St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church - Parishes Online

Page created by Chester Neal
St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church - Parishes Online
St. Peter the Apostle
Catholic Church of Boerne, TX

                 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time                                    July 25, 2021

                                                                         St. Peter the Apostle
                                                                         Catholic Church
                                                                         We are an ACTIVE,
                                                                         GROWING, WELCOMING,
                                                                         SPIRIT-FILLED Roman
                                                                         Catholic community nourished
                                                                         by the Liturgy to serve God
                                                                         and others.
                                                                         Nuestra Misión
                                                                         Somos una comunidad
                                                                         Católica Romana, ACTIVA,
                                                                         CRECIENTE, ACOGEDORA Y
                                                                         LLENA DEL ESPIRITU
                                                                         alimentada por la liturgia para
                                                                         servir a Dios y al prójimo.
                                                                         MASSES / MISAS
                                                                         (*also live streamed online)
                                                                         (*también transmisión en vivo
                                                                         en línea)
                                                                         Saturday .................... 5:30 pm
                                                                         Sunday ....................9:00 am*,
                                                                                   11:00 am & 5:00 pm
                                                                         En español
                                                                         Domingo ...................1:00 pm*
                                                                         Daily Masses
                                                                         (*in English, also live streamed
                                                                         Monday .....................6:30 pm*

     º                                                                   Tuesday-Thursday ....8:00 am*
                                                                         Friday......................10:00 am*
                                                                         Tuesday ............. 6:00-7:00 pm
                                                                         Saturday ........ 10:00-11:00 am
                                                                         Martes ................ 6:00-7:00 pm
                                                                         Sábado .......... 10:00-11:00 am
                                                                         Live Streams
                                                                         St. Peter’s Facebook page
                                                                         St. Peter’s YouTube channel

                St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church │
St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church - Parishes Online
St. Peter the Apostle Catholic School Feasibility Study Update
                                               What the Catholic Church Has to Offer
                                                               in the
                                       Highly Competitive Educational Environment of Boerne
                                      What the Archdiocese of San Antonio and St. Peter the Apostle Parish have
                                      to offer with a possible new Catholic School in Boerne includes:
St. Peter the Apostle
                                      1) recognizing each student as a child of God with inherent, God-given
Catholic Church                          unique gifts, talents, skills, and aptitudes to be developed, fostered and
Main Campus • Campus principal           complemented for a life-time;
202 West Kronkosky Street             2) our long history in Catholic education from Pre-K to university and post-
Boerne, TX 78006                         graduate studies as seen in Catholic educational institutions throughout
Upon this Rock Campus                    the world;
416 W. Highland Drive                 3) academic rigor and holistic formation of children in body, mind, soul and
Boerne, TX 78006                         spirit;
(830) 816-2233                        4) our unique and highly developed Catholic Biblical Studies, Church history,
Fax (830) 249-6175                       Tradition, theology, sacraments, morals/ethics, spirituality, Catholic Social        Doctrines/Teachings, and pastoral practice;
                                      5) virtues-based training for life, and teaching children the Gospel-mandate
Monday through Friday                    to love God, neighbor and self equally;
Lunes a Viernes
9:00 am-5:00 pm                       6) we welcome the registration of children from the larger ecumenical
Open during lunch                        community;
Abierto durante el almuerzo           7) we understand Catholic education as evangelization forming the next
Deacon Del Office Hours                  generation of children as Christian disciples for active engagement and
Wednesdays 11:30 am to 4:00 pm           leadership in society and the world;
                                      8) teaching children to focus their lives on God, Church, family, local
                                         community, country, world and the building of the Kingdom of God as
           Did you know...              In our ever-changing cultural and business environment, we provide the
                                      foundation of faith and morals, and are cognizant that any learning
          ...that weekend
                                      environment today must be based on the understanding that children and
          readings can be
                                      youth will need to be prepared mentally, academically, psychologically,
          downloaded using the
                                      emotionally and morally, to change their professions/careers four to five times
QR codes in the Narthex?
                                      in a lifespan. This will require that the school environment and academic
  Use your phone to scan the QR       formation establish in each child the mindset and habits for a lifelong love of
code for the readings; a sign is      multi-disciplinary learning and skills development, inter-or multi-disciplinary
available in the Narthex at the       learning and focus, and the harnessing of the traits of adaptability, flexibility,
beginning of each weekend Mass.       multitasking and self-reinvention as they maintain their strong grounding in
Some phones will require you to       faith, morals and virtues.
download a QR code reading app.
                                         As we continue with our School Feasibility Study and the visioning process,
There are many that are free.
                                      I ask, as last weekend, that we all utilize this as a time of parish-wide prayer
  The QR code for the readings will   and discernment of God’s will for our parish’s future. Please use the special
redirect you to the USCCB website     prayer written for this study period by Mary Ann Hawn (printed after this
page that contains that day’s         posting) and all our other Catholic prayer-traditions discussed in last week’s
readings.                             bulletin.
  At this time, we are only           Fr. Norman A. Ermis, Pastor
providing this for weekend Masses.

Adoration of the
Blessed Sacrament
3:00 pm—6:30 pm in Day Chapel
11:00 am - 5:00 pm in Day Chapel

2   St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church │
St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church - Parishes Online
to the entire parish for the success of the School Feasibility Study

                                                                                     Whether you are just visiting or
                                                                                     looking for a permanent church
                                                                                     home, we are happy you stopped
                                                                                     by. We are a family friendly parish
                                                                                     and have something for people of
                                                                                     all ages. No matter what your
                                                                                     background is, there is a place for
                                                                                     you here. We invite you to join us
                                                                                     for one of our Liturgies. When you
                                                                                     decide to make St. Peter’s your
                                                                                     church home, please consider
                                                                                     making it official by filling out a New
                                                                                     Parishioner Registration form,
                  Prayerr of Discer
                                      m nt                                           which can be downloaded from our
                                                                                     website. You may also pick a form
                               n g                                                   up in our parish office. Registering
   St. Peter the Apostle Parish School Feasibility Study
                                                      dy                             helps us know how we can best
                                                                                     serve your family’s needs. Please
                                                                                     have a look at our Faith Formation
                        Prayer of Discernment During                                 and Ministries pages to see the
            St. Peter the Apostle Parish School Feasibility Study                    different ways you can be
                                                                                     nourished and get involved. We are
                                                                                     so glad you visited and hope to see
  Eternal Father, we come before          those who are members of the               you again!
you as a parish community seeking         Feasibility Study, the Parish Council
your blessing and guidance for the        and the parishioners of St. Peter’s,       Ya sea que esté de visita o esté
possible building of a Catholic School    the Archdiocese of San Antonio,            buscando una iglesia permanente,
in our area. We are grateful for the      including the Superintendent of            nos complace que haya venido.
ministries with which you have            Catholic Schools, the Archbishop and       Somos una parroquia familiar y
blessed our parish, and the many          Auxiliary Bishops. Help these your         tenemos algo para personas de
parishioners who are constantly           servants to follow your lead on this       todas las edades. No importa cuál
serving your people. They generously      path.                                      sea su origen, aquí hay un lugar
reach out to the greater community                                                   para usted. Lo invitamos a unirse a
                                             Holy Spirit you give us wisdom and
showing your Love and Compassion.                                                    nosotros en una de nuestras
                                          strength. Help us in this discernment
  Now we are facing the opportunity       process as we study and learn the          liturgias. Cuando decida hacer de
to step out further to offer a Catholic   facts and requirements that a              St. Peter's su hogar en la iglesia,
School where the children of the          Catholic School would need and how         considere hacerlo oficial llenando
parish and wider community may            it enhances our vision for the future of   un formulario de Registro de
learn and grow in deeper                  our parish. May our parishioners be        Nuevos Parroquianos, que puede
understanding of Your Truth. A place      motivated to share their creative          descargar de nuestro sitio web.
that may form them as conscientious       ideas and feedback during this             También puede recoger un
leaders and stewards for the future of    process. Help each of us to seek your      formulario en nuestra oficina
Your Kingdom. We give you thanks          divine will and find us willing to         parroquial. El registro nos ayuda a
for the family who has made a             proceed and respond generously to          saber cómo podemos atender
gracious and generous offer of “seed      your call. We ask this in the name of      mejor las necesidades de su
money” to initiate this project. May      the Father, the Son, and the Holy          familia. Por favor, consulte a
each of us seek your will in this         Spirit.                                    nuestras páginas de Ministerios y
endeavor.                                                                            Formación de Fe para ver las
                                            St. Peter, pray for us. Amen.            diferentes formas en que puede
  Jesus, our Teacher and Savior, you                                                 nutrirse e involucrarse. Estamos
show us the way to live as your                                                      muy contentos de que nos haya
disciples. We ask your blessing on                 —written by Mary Ann Hawn         visitado y esperamos volver a

                                                                    July 25, 2021 │ 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time           3
St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church - Parishes Online
- Kathy Hossenlopp, our Liturgical            the ministries and volunteers who
                                              Environment Committee Director,             made this happen. And, as the caption
                                              will be stepping down after many            on the pictures say — #weareback
                                              years of amazing service! She and           #sundayhospitality.
                                              her husband, Pete, along with other            +Another Teams of Our Lady
                                              volunteers, have worked so hard in          Information Night will be held on
                                              making our environment special for          Wednesday, July 28th, at 7:00 pm in
                                              all our Sunday Masses and other             the Family Life Center, Rooms
                                              liturgical events. We are looking for       151/153. Deacon Brad Wakely and his
                                              a new director. Anyone interested           wife, Mary Kay, will again present on
    From the Pastor’s Desk                    should have a vast knowledge of             this inspirational marriage support
                                              liturgy and be open to working with         ministry. So far, we anticipate enough
+You may remember that during the             other volunteers. If you are                couples for two Teams. As we receive
height of the pandemic, you may have          interested, please contact Fr. Norm,        more interest, there is a waiting list
received a call from a St. Peter’s            Deacon Brad or Adam Olmos for an            forming another team of couples.
volunteer, checking in with you to see        interview.                                  Please continue to read the regular
how you are doing and if there was                                                        Marriage and Family Life section of
                                            - On Monday, November 22 at 7:00
anything you needed. If you haven’t                                                       this bulletin for updates. Thank you to
                                              pm, we will hold a Liturgical
already, you will be receiving a post-                                                    Jim and Doe Morey for leading the
                                              Minister workshop in the Cana
pandemic call from a St. Peter’s staff                                                    Marriage Steering Committee and
                                              Ballroom. The guest speaker sill be
member or volunteer to follow-up.                                                         arranging these information nights.
                                              Fr. Ken Hannon, who brings a vast
Volunteers include members of the
                                              knowledge of liturgy and experience            +This summer, St. Peter’s will
Pastoral Council, Finance Council and
                                              as a speaker. This is a great               conclude the Level 2 and Level 3
Stewardship Council, so the number
                                              opportunity for all liturgical ministers.   Formation courses that began
you will see on caller ID may not be
                                              Topics include, 1) What are the             summer 2019. We also began a Level
from the parish office. These calls are
                                              theological and liturgical implications     1 course that finishes Summer 2022.
not intended to solicit anything, just to
                                              of going through a pandemic?, 2)            St. Peter’s wonderful and giving
check in again as a courtesy pastoral
                                              How does a parish get re-started            community makes us the perfect
call. Please share any questions,
                                              fully in their liturgies?, 3) When can      training location for these formation
concerns or feedback.
                                              we start receiving the Blood of             courses. People come from our
  +The Kolbe Prison Ministries                Christ? What has Fr. Ken Hannon             parish, all over Texas and even out-of-
Annual Conference was held at St.             heard from national trends and              state to attend. Our goal is to become
Peter’s on July 24th and was very well        guidelines?, and 4) What ministries         a major training center for Good
attended. We thank the guest                  are going to be the most difficult to       Shepherd Catechist formation. Thank
speakers and Bishop Gary Janak who            start up? Please mark your                  you to Angela Spino, our Director of
celebrated our regular 5:30 pm Mass.          calendars to attend.                        Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, for
Thanks to all of our parishioners who                                                     all her hard work. Thanks also to all
are involved in Kolbe Ministry and for      - Our Music Ministry continues to
                                              recruit more volunteers and we have         volunteers who assisted and to
specifically organizing this event. A                                                     everyone who donated food and
large number of the volunteers for this       15 new choir members joining. We
                                              are very grateful that these new            drinks for the participants. Special
conference were from St. Peter’s                                                          thanks to the Mecke family for hosting
Parish.                                       choir members are coming to join us
                                              and will be sharing their gifts and         our out of town formation leaders.
  +Thank you to parishioners who              talents with our community. If you             +The Catholic Daughters put out a
have shared information and ideas             are interested in joining our Music         newsletter every other month. It
pertaining to the feasibility study           Ministry, please contact Adam               contains so much interesting and
determining whether or not to build a         Olmos at (830) 816-5656 or                  useful information. You can view and
Catholic school in Boerne. Remember                     download a copy of the newsletter at
that everyone is invited to participate                                          Kudos to
in the School Feasibility Study.              +33 youth and 9 adult supervisors
                                            participated in a Life Teen Discover          newsletter editor, Ree Laughlin, on a
Keep informed with the weekly bulletin                                                    professional and informative
updates and pray for guidance during        Summer Retreat from Friday, July
                                            16th through Sunday, July 18th. This          document about the services and
this process.                                                                             ministries of the CDA.
                                            retreat was an alternative for the youth
  +We discussed quite a few things at       of our parish since the staff decided            +Thank you to Nancy Boerner,
this month’s Liturgy Committee              not to have Life Teen go to the yearly        Eleanor Moring, Sally Taylor and Jaci
meeting. The committee decided to           camp in Georgia. Thanks to Lacey              Sprencel for all the work they have
order the St. Augustine Hymnals.            Sorrell and Hannah Reich who                  been doing as volunteers in the
These amazing hymnals not only offer        organized the retreat at the Upon this        library. They have been cataloguing
us access to a great variety of hymns,      Rock Campus. Please refer to the              books and DVDs, reorganizing and
but will also have Year A, B and C          Youth Ministry page for pictures.             shelving books. There will be a Grand
cycle readings. The hymnals will also                                                     Library Reopening the weekend of
have a book in the back that includes         +As our Sunday, 9:00 am Mass
                                            attendees may have noticed, Sunday            August 21 & 22.
additional music/songs for Life Teen.
With this hymnal, there will be no          Hospitality is back and we couldn’t              +A reminder that just as we are,
need for missalettes.                       be more excited about it! Thank you to        other organizations and programs are

4    St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church │
St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church - Parishes Online
working hard to get back to normal.         +Please pray for the following
This is a gradual process. Due to a       families whose loved ones have            Nursery Still Closed
shortage of staff at Laity Lodge after    died:                                     We anticipate the Nursery will open
a 16-month hiatus, the St. Peter’s        † Nick Medrano died on June 29th          in September 2021. Please monitor
Laity Lodge Retreat will not take           at the Happy Living Care Home           the bulletin for updates.
place this year. Laity Lodge is             Center in the Fair Oaks area. He is
reevaluating their programs and will        the brother of Juan Medrano
let us know when and if private             whose home parish is Holy Family
retreats may resume. They have              in San Antonio. Fr. Norman              Liturgy of the Word for
conveyed how dear their
relationships are with parishes like
                                            anointed Nick immediately before        Children
                                            his passing. Nick was buried
St. Peter’s and look forward to when                                                Children can now watch and listen
                                            through his home parish near Von
we can resume private retreats.                                                     to the Sunday Gospel explained
                                                                                    just for them! Join us on Facebook,
  +Thank you to all our volunteers        † Elaine Zaner died on July 3, 2021       YouTube and the webpage every
who have been covering as                   at an assisted living home in           Sunday. We will resume this
receptionists while we go through           Boerne. She is the mother of our        ministry in person as soon as we
the vetting and hiring process for a        parishioner, Matt Zaner. Elaine’s       are able.
new, permanent receptionist—Jaci            husband, Bill Zaner, was a well-
Sprencel, Laura Saenz and Maria             known and respected landscape
Wladika. Your time and assistance           painter in Boerne. He owned an art
are greatly appreciated.                    gallery here, “Bill Zaner’s Art
  +Make sure to register for Faith          Haus,” and also sold his paintings      Church Cleaning and
Formation 2021-2022. Please see             at the Texas Treasures Fine Art         Sanitization
St. Peter’s website to register and         Gallery, a block from the church,       To rebuild trust and confidence in
pay online for Good Shepherd,               where he and Elaine would meet          attending the public celebration of
Elementary Faith Formation, EDGE            his fans and collectors. They were      Mass, the parish staff has arranged
and Life Teen. It is a moral                married for sixty-one years at Bill’s   to have our professional cleaning
responsibility to make sure our             passing in 2015. Fr. Norman             company, Lone Star Cleaning, do
children are receiving continuing           anointed Elaine several days            the cleaning and sanitization of the
education in the Catholic faith, and        before her passing. Elaine’s            Sanctuary, bathrooms and the
preparing for and receiving the             memorial service was held at            FLC. This is being done for your
Sacraments. As Catholic adults and          Texas Treasures on Saturday,            health and protection. They are
parents, it is our obligation to ensure     July 17th at 1:30 pm led by Fr.         following all CDC guidelines,
a firm foundation for Catholic faith        Norman, with music by Carmen            including the spraying of an
and traditions for future generations.      Villareal of St. Peter’s Parish. Bill   approved disinfectant. This is being
  +This year’s annual Fall Festival         once described his wife as “an          done for the common good of
will be modified as last year’s, due to     unstoppable force of nature.” She       maintaining public health. Please
the pandemic. We still need plenty of       was very involved in the Boerne         rest assured we are doing our best
volunteers! This is a fun and               community and her legacy was            to make your church and the
rewarding ministry that always needs        always helping people.                  campus safe and clean for all
assistance at many levels. If you are     † Alfred John Havelka passed              gatherings and in worship.
interested in volunteering, please          away on July 15th at The Lodge of
contact Phillip Hunter at                   Leon Springs where he and his, our             wife, Irene have lived for the past
Pastoral Council Chair.                     several years. Alfred is the father     2020 Archbishop’s
  +As pastor, I again encourage             of our parishioner, Glen Havelka
everyone to get their Covid-19              and his wife Cindy. Fr. Norman          Appeal
                                            prayed the Commendation of the          Summary Report, July 15, 2021
vaccine if they haven’t already done
so, especially with a return of a rise      Dying and the Litany of the Saints      Participation Goal ................... 25%
in cases due to the Delta variant. Of       at his passing, joined by Glen and      St. Peter’s Participation ......... 9.6%
course, everyone must make a                Cindy and five staff members of
decision about whether or not to get        the Lodge. Alfred and Irene lived in    To donate, please go to https://
their vaccination, based on their           Taft, Texas before moving to the
personal position on the matter and         Boerne area to be near family.          registration/acp5fdbaf7f59c3d/user/
on their own health situation in            Alfred’s funeral services will          guest - in the parish option, make
consultation with their medical             include a Rosary on Tuesday, July       sure to select St. Peter Church-
doctor. The end goal is to help             27 at 10:00 am at Ebensberger           Boerne (3716) to ensure it is
prevent contracting the virus, risking      Funeral Home, with burial following     recorded under our parish. For
one’s health and possible                   at Ft. Sam Houston Cemetery in          additional methods of donating to
hospitalization. It also helps others       San Antonio, led by Deacon Paul         this fund, please call our parish
remain mutually healthy. The Church         Rayburg.                                office at (830) 816-2233. Thank
considers receiving a vaccine an act                                   Sincerely,   you to all who have already
of charity benefitting the common                 FR. NORMAN A ERMIS                donated. Your generosity is greatly
good of all throughout the world.                                                   appreciated!

                                                         25 de julio de 2021 │ 17º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario                  5
St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church - Parishes Online
Sunday Hospitality is Back!
It’s great to see all those smiling faces after Mass! Picture on left: July 11 hosted by the Pastoral council, pictured are Pat
Giddings and Meghan Hunter. Picture on right: July 18 hosted by the Women’s Faith Council, pictured are Michelle
Pechacek, Dana Gonyer, Maria Wladika, Cynthia Perez, Norma Samarripa, Meghan Hunter, Stella Cano and Laura
Balderrama-Contreras. #weareback #sundayhospitality

                                                  Level 2 Formation
The Level 2 Formation for the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd concluded last weekend. These ladies began the
course in the summer of 2019 and after a long two years and 120 plus hours they received their certificates!
Left: participants celebrated Pentecost and chose material from the Atria that they felt pertained to a particular gift of the
holy Spirit. Right: pictured are some of the participants who received their Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Level 2
Formation certification, with their formation leader, Marty O’Bryan.

6   St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church │
St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church - Parishes Online
St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church
                Catholic Daughters of the Americas #2690
CDA Court #2690 is again appealing to the generosity of St. Peter the
Apostle parishioners for monetary donations to Blessings in a Backpack
after the weekend Masses of August 14th and 15th, 2021. BIB is a
national non-profit with chapters in 44 states, in addition to other cities in
The local Boerne chapter started in 2013, providing food to school
children in the BISD federal meal program on weekends during the
school year.
Children served by BIB nationwide have been shown to have improved
attendance, behavior, reading skills and test scores in school. BIB must
raise the funds to purchase the food provided. It costs approximately
$175 to support one child for the entire school year.
There will be representatives from the CDA present after all Masses the
weekend of August 14th and 15th to answer your questions and accept
donations. If you write a check, please make it out to CDA Court #2690.
We look forward to and appreciate your support.
If you are not able to make it that weekend, please consider dropping off
your donation in the parish office or mailing it to:
St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church
Attn: CDA Blessings in a Backpack
202 W. Kronkosky Street
Boerne, TX 78006
Otra vez, el CDA # 2690 apela nuevamente a la generosidad de los
feligreses de San Pedro Apóstol por las donaciones monetarias a
Blessings in a Backpack después de las misas de fin de semana del 14
y 15 de agosto de 2021. BIB es una organización de caridad que se
puede encontrar en 44 estados y también en otras ciudades en Tejas.
La organizacion local de Boerne comenzó en 2013, proporcionando
alimentos a los niños en edad escolar en los fines de semana durante el
año escolar quienes participaban en el programa federal de comidas de
Se ha demostrado que los niños atendidos por BIB en todo el país han
mejorado la asistencia, el comportamiento, las habilidades de lectura y
los resultados en los exámenes en la escuela. BIB debe recaudar los
fondos para comprar los alimentos provistos. Cuesta aproximadamente
$175 para mantener a un niño durante todo el año escolar. Esperamos
su apoyo.
Habrá un representante de la CDA presente después de todas las misas
el fin de semana del 14 y 15 de agosto para responder sus preguntas y
aceptar donaciones. Si escribe un cheque, por favor, hágalo a nombre
de la CDA Court #2690. Esperamos y agradecemos su apoyo.
Si no puede asistir ese fin de semana, considere dejar su donación en la
oficina parroquial o enviarla por correo a:
St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church
Attn: CDA Blessings in a Backpack
202 W. Kronkosky Street
Boerne, TX 78006

                                                                      July 25, 2021 │ 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time   7
St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church - Parishes Online
                                        Welcomes all who come into or
                                        telephones the parish office. The
                                        receptionist provides administrative
St. Peter’s Parish                      and related office services to staff
                                        and members of the parish
Welcome Back                            community. The receptionist works
                                                                                   Live Streaming Masses
Celebration                             in close collaboration with the            to Continue
Saturday, August 14, 2021               Pastoral Assistant and offers dual         Some parishes are discontinuing
          — and —                       support for the duties also assigned       live streaming their weekend
Sunday, August 15, 2021                 to the Assistant. For a full job           Masses to encourage parishioners
                                        description or to apply, visit the         to return to services in their church
After each Mass
                                        Archdiocese website at         Sanctuaries. This is the ideal—to
Join us after all Masses for food       employment.
and fellowship to celebrate our                                                    be gathered in person in
return to in-person worship                                                        community for the celebration of
together.                               Nursery HELP NEEDED!                       Sunday Mass. Here at St. Peter’s
                                                                                   Parish we encourage all of our
                                        Do you have a heart for the younger
                                                                                   parishioners to return to Masses
                                        child? Do you enjoy spending time
                                                                                   as well, if you are physically
New Parishioner Dinner                  nurturing and caring for babies,
                                                                                   capable. At the same time, we
UPDATED DATE AND LOCATION               toddlers and pre-schoolers? We are
                                                                                   learned that our live-streamed
                                        in need of childcare providers who
Friday, August 20, 2021                                                            Masses serve a population in our
                                        are available on Sundays (8:30 am-
Cana Ballroom                           2:00 pm), evenings and some                parish that had been unserved in
More details will follow                                                           the past—those who are in nursing
                                        mornings. Must be able to work
We want to welcome all our new                                                     homes or assisted living facilities
                                        flexible hours, pass a background
parishioners to St. Peter’s who         check and complete the Safe                or are shut-ins in their own homes
have joined our parish in the past                                                 or that of relatives. They can now
                                        Environment Training.
two years with an invitation to a                                                  join us for Mass via live streaming.
                                        Some skills & abilities include:           We have also learned that former
new parishioner dinner. Come meet
staff members, Pastoral Council                                                    parishioners who have moved
                                        - ability to keep children engaged
representative and Fr. Norm. Find                                                  away join us online for weekend
                                        - able to lift and carry children, bend    Masses because they miss our
out about our active parish and           to pick up toys, sit on floor to play,
numerous resources, organizations                                                  community and that parishioners
                                          care for children’s hygiene              who are traveling also join us
and ministries. Ask how you can get     - experience high level of noise at
involved.                                                                          online. People curious about and
                                          times                                    interested in Catholicism also go
                                        - communicate effectively with             online to our parish website to
                                          parents                                  experience our community and
Ministry Fair 2021                      - CPR certified is a plus!                 worship. Live streaming serves as
After all Masses on                                                                a significant evangelization tool
Saturday, August 28, 2021               Part-time Cana Ballroom                    and process. In light of all these
          — and —                                                                  insights, we made a decision as a
                                        Attendant                                  pastoral staff to continue live
Sunday, August 29, 2021
                                        This position assists with special         streaming Masses and making it
We invite all parishioners to join us
                                        events and requires a flexible             part of our new ministry called the
in St. Peter’s Cana Ballroom for our
                                        schedule, will include nights and          “St. Peter’s Online Parish
Ministry Fair. After Mass, come talk
                                        weekends and will not have a               Community.” Everyone needs to
to leaders of our ministries and find
                                        guaranteed minimum number of               be reassured things will remain the
out how you can get involved. With
                                        hours. Required skills include             same. However, if you are
100+ ministries, you are sure to find
                                        experience in customer service,            physically capable, you and your
many interesting activities that fit
                                        attention to detail, and physical tasks    family should return to Masses
into your schedule.
                                        such as placement of tables, chairs,       with the parish community and
                                        etc. If interested, please contact         receive sacramental Communion.
Please continue to monitor the
                                        Deacon Brad Wakely, Parish                 Remember this is a spiritual
bulletin and website for more
                                        Operations Director at (830) 816-          obligation as a Catholic! Nothing
details. We look forward to
                                        5636 or           can replace communal celebration
seeing you there!
                                                                                   of the Mass. Welcome back!

8   St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church │
St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church - Parishes Online
Mass Intentions                  Readings for the week of July
                                                Intenciones para Misa                 25, 2021
                                                                                    Sunday: 2 Kgs 4:42-44/Ps
                                           Sunday, July 25, 2021                      145:10-11, 15-16, 17-18 [cf.
                                           9:00 am    Malvina Weakland                16]/Eph 4:1-6/Jn 6:1-15
                                           11:00 am   Ralph Taylor                  Monday: Ex 32:15-24, 30-34/Ps
                                           1:00 pm    St. Peter’s Parishioners        106:19-20, 21-22, 23 [1a]/Mt
                                           5:00 pm    John Eichelberger               13:31-35
                                                                                    Tuesday: Ex 33:7-11; 34:5b-9,
  Sanctuary Light Memorial                 Monday, July 26, 2021                      28/Ps 103:6-7, 8-9, 10-11, 12-
        July 25—
               —July 31, 2021
                            1              6:30 pm    Leslie Sirmans                  13 [8a]/Mt 13:36-43
           Buddy Hans
                   ns                      Tuesday, July 27, 2021                   Wednesday: Ex 34:29-35/Ps
                                           8:00 am    Morgan Alsobrooks               99:5, 6, 7, 9 [cf. 9c]/Mt 13:44-
   In Sympathy / Con dolor                                                            46
                                           Wednesday, July 28, 2021                 Thursday: Ex 40:16-21, 34-38/Ps
 Condolences to families who have          8:00 am   Tommy & Margie
recently lost loved ones. May the                                                     84:3, 4, 5-6a and 8a, 11 [2]/Jn
                                                     Stockard and Family              11:19-27 or Lk 10:38-42
Lord comfort the family in their time of
need and welcome the deceased into         Thursday, July 29, 2021                  Friday: Lv 23:1, 4-11, 15-16, 27,
heaven.                                    8:00 am    Dick & Peggy Sewell             34b-37/Ps 81:3-4, 5-6, 10-11ab
                                                                                      [2a]/Mt 13:54-58
Msgr. Joe Carroll, Jim DeGuire,            Friday, July 30, 2021                    Saturday: Lv 25:1, 8-17/Ps 67:2-
Alfred John Havelka, Minerva               10:00 am     Malvina Weakland              3, 5, 7-8 [4]/Mt 14:1-12
Servin Martinez, Servin Martinez ,                                                  Next Sunday: Ex 16:2-4, 12-15/
Nick Medrano, Gloria Ramirez,              Saturday, July 31, 2021                    Ps 78:3-4, 23-24, 25, 54 [24b]/
Pedro Santiago, Elaine Zaner               5:30 pm     Bill & Karen O’Connor          Eph 4:17, 20-24/Jn 6:24-35
 Condolencias a las familias que han       Sunday, August 1, 2021                   Readings—
perdido recientemente a sus seres          9:00 am    Pete Martin         
queridos. Que el Señor consuele a la       11:00 am   Del & Karen Eulberg
familia en su momento de necesidad         1:00 pm    Carmen Quintanna              Las lecturas de la semana del
y acoja al difunto en el paraíso.          5:00 pm    St. Peter’s Parishioners       25 de julio de 2021
                                                                                    Domingo: 2 Re 4, 42-44/Sal 144,
         In Our Prayers                          Pope Francis says                   10-11. 15-16. 17-18 [cfr. 16]/Ef
     En nuestras oraciones                      Papa Francisco dice:                 4, 1-6/Jn 6, 1-15
 Please pray for the sick of our           Only a heart that is not taken over by   Lunes: Ex 32, 15-24. 30-34/Sal
parish—Por favor oren por los              hastiness is capable of being moved,      105, 19-20. 21-22. 23 [1]/Mt 13,
enfermos de nuestra parroquia              that is, of not allowing itself to be     31-35
                                           caught up in itself and by things to     Martes: Ex 33, 7-11; 34, 5-9. 28/
Pope Francis, Maria Balderrama,                                                      Sal 102, 6-7. 8-9. 10-11. 12-13
Barbara DeGuire, Angela                    do, and is aware of others, of their
                                           wounds, their needs. Compassion is        [8]/Mt 13, 36-43
Devenish, Chloe Frey, Pete                                                          Miércoles: Ex 34, 29-35/Sal 98,
Gallardo, Fr. Jim Galvin, Sherian          born from contemplation. @Pontifex
                                                                                     5. 6. 7. 9 [cfr. 9]/Mt 13, 44-46
Hardin, Rachel Hernandez, Gabriel          Solo el corazón que no se deja           Jueves: Ex 40, 16-21. 34-38/Sal
Juliano, Anne Martin, Sr. Carmen           secuestrar por la prisa es capaz de       83, 3. 4. 5-6 y 8. 11 [2]/Jn 11, 19
Martinez, Jesse Martinez, Rosario          conmoverse, de no dejarse llevar por      -27 o Lc 10, 38-42
& Raquel Martinez, Stacey                  sí mismo y por las cosas que tiene       Viernes: Lv 23, 1. 4-11. 15-16.
Martinez, Shirley Michalek, Joe &          que hacer, y de fijarse en los demás,     27. 34-37/Sal 80, 3-4. 5-6. 10-11
Alice Morris, Brandon Nation,              en sus heridas, en sus necesidades.       [2]/Mt 13, 54-58
Beatrice Palomo, Matthew                   La compasión nace de la                  Sábado: Lv 25, 1. 8-17/Sal 66, 2-
Rheinhart, Jim Ross, Emily Seck,           contemplación. @Pontifex_es               3. 5. 7-8 [4]/Mt 14, 1-12
Jim & Betty Wade, Joy Walwyn,                                                       Domingo siguiente: Ex 16, 2-4.
Wally Whitworth                                        Society of                    12-15/Sal 77, 3-4. 23-24. 25. 54
 Please contact pastoral care for                 St. Vincent de Paul                [24]/Ef 4, 17. 20-24/Jn 6, 24-35
family requests to In Sympathy and         For emergency financial assistance:      Las lecturas—
In Our Prayers—Por favor, llame a          (830) 816-5646                 
la oficina pastoral para las solicitudes
de la familia a Con dolor y En                    We Care! You Can!
nuestras oraciones.                        Mentorship is available to those who
                                           are experiencing or witnessing family    Special Collections
         Need a prayer?                    violence. Calls are kept confidential.   October 3—Hope for the Future/
(210) 912-3432 • (830) 816-5657            Information and service referrals are     Catholic Schools
                                           provided. (830) 816-5645
                                                                                    October 17—World Mission

                                                       25 de julio de 2021 │ 17º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario          9
St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church - Parishes Online
Journey Together
                                                                                               Book Study
                                                                                               Fall Session 2021
          Formerly called the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal                                       Thursdays, September 9 –
                                                                                               December 16
                                                                                               10:00 am-12:00 pm
 Message from Father Norm:                                                                     Reading—This Present
 The spiritual and corporal needs of many are greater this                                     Paradise by Claire Dwyer
 year due to the pandemic. Our parish has been blessed                                         Purchase at
 in having this yearly appeal provide training for our own                            or
 Deacon Marty Lee and Del Eulberg, who was ordained                                  
 on June 5. So many other individuals benefit from your                                        For more information or to
 generosity each year, especially through pastoral training                                    register contact:
 and formation.                                                                                Susan Markworth—
 We are part of an Archdiocesan and Universal Church                                 
 and are called to do our part. This Appeal is one way we
 can directly assist with our Archdiocese in its rapid
 growth. Please be generous. Thank you!

     All donations, large or small, gather us
     together as one community in Christ.
     Participation last year: 10.74%                                   "SUNDAY GOSPEL REFLECTIONS &
     Participation to date this year: 8.8%
                                                              For those who wish to participate in the fellowship of
     Participation goal: 25%                                  Bible Studies but are Homebound or just prefer the
     Please help us reach this goal with your                 convenience of studying from home in the evening. This
     pledge/donation.                                         is the study for you!

                                                                    On Zoom 7-8:30 PM — Thursday Evenings
                                                                       September 23, 2021- April 28, 2022
                                                                            No Fee or Materials Cost
                     Several Ways to Donate — To
                     donate, just scan this QR code. You      This is a weekly Thursday evening series which offers a
                     can also click on the link found on      Bible study preparation of the lectionary readings for
                     the parish website, or go to             Sunday Mass. Using videos from the Institute of Catholic
            and click on “Annual          Culture, we will explore the Biblical, literal, and historical
                     Archbishop’s Appeal for Ministries.”     context as the foundation for spiritual and moral

                                                              Our goals are to learn, and be prepared to be more
                                                              receptive to the Word of God to experience the Sacrifice
                                                              of the Mass to its full purpose each weekend. Materials
         25%                                                  will be sent to your inbox prior to Thursday evenings.
                                     Your donations help
                                     many ministries, such    For Info: Contact Facilitator:
                                     as Youth Ministry,       Ree Laughlin
                                     Campus Ministries,
                                     Train Catechists,        (830) 249-0828
                                     Priest’s Retirement
                                     Home, Catholic Radio     To Register:
                                     and TV, Seminarian       Deacon Mike and Mary Ann Matteson
         St. Peter’s                 Support, Catholic
         Participation as of         Schools, Services for
         July 15, 2021: 9.6%         the Elderly, Visit the
                                     Sick, Training Deacons
                                     and Pro-Life Outreach.

               Archdiocesan Appeal for Ministries 2021
               One-time Gifts + Monthly Pledge Fulfillments
               St. Peter’s Donations Commitments: $176,239

10   St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church │
VIRTUS                                                                                Registration is now open
Safe Environment Training &                                                     Registration for Faith Formation is now
                                                                                open. To register, go to St. Peter’s website,
Background Check                                                                Faith Formation and Register Now. Please                                                                      register all students at the same time.
                                                                                Catechists, please do not register online;
If you need to take your Safe Environment                                       instead, download and submit a printed
Training or renew your background check,                  form. For more information or assistance, please contact Hannah
please go to and log in. If this is your       at (830) 816-5662.
first time logging in, create an account and
answer the questions about how you are going              La inscripción está en proceso
to volunteer. Training modules will be assigned           La inscripción para la formación de fe está en proceso. Para
accordingly. If you do not see the option to              inscriber, vaya al sitio web, Faith Formation y Register Now.
renew your background check, or you need any              Por favor inscriba a todos los estudiantes al mismo tiempo.
assistance, please contact Angela Spino.                  Catequistas, por favor no se registren en línea; en su lugar,
Angela Spino                                              descargue y envíe un formulario impreso. Para obtener más
(830) 816-5664                                            información o asistencia, comuníquese con Laura al (830) 816-                           5668.

    n                                                     Mental Health Ministry
General Offertory
               ry                                         FAMILYGrace and LIVINGGrace Support Groups have temporarily
                                                          combined to meet online via Zoom every 1st, 3rd, and 5th
                                                          Thursdays at 6:00 pm during the summer. Please contact Jenny
Easy and                                                  Russell at to receive the Zoom passcode and
convenient,                                               get set up. This is open to adults living with a mental health
online giving to                                          condition and with family members who have an adult loved one
The General                                               living with a mental health condition.
Offertory is
a great way to support parish operations.
Donations are used for the day-to-day operation           #weareback
of the parish and its programs, which includes            If you are a leader of one or more of our 100+ ministries/services/
staff salaries, utilities, supplies, etc, — basically     organizations, please make sure you are proactive in getting your
anything that is required to run the parish and           membership and mission fully active again now that the pandemic
office. The bulk of all donations can best be             restrictions have been eased. As pastor, I’m still getting occasional
used in this general fund that keeps our very             calls asking if it’s okay to get moving and active again. Yes, it is!
busy parish operational. The first collection at          Let’s return to our very active and committed status as we were
Masses goes to the General Offertory; the best            pre-pandemic!
way to donate to this fund is to go online at and
select Give Now under the General Offertory                                                            THE FINANCIAL CORNER
Collection.                                              Did you know? “Give to the Most High as he has given to you, and as
                                                         generously as you can afford. For the Lord is the one who repays, and he
If you need any assistance with this process,            will repay you sevenfold.”
please call Martin Scott at (830) 816-5659.                                                                    ~Sirach 35: 12-13 NRSVCE
Thank you for your continued support and
generosity!                                                                     NORMAL OPERATING INCOME
                                                        Operating Cash Flow                                  May 2021            Fiscal
                                                        Income                                               $ 203,405      $ 2,114,869
                                                        Expenses                                             $ 166,552      $ 1,810,052
                                                        Cash Flow                                             $ 36,853        $ 304,817

                                                        Cash Payments from Operating Funds
                                                        FLC Principal Payment                                 $ 25,669        $ 279,563
                                                        Surplus / Deficit                                     $ 11,184         $ 25,254

                                                        # of registered Families—May 2021                                         2,571
                                                        # of Participating Givers (General Offertory only)                        1,014
                                                        % of families participating in General Offertory                           39%
                                                        Church fiscal year: July 1—June 30

                                                                        July 25, 2021 │ 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time                11
Follow us on Facebook: St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church of Boerne.
        Keep posted on current events in EFF, Good Shepherd, Sacramental Prep and our Parish!
                      Join our Facebook group -

               Faith Formation Registration is open. Please register your children
          online at so we can start planning for the Fall. If you are
      interested in volunteering as a Catechist, please email
          Registración para clases de Formación de Fe está abierta. Favor de registar
         a sus hijos para que podamos hacer planes para el otoño. Se puede inscribir
                                 en línea a

                            Elementary Faith Formation Classes
                            Kinder through 5th Grade.
                            Sundays 9:30 am - 10:45 am or Wednesdays 4:30 pm - 5:45 pm in the Family Life Center.
                            EFF (Elementary Faith Formation) is a traditional religious formation which builds a foundation
                            for a lifelong relationship with Jesus through Scripture, prayer, and building a faith community.
                            We also offer faith formation for children with Special Needs, Sundays 9:30 - 10:45 am.

Formación de Fe (Doctrina) Escuela Primaria
Grados Kinder a 5. Domingos 9:30 am - 10:45 am o Miércoles 4:30 pm - 5:45 pm en el Family Life Center.
Clases de doctrina o catecismo que construye una base en la relación permanente con Jesús a través de las escrituras, la
oración y la construcción de una comunidad de fe. Tenemos formación de fe para niños con necesidades especiales,
Domingo 9:30 - 10:45 am.

Laura Balderrama Contreras • (830) 816-5668 •
Sheila Dillard • (830) 816-5667 •

                                         Pre-K—5th Grade
                                         The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is a Montessori-based religious formation
                                         for 3-12 year olds. It seeks to create and facilitate a sacred, “hands-on” space
                                         called an atrium, in which both the children and the catechists can hear, ponder,
                                         and celebrate the most essential mysteries of the Christian faith as revealed in
                                         the scriptures and the liturgy.

                                            Looking for something to do this summer?
                                            Do you enjoy:
                                            -sanding and staining wood,
                                            -painting figures or sculpting
                                            -building divided boxes
                                            If so, I have work for you! Please call Angela for more information.

Register online for CGS Sessions. They are filling quickly!                                              Angela Spino
Sundays and Thursdays Level 2 is Full.                                                                  (830) 816-5664
Tuesdays and Wednesdays Level 1 is Full.                                    

 Sacramental Prep News! ¡Noticias de Preparación Sacramental!
 Elementary Faith Formation and Good Shepherd / Formación de Fe, Escuela Primaria, y Buen Pastor
 First Communion pictures are available via the link we sent through Flocknote email. Please check your email for link
 and password. — Las imágenes de la Primera Comunión están disponibles a través del enlace que enviamos a través
 del correo electrónico de Flocknote. Por favor, revise su correo electrónico para ver el enlace y la contraseña.

12   St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church │
Discovery Summer Retreat
                          Life Teen hosted a summer retreat the
                          weekend of July 16-18 at the St. Peter's
                          Catholic Church Upon this Rock Campus.
                          We had 30 teens and 9 adult chaperones in
                          attendance. The goal of the retreat was to
Lacey Sorrell             help teens begin a faithful and lasting
 MINISTRY                 relationship with Jesus by recognizing how
                          He works through the past, is present in the
                          current moment, and provides hope for the
Director                  future. It was wonderful to have the teens
of Youth                  together for this retreat and to witness them
                          not only grow in their faith but to see them
Ministry                  build friendships with their Catholic peers!!
Lacey Sorrell
(830) 816-5663            We would like to thank the following
lacey@                    individuals and ministries who helped make        the retreat a success:
                          Tiffany Boerner
Youth Ministry            Linda Laing
Coordinator               Deacon Marty Lee
Hannah Reich              Johnny Lozano
(830) 816-5662            Ruth and David McLane
hannah@        Adam Olmos
                          Blake Rohde
                          Julie Scheidt
Life Teen                 Father Norm
Mission                   Father Tony Cummins
As a Eucharist-           Monsignor Peter Flood
centered movement
within the Roman          Father Brandon Paluch
Catholic Church, Life     Knights of Columbus
Teen leads teenagers      (provided Saturday dinner)
and their families into   Catholic Daughters
a deeper relationship     (provided Sunday lunch)
with Jesus Christ and
His Church. With the
Blessed Virgin Mary
as our intercessor                                                         Don’t Forget!
and guide, Life Teen                                                       If you had a Confirmation student this
seeks to unleash the                                                       year, don’t forget to come into the parish
fullness of the                                                            office to pick up their Confirmation
Sacramental power                                                          certificate. They are at the front desk.
present within the        HEB Gift Card Fundraiser
young Church.             Benefitting youth ministry programs and
                          Do you plan on shopping at HEB this week?
Join us online!           Yes?! Then buy your HEB gift cards from St.
@stpetersposse            Peter’s to make your weekly purchase of
                          groceries, gas and medicine! You get the
                          FULL VALUE of the cards you purchase;
                          HEB gives 5% of that amount back to St.
                          A $100 gift card = a $5 donation to St.
                          Peter’s youth
                          If 10 people each spend $100/week a month
                          at HEB using gift cards purchased from St.
                          Peter’s, our youth make $200 a month
                          Cards can be purchased after 5:30 pm, 9:00
                          am, 11:00 am and 6:00 pm Masses or in the
                          Parish Office if you would like to designate a
                          specific youth to receive credit
Estudio de viabilidad de San Pedro Apóstol
                                                           sobre una escuela católica
                                                     UN PROCESO DE DISCERNIMIENTO
                                                        ESPIRITUAL Y EN ORACIÓN
                                   No es seguro que estamos construyendo una escuela católica en Boerne. Es una
                                   idea y una propuesta con un significativo “capital inicial” que la respalda. Sin
                                   embargo, se deberá tomar una decisión informada antes de poder seguir adelante.
                                   Meitler, la firma consultora de escuelas católicas contratada para realizar el Estudio
                                   de Viabilidad sobre una escuela católica en Boerne, está haciendo la mayor parte
                                   del trabajo en la recopilación de información pertinente de datos demográficos,
     Parish Ministry               entrevistas, etc., para hacer recomendaciones a la Arquidiócesis, la Parroquia de
       Formation                   San Pedro y el Donante. Este es un proceso bastante lento y arduo.
 Are you a minister of                Como se indicó anteriormente, el compromiso y la responsabilidad de Meitler es
 hospitality or a catechist or a   realizar un estudio exhaustivo, objetivo y transparente para que todas las partes que
 marriage minister or any          tienen un interés personal en las recomendaciones tomen una decisión sabia e
 other parishioner serving in      informada para el bien de la educación escolar católica dentro de la Arquidiócesis
 your parish? Ongoing              de San Antonio, y específicamente para el futuro de la Parroquia de San Pedro. En
 pastoral formation continues      promedio, en estudios previos realizados, Meitler recomienda que una escuela se
 for those who currently serve     pueda construir con éxito en el 60% de los casos y no construir en el 40% de las
 or seek to be involved in         situaciones.
 ministries and services in the      Al recomendar que se pueda abrir una escuela, la reputación profesional de
 Church. These bilingual           Meitler como empresa consultora se basa en las recomendaciones de su estudio
 courses seek to ensure
                                   que las diócesis y los donantes siguen con especial atención a los detalles,
 parish ministers have             resultando en el éxito de la escuela. Al recomendar que no se abra una escuela,
 foundational knowledge and        Meitler presenta información que muestran que una escuela posible no tiene
 understanding of the
                                   bastante apoyo demográfico, de feligreses y de donantes. Otra vez, el punto es que
 teachings of the Catholic
                                   no es un hecho que la Parroquia de San Pedro esté construyendo una escuela
 Church. For more                  católica. Debemos esperar las recomendaciones y posiblemente tener más
 information, visit us at
                                   discusiones en el futuro con respecto al tamaño, el costo, etc.
                                      Sería irresponsable confiar únicamente en el proceso del Estudio de Viabilidad
                                   sobre una escuela católica en Boerne de Meitler y en las recomendaciones para
      Formación del                llevarnos a la decisión de si construir o no construir una escuela. Más importante
        ministerio                 que todo, toda esta experiencia y estudio debe ser una experiencia parroquial
        parroquial                 de reflexión y oración, y un proceso de discernimiento espiritual. Necesitamos
                                   discernir la voluntad de Dios sobre este asunto.
 ¿Es usted un ministro de
 hospitalidad o un catequista        Una de las expectativas específicas de Meitler de los quince miembros del Comité
 o un ministro de matrimonio       Directivo es que busquen en oración el deseo de Dios para el ministerio de
 o cualquier otro feligrés que     educación católica en la Arquidiócesis y específicamente en la Parroquia de San
 sirva en su parroquia? La         Pedro en Boerne. Lo más importante es que se espera que cada familia
 formación pastoral es para        parroquial y feligrés individual sea parte de este proceso al rezar, reflexionar y
 aquellos que actualmente          discernir y participar con preguntas, comentarios e ideas cuando Meitler le dé
 sirven o buscan involucrarse      la oportunidad.
 en ministerios y servicios en       Como pastor, le pido que se una a mí para establecer este enfoque espiritual
 la Iglesia. Estos cursos          para el Estudio de viabilidad sobre una escuela católica en Boerne. Mary Ann
 bilingües buscan garantizar       Hawn, empleada pasada de San Pedro iglesia, escribió una oración especial para la
 que los ministros                 parroquia por el éxito del Estudio. La oración está aquí en el boletín y tarjetas
 parroquiales tengan un            especiales de oración en inglés se distribuirán después de las misas de fin de
 conocimiento y una                semana. Por favor, diga esta oración especial una vez al día junto con todos los
 comprensión fundamentales         demás feligreses de la comunidad de San Pedro.
 de las enseñanzas de la
 Iglesia Católica. Para más          Lo invitamos a orar de muchas otras formas que brindan nuestras tradiciones
 información, visítenos en         católicas, todo con la intención del Estudio: Asistencia a Misa, Rosarios, Coronillas         de la Divina Misericordia, Novenas, tiempo en la Adoración del Santísimo
                                   Sacramento, períodos de reflexión personal y oración y su participación activa en
                                   todo el proceso del Estudio. Buscamos el movimiento del Espíritu de Dios
                                   dentro de nuestra comunidad durante estos más de cuatro meses restantes
                                   del Estudio. También participemos en la conversación entre nosotros sobre la
                                   idea de una escuela y nuestra posición al respecto. Como parroquia,
                                   necesitamos discernir de qué manera una escuela católica podría caber en

14   St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church │
nuestra historia parroquial                                   LLAMADO A LA ORACIÓN
actual y en el Plan Pastoral             a toda la parroquia por el éxito del Estudio de Viabilidad Escolar
Parroquial. Todos necesitamos
tener una visión para que la
Parroquia de San Pedro tome
una decisión madura y sabia
de seguir adelante con la
construcción o no.
   Recuerde, el verdadero
enfoque espiritual de todo este
proceso son los niños y los
padres de nuestras familias
católicas. Es una oportunidad
para formarlos para toda la vida
en su crecimiento intelectual, de
fe, moral / ético, espiritual y
eclesial / pastoral. La misión de
una escuela católica es
evangelizar a los niños y sus
padres, y formar a los niños como
la próxima generación de
católicos y líderes en la sociedad.
Pedimos que los padres con
niños en edad escolar tomen un                         Oración de discernimiento durant
papel especial y proactivo en este
estudio y oración. Pregúntense si                        Estudio de San Pedro Apósto
están totalmente satisfechos con                       sobre la viabilidad de una escuelaa
la educación que reciben sus
hijos donde quiera que vayan a la
escuela en Boerne. ¿Hay algo                             Oración de discernimiento durante
especial y único que una escuela           Estudio de San Pedro Apóstol sobre la viabilidad de una escuela
auténticamente católica pueda
ofrecer a sus hijos a medida que         Padre Eterno, venimos ante ti como        discípulos. Pedimos su bendición para
crecen y maduran? Oren juntos         una comunidad parroquial en busca de tu      aquellos que son miembros del Estudio
                                      bendición y guía para la posible             de Viabilidad, el Consejo Parroquial y los
como familia por las posibilidades
                                      construcción de una escuela católica en      feligreses de San Pedro, la Arquidiócesis
que ofrece una escuela católica       nuestra área. Estamos agradecidos por        de San Antonio, incluido el
aquí en Boerne.                       los ministerios que has bendecido a          Superintendente de Escuelas Católicas,
  Cualquiera que sea su posición      nuestra parroquia y los muchos feligreses    el Arzobispo y los Obispos Auxiliares.
personal sobre una escuela            que están constantemente sirviendo a tu      Ayuda a estos tus siervos a seguir tu
                                      gente. Se acercan generosamente a la         ejemplo en este camino.
católica, abran sus corazones y       comunidad en general mostrando tu
mentes al respecto. Oren juntos                                                       Espíritu Santo, nos das sabiduría y
                                      amor y compasión.                            fuerza. Ayúdenos en este proceso de
para que se haga la voluntad de
                                         Ahora nos enfrentamos con la              discernimiento mientras estudiamos y
Dios en todo este asunto. Se dice
                                      oportunidad para ofrecer una escuela         aprendemos los hechos y requisitos que
que: ¡Cuando hacemos nuestra          católica donde los niños de la parroquia y   necesitaría una escuela católica y cómo
parte, Dios hace la suya!             la comunidad en general puedan               mejora nuestra visión para el futuro de
Confiemos en este proceso,            aprender y crecer en una comprensión         nuestra parroquia. Que nuestros
oremos fervientemente,                más profunda de Tu Verdad. Un lugar          feligreses estén motivados para
participemos de todo corazón y        que pueda formarlos como líderes             compartir sus ideas creativas y
crezcamos espiritualmente juntos      concienzudos y mayordomos para el            comentarios durante este proceso.
como parroquia. Oramos: “Ven          futuro de Tu Reino. Le damos las gracias     Ayúdanos a cada uno de nosotros a
Espíritu Santo, ven, llena los        por la familia que ha hecho una oferta       buscar tu voluntad divina y encuéntranos
corazones de tus fieles”, guíanos     amable y generosa de “capital inicial”       dispuestos a proceder y responder
en este proceso y condúcenos a        para iniciar este proyecto. Que cada uno     generosamente a tu llamado. Te lo
la respuesta que sea fiel a tu        de nosotros busque tu voluntad en este       pedimos en el nombre del Padre, del Hijo
                                      esfuerzo.                                    y del Espíritu Santo.
voluntad divina para la Parroquia
de San Pedro en este momento             Jesús, nuestro Maestro y Salvador, nos       San Pedro ruega por nosotros. Amén.
particular de su historia. ¡Gracias   muestras el camino para vivir como tus                    —Escrito por Mary Ann Hawn
y que Dios los bendiga!
P. Norman A. Ermis, pastor

                                                        Señor, escucha nuestra oración..
                                                                  July 25, 2021 │ 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time             15
Marriage & Family Life

                    Teams off Our
                    T         O Lady
                                  L d                                 ¡Feliz Aniversario!
                 A Ministry to Enrich Your Marriage

                                                                      © Christopher and Donna Luna who
                                                                        celebrated their 55th anniversary on July 15
                    Information Night
                                                                      © Nora Suchite and Juan Melgar who
                                                                        celebrated their 17th anniversary with a
                                                                        blessing at the 1:00 pm Mass on July 18th
                  Wednesday, July 28, 2021
                  Family Life Center 151/153                          © John and Lenora Daly, active parishioners
                                                                        since early 1970s, who celebrated their 57th
                            7:00 pm                                     anniversary on July 18
                                                                      © Rosario and Josue Martinez who celebrate
 Couples interested in learning more about Teams of Our Lady,           43 years of marriage on July 21
 please come to our INFORMATION NIGHT on Wednesday July               © Barbara and Doug Vogt who celebrate
 28th and hear testimony from couples who have already                  their 49th anniversary on July 22
 experienced Teams of Our Lady. Deacon Brad Wakely, St. Peter's
 Parish Operations Director, and his wife Mary Kay will share how     © Ginny and RJ Sledge who celebrate their
 they have grown closer to God and one another by being part of a       anniversary on July 23
 Team for several years. They will take us through what takes place   © Diane and Steve Beaton who celebrate
 at Teams of Our Lady and how we can all benefit. It is an amazing      their anniversary on July 23
 movement. You can check out the video of Teams of Our Lady at        © Mike and Carol Bidus who celebrate 55
 the bottom of the website.
                                                                        years of marriage on July 23
 Teams of Our Lady is an international movement in the Catholic       © Rose Marie and Elmer Pavlas who
 Church designed to enrich marital spirituality and make good           celebrate 61 years of marriage on July 24
 marriages even better. For more information or to get answers to     © Barbara and Jim Franklin who celebrate
 any questions you may have, please contact fellow parishioners:        their wedding anniversary on July 24
                                                                      © Carol and Lou Butaud who celebrate 11
                         Jim & Doe Morey                                years of marriage on July 24
         (830) 537-6103 — (513) 886-0929 — 513-886-0021               © Jeanna and Allan Moravits who celebrate
                                              their 30th anniversary on July 27
                                                                      © Jenny and Barry Halbert who celebrate
                                                                        their anniversary on July 27
                   Married Couples’                                   © Karen and Del Eulberg who celebrate 40
                                                                        years of marriage on August 1
            Discussion Question of the Week
 How does my personality style affect my relationship with God? Are   © James and AnneMarie Hooge who
 there things I can do to improve my relationship with God? Share       celebrate 35 years of marriage on August 2
 your answers with each other.                                        © Tony and Arleen Skwara celebrate 40
                                                                        years of marriage on August 8
                                                                      © Diana and Cecil Albrecht who celebrate
                      SAVE THE DATE!                                    their wedding anniversary on August 15
            St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church                        If you are celebrating a wedding anniversary
                                                                      and would like to be included in the bulletin,
            Ministry Fair 2021                                        please email or
                                                                      call (830) 816-5660.
                 August 28 & 29, 2021                                    Si está celebrando un aniversario de boda y
                                                                      desea ser incluido en el boletín, mande su
                       after all Masses                               información a o
             Stay tuned for more details.                             llame a (830) 816-5660.

16   St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church │
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