COVID-19 safety plan Company details - Original Kids Theatre

Page created by Daryl Floyd
COVID-19 safety plan
Company details
Business name: Original Kids Theatre      Revision date: June 30, 2021

Date completed: November 7, 2020          Developed by: Original Kids Theatre

Division/group:                           Others consulted: Middlesex-London
                                          Health Unit.

                                       Original Kids Theatre - COVID-19 safety plan   1
1. How will you ensure all workers know how and are able to
   keep themselves safe from exposure to COVID-19?
All employees are asked to follow the guidelines of the Province of Ontario, and the Middlesex-
London Health Unit.

   1.   Physical Distanace in our spaces.
   2.   Masking guidelines are to be followed and always worn in the Covent Garden Market.
   3.   Do not have meetings in offices, have them in larger open-air areas.
   4.   Wash hands frequently and utilize hand sanitizing stations.
   5.   All staff are required to wear medical grade 3-ply masks.

All full-time employees are asked to work from home and if they need to be on site, it is by
themselves, when possible.

Original Kids Theatre spaces are closed to the public.

Artistic Staff, volunteers, and Original Kid families outside of their stated rehearsal times are
required to schedule appointments to be sure multiple programs or visitors are not on site at the
same time.

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2. How will you screen for COVID-19?
  •   Screening will take place (Staff and Original Kids/Campers) starting March 21, 2021 for
      both Camp OK and the Main Cast company via MyMedBot.
  •   Programs running on-site are required to pre-screen participants, staff and patrons.
  •   For Kidlets, Main Cast and Camp OK, screening is to happen using our online assessment

3. How will you control the risk of transmission in your
  •   Following the guidelines developed by the Province of Ontario and the Middlesex-London
      Health Unit.
  •   Reducing the size of our programs to have fewer people on site at one time.
  •   Do not be on site unless schedule to be there.
  •   When on site limit your movement from room to room.
  •   Closing on-site box office and administration.
          o Asking staff who need to be in the box office office to limit their time in the room
              to ten minutes. Any workstation should be moved to the business office where
              the doors can be locked and closed to the public.
          o If the box office is to re-open guidelines will be released for persons working inside
              this setting.
  •   Prescheduling meetings on site to avoid any large gatherings and/or multiple groups
      arriving at the same time.
  •   During camps ensuring high touch surfaces are regularly cleaned throughout the day.
  •   During camps, each child is signed in and out through our registration system with time
      stamps to ensure accurate contact tracing.
  •   Professional cleaners are utilized on a scheduled basis.
  •   Encourage persons who are able, to get vaccinated.

  Main Cast Company (condensed)

  •   There will be barriers that can be utilized through our spaces for performers who are
      singing or to help with physical distancing as needed. These barriers must be used
      between performers who are SINGING.
  •   There is to be no more than 15 (fifteen) performers in the Theatre at the same time. There
      is to be no more than 10 (ten) performers in the Rehearsal Hall or Labatt Lounge at any
      one time.

                                                Original Kids Theatre - COVID-19 safety plan    3
•   Cast cohorts are limited to 20 performers. If a cast size is over 20 (twenty) performers
    they must be split into two spaces, or fewer called to rehearsal, at once. These groups are
    not to mix during a rehearsal or for 7 (seven) consecutive days.
•   Masks must be worn by performers at all times during rehearsal.
•   Masks must be worn by any staff in rehearsal.
•   All Sign-in and Sign-out procedures are to take place outside of the rehearsal space and
    include the date and time.
•   Hair mic’s are to be used by the same actor for the entirety of the production run, no
    microphone changes.
•   Microphones should be disinfected as frequently as possible, and no less than every
•   There will be changes to how a show can be produced.
        o No cast members may enter or exit through the audience/tech door.
        o There will be no rear projection in the theatre.
        o Any live instrements will have to be set up in a way that promotes physical
            distancing. No horns or wind instruments.
        o Limit movement from room to room while on-site.

                                              Original Kids Theatre - COVID-19 safety plan   4
4. What will you do if there is a potential case, or suspected
   exposure to, COVID-19 at your workplace?
      When alerted to suspected or potential exposure:
      (After a rehearsal, camp etc A parent or staff member messages you that they are/their
      child is not feeling well and is or has been instructed to get tested.)
  •   Immediately, no matter your feelings of likelihood of exposure contact the Middlesex-
      London Health Unit (MLHU) at 519-663-5317 to explain the situation and receive next
      steps from them (instructions are to be written down).
  •   Contact and inform Original Kids, through our Executive Director, Jeff Crane at 519-679-
      3316 (leave message to call) or his cell phone for staff who have it. If any reports are
      required by the MLHU for contact tracing purposes from our systems we will generate
      them, if you do not have access to them.
  •   If camps, rehearsals, or performances are running, direction will be taken from the MLHU
      as to the communication and next steps for contact tracing.
  •   If hourly staff are required by MLHU to get tested and isolate, they will be paid for
      scheduled hours and reported to WSIB within 72 hours.
  •   They will be allowed to return to work when cleared by the MLHU, generally 14 days.

      On-site suspected or potential exposure:
      (During a rehearsal, camp day etc an original kid, camper begins to show symptoms.)
  •   Immediately, no matter your feelings of likelihood if it is a COVID-19 symptom, isolate the
      child from other original kids/campers and contact the Middlesex-London Health Unit
      (MLHU) at 519-663-5317 to explain the situation and receive next steps from them
      (instructions are to be written down).
           o Staff should always have PPE on and when possible physical distance whether the
              program is indoors or outside.
  •   If you are directed to send the child home by the MLHU, contact the parents of the child
      right after hanging up with the MLHU.
  •   After you attempt to or get in contact with the parents inform Original Kids, through our
      Executive Director, Jeff Crane at 519-679-3316 (leave message to call) or his cell phone
      for staff who have it. If any reports are required by the MLHU for contact tracing purposes
      from our systems we will generate them, if you do not have access to them.
  •   If camps, reherasals or performances are running, direction will be taken from the MLHU
      as to the communication and next steps.
  •   If hourly staff are required by MLHU to get tested and isolate, they will be paid for
      scheduled hours and reported to WSIB within 72 hours.
  •   They will be allowed to return to work when cleared by the MLHU, generally 14 days.

                                                Original Kids Theatre - COVID-19 safety plan   5
•   If an outbreak is declared by the MLHU, we will communicate as required by the Health
       Unit to our families to self monitor.

5. How will you manage any new risks caused by changes to
   the way you operate your business?
We will monitor our changes required to the programs, including smaller group sizes, prescreens
and the ability of our staff to adapt to the new changes. Staff may check-in, suggest changes, etc
to help the programs run more smoothly while still following the guidelines of the Province of
Ontario and the Middlesex-London Health Unit.

6. How will you make sure your plan is working?

       •   The plan will be reviewed on the second Tuesday of every month or as we receive
           updates from the MLHU or the Province of Ontario with regards to guidelines. This
           will continue until the province removes the COVID-19 stage framework or the
           Ontario Reopening Act.
       •   The Main Cast framework will be updated in an ongoing basis as new situations and
           regulations take effect.

Our policy and procedures are continously updated with new information from the Government
of Ontario, the Middlesex-London Health Unit, and newly adapted best practices. If you have any
questions, comments, or concerns regarding our safety plan please feel free to reach out to our
executive director, Jeff Crane at or by calling 519-679-3316.

       Please stay safe, and we will see you at the theatre soon!

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