Action by                                                dling fee for       (in French)
                  dent, including                                                                   cepted, the
     ULiège                            *Attestation of       the visa appli-     (ARH)
                  for PHD appli-                                                                    ARH sends the
                                       exemption of          cation by the
                  cants (contact                                                                    application to
                                       the fee for the       Ministry of In-
                  International                                                                     the Ministry of
                                       handling of the       terior (under
                  Relations)                                                                        Interior for
                                       visa application      conditions)
                                                                                                    visa issuance
                                       by the Ministry       (ARH)
                                       of Interior (un-
                                       der conditions)

    Amount in October 2019. Students may also find a « garant » This person should earn as a minimum :
      1. A basic monthly amount of 1.2595,91 € net/mois. This is the social minimum set on 01/07/2019 for an adult head
           of a family, and
      2. Of 670€/month. (minimum amount for a student, set and indexed yearly by Royal decree, and
      3. Of 150€/mois for each depending person

LEAVING YOUR COUNTRY OF ORIGIN                            Check-list of documuents to bring with you

  Very important: all your official documents should
                                                          Valid passport or national identity
  be in order prior to arriving in Belgium. The           card
  following items are recommended to ensure a             Official documents        from the
  smooth arrival and integration into the ULiège          University of Liège (see table page
  community.                                              13)
-     A valid passport. Follow the necessary             Proof of payment             of the
      procedures to obtain a visa (do not hesitate to    administrative fee (if needed)
      contact the EURAXESS centre or the Belgian         Proof of acceptance to doctoral
      embassy in your country).
                                                         program if necessary
-     Heath Care: take out additional insurance
      coverage for the duration of your trip and –if     Copies of diplomas obtained (with
      needed- stay in Belgium5.                          translation into French or English if
-     Contact the ULiège Housing Services prior to       necessary)
      arrival.                                            European Health Insurance Card
-     If you wish to improve your level of French, you    (EHIC) or S1
      can take courses at the ULiège’s Institute of       Form or other health insurance
      Modern Languages (registration occurs twice a       from your country of origin
                                                         Certificate of nationality (for
                                                         registration of doctoral students
Note that Belgian embassies may require
                                                         from countries outside the European
additional documents.
                                                         Union only, indispensable if the
                                                         passport is not written in Latin
If members of your family are accompanying
you, they will also require visas and the ULiège
                                                         Driver’s license
EURAXESS Centre should be notified of this
                                                         Passeport photos
request ASAP. Note that the legalization and
                                                          If necessary: work permit or hosting
translation of civil documents (marriage
                                                          agreement, needed to obtain a
certificate, birth certificate) may take
                                                          Belgian residence permit/visa,
considerable time. Please plan accordingly.
                                                          medical certificate and criminal
                                                          record check (needed for the long
                                                          term visa application)

 If you are a PHD student registered at ULiège, or       healthcare (please refer to chapter 6 about
have an ULiège fellowship or work contract, you          healthcare) from the starting date of your
will you will be entitled to subsidised Belgian          registration or contract.

3.2.    ARRIVING AT THE ULIÈGE                  campus provides a magnificent escape with its
                                                     nature trails and lavish countryside. Liège is
                                                     also on the edge of the Ardennes region and
LIÈGE                                                the Hautes Fagnes plateau, perfect for trail
                                                     hiking or mountain biking while taking in the
Winding through the heart of the city of Liège
                                                     fresh air6.
is the epitome of the Liègeois people:
the Meuse River. Proud and tenacious with a
dash of mischievousness, yet warm and
friendly, the Spirit of Liège is quickly embraced.
A local puppet character called Tchantchès            Official site of the City of Liège :
embodies the Liège spirit: his outspokenness          www.Liège.be/en
often gets him into memorable adventures.
                                                      Wallonia- Brussels Tourism site:
Liège is a cosmopolitan city nestled within the       http://walloniabelgiumtourism.co.uk/en-gb
Dutch and German borders, located 30 kms
from the Netherlands, 45 kms from Germany             Official site of the City of Liège Tourism
and a quick 2.5 hrs on a high speed train from        https://www.visitezLiège.be/en
Paris. Situated in the heart of Europe, at the
crossroads of Latin and Germanic cultures,            Province of Liège:
Italian and Maghrebian immigration has                www.en.Liègetourisme.be/
heightened the appeal of this « Ardent City »
by adding a Mediterranean accent. The mix of          Printable maps :
cultures can be seen, heard and tasted each           https://www.campus.ULiege.be/cms/c_903
Sunday at « La Batte », the longest running           8334/en/access-and-maps
open-aired market in Europe.

The city centre is alive with shopping,
restaurants and bars; there is something for         HOW TO GET AROUND LIÈGE?
every taste and budget. Students often enjoy
the « Carré », a maze of alleys and little streets   Belgium has three official languages so the
whose nighlife is quite popular.                     names of the cities vary according to the region
                                                     which you are in! Liège is called « Luik » in
Liège offers a rich cultural landscape with a        Flemish and « Luttich » in German and of
dozen theatres, art galleries and museums, the       course « Liège » in French.
Royal Opera of Wallonia, the Philharmonic
Orchestra, and numerous festivals and public         There are three train stations in Liège: Liège-
libraries (Les Chiroux), and a well known movie      Guillemins (the largest), Liège-St.Lambert (the
theatre called Les Grignoux. As a member of          closest to the city centre) and Liège-Carré. The
two transnational networks, Euregio and the          Belgian National Railway Company (SNCB)
Greater Region, Liège has asserted itself as one     offers several passes at reduced costs for
of the leaders in the cultural landscape in          traveling within the country. For example, a Rail
Belgium.                                             Pass allows for 10 single trips for 83 €. It is valid
                                                     for one year and can be used by several people.
If you’re looking for an escape from the city,       SNCB: https://www.belgiantrain.be/en/
simply hop on a city bus and within 10 kms,
you’ll be surrounded by a lush green landscape.      The local public transportation system, TEC
The Sart-Tilman, home to the main ULiège             (Transports En Commun), has a large bus

 The sports club of ULiège, RCAE (see chapter        Also : Hiking in Liège & the region:
“Living in Belgium) organizes a walk in the          www.wikiloc.com/trails/hiking/belgium/province-
countryside almost every Sunday.                     de-Liège

network. Bus 48 and 58 go to the Sart-Tilman         Other car sharing sites to consider: Wibee,
campus from the city centre. Bus 48 leaves           Caramigo, Cozycar, Blablacar, Karzoo, Carpool,
from the Opera House and takes approximately         etc.
35 minutes and bus 58 from the Guillemins
train station and takes approximately 20
minutes. Waiting times during weekday                   BUS
business hours range from 4-10 minutes. Bus             TEC : www.infotec.be
28 takes you to the Sart Tilman (University             Bus Passes : www.infotec.be/fr-
Hospital and the Amphitheatres) from Fléron             be/acheteruntitre/titresettarifs.aspx
and     goes    through      Romsée,      Bouny,
Chaudfontaine, Ninane, Beaufays and Tilff. The          TRAIN
#248 bus line departs from the Guillemins train         SNCB site : www.belgiantrain.be/en
station and goes to the Parc scientifique du Sart
Tilman. The #41 bus line starts in Jemeppe and          CAR
terminates on the Sart Tilman campus via                Car Sharing plateforme: ugo.be/,
Seraing. You can purchase tickets on board the          covoitULiège.ulg.ac.be/
bus but it is more economical to purchase a             Cambio: www.cambio.be/cms/carsharing/en
pass.                                                   Wibee: www.wibee.be/
                                                        Caramigo: www.caramigo.eu/be/en
Information on bus passes and TEC sales                 Cozycar: www.cozycar.be/
outlets can be found at www.infotec.be/ (only           Blablacar: www.fr.blablacar.be/
available in French).                                   Karzoo:
Bicycles are becoming a preferred method of             Carpool: www.carpool.be/
transportation within the city. The « House of
Cyclists » located in the Guillemins train station      BICYCLE
is a one stop shop for all your biking needs:           Pro Velo : www.provelo.org/en
bicycle rental, repairs, etc. Long term bicycle         ASBL Intégrasport : velointegrasportasbl.be/ (no
rentals are available at a reasonable price of          english site)
approximately €80/year.
Intégrasport ASBL is located on the Sart-Tilman
campus (B7A Quartier Agora) and also offers
bicycle maintenance and sales at reasonable

A motorway system (E40, E25, E42, E313)
enables you to easily get to Liège and the Sart
Tilman campuses via car.

Only need a car for a short time? CAMBIO
offers an easy and economical car rental
service. Each car has a designated parking spot
and you can select one from the station of your
choice. Once registered you can reserve a car
via phone, internet or on their app
APPCAMBIO. There is a monthly subscription
cost plus travel related costs.
The University of Liège has created its own ride
sharing site named UGO, which is easily
accessible online.

                                                     Zaventem Airport
The main airport is located in Zaventem, near        www.brusselsairport.be/en
Brussels. From the airport’s train station, take a
train to Brussels-North or Leuven and take a         Charleroi Airport
connecting train to Liège-Guillemins (also           https://www.brussels-charleroi-airport.com/en
called Luik or Lüttich-Guillemins). There are
                                                     Shuttle service between Charleroi and Liège
two trains each hour from Brussels to Liège and
                                                     Guillemins train station
the journey is approximately one hour.               https://www.charli.world/en/
If you plan to use the train regularly, a RAIL
PASS allows you 10 trips to any destination in       Liège Airport
Belgium for €83. This pass does not include the      www.Liègeairport.com (no english site)
Diabolo tax -to be paid between the airport and
Leuven or Brussels- which can be paid via            SNCB site- online purchase of tickets and
internet or at the ticket desk at the station. The   Diabolo airport tax
Brussels-Zaventem station is now equipped            https://www.belgiantrain.be/en
with electronic doors requiring a ticket
including the “Diabolo” fare to enter or exit the

Brussels South Charleroi Airport is the second
international airport in Belgium. The following
airline companies fly into Charleroi: Tuifly,
Ryanair, Pegasus, and Wizzair. A TEC shuttle
(Bus A) offers a direct route from the airport to
the main train station in Charleroi which is 7
kms away for a cost of €6. There is also a shuttle
service between Charleroi and Liège Guillemins
train station (https://www.charli.world/en/,
and FLIBCO.com and a shared shuttle service

Liège Airport is the third international airport
but it is mainly a cargo airport, offering a few
international destinations that are usually
seasonal. Two TEC bus lines connect the airport
to Liège: Bus 57 connects to Liège- Guillemins
(note that it does not run on weekends or
public holidays) and Bus 53 connects to the city
centre in Liège.

3.3.    GEMBLOUX                                    3.4.     ARLON

Gembloux is a town located between Namur            Two thousand years of history and prestigious
and Wavre, in the province of Namur, with a         heritage is yours to discover in Arlon. Its Roman
population of over 25,000 people. Located on        origins, found in the Archaeological Museum
the motorway axis of Brussels-Namur and             are juxtaposed with the majestic architecture
Mons-Liège, Gembloux is centrally located in        of Saint Martin’s Church and the popular Saint
Belgium and in Europe. The main train station       Donat neighbourhood. Let yourself be
easily links you to several European                transported back into time as you explore the
destinations (Paris, Amsterdam, London, etc)        streets and alleyways of this dynamic
and there is a direct link to the Brussels          pedestrian friendly city. Each season, Arlon is
Zaventem Airport. Brussels Charleroi Airport is     host to numerous folkloric and cultural
only a 20 minute car ride away.                     festivals.

A wooded parkland, the campus of Gembloux           The campus extends over a vast green space in
Agro-Bio Tech is nestled in the heart of the city   the middle of the city, in close proximity to
centre and is surrounded by shops, restaurants      several sports complexes, movie theatres and
and breweries.                                      cultural sites. Modern and friendly, Arlon has
                                                    all the services needed to welcome students of
 Site officiel de la Ville de Gembloux:             all walks of life.
                                                    The closest airport is Luxembourg Findel
 Office du tourisme de la Ville de Gembloux:        Airport which is approximately 35 minutes by
 https://www.gembloux.be/loisirs/tourisme/          car. Brussels Zaventem and Brussels South
 office-du-tourisme                                 Charleroi are about 2 hours away via car or
                                                    train. Arlon is easily accessible by train with its
 Maison du tourisme Sambre Orneau :                 main terminal situated on the Brussels-
 https://www.sambre-orneau.be/                      Luxembourg rail line. The campus is a quick 10
                                                    minute walk from the train station.
 Province de Namur :
                                                     ULiège Arlon Website:
 Campus de Gembloux :                                https://www.campus.uLiège.be/cms/c_903
 https://www.gembloux.uliege.be                      8320/en/arlonX
 https://www.gembloux.uliege.be/mobilite             Office du tourisme d’Arlon
 https://www.gembloux.uliege.be/plans                http://www.ot-arlon.be/ (French only)

                                                     Site de la ville d’Arlon:
                                                     http://www.arlon.be/ (French only)
                                                     Arlon Tourism :
By train, the campus is only 10 minutes from         http://www.arlon-tourisme.be/indexuk.php
Namur and Louvain-la-Neuve and 30 minutes
from Brussels. Students on this campus enjoy
the best of both worlds: a rich outdoor setting
with close proximity to the major urban


4.1.     FIRST STEPS                              o   Purchase health insurance, either public
                                                           (mutuelle, see chapter 6, page 28 about
Upon arrival in Liège, please notify the                   Health) or private.
EURAXESS Centre as soon as possible for
information and answers to your logistical
questions, and to get your Welcome package. If
you have a grant or contract from ULiège, we           4.2.     ACCOMMODATIONS
will provide you with information to obtain your
ULiège email address and your badge (See
Chapter 5 Working at ULiège). You will also be     ACCOMMODATIONS IN LIÈGE
given information needed for your integration      Finding accommodations in Liège is not difficult,
into the Liège community (see page 53, section     but it is advised to visit the locations as the
9: Contact Us).                                    quality varies considerably. Take into
If you are coming to Liège with your own           consideration access to public transportation
resources7 , without a ULiège grant or contract,   and do not put down a deposit or rent
the Euraxess centre will provide you with the      advancement without having first seen the
following support:                                 housing and signing a contract.

    o   Register at the University as a visiting   The following University departments are
        researcher. The application form can be    located in the city centre: Philosophy & Letters,
        found online at :                          HEC business school and Architecture. The
                                                   others are located on the Sart-Tilman campus
        https://my.ULiege.be/form-visiting-        about 15 kms from the city centre. If you wish to
        researcher                                 live nearby, consider the following areas:
                                                   Angleur, Chaudfontaine, Chênée, Embourg,
    o   Registration in the LIMOSA database if     Esneux, Ougrée, Seraing or Tilff.
        your stay exceeds 3 months. This is a
        mandatory requirement to ensure a          The monthly rental fee for a room varies
        legal stay in Belgium for detached         between 300€ - 350€, not including utilities (see
        workers, self-employed foreigners and      section 4.3). A studio apartment costs between
        interns from outside the EU.               350€ - 450€ and a 1 bedroom apartment
                                                   between 500€ - 650€. Most apartments are
    o   Complete the risk analysis sheet if you    unfurnished or partially furnished.
        are coming as an intern 8
                                                   Temporary accommodations are available at the
    o   If you are staying for more than 3         University residence on campus, at a youth
        months, you must also :                    hostel (Simenon in Outremeuse is close to the
                                                   city centre) or at a bed & breakfast. These types
    o   Register as a resident with the local      of accommodations are often less expensive
        administrative    centre    in    the      than hotels.
        municipality where you reside (see
        chapter 5 )                                You may also consider using a local rental
                                                   agency to assist with your search.
    o   Consider opening a Belgian bank

7                                                  8
 A grant from a foreign foundation, a leave from    More information (in French )
your institution, a sabbatical…                    https://www.ulg.ac.be/cms/c_25721/fr/statuts-des-

Useful links for accommodation in Liège
                                              In Gembloux, it is possible to reserve a room in
Accomodation                                  the university residence or in a private home.
                                              In the student residences, rent is on a sliding
modation                                      scale based on income with a maximum of 225€.
                                              Contact the University Housing Services for
Private residence accommodation               information on living in campus or in the city or
logement.ville@ULiege.be                      to apply online.
University Residences :                       Approximately 1000 units are available through
https://www.campus.ULiege.be/cms/c_9856       private landlords and include rooms, studios
751/en/se-loger-en-residence-universitaire-   and flats. The average monthly rent for
au-sart-tilman-location-temporaire            Gembloux is 280€ for a home stay and 310€ per
                                              month for a room in a community housing
Bed & Breakfasts :                            complex. A list of accomodations are available
www.visitezLiège.be/en/accomodation#p         online.
www.bedandbreakfast.eu/?lang=en               Housing facilities on the Gembloux Campus
Youth Hostels :
                                              ACCOMMODATION SERVICE - ARLON
Other student rooms (‘kots’):
                                              University Accommodations in Arlon are
                                              comprised of 45 rooms in 2 community houses
                                              near campus. Monthly rent is approximately
                                              Housing is also available in the city, a list of
                                              private dwellings is available online.
                                              Housing facilities on the Arlon Campus.

Three private residences offer furnished
accommodations for students and
researchers for short and long stays :

                RENTAL AGREEMENT
                                                      The inventory is a written document drawn up
Before signing a lease, check to see if the           no later than 15 days after the starting date of
landlord allows for you to be ‘domicilié’ in the      the lease. It describes the conditions of the
unit. Domiciliation means that you will be            rental unit – in particular any damages,
administratively and officially registered at that    imperfections or problems in the unit. If this is
location. In some cases, domiciliation is required    carried out by an expert, any expenses
for foreigners to obtain a residence permit.          associated should be shared by the landlord and
                                                      the tenant. If an inventory is not drawn up upon
                                                      move in, it cannot be done when the tenant
RENTAL/ LEASE AGREEMENT                               moves out, unless the landlord can provide
                                                      proof of the tenant’s responsibility.
BEFORE signing a rental agreement, read it
carefully. Do not hesitate to ask the landlord for
additional information or to have it reviewed by
                                                      BUILDING OCCUPANCY AND UTILITIY CHARGES
a knowledgeable person9.
                                                      Building occupancy charges (lighting and
                                                      cleaning of common areas, intercom, elevator,
RENTAL DEPOSIT                                        etc) and utility fees (water, gas, electricity,
                                                      heating) may or may not be included in the cost
Unless stipulated in the rental agreement, a
                                                      of the rental unit. Do not forget to inquire about
deposit is not required. However if the landlord
                                                      these additional costs!
requires one, a typical deposit should not
exceed the equivalent of 2-3 months rent. It is
strongly recommended that a deposit be placed
in a bank account in the name of the tenant and
the landlord, which requires both signatures to       Check if the rental unit is equipped with an
be accessed. This legal clause is suggested to        internet connection? And if the network
prevent landlords from keeping the deposit            connections and/or subscription fees are to be
longer than necessary.                                paid by the landlord or the tenant.
Opening a new bank account in Belgium may
take several weeks. A certificate provided by the     DURATION OF LEASE/ END OF CONTRACT
University of Liège may be helpful for the
landlord to secure the rental unit and wait for a     Are the conditions for leaving before the due
rental deposit. If the landlord is still reluctant,   date stipulated in the rental agreement?
you may request a written letter from the             Breaking the lease before the end date can incur
landlord stating that the deposit will be placed      significant consequences, including termination
in a joint bank account at a later date.              fees, the obligation to find a sub-letter to
                                                      replace you, or paying the rent despite your
                                                      departure. Address these points with the
                                                      landlord before you sign the lease and ask for
                                                      these details to be clearly marked in the rental

    See chapter 4.5 for references


This administrative formality must be                  Municipal taxes differ from one city to the next,
completed within 2 months of signing a lease           so it is best to consult the local authority in your
agreement, at the Ministry of Finance                  city of residence. In Liège, some taxes are the
Registration Office and is the landlord’s              responsibility of the tenant. For example, the
responsibility. But if the landlord does not want      ‘urban tax’ is to be paid by the tenant domiciled
to do it, you can do it in their place. A              in Liège or registered in the Register of
‘registered’ lease carries more weight in the          Foreigners (Annex 8, E, CIRE or A card holders)
event of litigation and is essential when applying     and payment notice is received in the spring.
for a family reunification visa for your               The amount for a single person is 85 € and may
partner/spouse or child(ren).                          be reduced to 26 € under certain conditions
                                                       (September 2019 prices). For households of
More information (only available in French)            more than one person, the cost is 140 € with a
about this formality can be found online.              possible reduction to 39 €.

                                                       More information (only available in French) can
SUB-LETTING & FLAT-SHARING                             be found below.

If you have the written agreement of the
landlord, you may sublet your accommodation,             Ville de Liège
but remember that you remain entirely                    www.Liège.be/fr/vie-communale/services-
responsible and must fulfill all your duties and         communaux/gestion-
obligations as outlined in the rental agreement.         financiere/fiscalite/demarches/taxe-
In 2018, Wallonia introduced new laws                    urbaine
regarding flat-sharing and roomates: more
information (only in French10 ) is available at          Ville de Gembloux
www.wallonie.be/fr/actualites/bail-                      communaux/pole-finances/taxes
                                                         Ville d’Arlon:
RENTER’S INSURANCE (FIRE, WATER DAMAGE, ETC)             communaux/taxes-et-redevances
Renter’s insurance is required for all
accommodations and can be obtained through
any insurance company (see section 4.9 and
4.10 on Insurance, pages 21 and onwards).

  See chapter 4.5 or refer to the Euraxess centre if
you need assistance on this topic

4.5.    GETTING LEGAL ADVICE ON                  4.6.     REGISTERING WITH THE
            ACCOMMODATION ISSUES                              LOCAL AUTHORITIES

                                                Within 8 days of arriving in Belgium and
ESPACE WALLONIE – LIÈGE                         BEFORE the expiration date of your visa or
                                                residence permit, you will be required to
Info Service Centre – Walloon Region Housing    present yourself in person to the municipal
Place Saint-Michel, 86, 4000 Liège              administration office, in order to declare your
                                                presence on the territory and/or to register with
Open every Tuesday and Thursday from 9 am-      the Register of Foreign Nationals (depending on
12 pm, no reservation needed (last customer     your situation). The legal provision requires this
registered at 11:45 am) and from 1-3 pm by      be completed within 8 days, however it is highly
appointment via phone: 04/250.93.30             recommended to visit the local authorities as
                                                soon as you have found accommodations.
Open every Friday from 9 am- 12 pm and 1-3
pm, only by appointment via phone:              You must bring the following items with you:
04/250.93.30                                        Identification documents (identity card
                                                      or passport)
For more information (only in French)               Two passport photos (in the correct
www.wallonie.be/les-espaces-wallonie                  format)
                                                    8€ for the administrative fees and 22.50€
                                                      for the e-ID card
ESPACE WALLONIE- ARLON                              Your ULiège contract and if applicable a
                                                      hosting agreement
Place Didier, 42 - 6700 ARLON                       Your address in Belgium ( such as a
                                                      contract or rental agreement from a
Open for drop in appointments on the 2nd and          landlord, a letter of invitation, or a
4th Tuesdays of each month from 9:30 am- 12           booking form from a student residence )
pm and 1-3 pm.
                                                If family members are accompanying you, they
                                                will also need to present themselves in person
                                                to register with the local authority. You will need
Rue de Bruxelles, 20 - 5000 Namur               to bring the documents listed above with you, as
                                                well as documents proving the marital or
Open for drop in appointments every             parental link (i.e. marriage license, birth
Wednesday from 9 am – 12 pm and every           certificate) legally certified and translated if the
Thursday from 1-4 pm.                           required documents are not in English, French,
                                                Dutch or German).

General information about student residence     Information on translation and the legalisation
regulations in Wallonia (only in available in   process can be found online.
                                                The other documents necessary for family
                                                reunification will depend on your situation and
                                                can be obtained from the local officer in your
                                                city of residence.

COST OF A CHANGE OF STATUS OR RESIDENCE               completed within 3 months. Non-EU nationals
PERMIT                                                will receive Annex 15, valid for 45 days.

Type D visa applications, status change requests      About 2 weeks after registering, a local police
(i.e. from student to worker) or residence permit     officer will come to your home to make sure that
applications/renewals are subject to a                you are indeed living at the given address. If you
processing fee by the Ministry of the Interior.       are absent at the time of their visit, a notice of
Effective September 2019, the fees are set at         convocation will be left. Contact the local police
62€, 204€ or 358€. If you are subject to this fee,    station to make an appointment (for
you must pay it before submitting your                Liège).Approximately three weeks later, you will
application. Do not forget to bring proof of          receive a summons from the municipal
payment when you report to the municipal              authority (in Liège, the Service des Etrangers) to
authority.                                            prepare your residence permit.

If your application involves more than one            For EU nationals, Annex 33 or 8 is sufficient. If
person, the fees apply to each person.                desired, the E-id electronic identity card can be
                                                      issued in exchange for Annex 8, at a cost of 19€
If you have already paid this fee when applying       and 1 photo.
for a type D visa at the Belgian embassy, you will
not have to pay it again when applying for a          Non EU nationals will get an electronic ID
residence permit at the local authority.              smartcard valid for one year maximum. It will
                                                      cost 22,20€ (price as of september 2019) and
For more information on the different fees:           should be kept on you at all times.
.aspx                                                 IMPORTANT: if you are a non EU national
                                                      wishing to travel abroad, do not forget to take
Exception: Students and researchers who have          BOTH documents with you: your Belgian ID and
obtained a scholarship by a Belgian authority or      your national ID or passport11 .
higher education institution (university grant for
doxtoral or postdoctoral fellows) are exempt
from paying this fee by presenting their funding
certification. If you have not received it, contact
your file manager in the Department of Human
Resources or the EURAXESS centre.

If you wish to drive a motor vehicule while in
Belgium, you must possess a valid driver’s
licence. This will be checked and if necessary,
exchanged when you receive your residence

You will receive a document called Annex 33
certifying that you have completed the
necessary formalities for registration. This is a
simple declaration that you are present on the
municipal territory in Belgium or neighbouring
countries (France, Germany, Luxembourg, the
Netherlands). Annex 8 will be issued to EU
nationals. Annex 19 may be issued if your file is
not complete, with the expectation that it is

  REGULATION (EU) 2016/399 OF THE EUROPEAN            movement of persons across borders (Schengen
PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 9 March              Borders Code)
2016 on a Union Code on the rules governing the

Contact with the local authority for registration:

 If you live in Liège               If you live in Gembloux               If you live in Arlon

 Service des étrangers       Hôtel de Ville                               Hôtel de Ville – étage B1,
 Rez-de-chaussée de l’Espace Parc d’Epinal,2                              Service des étrangers
 Guillemins,                 5030 Gembloux                                Rue Paul Reuter 8
 Rue des Guillemins, 26      081/62.63.31                                 6700 Arlon
 4000 Liège                  Fax : 081/62.63.36                           063/24 56 73
 04/221.81.45                population@gembloux.be                       administration@arlon.be

 www.Liège.be/fr/vie-               www.gembloux.be/ma-                   http://www.arlon.be/annuaire/
 communale/services-                commune/services-                     administration-
 communaux/etat-civil-et-           communaux/population/etrange          communale/service-des-
 population/service-des-            rs                                    etrangers

 If you live in another city: Report to the municipal administrative office in your area.


 A residence permit renewal application must be submitted between the 30th and 45th day prior to
 the expiration date.

1.1.     For A, F and H cards : contact the Ministry of the Interior
         For B, C, D, E, E+ and F+ cards : contact the Ministry of the Interior or the municipal town
          hall where you registered upon arrival in Belgium

 Please note : if your residence permit expires, a fee of 385€ will be charged for renewal.

         For assistants and lecturers, the renewal request will be made by the Department of Human
          Resources (ARH) to the Walloon Region at the latest 2 months before the expiration date.
         For students : To obtain an extension, you must present your request at the Foreign Nationals
          Office in your local municipality, with the following documentation:
                o Your ID card
                o Certificate of academic results, with the number of credits obtained, provided by
                    the University (if you are a student)
                o Proof of your current academic registration (if you are a student ) Proof of health
                    insurance coverage in Belgium (certificate from the health provider is required) (if
                    you are a student)
                o Letter of extension of your scholarship or letter from your financial guarantor
                    (minimum amount of income for a guarantor is €1920,82/month net income as of
                    September 2019 ) if you are a student, or contract renewal and hosting agreement
                    (if you are a researcher)
                o 1 passport photo
                o 19,60 € (price as of September 2019)

    Cf http://www.kluwereasyweb.be/documents/lawyer-news/201807-lawyer/kl2241511-nieuw-
4.7.    BANK ACCOUNT                            policyholder and the obligations of the
                                                     insurance company.
If you do not have a bank account in the SEPA
zone, you can only open an account after you         Insurance policies very often stipulate a set
have arrived in Belgium and have registered          amount that is incurred by the policyholder: this
with the local authority. You can select a banking   is called the deductible or the excess. The
institution that meets your needs, considering       policyholder is not reimbursed for the sum of
its proximity to your home and workplace. Rates      the deductible in the event of a claim.
and services will vary depending on the bank.
Comparative tools are available on the web.
When opening an account, you will need to            COMPULSORY INSURANCE
provide identification, an official address (a
foreign address mentioned on an official             Certain types of insurance are mandated by the
document) if you do not yet have an address in       law as the risks associated are considered too
Belgium) as well as a copy of your scholarship       great.
letter or ULiège contract.
                                                     INSURANCE   FOR ACCIDENTS AT WORK AND ON THE
     4.8.    EMBASSIES & CONSULATES                  ROAD TO WORK

Upon arrival, it is in your best interest that you   This insurance is underwritten by every
register with your Consultate in the Province of     employer to cover all its workers. If you are a
Liège and/or your Embassy in Belgium. This will      ULiège scholarship holder or ULiège employee,
simplify future procedures in the event of a         you automatically benefit from this insurance. If
problem during your stay. You will also be           you are a visitor or guest researcher, you will
informed of cultural activities organized by         have to register as a visiting researcher in order
these institutions.                                  to benefit from the coverage (see with the
                                                     Euraxess center).
diplomatie.belgium.be/en                             If you are attached to an external funding
                                                     organization in your home country, you may be
     4.9.    INSURANCE                               convered by that organization’s occupational
An insurance contract is signed between a            accident insurance. If not, you may be covered
person and an insurance company which                for personal injury.
commits to providing compensatory coverage in
                                                     PLEASE NOTE : In Belgium, health insurance is
the event that an unforeseen situation occurs.
                                                     compulsory. If you are no longer a studenta
The insurance coverage (as long as the
                                                     and you do not have an employer, you are
conditions are defined in advance within the
                                                     required to apply for private health insurance.
contract and they have been respected) is in
most cases financial compensation for the            In addition, employees hired by the University
consequences caused by the event, but can also       of Liège and visiting researchers registered in
take other forms (i.e. a replacement vehicule in     this capacity are covered for civil liability. This
the case of a car accident).                         policy covers damages to third-parties and their
Insurance coverage is not free. The insured          property, as a result of error, negligence or
individual pays the insurance company a              carelessness in the workplace.
premium- an amount and payment conditions            If you are away on an assignment abroad, do not
which are stipulated in the contract. The            forget to register with MODUS to ensure
insurance policy is the contract between the         continued converage.
policyholder and the insurance company. It
outlines a list of eventualities for which           Link to MODUS
insurance coverage is provided, the assistance       Link to the MODUS user guide
provided in the event of a claim (called
insurance coverage), the obligations of the

You can also read