New North Education Initiative - 2021 Course Selection and Trade Training Centre Application - Dianella Secondary College

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New North Education Initiative - 2021 Course Selection and Trade Training Centre Application - Dianella Secondary College
2021 Course Selection
Trade Training Centre

                 New North
                  Educat i o n Ini t i at i v e
New North Education Initiative - 2021 Course Selection and Trade Training Centre Application - Dianella Secondary College
A message from our PATRON
                                     A good education is the great enabler, establishing a firm basis
                                     for positive life outcomes and the prosperity of individuals and

                                     our society generally. The challenge for schools is to prepare
                                     school leavers to take the next step toward their future – a future
                                     of work, a career and lifetime of learning. This future inevitably
                                     requires some form of training, post-school, either in VET or
                                     University, supported by a school experience that has provided

on Ini t i at i v e
                                     the initial skills and background required to succeed.

              The five schools that are collaborating as part of the New North Education Initiative
              are doing just that through focussing on individual needs, broadening access and
              enabling participation. This collective has developed an innovative approach to
              supporting the students, families and teachers in the Perth northern corridor to reach
              their full potential through a range of programs with strong community links that
              engage with education opportunities at many levels.

              For students, the benefits include a broader range of ATAR and VET studies than
              would potentially be accessible in a single school, and a focus on reaching their
              potential through achieving excellence, in what they choose to pursue. For teachers,
              there are enhanced development and networking opportunities that support their
              professional aspirations and engagement with their discipline.

              I am pleased to support the New North Education Initiative and encourage you to
              learn more about the opportunities and options available to enhance the educational
              outcomes of your community through what we have to offer.

              Professor Arshad Omari
              Patron, New North Education Initiative and
              Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic), Edith Cowan University
New North Education Initiative - 2021 Course Selection and Trade Training Centre Application - Dianella Secondary College
N e w N orth
       Educat i on I n i t i at i v e

Increasing Opportunities                                  What can you expect
The New North Education Initiative (NNEI) is              The schools in the initiative deliver a range of courses
a collaborative partnership between Dianella              across five campuses. The shared courses are offered in
Secondary College, Balga, Eastern Hills,                  two blocks of two hours per week throughout the school
Girrawheen and Morley Senior High Schools                 year or as whole day courses in the specialist Trade
within the North Metropolitan Education                   Training Centres.
Region. This unique partnership provides
enhanced opportunities for students, and                  Students accessing the shared courses at NNEI schools
the best of educational delivery for young                are required to make their own travel arrangements at
adult learning. This alliance enables students            the start and end of the school day (to or from the host
at these schools to access a wider breadth                school). Travel between the host schools and home
of Senior School curriculum choices with                  schools during the school day will be provided by the
specialist teachers, while remaining attached             NNEI Bus. In the case of Eastern Hills Senior High
to their home school campus and is in response            School, travel arrangements are different because of the
to community demands for excellence in                    more distant location and nature of the delivery of the
education.                                                shared course offerings.

NNEI - Purpose
-   Enhanced curriculum breadth
-   Comprehensive academic stream offerings
-   Promotion of excellence in local schools
-   Development of successful programs in local schools
-   State of the art Vocational Education and Training
-   Access to three Trade Training Centres
-   Quality professional development for teaching staff
-   Close and active engagement with primary schools
-   Strong, shared community links

The shared, cooperative curriculum delivery across five
sites has attracted considerable local and state wide
interest. Student achievement has improved through this   Students are invited to access a placement in a shared
alliance by enabling students at NNEI schools access to   course at an NNEI school if their home school is unable
Senior Secondary Schooling curriculum choices beyond      to offer the course, or the student’s choices do not fit
the limits of what is offered at their home school.       the courses offered on their home school’s timetable.
Currently 100 students travel between schools to access
courses of their choice.
New North Education Initiative - 2021 Course Selection and Trade Training Centre Application - Dianella Secondary College
Trade Training CentRES
        The New North Education Initiative is leading the way in providing prevocational
          programs in Automotive, Building & Construction and Hospitality, to ensure
        students are knowledgeable and industry ready prior to seeking apprenticeships
                           and pathways towards further training.

Building and Construction Trade
Training Centre at Girrawheen SHS
Certificate II Construction Pathways
WB81 - Building Maintenance: Bricklaying/
Tiling/Plastering (Delivered in partnership with
North Metro TAFE - RTO 52786)
The Girrawheen SHS Certificate II in Construction
Pathways is a one year, one day a week program
available to students in Year 11 who are interested
in pursuing a career in the Building and Construction
Industry. The course is nationally recognised, delivered
by North Metropolitan TAFE and enables students to
gain direct experience and skills in many facets of the
building and construction industry while still working
towards their secondary graduation. The program is
suitable for students who:

-   have a passion and a commitment to the building and
    construction industry
-   would like a quicker and more meaningful transition
    into either work or training
-   enjoy hands on learning and wish to enhance their life
The Certificate II in Construction Pathways is the
industry’s preferred pathway for students seeking
entry into an apprenticeship or traineeship in industry.
Completion of the course will give students the
opportunity of making a successful transition from
school to full time employment or further training.
New North Education Initiative - 2021 Course Selection and Trade Training Centre Application - Dianella Secondary College
                                                            Pre-apprenticeships at Morley SHS
                                                            AUR 20516 Certificate II in
                                                            Automotive Servicing Technology
                                                            (Delivered by Morley SHS RTO 50638)
                                                            The Morley SHS Automotive Pre-Apprenticeship is a
                                                            flexible learning program available to students in Year
                                                            11 who want to gain direct entry into the world of work
                                                            or training while still working towards their secondary
                                                            graduation. The program is suitable for students who:

                                                            -   have a passion and a commitment to the automotive
                                                            -   would like a quicker and more meaningful transition
                                                                into either work or training

                                                            A Certificate II in Automotive Servicing Technology will
                                                            give students the opportunity of making a successful
The Hospitality Training Centre                             transition into full time automotive apprenticeships,
at Dianella Secondary College                               other traineeships, further TAFE training or full time
SIT 20316 Certificate II in Hospitality                     employment. All students who successfully complete
(Delivered in partnership with Hospitality                  this national qualification will have their indentured
Group Training - RTO 0386)                                  period of an automotive apprenticeship reduced by six
The Dianella Secondary College Hospitality Trade
Training Centre offers students in Year 11 who are
interested in the hospitality industry the opportunity to
work in a commercial kitchen and café. This program is
suitable for students who have a passion for hospitality
and would like to pursue an industry pathway.

The pathway links include:
-   Certificate III Hospitality
-   Certificate III Commercial Cookery
-   Hospitality industry apprenticeship
New North Education Initiative - 2021 Course Selection and Trade Training Centre Application - Dianella Secondary College
                                                                                    Senior High


w Nor th
                                                                                    8:30am to 10:30am and
                                                                                    2:30pm to 4:30pm
 i o n In i tiativCOURSES
       NNEI       e       FOR 2021
                                                                                    Politics and Law
                                                                                    Year 11 ATAR
                                                                                    Computer Science
                                                                                    Year 11 ATAR

      If you would like to apply for an NNEI course of study, please see your
                                                                                    2:30pm to 4:30pm and
              Senior School Course Advisor for further information.
                                                                                    8:30am to 10:30am
                                                                                    Computer Science
    Balga                      Girrawheen                  DIANELLA                 Year 12 ATAR
    Senior High                Senior High                 SECONDARY                Politics and Law
    School                     School                      COLLEGE                  Year 12 ATAR

    Tuesday                    Tuesday                     Tuesday                  Thursday/Friday
    8:30am to 10:30am and      8:30am to 10:30am and       7:50am to 8:50am and     Certificate II
                                                                                    Automotive Servicing
    Wednesday                  Wednesday                   Wednesday 2:00pm to      Technology
    2pm to 4pm                 1:55pm to 3:55pm            4:00pm                   (Pre-Apprenticeship)
    Children, Family and       Mathematics Specialist      Mathematics Specialist
                               Year 11 ATAR                Year 12 ATAR
    The Community
    Year 11 & 12               Tuesday 1.40pm to
                               3.40pm and                  Tuesday
    Certificate II
    Information, Digital       Thursday 8:30am to          2:00pm to 4:00pm and
    Media and Technology       10:30am                     Thursday 8:30am to
    Year 11 & Year 12          History                     10:30am
                               Year 11 ATAR                Physics
    Thursday                   Physics                     Year 11 ATAR
                               Year 12 ATAR
    Young Parent Program
                               Thursday                    Thursday
                                                           Certificate II
                               8.40am - 3.30pm
                               Certificate II              Hospitality
                               Construction Pathways       Year 12
                               (Building &
                               Maintenance)                Friday
                               Year 11
                                                           Certificate II
                                                           Year 11
New North Education Initiative - 2021 Course Selection and Trade Training Centre Application - Dianella Secondary College
NNEI Student Expression of Interest Form for 2021
The New North Education Initiative (NNEI) is leading the way in providing vocational programs.
Students from Dianella Secondary College, Balga, Girrawheen, Eastern Hills and Morley Senior
High Schools are invited to apply for ONE course at the NNEI Trade Training Centres.

Please choose ONE course, complete the information below and submit this form with your
2020 Semester One School Report to your VET Coordinator by Friday, 7 August 2020.

    Automotive                            Certificate II in Automotive Servicing Technology
                                          Delivered at Morley Senior High School

    Building and Construction             Certificate II in Building and Construction (Pathway Trades)
                                          Delivered at Girrawheen Senior High School

    Hospitality                           Certificate II in Hospitality
                                          Delivered at Dianella Secondary College

Student Details
First Name:                                      Surname:

Date of Birth:    D D / M M / Y Y                Gender:     Male       Female


                                                 Suburb:                                  Postcode:

Mobile:                                          Home Phone:

Current School: Dianella Secondary College       Current School Year         10   11     12

Unique Student Identifier (USI)

Do you speak a language other than English at home?    Yes      No

If yes, provide details:

Parent/Guardian Details
First Name:                                      Surname: (Mr. Mrs. Ms...)

Address (if different from above)

                                                 Suburb:                                      Postcode:

Mobile:                                          Work Phone:


    I certify that the above details are true and correct
Student Signature:                                                                      Date: D D / M M / Y Y

Parent/Guardian Signature:                                                              Date: D D / M M / Y Y

New North Education Initiative - 2021 Course Selection and Trade Training Centre Application - Dianella Secondary College
Balga Senior High School
                        2 Markham Way, Balga WA 6061
                        Phone: 08 9247 0222
                        Fax: 08 9342 0944

                        Dianella Secondary College
                        180 Nollamara Avenue, Dianella WA 6059
                        Telephone: 08 9345 9200
                        Fax: 08 9349 5499

                        Eastern Hills Senior High School
                        Keane Street East, Mt Helena WA 6082
                        Phone: 08 9573 0200

EASTERN HILLS           Fax: 08 9572 1818
   Senior High School

                        Girrawheen Senior High School
                        39 Calvert Way, Girrawheen 6064
                        Phone: 08 9247 0555
                        Fax: 08 9342 9253

                        Morley Senior High School
                        19-43 Bramwell Road, Noranda WA 6062
                        Telephone: 08 9376 5555
                        Facsimile: 08 9375 1246

                                                           N ew N ort h
                                                               E du c atio n I n itiativ e

                                                           For more information about the increased Senior Secondary
                                                           course choices and opportunities the New North Education
                                                           Initiative offers for senior students contact the Executive Officer -

                                                           Matthew White - Executive Officer
                                                           Mob: 0438 401 429
                                                           or contact your local
                                                           New North Education Initiative Senior High School.
New North Education Initiative - 2021 Course Selection and Trade Training Centre Application - Dianella Secondary College New North Education Initiative - 2021 Course Selection and Trade Training Centre Application - Dianella Secondary College
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