St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church -

Page created by Calvin Mack
St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church -

          St. Mary Magdalene
           Catholic Church
                      Served by the Missionary Society of St. Paul

527 South Houston Avenue, Humble, Texas 77338 | Tel. (281)446-8211, Fax (281)446-8213
 Clergy: Rev. Felix Ilesanmi Osasona, MSP - Pastor | Rev. Augustine Ogar, MSP - Parochial Vicar
            Deacon Rene Ramon | Deacon Rick Simon | Deacon Olatunde Branche
                Deacon Nick Caruso (Retired) | Deacon James Meshell (Retired)

                            Parish Mission Statement
        We are one family in Christ with a welcoming heart called to serve.
      Somos una familia en Cristo con un corazón acogedor llamado a servir.
St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church -
Welcome to St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church! Are you a registered parishioner?
Becoming an active parishioner begins when you register with the parish. Please stop by the
Welcome Ministry table in the narthex to pick up a welcome packet. Alternatively, come by the
church office if you would like to register during the week.

     ST. MM - Parish Office                                                   PARISH STAFF
                                                CLERGY                                       ADMINISTRATION
                                                Rev. Felix Ilesanmi Osasona, MSP, Pastor     Tony Butera, Business/Facilities Manager
Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
WEEKDAY MASSES                                  Rev. Augustine Ogar, MSP, Parochial Vicar    Irma Bueno, Bookkeeper
Monday - Friday: 8:30 am (English)                 
Martes: 7:00 pm (Español)                       Deacon Rene Ramon                            Susie Aramburu, Parish Secretary
1st Saturday: 8:30 am (English)                        
WEEKEND MASSES                                  Deacon Rick Simon                            Rodrigo Fuentes, Parish Communications
Saturday: 5:00 pm (English)                                    Coordinator

Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 11:00 am &                  Deacon Olatunde Branche            
5:00 pm (English)                                               Pat De Los Santos, Nursery Coordinator/
Sábado: 7:00 pm (Español)                       Deacon James Meshell (Retired)               Receptionist

Domingo: 1:00 pm (Español)                             

CONFESSIONS                                     FAITH FORMATION                              MUSIC AND LITURGY
Tuesday: 5:00 - 6:30 pm                         Michael Smith, Pastoral Associate for        Perci Cacanindin, Dir. of Music & Liturgy
Thursday: 5:00 - 6:30 pm                        Formation, Coordinator of Youth Ministry &
Saturday: 10:00 am - 11:30 am                   Elementary Formation                         Natalia Gutierrez, AD. Music & Liturgy
                                                Ginger Herrington, MA Theology. Dir. of      Kathy Yoo, Pianist
                                                Adult Formation,
LIVESTREAM SERVICES                             Susie Aramburu, Coordinator of Hispanic      MAINTENANCE
Sunday Mass: 11:00 am (Eng)                     Ministry                 Jose Garcia, Maintenance Technician
& 1:00 pm (Español)                             Maria Silva, Formation Secretary             Ester Castro, Housekeeper
on Facebook and YouTube               
                                                COMMUNITY OUTREACH
                                                Chris Rubio, Director of Social Concerns

   530 Ferguson Street Humble, Texas 77338
  Phone: (281) 446-8535 | Fax: (281) 446-8527                          SACRAMENTAL CARE
                                                BAPTISM: Parents must call the parish office two months prior to the
 Joshua Raab, Principal
                                                desired month of baptism. There are no baptisms during Lent or Advent.
                                                MARRIAGE: Couples interested must contact at least six months prior to
 Laura Rocha, Admissions
                                                their desired wedding date.
                                                ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Please call the parish office if you or a loved one
                                                wish to receive the sacrament of the anointing of the sick.

 Page 2 | Jan. 02, 2021
St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church -
Epiphany of the Lord, January 2, 2022

Following the Star

Happy New Year 2022! I pray that we will all experience the blessings and joy of the Lord during this year.
We celebrate the feast of the Epiphany of the Lord today when the Lord revealed himself to all nations.
Jesus Christ who was born a Jew but whose mission is for all peoples revealed himself to the Gentiles
represented by the Magi from the East. The story of the magi is found only in the gospel of Matthew.
It described how they saw a star and had intuited that something new and unique had happened. The
Magi were well known as astronomers and interpreters of omens and dreams. They were conscious of
the world around them as they identified different stars and their movements. They noticed something un-
usual about a particular star and decided to search for its meaning. Their knowledge was not complete,
but they decided to go in search of full knowledge and truth. This led them to a little village of Bethle-
hem where they found Jesus Christ, the newborn Messiah, the Word that became flesh for our salvation.
For the Magi to follow the star, they had to let go of many other comforts, including their familiar world. They had to endure un-
told hardships on their way, yet they did not allow the star to get away from their sight. The star led them to Jesus, the prince of
peace. When they found Jesus, they felt fulfilled, paid homage, and presented gifts to him. Tradition has it that the magi were
three kings. If they were kings, they surely recognized in the baby Jesus a King who is more than other kings and so they paid him
homage. This was unlike Herod who not only did not recognize the supremacy of Christ but perceived him as an enemy. Herod
was a self-centered and selfish man who brutally murdered little and innocent children in his quest to keep his power and position.
We are all looking for fulfillment in life. We are on a journey to fulfill our dreams, our vocations. On this path, the ‘star’ that appeared at
the beginning may soon begin to fade and we may start to lose hope. The magi for a while lost the star or rather, they did not see clear-
ly where the star was leading them. They got confused and had to ask questions as they progressed on their journey. As they asked
questions, they also reflected on what they were experiencing. They were single-minded and refused to be put off by difficulties and
trials. We are to imitate them. A fulfilled life is not without hardship and difficulty. Our doubts must not make us lose faith, but rather we
are to press on and find the star again. The Magi experienced difficulties along the way but because they were focused, they found
Christ. They presented gifts to Jesus, but they were the ones who received the most important gift - knowing Jesus as the King. As we
dream and strive to achieve our goals, unlike Herod, we must think of the common good rather than our individual selfish interests.
Masses Moving to FLC, Help Needed: Our Masses are moving to the Family Life Center (FLC) next Saturday for us to be able to
put a new floor and new pews in the Church. When the FLC gets filled, there will be overflow in St. Mary’s Hall and McGivney Hall
for the 9am, 11am and the 1pm Masses. I know this will be inconvenient for everyone, but I beg for your understanding. This last
phase of our project will be completed by the middle of March if there are no delays. Please pray for this. Meanwhile, we need lots
of physical help on Monday, January 3rd for us to unbolt the pews and carry them out of the church so that we can begin to lay the
new floor in the church and chapel. Helpers should arrive at about 8am in the church. Please come with your wrench and gloves. The
pews will be given to some churches and individuals that can use them. Thank you so much for your help and support of our parish.
New Liturgical Directives: Effective today January 2nd, our archbishop, Daniel Cardinal DiNardo has removed the dispensation
from the Sunday and Holy Day Mass obligation for all Catholics within the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. However, this
obligation is not morally binding for those who find it impossible to attend Mass, e.g., due to illness, advanced age, caring for a sick
person, or being at high risk for contracting COVID-19 (cf. CIC, 1248). Those persons should fulfill their obligations through some
act of prayer or meditation upon the sacred scriptures for the Mass of the day. We will also resume the use of holy water in fonts and
stoups. For the time being, the suspension of receiving the Precious Blood from a common chalice remains in effect.

Fr. Felix I. Osasona, MSP ,

                                                                                                                  Page 3 | Jan. 02, 2021
St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church -
            10:00 a.m.   St. Mary Magdalene Community
                         ---------------------------------------------------- Nm 6:22-27;                          STEWARDSHIP
Saturday    5:00 p.m.    Alcide Thomas †                                      Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8;
  01        7:00 p.m.
                         Frank Duff †
                         Almas del Purgatorio †
                                                                              Gal 4:4-7;
                                                                              Lk 2:16-21
                                                                                                        12/19/21 Offertory          $14,797.81
                         Nita Castello †                                                                12/19/21 Online Giving      $13,359.03

            7:30 a.m.    Arturo Sazo †                                                                  TOTAL                       $28,156.84
                         Lodie Alvarado (SPI)
            9:00 a.m.    Craig Spradling (SPI)                                                          Second Collection / Segunda Colecta
                         Col James E. Clifford (SPI)                          Is 60:1-6;                12/19/21                      $5,038.99
 Sunday     11:00 a.m.   Joe Vawters (SPI)                                    Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 10-13;    SOCIAL CONCERNS
                                                                              Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6;
  02        1:00 p.m.
                         Mary Josephine Spurr †
                         Eva Herrera †                                        Mt 2:1-12
                         Zoila Rodriguez (SPI)
            5:00 p.m.    Elia De Leon Solis †                                                                Second Collection
                                                                                                             SECOND COLLECTION
                         Sonia Nuñez (SPI)
                                                                                                                CAPITAL CAMPAIGN
 Monday     8:30 a.m.    Maggie Tomczak †                                     1 Jn 3:22 - 4:6;         This weekend's 2nd collection is for
                         Jimez Ortega Family †                                Ps 2:7bc-8, 10-12a;      CAPITAL CAMPAIGN. Your generous gift will
  03                                                                          Mt 4:12-17, 23-25        help fund the future church expansion and
            8:30 a.m.    Reyes Gonzalez †                                                              other parish projects. If you do not have an
Tuesday                                                                       1 Jn 4:7-10;             envelope, please indicate CAPITAL on your
                         Arnoldo Salgado †
                                                                              Ps 72:1-4, 7-8;          check. Thanks for your generous support!
  04        7:00 p.m.    Emilio Marshall (SPI)
                                                                              Mk 6:34-44
                                                                                                       Upcoming Weekend's Second Collection:
                                                                                                       01/16/22 - SOCIAL CONCERNS
Wednesday   8:30 a.m.    Irene Varela †                                       1 Jn 4:11-18;
                                                                                                       01/23/22 - LATIN AMERICA
                                                                              Ps 72:1-2, 10, 12-13;
  05                     Jose Ramon Reyes †
                                                                              Mk 6:45-52               01/30/22 - DEBT REDUCTION
                                                                                                       02/06/22 - CAPITAL CAMPAIGN
Thursday    8:30 a.m.    Alison Williams †                                    1 Jn 4:19 - 5:4;         02/13/22 - MSP
                                                                              Ps 72:1-2, 14, 15bc,
  06                     Joanne Jacques (SPI)
                                                                              17; Lk 4:14-22a
 Friday     8:30 a.m.    Elizabeth Mesa & Family (SPI)                        1 Jn 5:5-13;
                                                                              Ps 147:12-15, 19-20;
  07                     Julia de Jesus Sazo †
                                                                              Lk 5:12-16
            8:30 a.m.    Jose Reyes †                                         Morning:
                         Krohn Family †                                       1 Jn 5:14-21;            As of today 12/16/21 the DSF report:
Saturday    5:00 p.m.    St. Mary Magdalene Community                         Ps 149:1-6a, 9b;         Parish Goal/Meta Parroquial - $150,000
  08        7:00 p.m.
                         Javier Parilla †
                                                                              Jn 3:22-30               Payment received/Pagado - $100,839
                                                                                                       Participating families/Participantes - 250
                         Gudelia Infante †

            7:30 a.m.    Gioan Baotixita Tran Liem †
                         Nelson Savoy †                                       Is 42:1-4, 6-7 or Is
            9:00 a.m.    James Dennis (SPI)                                   40:1-5, 9-11;
                         Joseph & Kelly Nguyen (SPI)                          Ps 29:1-4, 3, 9-10 or
 Sunday     11:00 a.m.   Joe Vawters (SPI)                                    Ps 104:1b-4, 24-25,
                         Mary Josephine Spurr †                               27-30;
  09        1:00 p.m.    Jose Gonzalez †                                      Acts 10:34-38 or
                         Francisco Garcia Jantes †                            Ti 2:11-14; 3:4-7;
            5:00 p.m.    Fr. Cornelius (Neil) Lynch †                         Lk 3:15-16, 21-22
                         Paul Martin Ramirez †

 Page 4 | Jan. 02, 2021
St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church -
                                                                                                     WORD OF LIFE
                                                                                               December 19: “Perhaps one of your
                                                                                               friends has become pregnant unexpect-
                                                                                               edly. As someone who has been there,
                                                                                               I encourage you to support your friend
                                                                                               in her new journey of being a mother.”
                                                                                               Learn ten tips at
                                                                                                     USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities
                                                                                                                 “10 Ways to Support Her
                                                                                                     When She’s Unexpectedly Expecting”

                                                                                               December 26: “Like every other human
                                                                                               family, the Holy Family had to confront
                                                                                               real and oncrete challenges. Yet, ‘in ev-
                                                                                               ery situation, Joseph declared his own
                                                                                               ‘fiat’’ PC 3). His ‘yes’ to the Lord meant
                                                                                               that regardless of the hardship and per-
                                                                                               sonal sacrifice to himself, he consistent-
THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD - STEWARDSHIP GIFTS                                                   ly chose to put the needs of Mary and
“…They prostrated themselves and did him homage. Then they opened their treasures and          Jesus before his own. Joseph’s devo-
                                                                                               tion helps reveal to us our own call to
offered him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.” (MATTHEW 2:11)                             show special care for the lives of those
What gifts do Stewards give to the Lord? Pope St. Gregory said that these three gifts repre-                     whom God has entrust-
sent what we should give God every day. Gold – we should reflect Christ’s wisdom in all our                      ed to us.”
relationships. Frankincense – represents our daily prayer and adoration to God. Myrrh – is a                      USCCB Secretariat of Pro-
symbol of our daily sacrifices that we unite with Jesus for the sake of others.                                              Life Activities
                                                                                                                         2021 Respect Life

THIS WEEK IN THE PARISH                                                                                Flocknotes!
         DATE             EVENT                                     TIME         PLACE         Never miss another IMPORTANT
      Sunday, Jan. 02     God Book Study                             8:45 am   CONF.RM            announcement from us!
      Sunday, Jan. 02     KC Rosca de Reyes                         12:00 pm   MGH
     Monday, Jan. 03      PQM Meeting                                7:00 pm   SMH
     Tuesday, Jan. 04     Confessions                                5:00 pm   FLC                           New Message
                                                                                                     To: 845-76
     Tuesday, Jan. 04     Bible Timeline                             6:00 pm   R215
     Tuesday, Jan. 04     CDA Officers Meeting                       6:30 pm   SMH
   Wednesday, Jan. 05     KC Meeting                                 6:00 pm   MGH
   Wednesday, Jan. 05 Marriage Preparation                           7:00 pm R215
      Thursday, Jan. 06 Confessions                                  5:00 pm FLC
      Thursday, Jan. 06 RCIA Adult                                   7:00 pm R215
                                                                                                     Text: Magdalene
        Friday, Jan. 07 2022 Cand. Parent Sponsor Mtg.               7:00 pm FLC/MGH
      Saturday, Jan. 08   Preparación para Bautismos                 8:00 am   SMH
      Saturday, Jan. 08   KC Rosary Walk                             9:00 am   RG
      Saturday, Jan. 08   Confessions                               10:00 am   FLC
      Saturday, Jan. 08   Mass MFCC Sagrada Familia                  2:00 pm   FLC
       Sunday, Jan. 09    God Book Study                             8:45 am   CONF.RM
       Sunday, Jan. 09    PROCLAIM                                   3:00 PM   FLC/SMH
                                                                                                         OR JUST VISIT
       Sunday, Jan. 09    CCE Classes                                3:00 pm   SPC     
       Monday, Jan. 10    KC Meeting                                 6:00 pm   MGH                         to Sign Up!
       Monday, Jan. 10    Divine Mercy                               7:00 pm   R216

                                                                                                     Page 5 | Jan. 02, 2021
St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church -
                                                                               CCE CLASSES WILL RESUME
                                                                              ON SUN, JAN 9 & TUE, 11, 2022
                                                                                             Mike Smith, M.A.
                                                                                Pastoral Associate for Formation (K-12)
                                                                                       & Youth Ministry (MS/HS)
                                                                        | 281-446-1241
                                                                              Maria Silva (Bilingual) Formation Secretary
                                                                         | 281-446-2933

 WEEKLY CCE UPDATE                                                     CONFIRMATION 2022 CANDIDATES
 Happy New Year!! Our CCE classes will be “Christmas Break” for        The “Candidate Kick-Off / Parent Retreat Meeting” is scheduled
 one more week… classes will resume next Sunday, January 9th           for Friday, January 7th at 7:00pm. Weekly Confirmation sessions
 at 3:00pm and Tuesday, January 11th at 6pm. The sixth hybrid          begin on Wednesday, January 12th at 7pm in the FLC (these are
 “Proclaim” high school CCE session is coming up next Sunday,          just for the candidates; no parents or sponsors are needed).
 January 9th at 3pm in McGivney Hall (new location for the spring      Candidates and Parents, several items are now VERY LATE (if
 semester); our theme for this class is “Baptism: Why do Catholics     you haven’t already turned them in )… copies of your high school
 Baptize?” Please keep our CCE catechists in your prayers; this        student’s Baptism and First Communion certificates, and the Con-
 powerful ministry would not be possible without their faithful ser-   firmation Sponsor Card (it was the back sheet of your Confirma-
 vice to the Young Church.                                             tion packet). Photos of these documents can be sent directly from
                                                                       your cell phone via email to The $185 Con-
 YOUTH MINISTRY EVENTS                                                 firmation Retreat fee should have been paid in full by Friday, De-
 We have planned a “Pray & Play” youth event for next Thursday,        cember 17th. Any parishioners who would like to make a tax-de-
 January 6th from 6:30pm - 8:00pm in the Youth Room. Hang out,         ductible donation / scholarship to assist candidates in need can do
 play some games, talk a little faith… it’s what you want it to be!    so by contacting the Parish Office.
 NEXT WEEK: there will be a “Bible Study” for our middle school
 and high school youth next Thursday, January 13th from 6:30p          2023 CONFIRMATION CANDIDATES
 - 8:00p. Thanks in advance for sending in snacks or canned so-        If you are the parent of a current 9th, 10th, or 11th grade stu-
 das… we really appreciate your support.                               dent NOT in the 2022 Confirmation class, please make plans to
                                                                       attend the mandatory “2023 Confirmation Orientation Meeting” on
 SACRAMENT PREP(CONFESSION / COMUNION)                                 Friday, January 21st at 7pm in the FLC. Students are welcome to
 If you missed our Reconciliation interviews, or just need to be       join you, but this is an event primarily for the parents! Please send
 re-interviewed, please call or email Mike or Maria for available      in a copy of your student’s baptism and First Communion certifi-
 interview times. Students will not be interviewed if we have not      cates ahead of this important gathering. We’ll review program cal-
 received a copy of their Baptism certificate! Our first Eucharist     endars, sacrament guidelines, and answer your questions.
 class is coming up Monday, January 24th at 6pm.
                                                                       CCE REGISTRATION CLOSED
 MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS                                                Please note that CCE / sacrament registration for the 2021-2022
 The archdiocese will be hosting its largest event for middle school   catechetical year is now CLOSED. We will begin accepting reg-
 youth on Saturday, February 26th — the Junior High Rally! It’s        istrations for 2022-2023 on April 9, 2022; additional dates and
 an all-day event (10am - 9pm) and will be held at St. Bernadette in   details will be coming at a later date.
 SE Houston; so save the date, and stay tuned for registration info.

Text Message Reminders: We offer text message reminders, which can be sent straight to your cellphone / mobile
device. Simply enter 81010 in the “To:” field, and send the following message to register for specific messages for our
programs… you can also download the Remind app from your cell app store.
2022 Confirmation candidates/ parents: @conf2022B				2022 Confirmation TEAM: @smmcteam
2021-2022 Sacrament Preparation (Recon/Euch): @21sac 			 HS Youth Ministry: @stmmHS
High School “Proclaim” CCE: @hsproclaim 				             MS Youth Ministry: @stmmJR

 Page 6 | Jan. 02, 2021
St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church -
                                                                           FAITH FORMATION NEWS
                                                                          For more information, email or call Ginger Herrington,
                                                                           MA Theology / / 281-446-2933

                                                                   RCIA ADULTS. Continues. A new Inquiry class begins on January 23,
                                                                   2022 at 4:30 PM in Room 215. Inquiry is the first stage of the RCIA Jour-
                                                                   ney. Please contact Ginger if you are interested in coming into full commu-
                                                                   nion with the Catholic Church. For those who have been through Inquiry
                                                                   and have been coming to class, our classes resume on Sunday, January
                                                                   2, 2022 at 12:30 PM in Room 215 and Thursday, January 6 at 7 PM by
                                                                   Skype. We’re covering Chapter 14.
                                                                   RCIA FOR CHILDREN. Continues. We’re back from Christmas break
                                                                   and ready to get back to work on Saturday, January 8, 2022 at 8:30 AM
                                                                   by Skype.
                                                                   ADULT CONFIRMATION. A new Adult Confirmation class begins on Fri-
                                                                   day, January 7 at 7 PM by Skype. This class is for adults who are baptized
                                                                   Catholics who receive the Eucharist and want to complete their Sacra-
                                                                   ments of Initiation by getting confirmed. Adults who begin on January 7
                                                                   and attend classes regularly will be confirmed the weekend of Pentecost,
                                                                   June 4-5, 2022. Please RSVP to Ginger to enroll in Adult Confirmation
                                                                   MARRIAGE PREPARATION. Please come into the church office to
                                                                   receive your packet which explains our Marriage Preparation program.
                                                                   Please plan for this preparation to take six to nine months. Do not set a
                                                                   wedding date until you have undertaken Marriage Preparation.
                                                                   INFANT BAPTISM. Classes are ongoing. Please email Ginger if you have
                                                                   an unbaptized child aged one through six; they may receive baptism as an
                                                                   “infant” up until the seventh birthday.

                                                                               J        A       N          U         A        R        Y

                                                                    THE CATHOLIC GUIDE TO MIRACLES. On Tuesdays at 9:15 AM
                                                                    in the Family Life Center. The Study Guide is on the parish web-
                                                                    site: I have nine books at the
                                                                    church office free or for a small donation, or you can purchase the
                                                                    book yourself at or Amazon.
                                                                    THE SEARCH. Return this January on Tuesday evenings at 7 PM
                                                                    by Skype. We begin on January 11 and go through February 22,
                                                                    2022. I have books available in the church office. Information on this
                                                                    video and discussion series is available on our parish website: The
                                                                    Search description.
  "YOU are invited to the Cana Mothers
                                                                    GOD, WHAT EVERY CATHOLIC SHOULD KNOW. On Sundays at
      of Young Children Group!"                                     8:45 AM. Classes begin January 2 and go through April 10, 2022.
                                                                    Please purchase the book on your own from Ignatius Press or Am-
Cana Mothers of Young Children will meet Tuesdays at 6PM in
                                                                    azon. The Study Guide is on the parish website:
Room 216 and via Skype after Christmas on January 4, 2022.
If you are interested in joining our group, contact Ginger at We meet two Tuesdays each month through          PEACE AND INTERIOR FREEDOM. Explores three small but pow-
May. Odd-numbered meetings are by Skype only; even-numbered         erful books by Fr. Jacques Philippe. We begin at 1 PM on Saturday,
meetings are offered "live," on campus. Remember is a Skype/live    January 8, 2022 and go through March 26. You can access infor-
hybrid meeting. Registration is still open!                         mation about the series on our parish website at

                                                                                                           Page 7 | Jan. 02, 2021
St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church -
                            HE WANTS YOU BACK!              SOCIAL SERVICES MINISTRY | NEED HELP? CALL 281-540-1907
                     We have Eucharistic Exposition in
                     our parish Monday through Friday. If
                     you have been thinking about return-
                     ing to adoration, adorers are needed
                     the following days and hours:

                         Monday              12 - 1 pm
                                              4 - 5 pm
                         Wednesday          10 - 11 am
                         Thursday             3 - 4 pm
                                                            MAGDALENE HOUSE CHRISTMAS/NEW YEAR VACATION
                                            10 - 11 am      Regular office hours will resume THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 2022
                         Friday              12 - 1 pm
                                              1 - 2 pm      MAGDALENE HOUSE SOCIAL SERVICES
                                              4 - 5 pm
                                                            On March 23, 2019, when the COVID-19 Pandemic hit Southeast
                     For more information please contact    Texas and Northeast Harris County an incredible team of MHSS
                     Yolanda Vuelvas at 281-777-6188.       First Responders rolled up their sleeves and responded to the call
                                                            to action from Matthew 25:34-36 to serve the most vulnerable in our
                         EL QUIERE QUE TU REGRESES          community. As of December 8, 2021, 96,137 Individuals/21,706
                     Tenemos nuevamente Exposición          Households have received food assistance. This includes 27,216
                     Eucarística en nuestra parroquia       Individuals/6,824 Households in 2021. Over $21 420.90+ has been
                     de lunes a viernes. Si has estado      used to assist Individuals/Households with their Evictions, Electricity,
                     pensando en volver a la adoración,     Water, and Gas. We are grateful to the parish community for the out-
                     se necesitan adoradores los dias y     pouring of generosity and support for the needy and vulnerable in our
                     horas que se muestran anteriores.      community.
                     Para mayor información contactar a
                     Yolanda Vuelvas al 281-777-6188.       It Takes A Village, and we’d like to thank the MH Team for going
                                                            beyond the distance in 2021. Thank You, Joann, Pat, Maureen, Cathy,
                                                            Richard, Theresa, LaVerne, Beadie, Lonnie, Tricia, Joanne & Bert,
                                                            Shirley & Ron, Linda & Gilbert, Viola & Lucky, Roy, Roxana, Lydia,
                                                            Linda, Sara, Samira, Frances, Aracely, Lori, Jon, Rex, Jean & LeR-
                                                            oy, Yolanda, Rashaad, Mike, Brinder & Keith, Deacon Ola, Carol &
                                                            Dan, Jan, Deborah, Clara, Sam McKinney, Meris Bridger, St. Mary
                                                            Magdalene Catholic School, Catholic Daughters, and the more than
                                                            250 volunteers who assisted with the COVID-19 Disaster Food Dis-
                                                            JOIN THE TEAM
                                                            If you’ve ever thought about joining an amazing ministry with the
                                                            opportunity to connect and help people, we’d like to invite you to join
                                                            the Magdalene House Core Team. We have volunteer opportunities
                                                            available for Intake and Casework, Food Prep, Stocking, Grocery
                                                            Store Pick Up, and our Homeless Outreach Initiative. Please contact
                                                            Chris Rubio, Director, to learn more.
                                                            BLESSING TREE PROGRAM
                                                            Once again the 2021 Blessing Tree Program received 100% Sponsor-
                                                            ship. We are so grateful to our sponsors, team members, volunteers,
                                                            KC’s, and CCE Staff for their tremendous support in making sure that
                                                            236 children received Christmas gifts this year. Leadership Team:
                                                            Sara Olds, Viola Ramirez, Rodrigo Fuentes, Frances Baccigalopi,
                                                            Larry Gozan, and Rex Roeges. Special thank you to Peggy Sunseri,
                                                            Laverne Christian, Cathy Moss, Anna Rubio, Kristen Meyer, Lori Za-
                                                            marippa, Beadie Liles, Aracely Torrez, Samira Rodrigues, Clara Ku-
                                                            hlmann, Joann Gumpel, Teresa Vines, Dina, Jeanne Ballard, Meris
                                                            Bridger, and the 7th Grade Class, Rebekah Herrera, Rosa Herrera,
                                                            Frank Randazzo, Leo Villarreal, Peggy Bear, Bert Guempel.

Page 8 | Jan. 02, 2021
St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church -

                       Male volunteers will be needed to help remove all the pews!

                       Para español, por favor leer el último párrafo de la pág. 13.

                                                        Page 9 | Jan. 02, 2021
St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church -

                                                                                        Start helping others become a Knight!
                                                                                  CHARITY - Our greatest principle. Parish, Community,
           "El santo Bautismo es el fundamento de toda la vida cristiana,                  Religious, Military, those in need.
               el pórtico de la vida en el espíritu ("vitae spiritualis ianua")
       y la puerta que abre el acceso a los otros sacramentos". CIC 1213
                                                                                   WHO MAY JOIN - Practical catholic men 18+ years.
                                                                                    Contact Grand Knight Doug Walker at 713-898-5535, or
                                                                                     Tom Kleypas Membership Director at 281-852-7937.
                                                                                              January KC Parish Activities:
                                                                                   JAN 02 - Rosca de Reyes, 12 PM - 2PM / McGivney Hall
                                                                                        JAN 08 - Rosary Walk, 9AM - Rosary Garden
                                                                                         JAN 17 - Holy Hour, 7PM - St Jospeh Hall

     Did you link your Kroger Shopper’s Card
   to St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church yet?
Whatever amount you spend on your normal grocery shopping at
Kroger, is an easy way to contribute with no additional cost to you.
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Kroger Shopper’s Card to buy anything in Kroger. The more you shop
with Kroger, the more money will raise for our community!
Special rebate for St. Mary Magdalene Church (AS440)
From 08/27-11/26: 90 Households, $214.11 Total
Donations. Thanks to those who are contributing
through the Kroger rewards program!

 Page 10 | Jan. 02, 2021

                       Page 11 | Jan. 02, 2021
• MASS / LITURGY                          • GROUPS                                  • OUTREACH MINISTRIES
Darlene Akerman		       (281) 852-9474    Doug Walker,                            Chris Rubio                 (281) 540-1907
June Domengeaux         (281) 852-2555    Grand Knight          (713) 898-5535    Food pantry, utilities and evictions
ALTAR GUILD                               CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS                      ASSISTANCE COUNSELING SERVICES
Shirley Jones           (281) 852-0670    Brinder Fondal        (281) 300-4145    (Consejeria) / REJOICE COUNSELING
ALTAR SERVERS                             MOVIMIENTO FAMILIAR CRISTIANO           APOSTOLATE                  (844) -295-3167
Vickie VanGordon        (832) 496-9876    German Pereira        (281) 703-2418    HOSPITAL MINISTRY
Elizabeth Banos         (713) 884-5130    Gloria Pereira        (713) 253-7848    Deacon Ola Branche          (713) 870- 4143
EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS                                                           HOMEBOUND MINISTRY
OF HOLY COMMUNION                                                                 Linda Enloe 		              (281) 389-1820
                                          • FORMATION
Freda Monk 		           (713) 962-2865                                            RESPECT LIFE MINISTRY
Roxana Fuentes          (832) 723-8748    ADULT FORMATION, CONFIRMATION,          Brenda Baez-Contreras (713) 277-5093
Ron Cecil 		            (281) 590-7528    CATHOLIC (RCIA)                         Rosa Herrera 		             (281) 687-5823
MINISTERS OF HOSPITALITY                  Ginger Herrington        (281) 446-2933 BEREAVEMENT     MINISTRY
Bert Guempel            (832) 445-8729    CCE/FORMATION                           Madeline Graham             (281) 446-8044
Enrique Reyes (Esp.)    (832) 851-7780    Mike Smith               (281) 446-2933 NURSING   HOME    MINISTRY
LECTORS                                   ELEMENTARY FORMATION (K-5)              Humble Health Center, Oakmont & Park
Denise Ruffino 		       (281) 300-8534    Mike Smith               (281) 446-2933 Manor, Deerbrook Nursing Home
Maricarmen Wells (Esp.) (832) 632-9944    IMPACT Young Adult Ministry             VACANT
CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF WORD                Cynthia Hernandez        (713) 302-5119 ALCOHOL AND DRUG ABUSE
Jennifer Loveless       (580) 475-8566    PREPARATION FOR THE                     Florentino V. 		            (832) 605-1881
Raquel Serrano (Esp.)   (832) 790-0058    SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE                   Susan  G.  		               (281) 813-0575
MUSIC MINISTRY                            Ginger Herrington        (281) 446-2933 PRAYER   CHAIN  MINISTRY
Perci Cacanindin        (281) 446-8211    YOUTH MINISTRY (6-12)                   Ron & Ann McCuen            (281) 852-4743
Elvira Zavala 		        (832) 919-2778    Mike Smith               (281) 446-1241 (
                                          RETIROS                                 Lucia (Lucy) Martinez       (915) 503-3533
• DEVOTIONS                               RETIRO DE ACTS                          1 CHURCH   INITIATIVE
EUCHARISTIC ADORATION                     Jesus Aguilar            (713) 679-4623 Ron McCuen 		               (281) 852-4743
                                          Maria Silva              (832) 436-5606 PRAYER   QUILT  MINISTRY
Yolanda Vuelvas          (281)777-6188
                                                                                  Jan Crawford 		             (281) 852-3508
Cynthia Castro (Eng.)    (720) 352-4705   • ORGANIZATIONS                         Kathy  Burch 		             (281) 812-9374
                                                                                  HELPING HANDS MINISTRY
Blanca Barranca (Esp.)AM (830) 433-1429   KEENAGERS (60+)                         Jan Crawford 		             (281) 852-3508
Violeta Amador (Esp.)PM (832) 571-6391    Barbara Walker           (281) 852-4103
GRUPO DE ORACIÓN                          YOUNG AT HEART (50+)                    • OTHERS
Romualdo Rico (Esp.)     (346) 423-7555   SENIOR TRAVEL GROUP
Patricia Rico		          (832) 329-2625   Jan Crawford             (281) 852-3508 PASTORAL COUNCIL
HEARTS AFIRE                                                                      Steve Wells		               (281) 964-3445
Cynthia Meneses          (832) 492-1742   • MINISTERIO HISPANO                    FINANCE COUNCIL
DIVINE MERCY                                                                      Bert Guempel 		             (832) 445-8729
Don Beyette 		           (832) 606-4710   Enriquecimiento de fe para adultos,
                                                                                  SECURITY TEAM
Terry Mares 		           (832) 790-0837   sacramentos de confirmación y
                                                                                  Carl Smith 		               (281) 446-8211
                                           comunión, el proceso de rica,
• STEWARDSHIP                             patrocinadores de matrimonio,
                                          bautismo de niños de 0-6 años,
Tom Kleypas 		           (281) 852-7937   quinceañeras.
                                          Susie Aramburu           (281) 446-8211

                      Reach out to potential customers in your neighborhood with JSPaluch Advertising!
                      Contact Pete Vasquez 1-800-833-5941 | Email:

  Page 12 | Jan. 02, 2021
Epifanía del Señor, 2 de enero de 2022
Siguiendo la Estrella
¡Feliz Año Nuevo 2022! Ruego que todos experimentemos las bendiciones y el gozo del Señor durante este año. Hoy celebramos la
fiesta de la Epifanía del Señor, cuando el Señor se reveló a todas las naciones. Jesucristo, que nació judío
pero cuya misión es para todos los pueblos, se reveló a los gentiles representados por los Magos de Oriente.
La historia de los magos se encuentra sólo en el evangelio de Mateo. Describe cómo veían una estrella e
intuian que algo nuevo y único había sucedido. Los Reyes Magos eran bien conocidos como astrónomos
e intérpretes de presagios y sueños. Eran conscientes del mundo que los rodeaba mientras identificaban
diferentes estrellas y sus movimientos. Ellos al notar algo inusual en una estrella en particular decidieron
buscar su significado. Su discernimiento no estaba completo, sin embargo decidieron ir en busca del pleno
conocimiento y la verdad. Esto los llevó a un pequeño pueblo de Belén donde encontraron a Jesucristo, el
Mesías recién nacido, el Verbo que se hizo carne para nuestra salvación.

Para que los Reyes Magos siguieran la estrella, tuvieron que dejar de lado muchas otras comodidades, incluido su mundo familiar.
Tuvieron que soportar dificultades incalculables en su camino, pero no permitieron que la estrella se alejara de su vista. La estrella
los llevó a Jesús, el príncipe de la paz. Cuando encontraron a Jesús, se sintieron realizados, le rindieron homenaje y le presentaron
regalos. La tradición dice que los magos eran tres reyes. Si eran reyes, seguramente reconocían en el niño Jesús a un Rey que es
más que otros reyes y así le rindieron homenaje. Esto fue diferente con Herodes, quien no sólo no reconoció la supremacía de Cristo,
sino que lo percibió como un enemigo. Herodes fue un hombre egocéntrico y egoísta que asesinó brutalmente a niños pequeños e
inocentes en su búsqueda por mantener su poder y posición.

Todos estamos buscando la plenitud en la vida. Estamos en un camino para cumplir nuestros sueños, nuestras vocaciones. En este
camino, la "estrella" que apareció al principio pronto puede comenzar a desvanecerse y podemos comenzar a perder la esperanza.
Los magos por un tiempo perdieron la estrella o mejor dicho, no vieron claramente a dónde los llevaba la estrella. También, se con-
fundieron y tuvieron que hacer preguntas a medida que avanzaban en su viaje. Mientras hacían preguntas, también reflexionaban
sobre lo que estaban experimentando. Eran de mente única y se negaban a desanimarse por las dificultades y las pruebas. Nosotros,
debemos imitarlos. Una vida plena no está exenta de penurias y dificultades. Nuestras dudas no deben hacernos perder la fe, sino
que debemos seguir adelante y encontrar la estrella de nuevo. Los Reyes Magos experimentaron dificultades en el camino, pero
debido a que estaban enfocados, encontraron a Cristo. Ellos le presentaron regalos a Jesús, pero en realidad fueron ellos los que re-
cibieron el regalo más importante: conocer a Jesús como el Rey. A diferencia de Herodes, a medida que soñamos y nos esforzamos
por alcanzar nuestras metas, debemos pensar en el bien común en lugar de nuestros intereses egoístas individuales.

Las Misas se mudan al FLC. Necesitamos Ayuda: Nuestras misas se mudarán al Centro de Vida Familiar (FLC) el próximo
sábado para que podamos poner un nuevo piso y nuevos bancos en la Iglesia. Cuando el FLC se llene, habrá disponibilidad en St.
Mary's Hall y McGivney Hall para las misas de 9 am, 11 am y 1 pm. Sé que esto será un inconveniente para todos, pero ruego de su
comprensión. Esta última fase de nuestro proyecto se completará a mediados de marzo si no hay retrasos. Por favor, oren por esto.
Mientras tanto, necesitamos mucha ayuda física el lunes 3 de enero para que podamos desatornillar los bancos y sacarlos de la
iglesia para que podamos comenzar a colocar el nuevo piso en la iglesia y la capilla. Los ayudantes deben llegar alrededor de las 8
am a la iglesia. Por favor, venga con su llave inglesa y guantes. Los bancos se entregarán a algunas iglesias e individuos que puedan
usarlos. Muchas gracias por su ayuda y apoyo a nuestra parroquia.

Nuevas Directrices Litúrgicas: A partir de hoy 2 de enero, nuestro arzobispo, Daniel el cardenal DiNardo, ha eliminado la dispen-
sa de la obligación de la Misa dominical y de Días Santos para todos los católicos dentro de la Arquidiócesis de Galveston-Hous-
ton. Sin embargo, esta obligación no es moralmente vinculante para aquellos que encuentran imposible asistir a misa, por ejemplo,
debido a una enfermedad, edad avanzada, cuidado de una persona enferma o estar en alto riesgo de contraer COVID-19 (cf. CIC,
1248). Esas personas deben cumplir con sus obligaciones a través de algún acto de oración o meditación sobre las sagradas escrit-
uras para la Misa del día. También, retomaremos el uso del agua bendita en fuentes y estopas. Por el momento, la suspensión de
recibir la Preciosa Sangre de un cáliz común sigue vigente.
Fr. Felix I. Osasona, MSP ,

                                                                                                       Page 13 | Jan. 02, 2021
                                                                                FORMACIÓN/CCE Y MINISTERIO DE JOVENES

                                                                              ACTUALIZACIÓN SEMANAL DE CCE. ¡¡Feliz Año Nuevo!! Nuestras
                                                                              clases de CCE están de "Vacaciones de Navidad" por una semana
                                                                              más... las clases se reanudarán el próximo domingo 9 de enero a las
                                                                              3:00 pm y el martes 11 de enero a las 6:00 pm. La sexta sesión híbri-
                                                                              da de CCE de la escuela secundaria "Proclaim" se realizará el próximo
                                                                              domingo 9 de enero a las 3:00 pm en McGivney Hall (nueva ubicación
                                                                              para el semestre de primavera); nuestro tema para esta clase es "Bau-
                                                                              tismo: ¿Por qué bautizan los católicos?" Por favor, mantengan a nues-
                                                                              tros catequistas de CCE en sus oraciones; este poderoso ministerio no
La 2da. colecta de este fin de semana es para la CAMPAÑA CAPITAL.
Recuerda que puedes hacer tu donación por ONLINE GIVING! Ve a la pág. 4       sería posible sin su fiel servicio a la Iglesia Joven.
para ver las colectas del fin de semana anterior.                             EL REGISTRO TARDIO SE HA CERRADO. Tenga en cuenta que el
Anuncios de nuestros Ministerios                                              registro de CCE / sacramento para el año catequético 2021-2022 aho-
                                                                              ra está CERRADO. Comenzaremos a aceptar inscripciones para 2022-
                                              CONTINUAMOS TRABAJANDO
                                              DURANTE EL CORONAVIRUS
                                                                              2023 el 9 de abril de 2022; los detalles de registro adicionales llegarán
                                              Somos un apostolado PRO-        en una fecha posterior.
                                              VIDA, que ofrece asistencia a
                                              mujeres que están pasando       CONFIRMACIÓN DE CANDIDATOS 2022. La "Reunión de Inicio de
                                              por situaciones difíciles.
                                              Durante este tiempo de
                                                                              Candidatos / Retiro de Padres" está programada para el viernes 7
                                              incertidumbre, el Proyecto      de enero a las 7:00 pm. Las sesiones semanales de confirmación
                                              Gabriel continua su min-
                                              sterio con nuestras madres
                                                                              comienzan el miércoles 12 de enero a las 7:00 pm. en el FLC (es-
                                              necesitadas. Si usted o         tas son solo para los candidatos; no se necesitan padres ni patroci-
                                              alguien que conoce esta         nadores). Candidatos y Padres, ahora son MUY TARDE para varias
                                              experimentando dificultades
                                              durante su embarazo, por        cosas (si aún no los han entregado)... copias de los certificados de
                                              favor llama a (713) 225-5826.   Bautismo y Primera Comunión de su estudiante de secundaria, y la
                                              ESTAMOS PARA AYUDARLE!          Tarjeta de Patrocinador de Confirmación (era la hoja posterior de su
                                                                              paquete de Confirmación). Las fotos de estos documentos se pueden
                                                                              enviar directamente desde su teléfono celular por correo electrónico
                                                                              a La tarifa de Retiro de Confirmación de $ 185
                                                                              debería haberse pagado en su totalidad para el viernes 17 de diciem-
                                                                              bre. Cualquier feligrés que desee hacer una donación / beca deducible
                                                                              de impuestos para ayudar a los candidatos necesitados puede hacerlo
                                                                              comunicándose con la Oficina Parroquial.
                                                                              PREPARACIÓN SACRAMENTAL CONFESIÓN/COMUNIÓN. Si se
                                                                              perdió nuestras entrevistas de Reconciliación, o simplemente necesita
                                                                              volver a ser entrevistado, llame o envíe un correo electrónico a Mike
                                                                              o Maria para conocer los horarios de entrevista disponibles. ¡Los es-
                                                                              tudiantes no serán entrevistados si no hemos recibido una copia de su
                                                                              certificado de bautismo! Nuestra primera clase de Eucaristía se acerca
                                                                              el lunes 24 de enero a las 6 pm.
                                                                              CANDIDATOS DE CONFIRMACIÓN 2023. Si usted es el padre de
                                                                              un estudiante actual de 9º, 10º o 11º grado que NO en la clase de
                                                                              Confirmación de 2022, haga planes para asistir a la "Reunión de Ori-
                                                                              entación de Confirmación 2023" obligatoria el viernes 21 de enero a
                                                                              las 7 pm en el FLC. Los estudiantes son bienvenidos a unirse a ust-
                                                                              ed, ¡pero este es un evento principalmente para los padres! Por favor,
                                                                              envíe una copia de los certificados de bautismo y Primera Comunión
                                                                              de su estudiante antes de esta importante reunión. Revisaremos los
                                                                              calendarios de los programas, las pautas sacramentales y responder-
                                                                              emos sus preguntas.
                                                                                                    ¿NECESITA MÁS INFORMACIÓN EN ESPAÑOL?
                                                                                Contactar a Maria Silva, Secretaria de Formación, al (281) 446-2933 /
                                                                                                         o al correo electrónico

  Page 14 | Jan. 02, 2021
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