Stowupland High School - "Outstanding Progress for All" Candidate Informa on

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Stowupland High School - "Outstanding Progress for All" Candidate Informa on
Stowupland High School
“Outstanding Progress for All”

                Candidate Informa on

                                         Founding Partner of the

                               John Milton Academy Trust
                                          Company no: 10298832

              Bacton           Cedars Park              Mendlesham       Stowupland
              Primary School   Primary School           Primary School   High School
Stowupland High School - "Outstanding Progress for All" Candidate Informa on
Introduc on from the CEO

                                Every school regards itself as a learning community, so what is dis nc ve
                                about our ethos at Stowupland? Quite simply, student achievement and
                                student well‐being are at the heart of everything we do. Stowupland is an
                                inclusive community school where all young people can make outstanding
                                progress. We are focused, determined and unremi ngly posi ve in
                                pursuing this vision.

                                We enjoy an unrivalled se ng with modern facili es which are being
                                constantly updated. Beyond the bricks and mortar though, our innova ve
                                approach to curriculum design and professional working enables us to
                                offer diverse and tailored learning for all year groups.

                               Outside the classroom, the dedica on and commitment of staff supports
                               an unparalleled range of extra‐curricular ac vi es. Every Wednesday, our
                               formal metable ends at 2.10pm and this provides a unique opportunity
 for many students to broaden their outlook and develop new skills and talents.

 In return, we expect the best from all students. Great emphasis is placed on the core values of rights,
 responsibili es and respect and we apply these core values to all aspects of school life: from courteous
 and respec ul behaviour around the site, to purposeful and responsible a tudes both to study and to
 each other. In addi on, students are encouraged to demonstrate a genuine understanding of the
 communi es to which they belong: local, na onal and interna onal.

 Above all, we want students to embrace the opportuni es available at Stowupland. We want them to
 enjoy the challenge of learning and to be excited by the choices that educa onal achievement can bring.

 If you are looking for a post in a school that is commi ed to the needs of individuals, both staff and
 students, we will be pleased to hear from you. To arrange a visit to the school, please contact Sue Lewis,
 Headteacher’s PA, on 01449 674827 or

 To apply please write a le er of applica on, using no more than one side of A4, to tell us about yourself
 and your qualifica ons and/or experience for the post on offer and complete all ques ons on the
 applica on form. Please remember to include contact details of two referees covering a five year
 employment history, one of whom should be your current/most recent Headteacher.

 The experiences we provide at Stowupland prepare all students for highly successful and fulfilling lives in
 an increasingly complex world. I thoroughly enjoy leading the school and hope that you will share my
 enthusiasm for our work and will want to be part of it.

 I look forward to welcoming you to Stowupland.

 Wendy Baster

Stowupland High School is commi ed to safeguarding and promo ng the welfare of children and young people
                              and expects all staff to share this commitment.
                    An enhanced DBS check is required for all successful applicants.
Stowupland High School - "Outstanding Progress for All" Candidate Informa on
School Se ng and Facili es
The school is set in one of the most rural parts of           and 8), the Upper School (Years 9, 10 and 11) and
Mid‐Suffolk. The village of Stowupland itself lies             the Sixth Form (Years 12 and 13). Each Mini‐School
just north of the A14 corridor and the school is              has a dedicated team of senior staff, including
close to the village green, the village hall, the             Progress Leaders, to monitor the achievement of all
church and The Freeman County Primary School.                 students in the year group and to provide all the
                                                              necessary support and guidance.
The school opened on 6 September 1978. The
buildings were designed to blend with the local               We currently have 68 teaching and 65 support staff.
architecture and the extensive use of pan le roofs
and stained boarding are in keeping with the village          Senior Leadership Team
character. A Community Sports Centre was opened                    Headteacher
in 1999 and staff are able to take advantage of the                 Deputy Headteacher
on‐site Fitness Suite.                                             4 x Assistant Headteacher
                                                                   Assistant Headteacher Inclusive Learning
An addi onal block has been added to the original                  Director of Learning Key Stage 5
building and we con nue to refurbish and re‐design                 Estate and Facili es Manager
the interior of the building to create a flexible
learning environment for the 21st century.
                                                              CPD Opportuni es
There has been careful a en on to accessibility               At Stowupland we pride ourselves on providing a
and “green” technology in all our designs and                 full range of CPD opportuni es to support all staff
recent addi ons to the school include solar panels            to con nually deliver the best in all they do. We
and the installa on of a bio‐mass boiler.                     have a dedicated collabora ve CPD me each week
Our catchment area is now one of the largest in               for subject and tutor teams and a rolling
Suffolk and covers some 250 square miles including             programme for Progress Teams, Mini‐School teams,
a number of outlying villages. This diversity adds to         Middle Leaders and Whole School development.
the vibrant and s mula ng culture of the school.
We have 180 places available in each year group               Staff Benefits
and the number of applica ons from those living                    Free on‐site gym
outside the catchment area increases each year.                    Childcare voucher scheme
The school is currently oversubscribed.                            Pension
                                                                   Occupa onal Health including a confiden al
School Structure                                                     counselling service
Stowupland operates a “Mini‐School” structure.
The school is divided into the Lower School (Years 7

Key Sta s cs

GCSE                  School Na onal   A Level                 School Na onal      Pupil Premium Indicator   12.97%

Combined 4+ grade                                                                  Students with EHCP        1.85%
                                       A Level Average
pass rate in both 66%        62%                               C+       C+
English and Maths
                                                                                   EAL                       0.97%
English 4+            77%    74%       2+ A Level Pass Rate    93%      92%
                                                                                   Ethnic Students           2.24%
Maths 4+              73%    68%       3+ A Level Pass Rate    82%      78%
                                                                                   Students with EHCP/
Combined 5+ pass                                                                   Addi onal Needs
rate in English and   40%+             Progression to HE       72%      65%
Maths                                                                              A endance to date         95.5%
“Outstanding Progress for All”
  We provide high quality educa onal experiences by:

      Crea ng an innova ve and personalised curriculum so that all can secure high standards of
        achievement and progress;

      Offering a range of ac vi es ‐ curricular and extra‐curricular ‐ in order to develop the knowledge,
        skills and a ributes essen al for life in the 21st century;

      Ensuring a caring, happy and safe environment where expecta ons, responsibili es and
        opportuni es are embraced;

      Broadening our students’ horizons and nurturing an understanding and apprecia on of the
        interdependence of individuals, groups, communi es and na ons;

      Fostering a professional learning community where research, reflec on and training ensure the
        high quality prac ce;

      Communica ng and collabora ng to enhance the partnership between school, home and the wider
        community ‐ local and global.

If you have not heard from us within four weeks of the closing date then you have not been shortlisted. All
applicants called for interview will be advised of the outcome. Please do not hesitate to call Sarah Stringer to
find out about the progress of your applica on.

                                          Stowupland High School
                                               Church Road
                                                IP14 4BQ

                                              01449 674827

                                     Headteacher: Ms Wendy Baster
                                  Chair of Governors: Mrs K aren Hudson
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