Page created by Brian Lawrence
Holy Trinity Catholic Church             January 10, 2021
20523 Huebner Road
San Antonio, Texas 78258
Website: www.holytrinitysat.org
                 BELIEVE BELONG BECOME
Saturday: 5:00PM ~ Sunday: 7:30AM, 9:30AM,
                                                                Live Streaming: 11:30AM English & 1:30PM (Spanish)
                                                                                5:30PM (Youth Mass)
                                                                    Live Streaming: Monday thru Friday at 8:30AM
                                                                            Monday thru Friday at 12:05PM
                                                                      Monday & Wednesday at 6:00PM (Spanish)
                                                                            Tuesday &Thursday at 6:00 PM

                                                                     Live Streaming: https://www.facebook.com/
                                                                         Weekend and Daily Mass capacity is at 25%
                                                                              on a first come first serve basis

                    We extend a warm welcome to anyone new to our parish family & all visitors
                    who celebrate with us throughout the year. If you would like to join this parish,
                        please visit our website at: https://www.holytrinitysat.org/registration

             Parish Office                               Faith Formation Office                        Sacraments
             210-497-4200                                      210-497-4145                            Confession:
           FAX: 210-497-4285                        Monday—Friday: 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM               In the Banquet Hall
                                                                                                Thursday 6:00PM– 7:30PM
                                                                                                 Saturday 3:00PM-4:30PM
  Monday-Thursday: 8:30!" – 8:00PM                    Director of Religious Education
                                                                                                  or call Parish Office for
      Friday: 8:30!" – 5:00PM                                  Cristina Hodde
                                                         Cristina@holytrinitysat.org                   appointment

 Pastor - Fr. Rodolfo Caballero                           Coordinator of Elementary
                                                            Religious Education:                   Baptism
                                                                  Kristin Casas              Baptism classes are
                   Deacons                                 Kristin@holytrinitysat.org
    Deacon David Seguin, 210-365-4902                                                        held the last Monday
                                                         Coordinator of Confirmation:            of the month.
   Deacon Michael Cleary, 210-857-0930                            Eric Mejia
  Deacon John Eichelberger, 210-859-8848                    eric@holytrinitysat.org
    Deacon Brad Wakely, 210-717-3005                                                         Contact Gaby Estrada to register:
                                                      Coordinator of Youth Ministry:                (210) 497-4200 or
                                                           LIFETEEN & EDGE                       gaby@holytrinitysat.org
             Parish Office Staff                              Maddie Kempf
    Parish Administrator: Ricardo Serdan                Maddie@holytrinitysat.org
Parish Liaison & Notary Public: Gloria Barretto                                                                   Marriage
         Bookkeeper: Vicky Karleskint                   Administrative Assistants                            There is a 6 month
Director of Outreach & Stewardship: ZZ Mylar         8:30AM -12:30PM ~ Susan Scott                           preparation period
   Director of Music & Liturgy: Lucy Tavira            1:00PM - 5:30PM ~ Lori Ivey                            for Sacramental
Sacraments & Admin Assistant: Gaby Estrada                                                                       marriages.
         Receptionist: Michael Kranz
      PM Receptionist: Amalia Palacios                     IT & Communications                   Please call the parish office
            Sacristans: Doug Stolo                                                             for details, or visit our website.
          Seminarian: David Chacko                  IT & Communications Coordinator
                                                                                                   Gaby Estrada 497-4200
                                                         Eric Mejia 210-497-4145
                Facility Staff                                                                         Quinceañera
                210-497-0700                                                                     For more
                                                       Adult Faith Formation &
Facilities Manager: Deacon Ray Gonzales, Jr.                                                    information
                                                    Inquiry into the Catholic Faith:
 Maintenance Coordinator: Joaquin Martinez                                                    Please contact
         Maintenance: Santiago Zavala               Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults    Cristina Hodde
           Housekeeper: Lupita Lobo                         and Children (RCIA).              210-497-4145
                                                     please call the Faith Formation
          Bulletin Announcements                         office at 210-497-4145
                                                          Deacon Brad Wakely                         Webmaster
                 DEADLINE:                                    210-717-3005
10 days prior to date published via email please:
                                                                                                       Eric Mejia
          bulletin@holytrinitysat.org                     or Mary Kay Wakely                   Webmaster@holytrinitysat.org

          Help us keep our records current.                                       Join our Parish email list
     Please notify the Parish Office if you are moving                  If you would like to be added to our email list
          or if your personal status has changed.                     please see our website at www.holytrinitysat.org
     210-497-4200 or email michael@holytrinitysat.org                           and click on the Flocknote link
HOLY TRINITY MINISTRIES & GROUPS                                       Holy Trinity Mission Statement
              LITURGICAL MINISTRY: Lucy Tavira, 210-244-3743                                         To be a welcoming, compassionate,
 Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Lectors, Greeters & Altar Servers                        Christ-Centered family community
                  ACTS Core                                         Prayer Shawls                    where one can personally encounter
           Jesse Garza, 210-872-4070                           Carol Short, 210-497-4639
                                                    Judith Rodriguez, 210-595-7262 or 956-266-4786   God and others through the Sacra-
               Adult Bible Studies
          Gloria Barretto, 210-497-4200                          Respect For Life                    ments, ministry, evangelization and
          Alcohol & Drug Dependence
                                                             Susan Senia, 210-722-0085               service and be inspired to “Believe,
           John Welsh, 210-687-9019                              Scouts (Troop 501)                  Belong and Become”.
                                                             Ron Sandoval, 210-559-3072
                   Altar Guild
          Monica Behrens, 210-867-3468                       Social Concerns Committee
                                                              Rolland Cole, 210-316-8039             Ser una comunidad familiar centrada
              Alzheimer's Ministry:
            Janelle Poe, 915-449-3511                            Spiritual Direction
                                                                                                     en Cristo que da la bienvenida y es
            Carol Short, 210-497-4639                        Cynthia Gdula, 281-323-9993             compasiva, donde uno puede encon-
             Bridges Beyond Grief:                           St. Timothy - Sister Parish             trar a Dios y a otros personalmente a
            Emily Baril, 210-497-8166                      Edwin Rocabado, 915-487-1366              través de los sacramentos, el minis-
                                                                   , 210-289-7017
                     Bunco                                                                           terio, la evangelización y el servicio,
            Ruth Jones, 210-724-3457                            Stephen Ministry
                                                            Pam Hughes, 210-394-5723
                                                                                                     y estar inspirados a "creer, pertenec-
        Christ Centered Marriage Ministry                    John Tracy, 210 215-0411                er y llegar a ser".
        Rick and Sheryl King, 860-985-0346              Norma Garza, 210-379-7874 (Spanish)

       Christian Assistance Ministry CAM                         TEAMS of Our Lady                   Please provide any feedback you
      JJ & Laura Hansbrough, 210-479-7561                     Sector-Nelda & Mike Lozito,
                                                            210-316-3956 or mloz@aol.com                       may have to:
             Cancer Support Group                       Jolene & Darnell Waun, 210-482-0884
          Mary Anne Boll, 210-244-3659
         Patricia Matteson, 210-408-6387                           That Man Is You                                ZZ Mylar
      Catholic Daughters of The Americas
                                                             Kevin Albrecht, 210-452-1871
                                                             Jose Quesada, 210-260-5669
          Annette Etnyre, 210-827-0009
                                                              Young Adult Community
      Divine Mercy Cenacle / Cenaculo D. M.                   Eric Mejia, 210-497-4145               Parish Pastoral Council Members:
        Ernesto Brux, 843-730-3134 (Overall)
  Ed Kowalsky, 210-452-3837 (Tues PM – English)                   Vianney Cenacle
Francisco Guizar, 210-237-3507 (Wed PM – Spanish)            Yvonne Lopez, 210-310-8295                      Jim Rodriguez - Chair
   Elenida Brux, 843-276-5396 (Fri AM – Spanish)
   Ruth Arthur, 210-548-2043 (Fri AM – Spanish)              Parish Vocations Ministry                   Elias Harrington - Vice Chair
            Divorced and Separated
                                                     Grace-Valerie Faubion Schaar, 210-861-7885          Cathy Rasmussen - Secretary
    Mary, 210-473-9608 or Dan, 210-497-1704                                                                      Cheryl Collins
                                                     Spanish Ministries / Ministerios en Espanol
                                                              Apostolado de La Cruz
                                                                                                                   Jim Ermis
          Emily Schuelke, 210-551-8836                    Mariela V. Torrent, 817-637-5914                       Angie Franklin
             Eucharistic Adoration                               Direccion Espiritual                           Ivonne Martinez
          Mary Kay Wakely, 210-683-3949                   Veronica Fernandez, 210-875-6240                      Bruce Miketinac
                                                             Elenida Brux, 843-276-5396
            Forever Young Seniors                                                                                  Jane Reed
           Anne Kippax, 210-497-0731                        Estudio de Biblia En Espanol
                                                            Estelita Stevens, 210-286-1481
                                                                                                               Manny San Miguel
              Homebound Ministry                                                                                  Julie Seguin
   Carol Rickhoff, 210-497-4400 or 210-884-2400                  Grupo de Jovenes
                                                           Martha Rodriguez, 210-912-7344
                                                                                                                  Marcus Vigil
                 Hospital Ministry
          Goldie LoTurco, 210-573-4511                                 Lectores
         Patricia Matteson, 210-408-6387                     Juan Enriquez, 210-275-1573                       Staff Members:
                                                                                                         Fr. Rodolfo Caballero, Pastor
             Knights of Columbus                                 Los Niños de Valor
            Adam Rabel, 210-394-5176                        Alejandro Cantu, 210-347-6600

       4th Degree Knights, Assembly 3191                      Ministros de Eucarastia
            Angel Ferrer, 210-601-4957                     Martha Rodriguez, 210-912-7344

             Kolbe Prison Ministry                              Ministerio de Musica                             Serve Our Lord
           Paul Rowland, 210-913-6908                   (JETC) Alejandro Cantu, 210-347-6600                    Serve Your Parish
                                                             Lolys Navarro, 512-789-0064
   Meals on Wheels - Christian Senior Service
          Carol Konetzke, 210-392-0595                         Ministerio del Rosario                Are you looking for a way to become
                                                           Francisco Guizar, 210-237-3507
             Mothering with Grace                           Miguel Casillas, 210-284-7047            involved? Do you feel a calling? Do you
           Lauren Landon & Clair Hicks                                                               have a special talent you would like to
         motheringwithgrace1@gmail.com                          Regnum Christi Men
                                                              Hector Islas, 210-909-8083
                                                                                                     share with the Parish? Have you been
        Nursing Home & Rehab Centers                                                                 involved in a ministry at a previous par-
                    TBA                                       Regnum Christi Women                   ish? We are seeking interested individu-
                                                             Cata Villarreal, 210-501-2873
          Our Lady’s Rosary Ministry                                                                 als who would like to share their time
     Ana Flores, htrosaryministry@gmail.com                  Talleres de Oracion y Vida              and talent with the various ministries and
                                                             Isabel Lopez, 210-900-8128
              Parish Prayer Chain                                                                    groups we have here at Holy Trinity.
          E-mail, htccprayers@yahoo.com                                Ujieres                       Please contact anyone of our Ministry or
                                                              Oscar Diaz, 210-325-4822
                Pastoral Council
                                                                                                     group leaders for more information.
           Jim Rodriguez, 210-912-9586                           Monaguillos ~ TBA
                                                                            We offer condolences and sympathy to our parishioners
                                                                                who have experienced a death in their family.
 Monday January 11
  Celebrant - Fr. Rodolfo Caballero - Live Stream                                        Olivia Michelle Ramirez,
  8:30AM - Mercedes Lozano, †, Olivia Michelle Ramirez, †,                           Daughter of Benito & Hilda Lopez
                                             & Cynthia Gdula, Sp. Int.
  Celebrant - Fr. Rodolfo Caballero                                                     Mother of Anthony Ramirez,
  12:05PM - Bob Betz, †, Ward & Sonia Morton, Sp. Int.,                             Jacob Ramirez, and Hunter Ramirez
                                             & Abby Montoya, Sp. Int.
  Celebrant - Fr. Alejandro O.
  6:00pm - Familia Jimenez Martin, Sp. Int.,                                                     Irma Garcia,
                         Jeannet & Lidia Mata, Sp. Int.,                                     Aunt of Lizzette Kranz,
                                & Leonardo & Julieta Jimenez, Sp. Int.
Tuesday January 12                                                                        Great Aunt of Michael Kranz,
  Celebrant - Msgr. Mike O’Gorman- Live Stream
  8:30AM - Joseph Johnson, †, Jeannet & Lidia Mata, Sp. Int.,                                  Delfino Casillas.
                                   & Benito Lopez and Family, Sp. Int.
  Celebrant - Msgr. Mike O’Gorman                                                        grandfather of Miguel Casillas,
  12:05PM - Victor Rios, † & Jessica Correa, Sp. Int.
  Celebrant - Msgr. Peter Flood
  6:00pm - Olivia Michelle Ramirez, †                                                              Parish Prayer List:
                                                                           For Inclusion on the Ill and Homebound prayer list in the Bulletin
Wednesday January 13                                                               contact: bulletin@holytrinitysat.org
 Celebrant - Fr. Rodolfo Caballero - Live Stream
  8:30AM - Robin Reyes, †, & Hilda Lopez, Sp. Int.                             For the Parish Email Prayer Chain contact:
 Celebrant - Msgr. Peter Flood
 12:05PM - Caroline Mueller, †
                                                                                 ZZ Mylar at htccprayers@yahoo.com
 Celebrant—Fr. Rodolfo Caballero
 6:00pm – Jeannet & Lidia Mata, Sp. Int.                                    Alison Klauck Adams       Alfredo & Velma Galindo   Elizabeth Bononcini-Morgan
                                                                                Larry Adelman             Patricia C. Galindo       Judy Mouraview
Thursday January 14                                                                Will Allen                Hector Garcia          James Murawski
  Celebrant - Msgr. Douglas Fater - Live Stream                                Charmon Ashby                  Irma Garcia            Beverly Ochoa
  8:30AM - Olivia Michelle Ramirez, †, Jeannet & Lidia Mata, Sp. Int.             Sara Austin                 Judy Garcia              Jim O’Farrell
                            & Benito & Hilda Lopez & Family, Sp. Int.           Maria Badiola         Renee Crittenden Garcia          Rose Ogilvie
  Celebrant - Fr. Rodolfo Caballero                                             Bob Ballantine               Garcia Family             Janie Padilla
  12:05PM– Olivia Michelle Ramirez, †                                             Emily Baril                 Otila Garcia             Laura Palma
                                                                            Mary Ann Barrientos           Sharon M. Garcia             Mary Palma
                        & Anthony, Jacob , & Hunter Ramirez, Sp. Int.                                                           Christopher M. Pastrano
                                                                                  Roy Barron                 Cynthia Gdula
  Celebrant - Msgr. Mike O’Gorman                                              Graciela Bernal             Suzanne Glover              Elena Perez
  6:00PM – Connie Auten, † & Shirley Ann Tomlin, †                              Teresa Bernal               Herbert Gogue              Tuyet Pham
                                                                                  Alicia Betz                 Cathy Goin          Heather Pictrowski
Friday January 15                                                              Jennifer Bishop              Andrew Gomes               Lois Plooster
  Celebrant - Fr. George C. George - Live Stream                                Dylan Blanford           Michael Gostkowski      Michael Prado Family
  8:00AM - Patricia Matteson, Sp. Int., & Doug Stolo, Sp. Int.                 Skyler Blanford              Mikey Granado         Megan Cole Preston
  Celebrant - Fr. George C. George                                                   Al Boll              Amanda Grohman                Dan Quinn
  12:05PM – Rosario Cairme, †, Lila Ortiz, †,                             Nhancie Rodrigues Botello        Donna Grohman                JD Ramirez
                                                                           Deacon Rod Bordelon               Dario Guerra            Beverly Ochoa
                                    & Brenda Palomino, Sp. Int.                                                                     Richard Ramirez
                                                                                  Tiara Borja               Antonio Finona
                                                                                 Beverly Boyd                David Hidalgo          Rylee Reinecke
                                                                                 Andy Brysch                  Jody Hinkle          Esperanza Reyes
                             WEEKEND                                           Joshua Butcher                Pat Holzmann              Patricia Riha
Saturday January 16                                                               Doug Cade                Philip Holzmann           Irma Rodriguez
  Celebrant - Fr. Juan Molina                                                  Cathie Campion          Mary Holzmann Snell         Minnie Rodriguez
  5:00PM - Daniel A. Childs Jr. †, Paul Paniszczyn, †                         Rochelle Cannon                Michael Howk        Yvette Ruiz-Shepherd
                                               & Mary Ann Gray, †             Mary Beth Carroll            Charles Hudson             Tomas Saenz
Sunday January 17                                                               Carolyn Cates               Fr. Mike Huron           Grayson Salas
                                                                              Heather Cheshier           Ruby Ileto-Nolasco     Harold & Marie Salgado
  Celebrant - Msgr. Douglas Fater                                                                                                  Dolores Sanchez
                                                                               Theresa Chism               Gerry Impelman
  7:30AM - Olivia Michelle Ramirez, †, Katherine Quinn, †,                      Tony Cisneros               Floyd Jenschke              Tom Stiers
                                               & Maria Velasquez, †              Robert Clark               Tanis Jenschke         Katherine Soares
  Celebrant - Fr. Juan Molina                                                  Laura Cleveland               Eric Jimenez              Luciano Soto
  9:30AM - Orly & Thomas Wood, †, Erlinda C. Pegram, Sp. Int.,                 Dora Copeland                Marilyn Kiernan         Tiffany Spagnoli
      & Duane & Gloria Feichtinger 68th Wedding Anniversary, Sp. Int.        Marylin A Costello               Shelia Klein          Shirley Skarbek
                                                                             Yolanda Crittenden              Colleen Kraus         Fr. Ryan Stawaisz
  Celebrant - Fr. Rodolfo Caballero - Live Stream                            William Crutchfield         Msgr. Frank Kurzaj          Harold Stevens
  11:30AM - Morris Tallmon, †                                                  Michelle Davern          Ellie & Earl Langdon       Sr. Marcelle Stos
                                                                             Joe De los Santos              Noelle Lanneau            Ann Terrinoni
                                                                                Bernie DeNisio               Marc LaRose            Mary Lou Toms
  Celebrant - Fr. Rodolfo Caballero - Live Stream                               Sheryl DeNisio                 Elida Lejia            David Trevino
  1:30PM Spanish - Cristina Reyes Balboa, †,                                     Ignacio Diaz                   Alan Long             Craig Tumolo
                          Elia & Chava Palomino, Sp. Int.,                     Don Englehardt                 Ofelia Lopez           Patirck Tumulty
                                   & Familia Palomino Prieto, Sp. Int.             Jim Ermis                  George Lull           Hector Villarreal
  Celebrant: Fr. Rodolfo Caballero                                                Chris Ermis            Fr. George Mancha          Blake Wilkinson
  5:30PM Youth Mass – Frank Muniz, †, Nancy Meyer, †,                           Alyssa Espina             Jennifer Marchese        Marcie Wilkinson
                                             & Familia Rivera, Sp. Int.        Antonio Finona                Willy Martinez          Chuck Wheeler
                                                                             Gabriella Flannery            Patricia Matteson          Rhonda Woda
                                                                                Agapito Flores                T.R. McCale              Ella Wolocki
                                                                           Violet Georgine Flores           Patti Miketinac         Sarah Yzaguirre
   Consider having a Mass intention said for a birth-                             Susan Fox                    Fran Miller
   day, graduation, anniversary, special event or a                         Deacon Tom Franklin               Rich Moken

           memorial for someone special.                                  We need to condense our Prayer List, he names highlighted in red will be
                                                                          removed on the bulletin of January 24. If you would like your friend or loved
     Contact the parish office to reserve your date and time.             one to remain on the list please contact ZZ Mylar at zz@holytrinitysat.org
                                                                          or call the Parish Office.
Message from Fr. Rodolfo Caballero

                       Fr. Rodolfo Caballero

                       As we kick off this new year with renewed hopes in the goodness and mercy of the Lord,
                       our contemplative eyes set upon a beauty that is all too familiar to us parishioners at Holy
                       Trinity: The Baptism of the Lord. The stained glass window that we have behind the main
                       altar can give us a wonderful composition of place. God the Father is complacent of his Son
                       fulfilling everyone of his desires. The Holy Spirit descending on the Savior as Jesus as-
                       cends from the waters and “fulfills all justice”. In the blessing of the water of baptism, it is
                       mentioned that with his baptism, the Lord sanctified the waters, so that in their turn, they
may become a means of sanctification for the rest of mankind.
To think of that scene that illuminates our Parish, we can also draw up in our hearts another scene. It is the mo-
ment in which we began to take part of the family of God by means of our own baptism. God graciously made us
his own and He became our own as He shared His divine grace with us, making us his children and co-heirs of
eternal salvation. And partaking of the sacraments regularly is a way for God to remind us that He is faithful to
that promise. It is also a renewed commitment that we make around the altar that we too want to be faithful to our
side of the bargain by living the way Jesus lived, fulfilling every justice required of us.
May the Lord fill your hearts and home with every blessing during this year 2021.
Your brother and servant in the priesthood of Jesus Christ,

                                         Mensaje de P. Rodolfo Caballero

Queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo:
Al comenzar este nuevo año con esperanzas renovadas en la bondad y misericordia del Señor, ponemos nues-
tra mirada contemplativa sobre una belleza que es familiar a todos los parroquianos de Holy Trinity: El bautismo
del Señor. El vitral que tenemos detrás del altar principal nos otorga una maravillosa composición del lugar. Dios
Padre se complace en su Hijo en el cumplimiento de todos sus deseos. El Espíritu Santo descendiendo sobre el
Salvador mientras Jesús asciende de las aguas y "cumple toda ley". En la bendicion del agua del bautismo, se
menciona que con Su bautizo, el Señor santifica las aguas, para que a su vez, se puedan convertir en medio
de santificación para el resto de la humanidad.
El pensar sobre esa escena que ilumina nuestra parroquia, nos lleva a delinear otra escena en nuestros cora-
zones. Es el momento en el cual empezamos a formar parte de la familia de Dios por medio de nuestro propio
bautizo. Por su gracia, Dios nos hizo suyos y Él se volvió como nosotros cuando compartió Su divina gracia con
nosotros haciéndonos sus hijos y co-herederos de la salvación eterna, y haciéndonos partícipes de los sacra-
mentos, de manera regular, es una forma en la que Dios nos recuerda que Él es fiel a su promesa. También es
un compromiso renovado que hacemos alrededor del altar de que también nosotros queremos ser fieles a nues-
tro trato, viviendo como Jesus vivió, cumpliendo todo mandamiento que nos sea requerido.
Que el Señor llene sus corazones y hogares con todas las bendiciones este año 2021.
Tu hermano y siervo en el sacerdocio de Jesucristo, siempre,
P. Rodolfo Caballero

                                   ARCHBISHOP’S APPEAL 2020 - FINAL REPORT
As of December 2!#h, $ou h've he*ped #he 2020 Appe'* r'ise $4,2;0,051 in p*edges. Of #his 'moun#, we h've received
$4,150,;38 in c'sh from 15,348 donors. This is gre'#! The go'* for 2020 is $4,52!,!;1 from 1;1 p'rishes. For our parish
of Holy Trinity, the assessment is listed at $214,209. See the table below as to where Holy Trinity is, along with the other
members of the North Central Deanery.
          CHURCH                     GOAL           PLEDGED         CASH         FAMILIES      DONORS-%
          Church of Holy Spirit      $133,013       $130,401      $128,355       4,624         243 – 5.26%
          Holy Trinity               $214,209       $144,135      $141,500       3,450         279 – 8.09%
          OLP –Selma                 $173,499       $101,496       $97,284       4,600         441 – 9.59%
          St. Helena                 $75,508        $46,377        $45,950       2,628         255 – 9.70%
          St. Joseph (HCreek)        $96,616        $81,475        $81,720       1,753         217 – 12.38%
          St. Mark                   $193,912       $167,838      $165,499       4,000         454 – 11.35%
          St. Padre Pio              $ 68,552       $36,831        $36,178       1,241          87 – 7.01%
          Vietnamese Martyrs         $ 6,071        $2,483          $2,483        275           10 – 3.64%

                                                Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle;
                                                be our protection against the wickedness and
                                                snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we
                                                humbly pray: and do thou, O Prince of the heav-
                                                enly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell
                                                Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the
       In Loving Memory                         world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

   Teresa Ann Termulo
Dr. and Mrs. Cesar Termulo

  Contact: Michael Kranz to reserve your date
    497-4200 or Michael@holytrinitysat.org

                                                        Our parishioners serving overseas:
                                                Pray for their safe return of Eric Hohman, Kevin Semrlrath,
                                                    Brithney Boucher, Shane Mears, & Matthew Wolf

                                                              A Note from Fr. Rodolfo
                                                Fr. Michael and I do not ask for favors either by email
                                                or text to parishioners asking to purchase cards of
                                                any sort.

                                                             Una Nota del P. Rodolfo
                                                P. Michael y yo no pedimos a nuestros miembros de
                                                Iglesia que compren tarjetas de regalo de cualquier
                  Vocations Corner

In the Gospel of Mark, the first instructions of Jesus are:
“Repent and believe the Good News!” The Greek word that
we translate as ‘Repent’ literally means ‘Go beyond your
mind!’ or ‘Change your mind!’ What does this mean? Jesus
is challenging us to soften our hearts, to have the humility
to acknowledge our spiritual blindness. Our own ways of
thinking and acting are so often tainted by hidden selfish-
ness and pride. Despite our best intentions, we continue to
make compromises with evil and to prioritize our own com-
fort or security over authentic love and mercy.
The Good News is that, through His Life, Death, and Res-
urrection, Jesus has opened the way for us to a completely
new way of living. Jesus gives us the Holy Spirit at our
baptism to enable us to live according to the values of His
Kingdom (see Matthew 5-7). Living in the Spirit does not
automatically mean that we will never sin or make mis-
takes again, but it does imply that we have the power to
turn to Jesus each day with a trusting heart, humbly ac-
knowledging our spiritual poverty. Repentance becomes a
daily activity in the life of every disciple—an openness to
letting ourselves and our priorities be molded according to
the mind and heart of Jesus. If we are willing to receive
Him, Jesus is always offering us new eyes to see and new
ears to                       hear.


      Married Couples, are you looking for
       a ministry you can do together?
          We have an opportunity for you!

      The Marriage Ministry is looking for
    Mentor Couples to form engaged couples
        for the Sacrament of Matrimony.

      For more information and to attend the
             Training Workshop on
          Tuesday, Jan 26 from 6-9pm,
        please call David or Julie Seguin
               at 210-710-5423 or
       email: Julie.seguin776@gmail.com
Parish News

 In the front of the pews we have added QR                    In the front of the pews we have
                     Codes                                            added QR Codes

These will give you access to the Mass Read-                 These will give you access to the
                                                               Mass Readings during Mass
              ings during Mass
                                                       You can also follow along online:
     You can also follow along online:             https://holytrinitysat.org/liturgy-mass-aide
                       Weekly Message
In the evening, I just about got into bed, and I fell asleep immediately.
Though I fell asleep quickly, I was awakened even more quickly. A little
child came and woke me up. The child seemed about a year old, and I
was surprised it could speak so well, as children of that age either do not
speak or speak very indistinctly. The child was beautiful beyond words
and resembled the Child Jesus, and he said to me, Look at the sky. And
when I looked at the sky I saw the stars and the moon shining. Then the
child asked me, Do you see this moon and these stars? When I said yes,
he spoke these words to me, These stars are the souls of faithful Chris-
tians, and the moon is the souls of religious. Do you see how great
the difference is between the light of the moon and the light of the
stars? Such is the difference in heaven between the soul of a reli-
gious and the soul of a faithful Christian. And he went on to say
that, True greatness is in loving God and in humility. (#424)

                   Mensaje semanal                                                  Divorced & Separated Ministry
Por la noche, apenas me acosteì, me dormiì, pero si me dormiì                 Silver Lining
raìpidamente, maìs raìpidamente todaviìa fui despertada. Vino a miì un
NinÞo pequenÞo y me despertoì. Este NinÞo podiìa tener cerca de un            As the fog of emotional pain was starting to lift
anÞo y me sorprendiì de que hablara muy bien, ya que los ninÞos de            from my divorce, I made an unexpected discov-
esta edad no hablan nada o hablan de manera poco comprensible. Era
indeciblemente bello, parecido al NinÞo Jesuìs y me dijo estas palabras:      ery: quiet time. Every other weekend the kids went
Mira al cielo. Y cuando mireì al cielo, vi. las estrellas brillantes y la     off to their other parent. Initially, the house seemed
luna. Ese NinÞo me preguntoì: ¿Ves la luna y las estrellas? Contesteì
que las veiìa y Eìl me replicoì con estas palabras: Aquellas estrellas son    eerily quiet after the kids left. But over time I came to
las almas de los cristianos fieles y la luna son las almas consagra-          really appreciate, even look forward to, having this
das. Ves la gran diferencia de luz que hay entre la luna y las estrel-
las, igual de grande es en el cielo la diferencia entre el alma de un         time all to myself. I slept in, caught up on all the
religioso y la de un cristiano fiel. Y continuó que la verdadera gran-        chores I did not have time to do while taking care of
deza estaì en amar a Dios y en la humildad. (#424)
                                                                              the kids, and I even spent time just on me.
 Source: The Diary of St. Faustina, Divine Mercy in My Soul,
                      paragraph #424                                          It was during these weekends that I was really able to
                  Divine Mercy Cenacle                                        dig into my faith. I had the luxury of time and could
       Ed Kowalsky, 210-452-3837 (Tues PM – English)                          spend hours reading scripture, going to Mass or ado-
     Cenaculo de la Divina Misericordia en Español -                          ration, praying, or singing my favorite Christian songs
    Francisco Guizar, 210-237-3507 (Wed PM – Spanish)                         at the top of my lungs. I also had time to go and visit
       Elenida Brux, 843-276-5396 (Fri AM – Spanish)                          different churches and shrines, meet up with other
       Ruth Arthur, 210-548-2043 (Fri AM – Spanish)
                                                                              Catholic friends for bible study and other church activ-
             For General Information please contact:                          ities, and routinely go to reconciliation. As I reflect
                  Ernesto Brux, 843-730-3134
                                                                              back, those weekends became my "mini-retreats"
                                                                              with Jesus. Being able to immerse myself in my faith
                                                                              really helped me draw close to Christ. In doing so, He
                                                                              was able to heal me. I look back on those times with
                                                                              great fondness. This one-on-one time with Christ, and
                                                                              the resulting deepening of my Catholic faith, was the
                                                                              silver lining that came out of the hurricane of my di-
                                                                              vorce. Take advantage of the extra time a divorce
                                                                              drops into your life and pursue Christ. He offers you a
                                                                              tranquil port in the midst of your storm.

                                                                              By waiting and by calm you shall be saved, in quiet
                                                                              and in trust shall be your strength. - Isaiah 30:15
                                                                                                 For more resources visit
                                                                                        vincefrese.com and DivorcedCatholic.com
Check out our kiosk items in the Church! These small
books are aimed at enhancing faith and family. Take
any booklet you think may be of use to your own life.

                  Knights of Columbus are
                  selling beautiful navy blue face
                  masks with our Church logo.
                  You can also order online:

                   Catholic Daughters Court of Our Lady of the Holy Trinity #2661

                                           To Join CDA
                                    We welcome new members.
         To join please contact Connie Buntley, Membership Chairperson at (210) 415-7268.
Are You Experiencing
       Pandemic Fatigue?

Are you feeling exhausted from all
the disruptions to life brought on
by the pandemic? Are you or someone you know strug-
gling with challenges like . . .
· Isolation and loneliness
· Anxiety over health
· Grief due to many different kinds of losses
                                                                       Many talented and dedicated members are creating prayer shawls
· Tension from juggling work, childcare & schooling                    to comfort, encourage, and support you in whatever way is need-
· Financial strain or job loss                                         ed . We want you to be aware of God's great love for you during
                                                                       these trying times. Please feel comfortable with contacting Carol
· Uncertainty about the future                                         Short to make arrangements to receive a Prayer Shawl or to gift it
· Other unexpected life challenges                                     to someone who would benefit from the support of a tangible re-
                                                                       minder of God's and be encouraged to take the time to be with
                                                                       Him. It should also remind you of the support and love of the
If so, you don’t have to face it alone. Our Stephen Minis-             members of the Holy Trinity community.
ters are ready to listen, care, encourage, and provide                    All shawls are sanitized and blessed before being given out.
emotional and spiritual support. A Stephen Minister will
meet with you privately—by phone, by video chat, or, if                                           Carol Short
safely possible, in person—to offer care and support. It’s                                    HM: 210-497-4639
free and completely confidential. For more information,
call John Tracy, 210 215-0411 or Norma Garza, 210 379-
7874. We are happy to answer any questions you might
                                                                                                        Attention all men of
 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened,
                                                                                                            Holy Trinity!
     and I will give you rest.” —Matthew 11:28

                                                                       Have you ever contemplated God’s desire to make all things
                     Training Update                                   new? Have you ever wondered how that might apply in your life?
             Session Two: Yours, Mine & Ours
                                                                       If so, we encourage you to register for our new year All Things
 Here is an update on what our Stephen Ministers are learning          New. We still meet at 6:30 AM every Saturday. However, the
 this week. Please lift them up in your prayers as they nurture        commute is much shorter, from your bed to your computer!!
 their gifts and expand their knowledge to bring care to hurting       Check out the trailer at:
 people in Christ’s name.                                              https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KnEvkBgtTjk
 Feelings are a gift from God. In this session our Stephen Minis-      There is no cost to join, but please register for the program to get
 ter trainees learn to help people recognize, accept, and express      Zoom meeting login credentials.
 their feelings, and invite them to trust God to bring them healing
 and wholeness. They will explore the benefits of expressing           To Register please email kevin@holytrinitytmiy.org or you can
 feelings and the harm that can come when feelings remain un-          find out more at our Ministry Website.
                                                                       Log on to www.holytrinitytmiy.org to learn about our program or
                                                                       call one of the Ministry Leads:
              Holy Trinity Hospital Ministry                                             Kevin Albrecht 210-452-1871
     Thank you Hospital Extraordinary Ministers of Holy                                  Jose Quesada 210-260-5669
      Communion for your commitment to the ministry.                                      Dan Robles 210-995-6803
                                                                                               Come Join Us!

Due to COVID-19 hospital guidelines our Extraordinary Ministers
of Holy Communion may not visit patients at the hospitals; instead
we are praying for patients.
        If you would like for us to pray for a specific patient
            please call the parish office at 210-497-4200

Please provide the patient’s name, hospital name, date of admis-
sion, and any other information you would like to provide. Patient’s
names and pertinent information will stay on our prayer list for two
weeks, so if the patient’s stay in the hospital is longer than two
weeks, please call back.
                          AT HOLY TRINITY
                                                                 Comunidad Hispana
                      Dr. Gonzalez will be offering
                       her services in counseling
                        here at the Holy Trinity
                              Main Office.
                      Evenings 5:30PM—7:00PM.
Dr. Gonzalez earned her B.A. in Psychology from the Uni-
versity of Texas at San Antonio, her M.A. in Clinical Psy-
chology from St. Mary’s University and her Psy.D.
(Doctorate in Psychology) from Our Lady of the Lake Uni-
versity. She completed her Clinical Psychology Internship
and Residency Training Program at the University of Texas
Health Science Center San Antonio, Department
of Psychiatry. She was born and raised in San Antonio and
attended Catholic school from first through twelfth grade,
graduating from Blessed Sacrament Catholic School and
Incarnate Word High School. She has worked in psycho-
logical and counseling services in a wide variety of settings
since 1990, to include in-patient and day treatment psychi-
atric hospital facilities, juvenile probation, public schools,
Any Baby Can, the Center for Health Care Services, the
VA hospital and PTSD clinic, St. Mary's University Coun-
seling Center and OLLU Community Counseling Services.
Her primary clinical rotations were at Kerrville State Hospi-
tal and Clarity Child Guidance.
Dr. Gonzalez is licensed by the Texas State Board of Ex-
aminers of Psychologists as an LPA, independent practice.                  Elenida Brux, 843-276-5396
She practices from a Solution-focused brief therapy/family                 Ruth Arthur, 210-548-2043
systems theoretical approach. Most significant to her work
here at Holy Trinity is her understanding of and adherence
to the Catholic anthropological view of the human person –
counseling the whole person, uniting psychology, philoso-
phy and theology. She will be providing individual, (adult/
teens/child), couple, and family counseling services to pa-
rishioners of Holy Trinity.
        To make an appointment with Dr. Gonzalez
        please call the Parish Office: 210-497-4200
                                                     “…for John baptized with water, but before many
                                                     days you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit” Acts

                                                     In the Acts of the Apostles, Saint Luke presents the com-
                                                     pelling story of how Jesus’ apostles and disciples carried
                                                     forward His holy mission of the universal Kingdom under
                                                     the guidance of the Holy Spirit, spreading the Gospel of
                                                     Jesus Christ from Jerusalem to the most remote corners
                                                     of the Roman Empire. Situated between the Gospels and
                                                     the Epistles, the Acts of the Apostles is the hinge upon
                                                     which the New Testament turns from the Old Covenant
                                                     fulfilled in Christ and the New Testament Church.

         This 12 session ZOOM virtual study will start on Thursday January 21, 2021 from 10 am until noon:
         * Cost for this study is $5.00 which covers the cost of printed materials
         * Study materials: Holy Bible and Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC)
         * Registration information is available at holytrinitysat.org/book of acts
         * Classes will be recorded
         * For more information, please contact Jay Schuman at: htisaiah2015@gmail.com or 210-651-4151

“…you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem
and in all Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth” Acts 1:8

                                                                           Coming soon!
                                                               The Mass Readings Explained
                                                                         Study length is 8 weeks
                                                                                Date: TBA
                                                                     The cost of the study is $10.00
                                                                         (Study materials online.
                                                               Access will be provided prior to first session)

                                                                    *This study will be ZOOM ONLY*

                                                          Detailed information, including material access, will be
                                                                 provided to participants after registration.

                                                        For information or questions, please contact Susan Senia at
                                                                  smsenia@gmail.com or 210-722-0085

                                                                Are you an adult seeking to receive
                                                                 the Sacrament of Confirmation?
                                                         Congratulations! Through this Sacrament your life in the Spir-
                                                         it will be strengthen and enriched! The Archdiocese provides
                                                         several opportunities per year for adult Catholics (18+) to
                                                         receive the sacrament of Confirmation. Because this sacra-
                                                         ment is so intimately united to the sacraments of Baptism
                                                         and Eucharist, persons wishing to be confirmed must:
   REGISTRATION                                          • Have been baptized
   COMING SOON!                                          • Have already received their first Eucharist
                                                         * Have been through a process of preparation to receive
                                                               the sacrament of Confirmation

                                                                     For more information please contact:
                                                                 Cristina Hodde at Cristina@holytrinitysat.org
Elementary Faith Formation
                                    January 2020

          January Dates                             ***Spring Session***
                                       Elementary classes will resume on Monday, January
                                       25th, Tuesday, January 26th, Wednesday, January
J   January 4,5, 6 No Class            27th and Friday, January 29th.
J   January 11,12,13 No Class
                                                      Reminder to our
J   January 18,19,20 No Class               First Communion Home-Based Students
            MLK Holiday
                                            Beginning Jan. 11th, please stop by our Faith
J   January 25, 26, 27 Regular Class     Formation Office to pick up your second work book.
Community Corner
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                                                                                                                            LANDSCAPING & IRRIGATION
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                                                                                                                                LANE BISHOP, PARISHIONER
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                        Yolanda Marcos, MD, FACP
                                Board Certified • Internal Medicine
                              510 Med. Court , Ste. 107
                     210-536-0636 • www.marcosmedical.com                                                    Wills • Trusts • Probate
                                                                                                              Power Of Attorney
                                                                                                   The Law Office of Kathleen Cassidy Goodman, PLLC
                                                                                                      12274 Bandera Rd., #222 • Helotes, TX 78023
                                                                                                         KCGLaw@att.net • www.BexarLaw.com

 Contact Bob Swagman to place an ad today!
rswagman@4LPi.com or (800) 950-9952 x2650
                                                                                                           Deacon David Seguin, D.D.S.
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     Heating & Air Conditioning         We keep Holy Trinity warm & cool!

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                                                          (800) 950-9952

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                                                                   ERIC D. KUHL, D.D.S., P.A.
                                                              FAMILY DENTISTRY
                                                                Office Hours By Appointment
                                                                   15321 San Pedro, #104
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                         For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • www.4lpi.com                                                                                                                                                                                                    Holy Trinity Catholic Church, San Antonio, TX                                   B 4C 05-0443
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               rswagman@4LPi.com or (800) 950-9952 x2650

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                       For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • www.4lpi.com                                                       Holy Trinity Catholic Church, San Antonio, TX                                                 A 4C 05-0443
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