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BIOGRAPHY - 1987/1997 • Teatro del Lemming was born in Rovigo in 1987 from the encounter between Massimo Munaro, director and composer, and Martino Ferrari, director and scenographer. • The first performances (beginning from 1987 with Frammenti, throughout works like Faust, Galileo, Cinque sassi, La città chiusa) put together, inside original narrative structures, only the evocative aspects of theatrical language. • In October 1993 died Martino Ferrari. Festival Opera Prima, an experimental theatre festival directed by Teatro del Lemming from 1994, was dedicated to him. For the important activity of the festival, in 1996 the group won the special UBU Prize “Giuseppe Bartolucci” from a jury presided by the reviewer Franco Quadri. • From 1997 Teatro del Lemming is supported by Italian Ministry of Culture (MIBACT).
BIOGRAPHY - 1997/2000 • In1997, Lemming realizes a Teatralogy on myth and spectator, composed by the works: EDIPO-Tragedy of the senses for one spectator (1997), DIONISO - Tragedy of theatre (1998), AMORE E PSICHE- a tale for two spectators (1999), ODISSEO- travel in theatre and, as post-faction to this project, A COLONO- wishing ritual for only one spectator (2001), L’ODISSEA DEI BAMBINI-travel in theatre for 20 children of all ages (2003). • These works represent a development, that take the group into a fresh and exiting research characterized by direct, sensorial and dramaturgic involvement of spectators. Teatro del Lemming called this original poetics “The spectator’s theatre”. • To these work were given hospitality by the most important Italian festivals (Santarcangelo, Volterra, Armunia, Polverigi, Drodesera, Crisalide, ecc.) and theatre (Teatro Valle and Quirino in Rome, Teatro dell’arte and Franco Parenti in Milan, Gobetti in Turin, Teatro della Tosse in Genova, ecc.) In 2000 Lemming is called in Marsiglia at the Italo-France days promoted by ETI and ONDA as represented of Italian theatre. • In that years there are a lot of reviews on the group: from the first page of LA STAMPA, to LA REPUBBLICA, IL CORRIERE DELLA SERA, IL SOLE 24 ORE, IL MESSAGGERO, IL TEMPO, IL MATTINO, ecc, and also Radio1, Radio2, Radio3; articles about Lemming are presented also in magazines as L’ESPRESSO, PANORAMA, VIAGGI or D DI REPUBBLICA, ROLLING STONES...
BIOGRAPHY - 2002/2007 • In 2003 died Roberto Domeneghetti, one of the main protagonist of Lemming’s activity. • In 2006 Lemming, after four years of hard work, finished a spectacle on Dante’s Divina Commedia, that the group called NEKYIA-sea journey by night. Hell, Purgatory, Paradise. The production was dedicated to Roberto Domeneghetti (promotional video: https://vimeo.com/83494548). • This project starts a new artistic research, moving the focus from the single spectator to a small community: how theatre can build community, a concept so far from our nowadays life? The challenge is to think about theatre as the place of a collective rite. • On October 2011 the first part of Nekyia, HELL, was performed at the Festival Internacional de Teatro de Ourense (FITO) and in 2015 at the International Festival of Performing Arts TEATR A PART in Poland.
BIOGRAPHY - 2008/2012 • In march 2009, Teatro del Lemming debuts with the performance ANTIGONE, co- produced by Biennale of Venice. ANTIGONE is a performance without the limitation of the number of the spectators, that are still involved inside the event: here they are the chorus and, at the beginning, they have to decide to line up with Antigone or with Creonte. • In september 2010 Teatro del Lemming produced AMLETO (without the limitation of the audience), first part of a Shakespeare's trilogy. Amleto is a reflection over the relation between the individual (Hamlet) and power (the danish court) - promotional video: https://vimeo.com/82289710. • In July 2012 Amleto was performed at GDANSK SHAKESPEARE FESTIVAL in Poland, while in 2013 it won the Silver Snowflake as best performance at SARAJEVO WINTER FESTIVAL.
BIOGRAPHY - 2011/2015 • In 2011 Teatro del Lemming realized L'EDIPO DEI MILLE. L'Edipo dei Mille is a pedagogical- performative project that involved some young actors, prepared by two long workshops, that are divided in groups leaded by one Lemming’s actor and realized the performance Edipo simultaneously in more spaces of the same city. • L'Edipo dei Mille is a challenge to theatrical system: how a performance for one spectator at time can reach a big number of spectators? • The first part of the project was realized in Venice in collaboration with Fondazione di Venezia, Municipality of Venice and University Ca' Foscari. The second part was realized in Bassano in 2012 inside Bassano Opera Estate. The third part was realized in Vicenza in 2015 in collaboration with the Municipality of Vicenza.
BIOGRAPHY - 2013/2015 • In 2013 the Group realizes two productions: a chamber opera for seven instruments, four singers and seven actors, titled SOGNO DENTRO SOGNO and realized in collaborazione with Conservatories of Rovigo and Castelfranco Veneto and with the support of Fondazione Cariparo (promotional video: https://vimeo.com/83916557). • The second production, titled JULIET AND ROMEO – LETTERS FROM THE LIQUID WORLD represents the second part of the Shakespearian Trilogy, and was realized in collaborazione with the Municipality of Venice and the Venice Fundation. • JULIET AND ROMEO has been presented with great success in Italy (Carnival of Venice, Bassano Opera Estate, ecc...) and in Europe, creating big interest especially in teenager audience (promotional video: https:// vimeo.com/327449793).
BIOGRAPHY - 2016/2018 • In 2016, Teatro del Lemming debuts with W.S. TEMPEST, last part of the Shakespearian Trilogy. The debut of the performance is realized in the Basilica Palladiana, during the Festival Conversazioni del Teatro Olimpico of Vicenza. Is dedicated to the debut of the performance an episode of Retroscena - I segreti del teatro. W.S. TEMPEST has been presented in Italy and in Europe (promotional video: https://vimeo.com/163515434). • From 2017, Teatro del Lemming is working on LE METAMORFOSI of Ovidio, a production that is going to end in an immersive theatre performance for a small group of spectator.
THE TRAINING METHOD • Teatro del Lemming has developed an original training method called The Five Senses of the Actor. • The works of the company are based on the sensorial and dramaturgical involvement of the audience and so the actor has to be a guide for the spectator: his role is to be trusted by the spectator and, to obtain this trust, he must listen, adapt himself and dialogue with the spectator. • These elements are the foundations of actors’ training and are the material of the workshop done by Teatro del Lemming (video material: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWlE59kc-9w).
THE MANAGEMENT • Since 2008, Teatro del Lemming manages and directs Teatro Studio of Rovigo, a theatre of the Municipality where Teatro del Lemming programs a theatrical season, workshops, meetings and debates around contemporary theatre • One of the features of Teatro del Lemming is that it preserve the work as a theatrical company: each member of the company is at the same time an actor and a member of the organizational staff. • It means that each actor deals with a specific aspect of the company’s management: organization, press office, administration, communication, promotion, international development, technical management.
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