SUNDAY, JUNE 16, 2019 - The Most Holy Trinity - St. Juliana Parish 7200 N. Osceola Ave. Chicago, IL 60631 - St Juliana ...
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SUNDAY, JUNE 16, 2019 — The Most Holy Trinity St. Juliana Parish 7200 N. Osceola Ave. Chicago, IL 60631 773.631.4127
superficial, like 'I wish I had more money' or 'I wish I LETTERS could dunk a basketball'. No, something personal and authen c. Then, I want you to ask God to share that quality you lack with you. Because God has it—he's perfect—and he's willing to declare it to you. FROM A PASTOR TO HIS PEOPLE I'll give you an example. I pray God would give me a greater focus in the present moment. I tend to gaze at what's ahead of me: the upcoming appointment, the email I haven't yet responded to, the future event. The present can pass me and I never quite enter into it fully. I ask God to give me this inten onality. I know he has it. I know Jesus cares about me right now. He's not thinking about something in the past or future. And same with you. God is very focused on you right now. So, please think about what you would like to have and then ask the Holy Trinity for it. When you receive it, then perhaps we'll praise the Holy Trinity together! There will be a repre- “Ask God to share senta ve from Stroke that quality you Scan Plus speaking Father James attempts to explain the Holy Trinity to a briefly at all the Masses lack with you. group of kindergartners. The Trinity doesn't get any easi- this weekend about a Because God has er to comprehend with age, kids! special opportunity to it—he's perfect— Dear Parishioners, sign up to receive a pre- and he's willing to "I will give you what is mine and declare it to venta ve ultrasound declare it to you.” screening. Scans will be you" (John 16:15). Growing up, my parents used to held here at the parish refer to possessions in the first person plural: our on Thursday, June 27th. More informa on about the house, our backyard, our car. It impressed me because screening can be found at my siblings and I did nothing to earn these things. We I will be away beginning next Friday for my annual were not en tled to them. But that is how generous silent retreat. I will be completely off the grid and in my parents were. They took what was righ ully theirs total silence (no phone, no internet, no contact with and declared it to us. I'm sure many of you parents do the outside world). I look forward each year to my re- the same. What love, what generosity! treat. This is my personal, uninterrupted me with the We celebrate the Holy Trinity today which affirms Lord, the love of my life. It's like going on vaca on with for us, among other things, God's generosity and love. your spouse or family or best friend. If there is an The fact that God is rela onal from all eternity tells us emergency, please leave a message with the office. that God is not alone. If God was one and not three, he Otherwise, you will be in my prayers, as you are daily. would be alone, which means he would need to create Beginning this weekend there will be no music at the world for rela onship. This means he would need the Sunday 5:00pm Mass. Everything else will be nor- our love, our worship, our holiness; and if he needed mal, just no music! We’d like to give Glenn and our it, he would be angry if he didn't receive it. But the wonderful musicians a break and simplify for the sum- Trinity tells us God is perfect in himself. He is totally mer months. We will resume music at the Sunday independent and not in need of us. He created us to 5:00pm Mass a er Labor Day. allow us to share in the beauty and love that God is. Finally, a happy Father’s Day to all our men in the What God has, he declared to us. That is what the parish. God bless you! Trinity tells us. Think about a flaw or imperfec on you have; or Yours in Christ, something you wish you were be er in. Not something Fr. James 2 St. Juliana Parish June 16, 2019 For previous letters go to
TASSEL Deacon Say What? THE Ruminations from Deacon Hank Lyon OF THE CLOAK “Through the words of the Gospel may our sins be wiped away.” This is another secret prayer of the deacon. The term, The first electric communica on ever dispatched "secret prayer,” refers to how the prayer is said quietly, as read, "What Hath God Wrought." It was tapped out if it was hidden; it does not mean no one else can know by Samuel Morse on May 24, 1844. He was si ng them apart from the deacon. amidst an audience in the United States Supreme Court building. The message was delivered within The beauty of the secret prayers is that they add a dimen- moments to Bal more. sion of mystery to the liturgy. The liturgy is the foretaste Morse obtained the passage from Numbers of heaven. A lot of the symbolism found in the Mass is 23:23. The Scriptural context is the story of Balaam, a found in the Book of Revela ons. Heaven, in a very short pagan prophet sent to curse the Israelites. When explana on, is unveiled in macy with the Trinity. As St. Balaam sees the people he is so impressed he instead John the Evangelist and St. Paul remind us, we will see blesses them. He prophesies that this people will not Him face-to-face. die out but will spring up like a lion and people will say of them, "Behold, what hath God wrought!" If you are trying to get someone's a en on from far away, Morse, the inventor of the single-wire telegraph then you really have to project your voice. But if a friend is system, had seen the transforma on of the United standing right next to you, then you can speak more quiet- States in the first half of the 19th Century, arguably ly. Your conversa on would not be heard by those around the greatest period of growth and progress in our you. So, it is with the secret prayers. Some of the secret na on's history. The US expanded from shore to prayers of the deacon and the priest, like this one, happen shore and had revolu ons on a communica ons, at moments in the Liturgy when they are in close proximi- market, transporta on, and religious level, all of ty to Christ. In regard to this prayer, it is spoken by the which inaugurated new systems that are, in many deacon to Christ, as Our Lord is present in the Gospels, the ways, s ll in place in our na on. Morse saw God at Word of God. work, and the leading figures of the country in the The prayer calls to mind the message Jesus was preaching chambers of the Supreme Court that day would not when He went into towns. Our Lord preached the Gospel, have disagreed. Communica ons technology led to that is, the Good News. And the Good News is this, repent the cohesion of the expansive land. Yes, the Civil War and believe in the Gospel. Put another way, turn your life would shortly ensue, but the outcome of that war toward Jesus, because He wants to take away your sins. addressed our core wound (slavery) and eventually Our Lord wants to heal us from our wounds and relieve us united the na on further. God was at work not just in from the burden of guilt. We are not called to live with the America, but in technology. so-called, “Catholic guilt”. Jesus called you to live with, A century later, Guglielmo Marconi, the Novel “Catholic Mercy.” The “Universal Mercy” which came from Prize winner and inventor of mobile devices, echoed His pierced Morse's sen ments when he said, "I declare with Heart. pride that I am a believer. I believe in the power of prayer. I believe in it not only as a believing Catholic but as a scien st." Rev. James Wallace 3 St. Juliana Parish June 16, 2019
SUNDAY YOUR WORSHIP AID Today the Church celebrates the Solemnity of The Most Holy Trinity, we honor all three Persons of God. In the First Reading from the Book of Proverbs we hear of the crea on of all things by the Father. Wisdom, who is usually considered to be the Holy Spirit, is there with the Father. The saving work of Jesus is a major theme in the Second Reading from the Le er of Saint Paul to the Romans. We are saved by grace. We do not earn it. Rather, by opening our hearts to Jesus in faith, we “gain access” to God who is our peace, hope and end. Because of our rela onship with God, we can endure afflic ons with the help of the Holy Spirit who is the love of God poured out into our hearts. Today’s Gospel is an excerpt from Jesus’ Farewell Discourse to his Apostles. To console and help them, Jesus promises to send his Holy Spirit. The Spirit will lead the Church to gradually understand the deep meaning and radical implica ons of the teachings of Jesus that are not explicitly men oned in Scripture―beliefs about Mary, purgatory, and original sin. In rela onship with the Holy Trinity, we will understand “all truth” of our Mother Church: “Everything that the Father has is mine; for this reason I told you that the Holy Spirit will take from what is mine and declare it to you." —Fr. Emanuel Torres-Fuentes CONFITEOR READING I: I confess to almighty God and to you, my brothers and PROVERBS 8:22-31 :22-31 sisters, that I have greatly sinned, in my thoughts and in Thus says the wisdom of God: "The LORD possessed my words, in what I have done and in what I have failed me, the beginning of his ways, the forerunner of his to do, (strike breast) through my fault, through my prodigies of long ago; from of old I was poured forth, fault, through my most grievous fault; therefore I ask at the first, before the earth. When there were no blessed Mary ever-Virgin, all the Angels and Saints, and depths I was brought forth, when there were no you, my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord fountains or springs of water; before the mountains our God. were se led into place, before the hills, I was brought forth; while as yet the earth and fields were not made, nor the first clods of the world. "When the Lord established the heavens I was there, GLORIA when he marked out the vault over the face of the deep; when he made firm the skies above, when he Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to peo- fixed fast the founda ons of the earth; when he set for ple of good will. We praise you, we bless you, we adore the sea its limit, so that the waters should not you, we glorify you, we give you thanks for your great transgress his command; then was I beside him as his glory, Lord God, heavenly King, O God, almighty Father. cra sman, and I was his delight day by day, playing Lord Jesus Christ, Only Bego en Son, Lord God, Lamb of before him all the while, playing on the surface of his God, Son of the Father, you take away the sins of the earth; and I found delight in the human race." world, have mercy on us; you take away the sins of the world, receive our prayer; you are seated at the right RESPONSORIAL PSALM: hand of the Father, have mercy on us. For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, you alone are the 8:4-5, 6-7, 8-9 Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory “ O Lord, our God, how wonderful your name in all the of God the Father. Amen. earth!” 4 St. Juliana Parish June 16, 2019
READING 2: NICENE CREED ROMANS 5:1-5 I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. I Brothers and sisters: Therefore, since we have been believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Bego en Son jus fied by faith, we have peace with God through our of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained God, Light from Light, true God from true God, access by faith to this grace in which we stand, and we bego en, not made, consubstan al with the Father; boast in hope of the glory of God. Not only that, but through Him all things were made. For us men and for we even boast of our afflic ons, knowing that afflic on our salva on He came down from heaven, and by the produces endurance, and endurance, proven Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and character, and proven character, hope, and hope does became man. For our sake he was crucified under not disappoint, because the love of God has been Pon us Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that and rose again on the third day in accordance with the has been given to us. Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom GOSPEL: will have no end. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the JOHN 16:12-15 Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and Jesus said to his disciples: "I have much more to tell glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. I you, but you cannot bear it now. But when he comes, believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. I the Spirit of truth, he will guide you to all truth. He will confess one Bap sm for the forgiveness of sins and I not speak on his own, but he will speak what he hears, look forward to the resurrec on of the dead and the and will declare to you the things that are coming. life of the world to come. Amen. He will glorify me, because he will take from what is mine and declare it to you. Everything that the Father has is mine; for this reason I told you that he will take from what is mine and declare it to you." “The love of God has been poured out into our hearts MUSIC FOR THIS SUNDAY through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us.” GATHERING: #709 “O God Almighty Father” GLORIA: #901 Mass of St. Francis Cabrini READINGS FOR THE WEEK ALLELUIA: #902 Mass of St. Francis Cabrini Monday: 2 Cor 6:1-10; Ps 98:1, 2b, 3-4; Mt 5:38-42 PREPARATION: #409 “Christ, Before Us” Tuesday: 2 Cor 8:1-9; Ps 146:2, 5-9a; Mt 5:43-48 EUCHARISTIC ACCLAMATIONS: #904, #906, #908 Mass Wednesday: 2 Cor 9:6-11; Ps 112:1bc-4, 9; of St. Francis Cabrini Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 Thursday: 2 Cor 11:1-11; Ps 111:1b-4, 7-8; Mt 6:7-15 LAMB OF GOD: #909 Mass of St. Francis Cabrini Friday: 2 Cor 11:18, 21-30; Ps 34:2-7; Mt 6:19-23 Saturday: 2 Cor 12:1-10; Ps 34:8-13; Mt 6:24-34 COMMUNION: #461 “Eye Has Not Seen” Sunday: Gn 14:18-20; Ps 110:1-4; 1 Cor 11:23-26; SENDING FORTH: #422 “I Sing the Mighty Power of Lk 9:11b-17 God” 5 St. Juliana Parish June 16, 2019
STEWARDSHIP WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT June 22/23 Sunday & Holy Day Offerings Week of: 6/2/2019 CELEBRANT Envelopes $ 13,038 Saturday Loose $ 649 Fr. Roger/Deacon Hank 5:00pm Holy Day $ 5 GiveCentral $ 5,205 Sunday 7:30am Fr. Emanuel Total Weekly Offerings $ 18,897 Fiscal YTD Total $ 765,094 Sunday Fiscal YTD to Budget $ (17,022) 9:30am Fr. Emanuel Fiscal YTD GiveCentral* 28.1% Sunday Fr. Roger 11:00am To Teach Who Christ Is (to date) $ 522,364 Sunday 5:00pm Fr. Roger HOSPITALITY Jun 15/16 Athle cs Assn. ALTAR LINENS Jun 22/23 Fine Arts Jun 15/16 Lori Bielawski Jun 22/23 Jane e Byron WEEKDAY PSALMS MONDAY: Psalm 98: The Lord has made known his sal- vaƟon. WORDS OF FAITH TUESDAY: Psalm 146: Praise the Lord, my soul! Quotes from our parish book club selections WEDNESDAY: Psalm 112: Blessed the man who fears "The true call of God is a call to personal conversion. the Lord. Conversion is not a one me experience. It is an ongo- THURSDAY: Psalm 111: Your works, O Lord, are jusƟce ing journey. We take one step at a me. God is calling and truth. me to change .He is calling you to change. He invites me to change and grow every day, and he promises FRIDAY: Psalm 34: From all their distress God rescues me his grace .He invites me not to become superior to the just. other people, but to become superior to my former SATURDAY: Psalm 34: Taste and see the goodness of self. He wants my self of today to be a be er self than the Lord. my self of yesterday." (59) —ResisƟng Happiness by Ma hew Kelly 6 St. Juliana Parish June 16, 2019
BAPTISMS PRAY FOR THOSE WHO SERVE United States Army Antonio Jacob Aguilar Sgt. Alisha Bernico Son of Oliver and Chasity (Jimenez) Aguilar PFC Kate Madden SFC John R. Jimenez United States Marines Sgt. Ryan Bernico CPL Brendan Joyce CPL Dominic Rangel FROM DEATH United States Navy TO NEW LIFE Cmdr. Susanne Connolly-Tutwiler Cmdr. John Tutwiler CDR. Nathan Sco CDR. Brandon Tomblin Richard Stanley Chmiel LT. Richard Valenta Jabwiga Kalinowska United States Air Force Lt. Col. Franklin Shepherd PRAY THIS IS THE HOLY TRINITY FOR THOSE WHO ARE SICK Today we celebrate the Holy Trinity, one of the most confounding mysteries of our faith. Through this mystery we expe- Laverne Fieri rience our rela onship to God: Creator, Robert LoDestro Savior, and Holy Spirit. This rela onship Micky Plier is not easy to understand or to describe. It does not become clearer through analysis. Its complexity mirrors the complexity of all our Names are kept on the list for four weeks. If you wish rela onships. We understand our rela onships with our to add or remove a name, please call the parish office spouses, our children, our parents, and our friends only at 773.631.4127. Thank you! through daily give-and-take, annual rituals, and the life- changing moments we share. We understand our rela- onships only as we live them. The rela onships we have with those we love, and who love us, sustain us through an uncertain and difficult life. This is the Holy Trinity. Tweet of the Week What is striking about today’s readings is that each is “Lord, defuse the violence of our tongues and our incomplete. What they do offer is a descrip on of a mo- hands. Renew our hearts and minds, so that the word ment in our rela onship, a memory of a me and an which always brings us together will be "brother", and event when our rela onship made sense even though our way of life will always be: Peace. that sense may be beyond our ability to describe fully. #OneMinuteForPeace” O en that is all that our faith offers, that is, a memory of what is possible, what is promised, what has been given. —Pope Francis (@ponƟfex), June 8, 2019 A memory of eternity, of love beyond understanding is to be cherished and nurtured even if not fully understood. This is the Holy Trinity. 7 St. Juliana Parish June 16, 2019 Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
MASSES Thursday, June 20 · Chapel FOR THE WEEK 7:00 Bud Sabres 8:30 St. Juliana Parish Family Saturday, June 15 Friday, June 21 · Chapel 5:00 Frank & Anna Dina/Mary Rzepkowski/Joseph 7:00 Fr. Donald Ahearn Motyka/Fr. Art Fagan/Ashley Smiegowski/George & Helen Hickey/Jack Myszka/Jan Kotek/Mark 8:30 Ma Riley Czworniak/Rutkowski, Jankowski, Kirby & Saturday, June 22 · Church Niemann Families/Eleanor Andersen/Ray Powell/ John Mosio/Helen Mosio/Albert Zinn/Bernice Zinn 8:30 Fr. Phil Dressler 5:00 Gary Trybus/Frank & Anna Dina/Tim Hejza & Sunday, June 16 Family/Jack Myszka/Jack Cerny/Thomas Flood/ 7:30 Rev. Donald J. Ahearn/Antenore & Messina John T. Patela/Murphy Family/Lawery Family/ Families/Jennie Cappa/Jerome Stopa/Joseph Cronin Family/Bob Clark Prugar/Arthur Grimes/Louis VonderHeide/Patrick Sunday, June 23 O'Donnell/Walter Wieszcholek/Theresa M. Gargano/Robert Reilly/Jim Moran/Winifred 7:30 Rev. Donald J. Ahearn/John & Maria Stopa/ Staunton Roger O'Connor/Patrick O'Donnell/Theresa M. 9:30 Rita & Edward Pleines/Brian Laske/Special Gargano/Chester Fortuna/Jim Moran Inten ons of Mary Ann Miller/Lore a Russell/ 9:30 Special Inten ons of Mary Ann Miller/Lore a Robert C. Mester/Bill Casey/Michael Farrelly/ Russell/Robert C. Mester/Lou Schoenfeldt/Bill Frank Seiser, Jr. & Family & Theresia Seiser/ Casey/John O'Grady Richard Godley/John McGarry/Stanislaw Wolinski/ Zygmunt Konopka/John Gardocki/Marion & Helen 11:00 Tom Gardiner/Adam Baltowski/Jack Fisher/ Walaszek/Mary Cahill/Bernie McGuinness/John Helen McBride O'Grady 5:00 Sheila Kenny/Mary O'Connor 11:00 Anne Costello-McLaughlin/Tom Cappello/Joseph Cappello/Vincent Rzepkowski/Tom Melaniphy/ Sigmund Szubart/Daniel O'Leary/Owen Heneghan/Edwin & Irene Szewczyk/Lynda Jurewicz/Jack Fisher 5:00 Eleanor Andersen/George Michalski Monday, June 17 · Chapel 7:00 Gerald O'Connor 8:30 Father Donald J. Ahearn 6:30 Eucharis c Adora on Hour · CHAPEL Tuesday, June 18 · Chapel 7:00 St. Juliana Parish Family SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES 8:30 Peter Schmidt Sunday: The Most Holy Trinity; Father’s Day; Wednesday, June 19 · Chapel Julian Calendar Pentecost 7:00 In Honor of Saint Juliana Monday: Eleventh Week in Ordinary Time Wednesday: St. Romuald 8:30 In Honor of Saint Juliana/Inten ons of Jeffrey Friday: St. Aloysius Gonzaga; Summer begins Bloodworth/Phyllis Murphy Saturday: St. Paulinus of Nola; Ss. John Fisher and Thomas More; 8 St. Juliana Parish June 16, 2019 Blessed Virgin Mary
Heartbreak to Healing Missionary Spirit Team Heartbreak to Healing will meet on Monday, July 1 at Please join us to Feed My Starving Children in Liber- 9:30am for a trip to St. Martha’s parish, 8523 Georgeanna tyville next Saturday, June 22 from 11:30am to St., in Morton Grove. We will take a tour and talk about the 1:30pm. Sign up in the back of church a er all Masses relics in St. Martha’s. A erward we will eat lunch there for this weekend or online at using $5 per person. We invite all parishioners (men, women, the “Join Our Group” code M2461V. Carpooling will be and children) who have experienced a loss (spouse, family available for anyone mee ng in St Juliana’s parking lot member, or friend) to join us. New members are always by 10:15am. Service hours are granted and all ages welcome! are welcome (ages 5+). You will not regret par ci- pa ng in this most worthwhile and joyful mission! Stroke Scan Plus Stroke Scan Plus will be at St. Juliana on Thursday, June Friendship Club 50+ 27th to provide life-saving, wellness ultrasound screen- Our off-site luncheon mee ng is THIS THURSDAY, ings. It is important to perform preven ve maintenance for JUNE 20th at 1:00pm at SUNRISE GRILL, 1930 E. Touhy ourselves yearly. Do you have high blood pressure or high Ave., Des Plaines. We will meet there, everyone will cholesterol, diabetes, or a family history of heart disease, order and pay individually. We thank all of you who’ve stroke, abdominal aneurysm or internal cancers? If so, do made reserva ons in advance as requested and look not miss this opportunity for early detec on of a possibly forward to seeing you this week! If you did not reply, serious disease. These screenings are typically NOT per- please call Joanne to check last-minute availability… formed at your annual check-up, and insurance companies 773.763.1528. may not pay for them unless you are symptoma c. Diagnos c versions of these screenings cost thousands of Eagle Scout Project dollars in a hospital. Stroke Scan Plus will be offering them to you for $159 for all SEVEN combined ultrasound screen- Dear Parishioners of Saint Juliana, ings (Stroke, AAA, AFIB & organs). Insurance is NOT My name is Zachary Ryan and I am a member of Boy necessary and appointments are limited. Register in the Scout Troop 965. I have been involved in Scou ng at back of church June 15/16, or call toll free 1-866-935-7226 St. Juliana since first grade. I am now working toward to schedule an appointment today for you or a loved one. the rank of Eagle Scout. In order to obtain the rank of The screenings will take place in the Parish Cen- Eagle Scout I need to complete a service project. My ter. Preven on is your key to quality health! Visit project involves 1277 sq. . of landscaping in an inner courtyard at Saint Mary of Providence on Aus n and Berteau. I have budgeted $930 to complete the pro- Four Winds Casino Trip!!! ject start to finish. This includes materials and sup- plies. I have obtained a par al dona on of materials We have a very lucky date this year —7/11, cha-ching!!! from Home Depot; however, I am s ll in need of We’re traveling to Four Winds Casino in New Buffalo, Mich- funds to complete the project, so I am turning to the igan on Thursday, July 11th! Bus will board in front of generosity of the Parish for help. I will be collec ng Church at 8:15am. and will depart promptly at 8:30am dona ons in the back of church the weekends of June (with or without you, please be on me). Bus will leave the 15-16 and 22-23. Any amount you can donate is great- casino at 3pm (sharp!) for the trip back to St. Juliana. ly appreciated. All funds in excess of the amount need- Cost is $30 which includes: transporta on, $10 food credit, ed for the project will be donated to St. Mary of Provi- and $15 slots credit—that’s a winning deal for sure!!! dence. Thank you in advance for your generosity. Don’t miss out, this trip fills up fast —call Lorraine by JUNE 24TH at 773-774-7040. Please drop off your advance pay- Prayer Shawl Ministry ment at the parish office along with your name, address, If you are in need of a blessed prayer shawl they are phone number, and birthdate. Seniors 50+ and guests are available in the rectory office. Please call the office @ welcome! 773.631.4127. 9 St. Juliana Parish June 16, 2019
SCHOOL Congratulations to all St. Juliana students who earned Honor Roll for the 3rd Trimester! First Honors (6th-8th grade) Second Honors (6th-8th grade) Jimmy Slechter Maxwell Ajazi Grace Amatore Lauren Smith Taylor Bartuch Jimmy Amatore Addison Szyszka Connor Bielfeldt Calee Biedron Margaret Ward Morgan Bruno Tommy Boyd Mary Bridget Wilson Sara Byrne Jackson Bruno Corey Cisneroz Rachael Davis 5th grade Academic Honors Tricia Conway Ross Davis Mary Colle e Cellini Francis Corrigan Annabella Devine Annie Doherty Riley Costello Mairead Durkan Lily Enright Patrick Czarnik Anna Groh Abbey Frangiamore Grace Ebbi Shawn Johnson Erin Gibbons Emily Fieldman Benjamin Kamka Maddie Gibbons Amanda Fischer Mary Kane Augie Hammerle Kate Foley Madelynn Karshna Brendan Harrington Emily Grief Coleman Kelly Alex Hearn Ma Guerrero Conan Kisor Ma hew Hearn Aidan Harrington CeCe Koegler Ma hew Kantor Julia Heneghan Mar n Koegler Seamus Keenan Ryan Jacobs Nicole Kozlowski Leanna Keller Chloe Johnson Olivia Kumiega Kevin Lally Emma Kantor Maggie Lally Brendan Lawler Tommy Lawler Madelyn Lawler Dylan Lazzara Nick Lemke Corinne Lazzara Norah Lazzara Hailey Leonard Clare Leonard Patrick Lemke MaryKate Lewan Ella Lynch Hannah Lynch Abby Lynch Brendan Mansfield Aidan Lyons Claire Lyons Liam McKermi Conor Malenock Brady Mackey Catherine McNamara Patrick McNamara Sydney Mackey Parker Meziere RJ McPartlin Jack Malenock Bridget Mitchell Ben Olsen Riley Mar n Jack Mitchell Joey Pemberton Nora McGovern Olivia McPartlin Emma Salcedo Bridie Murphy Lily Moran Timmy Schayer Kaitlyn Nelson Molly Newell Brendan Shea John O'Connor Lucy O’Connor Lily Silich Ann O'Grady Maura Poznar JP Soreng Molly Reichenberger Carter Roberts James Stevens Aiden Rice Maeve Ronan Maya Vanek Emily Samaritano Kaylen Sanchez Abbey Schrantz Mia Schayer Liam Sondermann Mallory Schwarck Kathleen Wilson Tommy Shea 10 St. Juliana Parish June 16, 2019
Boy Scout Car Wash School Updates Please save the date (and your dirty car!) for the Boy Summer Office Hours: Throughout the summer our Scout Car Wash on Saturday, July 13 from 9:00am- office will be open Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:00am- 1:00pm in the St. Juliana parking lot. 12:00pm. We will be closed the week of the 4th of July. You can also call us at 773-631-2256 or e-mail Mrs. Mar- Monday Rectory Meal Rotation shall ( or our office staff ( for any summer needs. We are We’ve run out of meal rota on sign ups! Thank you so happy to help and s ll ac vely enrolling new students for much to all who have cooked for us in the past—it has the fall! been wonderful, but we need more Monday meals for the STEAM Lab: Thanks to the success of the 2018 Gala and upcoming months. Please consider helping us out, espe- the generosity of many school families and parishioners, cially now that Deacon Hank is with us this summer. If our new STEAM Lab will open at the start of the ‘19-’20 you prefer not to cook, you can even SEND A MEAL right school year! We are very excited to offer our students an through the website. Go to: engaging STEAM curriculum focused on problem solving, and enter this informa on in collabora on, and 21st-century learning. The STEAM Lab the “Find” window: will be located in the current library, and our library will Recipient Last name: Rectory be relocated to the current computer lab. Please mind Password: 4127 our dust this summer as we complete these renova ons (see photos below) and look for more updates on the If you have ques ons or don’t have internet access, please lab’s opening in August. call the parish office at 773.631.4127 for help. Thank you! Key August dates for next school year: Totus Tuus Wednesday, August 14: Welcome Back Night, 5:00- Register now for our vaca on bible camp at h p:// 6:30pm; New Parent Orienta on 6:30pm Tuesday, August 20: First day of school Totus Tuus for Kids (entering grades 1-6): $50 first child/ Friday, August 23: Opening of the school year Mass, discount for mul ple Camp meets Monday-Friday, 9:00am- 8:30am 2:30pm, from July 8-12. Students bring their own lunch Faithapalooza Totus Tuus for Teens (entering grades 7- 12): $30 (Free for those volunteering for the Kids Pro- gram—enter VOLUNTEER at checkout). Camp meets Sun- day-Thursday, 7:00-9:00pm, from July 7-11. Please contact Mary Petrash at with any ques ons. HIGH SCHOOL HIGHLIGHTS Teen Ministry Our Teen Ministry for current high school students—INCLUDING THOSE ENTERIING HIGH SCHOOL THIS YEAR— meets a er 5:00pm Mass on Sunday evenings in the choir lo . Our next mee ng is Sunday, 6/23. This is a great chance to reconnect with those SJS classmates you haven't seen in a while. Bring friends and spread the word! 11 St. Juliana Parish June 16, 2019
ET CETERA WEEK AT A GLANCE Sunday 6/16 The County Clare Association of xStroke Scan Plus Registra on Chicago x12:15pm: Bap sms The Clare Associa on of Chicago is proud to sponsor their 33rd Annual "Day for Special People" at Chicago Gaelic Monday 6/17 Park. 6119 W. 147th St. Oak Forest. IL. on Sunday, June 23, xCamp Inven on 2019. As has been our custom, the day will start with x6:30pm: Holy Hour 10:00am Mass celebrated by Bishop Francis Kane and ded- x7:00pm: Boy Scouts Troop Mee ng icated to those who God has made "Special." A buffet Irish breakfast to follow, featuring our Grand Raffle in which Tuesday 6/18 our special guests can win electronics, sports equipment, xCamp Inven on games, large stuffed animals, etc. x7:00pm: Bap smal Prep Following the breakfast our guests are invited to play games for which they will receive a maximum of four table Wednesday 6/19 prizes of their choice from tables laden with assorted priz- xCamp Inven on es. There is no charge to our Special Guests for this day but they need to register by calling: Maureen Benne at Thursday 6/20 708.301.9773 or email by June 19. xCamp Inven on x1:00pm: Friendship Club Worldwide Marriage Encounter Friday 6/21 Don’t miss out on the upcoming enrichment for married couples and religious on August 9-11, 2019 at the Wynd- xCamp Inven on ham Garden Hotel in Elk Grove Village, IL. The enrichment x4:30pm: Bingo begins with a private weekend experience including eleven presenta ons about prac cal tools for growing in loving Saturday 6/22 rela onships, and provides ongoing enrichments a er the x11:30am: MST Feed My Starving Children weekend from the Worldwide Marriage Encounter com- munity. For informa on on applying, please go to wwme- and say YES TODAY, to God’s call to love one another! Matt Switski Memorial Fundraiser Please plan on a ending the memorial fundraiser in honor SAVE THE DATE of SJS alumnus, Ma Switski, at Fairway Banquets, 6676 6/27: Stroke Scan Plus Screening W. Howard in Niles on Monday, July 29. Funds benefit 7/1: Heartbreak to Healing Debbie’s Dream Founda on: Curing Stomach Cancer and 7/4: Independence Day Mass City of Hope’s Stomach Cancer Research Program. Cost for 7/5: Adora on of Blessed Sacrament pizza, wraps, and salad is $30 for adults and $15 for kids. 7/11: FC Four Winds Casino Trip There will be a cash bar available—$1 added goes toward 7/13: Boy Scouts’ Car Wash the benefit—as well as raffles, silent auc on items, and 8/3: SVDP School Supply Drive split-the-pot. 8/8: FC White Elephant/Bingo 8/20: School Resumes 8/24: Men’s Club Golf Ou ng 9/14: Gala 12 St. Juliana Parish June 16, 2019 10:16: Reboot LIVE with Chris Stefanick
SAINT JULIANA PARISH CHURCH SCHOOL RECTORY PARISH CENTER 7201 N. Oketo Avenue 7400 W. Touhy Avenue 7158 N. Osceola Avenue 7200 N. Osceola Avenue 773.631.2256 773.631.4386 773.631.4127 PASTORAL PARISH LEADERSHIP PARISH STAFF Pastor Pastoral Council Business Manager Rev. James F. Wallace David Plier Ray Balcarcel Eileen Mitchell Associate Pastor Religious Education Finance Council Pa y Collins Rev. J. Emanuel Torres-Fuentes James McHale Retired Associate Music Director Fundraising Strategy Board Glenn deCastro Rev. Roger Caplis Kim Morreale-McAuliffe Deacon Couples Health Coordinator SCHOOL Cindy Brennan Elizabeth and Edward Dolan Principal Margaret and Bob Ryan Margie Marshall Administrative Assistants Diane Holmen Assistant Principal Seminarians Anita Slaboch Donna Furlan Deacon Hank Lyon School Board Bulletin Editor Chris an Melendez-Cruz Mike Kelly Julie Hammerle Kevin Gregus Athletic Director Pat Aylward Ka e Malenock (Assistant A.D.) COMMUNICATIONS Please submit adver sing requests SACRAMENTS (i.e. bulle n, website, social media, Mass announcements, electronic Reconcilia on: Saturday following 8:30am Mass and from sign) via email 4:00-4:30pm in church, or call for appointment. (communica Bul- Weddings: Arrangements by appointment with priest should be made at le n ar cles must be received ten least six months in advance of wedding day. days (Thursday) before the ar cle is expected to run. Bap sms: First and third Sunday of each month. New parishioners and parents must a end a prepara on mee ng prior to bap sm. 13 St. Juliana Parish June 16, 2019
Brian or Sally, coordinators Grow in your faith, an Official Travel find a Mass, and 860.399.1785 CST 2117990-70 Agency of Apostleship of the Sea-USA connect with your Catholic Community 8025 W. Golf Rd. with OneParish! Say Good-bye to Clogged Gutters! • LeafGuard® Niles (847) 581-0536 is guaranteed CALL BY 5/31 TO RECEIVE Receive a $50 75% 50% Gift Card with FREE never to clog or 6250 N. Milwaukee Ave. X OFF in-home estimate! we’ll clean it for Chicago (773) 774-0366 Download Our Free App or Visit LABOR All participants who attend an estimated 60-90 minute in-home product consultation will FREE* After 5/31/19 customer will be receive a $50 gift certificate. Visit for complete MY.ONEPARISH.COM terms and conditions and for participating restaurants. Retail eligible for 50% off labor. Does not include cost of material. value is $50. Offer sponsored by LeafGuard Holdings Inc. Limit one per household. Company procures, sells, and installs seamless gutter protection. This offer is valid for homeowners • Seamless, one-piece system keeps out Offer expires 9/30/19. over 18 years of age. If married or involved with a life partner, both cohabitating persons must attend and complete presentation together. Participants must have a photo ID, be able leaves, pine needles, and debris to understand English, and be legally able to enter into a contract. The following persons are not eligible for this offer: employees of Company or affiliated companies or entities, their • Eliminates the risk of falling off a ladder STUARTS LAWN CARE immediate family members, previous participants in a Company in-home consultation within the past 12 months and all current and former Company customers. Gift may not be extended, transferred, or substituted except that Company may substitute a gift of equal or to clean clogged gutters greater value if it deems it necessary. Gift card will be mailed to the participant via first class • Durable, all-weather tested system not LANDSCAPING & TREE REMOVAL United States Mail within 10 days of receipt of the promotion form. Not valid in conjunction with any other promotion or discount of any kind. Offer is subject to change without notice prior to reservation. Expires 9/30/19. a flimsy attachment Design • Shrubs • Sod • Tree & Bricks *Guaranteed not to clog for as Call today for your FREE estimate and in-home demonstration long as you own your home, or Senior Citizen Discount - First Time Only we’ll clean your gutters for free. St. Juliana Parishioner 773-792-0433 CALL NOW 708-462-6373 Get it. And forget it.® NORTH SHORE DENTAL GROUP LUMA NAIM, D.D.S. 444 N. Northwest Highway, Suite 230 • Park Ridge SPECIAL OFFER! ONLY $39.99 FOR EXAM & FULL MOUTH X-RAY Summer Special - $69.95 (valued at $299.99) Central Air We Now Offer CEREC Single New Patients Only • Please call for your appointment 12 pt. Clean & Tune Visit Crowns (847) 292-8200 NEW CENTRAL AIR and Bridges! Relevant Radio 950 AM Supporter Parishioner Discounts Starting at $2,450! Grow Your Business, Advertise Here. Senior/Veteran Discounts Support Your Church & Bulletin. 24 Hour Service MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED Free professional ad design & my help! email: 773-237-5724 COLDWELL BANKER Welter Plumbing Inc. Call Larry Steiner MARY ELLEN “O’HARA” CONSIDINE Nee: Caplis All Plumbing & Sewer Cell # (773) 704-4250 Licensed & Bonded 800.566.6170 V. Mail (773) 687-5181 Lic. # 11475 (847) 965-1883 Lic. # 055-008817 Get this weekly bulletin delivered by email - for FREE! Sign up here: Courtesy of J.S. Paluch Company, Inc. NUZZO SEWER & PLUMBING INC. Niles Animal Hospital Patrick & Sons Plumbing & Sewers 708-456-7300 Power Rodding 773-625-6280 and Bird Medical Center • Repairs • Remodeling • Rodding All Sewer & Plumbing Repairs & Installation • Hot Water Tanks • Boilers Specializing in Flood Control • Correcting Low Water Pressure Appointments: (847) 647-9325 • Basement Flooding Video Sewer & Locating Service Patrick Broderick 773-699-1819 Lic. # 14636 Lic. # 055-024301 7278 N. Milwaukee Ave. 10% Sr. Disc. 512117 St Juliana Church (B) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170
104 Euclid Ave. Park Ridge, IL GRILL 847-268-2010 HANNA KWASNIEWSKA Now Open at 11am Daily! 773-853-2731 We Take Service Personally 7257 WEST TOUHY AVE 104, CHICAGO PARISHIONERS AND ALUMNI Contact us today for a customized, reliable 773.631.0020 waste management, recycling, or dumpster quote. 6689 O LIPHANT, C HICAGO, 60631 1/2 OFF A PPETIZER W / THIS AD 630-261-0400 ED THE PLUMBER AVENUES THRIFT SHOPPE Saint Margaret Suerth Donate & Shop to Support Adults with Disabilities Sunday Missal ED THE CARPENTER FUNERALS & CREMATIONS 7710 W. Touhy, Chicago An ideal companion Best Work • Best Rate Dennis Krawzak 773-631-6230 for personal prayer. Satisfaction Guaranteed As Donald Krawzak FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED SINCE 1922 In Stock & Ready to Order Today. Peter Heneghan, Parishioner We Do All Our Own Work Cooney Funeral Home CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 Nancy Haran Lic# 055-026066 & Cremation Services 3918 W. Irving Park Road, Chicago 773-588-5850 $$ Parishioner Discount $$ 773-631-1240 625 Busse Highway, Park Ridge 847-685-1002 6754 N. Northwest Hwy 800-566-6150 • 773-471-1444 VIA GALANTE CEMENT CONTRACTORS, INC. MAZEK Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage • Patios • Driveways • Steps McMullen Office • Stoops • Sidewalks • Flatwork LAW GROUP Harlem & NW Hwy. • Stamped Concrete • Garage Floors General Practice of Law 773.297.8300 JOHN & DIANNE GUEST Ph: 773-589-9893 • Free Estimates / Sr. Citizen Discount • Real Estate Law JACK GUEST • Estate Planning • Civil Litigation Elm, Realtors 773-800-0141 Free Consultation SUE HALL, Realtor John M. Sisto, D.D.S. Diplomate, American Board of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery 847.917.3188 • Oral Surgery • Dental Implants 741 Devon Avenue • Wisdom Tooth Removal 350 S. Northwest Highway, Suite 118 Park Ridge, IL 60068 Park Ridge, IL 847-696-4848 • St. Juliana Alumnus SKAJA TERRACE FUNERAL HOME Family Owned Since 1926 • Pre-Need Arrangements & Cremations 7812 N. Milwaukee Ave. 7715 W. Route 14 Niles • (847) 966-7302 Crystal Lake • (815) 455-2233 MICHAEL J. ATHANS, Ph.D. FRANK’S Child, Adolescent and H A N DY M A N Family Psychology S E RV I C E S Steven Baggio Dr. Elise Grandinetti-Adley, D.D.S. 32 Main Street NO JOB TOO SMALL Agent Parishioner Dr. Samuel Grandinetti, D.D.S. Park Ridge, IL 60068 WE DO THEM ALL Family Dental Care 6146 N. Milwaukee Ave. 7215 W. Touhy Ave. (773) 775-3431 Parishioner Discount Chicago, IL 60646 (773) 315-1621 (847) 823-4444 773-329-1082 The Most Complete Online National Directory of Catholic Parishes CHECK IT OUT TODAY! “Our Family Serving Yours Since 1936” Clement J. Ryan — Michael C. Ryan 847-823-1171 120 S. Northwest Highway, Park Ridge 512117 St Juliana Church (A) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170
WORSHIP AID FOR CHILDREN DEAR CHILDREN & PARENTS We are so happy you are here at Saint Juliana for Mass! We encourage you to sit up in the front pews so you can see what is happening. Also feel free to sit up in the balcony. Parents, don’t worry if you come in late or need to go to the back for a meout, and especially don’t worry if you make noise during the service. Your presence adds so much to our community. Children, feel free to use this page to color during Mass and take home with you. We hope your family experiences Jesus!
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